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J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 44(1): 33-40, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558288


Objective: Dyssynergic defaecation (DD) is an important cause of chronic constipation. In patients where conservative treatments fail, injections of botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) into the puborectalis and anal sphincter muscles can be effective. Complications of this procedure are reported to be rare and generally mild. This study aimed to identify the complication rates and short- to medium-term success rates of BTX-A injections as a treatment for DD. Methods: A retrospective review was conducted on patients diagnosed with DD who had undergone BTX-A injections at a functional colorectal unit. Patient demographics, manometric assessment, conservative management, and injection technique were collected through a chart review. Subjective patient reports and comparison of pre- and postprocedure symptom scores were used to determine efficacy. Results: The 21 patients included (24 procedures, with 3 patients receiving BTX-A on two separate occasions) all received stool modification and dietary advice, and 20 patients underwent pelvic floor physiotherapy, averaging 8 sessions. The injections were universally applied under general anesthetic, primarily targeting the anal sphincter and/or puborectalis muscles. There were 6 reports of faecal urge/incontinence, with all but one being resolved within weeks. The BTX-A injection was subjectively reported as beneficial in 19 cases, averaging 4.7 months (range 1-32) of improvement. Only 2 were sustained beyond 12 months. Despite overall improvements in symptom scores from pre- to postprocedure, none were statistically significant. Conclusion: Following a course of conservative management, the BTX-A injection appears to be a safe treatment for DD, but only has short term efficacy. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Pelvic Floor Disorders/therapy , Retrospective Studies , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/adverse effects , Pelvic Floor Disorders/diagnosis
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 160-171, set-dez. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566295


Paralisia cerebral é um quadro resultante de lesão encefálica não progressiva que ocorre no desenvolvimento fetal ou primeira infância caracterizada principalmente por alterações no tônus muscular. Nestas pessoas, as estruturas de mastigação, como músculos e articulações tem repercussões graças aos distúrbios neuromotores. Bruxismo é uma atividade involuntária de contração muscular, de origem central, caracterizado pelo hábito de ranger ou apertar os dentes, sendo o hábito oral parafuncional que mais acomete esses indivíduos. Este artigo tem o objetivo de relatar o caso de uma paciente de 26 anos portadora de paralisia cerebral que procurou tratamento na clínica odontológica da Universidade Federal Fluminense. A paciente apresentava bruxismo severo e foi utilizada a toxina botulínica tipo A para o tratamento, como alternativa eficiente e segura. Pode-se concluir que as aplicações intramusculares de toxina botulínica foi um tratamento eficiente e seguro no relato de caso apresentado para o tratamento de bruxismo severo em paciente com autismo.

Cerebral palsy is a result of non-progressive brain injury that occurs in fetal development or early childhood, characterized mainly by changes in muscle tone. In these people, chewing structures, such as muscles and joints, have repercussions thanks to neuromotor disorders. Bruxism is an involuntary activity of muscle contraction, of central origin, characterized by the habit of grinding or clenching teeth, being the parafunctional oral habit that most affects these individuals. This article aims to report the case of a 26-year-old patient with cerebral palsy who sought treatment at the dental clinic of Universidade Federal Fluminense. The patient had severe bruxism and botulinum toxin type A was used for treatment as an efficient and safe alternative. It can be concluded that the intramuscular applications of botulinum toxin was an efficient and safe treatment in the case report presented for the treatment of severe bruxism in a patient with autism.

Humans , Female , Adult , Bruxism , Cerebral Palsy , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Injections, Intramuscular
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;88(3): 143-146, jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515203


Introducción: El síndrome de vejiga hiperactiva (VHA) afecta hasta al 43% de las mujeres. La terapia escalonada incluye cambios de hábitos, fármacos y neuromodulación. Hasta el 40% de las pacientes llegan a requerir terapia avanzada alternativa, como toxina botulínica (TB). Objetivo: Reportar los resultados del tratamiento con toxina botulínica en mujeres con VHA refractaria a tratamiento de primera y segunda línea, en un hospital público en Chile. Método: Estudio de cohorte retrospectivo desde una base de datos recolectada prospectivamente del Hospital Sótero del Río entre 2018 y 2022. Se incluyeron 33 pacientes con tratamiento farmacológico y neuromodulación previa, con una edad promedio de 57 años, sometidas a inyección cistoscópica de TB a detrusor, analizando datos demográficos, antecedentes y complicaciones. Se realizó seguimiento con frecuencia miccional, paños/día, escala de gravedad de Sandvik (ISI) y encuesta Patient Global Impression Improvement (PGI-I). Resultados: Los datos comparativos pre/post TB, respectivamente, fueron: frecuencia miccional diurna 11/6 y nocturna 5/1; paños/día 5/3; ISI 8/3. Veinte de 33 mujeres refirieron estar excelente o mucho mejor (PGI-I). Conclusiones: Es posible realizar manejo con TB en mujeres con VHA refractaria a primera y segunda línea, con buenos resultados e impacto significativo en la calidad de vida.

Introduction: Overactive bladder syndrome (OABS) affects up to 43% of women. Staggered therapy includes habit changes, drugs, and peripheral neuromodulation. Up to 40% of patients may require advanced alternative therapy such as botulinum toxin A (BT). Objective: To report the results of treatment with TB in women with OABS refractory to first- and second-line treatment in a public hospital in Chile. Method: Retrospective cohort study from prospectively collected database from Hospital Sótero del Río between 2018 and 2022. Thirty-three patients with previous pharmacological treatment and neuromodulation were included, with an average age of 57 years, undergoing cystoscopic injection of TB to detrusor. Demographic data, history, and complications were analyzed. Follow-up was performed with voiding frequency, cloths/day, Sandvik Severity Scale (ISI) and Patient Global Impression Improvement (PGI-I) survey. Results: Comparative data pre/post TB, respectively showed: daytime voiding frequency 11/6 and nighttime 5/1; cloths/day 5/3; ISI 8/3. 20 of 33 women reported being excellent or much better (PGI-I). Conclusions: TB management in women with OABS refractory to first- and second-line treatment has good results and significant impact on quality of life.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/administration & dosage , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/drug therapy , Administration, Intravesical , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Cystoscopy/methods
Rev. otorrinolaringol. cir. cabeza cuello ; 83(2): 141-149, jun. 2023. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1515472


Introducción: La sialorrea es la pérdida involuntaria de saliva de la boca, ya sea debido a la producción excesiva de saliva o disminución de la frecuencia de deglución. Se habla de sialorrea patológica cuando persiste más allá de los 4 años de edad. Además de las implicaciones sociales, cambios de ropa frecuentes, puede provocar neumonías por aspiración y deshidratación. El manejo de la sialorrea requiere una evaluación completa con un enfoque de equipo multidisciplinario para el tratamiento, que incluye terapias no farmacológicas, farmacológicas y quirúrgicas. Objetivo: Presentar resultados quirúrgicos y farmacológicos en el tratamiento de sialorrea masiva. Material y Método: Se realizó revisión de historias clínicas de 7 pacientes portadores de sialorrea masiva. Todos los pacientes incluidos fueron refractarios a tratamiento médico. El diagnóstico fue obtenido por un equipo multidisciplinario. Se les realizó desfuncionalización quirúrgica y farmacológica de glándulas salivales. Se les aplicó Escala de Severidad (DSS) y escala de frecuencia (DFS), previo a cirugía y posterior a procedimiento hasta el año. Resultados: Mejoría clínica subjetiva posterior a desfuncionalización quirúrgica con disminución de DSS y DFS. Disminución promedio de baberos a 10/día. Conclusión: Los resultados obtenidos son buenos, si se consideran las escalas DSS, DFS y el número de baberos al día, que son mediciones tanto subjetivas y objetivas respectivamente.

Introduction: Massive Sialorrhea is the involuntary loss of saliva from the mouth, either due to excessive saliva production or decreased swallowing frequency. We speak of pathological sialorrhea when it persists beyond 4 years old. In addition to the social implications and frequent clothing changes. It can cause aspiration pneumonia and dehydration. Treatment for sialorrhea requires a comprehensive evaluation with a multidisciplinary team approach. Including non-pharmacological, pharmacological, and surgical therapies. Aim: Presentation of the results of surgical defunctionalization of the salivary glands plus injection of Botulinum Toxin in the treatment of massive sialorrhea. Material and Method: A review of the clinical records of 7 patients with massive sialorrhea was carried out. All included patients were refractory to medical treatment. The diagnosis was obtained by a multidisciplinary team. Surgical and pharmacological dysfunctionalization of salivary glands was performed. Severity Scale (DSS) and Frequency Scale (DFS) were applied before surgery and after the procedure up to a year. Results: Subjective clinical improvement after surgical defunctionalization with decreased SHD and DFS. Average decrease in bibs to 10/day. Conclusion: The evaluated strategy presented similar benefits with respect to the literature. The SHD and DFS scales and the number of bibs per day are both subjective and objective measurements, respectively, and allow the clinical improvement and quality of life of patients undergoing surgery to be evaluated individually.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Salivary Glands/surgery , Sialorrhea/surgery , Sialorrhea/drug therapy , Severity of Illness Index , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Treatment Outcome , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 29(1): 48-53, 20230000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1428807


El fenómeno de Raynaud es un trastorno vasoespástico de las arterias digitales por la exposición al frío o al estrés, el cual genera isquemia que se manifiesta con cianosis o palidez, dolor y úlceras crónicas; es una afección incapacitante para el paciente y de difícil manejo para el cirujano de mano. Se clasifica en primario y secundario. El primario es la forma de presentación más frecuente. Las modalidades de tratamiento están dirigidas a prevenir el vasoespasmo exagerado, fomentando la respuesta vasodilatadora y con ello disminuyendo la sintomatología, que es en la mayoría de los casos incapacitante. Se ha descrito el uso de la toxina botulínica A para aquellos casos severos y refractarios, con mala evolución, con el que se obtuvieron buenos resultados. Este sería un tratamiento de baja morbilidad, con escasos efectos adversos, que puede ofrecer un alivio del dolor rápido y duradero, contribuyendo además a la cicatrización de úlceras crónicas. De esta manera mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes y evita tratamientos invasivos y la amputación. El propósito de este trabajo fue realizar una revisión bibliográfica incluyendo a los trabajos más importantes y relevantes hasta el momento en el tratamiento de la toxina botulínica A en el síndrome de Raynaud. Se presenta además un caso clínico refractario al tratamiento médico que fue tratado en la Cátedra de Cirugía Plástica, Reparadora y Estética del Hospital de Clínicas, Montevideo, Uruguay

Raynaud's phenomenon is a vasospastic disorder of the digital arteries due to exposure to cold or stress, which generates ischemia that manifests with cyanosis or paleness, pain, and chronic ulcers; it is a disabling condition for the patient and difficult to manage for the hand surgeon. It is classified into primary and secondary. Primary is the most common form of presentation. Treatment modalities are aimed at preventing exaggerated vasospasm, promoting the vasodilator response and thereby reducing symptoms, which are disabling in most cases. The use of botulinum toxin A has been described for those severe and refractory cases, with poor evolution, with which good results were obtained. This would be a low morbidity treatment, with few adverse effects, which can offer rapid and long-lasting pain relief, also contributing to the healing of chronic ulcers. In this way, it improves the quality of life of patients and avoids invasive treatments and amputation. The purpose of this work was to carry out a bibliographic review including the most important and relevant works to date on the treatment of botulinum toxin A in Raynaud's syndrome. In addition, a clinical case refractory to medical treatment that was treated in the Chair of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery of the Hospital de Clínicas, Montevideo, Uruguay, is also presented.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Raynaud Disease/pathology , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use
Clin. biomed. res ; 43(2): 163-169, 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517936


A enxaqueca crônica é causada por alterações químicas do cérebro, dores unilaterais, pulsáteis de intensidade variável. A administração da toxina botulínica, neurotoxina produzida peloClostridium botulinum, é uma alternativa de tratamento. Existem diferentes preparações da toxina botulínica, capaz de inibir a liberação de acetilcolina, provocando uma inibição da contração muscular. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a eficácia terapêutica da toxina botulínica no tratamento da enxaqueca crônica. Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática utilizando como ferramenta embasadora o método de Principais Itens para Relatar Revisões Sistemáticas e Meta-Análises, utilizando como descritores: enxaqueca crônica, toxina botulínica e tratamento. Foram analisados 21 artigos, sendo 6 metas-analises e 15 ensaios clínicos, 9 ensaios clínicos foram comparados a placebo e 6 a outras terapias. Os ensaios utilizaram uma variedade de doses de 75 até 260 UI, e incluíram pacientes com enxaqueca episódica e crônica, na qual a toxina mostrou maior eficácia. A toxina apresentou também um perfil bom de segurança, sendo relatados poucos efeitos adversos, que em geral foram leves ou moderados. O estudo concluiu que ensaios clínicos controlados indicam que a toxina botulínica tipo A foi eficaz no tratamento da enxaqueca crônica. Na comparação com os demais medicamentos demostrou eficácia semelhante perfil de tolerabilidade superior.

Chronic migraine is caused by chemical changes in the brain, unilateral, pulsating pain of varying intensity. The administration of botulinum toxin, a neurotoxin produced by Clostridium botulinum, is an alternative treatment. There are different preparations of botulinum toxin, capable of inhibiting the release of acetylcholine, promoting an inhibition of muscle contraction.The aim of the study was to analyze the therapeutic efficacy of botulinum toxin in the treatment of chronic migraine. A systematic review was carried out using the Main Items to Report Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses method as a supporting tool, using as descriptors: chronic migraine, botulinum toxin and treatment. Twenty-one articles were analyzed, of which 6 were meta-analyses and 15 were clinical trials, 9 clinical trials were compared to placebo and 6 to other therapies. The trials used a range of doses from 75 to 260 IU, and included patients with episodic and chronic migraine, in which the toxin was most effective. The toxin also had a good safety profile, with few adverse effects reported, which were generally mild or moderate. The study concluded that controlled clinical trials indicate that botulinum toxin type A was effective in treating chronic migraine. In comparison with the other drugs, it showed similar efficacy and a superior tolerability profile.

Humans , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Migraine Disorders , Migraine Disorders/drug therapy , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/administration & dosage , Neuromuscular Agents/therapeutic use
Zhongnan Daxue xuebao. Yixue ban ; (12): 1203-1209, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010343


OBJECTIVES@#At present, there are many reports about the treatment of cricopharyngeal achalasia by injecting botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) into cricopharyngeal muscle guided by ultrasound, electromyography or CT in China, but there is no report about injecting BTX-A into cricopharyngeal muscle guided by endoscope. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of endoscopic BTX-A injection combined with balloon dilatation in the treatment of cricopharyngeal achalasia after brainstem stroke, and to provide a better method for the treatment of dysphagia after brainstem stroke.@*METHODS@#From June to December 2022, 30 patients with cricopharyngeal achalasia due to brainstem stroke were selected from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, the First Hospital of Changsha. They were randomly assigned into a control group and a combined group, 15 patients in each group. Patients in both groups were treated with routine rehabilitation therapy, while patients in the control group were treated with balloon dilatation, and patients in the combined group were treated with balloon dilatation and BTX-A injection. Before treatment and after 2 weeks of treatment, the patients were examined by video fluoroscopic swallowing study, Penetration-aspiration Scale (PAS), Dysphagia Outcome Severity Scale (DOSS), and Functional Oral Intake Scale (FOIS) were used to assess the swallowing function.@*RESULTS@#In the combined group, 1 patient withdrew from the treatment because of personal reasons. Two weeks after treatment, the scores of DOSS, PAS, and FOIS in both groups were better than those before treatment (all P<0.01), and the combined group was better than the control group (all P<0.001). The effective rate was 85.7% in the combined group and 66.7% in the control group, with no significant difference between the 2 groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#BTX-A injection combined with balloon dilatation is more effective than balloon dilatation alone in improving swallowing function and is worthy of clinical application.

Humans , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Esophageal Achalasia/drug therapy , Dilatation/adverse effects , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Brain Stem Infarctions/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome
J. coloproctol. (Rio J., Impr.) ; 42(2): 167-172, Apr.-June 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394410


ABSTRACT Background Anal fissure is a common surgical disease that is usually treated conservatively. The golden surgical treatment for anal fissure is lateral internal sphincterotomy, but it may result in multiple complications. Therefore, other treatment methods have recently been introduced, and one of them is the injection of botulinum toxin A (BTA) and fissurectomy. In the present study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the combination of fissurectomy and BTA injection in the treatment of chronic anal fissure by single surgeon. Materials and Methods The present is a non-randomized prospective cohort study conducted by a single surgeon in Saudi Arabia. Our sample was composed of 116 female patients, with mean age of 36.57 ± 11.52 years, who presented to our Surgical Outpatient Clinic with chronic anal fissure between October 2015 and July 2020, and were treated with BTA injection combined with fissurectomy. They were followed up for 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8 weeks, and after one year to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the treatment. The main outcomes analyzed were symptomatic relief, complications, recurrence, and the need for further surgical intervention. Results The treatment with BTA injection combined with fissurectomy was effective and safe in 115 patients (99.1%) at 1 year of follow-up. A total of 5 patients experienced recurrence at 8 weeks, which resolved completely with pharmacological sphincterotomy, and 12 patients experienced minor incontinence, which disappeared later. Conclusion In total, 70 units of BTA injection combined with fissurectomy is a suitable second-line treatment of choice for chronic anal fissure, with a high degree of success and a low rate of major morbidity. (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Pain, Postoperative , Fecal Incontinence , Fissure in Ano/surgery
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 15(1): 101-108, abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385238


RESUMEN: Introducción: El bruxismo del sueño es un comportamiento que se caracteriza por la actividad repetitiva de los músculos masticadores. Varias terapias para el manejo del bruxismo del sueño se centran en la relajación de los músculos involucrados, incluyendo la inyección intramuscular de Toxina Botulínica tipo A (BoNTA). A pesar de que se ha comprobado la efectividad de esta terapia frente al dolor subjetivo, cuando se asocia a bruxismo del sueño, es necesario determinarla frente a desenlaces objetivos, tanto a nivel craneofacial como sistémico. Además, se debe evaluar también la seguridad de esta intervención frente a eventos adversos tales como afecciones estéticas, debilidad masticatoria y pérdida ósea mandibular, entre otros. Métodos: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un meta-análisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Identificamos 11 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 9 estudios primarios, de los cuales, 8 corresponden a ensayos aleatorizados. Concluimos que la inyección intramuscular de toxina botulínica tipo A podría disminuir el dolor en reposo, presentar poca o nula diferencia en dolor durante la masticación y mejorar la autoevaluación del bruxismo, pero la certeza de la evidencia es baja. Por otra parte, no es posible establecer con claridad si el uso de Toxina Botulínica Tipo A disminuye el número de eventos de bruxismo, ya que la certeza de la evidencia ha sido evaluada como muy baja. Finalmente y a pesar de la evidencia existente respecto de los potenciales eventos adversos producto de la intervención con Toxina Botulínica Tipo A en los músculos masticatorios, los ensayos clínicos fallan en evaluarlos y reportarlos.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: The sleep bruxism is a behavior that impacts the craniofacial musculoskeletal system characterized by repetitive activity of the masticatory muscles. Several management strategies for sleep bruxism are focused of the relaxation of the involved masticatory muscles, including the intramuscular injection of botulinum toxin type A (BoNTA). Although the effectiveness of BoNTA for myofascial pain, when related with the sleep bruxism in adult patients, it is necessary to determine its effectiveness using objective outcomes at both craniofacial and systemic levels. In addition, it is necessary to determine the safety of this intervention in the context of adverse events such as aesthetic alterations, reduced masticatory function, mandibular bone loss among others. Methods: A search was performed using Epistemonikos, the biggest database for systematic reviews in health, with is maintained by screening of multiple sources of information, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. Data from systematic reviews were extracted, and analysis of the primary studies was performed, including a meta-analysis and a summary of findings table using GRADE assessment. Results and conclusions: 11 systematic reviews were identified, and 9 primary studies were included. 8 out of these 9 studies corresponded to randomized clinical trials. We conclude that the intramuscular injection of BoNTA may reduce the pain during rest and results in either little or none difference in pain during mastication, when pain is associated with sleep bruxism in adult patients. Also, low evidence is determined for auto-report and subjective evaluation of sleep bruxism among adult patients. Additionally, it is not possible to determine if the BoNTA intervention is effective to reduce the bruxism events due to the low evidence. Finally, although evidence regarding adverse events such as mandibular bone loss after BoNTA intervention in masticatory muscles has been published at preclinical and clinical levels, the clinical trials fail to consider and to report these outcomes.

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Sleep Bruxism/drug therapy
Rev. cuba. cir ; 61(1)mar. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408223


Introducción: La fisura anal crónica es una entidad frecuente que produce molestias durante y después de la defecación, su fisiopatología no es clara y su manejo es variado. La esfinterotomia lateral interna es una de las técnicas más utilizadas, aunque su elevado porcentaje de incontinencia no es aceptado y la inyección de toxina botulínica es una alternativa tentadora. Objetivo: Comparar los resultados de la inyección de toxina botulínica tipo A con la esfinterotomia lateral interna para tratamiento de la fisura anal en cuanto a dolor postoperatorio, recurrencia, curabilidad e incontinencia. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio tipo cohorte. A un grupo de 40 pacientes se trató con inyección de 50 UI de Toxina Botulínica tipo A y el otro grupo de 42 pacientes se le realizó esfinterotomia lateral interna. Los resultados se comparan estadísticamente para CI95 y error de 0,05. Resultados: La esfinterotomia vs toxina botulínica, resultó en cuanto a curabilidad en un 85,4 por ciento de los casos contra un 77,5 por ciento. Las recidivas se presentaron en 4,8 por ciento / 12,5 por ciento, la incontinencia ocurrió en 9,5 por ciento / 2,5 por ciento y el dolor posoperatorio estuvo presente en el 14,8 por ciento / 5,0 por ciento. Conclusiones: La esfinterotomia resultó mejor en cuanto a curabilidad y recidivas, mientras la aplicación de la toxina botulínica presentó mejores resultados en la incontinencia fecal y el dolor posoperatorio(AU)

Introduction: Chronic anal fissure is a frequent entity that produces discomfort during and after defecation. Its pathophysiology is not clear and its management is varied. Lateral internal sphincterotomy is one of the most used techniques, although its high percentage of incontinence is not accepted; botulinum toxin injection is therefore a tempting alternative. Objective: To compare the results of botulinum toxin type A injection or lateral internal sphincterotomy for treatment of anal fissure in terms of postoperative pain, recurrence, healing and incontinence. Methods: A cohort study was carried out. One group of 40 patients were treated with injection of 50 IU of botulinum toxin type A and another group of 42 patients underwent lateral internal sphincterotomy. The results were statistically compared with a confidence interval of 95 percent and error of 0.05. Results: Sphincterotomy and botulinum toxin were effective in terms of healing in 85.4 percent and 77.5 percent of cases, respectively. Recurrences occurred in 4.8 percent and 12.5 percent of cases, respectively. Incontinence occurred in 9.5 percent and 2.5 percent of cases, respectively. Postoperative pain was present in 14.8 percent and 5.0 percent of cases, respectively. Conclusions: Sphincterotomy was better in terms of healing and recurrence, while botulinum toxin application showed better results regarding fecal incontinence and postoperative pain(AU)

Humans , Pain, Postoperative , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Fissure in Ano/etiology , Lateral Internal Sphincterotomy/methods , Cohort Studies
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 49: e20213152, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365380


ABSTRACT Introduction: the botulinum toxin A (BTA) has been used to achieve a chemical component separation, and it has been used with favorable outcomes for the repair of complex ventral hernia (CVH) with and without loss of domain (LD). The aim of this study is to describe our early experience with the chemical component separation in the United Sates. Methods: a retrospective observational study of all patients who underwent ventral hernia repair for CVH with or without LD between July 2018 and June 2020. Preoperative BTA was injected in all patients via sonographic guidance bilaterally, between the lateral muscles to achieve chemical denervation before the operation. Patient demographics, anatomical location of the hernia, perioperative data and postoperative data are described. Results: 36 patients underwent this technique before their hernia repair between July 2018 to June 2020. Median age was 62 years (range 30-87). Median preoperative defect size was 12cm (range 6-25) and median intraoperative defect size was 13cm (range 5-27). Median preoperative hernia sac volume (HSV) was 1338cc (128-14040), median preoperative abdominal cavity volume (ACV) was 8784cc (5197-18289) and median volume ration (HSV/ACV) was 14%. The median OR time for BTA administration was 45 minutes (range 28-495). Seroma was the most common postoperative complication in 8 of the patients (22%). Median follow up was 43 days (range 0-580). Conclusion: preoperative chemical component separation with BTA is a safe and effective adjunct to hernia repair in CVH repairs where a challenging midline fascial approximation is anticipated.

RESUMO Introdução: a toxina botulínica A (TBA) tem sido usada para alcançar a separação química dos componentes, com resultados favoráveis para o reparo de hérnias ventrais complexas (HVC) com ou sem perda de domínio (PD). O objetivo deste estudo é descrever nossa experiência inicial com a separação química dos componentes nos Estados Unidos. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo observacional com todos os pacientes submetidos a reparo de hérnia ventral complexa com ou sem PD entre julho de 2018 e junho de 2020. A TBA pré-operatória foi injetada em todos os pacientes, guiada por ultrassonografia, bilateralmente entre os músculos laterais para alcançar a denervação química antes da operação. Dados demográficos dos pacientes, local da hérnia, dados peri-operatórios e pós-operatórios são descritos. Resultados: 36 pacientes foram submetidos a esta técnica antes do reparo da hérnia. A idade mediana foi 62 anos (30-87). O tamanho mediano pré-operatório do defeito herniário foi 12cm (6-25) e o defeito mediano intra-operatorio foi 13cm (5-27). O volume mediano do saco herniário pré-operatório foi 1.338mL (128-14.040), o volume mediano da cavidade abdominal pré-operatório foi 8.784 (5.197-18.289) mL e a razão dos volumes foi 14%. A duração mediana da operação para aplicação da TBA foi 45 minutos (28-495). O seroma foi a complicação mais comum no pós-operatório, em oito pacientes (22%). O seguimento pós-operatório mediano foi de 43 dias (0-580). Conclusão: a separação pré-operatória de componentes com TBA é tratamento adjuvante seguro e eficaz em reparos de HVC em que aproximação da fáscia é antecipadamente desafiadora.

Humans , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Abdominal Wall/surgery , Neuromuscular Agents/therapeutic use , Preoperative Care , New York , Abdominal Muscles/surgery , Herniorrhaphy , Hernia, Ventral/surgery , Middle Aged
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 385-388, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936023


The wound healing time, tension of wound edge, proliferation of fibroblast, and extracellular matrix deposition are the important factors of scar formation, and botulinum toxin type A can regulate the above. Prevention and treatment of scar with botulinum toxin type A is one of the hot topics of clinical research in recent years. This paper briefly reviews researches by scholars at home and abroad on the mechanism, clinical application, complications, and adverse effects of botulinum toxin type A in scar prevention and treatment.

Humans , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Cicatrix/prevention & control , Extracellular Matrix/pathology , Fibroblasts/drug effects , Wound Healing/drug effects
Rev. méd. Urug ; 37(3): e37303, set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY | ID: biblio-1341551


Resumen: Introducción: la parálisis cerebral (PC) es la causa más frecuente de discapacidad motriz en niños y adolescentes. En el 85% de los casos, la manifestación motora predominante es la espasticidad. Las inyecciones de toxina botulínica tipo A (TB-A) se han usado para reducir la espasticidad en niños con PC. No existen investigaciones a nivel nacional que comprueben si los resultados son comparables a los reportados en la literatura. Objetivo: determinar el efecto del tratamiento con TB-A en el tríceps sural en conjunto con la rehabilitación física en niños con PC espástica durante los años 2017-2018 en el Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón, Uruguay. Métodos: se realizó un estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo, de cohorte histórica única con seguimiento longitudinal, mediante la revisión de historias clínicas de los pacientes con PC con marcha independiente o asistida que recibieron tratamiento con TB-A para el tratamiento de la espasticidad del tríceps sural durante el período 2017-2018. Resultados: se analizaron 40 procedimientos de inyección de TB-A. Se observó una buena respuesta al mes y a los 3 meses del tratamiento con TB-A, con mejoría del ángulo de dorsiflexión del pie con la rodilla en flexión y en extensión, mejoría del puntaje de la escala de espasticidad de Ashworth modificada y, en el 95% de los procedimientos, de la percepción subjetiva de los padres. Se observó una disminución del efecto hacia los 6 meses de la aplicación. Conclusión: la aplicación de TB-A en el Centro Teletón muestra resultados positivos, comparables con los reportados en la bibliografía internacional.

Abstract: Introduction: cerebral palsy (CP) is the most common source of motor disability in children and adolescents. In 85% of cases, the prevailing motor manifestation is spasticity. Botulinum toxin Type A injections (TB-A) have been used to reduce spasticity in children with cerebral palsy (CP). There are no studies at the national level that show whether the results are comparable to those reported in literature. Objective: to determine the effect of TB-A therapy in the triceps surae along with the physical rehabilitation in children with spastic cerebral palsy (CP) during 2017-2018 at the Teleton Children´s Rehabilitation Center, Uruguay. Method: retrospective, descriptive study of a single cohort with a longitudinal follow-up was conducted, through the review of medical records belonging to patients with CP with independent or assisted gait, who received TB-A therapy to treat sural triceps spasticity during 2017-2018. Results: 40 TB-A injection procedures were analysed. A good response was observed one month and three months after being treated with TB-A, evidencing improvement in the dorsiflexion angle between the foot and the knee in flexion and extension, improvement on the modified Ashworth spasticity scale score and, in 95% of procedures, the subjective perception of parents. The effect was observed to decrease towards 6 months after the procedure. Conclusion: application of TB-A at the Teletón Center shows positive results, comparable to those reported by international blibliography.

Resumo: Introdução: a paralisia cerebral (PC) é a causa mais freqüente de deficiência motora em crianças e adolescentes. Em 85% dos casos, a manifestação motora predominante é a espasticidade. As injeções de toxina botulínica tipo A (TB-A) têm sido usadas para reduzir a espasticidade em crianças com PC. Não há pesquisas nacionais que verifiquem se os resultados são comparáveis aos relatados na literatura. Objetivo: determinar o efeito do tratamento da TB-A no tríceps sural em conjunto com a reabilitação física em crianças com PC espástica durante os anos 2017-2018 no Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón, Uruguai. Métodos: estudo descritivo, retrospectivo, com coorte histórica única com acompanhamento longitudinal, realizado por meio da revisão de prontuários de pacientes com PC com deambulação independente ou assistida que receberam tratamento com TB-A para o tratamento da espasticidade do tríceps sural, no período 2017-2018. Resultados: 40 procedimentos de injeção de TB-A foram analisados. Observou-se boa resposta um mês e três meses após o tratamento com TB-A, com melhora no ângulo de dorsiflexão do pé com o joelho em flexão e extensão, melhora no escore da escala de espasticidade de Ashworth modificada e, em 95% dos procedimentos, a partir da percepção subjetiva dos pais. Uma diminuição no efeito foi observada 6 meses após a aplicação. Conclusão: a aplicação do TB-A no Centro de Rehabilitación Infantil Teletón apresentou resultados positivos, comparáveis aos relatados na literatura internacional.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cerebral Palsy/therapy , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Muscle Spasticity
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;29: e20201035, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250187


Abstract BoNT-A has been widely used for TMD therapy. However, the potential benefits compared to dry needling techniques are not clear. Objective this study aimed to compare the immediate effects of botulinum toxin type A (BoNT-A) injections and Acupuncture in myofascial temporomandibular disorders (TMD) patients. Methodology 54 women were divided into three groups (n=18). AC patients received four sessions of traditional acupuncture, being one session/week during 20-min. BoNT-A patients were bilaterally injected with 30U and 10U in masseter and anterior temporal muscles, respectively. Moreover, a control group received saline solution (SS) in the same muscles. Self-perceived pain was assessed by visual analog scale, while pressure pain threshold (PPT) was verified by a digital algometer. Electromyographic evaluations (EMG) of anterior temporal and masseter muscles were also measured. All variables were assessed before and 1-month after therapies. The mixed-design two-way repeated measures ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc tests were used for analysis, considering a=0.05. Results Self-perceived pain decreased in all groups after one month of therapy (P<.001). BoNT-A was not better than AC in pain reduction (P=0.05), but both therapies were more effective in reducing pain than SS (P<0.05). BoNT-A was the only treatment able to improve PPT values (P<0.05); however, a severe decrease of EMG activity was also found in this group, which is considered an adverse effect. Conclusion after one month of follow-up, all therapies reduced the self-perceived pain in myofascial TMD patients, but only BoNT-A enhanced PPT yet decreased EMG.

Humans , Female , Acupuncture Therapy , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Myofascial Pain Syndromes/drug therapy , Pain , Treatment Outcome , Pain Threshold , Masseter Muscle , Masticatory Muscles