Los implantes de silicona recubiertos con poliuretano vulcanizado han reducido signifi cativamente la incidencia de contractura capsular. La FDA suspendió la venta temporalmente en EE.UU. de estos implantes por estudios que sugerían que el 2,4-TDA, metabolito del poliuretano, podría ser cancerígeno. En el año 1995, y por falta de evidencia que sustentara lo anterior, la FDA autorizó nuevamente su uso, pero aún genera controversias. Es nuestro objetivo demostrar cuál es el grado de reabsorción que sufre el poliuretano en relación con el tiempo de colocado el implante en forma experimental con ratas de laboratorio. Material y métodos. Trabajo prospectivo, experimental y a triple ciego. Se colocó en 18 ratas de laboratorio implantes de gel de silicona recubierto con poliuretano de 2 cc marca Silimed. Se realizó la extracción del implante en bloque a los 3, 6, 12, 18 y 24 meses. Se evaluó el nivel de contractura capsular, el espesor macroscópico de la cápsula y el análisis microscópico de la misma. Resultados. En ninguna de las ratas se objetivó contractura capsular. El espesor promedio de la cápsula fue de 1.88 mm (rango 1,8 a 1,92 mm, n: 18, p<0,5) siendo no signifi cativa en comparación con los 2 mm de recubierta original. A nivel microscópico se objetivó una reacción infl amatoria prolongada, reacción de células gigantes y macrófagos próximos a la cubierta, lo que forma una contractura no lineal. También se observo partículas de poliuretano grandes, rodeadas y ancladas a los macrófagos. Este hallazgo muestra que el poliuretano pasa a formar parte de la cápsula y que no se degrada en forma signifi cativa al menos a los 24 meses de haber sido implantados en ratas. Conclusión. Los hallazgos macroscópicos y microscópicos demuestran que el poliuretano pasa a formar parte de la cápsula y no a degradarse y volcarse a la circulación general como así también la formación de una capsula blanda, cuya correlación clínica, es el menor índice de contractura capsular de este tipo de implante
Polyurethane-covered silicone implants have signifi cantly reduced the incidence of capsular contracture. FDA temporarily suspended this product in EE UU due to studies that suggested 2,4-TDA, polyurethane`s metabolite, may be carcinogenic. In 1995, for lack of evidence to support this, its use was authorize by the FDA again, but still generates controversy. It is our objective to demonstrate wich is the degree of resorption of polyurethane cover, regarding the time the implant is placed, in an experimental laboratory rats. Material and methods: Prospective, experimental and triple blind study. It was placed on 18 laboratory rats 2 cc Polyurethane-covered silicone implants manufactured by Silimed. Implants removal was performed in block at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. It was evaluated the grade of capsular contracture, the macroscopic thickness of the capsule and the microscopic analysis of it. Results: None of the rats evidenced capsular contracture. The average thickness of the capsule was 1.88 mm (range 1.8 to 1.92 mm, n = 18, p <0.5) being not signifi cant compared to the original 2mm coated. The microscopic study evidenced a large infl ammatory reaction, giant cells reaction and macrophages near the coat which makes a nonlinear contracture. Large Polyurethane particles was also observed, surrounded and anchored to macrophages. These fi ndings show that the polyurethane becomes part of the capsule and does not is degraded signifi cantly at least 24 months after being implanted in rats. Conclusion: Macroscopic and microscopic fi ndings demonstrate that the polyurethane coat becomes part of the capsule and is not degraded to go to the general circulation, as well as the formation of a soft capsule, nonlineal, whose clinical correlation, is a lower rate of capsular contracture of this implant
Rats , Polyurethanes , Rats, Inbred Strains , Breast Implants , Silicone GelsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare postoperative pain between SF flap and serratus anterior muscle (SM) in direct-to-implant breast reconstruction. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study that included 53 women diagnosed with breast cancer who underwent mastectomy and one-stage implant-based breast reconstruction from January 2020 to March 2021. Twenty-nine patients (54.7%) had SF elevation, and 24 patients (45.3%) underwent SM elevation. We evaluated patient-reported early postoperative pain on the first day after surgery. Also, it was reported that all surgical complications in the first month and patient reported outcomes (PROs) were measured with the BRECON 23 questionnaire. Results: The serratus fascia group used implants with larger volumes, 407.6 ± 98.9 cc (p < 0.01). There was no significant difference between the fascial and muscular groups regarding the postoperative pain score reported by the patients (2 versus 3; p = 0.30). Also, there was no difference between the groups regarding early surgical complications and PROs after breast reconstruction. Conclusion: The use of SF seems to cause less morbidity, which makes the technique an alternative to be considered in breast reconstruction. Although there was no statistical difference in postoperative pain scores between the fascia and serratus muscle groups.
Humans , Female , Pain , Postoperative Period , Breast Neoplasms , Mammaplasty , Breast Implants , MastectomyABSTRACT
Purpose: To describe an experimental surgical model in rats using a dual-plane technique for evaluation of biomaterials in an in-vivo silicone implant coverage. Methods: This study was developed following the ISO 10993-6 standard. In this study, 40 male Wistar rats weighing between 250 and 350 g were used, distributed into two groups: experimental, biomaterial superimposed on the minimammary prosthesis (MP); and control, MP without implantation of the biomaterial, with eight animals at each biological point: 1, 2, 4, 12, and 26 weeks. Thus, at the end of biological points (1, 2, 4, 12, and 26 weeks; n = 8 animals per week), the tissue specimens achieved were fixed in buffered formalin and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. Results: Macroscopically, throughout the study, no postoperative complications were apparent. In the histological analysis, it was possible to observe the evolution of the inflammatory response, tissue repair, and fibrous capsule during the biological points. Conclusions: The experimental model described in this study proved to be suitable for evaluating the biomaterial used in the coverage of breast silicone implants.
Silicones , Biocompatible Materials , Breast Implants , Clinical Trial ProtocolABSTRACT
Introduction: Reconstruction techniques after mammary adenectomy with implant placement in the prepectoral space without the use of cell dermal matrix have been attracting more interest recently. However, data on the risk of complications, especially in patients treated in Brazil by the Brazilian Unified Health System, are scarce. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study on women who underwent mammary adenectomy and immediate reconstruction with implants in a public hospital in Brazil, with survival analysis for implant extrusion and its associated factors. Results: Prepectoral and submuscular implant-based reconstruction had similar clinical outcomes. High axillary involvement (four or more lymph nodes) was the only factor associated with implant extrusion, regardless of the implant reconstruction techniques used. Conclusions: Tumor burden might interfere with the immediate implant-based breast reconstruction. (AU)
Humans , Breast Implants , Mastectomy , Surgery, Plastic , Breast Neoplasms , Cancer Care FacilitiesABSTRACT
Introducción. La reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con implantes prepectorales permite realizar la mastectomía oncológica con un resultado estético en un solo tiempo quirúrgico y con menor morbilidad del área dadora. Las indicaciones son precisas, en directa relación con las condiciones de la mastectomía. Material y métodos. Se presentan 83 pacientes en el período comprendido entre febrero de 2020 a febrero de 2022 con mastectomías uni- y bilaterales, con conservación del complejo areola-pezón los cuales fueron injertados en 7 casos. La incisión en surco submamario se realizó en 60 casos, radiada externa en 8 casos, vertical en 8 casos y 7 casos con patrón de reducción en el Instituto Oncológico Alexander Fleming. Los criterios de exclusión que utilizamos son tumores mamarios a menos de 1 cm del complejo areola pezón y tumores localmente avanzados. Resultados. En total se realizaron 98 mastectomías, de las cuales 86 fueron terapéuticas y 12 profilácticas por mutaciones genéticas. La extracción de ganglios se realizó por una incisión axilar, excepto en el patrón de reducción donde se realizó a través de la incisión de la mastectomía. En 42 pacientes se utilizaron implantes anatómicos y en 56 casos redondos texturizados. El seguimiento de las pacientes fue a 25 meses. Conclusión. La reconstrucción mamaria prepectoral lleva a la reconstrucción de la mama en el mismo espacio con una baja morbilidad y resultado natural. Las indicaciones para esta técnica deben ser muy precisas para lograr obtener los resultados deseados. En nuestra experiencia, la reconstrucción mamaria inmediata con implante directo es una técnica segura y reproducible, con excelentes resultados en pacientes en las que está debidamente indicada la técnica, con una baja tasa de complicaciones y disminución en el tiempo de tratamiento y de recuperación.
Introduction. Immediate breast reconstruction with pre pectoral implants allows to perform oncologic mastectomy with an aesthetic result in a single surgical time and with less morbidity of the donor area. The indications are precise and directly related to the conditions of the mastectomy. Material and methods. We present 83 patients in the period from February 2020 to February 2022 with uni and bilateral mastectomies, with preservation of the nipple-areola complex which was grafted in 7 cases. The incision in the submammary sulcus was performed in 60 cases, external radiated in 8 cases, vertical in 8 cases and 7 with reduction pattern at the Alexander Fleming Oncological Institute. The exclusion criteria we used are breast tumors less than 1 cm from the nipple areola complex and locally advanced tumors. Results. A total of 98 mastectomies were performed, of which 86 were therapeutic and 12 prophylactic for genetic mutations. Node removal was performed through an axillary incision, except in the reduction pattern where it was performed through the mastectomy incision. Anatomical implants were used in 42 patients and textured round implants in 56 cases. The follow-up of the patients was 25 months. Conclusion. Pre pectoral breast reconstruction leads to reconstruction of the breast in the same space with low morbidity and natural results. The indications for this technique must be very precise to achieve the desired results. In our experience, immediate breast reconstruction with direct implant is a safe and reproductible technique, with excellent results in patients in whom the technique is properly indicated, with a low rate of complications and decrease in treatment and recovery time.
Humans , Female , Pectoralis Muscles , Mammaplasty , Breast Implants , MastectomyABSTRACT
Las infecciones periprotésicas son una complicación poco frecuente en cirugía de implantes mamarios, pero de difícil resolución si son causadas por gérmenes como las micobacterias. Mycobacterium abscessus es una micobacteria no tuberculosa de rápido crecimiento, que se presenta de manera atípica, generando abscesos y fístulas cutáneas. En este reporte presentamos el caso de una paciente que fue intervenida por recambio de implantes mamarios y mastopexia secundaria. La paciente presentó un seroma temprano como manifestación inicial y posteriormente desarrolló múltiples abscesos en todo el parénquima mamario. El tratamiento instaurado en la paciente fue la extracción del implante mamario,curaciones diarias de la herida, antibioticoterapia prolongada y punciones periódicas guiadas por ecografía, con cultivo del material obtenido. El objetivo de nuestro reporte fue presentar esta complicación generada por un germen poco frecuente, su forma de presentación, diagnóstico y el tratamiento establecido
Although periprosthetic infections are a rare complication in breast implant surgery, they are difficult to resolve if they entail germs like mycobacteria. Mycobacterium abscessus is a rapidly growing, nontuberculous mycobacterium that occurs atypically and generates abscesses and cutaneous fistulas. In this report, we present the case of a patient that underwent surgery for a breast implant replacement and a secondary mastopexy. The initial manifestation the patient evinced was an early seroma. Later, she developed multiple abscesses in all the breast parenchyma. The treatment established for the patient involved extracting the breast implant, daily cleaning and dressing of the wound, prolonged antibiotic therapy, and periodical punctures guided by ultrasound, accompanied by culture sampling. The aim of this report is to present this infrequent germ-generated complication, its form of manifestation, its diagnosis, and the established treatment.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Abscess/therapy , Mycobacterium abscessus , Mycobacterium Infections, Nontuberculous/therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the oncologic and surgical safety of the fused fascia method for immediate breast reconstruction with implants. Methods: The clinical data of 343 patients with immediate breast reconstruction with implants in Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital from 2014-2017 were retrospectively analyzed to compare the 5-year local recurrence-free survival, 5-year disease-free survival and 5-year overall survival of patients with breast reconstruction by fusion fascia and other methods, and to analyze the complication incidences of implant removal between different implant groups. Results: Of the 343 patients with breast reconstruction, 95 were in the fused fascia group (fascia group) and 248 were in the non-fascia group (25 in the bovine pericardial patch group and 223 in the muscle flap group). At a median follow-up of 49 months, the differences in 5-year local recurrence-free survival (90.1% and 94.9%, respectively), 5-year disease-free survival (89.2% and 87.6%, respectively), and 5-year overall survival (95.2% and 95.1%, respectively) between patients in the fascial and non-fascial groups were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The complication incidence of implant removal was 24.0% (6/25) in the patch group and 2.1% (2/95) and 2.2% (5/223) in the fascia and muscle flap groups, respectively. Conclusion: Immediate breast reconstruction with fused fascial combined with implant is safe and feasible, less invasive than muscle flaps, more economical and with fewer complications than patches.
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Female , Mastectomy/methods , Retrospective Studies , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Feasibility Studies , Mammaplasty/methods , Breast Neoplasms/complications , Treatment Outcome , Postoperative Complications/surgeryABSTRACT
La neumonía organizada es una entidad poco frecuente, caracterizada por la formación de conglomerados fibroblásticos intraalveolares conocidos como cuerpos de Masson, que puede ser criptogénica o secundaria a una respuesta inmunitaria a diversos estímulos, tales como enfermedades hematológicas, autoinmunitarias, exposición a sustancias químicas, fármacos, tóxicos, etc. Detectada y tratada de forma precoz, suele tener una buena respuesta a la corticoterapia, aunque si se diagnostica de forma tardía, la afectación pulmonar puede ser extensa, y, además, si el estímulo antigénico persiste, la respuesta al tratamiento será incompleta. Presentamos el caso clínico de una paciente de 65 años de edad quien hace 18 meses aproximadamente presentó la rotura intracapsular de sus implantes mamarios, 27 años después de su colocación. Con el mismo tiempo de evolución ha desarrollado progresivamente disnea, tos seca y dolor inframamario, habiendo llegado al diagnóstico de neumonía organizada bilateral difusa, asociada a dicha rotura de implantes.
Organizing pneumonia is a rare entity, characterized by the formation of intraalveolar fibroblastic conglomerates known as Masson bodies, which may be cryptogenic or secondary to an immune response to various stimuli, such as hematological, autoimmune diseases, exposure to chemical substances, drugs, toxics, etc. If it is detected and treated early, it usually has a good response to corticosteroid therapy, although if it is diagnosed late, the lung involvement can be extensive, and furthermore, if the antigenic stimulus persists, the response to treatment will be incomplete. We present the clinical case of a 65-year-old patient who had intracapsular rupture of her breast implants approximately 18 months ago, 27 years after their placement. With the same evolution time, she progressively developed dyspnea, dry cough and under mammary pain, having reached the diagnosis of diffuse bilateral organizing pneumonia, associated with implant rupture.
Humans , Female , Aged , Prosthesis Failure , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Organizing Pneumonia/etiology , Rupture , Silicones , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Organizing Pneumonia/therapy , Organizing Pneumonia/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Objetivo: Identificar sinais e sintomas experienciados por mulheres com síndrome autoimune induzida por adjuvantes (ASIA) devido ao uso de prótese mamária e os tratamentos realizados. Método: Estudo de campo de abordagem qualitativa realizado por meio de entrevistas online utilizan-do-se a técnica bola de neve. Incluíram-se 13 participantes. Resultados: A partir da análise dos dados, foram elencadas quatro categorias: conhecimento acerca da síndrome; sinais e sintomas; tratamento; e cuidados e implicações de Enfermagem. Identificaram-se mais de 120 sinais e sintomas, e o explante foi mencionado como tratamento definitivo por todas as entrevistadas. Os sinais e sintomas apresentados pelas participantes vão ao encontro do que é descrito pela literatura. Conclusão: Antes da descoberta da doença, as participantes realizaram tratamento com foco no alívio dos sintomas. Após o diag-nóstico, todas as mulheres procederam com o explante
Objective: To identify signs and symptoms experienced by women with autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) due to the use of breast implants and the treatments performed. Method: Field study with a qualitative approach carried out through online interviews using the snowball technique. 13 participants were included. Results: Based on data analysis, four categories were listed: knowledge about the syndrome; signs and symptoms; treatment; and nursing care and implications. Over 120 signs and symptoms were identified, and the explant was mentioned as a defi-nitive treatment by all interviewees. The signs and symptoms presented by the participants are in line with what is described in the literature. Conclusion:Before discovering the disease, the participants underwent treatment focused on symptom relief. After diagnosis, all women proceeded with the explant.Keywords: Autoimmune diseases. Prothesis implantation. Breast implantation. Silicones. Perioperative nursing
Objetivo: Identificar los signos y síntomas experimentados por mujeres con síndrome autoinmune inducido por adyuvantes (ASIA) debido al uso de implantes mamarios y los tratamientos realizados. Método: Estudio de campo con enfoque cualitativo realizado a través de entrevistas en línea utilizando la técnica de bola de nieve. Se incluyeron 13 participantes. Resultados: Con base en el análisis de los datos, se enumeraron cuatro categorías: conocimiento sobre el síndrome; signos y síntomas; tratamiento; y cuidados e implicaciones de enfermería. Se identificaron más de 120 signos y sínto-mas, y todos los entrevistados mencionaron el explante como tratamiento definitivo. Los signos y síntomas presentados por los participantes están en línea con lo descrito en la literatura. Conclusión: Antes de descubrir la enfermedad, los participantes realizaban un tratamiento enfocado en el alivio de los síntomas. Después del diagnóstico, todas las mujeres procedieron al explante
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Autoimmune Diseases/etiology , Adjuvants, Immunologic/adverse effects , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Syndrome , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
Objective: To examine the clinical effect of acellular bovine pericardium patch in implant based immediate breast reconstruction. Methods: The clinicopathological information of 141 breast cancer patients, who admitted to Department of Breast Reconstruction and Oncoplastic Surgery, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital, underwent immediate mammoplasty with implants combined with acellular bovine pericardium patches were analyzed from June 2016 to October 2019. All patients were female, with the age of (38.8±8.5) years (range: 13 to 60 years). The body mass index was (21.9±2.5) kg/m2 (range: 16.0 to 32.3 kg/m2). There were 39 cases of duct carcinoma in situ, 46 cases of stage Ⅰ, 40 cases of stage Ⅱ and 16 cases of stage Ⅲ. All patients received nipple-areola-sparing mastectomy or skin-sparing mastectomy with sentinel lymph node biopsy or axillary lymph node dissection, and prosthesis implantation with sub-pectoralis combined with breast patch. The correlation of clinicopathological characters and complications was assessed by t test, χ2 test, Fisher's exact probability method and Logistic regression. Pre-and post-operative aesthetic, quality of life scores were recorded. Results: The operation time (M(IQR)) was 3.6(1.5) hours (range: 3.0 to 6.5 hours). The early postoperative complication rate was 22.0% (31/141), prosthesis removal was the main postoperative complication, accounting for 64.5% (20/31) of the total complications, of which 15 cases occurred in the first 30 patients. The follow-up time was 28(8) months (range: 20 to 53 months), The most frequent long-term complications were capsular contracture and implant displacement, with the incidence of 11.2% (14/125) and 10.4% (13/125), respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that prosthesis volume ≥300 ml (OR=8.173, 95%CI: 1.302 to 51.315, P=0.021) and peri-areolar incision (OR=7.809, 95%CI: 2.162 to 28.211, P<0.01) were independent relative factors for the occurrence of short-term postoperative local complications. After 2 years of operation, the score of breast appearance satisfaction was 71.7±15.5, postoperative effect satisfaction was 90.4±9.5, psychological satisfaction was 90.7±17.1, sexual satisfaction was 70.1±25.1. The immediate postoperative satisfaction rate at discharge was 95.4% (134/141), and 17.6% (22/125) of patients had the intention to received revision surgery. Conclusions: Prosthesis volume ≥300 ml and peri-areolar incision were independent realtive factors for short-term local complications after bovine pericardium patch combined with prosthesis implantation in the immediate breast reconstruction. After completing the learning curve, the postoperative complications of the procedure could be decreased.
Adolescent , Adult , Animals , Cattle , Female , Humans , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Breast Implantation , Breast Implants , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/methods , Mastectomy/methods , Pericardium/surgery , Quality of Life , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Purpose: To evaluate fibrosis formation and number of macrophages in capsules formed around textured implants without and with mesh coverage. Methods: Fibrosis was analyzed through transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-ß1) immunomarker expression and the number of macrophages through CD68 percentage of cells in magnified field. Sixty female Wistar rats were distributed into two groups of 30 rats (unmeshed and meshed). Each group was then subdivided into two subgroups for postoperative evaluation after 30 and 90 days. The p value was adjusted by Bonferroni lower than 0.012. Results: No difference was observed in fibrosis between meshed and unmeshed groups (30 days p = 0.436; 90 days p = 0.079) and from 30 to 90 days in the unmeshed group (p = 0.426). The meshed group showed higher fibrosis on the 90th day (p = 0.001). The number of macrophages was similar between groups without and with mesh coverage (30 days p = 0.218; 90 days p = 0.044), and similar between subgroups 30 and 90 days (unmeshed p = 0.085; meshed p = 0.059). Conclusions: In the meshed group, fibrosis formation was higher at 90 days and the mesh-covered implants produced capsules similar to microtextured ones when analyzing macrophages. Due to these characteristics, mesh coating did not seem to significantly affect the local fibrosis formation.
Animals , Female , Rats , Surgical Mesh/veterinary , Fibrosis/veterinary , Antigens, CD/analysis , Breast Implants/veterinary , Breast Implantation/instrumentation , Transforming Growth Factor beta1/analysis , Rats, Wistar/surgeryABSTRACT
Las fístulas o dehiscencia de heridas asociadas a implantes mamarios representan una complicación relativamente poco frecuente en la práctica diaria. Se asocia a factores locales y representa un riesgo en cuanto a la posibilidad de extrusión y remoción del implante. El tratamiento de esta complicación se realiza esterilizando y provocando una capsulitis química con TCA 90% en la zona del lecho del implante y la confección del Colgajo en Doble Banderín para el cierre cutáneo. De esta forma, ha permitido resolver dicha complicación, al mismo tiempo que refuerza la herida ofreciendo sostén al área de decúbito generada. Desde el punto de vista anatómico se muestran disecciones cadavéricas para evidenciar detalles de la técnica de cierre.
Fistula or dehiscence of wounds associated with breast implants represent a relatively rare complication in daily practice. It is associated with local factors and represents a risk in terms of the possibility of extrusion and removal of the implant. The treatment of this complication is carried out by sterilizing and causing a chemical capsulitis with TCA 90% in the area of the implant and making a Double Flag Flap for cutaneous closure. In this way, it has made to resolve this complication, at the same time that it reinforces the wound by offering support to the decubitus area generated. From the anatomical point of view, cadaveric dissections show details of the closure technique.
Breast ImplantsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: Breast surgery is considered a clean surgery; however, the rates of infection range between 3 and 15%. The objective of the present study was to intraoperatively investigate the presence of autochthonous microbiota in the breast. Methods: Pieces of breast tissue collected from 49 patients who underwent elective breast surgery (reconstructive, diagnostic, or oncologic) were cultured. The pieces of breast tissue were approximately 1 cm in diameter and were removed from the retroareolar area, medial quadrant, and lateral quadrant. Each piece of tissue was incubated in brain heart infusion (BHI) broth for 7 days at 37°C, and in cases in which the medium became turbid due to microorganism growth, the samples were placed in Petri dishes for culturing and isolating strains and for identifying species using an automated counter. Results: Microorganism growth was observed in the samples of 10 of the 49 patients (20.4%) and in 11 of the 218 pieces of tissue (5%). The detected species were Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Sphingomonas paucimobilis, and Aeromonas salmonicida. No patient with positive samples had clinical infection postoperatively. Conclusion: The presence of these bacteria in breast tissue in approximately 20% of the patients in this series suggests that breast surgery should be considered a potential source of contamination that may have implications for adverse reactions to breast implants and should be studied in the near future for their oncological implications in breast implant-associated large-cell lymphoma etiology.
Resumo Objetivo: A cirurgia de mama é considerada uma cirurgia limpa; entretanto, as taxas de infecção variam entre 3 e 15%. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar no intraoperatório a presença de microbiota autóctone na mama. Métodos: Pedaços de tecido mamário coletados de 49 pacientes submetidas à cirurgia eletiva da mama (reconstrutiva, diagnóstica ou oncológica) foram cultivados. Os pedaços de tecido mamário tinham aproximadamente 1 cm de diâmetro e foram removidos da área retroareolar e dos quadrantes medial e lateral. Cada pedaço de tecido foi incubado em caldo BHI (brain heart infusion) por 7 dias a 37 ° C, e nos casos em que o meio ficou turvo devido ao crescimento de microrganismos, as amostras foram colocadas em placas de Petri para cultivo e isolamento de cepas e para identificação de espécies usando um contador automatizado. Resultados: O crescimento do microrganismo foi observado nas amostras de 10 das 49 pacientes (20,4%) e em 11 dos 218 pedaços de tecido (5%). As espécies detectadas foram Staphylococcus lugdunensis, Staphylococcus hominis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Sphingomonas paucimobilis e Aeromonas salmonicida. Nenhum paciente com amostras positivas apresentou infecção clínica no pós-operatório. Conclusão: A presença dessas bactérias no tecido mamário em aproximadamente 20% das pacientes desta série sugere que a cirurgia mamária deve ser considerada uma fonte potencial de contaminação que pode ter implicações nas reações adversas aos implantes mamários e deve ser estudada em um futuro próximo por suas implicações oncológicas na etiologia do linfoma de células grandes associado ao implante de mama.
Humans , Breast Implants , Microbiota , Bacteria , Breast/surgeryABSTRACT
Abstract Objective Infection and exposure of the implant are some of the most common and concerning complications after implant-based breast reconstruction. Currently, there is no consensus on the management of these complications. The aim of the present study was to review our cases and to present a clinical protocol. Methods We conducted a retrospective review of consecutive patients submitted to implant-based breast reconstruction between 2014 and 2016. All patients were managed according to a specific and structured protocol. Results Implant exposure occurred in 33 out of 277 (11.9%) implant-based reconstructions. Among these, two patients had history of radiotherapy and had their implant removed; Delayed reconstruction with a myocutaneous flap was performed in both cases. Signs of severe local infection were observed in 12 patients, and another 5 presented with extensive tissue necrosis, and they were all submitted to implant removal; of them, 8 underwent reconstruction with a tissue expander, and 2, with a myocutaneous flap. The remaining 14 patients had no signs of severe infection, previous irradiation or extensive tissue necrosis, and were submitted to primary suture as an attempt to salvage the implant. Of these, 8 cases (57.1%) managed to keep the Conclusion Our clinical protocol is based on three key points: history of radiotherapy, severe infection, and extensive tissue necrosis. It is a practical and potentially-reproducible method of managing one of the most common complications of implant-based breast reconstruction.
Resumo Objectivo Infecção e exposição da prótese são algumas das complicações mais comuns e preocupantes após reconstrução da mama com implantes. Atualmente, ainda não há consenso quanto ao manejo destas complicações. O objetivo deste estudo foi o de revisar os casos da nossa instituição e apresentar um protocolo clínico. Métodos Realizou-se uma revisão retrospectiva de todos os casos consecutivos submetidos a reconstrução mamária imediata com prótese entre 2014 e 2016. Todos os casos foram conduzidos de acordo com um protocolo específico e estruturado. Resultados A exposição do implante ocorreu em 33 de 227 reconstruções (11,9%). Dentre estas, duas pacientes tinham histórico de radioterapia, e foram submetidas a remoção da prótese e posterior reconstrução com retalho miocutâneo. Sinais de infecção local grave foram observados em 12 pacientes, e, em 5, necrose extensa de tecido, e todas foram submetidas a remoção dos implantes; destas, 8 foram recons truídas com expansor, e 2, com retalho miocutâneo. As 14 pacientes remanecentes não haviam sido submetidas previamente à radioterapia, não tinham sinais de infecção, nem necrose extensa; portanto, foram submetidas a sutura primária em uma tentativa de salvar a prótese. Dessas, 8 pacientes (57,1%) conseguiram manter os implantes originais. Conclusão Nosso protocolo clínico é baseado em três pontos principais: histórico de radioterapia, infecção grave, e necrose extensa de tecido. Ele constitui um método prático e potencialmente reprodutível de manejo de uma das complicações mais comuns da reconstrução mamária com implantes.
Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/surgery , Mammaplasty/adverse effects , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Tissue Expansion Devices/adverse effects , Clinical Protocols , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen En los últimos años, han aparecido evidencias que relacionan a un tipo de linfoma mamario con los implantes de silicona, lo que ha causado gran conmoción a nivel mundial. Este linfoma anaplástico de células grandes no Hodgkin (células T monoclonales), se ha visto asociado en mayoría de los casos, a las prótesis mamarias texturizadas. Es relativamente raro, ya que se puede presentar en 1 de cada 2.832 operados (as) y se puede manifestar como un seroma periprotésico o como una tumoración de la cápsula cicatrizal mamaria con o sin compromiso de la glándula y de los tejidos adyacentes.
In recent years, evidence has appeared linking a type of breast lymphoma with silicone implants, which has caused great commotion worldwide. This anaplastic large cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma (monoclonal T cells) has been associated in most cases with textured breast implants. It is relatively rare, since it can occur in 1 in 2832 operated on and it can manifest as a periprosthetic seroma or as a tumor of the mammary scar capsule with or without involvement of the gland and adjacent tissues.
Humans , Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Breast Implantation/adverse effectsABSTRACT
El linfoma anaplásico de células grandes asociado a implantes mamarios LACG-AI o BIA-ALCL, abreviatura en inglés de "Breast Implant Associated-Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma", es una nueva entidad reconocida por la OMS desde el 2016, de rara incidencia y que aún plantea muchos interrogantes. Desde su primera mención en 1997 (J. Keech - B. Creech) su incidencia ha ido en aumento. En julio de 2020, 953 casos en el mundo según el Registro de la Sociedad Americana de Cirujanos Plásticos (PROFILE), y las publicaciones se multiplican exponensialmente año a año demostrando el interés que suscita. Se ha descripto una fuerte asociación con las superficies texturizadas de los implantes mamarios y con el tipo de material (mayor textura "grado 4" y cubierta de poliuretano mayor riesgo) llegando a describirse tasas tan altas omo 1/2830 en Australia/Nueva Zelanda. Su presentación clínica en casi el 75% es bajo la forma de un seroma tardío y el tiempo de exposición promedio ronda entre los 7 a 11 años. El diagnóstico histo-patológico integra el examen morfológico con la caracterización molecular, visualizándose grandes célular anaplásicas CD30 (+), ALK (-). El tratamiento quirúrgico, capsulectomía bilateral en estadios tempranos es el gold standard. Su pronóstico es excelente con exérsis completas. Objetivo: actualizar la información sobre esta novel enfermedad y comentar un caso propio que presenta todas las características descriptas en la literatura, siendo el 14° registrado en Argentina
The anaplastic large cell lymphoma associated with breast implants, LACCG-AI o BIA-ALCL abbreviation in English, is an entity recognized by the WHO since 2016 of rare incidence and that still raises many questions. Since its firts mention in 1997 (J. Keech - B. Creech) its incidence has been increasing, In july 2020, 953 cases in the world according to the Registry of the America Society of Plastic Surgeons (PROFILE), and the publications multiply exponentially year after year, demonstrating the interest it arouses, A strong association has been described with the textured surfaces of breast implants and with the type of material (greater texture "grade 4" and higher risk polyurethane cover), reaching rates as high as 1/2830 in Australia / New Zealand. Its clinical presentation in almost 75% is in the form of a late seroma and the average exposure time is between 7 to 11 years. The pathological anatomical diagnosis integrates the morphological examination with the molecular characterization, visualizing large anaplastic CD30 (+), ALK (-) cells. Surgical treatment, bilateral capsulectomy in early stages, is the gold standard. Her prognosis is excellent with complete exeresis. Objetive: to update the information on this novel disease and comment on an own case that presents all the characteristics described in the literature, the 14th being registered in Argentina
Lymphoma, Large-Cell, Anaplastic , Polyurethanes , Breast ImplantsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose To evaluate capsules formed by microtextured silicone implants with and without Parietex® mesh coverage histologically. Methods Sixty Wistar rats were divided in two groups (meshed and unmeshed). Each group was, then, divided into two subgroups for evaluation at 30 and 90 days. Capsules were analyzed based on hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and picrosirius staining. Results The number of fibroblasts, neutrophils and macrophages was similar among all subgroups. There was a higher lymphocyte reaction in the 30-day meshed group (p = 0.003). Giant cell reaction, granulation tissue and neoangiogenesis were similar among the subgroups. Synovial metaplasia was milder at 90-day in the unmeshed (p = 0.002) and meshed group (p < 0.001). Capsular thickness was significantly greater in the meshed samples (30-day p < 0.001 and 90-day p < 0.001). There was a similar amount of collagen types I and III in both groups. Conclusions The mesh-covered implants produced capsules similar to the microtextured ones when analyzing inflammatory variables. Synovial metaplasia was milder at 90 than at 30 days, and the capsular thickness was significantly greater in the meshed group. A similar amount of collagen types I and III was observed. Due to these characteristics, the mesh coverage did not seem to significantly affect the local inflammatory activity.
Animals , Female , Rats , Silicones , Breast Implants/adverse effects , Polyesters , Surgical Mesh/adverse effects , Capsules , Collagen , Rats, WistarABSTRACT
A mastite é uma patologia relativamente frequente na mulher que amamenta. Surge maioritariamente nas primeiras seis semanas após o parto (prevalência entre 75-95% antes do bebé completar os três meses de vida), podendo, contudo, ocorrer ao longo de todo o período da amamentação. Apresenta-se clinicamente com mastalgia, eritema e edema mamário, linfonodomegalia axilar, febre, calafrios, mal-estar e prostração. Entretanto, o quadro clínico completo pode não estar presente em todos os casos. A técnica incorreta de amamentação provoca as microlesões mamáriasque são fatores associados à mastite, inicialmente, e esta quando não recebe tratamento adequado pode evoluirpara os abscessos mamários, que são caracterizados clinicamente por nodulação palpável ou não, flutuante, parcialmente circunscrita, geralmente no quadrante superior lateral da mama afetada. O microrganismo mais envolvido é o Staphylococcus aureus. O diagnóstico diferencial envolve principalmente outras causas não infecciosas de mastite, por exemplo a granulomatosa com reação a corpo estranho (piercing, implantes de silicone) e também malignidade. A ultrassonografia é um método bastante útil na investigação inicial daqueles quadros com suspeita de desenvolvimento de tal complicação e possibilita de maneira segura o tratamento minimamente invasivo e a obtenção de amostra para analise laboratorial. Isto permite a escolha de antibioticoterapia direcionada para os microorganismos causadores.
Mastitis is a relatively common condition in breastfeeding women. It appears mostly in the first six weeks after delivery (prevalence between 75-95% before the baby is three months old), however, it can occur throughout the entire period of breastfeeding. It may present clinically with mastalgia, erythema and breast edema, axillary lymph node enlargement, fever, chills, malaise and prostration. However, the complete clinical picture may not be present in all cases. The incorrect breastfeeding technique causes breast microlesions which are factors associated with mastitis, initially, and when it does not receive adequate treatment it can evolve for breast abscesses, which are characterized clinically by palpable or not, floating, partially circumscribed nodulation, usually in the upper lateral quadrant of the affected breast. The most involved microorganism is Staphylococcus aureus. The differential diagnosis mainly involves other non-infectious causes of mastitis, for example granulomatous with a foreign body reaction (piercing, silicone implants) and also malignancy. Ultrasonography is a very useful method in the initial investigation of those conditions suspected of developing such a complication, and it safely allows minimally invasive treatment and obtaining a sample for laboratory analysis. This allows the choice of antibiotic therapy directed at the causative microorganisms.
Humans , Female , Adult , Silicones , Breast Implants , Mastitis , Staphylococcus aureus , Wounds and Injuries , Breast Feeding , Diagnostic Imaging , Ultrasonography, Mammary , Infections , Inflammation , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a rare type of non-Hodgkin T-cell lymphoma, recently defined in the 2016 World Health Organization (WHO) classification of lymphoid neoplasms. It occurs more commonly when textured implants are used and appears clinically as a late seroma. Cytologically, these lesions are composed of large atypical cells with pleomorphic nucleus and an immunophenotype positive for T cell markers and CD30, and negative for ALK1. We report a 56-years-old woman with breast implants who developed a periprosthetic seroma three years after surgery. A fine needle aspiration of the lesion was carried out. Cytology and the immunocytochemical study revealed cells compatible with BIA-ALCL. The flow cytometric study was negative. Excisional biopsy of the capsule was performed, observing that the neoplastic cells were confined to the inner surface of the capsule. Imaging studies did not find evidence of disseminated disease. The present case demonstrates the importance of the study of any late periprosthetic effusion, which can be performed using fine needle aspiration.