The Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) was developed to examine paternal involvement among men with children from 5 to 10 years of age. However, father involvement affects child development starting in the child's infancy. In Brazil, a revised version of the instrument (called the IFI-BR-27) was developed to use with fathers of children in a wider age group (2 to 10 years). Thus, in this study we aimed to investigate evidence for validity of this revised version based on internal structure, measurement invariance, and evidence of convergent validity. For this purpose, 572 Brazilian fathers completed a sociodemographic questionnaire, the IFI-BR-27, and either the Father Engagement Questionnaire (FEQ; for fathers of children in early childhood education settings) or the Inventory of Parenting Practices (IPP; for fathers of children in elementary school). Results of confirmatory factor analyses indicated the plausibility of a second-order internal structure for the IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / df = 3.526; CFI = .937; TLI = .929; RMSEA = .066). Composite reliability for the nine factors varied from .65 to .84. Invariance analyses indicated that the structure is independent of the child's educational setting. Evidence of convergent validity was also found ( r = .67 - FEQ; r = .58 - IPP). Therefore, the IFI-BR-27 is an adequate tool to assess the quality of father involvement for fathers of children in preschool or elementary school. The IFI-BR-27 can contribute to further scientific research, aiding in longitudinal studies, as well as helping professionals to evaluate and encourage specific dimensions of father involvement.(AU)
O Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) foi desenvolvido para avaliar o envolvimento paterno de homens com filhos de 5 a 10 anos. No entanto, envolvimento paterno afeta o desenvolvimento de crianças desde a primeira infância. No Brasil, uma versão revisada dessa medida (chamada de IFI-BR-27) foi desenvolvida para uso com pais de crianças em uma faixa etária mais ampla (2 a 10 anos). O objetivo deste estudo foi, portanto, investigar evidências de validade dessa versão revisada com base na estrutura interna, invariância de medida e evidências de validade convergente. Para isso, 572 pais brasileiros preencheram um questionário sociodemográfico, o IFI-BR-27 e o Questionário de Engajamento Paterno (QEP; para pais com filhos no Ensino Infantil) e o Inventário de Práticas Parentais (IPP; para pais com filhos no Ensino Fundamental 1). Os resultados de análises fatoriais confirmatórias indicaram a plausibilidade de uma estrutura interna de segunda ordem para o IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / gl = 3,526; CFI = 0,937; TLI = 0,929; RMSEA = 0,066). A confiabilidade composta para os nove fatores variou de 0,65 a 0,84. Análises de invariância indicaram que a estrutura é independente do ciclo escolar da criança. Também foram encontradas evidências de validade convergente ( r = 0,67 - QEP; r = 0,58 - IPP). Assim, considera-se o IFI-BR-27 uma medida adequada para avaliar a qualidade do envolvimento paterno de pais de crianças do Ensino Infantil ao Fundamental 1. O IFI-BR-27 poderá contribuir para melhorias científicas, viabilizando estudos longitudinais e ajudando profissionais a avaliar e promover dimensões específicas do envolvimento paterno.(AU)
El Inventory of Father Involvement (IFI) se desarrolló para evaluar la participación paterna en la crianza de hijos de entre 5 y 10 años de edad. Es sabido que la participación paterna contribuye al desarrollo infantil desde la primera infancia. En Brasil, una versión brasileña de este instrumento (la IFI-BR-27) se desarrolló para aplicarse a padres con hijos de un grupo de edad más amplio (de 2 a 10 años). Este estudio tuvo por objetivo comprobar evidencia de validez de esta versión revisada con base en la estructura interna, la invariancia del instrumento y la evidencia de validez convergente. Para ello, 572 padres brasileños completaron un cuestionario sociodemográfico, el IFI-BR-27 y el Cuestionario de Involucramiento Paterno (CIP; para padres de niños en el jardín de infantes) y el Inventario de Prácticas Parentales (IPP; para padres de niños en la primaria). Los resultados de los análisis factoriales confirmatorios indicaron la plausibilidad de una estructura interna de segundo orden para el IFI-BR-27 (χ 2 / gl = 3,526; CFI = 0,937; TLI = 0,929; RMSEA =0,066). La confiabilidad compuesta para los nueve factores varió de 0,65 a 0,84. Los análisis de invariancia indicaron que la estructura es independiente del ciclo educativo del niño. También se encontró evidencia de validez convergente ( r =0,67 - CIP; r = 0,58 - IPP). Por lo tanto, el IFI-BR-27 es un instrumento adecuado para evaluar la calidad de participación paterna de padres con hijos en edad preescolar o en la primaria. El IFI-BR-27 permitirá un mayor desarrollo científico, permitiendo estudios longitudinales y ayudando a los profesionales a evaluar y fomentar dimensiones específicas de participación paterna.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Paternity , Personality Development , Self-Testing , Psychological Growth , Parent-Child Relations , Paternal Behavior , Paternal Deprivation , Play and Playthings , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychometrics , Psychosocial Deprivation , Punishment , Quality of Life , Reading , Reinforcement, Psychology , Reinforcement, Verbal , Aspirations, Psychological , Safety , Schools , Self Care , Social Behavior , Social Identification , Social Sciences , Social Values , Stress, Physiological , Financial Support , National Health Strategies , Activities of Daily Living , Divorce , Family , Marriage , Child Abuse , Child Care , Child Development , Child Guidance , Child Language , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Reproducibility of Results , Parenting , Intergenerational Relations , Time Management , Communication , Life , Eulogy , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Counseling , Affect , Culture , Education, Primary and Secondary , Paternalism , Personal Autonomy , Damage Liability , Gift Giving , Trust , Comprehension , Dependency, Psychological , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Family Therapy , Father-Child Relations , Fathers , Resilience, Psychological , Physiological Phenomena , Emotional Intelligence , Social Skills , Social Theory , Peer Influence , Paternal Inheritance , Work-Life Balance , Cultural Diffusion , Social Construction of Gender , Androcentrism , Freedom , Respect , Emotional Regulation , Social Integration , Empowerment , Gender Role , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Psychological Safety , Happiness , Health Services Needs and Demand , Holidays , Household Work , Human Development , Income , Individuality , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Loneliness , Love , Men , Mental Processes , Morals , Mothers , Motivation , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
A Psicologia Organizacional e do Trabalho (POT) é permeada por uma série de julgamentos negativos e estigmas, principalmente acerca de seu papel intermediador de relações de exploração sofridas pelo trabalhador. Investigar as percepções que graduandos têm sobre a área pode trazer acesso ao que há de central entre as diversas formas de pensar o tema. Este trabalho buscou analisar as percepções de 100 graduandos de duas instituições de ensino superior (IES) do Centro-Oeste Paulista, uma pública e outra privada, acerca da importância da atuação do psicólogo em POT e o interesse desses discentes em atuarem futuramente na área, estabelecendo uma comparação entre os resultados com base nas IES e entre primeiro e quinto ano da graduação. Os graduandos responderam a dois questionários estruturados com perguntas abertas e fechadas. Os resultados apontaram uma maior valorização da área de POT na IES privada e no quinto ano. A maioria dos discentes do primeiro ano de graduação apresentou pouco conhecimento sobre a POT. Os estudantes da IES privada apresentaram maior interesse em atuar na área do que os discentes da IES pública. Quando perguntados se houve uma mudança de opinião após a realização das disciplinas, 49 alunos do quinto ano responderam positivamente e apenas um respondeu negativamente. As respostas dissertativas se dividiram entre visões positivas, neutras e negativas sobre a POT. Os resultados permitiram avaliação das percepções da POT entre os graduandos, bem como das transformações ocorridas pelo impacto das experiências acadêmicas vivenciadas.(AU)
Organizational and Work Psychology (OWP) is permeated by a series of negative judgments and stigmas, mainly about its role as an intermediary of relations exploiting workers. Investigating the perceptions undergraduates have about it can bring access to what is central among the different ways of thinking about the subject. This study sought to analyze the perceptions of 100 undergraduates from two higher education institutions (HEIs), one public and private in Midwestern São Paulo about the importance of psychologists' role in OWP and their interest in working in the area in the future, comparing the results per HEI and between the first and fifth year of graduation. Graduates answered two structured questionnaires with open and closed questions. Results pointed to a greater appreciation of OWP in the private HEI and in the fifth year. Most first-year undergraduate students had little knowledge about OWP. Students from the private HEI took greater interest in working in the area than students from the public HEI. When asked if taking the courses changed their opinions, 49 students responded positively and only one negatively. Participants' responses were divided into positive, neutra,l and negative views about OWP. Results evaluated the perceptions on OWP in undergraduates the changes due to the impact of academic experiences.(AU)
La Psicología Organizacional y Laboral (POT) está permeada por una serie de juicios negativos y estigmas, principalmente sobre su papel como intermediaria de las relaciones de explotación laboral. Investigar las percepciones que los estudiantes tienen sobre este campo puede brindar acceso a lo que es central entre las diferentes formas de pensar sobre el tema. Este estudio buscó analizar las percepciones de 100 graduandos de dos instituciones de educación superior (IES), una pública y otra privada, del medio oeste de São Paulo, acerca de la importancia del rol del psicólogo en POT y del interés por actuar en el área, estableciendo una comparación entre los resultados por tipo de IES y período del curso (el primer y quinto año de grado). Los graduandos respondieron a dos cuestionarios estructurados con preguntas abiertas y cerradas. Los resultados apuntan a una mayor valoración de POT en las IES privadas y en el quinto año. La mayoría de los estudiantes de primer año tenían poco conocimiento sobre POT. Los estudiantes de la IES privada estaban más interesados en trabajar en el área que los estudiantes de la IES pública. Cuando se les preguntó si hubo un cambio de opinión luego de cursar las asignaturas, 49 estudiantes del quinto año respondieron positivamente y solo uno respondió negativamente. Las respuestas del ensayo se dividieron en puntos de vista positivos, neutrales y negativos sobre POT. Los resultados permitieron evaluar las percepciones de POT entre los graduandos, así como evaluar los cambios ocurridos por el impacto de las experiencias académicas.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Teaching , Universities , Work , Capacity Building , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Perception , Personnel Selection , Psychology , Social Problems , Students , Technology , Career Choice , Organizational Culture , Organizations , Occupational Health , Negotiating , Total Quality Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Efficiency , Empathy , Workforce , Work Engagement , Psychological Well-Being , Collective Efficacy , Working Conditions , Judgment , Leadership , Motivation , Occupational GroupsABSTRACT
O Teste de Apercepção Temática (TAT) é um instrumento projetivo usado para avaliação da personalidade. Devido ao aumento da utilização do TAT no Brasil em diferentes contextos, percebeu-se a necessidade de realizar uma revisão narrativa. Objetiva-se analisar a produção científica de estudos empíricos em relação aos principais objetivos, características metodológicas e principais resultados. Foram recuperados 18 artigos das bases de dados SciELO, LILACS, PePSIC. Os estudos foram submetidos à análise temática considerando os objetivos principais. Os resultados indicaram uma distribuição desproporcional de publicações nos últimos 15 anos, com maior produção no sudeste do país. Notou-se maioria de estudos qualitativos do tipo exploratório, sendo prevalentes estudos realizados com participantes mulheres, e uso do TAT como instrumento único. Conclui-se a necessidade da realização de estudos empíricos nas diversas regiões do país, com diferentes idades e gêneros para ampliar o escopo do uso do teste.(AU)
The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) is a projective instrument used to assess individuals' personality. The increase in the use of TAT in Brazil in different contexts entailed the need for a narrative review. This study aimed to analyze the scientific production of empirical studies by evaluating its main objectives, methodological characteristics, and results. In total, 18 articles were retrieved from the SciELO, Lilacs, and PePSIC databases. The studies were subjected to thematic analysis considering their main objectives. Results indicated a disproportionate distribution of publications in the last 15 years, with higher production in the Brazilian southeast. Qualitative exploratory studies predominated, especially those with female participants and TAT as a single instrument. In conclusion, empirical studies must be carried out in different regions of the country with different ages and genders to expand the scope of the use of the test.(AU)
El Test de Apercepción Temática (TAT) es una herramienta proyectiva utilizada en la evaluación de la personalidad. Debido al aumento en el uso de TAT en Brasil en diferentes contextos, surgió la necesidad de realizar una revisión narrativa. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la producción científica de los estudios empíricos con relación a los principales objetivos, características metodológicas y principales resultados. Dieciocho artículos fueron recolectados de las bases de datos SciELO, LILACS y PePSIC. Se sometieron los estudios a análisis temático considerando los objetivos principales. Los resultados muestran una distribución desproporcionada de publicaciones en los últimos quince años, con mayor producción en el Sudeste del país. Hubo una mayoría de estudios cualitativos exploratorios, con predominio de estudios realizados con participantes del sexo femenino, y la utilización del TAT como única herramienta. Se concluye que es necesario realizar estudios empíricos en diferentes regiones del país, con diferentes grupos etarios y de género, para ampliar el alcance del uso de la prueba.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Practice, Psychological , Thematic Apperception Test , Brazil , Personality , Personality Tests , Psychological Phenomena , Psychological Tests , Psychology , Psychometrics , Psychotherapy, Brief , Reference Standards , Research , Science , Reproducibility of Results , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Journal Article , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Information Dissemination , Trust , Depression , Professional Training , Evaluation Studies as Topic , LILACSABSTRACT
O Sistema de Avaliação de Testes Psicológicos (SATEPSI) recebeu notoriedade entre brasileiros e estrangeiros por oferecer um complexo sistema de qualificação dos testes psicológicos, pouco visto em âmbito mundial. Sua elaboração dependeu de uma autarquia, que o financiou, normatizou e o mantém, mas também de pesquisadores docentes de avaliação psicológica, que trouxeram a expertise da área para que houvesse o pleno estabelecimento de seus parâmetros. Passadas duas décadas de seu lançamento, o SATEPSI foi tema de artigos, capítulos, lives e diálogos digitais, nos quais foram destaque, de modo geral, as Resoluções do Conselho Federal de Psicologia, que o normatiza, e seus impactos para a área de avaliação psicológica - como, por exemplo, o aumento do número de pesquisas e de testes brasileiros qualificados. O que se pretende neste artigo é mencionar sua construção, à luz dos autores que vivenciaram o SATEPSI em funções e tempos distintos. Atenção especial será dada aos Métodos Projetivos, cuja história ainda é pouco revelada.(AU)
The system to evaluate psychological tests (Satepsi) received notoriety among Brazilians and foreigners for offering a complex system of qualification of psychological tests, which is rarely seen worldwide. Its development depended on an autarchy (which financed, standardized, and maintains it) and on researchers teaching psychological assessment, who brought their expertise to the area so its parameters could be fully established. After two decades of its launch, Satepsi was the subject of articles, chapters, lives, and digital dialogues, which usually highlighted the Resolutions of the Federal Council of Psychology that normatize psychological evaluation and their impacts, such as the increase in the number of qualified Brazilian tests. This study aims to mention its construction in the light of the authors who experienced Satepsi in different functions and times, giving special attention to Projective Methods, whose history remains to be shown.(AU)
El Sistema de Evaluación de Tests Psicológicos (SATEPSI) ganó notoriedad entre los brasileños y los extranjeros por ofrecer un complejo sistema de calificación de los tests psicológicos, poco frecuente a nivel mundial. Su elaboración dependió de una autarquía, que lo financió, lo estandarizó y lo mantiene, pero también de investigadores docentes de evaluación psicológica, que trajeron la experiencia del área para que hubiera el pleno establecimiento de sus parámetros. Tras dos décadas de su lanzamiento, SATEPSI fue tema de artículos, capítulos, en directo y diálogos digitales, en los cuales destacaron, de modo general, las Resoluciones del Consejo Federal de Psicología que lo normatiza y sus impactos para el área de evaluación psicológica, como el aumento del número de investigaciones y de pruebas brasileñas calificadas. Lo que se pretende en este artículo es mencionar su construcción, a la luz de los autores que vivieron el SATEPSI en funciones y tiempos distintos. Se prestará especial atención a los métodos proyectivos cuya historia aún no se ha revelado.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Psychological Tests , Psychometrics , Reference Standards , Reproducibility of Results , Personality Assessment , Personality Tests , Aptitude Tests , Professional Competence , Professional Practice , Psychoanalytic Interpretation , Psychology , Safety , Audiovisual Aids , Self-Evaluation Programs , Social Control, Formal , Societies , Students , Vocational Guidance , Behavior , Professional Review Organizations , Body Image , Computer Systems , Mental Health , Efficacy , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Liability, Legal , Treatment Outcome , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Total Quality Management , Commerce , Lecture , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Internet , Credentialing , Musculoskeletal Manipulations , Diagnosis , Employee Performance Appraisal , Science, Technology and Society , Ethics , Professional Training , Courses , Evaluation Studies as Topic , Expert Testimony , Self Report , Test Taking Skills , Quality Improvement , Pandemics , Social Skills , Data Accuracy , Behavior Rating Scale , Work Engagement , Internet Access , Web Archives as Topic , Internet-Based Intervention , Teleworking , COVID-19 , Psychological Well-Being , Human Rights , Intelligence , Intelligence Tests , Manuals as Topic , Neuropsychological TestsABSTRACT
Apesar da importância do envolvimento paterno, sua avaliação persiste desafiadora. No Brasil, o Inventário de Envolvimento Paterno (IFI-BR) vem se mostrando adequado para uso com pais de crianças de 5 a 10 anos. Entretanto, do ponto de vista do desenvolvimento infantil e de intervenções preventivas, seria importante avaliar o envolvimento paterno quando as crianças são mais novas. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivos: identificar limitações do IFI-BR, quando usado com pais de crianças entre 2 e 10 anos, e avaliar itens para o IFI-BR-revisado. No Estudo 1, 434 pais com filhos no Ensino Infantil ou Fundamental 1 responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico e ao IFI-BR. Com base em análises de dados omissos, estrutura interna e precisão, modificações foram sugeridas, visando à manutenção da estrutura interna original do instrumento. No Estudo 2, 572 pais com filhos na mesma faixa etária responderam a um questionário sociodemográfico e à versão modificada do IFI-BR. Foram comparadas as frequências de dados omissos e estimativas de precisão para os itens originais e modificados, selecionando aqueles que melhor representavam essa amostra de pais para compor a versão revisada do IFI-BR. Esses resultados indicaram evidências adequadas de validade, com base no conteúdo da versão revisada do IFI-BR, quando utilizada para avaliar a qualidade do envolvimento paterno de pais brasileiros com filhos do Ensino Infantil ao Fundamental 1. Após verificadas evidências de validade adicionais, essa versão revisada do IFI-BR poderá ser utilizada, por exemplo, em estudos longitudinais e na avaliação de intervenções precoces com pais.(AU)
Despite the importance assigned to father involvement, evaluating this construct remains a challenge. In Brazil, the Inventário de Envolvimento Paterno (IFI-BR) has showed satisfactory evidence of validity for fathers of children between 5 and 10 years old. From the perspective of child development and preventive interventions, however, evaluating father involvement with younger children is essential. Hence, this study sought to: identify limitations of the IFI-BR for fathers of children between 2 and 10 years old, and evaluate items for a revised IFI-BR. In Study 1, 434 fathers of children in early childhood and primary school settings answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the IFI-BR. Based on analyses of missing data, internal structure, and reliability, modifications were suggested to maintain the original internal structure. In Study 2, 572 fathers of children in the same age range answered a sociodemographic questionnaire and the modified IFI-BR. After comparison between values for missing data and reliability of the original and modified items, the items that best represented the broader sample of fathers were selected to compose the revised IFI-BR. Results indicated adequate evidence of content validity for the revised IFI-BR when used to assess the involvement of Brazilian fathers with children in early childhood education and primary school settings. After additional evidence has been verified, this revised IFI-BR can be used, for example, in longitudinal studies and to evaluate early interventions with fathers.(AU)
La participación paterna es importante, pero su evaluación sigue siendo desafiadora. En Brasil, el Inventário de Envolvimento Paterno (IFI-BR) demuestra ser adecuado para aplicar a padres de niños de 5 a 10 años de edad. No obstante, desde la perspectiva del desarrollo infantil y de las intervenciones preventivas, sería importante evaluar la participación de los padres de niños más jóvenes. Este estudio tuvo como objetivos: identificar limitaciones del IFI-BR cuando se aplica a padres de niños entre los 2 y 10 años y evaluar ítems para el IFI-BR-revisado. En Estudio 1, 434 padres con hijos en el jardín de infantes o escuela primaria respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico y el IFI-BR. Con base en el análisis de datos faltantes, estructura interna y exactitud, se sugirieron modificaciones para mantener la estructura interna original del instrumento. En Estudio 2, 572 padres respondieron un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la versión modificada del IFI-BR. Se compararon las frecuencias de datos faltantes y estimaciones de exactitud para los ítems originales y modificados, seleccionando aquellos que representaban mejor a esta muestra de padres para la versión revisada del IFI-BR. Estos resultados indicaron evidencia adecuada de validez, basada en el contenido de la versión revisada del IFI-BR, cuando se utilizó para evaluar la calidad de la participación de padres brasileños con niños en el jardín de infantes y en la escuela primaria. Después de verificada la evidencia adicional de validez, la versión revisada del IFI-BR se puede utilizar, por ejemplo, en estudios longitudinales y en la evaluación de intervenciones precoz con los padres.(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Paternity , Psychometrics , Family , Child Welfare , Anxiety , Paternal Behavior , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personality Development , Aptitude , Play and Playthings , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Reading , Assertiveness , School Health Services , Social Behavior , Social Justice , Social Support , Social Values , Sports , Stress, Psychological , Taboo , Teaching , Temperance , Time , Track and Field , Underachievement , Women , Women, Working , Women's Rights , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Child Custody , Single Parent , Marriage , Child, Abandoned , Child Advocacy , Child Care , Child Rearing , Mental Health , Family Health , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Parenting , Mental Competency , Family Planning Policy , Marital Status , Communication , Feminism , Behavioral Disciplines and Activities , Drawing , Counseling , Internet , Affect , Culture , Education, Primary and Secondary , Trust , Educational Status , Emotions , Empathy , Employee Discipline , Family Development Planning , Family Conflict , Child, Orphaned , Family Relations , Family Therapy , Father-Child Relations , Altruism , Masculinity , Social Skills , Work Performance , Work-Life Balance , School Teachers , Academic Performance , Androcentrism , Freedom , Egocentrism , Respect , Right to Work , Social Interaction , Gender Role , Sociodemographic Factors , Family Support , Family Structure , Psychological Well-Being , Working Conditions , Habits , Hostility , Human Development , Identification, Psychological , Income , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Love , Mothers , Music , Object AttachmentABSTRACT
A temática da formação do psicólogo no Brasil no campo da avaliação psicológica ocupa importante lugar na literatura científica da área, com enfoques e levantamentos diversos. Este trabalho procura agregar conhecimento ao campo por meio de reflexão teórica e vivencial sobre diretrizes formativas em avaliação psicológica, acompanhando a construção da própria Psicologia no país. Recorreu-se a um levantamento de informações disponíveis em periódicos, anais de eventos científicos e em sites de associações científicas de Psicologia, selecionando produções qualitativamente relevantes para retratar uma perspectiva longitudinal sobre a formação em processos de avaliação psicológica, acrescentando vivências e memórias construídas ao longo de várias décadas de atuação na área. Procurou-se caracterizar algumas ações implementadas no campo desde a regulamentação da profissão até os desafios contemporâneos, enfatizando contribuições significativas de diferentes pesquisadores e grupos de investigação científica no país. O principal destaque deste trabalho está em evidenciar que a área de avaliação psicológica se movimentou no sentido de alterar sua atenção sobre os instrumentais (testes e materiais psicológicos) para os processos psicológicos envolvidos nessa prática profissional exclusiva da Psicologia no Brasil. Finaliza-se o trabalho com novos desafios impostos para essa especialidade profissional na contemporaneidade.(AU)
Professional training occupies an important place in the field of psychological assessment, appearing in the scientific literature under various approaches and surveys. This study seeks to add knowledge to this topic by means of a theoretical and experiential reflection on education guidelines, following the constitution of Psychology itself in Brazil. A bibliographical survey was carried out on journals, annals of scientific events and websites of Psychology scientific associations, selecting relevant academic productions to portrayal longitudinal perspective on training in psychological assessment, adding experiences and memories built over several decades of work. The text characterizes some actions implemented in Psychology, from its regulation to contemporary challenges, emphasizing significant contributions from different researchers and research groups in the country. Its main highlight is in revealing that psychological assessment changed its focus from instruments (psychological tests and materials) towards psychological processes involved in this professional practice that are exclusive to Brazilian Psychology. In conclusion, the paper points to contemporary new challenges imposed to this profession.(AU)
La formación de psicólogos en Brasil en el campo de la evaluación psicológica es un tema que ocupa un lugar destacado en la literatura científica del área, con diferentes enfoques y planteamientos. Este trabajo pretende contribuir con la reflexión teórica y experiencial sobre los planteamientos de formación en evaluación psicológica, siguiendo la construcción de la propia Psicología en el país. Se recogió la información disponible en revistas, anales de eventos científicos y en las páginas web de asociaciones científicas de Psicología, seleccionando las producciones cualitativamente relevantes para caracterizar una perspectiva longitudinal sobre la formación en procesos de evaluación psicológica, sumándose a experiencias y memorias construidas a lo largo de décadas de experiencia en el campo. Se buscó caracterizar algunas acciones puestas en marcha en el campo desde la regulación de la profesión hasta los desafíos contemporáneos, destacando los aportes significativos de diferentes investigadores y grupos de investigación científica del país. El principal destaque de este trabajo es mostrar que el área de evaluación psicológica pasó a trasladar su atención de las herramientas (tests y materiales psicológicos) a los procesos psicológicos involucrados en esta práctica profesional exclusiva de la Psicología en Brasil. Se finaliza con los nuevos retos impuestos para esta especialidad profesional en la contemporaneidad.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Psychological Tests , Process Assessment, Health Care , Professional Training , Professional Practice , Psychological Phenomena , Psychology , Research , Science , Specialization , Work , Brazil , Data Collection , Congress , Guidelines as Topic , Knowledge , Curriculum , Test Taking Skills , HistoryABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem por objetivo problematizar o agenciamento entre a psicologia e o aparelho judiciário. Para tanto, tomamos a escala Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) - criada por Robert Hare para avaliar e mensurar a psicopatia - como um acontecimento analisador. Realizamos uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa que fez uso da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental como estratégias metodológicas. Os dados produzidos foram analisados à luz das obras de Foucault e de autores da criminologia crítica. Pensamos a psicologia e o aparelho judiciário como marcados por lógicas normativas que produzem práticas de controle sobre os modos de existir. Por este viés, ao se agenciar com dispositivos do sistema penal, determinadas práticas psi podem instrumentalizar os artefatos de controle e repressão. Em nosso percurso de pesquisa, realizamos uma revisão de literatura da produção acadêmica brasileira relativa à utilização da escala no país (2005-2018). Partindo da análise das publicações encontradas constatou-se que a maioria das pesquisas enfatizam as propriedades psicométricas da escala e reforçam a sua eficácia em predizer a reincidência criminal. Ademais, verificou-se que as publicações levantadas não analisam as implicações ético-políticas da aplicação da escala na execução penal, assim como não consideram a instituição prisional como produtora e mantenedora da delinquência. Por fim, questionamos se a escala PCL-R seria utilizada como mais um dispositivo de controle e gestão da vida das populações que são alvo do sistema penal brasileiro.(AU)
This essay aims to problematize the agency between Psychology and the court system. For this purpose, we take the Psychopathy Checklist Revised scale (PCL-R ) - created by Robert Hare to assess and measure psychopathy - as an analyzer event. We conducted a qualitative research that used bibliographic and documentary research as methodological strategies. The data produced were analyzed considering the works of Foucault and authors of critical criminology. We think psychology and the judiciary as marked by normative logics that produce control practices over the ways of existence. By this perspective, when used with devices of the penal system, certain psychological practices instrumentalize the artifacts of control and repression. In our research course, we conducted a literature review of the Brazilian academic production related to use of the scale in the country (2005-2018). Based on the analysis of the publications found, most studies emphasize the psychometric properties of the scale and reinforce its alleged effectiveness in predicting criminal recidivism. Moreover, we verified that the publications do not analyze the ethical-political implications that applying the scale produces in criminal execution, and disregards the prison institution as a producer of delinquency. Finally, we questioned if the PCL-R scale was used more as a device for controlling and administering the lives of populations that are targets of the prison system.(AU)
Este trabajo tiene como objetivo problematizar la agencia entre la psicología y el poder judicial. Para eso, tomamos la Escala Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R), creada por Robert Hare para evaluar y medir la psicopatía, como un "evento analítico". Realizamos una investigación cualitativa que hizo uso de la investigación bibliográfica y documental como estrategias metodológicas. Los datos producidos se analizaron a raíz de los trabajos de Foucault y autores de criminología crítica. Pensamos en la psicología y en el poder judicial como marcados por lógicas normativas que producen prácticas de control sobre las formas de existir. Debido a este sesgo, cuando se trata con dispositivos del sistema penal, ciertas prácticas "psi" instrumentalizan los artefactos de control y represión. En nuestro camino de investigación, realizamos una revisión de la literatura de la producción académica brasileña con respecto al uso de la escala en el país (2005-2018). Según el análisis de las publicaciones encontradas, se descubrió que la mayoría de los estudios enfatizan las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala y refuerzan su efectividad para predecir la recurrencia criminal. Además, se encontró que las publicaciones planteadas no analizaron las implicaciones ético-políticas que la aplicación de la Escala produce en la ejecución criminal, ni consideraron a la institución penitenciaria como productora y mantenedora de la delincuencia. Finalmente, nos preguntamos si la Escala PCL-R se usaría como otro dispositivo para controlar y administrar las vidas de las poblaciones que son objetivo del sistema penal brasileño.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Prisons , Judiciary , Forensic Psychology , Human Rights , Antisocial Personality Disorder , Anxiety , Pain , Psychology , Psychometrics , Psychopathology , Punishment , Social Isolation , Violence , Conscience , Criminology , Aggression , Diagnosis , Ethics , Apathy , Recidivism , Freedom , Homicide , MoraleABSTRACT
A Alienação Parental (AP) é uma modalidade de violência psicológica que pode ser identificada no contexto das disputas de pais pela guarda de crianças em tribunais de justiça, espaço que constitui uma rica fonte de dados para pesquisa. Com o objetivo de analisar a produção científica nacional e internacional sobre AP composta por estudos com amostras documentais judiciais, este estudo realizou uma revisão sistemática utilizando o protocolo PRISMA. A palavra-chave "parental alienation" e sua respectiva tradução para o português, "alienação parental", foram pesquisadas nas bases de dados Scopus, PsycNET, PubMed e Scielo. Foi consultado também o acervo de livros do Laboratório de Análise e Prevenção da Violência (Laprev/UFSCar). Das bases de dados pesquisadas foram selecionados cinco artigos, três brasileiros, um canadense e um italiano. Do acervo do laboratório, foi selecionado um livro brasileiro. Nos artigos selecionados, nota-se que a maioria das sentenças judiciais corroborava as conclusões dos documentos psicológicos. No entanto, as análises dos relatórios psicológicos realizadas pelos estudos brasileiros e italiano identificaram uma preocupante deficiência na avaliação psicológica de suspeitas de AP, com destaque para posturas enviesadas, inadequação das normas e da estrutura dos relatórios, avaliações psicológicas mal planejadas e fraco embasamento teórico. Essas constatações apontam urgente necessidade de desenvolvimento de estratégias de aprimoramento da avaliação psicológica, a fim de fortalecer a proteção e a garantia de direitos de crianças e adolescentes envolvidos em situações de litígio conjugal.(AU)
Parental Alienation (PA) is a modality of psychological violence identifiable in the context of child custody disputes in courts of law - institution that provides a rich source of research data. To analyze the national and international literature on PA of studies conducted with court documents, this study consists of a systematic review, performed according to the PRISMA guidelines, on the Scopus, PsycNET, PubMed, and Scielo databases, as well as in the library of the Laboratory of Analysis and Prevention of Violence (LAPREV/UFSCar), for articles including the keyword "parental alienation" and its respective Portuguese translation. The search provided six samples: five articles selected from the databases (three Brazilian, one Canadian, and one Italian) and a Brazilian book from the lab collection. Most judicial sentences analyzed in the selected studies corroborate the psychological reports conclusions. However, the psychological evaluation of alleged PA cases of Brazilian and Italian reports showed concerning deficiencies, with emphasis on biased opinions, lack of adequate standards, poorly planned assessments, and questionable theoretical background. These findings stress the urgent need to develop strategies for improving psychological assessments to strengthen the protection and guaranteeing the rights of children involved in marital litigation.(AU)
La alienación parental (AP) consiste en una violencia psicológica que ejerce uno de los progenitores por la custodia de los hijos en el contexto de disputas judiciales, donde hay una rica fuente de datos de investigación. Con el fin de analizar la producción científica nacional e internacional sobre AP a partir de estudios documentales judiciales, este estudio realizó una revisión sistemática siguiendo el protocolo PRISMA. La palabra clave "parental alienation" y su correspondiente traducción al portugués "alienação parental" norteó las búsquedas en las bases de datos Scopus, PsycNET, PubMed y SciELO. Se consultó también la colección en el Laboratório de Análise e Prevenção da Violência (LAPREV/UFSCar). Las búsquedas dieron como resultado cinco artículos: tres brasileños, uno canadiense y uno italiano. De la colección del laboratorio se seleccionó un libro brasileño. Se observó en los artículos seleccionados que la mayoría de las sentencias judiciales analizadas corroboraron las conclusiones de los informes psicológicos. Sin embargo, el análisis de los documentos psicológicos realizados por los estudios brasileños e italiano identificó una preocupante deficiencia en la evaluación psicológica de sospechosas de AP, destacándose las posturas sesgadas, la inadecuación entre las normas y la estructura de los informes psicológicos, y las evaluaciones psicológicas mal planificadas y con débil fundamentación teórica. Tales constataciones apuntan que hay una necesidad urgente de desarrollar estrategias que mejoran la evaluación psicológica a fin de fortalecer la protección y la garantía de los derechos de los niños y adolescentes involucrados en situaciones de litigio familiar.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Family Conflict , Forensic Psychology , Parents , Personality Assessment , Psychology , Violence , Child Custody , Parenting , Judicial Decisions , Dissent and Disputes , JurisprudenceABSTRACT
La aculturación proceso multidimensional que afecta a grupos étnicos que se enfrentan a una cultura distinta a la originaria, ha sido estudiada en su relación con la salud, encontrándose inconsistencia en diversos estudios, pudiendo deberse a los distintos instrumentos utilizados para medir este proceso. El objetivo de esta revisión de literatura es analizar las características y propiedades psicométricas de los instrumentos que miden la aculturaciónen minorías étnicas en ciertos procesos de salud. Revisión bibliográfica narrativa, cuyo propósito fue revisar investigaciones relacionadas a la medición de aculturación asociada a la salud en grupos étnicos, en las bases de datos de CINAHAL y PubMed, seleccionándolos de acuerdo al cumplimiento de criterios de inclusión y exclusión en los últimos 10 años. Son 13 los instrumentos de aculturación encontrados en la revisión, respecto a las características de los instrumentos de aculturación el 77% de ellos tiene un enfoque bidimensional, la medición del lenguaje y/o idioma es el dominio más utilizado,el 38% de estos instrumentospresentan un nivel de fiabilidad sobre lo aceptable (0,7). Las dimensiones consideradas en los instrumentos de aculturación son distintas entre un instrumento y otro, o no consideran todas las dimensiones involucradas en el proceso de aculturación. La fiabilidad y validez no es conocida en todos los instrumentos de aculturación utilizados pudiendo afectar la correcta comprensión e interpretación de los resultados obtenidos en estudio realizados en grupo étnicos.
The multidimensional acculturation process that affects ethnic groups that face a culture different from their original has been studied in their relationship with health, finding inconsistency in various studies. These inconsistencies may be due to the different instruments used to measure this process. The objective of this literature review is to analyze the characteristics and psychometric properties of the instruments that measure acculturation in ethnic minorities in particular health processes. Narrative bibliographic review, whose purpose was to review research related to the measurement of acculturation associated with health in ethnic groups, in the CINAHAL and PubMed databases, selecting them according to compliance with inclusion and exclusion criteria in the last 10 years. There are 13 acculturation instruments found in the review, regarding the characteristics of acculturation instruments 77% of them have a two-dimensional approach, the measurement of language or dialect is the most used domain, 38% of these instruments have a level of reliability over the acceptable (0.7). Acculturation instruments do not consider all the dimensions involved in the acculturation process, being also different between one instrument and another. Reliability and validity are not known in all acculturation instruments used and may affect the correct understanding and interpretation of the results obtained in ethnic group studies
Humans , Ethnic and Racial Minorities/psychology , Acculturation , Minority Groups/psychology , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Psychometrics , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Resumo O artigo teve como objetivo apresentar um levantamento sobre o perfil dos psicólogos brasileiros que utilizam testes psicológicos no que tange a sua(s) área(s) de atuação, ao uso que fazem dos instrumentos psicológicos em suas práticas e aos testes que utilizam com maior frequência no exercício profissional. Participaram do estudo 668 psicólogos, que exerciam a profissão, em média, a 14,06 anos (DP = 11,34). Os dados foram coletados em plataforma on-line, por meio de questionário que está sendo utilizado em vários países da América do Sul, divulgado a todos os psicólogos brasileiros com apoio de órgãos da classe. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que a Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde são as áreas mais prevalentes de atuação principal dos psicólogos brasileiros. Testes psicológicos são utilizados principalmente para fins psicodiagnósticos. Os grupos etários mais frequentemente cobertos pelas avaliações realizadas são adultos. Os testes psicológicos mais utilizados são destinados a avaliação de personalidade ou inteligência. A lista inclui Teste Palográfico, HTP, Rorschach, Bateria Fatorial de Personalidade e as Escalas Wechsler de Inteligência. Os testes projetivos/expressivos ou gráficos são os mais usuais para avaliação da personalidade. A maioria das respostas obtidas na análise dos cinco testes mais utilizados refere-se a algum teste considerado favorável para uso pelo Satepsi. Destaca-se a extensão da lista dos testes citados, o que indica que os psicólogos estão atentos aos novos instrumentos e às opções de que dispõem para qualificar as avaliações realizadas. Contudo, é grande o número de instrumentos utilizados que não têm avaliação certificada de suas propriedades técnicas.
Abstract This article presents a survey on the profile of Brazilian psychologists who use psychological tests regarding their area(s) of action, their use of psychological instruments in their practices and the tests they use more frequently in their professional practice. A total of 668 psychologists who practiced the profession participated in this study, having average 14.06 years (SD = 11.34). The data were collected with use of an online platform via a questionnaire that is being used in several countries of South America divulged to all Brazilian psychologists with the support of institutions related to the field. The results obtained evidenced that Clinical and Health Psychology are the most prevalent areas of action of Brazilian psychologists. Psychological tests are mainly used for psychodiagnostic purposes. The age groups most frequently covered by the assessments are adults. The most commonly used psychological tests serve for the evaluation of personality or intelligence. The list includes Palographic Test, HTP, Rorschach, Factorial Personality Battery and the Wechsler Intelligence Scales. Projective/expressive or graphical tests are the most common for personality assessment. Most of the answers obtained in the analysis of the five most used tests refer to some test considered favorable for use by Satepsi. It is worth noting the list of cited tests, which indicates that psychologists are attentive to new instruments and the options available to qualify the evaluations performed. However, there is a large number of instruments used that have no certified evaluation of their technical properties.
Resumen El artículo tuvo como objetivo presentar una encuesta sobre el perfil de los psicólogos brasileños que utilizan pruebas psicológicas en lo que se refiere a su/s área/s de actuación, al uso de los instrumentos psicológicos en sus prácticas y a las pruebas que utilizan con mayor frecuencia en el ejercicio profesional. Participaron en el estudio 668 psicólogos, que ejercían la profesión en un promedio de 14,06 años (DE = 11,34). Los datos fueron recopilados en la plataforma online por medio de un cuestionario que está siendo utilizado en varios países de América del Sur, divulgado a todos los psicólogos brasileños con apoyo de órganos profesionales. Los resultados obtenidos evidenciaron que la Psicología Clínica y de la Salud son las áreas más prevalentes de actuación principal de los psicólogos brasileños. Las pruebas psicológicas se utilizan principalmente para fines de psicodiagnóstico. Los grupos de edad más frecuentemente cubiertos por las evaluaciones realizadas son adultos. Las pruebas psicológicas más utilizadas se destinan a evaluar la personalidad o la inteligencia. La lista incluye Prueba Palográfica, HTP, Rorschach, Batería Factorial de Personalidad y las Escalas Wechsler de Inteligencia. Las pruebas proyectivas/expresivas o gráficas son las más usuales para evaluar la personalidad. La mayoría de las respuestas obtenidas en el análisis de las cinco pruebas más utilizadas se refieren a alguna prueba considerada favorable para su uso por Satepsi. Se destaca la extensión de la lista de las pruebas citadas, lo que indica que los psicólogos están atentos a los nuevos instrumentos y a las opciones de que disponen para calificar las evaluaciones realizadas. Sin embargo, hay un gran número de instrumentos utilizados que no tienen una evaluación certificada de sus propiedades técnicas.
Professional Practice , Psychological Tests , Psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Data Collection , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , World Health Organization , Health , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
In this study, we aimed to explore the relationship among miR-22, deep cerebral microbleeds (CMBs), and post-stroke depression (PSD) 1 month after ischemic stroke. We consecutively recruited 257 patients with first-ever and recurrent acute cerebral infarction and performed PSD diagnosis in accordance with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV criteria for depression. Clinical information, assessments of stroke severity, and imaging data were recorded on admission. We further detected plasma miR-22 using quantitative PCR and analyzed the relationship among miR-22, clinical data, and PSD using SPSS 23.0 software. Logistic regression showed that deep (OR=1.845, 95%CI: 1.006-3.386, P=0.047) and brain stem CMBs (OR=2.652, 95%CI: 1.110-6.921, P=0.040), as well as plasma miR-22 levels (OR=2.094, 95%CI: 1.066-4.115, P=0.032) were independent risk factors for PSD. In addition, there were significant differences in baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores (OR=1.881, 95%CI: 1.180-3.011, P=0.007) and Widowhood scores (OR=1.903, 95%CI: 1.182-3.063, P=0.012). Analysis of the receiver operating curve (AUC=0.723, 95%CI: 0.562-0.883, P=0.016) revealed that miR-22 could predict PSD one month after ischemic stroke. Furthermore, plasma miR-22 levels in brainstem and deep CMBs patients showed an upward trend (P=0.028) relative to the others. Patients with acute ischemic stroke, having brainstem and deep cerebral microbleeds, or a higher plasma miR-22 were more likely to develop PSD. These findings indicate that miR-22 might be involved in cerebral microvascular impairment and post-stroke depression.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Cerebral Hemorrhage/psychology , Brain Infarction/psychology , MicroRNAs/metabolism , Depression/psychology , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Recurrence , Socioeconomic Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Brain Stem/blood supply , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Biomarkers/metabolism , Cerebral Hemorrhage/metabolism , Acute Disease , Risk Factors , Depression/metabolismABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La evaluación de la salud mental en los servicios de salud no se realiza de forma regular, generando un subregistro diagnóstico que afecta la planificación y distribución de recursos. El Test Mini Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional es una entrevista breve y estructurada que permite diagnosticar los principales trastornos psiquiátricos; su confiabilidad es alta al compararla pruebas similares. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar la aplicación de éste instrumento entre la población que acude a las unidades de primer nivel de atención. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo-transversal con una muestra de 155 personas que acudieron a los centros de primer nivel de las parroquias urbanas y rurales del cantón Cuenca en el mes de abril de 2017. Se aplicó el test Mini Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional y una encuesta para recolectar información relacionada con las variables estudiadas. Los resultados fueron analizados en SPSS versión 25.0 RESULTADOS: El tiempo promedio de aplicación del Test fue 21.6 minutos sin diferencia importante entre sexo, edad e instrucción; y 20.93 minutos en quienes presentaron trastornos psiquiátricos. La depresión mayor fue la patología más frecuente, presente mayormente en personas viudas, sin instrucción y con discapacidad. CONCLUSIÓN: No existe diferencia importante entre el tiempo de aplicación del Test considerando las distintas variables demográficas respecto al modelo estándar; se lo considera como una herramienta útil para ser utilizado en el primer nivel de atención.(au)
BACKGROUND: The evaluation of mental health in health services is not carried out on a regular basis. This led to an underreport diagnosis that affected the planning and distribution of resources. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview is a brief and structured interview that allows diagnosing the main psychiatric disorders with high reliability when compared similar evaluations. The aim of this study was to characterize the application of this instrument in the population that went to the first level care units. METHODS: Cross-sectional descriptive study with a sample of 155 people who attended the first level centers of the urban and rural communities in Cuenca. The Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview and a survey were applied to collect additional information related to the studied variables. The results were analyzed in SPSS 25.0. RESULTS: The average time of application of the test was 21.6 minutes without significant difference between sex, age and instruction; and 20.93 minutes in those with psychiatric disorders. Depressive disorder was the most frequent and it was present in widowed, uneducated and disabled people. CONCLUSION: No significant difference was found between the test application times considering the different demographic variables with respect to the standard model, so it is considered as a useful tool to be used in the first level of care.(au)
Humans , Male , Female , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Mental Disorders/diagnosis , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Mass ScreeningABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Thyroid hormone deficiency during the neurodevelopmental period can impair brain development and induce psychiatric symptoms. This study examined the association between thyroid dysfunction and the severity of symptoms in schizophrenia patients, and the treatment response of patients with schizophrenia. METHODS: Three hundred thirty-eight schizophrenia patients, with no prior history of thyroid disease or taking medication associated with it, were studied. We assessed the blood thyroid hormone level, the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) scores on the day of admission and discharge, admission period, dose of administered antipsychotics, and the number of antipsychotic combinations. The collected data were subsequently analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Pearson's chi-square test. RESULTS: The percentage of schizophrenia patients who presented with abnormal thyroid hormone level was 24.6%. High total triiodothyronine (TT3) (p = 0.003), low TT3 (p = 0.001), and high free thyroxine (fT4) (p < 0.001) groups showed a higher BPRS score on admission than did the normal thyroid hormone group, while thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were not significantly correlated with the severity of symptoms. Furthermore, thyroid hormone was not associated with the treatment response assessed by the rate of BPRS score reduction, admission days, use of clozapine, and dose of antipsychotics. CONCLUSIONS: The TT3 and fT4 hormone levels were significantly associated with the severity of symptoms in schizophrenia patients. These relations suggested that thyroid dysfunction may be associated with the severity of schizophrenia. And hence, further analysis of the results of the thyroid function test, which is commonly used in cases of psychiatric admission, is required.
Humans , Antipsychotic Agents , Brain , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Clozapine , Inpatients , Schizophrenia , Thyroid Diseases , Thyroid Function Tests , Thyroid Gland , Thyroid Hormones , Thyrotropin , Thyroxine , TriiodothyronineABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: This study was performed to investigate the efficacy and tolerability of blonanserin in schizophrenic patients who were previously treated with other antipsychotics but, due to insufficient response, were switched to blonanserin. METHODS: A total of 52 patients with schizophrenia who were unresponsive to treatment with antipsychotic monotherapy or combination therapy were recruited into this 12-week, open-label, prospective, multicenter study. Patients were switched to blonanserin from their existing antipsychotics over a maximum 2-week tapering-off period. Efficacy was primarily evaluated using the 18-item Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Assessments were performed at baseline, and at weeks 1, 2, 4, 8, and 12. RESULTS: Switching to blonanserin resulted in a significant decrease in the mean total score on the BPRS from baseline (56.8 ± 9.4) to week 12 (42.1 ± 13.8, p < 0.001). The most common adverse events were extrapyramidal symptoms (n = 12, 23.1%), insomnia (n = 10, 19.2%), and emotional arousal (n = 6, 11.5%). Overweight or obese patients (body mass index ≥ 23 kg/m2, n = 33) who switched to blonanserin exhibited significant weight loss from 75.2 ± 9.3 kg at baseline to 73.5 ± 9.2 kg at week 12 (p = 0.006). The total cholesterol (baseline, 236.1 ± 47.6 mg/dl; endpoint [week 12], 209.9 ± 28.0 mg/dl; p = 0.005) and prolactin levels (baseline, 80.0 ± 85.2 ng/ml; endpoint [week 12], 63.2 ± 88.9 ng/ml; p = 0.003) were also significantly improved in patients with hypercholesterolemia or hyperprolactinemia. CONCLUSION: The results of the present study suggest that switching to blonanserin may be an effective strategy for schizophrenic patients unresponsive to other antipsychotic treatments.
Humans , Antipsychotic Agents , Arousal , Body Weight , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Cholesterol , Hypercholesterolemia , Hyperprolactinemia , Overweight , Prolactin , Prospective Studies , Schizophrenia , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Treatment Outcome , Weight LossABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study examined the functional disabilities of patients with chronic schizophrenia using WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) and its related factors. METHODS: The subjects consisted of 86 patients with schizophrenia with more than 10 years' duration of illness and 40 healthy volunteers. The functional disabilities and psychopathology were evaluated using the WHODAS 2.0 and 18-items Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS-18), respectively. This study analyzed the six sub-domains ('cognition', 'mobility', 'self-care', 'getting along', 'life activities', and 'participation') of WHODAS 2.0 and the four sub-scales ('positive symptoms', 'negative symptoms', 'affect', and 'resistance') of BPRS-18. RESULTS: Patients with chronic schizophrenia experienced severe functional disabilities across all six sub-domains of WHODAS 2.0 compared to healthy people. Hierarchical regression showed that 'negative symptoms' explained the disabilities in the WHODAS 2.0 sub-domains of 'cognition' (p<0.05), 'self-care' (p<0.05), 'getting along' (p<0.01), and 'life activities' (p<0.05). 'Positive symptoms' and 'affect' explained the disabilities in 'cognition' (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively) and 'participation' (p<0.05 and p<0.01, respectively). 'Resistance' was found to be a predictor of 'getting along' disabilities (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: Negative symptoms mainly accounted for the multiple domains of functional disabilities in the WHODAS 2.0 but residual positive and affective symptoms could also deteriorate the cognition and social participation of patients with chronic schizophrenia.
Humans , Affective Symptoms , Appointments and Schedules , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Cognition , Disability Evaluation , Global Health , Healthy Volunteers , Psychopathology , Schizophrenia , Social Participation , World Health OrganizationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: This study examined the admission type and its related factors among patients with psychotic disorders defined based on the revised mental health welfare law. METHODS: This study was conducted on a total of 100 patients diagnosed on the schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders. The admission type and sociodemographic characteristics were examined. Social support, psychopathology, excitement, insight, and social functioning were evaluated using the Social Support Scale, Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), PANSS excitement component, Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale, Global Assessment Functioning Scale, Strauss-Carpenter scale, Korean version of the Scale to Assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder, and Korean version of Beck Cognitive Insight Scale. RESULTS: The severity of psychotic symptoms, excitement, social functioning, and insight were significantly different between involuntary and voluntary admissions (p<0.05). Excitement and insight were found to be factors affecting the admission type (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Excitement and insight were factors mainly accounting for the admission type in patients with psychotic disorder. This study could be helpful in improving clinical decision-making and community mental health care.
Humans , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Clinical Decision-Making , Jurisprudence , Mental Disorders , Mental Health , Patient Admission , Psychopathology , Psychotic Disorders , Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders , SchizophreniaABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Patient insight is a very important factor in the management of schizophrenia. Manic symptoms can occasionally be identified by the patient, even in cases of schizophrenia. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among patient insight, the psychotic and manic symptoms, and the demographic clinical variables.METHODS: Seventy-four participants (male 44, female 30) with chronic schizophrenia in community mental health facilities were evaluated according to the Korean version of the Scale to assess Unawareness of Mental Disorder (SUMD-K), the Korean version of Mood Disorder Questionnaire (K-MDQ), and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS).RESULTS: The mean number of previous admissions was 3.85. The mean CGI-S score was 3.8 and a significant negative correlation (r=0.26) was shown with “awareness of mental disorder”. Thirty-five percent of subjects were K-MDQ positive (cutoff point=7 or more). Among the SUMD-K, “awareness of effect of medication” showed a significant negative correlation (r=−0.33) with the total K-MDQ score, but not with the total BPRS score. The negative correlation was more obvious in participants with negative K-MDQ (total K-MDQ score 6 or less, r=−0.31).CONCLUSION: A possible relationship was observed between these manic symptoms and patient insight. Identification of manic symptoms in schizophrenia would be considerable in a clinical setting.
Female , Humans , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Mental Disorders , Mental Health , Mood Disorders , SchizophreniaABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Schizophrenia (SZ) has been associated with the inflammatory-related and immunological pathogenesis. This study investigates the aberration of cytokines in patients with SZ. METHODS: Thirty patients with SZ without antipsychotic treatment for at least two weeks participated. We measured the serum levels of fourteen cytokines at hospital admission and after 8-week antipsychotic treatment. Severity was measured by expanded version of 24-items brief psychiatric rating scale (BPRS-E). Repeated measure analyses of variance were conducted. RESULTS: The interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) was significantly decreased after 8-week antipsychotic treatment than those of before antipsychotic treatment (F=12.15, df=1/30, p=0.002). Neural cell adhesion molecule 1/CD56 (NCAM-1/CD56) was significantly decreased (F=6.61, df=1/30, p=0.016) among those with second-generation antipsychotics but not first-generation antipsychotics treatment. The changes of BPRS-E-manic and BPRS-E-anxiety scores correlated with the baseline IL-1ra (r=-0.393), IL-6 (r=-0.407), and insulin like growth factor binding protein 3 (r=-0.446). Additionally, the changes of BPRS-E and BPRS-E-negative scores correlated with the changes of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (r=0.372) and interferon-gamma (r=0.375). CONCLUSION: Our study supports that IL-1ra and NCAM-1/CD56 may be considered as markers of developing SZ.
Humans , Antipsychotic Agents , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor , Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale , Carrier Proteins , Cytokines , Insulin , Interferon-gamma , Interleukin 1 Receptor Antagonist Protein , Interleukin-1 , Interleukin-6 , Neural Cell Adhesion Molecules , SchizophreniaABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychopathological features such as depression and anxiety in schizophrenics with obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) as well as the severity of OCS according to duration of schizophrenia. METHODS: We randomly selected sixty four inpatients with schizophrenia. We classified the patients into two groups (OCS group, non-OCS group) according to the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS). Clinical and demographic features were evaluated. To assess OCS, Y-BOCS were performed. The Korean version of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale(K-PANSS), the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS), the Korean version of the Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia (K-CDSS), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) were conducted. Independent t-test and chi-square test were conducted to compare the two groups. Pearson correlation analysis was performed to examine the relationship between the duration of schizophrenia and the Y-BOCS score. RESULTS: The Y-BOCS, K-CDSS, and BAI scores were higher in the OCS group. There was a significant correlation between the duration of schizophrenia and the Y-BOCS score. CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety and depression symptoms were severe in the OCS group. In addition, the results of this study indicate that the longer duration of schizophrenia, the more severe the OCS. Therefore, the evaluation of OCS in schizophrenics should be accompanied by treatment intervention.