This study aimed to evaluate methods for studying the in vitro antimicrobial activity of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) against Brucella abortus and to evaluate the antagonistic effect of LAB on the viability of this pathogen. A total of 18 LAB strains (Lactobacillus plantarum, n = 11; Pediococcus acidilactici, n = 1; Lactobacillus rhamnosus, n = 4; and Lactobacillus brevis,n = 2), isolated from Minas artisanal cheeses produced in three regions (Canastra, Campos das Vertentes, and Araxá) of Minas Gerais State, Brazil, were tested for their antimicrobial activity against B. abortus using three methods: spot-on-lawn, agar well diffusion assay, and antagonistic activity of the culture supernatants. None of the tested LAB strains could inhibit B. abortus in the spot-on-lawn and agar-well diffusion assays. The supernatants produced by LAB had an acidic pH, with intensity depending on bacterial growth and strain, and could inhibit the growth of B. abortus. In contrast, pH-neutralized (pH 7.0) LAB supernatants did not suppress the growth of B. abortus. The results showed that the best technique to study the in vitro antagonism of LAB against B. abortus was the antagonistic activity of culture supernatants. The growth of B. abortus may have been inhibited by acid production.(AU)
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar métodos de estudo in vitro da atividade antimicrobiana de bactérias lácticas contra Brucella abortus e avaliar o efeito antagônico das mesmas sobre a viabilidade deste patógeno. Um total de 18 amostras de bactérias lácteas (Lactobacillus plantarum, n = 11; Pediococcus acidilactici, n = 1; Lactobacillus rhamnosus, n = 4; e Lactobacillus brevis, n = 2), isoladas de exemplares de Queijo Minas Artesanal produzidos em três regiões (Canastra, Campos das Vertentes e Araxá) do estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil, foram testados quanto à sua atividade antimicrobiana contra B. abortus usando três métodos: spot-on-lawn, ensaio de difusão em poço e atividade antagonista de sobrenadante de cultura. Nenhuma das cepas testadas foi capaz de inibir B. abortus nos ensaios spot-on-lawm e de difusão em poço. Os sobrenadantes produzidos pelas bactérias lácteas apresentaram pH ácido, com intensidade dependente do crescimento bacteriano e da amostra, podendo inibir o crescimento de B. abortus. Em contraste, os sobrenadantes com pH neutralizado (pH 7,0) não inibiram o crescimento de B. abortus. Os resultados mostraram que a melhor técnica para estudar o antagonismo in vitro de bactérias lácteas contra B. abortus foi a atividade antagonista de sobrenadante de cultura. O crescimento de B. abortus pode ter sido inibido pela produção de ácido.(AU)
Lactobacillaceae/isolation & purification , Cheese/microbiology , Microbiota , Brazil , Brucella abortus , Food SupplyABSTRACT
A brucelose é uma doença bacteriana de grande importância para a economia pecuária e para a saúde pública por se tratar de uma zoonose. É uma doença infecto-contagiosa que tem com agente etiológico bactérias do gênero Brucella. Em bovinos, as espécies do gênero é a Brucella abortus, que são cocobacilos gram negativo, intracelulares facultativos, imóveis e não esporulado. A infecção apresenta evolução crônica e acomete animais de todas as idades, sendo mais frequente em indivíduos sexualmente maduros. O objetivo desse trabalho é investigar, por meio da sorologia para brucelose bovina, utilizando a técnica do ELISA indireto, amostras de animais reagentes abatidos em frigoríficos inspecionados no estado da Bahia. Foram utilizados 666 animais, selecionados aleatoriamente no momento do abate. O sangue foi coletado com finalidade de obtenção de soro, todas as amostras foram submetidas à prova de triagem do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), prova do 2mercaptoetanol (2-ME) e ELISA Indireto. Das amostras reagentes no teste do AAT, obteve-se uma prevalência estimada em 1,2%. A prevalência no teste do ELISA foi de 13,21% (n=86). Esse resultado sugere a ocorrência de falsos negativos quando se utiliza a prova do antígeno acidificado tamponado.
Brucellosis is a bacterial disease of great importance to the livestock economy and to public health because it is a zoonosis. It is an infectious disease that has etiologic agent with bacteria of the genus Brucella. In cattle, the species of the genus Brucella is Brucella abortus that are gram negative, facultative intracellular, real estate and not sporulated. The infection presents chronic and affects animals of all ages, being more frequent in sexually mature individuals. This study aimed to investigate through serology for brucellosis, using the technique of indirect ELISA, samples from positive animals slaughtered in slaughterhouses inspected in the state of Bahia. A total of 666 animals were used, randomly selected at the time of slaughter. Blood was collected in order to obtain serum, all samples were subjected to a screening test Antigen Buffered Acidified (AAT), proof of 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and Indirect ELISA. Of reagents in the test samples of AAT obtained an estimated prevalence of 1.2%. The prevalence in the ELISA test was 13.21% (n = 86). This result suggests the occurrence of false negatives when using the buffered acidified antigen test.
Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus , Brucellosis, Bovine/diagnosis , Cattle/abnormalities , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/veterinary , Bacterial Zoonoses/diagnosis , PrevalenceABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción. La Brucelosis bovina, es una enfermedad bacteriana e infecto contagiosa, causada por Brucella abortus. Se transmite a través de la ingestión de forrajes y aguas contaminadas con descargas vaginales infectadas, que conlleva a una patología del sistema reproductor en bovinos, que impactan la sanidad pecuaria y la economía de la agroindustria. Objetivo. Evaluar el comportamiento de la brucelosis bovina en el municipio de Aguazul, Casanare (Colombia) y los factores asociados al desarrollo de esta enfermedad. Metodología. Estudio descritptivo de 26.187 muestras de suero sanguíneo de ganado bovino evaluadas, que corresponden a 260 predios del municipio de Aguazul. Se empleó técnicas serológicascomo rosa de bengala, fluorescencia polarizada y ELISA competitiva para la evaluación de positividad a Brucella abortus y se evaluaron las pérdidas económicas asociadas a positividad en los ensayos de laboratorio. Resultados y conclusiones. La positividad a brucelosis bovina correspondió al 1%, que corresponde a hembras menores de 24 meses de edad y entre 37 a 48 meses y, machos entre los 57 a 68 meses de edad. Se sugiere consolidar esfuerzos en investigación para evaluar los factores que contribuyen a la seropositividad en el ganado y el riesgo para la propagación y mantenimiento de la enfermedad.
Abstract Introduction. Bovine brucellosis is a contagious bacterial and infectious disease caused by Brucella abortus. It is transmitted through the ingestion of forage and water contaminatedwith infected vaginal discharges, which leads to a pathology of the reproductive system inbovines, which impacts livestock health and the economy of agribusiness. Aim. To evaluatethe behavior of bovine brucellosis in the municipality of Aguazul, Casanare (Colombia) and the factors associated with the development of this disease. Methodology. Descriptive study of 26,187 bovine blood serum samples evaluated, corresponding to 260 farms in the municipality of Aguazul. Serological techniques such as rose bengal, polarized fluorescence, and competitive ELISA were used to evaluate positivity to Brucella abortus and the economic losses associated with positivity in laboratory tests were evaluated. Results and conclusions. The positivity to bovine brucellosis corresponded to 1%, which corresponds to females under 24 months of age and between 37 to 48 months and males between 57 to 68 months of age. It is suggested to consolidate research efforts to evaluate the factors that contribute to seropositivity in cattle and the risk for the spread and maintenance of the disease
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Brucellosis, Bovine , Brucella abortus , Communicable Diseases , AgribusinessABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de animais soro reagentes à brucelose bovina em fazendas localizadas no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, por meio de exame sorológico utilizando o Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) e discutir as possíveis diferenças entre as soroprevalências de fêmeas e machos. Foram avaliados, a partir do teste de triagem com Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT), 724 bovinos da raça Nelore, sendo 274 machos e 450 fêmeas, provenientes de oito propriedades com histórico de problemas reprodutivos. O teste foi procedido conforme o protocolo determinado pelo Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA). Os resultados demonstraram baixa soroprevalência da doença nos bovinos testados, sendo detectada prevalência para a doença de 1,10% nos machos e 2,88% nas fêmeas.Quando se considera o touro isoladamente nos rebanhos, pode-se perceber que a fertilidade é muito mais importante nos machos do que nas fêmeas individualmente, uma vez que os touros podem se acasalar com um número muito maior de fêmeas, seja na monta natural ou na inseminação artificial, demonstrando a importância do inquérito epidemiológico na população geral, principalmente nos machos. A maior frequência da doença foi encontrada nas fêmeas podendo estar relacionada à infecção por Brucella spp. no ambiente decorrente de parto ou aborto tornando as fêmeas transmissoras permanentes da doença.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the occurrence of seroreactive animals to bovine brucellosis in farms located in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul, by means of a serological examination using the Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT) and to discuss the possible differences between the seroprevalence of females and males. A total of 724 Nellore cattle, 274 males and 450 females, from eight farms with a history of reproductive problems, were evaluated using the screening test with Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT). The test was carried out according to the protocol determined by the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply (MAPA).The results showed a low seroprevalence of the disease in the tested cattle, with a prevalence of 1.10% in males and 2.88% in females.When considered the bull alone in herds, it can be shown that fertility is much more important in males than in females individually, since bulls can mate with a much larger number of females, either in natural mating or in artificial insemination, demonstrating the importance of epidemiological survey in the general population, especially in males. The highest frequency of the disease was found in females and may be related to infection by Brucella spp. in the environment from childbirth or abortion making females permanent transmitters of the disease.
Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus/pathogenicity , Brucellosis, Bovine/diagnosis , Serologic Tests/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Seroepidemiologic Studies , Health Surveys/methods , Abortion, Veterinary/pathology , FarmsABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to identify twelve Brucella abortus isolates of bovine origin from the department of Nariño in Colombia up to the biovar level. These isolates are included in the collection of the Germplasm Bank of Microorganisms of Animal Health Interest -Bacteria and Virus (BGSA-BV). The identification was carried out through conventional methods such as macro and microscopic morphological descriptions, enzymatic activity, biochemical profile, substrate use and sensitivity to dyes. Complementary genotypic characterization was carried out using multiplex PCR for B. abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis, and Brucella suis-Erytritol (AMOS-ERY-PCR), RFLP-IS711, by southern blot hybridization, as well as by the multiple locus variable number of tandem repeat analysis (MLVA) using the ery gene and the insertion sequence IS711 and variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR) as molecular markers. The results of the phenotypic and molecular characterization allowed to identify twelve isolates as B. abortus biovar 4 as well as to differentiate field from vaccine strains. This is the first study on the phenotypic and molecular identification of B. abortus isolates in Colombia. It was concluded that the phenotypic and molecular identification of twelve isolates as B. abortus biovar 4 could be achieved using conventional and molecular techniques with enough resolution power. The identification of these isolates to the biovar level in taxonomic and epidemiological terms will allow the use of this genetic resource as reference strains in future research. This finding constitutes the basis for identifying biotypes not previously reported in the country that might be useful to support brucellosis survey programs in Colombia.
El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar 12 aislamientos de Brucella abortus de origen bovino procedentes del departamento de Narino, Colombia, hasta la descripción de biovar. Estos aislamientos conforman la colección del Banco de Germoplasma de Microorganismos de Interés en Salud Animal, Bacterias y Virus. La identificación se hizo mediante métodos convencionales, como la descripción morfológica macro y microscópica de actividad enzimática, de perfiles bioquímicos, de utilización de sustratos y de sensibilidad a colorantes. Se hizo una caracterización genotipica complementaria mediante PCR múltiple para Brucella abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovisy Brucella suis-eritritol (AMOS-ERY-PCR); RFLP-/S7II; hibridación Southern blot y análisis multi-locus de repeticiones en tándem de número variable (MLVA), empleando como marcadores moleculares el gen ery, la secuencia de inserción /S711 y el número variable de repeticiones en tándem (VNTR). Los resultados de la caracterización fenotípica y molecular permitieron identificar 12 aislamientos de campo como B. abortus biovar 4 y diferenciar cepas de campo de cepas vacunales. Este es el primer estudio de identificación fenotípica y molecular de aislamientos de B. abortus en Colombia. Por su importancia taxonómica y epidemiológica, la identificación de estos aislamientos hasta el nivel de biovar permitirá disponer de recursos genéticos que se pueden emplear como cepas de referencia en futuras investigaciones. Estos resultados pueden considerarse como una base para la identificación de biotipos no reportados en el país y podrán ser utilizados en programas de monitoreo y vigilancia de la brucelosis bovina en Colombia.
Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus/isolation & purification , Brucellosis, Bovine/microbiology , Phenotype , Brucella abortus/classification , Brucella abortus/genetics , Brucella abortus/ultrastructure , Brucellosis, Bovine/epidemiology , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , Biomarkers , Bacteriological Techniques , Colombia/epidemiology , Biological Specimen Banks , Minisatellite Repeats , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genes, Bacterial , GenotypeABSTRACT
La brucelosis es una de las enfermedades zoonóticas más importantes a nivel mundial capaz de producir enfermedad crónica en los seres humanos. La localización osteoarticular es la presentación más común de la enfermedad activa en el hombre. Sin embargo, algunos de los mecanismos moleculares implicados en la enfermedad osteoarticular han comenzado a dilucidarse recientemente. Brucella abortus induce daño óseo a través de diversos mecanismos en los cuales están implicados TNF-α y RANKL. En estos procesos participan células inflamatorias que incluyen monocitos/macrófagos, neutrófilos, linfocitos T del tipo Th17 y linfocitos B. Además, B. abortus puede afectar directamente las células osteoarticulares. La bacteria inhibe la deposición de la matriz ósea por los osteoblastos y modifica el fenotipo de estas células para producir metaloproteinasas de matriz (MMPs) y la secreción de citoquinas que contribuyen a la degradación del hueso. Por otro lado, la infección por B. abortus induce un aumento en la osteoclastogénesis, lo que aumenta la resorción de la matriz ósea orgánica y mineral y contribuye al daño óseo. Dado que la patología inducida por Brucella afecta el tejido articular, se estudió el efecto de la infección sobre los sinoviocitos. Estos estudios revelaron que, además de inducir la activación de estas células para secretar quemoquinas, citoquinas proinflamatorias y MMPs, la infección inhibe la muerte por apoptosis de los sinoviocitos. Brucella es una bacteria intracelular que se replica en el retículo endoplásmico de los macrófagos. El análisis de los sinoviocitos infectados con B. abortus indicó que las bacterias también se multiplican en el retículo endoplasmático, lo que sugiere que la bacteria podría usar este tipo celular para la multiplicación intracelular durante la localización osteoarticular de la enfermedad. Los hallazgos presentados en esta revisión intentan responder a preguntas sobre los mediadores inflamatorios implicados en el daño osteoarticular causado por Brucella. (AU)
Brucellosis is one of the most important zoonotic diseases that can produce chronic disease in humans worldwide. Osteoarticular involvement is the most common presentation of human active disease. The molecular mechanisms implicated in bone damage have started to be elucidated. B. abortus induces bone damage through diverse mechanisms in which TNF-α and RANKL are implicated. These processes are driven by inflammatory cells, including monocytes/macrophages, neutrophils, Th17 lymphocytes and B cells. Also, Brucella abortus (B. abortus) can directly affect osteoarticular cells. The bacterium inhibits bone matrix deposition by osteoblast and modifies the phenotype of these cells to produce matrix methalloproteinases (MMPs) and cytokine secretion that contribute to bone matrix degradation. B. abortus also affects osteoclast increasing mineral and organic bone matrix resorption and contributing to bone damage. Since the pathology induced by Brucella species involves joint tissue, experiments conducted in sinoviocytes revealed that besides inducing the activation of these cells to secrete chemokines, proinflammatory cytokines and MMPS, the infection also inhibits sinoviocyte apoptosis. Brucella is an intracellular bacterium that replicate in the endoplasmic reticulum of macrophages. The analysis of B. abortus infected sinoviocytes indicated that bacteria also replicate in their reticulum suggesting that the bacterium could use this cell type for intracellular replication during the osteoarticular localization of the disease. The findings presented in this review try to answer key questions about the inflammatory mediators involved in osteoarticular damage caused by Brucella. (AU)
Humans , Animals , Osteoarthritis/pathology , Brucella abortus/pathogenicity , Brucellosis/pathology , Osteoarthritis/immunology , Osteoblasts/pathology , Osteocytes/microbiology , Osteogenesis/immunology , Brucella abortus/immunology , Brucellosis/etiology , Brucellosis/immunology , B-Lymphocytes/pathology , Cytokines/adverse effects , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/adverse effects , Matrix Metalloproteinases/chemical synthesis , RANK Ligand/adverse effects , Th17 Cells/pathology , Synoviocytes/immunology , Macrophages/pathology , Neutrophils/pathologyABSTRACT
The objective this study was to evaluate the occurrence of small ruminants seropositive for Brucella abortus in Sergipe, Brazil. Samples of sheep (1,200) and goats (675) serum blood was collected from 101 farms of 25 counties of the three mesoregions of the state. The technique of Acidified Buffered Acid stained with Rose Bengal (RB) was used and all samples confirmed a positive result using the 2-Mercaptoethanol technique. Four (0.21%) seropositive animals were diagnosed by technique AAT stained with RB, three sheep's (0.25%) and a goat (0.15%), were confirmed by the 2ME test. In all the positive properties, the intercropping of small ruminants with cattle was adopted, favoring the contact with the agent. The prevalence of anti-B. abortus antibodies in herds of small ruminants in Sergipe is described for the first time, and is low, however, it is important to identify seropositive animals to be discarded due to their zoonotic potential.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar a ocorrência de pequenos ruminantes soropositivos para Brucella abortus em Sergipe, Brasil, a partir de 1.200 amostras de soro sanguíneo de ovinos e 675 de caprinos, oriundos de 101 propriedades de 25 municípios das três mesorregiões do estado, nas quais foi empregada a técnica do Antígeno Acidificado Tamponado (AAT) corado com Rosa Bengala (RB) como triagem e do 2-Mercaptoetanol (2ME) como confirmatória. Foram diagnosticados 4 animais (0,21%) soropositivos pela técnica de AAT corado com RB, 3 ovelhas (0,25%) e 1 cabra (0,15%), que posteriormente foram confirmados pelo teste de 2ME. Em todas as propriedades positivas era adotada a criação consorciada de pequenos ruminantes com bovinos, favorecendo o contato com o agente causador. A ocorrência de anticorpos anti-B. abortus em rebanhos sergipanos de pequenos ruminantes é descrita pela primeira vez, e mostra-se baixa; entretanto, é importante a identificação de animais soropositivos para que sejam descartados, devido seu potencial zoonótico.(AU)
Animals , Ruminants , Brucella abortus , Sheep , Serologic Tests/methodsABSTRACT
Bovine brucellosis (BB) is a compulsory notifiable bacterial disease caused by Brucella abortus, which is responsible for severe reproductive disorders in cattle, considerable damages to trade and public health damage. The objectives of this study were to identify the frequency of BB and to analyze the risk factors in the dairy herds of the Rio Branco microregion, in the state of Acre, Brazil. Thus, 527-bovine-serological samples were submitted to the buffered acidified antigen test and to 2-mercaptoethanol. Risk factors were characterized by the administration of epidemiological questionnaires. The logistic regression test was used to evaluate the existence of a significant association between the variables. The frequency of BB in the Rio Branco microregion was 10.6% (56/527). The inappropriate destination of the aborted fetus and placental remnants (odds ratio OR = 13.6), the slaughter of cattle within the property (OR = 3.4) and the age range above 4 years old (OR = 2.9) were the most significant risk factors identified by the logistic regression model. According to the results of this study, it is recommended to intensify BB control and prophylaxis measures in the microregion of Rio Branco, especially those related to sanitary and reproductive management in the livestock breeding.(AU)
A brucelose bovina (BB) é uma bacteriose de notificação obrigatória, causada pela Brucella abortus, responsável por distúrbios reprodutivos graves em bovinos, prejuízos consideráveis ao comércio e agravos em saúde pública. Objetivaram-se com este estudo identificar a frequência de BB e analisar os fatores de risco nos rebanhos leiteiros da microrregião de Rio Branco, Acre. Assim, 527 amostras sorológicas de bovinos foram submetidas ao teste do antígeno acidificado tamponado e ao 2-mercaptoetanol. Os fatores de risco foram caracterizados por aplicação de questionários epidemiológicos. Utilizou-se o teste de regressão logística para avaliar a existência de associação significativa entre as variáveis. A frequência da BB na microrregião de Rio Branco foi de 10,6% (56/527). O destino inadequado do feto abortado e restos placentários (odds ratio OR = 13,6), o abate de bovinos na propriedade (OR = 3,4) e a faixa etária acima de 4 anos (OR = 2,9) foram os fatores de risco mais significativos apontados pelo modelo de regressão logística. Conforme os resultados deste estudo, recomenda-se a intensificação nas medidas de controle e profilaxia da BB na microrregião de Rio Branco, sobretudo relacionadas ao manejo sanitário e reprodutivo nas criações.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Ruminants , Brucellosis, Bovine , Brucella abortus , Cattle , Serologic TestsABSTRACT
Abstract The objective of this study was to standardize and validate the dot-blot test for the serological diagnosis of bovine brucellosis, compare the results with those found in the 2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) and complement fixation test (CF), and estimate the relative sensitivity and specificity of the dot-blot compared to these tests. Fifty bovine blood serum samples were used for the test standardization, and 1315 samples were used for evaluation and comparison between the tests; the results were compared using the Kappa indicator. At the end of standardization, it was established as optimal for the antigen obtained from Brucella abortus B19 after passing through a microorganism rupture process, the blood serum samples diluted at 1:100, and the conjugate at 1:30,000. The comparison of the dot-blot results with 2-ME showed Kappa index of 0.9939, sensitivity of 99.48%, and specificity 99.91%, with CF, Kappa index of 0.8226, sensitivity 100% and specificity 95.32%. Using the combination of the test results 2-ME and CF to establish the true condition of the animal, the dot-blot showed relative sensitivity of 100%, and relative specificity of 99.91%. The evaluated test proved to be effective and reliable, besides being easy to handle and interpret the results.
Animals , Cattle , Brucella abortus/isolation & purification , Brucellosis/veterinary , Serologic Tests/methods , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Brucella abortus/immunology , Brucellosis/diagnosis , Brucellosis/microbiology , Brucellosis/blood , Serologic Tests/instrumentation , Cattle Diseases/microbiology , Cattle Diseases/blood , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
Brucella canis, un patógeno intracelular facultativo, es responsable de la brucelosis canina, una enfermedad zoonótica que afecta a los caninos y al hombre. En los primeros causa abortos y fallas reproductivas; en el ser humano genera síntomas inespecíficos. En el año 2005 se demostró la presencia de B. canis en Antioquia (Colombia). Las cepas halladas se identificaron como tipo 2. La secuenciación del genoma completo de una cepa de campo denominada Brucella canis str. Oliveri mostró indels específicos de especie; a partir de estos se buscó conocer características genómicas de las cepas de B. canis aisladas y establecer relaciones filogenéticas, así como el tiempo de divergencia de la cepa Oliveri. Se realizó PCR convencional y secuenciación de 30 cepas de campo, se identificaron 5 indels reconocidos en B. canis str. Oliveri, se empleó ADN de Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis y cepas vacunales de Brucella abortus como controles. Se determinó que las cepas de campo estudiadas comparten 4 de los 5 indels de la cepa Oliveri, lo que indica la presencia de más de una cepa de B. canis circulando en la región. El análisis filogenético se realizó con 24 cepas de Brucella mediante secuencias concatenadas de genes marcadores de especie. Se probó la hipótesis del reloj molecular y adicionalmente se realizó test de tasas relativas de Tajima. De esta manera se demostró que la cepa Oliveri, al igual que las otras cepas de B. canis analizadas, divergen de B. suis. Se rechazó la hipótesis del reloj molecular entre las especies de Brucella y se demostró una tasa de evolución y una distancia genética similar entre las cepas de B. canis.
Brucella canis is a facultative intracellular pathogen responsible for canine brucellosis, a zoonotic disease that affects canines, causing abortions and reproductive failure; and the production of non-specific symptoms in humans. In 2005 the presence of B. canis in Antioquia was demonstrated and the strains were identified as type 2. The sequencing of the genome of a field strain denoted Brucella canis str. Oliveri, showed species-specific indel events, which led us to investigate the genomic characteristics of the B. canis strain isolated and to establish the phylogenetic relationships and the divergence time of B. canis str. Oliveri. Conventional PCR sequencing was performed in 30 field strains identifying 5 indel events recognized in B. canis str. Oliveri. ADN from Brucella suis, Brucella melitensis and vaccine strains from Brucella abortus were used as control, and it was determined that all of the studied field strains shared 4 out of the 5 indels of the sequenced Oliveri strain, indicating the presence of more than one strain circulating in the region. Phylogenetic analysis was performed with 24 strains of Brucella using concatenated sequences of genetic markers for species differentiation. The molecular clock hypothesis and Tajima's relative rate test were tested, showing that the Oliveri strain, similarly to other canis species, diverged from B. suis. The molecular clock hypothesis between Brucella species was rejected and an evolution rate and a similar genetic distance between the B. canis were demonstrated.
Animals , Dogs , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Phylogeny , Genetic Variation , Brucella canis , Brucella abortus , Brucellosis/veterinary , Zoonoses , Brucella melitensis , Brucella canis/isolation & purification , Brucella canis/geneticsABSTRACT
Brucellosis is an emerging infectious disease affecting humans and animals. In this study, we investigated the in vitro and in vivo effects of tannic acid (TA) against Brucella abortus infection. After infection, F-actin polymerization and mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) (ERK 1/2 and p38α) phosphorylation were reduced in TA-treated cells compared with that in control cells. The mice were infected via an intraperitoneal route and were orally given TA or phosphate-buffered saline for 14 days. Spleen weights of the TA-treated and control mice were not different; however, splenic proliferation of B. abortus was significantly reduced in the TA-treated group. Immune response analysis showed that, compared with the control group, non-infected TA-treated mice displayed increased levels of interferon-γ (IFN-γ), monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), and interleukin-10 at 3 days post-infection and a further increase in IFN-γ and MCP-1 at 14 days post-infection. In contrast, compared with the control group, infected TA-treated mice displayed elevated levels of IFN-γ at 3 days post-infection, which continued to increase at 14 days post-infection, as was also observed for tumor necrosis factor. Taken together, the results showing TA activation of cytokine production and inhibition of bacterial proliferation in the host highlight a potential use of TA treatment in the control of Brucella infection.
Animals , Humans , Mice , Actins , Brucella abortus , Brucella , Brucellosis , Chemokine CCL2 , Communicable Diseases, Emerging , Cytokines , In Vitro Techniques , Interleukin-10 , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases , Phosphorylation , Polymerization , Polymers , Spleen , Tannins , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha , Weights and MeasuresABSTRACT
Brucella abortus is a bacterium that causes brucellosis and is the causative agent of worldwide zoonoses. Pathogenesis of the B. abortus infection is complicated, and several researchers have attempted to elucidate the infection mechanism of B. abortus. While several proteins have been revealed as pathogenic factors by previous researchers, the underlying mechanism of B. abortus infection is unresolved. In this study, we identified proteins showing different expression levels in B. abortus mutants with different biological characteristics that were generated by random insertion of a transposon. Five mutants were selected based on biological characteristics, in particular, their growth features. Total proteins of mutant and wild-type B. abortus were purified and subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Thirty protein spots of each mutant with expression increases or decreases were selected; those with a change of more than 2-fold were compared with the wild-type. Selected spots underwent liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for peptide analysis. DnaK and ClpB, involved in protein aggregation, increased. SecA and GAPDH, associated with energy metabolism, decreased in some mutants with a growth rate slower than that of the wild-type. Mutants with slower growth showed a decrease in energy metabolism-related proteins, while mutants with faster growth showed an increase in pathogenicity-related proteins.
Brucella abortus , Brucella , Brucellosis , Chromatography, Liquid , Electrophoresis, Gel, Two-Dimensional , Energy Metabolism , Population Characteristics , Sequence Analysis, Protein , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , ZoonosesABSTRACT
Salmonella is an intracellular pathogen with a cellular infection mechanism similar to that of Brucella, making it a suitable choice for use in an anti-Brucella immune boost system. This study explores the efficacy of a Salmonella Typhimurium delivery-based combination vaccine for four heterologous Brucella antigens (Brucella lumazine synthase, proline racemase subunit A, outer-membrane protein 19, and Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase) targeting brucellosis in goats. We inoculated the attenuated Salmonella delivery-based vaccine combination subcutaneously at two different inoculation levels; 5 × 10⁹ colony-forming unit (CFU)/mL (Group B) and 5 × 10¹⁰ CFU/mL (Group C) and challenged the inoculations with virulent Brucella abortus at 6 weeks post-immunization. Serum immunoglobulin G titers against individual antigens in Salmonella immunized goats (Group C) were significantly higher than those of the non-immunized goats (Group A) at 3 and 6 weeks after vaccination. Upon antigenic stimulation, interferon-γ from peripheral blood mononuclear cells was significantly elevated in Groups B and C compared to that in Group A. The immunized goats had a significantly higher level of protection as demonstrated by the low bacterial loads in most tissues from the goats challenged with B. abortus. Relative real-time polymerase chain reaction results revealed that the expression of Brucella antigens was lower in spleen, kidney, and lung of immunized goats than of non-immunized animals. Also, treatment with our combination vaccine ameliorated histopathological lesions induced by the Brucella infection. Overall, the Salmonella Typhimurium delivery-based combination vaccine was effective in delivering immunogenic Brucella proteins, making it potentially useful in protecting livestock from brucellosis.
Animals , Bacterial Load , Brucella abortus , Brucella Vaccine , Brucella , Brucellosis , Goats , Immunoglobulin G , Kidney , Livestock , Lung , Proline , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Salmonella typhimurium , Salmonella , Spleen , Stem Cells , Superoxides , VaccinationABSTRACT
Brucellosis is one of the common zoonoses caused by Brucella abortus (B. abortus). However, little has been reported on factors affecting invasion of B. abortus into host cells. To investigate cell-type dependent invasion of B. abortus, phagocytic RAW 264.7 and THP-1 cells and non-phagocytic HeLa cells were infected with wild-type and mutant B. abortus, and their invasion efficiencies were compared. The invasion efficiencies of the strains were cell-type dependent. Wild-type B. abortus invasion efficiency was greater in phagocytic cells than in epithelial cells. The results also indicated that there are different factors involved in the invasion of B. abortus into phagocytic cells.
Humans , Brucella abortus , Brucella , Brucellosis , Epithelial Cells , HeLa Cells , Phagocytes , ZoonosesABSTRACT
Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection that is usually transmitted from cattle to humans through ingestion of animal milk, direct contact with animal parts, or inhalation of aerosolized particles. In Korea, brucellosis seem to be transmitted through close contact with blood, fetus, urine, and placenta of domestic cow that has been infected by Brucella abortus, or inhalation of B. arbortus while examining or slaughtering cow. Brucella melitensis infection is rare in Korea and there have been no reported cases of B. melitensis originating from other countries until now. This report details a case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in a 48-year-old male construction worker recently returned from Iraq. Infection with B. melitensis was confirmed using 16s rRNA sequencing and omp31 gene analysis. The patient was successfully treated using a combination of rifampin, doxycycline, and streptomycin, in accordance with WHO guidelines. This is the first reported case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in Korea caused by B. melitensis originating from Iraq.
Animals , Cattle , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Brucella abortus , Brucella melitensis , Brucella , Brucellosis , Doxycycline , Eating , Fetus , Inhalation , Iraq , Korea , Middle East , Milk , Placenta , Rifampin , Spondylitis , Streptomycin , ZoonosesABSTRACT
Brucellosis is a zoonotic infection that is usually transmitted from cattle to humans through ingestion of animal milk, direct contact with animal parts, or inhalation of aerosolized particles. In Korea, brucellosis seem to be transmitted through close contact with blood, fetus, urine, and placenta of domestic cow that has been infected by Brucella abortus, or inhalation of B. arbortus while examining or slaughtering cow. Brucella melitensis infection is rare in Korea and there have been no reported cases of B. melitensis originating from other countries until now. This report details a case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in a 48-year-old male construction worker recently returned from Iraq. Infection with B. melitensis was confirmed using 16s rRNA sequencing and omp31 gene analysis. The patient was successfully treated using a combination of rifampin, doxycycline, and streptomycin, in accordance with WHO guidelines. This is the first reported case of complicated brucellosis with infective spondylitis in Korea caused by B. melitensis originating from Iraq.
Animals , Cattle , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Brucella abortus , Brucella melitensis , Brucella , Brucellosis , Doxycycline , Eating , Fetus , Inhalation , Iraq , Korea , Middle East , Milk , Placenta , Rifampin , Spondylitis , Streptomycin , ZoonosesABSTRACT
The domestication of water buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) originated in India and China and spread throughout the world and represents an important source of food of high biological value. Given the importance and relevance of brucellosis for buffalo production, this article reviews the history, etiopathogenesis, epidemiology, clinical signs, anatomopathological findings, diagnosis and control of the disease, focusing on data from studies on water buffaloes performed in different countries and the Brazilian Amazon biome.(AU)
A domesticação do búfalo (Bubalus bubalis) ocorreu particularmente na Índia e China, difundindo-se pelo mundo, gerando fontes de alimento de alto valor biológico. Diante da importância e relevância da brucelose para a bubalinocultura este trabalho tem por objetivo fazer uma revisão acerca do histórico da doença, etiopatogenia, fatores epidemiológicos, sinais clínicos, achados anatomopatológicos, diagnóstico e o controle, com enfoque nos dados obtidos em estudos em bubalinos no mundo e no Bioma Amazônico brasileiro.(AU)
Animals , Brucella abortus/isolation & purification , Brucellosis/veterinary , Buffaloes , Abortion, Veterinary/etiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: Brucellosis is a major zoonotic disease that poses a significant public health threat worldwide. The classical bacteriological detection process used to identify Brucella spp. is difficult and time-consuming. This study aimed to develop a novel molecular assay for detecting brucellosis. METHODS: All complete sequences of chromosome 1 with 2.1-Mbp lengths were compared among all available Brucella sequences. A unique repeat sequence (URS) locus on chromosome 1 could differentiate Brucella abortus from Brucella melitensis. A primer set was designed to flank the unique locus. A total of 136 lymph nodes and blood samples were evaluated and classified by the URS-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method in 2013–2014. RESULTS: Biochemical tests and bacteriophage typing as the golden standard indicated that all Brucella spp. isolates were B. melitensis biovar 1 and B. abortus biovar 3. The PCR results were the same as the bacteriological method for detecting Brucella spp. The sensitivity and specificity of the URS-PCR method make it suitable for detecting B. abortus and B. melitensis. CONCLUSION: Quick detection of B. abortus and B. melitensis can provide the most effective strategies for control of these bacteria. The advantage of this method over other presented methods is that both B. abortus and B. melitensis are detectable in a single test tube. Furthermore, this method covered 100% of all B. melitensis and B. abortus biotypes. The development of this URS-PCR method is the first step toward the development of a novel kit for the molecular identification of B. abortus and B. melitensis.
Bacteria , Bacteriophage Typing , Brucella abortus , Brucella melitensis , Brucella , Brucellosis , Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1 , Lymph Nodes , Methods , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Public Health , Sensitivity and Specificity , ZoonosesABSTRACT
Brucellosis is an infectious-contagious disease responsible for significant economic losses to the meat and milk supply chain, because it causes reproductive disorders in animals and is a chronic anthropozoonosis. This study was designed to detect the DNA of Brucella spp. in cheese and to differentiate between a vaccine strain (B19) and the field strain. Sixty-six samples of different cheeses which are produced and marketed in three states of the Brazilian Amazon region (Amapá [5 samples], Pará [55 samples] and Rondônia [6 samples]) were evaluated. Thirty-nine of these samples were from cheeses made from cow's milk, and 27 were from cheeses made from buffalo milk. Four of the 66 samples were from cheeses produced in milk processing plants regulated by the Federal Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Federal); nine of the samples were from cheeses produced in processing plants regulated by the State Inspection Service (Serviço de Inspeção Estadual); five of the samples were from artisanal cheeses; and the remaining 48 samples were from informally produced cheese. DNA was obtained from the samples following a DNA extraction protocol, and PCR was conducted using primers B4 and B5 to detect Brucella spp. Primers eri1 and eri2 were used to differentiate the field strain from the B19 vaccine strain. The results showed that 21.21% (14/66) of the samples were positive for Brucella spp., of which 21.43% (3/14) were positive for the B. abortus field strain, and 7.14% (1/14) were identified as harboring vaccine strain B19. These results demonstrate that it is possible to identify Brucella spp. in cheese from the Amazon region using the PCR technique and to differentiate the B. abortus field strain from the B19 vaccine strain.(AU)
A brucelose é uma enfermidade infecto-contagiosa que causa grandes perdas econômicas à cadeia produtiva da carne e do leite, como consequência dos distúrbios reprodutivos nos animais, além de ser uma antropozoonose crônica. O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar DNA de Brucella spp. e fazer a distinção da cepa vacinal (B19) da cepa de infecção de campo. Foram adquiridas 66 amostras de diferentes queijos produzidos e comercializados em três estados pertencentes à Amazônia brasileira: Amapá (05), Pará (55) e Rondônia (06), somando 39 amostras de queijo de vaca e 27 de búfala. Deste total quatro eram produzidas em estabelecimentos com fiscalização de Serviço de Inspeção Federal, nove em estabelecimentos com Serviço de Inspeção Estadual, cinco eram de produção artesanal e as demais 48 amostras eram provenientes de produção informal. O DNA das amostras teste foi obtido por um protocolo de extração e a reação em cadeia pela polimerase foi realizada utilizando os oligoiniciadores B4 e B5 para detectar Brucella spp. e, os oligoiniciadores eri1 e eri2 para diferenciar cepa de infecção a campo da cepa vacinal B19. Os resultados mostraram que 21,21% (14/66) das amostras foram positivas para Brucella spp., destas 21,43% (3/14) foram positivas para B. abortus cepa de campo e 7,14% (1/14) foi identificada como cepa vacinal B19. Concluiu-se que foi possível identificar pela técnica da PCR Brucella spp. em queijos na região amazônica, além de diferenciar as cepas em amostra de B. abortus de infecção a campo ou cepa vacinal B19.(AU)
Brucella abortus/genetics , Brucella abortus/isolation & purification , Cheese/analysis , Polymerase Chain Reaction/veterinaryABSTRACT
A total of 782 blood and 465 tissue samples from 1,039 wild animals and 127 dairy goats were collected from January 2011 to December 2013 in 10 provinces of South Korea and tested for the presence of brucellosis. The Rose Bengal test revealed that 8.0% (52/650) of the serum samples were seropositive, while 4.2% (33/782) of the serum samples were positive for Brucella antibodies by competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Of the 650 sera examined, only 16 (2.5%) were positive by both serological tests. Direct polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay using B4/B5 primers for Brucella abortus (BCSP31) revealed the prevalence of Brucella to be 26.5% (129/487) in blood samples and 21% (98/465) in tissue samples while, 16S rRNA PCR detected Brucella DNA in 6.8% (33/487) and 2.6% (12/465) in blood and tissue samples, respectively. Of PCR-positive samples, only 6.2% (30/487) of blood samples and 2.4% (11/465) of tissue samples were found to be positive by both BCSP31 and 16S rRNA PCRs. However, Brucella strains were isolated by blood culture from only two out of 487 blood samples (0.4%). This characterization and identification of pathogenic Brucella isolates is the first to clearly indicate that the organisms were Brucella abortus biovar 1.