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S. Afr. fam. pract. (2004, Online) ; 67(1 : Part 1): 1-6, 2025. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1586193


Background: Burn injuries cause significant morbidity and mortality, with prevalence in developing countries such as South Africa. This study aimed to determine the characteristics and referral patterns of burn injuries. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted in a single emergency centre, Kalafong Provincial Tertiary Hospital, from 01 January 2021 to 31 December 2021. The study included patients < 13 years with burn injuries. Results: A total of 266 patients were identified. Males (n = 144, 54.1%) had a higher prevalence of incurring burn injuries. The majority of injuries were secondary to scald burns (n = 237, 89.1%). A total of 208 (78.2%) patients had a percentage of total body surface area (%TBSA) of < 10%, and 257 (96.6%) had superficial partial-thickness burns. Only 77 (28.9%) cases were from referral centres and there was no relationship between referral pattern and %TBSA. Majority (n = 248, 93.2%) received no pre-hospital wound care. Only 108 (40.6%) patients were admitted and the median length of hospital stay (interquartile range [IQR]) was 7 days (2 to 9). There was a significant relationship between the length of hospital stay and %TBSA burns (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The pattern of burn injuries in patients is similar to previous studies carried out predominantly in townships in South Africa. Most referrals were found to be appropriate and complied with institutional burn injury admission protocol, although pre-hospital wound care was inadequate. Contribution: Primary burn injury care is vital to reduce morbidity and mortality, and development of programmes for public awareness of burn injuries remains crucial.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Wounds and Injuries , Burns , Public Awareness , Developing Countries , Emergencies , Tertiary Care Centers , Prevalence
An. Fac. Cienc. Méd. (Asunción) ; 57(2): 59-66, 01/08/2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1573792


Introducción: Las quemaduras son lesiones devastantes que se asocian a alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Se produce desbalance inmunológico, afectando los leucocitos, primera línea de defensa ante cualquier noxa, fundamentalmente los neutrófilos y linfocitos. Con el objetivo de evaluar el Índice Neutrófilos-Linfocitos en los lesionados severamente quemados, se realiza éste estudio. Método: . Estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo, en el servicio de Caumatología del Hospital Universitario Calixto García, desde enero 2022 a diciembre 2022.Se incluyó a todos los ingresados clasificados como Grandes Quemados, con menos de 24 horas de evolución de la lesión, entre 19 a 60 años. Se excluyó a pacientes con enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles descompensadas. Se tomaron muestras de sangre venosa a las 72 horas y al 6to día post trauma, para determinar valores de Índice Neutrófilos Linfocitos. Se relacionaron dichos valores con el estado al egreso y con el Pronóstico de Vida. De un total de 134 ingresados, 36 cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Resultados: . Predominaron los lesionados masculinos, el fuego directo el principal agente causal, y los accidentes prevalecieron sobre otros mecanismos de producción. El Índice Neutrófilos Linfocitos se elevó desde las primeras 72 horas de evolución, con valores mayores en los lesionados con peor pronóstico de vida, y en los egresados fallecidos. Conclusión: . Existió una asociación lineal entre los valores de Índice Neutrófilos/Linfocitos en lesionados egresados vivos y los que fallecieron, así como relación directamente proporcional con la gravedad de la lesión.

Introduction: Burns are devastating injuries associated with high morbidity and mortality. A disruption of the immune system is developed, affecting the function of neutrophils and lymphocytes, first defensing line against pathogens. In order to evaluate the association between the Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio, and the prognosis of the burn injurie, the investigation was performed. Methods: . A descriptive, longitudinal, prospective investigation was developed at the Burn Unit of Calixto García Hospital, from January 2022nd to December 2022nd. All severely burned patients admitted, with ages between 19 and 60 years old, and less than 24 hours from the onset of the accident were included. Patients suffering from chronic conditions were excluded. To determinate the levels of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Rates, blood samples were taken at the first 72 hours after injury and during the 6th day. A relationship between the levels of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio, and the prognosis of the trauma was established. Of a total of 134 patients admitted, 36th were included. Results: Male patients were the majority. Fire the main etiological agent, and accidents the first production mode. High levels of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio were detected since the first 72 hours after trauma, and stayed high during the 6th day of evolution. Patients with poorest life prognosis, showed higher levels of Neutrophil to Lymphocyte Ratio. Conclusion: A direct relationship was found between the levels of Neutrophil- to Lymphocyte Ratio and the severity of the burn injury, and the survival rate.

Burns , Lymphocytes , Neutrophils
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1461, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1563008


Objetivo: A síndrome do choque tóxico (SCT) é uma condição multissistêmica grave, causada por Staphylococcus aureus ou Streptococcus pyogenes,e o manejo inicial e contínuo das lesões de pele é essencial para o controle da infecção. Este relato teve o objetivo de descrever os cuidados com a pele nessa síndrome. Relato do caso: Paciente do sexo masculino com abscesso no quadril que evoluiu com febre e hipotensão e consequente transferência para a Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Foi diagnosticado com choque séptico de provável foco no quadril, imediatamente abordado cirurgicamente para tratamento local da infecção. Apresentou insuficiência renal, além de disfunção multissistêmica (hepática e cardíaca), instabilidade hemodinâmnica e lesões disseminadas de pele. Com o isolamento do Staphylococcus aureus, iniciou-se clindamicina e o diagnóstico foi de SCT, uma vez que apresentou lesões epidermolíticas desde o início do quadro. Foram iniciadas medidas de recuperação cutânea com a sulfadiazina de prata e, posteriormente, com hidrofibra com prata com restauração do epitélio em 8 dias. Após 10 dias da pele restaurada, o paciente recebeu alta da UTI para enfermaria com manutenção do tratamento proposto. Conclusão: Neste caso, o uso da hidrofibra obteve uma performancesatisfatória, contudo ainda há necessidade de estudos robustos que comprovem tal eficácia. (AU)

Objective: Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is a severe multisystemic condition caused by Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes, and initial management of skin lesions is essential for infection control. This article aimed to describe skin care for TSS. Case report: We report a man with a hip abscess who developed fever and hypotension and was subsequently transferred to an intensive care unit (ICU). He was diagnosed with septic shock, probably of hip origin, and was immediately treated surgically for local infection control. He presented with renal failure besides multiple organ dysfunction (hepatic and cardiac), hemodynamic instability, and disseminated skin lesions. With the isolation of Staphylococcus aureus, clindamycin was initiated, and the diagnosis was TSS due to epidermolytic lesions since the onset of the condition. Cutaneous recovery measures were initiated with silver sulfadiazine, followed by silver hydrofiber with skin recovery in 8 days. After 10 days of skin recovery, the patient was discharged from the ICU to the ward with maintenance of the proposed treatment. Conclusion: In this case, the use of hydrofiber showed satisfactory performance; however, robust studies are needed to confirm such efficacy. (AU)

Objetivo: El síndrome de shock tóxico (SST) es una afección multisistémica grave causada por Staphylococcus aureuso Streptococcus pyogenes, y el tratamiento inicial y continuo de las lesiones cutáneas es esencial para controlar la infección. Este informe tuvo como objetivo describir los cuidado de la piel en este síndrome. Reporte del caso:Paciente masculino con absceso en la cadera que desarrolló fiebre e hipotensión y fue tranferido a la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI). Se diagnosticó shock séptico, probablemente focalizado en la cadera, por lo que fue inmediatamente abordado quirúrgicamente para tratamiento local de la infección. Presentó insuficiencia renal además de disfunción multisistémica (hepática y cardiaca), inestabilidad hemodinámica y lesiones cutáneas diseminadas. Con el aislamiento de Staphylococcus aureus, se inició clindamicina y el diagnóstico fue SST, ya que presentaba lesiones epidermolíticas desde el inicio del cuadro. Se iniciaron medidas de recuperación cutánea con sulfadiazina de plata y, posteriormente, se optó por hidrofibra con plata, con restauración del epitelio en 8 días. Después de 10 días de piel restaurada, el paciente fue dado de alta de la UCI a planta con mantenimiento del tratamiento propuesto. Conclusión: Alcen este caso, el uso de hidrofibra obtuvo un desempeño satisfactorio, sin embargo, aún se necesitan estudios robustos para probar tal eficacia. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Shock, Septic , Enterostomal Therapy , Staphylococcus aureus , Burns
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1415, JAN - DEZ 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561110


Objetivo: Mapear a produção científica a respeito do uso da terapia de pressão negativa no tratamento de queimaduras, em pacientes adultos e idosos hospitalizados. Método: Revisão de escopo seguindo o método da JBI com busca da produção científica na PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde e Banco de Teses da Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior nos meses de março a maio de 2021. Foram incluídos estudos com pacientes adultos e idosos com queimaduras, submetidos à terapia por pressão negativa no hospital. Não houve restrição de idioma, nem período de tempo. Resultados: Foram identificadas 106 publicações e, após o processo de seleção, cinco estudos compuseram a amostra final. Os resultados demonstraram que a aplicação da terapia por pressão negativa em queimaduras constituiu-se como uma ferramenta efetiva na cicatrização de queimaduras térmicas, químicas e elétricas, destacando-se a otimização do tempo de cicatrização, formação de um tecido de granulação saudável, diminuição do edema, redução da infecção, drenagem e monitorização do edema. Conclusão: O tratamento de queimaduras utilizando a pressão negativa tem se mostrado um método efetivo, visto os benefícios que promove no processo cicatricial. Sugere-se que a temática seja mais difundida, aprofundando-se o conhecimento sobre o uso desta tecnologia. (AU)

Objective: To map the scientific production regarding the use of negative pressure wound therapy in burn treatment of hospitalized adult and aged patients. Method: Scope review following the JBI method with a search for scientific production in PubMed, the Scientific Electronic Library Online, the Virtual Health Library, and the Thesis Database of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel from March to May 2021. Studies with adult and aged burn patients undergoing negative pressure wound therapy in hospitals were included. There was no language or time frame restriction. Results: 106 publications were identified and 5 studies made up the final sample after the selection process. The results demonstrated that applying negative pressure wound therapy to burns was effective in healing thermal, chemical, and electrical burns, esoecially regarding healing time optimization, healthy granulation tissue formation, edema and infection reduction, and edema drainage and monitoring. Conclusion: Burn treatment using negative pressure has proven effective, given the benefits it promotes in the healing process. The theme should be more widely spread to deepen the knowledge about the use of this technology. (AU)

Objetivo: Mapear la producción científica sobre el uso de la terapia de presión negativa en el tratamiento de quemaduras en pacientes adultos y ancianos hospitalizados. Método: Revisión de alcance siguiendo el método JBI con búsqueda de producción científica en PubMed, Biblioteca Científica Electrónica en Línea, Biblioteca Virtual en Salud y Banco de Tesis de la Coordinación para el Perfeccionamiento del Personal de Educación Superior en los meses de marzo a mayo de 2021. Se incluyeron estudios con adultos y pacientes ancianos quemados sometidos a terapia de presión negativa en el hospital. No hubo restricción de idioma ni período de tiempo. Resultados: Se identificaron 106 publicaciones y luego del proceso de selección, 5 estudios conformaron la muestra final. Los resultados demostraron que la aplicación de la terapia de presión negativa en quemaduras constituyó una herramienta eficaz en la curación de quemaduras térmicas, químicas y eléctricas, destacándose la optimización del tiempo de curación, formación de tejido de granulación sano, reducción de edema, reducción de infección, drenaje y seguimiento del edema. Conclusión: El tratamiento de quemaduras mediante presión negativa ha demostrado ser un método efectivo, dados los beneficios que promueve en el proceso de cicatrización. Se sugiere que el tema sea más difundido, profundizando el conocimiento sobre el uso de esta tecnología. (AU)

Humans , Burns/therapy , Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy , Enterostomal Therapy , Nursing Care
Estima (Online) ; 22: e1468, JAN - DEZ 2024. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1556446


Objetivos: Avaliar a relação entre a intensidade do prurido e os escores de ansiedade, depressão, estresse pós-traumático e a qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde em pacientes vítimas de queimaduras. Método: Estudo transversal, realizado em dois ambulatórios de hospitais de queimados localizados em municípios do interior paulista. A amostra foi constituída por 60 pacientes que responderam aos instrumentos de caracterização sociodemográfica e clínica, Escala Visual Numérica para avaliação da intensidade do prurido, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Escala de Impacto de Eventos para avaliação do estresse pós-traumático e a versão brasileira da Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound. Resultados: A amostra caracterizou-se pelo predomínio do sexo masculino (73%). Correlações positivas significativas foram encontradas entre a intensidade de prurido e ansiedade (r=0,33), depressão (r=0,53), estresse pós-traumático (r=0,43) e escore total da Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound (r=0,63). Conclusão: Esses achados reforçam a importância da avaliação do prurido na atenção integral à vítima de queimadura visando à redução do impacto psicológico e melhora na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde. (AU)

Objective: To assess the relationship between pruritus intensity and anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress, and health-related quality of life scores in burn victims. Methods: A cross-sectional study, carried out in two outpatient clinics of burn hospitals located in municipalities in the countryside of São Paulo. The sample consisted of 60 patients who answered sociodemographic and clinical characterization instruments: the Visual Numerical Scale, to assess pruritus intensity, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Impact of Events Scale, to assess post-traumatic stress, and the Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound Module to Brazilian Portuguese. Results: The sample was characterized by a predominance of males (73%). Significant positive correlations were found between pruritus intensity and anxiety (r=0.33), depression (r=0.53), post-traumatic stress (r=0.43), and total Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound score (r=0.63). Conclusions: These findings reinforce the importance of assessing pruritus in comprehensive care for burn victims, aiming to reduce the psychological impact and improve health-related quality of life. (AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar la relación entre la intensidad del prurito y las puntuaciones de ansiedad, depresión, estrés postraumático y la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud en pacientes víctimas de quemaduras. Método: Estudio transversal, realizado en dos ambulatorios de hospitales de quemados ubicados en municipios del interior de São Paulo. La muestra se constituyó por 60 pacientes que respondieron a los instrumentos de caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica, Escala Visual Numérica para evaluación de la intensidad del prurito, Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión, Escala de Impacto de Eventos para evaluación del estrés postraumático y la versión brasileña de la Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound. Resultados: La muestra se caracterizó por el sexo masculino (el 73%). Correlaciones positivas significativas se encontraron entre la intensidad de prurito y ansiedad (r=0,33), depresión (r=0,53), estrés postraumático (r=0,43) y puntuación total de la Freiburg Life Quality Assessment Wound(r=0,63). Conclusión: Esos hallazgos refuerzan la importancia de la evaluación del prurito en la atención integral a víctimas de quemadura, buscando la reducción del impacto psicológico y la mejora en la calidad de vida relacionada a la salud. (AU)

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Burns/psychology , Depression
Actual. Sida Infectol. (En linea) ; 32(114): 46-62, 20240000. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1552221


Las infecciones asociadas a cuidados de la salud (IACS) son una de las complicaciones más importantes que presentan los pacientes gran quemados. Aumentan su morbimortalidad, la duración de su estadía, el consumo de antimicrobianos y los costos hospitalarios. Las tasas reportadas de IACS son muy variables entre los distintos países y centros de atención.El ánimo de esta publicación es brindar el material necesa-rio y actualizado de las medidas de control de infecciones que se deben implementar en la atención de los quemados ya que no es fácil disponer de información sobre este tema.En la presente revisión se analizaron estudios de distin-tas poblaciones, adultos y niños, con diferentes tipos que-maduras y diversos lugares de atención. Se utilizó como material de referencia las recomendaciones vigentes de la Sociedad Internacional de injurias por Quemaduras (ISBI, por su sigla inglés) y se adicionaron publicaciones y expe-riencias de grupos de trabajo local e internacional referen-tes en el tema.Se describen cinco tipos de medidas de control y preven-ción de IACS: medidas generales, medidas de higiene am-biental, prevención de la infección de los lechos de las que-maduras, profilaxis antibiótica y medidas de prevención de neumonía, infecciones asociadas a catéteres vasculares y vesicales en quemados. Es esencial implementar un enfoque proactivo y multidisci-plinario del control de infecciones en la atención de estos pacientes, generando recomendaciones adaptadas a la realidad de cada centro de salud, destinadas a disminuir las transmisión cruzada de microorganismos, utilizar los antimicrobianos tópicos y sistémicos en forma adecuada, disminuir la multirresistencia, reducir las IACS y su mor-talidad

Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) are one of the most important complications of severe burn patients. They increase their morbidity and mortality, length of stay, antimicrobial consumption, and hospital costs. Re-ported rates of IACS vary widely across countries and care settings.The purpose of this publication is to provide the nec-essary and up-to-date material on the infection control measures that should be implemented in the care of burn patients, since it is not easy to have information on this subject.In this review, we analysed studies of different popula-tions, adults and children, with different types of burns and different places of care. The current recommenda-tions of the International Society of Burn Injuries (ISBI) were used as reference material, and publications and experiences of local and international working groups on the subject were added. Five types of IACS control and prevention measures are described: General mea-sures, Environmental hygiene measures, Prevention of infection of burn injuries, Antibiotic prophylaxis and pre-vention measures for pneumonia, infections associated with vascular and bladder catheters in burn patients.Conclusion: It is essential to implement a proactive and multidisciplinary approach to infection control in the care of these patients, generating recommendations adapted to the reality of each health center, aimed at reducing cross-transmission of microorganisms, using typical and systemic antimicrobials appropriately, reduc-ing multiresistance, reducing HAIs and their mortality

Humans , Male , Female , Burns/mortality , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Infection Control/methods , Antibiotic Prophylaxis
Rev. argent. cir. plást ; 30(1): 60-71, 20240000. fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551435


Se revisan los nuevos conocimientos sobre la matriz extracelular (MEC), que han permitido descubrir su importante rol en la cicatrización de las heridas cutáneas. Se describen sus características morfofisiológicas y cómo interviene en la curación de las heridas cutáneas. Se presentan cuatro casos clínicos en los que se aplicó este enfoque terapéutico: los sustitutos de piel y la "cura húmeda"

We review the new knowledge about the extracellular ma-trix (ECM) that has allowed us to discover its important role in the healing of cutaneous wounds. The morpho-physiological characteristics of ECM and its role in the healing of cutaneous wounds are described. Four clinical cases are presented where this therapeutic approach was applied: the skin substitutes and the "moist wound healing".

Humans , Male , Female , Wound Healing , Burns/therapy , Skin, Artificial , Regenerative Medicine , Extracellular Matrix
Int. j. morphol ; 42(1): 127-136, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1528822


SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to investigate the therapeutic wound healing potential and molecular mechanisms of shikonin as small molecules in vitro. A mouse burn model was used to explore the potential therapeutic effect of shikonin; we traced proliferating cells in vivo to locate the active area of skin cell proliferation. Through the results of conventional pathological staining, we found that shikonin has a good effect on the treatment of burned skin and promoted the normal distribution of skin keratin at the damaged site. At the same time, shikonin also promoted the proliferation of skin cells at the damaged site; importantly, we found a significant increase in the number of fibroblasts at the damaged site treated with shikonin. Most importantly, shikonin promotes fibroblasts to repair skin wounds by regulating the PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. This study shows that shikonin can effectively promote the proliferation of skin cell, and local injection of fibroblasts in burned skin can play a certain therapeutic role.

El objetivo de este trabajo fue investigar el potencial terapéutico de cicatrización de heridas y los mecanismos moleculares de la shikonina como moléculas pequeñas in vitro. Se utilizó un modelo de quemaduras en ratones para explorar el posible efecto terapéutico de la shikonina; Rastreamos las células en proliferación in vivo para localizar el área activa de proliferación de células de la piel. A través de los resultados de la tinción para patología convencional, encontramos que la shikonina tiene un buen efecto en el tratamiento de la piel quemada y promueve la distribución normal de la queratina de la piel en el sitio dañado. Al mismo tiempo, la shikonina también promovió la proliferación de células de la piel en el sitio dañado. Es importante destacar que encontramos un aumento significativo en la cantidad de fibroblastos en el sitio dañado tratado con shikonina. Lo más importante es que la shikonina promueve la función reparadora de fibroblastos en las heridas de la piel regulando la vía de señalización PI3K/ AKT. Este estudio muestra que la shikonina puede promover eficazmente la proliferación de células de la piel y que la inyección local de fibroblastos en la piel quemada puede desempeñar un cierto papel terapéutico.

Animals , Mice , Wound Healing/drug effects , Burns/drug therapy , Naphthoquinones/administration & dosage , Skin , In Vitro Techniques , Naphthoquinones/pharmacology , Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinases , Cell Proliferation/drug effects , Disease Models, Animal , Proto-Oncogene Proteins c-akt , Fibroblasts , Mice, Inbred C57BL
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036015


@#On July 4, 2021, a Philippine C-130 military plane carrying 104 personnel crashed in Patikul, Sulu after attempting to land at Jolo Airport, killing 53 individuals and injuring 50 others, both on board and on the ground. Some of the injured sustained multiple injuries, including fractures and burns. This incident triggered a swift response from various agencies. Mass casualty incidents, including those with multiple burn-injured patients, pose significant challenges to health care systems and can lead to high morbidity and mortality rates.1 2 3 Burn injuries, which account for at least 200,000 deaths annually, are a major global public health issue, particularly in low-resource settings, and can easily overwhelm the limited burn resources available.4 5 6 Efficient management of mass casualty incidents, proper triage decisions, and sound health care planning are crucial for optimizing patient outcomes and matching potential needs with available resources.7 Burn mass casualty incidents (BMCI) are incidents that involve at least three burn victims. These incidents, whether due to natural or human-caused accidents, can occur anywhere and anytime. The injuries are unpredictable and involve a large number of victims, requiring a significant consumption of logistics and medical attention. Medical response tasks in massive burn injuries are much more challenging than those required in separate burn incidents due to the unexpected nature of the events and the simultaneous involvement of a large number of patients. Such situations require the immediate mobilization of a significant number of personnel, resources, and facilities to address upcoming issues. In this article, we describe the management of BMCIs based on our experiences in responding to the Patikul incident. We elucidate the strategies that are put into action and offer insights aimed at improving protocols for handling BMCIs in the future. Our goal is to contribute to the body of knowledge in this field and aid in the development of more effective responses to such critical situations.

Mass Casualty Incidents , Burns
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036016


@#A burn mass casualty incident (BMCI), an incident that involves at least three burn victims with severe injuries,1 presents several unique challenges. In a mass casualty event, between 25 and 30 percent of those injured can sustain moderate-to-severe burn injuries.2 Management of burn patients necessitates a significant amount of health resources and logistical support, along with prompt and high-quality care to optimize the functional and cosmetic outcomes of severely injured patients. While some developed countries have sound disaster management plans, many countries where most BMCIs occur lack such well-established plans.3 The effective management of BMCIs is crucial for positive patient outcomes. Given resource scarcity, especially in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas, comprehensive mitigation and preparedness strategies are essential. These strategies must address worst-case scenarios that may challenge the existing internal protocols, especially at the local level.4 The surge in health care facility capacity during BMCIs can quickly overwhelm local and regional resources, from prehospital care to specialized burn centers. In the Philippines, disaster response levels and adequacy may vary widely among different regions and local government units (LGU). While the Department of Health has issued guidelines for health emergency and disaster response management,5 there are currently no policies or guides on specifically addressing preincident planning for BMCIs. The aim of this article is to recommend policies that will potentially improve the current health care approach to BMCIs.

Mass Casualty Incidents , Burns
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009110


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical application of high-frequency color Doppler ultrasound (HFCDU) in detecting perforators in the deep adipose layers for harvesting super-thin anterolateral thigh flap (ALTF).@*METHODS@#Between August 2019 and January 2023, 45 patients (46 sides) with skin and soft tissue defects in the foot and ankle were treated, including 29 males and 16 females, aged from 22 to 62 years, with an average of 46.7 years. The body mass index ranged from 19.6 to 36.2 kg/m 2, with an average of 23.62 kg/m 2. The causes of injury included traffic accident injury in 15 cases, heavy object crush injury in 20 cases, mechanical injury in 8 cases, heat crush injury in 1 case, and chronic infection in 1 case. There were 20 cases on the left side, 24 cases on the right side, and 1 case on both sides. After thorough debridement, the wound size ranged from 5 cm×4 cm to 17 cm×11 cm. All patients underwent free super-thin ALTF transplantation repair. HFCDU was used to detect the location of the perforators piercing the deep and superficial fascia, as well as the direction and branches of the perforators within the deep adipose layers before operation. According to the preoperative HFCDU findings, the dimensions of the super-thin ALTF ranged from 6 cm×4 cm to 18 cm×12 cm. The donor sites of the flaps were directly sutured.@*RESULTS@#A total of 55 perforators were detected by HFCDU before operation, but 1 was not found during operation. During operation, a total of 56 perforators were found, and 2 perforators were not detected by HFCDU. The positive predictive value of HFCDU for identifying perforator vessels was 98.2%, and the sensitivity was 96.4%. Among the 54 perforators accurately located by HFCDU, the orientation of the perforators in the deep adipose layers was confirmed during operation. There were 21 perforators (38.9%) traveled laterally and inferiorly, 12 (22.2%) traveled medially and inferiorly, 14 (25.9%) traveled laterally and superiorly, 5 (9.3%) traveled medially and superiorly, and 2 (3.7%) ran almost vertically to the body surface. Among the 54 perforators accurately located by HFCDU, 35 were identified as type 1 perforators and 12 as type 2 perforators (HFCDU misidentified 7 type 2 perforators as type 1 perforators). The sensitivity of HFCDU in identifying type 1 perforators was 100%, with a positive predictive value of 83.3%. For type 2 perforators, the sensitivity was 63.2%, and the positive predictive value was 100%. The surgeries were successfully completed. The super-thin ALTF had a thickness ranging from 2 to 6 mm, with an average of 3.56 mm. All super-thin ALTF survived, however, 1 flap experienced a venous crisis at 1 day after operation, but it survived after emergency exploration and re-anastomosis of the veins; 1 flap developed venous crisis at 3 days after operation but survived after bleeding with several small incisions; 3 flaps had necrosis at the distal edge of the epidermis, which healed after undergoing dressing changes. All 45 patients were followed up 6-18 months (mean, 13.6 months). Three flaps required secondary defatting procedures, while the rest had the appropriate thickness, and the overall appearance was satisfactory.@*CONCLUSION@#Preoperative application of HFCDU to detect the perforator in the deep adipose layers can improve the success and safety of the procedure by facilitating the harvest of super-thin ALTF.

Male , Female , Humans , Thigh/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Prospective Studies , Skin Transplantation , Free Tissue Flaps , Burns , Soft Tissue Injuries/surgery , Ultrasonography, Doppler, Color , Crush Injuries/surgery , Perforator Flap , Treatment Outcome
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);39: e393324, 2024. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1563651


Purpose: Bacterial cellulose (BC) has shown high capacity for the treatment of wounds and burns, providing a moisty environment. Calcium alginate can be associated with BC to create gels that aid in wound debridement and contribute to appropriate wound healing. This study is aimed at characterizing and evaluating the use of bacterial cellulose/alginate gel in skin burns in rats. Methods: Cellulose and cellulose/alginate gels were compared regarding the capacity of liquid absorption, moisture, viscosity, and potential cytotoxicity. The 2nd degree burns were produced using an aluminum metal plate (2.0cm) at 120ºC for 20s on the back of rats. The animals were divided into non-treated, CMC(Carboxymethylcellulose), Cellulose(CMC with bacterial cellulose), and Cellulose/alginate(CMC with bacterial cellulose and alginate). The animals received topical treatment 3 times/week. Biochemical (MPO, NAG and oxidative stress), histomorphometry and immunohistochemical assays (IL-1ß IL-10 and VEGF) were conducted on the 14th, 21st, 28th, and 35th days. Results: Cellulose/Alginate gel showed higher absorption capacity and viscosity compared to Cellulose gel, with no cytotoxic effects. Cellulose/alginate presented lower MPO values, a higher percentage of IL-10, with greater and balanced oxidative stress profile. Conclusions: The use of cellulose/alginate gel reduced neutrophils and macrophage activation and showed greater anti-inflammatory response, which can contribute to healing chronic wounds and burns.

Animals , Rats , Burns/therapy , Hydrogels/therapeutic use , Alginates/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic use
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1578392


Introducción. Las estadísticas mundiales demuestran que las quemaduras ocurren principalmente en mujeres y niños, siendo estos últimos más propensos por su curiosidad ya que esta favorece la exposición a diversos riesgos de quemadura. Objetivo. Identificar las características epidemiológicas, clínicas y de manejo de rehabilitación en niños quemados atendidos en una unidad de quemados de un hospital de alta complejidad de Medellín, Colombia. Métodos. Estudio descriptivo retrospectivo realizado en 710 pacientes quemados menores de 14 años que recibieron manejo hospitalario en el Hospital Infantil de San Vicente Fundación Medellín entre 2018 y 2020. Se registraron datos sobre: edad, sexo, causa de la quemadura, extensión de la quemadura, tiempo de estancia hospitalaria, cirugías, ortesis, presoterapia, funcionalidad, entre otras. Resultados. El 58,6% de los participantes eran de sexo masculino y las medianas de edad, superficie corporal compro-metida y estancia hospitalaria fueron de 24 meses, 6% y 12 días, respectivamente. La principal causa de quemadura fue por líquidos calientes (73,2%). 70,7% de los participantes presentaron quemaduras de segundo grado profundo. En 89,4% las quemaduras se presentaron en áreas especiales: en 32,8%, en la cara, y en 7,3%, en los genitales. Asimismo, 2% requirieron manejo en la unidad de cuidados intensivos, 23,1% necesitaron cirugía, 95,4% fueron tratados por fisioterapia y 93,4% recibieron atención por medicina física y rehabilitación. Además, 86,9% requirieron presoterapia y 11,5%, ortesis. 95,3% mejoraron en el posicionamiento, 95,6% mostraron mejoría en los conocimientos de los pacientes y cuidadores, en 94,9% mejoro la funcionalidad y en 18% mejoró la independencia. Conclusiones. Las quemaduras en población pediátrica requieren un manejo integral y multidisciplinario que incluya la rehabilitación como parte de la primera línea de atención y otras especialidades que permitan la atención integral del paciente para prevenir compromisos funcionales y favorecer el reintegro social.

Introduction. World statistics demonstrate that burns occur mainly in women and children, the latter being more prone due to their curiosity, since it favors exposure to various burn risks. Objective. To identify the epidemiological, clinical and rehabilitation management characteristics of burned children treated in a burn unit of a high complexity hospital in Medellín, Colombia. Methods. Retrospective descriptive study conducted in 710 burn patients under 14 years of age who received hospital management in the Children's Hospital of San Vicente Fundación Medellín between the years 2018 and 2020. Data were recorded on: age, sex, cause of the burn, extent of the burn, length of hospital stay, surgeries, orthoses, pressure therapy, and functionality, among others. Results. 58.6% of the participants were male and the median age, body surface area involved and hospital stay were 24 months, 6% and 12 days, respectively. The main cause of burns was due to hot liquids (73.2%). 70.7% of the participants had deep second-degree burns. In 89.4% of cases, burns occurred in special areas: in 32.8%, on the face, and in 7.3%, on the genitals. Likewise, 2% required management in the intensive care unit, 23.1% needed surgery, 95.4% were treated by physiotherapy and 93.4% received care by physical medicine and rehabilitation. In addition, 86.9% required pressure therapy and 11.5% required orthoses. 95.3% improved their positioning, 95.6% showed improvement in patient and caregiver knowledge, functionality improved in 94.9% and independence improved in18%. Conclusions. Burns in the pediatric population require comprehensive and multidisciplinary management that includes rehabilitation as part of the first line of care and other specialties that allow comprehensive care of the patient to prevent functional compromises and promote social reintegration.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Rehabilitation , Burns , Therapeutics , Body Surface Area , Burn Units , Physical Therapy Modalities , Colombia
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1578031


Objetivo: delinear o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes vítimas de queimadura, que tenham sido submetidos à internação no Centro de tratamento de queimados de um hospital do Rio de Janeiro, no período de 2019 a 2021. Método:trata-se de uma pesquisa observacional, exploratória e descritiva, quantitativa, documental e retrospectiva, realizada em um Centro de Tratamento de Queimados (CTQ). Os dados foram coletados de 243 prontuários dos pacientes. Realizou-se a análise estatística descritiva (p<0,05). Resultados: 62,6% dos pacientes eram adultos e 56,4% do sexo masculino. O agente causador mais prevalente foi a chama direta, com 56,4%. Identificou-se 63,6% dos acidentes ocorreram no contexto doméstico. Em 69,3% encontrou-se a superfície corporal queimada entre 1% a 20,9%. Dentre as coberturas 96,7% foram com a sulfadiazina de prata. Conclusão: foi possível evidenciar a necessidade de prevenção, educação, novas pesquisas, controle de disponibilidade de agentes causadores e protocolos hospitalares voltados a este perfil de paciente

Objective: to delineate the epidemiological profile of burn victims who under went hospitalization at the Burn Treatment Center of a hospital in Rio de Janeiro, from 2019 to 2021. Method: This is an observational, exploratory research and descriptive, with a quantitative, documentary and retrospective approach, carried out in a Burn Treatment Center. Data were collected from 243 patients' medical records using an instrument created by there searchers. Descriptive statistical analysis (p<0.05) was performed. Results: it was identified that 62.6% of the patients were adults and 56.4% were male. The most prevalent causative agent was direct flame, with 56.4%. It was found that 63.6% of the accidents occurred in the domestic context. In 69.3%, the body surface was burned between 1% and 20.9%, with second-degree burns being the most profound, with 75.6%. Among the most used toppings, silver sulfadiazines tood out, with 96.7%. Conclusion: Based on the data collected, it was possible to delineate the profile of patients treated at this burn treatment center, high lighting needs for prevention, education, improvement, new research, control of the availability of etiological agents and hospital protocols aimed at this patient profile

Objetivo: delinear el perfil epidemiológico de las víctimas de quemaduras que fueron internadas en el Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados de un hospital de Río de Janeiro, de 2019 a 2021. Método: se trata de una investigación observacional, exploratoria y descriptiva, con enfoque cuantitativo, documental y retrospectivo, realizado en un Centro de Tratamiento de Quemados (CTQ). Los datos fueron recolectados de las historias clínicas de 243 pacientes utilizando un instrumento creado por los investigadores. El análisis estadístico descriptivo (p<0,05) se realizó. Resultados: se identificó que el 62,6% de los pacientes eran adultos y el 56,4% eran del sexo masculino. El agente causal más prevalente fue la llama directa, con 56,4%. Se constató que el 63,6% de los accidentes ocurrieron en el ámbito doméstico. En el 69,3% se quemó la superficie corporal entre el 1% y el 20,9%. Entre los toppings más utilizados se destacó la sulfadiazina de plata, con 96,7%. Conclusión: a partir de los datos recolectados, fue posible delinear el perfil de los pacientes atendidos en este centro de tratamiento de quemados, destacando necesidades de prevención, educación, mejora, nuevas investigaciones, control de la disponibilidad de agentes etiológicos y protocolos hospitalarios dirigidos a este paciente perfil

Humans , Male , Female , Silver Sulfadiazine , Health Profile , Burns/epidemiology
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e250936, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345557


Abstract This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of Glutamine, as a dipeptide or a free amino acid form, on the progression of burn injuries in rats. Thirty male Wistar rats were burned with a comb metal plate heated in boiling water (98 °C) for three minutes, creating four rectangular full-thickness burn areas separated by three unburned interspaces (zone of stasis) in both dorsum sides. The animals were randomized into three groups (n=10): saline solution (G1-Control) and treated groups that orally received Glutamine as dipeptide (G2-Dip) or free amino acid (G3-FreeAA). Two and seven days after burn injury, lesions were photographed for unburned interspaces necrosis evolution assessment. Seven days after injury, glutathione seric was measured and histopathological analysis was performed. By photographs, there was a significant reduction in necrosis progression in G3-Free-AA between days two and seven. Histopathological analysis at day 7 showed a significantly higher stasis zone without necrosis and a higher number of fibroblasts in G2-Dip and G3-FreeAA compared with G1-Control. Also, glutathione serum dosage was higher in G2-Dip. The plasmatic glutathione levels were higher in the G2-Dip than the G1-Control, and there was a trend to higher levels in G3-FreeAA. The reduction in histological lesions, greater production of fibroblasts, and greater amounts of glutathione may have benefited the evolution of burn necrosis, which showed greater preservation of interspaces.

Resumo Este estudo foi realizado para avaliar o efeito da Glutamina, como um dipeptídeo ou forma de aminoácido livre, na progressão de queimaduras em ratos. Trinta ratos Wistar machos foram queimados com um pente de metal aquecido em água fervente (98 °C) por três minutos, criando quatro áreas retangulares queimadas separadas por três interesespaços não queimados (zona de estase) em ambos os lados do dorso. Os animais foram randomizados em três grupos (n = 10): solução salina (G1-Controle) e grupos tratados que receberam glutamina via oral como dipeptídeo (G2-Dip) ou aminoácido livre (G3-FreeAA). Dois e sete dias após a queimadura, as lesões foram fotografadas para avaliação da evolução da necrose entre os espaços não queimados. Sete dias após a lesão, foi dosada a glutationa sérica e realizada análise histopatológica. Pelas fotografias, houve uma redução significativa na progressão da necrose no G3-Free-AA entre os dias dois e sete. A análise histopatológica no dia 7 mostrou uma zona de estase significativamente maior sem necrose e número mais elevado de fibroblastos em G2-Dip e G3-FreeAA em comparação com G1-Controle. Os níveis plasmáticos de glutationa foram maiores no G2-Dip em relação ao G1-Controle, e houve tendência a níveis mais elevados no G3-FreeAA. A redução das lesões histológicas, maior produção de fibroblastos, maior quantidade de glutationa podem ter beneficiado a evolução da necrose da queimadura, que mostrou maior preservação dos interespaços.

Animals , Male , Rats , Burns/drug therapy , Glutamine , Rats, Wistar , Dipeptides , Disease Models, Animal , Amino Acids
Estima (Online) ; 21(1): e1402, jan-dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1532272


Objetivos:Construir e validar um protocolo de cuidados de enfermagem a pacientes adultos que sofreram queimaduras em um hospital público na Região Norte do Brasil e avaliar sua aplicabilidade. Método: Estudo metodológico que seguiu as etapas: construção do instrumento; validação do conteúdo utilizando a ferramenta de avaliação Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II (AGREE II); e análise de aplicabilidade com questionário semiestruturado com a equipe de enfermagem e por concordância e teste de Kappa. Resultados: Na etapa diagnóstico situacional, o protocolo foi elaborado com base na revisão de literatura e validado pelos especialistas por meio do instrumento AGREE II, com valor de índice de validade de conteúdo geral de 0,93, e da análise de aplicabilidade com análise de teste de Kappa, obtendo o valor de 0,81, com a concordância quase perfeita. Conclusão: O protocolo foi estruturado com qualidade para guiar a equipe de enfermagem na assistência ao paciente queimado, e indica-se, portanto, a sua utilização.

Objective:To build and validate a nursing care protocol to adult patients who suffered burns in a public hospital in the North region of Brazil and evaluate its applicability. Method: Methodological study that followed the steps: construction of the instrument; content validation using the Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation II (AGREE II) assessment tool; and applicability analysis with a semi-structured questionnaire with the nursing team and by agreement and Kappa test. Results: In the situational diagnosis stage, the protocol was elaborated based on the literature review and validated by the specialists through the AGREE II instrument with a general content validity index value of 0.93 and through the analysis of applicability with Kappa test analysis, obtaining a value of 0.81, with almost perfect agreement. Conclusion: The protocol was structured with quality to guide the nursing team in assisting burned patients. Therefore, its use is indicated

Objetivo:Construir, validar y evaluar la aplicabilidad de un protocolo de atención de enfermería a pacientes adultos que sufrieron quemaduras en un hospital público de la región Norte de Brasil. Método: Estudio metodológico que siguió los siguientes pasos: construcción del instrumento; validación de contenido utilizando la herramienta de evaluación AGREE II; y análisis de aplicabilidad con cuestionario semiestructurado con el equipo de enfermería y de acuerdo y test KAPPA. Resultados: Desde la etapa de diagnóstico situacional, el protocolo fue elaborado con base en la revisión bibliográfica y validado por los especialistas a través del instrumento AGREE II con un valor de Índice de Validez de Contenido General (IVC) de 0,93 y mediante el análisis de aplicabilidad con el análisis del Test Kappa, obteniendo un valor de 0.81, con concordancia casi perfecta. Conclusión: El protocolo fue estructurado con calidad para orientar al equipo de enfermería en el cuidado del paciente quemado y, por tanto, está indicado su uso.

Burns , Clinical Protocols , Validation Study , Enterostomal Therapy , Nursing Care
Rev. cuba. cir ; 62(4)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550839


Introducción: La atención al paciente con retardo en la cicatrización parte de la optimización en sus cuidados. La reversión del cuadro requiere del conocimiento de los factores de riesgo. La literatura nacional e internacional describen factores locales o relacionados con la herida y generales o relacionados al estado general del paciente. Objetivo: Estimar los factores de riesgo del retardo en la cicatrización en pacientes quemados. Métodos: Estudio analítico de casos y control en pacientes quemados ingresados en el Servicio de Caumatología del Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech en el período 2017 a 2021. La población objeto de estudio comprendió a 267 pacientes. Se calculó el odds ratio y el intervalo de confianza. Resultados: El desarrollo de retardo en la cicatrización resultó tres veces y media más probable en pacientes quemados con 45 años y más, odds ratio 3,591. Además, fue nueve veces más probable en enfermedades crónicas asociadas, hasta seis veces en quemaduras no accidentales, 163 veces en la complicación local y 89 veces en la complicación sistémica. Conclusiones: Los factores de riesgo del retardo en la cicatrización en pacientes quemados identificados fueron los siguientes: edad de 45 años y más, presencia de comorbilidad, el fuego directo como agente causal, el modo de producción no accidental, la presencia de más de seis zonas anatómicas afectadas, la quemadura hipodérmica, la quemadura de 20 porciento de superficie corporal quemada y más de extensión, el apoyo de la lesión, el índice cubano de pronóstico con riesgo vital, la complicación local y la complicación sistémica(AU)

Introduction: The care for the patient with delayed healing starts from the optimization of their care. Reversing such condition requires knowledge of the risk factors. The national and international literature describes local factors related to the injury and general factors related to the patient's general condition. Objective: To estimate the risk factors for delayed healing in burn patients. Methods: An analytical case-control study was carried out with burn patients admitted to the caumatology service at Hospital Universitario Manuel Ascunce Domenech in the period from 2017 to 2021. The study population consisted of 267 patients. Odds ratio and confidence interval were calculated. Results: The development of delayed healing was three and a half times more likely in burn patients aged 45 years or over (odds ratio: 3.591). In addition, it was nine times more likely for associated chronic diseases, up to six times in nonaccidental burns, 163 times in local complications, and 89 times in systemic complications. Conclusions: The identified risk factors for delayed healing in burn patients were the following: age 45 years or over, presence of comorbidity, direct fire as causative agent, nonaccidental way of production, presence of more than six affected anatomical areas, hypodermic burn, burn extension of 20 percent or over on the burned body surface, injury contact pressure, the Cuban index of prognostic vital risk, as well as the local or the systemic complications(AU)

Humans , Wound Healing , Burns/etiology , Patient Care/methods , Review Literature as Topic
Estima (Online) ; 21(1): e1397, jan-dez. 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1526995


Objetivos:Demonstrar os saberes e as práticas de indivíduos sobre prevenção e tratamento de queimaduras no ambiente domiciliar e descrever o cuidado educativo de enfermagem na prevenção e tratamento de queimaduras no ambiente domiciliar. Método: Pesquisa convergente-assistencial realizada de maneira virtual, no período de junho a agosto de 2021, com pessoas residentes na cidade de Macaé (RJ). Resultados: A pesquisa incluiu 16 participantes, sendo 81,25% (n = 13) do sexo feminino, com idades entre 19 e 59 anos. Na análise das entrevistas, foi possível identificar saberes e práticas equivocados sobre a prevenção e o tratamento de queimaduras, a serem discutidos neste estudo. Conclusão: Embora haja conhecimento acerca dos saberes e práticas adequados sobre prevenção e tratamento de queimaduras no ambiente domiciliar, houve identificação de práticas equivocadas que podem prejudicar o correto tratamento e prevenção de agravos. Os achados deste estudo apontam para a necessidade de construir materiais e de realizar práticas educativas com essa população para reforço de medidas preventivas de queimaduras.

Objectives:To demonstrate the knowledge and practices of individuals on the prevention and treatment of burns in the home environment and to describe the educational nursing care in the prevention and treatment of burns in the home environment. Method: Convergent care research was carried out virtually, from June to August 2021, with people residing in the city of Macaé/RJ, Brazil. Results: The survey included 16 participants, 81.25% (n = 13) female, aged between 19 and 59 years old. In the analysis of the interviews, it was possible to identify mistaken knowledge and practices about the prevention and treatment of burns, to be discussed in this study. Conclusion: Although there is knowledge about adequate knowledge and practices on the prevention and treatment of burns in the home environment, there was identification of wrong practices that can harm the correct treatment and prevention of injuries. The findings of this study point to the need to build materials and carry out educational practices with this population to reinforce preventive measures for burns.

Objetivos:Demostrar los conocimientos y prácticas de los individuos sobre la prevención y tratamiento de quemaduras en el ambiente domiciliario y describir el cuidado educativo de enfermería en la prevención y tratamiento de quemaduras en el ambiente domiciliario. Método: Investigación de Atención Convergente (PCA) realizada virtualmente, de junio a agosto de 2021, con personas residentes en la ciudad de Macaé/RJ. Resultados: La encuesta contó con 16 participantes, 81,25% (n=13) mujeres, con edades entre 19 y 59 años. En el análisis de las entrevistas, fue posible identificar conocimientos y prácticas erróneas sobre la prevención y el tratamiento de las quemaduras, para ser discutidas en este estudio. Conclusión: Si bien existe conocimiento sobre los saberes y prácticas sobre la prevención y tratamiento de quemaduras en el ámbito domiciliario, se identificaron prácticas incorrectas que pueden perjudicar el correcto tratamiento y prevención de lesiones. Los hallazgos de este estudio apuntan para la necesidad de construir materiales y realizar prácticas educativas con esta población para reforzar las medidas preventivas de quemaduras.

Burns , Nursing , Disease Prevention , Enterostomal Therapy
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3726, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1424054


Abstract Objective: to evaluate the effect of photobiomodulation with low-level 660 nm laser alone or associated with Human Amniotic Membrane in the repair of partial-thickness burns in rats. Method: an experimental study conducted with 48 male Wistar rats, randomized into four groups: Control, Human Amniotic Membrane, Low-Level Laser Therapy, and Low-Level Laser Therapy associated with Human Amniotic Membrane. The histopathological characteristics of the skin samples were analyzed 7 and 14 days after the burn. The data obtained were submitted to the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Mann-Whitney tests. Results: the histological analysis of the burn injuries showed a decrease in inflammation (p<0.0001) and an increase in proliferation of fibroblasts (p<0.0001) mainly at 7 days in all treatments related to the control group. At 14 days, the greater effectiveness in accelerating the healing process was significant (p<0.0001) in the Low-Level Laser Therapy group associated with the Human Amniotic Membrane. Conclusion: the association of photobiomodulation therapies with the Human Amniotic Membrane allowed verifying a reduction in the healing process time of the experimental lesions, stimulating its proposal as a treatment protocol in partial-thickness burns.

Resumo Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da fotobiomodulação com laser de baixa intensidade 660 nm isoladamente ou associada à membrana amniótica humana no reparo de queimaduras de espessura parcial em ratos. Método: estudo experimental com 48 ratos Wistar machos, randomizados em quatro grupos: Controle, Membrana Amniótica Humana, Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade e Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade associado à Membrana Amniótica Humana. As características histopatológicas das amostras de pele foram analisadas aos 7 e 14 dias após a queimadura. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos aos testes de Kolmogorov-Smirnov e Mann Whitney. Resultados: a análise histológica das lesões por queimadura mostrou a diminuição da inflamação (p <0,0001) e aumento da proliferação de fibroblastos (p <0,0001), principalmente nos 7 dias em todos os tratamentos relacionados ao grupo controle. Aos 14 dias, a maior efetividade na aceleração do processo cicatricial foi significativa (p<0,0001) no grupo Terapia a Laser de Baixa Intensidade associado à Membrana Amniótica Humana. Conclusão: a associação das terapias de fotobiomodulação à membrana amniótica humana permitiu comprovar redução no tempo do processo cicatricial das lesões experimentais, estimulando sua proposição como protocolo de tratamento em queimaduras de espessura parcial.

Resumen Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la fotobiomodulación con láser de baja intensidad 660 nm de sola o combinada con la membrana amniótica humana en la reparación de quemaduras de espesor parcial en ratas. Método: estudio experimental con 48 ratas Wistar macho, aleatorizadas en cuatro grupos: Control, Membrana Amniótica Humana, Terapia con Láser de Baja Intensidad y Terapia con Láser de Baja Intensidad combinada con la Membrana Amniótica Humana. Las características histopatológicas de las muestras de piel fueron analizadas a los 7 y 14 días después de la quemadura. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a las pruebas de Kolmogorov-Smirnov y Mann-Whitney. Resultados: el análisis histológico de las lesiones por quemadura mostró una disminución de la inflamación (p <0,0001) y un aumento de la proliferación de fibroblastos (p <0,0001) principalmente a los 7 días en todos los tratamientos en comparación con el grupo control; a los 14 días, en el grupo de Terapia con Láser de Baja Intensidad combinada con la Membrana Amniótica Humana la mayor efectividad en la aceleración del proceso de cicatrización fue significativa (p<0,0001). Conclusión: la asociación de terapias de fotobiomodulación con la membrana amniótica humana permitió comprobar que hubo una reducción en el tiempo del proceso de cicatrización de lesiones experimentales, lo cual favorece que se proponga como protocolo de tratamiento en quemaduras de espesor parcial.

Animals , Rats , Skin/injuries , Wound Healing , Burns/pathology , Burns/therapy , Rats, Wistar , Low-Level Light Therapy , Amnion/pathology
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 10(3): 1-13, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580906


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las quemaduras suponen la cuarta causa de trauma en todo el mundo, usualmente se asocian en gran parte a componente renal, generando un deterioro abrupto de la función renal manifestado en descenso de la tasa de filtrado glomerular como en el balance hídrico del paciente. OBJETIVO: Presentar una revisión narrativa sobre los aspectos relacionados con el abordaje fisiopatológico, diagnósticos y terapéutico en el paciente quemado con lesión renal aguda. MÉTODOS: Revisión narrativa de artículos relevantes y destacados en el área del manejo del paciente quemado con lesión renal aguda, de diferentes bases de datos como Scopus, Medline, Embasey Google Scholar. RESULTADOS: Los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que conducen al paciente quemado a generar lesión renal aguda han sido ampliamente descritos, asociados principalmente a procesos de rabdomiólisis asociado a condiciones agudas como hipovolemia, entre otras. CONCLUSIONES: Un abordaje optimo en el paciente quemado con compromiso renal agudo, puede mejorar la tasa de sobrevida y rehabilitación de la función renal del paciente, previniendo desenlaces fatales, aumentando la sobrevida de pacientes y las complicaciones asociadas a la misma.

INTRODUCTION: Burns are the fourth cause of trauma worldwide, usually associated in large part with renal component, generating an abrupt deterioration of renal function manifested in decreased glomerular filtration rate as well as in the patient's water balance. OBJECTIVE: To present a narrative review on aspects related to the pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic approach in burn patients with acute kidney injury. METHODS: Narrative review of relevant and outstanding articles about management of the burn patient with acute kidney injury, from different databases such as Scopus, Medline, Embase and Google Scholar. RESULTS: The pathophysiological mechanisms that lead the burn patient to generate acute kidney injury have been widely described, mainly associated with rhabdomyolysis processes associated with acute conditions such as hypovolemia, among others. CONCLUSIONS: An optimal approach in the burn patient with acute renal compromise can improve the survival rate and rehabilitation of the patient's renal function, preventing fatal outcomes, increasing patient survival and the complications associated with it.

Humans , Burns/complications , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Burns/physiopathology , Burns/epidemiology , Incidence , Acute Kidney Injury/physiopathology , Acute Kidney Injury/therapy , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology