A combinação das técnicas cirúrgicas de ablação total do conduto auditivo com osteotomia lateral da bula (TECA-LBO) é considerada tratamento cirúrgico preferencial para cães e gatos com neoplasia auricular, colesteatoma, trauma grave do canal auditivo e otite externa crônica com otite média concomitante não responsiva ao tratamento médico. Objetiva-se a remoção completa do canal auditivo e epitélio auditivo da bula timpânica. O presente relato de caso descreve a apresentação clínica, tratamento cirúrgico e prognóstico de uma cadela da raça Cocker Spaniel, de nove anos de idade, apresentando carcinoma de glândula sebácea em conduto auditivo de evolução rápida e agressiva, associado à neoplasia mamária extensa. Esta foi tratada com ablação total do conduto auditivo (TECA) e osteotomia da bula lateral (LBO) direita, seguida de mastectomia e ovariossalpingohisterectomia. O método utilizado como tratamento promoveu excelente resultado, não sendo relatadas e visualizadas sequelas neurológicas e complicações decorrentes da cirurgia na paciente até o presente momento, totalizando 210 dias de pós-operatório.
The combination of surgical techniques of total ear canal ablation combined with lateral bulla osteotomy (TECA-LBO) are considered the gold standard surgical treatment for dogs and cats with ear neoplasia, cholesteatoma, severe trauma to the ear canal, and chronic external otitis with concomitant otitis media unresponsive to medical treatment. The aim is the complete removal of the ear canal and ear epithelium of the tympanic bulla. This case report describes the clinical presentation, surgical treatment and prognosis of a female Cocker Spaniel, 9 years old, presenting a sebaceous gland carcinoma in the ear canal with a fast and aggressive evolution, associated with extensive mammary neoplasia. The patient was treated with total ablation of the ear canal (TECA) and osteotomy of the right lateral bulla (LBO), followed by mastectomy and ovariohysterectomy. The method used as treatment provided excellent results, with no reports or visualization of neurological sequelae and complications from the surgery in the patient to date.
Animals , Dogs , Osteotomy/veterinary , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms/veterinary , Carcinoma/surgery , Mammary Neoplasms, Animal/surgery , Dogs/abnormalities , Ear Canal/surgery , Ablation Techniques/veterinaryABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological features, immunophenotype and prognosis of nuclear protein in testis (NUT) midline carcinoma. Methods: Twenty-four resection cases of NUT midline carcinoma diagnosed at the Department of Pathology, Cancer Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China from January 2018 to September 2022, were collected, and retrospectively analyzed for their clinicopathological characteristics. Relevant literature was reviewed. Results: All 24 cases of NUT midline carcinoma occurred in the chest or head and neck, including 14 men and 10 women, with a median age of 40 years. Histological examination showed that the tumors were poorly differentiated, with solid nested or sheet-like arrangement, small to medium-sized cells, sparse cytoplasm and coarse granular chromatin, including 5 cases with abrupt squamous epithelial differentiation. Immunohistochemistry showed that all 24 cases were positive for NUT protein, while 16 cases were p63 positive, 19 cases were p40 positive, 15 out of 18 cases were CK5/6 positive. Follow-up data were obtained for 21 patients (follow-up time range, 1-21 months), of which 11 survived, 10 died, and 3 were lost to follow-up. Conclusions: NUT midline carcinoma is a rare and highly aggressive malignancy with unique histological, immunophenotypic and molecular features. It has a poor prognosis.
Male , Humans , Female , Adult , Neoplasm Proteins/genetics , Nuclear Proteins/genetics , Retrospective Studies , Carcinoma/surgery , Testicular NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Breast cancer is a heterogeneous disease with various histological and molecular subtypes. Among them, salivary gland tumors are rare and can be divided into three groups: pure myoepithelial differentiation, pure epithelial differentiation and myoepithelial with mixed epithelial differentiation. In the last group, adenoid cystic carcinoma stands out, a rare entity with low malignant potential. It represents less than 0.13% of breast cancer cases and has the most frequent clinical presentation as a palpable mass. The diagnosis is confirmed by histology and immunohistochemistry. Classically, they are low-aggressive triple-negative tumors, with overall survival and specific cancer survival at five and ten years greater than 95%. However, there are rare reports of aggressive variants with a risk of distant metastasis and death. Treatment is based on surgical resection with margins. Lymphatic dissemination is rare, and there is no consensus regarding the indication of an axillary approach. Adjuvant radiotherapy is indicated in cases of conservative surgery and should be discussed in other cases. The benefit of chemotherapy remains uncertain, as most tumors are indolent. We report a case that required individualized decisions based on its peculiarities of presentation, diagnosed in an asymptomatic elderly patient during screening, in which mammography showed heterogeneous gross calcifications clustered covering 1.6 cm. Stereotacticguided vacuum-assisted biopsy was performed, and the area was marked with a clip. The anatomopathological examination led to a diagnosis of salivary gland-type carcinoma, triple-negative. The patient underwent segmental resection of the right breast and sentinel lymph node biopsy. The final anatomopathological result was similar to that of the biopsy, with an immunohistochemicalprofile of the adenoid cystic type and two sentinel lymph nodes free of neoplasia. Considering age and histological subtype, adjuvant therapy was not indicated. Follow-up for three years showed no evidence of disease
Humans , Female , Aged , Salivary Glands/pathology , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma/surgery , Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms/surgeryABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the oncological and functional efficacy and safety of transoral robotic surgery (TORS) in the treatment of oropharyngeal carcinoma. Methods: Twenty-six patients with oropharyngeal cancer were enrolled who underwent TORS at Beijing United Hospital from June 1, 2017 to December 31, 2020. Among them, 22 patients were males and 4 were females, aged 39 to 76 years old. T1-2 patients accounted for 88.5% (23/26). Clinicopathological data including the time of removal of gastric and endotracheal tube were collected. The SPSS software package was used for survival analysis, and the overall survival rate and disease-free survival rate were calculated. Results: All the 26 patients with oropharyngeal cancer received TORS without conversion to open surgery, and 20 of them underwent simultaneous cervical lymph node dissection. TORS operation time ranged from 65 to 360 minutes with an average of 215 minutes. Intraoperative blood loss ranged from 5 to 600 ml with an average of 70 ml. Four patients (15.4%) underwent tracheotomy, of whom 3 patients had the removals of tracheal tubes within 1 month after surgery and 1 case remained to wear a tube by the end of follow-up. Twelve patients (46.2%) underwent gastric tube implantation, among them, 11 patients had removals of gastric tubes within 1 month after surgery and 1 patient died of oropharyngeal hemorrhage 13 days after operation. One patient (3.8%) had a positive surgical margin and others had pathologically negative surgical margins. Sixteen patients (61.5%) received postoperative radiotherapy, of whom 11 patients (42.3%) received platinum-based concurrent chemotherapy. The median follow-up time was 21.5 months (0.4 to 45 months). The overall survival and the disease-free survival rates were 83.0% and 75.8%, respectively. Conclusion: The application of TORS in treatment of oropharyngeal cancer can achieve good oncological and functional outcomes in selected patients.
Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Carcinoma/surgery , Margins of Excision , Neck Dissection , Oropharyngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Los tumores suprarrenales virilizante son infrecuentes y representan 5-6% de los tumores de esas glándulas1. Pueden secretar diferentes andrógenos como dehidroepiandrosterona sulfato (DHEAS), androstenediona y testosterona. Las características clínicas dependen de la edad de presentación; en niños pueden determinar pubertad precoz y en mujeres en edad fértil ocasionar hirsutismo, amenorrea o ciclos oligomenorreicos y diversos grados de virilización2. Los carcinomas adrenocorticales son tumores raros y la incidencia es aproximadamente uno a dos por millón de habitantes/año3,4. Los exámenes de imagen como la tomografía o la resonancia confirman el origen suprarrenal, valoran la presencia de metástasis y definen la conducta terapéutica5. La presentación inicial en pacientes pediátricos mayoritariamente es con virilización6 y aproximadamente el 50% de los pacientes adultos con carcinoma adrenal tienen un estadio de la enfermedad relativamente avanzado7. El tratamiento de elección es la cirugía y sigue siendo la mejor esperanza para la supervivencia a largo plazo8. El pronóstico habitual para el carcinoma adrenocortical es generalmente malo con una supervivencia global a 5 años de 20 a 25%5 en adultos, pero en niños y adolescentes la supervivencia puede llegar al 100%9. Se presenta el caso de una paciente con fenotipo totalmente masculino con diagnóstico de carcinoma adrenal virilizante que comienza en la infancia y se diagnostica en la adolescencia.
Virilizing adrenal tumors are uncommon and represent 5-6% on tumors of these glands1. They can secrete different androgens such as dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), androstenedione, and testosterone. Clinical features depend on the age of presentation; in children they can determine precocious puberty and in women of childbearing age cause hirsutism, amenorrhea or oligomenorrheic cycles and various degrees of virilization2. Diagnosis consists of clinical evidence of hyperandrogenism, accompanied by an increase in androgens in the blood, especially DHEAS, whose origin is mainly adrenal. Adrenocortical carcinomas are rare and the incidence is approximately one to two per million inhabitants/year3,4. Imaging tests such as tomography or resonance confirm the adrenal origin, assess the presence of metastases and define the therapeutic approach5. In initial presentation in most pediatric patients is with virilization6 and approximately 50% adult's patients with adrenal carcinoma have a relatively advanced stage of the disease7. The treatment of choice is surgery and is the best hope for long-term survival. The usual prognosis for adrenocortical carcinoma is generally poor with a 5-year overall survival of 20 to 25%5 in adults, but in children and adolescent's survival can reach 100%9. We present the case of a patient with a totally male phenotype diagnosed with virilizing adrenal carcinoma that begins in childhood and is diagnosed in adolescence.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Virilism/etiology , Carcinoma/complications , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/complications , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Hyperandrogenism , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/diagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Mammary analogue secretory carcinoma is a rare neoplasm usually confused with other neoplasms in the salivary glands region. It has great similarity with the breast carcinoma. We report a case of a patient who presented with gingival submucosal bleeding and lesion, with the initial histopathological examination revealing salivary gland neoplasm of low crane. Computed tomography revealed the lesion near the tooth 27, with extension to the floor of the left maxillary sinus and to the palate mucosa. Resection of the infra-structure was performed, with a diagnosis of breast cancer secretory carcinoma in the minor salivary gland.
Humans , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Salivary Gland Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Mammary Analogue Secretory Carcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Salivary Glands , Salivary Glands, Minor/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Antecedentes: la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs es la técnica de elección, para el tratamiento de cancer de piel no melanoma de alto riesgo. Las características tanto del paciente cmo del tumor que lo definen como de alto riesgo de recidiva son el tamaño, la localización, la recidiva y el estado inmunitario del paciente, entre otros factores. Objetivo: describir el perfil de los pacientes con carcinomas tratados mediante cirugía micrográfica de Mohs en la Cátedra de Dermatología Médico-Quirúrgica del Hospital de Clínicas Dr. Manuel Quintela en período de 7 años y que presentan recidiva. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo, retrospectivo, unicéntro, de tipo cohorte histórica, en el que se analizaron las características de los pacientes cuyo tumor recidivó tras la cirugía micrográfica de Mohs mediante la revisión de las historias clínicas, y su comparación con las publicaciones sobre el tema. Resultados: en el período mencionado hubo 7 recidivas de las 388 operaciones realizadas (1,8 % del total), con una media de tiempo hasta la recurrencia de 15,3±2,3 meses. Todos eran tumores de alto riesgo, 5 estaban localizados en zonas de alto riesgo, 3 pacientes eran inmunodeprimidos y 2 tenían subtipos histológicos de alto riesgo. Conclusiones: de las 388 operaciones, un 1,8% de los pacientes presentaron recidiva en los 7 años, con un tiempo medio hasta la aparición de esta de 15,3 meses. En general, las características de los pacientes con recidiva coinciden, en parte, con lo referido en la literatura especializada. Sin embargo, se dificulta la comparación con otros estudios porque pocos pacientes cumplieron al menos 5 años de seguimiento. Llama la atención la proporción de tabaquismo y anticoagulación entre los pacientes que evidenciaron recidiva.
Background:Mohs micrographic surgery is the technique of choice for the treatment of high-risk non-melanoma skin cancer.We describe the pacient and tumor´s characteristics that define them as high-risk tumors: size,location,recurrence,immunologicalstateof the patient, within other factors. Objetive: describe the profile of patients with recurrent carcinomas after Mohs micrographic surgery in the Dermatology department of Clinic Hospital Dr. Manuel Quintela in a 7-year period. Methods: observacional, descriptive, single-center, historical cohort study in which patients with recurrent carcinomas after Mohs micrographic surgery were analyzeb by clinical histoty revision and results were compared with the literature. Results: in the mentioned period 7 recurrences within the 388 surgeries were found (1.8%), with a mean time to recurrence of 15.3±2.3 months. It can be highlighted that all of them were high-risk tumors, 5 were at high risk locations, 3 were immunosuppressed and 2 had high risk histological subtypes. Conclusions: within the 7-year period 1.8% of recurrences after Mohs micrographic surgery were found and the mean time to recurrence was 15.3 months. In general, patient´s characteristics were similar to the consulted literature. The high percentage of smokers and anticoagulanted patients is striking compared to all the patients who completed 5 years of follow-up. owever, it is important to take into account that the small number of patients make it dfficult to compare the results with other studies.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Skin Neoplasms , Carcinoma/surgery , Mohs Surgery , Recurrence , Uruguay , Carcinoma/pathology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: el cáncer de la vejiga es la segunda neoplasia urológica. En Cuba constituye la séptima causa de cáncer en el sexo masculino y entre las primeras quince, cuando se combinan ambos sexos. Objetivo: evaluar el comportamiento del cáncer de vejiga en pacientes del Hospital Universitario Comandante "Faustino Pérez Hernández". Materiales y Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en el período comprendido desde diciembre de 2014 hasta enero de 2020. Los pacientes se dividieron en tres grupos tratados con cirugía de mínimo acceso, cirugía abierta y no operados, se describieron los grupos histológicos y estadiaje tumoral y se les aplicó tratamiento según protocolo del servicio, sus complicaciones y la presencia de recidivas tumorales también fueron descritas. En el universo se incluyeron en el estudio 222 pacientes diagnosticados de cáncer de vejiga. Resultados: se comprobó que el mayor número de pacientes diagnosticados con cáncer de vejiga son del sexo masculino, el tipo histológico es el carcinoma de células uroteliales de bajo grado y el estadio T1. Las recidivas se presentaron antes de los 5 años en el 10,8% de los casos. 196 pacientes presentaron complicaciones. Conclusiones: el cáncer de vejiga es más frecuente en las edades comprendidas entre 60 a 69 años, las recidivas aparecieron mayormente entre 1 y 3 años. Se presentó complicaciones en 196 pacientes, siendo la cirugía la modalidad terapéutica que mayor por ciento tuvo con un 32.22% y las infecciones son las complicaciones más frecuentes (AU).
SUMMARY Introduction: Cancer of the bladder (CV) is the second urological neoplasm. In Cuba it constitutes the seventh cause of cancer in males and among the first fifteen, when both sexes are combined. Objective: To evaluate the behavior of bladder cancer (CV) in patients of the Faustino Pérez Hernández Hospital. Materials and methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out in the period from December 2014 to January 2020. The patients were divided into 3 groups treated with Minimum Access Surgery (CMA), Open Surgery (CA) and No Operated (NO), the histological groups and tumor staging were described and treatment was applied according to the service protocol, their complications and the presence of tumor recurrences were also described.Universe: 222 patients diagnosed with bladder cancer were included in the study. Results: It was found that the greatest number of patients diagnosed with CV are male, the histological type is low-grade urothelial cell carcinoma and stage T1. Recurrences occurred before 5 years in 10.8% of cases. 196 patients presented complications. Conclusions: The CV is more frequent in the ages between 60 to 69 years, the recurrences appeared mainly between 1 and three years. Complications occurred in 196 patients, with Surgery being the therapeutic modality with the highest percentage with 32.22% and infections being the most frequent complications (AU).
Humans , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Infections/etiology , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/surgery , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/complications , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/diagnosis , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/complications , Carcinoma/diagnosis , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational StudyABSTRACT
La ecografía tiroidea es la principal herramienta diagnóstica en el manejo de los nódulos tiroideos, siendo la presencia de microcalcificaciones un signo de malignidad. Sin embargo, existen escasas publicaciones acerca de la presencia de microcalcificaciones en ausencia de nódulo identificable y su asociación con cáncer de tiroides. Presentamos un caso de una mujer de 26 años, que, tras hallazgo incidental de bocio, se describe en ecografía un tiroides con alteración difusa de su ecogenicidad e imágenes compatibles con microcalcificaciones sin claro nódulo definido en su polo inferior. Tras realización de punción aspiración con aguja fina de la lesión con resultado Bethesda categoría 5, se decide realizar tiroidectomía total, presentando estudio histológico con diagnóstico de carcinoma papilar de tiroides variante clásica con metástasis ganglionares p(T1bN1a). Tras una revisión sistemática, los estudios hasta hoy publicados sugieren que la presencia de microcalcificaciones aisladas sin nódulo identificable debe considerarse un importante factor de riesgo de cáncer de tiroides, especialmente en gente joven, y en aquellas asentadas sobre una tiroiditis de Hashimoto. Por ende, resulta imperativo mantener una alta sospecha ante el hallazgo de este tipo de lesiones, recomendando una valoración exhaustiva de las mismas con la realización de una punción aspiración con aguja fina a todas las lesiones con dichas características.
Thyroid ultrasound is the main diagnostic tool in the management of thyroid nodules, with the presence of microcalcifications being a sign of malignancy. However, there are few publications about the presence of microcalcifications in the absence of an identifiable nodule and its association with thyroid cancer. We present a case of a 26-year-old woman who, after an incidental finding of goiter, a thyroid with diffuse echogenicity alteration and images compatible with microcalcifications without a clear nodule defined in the lower pole of the lobe is described on the ultrasound. After performing a fine needle aspiration of the lesion resulting in a Bethesda category 5, a total thyroidectomy was performed, presenting in the histological study a diagnosis of a classic variant of a papillary thyroid carcinoma with lymph node metastases p (T1bN1a). After a systematic review, the studies previously published suggest that the presence of isolated microcalcifications without an identifiable nodule should be considered an important risk factor for thyroid cancer, especially in young people, and in those with a concomitant Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Therefore, it is imperative to maintain a high suspicion of the discovery of this type of lesion, recommending an exhaustive assessment of them with the performance of a fine needle aspiration to all lesions with these features.
Humans , Female , Adult , Calcinosis/diagnostic imaging , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Thyroid Nodule/diagnostic imaging , Thyroidectomy , Calcinosis/surgery , Calcinosis/pathology , Thyroid Neoplasms/surgery , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/pathology , Ultrasonography , Thyroid Nodule/surgery , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Biopsy, Fine-NeedleABSTRACT
RESUMEN El carcinoma sebáceo es un tumor anexial raro que presenta un curso clínico agresivo con tendencia a la recurrencia local y metástasis a distancia. En el 75% de los casos se presenta en la región periocular, aunque puede aparecer en cualquier parte del cuerpo donde existan glándulas sebáceas. Presentamos un caso clínico de esta rara patología y su resolución.
ABSTRACT Sebaceous carcinoma is a rare and aggressive neoplasm derived from the adnexal epithelium of the sebaceous glands with a tendency to local recurrence and distant metastasis In 75% of cases the tumor develops in the periocular region but it can appear in any area with sebaceous glands. We report a case of this rare condition and its resolution.
Sebaceous Glands/pathology , Carcinoma/surgery , Perineum/pathology , Sebaceous Gland Neoplasms , Biopsy , Epidermal Cyst/surgeryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective : to evaluate the clinical characteristics of patients with colorectal cancer under the age of 50 treated at a public hospital in Brasilia over 5 years. Methods: we conducted a longitudinal, retrospective study, with 184 patients undergoing surgical procedures at the Asa Norte Regional Hospital (HRAN), including those who underwent only biopsy, between January 2013 and January 2018. We divided the patients into two groups: under the age of 50 (n=39) and age equal to or greater than 50 years (n=145). We compared the groups as to age, sex, symptoms, time between symptom onset and diagnosis, family and personal history, tumor location, histopathological characteristics, applied surgical management, staging and mortality. Results: the group of patients under the age of 50 had more individuals with stage III and IV (p=0.041), more frequent poorly differentiated tumors (10.25% versus 3.52%; p=0.153), and higher incidences of compromised surgical margins (p=0.368), angiolymphatic (p=0.07) and perineural (p=0.007) invasion, which denotes more advanced disease in this group of patients. Conclusions: the study showed the low effectiveness of population screening methods for colorectal cancer currently used in this population, given the high incidence of the disease and late diagnosis in both groups.
RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar o perfil clínico de pacientes portadores de câncer colorretal com idade inferior a 50 anos atendidos em um hospital público de Brasília ao longo de 5 anos. Métodos: estudo longitudinal e retrospectivo. Foram incluídos 184 pacientes submetidos a procedimento cirúrgico no Hospital Regional da Asa Norte (HRAN), incluindo aqueles que realizaram apenas biópsia, entre janeiro de 2013 e janeiro de 2018. Os pacientes foram divididos em dois grupos: com idade inferior a 50 anos (n=39) e idade igual ou superior a 50 anos (n=145). Os grupos foram comparados em relação às seguintes variáveis: idade, gênero, sintomatologia, tempo entre início dos sintomas e diagnóstico, antecedentes familiares e pessoais, localização do tumor, características anatomopatológicas, conduta cirúrgica estabelecida, estadiamento e mortalidade. Resultados: no grupo dos pacientes com idade inferior a 50 anos houve maior concentração de indivíduos com estadiamento III e IV (p=0,041), foi mais frequente a presença de tumores pouco diferenciados (10,25% contra 3,52%; p=0,153), foram descritas maiores incidências de margens cirúrgicas comprometidas (p=0,368), invasão angiolinfática (p=0,07) e perineural (p=0,007), o que denota doença mais avançada nesse grupo de pacientes. Conclusões: o estudo evidenciou a baixa efetividade dos métodos de rastreamento populacional para câncer colorretal atualmente empregados nesta população, visto a elevada incidência da doença e ao diagnóstico tardio em ambos os grupos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Carcinoma/pathology , Colorectal Neoplasms/pathology , Brazil/epidemiology , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Colorectal Neoplasms/surgery , Colorectal Neoplasms/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Age Factors , Colon/pathology , Middle Aged , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Introdução: A Úlcera de Marjolin é definida como a malignização de cicatrizes, geralmente, crônicas, decorrentes de diversos tipos de lesão, sendo mais comum lesões por queimaduras. Métodos: Foi realizado levantamento bibliográfico nas plataformas BVS, PubMed, SciELO e Cochrane, tendo como critério de inclusão estudos publicados nos últimos 5 anos, que envolvem a espécie humana, disponíveis na web nos idiomas inglês ou português. Resultados: Analisados um total de 31, dos quais apenas 6 compuseram a amostra final. Discussão: As úlceras de Marjolin são encontradas em cicatrizes antigas de queimaduras, podem ocorrer em qualquer local, sendo mais comuns em membros superiores e inferiores. O diagnóstico inicia-se com a suspeita clínica baseada em características das lesões: lesões ulcerativas crônicas que não cicatrizam, com bordas elevadas e endurecidas e odor desagradável, podendo apresentar descarga purulenta. Esse só pode ser efetivado, entretanto, por meio do histopatológico da lesão. O período de latência entre a injúria da lesão e a sua malignização é, em média, de 30 a 35 anos. O tratamento deve ser individualizado, uma vez que depende de diversos fatores. Contudo, considera-se o padrão ouro a excisão cirúrgica. Conclusão: O conhecimento dos profissionais de saúde acerca dessa condição faz-se imprescindível para o melhor prognóstico do paciente. De modo que possíveis casos de malignização não tenham o seu diagnóstico subestimado, permita a terapêutica adequada à minimização das recidivas, e medidas profiláticas sejam efetivadas, no que tange à prevenção da queimadura e à minoração de fatores de risco para a malignização.
Introduction: Marjolin's ulcer is defined as a malignancy within scars that is usually chronic and results from several lesion types, with burn injuries being the most common. Methods: A bibliographic survey was conducted of the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Scientific Electronic Library Online, and Cochrane databases using the inclusion criteria of studies published in the last 5 years, human studies, and published in English or Portuguese. Results: A total of 31 studies were analyzed, of which only 6 were included in the final sample. Discussion: Marjolin's ulcer is found in old burn scars and can occur anywhere, but it is more common in the upper and lower limbs. The diagnosis begins with the clinical suspicion based on lesion characteristics: chronic unhealed ulcerative lesions with high and hardened edges, an unpleasant odor, and purulent discharge. However, the diagnosis can only be made histopathologically. The latency period between injury and malignancy is 3035 years. Although treatment should be individualized since it depends on several factors, surgical excision is considered the gold standard. Conclusion: Knowledge about this condition is essential to better patient prognosis and prevent underestimation of possible cases of malignancy, allowing for appropriate therapy to minimize recurrence and enabling prophylactic measures to prevent burn injury and reduce risk factors for malignancy.
Humans , Female , Adult , History, 21st Century , Skin Ulcer , Surgery, Plastic , Wound Healing , Burns , Burns, Electric , Carcinoma , Skin Ulcer/surgery , Surgery, Plastic/adverse effects , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Burns/surgery , Burns/complications , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/complicationsSubject(s)
Humans , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Transanal Endoscopic Surgery/adverse effects , Transanal Endoscopic Surgery/methods , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/adverse effects , Endoscopic Mucosal Resection/methods , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Carcinoma/surgery , Adenoma/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/epidemiology , Neoplasm StagingABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Trans-oral laser microsurgery is an established technique for the treatment of early and moderately advanced laryngeal cancer. Objective: The authors intend to test the usefulness of narrow-band imaging in the intraoperative assessment of the larynx mucosa in terms of specifying surgical margins. Methods: Forty-four consecutive T1-T2 glottic cancers treated with trans-oral laser microsurgery Type I-VI cordectomy were presented. Suspected areas (90 samples/44 patients) were biopsied under the guidance of narrow-band imaging and white light and sent for frozen section. Results: Our study revealed that 75 of 90 (83.3%) white light and narrow-band imaging-guided samples were histopathologically positive: 30 (40%) were confirmed as carcinoma in situ or invasive carcinoma and 45 (60%) as moderate to severe dysplasia. In 6 patients mucosa was suspected only in narrow-band imaging, with no suspicion under white light. Thus, in these 6 patients 18/90 (20%) samples were taken. In 5/6 patients 16/18 (88.8%) samples were positive in frozen section: in 6/18 (33.3%) carcinoma (2 patients), 10/18 (66.6%) severe dysplasia was confirmed (3 patients). In 1 patient 2/18 (11.1%) samples were negative in frozen section. Presented analysis showed, that sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of white light was 79.5%, 20% and 71.1% respectively, while narrow-band imaging was 100%, 0.0% and 85.7%, respectively. Conclusion: The intraoperative use of narrow-band imaging proved to be valuable in the visualization of suspect areas of the mucosa. Narrow-band imaging confirms the suspicions undertaken in white light and importantly, it showed microlesions beyond the scope of white light.
Resumo Introdução: A microcirurgia transoral a laser é uma técnica bem estabelecida para o tratamento de câncer de laringe inicial e moderadamente avançado. Objetivo: Verificar a utilidade da imagem de banda estreita na avaliação intraoperatória da mucosa laríngea na especificação das margens cirúrgicas. Método: Foram avaliados 44 cânceres glóticos T1-T2 consecutivos, tratados com cordectomia Tipo I-VI, por microcirurgia transoral a laser. As áreas suspeitas (90 amostras/44 pacientes) foram submetidas a biopsia e avaliadas através de imagens de banda estreita e luz branca e enviadas para cortes por congelação. Resultados: Nosso estudo revelou que 75 (83,3%) das 90 amostras apresentaram histopatologia positiva na análise com luz branca e imagens de banda estreita: 30 (40%) foram confirmadas como carcinoma in situ ou carcinoma invasivo e 45 (60%) como displasia moderada a grave. Em seis pacientes, a mucosa apresentou-se suspeita apenas na imagem de banda estreita, sem suspeita sob luz branca. Assim, nesses seis pacientes 18/90 (20%) amostras foram colhidas. Em 5/6 pacientes, 16/18 (88,8%) amostras mostraram resultado positivo na análise de congelação: em 6/18 (33,3%) amostras foi confirmado carcinoma (dois pacientes) e em 10/18 (66,6%) foi confirmada displasia grave (três pacientes). Em um paciente, 2/18 (11,1%) as amostras mostraram resultado negativo na congelação. A análise apresentada mostrou que a sensibilidade, a especificidade e a acurácia da luz branca foram de 79,5%, 20% e 71,1%, respectivamente, enquanto a imagem de banda estreita apresentou como resultados 100%, 0,0% e 85,7%, respectivamente. Conclusão: O uso intraoperatório de imagem de banda estreita provou ser valioso na identificação de áreas suspeitas da mucosa, confirmou as suspeitas verificadas na análise com luz branca e, o que é mais importante, identificou microlesões além do alcance da luz branca.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Laryngeal Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Laser Therapy/methods , Narrow Band Imaging/methods , Microsurgery/methods , Vocal Cords/surgery , Vocal Cords/diagnostic imaging , Carcinoma/pathology , Laryngeal Neoplasms/pathology , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disease-Free Survival , Natural Orifice Endoscopic Surgery/methods , Margins of Excision , Intraoperative PeriodABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Endogenous thyroid-stimulating hormone-stimulated thyroglobulin collected after total thyroidectomy is a useful predictor of better prognosis in patients with differentiated thyroid carcinomas in general, but studies with microcarcinomas are scarce. Objective: To assess whether the first postoperative stimulated thyroglobulin measurement is a prognostic factor in patients with microcarcinoma. Methods: The medical data of 150 differentiated thyroid carcinoma patients were studied retrospectively, and 54 (36%) cases with microcarcinoma were selected. The first postoperative stimulated thyroglobulin (1st stimulated thyroglobulin), measured after thyroidectomy, initial presentation data, and microcarcinomas treatment were assessed regarding outcome. Worse prognosis was defined as neoplasm persistence/recurrence. Results: Persistence/recurrence occurred in 27.8% of the cases. These patients were identified according to the following parameters: receiving more than one 131iodine dose (100% vs. 0%; p < 0.0001); accumulated 131iodine dose (232.14 ± 99.09 vs. 144 ± 33.61 mCi; p < 0.0001); presented active disease in the last assessment (53.3% vs. 0%; p < 0.0001); follow-up time (103.07 ± 61.27 vs. 66.85 ± 70.14 months; p = 0.019); and 1st stimulated thyroglobulin (19.01 ± 44.18 vs. 2.19 ± 2.54 ng/dL; p < 0.0001). After multivariate logistic regression, only the 1stSTg [odds ratio = 1.242; 95% confidence interval: 1.022-1.509; p = 0.029] and follow-up time (odds ratio = 1.027; 95% confidence interval: 1.007-1.048; p = 0.007) were independent predictors of risk of persistence/recurrence. The cutoff point of 1.6 ng/dL for the 1st stimulated thyroglobulin was significantly associated with disease persistence/recurrence [area under the curve = 0.713 (p = 0.019)]. Conclusion: The first stimulated thyroglobulin predicted disease persistence/recurrence in patients with microcarcinoma.
Resumo Introdução: A tireoglobulina estimulada pelo hormônio tireoestimulante endógeno coletada após tireoidectomia total é um preditor útil de melhor prognóstico em pacientes com carcinomas diferenciados de tireoide em geral, mas os estudos com microcarcinomas são escassos. Objetivo: Avaliar se a primeira medida pós-operatória de tireoglobulina estimulada é um fator prognóstico em pacientes com microcarcinoma. Método: Os dados clínicos de 150 pacientes com carcinoma diferenciado de tireoide foram estudados retrospectivamente e 54 (36%) casos com microcarcinoma foram selecionados. A primeira dosagem de tireoglobulina estimulada (1a TgE) pós-operatória, medida após a tireoidectomia, os dados da apresentação inicial e tratamento do microcarcinoma foram avaliados quanto ao resultado. O pior prognóstico foi definido como a persistência/recorrência da neoplasia. Resultados: A persistência/recorrência ocorreu em 27,8% dos casos. Esses pacientes foram identificados de acordo com os seguintes parâmetros: receberam mais de uma dose de iodo131 (100% vs. 0%; p < 0,0001); dose acumulada de iodo131 (232,14 ± 99,09 vs. 144 ± 33,61 mCi; p < 0,0001); apresentou doença ativa na última avaliação (53,3% vs. 0%; p < 0,0001); tempo de seguimento (103,07 ± 61,27 vs. 66,85 ± 70,14 meses; p = 0,019); e 1ªTgE (19,01 ± 44,18 vs. 2,19 ± 2,54 ng/dL; p < 0,0001). Após a regressão logística multivariada, apenas a 1ª TgE [odds ratio = 1.242; intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,022-1,509; p = 0,029] e tempo de seguimento (odds ratio = 1,027; intervalo de confiança de 95%: 1,007-1,048; p = 0,007) foram preditores independentes de risco de persistência/recorrência. O ponto de corte de 1,6 ng/dL para a 1a TgE foi significativamente associado à persistência/recidiva da doença [área abaixo da curva = 0,713 (p = 0,019)]. Conclusão: A 1ª dosagem sérica de tireoglobulina estimulada previu a persistência/recorrência da doença em pacientes com microcarcinoma.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Thyroglobulin/blood , Thyroid Neoplasms/blood , Carcinoma/blood , Postoperative Period , Prognosis , Reference Values , Thyroidectomy/methods , Thyroid Neoplasms/surgery , Thyroid Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/pathology , Biomarkers, Tumor/blood , Logistic Models , Predictive Value of Tests , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , ROC Curve , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/bloodABSTRACT
Background: Pulmonary nodules are common, and surgery is the only alternative that allows a diagnostic and therapeutic management in a single procedure. Aim: To report the epidemiological, radiological, surgical and pathological features of excised pulmonary nodules. Material and Methods: Review of medical records of patients in whom a pulmonary nodule was excised between 2014 and 2018. Those with incomplete data or without a pathological study were excluded from analysis. Results: We retrieved 108 records and 8 had to be excluded, therefore 100 patients aged 34 to 82 years (57% females) were analyzed. Sixty percent had a history of smoking. Mean nodule size was 16 mm and the solid type was the most common (65%). Forty five percent of nodules had irregular margins and 55% were in the superior lobes. All patients operated by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery and 40% underwent a lobectomy. Malignant lesions were observed in 87% of biopsies and a pulmonary adenocarcinoma was found in pathology in 40%. Conclusions: A multidisciplinary approach of pulmonary nodules, using adapted international guidelines, accomplishes an appropriate management, decreasing unnecessary surgical interventions.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Carcinoma/pathology , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules/pathology , Adenocarcinoma of Lung/pathology , Lung Neoplasms/pathology , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Thoracic Surgery, Video-Assisted/methods , Tumor Burden , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules/surgery , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules/epidemiology , Adenocarcinoma of Lung/surgery , Adenocarcinoma of Lung/epidemiology , Lung Neoplasms/surgery , Lung Neoplasms/epidemiologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: Vaginal cuff recurrence of tumor following radical cystectomy is a rare site of disease recurrence, however it has never been specifically studied. The aim of the study is to evaluate incidence, risk factors, and long-term oncologic outcomes of vaginal cuff recur- rence in a cohort of female patients treated with radical cystectomy for invasive urothelial carcinoma of the bladder. Materials and Methods: From 1985 to 2012, a prospectively maintained institutional blad- der cancer registry was queried for vaginal cuff recurrence post radical cystectomy. Over- all mortality and cancer-specific mortality were reported using the Kaplan-Meier method for patients with vaginal cuff recurrence, recurrence at another local or distant site, and those without evidence of recurrence. Comparisons were performed using the log-rank test. Cox proportional hazards regression model was performed to assess predictors of vaginal cuff recurrence. Results: From 469 women treated with radical cystectomy for bladder cancer, 34 patients (7.3%) developed vaginal cuff recurrence, 130 patients (27.7%) had recurrence involving ei- ther a local or distant site, and 305 patients (65%) had no evidence of recurrence. The 5-year overall mortality-free survival rate was 32.4% for vaginal cuff recurrence, but 25.0% for other sites of recurrence. Cancer-specific mortality-free survival rate was 32.4% for vaginal cuff recurrence, and 30.3% for the other sites of recurrence. Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression analysis demonstrated that the presence of tumor in posterior location at radical cystectomy (Hazard Ratio [HR], 0.353 [95% CI, 0.159-0.783]) and anterior vaginec- tomy, compared to no vaginectomy (HR, 2.595 [95% CI, 1.077-6.249]) were independently associated with vaginal cuff recurrence. Conclusion: Anterior vaginectomy, despite our best attempts, is perhaps not sufficient to prevent vaginal cuff recurrence. Therefore, follow-up evaluation is essential, and further studies are necessary to address the optimal approach for initial management. Patient Summary: Although vaginal cuff recurrence is an unusual site of recurrence, careful evaluation is needed before cystectomy and during follow-up to identify patients at risk.
Humans , Female , Aged , Vaginal Neoplasms/etiology , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/surgery , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/epidemiology , Carcinoma/surgery , Carcinoma/epidemiology , Cystectomy/methods , Neoplasms, Second Primary/etiology , Time Factors , United States/epidemiology , Vaginal Neoplasms/mortality , Proportional Hazards Models , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Neoplasms, Second Primary/mortality , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Middle Aged , Neoplasm InvasivenessABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background and Purpose: Recent advances in cancer treatment have resulted in bet- ter prognosis with impact on patient's survival, allowing an increase in incidence of a second primary neoplasm. The development of minimally invasive surgery has provided similar outcomes in comparison to open surgery with potentially less mor- bidity. Consequently, this technique has been used as a safe option to simultaneously treat synchronous abdominal malignancies during a single operating room visit. The objective of this study is to describe the experience of two tertiary cancer hospitals in Brazil, in the minimally invasive treatment of synchronous abdominal neoplasms and to evaluate its feasibility and peri-operative results. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the data from patients who were submitted to combined laparoscopic procedures performed in two tertiary hospitals in Brazil from May 2009 to February 2015. Results: A total of 12 patients (9 males and 3 females) with a mean age of 58.83 years (range: 33 to 76 years) underwent combined laparoscopic surgeries for the treatment of at least one urological disease. The total average duration of surgery was 339.8 minutes (range: 210 to 480 min). The average amount of intraoperative bleeding was 276.6mL (range: 70 to 550mL) and length of hospitalization was 5.08 days (range: 3 to 10 days). Two patients suffered minor complications regarding Clavien system during the immediate postoperative period. Conclusions: Combined laparoscopic surgery for the treatment of synchronous tumors is feasible, viable and safe. In our study, there was a low risk of postoperative morbidity.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Carcinoma/surgery , Laparoscopy/methods , Abdominal Neoplasms/surgery , Neoplasms, Multiple Primary/surgery , Postoperative Complications , Prostatectomy/methods , Time Factors , Brazil , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Blood Loss, Surgical , Treatment Outcome , Operative Time , Tertiary Care Centers , Length of Stay , Middle Aged , Nephrectomy/methodsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To retrospectively evaluate the outcomes of patients with low and intermediate risk thyroid carcinoma treated with total thyroidectomy (TT) and who did not undergo radioiodine remnant ablation (RRA) and to compare them to patients receiving low dose of iodine (30 mCi). Subjects and methods A total of 189 differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) patients treated with TT followed by 30mCi for RRA or not, followed in two referral centers in Brazil were analyzed. Results From the 189 patients, 68.8% was ATA low-risk, 30.6% intermediate and 0.6% high risk. Eighty-seven patients underwent RRA and 102 did not. The RRA groups tended to be younger and had a higher frequency of extra-thyroidal extension (ETE). RRA did not have and impact on response to initial therapy neither in low (p = 0.24) nor in intermediate risk patients (p = 0.66). It also had no impact on final outcome and most patients had no evidence of disease (NED) at final follow-up. Recurrence/persistence of disease was found in 1.2% of RRA group and 2% in patients treated only with TT (p = 0.59). Conclusions Our study shows that in low and intermediate-risk patients, RRA with 30 mCi seems to have no major advantage over patients who did not undergo RRA regarding response to initial therapy in each risk group and also in long term outcomes.