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Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 16(1): 17-21, Marzo 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1551135


Introducción: Los leiomiomas uterinos son un tipo de neoplasia benigna de frecuente aparición en mujeres de edad reproductiva, relacionados con enfermedad tromboem- bólica venosa. Este vínculo surge del efecto producido por la compresión de fibromas que genera estasis venosa en la región pelviana. Sin embargo, este pareciera no ser el único factor que lo relaciona con el desarrollo posterior de hipertensión pulmonar, sino que su presencia es gatillo de una serie de fenómenos que influyen sobre la vasculatu - ra pulmonar y también a nivel sistémico. Método: Revisión de una serie de casos (seis) atendidos en nuestra unidad, seguido de una revisión sobre la relación entre leiomio- mas y distintas formas de hipertensión pulmonar con una revisión desde la fisiopatología. Resultado y conclusiones: Encontramos sustento bibliográfico en los múltiples caminos fisiopatológicos que relacionan los mediadores vasculares comunes, que parecieran ser el punto clave en la relación entre estas dos patologías.

Introduction: Uterine leiomyomas are a type of benign neoplasm that frequently appears in women of reproductive age, related to venous thromboembolic disease. This link arises from the effect produced by the compression of fibroids, which generates venous stasis in the pelvic region. However, this seems not to be the only factor that re- lates it to the subsequent development of pulmonary hypertension, but rather its presence is a trigger for a series of phenomena that influence the pulmonary vasculature and also at a systemic level. Method: Review of a series of cases (six) cared for in our unit, followed by a review on the relationship between leiomyomas and different forms of pulmonary hypertension with a review from the pathophysiology. Result and conclusions: We found bibliographic support in the multiple pathophysiological paths that relate the common vascular mediators, which appear to be the key point in the relationship between these two pathologies.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Uterine Neoplasms/physiopathology , Venous Thromboembolism/physiopathology , Hypertension, Pulmonary/physiopathology , Leiomyoma/physiopathology , Echocardiography , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Biomarkers , Review , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1531826


Objetivo: identificar o conhecimento e sentimentos de pessoas sobre o cateterismo cardíaco. Método: estudo descritivo, abordagem qualitativa, realizado com 12 pacientes em hospital referência em cardiologia, no município de João Pessoa, no período de novembro a dezembro de 2021. Os dados foram coletados através de entrevista gravada e semiestruturada, os dados analisados pela Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. Resultados: a partir das entrevistas foram construídas três categorias temáticas: C1 - Conhecimento do procedimento de cateterismo cardíaco, C2 - Falta de orientação dos cuidados que envolvem o cateterismo cardíaco e C3 - Sentimentos à realização do cateterismo cardíaco. Os dados evidenciam um conhecimento insuficiente e limitado que podem se relacionar com o surgimento de sentimentos negativos. Considerações finais: Percebe-se a necessidade de orientações e informações, bem como o planejamento e construção de tecnologias educativas para as pessoas que irão realizar o cateterismo cardíaco, com a finalidade de promover um pré, intra e pós-exame seguro

Objective: to identify people's knowledge and feelings about cardiac catheterization. Method: descriptive study, qualitative approach, carried out with 12 patients in a cardiology reference hospital, in the city of João Pessoa, from November to December 2021. Data were collected through recorded and semi-structured interviews, the data analyzed by Analysis of Bardin content. Results: three thematic categories were constructed from the interviews: C1 - Knowledge of the cardiac catheterization procedure, C2 - Lack of guidance on care involving cardiac catheterization and C3 - Feelings regarding cardiac catheterization. The data highlights insufficient and limited knowledge that may be related to the emergence of negative feelings. Final considerations: There is a perceived need for guidance and information, as well as the planning and construction of educational technologies for people who will undergo cardiac catheterization, with the purpose of promoting a safe pre, intra and post-exam

Objetivos: identificar los conocimientos y sentimientos de las personas sobre el cateterismo cardíaco. Método: estudio descriptivo, de enfoque cualitativo, realizado con 12 pacientes en un hospital de referencia en cardiología, en la ciudad de João Pessoa, de noviembre a diciembre de 2021. Los datos fueron recolectados a través de entrevistas grabadas y semiestructuradas, los datos analizados por Análisis de Bardin contenido. Resultados: a partir de las entrevistas se construyeron tres categorías temáticas: C1 - Conocimiento sobre el procedimiento de cateterismo cardíaco, C2 - Falta de orientación sobre los cuidados relacionados con el cateterismo cardíaco y C3 - Sentimientos respecto al cateterismo cardíaco. Los datos destacan conocimientos insuficientes y limitados que pueden estar relacionados con la aparición de sentimientos negativos. Consideraciones finales: Se percibe la necesidad de orientación e información, así como la planificación y construcción de tecnologías educativas para las personas que serán sometidas a cateterismo cardíaco, con el propósito de promover un pre, intra y post examen seguro

Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiovascular Nursing , Disinformation , Expressed Emotion
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 36(1): e282, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1509332


Coração em criss-cross (ou coração entrecruzado) foi descrito pela primeira vez em 1974. Trata-se de uma malformação cardíaca congênita, rara, ocorrendo 8 casos a cada 1.000.000 de crianças, e representando somente 0,1% das malformações congênitas. Os métodos diagnósticos de escolha são o ecocardiograma transtorácico, a ressonância magnética cardíaca (RMC), a angiotomografia (TC) e, eventualmente, o cateterismo cardíaco. Neste relato, descreve-se o caso de um recém-nascido com coração em criss-cross somado à dupla via de saída do ventrículo direito (VD), com vasos mal posicionados, além de comunicação interatrial (CIA), comunicação interventricular (CIV), displasia de valva tricúspide e veia cava superior esquerda persistente. Não se sabe a etiologia exata dessa malformação, mas parece ocorrer pela rotação dos ventrículos em seu eixo longitudinal, não acompanhada das rotações atrial e das valvas atrioventriculares (AV). Esse movimento produz uma alteração das vias de entrada dos ventrículos, determinando que o VD se posicione em plano superior e o esquerdo em plano inferior. Apesar de ainda não se saber a exata causa dessa anomalia, acredita-se que uma alteração genética possa estar levando a esses casos: a mutação do gene Cx43. O diagnóstico do caso em questão foi dado pela ecocardiografia transtorácica e da TC de aorta e artérias pulmonares, que mostraram, além do criss-cross, outras alterações, como dupla via de saída do VD, CIA e CIV amplas.(AU)

Criss-cross heart was first described in 1974. It is a rare congenital heart malformation that occurs in 8 cases per 1,000,000 children, and represents only 0.1% of congenital malformations. The diagnostic methods of choice are transthoracic echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), computed tomography angiography (CT) and, sometimes, cardiac catheterization. This report describes the case of a newborn with a criss-cross heart in addition to double-outlet right ventricle (RV), with poorly positioned vessels, in addition to atrial septal defect (ASD), interventricular septal defect, tricuspid valve dysplasia and persistent left superior vena cava. The exact etiology of this malformation is not known, but it seems to occur due to rotation of the ventricles in their longitudinal axis, not accompanied by rotation of the atrial and atrioventricular (AV) valves. This movement produces abnormal ventricular inlets, determining that the RV be positioned on a superior plane and the left ventricle on an inferior plane. Although the exact cause of this anomaly is still unknown, it is believed that a genetic abnormality may be leading to these cases: mutation of the Cx43 gene. Diagnosis of the case concerned was given by transthoracic echocardiography and computed CT of the aorta and pulmonary arteries, which showed, in addition to the criss-cross heart, other abnormalities, such as double-outlet RV, large ASD and ventricular septal defect (VSD).(AU)

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Crisscross Heart/etiology , Crisscross Heart/diagnostic imaging , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnosis , Heart Ventricles/abnormalities , Double Outlet Right Ventricle/diagnosis , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy/methods , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/methods , Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava/diagnosis , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/diagnosis
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 825-831, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045702


Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility and preliminary clinical results of transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) with the domestically-produced balloon-expandable Prizvalve system. Methods: This is a prospective single-center observational study. Patients with postoperative right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) dysfunction, who were admitted to West China Hospital of Sichuan University from September 2021 to March 2023 and deemed anatomically suitable for TPVR with balloon-expandable valve, were included. Clinical, imaging, procedural and follow-up data were analyzed. The immediate procedural results were evaluated by clinical implant success rate, which is defined as successful valve implantation with echocardiography-assessed pulmonary regurgitation<moderate and peak trans-pulmonary pressure gradient<40 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). Results: A total of 5 patients were included, with 4 males, aged 14 to 37 years. The initial diagnosis included Tetralogy of Fallot (2 cases), truncus arteriosus (1 case), pulmonary atresia (1 case) and subaortic stenosis (1 case, prior Ross procedure). Four patients underwent RVOT reconstruction with homograft or artificial conduit, and one patient was treated with trans-annular patch technique. The indications of TPVR included RVOT obstruction and regurgitation (3 cases), isolated obstruction (1 case), and isolated regurgitation (1 case). Of the 4 patients with varying severity of ROVT obstruction, the average preprocedural peak jet velocity of RVOT was 3.5 m/s, and the average peak pressure gradient was 50.0 mmHg. Except for one patient, who had previously been implanted with a covered Cheatham-Platinum (CP) stent due to severe stenosis of the main pulmonary artery, other patients underwent pre-stenting with a covered CP stent before TPVR. Clinical implant success was achieved in all of the 5 patients, and there was no serious periprocedural complications. The average trans-pulmonary peak jet velocity and peak pressure gradient derived from postprocedural echocardiography was 2.3 m/s and 21.2 mmHg, respectively. All patients experienced significant symptom relief after the procedure. All patients completed 3-month follow-up, and 4 completed 6-month follow-up. There was no case of infectious endocarditis during follow-up. All patients were graded as NYHA functional class one at the latest follow-up. Conclusions: TPVR using the domestically-produced balloon-expandable Prizvalve system is safe and feasible for the treatment of patients with post-surgical RVOT dysfunction and suitable landing-zone anatomy. The safety, effectiveness, and long-term valve durability of the Prizvalve system deserve further research.

Male , Humans , Pulmonary Valve/surgery , Heart Valve Prosthesis/adverse effects , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Prospective Studies , Ventricular Outflow Obstruction/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 832-837, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045703


Objective: To evaluate and compare the short-term efficacy of domestic mechanical-locked (Clip2Edge) and elastic self-locked (ValveClip) transcranial mitral valve edge-to-edge interventional repair (TEER) devices in the treatment of functional mitral regurgitant valves. Methods: In this retrospective non-randomized comparative study, patients underwent TEER procedure in Fuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular Disease Hospital from May 2022 to April 2023 for heart failure combined with moderate to severe or severe functional mitral valve were divided into Clip2Edge and ValveClip groups based on the TEER system used. Baseline, perioperative, and postoperative 30 d follow-up data were collected and compared between the two groups. The primary outcome was the success rate on the 30 d post operation, while secondary outcomes included immediate postoperative technical success rate and the incidence of all-cause mortality on the 30 d post operation, readmission rate of acute heart failure, cerebral infarction, severe bleeding, and other serious adverse events rates. Results: A total of 60 patients were enrolled, 34 patients were in the Clip2Edge group and 26 in the ValveClip group, mean age was (63.8±9.3) years, and 24 patients (40%) were female. There were no significant differences in baseline data of age, cardiac function, comorbidities, mitral regurgitation 4+(19(73%) vs. 29(85%)), the end-diastolic volume of left ventricle ((220.8±91.2) ml vs. (210.8±71.7) ml) between the two groups (all P>0.05). The technical success rate immediately after the procedure was 100%. There were no readmission of acute heart failure, death, cerebral infarction, severe bleeding, and other serious adverse events up to the 30 d follow-up. Device success rate was similar between the ValveClip group (24 cases (100%)) and the Clip2Edge group (27 cases (96%)) (P>0.05). Conclusion: Both types of novel domestic TEER devices are safe and feasible in treating patients with functional mitral regurgitation.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Male , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/etiology , Retrospective Studies , East Asian People , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Treatment Outcome , China , Heart Failure/etiology , Cardiac Catheterization
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 825-831, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046025


Objectives: To evaluate the feasibility and preliminary clinical results of transcatheter pulmonary valve replacement (TPVR) with the domestically-produced balloon-expandable Prizvalve system. Methods: This is a prospective single-center observational study. Patients with postoperative right ventricular outflow tract (RVOT) dysfunction, who were admitted to West China Hospital of Sichuan University from September 2021 to March 2023 and deemed anatomically suitable for TPVR with balloon-expandable valve, were included. Clinical, imaging, procedural and follow-up data were analyzed. The immediate procedural results were evaluated by clinical implant success rate, which is defined as successful valve implantation with echocardiography-assessed pulmonary regurgitation<moderate and peak trans-pulmonary pressure gradient<40 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). Results: A total of 5 patients were included, with 4 males, aged 14 to 37 years. The initial diagnosis included Tetralogy of Fallot (2 cases), truncus arteriosus (1 case), pulmonary atresia (1 case) and subaortic stenosis (1 case, prior Ross procedure). Four patients underwent RVOT reconstruction with homograft or artificial conduit, and one patient was treated with trans-annular patch technique. The indications of TPVR included RVOT obstruction and regurgitation (3 cases), isolated obstruction (1 case), and isolated regurgitation (1 case). Of the 4 patients with varying severity of ROVT obstruction, the average preprocedural peak jet velocity of RVOT was 3.5 m/s, and the average peak pressure gradient was 50.0 mmHg. Except for one patient, who had previously been implanted with a covered Cheatham-Platinum (CP) stent due to severe stenosis of the main pulmonary artery, other patients underwent pre-stenting with a covered CP stent before TPVR. Clinical implant success was achieved in all of the 5 patients, and there was no serious periprocedural complications. The average trans-pulmonary peak jet velocity and peak pressure gradient derived from postprocedural echocardiography was 2.3 m/s and 21.2 mmHg, respectively. All patients experienced significant symptom relief after the procedure. All patients completed 3-month follow-up, and 4 completed 6-month follow-up. There was no case of infectious endocarditis during follow-up. All patients were graded as NYHA functional class one at the latest follow-up. Conclusions: TPVR using the domestically-produced balloon-expandable Prizvalve system is safe and feasible for the treatment of patients with post-surgical RVOT dysfunction and suitable landing-zone anatomy. The safety, effectiveness, and long-term valve durability of the Prizvalve system deserve further research.

Male , Humans , Pulmonary Valve/surgery , Heart Valve Prosthesis/adverse effects , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Constriction, Pathologic/surgery , Prospective Studies , Ventricular Outflow Obstruction/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 832-837, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046026


Objective: To evaluate and compare the short-term efficacy of domestic mechanical-locked (Clip2Edge) and elastic self-locked (ValveClip) transcranial mitral valve edge-to-edge interventional repair (TEER) devices in the treatment of functional mitral regurgitant valves. Methods: In this retrospective non-randomized comparative study, patients underwent TEER procedure in Fuwai Yunnan Cardiovascular Disease Hospital from May 2022 to April 2023 for heart failure combined with moderate to severe or severe functional mitral valve were divided into Clip2Edge and ValveClip groups based on the TEER system used. Baseline, perioperative, and postoperative 30 d follow-up data were collected and compared between the two groups. The primary outcome was the success rate on the 30 d post operation, while secondary outcomes included immediate postoperative technical success rate and the incidence of all-cause mortality on the 30 d post operation, readmission rate of acute heart failure, cerebral infarction, severe bleeding, and other serious adverse events rates. Results: A total of 60 patients were enrolled, 34 patients were in the Clip2Edge group and 26 in the ValveClip group, mean age was (63.8±9.3) years, and 24 patients (40%) were female. There were no significant differences in baseline data of age, cardiac function, comorbidities, mitral regurgitation 4+(19(73%) vs. 29(85%)), the end-diastolic volume of left ventricle ((220.8±91.2) ml vs. (210.8±71.7) ml) between the two groups (all P>0.05). The technical success rate immediately after the procedure was 100%. There were no readmission of acute heart failure, death, cerebral infarction, severe bleeding, and other serious adverse events up to the 30 d follow-up. Device success rate was similar between the ValveClip group (24 cases (100%)) and the Clip2Edge group (27 cases (96%)) (P>0.05). Conclusion: Both types of novel domestic TEER devices are safe and feasible in treating patients with functional mitral regurgitation.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Male , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/etiology , Retrospective Studies , East Asian People , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Treatment Outcome , China , Heart Failure/etiology , Cardiac Catheterization
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 476-480, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984678


Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of transcatheter fenestration closure following Fontan procedure with an atrial septal occluder. Methods: This is a retrospective study. The study sample consists of all consecutive patients who underwent closure of a fenestrated Fontan baffle at Shanghai Children's Medical Center Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine between June 2002 and December 2019. The indications of Fontan fenestration closure included that normal ventricular function, targeted drugs for pulmonary hypertension and positive inotropic drugs were not required prior the procedure; and the Fontan circuit pressure was less than 16 mmHg (1 mmHg=0.133 kPa) and no more than a 2 mmHg increase during test occlusion of the fenestration. Electrocardiogram and echocardiography were reviewed at 24 hours, 1, 3, 6 months and annually thereafter post procedure. Follow-up information including clinical events and complications related to Fontan procedure was recorded. Results: A total of 11 patients, including 6 males and 5 females, aged (8.9±3.7) years old were included. The types of Fontan were extracardiac conduits (7 cases) and intra-atrial duct (4 cases). The interval between percutaneous fenestration closure and the Fontan procedure was (5.1±2.9) years. One patient reported recurrent headache after Fontan procedure. Successful fenestration occlusion with atrial septal occluder was achieved in all patients. Compared with prior closure, Fontan circuit pressure ((12.72±1.90) mmHg vs. (12.36±1.63) mmHg, P<0.05), and aortic oxygen saturation ((95.11±3.11)% vs. (86.35±7.26)%, P<0.01) were increased. There were no procedural complications. At a median follow-up of (3.8±1.2) years, there was no residual leak and evidence of stenosis within the Fontan circuit in all patient. No complication was observed during follow-up. One patient with preoperative headache did not have recurrent headache after closure. Conclusions: If the Fontan pressure is acceptable by test occlusion during the catheterization procedure, Fontan fenestration could be occluded with the atrial septum defect device. It is a safe and effective procedure, and could be used for occlusion of Fontan fenestration with varying sizes and morphologies.

Child , Male , Female , Humans , Child, Preschool , Septal Occluder Device , Retrospective Studies , Atrial Fibrillation , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , China , Fontan Procedure/methods , Treatment Outcome
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 742-749, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984712


Objective: To explore the long-term clinical efficacy of transcatheter repair of mitral paravalvular leak (PVL) post surgical mitral valve replacement. Methods: This study is a retrospective study. Patients who completed transcatheter repair of paravalvular leak after surgical mitral valve replacement at Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine from March 2010 to December 2018 were included. Technical success was defined as the occluder being stably implanted in the paravalvular leak site without affecting the function of the mitral valve and surrounding tissues; and there were no intervention-related complications, such as new hemolysis or aggravated hemolysis, and echocardiography confirmed mitral paravalvular regurgitation reduced by more than 1 grade. Patients were followed up at 30 days, 1, and 3 years after the intervention. The main endpoints were all-cause death and re-surgery due to interventional failure or serious complications. The occurrence of occluder-mediated hemolysis and chronic renal insufficiency was recorded, and patients were monitored with echocardiography during follow up. Results: A total of 75 patients were included, aged (54.3±22.9) years old, and 38 patients were males. All patients had decreased cardiac function and/or hemolysis before intervention. Procedural success was achieved in 54 patients (72.0%). Incidence of device-mediated hemolysis was 18.7% (14/75). During the follow-up period, all-cause death occurred in 7 patients (9.3%), and 3 were cardiac deaths.The 3-year event-free survival rate was 81.3% (61/75). The need for cardiac surgery was 9.3% (7/75): 3 cases due to severe device-mediated hemolysis, 2 cases due to prosthetic valve failure and 2 cases due to moderate to severe residual regurgitation. The echocardiography follow-up results showed that the position of the occluder was stable, there was no impact on the artificial valve function and surrounding structures, and the residual regurgitation was stable without progressive increase in event-free patients. Compared with pre-intervention, the left ventricular end systolic diameter ((33.9±7.4)mm vs. (38.3±8.9) mm, P=0.036), end diastolic diameter ((53.7±8.3) mm vs. (58.4±9.1) mm, P=0.045) and left atrial diameter (59.3 (44.5, 90.7) mm vs. 64.3 (44.8, 96.6) mm, P=0.049) were significantly reduced, pulmonary artery systolic pressure was also significantly decreased ((36.5±15.8) mmHg vs. (46.3±14.9) mmHg, P=0.022, 1 mmHg=0.133 kPa). There was no significant difference between 3 years and 1 year after transcatheter repair of mitral paravalvular leak post surgical mitral valve replacement (all P>0.05). Conclusion: Transcatheter repair of mitral paravalvular leak post surgical mitral valve replacement is an effective treatment option in selective patients.

Male , Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Female , Mitral Valve/surgery , Heart Valve Prosthesis Implantation , Heart Valve Prosthesis , Retrospective Studies , Hemolysis , China , Mitral Valve Insufficiency/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Cardiac Catheterization , Prosthesis Failure
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(1): 81-88, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1397711


Congenital heart disease includes a wide range of heart defects that appear at birth, corresponding to the most frequent group of genetic alterations. They represent the most frequent birth defects in the world, affecting millions of newborns annually. Chile is not exempt from this public health problem, estimating a prevalence of 8-10 per 1,000 live births, similar to international figures. Some of these defects are not diagnosed in a timely manner due to various causes, including causes such as poor clinical translation and limited accessibility to the Public Health system. Thanks to the improvement of technological resources, more cases of congenital heart disease are diagnosed every day and the time of diagnosis is getting earlier. The case presented below refers to a 47-year-old male patient with several comorbidities, who underwent a Doppler echocardiogram during his hospitalization due to acute respiratory failure, where a systodiastolic flow was detected in one of the compatible pulmonary arteries, with a patent ductus arteriosus.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Ductus Arteriosus, Patent/therapy , Septal Occluder Device , Echocardiography , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnosis
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 41(1): 34-38, abr. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388111


RESUMEN: Se presenta el caso clínico de un paciente que presenta un infarto del miocardio con trombolisis no exitosa y posterior implantación de 2 stents coronarios quien desarrolla, algunos días después, una tormenta eléctrica ventricular. Una ablación de la taquicardia se realizó bajo ECMO, con buen resultado. Se detalla la descripción del caso, revisa y discute el tema.

ABSTRAC: A patient with a myocardial infarction whom, following a failed thrombolisis and implantion of 2 stents developed a ventricular electrical storm and hemodynamic instability. A successful ablation of the tachycardia with the use of ECMO was performed. A full description is included, along with a discussion of the subject.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cardiac Catheterization/instrumentation , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation , Catheter Ablation , Postoperative Complications/surgery , Postoperative Complications/mortality , Tachycardia, Ventricular/surgery , Tachycardia, Ventricular/mortality , Electrocardiography/methods
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 30(2): 37-42, 01-abr-2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1378934


Introducción: la intervención de enfermería en pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardiaco constituye el eje articular de las acciones de planeación, desarrollo y evaluación; lo que permite atender el proceso de aprendizaje. Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre el nivel de conocimiento y ansiedad de los pacientes sometido a cateterismo cardiaco, antes y después de aplicar una intervención educativa. Metodología: investigación con enfoque cuantitativo, descriptivo, transversal y exploratorio a 70 pacientes sometidos a cateterismo cardiaco por primera vez, se aplicaron dos instrumentos validados para medir el nivel de conocimiento y ansiedad con un Alfa de Cronbach de 0.90; la recolección fue en dos fases, pretest y postest, la primera antes de la cirugia; la segunda posterior al procedimiento y se compararon los resultados de ambos test en búsqueda de mejores resultados. Resultados: media de edad de 60 - 79 años; 68.6% hombres y 31.4% mujeres; el nivel de conocimientos del pretest fue de 52.9% regular y postest, excelente con un 50%; en cuanto a la ansiedad el pretest el 97.1% reportó grave, mientras que en el postest, el 80% reportó moderado. Conclusiones: el aporte de conocimientos por parte del personal de enfermería a través del rol educador, favorece a los pacientes que son sometidos a un cateterismo cardiaco, que se refleja en disminución de ansiedad e incremento de calidad de vida.

Introduction:The nursing intervention in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization constitutes the articular axis of planning, development and evaluation actions; which allows to attend the learning process. Objective: To evaluate the relationship between the level of knowledge and anxiety of the patient undergoing cardiac catheterization, before and after applying an educational intervention. Methodology: Investigation with a quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional and exploratory approach to 70 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization for the first time. Two validated instruments were applied to measure the level of knowledge and anxiety with a Cronbach's Alpha of 0.90; the collection was in two phases, pre and post test, the first before surgery; the second after the procedure, the results of both tests were compared in search of better results. Results: Average age of 60-79 years, 68.6% men and 31.4% women; the level of knowledge of the pre-test was 52.9% regular and post-test, excellent with 50%; regarding anxiety, the pre-test 97.1% serious, post-test, 80% moderate. Conclusions: The contribution of knowledges by the nursing staff through the educator role, favors patients who undergo cardiac catheterization, which is reflected in the reduction of seniority and the increase in the quality of life.

Humans , Male , Female , Cardiac Catheterization/instrumentation , Professional Training , Nursing Staff/education , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 166-171, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935122


Objective: To explore the short-term efficacy of fenestrated atrial septal defect (ASD) occulders in the treatment of pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Methods: Thirty-six healthy dogs were divided into the balloon atrial septostomy (BAS)+fenestrated ASD occulders group (n=12), BAS group (n=12) and non-septostomy group (n=12). PAH was induced by intra-atrial injection of dehydrogenized monocrotaline (1.5 mg/kg) in all dogs. Animals in the BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group underwent atrial septal puncture and fenestrated ASD occulders implantation. Animals in the BAS group underwent balloon atrial septostomy. The non-septostomy group received no surgical intervention. The hemodynamic indexes and blood N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) of dogs were measured before modeling, 2 months after modeling, 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery, respectively. Echocardiography was performed to observe the patency of the shunt and atrial septostomy of the dogs in the BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group and BAS group at 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery. Three dogs were sacrificed in each group at 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery, respectively. Atrial septal tissue and fenestrated ASD occulders were removed to observe the patency and endothelialization of the device. Lung tissues were obtained for hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining to observe the inflammatory cells infiltration and the thickening and narrowing of the pulmonary arterials. Results: Among 36 dogs, 2 dogs died within 24 hours after modeling, and 34 dogs were assigned to BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group (n=12), BAS group (n=11), and non-septostomy group (n=11). Compared with BAS group, the average right atrial pressure (mRAP) and NT-proBNP of dogs in the BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group were significantly reduced at 3 months after surgery (P<0.05), and the cardiac output (CO) was significantly increased at 6 months after surgery, arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) was also significantly reduced (P<0.05). Compared with non-septostomy group, dogs in the BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group had significantly lower mRAP and NT-proBNP at 1, 3, and 6 months after surgery (P<0.05), and higher CO and lower SaO2 at 6 months after surgery (P<0.05). Compared with the non-septostomy group, the dogs in the BAS group had significantly lower mRAP and NT-proBNP at 1 month after surgery (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference on mRAP and NT-proBNP at 3 and 6 months after surgery (P>0.05). Echocardiography showed that there was a minimal right-to-left shunt in the atrial septum in the BAS group at 1 month after the surgery, and the ostomy was closed in all the dogs in the BAS group at 3 months after the surgery. There was still a clear right-to-left shunt in the dogs of BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group. The shunt was well formed and satisfactory endothelialization was observed at 1, 3 and 6 months after surgery. The results of HE staining showed that the pulmonary arterials were significantly thickened, stenosis and collapse occurred in the non-septostomy group. Pulmonary microvascular stenosis and inflammatory cell infiltration in the pulmonary arterials were observed in the non-septostomy group. Pulmonary arterial histological results were comparable between BAS+fenestrated ASD occulders group and non-septostomy group at 6 months after surgery . Conclusions: The fenestrated ASD occulder has the advantage of maintaining the open fistula hole for a longer time compared with simple balloon dilation. The fenestrated ASD occulder can improve cardiac function, and it is safe and feasible to treat PAH in this animal model.

Animals , Dogs , Atrial Septum/surgery , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Familial Primary Pulmonary Hypertension , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/surgery , Hypertension, Pulmonary , Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
Chinese Journal of Cardiology ; (12): 257-262, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935137


Objective: To analyze the safety and efficacy of combined left atrial appendage (LAA) and patent foramen ovale (PFO) closure in adult atrial fibrillation (AF) patients complicating with PFO. Methods: This study is a retrospective and cross-sectional study. Seven patients with AF complicated with PFO diagnosed by transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) in Zhoupu Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai University of Medicine & Health Sciences from June 2017 to October 2020 were selected. Basic data such as age, gender and medical history were collected. The atrial septal defect or PFO occluder and LAA occluder were selected according to the size of PFO, the ostia width and depth of LAA. Four patients underwent left atrial appendage closure(LAAC) and PFO closure at the same time. PFO closure was performed during a one-stop procedure of cryoablation combined with LAAC in 2 patients. One patient underwent PFO closure at 10 weeks after one-stop procedure because of recurrent transient ischemic attack (TIA). All patients continued to take oral anticoagulants. TEE was repeated 8-12 weeks after intervention. In case of device related thrombus(DRT), TEE shall be rechecked 6 months after adjusting anticoagulant and antiplatelet drug treatment. Patients were follow-up at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24 months by telephone call, and the occurrence of cardio-cerebrovascular events was recorded. Results: Among the 7 patients with AF, 2 were male, aged (68.0±9.4) years, and 3 had a history of recurrent cerebral infarction and TIA. Average PFO diameter was (3.5±0.8)mm. Three patients were implanted with Watchman LAA occluder (30, 30, 33 mm) and atrial septal defect occluder (8, 9, 16 mm). 2 patients were implanted with LAmbre LAA occluder (34/38, 18/32 mm) and PFO occluder (PF1825, PF2525). 2 patients were implanted with LACbes LAA occluder (24, 28 mm) and PFO occluder (PF2525, PF1825) respectively. The patients were followed up for 12 (11, 24) months after operation. TEE reexamination showed that the position of LAA occluder and atrial septal defect occluder or PFO occluder was normal in all patients. DRT was detected in 1 patient, and anticoagulant therapy was adjusted in this patient. 6 months later, TEE showed that DRT disappeared. No cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events occurred in all patients with AF during follow-up. Conclusions: In AF patients complicated with PFO, LAAC combined with PFO closure may have good safety and effectiveness.

Adult , Aged , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Atrial Appendage/surgery , Atrial Fibrillation/surgery , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , China , Cross-Sectional Studies , Foramen Ovale, Patent/surgery , Retrospective Studies
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 35(4): eabc346, 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425557


Introdução: A avaliação dos índices de trabalho miocárdico global em condições basais pode ser útil para a estratificação clínica de pacientes com suspeita de obstrução coronariana. Objetivo: Correlacionar o valor do índice de trabalho miocárdico global e a presença de lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas. Método: Estudo transversal, com pacientes encaminhados para cinecoronarioangiografia eletiva. Foi realizado ecocardiograma com obtenção das medidas para cálculo do valor do trabalho miocárdico, sendo avaliada a presença de lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas à cinecoronarioangiografia. Resultados: A amostra foi composta de 30 pacientes, com a idade média de 64,2±12,8 anos, sendo a maioria do sexo masculino (63,3%), dos quais 68,4% apresentaram lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas. O índice de trabalho miocárdico global foi de 1.876mmHg%±253,8 no grupo com lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas e de 2.054,2mmHg%±417,3 naqueles sem lesões significativas (p=0,089). O trabalho miocárdio construtivo global nos pacientes sem lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas foi maior (2.329,3mmHg%±462,9) do que naqueles com lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas (2.109,5mmHg%±332,3; p=0,064). O trabalho miocárdio desperdiçado global foi maior nos pacientes com lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas (103,7mmHg%±47,1 versus 68,3mmHg%±33,8; p=0,038). O ponto de corte de 115mmHg% foi aquele com a melhor área sob a curva (0,625), com sensibilidade de 83,3%. Conclusão: O aumento do trabalho miocárdio desperdiçado global se correlacionou com a presença de lesões obstrutivas coronarianas significativas em nossa amostra.(AU)

Introduction: The assessment of global myocardial work indices under baseline conditions may be useful for the clinical stratification of patients with suspected coronary obstruction. Objective: To correlate the value of global myocardial work indices and the presence of significant obstructive coronary lesions. Method: Cross-sectional study, with patients referred for elective coronary angiography. An echocardiogram was performed to obtain measurements to calculate the value of myocardial work and evaluated the presence or presence of significant obstructive coronary lesions at coronary angiography. Results: The sample consisted of 30 patients, with a mean age of 64.2±12.8 years, the majority being male (63.3%), of which 68.4% had significant obstructive coronary lesions. The global myocardial work indices was 1,876mmHg%±253.8 in the group with significant obstructive coronary lesions and 2,054.2mmHg%±417.3 in those without significant lesions (p=0.089). Global constructive myocardial work in patients without significant obstructive coronary lesions was higher (2,329.3mmHg%±462.9) than in those with significant obstructive coronary lesions (2,109.5mmHg%±332.3; p=0.064). Global wasted myocardial work was higher in patients with significant obstructive coronary lesions (103.7mmHg%±47.1 versus 68.3mmHg%±33.8; p=0.038). The cutoff point of 115 mmHg% was the one with the best area under the curve (0.625), with a sensitivity of 83.3%. Conclusion: The increase in global wasted myocardial work correlated with the presence of significant obstructive coronary lesions in our sample. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Heart Defects, Congenital/complications , Heart Defects, Congenital/diagnostic imaging , Heart Ventricles/injuries , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Coronary Stenosis/physiopathology , Echocardiography, Stress/methods , Heart Function Tests/methods
ABC., imagem cardiovasc ; 35(3): eabc308, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411458


Introdução: Hipertensão Pulmonar (HP), uma condição clínica grave, pode levar à disfunção sistólica do ventrículo direto (DSVD), com implicações prognósticas. Pacientes com suspeita de HP devem ser submetidos ao ecocardiograma transtorácico (ECOTT) para diagnóstico e avaliação, colocando-o como o principal exame de triagem e acompanhamento. Objetivo: Verificar a associação e a concordância das medidas referentes à pressão média no átrio direito (AD) e à disfunção sistólica do ventrículo direto (DSVD) ao (ECOTT) e ao cateterismo de câmaras direitas (CCD) em pacientes com (HP). Métodos: Foram incluídos indivíduos com diagnóstico de (HP). Todos os pacientes foram submetidos ao ECOTT e CCD. Avaliou-se pelo ECOTT: área do átrio direito (AAD), pressão média do átrio direito (AD) através por meio do diâmetro e da colapsabilidade da veia cava inferior (PMADECOTT ), strain AD (SAD), TAPSE (excursão sistólica do plano anular tricúspide), MAF (mudança da área fracional), SPLVD (strain da parede livre do VD) e onda s´ tricuspídea. Pelo CCD avaliaram-se pressão média do (PMADCCD ) e índice cardíaco (IC). Resultados: Dos 16 pacientes, 13 eram do sexo feminino. A idade média foi de 44,4 anos (±14,9). Constataram-se associação entre pressão média do átrio direito PMADCCD com área do átrio direito, PMADECOTT pressão média do átrio direito e SAD strain do átrio direito (r=0,845, r=0,621 e r=-0,523, respectivamente; p< 0,05). Verificou-se associação entre as categorias de risco de mortalidade, mensuradas pelas medidas AAD da área do átrio direito e pressão média do átrio direito PMADCCD (X2=10,42; p=0,003), com concordância moderada (k=0,44; p=0,012). DSVD A disfunção sistólica do ventrículo direto estava presente em dez pacientes. Houve associação entre disfunção sistólica do ventrículo direto DSVD (presente ou ausente) e índice cardíaco IC (r=0,522; p=0,04), com concordância moderada (k=0,43; p=0,037). Conclusão: As medidas do ecocardiograma transtorácico (ECOTT) e cateterismo de câmara direita (CCD) demostraram associação na avaliação da pressão média do átrio direito com melhor associação entre área do átrio direito AAD e pressão média do átrio direito (PMADCCD) . Houve associação com concordância moderada quanto à disfunção sistólica do ventrículo direto (DSVD) entre métodos. (AU)

Introduction: Pulmonary hypertension (PH), a serious clinical condition, can lead to right ventricular systolic dysfunction (RVSD) with prognostic implications. Patients with suspected PH should undergo transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) for diagnosis and evaluation as the main screening and follow-up exam. Objective: To verify the associations of and agreement between measurements of mean pressure in the right atrium (RA) and RVSD with TTE Method: Individuals diagnosed with PH were included. All patients underwent TTE and RCC. The following were evaluated by TTE: right atrial area (RAA), mean right atrial pressure through the diameter and collapsibility of the inferior vena cava (RMAPTTE), RA strain (RAS), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, fractional area change, RV free wall strain, and tricuspid s' wave. Mean RA pressure (RMAPRCC) and cardiac index (CI) were evaluated through the RCC. Results: Of the 16 patients, 13 were female. The mean patient age was 44.4 (±14.9) years. An association was found between RMAPRCC and AAD, RMAPTTE, and RAS (r=0.845, r=0.621, and r=-0.523, respectively; p<0.05). There was an association between the mortality risk categories measured by the RAA and RMAPRCC measures (X2=10.42; p=0.003), with moderate agreement (k=0.44; p=0.012). RVSDJ was present in 10 patients. There was an association between RVSD (present or absent) and CI (r=0.522; p=0.04) with moderate agreement (k=0.43; p=0.037). Conclusion: The TTE and RCC measurements showed an association in the assessment of mean right atrial pressure, especially between RAA and RMAPRCC. An association with RVSD and moderate agreement between methods were also noted. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Ventricular Dysfunction, Right/complications , Heart Atria/physiopathology , Hypertension, Pulmonary/diagnosis , Echocardiography/methods , Fluoroscopy/methods , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Hemodynamics/radiation effects , Hypertension, Pulmonary/mortality
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Accorsi, Tarso Augusto Duenhas; Gualandro, Danielle Menosi; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Caramelli, Bruno; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da residência em cardiologia / Manual residence in cardiology. Santana de Parnaíba, Manole, 2 ed; 2022. p.70-74, tab, graf.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1349347