Humans , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/diagnosis , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/genetics , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/drug therapy , Myocardial Ischemia/physiopathology , Radiofrequency Ablation/methods , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/surgery , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiomegaly/complications , Echocardiography, Transesophageal/methods , Cardiac CathetersABSTRACT
Abstract Background: One-catheter strategy, based in multipurpose catheters, allows exploring both coronary arteries with a single catheter. This strategy could simplify coronary catheterization and reduce the volume of contrast administration, by reducing radial spasm. To date, observational studies showed greater benefits regarding contrast consumption and catheterization performance than controlled trials. The aim of this work is to perform the first systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials (RCT) to adequately quantify the benefits of one-catheter strategy, with multipurpose catheters, over conventional two-catheter strategy on contrast consumption, and catheterization performance. Methods: A search in PubMed, CINALH, and CENTRAL databases was conducted to identify randomized trials comparing one-catheter and two-catheter strategies. The primary outcome was volume of iodinated contrast administrated. Secondary endpoints, evaluating coronary catheterization performance included: arterial spasm, fluoroscopy time, and procedural time. Results: Five RCT were included for the final analysis, with a total of 1599 patients (802 patients with one-catheter strategy and 797 patients with two-catheter strategy). One-catheter strategy required less administration of radiological contrast (difference in means [DiM] [95% confidence interval (CI)]; −3.831 mL [−6.165 mL to −1.496 mL], p = 0.001) as compared to two-catheter strategy. Furthermore, less radial spasm (odds ratio [95% CI], 0.484 [0.363 to 0.644], p < 0.001) and less procedural time (DiM [95% CI], −72.471 s [−99.694 s to −45.249 s], p < 0.001) were observed in one-catheter strategy. No differences on fluoroscopy time were observed. Conclusions: One-catheter strategy induces a minimal reduction on radiological contrast administration but improves coronary catheterization performance by reducing arterial spasm and procedural time as compared to conventional two-catheter strategy.
Resumen Antecedentes: La estrategia de catéter único permite explorar ambas coronarias con un solo catéter. Nuestro objetivo es realizar la primera revisión sistemática y meta-análisis de ensayos clínicos aleatorizados para cuantificar adecuadamente los beneficios de la estrategia de catéter único, con catéteres multipropósito, sobre la estrategia convencional de dos catéteres. Métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda en PubMed, CINALH y CENTRAL, identificando ensayos aleatorizados que compararan estrategias de un catéter y dos catéteres. El resultado primario fue volumen de contraste administrado. Los secundarios, que evaluaron el rendimiento del cateterismo, incluyeron: espasmo radial, tiempo de fluoroscopia y de procedimiento. Resultados: Se incluyeron cinco ensayos, totalizando 1,599 pacientes (802 con estrategia de un catéter y 797 con estrategia de dos catéteres). La estrategia de catéter único requirió menos contraste (diferencia-de-medias; −3.831 mL [−6.165 mL a −1.496 mL], p = 0.001), presentando menos espasmo radial (odds ratio, 0.484 [0.363 a 0.644], p < 0.001) y menos tiempo de procedimiento (diferencia-de-medias; −72.471 s [−99.694 s a −45.249 s], p < 0.001). No hubo diferencias en el tiempo de fluoroscopia. Conclusiones: La estrategia de catéter único induce una reducción mínima en la administración de contraste, pero mejora el rendimiento del cateterismo al reducir el espasmo radial y el tiempo de procedimiento en comparación con la estrategia convencional.
Humans , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Coronary Angiography/methods , Cardiac Catheters , Fluoroscopy , Cardiac Catheterization/instrumentation , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Coronary Angiography/instrumentation , Radial Artery , Contrast Media/administration & dosage , Coronary Vessels/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Background: In low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) where echocardiography experts are in short supply, training non-cardiologists to perform Focused Cardiac Ultrasound (FoCUS) could minimise diagnostic delays in time-critical emergencies. Despite advocacy for FoCUS training however, opportunities in LMICs are limited, and the impact of existing curricula uncertain. The aim of this study was to assess the impact of FoCUS training based on the Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography (FATE) curriculum. Our primary objective was to assess knowledge gain. Secondary objectives were to evaluate novice FoCUS image quality, assess inter-rater agree-ment between expert and novice FoCUS and identify barriers to the establishment of a FoCUS training pro-gramme locally. Methods: This was a pre-post quasi-experimental study at a tertiary hospital in Nairobi, Kenya. Twelve novices without prior echocardiography training underwent FATE training, and their knowledge and skills were as-sessed. Pre- and post-test scores were compared using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to establish whether the median of the difference was different than zero. Inter-rater agreement between expert and novice scans was assessed, with a Cohen's kappa > 0.6 indicative of good inter-rater agreement. Results: Knowledge gain was 37.7%, with a statistically significant difference between pre-and post-test scores (z = 2.934, p = 0.001). Specificity of novice FoCUS was higher than sensitivity, with substantial agreement between novice and expert scans for most FoCUS target conditions. Overall, 65.4% of novice images were of poor quality. Post-workshop supervised practice was limited due to scheduling difficulties. Conclusions: Although knowledge gain is high following a brief training in FoCUS, image quality is poor and sensitivity low without adequate supervised practice. Substantial agreement between novice and expert scans occurs even with insufficient practice when the prevalence of pathology is low. Supervised FoCUS practice is challenging to achieve in a real-world setting in LMICs, undermining the effectiveness of training initiatives
Capacity Building , Cardiac Catheters , Kenya , Poverty , Ultrasonography/educationABSTRACT
O balão intra-aórtico (BIA) é um dispositivo de contrapulsação utilizado no tratamento de pacientes que sofreram choque cardiogênico secundário ao IAM, insuficiência cardíaca ou pós-cirúrgico. Os pacientes com cateteres cardíacos necessitam de uma assistência de enfermagem individualizada 24 horas por dia. O trabalho objetiva analisar as condutas da assistência de enfermagem nas terapias intervencionistas em cardiologia e assim destacar indicação, contraindicação, complicações do dispositivo intra-aórtico e o cuidado de enfermagem frente a esse dispositivo. Esta é uma pesquisa de revisão de literatura, com busca em referencias bibliográficas, artigos científicos, teses e dissertações. Os resultados mostram suas indicações, contraindicações, complicações e os cuidados da equipe de enfermagem com paciente em uso de BIA, sendo alguns deles orientação ao paciente e familiares sobre o procedimento, manter cabeceira em até 45º e comparar pulso do membro cateterizado com o membro não cateterizado. Conclui-se que a assistência de enfermagem adequada e sistematizada é essencial para assegurar o controle e manutenção do balão intra-aórtico no paciente
The intra-aortic balloon (IAB) is a counterpulsation device used in the treatment of patients who have suffered cardiogenic shock secondary to acute myocardial infarction, cardiac insufficiency or postoperative period. Patients with cardiac catheters require one-to-one nursing care 24 hours a day. The objective of this study is to analyze nursing care behaviors in interventional therapies in cardiology and thus highlight indication, contraindication, complications of the intra-aortic device and the nursing care with this device. This is a literature review research study, with search in bibliographical references, scientific articles, theses and dissertations. The results show the indications, contraindications, complications and care of the nursing team with patients using IAB, including advising patient and family about the procedure, maintaining head rest up to 45º, and comparing the catheterized limb pulse with the non-catheterized limb pulse. It is concluded that adequate and systematized nursing care is essential to ensure the control and maintenance of the intra-aortic balloon in the patient
Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping , Nursing Care , Shock, Cardiogenic , Cardiovascular Diseases , Vascular Access Devices , Cardiac Catheters , Heart Failure , Myocardial InfarctionABSTRACT
Abstract Background: Coronary angiography with two catheters is the traditional strategy for diagnostic coronary procedures. TIG I catheter permits to cannulate both coronary arteries, avoiding exchanging catheters during coronary angiography by transradial access. Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of one-catheter strategy, by avoiding catheter exchange, on coronary catheterization performance and economic costs. Methods: Transradial coronary diagnostic procedures conducted from January 2013 to June 2017 were collected. One-catheter strategy (TIG I catheter) and two-catheter strategy (left and right Judkins catheters) were compared. The volume of iodinated contrast administered was the primary endpoint. Secondary endpoints included radial spasm, procedural duration (fluoroscopy time) and exposure to ionizing radiation (dose-area product and air kerma). Direct economic costs were also evaluated. For statistical analyses, two-tailed p-values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant. Results: From a total of 1,953 procedures in 1,829 patients, 252 procedures were assigned to one-catheter strategy and 1,701 procedures to two-catheter strategy. There were no differences in baseline characteristics between the groups. One-catheter strategy required less iodinated contrast [primary endpoint; (60-105)-mL vs. 92 (64-120)-mL; p < 0.001] than the two-catheter strategy. Also, the one-catheter group presented less radial spasm (5.2% vs. 9.3%, p = 0.022) and shorter fluoroscopy time [3.9 (2.2-8.0)-min vs. 4.8 (2.9-8.3)-min, p = 0.001] and saved costs [149 (140-160)-€/procedure vs. 171 (160-183)-€/procedure; p < 0.001]. No differences in dose-area product and air kerma were detected between the groups. Conclusions: One-catheter strategy, with TIG I catheter, improves coronary catheterization performance and reduces economic costs compared to traditional two-catheter strategy in patients referred for coronary angiography.
Resumo Fundamento: A cineangiocoronariografia com dois cateteres é a estratégia tradicional para procedimentos coronarianos de diagnóstico. O cateter TIG I permite canular ambas as artérias coronárias, evitando a troca de cateteres durante a cineangiocoronariografia por acesso transradial. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o impacto da estratégia de um cateter, evitando a troca de cateter, no desempenho da coronariografia por cateterismo e nos seus custos econômicos. Métodos: Foram coletados os procedimentos diagnósticos coronarianos transradiais realizados entre janeiro de 2013 e junho de 2017. A estratégia de um cateter (cateter TIG I) e a estratégia de dois cateteres (cateteres coronários direito e esquerdo de Judkins) foram comparadas. O volume de contraste iodado administrado foi o endpoint primário. Os endpoints secundários eram espasmo radial, duração do procedimento (tempo de fluoroscopia) e exposição a radiações ionizantes (produto dose-área e kerma no ar). Os custos econômicos diretos também foram avaliados. Para as análises estatísticas, valores de p < 0,05 bicaudais foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados: De um total de 1.953 procedimentos em 1.829 pacientes, 252 procedimentos foram atribuídos à estratégia de um cateter e 1.701 procedimentos à estratégia de dois cateteres. Não houve diferenças nas características basais entre os grupos. A estratégia de um cateter exigiu menos contraste iodado [endpoint primário; (60-105) -mL vs. 92 (64-120) -mL; p < 0,001] em comparação com a estratégia de dois cateteres. Além disso, o grupo da estratégia de um cateter apresentou menos espasmo radial (5,2% vs. 9,3%, p = 0,022) e menor tempo de fluoroscopia [3,9 (2,2-8,0) -min vs. 4,8 (2,9-8,3) -min, p = 0,001] e economia de custos [149 (140-160)-€/procedimento vs. 171 (160-183) -€/procedimento; p < 0,001]. Não foram detectadas diferenças no produto dose-área e kerma no ar entre os grupos. Conclusões: A estratégia de um cateter, com cateter TIG I, melhora o desempenho da coronariografia por cateterismo e reduz os custos econômicos em comparação com a estratégia tradicional de dois cateteres em pacientes encaminhados para cineangiocoronariografia.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Coronary Angiography/methods , Cardiac Catheters/economics , Radiation Dosage , Radiation, Ionizing , Spasm , Time Factors , Fluoroscopy , Cardiac Catheterization/economics , Cardiac Catheterization/instrumentation , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Retrospective Studies , Cost Savings/economics , Coronary Angiography/economics , Coronary Angiography/instrumentation , Radial Artery/diagnostic imaging , Myocardial Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Contrast MediaABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: The objective of the study was to describe the feasibility of single catheter intervention using the transradial approach for percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Background: The transradial approach for PCIs has fewer vascular events and complications and lower mortality rate. However, complications can result from forearm artery tortuosity, a longer learning curve and artery spasm that can complicate, delay and impede coronary artery interventions. The latter is usually exacerbated by the changing and manipulation of catheters. Methods: We performed a study using a single catheter on patients undergoing coronary assessment and treatment. Procedural outcomes including success, procedural time, bleeding, access site complications, and contrast used were all analyzed. Results: We included 327 patients, of whom 70% were male. The mean age was 63.3 ± 11.1 years, mean height was 165.9 ± 7.7 cm, mean weight was 73.3 ± 11.3 kg, and mean body index was 26.5 ± 3.5 kg/m2. Contrast use averaged 158.5 ± 60.5 ml. Three vessels were treated in 3% of all cases, two vessels in 32%, and one vessel in 65%. Procedural success was achieved in 94.5% of the cases. A second catheter was required in 9 cases (2.7%), and crossover to the femoral approach was performed in 9 cases (2.7%) due to a lack of support, artery spasm, difficult anatomy, or the need for a larger catheter. Three complications were related to access, including a Class 2 hematoma that was treated conservatively with no further complications. Conclusions: Our study showed that using a single catheter to perform both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures has a higher success rate, lower spasm incidence, and fewer complications than reported in literature.
Resumen Objetivo: Describir la factibilidad del uso de un solo catéter en el intervencionismo coronario percutáneo por vía transradial. Antecedentes: El abordaje transradial en las intervenciones coronarias ha mostrado menores eventos cardiovasculares y complicaciones, y menor mortalidad. Sin embargo, algunos eventos adversos pueden resultar por trotuosidad de las arterias del brazo, curva de aprendizaje más larga o espasmo arterial que puede complicar, retardar o impedir la intervención coronaria. Ésta última es usualmente exacerbada por el intercambio de catéteres o la manipulación de los mismos. Métodos: Realizamos un studio utilizando un solo catéter en pacientes sometidos a coronariografía e intervención coronaria. Los desenlaces del procedimiento incluyendo éxito, tiempo de procedimiento, sangrado, complicaciones en el sitio de acceso y uso de medio de contraste fueron analizados. Resultados: Incluimos 327 pacientes, 70% de los cuales fueron varones. La edad promedio fue de 63.3 ± 11.1 años, la estatura promedio fue de 165.9 ± 7.7 cm, peso promedio de 73.3 ± 11.3 kg y el índice de masa corporal promedio de 26.5 ± 3.5 kg/m2. El contraste utilizado promedio fue 158.5 ± 60.5 ml. El total de vasos tratados fue de tres en 3% de los casos, dos en 32% de los casos y uno en 65%. El éxito del procedimiento fue logrado en 94.5% de los pacientes No obstante, un Segundo catéter fue requerido en 9 intervenciones (2.7%), y cambio en la vía de acceso fue realizado en 9 casos (2.7%) por falta de apoyo, espasmo arterial, anatomía dificil o necesidad de un catéter de mayor lumen. Tres complicaciones asociadas al sitio de acceso incluyendo un hematoma clase 2 fueron registradas el cual se trató conservadoramente. Conclusiones: Nuestro estudio mostró que el uso de un catéter único para realizar tanto procedimientos diagnósticos como terapéuticos tiene una tasa de éxito mayor, con menor incidencia de espasmo y complicaciones reportadas en la literatura.
Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Coronary Artery Disease/surgery , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Radial Artery , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/instrumentation , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention/methods , Cardiac Catheters , Coronary Artery Disease/pathology , Feasibility StudiesABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We aimed to examine associations between right bundle branch block (RBBB) following heart transplantation (HT) and graft rejection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We investigated 51 patients who underwent endomyocardial biopsies, electrocardiogram, right-side cardiac catheterization, and echocardiography at 1 month and 1 year after HT. We classified patients into four groups according to the development of RBBB, based on electrocardiogram at 1 month and 1 year: 1) sustained RBBB, 2) disappeared RBBB, 3) newly developed RBBB, and 4) sustained non-RBBB. The RBBB was defined as an RSR' pattern in V1 with a QRS duration ≥100 ms on electrocardiogram. RESULTS: The newly developed RBBB group (n=13, 25.5%) had a higher rate of new onset graft rejection (from grade 0 to grade ≥1R, 30.8% vs. 10.0% vs. 21.4%, p=0.042) at 1 year, compared with sustained RBBB (n=10, 19.6%) and sustained non-RBBB group (n=28, 54.9%). In contrast, the incidence of resolved graft rejection (from grade ≥1R to grade 0) was higher in the sustained RBBB group than the newly developed RBBB and sustained non-RBBB groups (70.0% vs. 7.7% vs. 25.0%, p=0.042). Left atrial volume index was significantly higher in the newly developed RBBB group than the sustained RBBB and sustained non-RBBB groups (60.6±25.9 mL/m2 vs. 36.0±11.0 mL/m2 vs. 38.4±18.1 mL/m2, p=0.003). CONCLUSION: Close monitoring for new development of RBBB at 1 year after HT, which was associated with a higher incidence of new onset graft rejection, may be helpful to identify high risk patients for graft rejection.
Humans , Biopsy , Bundle-Branch Block , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Echocardiography , Electrocardiography , Graft Rejection , Heart Transplantation , Heart , Incidence , TransplantsABSTRACT
Despite the development of acute revascularisation, the mortality rate for cardiogenic shock remains around 50%. Mechanical circulatory support devices have long held promise in improving outcomes in shock, but high-quality evidence of benefit has not been forthcoming. In this article we review the currently available devices for treating shock, their physiological effects and the evidence base for their use in practice. We subsequently look ahead within this developing field, including new devices and novel indications for established technology.
Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation , Mortality , Myocardial Infarction , Shock , Shock, CardiogenicABSTRACT
A rare case of an unruptured sinus of Valsalva aneurysm (SVA) in a 2-month-old male Maltese terrier weighing 1.0 kg with a heart murmur is presented. A right SVA and a ventricular septal defect (VSD) were diagnosed by echocardiography and cardiac catheterization. The dog died due to a worsening of his condition. The necropsy revealed the sinus of Valsalva to have a diameter of 7 mm and a VSD hole was on the opposite surface. This report is the first to describe an unruptured SVA in the right coronary cusp of a small dog.
Animals , Dogs , Humans , Infant , Male , Aneurysm , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Echocardiography , Heart Defects, Congenital , Heart Murmurs , Heart Septal Defects, Ventricular , Sinus of ValsalvaABSTRACT
Presentamos un paciente joven con miocardiopatía hipertrófica y altos umbrales de desfibrilación que necesitó recambio de generador por agotamiento. Durante el procedimiento utilizando un desfibrilador de alta salida y luego de probar varios cambios de configuración no fue efectiva la terminación de la FV inducida por lo que requiere la colocación de un catéter de desfibrilación subcutáneo con lo que se lograron adecuados márgenes de seguridad. Se realiza una revisión de la literatura acerca de las opciones en casos de altos umbrales de desfibrilación
We present a young patient with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and high defibrillation thresholds that needed a generatior replacement. During the procedure, a high-output defibrillator was not effective for the termination of induced ventricular fibrillation (FV), even after testing several configurations. Alternatively, safety margin were reached by placing a subcutaneous defibrillator catheter. A literature review is performed exploring options for cases where defibrillation thresholds are high
Humans , Adult , Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic/pathology , Defibrillators, Implantable , Threshold Limit Values , Cardiac CathetersABSTRACT
No abstract available.
Aortic Valve Insufficiency , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Echocardiography, TransesophagealABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: There are few reports on renal dysfunction in the remote period after biventricular repair, and biomarkers for early detection of renal dysfunction are not well understood. We examined whether early fluctuation of biomarkers of renal function occurs in the remote period after biventricular repair in patients with congenital heart disease (CHD). METHODS: Fourteen patients with CHD after biventricular repair were included. The examination values obtained by cardiac catheterization test and renal function indices based on blood and urine sampling were compared. RESULTS: The median estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) of creatinine was 113 mL/min/1.73 m2, and the median eGFR of cystatin C was 117 mL/min/1.73 m2. A urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR) ≥10 mg/gCr was considered a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in 6 (43%) patients. There was a significant difference in right ventricular ejection fraction and deviation in right ventricular end-diastolic volume from the normal value between the 2 groups divided by UACR. Cyanosis before biventricular repair was noted in 2 (25%) patients with UACR < 10 mg/gCr and in 4 (67%) patients with UACR ≥10 mg/gCr. CONCLUSIONS: Increased UACR was noted in 43% of patients. In patients with UACR ≥10 mg/gCr, right heart system abnormality was observed, and several patients had cyanosis before radical treatment. Measurement for UACR may be able to detect renal dysfunction early in the postoperative remote period.
Humans , Biomarkers , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Cardiovascular Diseases , Creatinine , Cyanosis , Cystatin C , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Heart , Heart Defects, Congenital , Kidney , Reference Values , Risk Factors , Stroke VolumeABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The treatment of choice for chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH) is pulmonary endarterectomy (PEA). However, not all patients are eligible for PEA, and some patients experience recurrence of pulmonary hypertension even after PEA. METHODS: Patients who underwent balloon pulmonary angioplasty (BPA) between December 2015 and April 2017 were enrolled from the Samsung Medical Center CTEPH registry. Enrolled patients underwent right heart catheterization, echocardiography, and 6-minute walk distance (6MWD) at baseline, 4 and 24 weeks after their first BPA session. We compared clinical and hemodynamic parameters at the baseline and last BPA session. RESULTS: Fifty-two BPA sessions were performed in 15 patients, six of whom had a history of PEA. BPA resulted in improvements in World Health Organization (WHO) functional class (2.9 ± 0.8 to 1.7 ± 0.6, P = 0.002), 6MWD (387.0 ± 86.4 to 453.4 ± 64.8 m, P = 0.01), tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (14.1 ± 3.6 to 15.6 ± 4.3 mm, P = 0.03) and hemodynamics, including a decline in mean pulmonary artery pressure (41.1 ± 13.1 to 32.1 ± 9.5 mmHg, P < 0.001) and in pulmonary vascular resistance (607.4 ± 452.3 to 406.7 ± 265.4−5, P = 0.01) but not in cardiac index (2.94 ± 0.79 to 2.96 ± 0.93 L/min/m2, P = 0.92). Six cases of complications were recorded, including two cases of reperfusion injury. CONCLUSION: BPA might be a safe and effective treatment strategy for both inoperable CTEPH patients and patients with residual pulmonary hypertension after PEA.
Humans , Angioplasty , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Echocardiography , Endarterectomy , Hemodynamics , Hypertension, Pulmonary , Pisum sativum , Pulmonary Artery , Recurrence , Reperfusion Injury , Vascular Resistance , World Health OrganizationABSTRACT
A comunicação interatrial tipo ostium secundum (CIA OS) é uma cardiopatia congênita relativamente frequente, que causa repercussão hemodinâmica para o ventrículo direito, com sobrecarga volumétrica e dilatação da câmara. A maioria dos pacientes é assintomática, porém sintomas podem aparecer depois da segunda década de vida. O tratamento eletivo é usualmente realizado próximo ao quinto ano de vida, podendo ser indicado mais precocemente quando houver sintomatologia exuberante. O fechamento transcateter usando uma prótese de duplo disco é bem estabelecido como a primeira escolha de tratamento para a maioria dos pacientes de anatomia favorável. Foi comprovado que o forame oval patente (FOP) está associado à acidente vascular cerebral isquêmico (AVCI) em pacientes com poucos ou nenhum fator de risco de doença cardiovascular. Recentemente, foi demonstrado que a oclusão transcateter do FOP é superior ao tratamento clínico para prevenir recorrências de AVCI nessa população, em um estudo randomizado com acompanhamento clínico de longo prazo. Este manuscrito revisa as atuais indicações, critérios de seleção do paciente e o seguimento clínico dos pacientes com CIA OS e FOP submetidos ao tratamento transcateter
Ostium secundum atrial septal defect (OS-ASD) is a relatively frequent congenital heart defect that causes hemodynamic burden on the right ventricle with volume overload and chamber dilatation. Most patients are asymptomatic, however symptoms can appear after the second decade of life. Elective treatment is usually performed around the fifth year of life, and may be occasionally indicated earlier if there are exuberant symptoms. Transcatheter closure using a double disc device is well established as the first choice of treatment for most patients with suitable anatomy. Patent foramen ovale (PFO) has been shown to be associated with ischemic stroke in patients with no or limited risk factors for cardiovascular disease. It was recently demonstrated in a randomized trial with long-term follow-up that transcatheter closure of PFO is superior to medical treatment for preventing recurrences of stroke in this patient population. This manuscript reviews the current indications, patient selection criteria, and long-term follow-up in patients with OS-ASD and PFO submitted to transcatheter closure
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Foramen Ovale, Patent/therapy , Heart Atria/surgery , Heart Defects, Congenital/physiopathology , Heart Septal Defects, Atrial/therapy , Heart Ventricles , Thoracic Surgery , Echocardiography/methods , Cardiac Catheterization/methods , Heparin/administration & dosage , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Femoral Artery , Cardiac Catheters , Heart/physiopathologyABSTRACT
During the last 10 years, there have been major technological achievements in pediatric interventional cardiology. In addition, there have been several advances in cardiac imaging, especially in 3-dimensional imaging of echocardiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, and cineangiography. Therefore, more types of congenital heart diseases can be treated in the cardiac catheter laboratory today than ever before. Furthermore, lesions previously considered resistant to interventional therapies can now be managed with high success rates. The hybrid approach has enabled the overcoming of limitations inherent to percutaneous access, expanding the application of endovascular therapies as adjunct to surgical interventions to improve patient outcomes and minimize invasiveness. Percutaneous pulmonary valve implantation has become a successful alternative therapy. However, most of the current recommendations about pediatric cardiac interventions (including class I recommendations) refer to off-label use of devices, because it is difficult to study the safety and efficacy of catheterization and transcatheter therapy in pediatric cardiac patients. This difficulty arises from the challenge of identifying a control population and the relatively small number of pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. Nevertheless, the pediatric interventional cardiology community has continued to develop less invasive solutions for congenital heart defects to minimize the need for open heart surgery and optimize overall outcomes. In this review, various interventional procedures in patients with congenital heart disease are explored.
Humans , Cardiac Catheters , Cardiology , Catheterization , Catheters , Cineangiography , Echocardiography , Heart Defects, Congenital , Heart Diseases , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Off-Label Use , Pulmonary Valve , Thoracic SurgeryABSTRACT
Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a rare genetic disease. Precapillary pulmonary hypertension (PH) with NF1 is an extremely severe complication. A 65-year-old woman was admitted in our hospital with 3-year history of gradually worsening dyspnea on exertion (New York Heart Association functional class III-IV). Considering her clinical feature and examination findings, she could be diagnosed as PH associated with NF1. She was treated with endothelin receptor antagonist. However her dyspnea was not significantly improved. This is the first Korean case of NF1 patient with PH which confirmed with right heart catheterization.
Aged , Female , Humans , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Dyspnea , Heart , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Hypertension, Pulmonary , Neurofibromatoses , Neurofibromatosis 1 , Receptors, EndothelinABSTRACT
Pulmonary artery sarcoma (PAS) is a rare and fatal disease that often mimics chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension (CTEPH); therefore, diagnosis of PAS is often delayed. Herein, a healthy 74-year-old man was presented with a 4-month history of dyspnea. Chest computed tomography showed wall thickening and stenosis in the main pulmonary artery as well as in both proximal pulmonary arteries. In order to differentiate between unusual CTEPH, vasculitis, and PAS, we performed right heart catheterization and pulmonary angiography. The mean pulmonary arterial pressure was 21 mmHg, and there was severe pulmonary artery stenosis. Thrombi on the pulmonary arterial wall lesions were observed in intravascular ultrasound and optical coherence tomography. Furthermore, the patient had a history of deep vein thrombosis. Therefore, we diagnosed unusual CTEPH. After 6 months of rivaroxaban anticoagulation therapy, a chest X-ray revealed a left lower lobe lung mass, and a positron emission tomography later showed hypermetabolic lesions in the main pulmonary artery wall, in both pulmonary arteries walls, in the lung parenchyma, and in the bones. A biopsy of the right proximal humerus lesion revealed undifferentiated intimal sarcoma. Pulmonary sarcoma is rare, but should be considered when differentially diagnosing main pulmonary artery wall thickening and stenosis. A positron emission tomography may aid in this diagnosis.
Aged , Humans , Angiography , Arterial Pressure , Biopsy , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Constriction, Pathologic , Diagnosis , Dyspnea , Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 , Humerus , Hypertension, Pulmonary , Lung , Positron-Emission Tomography , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Pulmonary Artery , Rivaroxaban , Sarcoma , Thorax , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Ultrasonography , Vasculitis , Venous ThrombosisABSTRACT
A previously healthy 61-year-old man presented to the emergency department with chest pain and dyspnoea for 6 hours. Examination revealed distress with an apical pansystolic murmur. Initial electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia and ST elevation in leads II, III, and aVF compatible with an inferior ST-elevation myocardial infarction. Point-of-care echocardiography in the emergency department showed a flail anterior mitral leaflet and severe mitral regurgitation, leading to a provisional diagnosis of papillary muscle rupture. Emergency cardiac catheterization showed 100%, 80%, and 70% occlusion of the middle right coronary, left anterior descending, and left circumflex arteries, respectively. An emergency triple vessel coronary artery bypass grafting and mitral valve replacement was performed. Posteromedial papillary muscle rupture resulting in mitral regurgitation was confirmed intraoperatively. The patient recovered uneventfully. In the absence of primary percutaneous coronary intervention, thrombolysis decisions should be made with extreme caution if mechanical complications of ST-elevation myocardial infarction are suspected.
Humans , Middle Aged , Arteries , Cardiac Catheterization , Cardiac Catheters , Chest Pain , Coronary Artery Bypass , Diagnosis , Echocardiography , Electrocardiography , Emergencies , Emergency Service, Hospital , Mitral Valve , Mitral Valve Insufficiency , Myocardial Infarction , Papillary Muscles , Percutaneous Coronary Intervention , Point-of-Care Systems , Rupture , Tachycardia, Sinus , UltrasonographyABSTRACT
Meralgia paresthetica (MP) is a sensory mononeuropathy of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN). MP has rarely been reported after a femoral intervention approach. We report a case of bilateral meralgia paresthetica following bilateral femoral cannulation. A 64-year-old male received cardiac catheterization and treatment via a bilateral femoral vein. After cardiac catheterization, the patient presented with paresthesia in the anterolateral aspect of the bilateral thigh. After performing nerve conduction studies and electromyography, he was diagnosed as MP. Although a bilateral LFCN lesion following a femoral approach is very rare, MP might require caution regarding potential variations in LFCN when performing the femoral approach.