@#Disorders of sexual development (DSD) defined as congenital conditions associated with atypical development of anatomical, gonadal or chromosomal sex, is a rare condition that may present with ambiguous genitalia. Included in the varied classes of DSD is mixed gonadal dysgenesis which is known to be due to mosaicism, a chromosomal aberration. Mosaic individuals may have concerns on growth, hormone balance, gonadal development, sex of rearing and fertility. This case report presents an 18-year old student who presented with primary amenorrhea, delayed secondary sexual characteristics and phenotypic features of Turner syndrome who, on chromosomal analysis revealed 45X0/46XY mosaicism. The patient underwent operative laparoscopy with bilateral gonadectomy on the basis of the increased risk of development of gonadal malignancy in phenotypic females with Y-chromosome material. Histopathological analysis revealed bilateral streak gonads. Hormone replacement therapy was then initiated for the induction of secondary female sex characteristics, as treatment for estrogen deficiency, for the induction of pubertal growth spurt and for optimization of bone mineral accumulation. Management of disorders of sexual development is challenging, thus the need for a multidisciplinary approach involving experts in endocrinology, gynecology, psychology and genetics.
Gonadal Dysgenesis, Mixed , Mosaicism , Turner Syndrome , CastrationABSTRACT
The final analysis of the phase 3 Targeted Investigational Treatment Analysis of Novel Anti-androgen (TITAN) trial showed improvement in overall survival (OS) and other efficacy endpoints with apalutamide plus androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) versus ADT alone in patients with metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer (mCSPC). As ethnicity and regional differences may affect treatment outcomes in advanced prostate cancer, a post hoc final analysis was conducted to assess the efficacy and safety of apalutamide in the Asian subpopulation. Event-driven endpoints were OS, and time from randomization to initiation of castration resistance, prostate-specific antigen (PSA) progression, and second progression-free survival (PFS2) on first subsequent therapy or death. Efficacy endpoints were assessed using the Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional-hazards models without formal statistical testing and adjustment for multiplicity. Participating Asian patients received once-daily apalutamide 240 mg ( n = 111) or placebo ( n = 110) plus ADT. After a median follow-up of 42.5 months and despite crossover of 47 placebo recipients to open-label apalutamide, apalutamide reduced the risk of death by 32% (hazard ratio [HR]: 0.68; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.42-1.13), risk of castration resistance by 69% (HR: 0.31; 95% CI: 0.21-0.46), PSA progression by 79% (HR: 0.21; 95% CI: 0.13-0.35) and PFS2 by 24% (HR: 0.76; 95% CI: 0.44-1.29) relative to placebo. The outcomes were comparable between subgroups with low- and high-volume disease at baseline. No new safety issues were identified. Apalutamide provides valuable clinical benefits to Asian patients with mCSPC, with an efficacy and safety profile consistent with that in the overall patient population.
Male , Humans , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Androgen Antagonists/therapeutic use , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Castration , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/drug therapyABSTRACT
Concepto novedoso e indispensable propuesto por Françoise Dolto, las castraciones simbolígenas, asociadas a la noción de imagen inconsciente del cuerpo y su destino, se convierten en el corazón de su teoría. El tratamiento psicoanalítico con niños consistiría en trabajar sobre las pulsiones no castradas, puntos en donde han quedado detenidas las modalidades de satisfacción y fijadas a un fantasma. El presente escrito recorre fragmentos de sesiones del caso de un niño de cinco años y el trabajo con sus padres, durante dos años de análisis. Tomando como eje rector las fallas en las castraciones simbolígenas y los efectos que se observaron en la clínica, se ilustran articulaciones teóricas que permiten comprender la importancia y riqueza del concepto AU
Concept inédit et indispensable proposé par Françoise Dolto, les castrations symboliques, associées à la notion d'image inconsciente du corps et de son destin, sont au cÅur de sa théorie. Le traitement psychanalytique avec les enfants consisterait à travailler sur les pulsions désencastrées, points où les modalités de satisfaction ont été retenues et fixées à un phantasme.Le présent article passe en revue des fragments de sessions du cas d'un garçon de cinq ans et du travail avec ses parents, pendant deux ans d'analyse. En prenant comme axe directeur les échecs des castrations symboliques et les effets observés dans la clinique, on illustre des articulations théoriques qui nous permettent de comprendre l'importance et la richesse du concept AU
An original and indispensable concept proposed by Françoise Dolto, the symbolic castrations, associated with the notion of the unconscious image of the body and its destiny, become the heart of her theory. Psychoanalytic treatment with children would consist in working on the uncastrated drives, places where the modalities of satisfaction have been stopped and set to a phantasm. The present paper reviews sessions fragments of a five years old boy and the work with his parents, during two years of analysis. Taking as a guiding axis the failures in the symbolic castrations and the effects that were observed, theoretical articulations are developed in order to show and understand the importance and richness of the concept AU
Um conceito novo e indispensável proposto por Françoise Dolto, as castrações simbólicas, associadas à noção de imagem inconsciente do corpo e do seu destino, estão no cerne da sua teoria. O tratamento psicanalítico com crianças consistiria em trabalhar em unidades desencarceradas, pontos onde as modalidades de satisfação foram mantidas e fixadas a um fantasma. O presente artigo analisa fragmentos de sessões do caso de uma criança de cinco anos e o trabalho com os seus pais, ao longo de dois anos de análise. Tomando como orientação os fracassos das castrações simbólicas e os efeitos observados na clínica, são ilustradas articulações teóricas que nos permitem compreender a importância e a riqueza do conceito AU
Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Transference, Psychology , Castration/psychology , Drive , Mother-Child Relations , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Signs and SymptomsABSTRACT
BACKGROUND@#Till date, the optimal treatment strategy for delivering adjuvant androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in localized and locally advanced prostate cancer (PCa), as a lower stage in PCa progression compared with metastatic PCa, is still unclear. This study compares the efficacy of castration alone with complete androgen blockade (CAB) as adjuvant ADT in patients with localized and locally advanced PCa undergoing radical prostatectomy (RP).@*METHODS@#Patients diagnosed with PCa, without lymph node or distant metastasis, who received RP in West China Hospital between January 2009 and April 2019, were enrolled in this study. We performed survival, multivariable Cox proportional hazard regression, and subgroup analyses.@*RESULTS@#A total of 262 patients were enrolled, including 107 patients who received castration alone and 155 patients who received CAB. The survival analysis revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups (hazard ratios [HR] = 1.07, 95% confidence intervals [95% CI] = 0.60-1.90, P = 0.8195). Moreover, the multivariable Cox model provided similarly negative results before and after adjustment for potential covariant. Similarly, there was no significant difference in the clinical recurrence between the two groups in both non-adjusted and adjusted models. Furthermore, our subgroup analysis showed that CAB achieved better biochemical recurrence (BCR) outcomes than medical castration alone as adjuvant ADT for locally advanced PCa (P for interaction = 0.0247, HR = 0.37, 95% CI = 0.14-1.00, P = 0.0497).@*CONCLUSION@#Combined androgen blockade achieved better BCR outcomes compared with medical castration alone as adjuvant ADT for locally advanced PCa without lymph node metastasis.
Humans , Male , Androgen Antagonists/therapeutic use , Androgens , Castration , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology , Prostatectomy/methods , Prostatic Neoplasms/surgery , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
La definición de enfermedad oligometastásica actual, corresponde a aquella enfermedad metastásica susceptible de ser tratada con una terapia ablativa - sin importar el número de lesiones -, siendo aun controvertido, si se incluye o no, el compromiso a nivel hepático. Siempre que se hace referencia a esta enfermedad, se debe subclasificar en sincrónica o metacrónica, esto debido a su pronóstico.[1] Los grupos de pronóstico en cáncer de próstata metastásico sensible a la castración se han basado en el número y distribución de metástasis. Si bien hay varios grupos, consorcios o colaboraciones que han evaluado esto como SWOG, MDACC, CHAARTED y LATITUDE, independientemente de la definición, los pacientes con pobre pronóstico o enfermedad de alto volumen, presentan desenlaces oncológicos más pobres en comparación con aquellos de bajo volumen.
The current definition of oligometastatic disease corresponds to metastatic disease that can be treated with ablative therapy - regardless of the number of lesions - and it is still controversial whether or not liver involvement is included. Whenever reference is made to this disease, it should be subclassified into synchronous or metachronous, due to its prognosis.[1]. Prognostic groups in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer have been based on the number and distribution of metastases. While there are several groups, consortia or collaborations that have evaluated this such as SWOG, MDACC, CHAARTED and LATITUDE, regardless of the definition, patients with poor prognosis or high volume disease have poorer oncologic outcomes compared to those with low volume.
Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms , Neoplasm Metastasis , Prognosis , Castration , Neoplasms/therapyABSTRACT
Históricamente la sociedad ha rechazado el abuso sexual de menores de 13 años, dictándose leyes al respecto. La justicia luego de un debido proceso condenaba al victimario con reclusión incluso hasta la década del 70-80, con orquiectomía. Los adelantos en neurobiología, endocrinología, sicofarmacología y sicología se consideraron las bases para tratar al pedófilo y someterlo a libertad condicional, ahorrándose el costo financiero de la reclusión de por vida. Diversos países dictaron leyes contra la conducta pedófila. En dicha legislación ejerció gran influencia la promulgación en EE.UU. (estado de Washington "sobre el ofensor sexual" y el dictamen de la Corte Suprema en 1997 en el juicio de Kansas vs Hendricks). En Chile en los 90 el caso del pedófilo apodado "Zacarach" sacó a la luz pública el tema que no se quería ver. En esa fecha se presentó al parlamento un proyecto de Ley para "curar" la pedofilia con acetato de Medroxiprogesterona imitando legislación de EE.UU. Causó sorpresa en el medio endocrinológico que se usara terapia hormonal como "cura" de la pedofilia. Se ha utilizado en varios países la castración química producida por gestágenos o agonístas del GnRH más antiandrógenos (acetato de Ciproterona), para inhibir la secreción y acción de la testosterona disminuyendo líbido y erección. No se ha demostrado que exista curación de la orientación pedófila y existen dudas de la prevención primaria y secundaria de la pedofilia. Pese al adelanto tecnológico en neurociencias para estudio de las zonas vinculadas a la sexualidad, aún no existen marcadores que permitan diagnosticar o pronosticar futuros resultados de la terapia. El tratamiento médico de la pedofilia no garantiza curación ni prevención del delito pedofílico.
Historically, society has rejected sexual abuse of children under 13, with there having been laws enacted in this regard. The judicial system, after a due process, condemned the perpetrator with reclusion and even up until the decades of the 70s and 80s with orchiectomy. Advances in neurobiology, endocrinology, psychopharmacology and psychology were considered the basis for treating the pedophile and putting them on probation, saving the financial cost of imprisonment for life. Multiple countries have enacted laws against pedophilic behaviour. Such legislation was greatly influenced by the enactment in the USA (state of Washington "on the sex offender" and the ruling of the Supreme Court in 1997 in the trial of Kansas against Hendricks). In Chile in the 90s, the case of a pedophile nicknamed "Zacarach" brought to light an issue that nobody wanted to see. Around that time, a bill was presented to Parliament to try and "cure" pedophilia with Medroxyprogesterone acetate, imitating US legislation. It was a surprise in the endocrinological world that hormonal therapy would be used as a "cure" for pedophilia. Chemical castration produced by gestagens or GnRH agonists plus antiandrogens (Cyproterone acetate) has been used in several countries to inhibit the secretion and action of testosterone, reducing libido and erection. It has not been proven that there is a cure for pedophile orientation and there are doubts about the primary and secondary prevention of pedophilia. Despite technological advances in neurosciences for the study of the zones pertaining to sexuality, there are still no indicators that allow for diagnosis or prediction of future results of therapy. The medical treatment of pedophilia does not guarantee cure or prevention of pedophilic crime.
Humans , Male , Pedophilia/drug therapy , Castration/methods , Androgen Antagonists/therapeutic use , Pedophilia/diagnosis , Pedophilia/etiology , Pedophilia/therapy , Sex Offenses/legislation & jurisprudence , Testis/drug effects , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/agonists , Medroxyprogesterone Acetate/therapeutic use , Cyproterone Acetate/therapeutic useABSTRACT
A castração em fêmeas pode ser feita pela ovariectomia (retirada dos ovários), ou ovariohisterectomia (retirada dos ovários e do útero). Essa última técnica é a mais recomendada em cães e gatos, devido à prevenção de afecções que podem ocorrer posteriormente no útero. Dentre essas complicações pode-se encontrar sangramento por ligadura mal feita em coto, hidroureter, hidronefrose, piometra de coto, formação de tratos sinusais, aderência, obstrução crônica, incontinência urinária, retenção abdominal de compressas cirúrgicas, transcecção de parte do ureter e ovário remanescente. Em cadelas castradas, a causa mais comum da formação de tratos sinusais é a presença de reação tecidual ao redor do fio de sutura. O presente estudo teve como objetivo relatar um caso de uma cadela sem raça definida, 8,7 kg, seis anos, que deu entrada no Hospital Veterinário de Uberaba, MG com queixa principal a presença de ferida no flanco direito sendo tratada há nove meses, porém sem sucesso. Já haviam feito uso de vários antibióticos sistêmicos e antinflamatorios esteroidais e não esteroidais. Diante do caso observado, foram realizados exames laboratoriais e de imagem. Perante o resultado do exame de imagem, a principal suspeita foi a formação de trato sinusal com comunicação com a cavidade abdominal devido a uma reação ao fio de algodão utilizado na ovariohisterectomia.(AU)
Female animals can be castrated by ovariectomy (removal of the ovaries), or ovariohysterectomy (removal of the ovaries and uterus). The latter is the most recommended in dogs and cats due to the prevention of conditions that may subsequently occur in the uterus. Among these complications, one can find bleeding by poor ligation in the stump, hydroureter, hydronephrosis, stump pyometra, formation of sinus tracts, adherence, chronic obstruction, urinary incontinence, abdominal retention of surgical compresses, transection of part of the ureter and remaining ovary. In castrated bitches, the most common cause of the formation of sinus tracts is the presence of tissue reaction around the suture thread. This study aimed at reporting a case of a mixed breed, six-year-old dog, 8.7 kg that was admitted to the Veterinary Hospital of Uberaba with the main complaint of the presence of a wound on the right flank being unsuccessfully treated for nine months. Several systemic antibiotics and steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs had already been used. In view of the observed case, laboratory and imaging exams were performed. In view of the result of the imaging examination, the main suspicion was the formation of a sinus tract with communication to the abdominal cavity due to a reaction to the cotton thread used in the ovariohysterectomy.(AU)
La castración en hembras se puede realizar mediante ovariectomía (extirpación de los ovarios) u ovario histerectomía (extirpación de los ovarios y del útero). Esa última técnica es la más recomendada en perros y gatos, debido a la prevención de afecciones que pueden presentarse posteriormente en el útero. Entre estas complicaciones se puede encontrar hemorragias por ligadura mal realizada en muñón, hidruréter, hidronefrosis, piometra de muñón, formación de tractos sinusales, adherencia, obstrucción crónica, incontinencia urinaria, retención abdominal de compresas quirúrgicas, transección de parte del uréter y ovario remanente. En las perras castradas, la causa más común de formación de trayectos sinusales es la presencia de reacción tisular alrededor del hilo de sutura. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo reportar el caso de una perra sin raza definida, de 8,7 kg, de seis años de edad, que ingresó en el Hospital Veterinario de Uberaba, MG con el principal síntoma de presencia de una herida en el flanco derecho siendo tratada durante nueve meses, pero sin éxito. Ya habían usado varios antibióticos sistémicos y medicamentos antiinflamatorios esteroides y no esteroides. A la vista del caso observado, se realizaron exámenes de laboratorio y de imagen. A la vista del resultado del examen de imagen, la principal sospecha fue la formación de un tracto sinusal con comunicación con la cavidad abdominal debido a una reacción al hilo de algodón utilizado en el ovario histerectomía.(AU)
Animals , Female , Dogs , Ovary , Sutures , Ovariectomy , Castration , Dogs/surgery , Pyometra , Anti-Bacterial AgentsABSTRACT
Introduction: Ovotesticular disorder of sex development is a rare condition characterized by the concomitant presence of testicular and ovarian tissue, and usually presents genital ambiguity. They are chromosomally heterogeneous, and cytogenetic analyses is relevant. Objective: to report a patient from Manaus, Amazonas state, Brazil, with ovotesticular disorder of sex differentiation 46,XX and SRY-negative. Case report: patient aged 19 years, first child of non-consanguineous parents, diagnosed at birth with genital ambiguity and, without correct diagnosis, was registered a male sex. The patient underwent surgery to correct bilateral cryptorchidism, orchiopexy and colpectomy. During puberty, he developed female and male sexual characteristics. Investigation at this time revealed: laboratory (normal total testosterone and estradiol as high follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, histopathological (right gonad, ovarian follicles and left gonad, atrophic testicles), karyotype (46, XX) and molecular (SRY-negative). Diagnosis of ovotesticular disorder of sex development was established. The patient chose to remain male and underwent bilateral mastectomy, vaginal colpectomy and bilateral gonadectomy. Currently, the patient receives hormonal replacement therapy, followup with a multi-professional approach and awaits masculinizing genitoplasty. Discussion: For OT-DSD individuals with 46, XX, the female sex is suggested as the best sex of rearing option. Unlike the reported cases, the patient chose the male sex, since the sex at registration of birth was important in his choice. Conclusion: Cytogenetic and molecular analyses allowed us to assist in the etiological diagnosis of the patient with OT-DSD. However, molecular analyses are necessary to elucidate the genes involved in the sexual determination of this patient.
Introdução: distúrbio da diferenciação do sexo ovotesticular é uma condição rara com presença concomitante de tecido testicular e ovariano, geralmente com ambiguidade genital. Os pacientes são cromossomicamente heterogêneos e a análise citogenética é fundamental. Objetivo: relatar o caso de um paciente do município de Manaus, Amazonas, portador de distúrbio da diferenciação do sexo ovotesticular 46, XX e SRY-negativo. Caso clínico: paciente de 19 anos, primeiro filho de pais não consanguíneos, que ao nascimento foi diagnosticado com ambiguidade genital, contudo, sem diagnóstico correto, foi registrado como sendo do sexo masculino. Foi submetido a cirurgias para correção da criptoquirdia bilateral, orquidopexia e colpectomia vaginal. Na puberdade, desenvolveu características sexuais feminina e masculina. Investigação diagnóstica mostrou: exames hormonais (testosterona total e estradiol normais enquanto hormônio folículo-estimulante e hormônio luteinizante elevados), histopatológicos (gônada direita, folículos ovarianos e gônadas esquerda, testículos atróficos), cariótipo (46, XX) e molecular (SRY-negativo). O diagnóstico de distúrbio da diferenciação do sexo ovotesticular foi estabelecido. O paciente optou por permanecer no sexo masculino e submeteuse à mastectomia bilateral, colpectomia vaginal e gonadectomia bilateral. Atualmente faz reposição hormonal, acompanhamento com abordagem multiprofissional e aguarda pela genitoplastia masculinizante. Discussão: aos indivíduos DDS-OT com 46, XX é sugerido como a melhor opção de sexo, o feminino. Diferentemente dos casos relatados, o paciente optou por permanecer no sexo masculino, visto que o registro de nascimento foi importante para a sua escolha. Conclusão: análises citogenéticas e moleculares permitiu auxiliar no diagnóstico etiológico do paciente com DDS-OT, contudo, análises moleculares são necessárias para elucidação de genes envolvidos na determinação sexual desse paciente.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Disorders of Sex Development , Chromosomes , Case Reports , Castration , MastectomyABSTRACT
Este estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento de cães de responsáveis brasileiros, através do Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ) e estabelecer se estes comportamentos apresentam relação significativa com a idade, sexo e castração do animal. O questionário foi respondido pelos participantes entre novembro de 2018 a abril de 2020. As amostras foram divididas de acordo com o sexo (fêmeas ou machos), a idade (um ano ou menos, de um a três anos, de três a sete anos, de sete a dez anos ou mais de dez anos) e o status reprodutivo do animal (castrados ou inteiros). Para cada questionário respondido, foram calculados os escores das 14 categorias de comportamento investigados pelo C-BARQ e, através do programa Biostat 5.3, utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman com nível de significância de 5% para avaliar a correlação entre estes escores com os fatores idade, sexo e status reprodutivo dos animais. Os resultados sugerem maiores escores de comportamentos agressivos em cães mais velhos e em cães castrados. A castração também obteve associação com maiores escores de medo de outros cães. Os achados evidenciam necessidade de estudos que busquem investigar de que modo a castração se vincula com estes comportamentos que podem comprometer a convivência entre o responsável e seu cão.
This study investigated Brazilians dogs behavior through the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ) and establish if these behaviors have a significant relationship with the age, sex and neutering status of the animal. The questionnaire was answered by owners between November 2018 and April 2020. The sample was divided according to sex (female or male), age (one year or less, from one to three years, from three to seven years, from seven to ten years or more than ten years) and the reproductive status of the animal (neutered or not). For each questionnaire answered, the scores of the 14 behavior categories investigated by C-BARQ were calculated and Spearmans correlation coefficient with a significance level of 5% was used to assess the correlation between these scores with the factors age, sex and reproductive status of the animals (Biostat 5.3 program). The results suggest higher scores for aggressive behavior in older dogs and in neutered dogs. Neutering was also associated with higher scores of fear from other dogs. The findings suggest the need for studies that seek to investigate how castration is linked to these behaviors that can deteriorate the owner-dog relationship.
Male , Female , Animals , Dogs , Castration/veterinary , Behavior, Animal , Dogs , Age and Sex Distribution , Reproductive Physiological PhenomenaABSTRACT
Este estudo objetivou avaliar o comportamento de cães de responsáveis brasileiros, através do Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ) e estabelecer se estes comportamentos apresentam relação significativa com a idade, sexo e castração do animal. O questionário foi respondido pelos participantes entre novembro de 2018 a abril de 2020. As amostras foram divididas de acordo com o sexo (fêmeas ou machos), a idade (um ano ou menos, de um a três anos, de três a sete anos, de sete a dez anos ou mais de dez anos) e o status reprodutivo do animal (castrados ou inteiros). Para cada questionário respondido, foram calculados os escores das 14 categorias de comportamento investigados pelo C-BARQ e, através do programa Biostat 5.3, utilizou-se o coeficiente de correlação de Spearman com nível de significância de 5% para avaliar a correlação entre estes escores com os fatores idade, sexo e status reprodutivo dos animais. Os resultados sugerem maiores escores de comportamentos agressivos em cães mais velhos e em cães castrados. A castração também obteve associação com maiores escores de medo de outros cães. Os achados evidenciam necessidade de estudos que busquem investigar de que modo a castração se vincula com estes comportamentos que podem comprometer a convivência entre o responsável e seu cão.
This study investigated Brazilian's dogs behavior through the Canine Behavioral Assessment and Research Questionnaire (C-BARQ) and establish if these behaviors have a significant relationship with the age, sex and neutering status of the animal. The questionnaire was answered by owners between November 2018 and April 2020. The sample was divided according to sex (female or male), age (one year or less, from one to three years, from three to seven years, from seven to ten years or more than ten years) and the reproductive status of the animal (neutered or not). For each questionnaire answered, the scores of the 14 behavior categories investigated by C-BARQ were calculated and Spearman's correlation coefficient with a significance level of 5% was used to assess the correlation between these scores with the factors age, sex and reproductive status of the animals (Biostat 5.3 program). The results suggest higher scores for aggressive behavior in older dogs and in neutered dogs. Neutering was also associated with higher scores of fear from other dogs. The findings suggest the need for studies that seek to investigate how castration is linked to these behaviors that can deteriorate the owner-dog relationship.
Animals , Dogs , Behavior, Animal , Dogs/psychology , Castration/veterinary , Aggression , Human-Animal InteractionABSTRACT
Este artigo examina o caso do pequeno Hans com a finalidade de apresentar sua fobia como um trabalho de simbolização do sexual. A análise de Hans começa com a mãe, em conformidade com a teoria da angústia da época, porém migra em direção ao pai. A principal hipótese de Freud é o recalcamento das moções hostis em relação ao pai. As manifestações do Édipo negativo de Hans são exploradas. O Édipo e a castração são localizados não do lado do recalcado, mas da instância recalcante. O axioma de que o inconsciente é estruturado como uma linguagem é criticado.
This article examines little Hans's case in order to relate the child's phobia with a work of symbolization of the sexual. Hans's analysis starts with the mother, in accordance with the theory of anxiety at the time, but migrates towards the father. Freud's main hypothesis is the repression of hostile impulses towards the father. Hans's negative Oedipus manifestations are explored. Oedipus and castration are located not on the repressed side, but on the repressive instance. The axiom that the unconscious is structured like a language is criticized.
Este artículo examina el caso del pequeño Hans para presentar su fobia como una obra de simbolización de lo sexual. El análisis de Hans comienza con la madre, de acuerdo con la teoría de la angustia de la época, pero migra hacia el padre. La principal hipótesis de Freud es la represión de las mociones hostiles hacia el padre. Se exploran las manifestaciones negativas de Edipo de Hans. Edipo y castración se ubican no en el lado reprimido, sino en la instancia represora. Se critica el axioma de que el inconsciente está estructurado como un lenguaje.
Cet article examine le cas du petit Hans afin de présenter sa phobie comme une œuvre de symbolisation du sexuel. L'analyse de Hans commence par la mère, conformément à la théorie de l'angoisse de l'époque, mais migre vers le père. L'hypothèse principale de Freud est le refoulement des motions hostiles envers le père. Les manifestations négatives d'Œdipe de Hans sont explorées. Œdipe et castration se situent non pas du côté refoulé, mais du côté du refoulant. L'axiome selon lequel l'inconscient est structuré comme un langage est critiqué.
Psychoanalysis , Sexuality , Freudian Theory , CastrationABSTRACT
Ovariohysterectomy (OHE) is the most performed elective surgery in veterinary medicine. Although this procedure brings benefits both to the animal and public health, acquired urinary incontinence is a possible complication resultant from it. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of urinary incontinence and evaluate size, breed, and time of surgery as risk factors in a population of spayed female dogs in the Hospital de Clínicas Veterinárias da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, in the year of 2013, through the use of a multiple-choice screening instrument. Identified estimated prevalence was 11.27% and main risk factors were as follows: large size (OR = 7.12 IC95% = 1.42 - 35.67), Rottweiler breed (OR = 8.92; IC95% = 5.25 - 15.15), Pit-bull breed (OR = 4.14; IC95% = 2.19 - 7.83), and Labrador breed (OR = 2.73; IC95% = 1.53 - 4.87). Time of surgery was not considered a risk factor for urinary incontinence in this population (OR = 1.45; IC95% = 0.86 - 2.40). Even though most owners reported a small impact on their relationship with the animal, urinary incontinence hazard should be addressed before spaying.(AU)
A ovário-histerectomia (OHE) é a cirurgia eletiva mais realizada em medicina veterinária. Embora seja um procedimento que beneficie a saúde pública e do animal, a incontinência urinária adquirida é uma complicação possível resultante desse procedimento. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a prevalência de incontinência urinária e avaliar porte, raça e momento da castração como fatores de risco em uma população de cadelas castradas no HCV/UFRGS, no ano de 2013, através do uso de um instrumento de triagem de múltipla escolha. A prevalência estimada foi de 11,27% e os principais fatores de risco foram: grande porte (OR = 7,12 IC95% = 1,42 - 35,67), raça Rottweiler (OR = 8,92; IC95% = 5,25 - 15,15), raça Pitbull (OR = 4,14; IC95% = 2,19 - 7,83) e raça Labrador (OR = 2,73; IC95% = 1,53 - 4,87). O tempo da cirurgia não foi considerado fator de risco para incontinência urinária nessa população (OR = 1,45; IC95% = 0,86 - 2,40). Embora a maioria dos proprietários tenha relatado um pequeno impacto no relacionamento com o animal, a possibilidade de incontinência urinária deve ser devidamente discutida antes da castração.(AU)
Animals , Female , Dogs , Urethra/pathology , Urinary Incontinence/etiology , Urinary Incontinence/veterinary , Ovariectomy/veterinary , Castration/veterinary , Hysterectomy/veterinaryABSTRACT
Excessive infection and inflammation are the most common complications associated with castration. The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of flunixin meglumine (FM), meloxicam (MX), or firocoxib (FX) for inflammation control after castration in horses using acute-phase proteins (APP) as markers of inflammation. Thirty healthy, unbroken, mixed-breed horses (body weight 358.62±45.57kg and age 4.99±2.63 years) were randomly (n=10 animals/group) allocated to receive one of three different post-castration anti-inflammatory medicines: Group 1 (FM 1.1mg/kg bwt, IV, s.i.d for 5 days); Group 2 (MX 0.6mg/kg bwt, IV, s.i.d for 5 days); and Group 3 (FX 0.1mg/kg bwt, IV, s.i.d for 5 days). All horses were castrated in standing position, using the open technique. Serum and peritoneal APP concentrations were measured by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and determined before castration (0), and 3, 5, 24, 48, 72, 120 and 168 hours after castration. The results were submitted to analysis of variance using the SAS statistical program, and means were compared by the Student-Newman-Keuls test (p<0.05). Three animals from the MX group developed hyperthermia (with rectal temperatures of 39.8, 39.3 and 38.9°C on day 4, 5 and 6, respectively) and showed local clinical signs of inflammation (inguinal and excessive scrotal edema) and reluctance to walk, as well as a rigid gait of the hind limbs. The same complications were observed in one FX horse. No complications were observed among the FM animals. The castration resulted in significant changes in serum and peritoneal values of total proteins, ceruloplasmin (Cp), transferrin (Tf), albumin (Alb), haptoglobin (Hp) and α1-acid glycoprotein (Gp) in animals of all experimental groups. However, the animals of the MX and FX groups presented more intense acute phase response compared to the animals of the FM group. Changes in the APP were associated with the surgical trauma of castration, but the differences between groups were associated with the ability of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug to control the inflammation. In conclusion, and based on the findings of acute phase proteins, flunixin is more efficient to control the magnitude of inflammation following castration as compared to meloxicam and firocoxib.(AU)
Infecção e inflamação excessivas são as complicações mais comuns associadas à castração. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar a eficácia do flunixin meglumine (FM), meloxicam (MX) ou firocoxib (FX) no controle da inflamação após a castração em cavalos usando proteínas da fase aguda (APP) como marcadores de inflamação. Trinta equinos saudáveis (358,62±45,57kg; 4,99±2,63 anos) foram em função dos anti-inflamatórios utilizados após as castrações aleatoriamente (n= 10 animais/grupo) alocados em três diferentes grupos: Grupo 1 (FM 1,1mg/kg de peso, IV, sid por 5 dias); Grupo 2 (MX 0,6mg/kg de peso, IV, s.i.d por 5 dias); e Grupo 3 (FX 0,1mg/kg de peso, IV, s.i.d por 5 dias). Todos os cavalos foram castrados em posição quadrupedal, utilizando a técnica aberta. As concentrações de APP sérica e peritoneal foram separadas por eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (PAGE) com dodecil-sulfato de sódio (SDS) e determinadas no momento 0 (antes da castração) e com 3, 5, 24, 48, 72, 120 e 168 horas após a castração. Os resultados foram submetidos à análise de variância pelo programa estatístico SAS e as médias foram comparadas pelo teste de Student-Newman-Keuls (p<0,05). Três animais do grupo MX desenvolveram hipertermia (com temperatura retal de 39,8, 39,3 e 38,9° C nos dias 4, 5 e 6, respectivamente) e mostraram sinais clínicos locais de inflamação (edema inguinal e escrotal excessivo) e relutância em andar, bem como marcha rígida dos membros posteriores. As mesmas complicações foram observadas em um cavalo do FX. Não foram observadas complicações entre os animais do FM. Independente do grupo, a castração resultou em alterações significativas nos valores séricos e peritoneais de proteínas totais, ceruloplasmina (Cp), transferrina (Tf), albumina (Alb), haptoglobina (Hp) e glicoproteína ácida α1 (Gp). No entanto, os animais dos grupos MX e FX apresentaram resposta de fase aguda mais intensa quando comparados aos animais do FM. Alterações na resposta de fase aguda deveram-se ao trauma cirúrgico da castração, mas as diferenças entre os grupos foram associadas à capacidade do anti-inflamatório em controlar a inflamação. Em conclusão, baseado da resposta de fase aguda, o flunixin em comparação com o meloxicam e o firocoxib é mais eficiente no controle da inflamação após a castração em equinos.(AU)
Animals , Male , Acute-Phase Proteins , Castration , Meloxicam , Horses/surgery , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/administration & dosage , Body Weight , OrchiectomyABSTRACT
Objetivo Describir las características demográficas, clínicas, los recursos de salud utilizados y los costos directos del tratamiento del cáncer de próstata resistente a la castración metastásico (CPRCm), tratados con enzalutamida o acetato de abiraterona en Colombia. Métodos Mediante un estudio de corte transversal se analizaron datos de utilización de servicios de una EPS (entidad promotora de salud) colombiana. Para ello, se identificaron los pacientes que durante el 1 de julio de 2016 y 30 de junio de 2017 (fecha índice) presentaron registro de uso de enzalutamida o acetato de abiraterona y se confirmaron sus antecedentes de castración química o quirúrgica (6 meses previos a la fecha índice). Se establecieron las frecuencias de uso de servicios en dicha población y se extrajo el consumo reportado asociado a consultas (urgencias, consulta externa), procedimientos y medicamentos en el periodo de análisis. Los costos se organizaron por categorías y se reportaron en pesos colombianos (COP) 2016. Resultados se identificaron 161 pacientes con CPRCm con edad media de 77 años, se determinó que el departamento colombiano con más población de CPRCm en esta cohorte fue el Valle del Cauca, que 98,1% de los pacientes pertenecen al régimen contributivo y que 1,9% al subsidiado. El cálculo de la supervivencia con el índice de comorbilidad de Charlson mostró que esos pacientes tendrían una tasa de supervivencia de 0% a 10 años. Las comorbilidades más frecuentes encontradas fueron hipertensión, diabetes mellitus, insuficiencia renal y otras patologías tumorales relacionadas. El costo total de manejo de un paciente con CPRCm, que recibe de manera continua durante 12 meses abiraterona o enzalutamida es promedio $131.942.292 COP año. Esa cifra incluye tanto el uso de servicios como el consumo de medicamentos, y ese último representa cerca del 90% del costo. Conclusiones los pacientes con cáncer en estadio metastásico se caracterizan por presentar alta demanda de medicamentos, laboratorios, imágenes diagnósticas, visitas ambulatorias e ingresos hospitalarios. Debido a que es una muestra pequeña de pacientes, se requiere desarrollar una valoración posterior que permita corroborar los hallazgos encontrados en este estudio retrospectivo.
Objective describe the demographic, clinical characteristics, the health resources utilization and the direct costs of patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (CPRCm) treated with Enzalutamide or Abiraterone Acetate in Colombia. Methods Through a descriptive retrospective analysis through the database of a Colombian health insurer, patients were identified who, during July 1st, 2016 and June 30th, 2017 (index date) were dispensed with enzalutamide or abiraterone acetate, medical history of chemical or surgical castration was confirmed (6 months prior to the index date). The frequencies of use of services in this population were established and the reported consumption associated with consultations (emergencies, outpatient consultation), procedures and medications in the period of analysis were extracted. The costs were organized by categories and were reported according to Colombian pesos (COP) 2016. Results In a cohort of 161 patients with CPRCm with an average age of 77 years, it was determined that Valle del Cauca is the Colombian department with the largest CPRCm population in this cohort. 98.1% of the patients belong to the contributory regimen and 1.9% to the subsidized. The calculation of the patient's survival with the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) showed a 0% survival rate at 10 years and most frequent comorbidities were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, renal failure and other related tumor pathologies. The total cost of managing a patient with CPRCm, who receives continuous abiraterone or enzalutamide for 12 months on average is $ 131,942,292 COP per year, this figure includes both the use of services and the consumption of medications; the latter represents â¼90% of cost. onclusions These patients were characterized by being large demander of health services, namely, medicines, laboratories, images, outpatient visits and inpatient admission. Due to it is a small sample of patients, is necessary to develop a posterior evaluation to corroborate the findings found in this retrospective analysis.
Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms , Castration , Dihydrotachysterol , Abiraterone Acetate , Comorbidity , Demography , Survival Rate , Colombia , Diabetes Mellitus , Renal Insufficiency , Facilities and Services UtilizationABSTRACT
A partir da obra de Freud, trabalha-se a noção de Recusa (Verleugnung) como um mecanismo de defesa presente em todas as formas de subjetivação. A Recusa defende o narcisismo da ameaça de castração, que não se restringe à perda do genital, mas evoca diversas outras feridas narcísicas. Este artigo analisa as transmissões familiares inconscientes e sua relação com a simultânea admissão e não admissão da castração. A fantasia infantil da mãe fálica evidencia a ação da Recusa na manutenção das crenças irracionais e seus efeitos sobre o senso de realidade. Este trabalho aborda as manifestações da Recusa no cotidiano e nos adoecimentos psíquicos e comprova a importância do conceito na ampliação da teoria e da clínica psicanalítica (AU).
Based on Freud's work, this paper focuses on the notion of denial (Verleugnung) as a defense mechanism present in all forms of subjectivity. Denial defends narcissism against castration threat, which is not restricted to the loss of genitals, but evokes several other narcissistic wounds. This article analyzes the unconscious family transmissions and their relationship with the simultaneous admission and nonadmission of castration. The phallic mother childish fantasy shows denial's action in maintaining irrational beliefs and their effects on the sense of reality. This paper explores denial's manifestation in everyday life and in psychic illnesses, and attests the importance of that concept in the expansion of psychoanalytic theory and clinic (AU).
Basándose en la obra de Freud, se trabaja la noción de negación (Verleugnung) como mecanismo de defensa presente en todas las formas de subjetividad. La negación defiende el narcisismo contra la amenaza de castración, que no se limita a la pérdida del genital, sino que evoca varias otras heridas narcisistas. Este articulo analiza las transmisiones familiares inconscientes y su relación con la simultánea admisión y no admisión de la castración. La fantasía infantil de la madre fálica evidencia la acción de la negación en la manutención de creencias irracionales y sus efectos sobre el sentido de la realidad. Este trabajo explora las manifestaciones de la negación en la vida diaria y en enfermedades psíquicas, y comprueba la importancia de este concepto en la expansión de la teoría y de la clínica psicoanalítica (AU).
Humans , Psychoanalytic Therapy , Castration , Culture , Narcissism , Disease , HazardsABSTRACT
El presente texto tiene como propósito interrogar la afirmación lacaniana de la angustia como afecto que no engaña. Para tal propósito, iniciaremos revisando las últimas elaboraciones freudianas sobre la angustia localizables en el texto "Inhibición, síntoma y angustia", para luego ubicar en el seminario La angustia ciertas coordenadas allí desarrolladas por Lacan, como es la de la angustia como señal de lo real, su relación al objeto a, al falo y al fantasma; así como la propuesta de fin de análisis más allá de la angustia de castración. Posteriormente, propondremos que en Lacan podemos ubicar dos modos de presentarse la angustia: una, que engaña, en su articulación al fantasma y a la angustia de castración; otra, que no engaña, en consonancia con el significante de la falta en el Otro en términos de desamparo. Finalmente, ubicamos algunas consecuencias para la práctica analítica, al denotar la articulación del deseo del analista con la angustia vía el acto, y señalando que no distinguir en el análisis las dos manifestaciones de la angustia previamente denotadas, resulta engañoso para el analista al confundir la detención del análisis con su finalización
The purpose of this text is to interrogate the Lacanian affirmation of anguish as an affect that does not deceive. For this purpose, we will begin by reviewing the latest Freudian elaborations on anguish that can be found in the text "Inhibition, Symptom and Anguish", and then locate in the Seminar The anguish certain coordinates developed there by Lacan, such as that of anguish as a sign of what it is real, its relation to object a, phallus and phantasy; as well as the proposal for the end of the analysis beyond castration's anguish. Later, we will propose that in Lacan we can locate two ways of presenting anguish: first one, which deceives in its articulation the phantasy and the anguish of castration; another one, which does not deceive in relation with the signifier of the lack in the Other in terms of helplessness. Finally, we locate some consequences for analytical practice by denoting the articulation of the analyst´s desire with anguish by the means of the act, and pointing out that not distinguishing in the analysis the two previously denoted manifestations of anguish, is misleading for the analyst by confusing the stop of the analysis with its completion
Humans , Anxiety, Castration , Psychoanalytic Theory , Phantom Limb/psychology , Castration , Medically Unexplained SymptomsABSTRACT
This survey evaluated mombin leaves (Spondias mombin L.) decoction efficiency as an antiseptic during post-surgery period on cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy. For this purpose, 45 castrated mongrels cats were divided into three groups, the first group as a positive control using 0.5% chlorhexidine-alcohol solution, the second a negative control group using sterile distilled water and, finally, the test group using mombin leaves decocted with a concentration of 100 mg/mL. All animals, independent of age and sex, had visibly healed in most cases in a similar time. Animals treated with mombin leaves decoction presented a significant reduction of bacterial growth. In addition, the animals treated in the test group had better surgical wound healing. All isolated bacterial strains presented inhibition halo for chlorhexidine and for Spondias mombin L. Thus, the decoction of Spondias mombin L. leaves proved antiseptic efficacy in the surgical wounds of cats submitted to orchiectomy and ovariosalpingohisterectomy.(AU)
Foi avaliada a eficiência do decocto das folhas de cajá (Spondias mombin L.) como antisséptico no pós-cirúrgico de gatos submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia. Para tal, foram submetidos à castração 45 gatos sem raça definida, divididos em três grupos. O primeiro grupo como controle positivo com Solução Alcoólica de Clorexidine a 0,5%; segundo grupo controle negativo com água destilada estéril; e o grupo teste com o decocto de cajá à concentração de 100 mg/mL. Todos os animais, independentemente da idade e sexo, tiveram cicatrização visível em tempo similar. Animais tratados com o decocto apresentaram uma redução significativa do crescimento bacteriano. Além disso, observou-se uma melhor cicatrização das feridas cirúrgicas dos animais tratados no grupo teste. Todas as estirpes bacterianas isoladas apresentaram halo de inibição para clorexidine e para Spondias mombin L. Portanto, o decocto das folhas da Spondias mombin L. apresentou eficácia antisséptica nas feridas cirúrgicas de gatos submetidos à orquiectomia e ovariosalpingohisterectomia.(AU)
Animals , Cats , Castration/veterinary , Anacardiaceae , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/therapeutic use , Plants, Medicinal , Surgical Wound Infection/prevention & control , Orchiectomy/veterinary , Ovariectomy/veterinary , Hysterectomy/veterinaryABSTRACT
This study aimed to evaluate the effect of immunocastration on the scrotal circumference, as well as in the macroscopic and microscopic testicular features in Nellore bulls bred under a semi-confining system for 91 days. Sixty animals were divided into two groups: 30 intact animals (non-vaccinated) and 30 immunocastrated animals. The immunocastrated animals were treated with two anti-GnRH vaccine doses (BoprivaTM - Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd). The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured on days 0 and 56. Testicular parameters: biometry traits (length, width, and height cm; volume cm3) and weight (g) was measured on day 91. Three testicles from each group were histologically processed to find the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness (µm). Data were analyzed in the Minitab® 19 statistical software. The macroscopic features (SC, and testes weight, volume, length, width, and height) and the microscopic features (seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness) were compared between the two groups through Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney test. All the values were lower (p<0.05) in animals immunized against GnRH, except for the right testis width and seminiferous tubule diameter. Results indicate that immunization against GnRH affected testicular development.(AU)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da imunocastração no perímetro escrotal, assim como nas características testiculares macroscópicas e microscópicas de touros Nelore criados em um sistema de semiconfinamento por 91 dias. Sessenta animais foram divididos em dois grupos: 30 animais inteiros (não vacinados) e 30 imunocastrados. Os animais imunocastrados receberam duas doses de uma vacina anti-GnRH (Bopriva® - Zoetis Ltda). O perímetro escrotal (PE) foi mensurado nos dias 0 e 56. Parâmetros testiculares: atributos biométricos (comprimento, largura e altura cm; volume cm3) e peso (g) foram medidos no dia 91. Três testículos de cada grupo foram processados para histologia clássica a fim de avaliar o diâmetro e a espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos (µm). Os dados foram analisados pelo software estatístico Minitab® 19. As médias das características macroscópicas (PE, peso, volume, comprimento, largura e altura dos testículos) e das microscópicas (diâmetro e espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos) foram comparadas entre os dois grupos pelos testes t de Student e Mann-Whitney. Todos os valores foram menores (p<0,05) em animais imunizados contra o GnRH, exceto a altura média do testículo direito e o diâmetro do túbulo seminífero. Os resultados indicam que a imunização contra o GnRH afeta o desenvolvimento testicular.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Castration/veterinary , Seminiferous Tubules , Biometry/methodsABSTRACT
El presente trabajo es una revisión bibliográfica y actualización de los diferentes esquemas terapéuticos aprobados y en estudio, de la enfermedad con metástasis en hueso producto del cáncer de próstata avanzado con la condición de resistente a la castración. Aborda generalidades del cáncer de próstata, los mecanismos por los cuales se vuelve resistente a la castración, la aparición de metástasis óseas, la terapéutica enfocada en terapia antiresortiva, (bifosfonatos e inhibidor del Ligando RANK), radiofármacos, radioterapia y nuevas drogas (Cabozantinib)(au)
This is a literature review and update of the different therapeutic options approved and under study, of bone metastases due to castration resistant prostate cancer. It addresses general information of prostate cancer, the mechanisms by which it becomes resistant to castration, the appearance of bone metastases, treatment focused on antiresorptive therapy (bisphosphonates and RANK Ligand inhibitor), radiopharmaceuticals, radiotherapy and new drugs (Cabozantinib).(au)
Humans , Male , Prostate/pathology , Radiotherapy , Castration , Radiopharmaceuticals , Diphosphonates/pharmacology , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/therapy , Neoplasm Metastasis/therapy , Therapeutics , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Reference Drugs , RANK LigandABSTRACT
Objetivou-se avaliar características quali - quantitativas da carcaça em machos Nelore, submetidos ao bloqueio dos ductos incisivos no período pré puberal. Além disso, objetivou-se avaliar as concentrações séricas de testosterona e do hormônio do crescimento semelhante a insulina do tipo I (IGF-I), e a arquitetura histológica do órgão vomeronasal (OVN). Trinta e quatro machos, no período pré puberal, foram divididos em três grupos experimentais: inteiros animais controle sem qualquer procedimento (n = 11); bloqueados - animais com os ductos incisivos bilateralmente obstruídos (n = 10); castrados - animais com orquiepididectomia bilateral (n = 13). O OVN foi obtido no abate, ao final do experimento, para avaliação histomorfométrica. As coletas de sangue foram realizadas a cada três meses, em dois turnos (manhã e tarde), totalizando cinco avaliações. Observaram-se maiores (P<0,05) pesos corporais finais (inteiros = 494,1 ± 28,71; bloqueados = 500,6 ± 23,6 e castrados = 468,3 ± 21,8 Kg) nos inteiros e bloqueados. O acabamento da carcaça foi maior nos castrados (P<0,05) em relação aos inteiros e bloqueados, enquanto o rendimento de carcaça não apresentou diferenças entre os três tratamentos (P>0,05). Registrou-se redução da altura do epitélio neuro sensitivo do OVN nos bloqueados e castrados (P<0,05). Foi registrada menor concentração de testosterona nos bloqueados nas coletas quatro e cinco à tarde (P<0,05). Conclui-se que a obstrução dos ductos incisivos reduziu os estímulos sensoriais para o OVN, que por sua vez, promoveu alteração na concentração sérica de testosterona, sem alterar o ganho de peso dos animais, porém, não promoveu melhoria na qualidade da carcaça nas condições deste estudo.
A total of 34 prepuberal Nellore males were divided into three groups: control animals without any procedure (n = 11); blocked - with bilaterally incisors ducts obstructed (n = 10); castrated - with bilateral orchiectomy (n = 13). This study aimed to evaluate the effect of blocking the vomeronasal organ (VNO) in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the carcass. Also, this study aimed to evaluate testosterone and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) serum concentration, and the histological architecture of the OVN. Blood samples were taken every three months during two daily collections (morning and afternoon), totalizing five evaluations. It was observed higher (P<0.05) final body weight (control= 494.1 ± 28.71; blocked = 500.6 ± 23.6; castrated = 468.3 ± 21.8 kg) at the control and blocked groups. Carcass finishing was higher in castrated animals (P <0.05), while carcass yield did not differ between treatments (P> 0.05). It was observed a reduction (P<0.05) of the VNO sensory epithelium height in blocked and castrated groups compared with control group. It was registered lower (P<0.05) serum testosterone concentration in blocked group at the fourth and fifth blood collection (afternoon). It was concluded that the obstruction of the incisive ducts reduced the sensorial stimuli for the OVN, which, in turn, promoted a change in the serum concentration of testosterone, without altering the weight gain of the animals, but did not promote improvement in the quality of the carcass under the conditions of this study.