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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0008, 2024. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535604


RESUMO A encefalomielite aguda disseminada é uma doença rara, aguda, inflamatória e desmielinizante do sistema nervoso central, presumivelmente associada, em mais de três quartos dos casos, a infecções (virais, bacterianas ou inespecíficas) e imunizações ou sem qualquer antecedente indentificável. Habitualmente, apresenta um curso monofásico com início de sintomas inespecíficos na fase prodrómica, podendo evoluir com alterações neurológicas multifocais e até à perda total da acuidade visual. Descrevemos o caso de um menino de 9 anos com quadro inicial de edema de papila causado por encefalomielite aguda disseminada devido a Bartonella henselae. Apesar da gravidade da doença, o diagnóstico e o tratamento precoce proporcionaram bons desfechos.

ABSTRACT Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis is a rare, acute, inflammatory, and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. Presumably associated in more than three quarters of cases by infections (viral, bacterial, or nonspecific) and immunizations or without any identifiable antecedent. It usually presents a monophasic course with onset of nonspecific symptoms in the prodromal phase and may evolve with multifocal neurological changes and even visual acuity loss. We describe a case of a 9-year-old boy with an initial picture of papillary edema caused by acute disseminated encephalomyelitis due to Bartonella henselae. Despite the severity of the disease, early diagnosis and treatment provided good outcomes.

Humans , Male , Child , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated/etiology , Methylprednisolone/administration & dosage , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/drug therapy , Visual Acuity , Doxycycline/administration & dosage , Bartonella henselae , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated/diagnosis , Encephalomyelitis, Acute Disseminated/drug therapy , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Fundus Oculi , Headache
Med. infant ; 30(4): 336-339, Diciembre 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1524212


La infección por Bartonella henselae (BH) adopta diversas formas de presentación clínica en pediatría. Según la bibliografía la forma de presentación más frecuente en pacientes inmunocompetentes es la linfadenopatía única asociada a fiebre. En el 85 % de los casos se compromete un solo ganglio siendo los axilares y los epitrocleares los más frecuentemente involucrados. Existen otras formas de presentación menos frecuentes que debemos tener en consideración, para poder realizar un diagnóstico precoz e indicar un tratamiento adecuado si así lo requiere. El diagnóstico requiere de la sospecha clínica del equipo de salud tratante, junto al antecedente epidemiológico, los hallazgos clínicos del examen físico y la realización de serologías que incluyan el dosaje de inmunoglobulina M y G. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron reconocer las manifestaciones clínicas típicas y atípicas de la EAG por Bartonella henselae, describir la epidemiología, características clínicas y evolución de esta enfermedad que se presentaron en nuestro hospital. Se estudiaron un total de 187 pacientes. La media de edad fue de 7.6 años (rango 1-14); siendo 53.5% de género masculino. Las formas de presentación más frecuentes en nuestro trabajo fueron la adenitis y la fiebre. La mayoría recibió diversos esquemas de tratamiento antibiótico, secundario al retraso en el diagnóstico. La tasa de hospitalización fue muy baja, remitió con tratamiento ambulatorio con antibióticos o sin ellos (AU)

Bartonella henselae infection has different clinical presentations in pediatrics. According to the literature, the most common form of presentation in immunocompetent patients is single lymphadenopathy associated with fever. In 85 % of the cases a single lymph node is involved, with the axillary and epitrochlear nodes being the most commonly involved. There are other, less frequent, forms of presentation that should be taken into consideration in order to make an early diagnosis and indicate appropriate treatment if required. Diagnosis relies on clinical suspicion by the treating healthcare team, together with the epidemiological history, clinical findings on physical examination, and serology including immunoglobulin M and G dosage. The objectives of this study were to identify both the typical and atypical clinical manifestations of Bartonella henselae cat scratch disease, to describe the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, and outcomes of cases presenting at our hospital. A total of 187 patients were studied. The mean age was 7.6 years (range 1-14); 53.5% were male. The most frequent forms of presentation in our study were adenitis and fever. Most of them received different antibiotic treatment regimens due to delayed diagnosis. The hospitalization rate was very low and the disease typically resolved with outpatient treatment, with or without antibiotics (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cats , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/drug therapy , Cat-Scratch Disease/epidemiology , Bartonella henselae/isolation & purification , Fever , Lymphadenopathy , Serologic Tests , Retrospective Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 121(1): e202202592, feb. 2023. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1412906


Introducción. Bartonella henselae es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato. Afecta a niños y a adultos jóvenes. El espectro clínico es amplio; la forma de presentación más frecuente es la linfadenopatía única. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar epidemiología, características clínicas y evolución de esta enfermedad en un hospital de alta complejidad de Argentina. Población y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo y observacional realizado en un hospital pediátrico de tercer nivel, desde el 01 de enero de 2019 hasta el 30 de junio de 2021. Se incluyeron niños de 0 a 16 años con clínica compatible y serología positiva. Resultados. Se incluyeron 150 niños, con una media de edad de 7,9 años ± 3,68. El 68,7 % refirió tener contacto con gatos. El motivo de consulta más frecuente fueron las adenopatías únicas (84,7 %) localizadas en cabeza y cuello. El síndrome febril sin foco motivó la consulta en el 15,5 % de los casos, con ecografía abdominal patológica en el 85,7 %. Presentó IgM e IgG positivas el 88 %. Con el resultado de la serología positiva, el 44 % recibió tratamiento antibiótico. Las adenopatías prolongadas fueron la principal causa de su instauración; el más utilizado fue la azitromicina (42,4 %). El 14 % (n = 21) requirió internación. Conclusiones. El diagnóstico implica sospecha clínica, nexo epidemiológico y exámenes complementarios. Su forma típica son las adenomegalias únicas localizadas en cabeza y cuello. Debido a la alta frecuencia de compromiso hepatoesplénico, la realización de ecografía abdominal estaría indicada en niños con fiebre.

Introduction. Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent in cat-scratch disease. It affects children and young adults. The clinical spectrum is wide; the most common clinical presentation is a solitary lymphadenopathy. The objective of this study was to analyze the epidemiology, clinical features, and course of this disease in a tertiary care hospital in Argentina. Population and methods. Retrospective, descriptive, and observational study conducted at a tertiary care pediatric hospital from January 1st, 2019 to June 30 th, 2021. Children aged 0 to 16 years with compatible clinical signs and symptoms and positive serology were included. Results. A total of 150 patients were included; their mean age was 7.9 years ± 3.68. Of them, 68.7% reported having contact with cats. The most common reason for consultation was the presence of solitary lymphadenopathies (84.7%) in the head and neck. Febrile syndrome without source was the reason for consultation in 15.5% of cases, with a pathological abdominal ultrasound scan in 85.7%. IgM and IgG were positive in 88%. With the result of a positive serology test, 44% received antibiotic treatment. Protracted lymphadenopathy was the main reason for antibiotic treatment; the agent most commonly used was azithromycin (42.4%). Fourteen percent (n = 21) required hospitalization. Conclusions. Diagnosis is based on clinical suspicion, epidemiological history, and complementary testing. Its typical presentation is a solitary enlarged lymph node in the head and neck. Due to the high frequency of hepatosplenic involvement, an abdominal ultrasound scan would be indicated in children with fever.

Humans , Animals , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/epidemiology , Lymphadenopathy/diagnosis , Lymphadenopathy/etiology , Lymphadenopathy/epidemiology , Tertiary Healthcare , Cats , Retrospective Studies , Hospitals , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(4): e175-e178, Agosto 2022. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1378571


Bartonella henselae es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato. Típicamente, se presenta como una linfadenopatía regional autolimitada y, con menor frecuencia, con compromiso sistémico y manifestaciones extraganglionares: hígado, bazo, hueso y ojo, entre otros. Se presenta un caso de enfermedad por arañazo de gato atípica en un paciente pediátrico inmunocompetente, en la que se evidenció compromiso meníngeo y ocular, este último como neurorretinitis. Se destaca la importancia de la búsqueda activa de complicaciones oculares en pacientes con compromiso sistémico por Bartonella henselae, que implica un cambio en el tratamiento y pronóstico de la enfermedad

Bartonella henselae is the etiologic agent of cat scratch disease. It typically presents as a self-limited regional lymphadenopathy and less frequently with systemic involvement and extranodal manifestations: liver, spleen, bone, eye, among others. A case of atypical cat scratch disease is presented in an immunocompetent pediatric patient, in which meningeal and ocular involvement was evidenced, the latter manifested as neuroretinitis. The importance of the active search for ocular complications in patients with systemic involvement by Bartonella henselae is highlighted, implying a change in the treatment and prognosis of the disease

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Retinitis/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Bartonella henselae
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(2): e93-e97, abril 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1363988


La miositis de origen vírico o bacteriano es frecuente en la edad pediátrica. Causa dolor muscular y debilidad, con fiebre y malestar general. Una causa es la infección por Bartonella henselae, bacteria implicada en la enfermedad por arañazo de gato que, a veces, causa afectación multisistémica. Se presenta el caso de una adolescente que acudió al servicio de urgencias por mialgia intensa, malestar, adelgazamiento y esplenomegalia. En el labortorio se observaron parámetros inflamatorios elevados. Refería contacto con un gato. Entre los estudios realizados, la resonancia magnética (RM) de miembros inferiores mostró una imagen compatible con miositis inflamatoria bilateral. En la RM abdominal, se observaron tres lesiones esplénicas no detectadas previamente y el fondo de ojo mostraba una lesión compatible con oclusión arterial retiniana o vasculitis. Se indicó tratamiento antibiótico por vía intravenosa durante 21 días con cefotaxima y cloxacilina, tras los cuales desaparecieron los signos y síntomas, aunque los reactantes inflamatorios persistieron elevados. Con base en el cuadro clínico (miositis + coriorretinitis + absceso esplénico) se pensó en una posible infección por B. henselae y se inició tratamiento oral con azitromicina y rifampicina durante 14 días. Luego del tratamiento, los valores de laboratorio fueron normales, así como la RM de control, y se constató una IgG positiva para la bacteria

Infectious myositis, whether viral or bacterial, is frequent in pediatric age. It causes muscle pain and weakness, associated with fever and general malaise. One cause is Bartonella henselae, responsible for cat scratch disease, which sometimes causes systemic symptoms. We report the case of an adolescent who came to the emergency room with intense myalgia, malaise, weight loss and splenomegaly. Blood tests showed high inflammatory markers. She had been in touch with a cat. Studies were carried out including: lower limbs MRI suggestive of bilateral inflammatory myositis, abdominal MRI with three previously undetected splenic lesions and dilated fundus examination that showed possible retinal arterial occlusion or vasculitis. After 21 days of intravenous antibiotic therapy (cefotaxime + cloxaciline), she became asymptomatic, but inflammatory markers remained high. Suspecting Bartonella henselaeinfection (myositis + chorioretinitis + splenic abscess), oral azithromycin and rifampicin were prescribed for 14 days. Blood tests and control MRI became normal, and IgG was positive.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Splenic Diseases/complications , Splenic Diseases/microbiology , Vasculitis , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/drug therapy , Bartonella henselae , Myositis/diagnosis , Myositis/etiology
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(6): e616-e620, dic. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1353046


La neurorretinitis como manifestación de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato se presenta en el 1-2 % de los pacientes con afecciones oculares porBartonella henselae. Las manifestaciones oculares suelen suceder a las sistémicas, aunque pueden aparecer en ausencia de estas. La presencia de exudado macular en forma de estrella es característico y sugestivo de dicha infección. Se presenta el caso de un paciente de 14 años de edad, previamente sano, con disminución de la agudeza visual de 15 días de evolución, que ingresó por sospecha de neuritis óptica izquierda con edema de papila. El seguimiento oftalmológico reveló la aparición de la lesión característica en "estrella macular" que permitió arribar al diagnóstico de infección por B. henselae, confirmándose luego con serología positiva

Neurorretinitis as a manifestation of cat scratch disease occurs in 1-2 % of patients with Bartonella Henselae eye disease. Ocular manifestations tend to follow systemic ones, although they can appear in their absence. The presence of star-shaped macular exudate is characteristic and suggestive of this infection. We report a case of a 14-year-old healthy boy, with 15 days of decreased visual acuity, who was admitted for suspected left optic neuritis with papilledema. Ophthalmological examination revealed the characteristic "macular star" that led to the diagnosis of infection by Bartonella Henselae, later confirmed by positive serology.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Retinitis/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Papilledema , Bartonella henselae , Physical Examination
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;107(3): 129-134, 20210000. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1359534


La enfermedad por arañazo de gato (EAG) es una zoonosis emergente causada por Bartonella henselae. Puede presentarse de forma atípica, incluyendo meningitis, neuroretinitis, endocarditis y compromiso hepatoesplénico, lo cual es poco frecuente en adultos inmunocompetentes. Su manejo terapéutico es controvertido dada la ausencia de ensayos aleatorizados al respecto. Se describen 5 casos de EAG con compromiso hepato-esplénico, donde la correcta anamnesis epidemiológica permitió la sospecha diagnóstica, evitando la realización de procedimientos invasivos en la mayoría de los casos. La posibilidad de realización de PCR y serología para Bartonella spp. fueron de vital importancia

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is an emerging zoonosis caused by Bartonella henselae. It can occur atypically including meningitis, neuroretinitis, endocarditis and hepatosplenic involvement, a rare occurrence in immunocompetent adults. Therapeutic management is controversial, supported by case series and retrospective data published literature. Five cases of CSD with hepatosplenic involvement are described. The correct clinical and epidemiological anamnesis allow the diagnostic and avoid the performance of invasive procedures in most cases. The possibility of performing Bartonella spp PCR and serology is crucial

Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Rifampin/therapeutic use , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/therapy , Ultrasonography , Immunocompromised Host , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Blood Culture , Duration of Therapy , Liver Abscess/therapy
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(5): e540-e544, oct. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1292794


La infección por Bartonella henselae (BH) que causa la enfermedad por arañazo de gato puede cursar de manera asintomática, así como presentar manifestaciones locales y sistémicas. El objetivo de este caso es documentar que el compromiso hepatoesplénico es poco habitual en este tipo de infección y el tratamiento, que debe ser personalizado, aún genera controversia. Se presenta un caso de una paciente de 11 años con fiebre de origen de desconocido con hallazgos en tomografía y ecografía abdominal de abscesos hepatoesplénicos, y confirmación de infección por BH a través de métodos serológicos. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica donde se evidencia la baja frecuencia de compromiso hepatoesplénico. De esta manera, la anamnesis y el examen físico son fundamentales para realizar un rápido diagnóstico y tratamiento

The infection by Bartonela henselae (BH), the cause of cat scratch disease, it could be asymptomatic or produce local and multisystem illness. The objective of this case report is to document that the hepato-splenic involvement is unusual in BH infection, and the treatment is discussed and individualized in each patient. This case is about an eleven-year girl who presented with findings in abdominal tomography and ultrasound of hepato-splenic abscesses, with later positive serology for BH. In this way, a bibliographic review is carried out to show the low prevalence and incidence of hepato-splenic involvement where the anamnesis and the physical examination are essential to make an early diagnosis and treatment.

Humans , Female , Child , Splenic Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Bartonella henselae , Abscess , Liver
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 119(1): e84-e87, feb. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1147287


La enfermedad por arañazo de gato es producida por la bacteria Bartonella henselae, bacilo Gram-negativo transmitido desde gatos y perros a los seres humanos a través de la inoculación cutánea por rasguños o mordeduras. Tiene un amplio espectro clínico, desde una forma típica caracterizada por una linfadenopatía regional cercana al sitio de inoculación hasta formas atípicas con compromiso sistémico. Las formas óseas son infrecuentes; representan, aproximadamente, del 0,2 % al 0,5 % de los casos.Se presenta a una paciente de 3 años de edad, previamente sana, que se internó por síndrome febril prolongado asociado a dolor y limitación del movimiento a nivel de la columna vertebral cervical, con diagnóstico de enfermedad por arañazo de gato con afectación ósea múltiple

Cat-scratch disease is produced by the bacterium Bartonella henselae, a gram-negative bacillus transmitted through cutaneous inoculation by a cat or dog's scratch or bite. It has a wide clinical spectrum, from a typical picture characterized by a regional lymphadenopathy near to the inoculation site to atypical pictures with systemic compromise. Bone compromise is infrequent, it represents around 0.2-0.5 % of the cases.We present a 3-year-old previously healthy patient, who was admitted with prolonged fever related to pain and movement limitation of the cervical spine. Diagnosis of cat-scratch disease with multiple bone involvement was reached.

Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Bartonella henselae , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Indirect
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;37(4): 463-469, ago. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138571


Resumen Bartonella henselae es el agente etiológico de la enfermedad por arañazo de gato (EAG), infección endémica en Chile. Típicamente se presenta como una linfadenopatía regional autolimitada y menos frecuentemente con compromiso sistémico y manifestaciones extraganglionares: en hígado, bazo, hueso, ojo, entre otros. Se presentan tres casos de infección atípica por Bartonella henselae en las que se evidenció compromiso ocular, manifestado como una neurorretinitis. Esta revisión destaca la importancia de la búsqueda activa de complicaciones oculares en pacientes con compromiso sistémico por Bartonella henselae, implicando un cambio en el tratamiento y pronóstico de la enfermedad.

Abstract Bartonella henselae is cat scratch disease's etiological agent, which is considered an endemic infection in Chile. It typically presents as a self-limited regional lymphadenopathy and less frequently with systemic involvement and extranodal or atypical manifestations: hepatosplenic, ocular or musculoskeletal involvement, among others. We present three cases of atypical cat scratch disease with ocular compromise, as neurorretinitis. This review highlights the importance of the active search for ocular complications in patients with disseminated cat scratch disease, leading to possible change in treatment and prognosis of the disease.

Humans , Retinitis/diagnosis , Bartonella henselae , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Chile
Rev. argent. microbiol ; Rev. argent. microbiol;50(4): 365-368, Dec. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-977258


La enfermedad por arañazo de gato (EAG) es producida por Bartonella henselae.Afecta principalmente a ninos y el reservorio es el gato doméstico. El diagnóstico de laboratorio se basa en la detección de anticuerpos por inmunofluorescencia indirecta (IFI). El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la evidencia serológica de infección por B. henselae en pacientes pediátricos que reunían criterios clínicos/epidemiológicos para la sospecha de EAG. Se estudió a 92 pacientes; de acuerdo con los resultados serológicos, estos fueron categorizados en 4 grupos: 1) IgG (+)/IgM (+), 31,5% (n = 29);2) IgG (-)/IgM (+), 10,9% (n = 10);3) IgG (+)/IgM (-), 9,8% (n = 9), y 4) IgG (-)/IgM (-), 47,8% (n = 44). La divulgación de estos resultados intenta promover futuros trabajos que investiguen la seroprevalencia de Bartonella spp. en Argentina. Esto permitirá conocer la importancia de esta zoonosis en nuestra población y evaluar nuevos puntos de corte para esta técnica serológica.

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is caused by Bartonella henselae, which mainly affects children. The cat is the reservoir. The laboratory diagnosis is based on the detection of antibodies by the Indirect Immunofluorescence (IFI) assay. The objective of this study was to analyze the serological evidence of B. henselae infection in pediatric patients that met the clini-cal/epidemiological criteria for suspected CSD. We studied 92 patients, who were categorized into four serological groups: 1) IgG (+)/IgM(+), 31,5% (n = 29); 2) IgG (-)/IgM(+), 10,9% (n = 10); 3) IgG (+)/IgM(-), 9,8% (n = 9); 4) IgG (-)/IgM(-), 47,8% (n = 44). These findings aim to promote future works for investigating the seroprevalence of Bartonella spp. in Argentina, which will allow us to know the importance of this zoonosis in our population and to evaluate new cut-off points of the technique.

Adolescent , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Cat-Scratch Disease/blood , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Bartonella henselae/immunology , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood , Serologic Tests , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop;51(2): 247-248, Mar.-Apr. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-897066


Abstract We present a case involving a 74-year-old woman with cat scratch disease characterized by an enlarged and hard axillary lymph node as well as a palpable breast nodule mimicking a carcinoma. The lymph node and the breast nodule were excised. The pathologic examinations revealed granulomatous lymphadenitis with gram-negative bacilli and an intraductal papilloma. Antibiotic therapy (azithromycin) was prescribed and the patient's clinical evolution was excellent.

Humans , Animals , Female , Aged , Cats , Breast Diseases/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnosis , Bartonella henselae/isolation & purification , Lymphadenopathy/diagnosis , Breast Diseases/microbiology , Breast Neoplasms/diagnosis , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Diagnosis, Differential , Lymphadenopathy/microbiology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972191


@#Neuroretinitis is an inflammatory optic neuropathy with a classic fundoscopic appearance of optic disc swelling and hard exudates on the macula in a star formation. It can be a manifestation of systemic, infectious or autoimmune disease. In nearly half of cases, the etiology is idiopathic. This review aims to summarize the clinical presentation, fundoscopic mimics, etiologies, investigation, and treatment of neuroretinitis. Cat-scratch disease, the most common cause of infectious neuroretinitis, and recurrent idiopathic neuroretinitis, which can cause ocular morbidity, are discussed in detail.

Retinitis , Cat-Scratch Disease
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;34(4): 383-388, ago. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899729


Resumen La infección por Bartonella henselae es una enfermedad prevalente en nuestro país. En general, se presenta como la enfermedad por arañazo de gato o un síndrome febril prolongado. Existen manifestaciones atípicas dentro de las cuales está el compromiso óseo, cardíaco, hepatoesplénico y del sistema nervioso central. Se presenta el caso de una adolescente con historia de vómitos, fiebre y ataxia, en que se diagnosticó una infección por Bartonella henselae con compromiso del sistema nervioso central, asociada a un papiloma del plexo coroídeo. Este caso corresponde a una presentación inusual, de difícil diagnóstico. Su tratamiento es motivo de controversia, tanto en si es necesario tratar, la elección del antimicrobiano, como su duración.

Bartonella henselae infection is a prevalent illness in Chile. It presents generally as a cat scratch disease or as a prolonged fever syndrome. There are atypical manifestations, which include central nervous system, bone, cardiac and hepato-esplenic compromised. We present an adolescent case with a history of fever, vomiting and ataxia, whose diagnosis was a central nervous system infection by Bartonella henselae associated with a choroid plexus papilloma. This case corresponds to an unusual presentation, with a challenging diagnosis. It is controversial whether to treat this patient, which antimicrobial is the right choice and how long the treatment should be.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnostic imaging , Central Nervous System Infections/microbiology , Papilloma, Choroid Plexus/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy , Cat-Scratch Disease/complications , Cat-Scratch Disease/pathology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Central Nervous System Infections/pathology , Central Nervous System Infections/diagnostic imaging , Papilloma, Choroid Plexus/complications , Papilloma, Choroid Plexus/pathology
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;34(4): 410-412, ago. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1042638


Resumen La infección por Bartonella henselae es una zoonosis frecuente transmitida por el gato doméstico. En la mayoría de los casos se presenta con una linfadenitis regional. La búsqueda y caracterización de los ganglios linfáticos por imagenología puede ser útil en el diagnóstico diferencial, con la ventaja de ser un método no invasor. En la actualidad, nuevas técnicas de diagnóstico por imagen han mejorado la detección y caracterización de las adenopatías, tal es el caso de la tomografía por emisión de positrones (PET/CT) que permite la evaluación de ganglios linfáticos hipermetabólicos, de manera independiente del crecimiento individual de cada ganglio linfático. Se revisan tres casos de enfermedad por arañazo de gato y sus estudios imagenológicos respectivos.

Bartonella henselae infection is a frequent zoonosis from the domestic cat. It is presented with regional lymphadenitis in the majority of cases. Searching and characterization of lymph nodes by diagnostic imaging can be useful in the differential diagnosis approach, with a clear advantage, because it is a noninvasive method. Currently, new diagnostic imaging techniques improves the quality of screening and characterization of adenopathies, such is the case of PET/CT, which allows a better evaluation of hypermetabolic lymph nodes, without considering the individual growth of each lymph node. In this article, three cases of cat scratch diseases serology and their respective imaging findings are reviewed.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Cat-Scratch Disease/diagnostic imaging , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Lymph Nodes/diagnostic imaging , Follow-Up Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-138420


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cat-scratch disease (CSD), caused by Bartonella henselae is one of the most common zoonosis. However, only several cases of B. henselae infection have been reported in Korea. This study investigated the seroprevalence of B. henselae in healthy adults and related risk factors. METHODS: Serum samples from 300 healthy participants were analyzed using an immunoglobulin G immunof luorescence assay (IFA) for B. henselae isolated in Korea. Surveys on the risk factors for B. henselae infection were conducted simultaneously. RESULTS: Of the participants, 47.7% and 15.0% raised dogs and cats, respectively. The overall seroprevalence of B. henselae was 15.0% (IFA titer ≥ 1:64). Participants who had raised cats showed 22.2% seropositivity against B. henselae, and those with no experience with cats showed 13.7% seroprevalence (p = 0.17). Participants who had cats as pets or been scratched by cats, showed 9.8% seropositivity against B. henselae (IFA titer ≥ 1:256). However, those who had not raised or been scratched by a cat showed 2.0% seropositivity (p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: In Korea, the seroprevalence of B. henselae is higher than expected, suggesting that Bartonella infection due to B. henselae is not uncommon. Cats are proposed to play a more important role than dogs in transmission of CSD.

Adult , Animals , Cats , Dogs , Humans , Bartonella henselae , Bartonella Infections , Bartonella , Cat-Scratch Disease , Healthy Volunteers , Immunoglobulin G , Korea , Risk Factors , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-138421


BACKGROUND/AIMS: Cat-scratch disease (CSD), caused by Bartonella henselae is one of the most common zoonosis. However, only several cases of B. henselae infection have been reported in Korea. This study investigated the seroprevalence of B. henselae in healthy adults and related risk factors. METHODS: Serum samples from 300 healthy participants were analyzed using an immunoglobulin G immunof luorescence assay (IFA) for B. henselae isolated in Korea. Surveys on the risk factors for B. henselae infection were conducted simultaneously. RESULTS: Of the participants, 47.7% and 15.0% raised dogs and cats, respectively. The overall seroprevalence of B. henselae was 15.0% (IFA titer ≥ 1:64). Participants who had raised cats showed 22.2% seropositivity against B. henselae, and those with no experience with cats showed 13.7% seroprevalence (p = 0.17). Participants who had cats as pets or been scratched by cats, showed 9.8% seropositivity against B. henselae (IFA titer ≥ 1:256). However, those who had not raised or been scratched by a cat showed 2.0% seropositivity (p = 0.015). CONCLUSIONS: In Korea, the seroprevalence of B. henselae is higher than expected, suggesting that Bartonella infection due to B. henselae is not uncommon. Cats are proposed to play a more important role than dogs in transmission of CSD.

Adult , Animals , Cats , Dogs , Humans , Bartonella henselae , Bartonella Infections , Bartonella , Cat-Scratch Disease , Healthy Volunteers , Immunoglobulin G , Korea , Risk Factors , Seroepidemiologic Studies
Infectio ; 21(1): 69-72, ene.-mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-892706


La enfermedad por arañazo de gato es una enfermedad común con manifestaciones diversas, algunas de ellas poco frecuentes relacionadas con morbimortalidad significativa. Entre estas últimas se encuentra la presentación sistémica, que puede incluir fiebre prolongada, síntomas constitucionales, compromiso óseo, muscular, ocular y hepatoesplénico, entre otras manifestaciones. Dada su presentación subaguda, es una causa que se debe descartar en pacientes con fiebre prolongada y contacto con gatos, principalmente en aquellos menores de un año de edad. Presentamos un caso de fiebre prolongada secundaria a enfermedad por arañazo de gato sistémica.

Cat scratch disease is a common disease with various manifestations. Some of these symptoms are related to significant morbidity and mortality, including systemic presentation, which may include prolonged fever, constitutional symptoms, bone, muscle, ocular and hepatosplenic involvement, among others. The disease has a subacute presentation and it's important to rule it out in patients with prolonged fever and contact with cats, especially those under one year of age. We report a case of prolonged fever secondary to systemic cat scratch disease.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Bartonella Infections , Cat-Scratch Disease , Serology , Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections , Fever , Lymphadenopathy
Acta méd. peru ; 33(4): 309-312, oct.-dic. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-868678


Se presenta el caso de una paciente mujer de 73 años que acude por disnea progresiva, fiebre diurna, hiporexia y cefalea de diez días de evolución. Antecedente de neoplasia ovarica, gastritis crónica y tromboembolia pulmonar. La fiebre continuó a pesar de tratamiento antibiótico convencional. Al examen, se identificó compromiso pulmonar y adenopatías inguinales, estas últimas corroboradas por ecografía de partes blandas. Los cultivos realizados fueron negativos y el estudio radiológico mostró compromiso pleuroparenquimal en base de pulmón izquierdo. La tomogragía abdominal evidenció hepatoesplenomegalia con hipodensidades múltiples (peliosis); la serología fue compatible con Bartonella henselae. La paciente evolucionó favorablemente luego de 72 horas de iniciado en tratamiento con doxiciclina a 100 mg cada doce horas.

This is the case of a 73-year-old female patient who presented with progressive dyspnea, diurnal fever, hyporexia and headache lasting for 10 days. She had a past medical history of an ovarian neoplasia, chronic gastritis and pulmonary thromboembolism. Fever continued despite conventional antibiotic treatment. Her physical examination revealed pulmonary involvement and bilateral inguinal adenopathy; the latter was corroborated with soft tissue ultrasound. Cultures performed were reported as negative and a chest X-ray film showed pleuro-parenchymal involvement in the left pulmonary base. An abdominal CT scan showed hepatosplenomegaly with multiple hypodense images (peliosis); and serological studies were compatible with Bartonella henselae. Doxyciclin 100 mg every 12 hours was started, and the patient started recovering uneventfully 72 hours after therapy was instituted.

Humans , Female , Aged , Bartonella henselae , Cat-Scratch Disease , Fever , Bartonella Infections , Peliosis Hepatis