Introducción. El feocromocitoma es una neoplasia endocrina productora de catecolaminas, poco común, que generalmente se origina en la medula suprarrenal, y rara vez en el tejido cromafín extraadrenal, dándosele el nombre de paraganglioma. Existe una gran variedad de signos y síntomas secundarios a la secreción excesiva de catecolaminas por lo que su diagnóstico y tratamiento oportunos son fundamentales para evitar complicaciones potencialmente fatales. Caso clínico. Paciente femenina de 54 años, con dolor abdominal intermitente y con aumento progresivo, localizado en el cuadrante superior derecho. Por estudios imagenológicos se diagnosticó una gran masa suprarrenal derecha, con pruebas de laboratorio que encontraron niveles de metanefrinas y catecolaminas en orina normales. Discusión. Debido al tamaño del tumor y al íntimo contacto con las estructuras adyacentes, se realizó la resección por vía abierta, sin complicaciones y con una buena evolución postoperatoria. El informe anatomopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de feocromocitoma suprarrenal derecho. Conclusión. Aunque poco frecuente, el feocromocitoma es una patología que se debe sospechar ante la presencia de masas suprarrenales y alteraciones relacionadas con la secreción elevada de catecolaminas. Se debe practicar el tratamiento quirúrgico de forma oportuna.
Introduction. Pheochromocytoma is a rare catecholamine-producing endocrine neoplasm that generally originates in the adrenal medulla, and rarely in extra-adrenal chromaffin tissue, giving it the name of paraganglioma. There is a wide variety of signs and symptoms secondary to excessive secretion of catecholamines, so its timely diagnosis and treatment are essential to avoid potentially fatal complications. Clinical case. A 54-year-old female patient with intermittent abdominal pain and progressive increase, located in the right upper quadrant. By imaging studies, a large right adrenal mass was diagnosed, with laboratory tests that found normal levels of metanephrines and catecholamines in urine. Discussion. Due to the size of the tumor and the intimate contact with the adjacent structures, the resection was performed by open approach, without complications and with a good postoperative evolution. The pathology report confirmed the diagnosis of right adrenal pheochromocytoma. Conclusion. Although rare, pheochromocytoma is a pathology that should be suspected in the presence of adrenal masses and changes related to elevated catecholamine secretion. Surgical treatment should be performed in a timely manner.
Humans , Pheochromocytoma , Adrenalectomy , Catecholamines , Adrenal MedullaABSTRACT
@#Ganglioneuromas (GNs) are benign tumors that originate from neural crest cells, composed mainly of mature ganglion cells. These tumors, which are usually hormonally silent, tend to be discovered incidentally on imaging tests and occur along the paravertebral sympathetic chain, from the neck to the pelvis and occasionally in the adrenal medulla. Rarely, GNs secrete catecholamines.1 Adrenal GNs occur most frequently in the fourth and fifth decades of life, whereas GNs of the retroperitoneum and posterior mediastinum are usually encountered in younger adults.2 Adrenal GNs are commonly hormonally silent and asymptomatic; even when the lesion is of substantial size.3We report an incidentally detected asymptomatic case of an adrenal ganglioneuroma with mildly elevated urinary catecholamine levels in an elderly male. After preoperative alpha blockade, the patient underwent open right adrenalectomy. Upon microscopic examination, the right adrenal mass proved to be a ganglioneuroma, maturing type and the immunohistochemistry examination showed immunoreactivity to synaptophysin, chromogranin, and CD 56, while S100 was strongly positive at the Schwannian stroma. Following resection, catecholamine levels normalized, confirming the resected right adrenal ganglioneuroma as the source of the catecholamine excess. This case represents a rare presentation of catecholamine-secreting adrenal ganglioneuroma in the elderly.
Adrenal Glands , Catecholamines , GanglioneuromaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: According to the International Diabetes Federation, the number of people with diabetes mellitus may reach 700 million in 2045. Catecholamines are involved in the regulation of several kidney functions. This study investigates the effects of hyperglycemia on catecholamines' metabolism in kidney tissue from control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic rats, both in vivo and in vitro. Methods: Male Wistar-Hannover rats were randomized into: control, diabetic, and insulin-treated diabetic groups. Diabetes was induced by a single injection of streptozotocin, and diabetic treated group also received insulin. After 60 days, blood and kidney tissue from all groups were collected for catecholamines' quantification and mesangial cells culture. Results: diabetic rats had lower body weight, hyperglycemia, and increase water intake and diuresis. Additionally, diabetes promoted a sharp decrease in creatinine clearance compared to control group. Regarding the whole kidney extracts, both diabetic groups (treated and non-treated) had significant reduction in norepinephrine concentration. In mesangial cell culture, catecholamines' concentration were lower in the culture medium than in the intracellular compartment for all groups. Norepinephrine, epinephrine, and dopamine medium levels were increased in the diabetic group. Conclusion: The major finding of the present study was that 8 weeks of diabetes induction altered the kidney catecholaminergic system in a very specific manner, once the production of catecholamines in the excised kidney tissue from diabetic rats was differentially modulated as compared with the production and secretion by cultured mesangial cells.
Resumo Introdução: Segundo a Federação Internacional de Diabetes, o número de pessoas com diabetes mellitus pode chegar a 700 milhões em 2045. As catecolaminas estão envolvidas na regulação de várias funções renais. Este estudo investiga os efeitos da hiperglicemia no metabolismo das catecolaminas no tecido renal de ratos controle, diabéticos e diabéticos tratados com insulina, tanto in vivo como in vitro. Métodos: Os ratos Wistar-Hannover machos foram randomizados em: grupos controle, diabéticos e diabéticos tratados com insulina. O diabetes foi induzido por uma única injeção de estreptozotocina, e o grupo diabético tratado também recebeu insulina. Após 60 dias, sangue e tecido renal dos grupos foram coletados para quantificação de catecolaminas e cultura de células mesangiais. Resultados: ratos diabéticos apresentaram peso corporal mais baixo, hiperglicemia, e aumento da ingestão de água e diurese. Ademais, o diabetes promoveu uma redução acentuada na depuração de creatinina comparado com o grupo controle. Quanto aos extratos de rim total, ambos os grupos diabéticos (tratados/não tratados) tiveram redução significativa na concentração de noradrenalina. Na cultura de células mesangiais, a concentração de catecolaminas foi menor no meio de cultura do que no compartimento intracelular para todos os grupos. Níveis médios de noradrenalina, adrenalina e dopamina estavam aumentados no grupo diabético. Conclusão: O principal achado deste estudo foi que 8 semanas de indução de diabetes alteraram o sistema catecolaminérgico renal de maneira muito específica, já que a produção de catecolaminas no tecido renal excisado de ratos diabéticos foi modulada diferencialmente comparada com produção e secreção por células mesangiais cultivadas.
Animals , Male , Rats , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental , Mesangial Cells , Catecholamines , Rats, Wistar , KidneyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN. Los feocromocitomas son tumores que provienen de las células neuroendócrinas de la médula adrenal y producen alta secreción de catecolaminas. Generan complicaciones cardiovasculares graves que suelen asociarse con crisis hipertensivas. Es importante valorar el impacto cardiovascular de esta entidad. OBJETIVO. Realizar una revisión exhaustiva de las diversas manifestaciones de los feocromocitomas como causa de hipertensión arterial, su impacto cardiovascular, conducta diagnóstica y terapéutica. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Revisión bibliográfica y análisis de 141 artículos científicos que incluyeron temas sobre el impacto cardiovascular, conducta diagnóstica y terapéutica del feocromocitoma como causa de hipertensión arterial. Se usó bases de datos: Medline, Embase, Scopus, Pubmed, Google Académico. Criterios de búsqueda en DECS, MeSH: "pheochromocytoma OR hypertension arterial AND cardiomyopathy", en inglés- español. Fueron seleccionados: 13 publicaciones de texto completo, 10 artículos retrospectivos, 2 guías de práctica clínica y 1 revisión. Se excluyeron 128 artículos científicos. RESULTADOS. Se realizó una revisión de las manifestaciones clínicas de los feocromocitomas como causa de hipertensión arterial y el impacto cardiovascular se relacionó con la producción de catecolaminas. Para el diagnóstico, la sensibilidad de la resonancia magnética es del 93-100%; la especificidad de resonancia magnética o tomografía computarizada en combinación con gammagrafía con metayodobencilguanidina con 123I es cercana al 100%. La resección del feocromocitoma tiene potencial curativo. CONCLUSIÓN. Los feocromocitomas presentan variabilidad clínica, se asocian a complicaciones cardiovasculares y cerebrovasculares graves por producción de catecolaminas. El diagnóstico oportuno y eficaz debe realizarse mediante resonancia magnética y gammagrafía en caso de alta sospecha clínica. El tratamiento quirúrgico es de elección.
INTRODUCTION. Pheochromocytomas are tumors arising from the neuroendocrine cells of the adrenal medulla and produce high secretion of catecholamines. They generate severe cardiovascular complications that are often associated with hypertensive crises. It is important to assess the cardiovascular impact of this entity. OBJECTIVE. To perform an exhaustive review of the various manifestations of pheochromocytomas as a cause of arterial hypertension, their cardiovascular impact, diagnostic and therapeutic conduct. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Bibliographic review and analysis of 141 scientific articles that included topics on the cardiovascular impact, diagnostic and therapeutic behavior of pheochromocytoma as a cause of arterial hypertension. The following databases were used: Medline, Embase, Scopus, Pubmed, Google Scholar. Search criteria in DECS, MeSH: "pheochromocytoma OR hypertension arterial AND cardiomyopathy", in English-Spanish. The following were selected: 13 full-text publications, 10 retrospective articles, 2 clinical practice guidelines, and 1 review. A total of 128 scientific articles were excluded. RESULTS. A review of the clinical manifestations of pheochromocytoma as a cause of arterial hypertension was performed and the cardiovascular impact was related to catecholamine production. For diagnosis, the sensitivity of MRI is 93-100%; the specificity of MRI or computed tomography in combination with 123I-methiodobenzylguanidine scintigraphy is close to 100%. Resection of pheochromocytoma has curative potential. CONCLUSION. Pheochromocytomas present clinical variability, are associated with severe cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications due to catecholamine production. Timely and effective diagnosis should be made by MRI and scintigraphy in case of high clinical suspicion. Surgical treatment is the treatment of choice.
Humans , Pheochromocytoma/complications , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/complications , Hypertension/etiology , Pheochromocytoma/surgery , Pheochromocytoma/diagnosis , Catecholamines/metabolism , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/diagnosis , Heart/physiopathology , Heart Diseases/etiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Pheochromocytomas are rare neuroendocrine neoplasms that require adequate preoperative evaluation in order to prevent and lessen the serious complications of catecholamine hypersecretion. Preoperative management contributes to reducing morbidity and mortality rates in patients who have not been diagnosed with this condition and undergo any surgery. However, current mortality seems to be lower, a fact attributed to preoperative management with alpha blockers.
Resumen Los feocromocitomas son neoplasias neuroendocrinas poco frecuentes que requieren una evaluación preoperatoria adecuada, con el fin de prevenir y disminuir las complicaciones graves de la hipersecreción de catecolaminas. El manejo preoperatorio contribuye a disminuir las tasas de morbimortalidad en los pacientes que no han sido diagnosticados con esta entidad y son sometidos a cualquier cirugía. Sin embargo, la mortalidad actual parece ser más baja, hecho atribuido a un manejo preoperatorio con α-bloqueadores.
Humans , Male , Female , Paraganglioma , Pheochromocytoma , Surgical Clearance , Neoplasms , Postoperative Care , Catecholamines , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Morbidity , MortalityABSTRACT
Resumen Los feocromocitomas y paragangliomas son tumores raros que se originan en las células cromafines. Tienen un amplio espectro clínico que va desde el hallazgo incidental hasta manifestaciones por la producción exagerada de catecolaminas. El diagnóstico bioquímico se realiza mediante medición de metanefrinas libres en plasma. El tratamiento ideal es la escisión quirúrgica completa previo bloqueo de receptores a y 6 adrenérgicos. En caso de enfermedad metastásica, las opciones de tratamiento sistêmico actuales son limitadas y con escasa tasa de respuesta. Está en investigación el uso de antiangiogénicos.
Abstract Pheochromocytomas and Paragangliomas are rare tumors, originated from the chromaffin cells. They have a broad clinical spectrum from incidental finding to full clinical manifestations explain to overproduction of catecholamines. The biochemistry diagnosis is made by the measurement of free Metanephrines in plasma. Complete surgical removal is the optimal treatment, previously having a y 6 adrenergic receptors blockage. In case of metastasic disease, treatment options are palliative, limited and with a low rate response; the use of antiangiogenic treatments is under investigation.
Paraganglioma , Pheochromocytoma , Therapeutics , Chromaffin Cells , Catecholamines , Incidental Findings , DiagnosisSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Paraganglioma/diagnosis , Carotid Body Tumor/diagnostic imaging , Carotid Artery, Common/anatomy & histology , Paraganglioma, Extra-Adrenal/pathology , Paraganglioma/therapy , Catecholamines/physiology , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Incidental FindingsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Laparoscopic adrenalectomy is the treatment of choice of pheochromocytoma. During the first surgical phase (pneumoperitoneum insufflation, tumor and veins handling), there is a risk of hypertensive crisis due to catecholamine release. After tumor excision, patients can suffer relative vasodilation and the residual effect of antihypertensive drugs, which results in arterial hypotension. For that reason, antihypertensive drugs used in the first phase should have a rapid onset of action, short half-life and no residual effect. Methods We report a series of three cases of patients with pheochromocytoma who were treated with laparoscopic adrenalectomy. They all received clevidipine infusion from the beginning of the surgery, before they had presented hypertension, to treat and try to minimize hypertensive peaks. Results In all patients, hypertensive peaks were controlled in a few minutes. After tumor resection, clevidipine infusion was stopped in all cases, and any patient required infusion of vasopressors. Discussion Clevidipine could be a first choice antihypertensive drug in pheochromocytoma surgery. Starting the infusion of clevidipine before the hypertensive peaks could help to make them less pronounced.
Resumen Introducción La adrenalectomía laparoscópica es el tratamiento de elección del feocromocitoma. Durante la primera fase quirúrgica (insuflación de neumoperitoneo, manipulación del tumor y de las venas implicadas), existe el riesgo de que se desencadenen crisis hipertensivas debido a la liberación de catecolaminas. Después de la extirpación del tumor, los pacientes pueden sufrir una vasodilatación relativa y el efecto residual de los fármacos antihipertensivos usados previamente, lo que resulta en hipotensión arterial. Por esa razón, los fármacos antihipertensivos utilizados en la primera fase quirúrgica deben tener rápido inicio de acción, vida media corta y mínimo efecto residual. Métodos Se describe una serie de casos de tres pacientes con feocromocitoma que fueron tratados con adrenalectomía laparoscópica. Todos recibieron infusión de clevidipino desde el comienzo de la cirugía, antes de presentar hipertensión arterial, para así intentar minimizar y tratar rápidamente los posibles picos hipertensivos. Resultados En todos los pacientes los picos hipertensivos se controlaron en pocos minutos. Después de la resección del tumor, la infusión de clevidipino se detuvo en todos los casos y ningún paciente requirió perfusión de vasopresores. Discusión El clevidipino podría ser un fármaco antihipertensivo de primera elección en la cirugía de feocromocitoma. Iniciarlo antes de que ocurran los picos hipertensivos podría ayudar a que sean más leves.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Antihypertensive Agents , Pheochromocytoma , Catecholamines , Adrenalectomy , HypotensionABSTRACT
Pheochromocytomas are tumors of chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla that produce, store, metabolize, and secrete catecholamines. Due to increased secretion the patient may present with various symptoms, but elevation of blood pressure is the most common manifestation, and can cause serious complications if not recognized and treated in time. The present report mentions a case of a young male patient who started the picture with severe hypertension, tachycardia and headache, diagnosed with Pheochromocytoma during the investigation of paroxysmal arterial hypertension. It should be noted that early diagnosis, followed by surgical treatment of tumor removal, makes it possible to cure the disease and remission of symptoms.
Os feocromocitomas são tumores das células cromafins da medula adrenal que produzem, armazenam, metabolizam e secretam catecolaminas. Devido à secreção aumentada, o paciente pode apresentar vários sintomas, porém a elevação da pressão arterial é a manifestação mais comum e pode causar sérias complicações se não for reconhecida e tratada a tempo. O presente relato menciona o caso de paciente do sexo masculino, jovem, com início de quadro com hipertensão severa, taquicardia e cefaleia, sendo diagnosticado com feocromocitoma durante a investigação do quadro de hipertensão arterial paroxística. Ressalva-se que o diagnóstico precoce seguido do tratamento cirúrgico de retirada do tumor possibilita a cura da patologia e a remissão dos sintomas.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pheochromocytoma , Catecholamines , Arterial PressureABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La forma clínica de presentación más común del neuroblastoma es el de una masa abdominal, pero puede presentarse con sintomatología menos habitual, como es la crisis adrenérgica por liberación de catecolaminas. OBJETIVO: Describir una forma de presentación inusual de neuroblastoma y el amplio diagnóstico diferencial que existe en un lactante con síntomas adrenérgicos. CASO CLÍNICO: Lactante femenina de 7 semanas de vida, consultó por historia de tres semanas de sudoración e irritabilidad a lo que se asoció fiebre de 24 h de evolución y dificultad respiratoria. Al ingreso presentaba mal esta do general, irritabilidad, sudoración, enrojecimiento facial, taquipnea y palidez cutánea, taquicardia sinusal extrema e hipertensión arterial (HTA), interpretadas como sintomatología adrenérgica. Se completó el estudio con una ecografía abdominal y resonancia magnética que mostraron una gran masa retroperitoneal compatible con neuroblastoma. Las catecolaminas en sangre y en orina mostraron altos niveles de dopamina, adrenalina y noradrenalina, probablemente de origen tumoral. Se inició tratamiento antihipertensivo con fármacos alfa bloqueantes con buen control de la tensión arterial. Se resecó quirúrgicamente el tumor sin incidencias y con una adecuada recuperación posterior. La paciente presentó evolución favorable a tres años de seguimiento. CONCLUSIONES: en un lactante con sintomatología adrenérgica como irritabilidad, enrojecimiento, sudoración asociada a HTA, se debe descartar patología cardiaca, metabólica (hipoglucemia), intoxicaciones y/o patología suprarrenal. Dentro de esta última, el neuroblastoma es la primera posibilidad diagnóstica, por ser uno de los principales tumores en la infancia y aunque esta presentación no es habitual puede producir estos síntomas.
INTRODUCTION: The most common clinical presentation of neuroblastoma is an abdominal mass, but it can present with uncommon symptoms, such as adrenergic storm due to catecholamine release. OBJECTIVE: To describe an unusual presentation of neuroblastoma and the wide differential diagnosis that exists in an infant with adrenergic symptoms. CLINICAL CASE: A 7-week old female infant was evaluated due to a 3-week history of sweating and irritability associated with a 24-hour fever and respiratory distress. At admission, she presented poor general condition, irritability, sweating, facial redness, tachypnea and skin paleness, extreme sinus tachycardia, and high blood pressure (HBP), interpreted as adrenergic symptoms. The study was completed with abdominal ultrasound and magnetic reso nance imaging that showed a large retroperitoneal mass compatible with neuroblastoma. Plasma and urinary catecholamines tests showed high levels of dopamine, adrenaline, and noradrenaline, probably of tumor origin. We started antihypertensive treatment with alpha-blocker drugs, showing a good blood pressure control. The tumor was surgically resected without incidents and adequate subsequent recovery. The patient presented a favorable evolution after three years of follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: In an infant with adrenergic symptoms such as irritability, redness, sweating associated with HBP, it should be ruled out pathology heart or metabolic (hypoglycemia) pathology, intoxications, and/or adrenal pathology. Within this last one, neuroblastoma is the first diagnostic possibility, since it is one of the main tumors in childhood and, although this presentation is not usual, it can produce these symptoms.
Humans , Female , Infant , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Sweating , Tachycardia/etiology , Catecholamines/urine , Flushing/etiology , Hypertension/etiology , Neuroblastoma/diagnosis , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/complications , Retroperitoneal Neoplasms/urine , Tachycardia/diagnosis , Irritable Mood , Biomarkers, Tumor/urine , Diagnosis, Differential , Hypertension/diagnosis , Neuroblastoma/complications , Neuroblastoma/urineABSTRACT
A 36-year-old male patient initially presented with hypertension, tinnitus, bilateral carotid masses, a right jugular foramen, and a periaortic arch mass with an elevated plasma dopamine level but an otherwise normal biochemical profile. On surveillance MRI 4 years after initial presentation, he was found to have a 2.2-cm T2 hyperintense lesion with arterial enhancement adjacent to the gallbladder, which demonstrated avidity on ⁶⁸Ga-DOTATATE PET/CTand retrospectively on ¹⁸F-FDOPA PET/CT but was nonavid on ¹⁸F-FDG PET/CT. Biochemical work-up including plasma catecholamines, metanephrines, and chromogranin A levels were found to be within normal limits. This lesion was surgically resected and was confirmed to be a paraganglioma (PGL) originating from the gallbladder wall on histopathology. Pheochromocytoma (PHEO) and PGL are rare tumors of the autonomic nervous system. Succinate dehydrogenase subunit D (SDHD) pathogenic variants of the succinate dehydrogenase complex are usually involved in parasympathetic, extra-adrenal, multifocal head, and neck PGLs. We report an unusual location of PGL in the gallbladder associated with SDHD mutation which could present as a potential pitfall on ¹⁸F-FDOPA PET/CT as its normal excretion occurs through biliary system and gallbladder. This case highlights the superiority of ⁶⁸Ga-DOTATATE in comparison to ¹⁸F-FDOPA and ¹⁸F-FDG in the detection of SDHD-related parasympathetic PGL.ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00004847.
Adult , Humans , Male , Autonomic Nervous System , Biliary Tract , Catecholamines , Chromogranin A , Dopamine , Gallbladder , Head , Hypertension , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Neck , Paraganglioma , Pheochromocytoma , Plasma , Positron Emission Tomography Computed Tomography , Retrospective Studies , Succinate Dehydrogenase , TinnitusABSTRACT
Ganglioneuroma is a rare benign tumor originating from the neural crest cells. It occurs most commonly in the retroperitoneum and posterior mediastinum and is often found in the neck or pelvis. It may be detected incidentally or detected by pressure effects on the adjacent structures due to its slow growth. However, some functional tumors may secrete catecholamines and present with some clinical symptoms. Complete surgical excision is the treatment of choice. We describe here a case of a retroperitoneal ganglioneuroma which was removed completely by surgery. We review the literature and discuss the clinical features of a ganglioneuroma.
Catecholamines , Ganglioneuroma , Mediastinum , Neck , Neural Crest , PelvisABSTRACT
Nephrotic syndrome in the first year of life, characterized by renal dysfunction and proteinuria, is associated with a heterogeneous group of disorders. These disorders are often related to genetic mutations, but the syndrome can also be caused by a variety of other diseases. We report an infant with nephrotic syndrome associated with a neuroblastoma. A 6-month-old girl was admitted with a 10% weight loss over 10 days and nephrotic-range proteinuria. She was ill-looking, and her blood pressure was higher than normal for her age. Her cystatin-C glomerular filtration rate was decreased, and levels of plasma renin, aldosterone, and catecholamines were elevated. Renal ultrasonography and abdominal computed tomography showed a retroperitoneal prevertebral mass encasing both renal arteries and the left renal vein. The mass was partially resected laparoscopically, and the pathologic diagnosis was neuroblastoma. Findings on a simultaneous renal biopsy were unremarkable. The patient was treated with chemotherapy and several anti-hypertensive drugs, including an alpha blocker. Two months later, the mass had decreased in size and the proteinuria and hypertension were gradually improving. In an infant with abnormal renin-angiotensin system activation, severe hypertension, and nephrotic-range proteinuria, neuroblastoma can be considered in the differential diagnosis.
Female , Humans , Infant , Aldosterone , Antihypertensive Agents , Biopsy , Blood Pressure , Catecholamines , Diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Drug Therapy , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Hypertension , Nephrotic Syndrome , Neuroblastoma , Plasma , Proteinuria , Renal Artery , Renal Veins , Renin , Renin-Angiotensin System , Ultrasonography , Weight LossABSTRACT
Sympathetic arborizations act as the essential efferent signals in regulating the metabolism of peripheral organs including white adipose tissues (WAT). However, whether these local neural structures would be of plastic nature, and how such plasticity might participate in specific metabolic events of WAT, remains largely uncharacterized. In this study, we exploit the new volume fluorescence-imaging technique to observe the significant, and also reversible, plasticity of intra-adipose sympathetic arborizations in mouse inguinal WAT in response to cold challenge. We demonstrate that this sympathetic plasticity depends on the cold-elicited signal of nerve growth factor (NGF) and TrkA receptor. Blockage of NGF or TrkA signaling suppresses intra-adipose sympathetic plasticity, and moreover, the cold-induced beiging process of WAT. Furthermore, we show that NGF expression in WAT depends on the catecholamine signal in cold challenge. We therefore reveal the key physiological relevance, together with the regulatory mechanism, of intra-adipose sympathetic plasticity in the WAT metabolism.
Animals , Mice , Adipose Tissue, Beige , Cell Biology , Diagnostic Imaging , Metabolism , Catecholamines , Metabolism , Cold Temperature , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Nerve Growth Factor , Metabolism , Neuronal Plasticity , Receptor, trkA , Metabolism , Signal Transduction , Sympathetic Nervous System , PhysiologyABSTRACT
External quality assessment (EQA) trials of conventional newborn screening tests for phenylketonuria, galactosemia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, maple syrup urine disease, homocystinuria, and congenital hypothyroidism, as well as extended newborn screening tests using tandem mass spectrometry, were performed twice in 2016 and 2017. A total of 44 specimens in the form of dried blood spots were distributed in each trial to 16 laboratories. The response rate of these laboratories was 100%. The mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, median, and cut-offs were evaluated for each analyte in the newborn screening tests. EQA trials for the analyses of methylmalonic acid, vanillylmandelic acid, catecholamines, metanephrines, organic acids, and amino acids were also performed. A well-designed EQA program and continuous education would improve the performance of metabolite testing.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital , Amino Acids , Catecholamines , Congenital Hypothyroidism , Education , Galactosemias , Homocystinuria , Korea , Maple Syrup Urine Disease , Mass Screening , Methylmalonic Acid , Phenylketonurias , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Vanilmandelic AcidABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Background: The role of autonomic nervous system in the development and maintenance of portal hypertension is not fully elucidated. It is known that the gene expression of norepinephrine in the superior mesenteric artery varies with time, and it may contribute for splanchnic vasodilation and its consequent hemodynamic repercussions. It is still not known exactly how the adrenergic expression behaves at the heart level in the initial stages of this process. Aim: To evaluate the immunohistochemical expression of the enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (tyrosine 3-monooxygenase), involved in the synthesis of norepinephrine, in the myocardium of rats submitted to partial ligation of the portal vein. Methods: Twenty-four Wistar rats were divided into two groups: Sham Operated and Portal Hypertension. The partial ligation was performed in the Portal Hypertension group, and after 1/6/24 h and 3/5/14 days the animals were euthanized. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed to quantify the expression of the stained enzyme using the ImageJ program. Results: The Portal Hypertension group expressed percentages between 4.6-6% of the marked area, while the Sham Operated group varied between 4-5%. Although there was no statistical significance, the percentage stained in the Portal Hypertension group followed an increasing pattern in the first 6 h and a decreasing pattern after 24 h, which was not observed in the Sham Operated group. Conclusion: The expression of noradrenaline in rat myocardium during the first two weeks after partial ligation of the portal vein, with tyrosine hydroxylase as marker, did not show differences between groups over time.
RESUMO Racional: O papel do sistema nervoso autônomo na hipertensão portal não está completamente elucidado. Sabe-se que, nessa condição, a expressão gênica da norepinefrina na artéria mesentérica superior modifica-se com o tempo, podendo ser importante contribuinte para a vasodilatação esplâncnica e suas repercussões hemodinâmicas. Apesar dos estudos sobre as repercussões cardiovasculares na hipertensão portal, ainda não se sabe como a expressão adrenérgica se comporta a nível cardíaco nas etapas iniciais desse processo. Objetivo: Avaliar a expressão imunoistoquímica da enzima tirosina hidroxilase (tirosina 3-mono-oxigenase), relacionada à síntese da norepinefrina, no miocárdio de ratos submetidos à ligadura parcial da veia porta. Métodos: Foram utilizados 24 ratos, distribuídos em dois grupos: Sham Operated e Hipertensão Portal. A ligadura parcial da veia porta foi realizada apenas no grupo Hipertensão Portal e, após 1/6/24 h e 3/5/14 dias, os animais foram eutanasiados. Foi feita a análise imunoistoquímica para quantificar a expressão da enzima corada, utilizando o programa ImageJ. Resultados: No grupo Hipertensão Portal, o miocárdio expressou percentuais entre 4,6-6% de área marcada, enquanto que no grupo Sham Operated variou entre 4-5%, sem significância estatística. Apenas no grupo Hipertensão Portal, a porcentagem corada pela enzima seguiu padrão crescente nas primeiras 6 h e decrescente após 24 h. Conclusão: A expressão da noradrenalina no miocárdio de ratos durante as primeiras duas semanas após a ligadura parcial da veia porta, tendo como marcador a enzima tirosina hidroxilase, não apresentou diferenças entre grupos ao longo do tempo.
Animals , Male , Rats , Norepinephrine/biosynthesis , Hypertension, Portal/etiology , Myocardium/metabolism , Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase/biosynthesis , Catecholamines/physiology , Norepinephrine/physiology , Rats, Wistar , Disease Models, AnimalABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El estrés se ha asociado con un síndrome de insuficiencia cardiaca aguda, con morbilidad y mortalidad importantes. Metodología: Reporte de caso y revisión no sistemática de la literatura relevante. Presentación del caso: Mujer de 65 arios con antecedente de trastorno de ansiedad generalizada no tratado que, tras la muerte violenta de un hijo, sufría dolor opresivo en el precordio, el cuello y la extremidad superior izquierda que duraba más de 30 min; la sospecha clínica inicial fue síndrome coronario agudo. Revisión de la literatura: La miocardiopatía de tako-tsubo se caracteriza por disfunción ventricular izquierda, reversible en la mayoría de los casos, y alteraciones del movimiento de la pared ventricular sin anormalidades coronarias, asociado a altas concentraciones plasmáticas de catecolaminas, que en la mayoría de los casos coinciden con un estresor agudo de tipo físico o emocional. Conclusiones: La miocardiopatía de tako-tsubo es un diagnóstico diferencial que los médicos que atienden a pacientes con sospecha de síndrome coronario deben considerar, especialmente ante mujeres posmenopáusicas con antecedentes de comorbilidades psiquiátricas como el trastorno de ansiedad generalizada.
Abstract Introduction: Stress has been associated with an acute heart failure syndrome of important morbidity and mortality. Methods: Case report and non-systematic review of the relevant literature. Case presentation: A 65-year-old woman with a history of an untreated generalized anxiety disorder, whom after the violent death of her son presented with oppressive chest pain irradiated to neck and left superior extremity, lasting for more than 30 minutes, initial clinical suspect suggests acute coronary syndrome. Literature review: Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy is characterized by a reversible left ventricular dysfunction and wall movement abnormalities, without any compromise of the coronary arteries, associated to high plasma levels of catecholamines which in most cases correlates with an acute stress of emotional or physical type. Conclusions: Tako-tsubo cardiomyopathy has to be considered by physicians among the differential diagnosis when facing patient with suspected acute coronary syndrome, especially in postmenopausal women with a history of psychiatric comorbidities such as a generalized anxiety disorder.
Humans , Female , Aged , Anxiety Disorders , Chest Pain , Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy , Heart Failure , Catecholamines , Ventricular Dysfunction, Left , Coronary Vessels , Acute Coronary SyndromeABSTRACT
El feocromocitoma quístico gigante es tumor adrenal raro en el que predomina el curso asintomático; por lo que muchos de los casos no son diagnosticados hasta el momento de la cirugía. La simple movilización del tumor se asocia con el paso a la sangre de grandes cantidades de catecolaminas y a una elevada morbimortalidad.; por esta razón la cirugía per se y su manejo perioperatorio constituyen un enorme desafío. En este artículo se presenta el caso de un feocromocitoma gigante maligno (35 cm) que ocupaba todo el hemiabdomen derecho. Aun con el diagnóstico preoperatorio de feocromocitoma, el bloqueo farmacológico preoperatorio y las medidas intraoperatorias, el paciente falleció poco antes de que finalizara la cirugía.
The giant cystic pheochromocytoma is a rare adrenal tumor in the predominantly asymptomatic course; so many cases are not diagnosed until the time of surgery. The simple mobilization of the tumor is associated with the passage to the blood of large amounts of catecholamines and high morbidity and mortality. So the surgery itself and perioperative management are a huge challenge. This article describes the case of a malignant giant pheochromocytoma (35 cm) which occupied the entire right abdomen. Even with the preoperative diagnosis of pheochromocytoma, pharmacological blockade preoperative and intraoperative measures, the patient died shortly before the end of surgery.
Aged , Humans , Male , Pheochromocytoma/diagnostic imaging , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pheochromocytoma/surgery , Pheochromocytoma/metabolism , Pheochromocytoma/pathology , Preanesthetic Medication , Catecholamines/metabolism , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/surgery , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/metabolism , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Adrenal Medulla/metabolism , Adrenal Medulla/pathology , Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists/administration & dosage , Adrenergic alpha-Antagonists/therapeutic use , Adrenergic beta-Antagonists/administration & dosage , Adrenergic beta-Antagonists/therapeutic use , Cysts/surgery , Cysts/metabolism , Cysts/pathology , Cysts/diagnostic imaging , Tumor Burden , Intraoperative Complications/etiology , Intraoperative Complications/physiopathologyABSTRACT
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (MTT) is an acute ventricular dysfunction and reversible in absence of coronary disease. It is a rare presentation of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma (FPGL). It was described for the first time in 1990 by Sato et al, the physiopathology is not clear yet. It is associated with high levels of catecholamines, vasospasm in the micro vascularization, rupture of atheromatous plaque and myiocarditis. The clinical presentation is similar to an acute myocardial infarction because of that the FPGL must be considered in patients without obstructive coronary lesions. We present a case of a 50 years old women with history of Arterial Hypertension, active smoking and Neurofibromatosis, who is admitted to emergency room with an acute myocardial pain.