A escolha da técnica restauradora desempenha papel fundamental na eficácia e duração de um tratamento reabilitador. O objetivo deste relato de caso foi descrever a utilização da técnica semidireta para a confecção de uma restauração em resina composta em um primeiro molar inferior. A paciente apresentava uma restauração insatisfatória no dente 36, que necessitava ser substituída devido à infiltração por cárie. Optou-se pela técnica semidireta devido à amplitude da cavidade, que envolvia estruturas de suporte, e pela combinação das vantagens das abordagens direta e indireta. O procedimento envolveu a remoção de tecido cariado, a aplicação de hidróxido de cálcio pasta, seguida da aplicação de uma fina camada de ionômero de vidro e, posteriormente, resina fluída para realizar o selamento dentinário. O preparo foi realizado seguindo os princípios necessários. O elemento em questão foi moldado com silicone de adição e o arco antagonista, com alginato. Ambos modelos foram vertidos com silicone para modelos semirrígidos e montados em oclusor de peças de brinquedo. A restauração semidireta foi confeccionada em resina composta Filtek Z350 XT, respeitando a anatomia do dente 36. Pigmentos foram utilizados para aprimorar detalhes estéticos. Após acabamento e polimento, a peça foi condicionada e cimentada com cimento dual Relyx Ultimate. Pode-se concluir que a abordagem restauradora por meio da técnica semidireta construída em modelo semirrígido é uma opção terapêutica conservadora e vantajosa para dentes com extensa destruição coronária. Essa técnica possibilita a restauração de forma eficaz, garantindo tanto a estética quanto a função adequada do dente afetado(AU)
The choice of restorative technique plays a fundamental role in the effectiveness and duration of rehabilitation treatment. The objective of this case report was to describe the use of the semi-direct technique to create a composite resin restoration in a lower first molar. The patient had an unsatisfactory restoration on tooth 36, which needed to be replaced due to cavity infiltration. The semi-direct technique was chosen due to the amplitude of the cavity, which involved support structures, and the combination of advantages of the direct and indirect approaches. The procedure involved the removal of carious tissue, and the application of calcium hydroxide paste, followed by the application of a thin layer of glass ionomer and, subsequently, fluid resin to seal the dentin. The preparation was carried out following the necessary principles. The element in question was molded with addition silicone and the antagonist arch was molded with alginate. Both models were poured with silicone for semi-rigid models and mounted on toy parts occluders. The semi-direct restoration was made in Filtek Z350 XT composite resin, respecting the anatomy of tooth 36. Pigments were used to improve aesthetic details. After finishing and polishing, the piece was conditioned and cemented with Relyx Ultimate dual cement. It can be concluded that the restorative approach using the semi-direct technique built on a semi-rigid model is a conservative and advantageous therapeutic option for teeth with extensive coronal destruction. This technique allows for effective restoration, ensuring both the aesthetics and adequate function of the affected tooth(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Cavity Preparation , Dental Restoration Repair , Cementation , Tooth Preparation , Dental Restoration, PermanentABSTRACT
INTRODUCCION La artroplastía total de rodilla (ATR), que ha tenido un aumento importante en la población en las últimas décadas, presenta una gran variación en su estudio y técnica entre los distintos países. En la actualidad no hay datos nacionales registrados que evalúen la forma de su implementación. Objetivo Registrar las tendencias respecto de la ATR en distintos aspectos en Chile y compararlas con los registros de otros países. MATERIALES y METODOS Se realizó una encuesta vía email a cirujanos de rodilla en Chile considerando cuatro aspectos: generalidades, estudio preoperatorio, técnica quirúrgica y técnica de cementación. Se excluyeron las encuestas que no rellenadas por completo. Se analizaron los datos generales y separados según años de experiencia (ADE). Se compararon los datos con los obtenidos en estudios internacionales. RESULTADOS Se obtuvieron 87 encuestas completas. La mayoría de los encuestados realizaba entre 25 y 50 ATR en 1 año (44%), y el 16%, más de 75. Sólo un 20% utilizaba la modalidad ambulatoria, y un 43% creía que siempre deben ser hospitalizadas (mayor frecuencia en los cirujanos con más de 10 ADE). Un 18% utilizaba algún sistema robótico, con mayor frecuencia en cirujanos con más de 10 ADE; los sistemas más usados fueron ROSA y CORI. El 90% creía que la ATR debería ser parte del programa de Garantías Explícitas de Salud (GES), sin diferencias según ADE. El 81% usaba sistema estabilizado posterior (posterior-estabilized, PS, en inglés), 96% realizaba un abordaje parapatelar medial, 82% usaba guía extramedular tibial, 41% tendía a recambiar la patela, y un 35% no usaba torniquete (ninguna de las variables mostró diferencias según ADE). Sólo un 31% utilizaba cementación al vacío (mayor frecuencia en el grupo con menos de 10 ADE), 95% colocaba el cemento en componentes y en hueso, 75% colocaba en la quilla, y 56% utilizaba el dedo para colocarlo (sólo 22% con pistola). La secuencia más frecuente de cementación fue tibia-fémur-patela. En la mayoría de los aspectos evaluados, se observaron diferencias importantes con estudios de otros países. CONCLUSION Existe una gran variabilidad en la realización de ATR en Chile, con tendencias distintas a las de otros países. En general, en relación con los distintos ADE, no hay grandes diferencias en la técnica quirúrgica, sí habiendo diferencias en la técnica de cementación y en el uso de sistemas robóticos
INTRODUCTION Total knee replacement (TKR) significantly increased among the population in recent decades, and it shows great variation in its study and technique in different countries. There is no registered Chilean data to assess TKR implementation. Objective To record the trends in TKR in different aspects within Chile and compare them with records from other countries. MATERIALS AND METHODS We conducted an email survey among knee surgeons in Chile considering four aspects: general features, preoperative study, surgical technique, and cementation technique. We excluded surveys not completed in full. The analyses included overall data and data per years of experience (YOEs), and we compared the results with those of international studies. RESULTS We obtained 87 complete surveys. Most respondents performed 25 to 50 TKRs each year (44%), with only 16% performing over 75 TKRs. Only 20% used the ambulatory modality, while 43% believed patients always require hospitalization (especially surgeons with more than 10 YOEs). Robotic systems were used by 18% of the surgeons, especially those with more than 10 YOEs; the most used systems were ROSA and CORI. In total 90% of the respondents believed TKR should be part of the Explicit Health Guarantees (Garantías Explícitas de Salud, GES, in Spanish) program, with no differences in terms of YOEs. A total of 81% used the posterior-stabilized (PS) system, 96% performed a medial parapatellar approach, 82% used an extramedullary tibial guide, 41% tended to replace the patella, and 35% did not use a tourniquet (none of the variables showed differences according to YOEs). Only 31% used vacuum cementation (with a higher frequency in the group with fewer than 10 YOEs), 95% placed cement on components and bone, 75% placed it in the keel, and 56% used finger packing (only 22% with a gun). The most common cementation sequence was tibia femur-patella. In most aspects evaluated, we observed important differences compared with studies from other countries. CONCLUSION There is a high variability in the performance of TKR in Chile, with different trends compared with those of other countries. Overall, there are no major differences in the surgical technique concerning YOEs, although there is variation in the cementation technique and the use of robotic systems
Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/methods , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee/trends , Chile , Surveys and Questionnaires , Cementation/methodsABSTRACT
Aim: The aim of this in vitro study was to compare machine and manual cementation of prosthetic elements by measuring internal and marginal fits. Methods: Eighteen anatomic prefabricated abutments were used to manufacture zirconia copings in the Ceramill (n=9) and Lava systems (n=9). The copings were cemented with a fluid consistency addition silicone using a machine (n=18) and manually (n=18) according to the replica technique. They were then cut in the buccal-palatal and mesial-distal directions. The film thickness was photographed using an optical microscope and measured in the internal and marginal regions. The data collected were analyzed by repeated measures ANOVA and Bonferroni's multiple comparison test (∂=.05). The Bland-Altman test was performed to evaluate the agreement between the methods. Results: In the evaluation of the internal and marginal misfits, the mean values observed for the cementation performed with the aid of a machine and manually, were as follows: angular regions, 76.7 µm and 76.2 µm; linear regions, 60.6 µm and 60.7 µm; incisal region, 144.8 µm and 145.2 µm; marginal region, 40.1 µm and 40.2 µm; and overall mean, 80.4 µm and 80.6 µm, respectively. No significant differences were found between the 2 methods, for any of regions and systems (P>.05). The Bland-Altman test showed agreement between the methods (P>.05) and that the limits of agreement found were clinically acceptable. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this in vitro study, we can conclude that cementation using manual techniques or mechanical aid produces the same cement films
Cementation , Dental Prosthesis Design , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal AdaptationABSTRACT
Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a resistência de união do cimento Biodentine® à dentina radicular após a utilização de diferentes irrigantes finais. Método: Vinte dentes humanos extraídos tiveram seu terço médio radicular cortado em fatias que foram submersas em hipoclorito de sódio 2,5% e posteriormente divididas aleatoriamente em 4 grupos experimentais (n=15) conforme o irrigante final utilizado (1) água destilada (controle), (2) QMixTM, (3) ácido cítrico 10%, (4) EDTA 17%. Após a imersão na substância teste as amostras foram preenchidas com o cimento Biodentine e imersas em solução salina tamponada com fosfato (PBS) por um período de 7 dias. O teste de push out foi realizado e os valores de resistência de união em Mpa foram obtidos. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Kruskal Wallis e Studend- Newman-Keuls. Resultados: Os piores valores de união foram obtidos após a utilização do EDTA enquanto a água destilada, o QMix e o ácido cítrico apresentaram resultados estatisticamente semelhantes entre si. Conclusão: A remoção da smear layer não resultou em melhora nos resultados de união do cimento Biodentine.(AU)
Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the bond strength of Biodentine® cement to root dentin after the use of different final irrigants. Method: Twenty extracted human teeth had their middle root third cut into slices that were submerged in 2.5% sodium hypochlorite and then randomly divided into 4 experimental groups (n=15) according to the final irrigant used (1) distilled water (control), (2) QMixTM, (3) 10% citric acid, (4) 17% EDTA. After immersion in the test substance the samples were filled with Biodentine cement and immersed in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) for a period of 7 days. The push out test was performed and the bond strength values in MPa were obtained. The data were analyzed by Kruskal Wallis and Studend- Newman-Keuls tests. Results: The worst bond values were obtained after using EDTA while distilled water, QMix and citric acid showed statistically similar results to each other. Conclusion: Removal of the smear layer did not result in improved bonding results of Biodentine cement.(AU)
Humans , Root Canal Irrigants/chemistry , Cementation/methods , Silicates/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Materials Testing , Distilled Water , Edetic Acid/chemistry , Statistics, Nonparametric , Citric Acid/chemistryABSTRACT
Objetivo: Este estudo teve como objetivo comparar a qualidade da obturação e a resistência de união de dois cimentos endodônticos, AH Plus e Bio-C Sealer, em dentes humanos e bovinos. Métodos: Os canais radiculares de 60 dentes unirradiculares [30 humanos (H) e 30 bovinos (B)] foram preparados e obturados por condensação lateral da guta-percha e AH Plus (grupos AP-H e AP-B) ou Bio-C Sealer (grupos BC-H e BC-B). Seis fatias de 1,5 mm de espessura foram obtidas de cada raiz. Os espécimes foram observados em estereomicroscópio para avaliar a qualidade da obturação, considerando possíveis espaços vazios no material obturador. Posteriormente, as fatias radiculares foram avaliadas em termos de resistência de união por push-out e modo de falha. Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de Mann-Whitney e coeficientes de correlação de Spearman (α=5%). Resultados: A qualidade de obturação fornecida por AP e BC foi semelhante em ambos os substratos de dentina. No entanto, ao comparar dentes humanos e bovinos, os escores de espaços vazios foram maiores nas amostras bovinas, para ambos os cimentos. AP teve maior resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina do que BC. No entanto, não houve diferença significativa na resistência de união entre os substratos dentinários, para ambos os cimentos testados. Além disso, houve uma correlação positiva e moderada entre os valores de resistência de união de dentes humanos e bovinos. O modo de falha misto foi o mais prevalente. Conclusão: AP e BC fornecem qualidade de obturação semelhante, mas o primeiro apresenta maiores valores de resistência de união à dentina humana e bovina. A utilização de dentes bovinos como substitutos de amostras humanas parece ser adequada em estudos relacionados à resistência de união, mas não naqueles que testam a qualidade da obturação endodôntica.(AU)
Objective: This study aimed to compare the filling quality and bond strength of two endodontic sealers, AH Plus and Bio-C Sealer, in human and bovine teeth. Methods: The root canals of 60 [30 human (H) and 30 bovine (B)] single-rooted teeth were prepared and filled by lateral condensation of gutta-percha and AH Plus (groups AP-H and AP-B) or Bio-C Sealer (groups BC-H and BC-B). Six 1.5-mm-thick slices were obtained from each root. The specimens were observed under a stereomicroscope to assess filling quality, considering possible voids within the filling material. Subsequently, root slices were evaluated in terms of push-out bond strength and failure mode. Data were analyzed by Mann-Whitney tests and Spearman correlation coefficients (α=5%). Results: The filling quality provided by AP and BC was similar in both dentin substrates. However, when comparing human and bovine teeth, void scores were greater in the bovine samples, for both sealers. AP had higher bond strength to human and bovine dentin than BC. However, there was no significant difference in bond strength between dentin substrates, for both sealers tested. Also, there was a positive and moderate correlation between the bond strength values of human and bovine teeth. The mixed failure mode was the most prevalent. Conclusion: AP and BC provide similar filling quality, but the first presents higher bond strength values to human and bovine dentin. The use of bovine teeth as substitutes for human samples seems adequate in studies related to bond strength, but not in those testing root canal filling quality.(AU)
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Root Canal Obturation/methods , Silicates/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Epoxy Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Cementation/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Restoration Failure , Gutta-Percha/chemistryABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the cement flow in the abutment margin-crown platform switching structure by using the three-dimensional finite element analysis, in order to prove that whether the abutment margin-crown platform switching structure can reduce the inflow depth of cement in the implantation adhesive retention.@*METHODS@#By using ANSYS 19.0 software, two models were created, including the one with regular margin and crown (Model one, the traditional group), and the other one with abutment margin-crown platform switching structure (Model two, the platform switching group). Both abutments of the two models were wrapped by gingiva, and the depth of the abutment margins was 1.5 mm submucosal. Two-way fluid structure coupling calculations were produced in two models by using ANSYS 19.0 software. In the two models, the same amount of cement were put between the inner side of the crowns and the abutments. The process of cementing the crown to the abutment was simulated when the crown was 0.6 mm above the abutment. The crown was falling at a constant speed in the whole process spending 0.1 s. Then we observed the cement flow outside the crowns at the time of 0.025 s, 0.05 s, 0.075 s, 0.1 s, and measured the depth of cement over the margins at the time of 0.1 s.@*RESULTS@#At the time of 0 s, 0.025 s, 0.05 s, the cements in the two models were all above the abutment margins. At the time of 0.075 s, in Model one, the gingiva was squeezed by the cement and became deformed, and then a gap was formed between the gingiva and the abutment into which the cement started to flow. In Model two, because of the narrow neck of the crown, the cement flowed out from the gingival as it was pressed by the upward counterforce from the gingival and the abutment margin. At the time of 0.1 s, in Model one, the cement continued to flow deep inside with the gravity force and pressure, and the depth of the cement over the margin was 1 mm. In Model two, the cement continued to flow out from the gingival at the time of 0.075 s, and the depth of the cement over the margin was 0 mm.@*CONCLUSION@#When the abutment was wrapped by the gingiva, the inflow depth of cement in the implantation adhesive retention can be reduced in the abutment margin-crown platform switching structure.
Finite Element Analysis , Cementation/methods , Gingiva , Crowns , Dental Abutments , Dental Cements , Dental Stress AnalysisABSTRACT
Objective: To evaluate the biaxial flexural strength (BFS) of lithium disilicate (L), cemented on different substrates (epoxy resin - E and metal - M) with dual-cure resin cement (Rc) and zinc phosphate cement (Zc), not aged, thermally aged (TC) or thermo-mechanical aged (TC/MC). Material and Methods: Disks of L, E, and M were fabricated, and the cementation was performed according to the following groups: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc); MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Ten samples from each described group were tested in BFS, ten more samples were subjected to TC (1×104 cycles between 5 ºC and 55 ºC water), and the last 10 samples were subjected to TC/MC (MC: 1.2×106 cycles, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). The BFS test was performed and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was performed to evaluate the failure mode. The effect of the cementation strategy (cement/substrate) was compared in each aging method and the effect of the aging method was evaluated for each cementation strategy by one-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test (α=0.05). Results: The strength values were highest to M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa), in comparison to the E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), despite aging and luting agent. Flexural strength data decreased after TC and TC/MC in groups cemented with Zc, but was stable when cemented with Rc. SEM analysis indicated that failure origins were located at the tensile surface of the L. Conclusion: Lithium disilicate discs cemented to the metallic substrate presented the highest biaxial flexural strength. The cementation with dual-cure resin cement did not decrease BFS after aging (AU)
Objetivo: Avaliar a resistência à flexão biaxial (BFS) do dissilicato de lítio (L), cimentado sobre diferentes substratos (resina epóxi - E e metal - M) com cimento resinoso dual (Rc) e cimento de fosfato de zinco (Zc), não envelhecido, submetido ao envelhecido térmico (TC) ou ao envelhecido térmico-mecânico (TC/MC). Material e Métodos: Foram confeccionados discos de L, E e M, e a cimentação foi realizada de acordo com os seguintes grupos: ERc (L+E+Rc); MRc (L+M+Rc); MZc (L+M+Zc); EZc (L+E+Zc). Dez amostras de cada grupo descrito foram testadas em BFS, mais dez amostras foram submetidas à TC (1×104 ciclos de imersão em água entre 5 ºC e 55 ºC), e as últimas 10 amostras foram submetidas à TC/MC (MC: 1.2 ×106 ciclos, 50 N, 3.8 Hz). Foram realizados os testes de BFS e a microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) para avaliar o modo de falha. O efeito da estratégia de cimentação (cimento/substrato) foi comparado em cada método de envelhecimento e o efeito do método de envelhecimento foi avaliado para cada estratégia de cimentação por ANOVA a um fator e teste post-hoc de Tukey (α=0,05). Resultados: Os valores de resistência foram maiores para M (237.8 ~ 463.9 MPa), em comparação com E (41.03 ~ 66.76 MPa), independentemente do envelhecimento e do agente cimentante utilizado. Os dados de resistência à flexão diminuíram após TC e TC/MC nos grupos cimentados com Zc, mas se mantiveram estáveis quando cimentados com Rc. A análise MEV indicou que a origem das falhas estava localizada na superfície de tração do L. Conclusão: Os discos de dissilicato de lítio cimentados ao substrato metálico apresentaram maior resistência à flexão biaxial. A cimentação com cimento resinoso dual não diminuiu o BFS após o envelhecimento (AU)
Aging , Cementation , Flexural StrengthABSTRACT
Objective:This study evaluated the effect of immediate dentin sealing on the marginal adaptation of lithium disilicate overlays with three different types of resin-luting agents: preheated composite, dual-cure adhesive resin, and flowable composite. Materials and Methods: Forty-eight maxillary first premolars of similar size were prepared with a butt joint preparation design. The teeth were separated into two primary groups, each with twenty-four teeth: Group DDS: Delay dentin sealing (non-IDS) teeth were not treated. Group IDS: dentin sealing was applied immediately after teeth preparation. Each group was subsequently separated into three separate subgroups. Subgroups (DDS+Phc, IDS+Phc): cemented with preheated composite (Enamel plus HRi, Micerium, Italy), Subgroups (DDS+Dcrs, IDS+Dcrs): cemented with dual-cured resin cement (RelyX Ultimate, 3M ESPE, Germany) and Subgroups (DDS+Fc, IDS+Fc): Cemented with flowable composite (Filtek supreme flowable, 3M ESPE, USA). Using a digital microscope with a magnification of 230x, the marginal gap was measured before and after cementation at four different locations from each surface of the tooth, and the mean of measurements was calculated and analyzed statistically using the independent t-test, one-way ANOVA test, Bonferroni correction at a significance level of 0.05. Results: The samples that were immediately sealed with dentin bonding agent showed lower marginal gaps than delayed dentin sealing, both pre-and post-cementation for all subgroups, with a statistically significant difference (pË0.01). The marginal gap was significantly lower in the IDS+Fc (48.888 ±5.5 µm) followed by the IDS+Dcrs group (53.612 ±5.8 µm) and IDS+Phc (79.19 9±6.9 µm) respectively, while the largest marginal gaps were observed in the DDS+Phc group (86.505 ±5.4 µm). Conclusion: Generally, the teeth with IDS showed better marginal adaptation than teeth without IDS. The marginal gap was smaller with flowable composite and dual-cure resin cement than with preheated composite (AU)
Objetivo:Esse estudo avaliou o efeito do selamento imediato da dentina na adaptação marginal de overlays em dissilicato de lítio com três tipos diferentes de agentes de cimentação resinosos: resina composta pré-aquecida, adesivo resinoso dual e resina fluida. Materiais e métodos: Quarenta e oito primeiros pré-molares maxilares com tamanho similar foram preparados com término em ombro. O dente foi separado em dois grupos primários, cada um com vinte e quatro dentes: Grupo DDS: retardado selamento da dentina (non-IDS) dente não foi tratado. Grupo IDS: selamento dentinário foi aplicado imediatamente após a preparação do dente. Cada grupo foi separado de modo subsequente em três subgrupos. Subgrupo (DDS+Phc, IDS+Phc): cimentado com resina pré-aquecida (Enamel plus HRi, Micerium, Italy), Subgrupo (DDS+Dcrs, IDS+Dcrs): cimentado com cimento resinoso dual (RelyX Ultimate, 3M ESPE, Germany) e Subgrupo (DDS+Fc, IDS+Fc): cimentado com resina fluida (Filtek supreme flowable, 3M ESPE, USA). Usando um microscópio digital com magnificação de 230x, o gap marginal foi medido antes e após a cimentação em quatro diferentes localizações de cada superfície do dente e a média das medidas foi calculada e estatisticamente analisada através do uso do teste ANOVA um-fator e teste independente de Tukey e correção Bonferroni com nível de significância de 0,05. Resultado: As amostras que foram imediatamente seladas com agente adesivo dentinário apresentaram menores gaps marginais do que o selamento dentinário retardado, ambos pré e pós cimentação para todos os subgrupos apresentaram diferença estatística significante (pË0.01). O gap marginal foi significativamente menor para IDS+Fc (48.888 ±5.5 µm) acompanhado do IDS+Dcrs group (53.612 ±5.8 µm) e IDS+Phc (79.19 9 ±6.9 µm) respectividamente, enquanto o maior gap marginal foi observado no grupo DDS+Phc (86.505 ±5.4 µm). Conclusão:Geralmente, o dente com IDS apresentou melhor adaptação marginal do que o dente sem IDS. O gap marginal foi menor com resina fluida e cimento resinoso dual do que com a resina composta pré-aquecida (AU)
Cementation , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Resin Cements , Dental PorcelainABSTRACT
OBJETIVO Identificar la tasa de recurrencia de tumor de células gigantes (TCG) en pacientes tratados con curetaje y cementación con seguimiento mínimo de tres años. MATERIALES Y METODOS Cohorte retrospectiva y observacional de pacientes con diagnóstico de TCG en estadios 1 y 2 de Enneking tratados con curetaje intralesional y cementación entre 1981 y 2011. Se registraron edad, sexo, región anatómica, y tiempo de recurrencia. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva con medidas de tendencia central y medidas de dispersión (desviación estándar) para variables cuantitativas, y porcentajes para variables cualitativas. RESULTADOS Entre 1981 y 2011, se identificaron 375 casos de TCG, de los cuales 141 (37,6%) fueron tratados con este método. El seguimiento fue de 48 a 240 meses, y la edad, de 27 9 años; 45% de los pacientes eran mujeres, y 55%, varones, con una relación mujer:hombre de 1,2:1. El hueso más afectado fue la tibia (38%), seguida del fémur (32%), del húmero (16%), y del radio (10%). En 88,6%, la resección fue curetaje intralesional, y el resto, marginal. Hubo 15,7% de casos de TCG con fractura, y recidiva en 12,7%. DISCUSIÓN Se ha demostrado que este método de tratamiento reduce el riesgo de recurrencia por los efectos adyuvantes locales de la cementación acrílica. La recurrencia ocurre en los dos primeros años de seguimiento. Sin embargo, hay autores que respaldan que el margen quirúrgico es el único factor que influencia el riesgo de recurrencia local. La extensión extraósea del TCG no es contraindicación para curetaje intralesional y adyuvante con metilmetacrilato. CONCLUSIONES Reportamos tasa una de recurrencia similar a la de la literatura, siendo un recurso factible de reconstrucción de miembros
OBJETIVE To identify the recurrence rate of giant-cell tumor (GCT) in patients treated by curetage and adjuvant therapy with polymethil metacrylate with a minimum followup of 3 years. MATERIALS AND METHODS Observational and retrospective cohort with patients with diagnoses of Enneking stages 1 and 2 GCT treated through intralesional curetage and cementation between 1981 and 2011. Age, gender, anatomic location and relapse period were recorded. The data was analyzed with measures of central tendency and dispersion (standard deviation) for the quantitative variables, percentages for the qualitative variables. RESULTS Between 1981 and 2011 375 cases of GCT were identified, 141 (36.7%) of which were treated by this method. The follow-up ranged from 48 to 240 months, the age was of 27 9 years, 45% of the patients were female, and 55%, male, with a female: male ratio of about 1.2:1. The tibia was the most frequent affected bone (38%), followed by the femur (32%), the humerus (16%), and the radius (10%). The resection thecnique was intralesional curetage in about 88.6% of the cases, and marginal resection in the remaining cases. Pathologic fracture was present in approximately 15.7%, and recurrence occurred in approximately 12.7%. DISCUSSION We demonstrated that this treatment method decreases the risk of recurrence due to the local adjuvant effects of acrylic cementation. Recurrence events occur in the first two years after resection. However, some authors defend that the surgical margin is the only factor that influences the risk of local recurrence. The extraosseus extension of GCT is not a contraindication to perform intralesional curetage or to prescribe the adjuvant treatment with polymethyl metacrylate. CONCLUSIONS We reported a recurrence rate similar to that of the literature, and this is a feasible resource for limb reconstruction
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cementation/methods , Curettage/methods , Giant Cell Tumors/surgery , Giant Cell Tumors/epidemiology , Recurrence , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Los sistemas cementantes han mejorado notablemente, los objetivos que persiguen los nuevos cementos es que la adhesión sea duradera y conseguir siempre que sea posible una interface cerrada con un sellado perfecto. Se han podido desarrollar nuevas técnicas y nuevos materiales de cementación que han ido perfeccionando la unión del material restaurador al diente. En el presente estudio se compara la fuerza de adhesión a dentina de cementos de autograbado y cementos de grabado total para comprobar los efectos positivos en el grabado de la dentina. Para el estudio se utilizaron dos cementos a base de resina (RelyX U200 Clicker 3M y RelyX Ultimate 3M). Se encapsularon 40 molares en acrílico en dos grupos de 20 muestras para la aplicación de dos sistemas cementantes de autograbado (grupo 1) y de grabado total (grupo 2), respectivamente, se desgastaron hasta descubrir la dentina; siguiendo las especificaciones del fabricante se colocó el cemento en cada grupo, y después se sometieron a pruebas de cizalla en una máquina de ensayo universal Instron. La medida expresada en megapascales (MPa) fue: grupo 1 = 7.5569 y grupo 2 = 12.6444. En este caso fueron analizados dos grupos, tomándose la primera significancia bilateral. Se realiza la prueba en t de Student, con 95% de intervalo de confianza en la diferencia, demostrando así que el cemento RelyX Ultimate 3M tiene mayor fuerza de adhesión que el cemento RelyX U200 Clicker 3M. Nuestra investigación fue factible y llegamos a nuestro propósito, en el cual comprobamos la mayor adhesión de cementos de grabado total, los cuales son sometidos a un previo tratamiento del diente (AU)
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Acid Etching, Dental , Cementation , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Resin Cements , Shear Strength , Tensile Strength , Dentin/drug effectsABSTRACT
El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar con microto-mografía los poros existentes entre el cemento de resina, poste de fibra y paredes del conducto en los distintos tercios radiculares en premolares inferio-res. Se utilizaron 15 premolares inferiores unirra-diculares humanos recientemente extraídos. Se les realizó el tratamiento endodóntico, y se obturó con conos de gutapercha y cemento endodóntico a base de resina. Una vez desobturados se procedió a la ce-mentación de los postes. Cada muestra se posicionó en un accesorio personalizado y se escaneó utilizan-do un Microtomógrafo. Con el software CTAn v.1.12 (Bruker-microCT) se analizaron las microtomografías para obtener el volumen de interés (VOI) que permi-tió calcular el área de superficie (mm2) y volumen de cada poro (mm3) entre la dentina y el poste a nivel co-ronal, medio y apical. Los datos fueron analizados me-diante las pruebas estadísticas de Friedman o ANOVA de medidas repetidas. El volumen de los poros entre los tres tercios radiculares mediante la prueba de Friedman, encontró una diferencia global significativa (F = 30,00; p < 0,05). El tercio en donde los poros presentaron un mayor volumen (mm3) fue el tercio coronal (mediana: 0,29250), seguido por los tercios medio (mediana: 0,03200), y apical (mediana: 0,00140). La comparación de la superficie de los poros entre los 3 tercios brindó un resultado análogo al de la comparación del volumen. La mayor superficie (mm2) correspondió al tercio coronal (media ± DE = 1,66377 ± 0,27175), seguido por los tercios medio (media ± DE = 1,16210 ± 0,20343) y apical (media ± DE = 0,41074 ± 0,12641). La microtomografía permitió realizar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo de los poros en toda la muestra, sin deterioro de la misma. Se puede concluir que el tercio coronal presenta más poros que el tercio apical con la técnica de cementación utilizada. En cuanto a la superficie y volumen de los poros, los resultados encontrados son similares a los reporta-dos por diversos autores (AU)
The aim of this study was to evaluate with microtomography the existing pores between the resin cement, fiber post and canal walls in the different in thirds of the canal, in single-root lower premolars. Fifteen recently extracted human single root lower premolars were used, endodontically treated, and filled with gutta-percha cones and resin-based endodontic cement. Once unfilled, the posts were cemented. Each sample was positioned on a custom fixture and scanned using a Microtomograph. Each sample was evaluated using CTAn v.1.12 software (Bruker-microCT) to obtain the surface area (mm2), volume of interest (mm3) of each pore between dentin and post at the coronal, middle and apical levels. Data were analyzed using Friedman's tests or repeated measures ANOVA. The volume of the pores between the three root thirds using the Friedman test, a significant global difference was found (F = 30.00; p < 0.05). The third in which the pores presented a greater volume (mm3) was the coronal third (means: 0.29250), followed by the middle (means: 0.03200) and apical (means: 0.00140) thirds. The comparison of the pore surface between the 3 thirds gave an analogous result to that of the volume comparison. The largest surface area (mm2) corresponded to the coronal third (mean ± SD 1.66377 ± 0.27175), followed by the middle (mean ± 1.16210 ± 0.20343) and apical (mean ± 0.41074 ± 0.12641) thirds.Microtomography allowed a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the pores in the entire sample without deterioration. It can be concluded that the coronal third has more pores than the apical third with the cementation technique used. Regarding the surface and volume of the pores, the results found are similar to those reported by various authors (AU)
Porosity , Post and Core Technique , Cementation/instrumentation , X-Ray Microtomography , Bicuspid , Analysis of Variance , Resin Cements , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Fibric AcidsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar o comportamento biomecânico do pilar protético Link Universal (TiBase) com diferentes alturas em restaurações implanto-suportadas. Materiais e Métodos: foram utilizados 40 implantes cone morse Titaniumfix Profile (4 x 10 mm) em titânio, divididos em dois grupos (n=20): Link Universal curto (Short) e Link Universal longo (Long). Vinte implantes receberam o pilar protético Link Universal de 4,5 x 4 mm (Short) e vinte implantes receberam o pilar protético Link Universal de 4,5 x 5,5 mm (Long). Por meio da tecnologia CAD/CAM foram usinadas as coroas em zircônia, cimentadas sobre os pilares protéticos. No ensaio de carga máxima para fratura, o grupo Longo apresentou média de 41,1 ± 6,96 kgf, enquanto a média do grupo curto foi de 49,5 ± 7,68, sem diferença estatística entre eles. Os espécimes passaram pelo teste de sobrevivência em fadiga (2.000.000 ciclos na frequência de 2 Hz com aplicador de aço inoxidável de 1,6 mm de diâmetro), conforme parâmetros descritos na ISO 14801:2007 e não apresentaram falhas. Na sequência, foram submetidos ao teste de sobrevivência stepwise, os espécimes não apresentaram diferenças em relação ao número de ciclos para falha, porém, em relação à carga aplicada, o pilar Link Universal Longo mostrou-se mais resistente que o pilar Link Universal Curto. A análise por elementos finitos foi realizada com os parâmetros obtidos no teste stepwise, com aplicação de carga de 450 N em 30º, simulando a condição do teste de fadiga. Os desenhos foram montados com o software Rhinoceros (version 5.4.2 SR8, McNeel Noth America, Seattle, WA, EUA) e processados no software Ansys (version 19.2, ANSYS Inc., Houston, TX, USA). O comportamento biomecânico do conjunto composto por implante, pilar protético, parafuso passante e coroa monolítica foi semelhante entre os grupos. Concluiu-se que ambas alturas da área de cimentação do pilar Link Universal apresentaram comportamento à fadiga favorável à sobrevivência clínica. (AU)
Objective: Evaluate the biomechanical behavior of the Universal Link (Ti-Base) prosthetic abutment with different heights in implant-supported restorations. Materials and Methods: 40 Titaniumfix Profile implants (4 x 10 mm) in titanium were used, divided into two groups (n=20): Short Universal Link (Short) and Long Universal Link (Long). Twenty implants received the 4.5 x 4 mm Link Universal Prosthetic Abutment (Short) and twenty implants received the 4.5 x 5.5 mm Link Universal Prosthetic Abutment (Long). Using CAD/CAM technology, the zirconia crowns were machined and cemented on the prosthetic abutments. In the maximum fracture load test, the Long group presented an average of 41.1 ± 6.96 kgf, while the average of the short group was 49.5 ± 7.68, with no statistical difference between them. The specimens passed the fatigue survival test (2,000,000 cycles at a frequency of 2 Hz with a stainless steel applicator with a diameter of 1.6 mm), according to the parameters described in ISO 14801:2007 and showed no failures. Subsequently, they were submitted to the stepwise survival test, the specimens did not show differences in relation to the number of cycles to failure, however, in relation to the applied load, the Long Universal Link abutment was more resistant than the Short Universal Link abutment. The finite element analysis was performed with the parameters obtained in the stepwise test, with a load of 450 N at 30º, simulating the condition of the fatigue test. The drawings were assembled with Rhinoceros software (version 5.4.2 SR8, McNeel Noth America, Seattle, WA, USA) and processed in Ansys software (version 19.2, ANSYS Inc., Houston, TX, USA). The biomechanical behavior of the set consisting of implant, prosthetic abutment, through screw and monolithic crown was similar between the groups. It was concluded that the Link Universal abutment presented fatigue behavior favorable to clinical survival independently of it's height (AU)
Dental Implants , Cementation , Crowns , Dental Materials , InlaysABSTRACT
Aim: This study evaluated the water sorption and solubility of a light-cured resin cement, under four thicknesses and four opacities of a lithium disilicate ceramic, also considering three light-emitting diode (LED) units. Methods: A total of 288 specimens of a resin cement (AllCem Veneer Trans FGM) were prepared, 96 samples were light-cured by each of the three light curing units (Valo Ultradent / Radii-Cal SDI / Bluephase II Ivoclar Vivadent), divided into 16 experimental conditions, according to the opacities of the ceramic: High Opacity (HO), Medium Opacity (MO), Low Translucency (LT), High Translucency (HT), and thicknesses (0.3, 0.8, 1.5, and 2.0 mm) (n = 6). The specimens were weighed at three different times: Mass M1 (after making the specimens), M2 (after 7 days of storage in water), and M3 (after dissection cycle), for calculating water sorption and solubility. Results: The higher thickness of the ceramic (2.0 mm) significantly increased the values of water sorption (44.0± 4.0) and solubility (7.8±0.6), compared to lower thicknesses. Also, the ceramic of higher opacity (HO) generated the highest values of sorption and solubility when compared to the other opacities, regardless of the thickness tested (ANOVA-3 factors / Tukey's test, α = 0.05). There was no influence of light curing units. Conclusion: Higher thicknesses and opacities of the ceramic increased the water sorption and solubility of the tested light-cured resin cement
Ceramics , Cementation , Resin Cements , Light-Curing of Dental AdhesivesABSTRACT
Introducción: Las prótesis provisionales son restauraciones usadas en prótesis fijas durante un tiempo, hasta la cementación de la prótesis definitiva. Uno de los problemas que presentan este tipo de restauraciones es el cambio de color, que afecta a la estética y, en consecuencia, produce sensación de desagrado en los pacientes. Objetivo: Evaluar, para restauraciones provisionales, con y sin el pulido final de la superficie, la estabilidad del color de dos resinas al ser sumergidas en café. Métodos: Estudio experimental in vitro, realizado en el Laboratorio de Prótesis de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad Nacional del Nordeste, Corrientes-Argentina, 2019. Se comparó una resina acrílica (Duralay®) con una bisacrílica (ProtempIV 3M®) para restauraciones provisionales. Se elaboraron 40 discos de resinas a partir de moldes metálicos de 25 mm de diámetro y 2 mm de espesor. Se utilizaron 20 discos para cada tipo de resina, de ellos, 10 pulidos y 10 sin pulir. Las muestras fueron almacenadas en agua destilada en estufa a 37 °C durante 24 h para hidratarlos. Luego se procedió a la toma del color. Con posterioridad, cada grupo se sumergió en café, manteniéndolos en estufa a 37 °C durante 24 h más. Seguidamente, se realizó la segunda toma del color. Se utilizó el colorímetro Kónica Minolta®, determinando la diferencia total de color ΔE. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó ANOVA una vía y test de Tukey para identificar la diferencia entre grupos. Resultados: Se observó en el grupo de resina acrílica pulida una diferencia ΔE = 0,82 ± DS = 0,22 y de ΔE = 3,86 ± DS = 0,30 sin pulido. En el grupo de resina bisacrílica pulido se obtuvo ΔE = 4,84 ± DS = 0,25 y, para el no pulido, ΔE = 5,85 ± DS = 0,29. Conclusiones: Se comprobaron diferencias significativas en la estabilidad del color de ambas resinas. La resina bisacrílica fue la menos estable, independientemente del pulido(AU)
Introduction: Provisional prosthesis are restorations used in fixed prostheses for a while, until the definitive prosthesis is cemented. One of the problems posed by this type of restoration is the change in color, which affects esthetics and therefore creates a feeling of displeasure in patients. Objective: Evaluate, in the case of provisional restorations with and without final surface polish, the color stability of two resins when soaked in coffee. Methods: An in vitro experimental study was conducted in the Prosthesis Laboratory at the Dental School of the National University of the Northeast in Corrientes, Argentina, in the year 2019. A comparison was made of an acrylic resin (Duralay®) versus a bisacrylic resin (ProtempIV 3M®) for provisional restorations. Forty resin disks were made from metal molds 2 mm thick and 25 mm in diameter. Twenty disks were used for each type of resin, of which 10 were polished and 10 were not. The samples were stored in distilled water in a stove at 37ºC for 24 h to hydrate them. Color measurements were then taken. Next, each group was soaked in coffee and kept in the stove at 37ºC for another 24 h. A second color measurement was then taken. A Konica Minolta® colorimeter was used to determine total color difference ΔE. Statistical analysis was based on one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test was used to identify the difference between the groups. Results: In the polished acrylic resin group a difference was found of ΔE = 0.82 ± SD = 0.22, whereas in the non-polish group the difference was ΔE = 3.86 ± SD = 0.30. In the polished bisacrylic resin group the difference was ΔE = 4.84 ± SD = 0.25, whereas in the non-polish group the difference was ΔE = 5.85 ± SD = 0.29. Conclusions: Significant differences were found in the color stability of both resins. The bisacrylic resin was the least stable, regardless of polish(AU)
Humans , Prostheses and Implants , Acrylic Resins/adverse effects , Cementation/methods , Dental Polishing/methods , Prosthesis Coloring/methods , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
Introducción: Las alternativas de tratamiento de órganos dentales con gran destrucción en su estructura varían, no sólo por el material de restauración, sino también por el valor económico y estético. Dentro de las alternativas existe: corona convencional, endocorona cuyo objetivo principal es la elaboración de una restauradora que evita la colocación de postes intraconducto y endocorona con ausencia de una pared axial (EPA) que se realiza cuando una pared, mesial, distal, vestibular o palatina está ausente. Objetivo: Verificar si la endocorona EPA se comporta de igual manera que las coronas convencionales y endocoronas al medir su resistencia ante fuerzas de tracción. Material y métodos: Treinta premolares fueron tratados endodóncicamente, 10 fueron preparados para recibir una corona convencional (grupo A), 10 para endocorona (grupo B) y 10 para endocorona EPA (grupo C). Se realizaron fuerzas de tracción para obtener el valor máximo en el cual las coronas fallaron. Se realizó una prueba ANOVA para comparar los resultados. Resultados: Al someter a los tres tipos de coronas a fuerzas de tracción los resultados obtenidos fueron: 3.04 ± 0.55 MPa para la corona, 7.08 ± 1.6 MPa para la endocorona y 6.17 ± 1.12 MPa para la endocorona EPA. Conclusiones: No existió diferencia significativa entre la endocorona (7.08 MPa) y la EPA (6.17 MPa), convirtiéndose en una alternativa de tratamiento con buen pronóstico en la práctica diaria (AU)
Introduction: The alternatives of treatment of tooth with excessive wear vary not only by the restoration material but also by the economic and aesthetic value. Among the alternatives there is: conventional crown, endocrown whose main objective is the elaboration of a restorative that avoids the placement of intraconducting posts and endocrown without one axial wall (EPA) that is done when a wall; mesial, distal, vestibular or palatal is absent. Objective: To verify if the (EPA) behaves in the same way as the conventional crown and endocrown when measuring its resistance to tensile strength. Material and methods: 30 premolars were treated endodontically, ten were prepared to receive a conventional crown, 10 for endocrown and 10 for EPA. Tensile strength were performed to obtain the maximum value at which the crowns failed, an ANOVA test was performed to compare the results. Results: When the three types of crowns were subjected to tensile strength, the results obtained were; 3.04 ± 0.55 MPa for the crown, 7.08 ± 1.6 MPa for the endocrown and 6.17 ± 1.12 MPa for the EPA endocrown. Conclusions: There was no significant difference between the endocrown (7.08 MPa) and EPA endocrown (6.17 MPa) becoming an alternative treatment with good prognosis in daily practice (AU)
Humans , Tensile Strength , Tooth, Nonvital/therapy , Crowns , Prognosis , Bicuspid , Ceramics , Analysis of Variance , Cementation/methodsABSTRACT
La aparición de aparatología preadjustada ha colaborado en la efectividad de los tratamientos de ortodoncia, pero para que la expresión de esta aparatología se logre, es necesario una correcta colocación de los brackets y la permanencia de estos en boca durante todo el tratamiento. La precisión en la colocación mejora con la técnica de cementado indirecta, ya que permite el acceso a las zonas posteriores, a lugares donde se ve disminuida la visión y además disminuye la condensación de aliento y contaminación salival. Si bien esta técnica requiere tiempo extra de laboratorio, es más rápida en la etapa clínica (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Silicone Elastomers , Cementation/methods , Orthodontic Brackets , Phosphoric Acids/chemistry , Research Design , Schools, Dental , Acid Etching, Dental/instrumentation , Efficacy , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Bonding/instrumentation , Composite Resins , Models, DentalABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo in vitro foi avaliar o efeito da aplicação de agentes antioxidantes após o clareamento dentário e previamente à cimentação de laminados cerâmicos na estabilidade cromática do conjunto restaurador, assim como nas propriedades mecânicas de nanodureza (HIT), módulo de elasticidade (Eit*), grau de conversão, resistência de união e morfologia da interface adesiva. Ademais, a neutralização de peróxido de hidrogênio e a caracterização superficial do esmalte, como ângulo de contato, energia de superfície, energia livre total de interação, microscopia eletrônica de varredura e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva do substrato submetido à ação das soluções antioxidantes e do agente clareador também foram analisados. Duzentos e quarenta e dois blocos de esmalte dentário (7x8x0,6mm) foram utilizados para o processo de cimentação e distribuídos em grupos experimentais de acordo com os métodos de procedimentos (grupo não clareado, grupo clareado com Whiteness HP Maxx 35%), tipos de antioxidantes adotados (controle; ácido ascórbico 10% e α-tocoferol 10%) e períodos de cimentação (após 24 horas e 14 dias do processo de cimentação) (n = 22). Foi utilizado o sistema adesivo Tetric N Bond Universal e o cimento resinoso Variolink Esthetic LC (Ivoclar Vivadent) como agentes cimentantes. Os dados foram submetidos a testes estatísticos de normalidade e analisados por ANOVA e teste de Tukey (α = 0,05). Os dados da morfologia da interface adesiva, obtidas pela microscopia confocal a laser, foram submetidas ao teste Kappa inter-examinadores e os dados foram submetidos aos testes Kruskal-Wallis e Dunn (α = 0,05). Os resultados mostraram que, de modo geral, a utilização da solução antioxidante α-tocoferol 10% pós-clareamento no período mediato promoveu resultados satisfatórios com relação à estabilidade cromática do conjunto restaurador, assim como para as propriedades mecânicas, grau de conversão, resistência de união e morfologia da interface adesiva comparado ao grupo clareado sem associação dos agentes antioxidantes, tanto para o período mediato, quanto para o período de 14 dias (p< 0,05). A solução de αtocoferol 10% apresentou maiores valores de neutralização do peróxido de hidrogênio e maiores valores de molhabilidade do esmalte em relação aos grupos controle e ácido ascórbico (p< 0,05). A energia de superfície e energia livre total de interação do esmalte dentário foi significativamente influenciada pelo tratamento clareador (p< 0,05). Dessa forma, conclui-se que o emprego da solução antioxidante α-tocoferol 10% promoveu resultados promissores, sugerindo que o mesmo poderia ser utilizado mediatamente após o clareamento dental na cimentação de laminados cerâmicos(AU)
The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of antioxidant agents application after tooth bleaching and prior to luting of ceramic veneers on color stability of the restorative set, as well as on mechanical properties of nanohardness (HIT), elastic modulus (Eit*), degree of conversion, bond strength and morphology of the adhesive interface. Furthermore, the hydrogen peroxide neutralization and surface characterization of enamel, such as contact angle, surface energy, total free energy of interaction, scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy of the substrate submitted to the action of antioxidant solutions and bleaching agent were also analyzed. Two hundred forty two dental enamel blocks (7 x 8 x 0.6 mm) were used for the luting process and distributed into experimental groups according to the procedure methods (unbleached group, bleached group with Whiteness HP Maxx 35%), types of antioxidants adopted (control; 10% ascorbic acid and 10% α-tocopherol) and the luting periods (24 hours and 14 days after the luting process) (n = 22). Tetric N Bond Universal adhesive system and Variolink Esthetic LC resin cement (Ivoclar Vivadent) were used as luting agents. Data were submitted to statistical tests of normality and analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey tests (α = 0.05). The adhesive interface morphology data, obtained by confocal laser microscopy, were submitted to the interexaminer Kappa test and the data were submitted to Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn´s tests (α = 0.05). The results showed that, in general, the use of 10% α-tocopherol antioxidant solution after bleaching in mediate period promoted satisfactory results regarding the color stability of the restorative set, as well as for the mechanical properties, degree of conversion, shear bond strength and adhesive interface morphology compared to the bleached group without antioxidant agents association, both for the mediate and 14-day period (P < 0.05). The 10% αtocopherol solution showed higher hydrogen peroxide neutralization values and higher enamel wettability values compared to the control and ascorbic acid groups (P < 0.05). Surface energy and total free energy of interaction of tooth enamel were significantly influenced by the bleaching treatment (P < 0.05). Thus, it is concluded that the use of 10% αtocopherol antioxidant solution promoted promising results, suggesting that it could be used mediately after tooth bleaching on luting of ceramic laminates(AU)
Tooth Bleaching , Ceramics , Cementation , Antioxidants , Ascorbic Acid , Spectrometry, X-Ray Emission , Surface Properties , Oxidative Stress , Resin Cements , Tocopherols , Dental Cements , Dental Enamel , Shear Strength , Elastic Modulus , Hardness , Hydrogen PeroxideABSTRACT
En los últimos años resulta de elección la utilización de postes de fib ra en la rehabilitación de piezas endodónticamente tratadas. La adhesión entre poste, agente cementante y dentina radicular permitiría lograr una retención de la estructura dentro de las paredes del conducto. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar la resistencia adhesiva en los tercios cervical, medio y apical, entre la dentina del conducto radicular y el cemento adhesivo utilizado en la cementación de postes de fibra. Se utilizaron 30 premolares inferiores uniradiculares humanos, recientemente extraídos, se realizaron los tratamientos endodónticos, se desobturaron y realizaron las preparaciones con la fresa conformadora número 3 para la cementación de postes White Post DC especial número 3 con cemento Paracore utilizando el protocolo adhesivo del mismo sistema. Las muestras fueron incluidas en acrílico cristal, cortadas en forma perpendicular al eje mayor de la pieza con una máquina de corte y por último se procedió a medir los valores de adhesión de los postes a la superficie interna de los conductos en los tres tercios con la prueba push-out mediante una máquina de ensayo universal. Los resultados arrojaron que las resistencias (media +- DE, MPa) en los tercios cervical, medio y apical, fueron 8,74 +- 3,12, 9,38 +- 2,29 y 11,11 +- 2,95, respectivamente. En el tercio apical se registró mayor resistencia. Considerando las limitaciones de esta investigación, se puede concluir que la cementación de postes de fibra con cementos resinosos, presenta mayores valores en el tercio apical y menores en el tercio cervical del conducto radicular con técnica de Push-out (AU)
Tensile Strength , Post and Core Technique , Flexural Strength , Bicuspid , Cementation/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents , Tooth Cervix , Dental Pulp Cavity , Fibric AcidsABSTRACT
Objective: The purpose of this in vitro study is to evaluate the effect of four finish line configurations and two cement types on the fracture resistance of zirconia copings. Material and Methods: Forty yttrium tetragonal zirconia polycrystals copings were manufactured on epoxy resin dies with four preparation designs: knife edge, chamfer, deep chamfer 0.5, 1 mm and shoulder 1 mm. The copings were cemented with two cement types (glass ionomer and resin cement); (n = 5). Two strain gauges were attached on each coping before they were vertically loaded till fracture with a universal testing machine. Data were analyzed by 2-way analysis of variance ANOVA (p < .05). Fractured specimens were examined for mode of failure with digital microscope. Results: Knife edge showed the highest mean fracture resistance (987.04 ± 94.18) followed by Chamfer (883.28 ± 205.42) followed by Shoulder (828.64 ± 227.79) and finally Deep chamfer finish line (767.66 ± 207.09) with no statistically significant difference. Resin cemented copings had higher mean Fracture resistance (911.76 ± 167.95) than glass ionomer cemented copings (821.55 ± 224.24) with no statistically significant difference. Knife edge had the highest strain mean values on the buccal (374.04 ± 195.43) and lingual (235.80 ± 103.46) surface. Shoulder finish line showed the lowest mean strain values on the buccal (127.47 ± 40.32) and lingual (68.35 ± 80.68) with no statistically significant difference. Resin cemented copings had higher buccal (295.05 ± 167.92) and lingual (197.38 ± 99.85) mean strain values than glass ionomer copings (149.14 ± 60.94) and (90.27 ± 55.62) with no statistically significant difference. Conclusion: Vertical knife edge finish line is a promising alternative and either adhesive or conventional cementation can be used with zirconia copings (AU)
Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo in vitro é avaliar o efeito de quatro configurações de términos cervicais e dois tipos de cimentos na resistência à fratura de copings de zircônia. Material e Métodos: Quarenta copings de zircônia tetragonal policristalina estabilizada por ítrio foram confeccionados em matrizes de resina epóxi com quatro tipos de términos cervicais: lâmina de faca, chanfro, chanfro largo 0,5, 1 mm e ombro 1 mm. Os copings foram cimentados com dois tipos de cimento (ionômero de vidro e cimento resinoso); (n = 5). Dois extensômetros foram fixados em cada coping antes de serem carregados verticalmente até a fratura com uma máquina de teste universal. Os dados foram analisados por análise de variância ANOVA 2 fatores (p < 0,05). Os espécimes fraturados foram examinados quanto ao modo de falha com microscópio digital. Resultados: A Lâmina de faca apresentou a maior média de resistência à fratura (987,04 ± 94,18) seguida pelo Chanfro (883,28 ± 205,42), pelo Ombro (828,64 ± 227,79) e finalmente o Chanfro largo (767,66 ± 207,09), sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Os copings cimentados com cimento resinoso apresentaram maior média de resistência à fratura (911,76 ± 167,95) em relação aos copings cimentados com ionômero de vidro (821,55 ± 224,24), sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. A lâmina de faca apresentou os maiores valores médios de deformação na superfície vestibular (374,04 ± 195,43) e lingual (235,80 ± 103,46). O término em ombro apresentou os menores valores médios de deformação na superfície vestibular (127,47 ± 40,32) e lingual (68,35 ± 80,68), sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Os copings cimentados com resina apresentaram maiores valores médios de deformação na superfície vestibular (295,05 ± 167,92) e lingual (197,38 ± 99,85) do que os copings cimentados com ionômero de vidro (149,14 ± 60,94) e (90,27 ± 55,62), sem diferença estatisticamente significativa. Conclusão: O término cervical em lâmina de faca é uma alternativa promissora e a cimentação adesiva ou convencional pode ser usada na cimentação de copings de zircônia. (AU)
Prosthodontics , Zirconium , Cementation , Tooth Preparation , Flexural StrengthABSTRACT
Objetivo: É mérito deste estudo avaliar a pigmentação de cerâmicas odontológicassubmetidas a diferentes tratamentos de superfície e imersasem soluções corantes.Métodos: Foram confeccionadas 60 amostras de cerâmica, divididas em seis grupos. Os grupos G1, G2 e G3 receberam aplicação prévia de glaze, enquanto G4, G5 e G6 foram submetidos a desgastes e polimento. Os grupos foram mantidos em água destilada, açaí e café por um período de 30 dias. Foram realizadas fotografias digitais, seguidas da mensuração de cor da superfície com o programa mColorMeter, com base no sistema CIELab, antes da imersão, após 15 e 30 dias. Para avaliação quantitativa da variação de cor foi utilizada fórmula de ∆E, onde foram obtidos média e desvio padrão de cada grupo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise estatística ANOVA de dois fatores. Resultados: Após a realização da análise estatística, foram estabelecidos as médias e desvios-padrão para variância de cor (∆E) e foi constatado que não houve resultado estatisticamente significativo, em que p ≤ 0,05, para pigmentação em nenhum dos grupos de cerâmicas. Conclusão: Nesse contexto, infere-se que as substâncias café e açaí não promoveram alterações de cor significativas, bem como o glaze e o polimento mostraram-se igualmente eficientes na manutenção da estabilidade de cor das cerâmicas.
Aim: The present study sought to evaluate the pigmentation of dental ceramics submitted to different surface treatments and immersed in staining solutions. Methods: Sixty ceramic samples were manufactured and divided into six groups. Groups G1, G2, and G3 received a prior glaze application, while groups G4, G5, and G6 were submitted to wear and polishing. The groups were maintained in distilled water, açaí, and coffee for a period of 30 days. Digital photographs were taken, followed by color measurement of the surface with the mColorMeter program, based on system CIELab, before immersion, after 15 and 30 days. For quantitative evaluation of color variation, a formula from ∆E was used, where mean and standard deviation of each group were obtained. The data were submitted to ANOVA statistical analysis of two factors. Result: After the statistical analysis, the means and standard deviations for color variance (∆E) were established, and it was found that there were no statistically significant results, with p ≤ 0.05, for pigmentation in any of the groups of ceramics. Conclusion: Therefore, it can be inferred that coffee and açaí substances did not promote significant color changes. Glaze and polishing also proved equally efficient in maintaining the color stability of the ceramics.