Introducción. La infección asociada a catéter venoso central (CVC) es la principal complicación que presentan los pacientes en hemodiálisis en los que se usa este tipo de acceso. Objetivo. Estimar la incidencia de bacteriemia asociada a CVC no tunelizado, analizar la frecuencia de agentes causales y explorar factores de riesgo asociados en niños en hemodiálisis. Población y métodos. Estudio retrospectivo realizado en niños en hemodiálisis por CVC no tunelizado entre el 1 junio de 2015 y el 30 de junio de 2019. Para evaluar factores de riesgo predictores de bacteriemia asociada a CVC, se realizó regresión logística. Los factores de riesgo independiente se expresaron con odds ratio con sus respectivos intervalos de confianza del 95 %. Se consideró estadísticamente significativo un valor de p <0,05. Resultados. En este estudio se incluyeron 121 CVC no tunelizados. La incidencia de bacteriemia fue de 3,15 por 1000 días de catéter. El microorganismo aislado con mayor frecuencia fue Staphylococcus epidermidis (16 casos, 51,5 %). La infección previa del catéter fue el único factor de riesgo independiente encontrado para el desarrollo de bacteriemia asociada a CVC no tunelizado (OR: 2,84; IC95%: 1,017,96; p = 0,04). Conclusiones. El uso prolongado de los CVC no tunelizados para hemodiálisis crónica se asoció con una incidencia baja de bacteriemia. Los gérmenes grampositivos predominaron como agentes causales. La presencia de infección previa del CVC aumentó en casi 3 veces el riesgo de bacteriemia asociada a CVC en nuestra población pediátrica en hemodiálisis.
Introduction. Central venous catheter (CVC)-related infection is the main complication observed in patients undergoing hemodialysis with this type of venous access. Objective. To estimate the incidence of non-tunneled CVC-related bacteremia, analyze the frequency ofcausative agents, and explore associated risk factors in children undergoing hemodialysis. Population and methods. Retrospective study in children receiving hemodialysis via a non-tunneled CVC between June 1 st, 2015 and June 30 th, 2019. A logistic regression was carried out to assess risk factors that were predictors of CVC-related bacteremia. Independent risk factors were described as odds ratios with their corresponding 95% confidence interval (CI). A value of p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results. A total of 121 non-tunneled CVCs were included in this study. The incidence of bacteremia was 3.15 per 1000 catheter-days. The most commonly isolated microorganism was Staphylococcus epidermidis(16 cases, 51.5%). Prior catheter infection was the only independent risk factor for the development of bacteremia associated with non-tunneled CVC (OR: 2.84, 95% CI: 1.017.96, p = 0.04). Conclusions. Prolonged use of non-tunneled CVCs for chronic hemodialysis was associated with a low incidence of bacteremia. Gram-positive microorganisms prevailed among causative agents. A prior CVC infection almost trebled the risk for CVC-related bacteremia in our pediatric population receiving hemodialysis.
Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Bacteremia/etiology , Bacteremia/epidemiology , Catheter-Related Infections/etiology , Catheter-Related Infections/microbiology , Catheter-Related Infections/epidemiology , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Catheterization, Central Venous/adverse effects , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
The female infant in this case study was admitted to the hospital 4 hours after birth due to preterm birth and respiratory distress. On the third day after birth, peripherally inserted central venous catheter (PICC) catheterization was performed. On day 42, thrombus was found at the entrance of the right atrium from the inferior vena cava during a cardiac ultrasound, and it was considered to be related to PICC placement. Low-molecular-weight heparin and urokinase were given. After two weeks of treatment, ultrasonic monitoring showed thrombus shrinkage. No bleeding or pulmonary embolism occurred during the treatment. The patient discharged after improvement. This article mainly introduces a multidisciplinary team approach to diagnosis and treatment of PICC-related thrombosis in neonates.
Infant, Newborn , Infant , Humans , Female , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Premature Birth , Dyspnea , Echocardiography , Catheterization, PeripheralABSTRACT
Objetivo: relatar casos de complicação e retenção de cateter central de inserção periférica em recém-nascidos. Método: Relato de caso sobre dois casos de enovelamento e retenção de cateter central de inserção periférica em uma Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal de um hospital no Sul do Brasil, entre maio e outubro de 2022. Resultados: No primeiro caso ocorreu dificuldade na remoção do cateter logo após sua inserção, com necessidade de remoção cirúrgica. No segundo identificou-se pela radiografia o enovelamento na fossa antecubital do membro superior neonatal, sem migração da ponta para região central, apesar de apresentar refluxo sanguíneo, sendo removido por tração manual. Conclusão: a formação de novelos ou nós em cateter central de inserção periférica e retenção tratam-se de complicações raras. Estar atento a este acontecimento possibilita a construção de evidências e estratégias de prevenção e manejo adequado na prática profissional.
Objetivo: reportar casos de complicación y retención de catéter central de inserción periférica en recién nacidos internados en la Unidad de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal. Método: estudio descriptivo, del tipo relato de caso, realizado entre mayo y octubre de 2022, en un hospital en el Sur de Brasil. Resultados: se han identificado dos casos de ennegrecimiento/formación de nudo y retención de catéter central de inserción periférica. En el primer caso ocurrió dificultad en la extracción del catéter inmediatamente después de su inserción, con necesidad de extracción quirúrgica. En el segundo caso, se identificó por la radiografía el ennegrecimiento en la fosa antecubital del miembro superior neonatal, sin migración de la punta hacia la región central, a pesar de presentar reflujo sanguíneo, siendo removido por tracción manual, sin resistencia e intercorgencias. Conclusión: la formación de ovillos o nudos en catéter central de inserción periférica y retención se tratan de complicaciones raras. Estar atento a este acontecimiento posibilita la construcción de evidencias y estrategias de prevención y manejo adecuado en la práctica profesional.
Objective: to report cases of complication and retention of central peripheral insertion catheter in newborns admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Method: descriptive case report study, conducted between May and October 2022, in a hospital in southern Brazil. Results: two cases of node folding/formation and retention of central peripheral insertion catheter were identified. In the first case, there was difficulty in removing the catheter soon after its insertion, requiring surgical removal. In the second case, the folding in the antecubital fossa of the neonatal upper limb was identified by radiography, without migration from the tip to the central region, despite presenting blood reflux, being removed by manual traction, without resistance or intercurrences. Conclusion: the formation of skeins or nodes in central catheter of peripheral insertion and retention are rare complications. Being aware of this event enables the construction of evidence and prevention strategies and proper management in professional practice.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Child Health Services , InpatientsABSTRACT
Introducción. Las bacteriemias relacionadas con catéteres venosos centrales (CVC) son frecuentes en pacientes pediátricos posquirúrgicos de cardiopatías congénitas complejas internados en la unidad de cuidados intensivos pediátricos cardiovascular (UCIP-CV) y tienen alta morbimortalidad. Objetivo. Analizar la efectividad de un programa interdisciplinario para prevención de bacteriemias relacionadas con CVC en la UCIP-CV. Material y métodos. Estudio de implementación, cuasiexperimental, antes-después, sin grupo control. Período de estudio del 1 de enero de 2008 al 31 de diciembre de 2018. Población: equipo de salud de la UCIP-CV que atiende pacientes posquirúrgicos de cardiopatías complejas de un hospital. Período preintervención del 1 de enero de 2008 al 31 de diciembre de 2008; período de intervención del 1 de enero de 2009 al 1 de enero de 2018. Intervención: implementación de un programa de mejora continua. Se analizaron tasas de bacteriemias CVC/1000 días y de uso de CVC/100 días, puntaje de RACHS, razón estandarizada de infecciones (REI), riesgo relativo (RR), intervalo de confianza del 95 % (IC95%), estimando una p < 0,05 como estadísticamente significativa. La tasa de referencia se estimó como el promedio del período 2008/2009 y se comparó la tasa anual con la tasa de referencia. Resultados. La tasa de referencia de bacteriemia 2008/2009 fue 10,6/1000 días CVC para analizar la REI. El puntaje de RACHS mayor a 3 fue similar en todos los períodos analizados. Se observó una reducción de la REI estadísticamente significativa (p < 0,05) en la comparación anual. Al comparar la tasa de bacteriemia/1000 días de CVC inicial de 11,9 vs. final de 3,8, se observó una reducción significativa (RR: 0,16; IC95%: 0,07-0,35; p < 0,001). Conclusiones. El programa fue efectivo; se observó reducción progresiva y significativa de la tasa de bacteriemias relacionadas con CVC en la UCIP-CV.
Introduction. Central venous catheter (CVC)related bacteremias are common in pediatric patients following surgery for complex congenital heart disease admitted to a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit (PCICU) and have a high morbidity and mortality. Objective.To analyze the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary program for the prevention of CVC-related bacteremias in the PCICU. Material and methods. Quasi-experimental,before and after implementation study without a control group. Study period: 01-01-2008 to 1231-2018. Population: PCICU staff who care for patients following surgery for complex heart disease at a hospital. Pre-intervention period: 0101-2008 to 12-31-2008; intervention period: 01-012009 to 01-01-2018. Intervention: implementation of an ongoing improvement program. The rate of CVC-related bacteremias/1000 days and CVC use/100 days, RACHS score, standardized infection ratio (SIR), relative risk (RR), and 95% confidence interval (CI) were analyzed and a p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. The reference rate was estimated as the average for the 2008-2009 period and the annual and reference rates were compared. Results. The bacteremia reference rate for 20082009 was 10.6/1000 days of CVC to analyze the SIR. A RACHS score over 3 was similar across all studied periods. The annual comparison showed a statistically significant reduction (p < 0.05) in the SIR. The comparison between the baseline bacteremia rate/1000 days of CVC (11.9) and the final rate (3.8) showed a significant reduction (RR: 0.16; 95 % CI: 0.070.35; p < 0.001). Conclusions. The program was effective; the rate of CVC-related bacteremias in the PCICU showed a progressive, significant reduction.
Humans , Child , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Catheterization, Central Venous/adverse effects , Bacteremia/etiology , Bacteremia/prevention & control , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Cause of Death , Bacteremia/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las bacteriemias relacionadas con el uso de catéter (BRC) en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica avanzada (ERCA) representan un importante problema sanitario. Objetivos: Estimar la incidencia de BRC en pacientes con ERCA en el Hospital Ciro Redondo García, Artemisa, Cuba; y describir su relación con el tipo de acceso vascular (AV), así como la conducta médica que se adopta después del diagnóstico. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo entre mayo-octubre del 2019, en el que se incluyó el total de los pacientes (n = 78) de la unidad de hemodiálisis del hospital. Se recogió información acerca del tipo y tiempo de uso del AV. Ante un episodio sugerente de bacteriemia, se obtuvo una muestra de sangre para hemocultivo. Se informó la incidencia de BRC según los criterios de Bouza (2004). Resultados: La tasa de incidencia de BRC se estimó buena (1,18/1 000 días-catéter). Para las producidas por Staphylococcus aureus y por bacterias gramnegativas (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp. y Alcaligenes spp.) las tasas fueron excelentes: 0,44 y 0,88/1 000 días-catéter, respectivamente. Los catéteres venosos centrales se constataron como los AV predominantes. Se verificó que se impuso tratamiento empírico ante signos de probable BRC y este se modificó tras el diagnóstico etiológico específico, acompañado de la retirada del AV siempre que las condiciones clínicas lo permitieron. Conclusiones: Se mantienen en el servicio de hemodiálisis buenas prácticas clínicas para la prevención de BRC. Los agentes etiológicos demostrados obligan a mantener la indicación de tratamiento empírico con antibióticos de amplio espectro(AU)
Introduction: Catheter-related bacteremias (CRB) in patients with advanced chronic kidney diseases represent a major health problem. Objective: To estimate the incidence of CRB in patients with advanced chronic kidney diseases at Ciro Redondo García Hospital, Artemisa, Cuba; and to describe its relationship with the type of vascular access (VA), as well as the medical protocol adopted after diagnosis. Methods: A descriptive study was conducted between May and October 2019. All patients (n=78) in the hospital hemodialysis unit were included. Information about the type and duration of VA was collected. In the presence of an episode suggestive of bacteremia, a blood sample was obtained for blood culture. The incidence of CRB was informed according to Bouza´s criteria (2004). Results: The incidence rate of CRB was estimated good (1.18/1 000 1000 catheter-days). For those caused by Staphylococcus aureus and by gram-negative bacteria (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter spp., Pseudomonas spp. y Alcaligenes spp.), the rates were excellent: 0.44 and 0.88/1000 catheter -days, respectively. Central venous catheters were the predominant VAs. It was confirmed that empirical treatment was initiated in the presence of signs of a probable CRB, which was modified after specific etiological diagnosis, together with the withdrawal of the VA whenever the clinical conditions allowed it. Conclusions: Good clinical practices for the prevention of CBR are maintained at the hemodialysis service. The confirmed etiological agents make it necessary to continue with the indication of empirical treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Bacteremia/complications , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effectsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the features of catheter-related bloodstream infection (CRBSI) or central line-associated bloodstream infection (CLABSI) after peripherally inserted central catheterization (PICC) in neonates admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and the risk factors for CRBSI or CLABSI.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on the medical data of the neonates who were treated and required PICC in the NICU of the Children's Hospital, Zhejiang University School of Medicine from June 1, 2018 to May 1, 2020. The catheterization-related data were collected, including placement time, insertion site, removal time, and antimicrobial lock of PICC. The multivariate logistic regression model was used to investigate the risk factors for CRBSI or CLABSI in the neonates.@*RESULTS@#A total of 446 neonates were enrolled, with a mean gestational age of (30.8±4.0) weeks, a mean birth weight of (1 580±810) g, a median age of 9 days, and a median duration of PICC of 18 days. The incidence rates of CLABSI and CRBSI were 5.6 and 1.46 per 1 000 catheter days, respectively. Common pathogens for CLABSI caused by PICC included Staphylococcus epidermidis (n=19) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=11), and those for CRBSI caused by PICC included Klebsiella pneumoniae (n=6). The risk of CLABSI caused by PICC increased significantly with prolonged durations of PICC and antibiotic use, and the PICC-related infection probability at head and neck was significantly lower than that in the upper and low limbs (P<0.05), while the above conditions were more obvious in neonates with a birth weight of <1 500 g. The risk of CRBSI caused by PICC decreased with the increase in gestational age (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#CRBSI and CLABSI remain serious issues in NICU nosocomial infection. The identification of the risk factors for CRBSI and CLABSI provides a basis for improving the quality of clinical care and management.
Child , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Catheter-Related Infections/etiology , Catheterization, Central Venous/adverse effects , Catheterization, Peripheral/adverse effects , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sepsis/etiologyABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi relatar o uso de lock de etanol na profilaxia infecciosa de cateteres venosos de longa permanência em recém-nascidos com disfunção intestinal grave e dependentes de nutrição parenteral total e prolongada, internados em um Centro de Terapia Intensiva Neonatal (nível terciário) entre 2015 e 2020. Das 914 admissões, seis (0,65%) recém-nascidos preencheram os critérios de inclusão. A mediana da idade da passagem do cateter foi de 121,5 dias, sendo dois cateteres PowerPicc (PICC Power Sinergy™, São Paulo), um cateter Groshong (Groshong™ Central Venous Catheter BD, São Paulo) e três cateteres de silicone, todos tunelizados. O tempo de permanência apresentou mediana de 182,5 dias. Cinco pacientes apresentaram pelo menos um episódio de infecção associada ao cateter venoso central, sendo isolados agentes Gram-positivos, negativos e fungos. A mediana de dias de internação foi de 555, e a mortalidade, 33,3%. O lock de etanol não apresentou efeitos colaterais e foi relativamente eficaz na prevenção de infecções relacionadas ao cateter venoso central.
Abstract The aim of this study was to report on use of ethanol lock in long-term catheters in newborns with severe intestinal dysfunction, dependent on total and prolonged parenteral nutrition, in a Neonatal Intensive Care Center (tertiary level), between 2015 and 2020. Six infants (0.65%) out of the 914 admitted during the period met the inclusion criteria. The median age at catheter placement was 121.5 days. Two Powerpicc (PICC Power Sinergy™, São Paulo), one Groshong (Groshong™ Central Venous Catheter BD, São Paulo), and three silicone catheters were used, all tunneled, and the median dwell duration was 182.5 days. Four patients had at least one episode of infection related to the central venous catheter, and Gram-positive, Gram-negative, and fungal agents were isolated. The median length of hospital stay was 555 days and mortality was 33.3%. The ethanol lock did not cause any side effects and was relatively effective in preventing infections related to the central venous catheter.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Short Bowel Syndrome/complications , Ethanol , Catheter-Related Infections/prevention & control , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Intensive Care, Neonatal , Parenteral Nutrition, Total , Fatal Outcome , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Introducción: Al colocar el catéter venoso central en enfermos de insuficiencia renal crónica durante la hemodiálisis, la prevención es imprescindible para evitar la endocarditis infecciosa. El estafilococo dorado es un germen agresivo, que en enfermos inmunodeprimidos con fenómenos cardioembólicos pulmonares y sistémicos, ocasiona daños a funciones de órganos y sistemas. El fenómeno de fallo multiórganos es una complicación temida. Objetivo: Presentar un caso de endocarditis infecciosa agresiva, en un paciente en hemodiálisis. Caso clínico: Paciente femenina, de 31 años de edad, con diagnóstico de endocarditis infecciosa, con tratamiento oportuno, adecuado y multidisciplinario. Después de una mejoría, pasó a un deterioro marcado, falleció por fallo multiórganos, debido a septicemia y cardioembolismos múltiples. Comentarios: La resistencia de los gérmenes agresivos, se hace más frecuente. La vida de la enferma, inmunodeprimida y manipulada, se sitúa en riesgo significativo con fallo multiórganos(AU)
Introduction: When placing the central venous catheter in patients with chronic renal failure during hemodialysis, prevention is essential to avoid infective endocarditis. Staphylococcus aureus is an aggressive germ, which in immunocompromised patients with pulmonary and systemic cardioembolic phenomena, causes damage to functions of organs and systems. The phenomenon of multi-organ failure is a feared complication. Objective: To present a case of aggressive infective endocarditis in a hemodialysis patient. Clinical case: Female patient, 31 years old, with a diagnosis of infective endocarditis, with timely, adequate and multidisciplinary treatment. After an improvement, he went on to a marked deterioration, died due to multi-organ failure, due to septicemia and multiple cardioembolisms. Comment: The resistance of aggressive germs becomes more frequent. The life of the patient, immunocompromised and manipulated, is at significant risk with multi-organ failure (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Renal Dialysis/methods , Endocarditis , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Kidney Failure, Chronic/mortality , Staphylococcus aureus/pathogenicityABSTRACT
Introducción. En neonatología, más del 90 % de las trombosis venosas profundas están asociadas al uso de catéteres. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la incidencia y los factores de riesgo relacionados con trombosis venosa profunda asociada a catéteres venosos centrales.Población y métodos. Estudio observacional analítico de cohorte prospectivo. Se incluyeron todos los catéteres venosos centrales mediante un muestreo no aleatorio consecutivo. El protocolo de pesquisa incluyó la evaluación clínica diaria y ecografía doppler (7-10 días luego de su colocación y/o a las 72 h de su retiro). Seguimiento: desde la colocación al retiro del catéter, fallecimiento o contrarreferencia del paciente. Se estimó densidad de incidencia cada 1000 días/catéter con sus intervalos de confianza (IC) del 95 % y factores de riesgo mediante análisis multivariado de Cox.Resultados. Se identificó trombosis en 22/264 catéteres. La densidad de incidencia de trombosis fue del 5,33 días/catéter (IC 95 %: 3,34-8,07). La cirugía cardiovascular y el uso de catéteres distintos a los epicutáneos resultaron ser factores de riesgo independientes para trombosis [Hazard Ratio: (3,8 [IC 95 %: 1,6-9] y 2,75 [IC 95 %: 1,17-6,45]).Conclusiones. La incidencia de trombosis venosa profunda asociada a catéteres venosos centrales fue de 5,33 cada 1000 días/catéter. El antecedente de procedimientos quirúrgicos cardiovasculares y el uso de catéteres distintos a los epicutáneos se asociaron con mayor riesgo de la complicación.
Introduction. In neonatology, more than 90 % of deep vein thromboses are related to catheter use. The objective of this study was to determine the incidence and risk factors associated with central venous catheter-related deep vein thrombosis.Population and methods. Observational and analytical study conducted in a prospective cohort. All central venous catheters were included using consecutive, non-random sampling. The screening protocol included a daily clinical examination and a Doppler ultrasound (7-10 days after insertion and/or 72 h after removal). Follow-up: from catheter insertion to catheter removal, death or patient counter-referral. The incidence density rate per 1000 catheter-days was estimated with its corresponding 95 % confidence intervals (CIs), and risk factors, using Cox multivariate analysis.Results. Thrombosis was identified in 22/264 catheters. The incidence density rate of thrombosis was 5.33 catheter-days (95 % CI: 3.34-8.07). Cardiovascular surgery and and the use of central catheters others than peripherally inserted ones, were independent risk factors for thrombosis (hazard ratio: 3.8 [95 % CI: 1.6-9] and 2.75 [95 % CI: 1.17-6.45]).Conclusions. The incidence of central venous catheter-related deep vein thrombosis was 5.33 per 1000 catheter-days. A history of cardiovascular surgical procedures and and the use of central catheters others than peripherally inserted ones, were associated with a higher risk of this complication.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Venous Thrombosis , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Incidence , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , NeonatologyABSTRACT
Introdução: A lock terapia, ou terapia de bloqueio, consiste na administração e manutenção de uma solução, em concentração supra terapêutica, nos cateteres venosos centrais. Estas soluções combinam antimicrobianos altamente concentrados com um anticoagulante, sendo aplicáveis tanto para a prevenção, quanto para o tratamento da infecção relacionada ao cateter. Objetivo: Sintetizar o conhecimento sobre o uso da lock terapia na prevenção e tratamento de infecção relacionada ao cateter intravascular de inserção central. Método: Revisão integrativa da literatura, sendo a busca realizada nas seguintes bases de dados CINAHL, Cochrane Central, Embase, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, abrangendo o período de 1 janeiro de 2010 a 3 de março de 2020, sem restrições de idioma. As referências foram exportadas para o gerenciador EndNote e para o Rayyan, para a seleção dos estudos. As etapas de amostragem, categorização dos estudos, avaliação dos estudos incluídos, interpretação dos resultados e síntese do conhecimento foram realizadas por dois revisores de forma independente. Em seguida, foi realizada uma busca manual nas referências dos estudos incluídos. Os dados foram analisados de forma descritiva. Resultados: A amostra compilou 15 estudos. Seis estudos (40%) abordaram o uso da lock terapia como prevenção de infecção relacionada ao cateter venoso central, e nove artigos (60%) abordaram tal terapia como tratamento. Os artigos incluídos nessa revisão que abordaram a prevenção relatam o uso de soluções antimicrobianas não antibióticas (taurolidina (n=2), etanol (n=2), citrato trissódico (n=1) e nitroglicerina (n=1)). Dentre os nove estudos que abordaram a lock terapia como tratamento para a infecção, a maioria (n=7) utilizou soluções antibióticas, (dois estudos avaliaram a eficácia da daptomicina e os outros cinco utilizaram soluções antibióticas variadas). Os outros dois estudos utilizaram soluções antimicrobianas (ácido clorídrico e taurolidina) associadas com antibioticoterapia sistêmica. Dentre os 15 estudos, em apenas um não foi possível especificar a duração da intervenção. Dois avaliaram a eficácia da lock terapia em curta duração (de três a quatro dias) e seis avaliaram em maior duração (entre 10 e 14 dias). Cada estudo especificou uma técnica de intervenção e o tempo de permanência da solução intraluminal. Em relação ao risco de viés, foram avaliados cinco ensaios clínicos randomizados pela ferramenta da Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB 2), sendo todos de baixo risco. Dois ensaios clínicos sem randomização avaliados pela ferramenta proposta pelo Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) resultaram em risco de viés baixo. Dentre os oito estudos observacionais, a ferramenta AXIS avaliou sete como sendo de baixo risco e um como risco moderado. Conclusões: Na prevenção identificou-se o uso de antimicrobianos não antibióticos como o etanol. A taurolidina também foi utilizada em um estudo relacionado ao tratamento, em associação com antibioticoterapia sistêmica. Em três estudos sintetizados para as situações de tratamento da infecção relacionada ao cateter, o antibiótico utilizado foi a daptomicina endovenosa. Tais antibióticos sistêmicos, utilizados concomitantemente na maioria dos estudos de tratamento, foram selecionados em conformidade com o resultado da hemocultura e antibiograma
Introduction: Lock therapy, or blockade therapy, is the administration and maintenance of a solution, at a dosage higher than the therapeutic one, in central venous catheters. Blockade solutions combine highly concentrated antimicrobials with an anticoagulant. They can be applied to both prevent and treat catheter-related infections. Objective: To summarize the knowledge about use of lock therapy to prevent and treat intravascular catheter-related infections. Methods: Integrative literature review, whose search was carried out in the databases CINAHL, Cochrane Central, Embase, LILACS, PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science, considering the period from January 1, 2010 to March 3, 2020, without any languages restriction. The references were exported to EndNote and subsequently to Rayyan, so studies could be selected. Sampling, study categorization, study evaluation, interpretation of results, and synthesis of knowledge were executed by two researchers independently and blindly. A manual search was then carried out in the references of the included articles. The data were analyzed descriptively. Results: The final sample was composed of 15 studies. Six studies (40%) addressed the use of lock therapy to prevent central venous catheter-related infections and nine publications (60%) addressed this therapy as a form of treatment. The articles included in this review that addressed prevention reported use of nonantibiotic antimicrobial solutions (taurolidine (n=2), ethanol (n=2), trisodium citrate (n=1), and nitroglycerin (n=1)). Among the nine studies that evaluated lock therapy as a treatment alternative, most (n=7) described the use of antibiotic solutions (two evaluated the effects of daptomycin and five reported the application of varied antibiotic solutions). The other two articles described use of antimicrobial solutions (hydrochloric acid and taurolidine) associated with systemic antibiotic therapy. Among all 15 studies, one did not specify the intervention duration, two assessed the efficacy of lock therapy in the short term (from three to four days), and six assessed it within a longer duration (between 10 and 14 days). Each study specified an intervention technique and length of permanence of the intraluminal solution. Regarding risk of bias, five randomized clinical trials were evaluated with the tool Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB 2), which indicated all as low risk of bias. Two nonrandomized clinical trials were assessed through the tool proposed by the Joanna Briggs Institute, and resulted in low risk of bias. Among all eight observational studies, the AXIS tool evaluated seven as showing low risk of bias and one as moderate risk of bias. Conclusions: Regarding prevention, the studies reported the use of non-antibiotic antimicrobials such as ethanol. The taurolidine was also mentioned in a study describing therapeutic applications, in combination with systemic antibiotic therapy. In three studies addressing treatment of catheterrelated infections, the antibiotic used were Daptomycin. These systemic antibiotics, which were concomitantly used in most treatment studies, were chosen according to the results of blood culture with antibiogram
Catheter-Related Infections/drug therapy , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To analyze the occurrence of occlusions in peripherally inserted central venous catheters in pediatric patients in antineoplastic chemotherapy. Method Retrospective cohort, with 156 medical records of patients aged 0-19 years who underwent outpatient chemotherapy between 2013 and 2017 by this catheter, in a hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro. Descriptive and inferential statistics were applied. Results 219 catheters were registered. Occlusion occurred in 141 (64.4%) catheters; 63 (44.7%) were removed because of occlusion, either alone or associated with another factor. Total occlusion alone led to the removal of 27 (12.3%) catheters. Occlusion was associated with: catheter dwell time, cyclophosphamide, neuroblastoma, bone metastasis and number of chemotherapy sessions. Conclusion Occlusion is an important complication because it occurred in more than half of the catheters and was one of the main reasons for withdrawal. The identified risk factors may guide the care to prevent this complication.
RESUMEN Objetivo Analizar la aparición de oclusiones en catéteres centrales de inserción periférica en niños y adolescentes sometidos a quimioterapia. Método Cohorte retrospectiva, con 156 registros de pacientes de 0 a 19 años que se sometieron a quimioterapia entre 2013 y 2017, en un hospital de Río de Janeiro. Se aplicaron estadísticas descriptivas e inferenciales. Resultados Se registraron 219 catéteres. La oclusión ocurrió en 141 (64.4%) catéteres; 63 (44.7%) se eliminaron por oclusión, ya sea solo o asociado con otro factor. La oclusión total sola condujo a la extracción de 27 (12.3%) catéteres. La oclusión se asoció con la duración de la estancia del catéter, ciclofosfamida, neuroblastoma, metástasis óseas y sesiones de quimioterapia. Conclusión La oclusión es una complicación importante, ocurrió en más de la mitad de los catéteres y fue una de las principales razones para la retirada. Los factores de riesgo pueden guiar la atención para prevenir esta complicación.
RESUMO Objetivo Analisar a ocorrência de oclusões em cateteres venosos centrais de inserção periférica nos pacientes infantojuvenis em quimioterapia antineoplásica. Método Coorte retrospectivo, com 156 prontuários de pacientes de 0 a 19 anos que realizaram quimioterapia ambulatorialmente entre 2013 e 2017 por este cateter, em hospital do município do Rio de Janeiro. Aplicou-se estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados Registraram-se 219 cateteres. A oclusão ocorreu em 141 (64,4%) cateteres; 63 (44,7%) foram retirados por causa da oclusão, seja isolada ou associada a outro fator. A oclusão total isoladamente foi motivo de retirada de 27 (12,3%) cateteres. A oclusão apresentou associação com: tempo de permanência do cateter, ciclofosfamida, neuroblastoma, metástase óssea e número de sessões de quimioterapia. Conclusão A oclusão é uma complicação importante, pois ocorreu em mais da metade dos cateteres e foi um dos principais motivos de retirada. Os fatores de risco identificados podem nortear o cuidado para prevenção desta complicação.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Cohort Studies , Antineoplastic AgentsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Introduction: The increasing prevalence of chronic kidney disease has increased the demand for arteriovenous fistula (AVF) care. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between some risk factors for AVF failure (advanced age, female sex, diabetes, obesity, central venous catheter, previous fistula, and hospitalization) and having a Doppler ultrasound performed preoperatively. Methods: A prospective study was performed with 228 dialysis patients from Imperatriz, Maranhão. Half of the sample was randomly selected to receive preoperative Doppler ultrasound and the other half did not, from the period of October 2016 to September 2018. Results: There were 53 total failures corresponding to 23.2% of our sample, which is almost double that of the patients in the clinical group. Considering the failures and risk factors associated with the overall sample, there was a statistically significant association between a central venous catheter on the same side of the AVF with P = 0.04 (Odds Ratio 1.24) and obesity with P = 0.05 (Odds Ratio 1.36), which was not repeated in the Doppler ultrasound group individually. There was no statistically significant difference between the Doppler group and clinical group with respect to the amount of days of previous AVF hospitalization and failure. Conclusions: We concluded that the reduction of failures with an introduction of the Doppler was statistically significant in the overall sample, but establishing a relationship between specific risk factors and failure was only possible with two of the risk factors in the study - obesity and central venous catheter on the same side of the AVF.
RESUMO Introdução: A crescente prevalência de doença renal crônica aumentou a demanda por confecção de fístula arteriovenosa (FAV). O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a relação entre alguns fatores de risco para falha da FAV (idade avançada, sexo feminino, diabetes, obesidade, cateter venoso central, fístula prévia e hospitalização) e a realização de ultrassonografia Doppler no pré-operatório. Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 228 pacientes em diálise em Imperatriz, MA. Metade da amostra foi randomizada para receber ultrassonografia Doppler no pré-operatório. A outra metade dos pacientes não foi submetido a exame ultrassonográfico. O estudo incluiu pacientes atendidos no período de outubro de 2016 a setembro de 2018. Resultados: Houve 53 falhas (23,2%) em nossa amostra, quase o dobro do número dos pacientes no grupo clínico. Considerando as falhas e os fatores de risco associados à amostra geral, houve associação estatisticamente significativa entre catéter venoso central do mesmo lado da FAV (P = 0,04; Razão de Chances: 1,24) e obesidade (P = 0,05; Razão de Chances: 1,36), o que não foi reproduzido no grupo de ultrassonografia Doppler individualmente. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o grupo Doppler e o grupo clínico em relação à quantidade de dias de internação e falha da FAV. Conclusões: A redução de falhas com a introdução do Doppler foi estatisticamente significativa na amostra geral, mas só foi possível estabelecer uma relação entre fatores de risco específicos e falha em dois dos fatores estudados, obesidade e catéter venoso central no mesmo lado da FAV.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Arteriovenous Shunt, Surgical/instrumentation , Arteriovenous Fistula/complications , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Ultrasonography, Doppler/methods , Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapy , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Arteriovenous Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Age Factors , Ultrasonography, Doppler/statistics & numerical data , Equipment Failure/statistics & numerical data , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Kidney Failure, Chronic/epidemiology , Obesity/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Resumen El empleo de catéter venoso central en la práctica clínica ha surgido como una opción de acceso vascular en pacientes con estancias hospitalarias prolongadas por diversas patologías del nuevo espectro epidemiológico. Se le llama así a un acceso al torrente sanguíneo a nivel central, para la administración de medicamentos entre otras funciones. Existen varios tipos de catéter venoso central, dependiendo de la necesidad del paciente así se elige el indicado. Sin embargo, las infecciones por el uso de dichos instrumentos invasivos, así como otras complicaciones no infecciosas, divididas en inmediatas como lo son la punción arterial, el sangrado, neumotórax o hemotórax, arritmia, embolismo aéreo o malposición del catéter y complicaciones tardías entre estas la estenosis venosa, trombosis venosa, la migración de catéter, la perforación miocárdica o el daño nervioso plantean un nuevo reto para la medicina actual. Este artículo describe las complicaciones, el manejo respectivo de cada una y estrategias para reducir la incidencia de las mismas.
Abstract The use of central venous catheter in clinical practice has emerged as a vascular access option in patients with prolonged hospital stays due to various pathologies of the new epidemiological spectrum. This is called an access to the bloodstream at the central level for the administration of medications and among other functions. There are several types of central venous catheters, depending on the patient's need so the one chosen is chosen. However, infections due to the use of such invasive instruments, as well as other non-infectious complications divided into immediate ones such as arterial puncture, bleeding, pneumothorax or hemothorax, arrhythmia, air embolism or catheter malposition and late complications between them venous stenosis, venous thrombosis, catheter migration, myocardial perforation or nerve damage pose a new challenge for current medicine. During this article it is presented as well as the complications, the respective management of each one is described and how to reduce their incidence.
Humans , Bacteremia/complications , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Central Venous Catheters/trendsABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Invasive procedures performed by trained nephrologists can reduce delays in making a definitive vascular access, complications, number of procedures on the same patient, and costs for the Public Health System. Objective: to demonstrate that a long-term tunneled central venous catheter (LTCVC) implanted by a nephrologist is safe, effective, and associated with excellent results. Methods: A retrospective study analyzed 149 consecutively performed temporary-to-long-term tunneled central venous catheter conversions in the operating room (OR) from a dialysis facility from March 2014 to September 2017. The data collected consisted of the total procedures performed, demographic characteristics of the study population, rates of success, aborted procedure, failure, complications, and catheter survival, and costs. Results: the main causes of end stage renal disease (ESRD) were systemic arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus, 37.9% each. Patients had a high number of previous arteriovenous fistula (1.72 ± 0.84) and temporary catheter (2.87 ± 1.9) attempts until a definitive vascular access was achieved, while the preferred vascular site was right internal jugular vein (80%). Success, abortion, and failure rates were 93.3%, 2.7% and 4%, respectively, with only 5.36% of complications (minors). Overall LTCVC survival rates over 1, 3, 6, and 12 months were 93.38, 71.81, 54.36, and 30.2%, respectively, with a mean of 298 ± 280 days (median 198 days). The procedure cost was around 496 dollars. Catheter dysfunction was the main reason for catheter removal (34%). Conclusion: Our analysis shows that placement of LTCVC by a nephrologist in an OR of a dialysis center is effective, safe, and results in substantial cost savings.
Resumo Introdução: Procedimentos invasivos realizados por nefrologistas podem reduzir o número de procedimentos no mesmo paciente, complicações e atrasos na obtenção de acesso vascular definitivo, bem como proporcionar menor custo para o Sistema de Saúde. Objetivo: Demonstrar a segurança, a eficácia e os resultados dos implantes de cateteres venosos centrais de longa permanência (CLP) realizados por nefrologista sem fluoroscopia. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo que analisou 149 implantes de CLP por nefrologista no centro cirúrgico de clínica de diálise, sem auxílio de fluoroscopia, no período de março/2014 a setembro/2017. Os dados coletados consistiram em: características demográficas da população estudada, taxas de sucesso, procedimento abortado, falha no procedimento, complicações observadas, patência do cateter e custos. Resultados: Houve um elevado número de tentativas fístulas arteriovenosas (1,72 ± 0,84) e de cateter de curta permanência (2,87 ± 1,9) até a realização de um acesso vascular definitivo. O sítio vascular preferido foi a veia jugular interna direita (80%). Taxas de sucesso, procedimentos abortados e falhas foram de 93,3%, 2,7% e 4,0%, respectivamente, com apenas 5,36% de pequenas complicações. A patência dos CLP com 1, 3, 6 e 12 meses foram de 93,38%, 71,81, 54,36% e 30,2%, respectivamente, com média de 298 ± 280 dias (mediana 198 dias). Os custos dos procedimentos foram em torno de US$ 496. Disfunção foi o principal motivo da remoção do cateter (34%). Conclusão: Nossa análise mostra que o implante de CLP por nefrologista no centro cirúrgico de clínica de diálise é eficaz e seguro e está associado à redução significativa de custos.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Catheterization, Central Venous/methods , Catheters, Indwelling/economics , Catheters, Indwelling/adverse effects , Central Venous Catheters/economics , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Ambulatory Care/methods , Operating Rooms , Retrospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Renal Dialysis/methods , Treatment Outcome , Nephrologists , Kidney Failure, Chronic/therapyABSTRACT
Objective To explore the prognostic factors of central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection(CR-BSI)and provide reference for clinical practice. Methods The clinical data of 346 CR-BSI patients from February 2014 to July 2019 were retrospectively reviewed,and the prognostic factors were analyzed. Results Of the 346 CR-BSI patients,62 died,yielding a case-fatality rate of 17.92%.Univariate analysis showed that 18 factors including age(
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Carbapenem-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Hyperglycemia , Hypoproteinemia , Klebsiella Infections , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus , Mycoses , Prognosis , Pseudomonas Infections , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Sepsis/mortalityABSTRACT
Estudo descritivo retrospectivo realizado no Instituto Nacional do Câncer José Alencar Gomes da Silva, HCI-Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, (INCA-HCI-RJ), no qual foram avaliadas infecções relacionadas aos acessos venosos para tratamento oncológico, nos setores Onco-Hematológicos pediátricos. A infecção representa uma importante complicação em pacientes oncológicos em tratamento. Devido ao tratamento oncológico que envolve: procedimentos cirúrgicos muitas vezes mutilantes, tratamento com quimioterápicos que ocasionam períodos de imunossupressão e neutropenia, e tratamento radioterápico com radiação e lise celular. O uso de dispositivos venosos associados a períodos de imunossupressão pode levar a infecção da corrente sanguínea e outras complicações (por exemplo trombose). No presente estudo foram investigados aspectos clínico-epidemiológicos das infecções e da susceptibilidade antimicrobiana em amostras clínicas obtidas de processos infecciosos associados ao uso de cateteres venosos de longa permanência no tratamento oncológico em pacientes do Hospital do Câncer José de Alencar Gomes da Silva, HCI/INCA, Rio de Janeiro Brasil. Foram avaliadas: a) prevalência das espécies diversas relacionadas aos quadros infecciosos identificados nestes pacientes oncológicos; b) prevalência de casos de complicações e outras infecções invasivas relacionadas ao uso de cateteres de longa permanência; c) perfis de susceptibilidade a antimicrobianos e ocorrência de multirresistência. O desenvolvimento deste projeto de pesquisa possibilitou a observação análise e validação da evolução dos processos envolvidos nos quadros de infecções nosocomiais em pacientes oncológicos pediátricos na prevenção de complicações que envolvem todo o sistema de saúde, além de contribuir na escolha de antimicrobianos e estratégias terapêuticas mais efetivas para o tratamento de infecções em cateteres por espécies multirresistentes de Corynebacterium.
Retrospective descriptive study conducted at the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva, INCA / HCI-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (INCA-HCI-RJ). Infection represents an important complication in cancer patients. This group is more prone to infections due to the cancer treatment that involves: surgical procedures often mutilating, treatment with chemotherapy that cause periods of immunosuppression even with neutropenia, and radiotherapy treatment with radiation and cell lysis. The vascular devices associated with these periods can lead to bloodstream infection besides others complication as thrombosis. The number of reports of infections in hospitalized cancer patients increases morbidity and mortality rates. In the present study clinical and epidemiological aspects of infections were identified and antimicrobial susceptibility were investigated in clinical exams and samples from blood patients and venous catheter in children oncological patients at the José de Alencar Gomes da Silva, HCI / INCA, Rio de Janeiro Brazil. It was possible evaluate a) prevalence of various species infections in cancer patients; b) prevalence of cases of complications and other invasive infections related to the use of long-term catheters; c) antimicrobial susceptibility profiles and occurrence of multidrug resistance. The development of this research project in nosocomial infections in pediatric cancer patients was enabled analysis and validation of some process involved to prevent vascular complications that involve entire health system. In addition to contributing to the choice of antimicrobials and the most effective therapeutic strategies for the treatment of multi-resistant Corynebacterium sp.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Health Strategies , Infection Control/history , Corynebacterium/pathogenicity , Thrombosis/prevention & control , Cancer Care Facilities/legislation & jurisprudence , Immunosuppression Therapy , Infection Control/legislation & jurisprudence , Immunocompromised Host , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Central Venous Catheters/history , Hematology , Hospitals, Pediatric , Lymphoproliferative Disorders , Neoplasms/complications , Neutropenia/diagnosisABSTRACT
A terapia intravenosa é vastamente utilizada, no ambiente hospitalar para administração de medicamentos e outros componentes. Dentre os dispositivos intravasculares utilizados para estabelecer uma via intravenosa, os mais comuns são os cateteres venosos periféricos. Contudo, apesar de sua ampla utilização, existem complicações associadas e para alguns pacientes que necessitam de terapia intravenosa prolongada, existe a indicação de cateteres venosos centrais. Dentre eles o Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter ou Cateter Central de Inserção Periférica, o qual apresenta indicações específicas e, como qualquer dispositivo, não é livre de complicações, como por exemplo aquelas relacionadas à inserção tardia. Tal contexto, constituído por punções constantes das veias periféricas, pode ocasionar lesões no endotélio dos vasos, especialmente em internações prolongadas, em que há múltiplas punções venosas e uso de cateteres venosos periféricos, que vão, progressivamente, esgotando a rede venosa do paciente. Trata-se de uma coorte retrospectiva cujo objetivo foi estimar a incidência de complicações em pacientes adultos hospitalizados em uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. A análise estatística foi realizada para estimar o risco relativo e intervalos de confiança, bem como os modelos de regressão e log-binominal com efeito aleatório simples e múltiplo. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. A amostra foi composta por 57 cateteres de 44 pacientes, que apresentaram a média de idade de 50,52 anos, houve predomínio do sexo masculino (72,73%). A média total de cateteres foi de 1,3 por paciente, sendo que 89,29% dos cateteres foram indicados para antibioticoterapia. Sobre o local de inserção, 57,14% dos cateteres foram inseridos em veia jugular externa, que quando comparada aos membros superiores, apresentou diferença estatística para motivo de remoção do cateter em razão do deslocamento (p<0,01), segundo o teste exato de Fisher. No modelo bruto de regressão logística, o intervalo de tempo, transcorrido entre o início da terapia intravenosa periférica e o uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, esteve associado à presença de complicações (p=0,03), da mesma maneira que o tempo de uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter correlacionou-se ao risco de complicação (p<0,01). Concluiu-se que a incidência de complicações observadas neste estudo, relacionadas ao uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter foi elevada e identificada em 76,09% dos casos. As principais complicações foram: deslocamento, presença de sintomas flogísticos e remoção acidental. O intervalo de tempo transcorrido entre o início da terapia intravenosa periférica (em uso de acessos venosos periféricos) e o uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter esteve associado ao risco de presença de complicação. O tempo em uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter também se associou ao risco de ocorrência de complicação. Dessa forma, há a necessidade da inserção precoce do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter naqueles que possuem indicação, visto que, quanto maior o número de dias em uso de acessos venosos periféricos, maior o risco de complicação no uso do Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter.
ntravenous therapy is widely used in the hospital environment for the administration of drugs and other components. Among the intravascular devices used to establish an intravenous route, the most common are peripheral venous catheters. However, despite its widespread use, there are associated complications. Thus, for some patients who require prolonged intravenous therapy, there is an indication for central venous catheters. And among them the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, which has specific indications and, like any device, is not free of complications, such as those related to late insertion. Such a context, consisting of constant punctures of the peripheral veins, can cause lesions in the endothelium of the vessels, especially in prolonged hospitalizations, in which there are multiple venous punctures and use of peripheral venous catheters, which progressively deplete the patient's venous network. This is a retrospective cohort study whose objective was to estimate the incidence of complications in adult hospitalized patients using the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter. Statistical analysis was performed to estimate the relative risk and confidence intervals, as well as the regression and log-binominal models with simple and multiple random effects. The research complied with all ethical precepts and was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. The sample consisted of 57 catheters from 44 patients, who had a mean age of 50.52 years, with a male predominance (72.73%). The total average of catheters was 1.3 per patient, with 89.29% of the catheters being indicated for antibiotic therapy. Regarding the insertion site, 57.14% of the catheters were inserted into the external jugular vein, which, when compared to the upper limbs, showed a statistical difference for the reason for removing the catheter due to displacement (p <0.01), according to the test Fisher's exact test. In the crude logistic regression model, the time interval between the start of peripheral intravenous therapy and the use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter was associated with the presence of complications (p = 0.03), in the same way as the time of use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter correlated with the risk of complication (p <0.01). It was concluded that the incidence of complications observed in this study, related to the use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter, was high, corresponding to 76.09% of the cases. The main complications were: displacement, presence of phlogistic symptoms and accidental removal. The time interval between the beginning of peripheral intravenous therapy (using peripheral venous access) and the use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter was associated with the risk of the presence of complications. The time in use of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter was also associated with the risk of complications occurring. Such conclusions point to the need for the early insertion of the Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter in those who have indication, in order to minimize the risk of complications, since the greater the number of days in use of peripheral venous accesses, the greater the risk of complications in the use Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter.
Humans , Male , Female , Infusions, Intravenous/adverse effects , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Inpatients , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Resumo Contexto Os cateteres venosos centrais para hemodiálise (CVCH) de curta permanência (CCP) e cateteres tunelizáveis de longa permanência (CTLP) são fundamentais para a terapia hemodialítica. Entretanto, há escassa casuística nacional acerca da incidência de complicações desses dois tipos de cateteres. Objetivos Analisar as complicações e tempo de duração de CVCHs em centro de hemodiálise de hospital de ensino. Métodos Foi feito um estudo unicêntrico, longitudinal e retrospectivo de 115 pacientes consecutivos submetidos a implante de cateteres para hemodiálise (67 CCP e 48 CTLP) em um período de 2 anos, com análise de sobrevida geral, perviedade, perda do acesso e incidência de complicações. Resultados Sessenta por cento eram do sexo masculino e a média de idade foi de 62 anos. O principal sítio de punção foi a veia jugular interna direita. Hipertensão arterial sistêmica estava presente em 95% dos casos. A mediana de permanência do cateter foi de 50 dias (CCP) versus 112 dias (CTLP; p < 0,0001). Não houve diferença na sobrevida global. Infecção relacionada ao cateter apresentou maior incidência nos CCP, sendo Staphylococcus sp. o microrganismo mais encontrado. A taxa de infecção por 1.000 dias foi maior nos CCP em relação aos CTLP (16,7 eventos/1.000 dias versus 7,0 eventos/1.000 dias, respectivamente). Baixa renda foi o único fator relacionado a maior incidência de infecção. Conclusões O tempo de permanência dos CTLP foi significativamente maior que os CCP, porém ainda assim abaixo dos valores relatados na literatura e sem impacto na sobrevida global. Baixa renda foi um fator associado a infecção de cateter.
Abstract Background Short-term (ST) and long-term tunneled (LTT) central venous catheters for hemodialysis (CVCH) are critical for hemodialysis therapy. However, few studies have been conducted in Brazil to investigate the incidence of complications with these two types of catheters. Objectives To analyze complications and duration of CVCH in a hemodialysis center at a teaching hospital. Methods Single-center, longitudinal, and retrospective study of 115 consecutive patients undergoing hemodialysis catheter placement (67 ST and 48 LTT) over a 2-year period, analyzing overall survival, patency, loss of access, and incidence of complications. Results Sixty percent of the patients were male and mean age was 62 years. The most common puncture site was the right internal jugular vein. Systemic arterial hypertension was present in 95% of cases. Median catheter in-place duration was 50 days (ST) vs. 112 days (LTT; p < 0.0001). There was no difference in overall survival. Incidence of catheter-related infection was higher in ST CVCH, with Staphylococcus sp. the microorganism most often found. The infection rate per 1000 days was higher in ST than in LTT catheters (16.7 events/1000 days vs. 7.0 events/1000 days). Low income was the only factor related to higher incidence of infection. Conclusions The in-place duration of long-term catheters was significantly longer compared to short-term CVCH, but still below the values reported in the literature and without impact on overall survival. Low income was a factor associated with catheter infection.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Catheters, Indwelling/adverse effects , Renal Dialysis/instrumentation , Catheter-Related Infections , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Economic FactorsABSTRACT
Resumen Taurolidina es un antiséptico de amplio espectro usado como solución de terapia de sellado (lock therapy) en adultos y niños portadores de catéter venoso central de larga duración (CVC) para prevenir las infecciones asociadas a CVC (IACVC). No induce desarrollo de resistencia y tiene efectos adversos leves y fugaces, lo que lo convierte en una alternativa, tanto como terapia de sellado como para la profilaxis de las IACVC, en este grupo de pacientes.
Taurolidine is a broad-spectrum antiseptic used as lock therapy solution in adult and pediatric patients with long term central venous catheters (CVC) for the prevention of catheter related bloodstream infections (CRBSI). Taurolidine doesn't induce the resistant development and has only minor and brief side effects, which makes it an alternative both as a lock therapy and for the prevention of CRBSI in this group of patients.
Humans , Taurine/analogs & derivatives , Thiadiazines/administration & dosage , Catheter-Related Infections/prevention & control , Central Venous Catheters/adverse effects , Anti-Infective Agents, Local/administration & dosage , Taurine/administration & dosageABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To design and validate the content and format of a guidebook for chronic renal failure patients about the care with venous access for hemodialysis at home. Method: Methodological study, in which the steps for the guidebook design were: project planning, literature search, material content, and qualification selection. Results: After analysis of the articles, the content to be included in the guidebook was selected. The first draft of the guidebook was submitted for content and format validation, with the participation of 12 specialists. The necessary adjustments for the design of the final version were made with the help of an illustrator. Conclusion: The designed guidebook, "Hemodialysis: Care of Venous Accesses and Intercurrences at Home," consists of educational material to help hemodialysis patients with daily care with central venous catheter and arteriovenous fistula practices in case of intercurrences.
RESUMEN Objetivo: Construir y validar en contenido y apariencia un cuadernillo para el paciente renal crónico, respecto del cuidado de los accesos venosos para hemodiálisis en el domicilio. Método: Estudio metodológico. Las etapas para construir el cuadernillo fueron: elaboración del proyecto; búsqueda en la literatura; elección del contenido; y calificación del material. Resultados: Luego de analizarse los artículos encontrados, se seleccionó el contenido que integraría el cuadernillo. La primera versión del cuadernillo fue remitida a proceso de validación de contenido y apariencia, del que participaron 12 especialistas. Fueron consideradas las alteraciones necesarias con ayuda del ilustrador para confeccionar la versión final. Conclusión: El cuadernillo construido, "Hemodiálisis - Cuidado de los accesos venosos y complicaciones domiciliarias" constituye un material educativo capaz de ayudar al paciente en hemodiálisis con los cuidados diarios del catéter venoso central o fístula arteriovenosa, y en las conductas en caso de producirse complicaciones.
RESUMO Objetivo: construir e validar o conteúdo e a aparência de uma cartilha para o paciente renal crônico acerca dos cuidados com os acessos venosos para hemodiálise no domicílio. Método: estudo metodológico cujas etapas para construção da cartilha foram: elaboração do projeto, busca na literatura, escolha do conteúdo e qualificação do material. Resultados: após análise dos artigos encontrados, selecionou-se o conteúdo para compor a cartilha. A primeira versão da cartilha foi encaminhada para o processo de validação de conteúdo e aparência, com a participação de 12 especialistas. Atendeu-se às alterações necessárias, com auxílio do ilustrador, para confecção da versão final. Conclusão: a cartilha construída, Hemodiálise - Cuidados com acessos venosos e suas intercorrências no domicílio, consiste em um material educativo capaz de auxiliar o paciente em hemodiálise nos cuidados diários com o cateter venoso central ou fístula arteriovenosa e nas condutas, em casos de intercorrências.