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In. Taranto, Eliseo; Nuñez, Edgardo. Esenciales en emergencia y trauma. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.285-302.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1567457
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 37(4): 227-231, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1563273


Introducción. La arteria cerebelosa posteroinferior (ACPI) nace de la arteria vertebral en la cara anterolateral del tronco cerebral, generalmente a la altura de la oliva inferior, transcurriendo en forma rostral a través de las raíces de los nervios glosofaríngeo, vago y accesorio. El objetivo del trabajo es determinar la prevalencia del nacimiento de la arteria cerebelosa postero inferior a nivel extracraneano, la presencia de bucle caudal extracraneano y las relaciones con estructuras oseas adyacentes, en una población estudiada por angiografía de vasos supraaórticos. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, de una muestra consecutiva realizada durante un año (septiembre 2021 a agosto 2022) de todos los pacientes a los que se les realizó un cateterismo de vasos de cuello y cerebrales en Neurointervencionismo del Hospital de Alta Complejidad en Red "El Cruce", Buenos Aires, Argentina.Los estudios se realizaron en dos angiógrafos digitales en forma indistinta en incidencia perfil, con y sin digitalización de imagen, focalizadas en la unión craneo-cervical en todos los pacientes estudiados entre 18 y 80 años. Se objetivó el lugar de nacimiento de las arterias ACPI y la presencia de bucles extracraneanos por visión directa en los estudios sin y con sustracción. Se definió como bucle o loop extracraneano a la presencia de un segmento curvo de la arteria con dirección caudal que se extiende por debajo del foramen magno. Se buscó la concordancia interobservador entre 2 profesionales en forma independiente. Resultados. De los 404 procedimientos realizados en el período estudiado ingresaron 288 pacientes al estudio, de los cuales 152 fueron mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 49,2 años. Se analizaron 422 ACPI, 214 derechas y 208 izquierdas. Se observaron un total de 102 ACPI con bucles extracraneanos, representando un 24,1% del total: 49 derechos (48%) y 53 izquierdos (52%). En relación a arterias con origen extracraneal, se observaron en total 58 (13,7%) de las cuales 29 fueron derechas (50%). En 10 casos se observó en la misma arteria nacimiento y loop extracraneano (10%) y en dos casos nacimiento y loop extracraneano bilateral (3.9%). En 13 casos la arteria vertebral fue terminal en ACPI, de las cuales 5 presentaron un loop extracraneano, representando el 38,5 % de su población, siendo en su totalidad del territorio derecho. Conclusión. La prevalencia del nacimiento extracraneano de la ACPI en la población estudiada por angiografía fue de 13,7% y la prevalencia de bucle extracraneano fue del 24%. Ambos porcentajes se encuentran dentro de los resultados hallados en estudios previos, anatómicos y por imágenes: 0,7 al 20% y 9,5 al 35% respectivamente. La prevalencia de bucle extracraneano en arterias vertebrales con terminación en ACPI fue del 38,5%, siendo significativamente superior a los estudios reportados

Background. The posteroinferior cerebellar artery (PICA) arises from the vertebral artery on the anterolateral aspect of the brain stem, generally at the level of the inferior olive, running rostrally through the roots of the glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves. The objective of the work is to determine the prevalence of the origin of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery at the extracranial level, the presence of an extracranial caudal loop and the relationships with adjacent bone structures, in a population studied by angiography of supra-aortic vessels. Methods. Prospective, descriptive study of a consecutive sample carried out for one year (September 2021 to August 2022) of all patients who underwent catheterization of neck and cerebral vessels in the "Hospital de Alta Complejidad en Red El Cruce", Buenos Aires, Argentina. The studies were carried out in two digital angiographers indistinctly in profile incidence, with and without image digitization, focused on the cranio-cervical junction in all patients studied between 18 and 80 years of age. The birthplace of the ACPI arteries and the presence of extracranial loops were observed by direct vision in the studies without and with subtraction. An extracranial loop was defined as the presence of a curved segment of the artery with a caudal direction that extends below the foramen magnum. Interobserver agreement was sought between 2 professionals independently. Results. Of the 404 procedures performed in the studied period, 288 patients entered the study, of which 152 were women. The average age was 49,2 years; 422 PICA were analyzed, 214 right and 208 left. A total of 102 PICA with extracranial loops were observed, representing 24.1% of the total: 49 right (48%) and 53 left (52%). In relation to arteries with extracranial origin, a total of 58 (13.7%) were observed, of which 29 were right (50%). In 10 cases birth and extracranial loop were observed in the same artery (10%) and in two cases birth and bilateral extracranial loop (3.9%). In 13 cases the vertebral artery was terminal in PICA, of which 5 presented an extracranial loop, representing 38.5% of its population, being entirely in the right territory. Conclusions. The prevalence of extracranial origin of the PICA in the population studied by angiography was 13.7% and the prevalence of extracranial loop was 24%. Both percentages are within the results found in previous anatomical and imaging studies: 0.7 to 20% and 9.5 to 35% respectively. The prevalence of extracranial loop in vertebral arteries ending in PICA was 38.5%, being significantly higher than the reported studies

Cerebral Arteries
BioSCIENCE ; 81(2): 108-119, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1524194


Introdução: Os gliomas são tumores encefálicos e da medula espinhal que se originam nas células gliais e cuja progressão invade o tecido cerebral adjacentee e dentre eles um dos mais desafiadores são localizados no lobo cerebral da ínsula. Estas artérias irrigam estruturas nobres e sua lesão pode produzir danos sensitivos, motores e de linguagem. Objetivo: Descrever o impacto da extensão da ressecção, sobrevida global e dos resultados funcionais após a cirurgia dos gliomas insulares, quando estes tumores estejam ou não envolvidos pelas artérias lenticuloestriadas. Métodos: Revisão integrativa nas plataformas virtuais em português e inglês, buscando AND ou OR dados através dos seguintes descritores "Gliomas da ínsula, Mapeamento cerebral, Artérias lenticuloestriadas". A busca inicial foi baseada no título e/ou resumo. Decididos os trabalhos incluíveis foi realizada a leitura na íntegra dos textos. Ao total foram estudados 55 artigos. Resultados: O lobo da ínsula fica "escondido" pela sobreposição dos lobos frontal, parietal e temporal. Para alcançá-lo pode-se realizar as abordagens transsilviana ou transcortical. Ocorre que ao chegar na ínsula visualiza-se significativa ramificação constituída pelas artérias lenticuloestriadas, cuja manipulação pode determinar déficit neurológico e, ao se aprofundar no córtex insular, depara-se com outras estruturas tão importantes quanto a própria ínsula. O conhecimento anatômico das artérias lenticuloestriadas e suas relações é de fundamental importância para a ressecção de glioma insular, pois o comprometimento delas e da artéria cerebral média podem determinar a isquemia dos núcleos da base e da cápsula interna. Conclusão: O tratamento dos gliomas insulares permanece como grande desafio. Devido à sua localização e possibilidade de desenvolvimento de déficits neurológicos na manipulação cirúrgica é necessário não somente conhecer sua localização topográfica, mas também a íntima relação vascular com as artérias lenticuloestriadas. O envolvimento delas pelo tumor possui implicações na sobrevida e na preservação da função neurológica. O conhecimento detalhado da anatomia da região é fundamental para diminuir complicações que afetem grandemente a qualidade de vida dos pacientes.

Introduction: Gliomas are brain and spinal cord tumors that originate in glial cells and whose progression invades the adjacent brain tissue and among them one of the most challenging are located in the cerebral lobe of the insula. These arteries supply noble structures and their damage can cause sensory, motor and language damage. Objective: To describe the impact of the extent of resection, overall survival and functional results after surgery for insular gliomas, when these tumors are or are not involved by lenticulostriate arteries. Methods: Integrative review on virtual platforms in Portuguese and English, searching for AND or OR data using the following descriptors "Insula gliomas, Brain mapping, Lenticulostriate arteries". The initial search was based on the title and/or abstract. Once the included works were decided, the texts were read in full. In total, 55 articles were studied. Results: The insula lobe is "hidden" by the overlap of the frontal, parietal and temporal lobes. To achieve this, transsylvian or transcortical approaches can be performed. It turns out that when arriving at the insula, a significant branch made up of lenticulostriate arteries is seen, the manipulation of which can cause neurological deficits and, when going deeper into the insular cortex, one comes across other structures as important as the insula itself. Anatomical knowledge of the lenticulostriate arteries and their relationships is of fundamental importance for the resection of insular glioma, as their involvement and that of the middle cerebral artery can determine ischemia of the basal ganglia and internal capsule. Conclusion: The treatment of insular gliomas remains a major challenge. Due to its location and the possibility of developing neurological deficits during surgical manipulation, it is necessary not only to know its topographic location, but also the intimate vascular relationship with the lenticulostriate arteries. Their involvement by the tumor has implications for survival and preservation of neurological function. Detailed knowledge of the region's anatomy is essential to reduce complications that greatly affect patients' quality of life.

Cerebral Arteries , Insular Cortex
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 9(1): 1-9, Mar. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512523


The primary function of the circle of Willis is to provide collateral blood flow between the anterior and posterior arterial systems of the brain. Its configuration can vary considering its vascular structures, this being considered an anatomical variant. Our study aims to determine the prevalence of these, discriminated by sex in corpses subjected to medicolegal autopsy at the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in 2019, in Cali-Colombia. Retrospective observational descriptive study, of photographic records, inspection records and expert reports, where variables of age, sex, anatomical variants, compromised vascular structures are differentiated. Univariate and bivariate analyzes were performed. The population consisted of 194 cases, with a median age of 33 years (interquartile range between 23-45). 24.4% corresponded to the male sex. A prevalence of 25.3% of cases with non-classic polygon was observed. The most frequent anatomical variant was hypoplasia 14.9%. The vascular structure that presented the most anatomical variants was the posterior communicating artery with 17%.

La función principal del polígono de Willis es proporcionar flujo sanguíneo colateral entre los sistemas arteriales anterior y posterior del cerebro. Su configuración puede variar teniendo en cuenta sus estructuras vasculares, considerándose esto una variante anatómica. En este estudio analizamos la prevalencia de las variaciones, discriminada por sexo en cadáveres sometidos a necropsia medicolegal en el Instituto Nacional de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses en el año 2019, en Cali-Colombia. Estudio descriptivo observacional retrospectivo, de registros fotográficos, actas de inspección e informes periciales, donde se diferencia variables de edad, sexo, variantes anatómicas, estructuras vasculares comprometidas. Se realizaron análisis uni y bivariados. La población estuvo conformada por 194 casos, con una mediana de edad de 33 años (rango intercuartil entre 23-45). El 24.4% correspondieron al sexo masculino. Un 25,3% de casosse encontró un polígono no clásico. La variante anatómica más frecuente fue la hipoplasia 14.9%. La estructura vascular que más variantes anatómicas presentó fue la arteria comunicante posterior con un 17%.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Circle of Willis/pathology , Anatomic Variation , Forensic Medicine , Autopsy , Cadaver , Cerebral Arteries/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Circle of Willis/anatomy & histology , Circle of Willis/abnormalities , Sex Distribution
Int. j. morphol ; 39(5): 1453-1458, oct. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385495


RESUMEN: El círculo arterial cerebral (CAC) mencionado también como polígono de Willis es una red de anastomosis vascular situado en la base del cerebro, constituido por ramas de la arteria carótida interna (ACI) y del sistema vertebro-basilar. Este estudio evaluó la morfología de las arterias que conforman el CAC en una muestra de individuos colombianos. Previa canalización de la ACI y de la arteria vertebral (AV), se perfundió con resina poliéster (palatal 85 % y estireno 15 %) los lechos vasculares del CAC de 70 encéfalos extraídos de cadáveres a quienes se les practicó necropsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal de Bucaramanga, Colombia. La arteria comunicante anterior (ACoA) se observó en 68 encéfalos (97,1 %), con ausencia en 2 de las muestras (2,9 %); en promedio su diámetro fue de 1,91?1,04 mm y su longitud 2,21?0,97 mm respectivamente. Asimismo, se encontró hipoplasia en 6 muestras (8,4 %). La arteria comunicante posterior (ACoP) estuvo ausente en 2 de las muestras (5,7 %); su longitud fue 11,63?2,12 mm, mientras que su calibre fue de 1,21?0,58 mm, siendo ligeramente mayor en el lado derecho, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas con relación al lado de presentación (p= 0,763). Se encontró hipoplasia de la ACoP en forma bilateral en 19 de las muestras (27,1 %) y unilateral en 15 muestras (21,4 %). En 8 muestras (20 %) de 35 CAC evaluados se observó configuración fetal. La incidencia de hipoplasia de la ACoP y de configuración fetal encontrados en el presente estudio, se ubican en el segmento superior de lo reportado en la literatura. Estas expresiones morfológicas han sido consideradas como coadyuvantes en el desarrollo de accidentes cerebro-vasculares (ACV).

SUMMARY: The cerebral arterial circle (CAC), also referred to as the polygon of Willis is a network of vascular anastomoses located at the base of the brain, consisting of branches of the internal carotid artery (ICA) and the vertebrobasilar system (VBS). This study evaluated the morphology of the arteries forming the CAC in a sample of Colombian individuals. After cannulation of the ICA and the vertebral artery (VA), the vascular beds of the ACC of 70 brains extracted from cadavers at the Institute of Legal Medicine of Bucaramanga, Colombia, were perfused with polyester resin (85 % palatal and 15 % styrene). The anterior communicating artery (ACoA) was observed in 68 brains (97.1 %), with absence in 2 of the samples (2.9 %); on average its diameter was 1.91?1.04mm and its length 2.21?0.97mm respectively. Likewise, hypoplasia was found in 6 samples (8.4 %). The posterior communicating artery (ACoP) was absent in 2 of the samples (5,7 %); its length was 11.63?2.12mm, while its caliber was 1.21?0.58mm, being slightly larger on the right side, with no statistically significant differences in relation to the side of presentation (p= 0.763). Hypoplasia of the ACoP was found bilaterally in 19 of the samples (27.1 %) and unilaterally in 15 samples (21.4 %). Fetal configuration was observed in 8 samples (20 %) of 35 CACs evaluated. The incidence of ACoP hypoplasia and fetal configuration found in the present study are in the upper segment of those reported in the literature. These morphological expressions have been considered as coadjuvants in the development of cerebrovascular accidents (CVA).

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Brain/blood supply , Circle of Willis/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation , Cadaver , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology , Colombia
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878338


Objective@#Exposure to microgravity results in postflight cardiovascular deconditioning in astronauts. Vascular oxidative stress injury and mitochondrial dysfunction have been reported during this process. To elucidate the mechanism for this condition, we investigated whether mitochondrial oxidative stress regulates calcium homeostasis and vasoconstriction in hindlimb unweighted (HU) rat cerebral arteries.@*Methods@#Three-week HU was used to simulate microgravity in rats. The contractile responses to vasoconstrictors, mitochondrial fission/fusion, Ca @*Results@#An increase of cytoplasmic Ca @*Conclusion@#The present results suggest that mitochondrial oxidative stress enhances cerebral vasoconstriction by regulating calcium homeostasis during simulated microgravity.

Animals , Male , Rats , Calcium/metabolism , Cerebral Arteries , Homeostasis , Mitochondria/physiology , Myocytes, Smooth Muscle/physiology , Oxidative Stress , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Vasoconstriction/physiology , Weightlessness Simulation
J. vasc. bras ; 20: e20200242, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340181


Abstract Spontaneous dissection of the cervical and cerebral arteries is an important cause of stroke and disability in young patients. In this report, the authors present a case series of patients with spontaneous carotid, vertebral, or cerebral artery dissection who underwent digital angiography. A review of the published literature on this subject is also presented.

Resumo A dissecção espontânea das artérias cervicais e cerebrais é uma causa importante de acidente vascular cerebral e incapacidade em pacientes jovens. Neste relato, é apresentada uma série de casos de pacientes com dissecção espontânea da artéria carótida, vertebral ou cerebral submetidos à angiografia digital. Além disso, é fornecida uma revisão da literatura sobre esse assunto.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Vertebral Artery/pathology , Carotid Arteries/pathology , Cerebral Arteries/pathology , Stroke/etiology , Age Factors , Constriction, Pathologic , Stroke/physiopathology
Más Vita ; 2(4): 57-62, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1372884


El objetivo del presente ensayo es evaluar el síndrome de encefalopatía posterior reversible en el posparto en una paciente de 22 años, sin antecedentes patológicos personales, antecedentes ginecoobstetricos G(1), C(1), A(0), P(0). Antecedente quirúrgico, cesárea segmentaria de 39 semanas de gestación que es referida por presentar cuadro clínico de 24 horas posteriores a la cesárea segmentaria con dolor abdominal, vómitos y distensión abdominal por lo que es intervenida quirúrgicamente donde realizan re-lapartomias para control de daños. Es ingresada a la Unidad de terapia intensiva con apoyo ventilatorio y sin apoyo vasopresor. Se le realiza Angioresonancia evidenciándose, en secuencia s3DI MC, se identifican las arterias cerebrales anteriores, arterias cerebrales medias, arterias comunicantes posteriores, arteria comunicante anterior y el segmento P1, P2 de la arteria cerebral posterior bilateral con diámetros trayectos conservados. Sin embargo, llama la atención la disminución del diámetro de las arterias corticales de las arterias cerebrales posteriores segmento P3 bilateral. Se concluye que el conocimiento del PRES debe ser extenso y de amplia difusión, de modo que todos los actores relacionados con el cuidado de la salud materna identifiquen de forma precoz y oportuna la condición, reducir la morbimortalidad materna y las secuelas neurológicas a largo plazo(AU)

The objective of this trial is to evaluate the posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome in the postpartum in a 22-yearold patient, with no personal medical history, G (1), C (1), A (0), P (0). Surgical history, segmental cesarean section of 39 weeks of gestation that is referred for presenting a clinical picture 24 hours after segmental cesarean section with abdominal pain, vomiting and abdominal distension, for which she undergoes surgery where re-lapartomies are performed for damage control. She admitted to the intensive care unit with ventilator support and without vasopressor support. Angioresonance performed, showing, in s3DI MC sequence, the anterior cerebral arteries, middle cerebral arteries, posterior communicating arteries, anterior communicating artery and segment P1, P2 of the bilateral posterior cerebral artery with preserved trajectory diameters identified. However, the reduction in the diameter of the cortical arteries of the bilateral posterior cerebral arteries segment P3 is striking. It concluded that the knowledge of PRES should be extensive and widely disseminated, so that all actors related to maternal health care identify the condition early and in a timely manner, reduce maternal morbidity and mortality and longterm neurological sequelae(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Pregnancy Trimester, Third , Brain Diseases/congenital , Cerebral Arteries , Postpartum Period , Brain Edema , Diagnostic Imaging , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
Colomb. med ; 51(3): e204440, July-Sept. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142821


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the morphology of the distal medial striated artery, taking into account biometric variables useful for clinical and surgical management. Methods: A descriptive transversal study was performed with a sample of brains, who underwent autopsy at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences of Bucaramanga-Colombia, which were evaluated using the perfusion technique of vascular structures with polyester resin. Results: The distal medial striated artery was presented in 1.4% and 4.2% duplicated in the right and left hemispheres respectively. Agenesis was presented in 2.8% in the left hemisphere. Its origin was 44.6% of the anterior cerebral artery junction site with the anterior communicating artery and was observed in 6 cases (4.2%) presented with a common trunk with the orbitofrontal artery. The main qualitative finding was the sinuous trajectory that was observed in 57.7% on the right side and 45.1% in the left hemisphere. Also, an important alteration found at the biometric analysis was hypoplasia that could be related to the decreased blood supply to the basal nuclei. The diameter was 0.5 ± 0.2 mm and its total length was 20.3 ± 4.1 mm. Conclusions: The topographical knowledge of this structure determines the vulnerability of its morphology because it can complicate surgical procedures performed in the anterior segment of the arterial circle of the brain. Besides, the observed collateral circulation contributes to the blood supply and the perfect functionality of the subcortical nervous structures.

Resumen Objetivo: Evaluar la morfología de la arteria estriada medial distal, teniendo en cuenta variables biométricas útiles para el manejo clínico y quirúrgico. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal con una muestra de cerebros que fueron sometidos a autopsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses de Bucaramanga-Colombia, fueron evaluados mediante la técnica de perfusión de estructuras vasculares con resina de poliéster. Resultados: La arteria estriada medial distal se presentó en 1.4% y 4.2% duplicada en el hemisferio derecho e izquierdo respectivamente. Agenesia se presentó en 2.8% en el hemisferio izquierdo. Su origen fue 44.6% del sitio de unión de la arteria cerebral anterior con la arteria comunicante anterior y se observó en 6 casos (4.2%) que presentaban un tronco común con la arteria orbitofrontal. El hallazgo principal fue la trayectoria sinuosa que se observó en 57.7% en el lado derecho y 45.1% en el hemisferio izquierdo. También una alteración importante encontrada en el análisis biométrico fue la hipoplasia que podría estar relacionada con la disminución del suministro de sangre a los núcleos basales. El diámetro fue de 0.5 ±0.2 mm y su longitud total fue de 20.3 ±4.1 mm. Conclusiones: El conocimiento topográfico de esta estructura determina la vulnerabilidad de su morfología, porque puede complicar los procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados en el segmento anterior del círculo arterial del cerebro. Además, la circulación colateral observada contribuye al riego sanguíneo y al perfecto funcionamiento de las estructuras nerviosas subcorticales.

Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology , Brain/blood supply , Cadaver , Cerebral Arteries/abnormalities , Cross-Sectional Studies , Biometry , Colombia/ethnology , Anterior Cerebral Artery/anatomy & histology , Anatomic Variation
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(9): 733-737, Sept. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1143418


Paca (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus, 1766), rodent belong to the Cuniculidae family, has encouraged numerous scientific researches and for this reason could be an experimental model in both human and veterinary areas. And recently, the economic exploitation of the meat cuts, has being direct implication in its zootechnical importance. However, no anatomical descriptions regarding the vascularization of the base of the brain in this rodent has being found. Thus, the aim of the present study was to describe the arteries and the pattern of the vasculature and to compare it with the other species already established in the literature. For this, five pacas, donated by the Unesp Jaboticabal Wildlife Sector, were euthanized followed by the vascular arterial system was injected with red-stained-centrifuged latex by the common carotid artery. After craniectomy, the brains were removed and the arteries were identified and, in addition, compared with those described in other animal species. The presence of the right and left vertebral arteries, close to the medulla oblongata, was detected, originating the basilar artery, which divided into the terminal branches of the right and left basilar artery. Ventral to the optic tract there was the right internal carotid artery and the left, dividing the middle cerebral artery and left rostral and right; dorsal to the optic chiasm, the medial branch of the rostral cerebral arteries was identified. Based on the results, it is concluded that the vascularization of the paca brain base is supplied by the carotid and vertebrobasilar system.(AU)

A paca (Cuniculus paca Linnaeus 1766), roedor da família Cuniculidae, tem encorajado inúmeras pesquisas científicas, tornando-a modelo experimental tanto na área humana quanto na veterinária, além da recente exploração econômica de seus cortes cárneos, que favoreceu diretamente sua importância zootécnica. No entanto, não há até o momento, descrições anatômicas referentes à padronização da vascularização da base do encéfalo neste roedor. Assim, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi realizar tal delineamento arterial nessa região do sistema nervoso central e compará-lo com as demais espécies já estabelecidas na literatura. Para isso, foram eutanasiadas cinco pacas doadas pelo setor de Animais Silvestres da Unesp Jaboticabal, as quais foram submetidas posteriormente à injeção de látex centrifugado e corante líquido xadrez vermelho, pela artéria carótida comum. Após craniectomia e segregação do encéfalo de todos os cadáveres, realizou-se a identificação das artérias presentes na base deste órgão e, ademais, comparação destas com as descritas cientificamente em outras espécies animais. Detectou-se a presença das artérias vertebral direita e esquerda, próximas à medula oblonga, originando a artéria basilar, que se dividiu nos ramos terminais da artéria basilar direito e esquerdo. Ventral ao trato óptico verificou-se a artéria carótida interna direita e esquerda dividindo-se na artéria cerebral média e rostral direita e esquerda; ainda, dorsal ao quiasma óptico, identificou-se o ramo medial das artérias cerebrais rostrais. Com base nos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que a vascularização da base do encéfalo da paca é suprida pelo sistema carotídeo e vertebro-basilar.(AU)

Animals , Brain/blood supply , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology , Cuniculidae/anatomy & histology
Pesqui. vet. bras ; 40(6): 484-492, June 2020. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1135642


The nutria (Myocastor coypus) is a medium-sized, semi-aquatic rodent valued by the skin and meat industry. This study aimed to describe and systematize the caudal cerebral artery on the brain surface in nutria, establishing a standard model and its main variations in this species. The thirty animals used were euthanized according to animal welfare rules. The vessels were filled with latex stained with red pigment and the samples were fixed in formaldehyde. In nutria, the brain was vascularized by the vertebral basilar system. The terminal branches of the basilar artery originated the rostral cerebellar, caudal cerebral, rostral choroidal and middle cerebral arteries, and its terminal branch, the rostral cerebral artery. The terminal branch of the basilar artery projected the caudal cerebral artery, which is usually a single medium-caliber vessel, into the transverse fissure of the brain. The caudal cerebral artery was presented as a single (66.7% of the cases to the right and 76.7% to the left) and double vessel (33.3% of the cases to the right and 23.3% to the left). It originated the rostral mesencephalic artery, the proximal component, and the caudal inter-hemispheric artery. The terminal branches of the rostral and caudal tectal mesencephalic arteries formed a typical anastomotic network. The caudal inter-hemispheric artery emitted central branches, the caudal choroidal artery, hemispherical occipital arteries, rostral tectal mesencephalic branches and distal components, and anastomosed "in osculum" with the terminal branches of the rostral inter-hemispheric artery. The caudal choroidal artery anastomosed with the rostral choroidal artery, where it branched out on the thalamic mass, vascularizing all diencephalic structures and the hippocampus. The caudal cerebral artery and its terminal branches anastomosed with the terminal branches of the rostral and middle cerebral arteries in a restricted region of the caudal pole of the cerebral hemisphere. The vascularization area of the caudal cerebral artery and its central branches in the paleopallial of the piriform lobe is extremely restricted, caudomedially.(AU)

A nutria (Myocastor coypus) é um roedor semi-aquático de tamanho mediano, apreciado na indústria de peles e carne. Este trabalho tem por objetivo descrever e sistematizar a artéria cerebral caudal na superfície do cérebro em nutria, estabelecendo um modelo padrão e suas principais variações e territórios nesta espécie. Os trinta animais utilizados foram eutanasiados segundo as regras de bem-estar animal, os vasos foram preenchidos com látex, corado em vermelho e as peças foram fixadas em formoldeído. O cérebro foi vascularizado exclusivamente pelo sistema vértebro-basilar. Os ramos terminais da artéria basilar originaram as artérias cerebelar rostral, cerebral caudal, corióidea rostral, cerebral média e seu ramo terminal, a artéria cerebral rostral. O ramo terminal da artéria basilar lançou a artéria cerebral caudal, um vaso normalmente único, de médio calibre, para o interior da fissura transversa do cérebro. A artéria cerebral caudal foi um vaso único em 66,7% à direita e em 76,7% à esquerda e mostrou-se dupla em 33,3% à direita e em 23,3% à esquerda. Ela lançou a artéria tectal mesencefálica rostral, componente proximal e a artéria inter-hemisférica caudal. Os ramos terminais das artérias tectais mesencefálicas, rostral e caudal, formavam uma rede anastomótica típica. A artéria inter-hemisférica caudal lançou ramos centrais, a artéria corióidea caudal, as artérias hemisféricas occipitais, os ramos tectais mesencefálicos rostrais, componentes distais e anastomosou-se "em ósculo" com o ramo terminal da artéria inter-hemisférica rostral. A artéria corióidea caudal anastomosava-se com a artéria corióidea rostral, onde ramificavam-se sobre a massa talâmica, vascularizando todas as estruturas do diencéfalo e hipocampo. A artéria cerebral caudal com seus ramos terminais apresenta anastomoses com os ramos terminais das artérias cerebrais rostral e média em uma região restrita do pólo caudal do hemisfério cerebral. A área de vascularização da artéria cerebral caudal com seus ramos centrais no páleo-palio do lobo piriforme é extremamente restrita, caudo-medialmente ao mesmo.(AU)

Animals , Otters/anatomy & histology , Basilar Artery/anatomy & histology , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 57(4): 357-364, dic. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092732


Resumen Introducción: El síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible es una entidad clínica y radiológica caracterizada por cefalea en estallido recurrente y vasoconstricción segmental multifocal de las arterias cerebrales, acompañado o no de otros déficits neurológicos, el cual resuelve espontáneamente en uno a tres meses. Métodos: Se reporta el caso clínico de una paciente que fue diagnosticada de síndrome de vasoconstricción cerebral reversible secundario a fármacos vasoactivos. Se plantea una búsqueda bibliográfica y una puesta al día de las últimas actualizaciones en relación a esta patología. Conclusión: Al menos la mitad de los casos de este síndrome son secundarios, sobre todo postparto y/o por la exposición a sustancias vasoactivas tales como drogas ilícitas, simpaticomiméticos y serotoninérgicos. Es trascendental identificar este cuadro a fin de retirar los posibles agentes causales, o evitar las complicaciones potenciales

Introduction: Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome is a clinical-radiologic syndrome characterized by recurrent thunderclap headache, with or without other acute neurological symptoms, and diffuse segmental constriction of cerebral arteries that resolves spontaneously within 3 months. Methods: It is described a clinic case of a woman, who was diagnosed with reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome. A literature search and an update of the latest updates regarding this disease was done. Conclusion: At least half of the cases of this syndrome are secondary, especially postpartum and/or exposure to vasoactive substances such as illicit drugs, sympathomimetics and serotonergic drugs. It is crucial to identify this disorder in order to remove possible causative agents, or avoid potential complications.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Syndrome , Vasoconstriction , Illicit Drugs , Cerebral Arteries , Neurologic Manifestations
Acta méd. colomb ; 44(3): 34-38, July-Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1098024


Abstract Reversible vasoconstriction syndrome is a group of clinical-radiological alterations that are characterized by severe sudden-onset headaches and reversible multifocal narrowing of the cerebral arteries. Most patients do not present with focal neurological deficit, although it can be seen in a small group, associated with cerebral edema, stroke or seizures. It is considered to be a benign process that causes disability and death in a minority of patients. The term 'reversible vasoconstriction syndrome' has been proposed to unify a variety of clinical syndromes which are similar, but have different etiologies, and have originated various eponyms. The apparently low frequency of reversible vasoconstriction syndrome and the way it presents make it a diagnostic challenge in the emergency room, and it may go unnoticed without an adequate medical history. A case probably related to the use of isometeptene is presented. (Acta Med Colomb 2019; 44. DOI:

Resumen El síndrome de vasoconstricción reversible es un grupo de alteraciones clínico-radiológicas que se caracterizan por cefaleas intensas de inicio brusco y estrechamiento multifocal reversible de las arterias cerebrales. La mayoría de los pacientes no presentan déficit neurológico focal, aunque puede verse en un grupo reducido asociándose con edema cerebral, ataque cerebrovascular o convulsiones. Es considerado un proceso benigno, en pocos casos originan discapacidad y muerte en una minoría de pacientes. El término de síndrome de vasoconstricción reversible se ha propuesto para unificar a una variedad de síndromes clínicos similares, pero de etiología diferentes y han originados diversos epónimos. La aparente baja frecuencia del síndrome de vasoconstricción reversible y su forma de presentación hace que se convierta en un reto diagnóstico en los servicios de urgencias y puede pasar desapercibido si no se tiene una historia clínica adecuada. Presentamos un caso probablemente relacionado al uso de isometepteno. (Acta Med Colomb 2019; 44. DOI:

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Syndrome , Vasoconstriction , Brain Edema , Cerebral Arteries , Stroke , Headache
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 997-1002, Sept. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012387


La arteria estriada medial distal hace parte de la circulación encefálica, nace de la arteria cerebral anterior generalmente a nivel de la arteria comunicante anterior, aunque según distintos estudios su origen varía, siendo así difícil de determinar con exactitud. Su importancia clínica radica en la prevalencia de aneurismas encontrados en esta arteria, que posteriormente podrían causar complicaciones debido a la región que irrigan, siendo estas las secuelas somático-vitales y neuropsicológicas, además de su inadecuado abordaje quirúrgico sin prever las alteraciones que puedan ser ocasionados; a causa de lo anterior es de vital importancia que los profesionales de la salud tengan previo conocimiento de la anatomía y la prevalencia de esta arteria en la población. Se realizó un estudio observacional de tipo descriptivo en donde se analizó la arteria estriada medial distal en 70 encéfalos, piezas de los anfiteatros de Medicina de la Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A. (Bogotá), la Universidad Científica del Sur UCSUR (Lima); fijados en formol al 10 %, se realizaron mediciones morfométricas mediante calibrador digital y se tomó el registro fotográfico con una cámara Canon. Posteriormente se ejecutó el análisis estadístico mediante el programa IBM SPSS Stadistics 24. Se encontró una prevalencia del 88,6 % de al menos una arteria estriada medial distal en población colombiana y un 97,1 % de la población peruana. Se identificó un diámetro externo promedio de 0,64 mm en población colombiana y de 0,68 mm en población peruana. Se observó una longitud promedio de 2,5 cm en ambas poblaciones. Se evidenció el mayor lugar de origen en la porción A2 de la ACA con un 37,1 % de población colombiana y un 51,4 % de población peruana. Se debe conocer adecuadamente la anatomía y las correspondientes variaciones anatómicas de esta arteria para así poder realizar un adecuado abordaje neurológico y neuroquirúrgico.

The distal medial striate artery is part of the brain circulation, born from the anterior cerebral artery generally at the level of the anterior communicating artery, although according to different studies its origin varies, being thus difficult to determine with accuracy. Its clinical importance lies in the prevalence of aneurysms found in this artery, which could later cause complications due to the region they irrigate, these being the somatic-vital and neuropsychological sequelae, in addition to its inadequate surgical approach without foreseeing the alterations that may be caused; Because of the above it is of vital importance that health professionals have prior knowledge of the anatomy and prevalence of this artery in the population. An observational descriptive study was carried out in which the distal medial striated artery in 70 brain cells, pieces from the Medicine amphitheatres of the Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales U.D.C.A. (Bogotá), the Universidad Científica del Sur UCSUR (Lima); fixed in 10 % formalin, morphometric measurements were made by automatic calibrator and the photographic record was taken with a Canon camera. Subsequently, the statistical analysis was executed through the IBM SPSS Statistics program 24. A prevalence of 88.6 % of at least one distal medial striate artery was found in the Colombian population and 97.1 % of the Peruvian population. An average external diameter of 0.64 mm was identified in the Colombian population and 0.68 mm in the Peruvian population. An average length of 2.5 cm was observed in both populations. The largest place of origin was evidenced in the A2 portion of the ACA with 37.1 % of the Colombian population and 51.4 % of the Peruvian population. The anatomy and the corresponding anatomical variations of this artery must be adequately known to be able to perform an adequate neurological and neurosurgical approach.

Humans , Brain/blood supply , Anterior Cerebral Artery/anatomy & histology , Peru , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia
Int. j. morphol ; 37(3): 1095-1100, Sept. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1012402


This study investigated the anatomy of the arteries of the brain, including the arterial circle of the brain, its branches and junctions, in five camel (Camelus dromedarius, Linnaeus 1758) following intravascular injection of colored latex via common carotid artery. The course and distribution of the arterial supply to the brain was described and morphological analysis was made. The basilar artery contributed to the blood supply of the brain in the camel in contrast to the situation in other Artiodactyla order.

En presente estudio se analizó la anatomía de las arterias del encéfalo en cinco camellos (Camelus dromedarius, Linnaeus 1758). Después de administrar una inyección intravascular de látex coloreado en la arteria carótida común se estudiaron las arterias incluyendo al círculo arterial del cerebro, sus ramas y uniones. Fueron descritos en detalle el curso y la distribución del suministro arterial al encéfalo y se realizó un análisis morfológico. La arteria basilar contribuyó al suministro de sangre del encéfalo del camello, diferenciando este aspecto en otras especies de Artiodactyla.

Animals , Brain/blood supply , Camelus/anatomy & histology , Circle of Willis/anatomy & histology , Cerebral Arteries/anatomy & histology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785633


OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze intracranial vessels using brain computed tomography angiography (CTA) and scoring systems to diagnose brain death and predict poor neurologic outcomes of postcardiac arrest patients.METHODS: Initial brain CTA images of postcardiac arrest patients were analyzed using scoring systems to determine a lack of opacification and diagnose brain death. The primary outcome was poor neurologic outcome, which was defined as cerebral performance category score 3 to 5. The frequency, sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and area under receiver operating characteristic curve for the lack of opacification of each vessel and for each scoring system used to predict poor neurologic outcomes were determined.RESULTS: Patients with poor neurologic outcomes lacked opacification of the intracranial vessels, most commonly in the vein of Galen, both internal cerebral veins, and the mid cerebral artery (M4). The 7-score results (P=0.04) and 10-score results were significantly different (P=0.04) between outcome groups, with an area under receiver operating characteristic of 0.61 (range, 0.48 to 0.72). The lack of opacification of each intracranial vessel and all scoring systems exhibited high specificity (100%) and positive predictive values (100%) for predicting poor neurologic outcomes.CONCLUSION: Lack of opacification of vessels on brain CTA exhibited high specificity for predicting poor neurologic outcomes of patients after cardiac arrest.

Humans , Angiography , Brain Death , Brain , Cerebral Arteries , Cerebral Veins , Heart Arrest , Hypothermia , ROC Curve , Sensitivity and Specificity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785919


BACKGROUND: Achondroplasia is one of the most common types of dwarfism and is inherited as an autosomal dominant disease. The patients with achondroplasia suffer from various complications such as craniofacial, central nervous system, spinal, respiratory and cardiac anomalies.CASE DESCRIPTION: We report a case of a 35-year-old man with achondroplasia who visited the emergency room with right hemiplegia and aphasia within 6 hours after onset. An Initial CT angiography showed the total occlusion of a left internal cerebral artery due to the thrombus. We treated the patient with endovascular thrombectomy using “Solumbra technique” with balloon guiding catheter. The procedure was successful and result was completely recanalized with Thrombolysis in Cerebral Infarction (TICI) scale 3 and the weakness also improved from grade II to grade IV.CONCLUSION: Acute ischemic stroke patients with achondroplasia could be treated with mechanical thrombectomy.

Adult , Humans , Achondroplasia , Angiography , Aphasia , Catheters , Central Nervous System , Cerebral Arteries , Cerebral Infarction , Dwarfism , Emergency Service, Hospital , Hemiplegia , Stroke , Thrombectomy , Thrombosis
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-719301


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We investigated whether the intracranial arterial calcification status reflects the overall cerebral atherosclerosis burden. METHODS: Patients with acute cerebral infarction who were admitted to a single university hospital stroke center and underwent brain computed tomography angiography (CTA) between May 2011 and December 2015 were included. We reviewed their demographic, clinical, and imaging data. Cerebral artery calcification was assessed from the cavernous portion of both internal carotid arteries, and patients were categorized into three groups according to the calcification status. The cerebral atherosclerosis score was calculated as the sum of the degree of stenosis of the major intracranial and extracranial arteries on brain CTA. RESULTS: In total, 1,161 patients were included (age=67±13 years, mean±standard deviation), of which 517 were female. Intracranial arterial calcification and atherosclerosis were detected in 921 patients. The cerebral atherosclerosis score tended to increase with the calcification status (no calcification=2.0±3.0, mild=3.8±3.8, severe=6.5±4.8; p < 0.001 in analysis of variance followed by the Bonferroni test). Multivariable logistic regression analysis including age, sex, vascular risk factors, body mass index, estimated glomerular filtration rate, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, and calcification status showed that intracranial calcification was independently associated with an advanced cerebral atherosclerosis burden in a dose-dependent manner (compared to no calcification: odds ratio=2.0 and 95% confidence interval=1.1–3.4 for mild calcification, and odds ratio=4.7 and 95% confidence interval=2.7–8.3 for severe calcification). CONCLUSIONS: This study found that the calcification status of the cavernous portion of an internal carotid artery can reflect the overall cerebral atherosclerosis burden.

Female , Humans , Angiography , Arteries , Atherosclerosis , Body Mass Index , Brain , C-Reactive Protein , Carotid Artery, Internal , Cerebral Arteries , Cerebral Infarction , Constriction, Pathologic , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Intracranial Arteriosclerosis , Logistic Models , Risk Factors , Stroke , Vascular Calcification