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Mali méd. (En ligne) ; 39(1): 23-29, 2024.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1554209


Objectifs : étudier les facteurs de risque de mortalité des enfants malnutris aigus sévères (MAS) dans les 72 premières heures d'hospitalisation. Méthode : Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective sur des données d'enfants MAS de 0-59 mois, hospitalisés du 1er juin 2016 au 31 mai 2019 au CHUSourô Sanou (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso. Une régression logistiquea été réalisée pour déterminer les facteurs de risque de décès. Les variables avec un odds ratio (OR) >1, et p 3s [OR :3.55, 95%IC: 1.50-8.27], le sepsis [OR : 3.39, 95%IC: 1.33-8.50], étaient les facteurs de risque prédictifs de mortalité. Conclusion : Une formation et supervision continue du personnel soignant sur la prise en charge des urgences pédiatriques, l'utilisation du protocole OMS de prise en charge de la MAS, la disponibilité de kits d'urgence pourraient améliorer la prise en charge des MAS. Mots clés : Mortalité, précoce, MAS, BoboDioulasso

Objectives: to study risk factors for mortality in SAM children within the first 72 hours of hospitalization. Methods: We conducted a retrospective study on data from 0-59-month-old SAM children hospitalized from June 1th, 2016, to May 31th, 2019, at CHUSourô Sanou of Bobo-Dioulasso. A logistic regression was performed to determine risk factors for death. Variables with odds ratio (OR) > 1, and p 3seconds [OR :3.55, 95%IC: 1.50-8.27], sepsis[OR :3.39, 95%IC: 1.33-8.50]were the risk factors predictive of mortality. Conclusion: Training and ongoing supervision of healthcare staff in the management of paediatric emergencies, the use of the WHO SAM management protocol and the availability of emergency kits could improve SAM management

Child Nutrition Disorders , Delivery of Health Care , Malnutrition , Severe Acute Malnutrition
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 24: e20230016, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558992


Abstract Objectives: to describe the prevalence of malnutrition (underweight, low height, and overweight) in children aged six to 59 months and its spatial distribution in the city of Beira, Mozambique. Methods: an exploratory cross-sectional study was conducted between October and November 2019, involving 407 children aged six to 59 months. The sample size calculation was based on the prevalence of height-for-age deficit. Anthropometric data were analyzed using Anthro version and the prevalence of malnutrition was presented through thematic maps generated in Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS). Results: the main findings revealed a prevalence of 27.0% for low height/age, 7.9% for underweight/height, and 4.7% for overweight. Conclusions: the spatial distribution highlighted that both urban and peri-urban areas of the city showed similar prevalence rates for the three forms of malnutrition. The prevalence of malnutrition in Beira is high, with deficit height/age being the most significant expression, while overweight is diffusely distributed.

Resumo Objetivos: descrever a prevalência da má nutrição (baixo peso, baixa estatura e excesso de peso) em crianças de seis a 59 meses e sua distribuição espacial na cidade de Beira, Moçambique. Métodos: estudo transversal exploratório, realizado entre outubro e novembro de 2019, incluindo 407 crianças de seis a 59 meses. O cálculo da amostra foi baseado na prevalência do déficit estatura/idade. Os dados antropométricos foram analisados no Anthro e a prevalência de má nutrição apresentada por meio de mapas temáticos no Quantum Geographic Information System (QGIS). Resultados: os principais resultados mostram uma prevalência de 27,0% de baixa estatura/idade, 7,9% de baixo peso/estatura e 4,7% de excesso de peso. Conclusões: a distribuição espacial evidenciou que as áreas urbanas e periurbanas da cidade apresentavam prevalências similares das três formas de má nutrição. A prevalência da má nutrição em Beira é alta, embora o déficit estatura/idade seja a sua maior expressão, estando o excesso de peso difusamente distribuído.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Body Weights and Measures , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Infant Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Malnutrition/epidemiology , Stature by Age , Overweight , Mozambique
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 136(4): 8-10, dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1553060


La pobreza y el hambre son elementos significativos para la prevalencia de las enfermedades emergentes, además de la ignorancia, la indigencia, las falencias sanitarias y los cambios ambientales debidos al calentamiento global. La desnutrición es consecuencia de la pobreza y ésta es causa de desnutrición. Los niños que viven en condiciones de mayor vulnerabilidad tienen un riesgo alto de morir por diarrea, neumonía y enfermedades emergentes. La mayoría son desnutridos. Su futuro en la adultez guarda relación con la desnutrición en la infancia. En el mundo 820 millones de niños padecen hambre y mueren anualmente 3 millones de menores de 5 años, según datos del Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia. En Argentina, según datos del segundo semestre de 2022, un 39,2% de la población es pobre (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos). El 15,5% de niños y adolescentes padecen inseguridad alimentaria y 2 millones de niños padecen hambre (Médicos sin Fronteras). La tasa de mortalidad infantil en menores de 5 años tiene una prevalencia del 0,4%. Los cambios climáticos ejercen influencia sobre la salud, produciendo cambios en la epidemiologia de las enfermedades emergentes, mientras que la insuficiente alimentación ocasiona efectos negativos sobre la salud. El calentamiento global aumenta las inundaciones y las sequías, incidiendo en la escasez de alimentos e incrementando las enfermedades emergentes. La situación debe ser revertida mediante el desarrollo sostenido de la educación, el bienestar social y los proyectos sanitarios. (AU)

Poverty and hunger are significant elements for the prevalence of emerging diseases, in addition to ignorance, indigence, sanitary deficiencies and environmental changes due to global warming. Malnutrition is a consequence of poverty and poverty is a cause of malnutrition. Children living in more vulnerable conditions are at greater risk of dying from diarrhea, pneumonia and emerging diseases. Most are malnourished. Their future in adulthood is related to malnutrition in childhood. Worldwide, 820 million children suffer from hunger and 3 million children under 5 die annually (United Nations Children's Fund). In Argentina, according to data from the second half of 2022, 39.2% of the population is poor (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos). 15.5% of children and adolescents are food insecure and 2 million children are hungry (Médecins Sans Frontières). The infant mortality rate in children under 5 years of age has a prevalence of 0.4%. Climate change influences health, producing changes in the epidemiology of emerging diseases, while insufficient food has negative effects on health. Global warming increases floods and droughts, leading to food shortages and increasing emerging diseases. The situation must be reversed through sustained development of education, social welfare and health projects. (AU)

Humans , Poverty , Climate Change , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Communicable Diseases, Emerging/epidemiology , Argentina , Sanitation , Prevalence , Hunger
Actual. nutr ; 24(2): 118-129, abr 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, ARGMSAL, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1511323


La desnutrición secundaria a enfermedad afecta no solo el crecimiento y desarrollo del niño, sino que impacta sobre el pronóstico y la sobrevida. Estos efectos son más graves y dejan secuelas permanentes si la desnutrición afecta el primer año de vida. La definición de esta entidad fue revisada recientemente por asociaciones científicas para identificar mejor a los pacientes, comprender la fisiopatología de la desnutrición y sumar herramientas de diagnóstico y abordaje. El objetivo de la presente revisión es describir aspectos específicos de la desnutrición secundaria a enfermedad y ofrecer pautas para un adecuado diagnóstico, interpretación de su fisiopatología y abordaje de niños pequeños en la práctica clínica pediátrica

Disease-associated undernutrition affects not only the child's growth and development, but also has impact on prognosis and survival. These effects are more severe and produce permanent sequelae if undernutrition affects the first year of life. The definition of this entity has recently been revised by scientific associations to better identify patients, understand the pathophysiology of undernutrition and add diagnostic and management tools. The objective of this review is to describe specific aspects of disease-associated undernutrition secondary to disease and offer guidelines for an adequate diagnosis, interpretation of its pathophysiology, and management of children in clinical practice

Child Nutrition Disorders , Anthropometry , Pediatrics , Growth
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília; 10 mar. 2023. 21 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1435173


Contexto O Ministério da Saúde, por meio da Portaria GM/MS nº 28, de 20 de janeiro de 2023, declarou a Emergência em Saúde Pública de Importância Nacional (ESPIN) em decorrência de desassistência à população Yanomami. Desde então, entre 19 crianças indígenas de seis meses e cinco anos de idade com desnutrição grave que foram atendidas pela Casa de Apoio à Saúde Indígena (Casai) de Boa Vista/RR, 15 (78%) ganharam peso e estão evoluindo de quadros graves para moderados de desnutrição, a partir dos protocolos e diretrizes do Ministério da Saúde. No Brasil, a recomendação do Ministério da Saúde para o tratamento da desnutrição grave inclui esquemas para alimentação utilizando preparado alimentar inicial ­ F-75 (75 kcal e 0,9g de proteína/100ml) e o preparado alimentar para crescimento rápido - F-100 (100 kcal e 2,9g de proteína/100ml). O guia de prática clínica (GPC) da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) refere que a maioria das crianças de seis meses ou mais com desnutrição aguda grave, sem complicações médicas, pode ser tratada com segurança por meio de alimentos terapêuticos prontos para uso (Ready-to-use-therapeutic-food - RUTF), sem necessidade de internação em unidade de saúde. Pergunta Qual é a segurança e eficácia de RUTF, no curto e longo prazo, para o tratamento de crianças menores de cinco anos com desnutrição grave? Métodos Após realização de protocolo de pesquisa, cinco bases da literatura eletrônica foram acessadas em março de 2023 para identificar estudos que pudessem oferecer resposta à pergunta de investigação. Utilizando atalhos de revisão rápida, foram realizados os processos de seleção de estudos, extração de dados e avaliação da qualidade metodológica das RS incluídas com a ferramenta AMSTAR 2. Resultados Duas revisões sistemáticas (RS) foram incluídas, sendo avaliadas como de confiança baixa e moderada. Uma RS realizou metanálises, indicando que não houve diferença entre os grupos RUTF e F-100 para ganho de peso e mortalidade. A maioria dos estudos primários, 3 de 5 ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECR) citados nas RS mostram que não houve diferença entre os grupos RUTF e F-100 quanto à altura, circunferência do braço e desnutrição aguda. Dois estudos primários incluídos nas RS indicam que o tratamento com RUFT apresenta os seguintes resultados positivos: maior probabilidade de atingir o escore Z de peso para altura; menor probabilidade de recaída e de recidiva; melhora no ganho de peso e redução do tempo de recuperação. Ressalta-se que um destes ECR apresenta conflito de interesses. Nenhuma RS analisou desfechos acerca da segurança do uso de RUTF. Dois GPC da Organização Mundial da Saúde foram selecionados mediante busca manual. Um GPC recomenda que o RUTF pode ser utilizado para crianças com desnutrição aguda grave que apresentam diarreia aguda ou persistente da mesma forma que crianças sem diarreia, quer sejam tratadas como pacientes internados ou ambulatoriais. O outro GPC recomenda que para tratamento ambulatorial de crianças com desnutrição aguda grave seja utilizado o RUTF padrão (com pelo menos 50% de proteína proveniente de laticínios). Considerações finais Esta revisão rápida aponta que há poucos estudos sobre o tema. As evidências são insuficientes para afirmar quais intervenções (RUTF ou F-100) são mais eficazes. As recomendações dos GPC também são baseadas em evidências escassas. Portanto, não há evidências que sustentem o uso do RUTF em detrimento da F-100, pois não há comprovação de maior eficácia e nenhum estudo abordou a segurança a longo prazo do uso de RUTF.

Context: The Ministry of Health, through Ordinance GM/MS No. 28, of January 20, 2023, declared a Public Health Emergency of National Importance (ESPIN) due to lack of assistance to the Yanomami population. Since then, among 19 indigenous children aged between six months and five years old with severe malnutrition who were assisted by the Casa de Apoio à Saúde Indígena (Casai) in Boa Vista/RR, 15 (78%) have gained weight and are evolving from serious conditions. for moderate malnutrition, based on the protocols and guidelines of the Ministry of Health. In Brazil, the recommendation of the Ministry of Health for the treatment of severe malnutrition includes feeding schemes using initial food preparation - F-75 (75 kcal and 0.9g of protein/100ml) and food preparation for rapid growth - F-100 (100 kcal and 2.9g of protein/100ml). The clinical practice guide (CPG) of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that most children aged six months or more with severe acute malnutrition, without medical complications, can be safely treated with ready-to-use therapeutic foods ( Ready-to-use-therapeutic-food - RUTF), without the need for hospitalization in a health unit. Question: What is the safety and efficacy of RUTF, in the short and long term, for the treatment of children under five with severe malnutrition? Methods: After carrying out a research protocol, five electronic literature databases were accessed in March 2023 to identify studies that could answer the research question. Using rapid review shortcuts, the processes of study selection, data extraction and methodological quality assessment of the SR included with the AMSTAR 2 tool were carried out. Results: Two systematic reviews (SR) were included, being assessed as having low and moderate confidence. An SR performed meta-analyses, indicating that there was no difference between the RUTF and F-100 groups for weight gain and mortality. Most of the primary studies, 3 out of 5 randomized clinical trials (RCTs) cited in the SR show that there was no difference between the RUTF and F-100 groups in terms of height, arm circumference and acute malnutrition. Two primary studies included in the SR indicate that treatment with RUFT has the following positive outcomes: increased likelihood of achieving weight-for-height Z-score; lower probability of relapse and recurrence; improvement in weight gain and reduced recovery time. It should be noted that one of these RCTs has a conflict of interest. No SR analyzed outcomes regarding the safety of using RUTF. Two World Health Organization CPGs were selected by manual search. A CPG recommends that RUTF can be used for children with severe acute malnutrition who have acute or persistent diarrhea in the same way as children without diarrhea, whether they are treated as inpatients or outpatients. The other CPG recommends that standard RUTF be used for outpatient treatment of children with severe acute malnutrition (with at least 50% protein from dairy products). Final considerations: This quick review points out that there are few studies on the subject. There is insufficient evidence to state which interventions (RUTF or F-100) are most effective. The CPGs recommendations are also based on sparse evidence. Therefore, there is no evidence to support the use of RUTF over F-100, as there is no evidence of greater efficacy and no study has addressed the long-term safety of using RUTF.

Severe Acute Malnutrition , Child Nutrition Disorders , Food, Formulated , Review
Rev. Nutr. (Online) ; 36: e220107, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441043


ABSTRACT This systematic scoping review aimed to map and characterize the scientific production of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions that align with the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The literature search was conducted using six electronic databases (PubMed, EMBASE, Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus, and Web of Science), with no restrictions on the year of publication nor language. Through the search strategy, 10,061 records were identified, of which 502 documents and 654 researchers were selected by Food and Nutrition Security specialists along three axes: 1) Policy governance; 2) Access to food; 3) Availability of food. Institutional researchers from Mozambique (66.9%), Guinea-Bissau (15.9%), and Angola (11.4%) presented the most publications and international collaborations. Researchers from Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, and Equatorial Guinea institutions added only 5.8% of the total production. A greater number of publications (61%) was related to axis two of the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries. The most studied themes were sustainable development, child malnutrition, and agricultural production for the first, second, and third axis, respectively. In general, scientific publications have shown limitations in their approaches due to the challenge imposed by the complexity of the food system. However, there has been a quantitative evolution in publications in the last decade, with a greater participation of researchers from Portuguese-speaking African institutions.

RESUMO Esta revisão sistemática de escopo teve como objetivo mapear e caracterizar a produção científica de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa que se alinham com a Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. A busca das literaturas foi realizada em seis bases de dados eletrônicas (PubMed, EMBASE, Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde, Scientific Electronic Library Online, Scopus e Web of Science), sem restrição quanto ao ano de publicação e ao idioma. Por meio da estratégia de busca, foram identificados 10.061 registros, dos quais 502 documentos e 654 pesquisadores foram selecionados por especialistas em Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em três eixos: 1) Governança de políticas; 2) Acesso à alimentação; 3) Disponibilidade de alimentos. Pesquisadores de intuições de Moçambique (66,9%), Guiné-Bissau (15,9%) e Angola (11,4%) foram os que apresentaram o maior número de publicações e colaborações internacionais. No entanto, os pesquisadores das instituições de Cabo Verde, São Tomé e Príncipe e Guiné Equatorial somaram apenas 5,8% da produção total. Foi observado maior número de publicações (61%) relacionadas com o eixo dois da Estratégia de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa. As temáticas mais estudadas foram desenvolvimento sustentável, desnutrição infantil e produção agrícola para o primeiro, segundo e terceiro eixo, respectivamente. De forma geral, as publicações científicas mostraram limitações em suas abordagens frente ao desafio imposto pela complexidade do sistema alimentar. Todavia, foi houve uma evolução quantitativa nas publicações na última década; além disso, maior participação de pesquisadores de instituições africanas de língua portuguesa pode ser vislumbrada.

Research Personnel , Authorship in Scientific Publications , Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries , Child Nutrition Disorders , Crop Production , Sustainable Development , Food Supply
Saúde Soc ; 32(supl.1): e220923pt, 2023.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530435


Resumo A promoção e garantia do Direito Humano à Alimentação Adequada (DHAA) é ponto central do combate à fome e à desnutrição infantil no Brasil, agravada pela situação da pobreza extrema, permitindo um aumento da expectativa de vida. O Índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH) foi criado por Amartya Sen para transformar a ideia reducionista do desenvolvimento econômico, a fim de ampliar a concepção de progresso humano a partir da expansão das capacidades e das liberdades no capitalismo. O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar as condições de pobreza, fome e desnutrição infantil à promoção da alimentação saudável, a partir do conceito de desenvolvimento como liberdade descrito na obra de Amartya Sen. A saúde e o desenvolvimento humano interligam-se e, quando analisados pela situação da extrema pobreza, intensificam os seus efeitos restritivos ao acesso à alimentação saudável. Urge a compreensão de que as políticas públicas precisam atuar em sinergia entre as áreas de saúde, alimentação, educação, renda, entre outros, considerando a intersetorialidade da segurança alimentar e nutricional.

Abstract Ensuring the Human Right to Adequate Food (HRAF) is a key point in the fight against hunger and child malnutrition in Brazil, aggravated by the context of extreme poverty, allowing an increase in life expectancy. The Human Development Index (HDI) was created by Amartya Sen to transform the reductionist idea of economic development to broaden the concept of human progress based on the expansion of capabilities and freedoms under capitalism. This study aims to relate the conditions of poverty, hunger, and child malnutrition to the healthy eating promotion, based on Amartya Sen's concept of development as freedom. Health and human development are interconnected and, when analyzed in contexts of extreme poverty, intensify their restrictive effects on access to healthy food. Public policies need to urgently act in synergy with the areas of health, food, education, income, among others, considering the intersectoriality of food and nutritional safety.

Child Nutrition Disorders , Development Indicators , Access to Healthy Foods
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília; 06 dez. 2022. 69 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1401619


O problema: A desnutrição se refere a deficiências, excessos ou desequilíbrios na ingestão de energia e/ou nutrientes. O déficit de altura resulta em baixa estatura para a idade, e geralmente está associada a condições socioeconômicas adversas, saúde e nutrição materna precárias, doenças frequentes e/ou alimentação e cuidados inadequados das crianças no início da vida. No Brasil, estima-se que a prevalência de baixa estatura para a idade é de 7% em crianças menores de cinco anos. Esta revisão teve como objetivo identificar opções para políticas de prevenção e manejo de déficit de altura em crianças menores de cinco anos. Opções para enfrentar o problema: As buscas nas bases de dados recuperaram 558 revisões sistemáticas (RS), sendo complementadas por sete RS identificadas em busca manual. Após processo de seleção, 28 RS atenderam aos critérios de elegibilidade e foram incluídas nesta revisão narrativa. As estratégias de prevenção e manejo de déficit de altura em crianças menores de 5 anos analisadas nas RS foram categorizadas conforme similaridade em oito opções, apresentadas a seguir. Efeitos positivos foram relatados nas RS para uma variedade de estratégias, no entanto, algumas incertezas também foram apontadas. Com relação à qualidade metodológica, sete RS foram classificadas como de confiança alta, uma confiança moderada, oito confiança baixa e doze confiança criticamente baixa.

The problem: Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses or imbalances in energy and/or nutrient intake. Height deficit results in low height for age, and is usually associated with adverse socioeconomic conditions, poor maternal health and nutrition, frequent illnesses and/or inadequate feeding and care of children in early life. In Brazil, it is estimated that the prevalence of low height for age is 7% in children under five years of age. This review aimed to identify policy options for the prevention and management of stunting in children under five years of age. Options to deal with the problem: Searches in the databases retrieved 558 systematic reviews (SR), complemented by seven SRs identified in a manual search. After the selection process, 28 SR met the eligibility criteria and were included in this narrative review. The height deficit prevention and management strategies in children under 5 years of age analyzed in the SR were categorized according to similarity in eight options, presented below. Positive effects were reported on the SR for a variety of strategies, however, some uncertainties were also pointed out. Regarding methodological quality, seven SR were classified as having high confidence, one moderate confidence, eight low confidence and twelve critically low confidence.

Child Nutrition Disorders , Chronic Disease , Review , Evidence-Informed Policy
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 22(4): 999-1006, Oct.-Dec. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1422678


Abstract Objectives: evaluate the relationship between family's food and nutrition insecurity (FNI) and the social network of malnourished children. Methods: cross-sectional study with 92 children, included in the economic class D-E. For the analysis of the children's social network, the mothers answered four simple questions. To investigate the FNI, the Brazilian Scale of Food Insecurity was used. The association between variables was analyzed by Poisson regression with robust analysis of variances. Results: 56.5% of the children had a weak social network (<10 individuals), and the prevalence of FNI was 72.8%. An inverse association was observed between children of the daily social network and FNI family (OR=0.94; CI95%=0.89-0.99], p=0.03). The number of individuals in the children's daily social network was negatively associated with the likelihood of FNI. The mother's educational level was also related to FNI (OR=2.20 [CI95%=1.11-4.34]; p=0.02), being the child up to 2.2 times more likely to be in FNI when the mother has less than four years of study. Conclusion: these results suggest that social network is associated with the FNI of malnourished children. Interventions designed to strengthen instrumental and other forms of support among small social networks can improve the health/nutrition of malnourished children with FNI.

Resumo Objetivos: avaliar a relação entre a insegurança alimentar e nutricional (IAN) da família e a rede social de crianças desnutridas. Métodos: estudo transversal com 92 crianças, inseridas na classe econômica D-E. Para a análise da rede social das crianças, as mães responderam quatro perguntas simples. Para investigar a IAN foi utilizada a Escala Brasileira de Insegurança Alimentar. A associação entre as variáveis foi analisada por regressão de Poisson com análise robusta das variâncias. Resultados: 56,5% das crianças apresentaram rede social fraca (<10 indivíduos), e a prevalência de IAN foi de 72,8%. Foi observada uma associação inversa entre rede social diária das crianças e IAN da família (RP=0,94, [IC95%=0,89-0,99]; p=0,03). O número de indivíduos na rede social diária das crianças se associou negativamente com a probabilidade de IAN. O nível de escolaridade materno também estava relacionado com a IAN (RP=2,20 [IC95%=1,11-4,34]; p=0,02), tendo a criança até 2,2 vezes mais probabilidade de estar em IAN quando a mãe apresenta menos de quatro anos de estudo. Conclusão: esses resultados sugerem que a rede social está associada à IAN de crianças desnutridas. Intervenções destinadas a fortalecer maneiras instrumentais e outras formas de apoio entre pequenas redes sociais podem melhorar a saúde/nutrição de crianças desnutridas com IAN.

Humans , Child , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Food and Nutritional Health Promotion , Health Status Indicators , Social Networking , Food Insecurity , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Comprehensive Health Care , Social Vulnerability
Rev. Eugenio Espejo ; 16(3): 15-25, 20220819.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391294


La malnutrición infantil es un problema de salud pública. La investigación tuvo el objetivo de determinar la asociación entre los indicadores antropométricos de los escolares (talla, peso e índice de masa corporal) y la alimentación de padres o tutores legales de los menores, en una institución educativa de la ciudad de Quito, Ecuador, durante diciembre de 2019. El estudio tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo y de tipo observacional, descriptivo y de corte transversal, en el que participaron 38 escolares con edades de 5 a 11 años (20 niños y 18 niñas) y los 32 respectivos padres o tutores legales. El 68,75% de los padres requería hacer cambios hacia una alimentación saludable, el 68,42% de los niños presentaban talla normal, el 23.68% de los niños tenía riesgo de sobrepeso. Los valores p de la prueba Tau C de Kendall fueron mayores que 0,05, no existiendo relación entre las variables estudiadas. Se concluyó que la mayoría de los padres o tutores legales requerían mejorar la calidad de su nutrición. La mayoría de los escolares tenía sobrepeso o riesgo de padecerlo; así como, talla normal. No existió asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la alimentación de los progenitores y el índice de masa corporal.

Child malnutrition is a public health problem. This research aimed to determine the association between the anthropometric indicators of schoolchildren (height, weight, and body mass index) and the nutrition of parents or legal guardians of minors, in an educational institution in the city of Quito, Ecuador, during December 2019. The study had a quantitative and observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional approach, in which 38 schoolchildren aged 5 to 11 years (20 boys and 18 girls) and 32 parents (or legal guardians) participated. 68.75% of the parents requi-red to make changes towards a healthy diet, 68.42% of the children had normal height, 23.68% of the children were at risk of being overweight. The p values of the Kendall Tau C test were greater than 0.05, with no relationship between the variables studied. It was concluded that most of the parents or legal guardians needed to improve the quality of their nutrition. Most of the schoolchildren were overweight or at risk of being overweight, as well as normal size. There was no statistically significant association between the parents' diet and body mass index

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adult , Body Mass Index , Minors , Diet , Parents , Child Nutrition Disorders , Diet, Healthy
Brasília; Fiocruz Brasília; 06 jul. 2022. 91 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, PIE | ID: biblio-1401589


O problema: A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) ressalta que cerca de 45% das mortes de crianças menores de cinco anos estão relacionadas à desnutrição, e que elas ocorrem principalmente em países de baixa e média renda. No Brasil, estudo recente estimou uma prevalência de 2,9% de crianças brasileiras com baixo peso para a idade. A Política Nacional de Alimentação e Nutrição propõe a implementação de ações específicas para o combate ao binômio infecção-desnutrição que afeta principalmente crianças provenientes de classes econômicas com reduzido poder aquisitivo, em regiões com baixos índices de desenvolvimento econômico e social. Esta síntese rápida de evidências teve como objetivo identificar opções para políticas de enfrentamento da desnutrição aguda em crianças abaixo de cinco anos de idade. Opções para enfrentar o problema: De 1.261 registros recuperados das bases de dados, após processo de seleção e elegibilidade, vinte e quatro revisões sistemáticas (RS) foram incluídas nesta síntese narrativa. Os resultados foram organizados em doze opções para prevenir ou tratar o déficit de peso em crianças menores de cinco anos. Efeitos positivos foram relatados nas RS para uma variedade de estratégias, no entanto, algumas incertezas também foram apontadas. Com relação à qualidade metodológica, cinco RS foram classificadas como de confiança alta, sete de confiança baixa e doze de confiança criticamente baixa.

The problem: The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that around 45% of deaths among children under five are related to malnutrition, and that these occur mainly in low- and middle-income countries. In Brazil, a recent study estimated a prevalence of 2.9% of Brazilian children with low weight for age. The National Food and Nutrition Policy proposes the implementation of specific actions to combat the infection-malnutrition binomial that mainly affects children from economic classes with low purchasing power, in regions with low levels of economic and social development. This rapid synthesis of evidence aimed to identify options for policies to address acute malnutrition in children under five years of age. Options for tackling the problem: From 1,261 records retrieved from the databases, after the selection and eligibility process, twenty-four systematic reviews (SR) were included in this narrative synthesis. The results were organized into twelve options for preventing or treating underweight in children under five years of age. Positive effects were reported on the SR for a variety of strategies, however, some uncertainties were also pointed out. With regard to methodological quality, five SR were classified as having high confidence, seven as low confidence and twelve as critically low confidence.

Child Nutrition Disorders , Acute Disease , Review , Evidence-Informed Policy
Cienc. Salud (St. Domingo) ; 6(2): 85-93, 20220520. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379400


Introducción: la malnutrición infantil representa uno de los problemas de salud pública más importantes de la República Dominicana (RD) y el mundo. A pesar de esto, actualmente, no existen estudios en la RD que describa el estado nutricional en los niños de la escuela primaria. Material y métodos: este estudio transversal describió las principales variables antropométricas en niños de 1ero a 6to de primaria en Santiago, RD, además de determinar la relación existente entre la antropometría y variables sociodemográficas. Resultados: de los 2,271 estudiantes estudiados, la media del peso fue 33,2 ± 11,4 kg, la talla fue 1,36 ± 0,13 m. La media del percentil fue 65,33 %. El 3.92 % (n=89) estuvo en bajo peso, el 17.57 % (n=399) estuvo en sobrepeso y el 22.94 % (n=521) estuvo en obesidad. Conclusión: el sobrepeso y la obesidad infantil fueron los trastornos más comunes en zonas rurales y urbanas, y tanto en centros privados como públicos

Introduction: Child malnutrition represents one of the most important public health issues in the Dominican Republic (DR) and the whole world. Despite this reality, there are currently no studies in the DR that describe the nutritional status in primary school children. Material and method: This cross-sectional study described the main anthropometric variables in children from elementary schools in Santiago, RD, in addition to determining the relationship between anthropometry status and some sociodemographic variables. Results: 2,271 participants were analyzed; the mean weight was 33.2 ± 11.4 kg, height was 1.36 ± 0.13 m. The mean percentile was 65.33%. 3.92% (n=89) were underweight, 17.57% (n=399) were overweight, and 22.94% (n=521) were obese. Conclusion: Childhood overweight and obesity was the most prevalent disorder, both in rural and urban areas, and both in private and public centers

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Students , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dominican Republic , Overweight/epidemiology , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Sociodemographic Factors
Med. infant ; 29(1): 30-37, Marzo 2022. Tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1367046


Introducción: La malnutrición es un estado de deficiencia o exceso de nutrientes que provoca efectos nocivos y puede alterar el crecimiento aumentando la morbi-mortalidad. Materiales y métodos: estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo. Incluyó niños/as de 1-18 años hospitalizados entre 2016-2018. Se obtuvieron datos de caracterización de la muestra y antropométricos. La herramienta de tamizaje nutricional pediátrico (HTNP) se utilizó para detectar riesgo nutricional y en este subgrupo se analizó: variación de peso, intervención nutricional, complicaciones infecciosas y estadía hospitalaria. El análisis de variables se realizó con SPSS Statistics 20. Resultados: Se evaluaron 745 pacientes, 373 niñas (50,1%). Mediana de edad 7,3 años. Estancia hospitalaria media de 4 días (1-123). Se observó 5,9% emaciados, 56,4% eutróficos, 16,8% sobrepeso y 20,9% obesidad. Con baja talla 13%. Se detectó riesgo nutricional con HTNP en 50,7% de los ingresos. Las patologías de base más frecuentes fueron cardiopatías y neoplasias. En pacientes con riesgo nutricional: estadía hospitalaria media de 5 días, 13,5% cursó con infecciones intrahospitalarias, 68% mantuvo o aumentó de peso durante la internación, 13,5% requirió apoyo nutricional (más utilizado el gavage en 59%). Conclusiones: El niño hospitalizado se encuentra en una situación de vulnerabilidad, por lo que el tamizaje y evaluación nutricional resultan acciones claves para prevenir el deterioro nutricional. En los niños con malnutrición las acciones llevadas a cabo por el Nutricionista Clínico como integrante del equipo de atención, revisten un rol clave para promover y garantizar el derecho de los pacientes a la alimentación adecuada y así mejorar su condición nutricional. (AU)

Introduction: Malnutrition is a state of nutrient deficiency or excess that causes harmful effects and can alter growth increasing morbidity and mortality. Materials and methods: retrospective, descriptive study. Children aged 1-18 years admitted to the hospital between 2016-2018 were included. Sample characterization and anthropometric data were collected. The pediatric nutritional screening tool (PNST) was used to identify nutritional risk and in this subgroup we analyzed: weight variation, nutritional intervention, infectious complications, and length of hospital stay. The analysis of variables was performed with SPSS Statistics 20. Results: 745 patients were evaluated, 373 were girls (50.1%). Median age was 7.3 years. Mean hospital stay was 4 days (1- 123). Among the patients, 5.9% were emaciated, 56.4% eutrophic, 16.8% overweight, and 20.9% obese. Thirteen percent of the patients had short stature. Nutritional risk was detected using HTNP in 50.7% of the admitted patients. The most frequent underlying diseases were heart disease and cancer. In patients at nutritional risk: mean hospital stay was 5 days, 13.5% had hospital-acquired infections, 68% maintained or gained weight during the hospital stay, 13.5% required nutritional support (gavage was the most frequently used in 59%). Conclusions: Hospitalized children are in a vulnerable situation, therefore nutritional screening and evaluation are key actions to prevent nutritional deterioration. In children with malnutrition, the Clinical Nutritionist, as a member of the health care team, plays a key role in promoting and guaranteeing the right of patients to adequate food and thus improve their nutritional condition (AU)

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Child Nutrition Disorders/diagnosis , Child Nutrition Disorders/diet therapy , Nutrition Assessment , Child, Hospitalized , Mass Screening/methods , Nutritional Status , Hospitals, Pediatric , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Ethiop. j. health sci. (Online) ; 32(6): 1107-1116, 2022. tales, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1402273


BACKGROUND: Standard treatment of severe acute malnutrition with medical complication and/or failed appetite test is admission in therapeutic feeding centers for stabilization. Once stabilized, patients will be linked to Outpatient treatment program for rehabilitation. Information regarding time to discharge from inpatient therapeutic feeding centers is limited in Ethiopia. The main objective of this study was to assess the time to discharge and its predictors among children1-60 months with Severe Acute Malnutrition admitted to University of Gondar Hospital. METHODS: Hospital Based retrospective follow up study was conducted in Gondar University Hospital among 282 children aged 1-60 months admitted to inpatient Therapeutic Feeding Center from June 2018 to December 2020. Participants were selected by Simple random sampling technique. Time to discharge from inpatient treatment was estimated using Kaplan-Meir procedure and Log Rank test was used to test observed difference between covariates. Identification of predictors for time to discharge was done by Stratified cox regression model. RESULTS: Overall 282 children were studied; 242 (85.8%) were discharged improved and 40 (14.2%) were censored. The median time to Discharge was 13 days (IQR: 9-18) and the Incidence of discharge was found to be 6.4 (95% CI: 5.6-7.2) per 100 person- day observations. Kwash-dermatosis (AHR=2.4, 95% CI: 1.17-4.8), Anemia (AHR=1.7, 95% CI: 1.1-2.6), pneumonia at admission (AHR=1.6, 95% CI: 1.01-2.63) and Hospital acquired infection (AHR=4.4, 95% CI: 2.4-8.2) were predictors of time to discharge. CONCLUSION: Hospital stay at the stabilization center was prolonged.Pneumonia, anemia, kwash dermatosis and Nosocomial infections were significant predictors of time to discharge

Humans , Child Nutrition Disorders , Severe Acute Malnutrition , Therapeutics , Child , Public Health , Diet , Child Nutrition
Revue de l'Infirmier Congolais ; 6(2): 12-17, 2022. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1418280


Introduction. L'étude visait évaluer les indicateurs de l'alimentation du nourrisson et du jeune enfant liés à l'état nutritionnel dans la zone de santé de Kapolowe, province du Haut Katanga avant les essais cliniques. Matériel et méthodes. Nous avons conduit une étude descriptive transversale dans la communauté auprès des 568 couples mère-enfant 6-23 mois évalués sur les indicateurs nutritionnels associés à la malnutrition. Résultats. L'allaitement maternel optimal était observé chez 10,7% des couples mère-enfant et l'alimentation complémentaire adéquate bénéficiée par 5,5% des enfants. Presque 25,6% des ménages utilisaient des toilettes améliorées, 98,8% des ménages buvaient l'eau des sources protégées et 12,1% des mères pratiquaient un minimum de lavage de mains. Le premier aliment complémentaire donné à la moitié des enfants (46%) était importé, mais 60,3 % des mères utilisaient le mélange farine de maïs + huile + sucre comme aliment de complément. La prévalence de la malnutrition aiguë, de la malnutrition chronique et de l'insuffisance pondérale était respectivement de 11,9%, 37% et 26,8%. La malnutrition aiguë était associée à l'occupation de la mère, au niveau socio-économique du ménage, à la Religion de la mère, à la consultation prénatale suivie par la mère, au Minimum de Diversité Alimentaire, à l'allaitement maternel non optimal, aux infections récurrentes et au faible poids de naissance. L'insuffisance pondérale était associée au sexe, à l'occupation de la mère, au niveau socio-économique, à la religion de la mère, au minimum de diversité alimentaire, à l'allaitement maternel non optimal, aux infections récurrentes et au faible poids de naissance. La malnutrition chronique était associée au sexe, au niveau socio-économique,

Introduction. The aim of the study was to assess infant and young child feeding indicators related to nutritional status in the Kapolowe health zone, Haut Katanga province prior to the clinical trials. Material and methods. We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study in the community among568 mother-child pairs 6-23 months of age assessed on nutritional indicators associated with malnutrition. Results. Optimal breastfeeding was observed in 10.7% of the mother-child pairs and adequate complementary feeding in 5.5%. Almost 25.6% of households used improved toilets, 98.8% of households drank water from protected springs and 12.1% of mothers practiced minimal hand washing,12.1% of mothers practiced minimal handwashing. The first supplementary food given to half of the children (46%) was imported food, but 60.3% of mothers used maize flour + oil + sugar as a complementary food. The prevalence of acute malnutrition, chronic malnutrition and under weight were 11.9%, 37% and26.8% respectively. Acute malnutrition was associated with the mother's occupation, household socio-economic level, mother's religion, prenatal consultation attended by the mother, minimum dietary diversity, non-optimal breastfeeding, recurrent infections, and low birth weigh. Underweight was associated with gender, maternal occupation, socio-economic level, maternal religion, minimum dietary diversity, non-optimal breastfeeding, recurrent infections and low birth weight. Chronic malnutrition was associated with gender, socio-economic level, minimum meal frequency, type of toilet used, non-optimal breastfeeding, recurrent infections, and low birth weight. Conclusion. The prevalence of malnutrition, in all its forms, is still very high and worrying among children aged 6-23 months. The feeding practices are predictors of it.

Child Nutrition Disorders , Malnutrition , Nutritional Status , Fasting , Feeding Methods , Infant Food
Afr. j. health sci ; 35(3): 123-143, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1380565


BACKGROUND :Approximately 200 million children globally fail to fulfil their development potential due to malnutrition, poor health, and unstimulating environments. Children in Kabale, Uganda, may be at particularly high risk as the rate of malnutrition in the region is likely to impact development. The study aimed to identify possible determinants influencing developmental milestones of breastfed and non-breastfed children aged 0-23 months. MATERIALS AND METHODSThe study was conducted at the young child clinic of Kabale hospital, among 250 children aged 0-23 months and their caregivers, for two months. The study adopted a comparative cross-sectional design, and systematic random sampling was used to select the respondents for the study. The socio-demographic characteristics, nutritional status, and feeding practices were assessed using structured pretested questionnaires. Developmental milestones of the children (communication, motor, fine motor, problem-solving, and social skills) were assessed using the modified ages and stages questionnaires. The data collected was tabulated, analysed statistically, and the results interpreted. RESULTS :Developmental scores were not associated with breastfeeding and minimum meal frequency. A milestone achievement of communication skills was associated with caregiver's education, caregiver's age and length-for-age. Gross motor scores were associated with the caregiver's age, weight-for-age, and length for age. Achievement of fine motor skills was associated with caregiver's education, caregiver's age, child's age, length for age, and children who met the minimum dietary diversity score. Problem-solving scores were associated with child's age, weight for age, length for age, and children who met the minimum dietary diversity. Personal social scores were associated with lower caregiver's age and normal weight for age Conclusion: Developmental scores were not associated with breastfeeding and minimum meal frequency. Development in early childhood was mainly associated with caregiver's age, caregiver's education, child's age, weight for age, length for age, and minimum dietary diversity score. Children under the care of younger caregivers and those who attained normal nutrition status had significantly more developed motor and social skills compared to children with older caregivers and undernourished children, respectively.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child Nutrition Disorders , Child Development , Anthropometry , Nutritional Status , Breast Feeding
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE0010345, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1374001


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar parâmetros hematológicos de crianças desnutridas após intervenção nutricional com farinha da castanha de caju. Métodos Ensaio clínico randomizado, controlado, cego. O estudo foi realizado no período de abril a dezembro de 2017, em duas Unidades Básicas de Saúde. A amostra foi composta de crianças menores de 5 anos que preencheram os critérios de inclusão, sendo 15 no Grupo Intervenção (farinha da castanha de caju) e 15 crianças no Grupo Controle (farinha de carboximetilcelulose), alocadas nos grupos de forma randômica aleatória simples. Foram analisados os parâmetros de eritrócitos, hemoglobina e hematócrito (série vermelha) e de leucócitos, neutrófilos, segmentados, eosinófilos, monócitos e linfócitos (série branca). A coleta de sangue foi realizada em dois momentos: o primeiro antes da implementação da intervenção e o segundo após 32 semanas de utilização da farinha da castanha de caju. Para avaliação da normalidade e homogeneidade da amostra, utilizaram-se os testes de Shapiro-Wilk e de variância de Bartlett, respectivamente. Utilizou-se o teste T pareado dentro de cada grupo e, para avaliar possíveis associações entre os Grupos Intervenção e Controle e o nível de leucócitos (abaixo, normal e acima), utilizaram-se o teste exato de Fisher e/ou o teste Fisher-Freeman-Halton. Resultados Houve incremento na média das células individuais da série vermelha do hemograma, sobretudo nos padrões de hemoglobina de crianças desnutridas do Grupo Intervenção (p<0,05). A investigação também apontou diferença intragrupo no parâmetro da hemoglobina, tanto no Grupo Controle (p=0,007) como no Intervenção (p<0,001), bem como no parâmetro hematócrito para ambos os grupos (p=0,001). Especificamente na série branca, após a intervenção, evidenciou-se diminuição significativa nos leucócitos (p=0,04) e linfócitos (p<0,01) Conclusão Após intervenção, a utilização da farinha da castanha de caju melhorou os parâmetros hematológicos das crianças desnutridas. Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos (REBEC): U1111.1213.9219

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar parámetros hematológicos de niños desnutridos después de la intervención nutricional con harina da castaña de cajú. Métodos Ensayo clínico aleatorizado, controlado, ciego. El estudio se realizó en el período de abril a diciembre de 2017, en dos Unidades Básicas de Salud. La muestra se compuso por niños menores de 5 años que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión, 15 en el Grupo Intervención (harina de castaña de cajú) y 15 niños en el Grupo Control (harina de carboximetilcelulosa), repartidas en los grupos de forma muestreo aleatorio simple. Se analizaron los parámetros de eritrocitos, hemoglobina e hematocrito (serie roja) y de leucocitos, neutrófilos, segmentados, eosinófilos, monocitos e linfocitos (serie blanca). La muestra de sangre se realizó en dos momentos: el primero antes de la implementación de la intervención y el segundo después de 32 semanas de utilización de la harina da castaña de cajú. Para la evaluación de la normalidad y la homogeneidad de la amuestra, se utilizaron los tests de Shapiro-Wilk y de varianza de Bartlett, respectivamente. Se utilizó la prueba T pareada dentro de cada grupo y, para evaluar posibles asociaciones entre los Grupos Intervención y Control y el nivel de leucocitos (debajo, normal y superior), se utilizó la prueba exacta de Fisher o prueba de Fisher-Freeman-Halton. Resultados Hubo un aumento en el promedio de las células individuales de la serie roja del hemograma, sobre todo en los estándares de hemoglobina de niños desnutridos del Grupo Intervención (p<0,05). La investigación también apuntó una diferencia intragrupo en el parámetro de la hemoglobina, tanto en el Grupo Control (p=0,007) como en la Intervención (p<0,001), así como en el parámetro hematocrito para ambos grupos (p=0,001). Específicamente en la serie blanca, después de la intervención, se evidenció una disminución significativa en los leucocitos (p=0,04) y linfocitos (p<0,01) Conclusión Después de la intervención, la utilización de la harina de la castaña de cajú mejoró los parámetros hematológicos de los niños desnutridos.

Abstract Objective To assess hematological parameters of malnourished children after nutritional intervention with cashew nut flour. Methods This is a randomized, controlled, blind trial. The study was conducted from April to December 2017, in two Basic Health Units. The sample consisted of children under 5 years of age who met the inclusion criteria, 15 in the Intervention Group (cashew nut flour) and 15 children in the Control Group (carboxymethylcellulose flour), randomly allocated to the groups. The parameters of erythrocytes, hemoglobin and hematocrit (red blood cells) and leukocytes, neutrophils, segmented, eosinophils, monocytes and lymphocytes (white blood cells) parameters were analyzed. Blood collection was performed in two moments: the first before intervention implementation and the second after 32 weeks of use of cashew nut flour. To assess the sample normality and homogeneity, Shapiro-Wilk and Bartlett variance tests were used, respectively. The paired t-test was used within each group and, to assess possible associations between the Intervention and Control Groups and the level of leukocytes (below, normal and above), Fisher's Exact test and/or Fisher-Freeman-Halton test were used. Results There was an increase in the mean of the individual red blood cell count, especially in the hemoglobin patterns of malnourished children in the Intervention Group (p<0.05). The investigation also showed an intragroup difference in the hemoglobin parameter, both in the Control Group (p=0.007) and in the Intervention (p<0.001) as well as in the hematocrit parameter for both groups (p=0.001). Specifically in the white blood cells, after intervention, there was a significant decrease in leukocytes (p=0.04) and lymphocytes (p<0.01) Conclusion After intervention, the use of cashew nut flour improved the hematological parameters of malnourished children. Brazilian Clinical Trial Registry (REBEC): U1111.1213.9219

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Blood Cell Count , Child Nutrition Disorders , Random Allocation , Dietary Supplements , Hematologic Tests
Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 39: e0189, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365654


O objetivo do artigo é analisar o efeito da compra direta de alimentos da agricultura familiar para alimentação escolar sobre o déficit de estatura em crianças menores de cinco anos, entre 2013 e 2017, no Brasil. O método utilizado é o estudo ecológico e longitudinal, em que a coleta de dados ocorreu em diferentes bancos de dados. A análise foi realizada por meio do teste t para amostras independentes, a fim de comparar as médias entre as variáveis déficit de estatura e compras da agricultura familiar. Além disso, uma análise multivariável foi feita por meio da regressão linear múltipla. Verificou-se uma diferença de médias na prevalência do déficit de estatura significativa entre os municípios que compraram menos de 30% e aqueles que adquiriram 30% ou mais de alimentos da agricultura familiar para alimentação escolar, com 1,47 pontos de diferença. O modelo de regressão linear mostrou que a cada ponto percentual de aumento na compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar para a alimentação escolar pelo município, haverá, em média, uma diminuição 0,55 pontos na prevalência do déficit de estatura, independentemente das demais variáveis. Assim, conclui-se que a compra de alimentos da agricultura familiar para alimentação escolar no Brasil pode contribuir para a redução da prevalência do déficit de estatura em crianças menores de cinco anos.

The objective of this work is to analyze the effect of direct purchase of food from family farms for school meals on the deficit of stature in children under 5 years of age between 2013 and 2017 in Brazil. Method: Ecological and longitudinal study in which data collection occurred in different databases. The analysis was performed using the t-test for independent samples in order to compare the means between the variables stature deficit and purchases from family agriculture. In addition, a multivariable analysis was conducted through multiple linear regression. Results: There was a difference in means in the prevalence of significant stature deficit between the municipalities that bought < 30% and ≥30% of food from family farms for school feeding, with 1.47 points of difference. The linear regression model showed that for each percentage point of increase in the purchase of food from family farms for school feeding by the municipality, there will be on average a decrease of 0.55 points in the prevalence of stature deficit, independent of the other variables. Conclusion: the purchase of food from family agriculture for school feeding in Brazil may contribute to the reduction of the prevalence of stature deficit in children under five years old.

Objetivo: Analizar el efecto de la compra directa de alimentos de las granjas familiares para la alimentación escolar en el déficit de estatura de los niños menores de cinco años entre 2013 y 2017 en Brasil. Método: Estudio ecológico y longitudinal en el que se recogieron datos en diferentes bases de datos. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante la prueba t para muestras independientes con el fin de comparar las medias entre las variables déficit de estatura y compras de la agricultura familiar. Además, se hizo un análisis multivariable a través de una regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: Se produjo una diferencia de medias en la prevalencia del déficit de estatura significativo entre los municipios que compraron < 30% y ≥ 30% de los alimentos de las granjas familiares para la alimentación escolar, con 1,47 puntos de diferencia. El modelo de regresión lineal mostró que por cada punto porcentual de aumento en la compra de alimentos de las granjas familiares para la alimentación escolar por parte del municipio, habrá, en promedio, una disminución de 0,55 puntos en la prevalencia del déficit de estatura, independientemente de las demás variables. Conclusión: la compra de alimentos de las granjas familiares para la alimentación escolar en el Brasil puede contribuir a reducir la prevalencia del déficit de estatura en los niños menores de cinco años.

Humans , School Feeding , Brazil , Child Nutrition Disorders , Agriculture , Food Supply , Body Height , Linear Models , Child Nutrition