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Med. infant ; 29(4): 268-274, dic 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1415399


Las infecciones por Chlamydia trachomatis han aumentado su prevalencia, especialmente en jóvenes embarazadas. Esto adquiere relevancia en pediatría por el elevado riesgo de transmisión vertical al neonato y su potencial gravedad en el lactante. Estas infecciones requieren de un alto índice de sospecha, por cuadro clínico atípico y signos radiológicos inespecíficos. Los métodos diagnósticos convencionales presentan limitaciones para su detección. Las técnicas moleculares son las recomendadas por su elevada sensibilidad, especificidad y rapidez, lo cual permite una terapéutica adecuada y oportuna. En este estudio, desarrollado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos neonatales de un hospital de alta complejidad durante 12 años, se describieron las características de la población, su presentación clínica y evolución. La detección microbiológica se realizó por métodos moleculares. Se incluyeron 29 pacientes (p) con infección por C. trachomatis (3,9% del total de muestras enviadas),13 p con infección respiratoria y 16 p con compromiso ocular. La mediana de edad fue de 19 días al momento del diagnóstico y el 65% de las gestantes tenía <25 años. Veinticuatro p (83%) eran recién nacidos a término y 23 p (79%) previamente sanos. Nueve p (31%) presentaron fiebre al momento del ingreso y 12 (41%) eosinofilia. De los 13 p con enfermedad respiratoria, 9 (69%) consultaron por tos y 11 (85%) con hipoxemia, con requerimientos de oxígeno en 8 (61%), asistencia respiratoria mecánica en 3 (23%) y uno (16%) requirió ECMO. Los hallazgos radiológicos mostraron un patrón intersticial inespecífico. Nueve p (31%) presentaron coinfección y uno falleció asociado a influenza A (AU)

The prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infections has increased, especially among young pregnant women. This is of particular relevance in pediatrics due to the high risk of motherto-child transmission and the potential severity of the infection in infants. A high index of suspicion is required for these infections due to the atypical clinical features and non-specific radiological signs. The usefulness of conventional diagnostic methods is limited. Molecular techniques are recommended because of their high sensitivity, specificity, and speed, allowing for adequate and timely treatment. In this 12-year study conducted in a neonatal intensive care unit of a tertiary-care hospital, patient characteristics, clinical presentation, and outcome are described. Microbiological detection was performed using molecular methods. Twenty-nine patients with C. trachomatis infection (3.9% of the total samples submitted), of whom 13 had respiratory tract infection and 16 ocular involvement, were included. The median age at diagnosis was 19 days and 65% of the mothers were <25 years old. Twenty-four p (83%) were term newborns and 23 patients (79%) were previously healthy. On admission, 9 patients (31%) had fever and 12 (41%) had eosinophilia. Of the 13 patients with respiratory tract involvement, 9 (69%) consulted for cough and 11 (85%) had hypoxemia, requiring oxygen in 8 (61%), mechanical ventilation in 3 (23%), and ECMO in 1 (16%). Radiological findings showed a nonspecific interstitial pattern. Nine patients (31%) presented with coinfection, one of whom died due to an associated influenza A infection (AU)

Humans , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Chlamydia Infections/complications , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/therapy , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/etiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Polymerase Chain Reaction/methods , Infectious Disease Transmission, Vertical , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Retrospective Studies , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(3): .333-339, jun. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388247


INTRODUCCIÓN: Chlamydia trachomatis es reconocida como el agente causal de una de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) más común y curable. En mujeres, puede ser gatillante de enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica, un factor de riesgo para infertilidad o adquisición de otras ITS. OBJETIVO: Determinar C. trachomatis en mujeres con diagnóstico clínico de vaginitis asociando factores sociodemográficos, sexuales, clínicos y microbiota vaginal. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Participaron 121 mujeres voluntarias > 18 años, con diagnóstico clínico de vaginitis y descarga vaginal anormal, atendidas en servicios de atención primaria en salud (APS) en Temuco-Chile. Se tomó muestra de flujo vaginal, determinándose C. trachomatis por una reacción de polimerasa en cadena convencional y microbiota vaginal por tinción de Gram. Se colectaron datos clínicos, sociodemográficos y sexuales mediante encuesta. RESULTADOS: Rango de edad 18-61 años. La frecuencia de C. trachomatis fue 14,9%. Se asoció C. trachomatis a mayor número de parejas sexuales en los últimos 5 años (p = 0,001), relaciones sexuales oral más anal (p = 0,055) y juguetes sexuales (p = 0,027). Asociación no significativa hubo con vaginosis bacteriana 31,2% (p = 0,091) e inicio de la actividad sexual < 18 años 20,6% (p = 0,07). CONCLUSIONES: Sería beneficioso incorporar en la semiología ginecológica de las mujeres atendidas en servicios de APS, los factores encontrados como favorecedores de infección por C. trachomatis, pues ello podría ayudar al manejo de esta ITS.

BACKGROUND: Chlamydia trachomatis is recognized as the causative agent of one of the most common and curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs). In women, it can be a trigger for pelvic inflammatory disease, a risk factor for infertility or acquisition of other STIs. AIM: To determine CT in women with vaginitis and associate it with sociodemographic, sexual, clinical, and vaginal microbiota factors. Methods: 121 female volunteers > 18 years of age, with a clinical diagnosis of vaginitis and abnormal vaginal discharge, attending in primary health care services (PHC) in Temuco-Chile were recluted. A vaginal discharge sample was taken, determining C. trachomatis by polymerase chain reaction and vaginal microbiota by Gram stain. Clinical, sociodemographic and sexual data were collected by survey. RESULTS: Age range was 18-61 years. The frequency of C. trachomatis was 14.9%. C. trachomatis was associated with a higher number of sexual partners in the last 5 years (p = 0.001), oral plus anal sex (p = 0.055) and sex toys (p = 0.027); there was a non-significant association with bacterial vaginosis 31.2% (p = 0.091) and initiation of sexual activity < 18 years 20.6% (p = 0.07). CONCLUSIONS: It would be beneficial to incorporate in the gynecological semiology of the women attended in PHC services, the factors found to favor C. trachomatis infection, as this could help the management of this STI.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Vaginitis/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Primary Health Care , Chlamydia trachomatis , Prevalence , Risk Factors
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 32(2): 231-239, mar.-abr. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1518392


La infección por Chlamydia trachomatis es la infección de transmisión sexual bacteriana más frecuente en el mundo. En este artículo se revisa la prevalencia reportada en Chile, cuadro clínico, diagnóstico, tratamiento, prevención y complicaciones a largo plazo en mujeres.

Chlamydia trachomatis infection is known to be the most common sexually transmitted bacterial infection world-wide. This article reviews the prevalence reported in the Chilean population, as well as the clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and complications in women

Humans , Female , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/therapy , Chlamydia trachomatis , Chlamydia Infections/complications , Chlamydia Infections/physiopathology , Chlamydia Infections/prevention & control , Risk Factors
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 54(supl.1): e2020602, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250845


Abstract Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is a topic included in the Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines for Comprehensive Care for People with Sexually Transmitted Infections, published by the Brazilian Ministry of Health in 2020. Pelvic inflammatory disease is an upper female genital tract acute infection due to canalicular spread of endogenous cervicovaginal microorganisms and especially the sexually transmitted microorganisms. Standing out among the etiological agents involved are Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The main sequelae are chronic pelvic pain, infertility, and ectopic pregnancy. Clinical diagnosis is the most important practical approach. Antibiotic treatment must start immediately after the clinical suspicion. Guidelines for health service managers and health professionals on diagnostic tests, treatment, follow-up, counseling, notification, handling sexual partners and special populations are described. Given the increased availability of the molecular biology techniques in Brazil, C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae screening are recommended as a disease prevention strategy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/drug therapy , Gonorrhea , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease/diagnosis , Brazil , Chlamydia trachomatis , Mass Screening
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 37(2): e00174919, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153689


Resumo: O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a prevalência de infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) e fatores associados sobre mulheres quilombolas no Brasil. Trata-se de estudo transversal de base populacional com mulheres quilombolas no período de março de 2017 a janeiro de 2019. Utilizou-se um questionário com informações sociodemográficas, comportamentais e clínicas. Foi realizado exame ginecológico para coleta de células cervicais para citologia oncótica e para detecção de Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis e papilomavírus humano (HPV), por meio de teste de reação em cadeia pela polimerase. Foi realizado teste rápido para HIV e sífilis. O desfecho principal foi definido como a infecção por um ou mais agentes infecciosos de transmissão sexual. Para a análise, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado e regressão logística hierárquica. De um total de 380 mulheres, 352 (92,6%) foram incluídas no estudo. A prevalência de, pelo menos, uma IST foi de 18,5% (IC95%: 14,76-22,85). A maior prevalência foi de 11,1% por HPV, seguido de 6,3% por T. vaginalis e de 4,3% por C. trachomatis. Não houve nenhum caso de N. gonorrhoeae. Para o HIV, a prevalência foi de 0,3%, e de sífilis foi de 4,3%. A citologia cervicovaginal estava alterada em 7,7%. A detecção de uma ou mais IST foi significativamente associada a idade entre 25 e 44 anos (OR = 2,33; IC95%: 1,05-5,18), a consumo de álcool (OR = 1,96; IC95%: 1,06-3,64), a resultado alterado da citologia (OR = 3,96; IC95%: 1,65-9,48) e a vaginose bacteriana (OR = 3,61; IC95%: 2,01-6,47). Em mulheres quilombolas houve elevada prevalência de uma ou mais IST, o que torna importante a elaboração de estratégias de prevenção direcionadas a essas mulheres.

Abstract: The study aimed to estimate the prevalence of sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and associated factors in women in quilombola (maroon) communities in Brazil. This was a population-based cross-sectional study of quilombola women from March 2017 to January 2019. A questionnaire was used with sociodemographic, behavioral, and clinical information. A gynecological examination was performed for the collection of uterine cervical cells for oncotic cytology and the detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, and human papillomavirus (HPV) via polymerase chain reaction. Rapid tests for HIV and syphilis were performed. The main outcome was defined as infection with one or more sexually transmissible pathogens. The analysis used chi-square test and hierarchical logistic regression. From a total of 380 women, 352 (92.6%) were included in the study. Prevalence of at least one STI was 18.5% (95%CI: 14.76-22.85). The highest prevalence was for HPV, with 11.1%, followed by 6.3% for T. vaginalis and 4.3% for C. trachomatis. There were no cases of N. gonorrhoeae. Prevalence was 0.3% for HIV and 4.3% for syphilis. Cervical-vaginal cytology was altered in 7.7% of the women. Detection of one or more STIs was significantly associated with age 25 to 44 years (OR = 2.33; 95%CI: 1.05-5.18), alcohol consumption (OR = 1.96; 95%CI: 1.06-3.64), altered cervical cytology (OR = 3.96; 95%CI: 1.65-9.48), and bacterial vaginosis (OR = 3.61; 95%CI: 2.01-6.47). Quilombola women showed high prevalence of one or more STIs, emphasizing the importance of organizing prevention strategies targeted to these women.

Resumen: El objetivo del estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de enfermedades de transmisión sexual (ETS) y sus factores asociados en mujeres quilombolas en Brasil. Estudio transversal de base poblacional con mujeres quilombolas durante el período de marzo de 2017 a enero de 2019. Se utilizó un cuestionario con información sociodemográfica, comportamental y clínica. Se realizó un examen ginecológico, a fin de recoger células cervicales para la citología oncótica, así como para la detección de Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis, y virus del papiloma humano (VPH) mediante un test de reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. Se realizó un test rápido para VIH y sífilis. El resultado principal, se definió como infección por uno o más agentes infecciosos de transmisión sexual. Para el análisis, se utilizó el test de chi-cuadrado y regresión logística jerárquica. De un total de 380 mujeres, 352 (92,6%) se incluyeron en el estudio. La prevalencia de por lo menos una ETS fue de 18,5% (IC95%: 14,76-22,85). La mayor prevalencia fue por VPH 11,1%, seguida de 6,3% por T. vaginalis y 4,3% por C. trachomatis. No hubo casos de N. gonorrhoeae. Para el VIH, la prevalencia fue de 0,3% y de sífilis fue de 4,3%. La citología cérvico-vaginal estaba alterada en un 7,7%. La detección de una o más ETS estuvo significativamente asociada con la edad entre 25 a 44 años (OR = 2,33; IC95%: 1,05-5,18), el consumo de alcohol (OR = 1,96; IC95%: 1,06-3,64), resultado alterado de la citología (OR = 3,96; IC95%: 1,65-9,48) y vaginosis bacteriana (OR = 3,61; IC95%: 2,01-6,47). Las mujeres quilombolas presentaron una elevada prevalencia por una o más ETS, por lo que es importante la elaboración de estrategias de prevención dirigidas a estas mujeres.

Humans , Female , Adult , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/epidemiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Chlamydia trachomatis , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 30(4): 80-87, dic. 2019. graf, tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1096677


Introducción: Las infecciones transmisibles sexualmente (ITS) con afectación anorrectal constituyen un desafío pues las manifestaciones producidas por Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) y Treponema pallidum (TP) son similares. Objetivo: Evaluar si las manifestaciones anorrectales debidas a CT, NG y TP asociadas al examen proctológico permiten diagnóstico certero, sin estudios complementarios. Pacientes y método: Estudio retrospectivo. Revisión de registros de pacientes atendidos en consultorio coloproctológico. Periodo: 01/08/2015-01/07/2016. Se incluyeron pacientes con diagnóstico de ITS anorrectal, excepto aquellos con HPV únicamente. A todos se les pesquisaron ITS mediante hisopado anal para CT por inmunofluorescencia y para estudio directo y cultivo de NG, VDRL para TP y además HIV. Variables: sexo, edad, HIV, sexo anal, uso de preservativo, motivo de consulta y resultado de estudios efectuados. Resultados: Treinta y cuatro pacientes (32 hombres). Edad mediana 31,5 años (rango: 19-65). Veinticinco pacientes HIV + (73,5%). Veintinueve pacientes (28 hombres) mantenían sexo anal. 91% no usaba preservativo adecuadamente. 65% tuvo una única infección (ITS pura). Se diagnosticaron 14 sífilis (8 puras), 14 clamidiasis (7 puras) y 11 gonococcias (7 puras). Co-infección entre ellas: 9% y con HPV: 26%. La úlcera fue la manifestación en 7/8 casos de sífilis puras (todas dolorosas, excepto una). El resto presentó síntomas variados (condilomas virales atípicos, secreción purulenta y proctorragia). Más del 50% de las gonococias puras (4/7) se manifestó con úlcera, sin embargo, el dolor estuvo presente siempre (8/8) y en tres se asoció secreción purulenta. En cambio, la mitad de los pacientes con clamidiasis puras, se manifestó con proctorragia causada por un tumor rectal/sigmoideo inflamatorio, clínicamente indistinguible de neoplasia maligna. Todos las sífilis y gonococias tuvieron correlato con las pruebas diagnósticas, no así las clamidiasis cuyo diagnóstico no pudo confirmarse en tres casos (37,5%), que respondieron al tratamiento empírico. Conclusión: NG y TP anorrectal provocaron mayormente síntomas similares a los de etiología no venérea y se requirió del laboratorio para el diagnóstico etiológico. La presencia de tumor con biopsia negativa para neoplasia maligna en pacientes de riesgo para ITS obliga a descartar clamidiasis. (AU)

Introduction: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are a challenge in medical consultation. The clinical manifestations of infection by Chlamydia trachomatis (CT), Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) and Treponema pallidum ( TP) share symptoms at anorectal level. This implies the need for a high index of suspicion for diagnosis, which is based on history, physical examination and laboratory tests that not always are accurate or available . Purpose: Assess whether clinical signs of anorectal infections by CT, NG and TP associated with proctologic exams, lead to an accurate etiologic diagnosis without the help of specific laboratory studies. Patients and methods: Observational, retrospective study, based on a review of records of patients treated at the outpatient clinic of the Hospital Fernandez (City of Buenos Aires) department of coloproctology, in the period between August 2015 and July 2016. Patients who underwent STI diagnosis were all considered, but to those whose only diagnosis was infection by human papilloma virus (HPV) were excluded from the analysis. All patients were tested after the three etiologies of STI (anal swab for CT study by immunofluorescence, swabbing for direct study, and cultivation of NG and TP VDRL) and HIV. Variables analyzed: sex, age, presence of HIV infection, practice of receptive anal sex, proper use of condoms, signs and symptoms that prompted the consultation, and results of diagnostic tests. Results: 34 patients (32 men) were included. Median age 31.5 years (range: 19-65, interquartile range: 26-37). Twenty-five patients (73.5%) were HIV+. Twenty-nine patients (28 men) remained receptive anal sex. 91% did not use condoms properly. 65% of infections were pure, without other STI asociada-. 14 cases of syphilis (8 pure), 14 Chlamydia (7 pure) and 11 gonococcias (7puras), including co-infection in 9% of cases, no evidence of a more frequent another co-infection diagnosed. Co-infection with HPV was detected in 9 (26%) cases. The ulcer was the sign in 7/8 cases of pure syphilis (all painful, except one). The rest is expressed by a variety of symptoms (atypical viral warts, purulent and bloody diarrhea). Similarly, just over 50% (4/7) of pure gonococcias demonstrated ulcer, but the pain was always present (8/8 of pure gonococcias) and three associated with purulent discharge. Instead of the ten patients with pure chlamydia, 50% manifested with bloody diarrhea caused by a rectal tumor / inflammatory sigmoid, clinically indistinguishable from malignancy. All cases of syphilis and gonococcal were correlated with diagnostic tests; not those whose diagnosis of chlamydial infection (confirmed in eight and was negative in three, 37.5%) who responded to empiric treatment indicated by the clinical suspicion. Conclusion: While this is a small series, it shows that the NG and TP in the anorectal location mostly caused symptoms similar to those of non-venereal ethology most of the times, and laboratory assistance for etiologic diagnosis was required. The presence of tumor with negative biopsy for malignancy in patients at risk for STIs, leads chlamydia to be ruled out. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Proctitis/etiology , Proctitis/microbiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/complications , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Syphilis/diagnosis , Pain , Proctitis/epidemiology , Rectum/microbiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/epidemiology , Comorbidity , HIV Infections , Retrospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Clinical Laboratory Techniques
Rev. chil. infectol ; 36(3): 292-298, jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013786


Resumen Introducción: La mujer embarazada está expuesta anumerosas infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS), las que pueden producir aborto, enfermedad en el feto y/o en el recién nacido, además de alteraciones en el curso normal del embarazo. Objetivo: Realizar tamizaje de infección cervical asintomática en mujeres embarazadas y su relación con la microbiota. Pacientes y Métodos: Se enrolaron 85 mujeres embarazadas sin cervicitis clínica que consultaron en control de rutina de embarazo (47 pacientes) o que fueron derivadas a una unidad de ITS (38 pacientes). Se tomaron muestras de fondo de saco vaginal, que fueron analizadas por técnicas clásicas de microscopía y cultivo corriente y reacción de polimerasa en cadena para Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis y Chlamydia trachomatis. Resultados: Se encontró 12,9% de infección por C. trachomatis, 2,4% de T. vaginalis. En este estudio no se encontró N. gonorrhoeae. El 23,3% de pacientes con microbiota alterada (vaginosis bacteriana y microbiota intermedia) fue positiva para C. trachomatis. Conclusión: En este trabajo, encontramos una alta frecuencia de infección por C. trachomatis, que se relaciona en forma significativa con la presencia de microbiota alterada. Esta alta frecuencia debería promover estrategias preventivas en los controles de salud de la mujer embarazada.

Background: Pregnant woman is exposed to many sexual transmitted infections (STI). Many of these infections may produce diseases in the fetus and newborn, and also alteration in the normal course of the pregnancy. Aim: Screening of asymptomatic cervical infection in pregnant woman and its relationship with the vaginal microbiota. Patients and Methods: 85 pregnant women without clinical cervicitis who consult in the routine pregnant control (47 patients) and women derived from STI service (38 patients). The samples were obtained from the vaginal fund sac and were analyzed with optic microscopy, cultures and PCR of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Trichomonas vaginalis and Chlamydia trachomatis. Results: 12,9% of the enrolled women were positive for C. trachomatis, 2,4% for T. vaginalis. In this study, we did not found N. gonorrhoeae. We observed 23,3% of patients with altered microbiota (bacterial vaginosis and intermediate microbiota) was positive for C. trachomatis. Conclusions: In this study, we found a high frequency of C. trachomatis infection, that correlates with the presence of altered microbiota. This high frequency would promote preventive strategies in the pregnant women routine controls.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Trichomonas Infections/microbiology , Trichomonas vaginalis/isolation & purification , Vagina/microbiology , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/microbiology , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Trichomonas Infections/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial/microbiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Mass Screening , Age Distribution , Asymptomatic Infections , Microbiota
Rev. cuba. obstet. ginecol ; 45(2): e449, abr.-jun. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093634


Introducción: La infertilidad ha aumentado a nivel mundial como consecuencia del incremento de las infecciones de transmisión sexual y la enfermedad inflamatoria pélvica producidas fundamentalmente por Chlamydia trachomatis. Objetivo: Describir la relación existente entre la Chlamydia trachomatis y sus daños y consecuencias en mujeres infértiles. Métodos: Se estudiaron 552 mujeres, con diagnóstico de infertilidad y se selecciona una muestra de 175, con diagnóstico de infección por Chlamydia trachomatis. Resultados: Las mujeres en el estudio tenían una escolaridad media superior. La mayoría de las mujeres a pesar de padecer una infección por Chlamydia trachomatis no presentaron daño a órganos reproductores; y en las que sí, predominó la obstrucción tubaria bilateral. En los casos en que se diagnosticó daño al cuello uterino predominó la cervicitis. Conclusiones: La mayoría de las mujeres infértiles con infección por Chlamydia trachomatis eran adultas jóvenes con nivel escolar medio superior, con una infertilidad secundaria y sin daños estructurales en las trompas de Falopio y el cérvix uterino. Existe relación entre la Chlamydia trachomatis y la afección a las trompas de Falopio y el cérvix uterino(AU)

Introduction: Infertility has increased worldwide because of the increase in sexually transmitted infections and pelvic inflammatory disease caused mainly by Chlamydia trachomatis. Objective: To describe the relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis and its damages and consequences in infertile women. Methods: We studied 552 women with a diagnosis of infertility and we selected a sample of 175, with diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis infection. Results: The women in the study had high school level. Most of them did not have reproductive organ damage despite suffering from Chlamydia trachomatis infection. However, those who did not have this damage had bilateral tubal obstruction. Cervicitis predominated in those cases in which damage to the cervix was diagnosed. Conclusions: Most of the infertile women with Chlamydia trachomatis infection were young adults with a high school level, suffering secondary infertility and with no structural damage to the fallopian tubes and uterine cervix. There is a relationship between Chlamydia trachomatis and the affection to the fallopian tubes and uterine cervix(AU)

Humans , Female , Chlamydia Infections/complications , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Female/epidemiology
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 30(2): 58-63, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1103903


ANTECEDENTES: La colangitis biliar primaria (CBP) es una enfermedad hepática inflamatoria crónica colestásica de causa desconocida. Varios patógenos virales y bacterianos han sido propuestos como factores que podrían gatillar una respuesta inmune por mimetismo molecular, o directamente estar relacionados en la persistencia del daño biliar. Existen reportes controversiales respecto al rol de en la patogenia de CBP. OBJETIVOS: Investigar marcadores de infección de séricos y en hígado de pacientes con CBP. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Veinte pacientes diagnosticados con CBP y 20 pacientes control con otras enfermedades hepáticas crónicas no colestásicas fueron estudiados. Se determinaron anticuerpos séricos anti- (IgG). Se realizó detección inmunohistoquímica de antígenos de en hígado. Se extrajo DNA de hígado para amplificación de la secuencia específica de rRNA 16S de por PCR. Fueron usados controles de amplificación de DNA bacteriano y humano. Los pacientes firmaron consentimiento informado. Se realizó un metaanálisis de la diferencia de riesgo de CBP en pacientes infectados por y en un grupo control. RESULTADOS: Los anticuerpos séricos fueron positivos en 30% de los pacientes con CBP y 50% de los controles (p = NS). Antígenos de no fueron detectados en tejido hepático de pacientes con CBP ni de controles. No se amplificó ADN bacteriano en ninguna de las muestras. El metaanálisis de la diferencia de riesgo mostró gran heterogeneidad de los estudios, por lo que no se realizó una estimación de diferencia de riesgo agrupada. DISCUSIÓN: No encontramos asociación entre infección por y CBP. En la evidencia actual, un estudio presenta resultados a favor de la asociación entre y CBP y tres estudios resultados en contra.,

Primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) is a chronic cholestatic inflammatory liver disease of unknown cause. Several viral and bacterial pathogens have been proposed as factors that could either trigger an immune response by molecular mimicry or directly be involved in the persistence of biliary damage. There are conflicting reports respecting the role of in the pathogenesis of PBC. To investigate markers of infection in serum and liver tissue from patients with PBC. Twenty patients with diagnosis of PBC and 20 control patients with other non-cholestatic chronic liver diseases were studied. Serum anti- antibodies (IgG) were determined. Liver tissue was available for immunohistochemistry detection of antigens. DNA was extracted from liver tissue and a specific sequence of 16S rRNA gene was amplified by CPR. Adequate controls of bacterial and human DNA amplification were used. Informed consent was obtained from patients. A meta-analysis of risk difference of PBC in Chlamydophila pneumoniae infected patients and in the control groupwas performed. Serum antibodies were positive in 30% of patients with PBC and 50% of controls (p = NS). antigens were not detected in liver tissue neither of patients with PBC nor controls. Bacterial DNA did not amplify in any of the samples, despite good amplification of internal and external controls. Risk difference meta-analysis showed high heterogeneity between studies. Therefore, we did not estimate a pooled risk difference. Our results do not support the association between infection and PBC. In the current literature only one study shows an association between and PBC, but other three studies do not support it.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydophila Infections/complications , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/diagnosis , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/microbiology , DNA, Bacterial , Immunoglobulin G , Immunohistochemistry , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/analysis , Case-Control Studies , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Chlamydophila pneumoniae/genetics , Liver/microbiology , Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary/etiology
Adv Rheumatol ; 59: 50, 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1088605


Abstract Background: To evaluate human papillomavirus (HPV), Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (NG) infections in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) patients. Methods: After exclusion, 33 female adolescent and young JIA patients (ILAR criteria) and 28 healthy controls were selected for this study. Demographic data, gynecological, sexual function, cervical cytology and histological abnormalities were evaluated. JIA clinical/laboratorial parameters and treatment were also assessed. HPV-DNA, CT-DNA and NG-DNA testing in cervical specimens were performed by Hybrid Capture 2 assays. Results: The mean current age was similar in JIA patients and controls (23.3 ± 6.24 vs. 26.1 ± 6.03 years, p = 0.09). The frequencies of sexual intercourse (76% vs. 89%, p = 0.201) and abnormal cervical cytology (24% vs. 11%, p = 0.201) were similar in JIA compared to controls. The higher frequency of HPV infection in JIA patients than controls (30% vs. 11%, p = 0.155) did not reach statistical significance. CT (0% vs. 7%, p = 0.207) and NG infections (0% vs. 4%, p = 0.459) were also alike in both groups. Further evaluation of JIA patients with abnormal and normal cervical cytology showed that the former group had a higher frequency of HPV infection (87% vs. 12%, p = 0.0002) with a low frequency of HPV vaccination (0% vs. 8%, p = 1.0). No differences were evidenced between these two JIA groups regarding demographic data, sexual function and clinical/laboratorial parameters. The frequencies of methotrexate (p =0.206) and biological agent use (p =0.238) were similar in both JIA groups. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this was the first study to assess lower genital infections in JIA patients allowing the identification of HPV as main cause of cervical dysplasia. Methotrexate and biological agents do not seem to increase risk of lower genital tract infections in JIA patients.

Humans , Female , Arthritis, Juvenile/physiopathology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Papillomaviridae/isolation & purification , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/isolation & purification
Rev. argent. microbiol ; 50(3): 269-274, set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-977242


Las pérdidas reproductivas constituyen una causa importante de pérdida económica en el ganado bovino, aunque en más del 50% de los casos la etiología es desconocida. Las especies de la familia Chlamydiaceae han sido asociadas con abortos en bovinos y otras espeChlamydia abortus; cies animales, pero no existen datos al respecto en la República Argentina. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar la presencia de Chlamydia spp. y de Chlamydia abortus en pérdidas reproductivas de ganado bovino en La Pampa, Argentina. Se estudiaron 251 muestras provenientes de abortos y mortinatos. Se realizó PCR en tiempo real para la detección de la familia Chlamydiaceae y ArrayTube para la identificación de las especies presentes. Se detectó ADN de la familia Chlamydiaceae en 12 muestras (4,78%); el 83,33% (10/12) correspondió a abortos y el 16,66% (2/12) a mortinatos. El análisis por ArrayTube detectó C. abortus en 5 muestras (1,99% del total, 41,67% de las muestras con detección de Chlamydiaceae). Este trabajo presenta la primera confirmación de la presencia de ADN de diversas especies de Chlamydiaceae (incluida C. abortus) en muestras de pérdidas reproductivas de ganado bovino en Argentina. El valor de prevalencia hallado (4,78%) debe ser tomado como un valor basal, debido al tipo de muestras estudiadas. Se halló material genético de Chlamydiaceae que no coincidió con ninguna de las especies conocidas; esto podría deberse a variantes intraespecie o a especies autóctonas aún no descriptas. Es necesario avanzar en el estudio de la infección por estas bacterias en el ganado bovino de Argentina para conocer su dimensión y analizar su impacto económico y zoonótico, y también para planear medidas de prevención y control.

Reproductive losses linked to an infectious etiology in bovine cattle are a major economic concern worldwide. In Argentina, more than 50% of abortion cases have unknown causes. Species belonging to Chlamydiaceae family are frequent etiologic agents of abortion around the world; however, there is yet no information on their prevalence in Argentina. The objective of this work was to identify Chlamydia spp., and particularly C. abortus in reproductive losses from bovine cattle in La Pampa, Argentina. Real time PCR targeting Chlamydiaceae-specific DNA fragments was performed on 251 samples obtained from bovine abortions and stillborns, and ArrayTube was used for species identification on positive samples. Chlamydiaceae DNA was detected in 12 samples of aborted fetuses (4.78%), 83.33% (10/12) accounting for abortions and 16.66% (2/12) for stillborns. C. abortus was detected by ArrayTube in 5 cases (1.99% of all samples, and 41.67% of Chlamydiaceae positive samples). This study shows the first detection of Chlamydiaceae and C. abortus DNA on reproductive losses of bovine cattle in Argentina, and the described prevalence value (4.78%) should be taken as baseline value due to the type of samples analyzed. Detection of genetic material from Chlamydiaceae not matching any of the studied species could be due to intraspecies variants or local species not yet described. Further research on Chlamydia infections in bovine cattle in Argentina is imperative to describe their range, to analyze their economic and zoonotic implications and to make recommendations about prevention and control measures.

Animals , Cattle , Female , Pregnancy , Chlamydia Infections , Cattle Diseases , Chlamydia , Argentina , Reproduction , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/veterinary , Cattle Diseases/diagnosis , Chlamydia/isolation & purification
Rev. chil. infectol ; 35(4): 371-376, ago. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978047


Resumen Introducción: La infección endocervical por Chlamydia trachomatis es considerada una de las principales causas de infertilidad en todo el mundo. Durante el embarazo puede conducir a complicaciones graves como la ruptura prematura de membranas y los partos prematuros. Objetivo: Determinar la prevalencia de infección genital por C. trachomatis en mujeres embarazadas e infértiles de la Ciudad de México. Métodos: La detección de C. trachomatis fue mediante reacción de polimerasa en cadena tiempo real (RPC-TR) con el kit comercial COBAS® TaqMan CT Test v2,0 (Roche Molecular System). Resultados: Se analizaron 2.352 muestras; 102 fueron positivas (4,3%). La prevalencia por edad mostró que las adolescentes embarazadas (15 a 19 años) fueron las de mayor riesgo de infección (10,9%, RR = 3,23 [IC 95%: 1,79-5,84]), seguido de mujeres jóvenes de 20 a 24 años, con prevalencia de 5,6% (RR = 1,65 [IC 95%: 0,82-3,34]). Discusión: Los resultados indican que la prevalencia está dentro del rango reportado en el concierto mundial. Sin embargo, las adolescentes embarazadas tuvieron mayor prevalencia que las mujeres infértiles. Conclusión: Es imperioso realizar un rastreo sistemático de infección por C. trachomatis en mujeres bajo 24 años de edad, y en mujeres embarazadas para disminuir los casos de infertilidad y las complicaciones perinatales.

Background: Endocervical infection by Chlamydia trachomatis is considered one of the leading causes of infertility worldwide. During pregnancy, it can lead to serious complications such as premature rupture of membranes and premature births. Aim: To determine the prevalence of genital infection by C. trachomatis in pregnancy and infertile women from Mexico City. Methods: The detection of C. trachomatis was performed by real-time PCR with the commercial kit COBAS® TaqMan CT Test v2.0 (Roche Molecular System). Results: We analyzed 2,352 endocervical swabs; 102 were positive (4.3%). Age prevalence showed that pregnant adolescents (15 to 19 years of age) had the highest risk of infection (10.9%, RR = 3.23 [95% IC: 1.79-5.84]), followed by young women aged 20 to 24 years, with a prevalence of 5.6% (RR = 1.65 [95% IC: 0.82-3.34]). Discussion: The results indicate that the prevalence is within the range reported worldwide. However, pregnant adolescents were those with a higher prevalence than infertile women were. Conclusion: A systematic screening of C. trachomatis infection in women younger than 24 years of age, and in pregnant women is necessary to reduce the incidence of infertility and perinatal complications.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Genital Diseases, Female/epidemiology , Perinatology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chlamydia Infections/microbiology , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Age Factors , Academies and Institutes , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Genital Diseases, Female/diagnosis , Infertility, Female/etiology , Infertility, Female/microbiology , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. panam. salud pública ; 42: e118, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-961812


ABSTRACT Objectives To estimate adult (15-49 years old) prevalence and incidence of active syphilis, gonorrhea, and chlamydia, and incidence of congenital syphilis (CS) and adverse birth outcomes (ABOs) in Colombia, over 1995-2016. Methods The Spectrum-STI epidemiological model tool estimated gonorrhea and chlamydia prevalences as moving averages across prevalences observed in representative general population surveys. For adult syphilis, Spectrum-STI applied segmented polynomial regression through prevalence data from antenatal care (ANC) surveys, routine ANC-based screening, and general population surveys. CS cases and ABOs were estimated from Spectrum's maternal syphilis estimates and proportions of women screened and treated for syphilis, applying World Health Organization case definitions and risk probabilities. Results The Spectrum model estimated prevalences in 2016 of 0.70% (95% confidence interval (CI): 0.15%-1.9%) in women and 0.60% (0.1%-1.9%) in men for gonorrhea and of 9.2% (4.4%-15.4%) in women and 7.4% (3.5%-14.7%) in men for chlamydia, without evidence for trends over 1995-2016. The prevalence of active syphilis in 2016 was 1.25% (1.22-1.29%) in women and 1.25% (1.1%-1.4%) in men, decreasing from 2.6% (2.1%-3.2%) in women in 1995. Corresponding CS cases in 2016 (including cases without clinical symptoms) totaled 3 851, of which 2 245 were ABOs. Annual CS and ABO estimates decreased over 2008-2016, reflecting decreasing maternal prevalence and increasing cases averted through ANC-based screening and treatment. Conclusions The available surveillance and monitoring data synthesized in Spectrum-STI— and the resulting first-ever national STI estimates for Colombia—highlighted Colombia's persistently high STI burden. Adult syphilis and congenital syphilis are estimated to be falling, reflecting improving screening efforts. Strengthened surveillance, including with periodic screening in low-risk populations and future refined Spectrum estimations, should support planning and implementation of STI prevention and control, including CS elimination.

resumen está disponible en el texto completo

RESUMO Objetivos Estimar a incidência e a prevalência na população adulta (com idade de 15-49 anos) de sífilis ativa, gonorreia e clamídia e a incidência de sífilis congênita (SC) e desfechos adversos congênitos na Colômbia no período de 1995 a 2016. Métodos O modelo epidemiológico Spectrum-STI foi o instrumento usado para estimar a prevalência de gonorreia e clamídia como médias móveis nas prevalências observadas em pesquisas representativas da população geral. A sífilis em adultos foi estimada com a regressão polinomial segmentada aplicada ao modelo Spectrum-STI com dados de prevalência obtidos de pesquisas da atenção pré-natal, exames pré-natais de rotina de detecção precoce e pesquisas da população geral. Casos de SC e desfechos adversos congênitos foram estimados a partir das estimativas de sífilis materna do modelo Spectrum e percentuais de mulheres que fizeram testes de detecção e foram tratadas para sífilis, segundo as definições de casos da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) e probabilidades de risco. Resultados O modelo Spectrum estimou, para 2016, uma prevalência de gonorreia de 0,70% (intervalo de confiança de 95% [IC 95%] 0,15%-1,9%) no sexo feminino e 0,60% (0,1%-1,9%) no sexo masculino e uma prevalência de clamídia de 9,2% (4,4%-15,4%) no sexo feminino e 7,4% (3,5%-14.7%) no sexo masculino, sem evidência de tendências no período 1995-2016. A prevalência de sífilis ativa em 2016 foi de 1,25% (1,22-1,29%) no sexo feminino e 1,25% (1,1%-1,4%) no sexo masculino, demonstrando um declínio da prevalência de 2,6% (2,1%-3,2%) observada em 1995 para o sexo feminino. Houve, ao todo, 3.851 casos correspondentes de SC em 2016 (incluindo casos assintomáticos), dos quais 2.245 foram desfechos adversos congênitos. Observou-se uma redução nas estimativas anuais de SC e desfechos adversos congênitos em 2008-2016, refletindo a diminuição da prevalência materna e o número crescente de casos evitados com exames pré-natais de detecção e tratamento. Conclusões Os dados disponíveis de vigilância e monitoramento condensados no modelo Spectrum-STI, e as resultantes estimativas nacionais de infeções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) obtidas pela primeira vez na Colômbia, evidenciam a alta carga persistente de IST no país. Estima-se que a ocorrência de sífilis do adulto e sífilis congênita esteja diminuindo em decorrência da melhoria nos esforços de detecção precoce. A vigilância reforçada, consistindo também de exames periódicos de detecção precoce nas populações de baixo risco e estimavas futuras aprimoradas do instrumento Spectrum, deve sustentar o planejamento e a implementação de controle e prevenção de IST e a eliminação da SC.

Humans , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Sexually Transmitted Diseases/prevention & control , Gonorrhea , Syphilis/diagnosis , Colombia/epidemiology , Surveillance in Disasters
Rev. chil. infectol ; 35(5): 498-500, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978063


Resumen La infección de transmisión sexual por Chlamydia trachomatis, tiene una alta prevalencia en Chile y otras latitudes, y se asocia a graves riesgos para la salud reproductiva de quienes se infectan. El cribado con autotoma de la muestra y detección mediante amplificación de ácidos nucleicos es la forma más eficaz de control sanitario. Hasta ahora, en Chile, el diagnóstico y manejo epidemiológico de C. trachomatis no se realiza en la salud pública. El Ministerio de Salud de Chile está haciendo importantes avances para iniciar esta implementación. La Sociedades Médicas se comprometen a participar en este proceso para lograr el eficaz control de esta infección en nuestra población.

The sexually transmitted infection caused by Chlamydia trachomatis has a high prevalence in Chile and other latitudes and is associated with serious risks to the reproductive health of those who become infected. Screening with self- collected samples and detection by amplification of nucleic acids is the most effective form of sanitary control. Until now, in Chile, the diagnosis and epidemiological management of C. trachomatis is not carried out in public health. The Ministry of Health of Chile is making important progress to start this implementation. The Medical Societies are committed to participate in this process to achieve effective control of this infection in our population.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Mass Screening , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Chile/epidemiology , Public Health
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 21(4): 402-407, July-Aug. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888898


Abstract Background: Chlamydia trachomatis (CT) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (GC) cause infections in the female genital tract, increasing susceptibility to and infectiousness of HIV. The objectives of the present study were to determine the prevalence and associated factors of CT and GC infection among HIV-infected women in Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted from March to December 2015, including HIV-infected women attending referral centers in nine states of Brazil, aged 18-49 years, nonpregnant. An interview was conducted including socio-demographic, epidemiological and clinical characteristics. After the interview, gynecological examination was conducted to collect cervical cytology and vaginal secretion to C. trachomatis and N. gonorrhoeae tests through molecular biology. Results: A total of 802 (89.1%) women participated. The prevalence of CT was 2.1% (17/802) and CG was 0.9% (7/802). The prevalence of a positive test for both CT and/or GC was 2.7%. The factors associated with positive CT/GC test in the multivariate logistic regression analysis were abnormal Papanicolau smear (OR 4.1; 95% CI: 1.54-11.09) and the presence of abnormal cervical discharge (OR 2.6; 95% CI: 1.02-6.71). Among 377 women who reported previous STI 245 (65.0%) reported using condom more frequently after being diagnosed. 62 (16.4%) discovered the STI after the partner told he was infected; 157 (41.6%) had STI symptoms and looked for care, and 158 (41.9%) discovered it in a routine consultation for another reason. Conclusions: The control of STI represents a unique opportunity to improve reproductive health of women living with HIV. STI diagnosis can change their behavior and reduce the sexual transmission of HIV and bacterial STI.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Gonorrhea/epidemiology , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Mass Screening , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/diagnosis
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 33(1): e00067415, 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-839633


Abstract: This study estimated the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis infection during pregnancy in a sample of women up to 29 years of age in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and investigated socio-demographic risk factors such as maternal age, marital status, maternal schooling, and family income. C. trachomatis infection was diagnosed with PCR using BD ProbeTecTM CT/GC Amplified DNA Assay. Socio-demographic, behavioral, and reproductive data were collected using structured questionnaires. All collections were performed by previously trained medical students. The study included a stratified probabilistic sample from four maternity hospitals in the city. The sample included 562 pregnant women, and prevalence of C. trachomatis infection was 12.3% (95%CI: 9.6-15.0). No significant association was identified between C. trachomatis infection and any of the target variables, including obstetric outcomes such as history of preterm delivery. Our findings in terms of low treatment adherence, only 43% of the women and 9.7% of partners, associated with high C. trachomatis prevalence, reinforce the need to implement routine screening for C. trachomatis during prenatal care. The attempt to diagnose and treat this infection after delivery, as in this study, limits the possibility of success.

Resumo: Este estudo estimou a prevalência de Chlamydia trachomatis durante a gestação entre mulheres de até 29 anos e investigou fatores de risco sociodemográficos, como idade materna, estado civil, escolaridade materna e renda familiar, para a infecção na cidade de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Infecção por C. trachomatis foi diagnosticada por PCR utilizando BD ProbeTecTM CT/GC Amplified DNA Assay system. Dados sociodemográficos, comportamentais e reprodutivos foram coletados através de questionários estruturados. Todas as coletas foram realizadas por estudantes de medicina treinados. Amostra probabilística estratificada de quatro maternidades da cidade foi estudada. A amostra constou de 562 gestantes e a prevalência de infecção por C. trachomatis foi de 12,3% (IC95%: 9,6-15,0). Não foi identificada associação significativa entre infecção por C. trachomatis e as variáveis investigadas, incluindo desfechos obstétricos como parto pretermo. Nossos achados de baixa adesão ao tratamento, de apenas 43% entre as mulheres e de 9,7% entre os parceiros, associados a alta prevalência, reforçam a necessidade de implementar rastreamento de rotina para C. trachomatis durante a assistência pré-natal. A tentativa de diagnosticar e tratar esta infecção depois do parto, como feito neste estudo, limita a possibilidade de sucesso.

Resumen: Este estudio estimó la prevalencia de Chlamydia trachomatis durante la gestación, entre mujeres de hasta 29 años, e investigó factores de riesgo sociodemográficos como: edad materna, estado civil, escolaridad materna y renta familiar, para esta infección en la ciudad de Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. La infección por C. trachomatis fue diagnosticada mediante PCR, utilizando BD ProbeTecTM CT/GC Amplified DNA Assay system. Los datos sociodemográficos, comportamentales y reproductivos se recogieron a través de cuestionarios estructurados. Todas las recogidas de datos se realizaron por parte de estudiantes de medicina entrenados. Se estudió la muestra probabilística estratificada de cuatro maternidades de la ciudad. La muestra constó de 562 gestantes y la prevalencia de infección por C. trachomatis fue de un 12,3% (IC95%: 9,6-15,0). No se identificó una asociación significativa entre infección por C. trachomatis y las variables investigadas, incluyendo desenlaces obstétricos como el parto pretérmino. Nuestros hallazgos de baja adhesión al tratamiento, solamente un 43% entre las mujeres y un 9,7% entre los compañeros, asociados a la alta prevalencia, refuerzan la necesidad de implementar una exploración de rutina para C. trachomatis durante la asistencia prenatal. La tentativa de diagnosticar y tratar esta infección después del parto, como se realizó en este estudio, limita la posibilidad de éxito.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Chlamydia trachomatis/genetics , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications, Infectious/microbiology , Prenatal Care , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors
Femina ; 44(4): 265-269, dez. 30, 2016. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1050873


Atualmente é crescente o número de mulheres atingidas por doenças como Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica (HAS), Diabetes, Osteoporose e mesmo cânceres, como os de mama e cólon. O médico ginecologista, muitas vezes, é a única referência de saúde destas pacientes. Este artigo visa reunir as recomendações das principais Sociedades Médicas no que diz respeito ao rastreio das comorbidades citadas e os demais cuidados básicos de saúde da mulher. Ele objetiva, portanto, facilitar e ampliar a abordagem prática do ginecologista no consultório para que a mulher seja avaliada de uma maneira mais completa.(AU)

The number of women suffering from diseases such as Systemic Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes, Osteoporosis and breast and colon cancers has grown in the latest decades. The gynecologist is oftenly the only reference in medical care for these women. This article groups the main recommendations from different Medical Societies regarding the tracking of these conditions and other basic aspects on women's health care. It aims to facilitate and broaden the gynecologists' practical approach in evaluating women in a more complete way.(AU)

Humans , Female , Women's Health , Medical Care , Delivery of Health Care , Diagnostic Tests, Routine , Gynecology/methods , Osteoporosis/diagnostic imaging , Referral and Consultation , Thyroid Diseases/diagnosis , Bacterial Infections/prevention & control , Bacteriuria/diagnosis , Urinary Tract Infections/diagnosis , Vitamin D Deficiency/diagnosis , Virus Diseases/prevention & control , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Cholesterol/analysis , Vaccination , Colonic Neoplasms/diagnosis , Diabetes Mellitus/diagnosis , Monitoring, Physiologic
Rev. chil. infectol ; 33(6): 619-627, dic. 2016. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844415


Introduction: Chlamydia trachomatis infection constitutes the most common sexual transmitted disease (STD) among young women. International studies demonstrate that prevalence changes over time and also according to places. Aims: To estimate the prevalence of this infection among asymptomatic Chilean women (15 to 24 years old) and correlating with risk factor occurrence. Methods: Transversal cohort study to identify C. trachomatis infection through a diagnostic kit designed to detect and amplify cryptic plasmid DNA by quantitative PCR from endocervical sample. Results: 181 women were screened during the period of study. The overall prevalence estimate was 5.5% and founding significant estimate variations (0% to 14.6%) between recruiting centers. There was difference in number of sexual partners (4.1 vs 2.5; p<0.05) between positive and negative women. No difference was observed in age of first coitus, STD history, the use of barrier method or socioeconomic level. However, the probability of being carrier increases as greater is the number of sexual partners, especially when the use of barrier method is low. The latest is not related to the socioeconomic level. Conclusions: One of 12 to 18 women at this age range will have asymptomatic infection. The current prevalence and its variability substantiates the C. trachomatis screening and periodic surveillance.

Introducción: La infección por Chlamydia trachomatis constituye la infección de transmisión sexual (ITS) más común en población femenina joven. Estudios internacionales demuestran que su prevalencia cambia con el tiempo y en diferentes lugares. Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de esta infección en mujeres jóvenes chilenas (15 a 24 años), asintomáticas, y correlacionarla con factores de riesgo. Métodos: Estudio de corte transversal para detección de C. trachomatis mediante kit diagnóstico basado en amplificación de ADN plasmidial críptico y uso de RPC cuantitativa en secreción endocervical. Resultados: En el período de estudio fueron tamizadas 181 mujeres. La prevalencia global fue 5,5%, observándose variaciones significativas (0% hasta 14,6%) entre centros. Hubo diferencia en el número de parejas (4,1 vs 2,5; p = 0,04) entre infectadas o no. No hubo diferencia en edad de inicio de actividad sexual, historia de ITS, uso de preservativo o nivel socio-económico. Sin embargo, el riesgo de infección asintomática aumenta a mayor número de parejas sexuales y cuando el uso de método de barrera es infrecuente durante el coito, independiente del nivel socio-económico. Conclusiones: Una de cada 12 a 18 mujeres a esta edad presenta infección asintomática de C. trachomatis. La prevalencia actual y su variabilidad justifican el tamizaje y la vigilancia periódica de C. trachomatis.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Sexual Behavior/statistics & numerical data , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Asymptomatic Infections/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Chile/epidemiology , Mass Screening , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Prevalence , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies
Braz. j. infect. dis ; 20(6): 569-575, Nov.-Dec. 2016. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-828154


ABSTRACT Background: Infections caused by Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae are the most common bacterial sexually transmitted infections throughout the world. These sexually transmitted infections are a growing problem in people living with HIV/AIDS. However, the presence of these agents in extra genital sites, remains poorly studied in our country. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae anal and genital infection in people living with HIV/AIDS followed in a reference center in Salvador, Brazil. Methods: Cross-sectional study, from June 2013 to June 2015. Proven HIV-infected people attending this reference center were invited. Clinical and epidemiological data were obtained through interview with standardized form. Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae screening was performed using qPCR (COBAS 4800® Roche). Results: The frequency of positive cases of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae was 12.3% in total, 9.2% cases amongst women and 17.1% amongst men. We found 14.0% of positive cases in anus and 3.1% in genital region in men, while 5.6% and 3.6%, in women, respectively. Among men, anal infection was associated with age <29 years (p = 0.033), report of anal intercourse (p = 0.029), pain during anal intercourse (p = 0.028). On the other hand, no association between genital infection and other variables were detected in bivariate analysis. Among women, we detected an association between Chlamydia trachomatis genital infection and age <29 years (p < 0.001), younger age at first sexual intercourse (p = 0.048), pregnancy (p < 0.001), viral load >50 copies/mL (p = 0.020), and no antiretroviral use (p = 0.008). Anal infection in women was associated with age <29 years old (p < 0.001) and pregnancy (p = 0.023), and was not associated with report of anal intercourse (p = 0.485). Conclusion: Missed opportunities for diagnosis in extra genital sites could impact on HIV transmission. The extra genital sites need to be considered to break the HIV and bacterial sexually transmitted infections chain-of-transmission.

Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Rectum/microbiology , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Gonorrhea/epidemiology , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/epidemiology , Genitalia, Female/microbiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Gonorrhea/diagnosis , Chlamydia trachomatis/isolation & purification , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/diagnosis , AIDS-Related Opportunistic Infections/microbiology , Neisseria gonorrhoeae/isolation & purification
Rev. chil. infectol ; 33(5): 513-518, oct. 2016. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-844401


Introduction: Chlamydia trachomatis presents clinical consequences and it is barely studied in Colombia. Objective: To compare the C. trachomatis infection in Bogotá and Medellín with specific frequencies by gender and age group, between 2012-2015. Methods: Descriptive study of multiple groups, with 1,660 people in Bogotá and 1,087 in Medellin. Anti-Chlamydia trachomatis test with recombinant antigens MOMP, TARP and CPAF was applied; 100% sensitivity and 99.6% specificity. It was estimated and compared the frequency of infection by gender and age group, by hypothesis testing, confidence intervals and prevalence ratios. Results: The largest proportion were women and people between 30-39 years. The frequency of positive IgG in Bogotá was 15.6% (95% CI = 13.4 to 17.8) in Medellin 16.9% (95% CI = 13.4 to 20.4), while the frequency of positive IgM was 0% in Medellin and 0.2% (95% CI = 0.01-1.0) in Bogotá; it was higher in women. In Bogotá, the frequency was higher in younger than 30 years and lower in older than 50. Discussion: The high frequency of infection, its greater occurrence in women, the differences found in the age groups, the low number of investigations in Colombia and clinical risks associated with C. trachomatis, show the need to improve surveillance, screening and research in this infection.

Introducción: Chlamydia trachomatis presenta graves consecuencias clínicas y es poco estudiada en Colombia. Objetivo: Comparar la infección por C. trachomatis en Bogotá y Medellín, y sus frecuencias específicas según sexo y grupo etario, 2012-2015. Material y Métodos: Estudio descriptivo de grupos múltiples, con 1.660 personas de Bogotá y 1.087 de Medellín. Se aplicó serología anti-Chalmydia trachomatis con antígenos recombinantes MOMP, TARP y CPAF; sensibilidad 100% y especificidad 99,6%. Se estimó y comparó la infección según sexo y grupo etario, mediante pruebas de hipótesis, intervalos de confianza y razones de prevalencia. Resultados: La mayor proporción correspondió a mujeres y personas entre 30-39 años. La frecuencia de historia de infección, según IgG, en Bogotá fue 15,6% (IC 95% = 13,4-17,8), en Medellín 16,9% (IC 95% = 13,4-20,4), mientras que con IgM fue 0% en Medellín y 0,2% (IC 95% = 0,01-1,0) en Bogotá; siendo mayor en las mujeres. En Bogotá, la frecuencia de infección fue más elevada bajo 30 años de edad y más baja sobre 50. Discusión: La elevada frecuencia de infección, la mayor ocurrencia en las mujeres, las diferencias halladas en los grupos etarios, el bajo número de investigaciones en Colombia y los riesgos clínicos asociados con C. trachomatis, evidencian la necesidad de mejorar la vigilancia, tamización e investigación en esta infección.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Chlamydia Infections/epidemiology , Chlamydia trachomatis/immunology , Immunoglobulin G/blood , Chlamydia Infections/diagnosis , Mass Screening , Prevalence , Sensitivity and Specificity , Cities/epidemiology , Sex Distribution , Colombia/epidemiology , Age Distribution , Antibodies, Bacterial/blood