OBJECTIVE@#To explore the clinical characteristics and genetic basis for three children with Congenital chlorine diarrhea (CCD).@*METHODS@#Three children with CCD who attended the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Capital Pediatric Institute from June 2014 to August 2020 were selected as the research subjects. Peripheral blood samples of the three children and their parents were collected for genetic testing. And the results were verified by Sanger sequencing.@*RESULTS@#The clinical manifestations of the three children have included recurrent diarrhea, with various degrees of hypochloremia, hypokalemia and refractory metabolic alkalosis. Genetic testing revealed that the three children have all carried variants of the SLC26A3 gene, including homozygous c.1631T>A (p.I544N) variants, c.2063_1G>T and c.1039G>A (p.A347T) compound heterozygous variants, and c.270_271insAA(p.G91kfs*3) and c.2063_1G>T compound heterozygous variants. Sanger sequencing confirmed that all of the variants were inherited from their parents.@*CONCLUSION@#The variants of the SLC26A3 gene probably underlay the CCD in these children. Above finding has enriched the spectrum of SLC26A3 gene variants.
Humans , Child , Chlorine , Genetic Testing , Hypokalemia/genetics , Homozygote , Diarrhea/genetics , MutationABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the clinical characteristics and treatment of critically ill children with acute chlorine poisoning and explore the risk factors and effective strategies. Methods: This retrospective study collected the clinical data, including general state, clinical characteristics, treatment and follow-up(till 1 year and 6 months after discharge), of 6 critically ill children who were hospitalized in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of Beijing Children's Hospital due to acute chlorine poisoning in August 2019. Results: There were 6 children characterized by severe dyspnea in this accident, among whom 4 were boys and two girls, aged 4-12 years. When the accident occurred, they were within 5 m of the chlorine source. These patients underwent tracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation in 3.5-7.0 h after poisoning. The child who was the closest to the chlorine source (1.5 m) and took the longest time (5 min) to evacuate was the most severe one. He suffered hypoxia which could not be corrected by conventional mechanical ventilation and severe shock, then had veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation(ECMO) treatment started 10 h after the accident. All the 6 children in this study survived. Following-up found no growth and developmental abnormality. The pulmonary function tests were normal except for one case with increased small airway resistance due to previous suspected asthma, and the lung CT, electhoencephalogram, and brain magnetic resonance imaging were all normal. Conclusions: Severe chlorine poisoning is mainly characterized by respiratory failure. Mechanical ventilation is often required within a few hours after poisoning. When conventional mechanical ventilation is ineffective, ECMO could save live. Timely treatment could improve prognosis.
Child , Female , Humans , Male , Chlorine , Critical Illness , Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation , Respiratory Insufficiency/therapy , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
A busca por fontes alternativas de recursos hídricos é indispensável tornando a captação de água superficial uma opção viável para complementar o abastecimento público, porém, suas características exigem tratamento adequado para o consumo. O contato do cloro com a matéria orgânica (MO) presente em águas pode resultar na formação de diversas substâncias carcinogênicas, como os trialometanos (THM). A ausência de estudos sobre a característica predominante da matéria orgânica precursora no rio Pardo deixa uma preocupação quanto à tecnologia a ser empregada no tratamento da água, que deverá ser de ciclo completo com uma etapa complementar de pré-oxidação com cloro seguida de adsorção em carvão ativado pulverizado para garantir a remoção de microcontaminantes. O estudo foi conduzido no rio Pardo, inserido na Unidade de Gerenciamento de Recursos Hídricos (UGRHI-4), Ribeirão Preto, estado de São Paulo. A quantificação dos SOH foi realizada no cromatógrafo a gás modelo CG 2010 Marca Shimadzu com detector de captura de elétrons e a aquisição de dados foi obtida por um microcomputador com software para cromatografia CG Real Times Analysis. De modo geral, os parâmetros analisados para o rio Pardo demonstraram que o manancial se encontra dentro dos parâmetros da CONAMA n° 357 (2005) e CONAMA n° 430 (2011) considerados ideais para um rio de classe 2. Os parâmetros analisados neste trabalho podem contribuir com conhecimento para dar subsídio para seleção da tecnologia de tratamento de água do rio Pardo, sendo ela de ciclo completo devido a sua alternância na turbidez ao longo do ano. Dentre os SOH investigados pelo trabalho, foram encontrados apenas cinco (5), sendo esses o Clorofórmio, Dicloroacetonitrila, Bromodiclorometano, Cloro Hidrato e Tricloropropanona. O Clorofórmio e Cloro Hidrato tiveram suas maiores concentrações de 76 µg·L-1 e 68 µg·L-1, respectivamente. De forma geral, os compostos quantificados se encontram abaixo dos preconizado pela Portaria GM/MS nº 888 de 2021. Ao comparar os diferentes pH é possível observar uma tendência de aumento na formação de Trialometanos conforme o aumento no valor de pH. Entretanto, devido a faixa de pH empregada ter sido restrita entre 6,0 e 9,0 a análise estatística não nos permite afirmar que há uma associação direta entre o pH e a formação de SOH
The search for alternative sources of water resources is indispensable, making the capture of surface water a viable option to complement the public supply, however, its characteristics require adequate treatment for consumption. The contact of chlorine with organic matter (OM) present in water can result in the formation of several carcinogenic substances, such as trihalomethanes (THM). The absence of studies on the predominant characteristic of the precursor organic matter in the Pardo River leaves a concern about the technology to be used in the water treatment, which should be a complete cycle with a complementary step of pre-oxidation with chlorine followed by adsorption on charcoal activated powder to ensure the removal of microcontaminants. The study was conducted on the Pardo River, located at the Water Resources Management Unit (UGRHI-4), Ribeirão Preto, state of São Paulo. The quantification of SOH was performed in a gas chromatograph model CG 2010 Shimadzu brand with electron capture detector and the data acquisition was obtained by a microcomputer with software for chromatography CG Real Times Analysis. In general, the parameters analyzed for the Pardo River showed that the source is within the parameters of CONAMA No. 357 (2005) and CONAMA No. 430 (2011) considered ideal for a class 2 river. The parameters analyzed in this work can contribute with knowledge to subsidize the selection of water treatment technology for the Pardo River, which is a complete cycle due to its alternation in turbidity throughout the year. Among the SOH investigated by the work, only five (5) were found, these being Chloroform, Dichloroacetonitrile, Bromodichloromethane, Chlorohydrate and Trichloropropanone. Chloroform and Chlorine Hydrate had their highest concentrations of 76 µg·L-1 and 68 µg·L-1, respectively. In general, the quantified compounds are below those recommended by Ordinance GM/MS nº 888 of 2021. When comparing the different pHs, it is possible to observe a tendency towards an increase in the formation of Trihalomethanes as the pH value increases. However, because the pH range used was restricted to between 6.0 and 9.0, the statistical analysis does not allow us to state that there is a direct association between pH and the formation of SOH
Water Resources , Trihalomethanes , Chlorine , Water PurificationABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El intervalo Postmortem (IPM) es un importante desafío por resolver en la patología forense, y consiste en poder determinar el tiempo transcurrido desde la muerte hasta el momento de la autopsia. Dada la poca confiabilidad de algunos métodos por la gran influencia de factores externos y propios del cadáver, la bioquímica forense ha recibido considerable atención por sus niveles de seguridad. La ciudad de Quito se ubica en la cordillera de Los Andes a 2850 msnm, sin embargo, en la literatura no existen reportes de medición de estos parámetros a una altura como ésta. El objetivo fue establecer una correlación entre sodio (Na+), cloro (Cl-) y potasio (K+) del humor vítreo del cuerpo vítreo y el IPM a la altura de la ciudad de Quito. Para el estudio se utilizaron 128 muestras de cuerpo vítreo provenientes de 16 autopsias practicadas en la Unidad de Medicina Legal Zona 9, en IPM de 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 y 144 horas. Para la obtención del humor vítreo se siguió el método convencional, se dividió para las 8 alícuotas y se llevó a congelación -20 °C hasta el momento de su análisis. La cuantificación de la concentración de electrolitos Na+, Cl- y Potasio+ se realizó mediante analizador ISE de Roche Cobas (Roche Diagnostics) C501, calibrado para uroanálisis, y no fue necesaria la dilución. Durante la calibración y cada tres muestras, se midió un estándar interno para corregir los efectos de la desviación sistemática en la calibración. El enfoque estadístico se basó en un análisis de correlación lineal, utilizando el coeficiente de correlación de Spearman. La correlación entre las horas postmortem y las concentraciones de los diferentes electrolitos, fueron estadísticamente significativas. Se pudo corroborar una correlación lineal significativa entre el IPM y el aumento del K+ en el HV.
SUMMARY: The postmortem interval (PMI) is an important challenge to be solved in forensic pathology, and it consists of being able to determine the time elapsed from death to the moment of autopsy. Given the unreliability of some methods due to the great influence of external factors and those specific to the corpse, forensic biochemistry has received considerable attention for its levels of safety. The city of Quito is located in the Andes mountain range at 2850 meters above sea level, however, in the literature there are no reports of measurement of these parameters at a height like this. The objective was to establish a correlation between sodium (Na+), chlorine (Cl-) and potassium (K+) of the vitreous humor and the MPI at a height of 2,850 masl. For the study, 128 samples of vitreous humor were used from 16 autopsies performed in the Zone 9 Legal Medicine Unit, in IPM of 6, 12, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120 and 144 hours. To obtain the vitreous humor, the conventional method was followed, it was divided for the 8 aliquots and it was frozen at -20 ° C until the moment of its analysis. The quantification of the concentration of electrolytes Na+, Cl- and K+ was carried out using an ISE analyzer from Roche Cobas (Roche Diagnostics) C501, calibrated for urinalysis, and no dilution was necessary. During calibration and every third sample, an internal standard was measured to correct for the effects of systematic deviation on the calibration. The statistical approach was based on a linear correlation analysis, using the Spearman correlation coefficient. The correlation between the postmortem hours and the concentrations of the different electrolytes were statistically significant. A significant linear correlation between the PMI and the increase in K+ in vitreous humor could be corroborated.
Humans , Postmortem Changes , Potassium/analysis , Sodium/analysis , Vitreous Body/chemistry , Chlorine/analysis , Time Factors , Longitudinal Studies , Electrolytes/analysisABSTRACT
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavor enhancer widely used in the food industry, with obesogenic properties, in addition to causing alterations in the oral cavity. The aim of the study was to observe the morphofunctional changes in the parotid gland after the administration of MSG in rats. 18 newborn male Sprague Dawley rats were used, divided into three groups (Control group; MSG1 group: 4 mg/g weight of monosodium glutamate, 5 doses, kept for 8 weeks, and MSG2 group: 4 mg/g weight of MSG, 5 doses, kept for 16 weeks). The body mass index (BMI) was calculated, and the salivary flow, pH, a-amylase activity, Na, Cl, K and Ca were analyzed by quantitative analysis. After euthanasia by ketamine/xylazine overdose, parotid volume was analyzed and stereology was performed. MSG administration caused an increase in BMI and a decrease in parotid volume as well as a reduction in salivary flow and pH and an increase in a-amylase activity, also increasing the salivary sodium and chlorine levels. Alterations in the normal stereological parameters of the gland were observed. Exposure to MSG caused morphofunctional alterations at parotid gland.
El glutamato monosódico (MSG), es un potenciador del sabor ampliamente utilizado en la industria alimentaria. Diversos estudios han propuesto la relación entre éste y el desarrollo de obesidad, además de provocar alteraciones en la cavidad oral. El objetivo del estudio fue observar los cambios morfofuncionales a nivel de la glándula parótida, posterior a la administración de MSG en ratas. Se utilizaron 18 ratas neonatas Sprague Dawley machos, divididas en tres grupos según su tiempo de exposición y dosis a MSG (Grupo Control, Grupo MSG1: 4 mg/g peso de glutamato monosódico, 5 dosis, mantenidas 8 semanas, Grupo MSG2: 4 mg/g peso de MSG, 5 dosis, mantenidas 16 semanas. Fue calculado el índice de masa corporal (BMI), además de ser analizado el flujo salival, pH, actividad de α-amilasa, y Na, Cl, K y Ca mediante análisis semicuantitativo. Luego de la eutanasia por sobredosis de ketamina/xilasina, las glándulas parótidas fueron extraídas y analizado su volumen y fueron procesadas para histología, y estudio estereológico. La administración de MSG causó aumento en BMI y disminución del volumen parotídeo, además de disminución del flujo y pH salival, así como aumento en actividad de la a-amilasa, aumentando además los niveles de sodio y cloro salival. Fueron observadas alteraciones a nivel de los parámetros estereológicos normales de la glándula. La exposición a MSG causó alteraciones morfofuncionales a nivel parotídeo, observándose una disminución del volumen de la glándula, acompañado de alteraciones en el adenómero y conductos estriados de la glándula, implicados en la producción, secreción y modificación de la saliva, la cual se vio alterada, en el flujo, pH, y en sus componentes.
Animals , Male , Rats , Parotid Gland/drug effects , Sodium Glutamate/administration & dosage , Flavoring Agents/administration & dosage , Saliva/chemistry , Sodium/analysis , Sodium Glutamate/pharmacology , Time Factors , Body Mass Index , Chlorine/analysis , Analysis of Variance , Rats, Wistar , alpha-Amylases/analysis , Flavoring Agents/pharmacology , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
Objective: This study aimed to gather information available in different disinfection protocols for establishments that provide care to suspected or confirmed patients with COVID-19, to contain the spread of the virus, besides proposing different ways of preparing the bleach solution for the most varied purposes within a Health Unit. Methods: It was realized bibliographic research about disinfection protocols to contain COVID-19, as well as disinfectant agents used to inactivate the virus. Results: Many hospitals and basic health units perform disinfection in many hospitals based on disinfection protocols that are not suitable due to the insufficient amount of daily cleaning recommended, as well as the use of ineffective agents or in inadequate concentrations. Among the most used disinfectant agents chlorine solutions have been described as the most efficient and most applicable, thus, we recommend the use of solutions containing chlorine in its composition, such as commercial bleach, as well as highlight its finalities, correct way of use and application at environments that take care of patients with disease COVID-19 or suspected. Conclusion: the use of solutions containing chlorine in its composition, such as commercial bleach, is a viable alternative for disinfecting hospitals and health basic units, due to its efficiency against the coronavirus, low cost, accessibility, and greater applicability when detected by other widespread disinfectant agents.(AU)
Objetivo: Este trabalho teve como objetivo reunir informações disponíveis em diferentes protocolos de desinfecção para estabelecimentos que prestam atendimento a pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados com COVID-19, para conter a disseminação do vírus, além de propor diferentes formas de preparo da solução de água sanitária para as mais variadas finalidades dentro de uma Unidade de saúde. Métodos: foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre protocolos de desinfecção para conter o COVID-19, bem como os agentes desinfetantes empregados para inativar o vírus. Resultados: Muitos hospitais e unidades básicas de saúde realizam a desinfecção baseada em protocolos que não são adequados devida a quantidade insuficiente de limpeza diária recomendada, bem como o uso de agentes ineficazes ou em concentrações inadequadas. Dentre os agentes desinfetantes mais utilizados, soluções de cloro ativo têm sido descritas como as mais eficientes e aplicáveis, portanto, recomendamos o uso de soluções contendo cloro ativo em sua composição, como água sanitária, bem como enfatizamos suas finalidades, correta forma de uso e apliações em ambientes que prestam cuidados a pacientes suspeitos ou confirmados com COVID-19. Conclusão: o uso de soluções contendo cloro ativo em sua composição, como água sanitária, é uma alternativa viável para desinfecção de hospitais e unidades básicas de saúde devido a sua eficácia contra o coronavírus, baixo custo, fácil acesso, e maior aplicabilidade quando comparados com outros agentes desinfetantes.(AU)
Humans , Chlorine/administration & dosage , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Disinfectants/administration & dosage , Disinfection By-Products/methods , Housekeeping, Hospital/standardsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Fungi are ubiquitous in the environment. They are able to grow in water and many of them may be opportunistic pathogens. OBJECTIVE: The aims were to identify fungi in registered wells (RWs) and nonregistered wells (NRWs) that tap into groundwater; and to correlate the results from physicochemical assays on this water (free residual chlorine and pH) with the presence of fungi. DATA AND SETTING: Analytical cross-sectional quantitative study on groundwater wells in São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: 52 samples of 500 ml of water were collected from RWs and 107 from NRWs. These were sent to a microbiology laboratory to identify any fungi that were present. In addition, free residual chlorine and pH were measured immediately after sample collection. Several statistical analysis tests were used. RESULTS: Fungal contamination was present in 78.8% of the samples from RWs and 81.3% from NRWs. Filamentous fungi were more prevalent than yeast in both types of wells. There was no significant difference in presence of fungi according to whether chloride and pH were within recommended levels in RWs; or according to whether pH was within recommended levels in NRWs. Furthermore, there was no statistical difference in the levels of fungal contamination between RWs and NRWs. CONCLUSION: Both RWs and NRWs are potential reservoirs for many types of fungi. Many of these may become opportunistic pathogens if they infect immunosuppressed individuals. Furthermore, this study confirms that fungi are able to grow even when chlorine and pH parameters are within the standards recommended.
Humans , Water Microbiology , Drinking Water/microbiology , Water Wells , Fungi/isolation & purification , Penicillium/isolation & purification , Aspergillus fumigatus/isolation & purification , Drinking Water/chemistry , Groundwater/microbiology , Brazil , Candida/isolation & purification , Chlorine/analysis , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The cholera outbreak in Yemen has become the largest in the recent history of cholera records, having reached more than 1.4 million cases since it started in late 2016. This study aimed to identify risk factors for cholera in this outbreak.METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in Aden in 2018 to investigate risk factors for cholera in this still-ongoing outbreak. In total, 59 cholera cases and 118 community controls were studied.RESULTS: The following risk factors were associated with being a cholera case in the bivariate analysis: a history of travelling and having had visitors from outside Aden Province; eating outside the house; not washing fruit, vegetables, and khat (a local herbal stimulant) before consumption; using common-source water; and not using chlorine or soap in the household. In the multivariate analysis, not washing khat and the use of common-source water remained significant risk factors for being a cholera case.CONCLUSIONS: Behavioural factors and unsafe water appear to be the major risk factors in the recent cholera outbreak in Yemen. In order to reduce the risk of cholera, hygiene practices for washing khat and vegetables and the use and accessibility of safe drinking water should be promoted at the community level.
Case-Control Studies , Catha , Chlorine , Cholera , Drinking Water , Eating , Family Characteristics , Fruit , Hygiene , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Soaps , Vegetables , Water , YemenABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES: The cholera outbreak in Yemen has become the largest in the recent history of cholera records, having reached more than 1.4 million cases since it started in late 2016. This study aimed to identify risk factors for cholera in this outbreak. METHODS: A case-control study was conducted in Aden in 2018 to investigate risk factors for cholera in this still-ongoing outbreak. In total, 59 cholera cases and 118 community controls were studied. RESULTS: The following risk factors were associated with being a cholera case in the bivariate analysis: a history of travelling and having had visitors from outside Aden Province; eating outside the house; not washing fruit, vegetables, and khat (a local herbal stimulant) before consumption; using common-source water; and not using chlorine or soap in the household. In the multivariate analysis, not washing khat and the use of common-source water remained significant risk factors for being a cholera case. CONCLUSIONS: Behavioural factors and unsafe water appear to be the major risk factors in the recent cholera outbreak in Yemen. In order to reduce the risk of cholera, hygiene practices for washing khat and vegetables and the use and accessibility of safe drinking water should be promoted at the community level.
Case-Control Studies , Catha , Chlorine , Cholera , Drinking Water , Eating , Family Characteristics , Fruit , Hygiene , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Soaps , Vegetables , Water , YemenABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of surfactants 0.2% or 0.1% cetrimide (Cet) or 0.008% benzalkonium chloride (BAK) on 2.5% calcium hypochlorite (Ca(OCl)2), and compare to sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), regarding the properties of pH, free chlorine content, surface tension, contact angle, pulp dissolution and antimicrobial activity. Material and Methods The pH and free chlorine content were evaluated by digital pHmeter and by titration, respectively. Surface tension was measured by the platinum ring technique with a Du Noüy tensiometer. The solution's contact angle in human dentin surfaces was checked by Drop Shape Analyzer software. Bovine pulps were used for pulp dissolution analysis and the dissolving capacity was expressed by percent weight loss. Antimicrobial activity over Enterococcus faecalis was evaluated by the agar diffusion method. Results Surfactants addition to Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl did not alter the pH, free chlorine content and pulp dissolution properties. Ca(OCl)2 had the highest surface tension among all tested solutions. When surfactants were added to Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl, there was a significant reduction of surface tension and contact angle values. The addition of 0.2% or 0.1% Cet enhanced antimicrobial activity of both Ca(OCl)2 and NaOCl. Conclusion Surfactant addition to 2.5% Ca(OCl)2 has shown acceptable outcomes for pH, free chlorine content, surface tension, contact angle, pulp dissolution and antimicrobial activity. Furthermore, the addition of 0.2% Cet showed better results for all tested properties.
Humans , Animals , Cattle , Root Canal Irrigants/chemistry , Sodium Hypochlorite/chemistry , Surface-Active Agents/chemistry , Benzalkonium Compounds/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Cetrimonium/chemistry , Reference Values , Sodium Hypochlorite/pharmacology , Surface-Active Agents/pharmacology , Surface Properties , Benzalkonium Compounds/pharmacology , Materials Testing , Chlorine/analysis , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Enterococcus faecalis/drug effects , Calcium Compounds/pharmacology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Pulp/drug effects , Dentin/drug effects , Cetrimonium/pharmacology , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
No Brasil, do ano de 2000 a 2017, ocorreram 12.503 surtos de origem alimentar e os locais que sobressaíram como os mais frequentes na ocorrência destes surtos foram restaurantes e residências tendo como uma das causas principais, as superfícies de equipamentos, utensílios e objetos mal higienizados. O produto mais usado para realizar a higiene é o hipoclorito de sódio (água sanitária), sendo este utilizado tanto para serviços de alimentação como para uso residencial. O hipoclorito é comercializado industrialmente e este pode ser fabricado de forma impropria não correspondendo ao percentual de cloro contido em sua rotulagem. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o teor de cloro das marcas comerciais de águas sanitárias industrializadas comercializadas na cidade de Maceió/ AL. A metodologia utilizada para determinação de Cloro Ativo foi o método volumétrico, em solução de hipoclorito de sódio. Duas marcas comerciais apresentaram valores menores que 2% de cloro, sete com valores acima e três com valores entre 2 e 2,5%, valores estes preconizados pela legislação. Os resultados mostram que a fabricação deste produto precisa de fiscalização por órgãos competentes para que o teor de cloro esteja dentro do padrão da Legislação. Com essa inadequação a população será prejudicada, pois estará comprando um produto adulterado.
In Brazil, from the year 2000 to 2017, 12,503 foodborne outbreaks have occurred, and the other important local as the more frequent occurrence of these outbreaks was restaurants and residences having as one of the main causes, the surfaces of equipment, utensils and objects poorly sanitized. The product used to perform hygiene is sodium hypochlorite (bleach), which is used for both food service as for residential use. The hypochlorite is sold industrially and this can be manufactured in a manner unbecoming not corresponding to the percentage of chlorine contained in your labelling. The aim of this study was to analyze the chlorine content of the trademarks of sanitary water marketed in the industrialised city of Maceió/AL. The methodology used for the determination of active chlorine, was using the volumetric method, solution of sodium hypochlorite. Two trademarks presented values less than 2% chlorine, seven with values above and 3 with values between 2 and 2.5%, these values provided by the legislation. The results show that the manufacture of this product needs supervision by competent bodies so that the chlorine content is within the pattern of legislation. Whit this inadequacy to population will suffer, as will be buying and adulterated product.
Chlorine/administration & dosage , Chlorine/standards , Disinfectants/analysis , Sodium Hypochlorite/analysis , Sanitizing Products , TitrimetryABSTRACT
[{"text": "Este trabalho objetivou avaliar a\r\ninfluência da cloração da água utilizada\r\nna higienização de tanques de\r\nexpansão na contagem de Escherichia\r\ncoli e Pseudomonas sp. do leite\r\ncru refrigerado. Amostras de leite cru\r\ne de água de18 tanques de expansão\r\nforam avaliadas por um ano, sendo\r\nque em 9 tanques não havia sistema\r\nde cloração da água implantado no\r\ndecorrer de 12 meses e nos outros\r\n9, por 6 meses não houve cloração\r\nda água e nos 6 meses seguintes o\r\nsistema foi implantado. Para determinação\r\nde E. coli no leite cru e na\r\nágua utilizou-se a técnica do Número\r\nMais Provável (NMP) e para\r\na contagem de Pseudomonas sp.\r\nutilizou-se Ágar Para Isolamento de\r\nPseudomonas (PIA). Constataram-\r\n-se valores médios de 1,5NMP/mL e\r\n1,6NMP/mLde E. coli no leite e na\r\nágua, respectivamente, nas amostras\r\nprovenientes dos 9 tanques em que a\r\nágua utilizada não foiclorada por 12\r\nmeses. As amostras de leite e água\r\nprocedentes dos 9 tanques que receberam\r\nágua clorada durante a limpeza\r\npor 6 meses apresentaram em média\r\n1,8NMP/mL e < 1,1 NMP/mL de\r\nE.coli, respectivamente. A contagem\r\nmédia de Pseudomonas sp. nas amostras\r\nde água procedentes dos 9 tanques\r\nem que a água utilizada no processo\r\nde limpeza não recebeu cloração por\r\n6 meses e que posteriormente passou\r\na ser clorada foi 1,1x103UFC/mL e\r\n1,2x102UFC/mL, respectivamente.\r\nPor outro lado,amédia das contagens\r\nde Pseudomonas sp. foi de 9,8x104\r\nUFC/mL e 5,1x105 UFC/mL nas\r\namostras de leite procedentes dos tanques\r\nem que a água utilizada no processo\r\nde limpeza não recebeu cloração\r\npor 6 meses e que posteriormente\r\npassou a ser clorada, respectivamente,\r\no que indica que esta bactéria acessa o\r\nleite cru a partir de diferentes fontes\r\nde contaminação, além da água. Assim,\r\na cloração foi eficiente apenas\r\nna redução da contagem de E. coli e\r\nPseudomonas sp. na água.(AU)", "_i": "pt"}]
Humans , Water Samples , Chlorine/analysis , Water Disinfection/methods , Milk/microbiology , Food Storage , Pseudomonas/isolation & purification , Dairying , Escherichia coli/isolation & purification , Water Contamination ControlABSTRACT
<p><b>Objective</b>Exposure to halogens, such as chlorine or bromine, results in environmental and occupational hazard to the lung and other organs. Chlorine is highly toxic by inhalation, leading to dyspnea, hypoxemia, airway obstruction, pneumonitis, pulmonary edema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Although bromine is less reactive and oxidative than chlorine, inhalation also results in bronchospasm, airway hyperresponsiveness, ARDS, and even death. Both halogens have been shown to damage the systemic circulation and result in cardiac injury as well. There is no specific antidote for these injuries since the mechanisms are largely unknown.</p><p><b>Data Sources</b>This review was based on articles published in PubMed databases up to January, 2018, with the following keywords: "chlorine," "bromine," "lung injury," and "ARDS."</p><p><b>Study Selection</b>The original articles and reviews including the topics were the primary references.</p><p><b>Results</b>Based on animal studies, it is found that inhaled chlorine will form chlorine-derived oxidative products that mediate postexposure toxicity; thus, potential treatments will target the oxidative stress and inflammation induced by chlorine. Antioxidants, cAMP-elevating agents, anti-inflammatory agents, nitric oxide-modulating agents, and high-molecular-weight hyaluronan have shown promising effects in treating acute chlorine injury. Elevated free heme level is involved in acute lung injury caused by bromine inhalation. Hemopexin, a heme-scavenging protein, when administered postexposure, decreases lung injury and improves survival.</p><p><b>Conclusions</b>At present, there is an urgent need for additional research to develop specific therapies that target the basic mechanisms by which halogens damage the lungs and systemic organs.</p>
Animals , Humans , Acute Lung Injury , Chlorine , Toxicity , Halogens , Toxicity , Lung , Pathology , Respiratory Distress Syndrome , Drug TherapyABSTRACT
O trabalho realizado teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade higienicossanitária de carcaças bovinas, oriundas de abatedouros-frigoríficos sob Inspeção Distrital (Dipova) e Federal (SIF), localizados na região do Distrito Federal e Entorno. Foram realizadas análises microbiológicas para Contagem de micro-organismos Mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos, identificação do Número mais Provável de Coliformes a 45°C e Contagem de Staphylococcus aureus em 05 (cinco) diferentes pontos de 07 (sete) meias carcaças, nas quais as coletas foram realizadas antes e depois da lavagem com água clorada, perfazendo assim um total de 70 análises. Os valores médios dos resultados observados, antes da lavagem com água clorada, para Contagem de micro-organismos Mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos, foram de 9,7 UFC/cm²; para Número Mais provável de Coliformes a 45ºC, de 29 germes/cm² e para Staphylococcus coagulase positivo, de 1 UFC/cm². Os valores observados nas meias carcaças, após a lavagem com água clorada na Contagem de micro- -organismos Mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos foram de 1,5 UFC/ cm²; para a análise de Número Mais Provável de Coliformes a 45ºC, foi de 8,2 germes/cm² e não houve crescimento de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva. Neste trabalho verificou-se a presença de Coliformes a 45ºC e a Contagem de micro-organismos Mesófilos aeróbios estritos e facultativos antes e após a lavagem das meias carcaças e a presença de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva apenas antes das lavagem das mesmas. A lavagem das meias carcaças com água clorada diminuiu o grau de contaminação.(AU)
Animals , Cattle , Food Inspection , Slaughterhouse Sanitation , Meat/analysis , Meat/microbiology , Food Contamination/prevention & control , Chlorine , Disinfection/methods , Food SafetyABSTRACT
RESUMO A síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo é caracterizada por lesão pulmonar inflamatória difusa, classificada em leve, moderada e grave. Clinicamente observam-se hipoxemia, opacidades bilaterais na imagem pulmonar e diminuição da complacência pulmonar. A sepse está entre as causas mais prevalentes (30 - 50%). Dentre as causas diretas de síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo, a inalação de cloro é uma causa incomum, gerando, na maior parte dos casos, irritação de mucosas e vias aéreas. Apresentamos um caso de síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo grave após inalação acidental de cloro em piscina, sendo utilizada ventilação não invasiva como tratamento com boa resposta neste caso. Classificamos como síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo grave baseado na relação pressão parcial de oxigênio/fração inspirada de oxigênio < 100, embora a classificação de Berlin seja limitada em considerar pacientes com hipoxemia grave manejados exclusivamente com ventilação não invasiva. A taxa de falha da ventilação não invasiva nos casos de síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo está em torno de 52%, estando associada à maior mortalidade. As possíveis complicações do uso da ventilação mecânica não invasiva com pressão positiva na síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo seriam o atraso para a intubação orotraqueal sendo a mesma realizada em uma condição clínica pior e um alto nível de pressões de suporte, somados a esforços inspiratórios profundos, gerando elevados volumes correntes e pressões transpulmonares excessivas, que contribuem para injúria pulmonar associada à ventilação. Apesar disto, alguns estudos mostraram diminuição nas taxas de intubação orotraqueal em pacientes com síndrome do desconforto respiratório Agudo com baixos escores de gravidade, estabilidade hemodinâmica e ausência de outras disfunções orgânicas.
ABSTRACT Acute respiratory distress syndrome is characterized by diffuse inflammatory lung injury and is classified as mild, moderate, and severe. Clinically, hypoxemia, bilateral opacities in lung images, and decreased pulmonary compliance are observed. Sepsis is one of the most prevalent causes of this condition (30 - 50%). Among the direct causes of acute respiratory distress syndrome, chlorine inhalation is an uncommon cause, generating mucosal and airway irritation in most cases. We present a case of severe acute respiratory distress syndrome after accidental inhalation of chlorine in a swimming pool, with noninvasive ventilation used as a treatment with good response in this case. We classified severe acute respiratory distress syndrome based on an oxygen partial pressure/oxygen inspired fraction ratio <100, although the Berlin classification is limited in considering patients with severe hypoxemia managed exclusively with noninvasive ventilation. The failure rate of noninvasive ventilation in cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome is approximately 52% and is associated with higher mortality. The possible complications of using noninvasive positive-pressure mechanical ventilation in cases of acute respiratory distress syndrome include delays in orotracheal intubation, which is performed in cases of poor clinical condition and with high support pressure levels, and deep inspiratory efforts, generating high tidal volumes and excessive transpulmonary pressures, which contribute to ventilation-related lung injury. Despite these complications, some studies have shown a decrease in the rates of orotracheal intubation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome with low severity scores, hemodynamic stability, and the absence of other organ dysfunctions.
Humans , Male , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/therapy , Chlorine/poisoning , Positive-Pressure Respiration/methods , Noninvasive Ventilation/methods , Oxygen , Partial Pressure , Respiratory Distress Syndrome/chemically induced , Severity of Illness Index , Tidal Volume , Treatment Outcome , Middle AgedABSTRACT
The study aimed to evaluate the effect of different levels of chlorine in drinking water of laying hens on zootechnical performance, eggs shell quality, hemogasometry levels and calcium content in tibia. 144 Hy-Line laying hens, 61 weeks old, were used distributed in 24 metabolism cages. They were subjected to water diets, for a period of 28 days, using sodium hypochlorite as a chlorine source in order to obtain the following concentrations: 5ppm (control), 20ppm, 50ppm, and 100ppm. Their performance was evaluated through water consumption, feed intake, egg production and weight, egg mass, feed conversion. Shell quality was measured by specific gravity. At the end of the experiment, arterial blood was collected for blood gas level assessment and a poultry of each replicate was sacrificed to obtain tibia and calcium content measurement. There was a water consumption reduction from 20ppm of chlorine and feed intake reduction in poultry receiving water with 100ppm of chlorine. The regression analysis showed that the higher the level of chlorine in water, the higher the reduction in consumption. There were no differences in egg production and weight, egg mass, feed conversion, specific gravity, tibia calcium content, and hemogasometry levels (hydrogenionic potential, carbon dioxide partial pressure, oxygen partial pressure, sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate, carbon dioxide total concentration, anion gap and oxygen saturation). The use of levels above 5ppm of chlorine is not recommended in the water of lightweight laying hens.(AU)
Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de cloro na água de dessedentação de poedeiras sobre o desempenho zootécnico, a qualidade da casca dos ovos, os índices hemogasométricos e o teor de cálcio na tíbia. Foram utilizadas 144 poedeiras leves Hy Line, de 61 semanas de idade, distribuídas em 24 gaiolas de metabolismo. As aves foram submetidas, durante um período de 28 dias, a dietas hídricas utilizando-se hipoclorito de sódio como fonte de cloro para compor as seguintes concentrações: 5ppm (controle), 20ppm, 50ppm e 100ppm. O desempenho foi avaliado mediante o consumo de água e ração, a produção e o peso dos ovos, a massa de ovos e a conversão alimentar. A qualidade da casca foi aferida por meio da gravidade específica. Ao final do experimento, coletou-se sangue arterial para avaliação dos índices hemogasométricos e sacrificou-se uma ave de cada repetição para coleta de tíbias e aferição do teor de cálcio. Verificou-se redução do consumo de água a partir de 20ppm de cloro e no consumo de ração em aves que receberam água com 100ppm de cloro. A análise de regressão demonstrou que quanto maior for o nível de cloro na água, maior será a redução no consumo. Não foram observadas diferenças na produção e no peso dos ovos, na massa de ovos, na conversão alimentar, na gravidade específica dos ovos, no teor de cálcio nas tíbias e nos índices hemogasométricos (potencial hidrogeniônico, pressão parcial de gás carbônico, pressão parcial de oxigênio, sódio, potássio, cloro, bicarbonato, concentração total de dióxido de carbono, ânion gap e saturação de oxigênio). Não se recomenda a utilização de níveis superiores a 5ppm de cloro na água de dessedentação de poedeiras leves.(AU)
Animals , Chickens , Chlorine/administration & dosage , Egg Shell , Eggs/analysis , Blood Gas Analysis/veterinary , DrinkingABSTRACT
Esta pesquisa visou avaliar a eficiência do cloro na sanitização de vegetais folhosos usados em saladas cruas. Foram utilizadas 24 amostras de folhosos diversos, sendo 12 coletadas após lavagem em água corrente e 12 após a sanitização com solução de cloro na concentração de 200 ppm por imersão durante 15 minutos. As amostras foram transferidas para o laboratório e imediatamente submetidas à análise de Coliformes totais, por meio da técnica de Tubos múltiplos, a fim de determinar o Número Mais Provável de Coliformes totais por grama de amostra (NMP/g), conforme metodologia estabelecida por AOAC. Os resultados obtidos em todas as amostras demonstraram redução da concentração de Colifomes após os folhosos serem submetidos à sanitização com cloro, havendo situações nas quais o NMP de Coliformes foi reduzido a um limite superior à detecção do método. Diante dos resultados pode-se concluir que o cloro apresenta eficiência para sanitização de folhosos.
This research has the purpose to evaluate the efficiency of chlorine in the leafy vegetables used in raw salads. There were used 24 samples of several leafy, 12 samples collected after washed in running water an 12 after sanitizing with chlorine solution at 200ppm concentration by immersion during 15 minutes. The samples were transferred for the lab and promptly submitted to coliforms analysis by the multiple tubs technique, with the purpose to find out the most probable number of total coliforms by gram of sample (NMP/g) accordingly established methodology by AOAC. The results obtained in all the samples showed a reduction in the concentration of coliforms after leafs were submitted to sanitizing in chlorine, there were situation in which the NMP of coliforms was reduced to a superior limit to the method detection. With the results its possible to concluded that chorine show sanitizing efficiency for leafs.
Vegetables/microbiology , Food Contamination/prevention & control , Chlorine/administration & dosage , Disinfection/methods , Raw Foods , Food Samples , Coliforms , Multiple Tube MethodABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a real concentração de cloro ativo e pH do hipoclorito de sódio a 0,5% fabricado e manipulado. Foram analisadas 10 amostras de hipoclorito de sódio 0,5%, sendo 5 adquiridas em comércio e outros 5 em farmácias de manipulação. As amostras foram armazenadas em frascos de vidro âmbar e mantidas em caixa de isopor. Assim, foi realizada a medição de pH com um pHmetro, e o cloro ativo por titulometria. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste de Mann-Whitney (p=0.05). A medição de pH variou de 7.7 a 11.5, com média de 9.45, e em relação à concentração de cloro ativo houve uma variação de 0,04% a 0,45%. A análise estatística não apresentou diferença significante entre os grupos. Pode-se concluir que hipoclorito de sódio 0,5% manipulado e vendido comercialmente não se diferiu entre si em relação à sua concentração, no entanto, há falta de controle entre alguns fabricantes/manipuladores quanto à real concentração de cloro ativo. Maior parte dos produtos comercializados possui pH dentro do proposto na literatura...
The aim of this study was to verify the actual concentration of active chlorine and pH of manufactured and manipulated sodium hypochlorite 0.5%. Ten samples of the sodium hypochlorite 0.5% were analyzed, 5 manufactured and other 5 manipulated. The samples were stored in amber glass bottles and styrofoam box. Then, it was performed the pH measurement using a pHmeter, and the active chlorine by titrimetry. The data were submitted to Mann-Whitney test (p=0.05). PH measuring ranged from 7.7 to 11.5, with a mean of 9.45, and active chlorine concentration ranged from 0.04% to 0.45%. There was no significant difference between the groups. It can be concluded that manufactured and manipulated sodium hypochlorite 0.5% did not differ regarding concentration, and there is no control of concentration for both manufacturer and manipulator. Most of manufactured and manipulated products presented pH in accordance to that proposed in the literature...
Chlorine/chemistry , Endodontics/methods , Sodium Hypochlorite/chemistry , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
There is a group of patients with sweat test values at intermediate range (30-59 mmol / l chloride) whose diagnosis is difficult to be classified, especially after the introduction of neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis in some countries. This has introduced new terminology and panels of experts from the United States and Europe have created guidelines for the evaluation and management of these individuals. There are few studies on the evolution of these patients, however all of them agree on a more benign evolution than for those who have altered sweat test (sweat chloride higher to 60 mmol /l). The clinical monitoring is essential to obtain a proper diagnosis.
Existe un grupo de pacientes con valores de test de sudor en rango intermedio (30-59 mmol/l de cloro) cuyo diagnóstico es difícil de catalogar, especialmente luego de la introducción en algunos países del tamizaje neonatal para fibrosis quística. Se ha introducido nueva terminología y paneles de expertos de Estados Unidos y Europa han creado guías para la evaluación y manejo de estos individuos. Existen escasas descripciones sobre la evolución de estos pacientes aunque coinciden en una evolución más benigna que en aquellos que tienen test de sudor alterado (cloro mayor a 60 mmol/l).El seguimiento clínico es fundamental para llegar a un diagnóstico adecuado.