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Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 59(2): e3743, abr.-jun. 2022. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1408390


Introducción: El "diente rosado" es un fenómeno post mortem. Se caracteriza por una tonalidad rosa, rojiza y hasta púrpura, que puede observarse en los dientes. Su primera referencia se remite a 1829, cuando Thomas Bell lo describió, y genera polémica desde hace casi dos siglos. La temática plantea varias interrogantes: ¿sería más lógico nombrarlo "red teeth" o "purple teeth"?, ¿qué provoca esa tonalidad más intensa?, ¿la coloración rosada indica determinada causa de muerte?, ¿queda para siempre o puede desaparecer por diversos factores? Objetivo: Describir los indicadores de que el "diente rosado" o "pink teeth" pueda aún ser considerado un elemento importante para la investigación forense actual. Comentarios principales: Luego de la experiencia acumulada con los casos trabajados durante los últimos 20 años y la revisión bibliográfica realizada, se evidencia que el fenómeno aparece sobre todo en las piezas dentales anteriores y premolares monorradiculares. Además, puede verse tanto ante mortem como post mortem. Por causas diferentes el post mortem necesita de varios días para instaurarse y es un evento tafonómico, evidenciable tanto en muertes violentas como naturales, aunque la variación en su tonalidad depende de diversos factores. Consideraciones globales: Teniendo en cuenta la experiencia obtenida por los autores, y lo referido en la bibliografía sobre el tema, se evidencia que este signo, fenómeno o hallazgo (al aclararse las interrogantes planteadas) aún puede ser muy significativo y orientador en el contexto forense actual(AU)

Introduction: "Pink teeth" are a post-mortem phenomenon characterized by a rose, reddish and even purple shade of color which may be observed in teeth. Their first reference dates back to 1829, when Thomas Bell described them. They have been a topic of debate for almost two centuries. The subject poses several questions: Would it be more logical to name them "red teeth" or "purple teeth"? What causes the increase in color intensity? Does the pink shade signal a specific cause of death? Does it remain forever or may it disappear for a variety of reasons? Objective: Describe the indicators that "pink teeth" may still be considered an important element in current forensic research. Main remarks: Based on the experience gathered from the cases analyzed in the last 20 years and the bibliographic review conducted, it is evident that the phenomenon appears mainly in anterior teeth and single-rooted premolars. On the other hand, pink teeth may be observed ante mortem as well as post mortem. For a number of reasons, post mortem pink teeth take several days to form, and they are a taphonomic phenomenon, present in violent as well as natural deaths, though their change in tone depends on various factors. General considerations: Founded on the experience obtained by the authors and the bibliography about the topic, it is evident that this sign, phenomenon or finding (upon clarification of the questions posed) may still be very significant and enlightening in the current forensic context(AU)

Humans , Postmortem Changes , Tooth/pathology , Forensic Dentistry/methods , Chronology as Topic
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18594, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364422


Abstract Traditionally dates is consumed as a rich source of iron supplement and the current research discuss the synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) using methanolic seed extract of Rothan date and its application over in vitro anti-arthritic, anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative activity against lung cancer cell line (A549). FTIR result of synthesised AgNPs reveals the presence of functional group OH as capping agent. XRD pattern confirms the crystalline nature of the AgNPs with peaks at 38º, 44º, 64º and 81º, indexed by (111), (200), (220) and (222) in the 2θ range of 10-90, indicating the face centered cubic (fcc) structure of metallic Ag. HR- TEM results confirm the morphology of AgNPs as almost spherical with high surface areas and average size of 42 ± 9nm. EDX spectra confirmed that Ag is only the major element present and the Dynamic light scattering (DLS) assisted that the Z-average size was 203nm and 1.0 of PdI value. Zeta potential showed − 26.5mv with a single peak. The results of the biological activities of AgNPs exhibited dose dependent activity with 68.44% for arthritic, antiinflammatory with 63.32% inhibition and anti-proliferative activity illustrated IC50 value of 59.66 µg/mL expressing the potential of AgNPs to combat cancer

Silver , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Chronology as Topic , Nanoparticles , Phoeniceae/adverse effects , Lung Neoplasms/classification , Seeds , zeta Potential , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Inhibitory Concentration 50 , Dosage/methods
Rev. cuba. endocrinol ; 32(2): e283, 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347404


Introducción: En la década del 60 del pasado siglo, se inicia la atención especializada de Endocrinología en la provincia de Camagüey, Cuba. No existen evidencias documentales sobre esta temática en el territorio, por lo que puede afirmarse que es este un tema pendiente y necesario para la formación integral de los futuros especialistas. Objetivo: Describir la historia de la Endocrinología en la provincia de Camagüey, a partir de la labor de sus principales exponentes y los momentos más importantes de su desarrollo. Método: Investigación histórica basada en la investigación documental. Se utilizó el submétodo cronológico para establecer el orden de los hechos que se describen. Se hicieron entrevistas a personalidades que laboraron en la especialidad y se revisaron algunos artículos históricos publicados, así como documentos de la Biblioteca Provincial "Julio Antonio Mella." Resultados: Se pudo comprobar que antes de 1967 no existía atención endocrinológica especializada en la provincia y los pacientes con este tipo de afecciones eran atendidos fundamentalmente por especialistas en Medicina Interna. A inicios de 1967 llega a la provincia el primer especialista en Endocrinología, el Dr. Sergio Amaro Méndez. Este último, establece un servicio en esta especialidad y se inicia a partir de este momento un desarrollo acelerado en los aspectos docente, asistencial y científico. Conclusiones: La historia de la Endocrinología en Camagüey se inicia en 1967 y tiene su mayor esplendor durante el período de 1979-1990 con el inicio de las determinaciones hormonales por radioinmunoanálisis en la provincia y el inicio de la docencia médica de posgrado. El Grupo Provincial de Endocrinología se ha consolidado hasta alcanzar el prestigio nacional(AU)

Introduction: In the 1960s, specialized endocrinology care began in the province of Camagüey, Cuba. There is no documentary evidence on this topic in the territory, so it can be stated that this is a pending and necessary issue for the comprehensive training of future specialists. Objective: Describe the history of Endocrinology in the province and the most important moments of its development. Method: Historical research based on documentary research. The chronological sub-method was used to establish the order of the events that are described. Interviews were conducted to important people who worked in the specialty and some published historical articles were reviewed, as well as documents from ´´Julio Antonio Mella´´ Provincial Library. Results: It was found that before 1967 there was no specialized endocrinological care in the province and patients with these types of conditions were cared primarily by specialists in Internal Medicine. At the beginning of 1967, the first specialist in Endocrinology, Dr. Sergio Amaro Méndez, arrived to the province. He established a service in this specialty and from this moment on, an accelerated development in the teaching, healthcare and scientific aspects begins. Conclusions: The history of Endocrinology in Camagüey province begins in 1967 and has its greatest splendor during the period 1979-1990 with the beginning of hormonal determinations by radioimmunoassay in the province and the beginning of postgraduate medical teaching. The Provincial Group of Endocrinology has established itself as a group of national prestige(AU)

Humans , Research Design , Endocrinology/history , Chronology as Topic
Travel Med Infect Dis ; 44(102149): 1-6, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, SESSP-CTDPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1425409


Background Studies have shown that human mobility is an important factor in dengue epidemiology. Changes in mobility resulting from COVID-19 pandemic set up a real-life situation to test this hypothesis. Our objective was to evaluate the effect of reduced mobility due to this pandemic in the occurrence of dengue in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. Method It is an ecological study of time series, developed between January and August 2020. We use the number of confirmed dengue cases and residential mobility, on a daily basis, from secondary information sources. Mobility was represented by the daily percentage variation of residential population isolation, obtained from the Google database. We modeled the relationship between dengue occurrence and social distancing by negative binomial regression, adjusted for seasonality. We represent the social distancing dichotomously (isolation versus no isolation) and consider lag for isolation from the dates of occurrence of dengue. Results The risk of dengue decreased around 9.1% (95% CI: 14.2 to 3.7) in the presence of isolation, considering a delay of 20 days between the degree of isolation and the dengue first symptoms. Conclusions We have shown that mobility can play an important role in the epidemiology of dengue and should be considered in surveillance and control activities.

Social Isolation , Chronology as Topic , Dengue , Information Sources
Rev. cientif. cienc. med ; 23(2): 240-246, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1358627


La phasa (conocida así entre los pobladores aymaras) es un tipo de arcilla comestible que se encuentra en los suelos, empleada como medicina tradicional en la mayoría de los continentes, principalmente para aliviar o tratar patologías gastrointestinales e infecciones cutáneas. Su consumo se remonta muchos siglos atrás; existe evidencia del uso de este elemento en las Placas de arcilla de Nippur en Mesopotamia (2500 años a. C.). Develar las propiedades bio-físico-químicas de las arcillas comestibles está permitiendo a la ciencia explicar las propiedades terapéuticas que posee y así confirmar los grandes avances en la medicina alternativa que tuvieron nuestros antepasados. El uso de la phasa no se limita a la medicina, sino también a muchas otras ramas de la ciencia. En los últimos 10 años se ha experimentado en la agricultura, veterinaria, incluso en el cuidado del medio ambiente dando resultados muy gratificantes y prometedores.

Phasa, an Aymara's language word, is a type of edible clay found in soils; which is used in traditional medicine worldwide mainly to relieve or treat gastrointestinal pathologies and skin infections. Its consumption dates back many centuries, even millennia ago; there is evidence of the use of this element in the clay plates of Nippur in Mesopotamia (2500 years BC). Revealing the bio-physical-chemical properties of edible clay has allowed science to explain their healing and therapeutic properties and confirms the great advances our ancestors got. The use of phasa is not limited to medicine, it is also used in many other sciences; in the last 10 years it has been used in agriculture and veterinary medicine, getting gratifying results.

Clay , Skin , Soil , Chronology as Topic , Infections
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 38(4): e302, oct.-dic. 2019. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1093425


El diagnóstico de la meningoencefalitis por Angiostrongylus cantonensis se establece por la presencia de las larvas del helminto en el líquido cefalorraquídeo, pero esta evidencia es muy difícil de encontrar ya que las larvas son lábiles en este medio y no se hallan con frecuencia. Debido a que en Cuba, la presencia del parásito se remonta a 1981 y este parásito es el único que puede provocar esta enfermedad en el país, se realiza una revisión con el objetivo de revisar la literatura publicada sobre el tema para acopiar toda la evidencia que ayude al diagnóstico auxiliar de meningoencefalitis eosinofílica. Se propone que el estudio de la síntesis intratecal de IgE y C3c, unido al patrón de síntesis local de IgA+IgG principalmente y de IgG1+ IgG2 resultan las más indicadas. Existen otras proteínas que pudieran auxiliar como la síntesis intratecal de C4 y en menor proporción MBL(AU)

Diagnosis of meningoencephalitis due to Angiostrongylus cantonensis is based on the presence of helminth larvae in cerebrospinal fluid, but such evidence is very hard to find, since the larvae are labile in this medium and cannot be spotted easily. Based on the fact that presence of the parasite in Cuba dates back to 1981, and this is the only agent of the disease in the country, a review was conducted with the purpose of going over the published literature about the topic and gather evidence leading to the auxiliary diagnosis of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis. The study of the intrathecal synthesis of IgE and C3c, alongside the local synthesis pattern for IgA+IgG mainly and IgG1+IgG2, are proposed as the most appropriate. Other useful proteins are the intrathecal synthesis of C4 and to a lesser extent MBL(AU)

Immunoglobulin A , Angiostrongylus cantonensis , Meningoencephalitis , Chronology as Topic
Rev. medica electron ; 41(1): 262-274, ene.-feb. 2019.
Article in Spanish | CUMED, LILACS | ID: biblio-1026156


Se realiza un recorrido por la historia de los planes de estudio de la Educación Médica en Cuba, desde sus inicios que se remontan a la fundación del Seminario de San Basilio el Magno en Santiago de Cuba en 1722 hasta la actualidad. Se citan cronológicamente los planes de estudio relacionados con el contexto en que se desarrollaron cada uno de ellos, así como las influencias recibidas en su ejecución. (AU)

The history of the Medical Education curriculums in Cuba is reviewed from its beginning, back to the foundation of San Basilio el Magno seminary in Santiago de Cuba, in 1722, to the present day. Curriculums are cited chronologically in relation to the contexts they were implemented in, and also the influences under which they were put in practice. (AU)

Humans , Chronology as Topic , Education, Medical/history , National Health Systems/history
Investig. segur. soc. salud ; 20(2): 56-61, 2018. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1052284


Introducción: el bienestar animal es un asunto de interés público y político que incluye aspectos científicos, éticos, económicos, y comerciales entre otros; por ello, es multifacético y complejo, y se hace imprescindible sustentar su aplicación en bases científicas y objetivas. Objetivo: la experiencia consistió en atender el bienestar de los animales evitando de forma humanitaria su reproducción, a través de la esterilización quirúrgica, así como la desparasitación y la vacunación antirrábica, pues al reproducirse traen consigo comportamientos que no son fácilmente aceptados por los humanos, quienes acuden a distintas formas de "control" llegando a agredir o provocar su muerte de forma indiscriminada. A esto se le suma el desconocimiento de la población sobre la tenencia responsable de animales, lo cual provoca prácticas crueles que generan violencia e irresponsabilidad ciudadanas frente a su cuidado. Método: la actividad fue concertada entre la Secretaría Distrital de Salud (SDS) y el Colectivo Animalista Capturar, Esterilizar, Soltar (CES), y se intervino a 278 felinos, para así controlar, aproximadamente, 8 colonias de gatos. Fechas y lugares de ejecución: se desarrolló entre junio y agosto de 2013, en las localidades de Kennedy (2), Usaquén (2), Suba (1), Puente Aranda (1), Rafael Uribe (1) y Fontibón (1). Resultados: la experiencia retoma una propuesta para el manejo controlado y saludable de "gatos de exterior" reportados por la comunidad, para garantizar su bienestar general. Conclusión: al finalizar la experiencia se resaltaron dos cosas importantes: 1) la posibilidad de trabajar en conjunto entre los colectivos ciudadanos y las entidades públicas, situación que hace algunos años era difícil de lograr, dadas las diferencias existentes entre los paradigmas con los que trabaja cada uno; y 2) es imprescindible incorporar el bienestar animal como elemento fundamental para la promoción de la salud y la prevención de enfermedades; en particular, de las que se comparten entre humanos y animales

Introduction: Animal welfare is a matter of public and political interest that includes scientific, ethical, economic, political and commercial aspects, among others. For this reason it is multifaceted and complex, being essential to support its application, on scientific and objective bases. Objective: The experience consisted in taking care of the welfare of the animals, avoiding their reproduction in a humane way through surgical sterilization, as well as the desparasitación and anti-rabies vaccination, since when they reproduce they bring with them behaviors that are not easily accepted by the humans, who go to different forms of "control", coming to attack or cause their death indiscriminately. Added to this is the ignorance of the population about responsible animal ownership, provoking cruel practices that generate violence and citizen irresponsibility in the face of their care. Method: The activity was agreed between the District Health Secretariat and the Captive, Sterilize, Release (CES) animal group and 278 felines were involved, controlling approximately eigth cat colonies. Dates and places: It was developed between June and August of 2013 in the towns of Kennedy (2), Usaquén (2), Suba (1), Puente Aranda (1), Rafael Uribe (1) and Fontibón. Results: The experience retakes a proposal for the controlled and healthy management of "outdoor cats" reported by the community, guaranteeing their general well-being. Conclusion: At the end of the experience, two important things were highlighted: 1. The possibility of working together among the public and public entities, a situation that was difficult to humans and animals. achieve some years ago, given the differences between the paradigms with which each one. 2. It is essential to incorporate "animal welfare" as a fundamental element for the promotion of health and prevention of diseases, particularly those that are shared between

Introducción: O bienestar animal é um problema de público e de identidade que incorpora problemas científicos, éticos, econômicos, comerciais e comerciais entre otros, por vezes multifacetivos e complexos, sendo imprescindível em sua aplicação, em bases científicas e objetivas. Objetivo: A experiência consistia em atender a bienestar dos animales, evitando sua reprodução de forma humanitária através da esterilização cirúrgica, assim como a desparasitação e vacinação antirrábica, e que reproduzisse a traição dos comportamentos que nenhum filho fosse fácilmente aceito pelos humanos, As formas de controlo devem ser definidas de forma aleatória, com efeitos positivos e negativos. Este é o caso da desconsideração da fotografia sobre a responsabilidade de animales, provocando as prácticas cruéis que generam a violência e a irresponsabilidade da cidade frente a um cuidado. Método: La actividad fue concertada en la Secretaría Distrital de Salud y el Colectivo animalista Capturar, Esterilizar, Soltar (CES) e entrevistar 278 felinos, controlando aproximadamente ocho colonias de gatos. Fechas e espaços de ejecção conseguidos entre Kennedy (2), Ushuaia (2), Suba (1), Puente Aranda (1), Rafael Uribe (1) e Fontibón Resultados: A experiência de uma nova proposta para o manejo controlado e salutar de "gatos de exterior" denunciados pela comunidade, garantindo sua bienestar geral. Conclusão: A fim de desenvolver a experiência dos pontos de vista importantes: 1. A possibilidade de trabalhar em conjunto entre os municípios e as entidades públicas, situação que tem algunas era difícil de ler, as diferentes divisões entre os paradigmas com que se tratava cada uno. 2. É importante incorporar o animal bienestar como fundamental para a promoção da saúde e a prevenção de doenças, particularmente as que se relacionam entre humanos e animais

Animals , Cats , Animal Welfare , Sterilization , Felidae , Population , Rabies , Reproduction , Zoonoses , Chronology as Topic , Vaccination , Disease Prevention , Veterinary Public Health , Health Promotion
Rev. inf. cient ; 97(3): i: 691-f: 699, 2018. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1005299


Se realizó un análisis cronológico de la historia de la labor de los traductores argelinos en el Hospital Oftalmológico Amistad Argelia-Cuba, El Oued, Argelia, desde su inauguración en agosto de 2015 hasta la actualidad, con el objetivo de divulgar las experiencias en este tipo de trabajo. Los datos se obtuvieron de entrevistas a traductores que laboran en la institución desde su puesta en marcha, los cuales aportaron además fotografías, lo que permitió, reunir la información necesaria para desarrollar este artículo. Se abordó la evolución del binomio médico-traductor, para garantizar una atención oftalmológica adecuada en la institución(AU)

A chronological analysis was done of the history of the work of the Algerian translators in the Ophthalmological Hospital Algeria-Cuba, El Oued, from its inauguration in August 2015 to the present, with the aim of disseminating the experiences in this type of work. The data was obtained from interviews with translators who work at the institution since its implementation, who also contributed photographs, for obtaining the necessary information to develop this article. The evolution of the doctor-translator binomial was addressed, in order to guarantee adequate ophthalmological care in the institution(AU)

Translating , International Cooperation , Chronology as Topic , Algeria
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 16(3): [e180033], out. 2018. graf, mapas, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-963989


We review geological evidence on the origin of the modern transcontinental Amazon River, and the paleogeographic history of riverine connections among the principal sedimentary basins of northern South America through the Neogene. Data are reviewed from new geochronological datasets using radiogenic and stable isotopes, and from traditional geochronological methods, including sedimentology, structural mapping, sonic and seismic logging, and biostratigraphy. The modern Amazon River and the continental-scale Amazon drainage basin were assembled during the late Miocene and Pliocene, via some of the largest purported river capture events in Earth history. Andean sediments are first recorded in the Amazon Fan at about 10.1-9.4 Ma, with a large increase in sedimentation at about 4.5 Ma. The transcontinental Amazon River therefore formed over a period of about 4.9-5.6 million years, by means of several river capture events. The origins of the modern Amazon River are hypothesized to be linked with that of mega-wetland landscapes of tropical South America (e.g. várzeas, pantanals, seasonally flooded savannahs). Mega-wetlands have persisted over about 10% northern South America under different configurations for >15 million years. Although the paleogeographic reconstructions presented are simplistic and coarse-grained, they are offered to inspire the collection and analysis of new sedimentological and geochronological datasets.(AU)

Este trabalho é uma revisão das evidências geológicas sobre a origem do moderno rio Amazonas transcontinental, e a história paleogeográfica das conexões ribeirinhas entre as principais bacias sedimentares do norte da América do Sul durante o Neógeno. São revisados novos conjuntos de dados geocronológicos usando isótopos radiogênicos e estáveis, e de métodos geocronológicos tradicionais, incluindo sedimentologia, mapeamento estrutural, exploração sísmica e bioestratigrafia. O atual rio Amazonas e sua bacia continental se formaram durante o final do Mioceno e do Plioceno, através de alguns dos maiores eventos de captura de rio na história da Terra. Os sedimentos andinos são registrados pela primeira vez no leque fluvial do Amazonas por volta de 10,1-9,4 Ma, com um grande aumento na sedimentação a cerca de 4,5 Ma. O rio Amazonas transcontinental, portanto, se formou durante um período de cerca de 4,9 a 5,6 milhões de anos, por meio de vários eventos de captura de rios. Acredita-se que as origens do moderno rio Amazonas estejam ligadas às paisagens de inundação da América do Sul tropical (por exemplo, várzeas, pantanais, savanas sazonalmente inundadas). As áreas pantanosas persistiram em cerca de 10% do norte da América do Sul sob diferentes configurações por mais de 15 milhões de anos. Embora as reconstruções paleogeográficas apresentadas sejam simplistas, elas são oferecidas para inspirar a coleta e análise de novos conjuntos de dados sedimentológicos e geocronológicos.(AU)

Chronology as Topic , Amazonian Ecosystem/analysis , Biodiversity , Geology
Estud. Pesqui. Psicol. (Online) ; 15(3): 1027-1044, set.-dez. 2015. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-996688


Reflexões sobre a maneira como lidamos com o envelhecimento, com os sinais da passagem do tempo e com a finitude, são colocadas em cena neste artigo. A morte, na sociedade ocidental dos tempos atuais, tem sido, frequentemente, tratada com negação e com evitação. De modo que o envelhecer, como sua antessala, é muitas vezes associado a estereótipos de obsolescência, devendo ser evitado ou camuflado. As repercussões do desencontro entre uma subjetividade imortal e um corpo envelhecido podem estar ligadas a vivências de sofrimento que não vêm encontrando amplos espaços de expressão e acolhimento em uma sociedade atravessada pelo imperativo da felicidade, pela espetacularização, pelo culto da performance e pela patologização e medicalização da tristeza. Os autores encontraram ­ no diálogo com obras artísticas da literatura, da escultura e da fotografia ­ a possibilidade de pensar alguns dos sentidos do envelhecer e da finitude na contemporaneidade

Reflections on how we deal with aging, the signs of passage of time and the notion of finitude, are put into scene in this article. Death has been treated with denial and avoidance in the modern Western society. The aging process, as his anteroom, is often associated with stereotypes of obsolescence, so that must be avoided or hidden. The repercussions of the mismatch between an immortal subjectivity and the aged body may be linked to experiences of suffering that doesn't find an ample place for expression and acceptance in a society crossed by the imperative of happiness, the spectacle, the cult of performance, the pathologizing and medicalization of sadness. The authors found ­ in the dialogue with literature, painting, sculpture and photography ­ the chance to think some of the senses of aging and finitude nowadays

Reflexiones sobre cómo lidiar con el envejecimiento, los signos del paso del tiempo y la noción de finitud se ponen en escena en este artículo. La muerte ha sido tratado con la negación y la evitación en la sociedad occidental moderna. El proceso de envejecimiento, como su antesala, se asocia a menudo con los estereotipos de la obsolescencia, por lo que debe evitarse o escondidos. Las repercusiones de la falta de coincidencia entre una subjetividad inmortal y el cuerpo envejecido pueden estar vinculados a experiencias de sufrimiento que no encuentran un lugar amplio para la expresión y la aceptación en una sociedad atravesada por el imperativo de la felicidad, el espectáculo, el culto de la actuación, la patologización y medicalización de la tristeza. Los autores encontraron - en el diálogo con la literatura, la pintura, la escultura y la fotografía - la oportunidad de pensar en algunos de los sentidos del envejecimiento y la finitud en la actualidad

Humans , Psychology, Social , Aging/psychology , Chronology as Topic , Death , Helplessness, Learned
Rio de Janeiro; Editora Fiocruz; 2015. 119 p. (Temas em saúde).
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-782416


Neste livro, são analisados conceitos sobre a saúde global sempre levando-se em conta que o olhar histórico é fundamental para compreender os desafios das políticas de saúde. O termo saúde global costuma ser usado em resposta a eventos novos, como epidemias internacionais que atingem países ricos e pobres. Mas, afinal, saúde global e saúde internacional são ou não diferentes? O professor e pesquisador Marcos Cueto não se dedica a encerrar o debate, mas sim a estudar os termos saúde internacional e saúde global, investigando a trajetória de mudanças e continuidades das agências e programas internacionais envolvidos com a saúde da população durante o período de 1850 a 2010. Para ele, este livro expressa a esperança de que o estudo da história da saúde global seja de utilidade para os encarregados da elaboração de políticas públicas e para os estudiosos dos sistemas de saúde em todos os países, auxiliando-os no controle das doenças alimentadas pela pobreza...

Humans , Hemorrhagic Fever, Ebola/history , Health Care Reform , Health Surveillance , Primary Health Care , Public Policy , Global Health/history , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome/history , Chronology as Topic
Rev. Asoc. Méd. Argent ; 127(3): 27-29, Sept. 2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-753455


Desde épocas antiguas el bocio endémico fue considerado un problema grave, por su extensión y formas clínicas acentuadas, además de su asociación con el cretinismo, también endémico, especialmente en el NOA argentino, no así en el NEA, donde no se comunicaban casos de cretinismo. Estos problemas, de origen geológico, se dan por la pobreza de yodo en ese medio y, consecuentemente en las aguas de bebida. Este problema fue postergado hasta 1965 con la realización de dos encuestas nacionales, sobre muestras probabilísticas sobre 47.619 varones de 20 años en 10 provincias y, sobre 51.768 escolares. En 1967, con suficientes datos, por la extensión de la endemia se legisló con alcance nacional, con la Ley 17.259 que fue sancionada y promulgada en 1º de mayo de 1967. La misma establecía la obligatoriedad del expendio de sal yodada, para uso alimentario humano y animal con una parte de yodo en 30.000 partes de sal, que comenzó a hacerse efectiva en 1970. Investigaciones posteriores han demostrado la efectividad de las medidas sobre la patología tiroidea...

It was known since ends of XIX century the severity of endemic goiter and chretinism, specially in the northwest zone of the country. It has been considered a geological disease because of the lack of iodine in soils and waters. In 1965 the problem was considered and the first place steps were to qualificate how extense was the disease, and two surveys; one in probabilistic samples on 47,619 males of 20 years old, in 10 provinces, and another on 51,768 schoolchildren’s. In 1967 it was decided to legislate to reach the nation with the Law 17,259 approved in May the first, 1967. Effectiveness of the measures were probed by investigations made lately...

Goiter, Endemic/epidemiology , Congenital Hypothyroidism/epidemiology , Argentina , Chronology as Topic , Iodine/administration & dosage , Iodine/therapeutic use
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-66856


PURPOSE: To evaluate correlation between the clinical results and causative bacteria in diabetic foot patients with lower extremity amputation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: One hundred twenty nine patients(131 feet) of diabetic foot amputations were followed for more than one year. Wound cultures were done by deep tissue or bone debris at first visit to our clinics. Retrospective analysis was performed using chart review and interview with the patients. Depending on the culture result, level of amputation, reinfection, duration of treatment, death rate, patient satisfaction and admission dates were evaluated. RESULTS: Microorganisms were confirmed in 114 cases. In the other 17 cases, there were no cultured microorganisms. In bacterial growth group, Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen and accounted for 34 cases. As other common pathogens, there were Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus(24 cases) and mixed infection(14 cases). Mortality is no difference in each infected group. Mixed bacterial infected patients have higher reinfection, longer hospital day and duration of treatment, but there is no difference in patients satisfaction and pain at last follow up. CONCLUSION: The most common pathogen in diabetic foot patients with lower extremity amputation was Methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus, and mixed bacterial infected patients have higher reinfection rate, longer admission date and duration of treatment than other bacterial infected patients.

Humans , Amputation, Surgical , Bacteria , Chronology as Topic , Diabetic Foot , Lower Extremity , Methicillin Resistance , Patient Satisfaction , Retrospective Studies , Staphylococcus , Staphylococcus aureus
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-647942


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Ultrasonography (USG)-guided sclerotherapy using a sclerotherapic agent such as ethanol, OK-432, recently has gained popularity as a treatment for nonfunctioning benign thyroid nodules. The study evaluates the efficacy and safety of the USG-guided sclerotherapy for that purpose. SUBJECTS AND METHOD: Included in the study were 23 patients who had complaints of applied pressure or cosmetic problems due to cystic thyroid nodules, which had been diagnosed as benign and nonfunctioning by fine-needle aspiration biopsy and thyroid function test. Sclerotherapy was performed with OK-432 or 99.9% ethanol following nearly complete evacuation of the fluid from the cystic portion of thyroid nodule. At each USG follow-up, we measured the volume of cysts, symptom scores, cosmetic scores using a visual analog scale, and related complications were examined at postoperative dates of one and six months. RESULTS: The volume of thyroid cysts were significantly reduced (p<0.01) with mean volume reduction rates of 77.3+/-21.2% at postoperative 6 months. The cosmetic score and symptom score were significantly improved following sclerotherapy (p<0.01). Major complications related to sclerotherapy, such as vocal cord paralysis, thyrotoxicosis and tissue necrosis, did not happen during the follow-up observation. CONCLUSION: USG-guided sclerotherapy could be a simple and effective treatment modality for benign cystic thyroid nodules.

Humans , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Chronology as Topic , Cosmetics , Ethanol , Follow-Up Studies , Necrosis , Picibanil , Prospective Studies , Sclerotherapy , Thyroid Function Tests , Thyroid Gland , Thyroid Nodule , Thyrotoxicosis , Vocal Cord Paralysis
Korean Journal of Urology ; : 240-247, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-33896


PURPOSE: We aimed to ascertain the degree of association between bladder cancer and human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We performed a meta-analysis of observational studies with cases and controls with publication dates up to January 2011. The PubMed electronic database was searched by using the key words "bladder cancer and virus." Twenty-one articles were selected that met the required methodological criteria. We implemented an internal quality control system to verify the selected search method. We analyzed the pooled effect of all the studies and also analyzed the techniques used as follows: 1) studies with DNA-based techniques, among which we found studies with polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based techniques and 2) studies with non-PCR-based techniques, and studies with non-DNA-based techniques. RESULTS: Taking into account the 21 studies that were included in the meta-analysis, we obtained a heterogeneity chi-squared value of Qexp=26.45 (p=0.383). The pooled odds ratio (OR) was 2.13 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.54 to 2.95), which points to a significant effect between HPV and bladder cancer. Twenty studies assessed the presence of DNA. The overall effect showed a significant relationship between virus presence and bladder cancer, with a pooled OR of 2.19 (95% CI, 1.40 to 3.43). Of the other six studies, four examined the virus's capsid antigen and two detected antibodies in serum by Western blot. The estimated pooled OR in this group was 2.11 (95% CI, 1.27 to 3.51), which confirmed the relationship between the presence of virus and cancer. CONCLUSIONS: The pooled OR value showed a moderate relationship between viral infection and bladder tumors.

Humans , Antibodies , Blotting, Western , Capsid , Chronology as Topic , DNA , Electronics , Electrons , Odds Ratio , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Population Characteristics , Publications , Quality Control , Urinary Bladder , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms , Viruses
Asian Nursing Research ; : 35-41, 2012.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-70712


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to examine the effect of baby massage on attachment between mothers and their newborns. METHODS: This study was carried out from June 2008 to February 2010 in a quasi-experimental design (57 in the experimental group, 60 in the control group). Between the dates of the study, all healthy primipara mothers and their healthy babies were included. Data were collected regarding their demographic characteristics and by using the Maternal Attachment Inventory (MAI). All mothers were assessed on the first and the last days of the 38-day study period. In the experimental group, the babies received a 15-minute massage therapy session everyday during the 38 days. RESULTS: There was no significant difference found in the pretest mean value baseline of the MAI score in both groups. The posttest mean values of the MAI of the experimental group mothers (90.87 +/- 10.76) were significantly higher than those of control group (85.10 +/- 15.50). There was a significant difference between groups (p < .05). CONCLUSION: The results of the study have shown that baby massage is effective in increasing the mothere infant attachment.

Humans , Infant , Chronology as Topic , Complementary Therapies , House Calls , Massage , Mothers
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-138716


Determination of the age of an individual from the appearance and the fusion of the ossification centres is a well accepted fact in the field of medical and legal professions. The process of formation of bones is called as “ossification”. Ossification of bone is a diagnostic tool for estimation of age until the process is complete for the particular bone. The long bones of lower limb play a vital role in assessment of age both in living and dry remains. Many scientists have tried to conclude there observations on bones of lower limb owing to differences in regional and environmental factors. Countable differences are noticed in the appearance and fusion activities of ossification centers depending on race geographic distribution and sex. Following is a review of works carried out so far in different regions of country as well as throughout the world.

Age Determination by Skeleton , Ankle Joint , Chronology as Topic , Epiphyses/analysis , Epiphyses/anatomy & histology , Humans , Knee Joint , Osteogenesis
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-135070


Dating of an injury in both living and dead is an important medico-legal issue in the field of crime investigation to fix the liability. A doctor is required to date injuries specifically and individually while preparing an injury report. In this paper we study the sequential changes in mechanical and thermal injuries and to compare the findings with available standard data. All the medico-legal deaths due to injuries, brought for post-mortem examination, over a period of four months were studied. On comparing with standard data, 71% (n=32) of the abrasions were dark red instead of bright red on first day. 92% (n=13) bruises appears bluish green instead of red colour on first day and on the 5th day, the colour appears black instead of greenish colour. In cases of incised and lacerated wound margins were difficult to separate on the 2nd day, instead of separating easily. Observations of this study did not match with the sequential colour changes mentioned in the available literature. Therefore, other parameters need to be explored for dating an injury.

Age Factors , Autopsy , Burns/analysis , Burns/physiology , Chronology as Topic , Contusions/analysis , Contusions/physiology , Humans , Postmortem Changes , Wounds and Injuries/analysis , Wounds and Injuries/physiology