SUMMARY: This study aims to examine the hand morphometry of healthy young individuals from different countries and investigate the differences between countries in typing of hand based on the morphometric values obtained. In the study, 16 different parameters, including two surface areas and 14 lengths, were measured from the right hand of 579 volunteers (250 females, 329 males) from 7 different countries (Turkey, Chad, Morocco, Gabon, Kazakhstan, Senegal and Syria). Factor analysis was performed on the parameters, cluster analysis was performed according to the factor score obtained, and the hand types in the study were determined. As a result of the study, four different hand types were defined, and the distribution of these types according to countries was analyzed. All parameters showed significant differences between countries in both genders (p<0.05). According to the results of the study, there was a difference between male and female hand types between countries. In females, the type 1 hand type was found only in Gabon, the type 2 hand type was found only in Senegal, the type 3 hand type was found in Turkey, Morocco and Kazakhstan, while the type 4 hand type was significantly distributed in Senegal and Gabon (X2 =104.62; df=18, p<0.05). In males, type 1 hand type was found in Turkey, type 2 hand type in Senegal and Gabon, type 3 hand type in Turkey, while type 4 hand type was significantly distributed in Morocco and Kazakhstan (X2 =76.964; df=18, p<0.05).
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar la morfometría de la mano de individuos jóvenes sanos de diferentes países e investigar las diferencias en la mecanografía de la mano entre países en función de los valores morfométricos obtenidos. En el estudio, se midieron 16 parámetros diferentes, incluidas dos superficies y 14 longitudes, de la mano derecha de 579 voluntarios (250 mujeres, 329 hombres) de 7 países diferentes (Turquía, Chad, Marruecos, Gabón, Kazajstán, Senegal y Siria). Se realizó un análisis factorial de los parámetros, un análisis de conglomerados según la puntuación factorial obtenida y se determinaron los tipos de manos en el estudio. Como resultado, se definieron cuatro tipos diferentes de manos y se analizó la distribución de estos tipos según países. Todos los parámetros mostraron diferencias significativas entre países en ambos sexos (p<0,05). Según los resultados del estudio, hubo una diferencia entre los tipos de manos de los hombres y de las mujeres entre países. En las mujeres, el tipo de mano tipo 1 se encontró solo en Gabón, el tipo de mano tipo 2 se encontró solo en Senegal, el tipo de mano tipo 3 se encontró en Turquía, Marruecos y Kazajstán, mientras que la mano tipo 4 se distribuyó significativamente en Senegal y Gabón (X2=104,62; gl=18, p<0,05). En los hombres, el tipo de mano tipo 1 se encontró en Turquía, el tipo de mano tipo 2 en Senegal y Gabón, el tipo de mano tipo 3 en Turquía, mientras que la mano tipo 4 se distribuyó significativamente en Marruecos y Kazajstán (X2=76,964; gl=18, p <0,05).
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Hand/anatomy & histology , Cluster Analysis , Analysis of Variance , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Sex Characteristics , AnthropologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Las desigualdades amenazan el progreso del país hacia la equidad y la cobertura de vacunación infantil. Siendo la cobertura inferior a la meta del 90% de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Objetivo: Identificar los determinantes sociales y las desigualdades en el estado de vacunación infantil en República Dominicana, 2019. Métodos: Se realiza un análisis basado en la Encuesta de Indicadores Múltiples por Conglomerados. Incluyendo una muestra ponderada de 1674 niños de 12-23 meses. Se calcula la regresión logística multinomial para identificar factores asociados a la vacunación. Adoptando p<0,05 para significación estadística. Utilizando una razón de probabilidades ajustada con intervalo de confianza del 95%. Empleando HEAT 4.0 para medir desigualdades y SPSS.23 para gestión y análisis de datos. Resultados: La edad media de los niños fue 17,4±3,5 meses. El 33% de ellos estaban completamente vacunados. La cobertura fue significativamente menor entre hijos de madre sin educación [AOR= 7,27; IC95%= 2,9817,74]. La mayor cobertura se concentra en niños con altos niveles de educación y riqueza. Conclusión: Para lograr una cobertura de vacunación completa y equitativa, las intervenciones de salud pública deben diseñarse para satisfacer las necesidades de grupos de alto riesgo.
Introduction: In the Dominican Republic, inequalities threaten progress towards childhood vaccination equity and coverage, the latter being inferior to the World Health Organization's 90% goal. Objective: Identify the social determinants and inequalities in the state of childhood vaccination in the Dominican Republic, 2019. Methods: An analysis based on the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys is conducted. Including a weighted sample of 1674 children aged 12-23 months. The multinomial logistic regression is calculated to identify factors associated with vaccination. Using p<0,05 for statistical significance and an adjusted probability ratio with a 95% confidence interval. Employing HEAT 4.0 to measure inequalities and SPSS.23 for data management and analysis. Results: The children's mean age was 17,4±3,5 months. 33% of them were completely vaccinated. Coverage was significantly lower in children of mothers without education [AOR= 7,27; CI95%= 2,9817,74]. Coverage was the highest in kids with high levels of education and wealth. Conclusion: To achieve complete and equitable vaccine coverage, public health interventions should be designed to satisfy the needs of high-risk groups.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Immunization , Vaccination , Vaccination Coverage , Cluster Analysis , Dominican RepublicABSTRACT
The elucidation of resources pertaining to the Chimonanthus praecox varieties and the establishment of a fingerprint serve as crucial underpinnings for advancing scientific inquiry and industrial progress in relation to C. praecox. Employing the SSR molecular marker technology, an exploration of the genetic diversity of 175 C. praecox varieties (lines) in the Yanling region was conducted, and an analysis of the genetic diversity among these varieties was carried out using the UPDM clustering method in NTSYSpc 2.1 software. We analyzed the genetic structure of 175 germplasm using Structure v2.3.3 software based on a Bayesian model. General linear model (GLM) association was utilized to analyze traits and markers. The genetic diversity analysis revealed a mean number of alleles (Na) of 6.857, a mean expected heterozygosity (He) of 0.496 3, a mean observed heterozygosity (Ho) of 0.503 7, a mean genetic diversity index of Nei՚s of 0.494 9, and a mean Shannon information index of 0.995 8. These results suggest that the C. praecox population in Yanling exhibits a rich genetic diversity. Additionally, the population structure and the UPDM clustering were examined. In the GLM model, a total of fifteen marker loci exhibited significant (P < 0.05) association with eight phenotypic traits, with the explained phenotypic variation ranging from 14.90% to 36.03%. The construction of fingerprints for C. praecox varieties (lines) was accomplished by utilizing eleven primer pairs with the highest polymorphic information content, resulting in the analysis of 175 SSR markers. The present study offers a thorough examination of the genetic diversity and SSR molecular markers of C. praecox in Yanling, and establishes a fundamental germplasm repository of C. praecox, thereby furnishing theoretical underpinnings for the selection and cultivation of novel and superior C. praecox varieties, varietal identification, and resource preservation and exploitation.
Bayes Theorem , Biomarkers , Phenotype , Cluster Analysis , Genetic VariationABSTRACT
This study aimed to describe the characteristics of the social networks of older adults and to assess associations between social support, functional capacity and mental health. The sample consisted of 134 community-dwelling older adults, assessed in terms of their social network through the Minimum Map of Older Adult Relationships; functional capacity for performance in activities of daily living; depressive symptoms, assessed through the Geriatric Depression Scale and; anxiety, assessed through the Beck Anxiety Inventory. Cluster analyses were performed. The social network was characterized by being informal, functioning as affective support that occurs through visits. Social support perceived as insufficient was more frequent in men, in those who were dependent regarding instrumental activities of daily living, and in those with anxiety and depressive symptoms. Reduced social support networks and lack of support were associated with limitations in functional capacity and worse mental health, sparking debate about the centrality of the family in the provision of support.(AU)
Este estudo objetivou descrever as características da rede social de pessoas idosas e avaliar associações entre apoio social, capacidade funcional e saúde mental. A amostra foi composta por 134 idosos comunitários, avaliados quanto à rede social pelo Mapa Mínimo das Relações do Idoso; capacidade funcional pelo desempenho em atividades de vida diária; sintomas depressivos, avaliados pela Escala de Depressão Geriátrica e; ansiedade, avaliada pelo Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck. Foram realizadas análises de conglomerados. A rede social caracterizou-se por ser informal, funcionando como suporte afetivo que ocorre por meio de visitas. O apoio social percebido como insuficiente foi mais frequente no sexo masculino, entre idosos dependentes em atividades instrumentais de vida diária, com ansiedade e sintomas depressivos. Redes de suporte social reduzidas e com baixo apoio estão associadas com limitações na capacidade funcional e pior saúde mental, colocando em debate a centralidade da família na provisão de suporte.(AU)
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo describir las características de la red social de personas mayores y evaluar las asociaciones entre el apoyo social, la capacidad funcional y la salud mental. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 134 ancianos comunitarios, quienes fueron evaluados en cuanto a su red social mediante el Mapa Mínimo de Relaciones del Anciano; su capacidad funcional en las actividades de la vida diaria; los síntomas depresivos mediante la Escala de Depresión Geriátrica; y la ansiedad a través del Inventario de Ansiedad de Beck. Se realizaron análisis de conglomerados. La red social se caracterizó por ser informal, funcionando como apoyo afectivo que se manifiesta a través de visitas. El apoyo social percibido como insuficiente fue más frecuente en el sexo masculino, entre los ancianos dependientes en actividades instrumentales de la vida diaria, y aquellos con síntomas de ansiedad y depresión. Las redes de apoyo social reducidas y con bajo apoyo se asocian con limitaciones en la capacidad funcional y un peor estado de salud mental, lo que plantea el debate sobre el papel central de la familia en la provisión de apoyo.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Social Support , Aged/psychology , Mental Health , Functional Status , Anxiety/psychology , Quality of Life , Cluster Analysis , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Depression/psychology , Correlation of Data , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Investigar a agregação das DCNT e a sua associação com as características sociodemográficas e os aspectos ocupacionais dos trabalhadores da APS. Métodos: Tratou-se de um estudo epidemiológico transversal que analisou os dados parciais de uma coorte retrospectiva realizada em Vitória da Conquista (BA) e em São Geraldo da Piedade (MG) no mês de janeiro de 2022 com 105 trabalhadores da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), que preencheram um questionário eletrônico específico autoaplicável. As variáveis analisadas foram: sociodemográficas, caracterização do trabalho, presença de DCNT e de multimorbidade. Foram aplicados os seguintes procedimentos estatísticos: análise descritiva, análise de cluster, teste de qui-quadrado de Pearson e regressão logística binária. Resultados:As cinco DCNT mais prevalentes foram a rinite/sinusite (30,5%), a cefaleia/enxaqueca (26,7%), o colesterol alto (26,7%), a gastrite (19,0%) e a hipertensão arterial sistêmica (19,0%). A prevalência de multimorbidade foi de 26,7% e foram encontradas 11 combinações de cluster (34,4%), sendo o maior escore na combinação das cinco doenças mais prevalentes. Foi identificada a associação entre a presença de multimorbidade e o sexo, sendo a prevalência 24% menor entre os homens, e com a escolaridade, sendo a prevalência 26% maior nos indivíduos que não possuem ensino superior. Conclusão: Foram identificadas associações entre a presença de multimorbidade e o sexo feminino, e indivíduos que não concluíram o ensino superior. Observou-se, ainda, uma associação simultânea das cinco principais DCNT deste estudo com o nível de escolaridade (AU).
Objectives: Investigate the aggregation of NCDs and their association with sociodemographic characteristics and occupational aspects in primary healthcare workers. Methods: A cross-sectional study analyzed partial data from a cohort profile conducted in Vitória da Conquista (BA) and in São Geraldo da Piedade (MG) in January 2022 with 105 workers of "Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF)" who answered a self-report electronic questionnaire. The variables of this research were: sociodemographic characteristics, job aspects, and the presence of NCDs and multimorbidity. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, cluster analysis, chi-square test, and binary logistic regression. Results: The five NCDs more prevalent were: rhinitis/sinusitis (30,5%), headache/migraine (26,7%), hypercholesterolemia (26,7%), gastritis (19,0%), and hypertension (19,0%). The prevalence of multimorbidity was 26,7%, and 11 cluster combinations were found (34,4%) since the higher score was identified in the aggregation of the five more prevalent diseases. There was an association between the presence of multimorbidity and the sex (the prevalence is 24% smaller for men) and between the presence of multimorbidity and the level of education (the prevalence is 26% higher in people without a college degree). Conclusion: The prevalence of multimorbidity was associated with the female sex and with people without a college degree. Furthermore, an association was observed between the five more prevalent NCDs in this study and the level of education (AU).
Humans , Epidemiologic Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Cluster Analysis , Chronic Disease/epidemiology , Health Personnel , Multimorbidity , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
Objective: to identify spatial clusters of suicide and its epidemiological characteristics in the Chapecó (SC) micro-region from 1996 to 2018. Methods: this was an exploratory ecological study, using data from the Mortality Information System; specific suicide rates and relative risks (RR) were calculated with a 95% confidence interval (95%CI); the scan statistic was used for spatial analysis. Results: there were 1,034 suicides (13.7/100,000 inhabitants), with a male/female ratio of 3.79; the ≥ 60 age group was at higher risk for both sexes; a high risk cluster was found in the southwest region (RR = 1.57) and a low risk cluster in the southeast region, including Chapecó itself (RR = 0.68); risk of suicide among widowed (RR = 3.05; 95%CI 1.99;4.67), separated (RR = 2.48; 95%CI 1.44;4.27), and married (RR = 1.97; 95%CI 1.54;2.51) people was higher than among single people. The main methods were hanging (81.2%) and firearms (9.7%). Conclusion: there was a higher risk of suicide in the elderly, male and widowed people. Hanging was the most frequent method and risk clustering was found in the southwest.
Objetivo: identificar agregados espaciales de suicidio y el perfil epidemiológico en la microrregión de Chapecó (SC), 1996-2018. Métodos: estudio ecológico exploratorio, con datos del Sistema de Información de Mortalidad. Fueron calculadas tasas específicas de suicidio y riesgos relativos (RR) con intervalo de confianza 95% (IC95%). Para el análisis espacial se utilizó la estadística scan. Resultados: hubo 1.034 suicidios (13,7/100.000 habitantes), razón sexo masculino/femenino de 3,79. El grupo de ≥ 60 años presentó mayor riesgo para ambos sexos. Se observó un agregado de alto riesgo en la región suroeste (RR = 1,57) y un agregado de menor riesgo en el sureste (RR = 0,68). El riesgo de suicidio entre viudos (RR = 3.05; IC95% 1,99;4,67), separados (RR = 2.48; IC95% 1,44;4,27) y casados (RR = 1.97; IC95% 1,54;2,51) fueron mayores que entre solteros. El principal medio fue el ahorcamiento (81,2%), seguido de las armas de fuego (9,7%). Conclusión: hubo mayor riesgo de suicidio en ancianos, sexo masculino y viudos. Ahorcamiento fue el método más frecuente y se observó agrupación de riesgos hacia el Suroeste.
Objetivo: identificar conglomerados espaciais do suicídio e características epidemiológicas na microrregião de Chapecó, SC, Brasil, 1996-2018. Métodos: estudo ecológico exploratório, com dados do Sistema de Informações sobre Mortalidade; foram calculadas taxas específicas de suicídio, e riscos relativos (RR) com intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%); na análise espacial, utilizou-se estatística scan. Resultados: 1.034 suicídios (13,7/100 mil habitantes), a razão sexo masculino/feminino de 3,79; a idade ≥ 60 anos apresentou maior risco para ambos os sexos; observou-se um conglomerado de alto risco na região sudoeste (RR = 1,57) e um de menor risco a sudeste, incluindo Chapecó (RR = 0,68); risco de suicídio entre viúvos (RR = 3,05; IC95% 1,99;4,67), separados (RR = 2,48; IC95% 1,44;4,27) e casados (RR = 1,97; IC95% 1,54;2,51) maior que entre solteiros; principal método, enforcamento (81,2%), seguido por uso de arma de fogo (9,7%). Conclusão: maior risco de suicídio para idosos, sexo masculino e viúvos; enforcamento foi mais frequente; conglomerado de risco a sudoeste.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Suicide/statistics & numerical data , Mortality , Suicide, Completed/statistics & numerical data , Brazil/epidemiology , Cluster Analysis , Epidemiological Monitoring , Spatio-Temporal AnalysisABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Melanoma is one of the most aggressive and deadliest skin tumor. Cholesterol content in melanoma cells is elevated, and a portion of it accumulates into lipid rafts. Therefore, the plasma membrane cholesterol and its lateral organization might be directly linked with tumor development. ATP Binding Cassette A1 (ABCA1) transporter modulates physico-chemical properties of the plasma membrane by modifying cholesterol distribution. Several studies linked the activity of the transporter with a different outcome of tumor progression depending on which type. However, no direct link between human melanoma progression and ABCA1 activity has been reported yet. METHODS: An immunohistochemical study on the ABCA1 level in 110 patients-derived melanoma tumors was performed to investigate the potential association of the transporter with melanoma stage of progression and prognosis. Furthermore, proliferation, migration and invasion assays, extracellular-matrix degradation assay, immunochemistry on proteins involved in migration processes and a combination of biophysical microscopy analysis of the plasma membrane organization of Hs294T human melanoma wild type, control (scrambled), ABCA1 Knockout ( ABCA1 KO) and ABCA1 chemically inactivated cells were used to study the impact of ABCA1 activity on human melanoma metastasis processes. RESULTS: The immunohistochemical analysis of clinical samples showed that high level of ABCA1 transporter in human melanoma is associated with a poor prognosis. Depletion or inhibition ofABCA1 impacts invasion capacities of aggressive melanoma cells. Loss of ABCA1 activity partially prevented cellular motility by affecting active focal adhesions formation via blocking clustering of phosphorylated focal adhesion kinases and active integrin ß3. Moreover, ABCA1 activity regulated the lateral organization of the plasma membrane in melanoma cells. Disrupting this organization, by increasing the content of cholesterol, also blocked active focal adhesion formation. CONCLUSION: Human melanoma cells reorganize their plasma membrane cholesterol content and organization via ABCA1 activity to promote motility processes and aggressiveness potential. Therefore, ABCA1 may contribute to tumor progression and poor prognosis, suggesting ABCA1 to be a potential metastatic marker in melanoma.
Humans , Melanoma , Cluster Analysis , Cell Membrane , ATP Binding Cassette Transporter 1ABSTRACT
From 2015 to 2019, the annual average incidence rate of scarlet fever was 7.80/100 000 in Yantai City, which showed an increasing trend since 2017 (χ2trend=233.59, P<0.001). The peak period of this disease was from April to July and November to January of the next year. The ratio of male to female was 1.49∶1, with a higher prevalence among cases aged 3 to 9 years (2 357/2 552, 92.36%). Children in kindergartens, primary and middle school students, and scattered children were the high risk population, with the incidence rate of 159.86/100 000, 25.57/100 000 and 26.77/100 000, respectively. The global spatial auto-correlation analysis showed that the global Moran's I index of the reported incidence rate of scarlet fever in Yantai from 2015 to 2019 was 0.28, 0.29, 0.44, 0.48, and 0.22, respectively (all P values<0.05), suggesting that the incidence rate of scarlet fever in Yantai from 2015 to 2019 was spatial clustering. The local spatial auto-correlation analysis showed that the "high-high" clustering areas were mainly located in Laizhou City, Zhifu District, Haiyang City, Fushan District and Kaifa District, while the "low-high" clustering areas were mainly located in Haiyang City and Fushan District.
Child , Humans , Male , Female , Scarlet Fever/epidemiology , Spatial Analysis , Cities/epidemiology , Seasons , Risk Factors , Incidence , Cluster Analysis , China/epidemiologyABSTRACT
A gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry(GC-MS) method was established for the simultaneous determination of eleven volatile components in Cinnamomi Oleum and the chemical pattern recognition was utilized to evaluate the quality of essential oil obtained from Cinnamomi Fructus medicinal materials in various habitats. The Cinnamomi Fructus medicinal materials were treated by water distillation, analyzed using GC-MS, and detected by selective ion monitoring(SIM), and the internal standards were used for quantification. The content results of Cinnamomi Oleum from various batches were analyzed by hierarchical clustering analysis(HCA), principal component analysis(PCA), and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis(OPLS-DA) for the statistic analysis. Eleven components showed good linear relationships within their respective concentration ranges(R~2>0.999 7), with average recoveries of 92.41%-102.1% and RSD of 1.2%-3.2%(n=6). The samples were classified into three categories by HCA and PCA, and 2-nonanone was screened as a marker of variability between batches in combination with OPLS-DA. This method is specific, sensitive, simple, and accurate, and the screened components can be utilized as a basis for the quality control of Cinnamomi Oleum.
Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Plant Oils , Oils, Volatile , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/analysis , Cluster AnalysisABSTRACT
At present, the incidence of Parkinson's disease (PD) is gradually increasing. This seriously affects the quality of life of patients, and the burden of diagnosis and treatment is increasing. However, the disease is difficult to intervene in early stage as early monitoring means are limited. Aiming to find an effective biomarker of PD, this work extracted correlation between each pair of electroencephalogram (EEG) channels for each frequency band using weighted symbolic mutual information and k-means clustering. The results showed that State1 of Beta frequency band ( P = 0.034) and State5 of Gamma frequency band ( P = 0.010) could be used to differentiate health controls and off-medication Parkinson's disease patients. These findings indicated that there were significant differences in the resting channel-wise correlation states between PD patients and healthy subjects. However, no significant differences were found between PD-on and PD-off patients, and between PD-on patients and healthy controls. This may provide a clinical diagnosis reference for Parkinson's disease.
Humans , Parkinson Disease/diagnosis , Quality of Life , Cluster Analysis , Electroencephalography , Healthy VolunteersABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of seasonal A(H3N2) influenza [influenza A(H3N2)] in China and to provide a reference for scientific prevention and control. Methods: The influenza A(H3N2) surveillance data in 2014-2019 was derived from China Influenza Surveillance Information System. A line chart described the epidemic trend analyzed and plotted. Spatial autocorrelation analysis was conducted using ArcGIS 10.7, and spatiotemporal scanning analysis was conducted using SaTScan 10.1. Results: A total of 2 603 209 influenza-like case sample specimens were detected from March 31, 2014, to March 31, 2019, and the influenza A(H3N2) positive rate was 5.96%(155 259/2 603 209). The positive rate of influenza A(H3N2) was statistically significant in the north and southern provinces in each surveillance year (all P<0.05). The high incidence seasons of influenza A (H3N2) were in winter in northern provinces and summer or winter in southern provinces. Influenza A (H3N2) clustered in 31 provinces in 2014-2015 and 2016-2017. High-high clusters were distributed in eight provinces, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Shanxi, Henan, Shaanxi, and Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region in 2014-2015, and high-high clusters were distributed in five provinces including Shanxi, Shandong, Henan, Anhui, and Shanghai in 2016-2017. Spatiotemporal scanning analysis from 2014 to 2019 showed that Shandong and its surrounding twelve provinces clustered from November 2016 to February 2017 (RR=3.59, LLR=9 875.74, P<0.001). Conclusion: Influenza A (H3N2) has high incidence seasons with northern provinces in winter and southern provinces in summer or winter and obvious spatial and temporal clustering characteristics in China from 2014-2019.
Humans , Influenza, Human/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Influenza A Virus, H3N2 Subtype , Seasons , Cluster AnalysisABSTRACT
Objective: To analyze the trend of epidemiological characteristics and spatiotemporal distribution of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) among smear-positive or other types of students in Guizhou Province from 2011 to 2020, and to provide a reference for improving prevention and control measures. Methods: Data were collected from the Chinese Information System's Notifiable Disease and Tuberculosis Management Information System for disease control and prevention, the Joinpoint software was used to analyze the trend of registration rate; the ArcGIS 10.6 software was used to construct a ring map and to perform spatial autocorrelation analysis; the SaTScan 9.7 software was used for spatial-temporal scan statistics. Results: A total of 32 682 student PTB cases were reported in Guizhou Province from 2011 to 2020, including 5 949 (18.20%) smear-positive cases. Most cases occurred from high school students of 16 to 18 years old (43.99%, 14 376/32 682); the annual average registered rate was 36.22/100 000, the highest in 2018 (52.90/100 000), and the registration rate showed an increasing trend. Meanwhile, a similar trend of registration rate was observed among smear-positive or other types of students. The spatialtemporal heterogeneity was found that the "high-high" clustering patterns of smear-positive or other types were aggregated in Bijie City. Six spatialtemporal clusters with statistically significant (all P<0.001) were detected among smear-positive or other cases, respectively. Conclusions: Upward trend with spatial- temporal clusters of PTB cases reported in students from Guizhou Province from 2011 to 2020. Surveillance should be strengthened for high school students, and regular screening should be conducted in high-risk areas to control the source of infection and reduce the risk of transmission.
Humans , Adolescent , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/epidemiology , Asian People , Cluster Analysis , Software , StudentsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the spatial distribution of the prevalence of cognitive dysfunction and its risk factors in Chinese population aged 45 years and above to provide evidence for formulating regional prevention and control strategies.@*METHODS@#The study subjects with complete cognitive function data were selected from the follow-up data of the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS) Phase IV. ArcGis 10.4 software was used for spatial analysis of the prevalence of cognitive dysfunction in the population aged 45 years and above for each province based on the geographic information system (GIS) technology.@*RESULTS@#In 2018, the overall prevalence of cognitive dysfunction was 33.59% (5951/17716) in individuals aged 45 and above in China. Global spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated a spatial clustering and a positive autocorrelation (P < 0.001) of the prevalence of cognitive dysfunction in the study subjects, with a Moran's I value of 0.333085. The results of local spatial autocorrelation analysis showed that the southwestern region of China was the main aggregation area of patients with cognitive dysfunction. Geographically weighted regression analysis suggested that a male gender, an advanced age, and illiteracy were the major risk factors for cognitive dysfunction (P < 0.05). These 3 risk factors showed a spatial distribution heterogeneity with greater impact in the northern, western, and northwestern regions of China, respectively.@*CONCLUSION@#The prevalence of cognitive dysfunction is relatively high in individuals aged 45 years and above in China. A male gender, an advanced age, and illiteracy are the major risk factors for cognitive dysfunction and show different spatial distribution patterns, with the northern, western and northwestern regions of China as the key areas for prevention and control, where the prevention and control measures should be designed based on local conditions.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , China/epidemiology , Cluster Analysis , Cognitive Dysfunction/epidemiology , East Asian People , Longitudinal Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the incidence trend and spatial clustering characteristics of scarlet fever in China from 2016 to 2020 to provide evidence for development of regional disease prevention and control strategies.@*METHODS@#The incidence data of scarlet fever in 31 provinces and municipalities in mainland China from 2016 to 2020 were obtained from the Chinese Health Statistics Yearbook and the Public Health Science Data Center led by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention.The three-dimensional spatial trend map of scarlet fever incidence in China was drawn using ArcGIS to determine the regional trend of scarlet fever incidence.GeoDa spatial autocorrelation analysis was used to explore the spatial aggregation of scarlet fever in China in recent years.@*RESULTS@#From 2016 to 2020, a total of 310 816 cases of scarlet fever were reported in 31 provinces, municipalities directly under the central government and autonomous regions, with an average annual incidence of 4.48/100 000.The reported incidence decreased from 4.32/100 000 in 2016 to 1.18/100 000 in 2020(Z=103.47, P < 0.001).The incidence of scarlet fever in China showed an obvious regional clustering from 2016 to 2019(Moran's I>0, P < 0.05), but was randomly distributed in 2020(Moran's I>0, P=0.16).The incidence of scarlet fever showed a U-shaped distribution in eastern and western regions of China, and increased gradually from the southern to northern regions.Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Hebei and Gansu provinces had the High-high (H-H) clusters of scarlet fever in China.@*CONCLUSION@#Scarlet fever still has a high incidence in China with an obvious spatial clustering.For the northern regions of China with H-H clusters of scarlet fever, the allocation of health resources and public health education dynamics should be strengthened, and local scarlet fever prevention and control policies should be made to contain the hotspots of scarlet fever.
Humans , Incidence , Scarlet Fever/epidemiology , China/epidemiology , Spatial Analysis , Cluster Analysis , Spatio-Temporal AnalysisABSTRACT
Mining data from traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) prescriptions is one of the important methods for inheriting the experience of famous doctors and developing new drugs. However, current research work has problems such as to be optimized research plans and non-standard statistics. The main problems and corresponding solutions summarized by the research mainly include four aspects.(1)The research plan design needs to consider the efficacy and quality of individual cases.(2)The significance of the difference in confidence order of association rules needs to be further considered, and the lift should not be ignored.(3)The clustering analysis steps are complex. The selection of clustering variables should comprehensively consider factors such as the frequency of TCM, network topology parameters, and practical application significance. The selection of distance calculation and clustering methods should be improved based on the characteristics of TCM clinical data. Jaccard distance and its improvement plan should be given attention in the future. A single, unexplained clustering result should not be presented, but the final clustering plan should be selected based on a comprehensive consideration of TCM clinical characteristics and objective evaluation indicators for clustering.(4)When calculating correlation coefficients, algorithms that are only suitable for continuous variables should not be applied to binary variables. This article explained the connotations of the above problems based on the characteristics of TCM clinical research and statistical principles and proposed corresponding suggestions to provide important references for future data mining research work.
Humans , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Prescriptions , Data Mining , Cluster Analysis , Physicians , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Single-cell transcriptome sequencing (scRNA-seq) can resolve the expression characteristics of cells in tissues with single-cell precision, enabling researchers to quantify cellular heterogeneity within populations with higher resolution, revealing potentially heterogeneous cell populations and the dynamics of complex tissues. However, the presence of a large number of technical zeros in scRNA-seq data will have an impact on downstream analysis of cell clustering, differential genes, cell annotation, and pseudotime, hindering the discovery of meaningful biological signals. The main idea to solve this problem is to make use of the potential correlation between cells and genes, and to impute the technical zeros through the observed data. Based on this, this paper reviewed the basic methods of imputing technical zeros in the scRNA-seq data and discussed the advantages and disadvantages of the existing methods. Finally, recommendations and perspectives on the use and development of the method were provided.
Cluster Analysis , TranscriptomeABSTRACT
RESUMEN La distribución geoespacial de la morbilidad por tuberculosis (TB) pulmonar y extrapulmonar en el municipio de Cúcuta en los años 2019 y 2020 se describió utilizando el método de Kulldorff usando la ubicación geográfica y la fecha de reporte de los casos incidentes de TB. La unidad de análisis fue el evento reportado al Sistema Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (SIVIGILA). Se identificaron 392 barrios distribuidos en diez comunas, donde se ubicaron 607 casos. En la distribución de la TB pulmonar, la comuna norte fue la que más casos reportó, siendo el barrio El Salado el más afectado de manera repetitiva. Los casos incidentes de TB extrapulmonar no mostraron patrones de repetición en la distribución entre las unidades espaciales y temporales. Se debe priorizar la región occidental dentro de las estrategias de mitigación y control de la propagación de la infección pulmonar del territorio.
ABSTRACT The geospatial distribution of pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB) morbidity in the municipality of Cúcuta in 2019 and 2020 was described by the Kulldorff method using the geographic location and reporting date of incident TB cases. The unit of analysis was the event reported to the National Epidemiological Surveillance System (SIVIGILA). A total of 607 cases were identified in 392 neighborhoods distributed in ten communes. Most cases of pulmonary TB were reported in the northern commune, with the El Salado neighborhood being the most affected repeatedly. Incident cases of extrapulmonary TB did not show patterns of repetition in the distribution between spatial and temporal units. Strategies to mitigate and control the spread of pulmonary infection should prioritize the western region.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Tuberculosis/epidemiology , Sanitary Control of Borders , Venezuela/epidemiology , Cluster Analysis , Incidence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Colombia/epidemiology , National Health Surveillance System , Spatio-Temporal AnalysisABSTRACT
The Clificol® COVID-19 Support Project is an innovative international data collection project aimed at tackling some of the core questions in homeopathy, including the notion of Genus Epidemicus. Aims:To shed some light on the notion of Genus Epidemicus in the context of this infection. Going beyond that, the project aims to use these data to tackle more fundamental questions, such as the role of symptoms and rubrics in treatment individualisation. Methodology:This online multi-national data-collection project is supported by the ECH, ECCH, ICH, HRI, LMHI, and other professional associations. The collected data includes demographic information, severity, conventional diagnosis and treatment, presenting symptoms as well as the remedies prescribed. The outcome of treatment was tracked using the ORIDL scale. The concept of Genus Epidemicus, including the role of treatment individualisation, was investigated by analysing whether presenting symptoms cluster into distinct groups (K-Means clustering approach). The symptom data originating from China was obtained using a questionnaire. Results and discussion: 20 Chinese practioners collected 359 cases, primarily in the first half of 2020 (766 consultations, 363 prescriptions). The cluster analysis found two to be the optimum number of clusters. These two symptomatic clusters had a high overlap with the two most commonly prescribed remedies in that population: In cluster 1 there were 297 prescriptions, 95.6% of which were Gelsemium sempervirens, incluster 2, there were 61 prescriptions, 95.1% of which were Bryonia alba. Under the assumption of a single genus epidemicuswe would expect to see a single cluster of symptoms. The data from the Chinese population were not compatible with this assumption. Conclusion:This was the first study that investigated the notion of Genus Epidemicus by using modern statistical techniques. These analyses identified at least two distinct symptom pictures. The notion of a single COVID-19 Genus Epidemicus did not apply to this population.
Medicamentous Diagnosis , COVID-19/epidemiology , Cluster AnalysisABSTRACT
Introdução:São poucos os estudos que identificaram os padrões alimentares em adultos sem patologias associadas utilizando metodologias de abordagem a posteriori, o que representa um grande e importante campo de pesquisa na epidemiologia nutricional a ser explorado para melhor entender o hábito alimentar das diferentes populações no mundo e suas relações com demais fatores.Objetivo:Analisar as metodologias deidentificação dos padrões alimentares em adultos saudáveis que utilizaram a abordagem a posteriori.Metodologia:Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa. Foram incluídos somente artigos originais publicados em português ou inglês que identificaram padrão alimentar de adultos saudáveis por meio de abordagem a posteriori, de 2013 a 2018. Os artigos foram selecionados por meio de busca em 4 bases de dados, sendo resgatadas 328 publicações.Resultados:Apenas 9 artigos identificaram padrões alimentares por meio de abordagem a posteriori em adultos, sendo 7 do tipo transversal e 2 longitudinal.O método de abordagem exploratória mais utilizado foi a análise fatorial, abordada em sete estudos. Um artigo utilizou o método de análise de agrupamento, enquanto outros dois utilizaram o método RRR, sendo um deles associado ao método ACP. Conclusões:As metodologias de avaliação do padrão alimentar possuem limitações, o que torna absolutamente importante que os estudos sejam bem delineados, com escolha de inquéritos alimentares mais convenientes, tamanho e seleção da amostra relevantes e testes estatísticos que orientem as decisões do pesquisador da melhor forma possível, para que os resultados retratem padrões e agrupamentos bem fidedignos (AU).
Introduction:There are few studies that have identified dietary patterns in adults without associated pathologies using a posteriori approach methodologies, which represents a large and important field of research in nutritional epidemiology to be explored to better understand the eating habits of different populations in the world and their relationships with other factors. Objective:To analyze the methodologies for identifying dietary patterns in healthy adults who used the a posteriori approach. Methodology:This is an integrative review. Only original articles published in Portuguese or English that identified the dietary pattern of healthy adults through an a posteriori approach, from 2013 to 2018, were included. Results:Only 9 articles identified eating patterns through a posteriori approach in adults, 7 of which were transverse and 2 were longitudinal.The most used exploratory approach method was factor analysis, addressed in seven studies. One article used the cluster analysis method, while two others used the RRR method, one of them associated with the ACP method. Conclusions:The dietary pattern assessment methodologies have limitations, which makes it absolutely important that the studies are well designed, with the choice of more convenient food surveys, relevant sample size and selection, and statistical tests that guide the researcher's decisions in the best possible way, so that the results depict very reliable patterns and groupings (AU).
Introducción: Existen pocos estudios que hayan identificado patrones alimentarios en adultos sin patologías asociadas utilizando metodologías de abordaje a posteriori, lo que representa un amplio e importante campo de investigación en epidemiología nutricional a explorar para comprender mejor los hábitos alimentarios de diferentes poblaciones en el mundo y sus relaciones con otros factores. Objetivo: Analizar las metodologías para la identificación de patrones dietéticos en adultos sanos que utilizaron el enfoque a posteriori.Metodología:Esta es una revisión integradora. Se incluyeron solo artículos originales publicados en portugués o inglés que identificaron el patrón dietético de adultos sanos a través de un enfoque a posteriori, de 2013 a 2018. Resultados: Solo 9 artículos identificaron patrones de alimentación mediante abordaje a posteriori en adultos, 7 de los cuales fueron transversales y 2 longitudinales.El método de abordaje exploratorio más utilizado fue el análisis factorial, abordado en siete estudios. Un artículo utilizó el método de análisis de conglomerados, mientras que otros dos utilizaron el método RRR, uno de ellos asociado al método ACP.Conclusiones: Las metodologías de evaluación del patrón dietético tienen limitaciones, por lo que es absolutamente importante que los estudios estén bien diseñados, con la elección de encuestas alimentarias más convenientes, tamaño y selección de muestras relevantes y pruebas estadísticas que guíen las decisiones del investigador de la mejor maneraposible, para que que los resultados representan patrones y agrupaciones muy fiables (AU).