ABSTRACT Coffee is one of the most important Brazilian agricultural commodities exported, and Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States are the main coffee producers. Scale insects are important coffee pests, and 73 species of Cerococcidae (3), Coccidae (18), Diaspididae (6), Eriococcidae (1), Ortheziidae (3), Pseudococcidae (21), Putoidae (2) and Rhizoecidae (19) have been associated with roots, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits of Arabica coffee in the Neotropics. Eight species were found associated with Arabica coffee in Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo States in this study, and Coccidae was the most frequent family. Coccus alpinus, Cc. celatus, Cc. lizeri, Cc. viridis, and Saissetia coffeae (Coccidae) were found in both states; Alecanochiton marquesi, Pseudaonidia trilobitiformis (Diaspididae), and Dysmicoccus texensis (Pseudococcidae) were only found in Minas Gerais. Alecanochiton marquesi and P. trilobitiformis are first reported in Minas Gerais, and Cc. alpinus in Espírito Santo, on Arabica coffee. All scale insect species were associated with coffee leaves and branches, except D. texensis, associated with coffee roots. Fourty seven scale insect species have been found occurring in Brazilian Arabica coffee, and in Espírito Santo (28) and Minas Gerais (23). Widespread and geographical distribution of each species found are discussed.
Animals , Coffee/parasitology , Hemiptera/physiology , Tropical Climate , Brazil , Animal Distribution , Plant Dispersal , Hemiptera/classificationABSTRACT
Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) is among those mite species that can cause damage to coffee plants (Coffea spp.). Species of Phytoseiidae acari are considered the most important and studied predatory mites. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the webbing produced by O.ilicis on its predation by females of the phytoseiids Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma, Euseius citrifolius Denmark & Muma and Amblyseius herbicolus (Chant). Four bioassays were conducted, with three treatments and ten replicates. Each replicate consisted of 25 O.ilicis per experimental unit (a leaf disc of Coffea arabica) according to the tested developmental stage, in independent experiments. To spin the web, 15 adult females were put on each experimental unit for 24h; females were then removed, leaving only the web, and predators and prey to be tested were introduced. Predation was assessed after 24h. In the presence of webbing, the consumption of eggs, larvae and nymphs by I.zuluagai and eggs and larvae by E.citrifolius was lower. For A.herbicolus, egg predation was lower, but larval predation did not vary significantly and predation of nymphs and adults was higher in the presence of webbing. Predators as a whole were more efficient consuming larvae regardless of the presence of webbing. Considering the stages of O.ilicis altogether, webbing reduced the predation potential of I.zuluagai and E. citrifolius, but not of A. herbicolus.
Animals , Female , Acari/physiology , Predatory Behavior , Tetranychidae , Coffee/parasitologyABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio durante los años 2002, 2003 y 2004, con el fin de determinar la composición, la abundancia, riqueza, diversidad, equidad, ocurrencia y fluctuación temporal de las especies de saltahojas en tres zonas productoras de café de Costa Rica. Se utilizaron trampas amarillas pegajosas para clasificar y cuantificar el número de saltahojas adultos durante el período de muestreo. Se encontró un total de 82.500 individuos, pertenecientes a 139 especies ubicadas dentro de nueve subfamilias. San Isidro de León Cortés presentó la mayor diversidad entre los sitios estudiados. Veinticinco especies se encontraron frecuentemente en al menos uno de los sitios muestreados, y solamente Coelidiana sp.1, Osbornellus sp.1, Scaphytopius sp.1 y Empoasca sp. se capturaron a lo largo de todo el período de estudio. La fluctuación temporal de los taxa que comprenden los principales vectores de X. fastidiosa Wells et al. mostró diferencias entre las zonas estudiadas.
A survey was conducted during 2002, 2003 and 2004 to determine the leafhopper species composition, abundance, richness, diversity, evenness, occurrence and flight activity among three coffee production zones of Costa Rica. Yellow sticky traps were used to qualify and quantify the number of aerial leafhoppers during the sampling period. A total of 82,500 individuals, belonging to 139 species within nine leafhopper subfamilies, were trapped. San Isidro de León Cortés site presented the highest diversity from the three surveyed sites. Twenty five species were frequently trapped at least in one of the studied zones, and only Coelidiana sp.1, Osbornellus sp.1, Scaphytopius sp.1 and Empoasca sp. were trapped throughout the sampling period. The flight activity of the taxa that contain the main vectors of Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al. showed differences among the sampling zones.
Animals , Coffee , Hemiptera/classification , Costa Rica , Coffee/microbiology , Coffee/parasitology , Crops, Agricultural/microbiology , Crops, Agricultural/parasitology , Flight, Animal , Hemiptera/microbiology , Population Density , Plant Diseases/microbiology , Plant Diseases/parasitology , Species Specificity , XylellaABSTRACT
The objective of this study was to determine the damage levels caused by Orthezia praelonga Douglas, 1891 and Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville 1842), on rangpur lime and Obatã coffee leaves, respectively. Measurements were based on a new concept for the evaluation of the following plant physiological parameters: photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, leaf temperature and transpiration, and internal concentration of CO2 (by infrared analyzer). A negative correlation between infestation level and photosynthesis was found, where the negative inflexion point of the curve was considered as a reference for damage levels. The control level for O. praelonga is below the 7-13 percent limit for damaged leaf area (40 to 70 scales per leaf), while for L. coffeella it is below the 26-36 percent limit for the same variable. Photosynthesis provided the best correlation for this type of analysis.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer, baseado em um novo conceito de avaliação de parâmetros fisiológicos vegetais, o nível de dano causado por Orthezia praelonga Douglas 1891 e por Leucoptera coffeella (Guérin-Mèneville 1842) em folhas de limão cravo e cafeeiro 'Obatã', respectivamente. Foram feitas leituras de trocas gasosas por infravermelho, além da avaliação da condutância estomática, temperatura foliar, transpiração foliar e concentração interna de CO2. Os dados demonstraram uma correlação negativa entre o nível de infestação e a fotossíntese, sendo o ponto de inflexão negativa da curva tomado como referência de nível de dano, onde o nível de controle para O. praelonga encontra-se abaixo do limite de 7 a 13 por cento de área foliar lesionada (40 a 70 cochonilhas por folha), e o de L. coffeella encontra-se abaixo dos valores de 26 a 36 por cento de área foliar lesionada. Dentre os parâmetros avaliados a fotossíntese foi o que demonstrou melhor correlação para este tipo de análise.
Animals , Female , Male , Citrus/parasitology , Coffee/parasitology , Lepidoptera , Photosynthesis/physiology , Plant Diseases/parasitology , Plant Transpiration/physiology , Carbon Dioxide/metabolism , Plant Leaves/parasitology , Temperature , Time FactorsABSTRACT
The flat-mite Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) is considered important in citrus (Citrus spp.) and coffee plants (Coffea spp.) in Brazil, and is known as the leprosis and coffee ring spot mite, as being a vector of the Citrus Leprosis Rhabdovirus - CitLV and Coffee Ring Spot Virus - CoRSV. The objective of this work is to find out about the reproductive success of B. phoenicis on citric fruits and coffee leaves by fertility life table parameters and its biology. The experiments were carried out in laboratory conditions at 25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10 percent of relative humidity and 14 h of photophase. The lengths of embryonic and post-embryonic periods were different due to the host where the mite was reared. B. phoenicis showed better development and higher survival and fecundity in citric fruits than coffee leaves. The intrinsic rate of the population increase (r m) was 0.128 and 0.090 - females/female/day on citric fruits and coffee leaves, respectively. The citric fruits were more appropriate for the development of B. phoenicis than coffee leaves.
O ácaro Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes, 1939) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) é considerado importante em citros (Citrus spp.) e cafeeiro (Coffea spp.) no Brasil, sendo conhecido como ácaro da leprose e da mancha-anular, por ser vetor dos vírus causadores da leprose em citros,Citrus Leprosis Rhabdovirus - CitLV, e da mancha-anular em cafeeiro,Coffee Ring Spot Virus - CoRSV. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o sucesso reprodutivo de B. phoenicis, em frutos cítricos e em folhas de cafeeiro, por meio de parâmetros calculados a partir da tabela de vida,de fertilidade e da biologia. Os experimentos foram realizados em laboratório a 25 ± 2 °C, 70 ± 10 por cento de umidade relativa e 14 h de fotofase. Os períodos embrionário e pós-embrionário apresentaram diferenças em função do hospedeiro em que o ácaro foi criado.B. phoenicis teve melhor desenvolvimento, maior sobrevivência e maior fertilidade específica em frutos cítricos do que em folhas de cafeeiro. A taxa intrínseca de crescimento populacional (rm) foi de 0,128 e 0,090 fêmeas/fêmea/dia em frutos cítricos e em folhas de cafeeiro, respectivamente. Os frutos cítricos mostraram-se mais adequados ao desenvolvimento de B. phoenicis do que as folhas de cafeeiro.
Animals , Arachnid Vectors/physiology , Citrus/parasitology , Coffee/parasitology , Life Tables , Life Cycle Stages/physiology , Mites/physiology , Arachnid Vectors/classification , Arachnid Vectors/growth & development , Fertility/physiology , Host-Parasite Interactions , Mites/classification , Mites/growth & development , Time FactorsABSTRACT
A queda dos frutos brocados por Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) pode ser o principal fator de perda durante a frutificação do café. Entretanto, apenas os frutos brocados que permanecem no solo antes de um novo período de frutificação têm sido reconhecidos como causadores de impacto no nível de broqueamento de frutos em formação. Neste trabalho, investigou-se, ao longo do período de frutificação, a presença, nas plantas e no solo, de frutos de Coffea canephora cv. Conilon brocados por H. hampei, em Ouro Preto d'Oeste, RO. As coletas foram realizadas, semanalmente, entre dezembro de 2000 e junho de 2001. Os dados obtidos foram submetidos à análise de regressão de sobrevivência, baseado no modelo de Weibull. Durante o período de frutificação do café, a queda dos frutos ocorre continuamente e a presença de frutos brocados por H. hampei chega a ser, em média, 4 a 20 vezes maior no solo (P < 2,3x10-18, n = 62747) do que nas plantas. Argumenta-se que a incorporação do "ambiente solo" na determinação de ações de manejo integrado possa apontar novas tecnologias para o controle da broca.
Falling of berries bored by Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) may be the major loosing factor during the fruiting period. However, only those bored berries which remain in the soil surface before a new yielding period have been recognized as responsible for the damage level Ho achieved by new developing berries. In this paper, we investigated in the plants and in the soil surface, the presence of Coffea canephora cv. Conilon berries bored by H. hampei during the yielding period in Ouro Preto d'Oeste, Rondônia, Brazil. We took samples, weekly, from December 2000 to June 2001. The data were submitted to the Surviving Regression Analysis, based on a censored Weibull model. During the yielding period, berries fall down continuously and, in average, the proportion of H. hampei bored berries was 4 to 20 times higher in the soil (P < 2,3x10-18, n = 62,747) than in the plants. Thus, we argue that adding the "soil environment" to the integrated management strategies could point to new technologies for the control of this insect.
Coleoptera/classification , Coleoptera/parasitology , Coleoptera/pathogenicity , Coffee/immunology , Coffee/parasitologyABSTRACT
A broca-do-café, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari), é uma das mais importantes pragas do cafeeiro. Seu controle é realizado, na maioria das vezes, utilizando-se produtos químicos sintéticos que contaminam o meio ambiente, os alimentos e os agricultores. O fungo Beauveria bassiana é um agente natural de controle dessa praga e apresenta potencial para o controle biológico. Assim, com o objetivo de selecionar isolados de B. bassiana para o controle da broca-do-café avaliou-se a virulência de 61 isolados, originários de diversos hospedeiros e regiões geográficas. A seleção foi realizada em duas fases: na primeira fase selecionaram-se 11 isolados com mortalidade confirmada acima de 60 por cento. Na segunda fase determinou-se para os 11 isolados pré-selecionados, a CL50, taxa de esporulação (mortalidade confirmada/mortalidade total) e a produção de conídios em H. hampei. O isolado CG425 apresentou maior mortalidade total corrigida e confirmada, maior taxa de esporulação e CL50 = 2,5 x 10(6) conídios/ml e o isolado CB102, apresentou maior produção de conídios sobre os cadáveres, 11,6 x 10(6) conídios/adulto. Esses isolados apresentam potencial para serem utilizados em programas de controle biológico da broca-do-café com B. bassiana.
Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coffee Berry Borer) is one of the most important coffee pests. Its control is carried out mainly using synthetic chemical products, which contaminate the environment, food and farmers. The entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana is a natural enemy of coffee berry borer and presents potential for biological control. With the objective to select strains of B. bassiana for the management of H. hampei, the virulence of 61 strains, from diverse hosts and geographic regions, were tested. The selection was carried out in two phases: in the first phase 11 strains, with confirmed mortality above 60 percent, were selected. In the second phase, for the 11 preselected strains, we determined: LC50, sporulation rate (confirmed mortality/total mortality) and conidia production on H. hampei cadavers. The CG425 strain presented the greater total and confirmed mortality, highest sporulation rate and CL50 = 2.5 x 10(6) conidia/ml and CB102 strain, presented highest conidia production on insects, 11.6 x 10(6) conidia/insect. These isolates present height potential to be used in biological control programs of coffee berry borer with B. bassiana.
Coleoptera , Coffee/microbiology , Coffee/parasitology , Pest Control, Biological/methodsABSTRACT
The coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei Ferrari (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) was first reported infecting Costa Rican coffee plantations in the year 2000. Due to the impact that this plague has in the economy of the country, we were interested in seeking new alternatives for the biological control of H. hampei, based on the entomopathogenic bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. A total of 202 B. thuringiensis isolates obtained from Costa Rican coffee plantations infested with H. hampei were analyzed through crystal morphology of the crystal inclusions and SDS-PAGE of 6-endotoxins, while 105 strains were further evaluated by PCR for the presence cry, cyt and vip genes. Most of the Bt strains showed diverse crystal morphologies: pleomorphic (35%), oval (37%), bipyramidal (3%), bipyramidal and oval (12%), bipyramidal, oval and pleomorphic (10%) and bipyramidal, oval and cubic (3%). The SDS-PAGE analyses of the crystal preparations showed five strains with delta-endotoxin from 20 to 40 kDa, six from 40 to 50 kDa, seven from 50 to 60 kDa, 19 from 60 to 70 kDa, 29 from 70 to 100 kDa and 39 from 100-145 kDa. PCR analyses demonstrated that the collection showed diverse cry genes profiles having several genes per strain: 78 strains contained the vip3 gene, 82 the cry2 gene, 45 the cry1 and 29 strains harbored cry3-cry7 genes. A total of 13 strains did not amplified with any of the cry primers used: cry1, cry2, cry3-7, cry5, cry11, cry12 and cry14. Forty-three different genetic profiles were found, mainly due to the combination of cry1A genes with other cry and vip genes. The genetic characterization of the collection provides opportunities for the selection of strains to be tested in bioassays against H. hampei and other insect pests of agricultural importance.