Resumen Introducción: El uso de artrópodos en estudios ecológicos en el bosque seco tropical (Bs-T) de Colombia se centra mayormente en arañas, mariposas, hormigas y escarabajos coprófagos; por lo tanto, es necesario comprender como es la dinámica estacional de otros grupos como Geadephaga en este ecosistema. Objetivo: Evaluar la variación espacio-temporal y el efecto de las condiciones ambientales sobre la diversidad de las comunidades de Geadephaga en dos fragmentos de Bs-T en el Caribe colombiano. Métodos: El estudio se llevó a cabo en cuatro eventos de muestreo entre febrero y junio de 2018; cada uno con una duración de cuatro días y cuatro noches. En cada localidad (Reserva Campesina La Montaña = RCM y Reserva La Flecha = RLF), se marcaron cuatro estaciones distanciadas 350 m, con parcelas de 50×50 m. En el centro de cada parcela se instaló una trampa de luz, mientras que en los cuatro vértices se instalaron trampas de caída, y se realizó captura manual, cernido de hojarasca y perturbación de follaje. Resultados: Se capturó un total de 348 ejemplares de Carabidae y 114 de Cicindelidae. La riqueza y la abundancia presentaron los valores más bajos durante el período seco, mientras que los mayores valores se observaron durante el período de lluvias, en ambos fragmentos. Tetracha affinis (Dejean, 1825) fue la especie más abundante en la RCM durante el período lluvioso. Conclusiones: La variación de la riqueza y abundancia de Geadephaga responde a un patrón estacional en ambos fragmentos. Se encontró una amplia disimilitud entre las comunidades de Geadephaga de ambos fragmentos, pese a tener condiciones ambientales parecidas.
Abstract Introduction: The use of arthropods in ecological studies in the tropical dry forest (TDF) of Colombia focused mainly on spiders, butterflies, ants, and dung beetles; therefore, it is necessary to understand the seasonal dynamics of the other groups such as Geadephaga in this ecosystem. Objective: To evaluate the spatio-temporal variations and the effect of environmental conditions on the diversity of the Geadephaga communities in two TDF fragments in the Colombian Caribbean. Methods: This study was conducted during four sampling events between February and June 2018, each lasting four days, and four nights. Four sampling stations were selected in each locality (Reserva Campesina La Montaña = RCM and Reserva La Flecha = RLF), separated 350 m one from another, with square plots of 50 × 50 m. A light trap was installed in the center of each square, while pitfall traps were installed in the four vertices, and manual capture, beating sheets and leaf litter sieve were carried out. Results: A total of 348 Carabidae and 114 of Cicindelidae were captured. In both fragments, the richness and abundance presented the lowest values in dry season, while the highest values were observed during the rainy season. Tetracha affinis (Dejean, 1825) was the most abundant species in RCM during rainy season. Conclusions: The richness variation and abundance of Geadephaga corresponds to a seasonal pattern at both locations. A high dissimilarity between the communities of Geadephaga from the two fragments was found, despite having similar environmental conditions.
Animals , Coleoptera/classification , Sampling Studies , Colombia , BiodiversityABSTRACT
Abstract In northern central Chile, ephemeral pools constitute shallow isolated water bodies with a favourable habitat for fauna adapted to seasonal changes. Based on the limited knowledge about the fauna—particularly insects—associated to these ecosystems, the objective of this study was to characterize the richness, composition, structure and similarity of the insect communities associated with ephemeral pools in Huentelauquén (29º S, Coquimbo Region, Chile). By using pitfall traps, 10,762 individuals were captured, represented by 7 orders, 27 families, and 51 species. Coleoptera and Hymenoptera were the best represented orders, with Neuroptera, Orthoptera and Plecoptera being poorly represented groups. The non-parametric estimators evaluated showed wealth values above those observed for all the studied pools, and their accumulation curves suggest the existence of an incomplete species inventory in the studied community. Additionally, the hierarchical and ordering analysis showed groupings of pools located in the northwest and southeast of Huentelauquén. Preliminarily we found a negative correlation between the area of the pools and the richness (species) and abundance of insects. Additional studies (on other arthropod groups and other seasons of the year) could provide a better understanding of the local processes of extinction and colonization of the species inhabiting these fragile coastal environments.
Resumo No norte central do Chile, lagoas efêmeras constituem corpos de água isolados e pouco profundos, com um habitat favorável para a fauna adaptada as mudanças sazonais que as zonas úmidas estão sujeitas. Com relação a estes ecossistemas, sabe-se pouco sobre sua fauna, principalmente a de insetos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi caracterizar a riqueza, composição, estrutura e similaridade das comunidades de insetos que habitam as lagoas temporárias de Huentelauquén (29º S, Região de Coquimbo, Chile). Usando armadilhas de interceptação, se capturou um total de 10.762 indivíduos, pertencentes a 7 ordens, 27 famílias e 51 espécies. Coleoptera e Hymenoptera foram as ordens mais representativas, enquanto Neuroptera, Orthoptera e Plecoptera foram grupos pouco representativos. Os estimadores não paramétricos avaliados mostraram valores de riqueza superiores ao observados para todas as lagoas estudadas, e suas curvas de acumulação parecem indicar que o inventario da comunidade estudada está incompleto. A análise hierárquica e de ordenamento revelou agrupamentos de lagoas correspondentes a zona nordeste e sudeste de Huentelauquén. Preliminarmente encontramos uma correlação negativa entre a área de lagoas efêmeras e a riqueza (espécies) e abundância de insetos. É necessário realizar estudos adicionais (sobre outros grupos de artrópodes e em outras estações do ano) para melhor compreensão dos processos locais de extinção e colonização das espécies que habitam estes frágeis ambientes costeiros estudados.
Humans , Animals , Coleoptera , Ecosystem , Seasons , Chile , Biodiversity , InsectaABSTRACT
Abstract Indices are used to help on decision-making. This study aims to develop and test an index, which can determine the loss (e.g., herbivorous insects) and solution (e.g., natural enemies) sources. They will be classified according to their importance regarding the ability to damage or to reduce the source of damage to the system when the final production is unknown. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), a non-native pioneer species in Brazil with fast growth and rusticity, is used in restoration programs, and it is adequate to evaluate a new index. The formula was: Percentage of the Importance Indice-Production Unknown (% I.I.-PU) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. The loss sources Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), and Tettigoniidae, and solution sources Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae), and Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) showed the highest % I.I.-PU on leaves of A. auriculiformis saplings. The number of Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) was reduced per number of Salticidae; that of A. reticulatum that of Uspachus sp.; and that of Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) that of P. termitarius on A. auriculiformis saplings. However, the number of Aleyrodidae was increased per number of Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and that of A. reticulatum that of Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on A. auriculiformis saplings. The A. reticulatum damage was reduced per number of Uspachus sp., but the Aleyrodidae damage was increased per number of Cephalotes sp., totaling 23.81% of increase by insect damages on A. auriculiformis saplings. Here I show and test the % I.I.-PU. It is an new index that can detect the loss or solution sources on a system when production is unknown. It can be applied in some knowledge areas.
Resumo Índices são usados para ajudar na tomada de decisões. Este trabalho teve como objetivo desenvolver e testar um índice capaz de determinar fontes de perda (ex.: insetos herbívoros) e de solução (ex.: inimigos naturais). Eles serão classificados de acordo com sua importância quanto a habilidade de danificar ou reduzir danos no sistema, quando a produção final é desconhecida. Acacia auriculiformis (Fabales: Fabaceae), uma espécie pioneira não nativa do Brasil com rápido crescimento e rusticidade, usada em programas de restauração, é adequada para avaliar um novo índice. A fórmula foi: Porcentagem de Índice de Importância-Produção Desconhecida (% I.I.-PD) = [(ks1 x c1 x ds1)/Σ (ks1 x c1 x ds1) + (ks2 x c2 x ds2) + (ksn x cn x dsn)] x 100. As fontes de perda Aethalion reticulatum L., 1767 (Hemiptera: Aethalionidae), Aleyrodidae (Hemiptera), Stereoma anchoralis Lacordaire, 1848 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) e Tettigoniidae, e as fontes de solução Uspachus sp. (Araneae: Salticidae), Salticidae (Araneae) e Pseudomyrmex termitarius (Smith, 1877) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) apresentaram maiores % I.I.-PD nas folhas das mudas de A. auriculiformis. O número de Diabrotica speciosa Germar, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) foi reduzido pelo número de Salticidae; o de A. reticulatum pelo de Uspachus sp.; e o de Cephalocoema sp. (Orthoptera: Proscopiidae) pelo de P. termitarius em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Entretanto, o número de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) e o de A. reticulatum pelo de Brachymyrmex sp. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) em mudas de A. auriculiformis. O dano de A. reticulatum foi reduzido pelo número de Uspachus sp., mas o dano de Aleyrodidae foi aumentado pelo número de Cephalotes sp., totalizando 23,81% de aumento de danos em mudas de A. auriculiformis. Aqui eu apresento e testo o % I.I.-PD. Ele é um novo índice capaz de detectar fontes de perda e de solução no sistema quando não se conhece a produção final. Ele pode ser aplicado em algumas áreas do conhecimento.
Animals , Ants , Coleoptera , Acacia , Hemiptera , InsectaABSTRACT
Introducción: Los Coleópteros acuáticos exhiben una gran importancia dentro de los cuerpos de agua, no solo por su papel en la cadena trófica, sino también por su papel como bioindicadores de la calidad del agua. A pesar de la gran importancia que representan, los estudios a nivel específico o sobre su riqueza y distribución son pocos en el departamento del Tolima y en general del país, por lo que surge este estudio. Objetivo: Ampliar el conocimiento sobre la biota de coleópteros acuáticos en el departamento del Tolima. Materiales y métodos: Se tuvo como base el material depositado en la Colección Zoológica de la Universidad del Tolima (CZUT), se realizó la determinación taxonómica y se estableció la distribución del material en las diferentes cuencas y municipios del departamento del Tolima. Resultados: Se encontraron 16 familias, 22 subfamilias y 61 géneros, siendo las familias Dytiscidae (13 géneros), Elmidae (13 géneros) y Staphylinidae (9 géneros), por otra parte, estos resultados representaron el 39,6% de los géneros reportados para Colombia y el 78,2% para el departamento del Tolima. El material evaluado proviene de 14 de las 18 cuencas mayores del departamento, siendo Saldaña, Totare y Prado las que mostraron la mayor riqueza y abundancia de Coleópteros acuáticos. Conclusión: Finalmente, y teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se evidencia que las colecciones biológicas representan importantes repositorios de biodiversidad, dado que son pocas las ocasiones en las que se puede realizar la revisión y el aprovechamiento de un material con un amplio rango temporal, altitudinal y espacial, por lo que, seguir realizando estudios que involucren estos espacios es vital para conocer y dilucidar la biodiversidad del país.
Aquatic Coleoptera exhibit great importance within bodies of water, not only for their role in the food chain but also as bioindicators of water quality. Despite the great importance they represent, studies at a specific level or on their wealth and distribution are few in the department of Tolima and the country in general, which is why this study arises. Objective: Expand knowledge about the biota of aquatic beetles in the department of Tolima. Materials and methods: The material deposited in the Zoological Collection of the University of Tolima (CZUT) was used as a basis, the taxonomic determination was carried out and the distribution of the material in the different basins and municipalities of the department of Tolima was established. Results: 16 families, 22 subfamilies, and 61 genera were found, the families being Dytiscidae (13 genera), Elmidae (13 genera), and Staphylinidae (9 genera), on the other hand, these results represented 39,.6% of the genera reported for Colombia and 78.2% for the department of Tolima. The material evaluated comes from 14 of the 18 major basins of the department, with Saldaña, Totare, and Prado being those that showed the greatest richness and abundance of aquatic Coleoptera. Conclusion: Finally, and taking into account the above, it is evident that biological collections represent important repositories of biodiversity, given that there are few occasions in which the review and use of material with a wide temporal and altitudinal range can be carried out. and spatial, therefore, continuing to carry out studies that involve these spaces is vital to knowing and elucidating the country's biodiversity.
Coleoptera , InsectaABSTRACT
This study compared the chemical profiles, component content, dry paste yield, and pharmacological effects of samples obtained from the mixed single decoctions and the combined decoction of Gegen Qinlian Decoction(GQD), aiming to provide an experimental foundation for evaluating the equivalence of the two decocting methods and the suitability of TCM formula granules in clinical application. The same decoction process was used to prepare the combined decoction and mixed single decoctions of GQD. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with Q-Exactive Orbitrap mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap MS) was employed to compare the chemical profiles between the two groups. High-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC) was used to compare the content of nine characteristic components between the two groups. Then, a delayed diarrhea mouse model induced by irinotecan was established to compare the pharmacological effects of the two groups on chemotherapy-induced diarrhea. The UPLC-Q-Exactive Orbitrap MS in ESI~+ and ESI~- modes identified 59 chemical components in the compound decoction and mixed single decoctions, which showed no obvious differences in component species. The content of baicalin and wogonoside was higher in the compound decoction, while that of puerarin, daidzein-8-C-apiosylglucoside, berberine, epiberberine, wogonin, glycyrrhizic acid, and daidzein was higher in the mixed single decoctions. Further statistical analysis revealed no significant difference in the content of the nine characteristic components between the compound decoction and the mixed single decoctions. The dry paste yield had no significant difference between the two groups. Compared with the model group, both compound decoction and mixed single decoctions alleviated the weight loss and reduced diarrhea index in mice. Both of them lowered the levels of tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-1β(IL-1β), cyclooxygenase-2(COX-2), intercellular adhesion molecule-1(ICAM-1), interleukin-10(IL-10), malondialdehyde(MDA), and nitric oxide(NO) in the colon tissue. Furthermore, they significantly increased the levels of glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) and superoxide dismutase(SOD). Hematoxylin-eosin(HE) staining showed that colon tissue cells were tightly arranged with clear nuclei in both groups without obvious difference. The compound decoction and mixed single decoctions showed no significant differences in chemical component species, content of nine characteristic components, dry paste yield, or the pharmacological effects on alleviating chemotherapy-induced diarrhea. The findings provide a reference for evaluating the flexibility and superiority of combined or single decocting method in the preparation of TCM decoctions or formula granules.
Animals , Mice , Biological Products , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Coleoptera , Cyclooxygenase 2 , Diarrhea/drug therapy , Antineoplastic AgentsABSTRACT
Poria(Fu Ling) is a bulk traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)with a long history and complex varieties. The royal medical records of the Qing Dynasty include multiple medicinal materials of Fu Ling, such as Bai Fu Ling(white Poria), Chi Fu Ling(rubra Poria), and Zhu Fu Ling(Poria processed with cinnabaris). The Palace Museum preserves 6 kinds of specimens including Fu Ling Ge(dried Poria), Bai Fu Ling, Chi Fu Ling, Zhu Fu Ling, Bai Fu Shen(white Poria cum Radix Pini), and Fu Shen Mu(Poria cum Radix Pini). After trait identification and textual research, we found that Fu Ling Ge was an intact sclerotium, which was processed into Fu Ling Pi(Poriae Cutis), Bai Fu Ling and other medicinal materials in the Palace. The Fu Ling in the Qing Dynasty Pa-lace was mainly from the tribute paid of the officials in Yunnan-Guizhou region. The tribute situation was stable in the whole Qing Dynasty, and changed in the late Qing Dynasty. The cultural relics of Fu Ling in the Qing Dynasty Palace confirm with the archival documents such as the royal medical records and herbal medicine books, providing precious historical materials for understanding Fu Ling in the Qing Dynasty and a basis for the restoration of the processing of the Fu Ling in the Qing Dynasty Palace.
Animals , Poria , China , Books , Coleoptera , Medical Records , WolfiporiaABSTRACT
The present study collected data on traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) compounds effective in relieving pain from the patent database of the State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO), sorted out the TCM compounds against pain in patents, and analyzed the medication rules to provide references for the research and development of new TCM drugs against pain. The data were subjected to frequency statistics, association rules, cluster analysis, and complex network analysis by IBM SPSS Modeler 18.3 and SPSS Statistical 26.0. The results showed that among the 101 oral prescriptions included in the statistics, the top 5 drugs were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and Salviae Miltiorrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, and among the 49 external prescriptions included in the statistics, the top 5 drugs were Myrrha, Olibanum, Angelicae Dahuricae Radix, Borneolum Syntheticum, and Chuanxiong Rhizoma. Whether oral or external prescriptions, the drugs were mainly warm in nature, and bitter, pungent, and sweet in flavor. According to TCM complex network analysis, the core drugs were Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Angelicae Sinensis Radix, Paeoniae Radix Alba, and Chuanxiong Rhizoma in oral prescriptions, and Olibanum, Myrrha, Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma, Chuanxiong Rhizoma, and Angelicae Sinensis Radix in external prescriptions. Overall, the therapeutic principles of oral prescriptions were mainly replenishing Qi, nourishing blood, and promoting Qi and blood circulation, while those of external prescriptions were activating blood, resolving stasis, promoting Qi flow, and relieving pain on the basis of the oral prescriptions. In the future research and development of TCM compounds against pain, the prescriptions should be modified with mind-tranquilizing and depression-relieving drugs. With the modernization of TCM, the development of new pain-relieving TCM compound patents based on ancient methods and clinical experience adhering to the guidance of TCM treatment based on syndrome differentiation can meet the new demand for pain treatment in the current society and give full play to the advantages of TCM in pain treatment.
Animals , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Frankincense , Pain , Paeonia , ColeopteraABSTRACT
Abstract Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) is a grass species with high potential for exploitation, however, this raw material is easily attacked by xylophagous agents such as Coleoptera. The objective of this study is thus to analyse the presence of wood-boring beetles associated with Bambusa sp. in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study was carried out in a bamboo plantation, from August 2016 to July 2017. Two models of ethanolic traps were used, PET Santa Maria and ESALQ-84. Three families of wood-boring beetles were observed in this study: Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae and Curculionidae. 2,144 individuals were identified, belonging to 19 species, in four subfamilies and 11 tribes, and the species Xyleborus affinis was the most frequently collected. Thus, this study constitutes an important contribution to the knowledge of coleoborers associated with bamboo plantations, with the registration of the occurrence of species, as well as contributing to the knowledge of the entomofauna associated with species cultivated in the Southern Amazon.
Resumo O bambu (Bambusa sp.) é uma espécie de gramínea com alto potencial de exploração de fibras, no entanto, essa matéria-prima é facilmente atacada por agentes xilófagos, como os coleópteros. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a presença de besouros associados a Bambusa sp. em Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em um plantio de bambu, no período de agosto de 2016 a julho de 2017. Foram utilizados dois modelos de armadilhas etanólicas, o PET Santa Maria e ESALQ-84. Três famílias de coleobrocas foram observadas neste estudo: Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae e Curculionidae. Foram identificados 2,144 indivíduos, pertencentes a 19 espécies, em quatro subfamílias e 11 tribos, e Xyleborus affinis foi a espécie com maior número de indivíduos coletados. Assim, este estudo constitui-se em uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento de coleobrocas associadas a plantios de bamboo, com o registro de ocorrência de espécies, bem como contribui para o conhecimento da entomofauna associada a espécies cultivadas na Amazônia Meridional.
Animals , Coleoptera , Bambusa , Weevils , Wood , BrazilABSTRACT
Abstract The cotton boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is a key cotton crop pest in Brazil. Adverse climatic factors, such as high temperatures and low soil moisture, dehydrate oviposited cotton squares (bud flowers) on the ground and cause high mortality of its offspring within these plant structures. The objective of this research was to evaluate the mortality of the cotton boll weevil in drip and sprinkler irrigated cotton crops. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with two treatments: drip (T1) and sprinkler (T2, control) irrigated cotton crops with sixteen replications. Each parcel had one emergence cage, installed between two cotton rows per irrigation system, with 37 cotton squares with opened oviposition punctures and yellowish bracts, to capture adult cotton boll weevils. The average number of boll weevils that emerged from the cotton squares and the causes of mortality at different development stages were determined per treatment. Third-generation life tables of the boll weevil were prepared using the natural mortality data in drip and sprinkler irrigation treatments and plus actual, apparent and indispensable mortality rates and the lethality of each mortality cause. We conclude that the application of water directly to the root zone of the plants in a targeted manner, using the drip irrigation system, can cause high mortality of the cotton boll weevil immature stages inside cotton squares fallen on the ground. This is because the cotton squares fallen on the drier and hotter soil between the rows of drip-irrigated cotton dehydrates causing the boll weevils to die. This is important because it can reduce its population density of the pest and, consequently, the number of applications of chemical insecticides for its control. Thus, contributing to increase the viability of cotton production, mainly in areas of the Brazilian semiarid region where the cotton is cultivated in organic system.
Resumo O bicudo-do-algodoeiro, Anthonomus grandis grandis Boheman (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), é uma praga-chave da cultura do algodão no Brasil. Fatores climáticos adversos, como altas temperaturas e baixa umidade do solo, desidratam os botões florais de algodão ovipositados caídos ao solo e causam alta mortalidade de seus descendentes dentro dessas estruturas vegetais.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi avaliar a mortalidade do bicudo-do-algodoeiro em lavouras de algodão irrigadas por gotejamento e aspersão. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados com dois tratamentos: cultivo de algodão irrigado por gotejamento (T1) e aspersão (T2, testemunha) com dezesseis repetições. Cada parcela possuía uma gaiola de emergência, instalada entre duas fileiras de algodão por sistema de irrigação, com 37 botões florais de algodão com orifícios de oviposição, brácteas abertas e amarelecidas, para captura do bicudo adulto. O número médio de bicudos que emergiu dos botões florais de algodão e as causas de mortalidade, em diferentes estágios de desenvolvimento, foram determinados por tratamento. As tabelas de vida de terceira geração do bicudo-do-algodoeiro foram preparadas usando os dados de mortalidade natural em tratamentos de irrigação por gotejamento e aspersão e as taxas de mortalidade reais, aparentes e indispensáveis e a letalidade de cada causa de mortalidade. Concluímos que a aplicação de água diretamente na zona radicular das plantas de forma direcionada, utilizando o sistema de irrigação por gotejamento, pode causar altas mortalidade dos estágios imaturos do bicudo-do-algodoeiro nos botões florais de algodão caídos no solo. Isso ocorre porque os botões florais de algodão caídos no solo mais seco e mais quente entre as fileiras do algodão irrigado por gotejamento desidratam, causando a morte dos bicudos. Isso é importante por poder reduzir a densidade populacional desse inseto e, consequentemente, o número de aplicações de inseticidas químicos para seu controle. Assim, contribuindo para aumentar a viabilidade da produção de algodão, principalmente em áreas do semiárido brasileiro em sistema orgânico.
Animals , Coleoptera , Weevils , Insecticides , Oviposition , Crops, AgriculturalABSTRACT
Bamboo (Bambusa sp.) is a grass species with high potential for exploitation, however, this raw material is easily attacked by xylophagous agents such as Coleoptera. The objective of this study is thus to analyse the presence of wood-boring beetles associated with Bambusa sp. in Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The study was carried out in a bamboo plantation, from August 2016 to July 2017. Two models of ethanolic traps were used, PET Santa Maria and ESALQ-84. Three families of wood-boring beetles were observed in this study: Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae and Curculionidae. 2,144 individuals were identified, belonging to 19 species, in four subfamilies and 11 tribes, and the species Xyleborus affinis was the most frequently collected. Thus, this study constitutes an important contribution to the knowledge of coleoborers associated with bamboo plantations, with the registration of the occurrence of species, as well as contributing to the knowledge of the entomofauna associated with species cultivated in the Southern Amazon.
O bambu (Bambusa sp.) é uma espécie de gramínea com alto potencial de exploração de fibras, no entanto, essa matéria-prima é facilmente atacada por agentes xilófagos, como os coleópteros. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a presença de besouros associados a Bambusa sp. em Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brasil. O estudo foi realizado em um plantio de bambu, no período de agosto de 2016 a julho de 2017. Foram utilizados dois modelos de armadilhas etanólicas, o PET Santa Maria e ESALQ-84. Três famílias de coleobrocas foram observadas neste estudo: Bostrichidae, Cerambycidae e Curculionidae. Foram identificados 2,144 indivíduos, pertencentes a 19 espécies, em quatro subfamílias e 11 tribos, e Xyleborus affinis foi a espécie com maior número de indivíduos coletados. Assim, este estudo constitui-se em uma importante contribuição para o conhecimento de coleobrocas associadas a plantios de bamboo, com o registro de ocorrência de espécies, bem como contribui para o conhecimento da entomofauna associada a espécies cultivadas na Amazônia Meridional.
Animals , Bambusa , Coleoptera/classification , Coleoptera/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Fertilization with dehydrated sewage sludge can speed up the recovery process of degraded areas due to nutrients concentration, favoring the development of pioneer plants such as Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) and the emergence of insects. This study aimed the evaluation of chewing, pollinating insects, predators, their ecological indices and relationships on A. auriculiformis plants fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments (with and without dehydrated sewage sludge) and 24 repetitions. The prevalence of chewing insects Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae), and Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), defoliation, and ecological indices of abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera were observed on fertilized A. auriculiformis. Acacia auriculiformis plants, with a superior number of branches/tree, revealed greater abundance of Coleoptera and Orthoptera, species richness of pollinating insects, defoliation, numbers of Parasyphraea sp. and T. collaris. The ones with larger leaves/branches displayed greater abundance of species richness of Coleoptera and Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Therefore, the use of A. auriculiformis plants, fertilized with dehydrated sewage sludge, is promising in the recovery of degraded areas due to the ecological indices increase of chewing and pollinators insects and spiders in the analyzed area.
A fertilização com lodo de esgoto desidratado pode acelerar o processo de recuperação de áreas degradadas devido à concentração de nutrientes, favorecendo o desenvolvimento de plantas pioneiras tais como Acacia auriculiformis A. Cunn. ex Beth (Fabales: Fabaceae) e de seus insetos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e predadores e seus índices e relações ecológicas em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado, em área degradada, durante 24 meses. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizados com dois tratamentos (com e sem adubação com lodo de esgoto desidratado) e 24 repetições (uma repetição = uma planta). O maior número de insetos mastigadores Parasyphraea sp. (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), Nasutitermes sp. (Blattodea: Termitidae) e Tropidacris collaris (Stoll, 1813) (Orthoptera: Romaleidae), de desfolha, e do índice ecológico abundância de Coleoptera e de Orthoptera foram maiores em plantas de A. auriculiformis fertilizadas do que nas não fertilizadas com lodo de esgoto desidratado. Plantas de A. auriculiformis, com maior quantidade de galhos/árvore, apresentaram maiores abundâncias de Coleoptera e Orthoptera, riqueza de espécies de insetos polinizadores, desfolha e números de Parasyphraea sp. e T. collaris, e as com maior folhas/galho os de riqueza de espécies de Coleoptera e Diabrotica speciosa (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Por tanto, a utilização de A. auriculiformis, adubada com lodo de esgoto desidratado, é promissora na recuperação de áreas degradadas devido ao aumento dos índices ecológicos de insetos mastigadores, polinizadores e aranhas na área.
Animals , Acacia/growth & development , Acacia/physiology , Cockroaches/growth & development , Coleoptera/growth & development , Grasshoppers/growth & development , Activated Sludges/analysisABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Tradicionalmente, los estudios de escarabajos coprófagos en los bosques secos tropicales (BST) del Caribe colombiano han aplicado metodologías diseñadas para zonas húmedas y andinas del país, lo cual podría estar incidiendo en el rendimiento y la eficiencia del muestreo. Objetivo: Con el fin de aportar a esta discusión, se analizó cómo la cantidad de cebo y el tiempo de operación de la trampa de caída inciden en la efectividad de captura de escarabajos coprófagos en un fragmento de BST en La Reserva Campesina la Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Métodos: Para la captura de los escarabajos, se utilizó trampas de caída, cebadas con tres cantidades diferentes de atrayente: pequeño (34.6 g), mediano (53.8 g) y grande (114.9 g), las cuales permanecieron activas en campo durante 48 h. Cuatro muestreos fueron realizados entre marzo y septiembre de 2015, abarcando por igual la época seca y de lluvia. Resultados: Se registró un total de 4 563 individuos, agrupados en 10 géneros y 27 especies de escarabajos coprófagos. Los mayores valores de riqueza, abundancia y biomasa se presentaron en el cebo grande, a las 48 h, durante la época de lluvias. Sin embargo, el tiempo de operación de la trampa no tuvo efecto en la estimación de la riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos independientemente de los tamaños de cebo. Los tres órdenes de la diversidad ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D), presentaron valores similares entre las cantidades de cebo durante la época de lluvia, pero en la época seca, los cebos de mayor tamaño presentaron los valores de diversidad más altos. Por su parte con el cebo de mayor tamaño se capturó significativamente más riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos de cuerpo pequeño y grande siendo esta situación más notaria durante la época seca. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este trabajo evidencian que para el estudio de los ensamblajes de escarabajos en el BST la utilización de un cebo de mayor tamaño contribuye a una mejor estimación de riqueza, abundancia, diversidad y biomasa, sobre todo durante la época seca, cuando las condiciones ambientales propician que los cebos pierdan su atractividad con mayor rapidez.
Abstract Introduction: Typically, research on dung beetles in the Tropical Dry Forests (TDF) of Colombian Caribbean region, have applied methodologies designed for wet or Andean areas of the country, which could be influencing the performance and efficiency of sampling. Objective: In order to contribute to this discussion, we analyzed how the bait amount and pitfall trap operating time influence the collection effectiveness of dung beetles in a TDF fragment at Reserva Campesina La Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Methods: For the collection of beetles, we utilized pitfall traps baited with three different amounts of attractants: small (34.6 g), medium (53.8 g), and large (114.9 g), which remained active in the field for 48 h., 4 samplings between March and September 2015 were carried out, covering both, dry and rainy seasons. Results: A total of 4 563 individuals were recorded, grouped into 10 genera and 27 species of dung beetles. The highest values of richness, abundance and biomass were registered in the large bait, at 48 h, during the rainy season. However, the trap operating time had no effect on the estimation of beetles' richness, abundance, and biomass, regardless of bait sizes. The three diversity orders ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D) showed similar values between the bait amounts during rainy season, but in the dry season, the largest baits displayed the highest diversity values. On the other hand, with the largest bait, significantly more richness, abundance, and biomass of small and large body beetles were registered, especially during the dry season. Conclusions: The results of this research show that, for the study of beetles' assemblages in the BST, the use of a larger bait contributes to a better estimate of richness, abundance, diversity and biomass, especially during the dry season, when environmental conditions promote a more rapidly loss of baits attractiveness.
Animals , Coleoptera , Biomass , Sampling StudiesABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los escarabajos coprófagos cumplen funciones importantes en los ecosistemas terrestres, pero las presiones antrópicas los afectan negativamente. Estos efectos están bien documentados en los bosques neotropicales de tierras bajas, pero se han estudiado poco en los bosques andinos. Objetivo: Evaluar cómo los atributos de los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos y tres de sus funciones ecológicas difieren en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal, y determinar las relaciones entre atributos y funciones, y entre funciones. Métodos: Los escarabajos coprófagos se capturaron con trampas pitfall y se midieron las funciones ecológicas a través de un experimento de campo en la hacienda "El Ocaso" (Colombia), en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal: bosque secundario, bosque mixto y pastos para ganado (tres sitios independientes por cobertura). Los atributos del ensamble que se evaluaron fueron: abundancia, número de especies, biomasa y longitud corporal media ponderada; las funciones medidas fueron: remoción de estiércol, excavación del suelo y dispersión secundaria de semillas. Resultados: Se encontró que tanto los atributos del ensamble como las funciones ecológicas se vieron afectados negativamente en las coberturas vegetales más alteradas, particularmente en los pastos ganaderos. La mayoría de los atributos de ensamblaje se correlacionaron positivamente con las funciones; la excavación del suelo y la dispersión secundaria de semillas tuvieron una fuerte correlación positiva con la remoción de estiércol. Conclusiones: Los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos juegan importantes funciones ecológicas y son sensibles a las alteraciones del ecosistema. Este estudio muestra cómo los escarabajos coprófagos y sus funciones se ven afectados negativamente cuando el bosque se transforma en pastizales para ganado en los ecosistemas forestales andinos poco estudiados y altamente fragmentados.
Abstract Introduction: Dung beetles perform important functions in terrestrial ecosystems, but anthropic pressures affect them negatively. These effects are well documented in neotropical lowland forests but have been studied little in Andean forests. Objective: To evaluate how the attributes of the dung beetle assemblages and three of their ecological functions differ in three types of vegetation cover, and to determine the relationships between attributes and functions, and among functions. Methods: Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps, and ecological functions were measured through a field experiment in the farm "El Ocaso" (Colombia), in three types of vegetation cover: secondary forest, mixed forest and cattle pasture (three independent sites per cover). The assemblage attributes that were evaluated were abundance, number of species, biomass, and weighted mean body length; functions measured were dung removal, soil excavation, and secondary seed dispersal. Results: It was found that both the assemblage attributes and the ecological functions were negatively affected in the more disturbed vegetation covers, particularly in cattle pastures. Most of the assemblage attributes correlated positively with functions; soil excavation and secondary seed dispersal had a strong positive correlation with dung removal. Conclusions: Dung beetle assemblages play important ecological functions and they are sensitive to ecosystem disturbances. This study shows how dung beetles and their functions are affected negatively when forest is transformed to cattle pasture in the understudied and highly fragmented Andean forest ecosystems.
Animals , Coleoptera , Manure , Colombia , BiotaABSTRACT
Introducción: Mantener poblaciones de insectos depredadores en el agroecosistema ofreciéndoles presas y recursos alimenticios provenientes de las plantas es importante para mejorar el control biológico y contribuir con la conservación. Objetivo: Determinar si el consumo de presas y recursos alimenticios florales potencia los atributos biológicos del depredado Hippodamia convergens. Métodos: Las larvas de Hippodamia convergens fueron alimentadas con dos especies de áfidos, mientras que los adultos fueron alimentados con áfidos, espigas de maíz y dos especies de plantas no cultivadas. La presencia de azúcar en el intestino del depredador se comprobó mediante la prueba de antronas frías, y la presencia de polen mediante el método de acetólisis. Los experimentos demográficos se realizaron durante los primeros 40 días después de la emergencia de la hembra bajo condiciones controladas (25 °C ± 0.5; 75 % ± 1.75 HR; L12:D12). Resultados: H. convergens no consumió fructosa de Sorghum halepense, Parthenium hysterophorus o Zea mays, sino únicamente polen. En condiciones controladas (25 °C ± 0.5, 75 % ± 1.75 HR), el tiempo de desarrollo (huevo-adulto) del depredador fue más corto (21.36 días) cuando consumió Rhopalosiphum maidis en lugar de Uroleucon nigrotibium (24.6 días), mientras que la supervivencia (L1- adulto) y la proporción sexual no cambió. La fecundidad promedio fue mayor (55.5 huevos / 40 días) al consumir U. nigrotibium con polen de P. hysterophorus, que solo U. nigrotibium (22.5 huevos / 40 días), o R. maidis con polen de Zea mays (11 huevos / 40 días). La tasa intrínseca de crecimiento natural fue mayor al consumir U. nigrotibium con polen de P. hysterophorus (0.055), que U. nigrotibium (0.034) o R. maidis con polen de Z. mays (0.019). La tasa de depredación (L1-L5) fue mayor al consumir R. maidis (0.65) que U. nigrotibium (0.51). Conclusiones: Las especies de áfidos y su combinación con polen de plantas no cultivadas afectan de manera diferente el tiempo de desarrollo, reproducción y tasa de depredación de H. convergens.
Introduction: Keeping populations of predatory insects in the agroecosystem by offering them prey, as well as food resources from plants, is important for enhancing conservation biological control. Objective: To determine if the consumption of prey and floral food resources enhances the biological attributes of the predator Hippodamia convergens. Methods: We fed the beetle larvae two species of aphids; and the adults were fed aphids, maize tassels, and two non-cultivated plant species. We checked gut sugar in the predator by the cold anthrone test and pollen presence by the acetolysis method. Demographic experiments were done in the first 40 days after female emergence, under controlled conditions (25 °C ± 0.5; 75 % ± 1.75 Relative Humidity; Light 12 h: Darkness 12 h). Results: H. convergens did not consume fructose, but only pollen from Sorghum halepense, Parthenium hysterophorus or Zea mays. Developmental time (egg-adult) of the predator was shorter (21.4 days) when it consumed Rhopalosiphum maidis than Uroleucon nigrotibium (24.6 days); survival (L1-adult) and sex ratio did not change. Average fecundity was higher (55.5 eggs / 40 days) when consuming U. nigrotibium with pollen from P. hysterophorus, than U. nigrotibium (22.5 eggs / 40 days) or R. maidis with pollen from Zea mays (11 eggs / 40 days). The intrinsic rate of natural growth was higher when consuming U. nigrotibium with pollen from P. hysterophorus (0.055), than U. nigrotibium (0.034) or R. maidis with pollen from Z. mays (0.019). Predation rate (L1-L5) was higher when consuming R. maidis (0.65) than U. nigrotibium (0.51). Conclusions: Aphid prey species and its combination with pollen from maize and non-cultivated plants affected development time, reproduction, and predation rate of H. convergens.
Animals , Coleoptera/growth & development , Pest Control, Biological/methods , ColombiaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The effects of habitat transformation have been widely studied and the effects are well-known at different levels of biological organization. However, few studies have focused on responses to this process at the level of multiple taxa in diverse taxonomic and functional groups. Objective: Determine the variations in taxonomic and functional diversity of ants, butterflies, and dung beetles, at a spatial and temporal level in a landscape mosaic of the ecoregion of the Colombian foothills. Methods: We assessed amount of natural habitat and landscape composition in four types of vegetation, during the highest and lowest rain periods. We collected butterflies with hand nets and used baited pitfall traps for dung beetles and ants. Results: Habitat loss positively affected ant and butterfly species richness, and negatively affected dung beetles. The abundance of ants and butterflies had a positive effect on the dominance of species in the transformed vegetation, for dung beetles the abundance was negatively affected by the absence of canopy cover. Habitat loss had no negative effect on functional diversity as there is no difference between natural and transformed vegetation. Conclusions: The amount of habitat, habitat connectivity and different types of vegetation cover were important factors in the maintenance of insect diversity in the modified ecosystems of foothills of the Colombian Orinoquia. The lack of a common spatial and temporal pattern shows that studies of multiple insect taxa should be carried out for biodiversity monitoring and conservation processes.
Resumen Introducción: Los efectos de la transformación del hábitat han sido ampliamente estudiados y son bien conocidos los efectos a diferentes niveles de organización biológica. Sin embargo, pocos estudios se han centrado en las respuestas a este proceso a nivel de múltiples taxones en diversos grupos taxonómicos y funcionales. Objetivo: Determinar las variaciones en la diversidad taxonómica y funcional de hormigas, mariposas y escarabajos coprófagos, a nivel espacial y temporal en un mosaico paisajístico de la ecorregión del piedemonte colombiano. Métodos: Evaluamos la cantidad de hábitat natural y la composición del paisaje en cuatro tipos de vegetación, durante los períodos de mayor y menor lluvia. Recolectamos mariposas con redes de mano y usamos trampas de caída con cebo para escarabajos coprófagos y hormigas. Resultados: La pérdida de hábitat afectó positivamente la riqueza de especies de hormigas y mariposas y afectó negativamente a los escarabajos peloteros. La abundancia de hormigas y mariposas tuvo un efecto positivo sobre la dominancia de especies en la vegetación transformada, para los escarabajos coprófagos la abundancia se vio afectada negativamente por la ausencia de cobertura de dosel. La pérdida de hábitat no tuvo un efecto negativo sobre la diversidad funcional ya que no hay diferencia entre la vegetación natural y la transformada. Conclusiones: La cantidad de hábitat, la conectividad del hábitat y los diferentes tipos de cobertura vegetal fueron factores importantes en el mantenimiento de la diversidad de insectos en los ecosistemas modificados del piedemonte de la Orinoquia colombiana. La falta de un patrón espacial y temporal común muestra que se deben realizar estudios de múltiples taxones de insectos para los procesos de monitoreo y conservación de la biodiversidad.