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Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(66): 123-133, jan-abr.2025. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570739


Estabilidade de cor é um requisito estético fundamental das resinas acrílicas provisórias, em especial quando esses materiais são submetidos a longos períodos na cavidade oral. Embora resinas acrílicas temporárias novas e aprimoradas estejam disponíveis, os efeitos da variação térmica e de soluções antissépticas na estabilidade de cor de resinas acrílicas provisórias ainda não foram completamente elucidados. Portanto, este estudo avaliou a coloração de resinas autopolimerizáveis polimetilmetacrilato (PMMA) e bis-acrilo submetidas à termociclagem e imersão em clorexidina. Amostras padronizadas (n=10) foram preparadas de duas resinas acrílicas temporárias a base de PMMA (Alike® e Duralay®). Foram realizadas três avaliações de cor (T1 ­ 24h após o preparo da amostra, T2 ­ após termociclagem e T3 ­ após termociclagem e imersão em clorexidina) por meio de espectrofotômetro eletrônico de seleção de sombra (Vita Easy Shade). Os dados obtidos foram analisados por ANOVA e teste t (α=0,05). As resinas de PMMA Alike e Duralay apresentaram alteração de cor após a termociclagem e também após a imersão em clorexidina.

Color stability is a fundamental aesthetic requirement for temporary acrylic resins, especially when these materials are subjected to long periods in the oral cavity. Although new and improved temporary acrylic resins are available, the effects of thermal variation and antiseptic solutions on the color stability of temporary acrylic resins have not yet been fully elucidated. Therefore, this study evaluated the color of self-polymerizing resins polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and bis-acryl subjected to thermocycling and immersion in chlorhexidine. Standardized samples (n=10) were prepared from two PMMA-based temporary acrylic resins (Alike® and Duralay®). Three color evaluations were carried out (T1 ­ 24h after sample preparation, T2 ­ after thermocycling and T3 ­ after thermocycling and immersion in chlorhexidine) using an electronic shade selection spectrophotometer (Vita Easy Shade). The data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA and t test (α=0.05). PMMA Alike and Duralay resins showed color changes after thermocycling and also after immersion in chlorhexidine.

Acrylic Resins , Chlorhexidine , Color , Mouthwashes
São Paulo; s.n; 20240301. 104 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532259


A fim de conter o avanço das lesões incipientes de cárie (LMB: lesões de mancha branca) e, oportunamente, de minimizar seu aspecto estético insatisfatório, a infiltração com material resinoso fotopolimerizável de baixa viscosidade e alto coeficiente de penetração vem sendo indicada. Contudo, nem sempre se consegue mascarar as LMB por completo, talvez principalmente em dentes escurecidos. Avaliou-se, pois, in vitro, o efeito do clareamento como complementação à infiltração resinosa, na dissimulação (diferença de cor do esmalte tratado vs. adjacente) de LMB em esmalte bovino artificialmente escurecido, comparativamente ao normal. Fragmentos de 6 x 3 mm, obtidos de incisivos bovinos, foram planificados e polidos, avaliados quanto à microdureza superficial (KHN, 50 g, 10 s), e distribuídos em sete grupos (n=15): N.L, N.LI, NB.LIB, E.L, E.LI, EB.LIB e C. O esmalte dos espécimes dos grupos E foi artificialmente escurecido (100 ml de água destilada / 25 g de café solúvel, 15 dias; E: escurecido), e o daqueles dos grupos N, não (N: normal). Na metade direita (região tratada - 3 x 3 mm) de todos eles, então, determinou-se uma LMB (tampão de acetato 50 mM, 64 horas, 37 oC), que não recebeu qualquer tratamento (L: lesão nenhum tratamento), ou foi apenas infiltrada H3PO4 37% / 10 s; Icon®-Dry / 30 s; Icon®- Infiltrant / 3 min + 1 min; LI: lesão infiltrada), ou infiltrada e, como o esmalte adjacente (metade esquerda, região referência/baseline - 3 x 3 mm), submetida a clareamento/bleaching (Opalescence Boost 40%, 3x de 20 min cada; LIB: lesão infiltrada e clareada; NB e EB: esmalte adjacente normal ou escurecido clareado). O esmalte de ambas as metades dos espécimes do grupo C (C: controle) não foi submetido a nada além da planificação e do polimento. Determinou-se os valores de E00, L, a e b (fórmula CIEDE2000), considerando-se como referência/baseline, em um mesmo espécime, a superfície de esmalte adjacente (metade esquerda) àquela devidamente desmineralizada / desmineralizada e tratada (metade direita) e, como a referência, submetida, ou não, a clareamento dentário. Para o grupo controle, tal diferença foi determinada entre suas duas metades. Considerando-se como fatores experimentais a condição inicial do esmalte (em 2 níveis) e o tratamento da LMB, bem como do esmalte adjacente, quando pertinente (em 3 níveis), analisou-se estatisticamente os dados por meio de ANOVA a 2 critérios e teste de Tukey. Para comparar cada um dos grupos experimentais entre si e com o grupo C, empregou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o de Dunn para E00, L e a, e ANOVA a 1 fator e teste de Tukey para b. Em todos os casos adotou-se =0,05. Independentemente se o clareamento é realizado, ou não, a infiltração resinosa é capaz de mascarar as LMB tanto no esmalte normal, quanto no escurecido. Ora, é indiferente realizar o clareamento como complementação à infiltração resinosa na dissimulação de LMB.

Tooth Bleaching , Color , Esthetics
São José dos Campos; s.n; 2024. 143 p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570225


O estudo avaliou o efeito da adição de partículas bioativas ao gel clareador (peróxido de hidrogênio 35%, técnica de consultório), quanto ao clareamento e sobre a estrutura dental, além da resistência à desmineralização. O objetivo da primeira parte do estudo foi avaliar géis, com diferentes partículas bioativas e concentrações, para o potencial clareador e às alterações da estrutura dental. O objetivo da segunda parte foi avaliar géis, com diferentes partículas bioativas e concentrações, perante a suscetibilidade do esmalte ao protocolo cariogênico e ao desgaste dental erosivo. Espécimes de incisivos bovinos foram avaliados na primeira parte por análise da cor, microdureza Knoop e rugosidade. Os grupos foram controle negativo (CN), controle comercial (CCWhiteness HP), controle experimental (CE-gel sem partícula), controle positivo (CPsolução de peróxido), e os grupos experimentais onde as partículas bioativas S-PRG e 45S5 foram utilizadas nas concentrações de 5, 10, 15 e 20 %. Na segunda parte foram avaliados por microradiografia para a alteração da densidade mineral e profundidade da lesão perante o protocolo cariogênico e pela perfilometria para o desgaste dental erosivo. Os grupos foram CN, CC, CE, controle fluoreto (CF), e os grupos experimentais onde as partículas bioativas S-PRG e 45S5 foram utilizados nas concentrações de 15 e 20 % apenas. Os dados foram analisados estatisticamente para verificar a diferença entre os grupos (α=5%). Para a mudança de cor (∆E*00) foi observada diferença apenas para o fator partícula, S-PRG-3,37(0,48)a e 45S5-3,67(0,76)b. Todos os grupos experimentais foram estatisticamente iguais o CP e diferentes do CN. Para a microdureza (KNH%) foi observada diferença para a interação dos fatores, sendo o S-PRG 20% o grupo com maior aumento da microdureza. Todos os grupos experimentais foram diferentes e maiores que CP, CC e CE. Não foram observadas diferenças de rugosidade entre os grupos. Para a alteração da densidade mineral foi observada diferença para a interação dos fatores e tempo. Os grupos S-PRG 15% e 20% foram os grupos que apresentaram a menor alteração da densidade mineral em todos os tempos testados. Aos 14 e 21 dias o SPRG 20% foi diferente do CN e semelhante ao CF. Para a profundidade da lesão foram observadas diferenças estatísticas para o fator partícula e tempo, S-PRG206,8(59,2)a e 45S5 230,0(63,7)b, 7 dias-148,9(19,7)a, 14 dias-217,7(22,5)b e 21 dias288,7(30,7)c. Aos 14 e 21 dias o S-PRG 20% foi diferente do CN e semelhante ao CF. Para o desgaste foi observada diferença apenas para o tempo, 5 dias-1,2(0,2)a e 10 dias-2,3(0,3)b. Conclui-se que: a adição de partículas bioativas não reduziu a efetividade clareadora, contribuiu para o aumento da microdureza e não alterou a rugosidade. Além disso, o grupo S-PRG com 20% teve suscetibilidade à desmineralização por cárie semelhante ao grupo controle fluoreto e nenhum grupo alterou a suscetibilidade ao desgaste dental erosivo (AU)

The study evaluated the consequences of bioparticle addition on tooth bleaching gel (hydrogen peroxide 35%, in-office technique), for its bleaching effect and changes on tooth structure, also for resistance against demineralization. The aim of the first part of the study was to evaluate bleaching gels containing different bioactive particles and concentrations over the bleaching potential and possible dental structural changes. The objective of the second part was to evaluate bleaching gels containing different bioactive particles and concentrations to assess enamel susceptibility to cariogenic and erosive tooth wear protocols after bleaching treatments. Bovine incisors specimens were used in the first part for analysis of color, Knoop microhardness and roughness. The groups were negative control (NC), commercial control (CCWhiteness HP), experimental control (EC-gel without particles), positive control (PCperoxide solution), and experimental groups were the bioactive particles S-PRG and 45S5 used in concentrations of 5, 10, 15, and 20 %. In the second part, specimens were evaluated using advanced transverse microradiography to assess the change in mineral density and lesion depth in response to the cariogenic protocol, and profilometry to measure wear in response to the erosive tooth wear protocol. The groups were NC, CC, EC, fluoride control (FC), and experimental groups were the bioactive particles S-PRG and 45S5 used only in concentrations of 15 and 20 %. The data were statistically analyzed to verify the differences between the groups (α=5%). For the color change (∆E*00), a difference was observed only for particle, S-PRG3,37(0,48)a and 45S5-3,67(0,76)b. All experimental groups were statistically similar to PC and different from NC. For the microhardness (KNH%), difference was observed for factors interaction, S-PRG 20% was the group with higher hardness increase. All experimental groups were different and higher than PC, CC, and EC. No roughness differences were observed between groups. For the mineral density alteration differences were observed for factors interaction and time. S-PRG 15% and 20% presented the lower mineral density change for all measurements times. On 14 and 21 days S-PRG 20% was different from NC and similar to FC. For lesion depth differences were observed for factor particle and time, S-PRG-206,8(59,2)a and 45S5- 230,0(63,7)b, 7 days-148,9(19,7)a, 14 days-217,7(22,5)b and 21 days-288,7(30,7)c. On 14 and 21 days S-PRG 20% was different from NC and similar to FC. For wear the only difference was for time, 5 days-1,2(0,2)a and 10 days-2,3(0,3)b. It was concluded that the addition of bioactive particles did not reduce the bleaching effectiveness, it contributed to microhardness increase and did not change roughness. Furthermore, the S-PRG group with 20% susceptibility to cariogenic demineralization was similar to the fluoride control group, and no group showed a change in susceptibility to erosive tooth wear (AU)

Tooth Bleaching , Demineralization , Color , Tooth Wear
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e220192, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550593


ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the effects of two different dentifrice fluoride concentrations on the color stability of the composite. Material and Methods: Twenty-seven specimens (2×4×5 mm) each of microfilled (Gradia, GC, Japan) and nanohybrid (Grandio, VOCO, Germany) composites were prepared. The specimens were randomly divided into six groups (control, Fluoflor caries protection toothpaste with 1450ppm Fluoride (EXW, France), and Fluoflor kids toothpaste with 500ppm Fluoride (EXW, France) (n = 9). The specimens were immersed in a mixture of artificial saliva and toothpaste in a ratio of 1:3 and applied for 60 seconds every 12 hours for 42 days. The control samples were incubated in artificial saliva at 37°C. Primary and secondary color measurements were performed using color parameters (L∗a∗b) with a spectrophotoshade (MHT Optic Research AG, Niederhasli, Switzerland). Data were analyzed using a two-way analysis of variance at a significance level of 0.05. Results: According to the two-way ANOVA analysis, there was no significant difference in color change between the composites and no difference in the level of discoloration between different fluoride concentrations(p>0.05). Also, None of the dentifrices caused clinically significant color changes(∆E˂3.3). Conclusion: No clinically unacceptable color changes were observed in the microfilled and nanofilled composites with different concentrations of fluoride toothpaste.

Toothpastes/chemistry , Color , Composite Resins/chemistry , Fluorides/chemistry , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Analysis of Variance , Dentifrices
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e240869, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537143


Aim: The aim of this study was to verify the color variation between different composite resins and the Vita Classical Shade Guide. Methods: Two-millimeter thickness samples were made (n = 6) from eight commercial brands of composite resin (shade A2): Charisma (Kulzer), Forma (Ultradent), Harmonize (Kerr), Luna (SDI), Opallis (FGM), Oppus Bulk Fill (FGM), Vittra (FGM) and Filtek Z250 XT (3M ESPE). Specimens were stored in distilled water for 7 days and then polished. Color measurements of samples and A2 shade of the Vita Classical Shade Guide were performed using the Vita Easy Shade Advance 4.0 spectrophotometer on a black background. Color variations were calculated using the CIEDE2000 formula, considering values ≥0.81 being noticeable by the human eye and ≥1.77 being clinically unacceptable. Results were statistically analyzed with a 5% significance level. Results: Color variation (ΔE) of composite (E1 ) compared to the Vita Classical Shade Guide (E0 ) was greater than clinically acceptable for all the materials evaluated in this study. Forma (ΔE=2.08 ± sd=0.47) and Filtek Z250 XT (2.50 ± 0.20) had the smallest amount of color variation values found in the results. Harmonize (3.32 ± 0.63) presented values similar to Filtek Z250 XT, but it was worse than Forma. Vittra (3.51 ± 0.28), Charisma (3.80 ± 0.20), Opallis (4.24 ± 0.30) and Luna (5.67 ± 0.20) did not differ among each other and presented higher color variation than Forma, Filtek Z350XT and Harmonize. Oppus Bulk Fill (13.94 ± 1.12) was the composite with the greatest color variation. Conclusions: The findings in this study show that attention should be taken when using the Vita Color Shade Guide for composite shade selection

Spectrophotometry , Distilled Water , Color , Composite Resins
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e241390, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1550150


Aim: To evaluate the surface roughness and color stability of bulk-fill resin composites after simulated toothbrushing with whitening dentifrices. The radioactive/relative dentin abrasion (RDA) and radioactive/relative enamel abrasion (REA) of dentifrices were also assessed. Methods: Specimens (n=10) of Tetric N Ceram Bulk Fill (TNCB), Filtek One Bulk Fill (FOB) resin composites, and Z100(Control) were prepared using a cylindrical Teflon matrix. Surface roughness (Ra, µm) was assessed by a roughness meter and the color evaluations (ΔEab , ΔE00 , WID ) were performed using a digital spectrophotometer based on the CIELAB system. Three measurements were performed per sample, before and after simulated toothbrushing with 3D Oral-B White Perfection (3DW) and Black is White (BW) dentifrices. The abrasivity (REA and RDA values) of the used dentifrices was also determined by the Hefferren abrasivity test. Results: The Ra values increased significantly in all resin composites after 3DW and BW toothbrushing. The acceptable threshold color varied among resin composites, and TNCB and Z100 presented the highest ΔEab and ΔE00 for BW dentifrice. The 3DW dentifrice was significantly more abrasive than BW dentifrice on enamel and dentin. Conclusions: simulated toothbrushing with tested whitening dentifrices increased the surface roughness at acceptable levels. The Tetric N Ceram Bulk-fill and Z100 composite showed the highest color alteration in BW. 3D White Perfection dentifrice was more abrasive on dentin and enamel than Black is White.

Color , Composite Resins , Dental Enamel , Dentifrices , Dentin , Bleaching Agents
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 8(2): 54-58, May-August. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1572560


Objetivo: avaliar e discutir a relação entre alteração de cor na coroa e necrose pulpar em dentes decíduos, baseado em dois relatos de casos. Relato dos casos: em ambos os casos os pacientes do gênero feminino, 4 anos de idade, compareceram a um centro de referência de traumatismos dentários com escurecimento nos incisivos decíduos. O caso 1 trata-se de um traumatismo classificado como subluxação ocorrido há mais de dois anos. No exame clínico foi observada alteração de cor nos elementos 51 e 61 e no exame radiográfico não foi verificada imagem sugestiva de lesão periapical. No caso 2, diagnosticado como concussão, clinicamente foi observada alteração de cor e no exame radiográfico verificou-se uma reabsorção radicular associada à lesão periapical no elemento 61. Conclusão: o escurecimento de um dente decíduo após um traumatismo dentário nem sempre é indicativo de necrose pulpar. Sugere-se o acompanhamento periódico da presença de outros fatores, como fístula, abscesso ou lesão apical que irão auxiliar em um correto diagnóstico. Cada caso deve ser averiguado de forma independente tendo em vista que o sucesso do tratamento está vinculado ao acompanhamento periódico e ao diagnóstico de sinais radiográficos e clínicos de alterações decorrentes do episódio traumático.

Objective: the aim of this study was to evaluate and discuss the relationship between color change in the crown and pulp necrosis in deciduous teeth, based on two case reports. Case Report: both cases were female patients, 4 years old, who came to a reference center for dental trauma with complaints of darkening of the deciduous incisors. The case 1 was a trauma classified as subluxation that occurred more than two years ago. In the clinical examination a color change was observed in element 51 and 61, and in the radiographic examination no image suggestive of periapical lesion was seen. In case 2, diagnosed as concussion, clinically the color change was observed, and radiographic examination showed root resorption associated with periapical lesion in element 61. Conclusion: thus, according to the literature, we conclude that the darkening of a deciduous tooth after dental trauma is not always indicative of pulp necrosis. Periodic monitoring for the presence of other factors, such as fistula, abscess or apical lesion that will help in a correct diagnosis is suggested. Each case must be evaluated independently, since treatment success is linked to periodic monitoring and diagnosis of radiographic and clinical signs of changes resulting from the traumatic episode.

Female , Child, Preschool , Tooth, Deciduous , Color , Dental Pulp Necrosis , Tooth Injuries , Incisor
Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 9(3): 32620, 26 dez. 2023. tab, ilus, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1524464


Introdução:Sabe-se que a busca pela estética é algo cada vez mais crescente. Dentre os procedimentos mais procurados na odontologia estética, destaca-se o clareamento dental de consultório. Diante disso, ainda são poucos os estudos que avaliam os efeitos dos agentes clareadores de diferentes pHs na efetividade clareadora e na sensibilidade dentária.Objetivo:Avaliar a sensibilidade dentária e a eficácia clareadora de géis clareadores à base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% com diferentes pHs.Metodologia:Trata-se de um relato de três casos, descritivo e observacional, do tipo boca dividida (split-mouth) para cada estratégia clareadora (gel clareador com pH básico e gel clareador com pH ácido). Foram avaliados três pacientes de25, 26e 27anos de idade.Realizou-se registro de cor por meio da escala VITAClassical e avaliação da sensibilidade dentária pela escala visual analógica. Resultados:Todos os pacientes avaliados apresentaram cor A3 no registro de cor inicial e, após o clareamento dental,atingiram a cor A1. Todos relataram uma maior sensibilidade no hemiarco direito (local onde foi aplicada o gel clareador Whiteness HP que possui pH ácido. Dois pacientes relataram sensibilidade dentária no hemiarco esquerdo em que foi aplicado o gel clareador de pH básico. Conclusões:Observa-se a eficácia clínica dos géis clareadores de consultório à base de peróxido de hidrogênio a 35% na estabilidade de cor após o tratamento clareador, independente do seu pH. Ademais, nota-se que o gel clareador de pH básico promoveu menor sensibilidade pós-operatória (AU).

Introduction:It is known that the search for aesthetics is something increasingly growing. Among the most sought-after procedures in cosmetic dentistry, in-office tooth bleaching stands out. Therefore, there are still few studies that evaluate the effects of bleaching agents ofdifferent pHs on bleaching effectiveness and tooth sensitivity.Objective:To evaluate tooth sensitivity and bleaching efficacy of 35% hydrogen peroxide-based tooth bleaching gels with different pHs.Methodology:This is a report of three cases, descriptive and observational, of the split-mouth type for each bleaching strategy (bleaching gel with basic pH and bleaching gel with acidic pH). Three patients aged 25, 26 and 27 years were evaluated. Color registration was performed using the VITA Classical scale and tooth sensitivity was evaluated using the visual analogue scale.Results:All evaluated patients presented color A3 in the initial color registration and, after tooth bleaching, reached color A1. All reported greater sensitivity in the right hemi-arch (place where the Whiteness HP bleaching gel with an acid pH was applied. Two patients reported tooth sensitivity in the left hemi-arch where the basic pH bleaching gel was applied.Conclusions:The clinical efficacy of in-office tooth bleaching gels based on 35% hydrogen peroxide in terms of color stability after bleaching treatment is observed, regardless of its pH. In addition, it is noted that the basic pH bleaching gel promoted less postoperative sensitivity (AU).

Introducción: Se sabe que la búsqueda de la estética es algo cada vez más creciente. Entre los procedimientos más populares en odontología estética, se destaca el blanqueamiento dental en consultorio. Ante esto, aún existen pocos estudios que evalúen los efectos de agentes blanqueadores de diferentes pHs sobre la efectividad del blanqueamiento y la sensibilidad dental.Objetivo: Evaluar la sensibilidad dental y la eficacia blanqueadora de geles blanqueadores a base de peróxido de hidrógeno al 35 % con diferentes pH. Metodología: Este es un reporte de tres casos, descriptivo y observacional, del tipo boca partida para cada estrategia de blanqueamiento (gel blanqueador con pH básico y gel blanqueador con pH ácido). Se evaluaron tres pacientes de 25, 26 y 27 años. El registro de color se realizó con la escala clásica VITA y la sensibilidad dental se evaluó con la escala analógica visual.Resultados: Todos los pacientes evaluados presentaron color A3 en el registro de color inicial y, después del blanqueamiento dental, alcanzaron el color A1. Todos refirieron mayor sensibilidad en la hemiarcada derecha (lugar donde se aplicó el gel blanqueador de pH ácido Whiteness HP). Dos pacientes refirieron sensibilidad dental en la hemiarcadaizquierda donde se aplicó el gel blanqueador de pH básico.Conclusiones: Se observala eficacia clínica de los geles blanqueadores de consultorio a base de peróxido de hidrógeno al 35% en cuanto a la estabilidad del color tras el tratamiento blanqueador, independientemente de su pH. Además, se observa que el gel blanqueador de pH básico promovió una menor sensibilidad postoperatoria (AU).

Humans , Adult , Color , Dentin Sensitivity/complications , Tooth Bleaching Agents/adverse effects , Hydrogen Peroxide , Treatment Outcome , Observational Study , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 112-126, jan.-abr. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411346


A descoloração ou perda de translucidez dos materiais cerâmicos usados em odontologia ainda hoje é um problema, especialmente pelo comprometimento estético. Com o objetivo de comparar a estabilidade de cor, blocos de dissilicato de lítio (IPS e.max CAD HT) e de silicato de lítio reforçado com zircônia (Vita Suprinity HT) fresados no desenho de um disco com dimensões de 1,5 × 7 × 12 mm3 (n = 120) foram preparados usando 3 procedimentos de acabamento de superfície: glaze, polimento mecânico e coloração externa e glaze. Em seguida, cada grupo foi dividido em 2 subgrupos de armazenamento, chá preto e café (n = 10/grupo). As mensurações de cor foram medidas com espectrofotômetro (VITA Easyshade) no estágio inicial e após 1 semana, 2 semanas, 1 mês, 2 meses de armazenamento. As alterações de cor (ΔE) foram calculadas e analisadas estatisticamente usando ANOVA (α < 0,05). Observamos que, para ambos os materiais cerâmicos, o procedimento de glaze apresentou valores de mudança de cor estatisticamente menores do que os outros grupos (p < 0,05) após o armazenamento em ambas as bebidas. Os grupos de dissilicato de lítio apresentaram valores de alteração de cor estatisticamente menores em relação aos grupos de silicato de lítio reforçados com zircônia. Conclui-se que, o glaze sozinho levou a uma maior estabilidade de cor em relação ao polimento mecânico e coloração externa o dissilicato de lítio apresentou maior estabilidade de cor em comparação com o silicato de lítio reforçada com zircônia.

The discoloration or loss of translucency of ceramic materials used in dentistry is still a problem today, especially due to aesthetic compromise. In order to compare color stability, lithium disilicate (IPS e.max CAD HT) and zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (Vita Suprinity HT) blocks were milled into a disc design with dimensions of 1.5 × 7 × 12 mm3 (n = 120). The specimens were prepared using 3 surface finishing procedures: glaze, mechanical polishing and external staining and glaze. Then, each group was divided into 2 storage subgroups, black tea and coffee (n = 10/group). Color measurements were measured with a spectrophotometer (VITA Easyshade) at the initial stage and after 1 week, 2 weeks, 1 month, 2 months of storage. Color changes (ΔE) were calculated and statistically analyzed using ANOVA (α < 0.05). We observed that, for both ceramic materials, the glaze procedure presented statistically lower color change values ​​than the other groups (p < 0.05) after storage in both beverages. The lithium disilicate groups showed statistically lower color change values ​​than the zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate groups. It is concluded that, glaze alone led to greater color stability compared to mechanical polishing and external staining, lithium disilicate showed greater color stability compared to zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate.

Beverages , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Color , Dental Polishing/methods , Lithium , Silicates
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981111


OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to observe the color rebound and rebound rates of non-pulp discolored teeth within 1 year after routine internal bleaching to guide clinical practice and prompt prognosis.@*METHODS@#In this work, the efficacy of bleaching was observed in 20 patients. The color of discolored teeth was measured by using a computerized colorimeter before bleaching; immediately after bleaching; and at the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months after bleaching. The L*, a*, and b* values of the color of cervical, mesial, and incisal parts of the teeth were obtained, and the color change amounts ΔE*, ΔL*, Δa*, and Δb* were calculated. The overall rebound rate (P*) and the color rebound velocity (V*) were also analyzed over time.@*RESULTS@#In 20 patients following treatment, the average ΔE* of tooth color change was 14.99. After bleaching, the neck and middle of the teeth ΔE* and ΔL* decreased in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months, and the differences were statistically significant. Meanwhile, from the 9th month after bleaching, the rebound speed was lower than that in the 1st month, and the difference was statistically significant. The incisal end of the tooth ΔE* and ΔL* decreased in the 6th, 9th, and 12th months after bleaching, and the differences were statistically significant. No significant difference was found in the rebound speed between time points. However, this rate settled after the 9th month, with an average color rebound rate of 30.11% in 20 patients.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The results indicated that internal bleaching could cause a noticeable color change on pulpless teeth. The color rebound after bleaching was mainly caused by lightness (L*), which gradually decreased with time, and it was slightly related to a* and b*. The color of the teeth after internal bleaching rebounded to a certain extent with time, but the color rebound speed became stable from the 9th month. Clinically, secondary internal bleaching can be considered at this time according to whether the colors of the affected tooth and the adjacent tooth are coordinated and depending on the patient's needs.

Humans , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Tooth, Nonvital/drug therapy , Color , Tooth Discoloration/drug therapy , Tooth , Hydrogen Peroxide/therapeutic use , Tooth Bleaching Agents/therapeutic use
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e230282, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1510253


Aim: Evaluate the roughness, microhardness and color change of different Bulk Fill resins when submitted to the condition of gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia. Methods: 60 specimens (n = 10) of Bulk-Fill composite resins were made: M1 ­ Filtek™; M2 ­ Tetric N-Ceram and M3 ­ OPUS, through a matrix 2x6 mm and light cured by the VALO light source. After polishing, initial analyzes (48 hours - T0) of surface roughness (Ra), microhardness (VHN) and color change (ΔE) were performed. To simulate the oral condition of severe gastroesophageal reflux and bulimia, the specimens were immersed in hydrochloric acid (S1) (pH 1.7) 4 minutes a day, for 7 days. Control group specimens were immersed in artificial saliva (S2). Subsequently to immersions, mechanical brushing was performed for 3 minutes, three times a day, simulating 7 days of brushing. And again, the analyzes of Ra, VHN and ΔE were performed (7 days - T1). Thus, hydrochloric acid immersion, mechanical brushing and Ra analysis were repeated at 14 days (T2) and 21 days (T3); and T2, T3 and T4 (3 years) for VHN and ΔE. Results: After Shapiro-Wilk statistical test, ANOVA and Tukey test with Bonferroni adjustment (p>0.05), M3 showed the lowest Ra at all times compared to the other resins, while the highest Ra was at T0. M1 and T1 showed higher VHN. And M2 and T4 showed higher ΔE. Conclusion: Bulk Fill resins can be indicated for patients with Gastroesophageal Reflux and Bulimia, nonetheless, Tetric N-Ceram resin showed the worst results

Color , Composite Resins , Hardness , Hydrochloric Acid , Gastroesophageal Reflux , Bulimia
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e210147, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1431045


Abstract Objective: To determine the effect of ozonated water on the color stability of denture tooth and denture bases. Material and Methods: Thirty denture base discs consisting of 15 Acropars and 15 ProBase Hot specimens with the dimensions of 40 × 5 mm were prepared. Fifteen denture teeth in shade A1 (Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein) were mounted in a specific acrylic jig. All specimens were immersed in three solutions (1% sodium hypochlorite, ozonated water, and distilled water) for four months (one year of clinical use). Color measurements were done with a spectrophotometer and assessed using the CIE L*a*b* colorimetric system (0, 4, 8, 12, and 16 weeks). Data were analyzed using the three-way ANOVA and Tukey test (α=0.05). Results: Tukey's post hoc test revealed a significant change in color in the Acropars denture base for the distilled water group compared to the ozonated water and 1% hypochlorite (p<0.05). Regarding the ProBase Hot denture base, significantly less color change was observed in the 1% hypochlorite group compared to the ozonated water and distilled water (p≤0.001). For the denture teeth, significantly less color change was seen in the distilled water group than in the ozonated water (p=0.015) and 1% hypochlorite (p<0.05) groups. Conclusion: The color change of denture bases and denture tooth in ozonated water are acceptable. Ozonated water can be considered a good disinfectant for cleaning dentures.

Ozone/therapeutic use , Color , Dental Polishing , Denture, Complete , Acrylic Resins , Distilled Water , Analysis of Variance , Denture Cleansers/adverse effects , Polymerization
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-11, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1425563


Objective: The present study aims to evaluate the color stability and degree of conversion of amine-free dual cured resin cement compared to light cured and amine-containing dual cured resin cements used with two different translucencies of thin esthetic restorations. Material and Methods: A total of 120 specimens were prepared for color stability testing (n=60). The specimens were divided into three main groups according to the resin cement type. Group 1: amine-free dual cured, Group 2: light cured, Group 3: amine-containing dual cured. Each group was further subdivided according to the ceramic translucency into two subgroups: high and low translucency. Color stability was assessed by a spectrophotometer before and after thermal aging. For the degree of conversion assessment (n=60), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was used at three different time intervals. Statistical analysis was performed using multi-factorial ANOVA, followed by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni correction. Results: Amine-containing resin cement showed significantly higher ΔEab and ΔE00in both translucencies (4.5±0.3, 3.5±0.3 respectively for high translucency ceramic and 3.8±0.4, 3.0±0.3 respectively for low translucency) than the other tested cements (p<0.001). The highest degree of conversion (DC) was shown after 2 weeks by the amine-free dual cured resin cement (86.27±0.74). Conclusion: Amine-free dual cured resin cement can be an alternative to light cured one for cementation of thin veneers since it showed comparable color stability and high degree of conversion (AU)

Objetivo: O presente estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a estabilidade de cor e o grau de conversão do cimento resinoso dual sem amina em comparação com cimentos resinosos fotopolimerizáveis contendo amina usados com duas translucidezes diferentes em restaurações estéticas definitivas. Material e Métodos: Um total de 120 espécimes foram preparados para teste de estabilidade de cor (n=60). Os espécimes foram divididos em três grupos principais de acordo com o tipo de cimento resinoso. Grupo 1: polimerização dupla sem amina, Grupo 2: fotopolimerização, Grupo 3: polimerização dupla contendo amina. Cada grupo foi ainda subdividido de acordo com a translucidez da cerâmica em dois subgrupos: alta e baixa translucidez. A estabilidade da cor foi avaliada por um espectrofotômetro antes e após o envelhecimento térmico. Para a avaliação do grau de conversão (n=60), a espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier foi usada em três intervalos de tempo diferentes. A análise estatística foi realizada usando ANOVA multifatorial, seguida de ANOVA um faot com correção de Bonferroni. Resultados: O cimento resinoso contendo amina apresentou ΔEab e ΔE00 significativamente maiores em ambas as translucidezes (4,5±0,3, 3,5±0,3 respectivamente para cerâmica de alta translucidez e 3,8±0,4, 3,0±0,3 respectivamente para baixa translucidez) do que os outros cimentos testados (p< 0,001). O maior grau de conversão (DC) foi mostrado após 2 semanas pelo cimento resinoso dual sem amina (86,27±0,74). Conclusão: O cimento resinoso dual sem amina pode ser uma alternativa ao cimento polimerizável na restauração de facetas finas, uma vez que apresentou estabilidade de cor comparável e alto grau de conversão. (AU).

Color , Resin Cements , Polymerization , Lithium
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238082, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1393422


Aim: To determine if the artificial staining with black tea (BT) influences the enamel microhardness before in-office bleaching and if BT staining is necessary to evaluate the efficacy of bleaching with 35% hydrogen peroxide Methods: Enamel/dentin blocks were randomized into groups according to the staining protocol (n=5/group): (CO) control ­ maintained in artificial saliva solution (AS); (BT4) immersed in black tea solution for 4 h; (BT24) immersed in black tea solution for 24 h. After the staining protocols, all specimens were kept in AS for one week, followed by bleaching (three sessions of HP application for 40 min). Knoop surface microhardness (kgF/mm2) was determined at baseline (T0), after staining (T1), after 7 days of storage in AS (T2), and after bleaching (T3). The color (∆E00) and coordinate changes (∆L, ∆a, ∆b) were measured using a digital spectrophotometer at T0 and T3. Data were submitted to one-way (∆E00, ∆L, ∆a, ∆b) or two-way ANOVA repeated measures (kgF/mm2) and Tukey's test (a=5%). Results: The staining protocols (BT4 and BT24) promoted significantly lower microhardness (T1 and T2, p<0.05) than CO, whereas CO was the only group to maintain microhardness values over time. Bleaching promoted perceptible ∆E00 without a significant difference among the groups regardless of the staining protocol (p=0.122). CO and BT4 showed no differences in terms of ∆L and ∆a (p>0.05), but BT4 displayed a higher ∆b than CO. Conclusion:The artificial staining with BT negatively affected the enamel surface microhardness and was not essential to evaluate the efficacy of 35% hydrogen peroxide bleaching

Staining and Labeling , Tea/adverse effects , Tooth Bleaching , Color , Dental Enamel , Bleaching Agents , Hardness Tests , Hydrogen Peroxide
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253492, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440794


O racismo é um fenômeno que impacta a vida da população negra, direcionando-a para uma condição de marginalização social, inclusive profissionalmente. Diante disso, o presente estudo, qualitativo, objetivou analisar as estratégias de enfrentamento ao racismo adotadas por universitários negros de uma instituição pública de ensino superior no processo de construção de suas carreiras. Adotando-se como referencial a Teoria de Construção da Carreira, 27 entrevistas semiestruturadas foram conduzidas com graduandos (16 do gênero feminino e 11 do gênero masculino) autodeclarados negros de uma universidade situada na região Sudeste do Brasil. Os dados coletados foram submetidos a Análise de Similitude, por meio do software IRaMuTeQ, que demonstrou, a partir de uma árvore máxima, que os discursos dos participantes estiveram centrados no termo "racismo" e em quatro troncos de similitude relacionados aos vocábulos: "negro", "falar", "situação" e "acontecer". Os resultados indicaram que o racismo é um dos fatores que impactam a carreira dos sujeitos, sobretudo por sustentar práticas discriminatórias veladas e limitar oportunidades profissionais. Em resposta a ele, quatro estratégias de enfrentamento foram identificadas: a) diálogo com sujeitos próximos; b) busca por suporte junto à rede de apoio constituída na universidade; c) denúncia de seus impactos; e d) adoção de ações individuais de transformação da realidade. Os achados permitem identificar a adoção de diferentes estratégias individuais e coletivas de enfrentamento ao racismo, que devem ter seu desenvolvimento estimulado pelas instituições de ensino superior, a fim de que se tornem práticas sistematizadas que favoreçam a discussão sobre o fenômeno em âmbitos acadêmico e profissional.(AU)

The phenomenon of racism impacts the lives of Black population, leading them to social marginalization, including professionally. Thus, this qualitative study analyzes the coping strategies adopted by Black undergraduates from a public higher education institution to confront racism during career construction. Adopting the Career Construction Theory as a framework, 27 semi-structured interviews were conducted (16 women and 11 men) with self-declared black undergraduates from a university located in southeastern Brazil. Similarity analysis of the collected data, performed using the IRaMuTeQ software, showed that, from a maximum tree, the participants' speeches centered around the term "racism" and on four similarity trunks related to the words: "black", "talk", "situation" and "happen". Results indicated that racism majorly impacts the subjects' careers, especially by upholding veiled discriminatory practices and limiting professional opportunities. To cope with it, undergraduates adopt four main strategies: a) dialogue with close subjects; b) search for support with the support network established at the university; c) denunciation of its impacts; and d) adoption of individual strategies to transform reality. The findings point to different actions, individual and collective, adopted to fight racism, whose development should be supported by higher education institutions so that they become systemic practices that favor discussing the phenomenon in academic and professional fields.(AU)

El racismo es un fenómeno que impacta la vida de la población negra, llevándola a una condición de marginación social, incluso a nivel profesional. Así, este estudio cualitativo, tuvo por objetivo analizar las estrategias de afrontamiento el racismo que utilizan los universitarios negros de una Institución Pública de Educación Superior en el proceso de construcción de sus carreras. Tomando como referencia la Teoría de Construcción de Carrera, se realizaron 27 entrevistas semiestructuradas a estudiantes (16 mujeres y 11 hombres) autodeclarados negros de una universidad en la región Sureste de Brasil. Los datos recolectados se sometieron a un Análisis de Similitud, desarrollado utilizando el software IRaMuTeQ, que demostró, a partir de un árbol máximo, que los discursos de los participantes se centraron en el término "racismo" y en cuatro troncos de similitud relacionados con las palabras: "negro", "hablar", "situación" y "pasar". Los resultados indicaron que el racismo es uno de los factores que impactan la carrera, especialmente por sostener prácticas discriminatorias veladas y limitar las oportunidades profesionales. En respuesta a ello, se identificaron cuatro estrategias de afrontamiento: a) diálogo con sujetos cercanos; b) búsqueda de apoyo en la red constituida en la universidad; c) denuncia de sus impactos; y d) adopción de acciones individuales para transformar la realidad. Los hallazgos permiten identificar la adopción de diferentes estrategias, individuales y colectivas, para enfrentar el racismo, las cuales deben tener su desarrollo estimulado por las instituciones de educación superior, para que se conviertan en prácticas sistematizadas que favorezcan la discusión del fenómeno en el ámbito académico y profesional.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Students , Universities , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Choice , Career Mobility , Racism , Poverty , Prejudice , Problem Solving , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Race Relations , Rejection, Psychology , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Self Concept , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Class , Social Identification , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Socialization , Societies , Socioeconomic Factors , Stereotyping , Awareness , Work , Ethnicity , Family , Mental Health , Surveys and Questionnaires , Color , Cultural Diversity , Crime , Cultural Characteristics , Culture , Personal Autonomy , Dehumanization , Qualitative Research , Racial Groups , Education , Emotions , Employee Incentive Plans , Resilience, Psychological , Altruism , Bullying , Social Stigma , Social Discrimination , Genocide , Enslavement , Protective Factors , Social Capital , Physical Appearance, Body , Work Performance , Social Segregation , Political Activism , Work Engagement , Ethnocentrism , Extremism , Social Oppression , Freedom , Respect , Empowerment , Sociodemographic Factors , Ethnic and Racial Minorities , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Antiracism , Hate , Hierarchy, Social , Household Work , Human Rights , Learning , Minority Groups
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e222812, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1348712


Aim: To evaluate the influence of the parameters L* a* b* on the variation of the color of bovine tooth enamel submitted to artificial darkening, after simulated brushing, with whitening toothpastes containing blue covarine. Methods: To undertake this study in vitro, 60 specimens (SP) were divided into 6 groups (n=10): control group (CGwater) and 5 test groups (GT1-Colgate Total 12, GT2-Oral-B 3D White Perfection, GT3- Colgate Luminous Instant White, GT4-CloseUp White Diamond Attraction, GT5-Sorriso Xtreme White). The specimens were darkened with coffee and submitted to simulated brushing for 6, 12, and 24 months. The alteration in the color was evaluated using CIELAB parameters and the ΔL, Δa, Δb and ΔE were calculated. The data was analyzed through generalized linear models using the R program and considering a level of significance of 5%. Results: The parameters L*, a* and the ΔL, Δa obtained better results in the test group than in the control group. There were no statistical differences between CG and the test groups for the evaluation of the b* parameter. In the evaluation of the Δb, the GT3 differed statistically from the CG. In relation to the ΔE, all the group tests showed a variation in color statistically greater than that of the CG and the GT4 showed the greatest variation, not differing from the GT3 during the periods studied. Conclusion: The mechanical and optical whitening agents positively influenced the values L*a* and b*, as well as in its variations and in the ΔE. It is important to emphasize, however, that to analyze tooth whitening it is necessary to evaluate their parameters together

Tooth , Toothpastes , Color , Bleaching Agents
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e224265, jan.-dez. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1354719


Aim: This study assessed the color and translucency stability of a polymer infiltrated ceramic network (PICN) and compared it with a resin composite (RC) and a feldspathic ceramic (FEL). Methods: Disc-shaped samples of a PICN (Vita Enamic), a feldspathic ceramic (Vitablocks Mark II), and a resin composite (Brava block) were prepared from CAD/CAM blocks. PICN and RC surfaces were finished with a sequence of polishing discs and diamond paste. FEL samples received a glaze layer. The samples were subjected to 30-min immersions in red wine twice a day for 30 days. CIEL*a*b* coordinates were assessed with a spectrophotometer at baseline and after 15 and 30 days of immersion. Color alteration (ΔE00) and translucency parameter (TP00) were calculated with CIEDE2000. Average roughness was measured before the staining procedures. Color difference and translucency data were analyzed with repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey's tests. Roughness was analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis test. Results: Roughness was similar among the experimental groups. All materials had their color alteration significantly increased from 15 to 30 days of staining. PICN reached an intermediate ΔE00 between FEL and RC at 15 days. PICN revealed a color alteration as high as the composite after 30 days. No statistical difference was observed regarding translucency. Conclusion: PICN was not as color stable as the feldspathic ceramic at the end of the study. Its color alteration was comparable to the resin composite when exposed to red wine. However, the translucency of the tested materials was stable throughout the 30-day staining

Surface Properties , Materials Testing , Ceramics , Computer-Aided Design , Color , Composite Resins
Braz. j. oral sci ; 21: e225946, jan.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1384159


Aim This study aims to evaluate and validate the sensibility and the level of agreement between different gingival color measures obtained by a spectrophotometer (SPECTRO) and a photography (PHOTO) method. Methods Among 40 patients, the color was measured 2 mm apical to the gingival margin by CIE L*, a*, b* system using a reflectance spectrophotometer and the photography's plus software. The level of agreement between three different measures (m1, m2, m3) in parameters L*, a*, b*, and ∆E (color variation) was evaluated by random and systematic errors, as well as the limits and coefficient of concordance. A comparison between the methods was performed by the Bland-Altman test and the sensibility level was evaluated accordingly to the ∆E: 3.7 thresholds with p<0.05 as the level of significance for these comparisons. Results The SPECTRO method has not presented the systematic error (p>0.05) and had reproducibly and agreement level in three variable measures L* (r: 0.6), a* (r: 0.3), and b* (r: 0.5) as to the PHOTO method L* (r: 0.6), a* (r: 0.5), and b* (r: 0.5), which presented systematic error in L* values (p<0.05). The means of ∆E between measurements were: 6.5 SPECTRO and 5.9 PHOTO. There was no good level of sensitivity ∆E> 3.7 and agreement between the methods, mainly for the a* values. On the other hand, for the L* and in for the most comparisons of b* values, the level of agreement was higher. Conclusion Both methods could quantify the gingival color from the coordinates L *, a *, and b *, which has shown greater reliability between the measurements acquired by the SPECTRO method.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Spectrophotometers , Color , Photography, Dental , Gingiva , Incisor
Arch. latinoam. nutr ; Arch. latinoam. nutr;72(3): 185-195, sept. 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1399261


Introduction: Rice is a staple food in Costa Rica representing almost 24 % of the total calorie intake in the diet. Consumers have become more quality conscious about the rice consumed, so producers need to focus on the quality of rice along with production. Objective: The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical profile and consumer preference of five Costa Rican rice varieties: Palmar 18, Basmatico, Chin Chin, INTA-Miravalles, and CR- 5272. Materials and methods: Proximate analysis, amylose, and mineral content were performed in the raw grain. Two different sessions were performed (n=120 each) to evaluate consumer preference measurements using the John Brown R-Index (RJB) index. The first sensory panel selected the best cooking preparation and the second, the preferred rice variety. Instrumental color measurements (L*, C*, hº, DE) were applied to the cooked rice varieties (76-96ºC for 38 min). Results: Regarding the physicochemical characterization, INTAMiravalles showed the highest protein content (8.2%), while Basmatico and Chin Chin, the lowest. Four varieties presented high amylose content (AC) and INTA-Miravalles reported an intermediate AC. The mineral content varied among varieties. INTA-Miravalles showed the highest N, followed by Palmar 18. The cooking preparation from the regulatory agency was preferred by consumers. The consumers' preference of the varieties ranked from high to low: Basmatico>Chin Chin=CR5772>Palmar 18=INTA-Miravalles. Conclusions: This study suggests that consumer preference for cooked rice was influenced by physicochemical characteristics such as protein, AC, mineral content, and aromatic attributes. Consumer acceptance is an important factor to consider when new varieties are developed. The water-to-rice ratio during cooking played an important role in cooked rice sensory quality(AU)

Introducción: el arroz es un alimento básico de consumo en Costa Rica que representa casi el 24% de la ingesta total de calorías en la dieta. Los consumidores se han vuelto más conscientes de la calidad del arroz que consumen, por lo que los productores deben enfocar esfuerzos en la calidad y producción del arroz. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar el perfil fisicoquímico y la preferencia del consumidor de cinco variedades de arroz de Costa Rica: Palmar 18, Basmatico, Chin Chin, INTA-Miravalles y CR-5272. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó el análisis proximal, contenido de amilosa (CA) y de minerales en el grano crudo y color instrumental en el arroz cocido. Se realizaron dos mediciones de preferencia de los consumidores (n=120) utilizando el índice R de James Brown (RJB). En la primera se seleccionó el mejor método de preparación y en la segunda, la variedad de arroz preferido. El color instrumental (L*, C*, hº, DE) se midió a las variedades de arroz cocinado (76-96ºC por 38 min). Resultados: Miravalles mostró el mayor contenido en proteínas (8,2%), mientras que Basmatico y Chin Chin, el menor. Cuatro variedades presentaron un alto CA y el INTAMiravalles reportó un CA intermedio. El contenido mineral varió entre las variedades. INTA-Miravalles mostró el mayor contenido de nitrógeno, seguido de Palmar 18. El método de cocción del ente regulador fue el preferido por los consumidores. La preferencia de los consumidores por las variedades de mayor a menor fue: Basmatico > Chin Chin = CR5772 > Palmar 18 = INTA-Miravalles. Conclusiones: La preferencia de los consumidores por el arroz cocido se vio influenciada por características fisicoquímicas como proteína, CA, minerales y atributos aromáticos. La aceptación de los consumidores es un factor importante cuando se desarrollan nuevas variedades. La relación agua/ arroz durante la cocción desempeñó un papel importante en la calidad del arroz cocido(AU)

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Oryza/chemistry , Consumer Behavior , Eating , Smell , Color , Costa Rica , Food Handling , Amylose/analysis , Minerals/analysis
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(4): 1-11, jul. 21, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1426955


Aim: This study aims to evaluate the surface roughness and susceptibility to staining of bleached composite resin with 22% carbamide peroxide, as well as the effect of subsequent prophylaxis with NaHCO3 powder. Material and Methods: Forty disk-shaped (2 × 6 mm) specimens of composite resin (Z250 XT) were prepared. Half of the specimens were subjected to bleaching with 22% carbamide peroxide, and the other half were stored in artificial saliva. In sequence, all specimens were immersed in acai juice (Euterpe oleracea) for 4 h for 14 days, and subdivided into two groups. Group 1 samples were subjected to prophylaxis treatment, while group 2 samples were subjected to treatment with artificial saliva. Surface roughness (Ra) and color (ΔE*) were measured after polishing (T0), bleaching (T1), immersion in acai juice (T2), and application of NaHCO3 powder (T3) using a profilometer and a spectrophotometer. Results: Statistical analyses (analysis of variance and Tukey's test, p≤0.05) revealed that regarding color there was statistically significance for the factors in isolation, except for the factor bleaching. For both color and surface roughness there was statistically significant difference for the interaction, except for the interaction between NaHCO3 power and bleaching. Conclusion: The NaHCO3 air-powder polishing decreases the staining of the composite resin; however, it increases the surface roughness. With respect to the color variable, the whitening factor had no significant effect on the tested material; however, it increases surface roughness.

Objetivo: Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la rugosidad de la superficie y la susceptibilidad a la tinción de la resina compuesta blanqueada con peróxido de carbamida al 22%, así como el efecto de la profilaxis posterior con polvo de NaHCO3. Material y Métodos: Se prepararon cuarenta especímenes en forma de disco (2 × 6 mm) de resina compuesta (Z250 XT). La mitad de los especímenes se sometieron a blanqueo con peróxido de carbamida al 22% y la otra mitad se almacenó en saliva artificial. En secuencia, todos los especímenes se sumergieron en jugo de acai (Euterpe oleracea) durante 4h durante 14 días, y se subdividieron en dos grupos. Las muestras del grupo 1 se sometieron a tratamiento profiláctico, mientras que las muestras del grupo 2 se sometieron a tratamiento con saliva artificial. La rugosidad de la superficie (Ra) y el color (ΔE*) se midieron después del pulido (T0), el blanqueo (T1), la inmersión en jugo de acai (T2) y la aplicación de polvo de NaHCO3 (T3) utilizando un perfilómetro y un espectrofotómetro. Resultados: Los análisis estadísticos (análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey, p≤0.05) revelaron que en relación al color hubo significancia estadística para los factores en forma aislada, excepto para el factor blanqueamiento. Tanto para el color como para la rugosidad de la superficie hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa para la interacción, excepto para la interacción entre el poder de NaHCO3 y el blanqueo. Conclusión: El pulido al aire con polvo de NaHCO3 disminuye el manchado de la resina compuesta; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie. Con respecto a la variable color, el factor de blanqueamiento no tuvo efecto significativo sobre el material ensayado; sin embargo, aumenta la rugosidad de la superficie.

Humans , Sodium Bicarbonate , Composite Resins/chemistry , Saliva , Brazil , Color , Dental Prophylaxis/methods , Euterpe , Immersion