Introdução: A cárie dentária ainda se constitui um problema de saúde pública. Áreas adjacentes a restaurações são frequentemente acometidas por cárie. Por mais que as resinas compostas estejam sendo estudadas e melhoradas, ainda não apresentam atividade antimicrobiana. As cascas da romã (Punica Granatum) são um recurso potencial para compostos bioativos como fenólicos, proantocianidinas e flavonoides, além de apresentarem atividade antioxidante e efeito inibitório contra bactérias Gram-negativas e Gram-positivas. Objetivo: modificar a resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM®) com o extrato acetônico da casca da romã em diferentes concentrações e avaliar a rugosidade da superfície e mudança de cor. Metodologia: foi realizada a extração de 5g de casca da romã utilizando 100mL de solvente acetona 70%. Após rotaevaporação, filtragem e liofilização do extrato, este foi macerado, peneirado e pesado em concentrações diferentes a partir da concentração inibitória mínima capaz de inibir o crescimento de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. A resina composta Opus Bulk Fill Flow foi modificada com esse extrato em diferentes concentrações de forma a gerar 5 grupos: Controle 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Rugosidade (Ra), diferença de cor (ΔE00) e índice de brancura (WID) foram submetidos aos testes de normalidade. Os dados não-paramétricos de Ra foram submetidos ao teste de Kruskal-Wallis com pós-teste de Dunn e os dados paramétricos do ΔE00 e WID foram submetidos ao teste ANOVA 1 Fator com pósteste de Tukey por meio do software GraphPad Prism 8 e Microsoft Excel 2019. Resultados: Verificou-se que a média do índice de brancura (WID) diminuiu conforme o aumento da concentração do extrato na resina modificada (p<0,05), assim como, as resinas modificadas se tornaram, visivelmente a olho nu, um pouco mais amareladas. Após 1 mês, as amostras dos grupos experimentais sofreram a mesma variação de cor (ΔE00) que o grupo controle, uma vez que os valores das médias foram semelhantes. Portanto, todos os grupos apresentaram estabilidade de cor. A rugosidade superficial (Ra) não mostrou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p>0,05). Todos os grupos apresentaram médias com valores similares a 0,06µm. Conclusão: A alteração de cor na resina, com a inserção do extrato, ainda na maior concentração, se manteve na classificação do matiz A. O que não afeta as propriedades organolépticas e pode ser considerada uma cor similar à cor dos dentes naturais. A adição do extrato na resina manteve a rugosidade superficial de todos os grupos dentro do valor ideal, prevenindo a adesão de biofilmes e microrganismos e proporcionando conforto ao toque da língua (AU).
Introduction: Dental caries still constitutes a public health problem. Areas adjacent to restorations are often affected by caries. Even though resin composites are being studied and improved, they still do not have antimicrobial activity. Pomegranate peels (Punica Granatum) are a potential resource for bioactive compounds such as phenolics, proanthocyanidins and flavonoids, in addition to presenting antioxidant activity and inhibitory effects against Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria. Objective: to modify the Opus Bulk Fill Flow (FGM™) resin composite with the acetone extract of pomegranate peel in different concentrations and evaluate the surface roughness, and color change. Methodology: 5g of pomegranate peel was extracted using 100mL of 70% acetone solvent. After rotary evaporation, filtering and lyophilization of the extract, it was macerated, sieved and weighed at different concentrations based on the minimum inhibitory concentration capable of inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 700610. The Opus Bulk Fill Flow resin composite was modified with this extract in different concentrations to generate 5 groups: Control 0 µg (n=10), G930 µg (n=10), G1860 µg (n=10), G3730 µg (n=10) e G7460 µg (n=10). Roughness (Ra) and color difference (ΔE00) were subjected to normality tests and non-parametric data were subjected to the Kruskal-Wallis test with Dunn's post-test using GraphPad Prism 8 and Microsoft Excel 2019 software. Results: It was found that the average whiteness index (WID) decreased as the concentration of the extract in the modified resin increased (p<0.05), as well as the modified resins became, visibly to the naked eye, a little more yellowish. After 1 month, samples from the experimental groups suffered the same color variation (ΔE00) as the control group, since the average values were similar. Therefore, all groups showed color stability. Surface roughness (Ra) did not show a statistically significant difference (p>0.05). All groups presented average values similar to 0.06µm. Conclusion: The color change in the resin, with the insertion of the extract, even at the highest concentration, remained in the classification of hue A. This does not affect the organoleptic properties and can be considered a color similar to the color of natural teeth. The addition of the extract to the resin composite maintained the surface roughness of all groups within the ideal value, preventing the adhesion of biofilms and microorganisms and providing comfort to the touch of the tongue (AU).
Colorimetry/methods , Composite Resins , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Pomegranate , Surface Properties , In Vitro Techniques , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Introdução: O efeito branqueador dos dentifrícios contendo Blue covarine é fundamentado no seu mecanismo de ação, caracterizado pela sua deposição na superfície dentária, alterando a percepção da cor. Objetivo: Revisar a literatura e buscar evidência científica sobre o efeito branqueador do Blue Covarine em tecidos mineralizados e materiais restauradores estéticos. Materiais e métodos: Para a revisão da literatura foram feitas buscas nas bases de dados PubMed, LILACS, BBO, SciELO e MEDLINE para identificar estudos clínicos e laboratoriais que avaliassem a ação branqueadora do agente óptico Blue covarine. Como estratégia de busca foram utilizados os descritores "Blue covarine", "Blue covarine e pasta de dentes", "Blue covarine and toothpaste", "Blue covarine e dentifrícios", "Blue covarine and dentifrices", "Blue covarine e dentifrícios branqueadores", "Blue covarine and whitening dentifrices", "Blue covarine e dentifrícios clareadores", "Blue covarine and bleaching dentifrices", "Blue covarine e pasta de dentes branqueadoras", "Blue covarine and whitening toothpaste", "Blue covarine e pasta de dentes clareadoras", "Blue covarine and bleaching toothpaste". Resultados: Dois pesquisadores selecionaram e analisaram criticamente 31 artigos, sendo 2 revisões da literatura, 4 estudos clínicos e 25 estudos laboratoriais. Divergências quanto ao desenho de estudo, métodos, amostra, critérios clínicos e parâmetros laboratoriais foram observados, além de conflitos de interesse. Conclusão: O Blue Covarine presente nos dentifrícios branqueadores parece ser efetivo na promoção do branqueamento dentário apenas quando associado aos agentes abrasivos presentes nas formulações, evidenciando que ensaios clínicos e laboratoriais, com metodologias semelhantes, são necessários para se obter evidência científica conclusiva sobre o efeito deste agente branqueador.(AU)
Introduction: The whitening effect of dentifrices containing Blue Covarine is based on its mechanism of action, characterized by its deposition on the tooth surface, altering the perception of color. Objective: To review the literature and seek scientific evidence on the whitening effect of Blue Covarine on mineralized tissues and aesthetic restorative materials. Materials and methods: For the literature review, searches were carried out in the PubMed, LILACS, BBO, SciELO and MEDLINE databases, in order to identify clinical and laboratory studies that evaluated the whitening action of the optical agent Blue Covarine. As a search strategy, the descriptors "Blue Covarine", "Blue Covarine and toothpaste", "Blue Covarine and dentifrices", "Blue Covarine and whitening dentifrices", "Blue Covarine and bleaching dentifrices", "Blue Covarine and whitening toothpaste", "Blue Covarine and bleaching toothpaste". Results: Two researchers selected and critically analyzed 31 articles, including 2 literature reviews, 4 clinical studies and 25 laboratory studies. Differences in study design, methods, sample, clinical criteria and laboratory parameters were observed, in addition to conflicts of interest. Conclusion: Blue Covarine present in whitening dentifrices seems to be effective in promoting dental whitening only when associated with abrasive agents present in the formulations, showing that clinical and laboratory tests, with similar methodologies, are necessary to obtain conclusive scientific evidence on the effect of this bleaching agent.(AU)
Humans , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Dentifrices/chemistry , Isoindoles/chemistry , Tooth Bleaching Agents/chemistry , Metalloporphyrins/chemistry , Colorimetry , Dental Enamel/chemistryABSTRACT
Aim: Determination of the most common shade of anterior teeth in Malaysian students of different ethnicities. Materials and Methods: A total of 120 subjects, 40 each from different ethnicities (Malay, Chinese, and Indian) aged 18-22 years were evaluated for tooth shade using the VITA Classical shade guide. The subject was asked to sit in an up-right position with teeth at the clinician's eye level and the subject was instructed to remove makeup or tinted eyewear which may affect the result. The procedure was done in natural daylight. The shade tabs were positioned adjacent to the maxillary central incisor and the middle 1/3rd of the facial surface was assessed by experts to determine the correct tooth shade. The data was statistically analysed. Results: The differences in tooth shade were seen among the subjects of different ethnicities. The Malay ethnicity has B1 (37%) as the most common tooth shade whereas Chinese has C1 (27%) and Indian C1 (40%). Conclusions: Under the limitation of the study, it was found that there is a relationship between tooth color and ethnic background. Malay students tend to have brighter teeth as compared to Chinese and Indian students.
Objetivo: Determinar el tono más común de los dientes anteriores en estudiantes malasios de diferentes etnias. Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó el color de los dientes de un total de 120 sujetos, 40 de diferentes etnias (malayos, chinos e indios) de edades comprendidas entre 18 y 22 años, utilizando la guía de colores VITA Classical. Se pidió al sujeto que se sentara en posición vertical con los dientes al nivel de los ojos del médico y se le indicó que se quitara el maquillaje o las gafas teñidas, lo que podría afectar el resultado. El procedimiento se realizó con luz natural. Las pestañas de color se colocaron adyacentes al incisivo central superior y expertos evaluaron el tercio medio de la superficie facial para determinar el tono correcto del diente. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. Resultados: Se observaron diferencias en el color de los dientes entre los sujetos de diferentes etnias. La etnia malaya tiene el B1 (37%) como el color de dientes más común, mientras que los chinos tienen el C1 (27%) y los indios C1 (40%). Conclusión: Bajo las limitaciones del estudio, se encontró que existe una relación entre el color de los dientes y el origen étnico. Los estudiantes malayos tienden a tener dientes más brillantes en comparación con los estudiantes chinos e indios.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Ethnicity , Colorimetry , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Malaysia/ethnologyABSTRACT
O soro de leite é considerado um subproduto das indústrias de laticínios, uma parte de sua produção é destinada como matéria-prima de produtos alimentícios, mas parte é direcionada para alimentação animal. Objetivou-se com o presente estudo elaborar formulas de emulsões do tipo maionese utilizando ingrediente proteico o soro de leite em pó, leite desnatado em pó e a mistura entre soro e leite, ambos em pó, bem como investigar a influência destes ingredientes na textura, reologia, análise térmica, índice de estabilidade, análise colorimétrica e a vida útil das formulações. Justifica-se a utilização de soro de leite devido a seu menor preço de mercado do que ovos em pó ou líquido pasteurizado normalmente utilizados, evidenciando a necessidade de dar espaço a matérias-primas consideradas como subprodutos dentro da indústria. Os produtos emulsionados foram formulados com mistura de óleo, água, soro de leite em pó, leite desnatado em pó, alho e mostarda em pó, contendo aproximadamente 70% de gordura, com variação no teor proteico. Foram estabelecidas três formulações cada uma com um tipo ou mistura de emulsificantes. As análises efetuadas no desenvolvimento do trabalho foram textura, reologia, atividade de água, pH, colorimetria, análise térmica, índice de estabilidade da emulsão e cálculo de proteínas e lipídeos das formulações. Foi possível verificar que tanto o soro de leite em pó como o leite desnatado em pó apresentaram características de agente emulsificante.A formulação F1 (soro de leite em pó) não atingiram os padrões estruturais de maioneses comerciais, todavia os resultados obtidos pela formulação F2 (leite desnatado em pó) atingiram padrões equivalentes a produtos comercializados, bem como a formulação F3 (soro de leite em pó + leite desnatado em pó) com padrão das maioneses light em textura e reologia. Os resultados das análises de atividade de água apresentaram pequenas variações (0,934-0,941) ao longo dos 30 dias de avaliação. Os conservantes em pó (alho e mostarda) favoreceram a coloração das formulações, pH na faixa da neutralidade, assegurando aos produtos vida útil de 30 dias em temperatura de refrigeração. É possível utilizar osoro de leite e leite em pó como agente emulsificante para emulsões do tipo maionese, bem como alho e mostarda em pó como ingredientes que aumentem a maior vida útil desses produtos
Whey is considered a by-product of the dairy industry, part of its production is used as raw material for food products, but part is used for animal feed. The objective of this study was to prepare mayonnaise emulsion formulas using protein whey powder, skimmed milk powder and the mixture between whey and milk, both in powder, as well as investigating the influence of these ingredients on texture, rheology, thermal analysis, stability index, colorimetric analysis and the useful life of the formulations. The use of whey is justified due to its lower market price than powdered eggs or pasteurized liquid normally used, highlighting the need to make room for raw materials considered as by-products within the industry. The emulsified products were formulated with a mixture of oil, water, whey powder, skimmed milk powder, garlic and mustard powder, containing approximately 70% fat, with variation in protein content. Three formulations were established each with a type or mixture of emulsifiers. The analyzes carried out in the development of the work were texture, rheology, water activity, pH, colorimetry, thermal analysis, emulsion stability index and calculation of proteins and lipids in the formulations. It was possible to verify that both whey powder and skimmed milk powder showed characteristics of emulsifying agent. Formulation F1 (whey powder) did not reach the structural standards of commercial mayonnaise, however the results obtained by formulation F2 (skimmed milk powder) reached standards equivalent to commercialized products, as well as the formulation F3 (whey powder + skimmed milk powder) with light mayonnaise pattern in texture and rheology. The results of the water activity analysis showed slight variations (0.934-0.941) over the 30 days of evaluation. The preservatives in powder (garlic and mustard) favored the color of the formulations, pH in the neutrality range, ensuring the products' useful life of 30 days in refrigeration temperature. It is possible to use whey and powdered milk as an emulsifying agent for emulsions of the mayonnaise type, as well as garlic and mustard powder as ingredients that increase the longer useful life of these products
Rheology/classification , Chemistry, Pharmaceutical , Milk/adverse effects , Emulsions/pharmacology , Whey/metabolism , Colorimetry/methods , Dairying/classification , Emulsifying Agents/agonists , Food/adverse effects , Food Preservatives , Animal Feed/classificationABSTRACT
El metacaolín es el producto obtenido de la calcinación del caolín. La alta actividad puzolánica del metacaolín permite su utilización como un material sustituto del cemento en el concreto. Esta y otras propiedades fisicoquímicas se ven afectadas por las condiciones de procesamiento del caolín. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo caracterizar los cambios del color y densidad de dos tipos de caolín (toba triturada e hidrotermal) por medio de un análisis termogravimétrico del proceso de calcinación. Para la evaluación de la densidad se empleó la norma ASTM C188, mientras que la valoración de los cambios de color utilizó un espectrofotómetro C I E - L* a * b* en conjunto con la norma UNE 80117. Asimismo, la pérdida de peso y la densidad se correlacionaron con las coordenadas de color mediante una regresión polinomial. Los resultados demostraron que la deshidroxi-lación de los caolines ocurrió entre 400 ºC y 650 ºC, caracterizándose por un máximo en el delta E* de 12.9 y 4.3 para el caolín hidrotermal y de toba, respectivamente. Además, el caolín de toba triturada presentó la máxima luminosidad (L* = 92.84) de todos los tratamientos a los 21 ºC. Este valor disminuyó 11.75% al incrementar la temperatura hasta 450 ºC. A partir de esta temperatura,L* incrementó linealmente hasta alcanzar un valor final de 87.3 a 900 ºC. La regresión polinomial obtenida explica en un 93% y 92% la variación del peso en función de los parámetros C I E - L* a * b* para el caolín de toba triturada e hidrotermal, respectivamente.
Metakaolin is a product of kaolin's calcination. The high pozzolanic activity of metakaolin allows its usage as supplementary cementitious material in concrete. This property and other physicochemical properties are affected by metakaolin's manufacturing conditions. Therefore, this study aims to characterize the changes in color and density of two types of kaolin (tuff and hydrothermal) through a thermogravimetric analysis of the calcina-tion process. Evaluation of density used ASTM C188, while the assessment of color changes used a CIE-L*a*b* spectrophotometer in conjunction with normative UNE 80117. In addition, weight loss and density were correlated with the color coordinates using polynomial regression. The results showed that kaolin dehydroxylation occurred at 450ºC and 650ºC, characterized by a maximum in delta E * of 12.9 and 4.3 for hydrothermal and tuff kaolin, respectively. In addition, the tuff kaolin presented the maximum luminosity (L * = 92.84) of all the treatments at 21ºC. This value decreased 11.75% during the temperature increment up to 450ºC. From this temperature, L * increased linearly until reaching a final value of 87.3 at 900ºC. The polynomial regression explained 93% and 92% of the weight variation as a function of the CIE-L*a*b* parameters for tuff and hydrothermal kaolin, respectively.
Thermogravimetry/methods , Cement Industry/methods , Colorimetry/methodsABSTRACT
The objective of the work was to determine the antioxidant potential in vitro of freeze-dried peel extracts of 20 fruits from the northern region of Peru through five tests (Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH., ABTS+., FRAP and CUPRAC). According to multivariate statistical analyzes, five groups were found: (i.) peel extracts with the highest values of antioxidant capacity (AC) from custard apple, and star fruit; (ii.) rind extracts with high AC values from quince, sweet granadilla, guava, and black grape; (iii.) husk extracts with middle values of AC from passion fruit, and red mombin; (iv.) shell extracts with low AC values from tangerine, mandarine, and bitter orange; and, (v.) coating extracts with the lowest AC values from pawpaw, red pawpaw, muskmelon, dragon fruit, yellow and red indian figs, pear, apple, and green grape. To conclude, the fruit lyophilized-husk extracts of custard apple, star fruit, quince, sweet granadilla, guava, and black grape obtained the best AC.
El objetivo del trabajo fue determinar el potencial antioxidante in vitro de extractos de cáscara liofilizada de 20 frutos de la región norte del Perú mediante cinco pruebas (Folin-Ciocalteu, DPPH., ABTS+., FRAP y CUPRAC). Según análisis estadísticos multivariados, se encontraron cinco grupos: (i.) Extractos de piel con los valores más altos de capacidad antioxidante (CA) de chirimoya y carambola; (ii.) extractos de cáscara con altos valores de CA de membrillo, granadilla dulce, guayaba y uva negra; (iii.) extractos de cáscara con valores medios de CA de maracuyá y mombina roja; (iv.) extractos de cáscara con valores bajos de CA de mandarina, mandarina y naranja amarga; y (v.) recubrir extractos con los valores de CA más bajos de papaya, papaya roja, melón, fruta del dragón, higos indios amarillos y rojos, pera, manzana y uva verde. Para concluir, los extractos de cáscara liofilizada de chirimoya, carambola, membrillo, granadilla dulce, guayaba y uva negra obtuvieron el mejor CA.
Humans , Fruit/chemistry , Antioxidants/chemistry , Peru , Phenols/analysis , In Vitro Techniques , Free Radical Scavengers , Colorimetry , Phenolic Compounds/analysisABSTRACT
Este estudo avaliou a cor de duas resinas compostas universais produzidas por diferentes fabricantes. Noventa e seis espécimes das resinas compostas Filtek Z350XT (3M ESPE) e IPS Empress Direct (Ivoclar Vivadent) (n=48 cada) da cor A2E foram confeccionados com 5 mm de diâmetro X 6 mm de altura. Cada camada de 2 mm de espessura de resina inserida foi fotoativada com uma unidade fotoativadora LED com 900 mW/cm2 por 20 s. Os espécimes foram polidos com o sistema Sof-lex Pop-On (3M ESPE). A cor foi aferida com um espectrofotômetro digital portátil Easyshade (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad SaÌckingen), com base nos eixos tridimensionais do sistema CIEL*a*b*, e sua diferença entre as resinas foi determinada em cada eixo, calculando o seu respectivo Δ (ΔL*, Δa* e Δb*) e os parâmetros de variação total de cor ΔE* e ΔE00. A diferença de cor entre as resinas em cada eixo foi analisada estatisticamente pelo Teste t de amostras independentes (α=0,05), além de considerar os limiares de 50%:50% de perceptibilidade e aceitabilidade da variação total de cor. Diferenças estatisticamente significativas foram observadas no ΔL* e no Δb* (p<0,001). Os valores de ΔE foram de três a quatro vezes superiores ao limite de perceptibilidade e em até duas vezes ao limite de aceitabilidade da variação total de cor. Verificou-se que diferenças importantes de cor podem ocorrer em resinas da mesma cor, porém, de fabricantes diferentes. Essas diferenças podem ser visualmente perceptíveis e acima dos limites de aceitabilidade, podendo comprometer o resultado estético da restauração.(AU)
This study assessed the color of two universal composites produced by different manufacturers. Ninety-six specimens of Filtek Z350XT (3M ESPE) and IPS Empress Direct (Ivoclar Vivadent) (n=48 each) colored A2E were made with 5 mm of diameter X 6 mm of height. Each 2 mm-thick composite layer inserted was light cured with a LED light curing unit with 900 mW/cm2 for 20 s. The specimens were polished with Sof-lex Pop-On (3M ESPE). The color was measured with a portable digital spectrophotometer Easyshade (Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad SaÌckingen) based on the tridimensional axes of the CIEL*a*b* system, and the difference between composites was determined in each axis by determining the respective Δs (ΔL*, Δa* e Δb*), along with the parameters for total color variation ΔE* and ΔE00. The color difference between composite in each axis was analyzed statistically using the t-test (α=0,05), besides considering the 50%:50% thresholds for visual perceptibility and acceptability of total color variation. Statistically significant differences were observed in ΔL* and Δb* (p<0.001). The ΔE values were three to four times higher than the perceptibility threshold and twice higher than the acceptability threshold for total color variation. Relevant color differences may occur in composites of the same color, yet, made by different manufacturers. These differences may be visually perceptible and higher than acceptance limits, and may compromise the esthetic result of dental restorations.(AU)
Color , Composite Resins/chemistry , Reference Values , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Colorimetry , Light-Curing of Dental AdhesivesABSTRACT
El color es un efecto visual de los rayos de luz reflejándose y su concepto es complejo por ser una sensación que se percibe y por las características electromagnéticas. Los dientes varían espacialmente porque son curvados, tienen prolongaciones relativamente pequeñas y vistas en contra de una variable de fondo no uniforme así como típicamente una iluminación no estandarizada, por lo cual difieren en relación con su colorimetría, por lo que el estudio del color es fundamental en la odontología. En la actualidad hay métodos para evaluar el color, desde una simple revisión visual hasta instrumentos como el colorímetro y los espectrofotómetros, los cuales son aparatos utilizados en la medida del color de un objeto a través de su longitud de onda reflejada. Una pigmentación dental se produce por varios factores, ya sean intrínsecos y extrínsecos, estas pigmentaciones son factores importantes tanto en la estética como en el aspecto físico, por lo que es importante poder evaluar la estabilidad de los dientes naturales ante diferentes sustancias que podrían modificar su color natural. En este estudio nos dimos a la tarea de evaluar el cambio de color de dientes naturales ante diferentes bebidas, se eligieron tres bebidas pigmentantes y de uso común: café, vino tinto y jugo de arándano; se utilizaron 10 dientes unirradiculares del mismo color previamente analizados con el espectrofotómetro. Un diente fue la muestra control y los nueve restantes se sumergieron en frascos separados con 10 mL de las tres bebidas elegidas. Realizando la evaluación de color a los 15, 30 y 90 días con ayuda del espectrofotómetro, pudimos observar que el diente sumergido en café no tuvo variación durante los primeros 15 días y el cambio más notable de color fue hasta los 90 días a diferencia de las muestras sumergidas en vino y jugo de arándano cuya variación máxima de color se presentó en 15 días respectivamente (AU)
Color is a visual effect of light rays reflecting and its concept is complex, for being a sensation that is perceived and for the electromagnetic characteristics. Teeth vary spatially because they are curved, have relatively small extensions, and are viewed against a non-uniform background variable as well as typically non-standardized illumination, which is why they differ in relation to their colorimetry. So the study of color is fundamental in dentistry. Currently, there are methods to evaluate color, from a simple visual check to instruments such as the colorimeter and spectrophotometers, which are devices used to measure the color of an object through its reflected wavelength. A dental pigmentation is produced by various factors, both intrinsic and extrinsic, these pigmentations are currently important factors in both aesthetics and physical appearance, so it is important to be able to evaluate the stability of natural teeth against different substances that could modify its natural color. In this study, we undertook the task of evaluating the change in the color of natural teeth when faced with different beverages. Three pigment and commonly used beverages were chosen: coffee, red wine and cranberry juice; 10 single-rooted teeth of the same color previously analyzed with the spectrophotometer were used. One tooth was the control sample and the remaining nine were immersed in separate bottles with 10 mL of the three chosen drinks. Carrying out the color evaluation at 15, 30 and 90 days with the help of the spectrophotometer, we could see that the tooth immersed in coffee did not change during the first 15 days and the most notable change in color was up to 90 days, unlike the samples immersed in wine and cranberry juice whose maximum color variation was presented in 15 days respectively (AU)
Humans , Tooth Discoloration , Beverages , Color , Colorimetry , Esthetics, Dental , Spectrophotometry/methods , Wine , In Vitro Techniques , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Coffee , Juices , LightABSTRACT
Despite the importance of passion fruit for the Brazilian fruit market, there are still many agronomic and fruit quality problems to be solved, in order to increase this crop performance. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of twelve genotypes of wild, sweet and yellow passion fruit, aiming to identify promising materials considering fruit quality, in Federal District, Brazil. An experiment was carried out at the Água Limpa Farm of the Universidade de Brasília (UnB) from 2016 to 2018, in a randomized block design, with 12 treatments, 4 replicates and 6 plants/plot. At the harvesting time, six fruits per plot were randomly collected for the following physicochemical analysis: fruit mass, pulp mass with and without seeds, length/longitudinal diameter, width/transverse diameter, length/width ratio, husk thickness, predominant color of the pulp (L*, C*, h*), number of seeds, seed size, total soluble solids content, total titratable acidity, total soluble solids/total titratable acidity ratio and pH. High heritability values ââand relation of genetic/environment variation coefficients ratio were observed for most of the characteristics evaluated. The genotypes of yellow passion fruit MAR20#21 P2 x FB 200 P1 R2 and MAR20#19 ROXO R4 x ECRAM P3 R3 showed the best characteristics of fruit mass and pulp mass with seed. All the genotypes studied showed values ââof total soluble solids above 11ºBrix. Positive and significant correlation was observed between fruit mass and length/width ratio, indicating that oblong fruits have higher fruit mass.
Colorimetry , Passiflora , Chemical Phenomena , Plant BreedingABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: las infecciones fúngicas ocasionadas por levaduras del género Cándida son extremadamente comunes en mujeres de edad reproductiva, y constituyen un motivo de atención medica de salud. OBJETIVO: evaluar la susceptibilidad de Cándidas spp, mediante el método colorimétrico (Integral Yeast System Plus). MÉTODO: fue de tipo descriptivo, transversal; se recopiló información mediante observación directa en campo y el análisis documental para obtener información bibliográfica de tipo secundaria. RESULTADOS: de los 72 casos encontrados de Cándida Albicans revela que son susceptibles a la anfotericina B (2ug/ml); de los 5 casos encontrados de Cándida Krusei revela que son sensibles a la Anfotericina B (2ug/ml); De 1 caso encontrado de Cándida Parapsilosis revela sensibilidad en la Nistatina (1.25ug/ml). En este estudio la prevalencia de la infección por Cándida fue del (44.98%). CONCLUSIONES: Cándida Albicans fue la especie más común aislada en las mujeres embarazadas representando un 72%, En la evaluación de la susceptibilidad a través del kit Integral System Yeast Plus se obtuvo que Cándida Albicans es susceptible a Anfotericina B, Flucitosina entre otros, en Cándida Glabrata se obtuvo que es sensible a la Nistatina, Anfotericina B, susceptible entre otros, en Cándida Krusei se obtuvo que es sensible a la Anfotericina B, Clotrimazol, Miconazol, susceptibles a la Nistatina, Voriconazol y resistente a la Flucitosina, Ketoconazol, Itraconazol y Fluconazol.
INTRODUCTION: fungal infections caused by yeast of the genus Candida are extremely common in women of reproductive age, and constitute a reason for medical health care. OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the susceptibility of Candida spp, using the colorimetric method (Integral Yeast System Plus). METHOD: it was descriptive, transversal; Information was collected through direct observation in the field and documentary analysis to obtain secondary bibliographic information. RESULTS: of the 72 cases found, Candida Albicans reveals that they are susceptible to amphotericin B (2ug / ml); of the 5 cases found, Candida Krusei reveals that they are sensitive to Amphotericin B (2ug / ml); Of 1 case found of Candida Parapsilosis reveals sensitivity in Nystatin (1.25ug / ml). In this study, the prevalence of Candida infection was (44.98%). CONCLUSIONS: Candida Albicans was the most common species isolated in pregnant women, representing 72%. In the evaluation of susceptibility through the Integral System Yeast Plus kit it was obtained that Candida Albicans is susceptible to Amphotericin B, Flucytosine among others, in Candida Glabrata was obtained that it is sensitive to Nystatin, Amphotericin B, susceptible among others, in Candida Krusei it was obtained that it is sensitive to Amphotericin B, Clotrimazole, Miconazole, susceptible to Nystatin, Voriconazole and resistant to Flucytosin, Ketoconazole, Itraconazole and Fluconazole.
INTRODUÇÃO: as infecções fúngicas causadas por leveduras do gênero Candida são extremamente comuns em mulheres em idade reprodutiva e constituem motivo de cuidados médicos. OBJETIVO: avaliar a suscetibilidade de Candida spp, por meio do método colorimétrico (Integral Yeast System Plus). MÉTODO: foi descritivo, transversal; as informações foram coletadas por meio de observação direta em campo e análise documental para obtenção de informações bibliográficas secundárias. RESULTADOS: Dos 72 casos encontrados, Cândida Albicans revelou ser suscetíveis à anfotericina B (2ug /ml); dos 5 casos encontrados, Candida Krusei revela que são sensíveis à Anfotericina B (2ug / ml); de 1 caso encontrado de Candida Parapsilosis revela sensibilidade na Nistatina (1,25ug / ml). Neste estudo, a prevalência de infecção por Candida foi (44,98%). CONCLUSÕES: Cândida Albicans foi a espécie mais comum isolada em gestantes, representando 72%. Na avaliação da susceptibilidade através do kit Integral System Yeast Plus foi obtido que Candida Albicans é suscetível à Anfotericina B, Flucitosina entre outras, em Cândida Glabrata foi obtido que é sensível a Nistatina, Anfotericina B, suscetível entre outras, em Candida Krusei foi obtido que é sensível a Anfotericina B, Clotrimazol, Miconazol, suscetível a Nistatina, Voriconazol e resistente a Flucitosina, Cetoconazol, Itraconazol e Fluconazol.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Candida , Candida albicans , Amphotericin B , Colorimetry , Candida glabrata , Pregnant Women , Fluconazole , Prevalence , Clotrimazole , Itraconazole , Voriconazole , Flucytosine , Candida parapsilosis , Infections , MiconazoleABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El jabón para el aseo cutáneo es de empleo común entre la población, sin embargo, es posible que cause daño a las células de la piel y modifique la barrera cutánea. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto citotóxico de los jabones en queratinocitos cultivados in vitro y correlacionarlo con la irritación clínica. Método: Se realizó una encuesta para conocer los jabones comerciales más utilizados y su cantidad; posteriormente, se evaluó su citotoxicidad en cultivos de queratinocitos humanos mediante el método de resazurina. Los jabones con mayor y menor citotoxicidad se aplicaron en piel de voluntarios sanos para evaluar su efecto en la barrera cutánea mediante ensayos de colorimetría y pérdida transepidérmica de agua. Resultados: De los jabones analizados, 37 % demostró ser tóxico para los queratinocitos in vitro. El jabón con mayor toxicidad indujo el mayor índice de eritema y pérdida transepidérmica de agua, en comparación con el jabón menos tóxico y el vehículo empleado como solución control. Conclusión: Los jabones comercializados para el aseo cutáneo pueden incluir ingredientes químicos que dañan los queratinocitos humanos y causan irritación subclínica de la barrera cutánea. Su utilización puede agravar dermatosis preexistentes, generar dermatitis xerósica o de contacto irritativa y causar atrofia y dermatoporosis.
Abstract Introduction: The use of soap for skin cleansing is common among the population. However, it is possible that it causes damage to skin cells and disrupts the skin barrier. Objective: To determine the cytotoxic effect of soaps on in vitro-cultured keratinocytes and to correlate it with clinical irritation. Method: A survey was conducted to find out the most widely used commercial soaps and their number. Subsequently, their cytotoxicity was evaluated in human keratinocyte cultures using the resazurin assay. The soaps with the highest and lowest cytotoxicity were applied to the skin of healthy volunteers to assess their effect on the skin barrier using colorimetry and transepidermal water loss (TEWL) assays. Results: Of the analyzed soaps, 37 % were shown to be toxic to keratinocytes in vitro. The soap with the highest toxicity induced the highest rate of erythema and TEWL, in comparison with the least toxic soap and the vehicle used as the control solution. Conclusion: Soaps marketed for skin cleansing can contain chemical ingredients that damage human keratinocytes and cause skin barrier subclinical irritation. Their use can worsen preexisting dermatoses, generate xerotic or irritant contact dermatitis, and cause atrophy and dermatoporosis.
Humans , Soaps/adverse effects , Keratinocytes/drug effects , Skin Irritancy Tests , Irritants/adverse effects , Skin/drug effects , Soaps/chemistry , Body Water , Cells, Cultured , Dermatitis, Irritant/etiology , Colorimetry , Erythema/chemically induced , Healthy Volunteers , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
RESUMEN Objetivo: comparar el perfil lipídico en equinos y analizar la correlación entre las cantidades lipídicas del suero de cuatro grupos. Materiales y Métodos: se obtuvieron muestras de sangre de 160 equinos en estado de ayuno, los cuales se diferenciaron por sexo y edad sin discriminar la raza así: machos jóvenes (40) y adultos (40), y hembras jóvenes (40) y adultas (40), las hembras no estaban preñadas; se determinaron los niveles de triglicéridos (TG), colesterol total (CT) y el colesterol de las lipoproteínas de alta densidad (C-HDL) mediante el método enzimático colorimétrico. El colesterol de las lipoproteínas de muy baja densidad (C-VLDL) y de baja densidad (C-LDL) se determinó usando las fórmulas de Friedewald. Los resultados se compararon mediante un análisis estadístico de Anova simple con el programa estadístico IBM SPSS Statistics 23®, donde se aceptaba diferencia estadísticamente significativa cuando p < 0,05. Resultados: las variables de CT, TG, C-HDL, C-LDL y C-VLDL del total de la población de acuerdo a la media y desviación estándar mostraron valores expresados en mg/dl de 100,3 ± 12,89; 45,59 ± 11,95; 62,03 ± 10,88; 27,91 ± 6,48; 9,11 ± 2. Al comparar los 4 grupos se encontró diferencia significativa en el C-HDL en los adultos (p-valor: 0,031), siendo mayor en las hembras adultas. Conclusiones: se presenta una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre género para C-HDL siendo más alto en hembras adultas, mientras que para el resto de los elementos analizados (TG, CT, C-LDL, C-VLDL) no se encontró diferencia significativa entre género y edad.
ABSTRACT Objective: to compare the lipid profile in equines and to analyze the correlation bet-ween serum lipid amounts of four groups. Materials and Methods: Blood samples were obtained from 160 horses in the fasting state, they were differentiated by sex and age without discriminating race as follows: young (40) and adult males (40) and young (40) and adult females (40), the females were not pregnant; the levels of triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) were determined by the enzymatic colorimetric method. Very low density (C-VLDL) and low density (LDL-C) lipoprotein cholesterol was determined using the Friedewald formula. The results were compared using a statistical analysis of SIMPLE ANOVA with the statistical program IBM SPSS Statistics 23®, where a statistically significant difference was accepted when P < 0.05. Results: The variables of CT, TG, C-HDL, C-LDL and C-VLDL of the total population according to mean and standard deviation showed values expressed in mg/dl of100.3 ± 12.89; 45.59 ± 11.95; 62.03 ± 10.88; 27.91 ± 6.48; 9.11 ± 2. When comparing the 4 groups we found a significant difference in HDL-C in adults (p-value: 0.031), being higher in adult females. Conclusions: a statistically significant difference between genotype for HDL-C was found to be higher in adult females, whereas for the rest of the analyzed elements (TG, CT, C-LDL, C-VLDL) no significant difference between gender and age was found.
Animals , Triglycerides , Cholesterol , Colorimetry , Serum , Age and Sex Distribution , Horses , Lipids , Metabolism , Blood , FastingABSTRACT
Abstract Objective This study evaluated the clinical effect of violet LED light on in-office bleaching used alone or combined with 37% carbamide peroxide (CP) or 35% hydrogen peroxide (HP). Methodology A total of 100 patients were divided into five groups (n=20): LED, LED/CP, CP, LED/HP and HP. Colorimetric evaluation was performed using a spectrophotometer (ΔE, ΔL, Δa, Δb) and a visual shade guide (ΔSGU). Calcium (Ca)/phosphorous (P) ratio was quantified in the enamel microbiopsies. Measurements were performed at baseline (T 0 ), after bleaching (T B ) and in the 14-day follow-up (T 14 ). At each bleaching session, a visual scale determined the absolute risk (AR) and intensity of tooth sensitivity (TS). Data were evaluated by one-way (ΔE, Δa, ΔL, Δb), two-way repeated measures ANOVA (Ca/P ratio), and Tukey post-hoc tests. ΔSGU and TS were evaluated by Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney, and AR by Chi-Squared tests (a=5%). Results LED produced the lowest ΔE (p<0.05), but LED/HP promoted greater ΔE, ΔSGU and Δb (T 14 ) than HP (p<0.05). No differences were observed in ΔE and ΔSGU for LED/CP and HP groups (p>0.05). ΔL and Δa were not influenced by LED activation. After bleaching, LED/CP exhibited greater Δb than CP (p>0.05), but no differences were found between these groups at T 14 (p>0.05). LED treatment promoted the lowest risk of TS (16%), while HP promoted the highest (94.4%) (p<0.05). No statistical differences of risk of TS were found for CP (44%), LED/CP (61%) and LED/HP (88%) groups (p>0.05). No differences were found in enamel Ca/P ratio among treatments, regardless of evaluation times. Conclusions Violet LED alone produced the lowest bleaching effect, but enhanced HP bleaching results. Patients treated with LED/CP reached the same efficacy of HP, with reduced risk and intensity of tooth sensitivity and none of the bleaching protocols adversely affected enamel mineral content.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Phototherapy/methods , Tooth Bleaching/methods , Tooth Bleaching Agents/administration & dosage , Carbamide Peroxide/administration & dosage , Hydrogen Peroxide/administration & dosage , Light , Reference Values , Spectrophotometry , Surface Properties/drug effects , Surface Properties/radiation effects , Risk Factors , Analysis of Variance , Treatment Outcome , Colorimetry , Combined Modality Therapy , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Enamel/drug effects , Dental Enamel/radiation effects , Dentin Sensitivity/chemically inducedABSTRACT
Abstract Debonding, staining and wear are usually the reasons for denture teeth replacement by new ones from same or different brands. Objective This study investigates the possible differences in color of denture teeth of the same or different brands under different illuminations, since their metameric behavior in color under specific illumination may become unacceptable. Methodology For the purpose of this study, 10 denture teeth (#11), shade A3, of 4 different brands were selected (Creopal/KlemaDental Pro, Executive/DeguDent, Cosmo HXL/DeguDent, Ivostar/Ivoclar-Vivadent). Teeth stabilized in white silicone mold and the CIELAB color coordinates of their labial surface under 3 different illumination lights (D65, F2, A) were recorded, using a portable colorimeter (FRU/WR-18, Wave Inc). ΔE*ab values of all possible pairs of teeth of the same brand (n=45) or pair combinations of different brands (n=100) under each illumination light, in a dry and wet state were calculated. Data were analyzed statistically using 3-way ANOVA, Friedman's and Wilcoxon's tests at a significance level of α=0.05. Results The results showed that brand type affected significantly L*, a* and b* coordinates (p<0.0001), illumination a* and b* coordinates (p<0.0001), but none of them was affected by the hydration state of teeth (p>0.05). Intra-brand color differences ranged between 0.21-0.78ΔΕ* units with significant differences among brands (p<0.0001), among illumination lights (p<0.0001) and between hydration states (p=0.0001). Inter-brand differences ranged between 2.29-6.29ΔΕ* units with significant differences among pairs of brands (p<0.0001), illumination lights (p<0.0001) and hydration states (p<0.0001). Conclusions Differences were found between and within brands under D65 illumination which increased under F2 or A illumination affected by brand type and hydration status. Executive was the most stable brand than the others under different illuminations or wet states and for this reason its difference from other brands is the lowest. In clinical practice, there should be no blending of teeth of different brands but if we must, we should select those that are more stable under different illuminations
Humans , Lighting , Dentures , Prosthesis Coloring , Reference Values , Surface Properties/radiation effects , Materials Testing , Analysis of Variance , Colorimetry , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
O processo de alisamento capilar é uma prática comum realizada nos salões de beleza. O procedimento exige a utilização de substâncias com capacidade de rompimento das cadeias dissulfídricas da fibra capilar com posterior modelamento para o efeito desejado, sendo o formol um dos compostos mais utilizados para esta finalidade, porém indevidamente. De acordo com a legislação vigente, o formol só pode ser utilizado em produtos cosméticos com a função de conservante em uma concentração máxima de 0,2%. Devido a seu uso incorreto em produtos capilares o presente trabalho teve como objetivo realizar uma análise semi-quantitativa da presença de formol em amostras de alisantes capilares, bem como verificar o pH destes produtos. Foram obtidas 22 amostras de alisantes capilares doadas por salões de beleza da região de Umuarama - PR. A determinação da presença de formol foi realizada através da reação de Shiff e comparação com escala colorimétrica de concentrações padronizadas de formaldeído variando de 0,005% a 10%. A verificação do pH foi realizada através da preparação de soluções aquosas de 10% do alisante e posterior aferição em pHmetro digital. Das amostras analisadas, verificou-se 22,72% encontraram-se em conformidade, apresentando quantidade de formaldeído adequada com a legislação (até 0,2%) ou ausência do composto, enquanto que 77,28% apresentaram valores acima do permitido. Já o pH adequado foi constatado em apenas 13,64% amostras. O uso incorreto ou exagerado do formol pode acarretar danos à saúde, como cefaléia, dispnéia, queimadura, edema pulmonar e até câncer. Uma maior fiscalização deve ser realizada nos estabelecimentos que realizam procedimentos de alisamento capilar, bem como nas indústrias produtoras e ainda em importadoras, para uma melhor garantia do cumprimento da legislação tanto para a preservação da saúde dos profissionais quando dos usuários.
The hair-straightening process is a common practice in most beauty salons. The procedure requires the use of substances capable of disrupting the disulfide chains of the hair fiber with subsequent modeling for the desired effect, with formaldehyde being one of the most commonly but improperly used compounds for this purpose. According to the current legislation, formaldehyde can only be used in cosmetic products as a preservative function in a maximum concentration of 0.2%. Due to its incorrect use in capillary products, this work has the purpose of developing a semi-quantitative analysis of the presence of formaldehyde in samples of hair straighteners, as well as verifying the pH of those products. Twenty-two samples of hair straighteners were donated by beauty salons from the region of Umuarama-PR. The determination of the presence of formaldehyde was performed using the Shiff reaction and compared using the colorimetric scale for standard formaldehyde concentrations varying from 0.005% to 10%. The pH verification was carried out by the preparation of 10% aqueous solutions of the straightener and subsequent measurement in a digital pH meter. From the analyzed samples, 22.72% were found to be in compliance, presenting the amount of formaldehyde within the legislation (up to 0.2%) or absence of the compound, while 77.28% presenting values above the legal limitations. Additionally, adequate pH was verified in only 13.64% of the samples. Incorrect or exaggerated use of formaldehyde can lead to health issues, such as headache, dyspnea, burns, pulmonary edema and even cancer. Greater surveillance should be carried out in establishments that perform hair straightening procedures as well as in the producing and importing industries in order to guarantee better compliance with the legislation both for the preservation of the health of professionals and users alike.
Colorimetry/methods , Formaldehyde/toxicity , Hair/chemistry , Pulmonary Edema , BurnsABSTRACT
The aim of the present study was to determine the main constituents of Scrophularia striata essential oil and to evaluate in vitro effect of essential oil on Leishmania tropica and Leishmania major promastigotes and axenic amastigotes. Chemical constituents of the extracted essential oil were separated by headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) equipped with a PDMS/DVB fiber. The fiber was injected to gas chromatogram- mass spectroscopy (GC-MS) to determine their identity. Finally, after exposure of parasites to different concentrations of water soluble fraction of essential oil, viability of promastigotes and axenic amastigotes were investigated. Based on the HS-SPME results, 47 compounds representing 95.6% of the total oil, were identified in essential oil. Essential oil analysis showed that nonane (19.7%), α-terpineol (17.4%) and linalool (10.2%) were the most abundant compounds. This study indicates that water soluble fraction of S. striata essential oil has promising anti-leishmanial activity.
El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar los principales componentes del aceite esencial de Scrophularia striata y evaluar el efecto in vitro del aceite esencial en promastigotes y amastigotes axénicos de Leishmania tropica y Leishmania major. Los componentes químicos del aceite esencial extraído se separaron mediante microextracción de fase sólida en el espacio superior (HS-SPME) equipado con una fibra PDMS/DVB. Para determinar su identidad la fibra se inyectó en un cromatógrafo de gases acoplado un espectrómetro de masas (GC-MS). Finalmente, después de la exposición de los parásitos a diferentes concentraciones de fracción soluble del aceite esencial en agua, se investigó la viabilidad de los promastigotes y los amastigotes axénicos. En base a los resultados de HS-SPME, se identificaron 47 compuestos que representan el 95.6% del aceite total en el aceite esencial. El análisis de aceites esenciales mostró que el nonano (19.7%), el α-terpineol (17.4%) y el linalol (10.2%) fueron los compuestos más abundantes. Este estudio indica que la fracción soluble en agua del aceite esencial de S. striata tiene una actividad antileishmanial prometedora.
Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Scrophularia/chemistry , Leishmania/drug effects , Terpenes/analysis , Colorimetry , Solid Phase Microextraction , Gas Chromatography-Mass SpectrometryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective This study aims to investigate the association of filamin A with the function and morphology of prostate cancer (PCa) cells, and explore the role of filamin A in the development of PCa, in order to analyze its significance in the evolvement of PCa. Materials and Methods A stably transfected cell line, in which filamin A expression was suppressed by RNA interference, was first established. Then, the effects of the suppression of filamin A gene expression on the biological characteristics of human PCa LNCaP cells were observed through cell morphology, in vitro cell growth curve, soft agar cloning assay, and scratch test. Results A cell line model with a low expression of filamin A was successfully constructed on the basis of LNCaP cells. The morphology of cells transfected with plasmid pSilencer-filamin A was the following: Cells were loosely arranged, had less connection with each other, had fewer tentacles, and presented a fibrous look. The growth rate of LNCap cells was faster than cells transfected with plasmid pSilencer-filamin A (P <0.05). The clones of LNCap cells in the soft agar cloning assay was significantly fewer than that of cells stably transfected with plasmid pSilencer-filamin A (P <0.05). Cells stably transfected with plasmid pSilencer-filamin A presented with a stronger healing and migration ability compared to LNCap cells (healing rate was 32.2% and 12.1%, respectively; P <0.05). Conclusion The expression of the filamin A gene inhibited the malignant development of LNCap cells. Therefore, the filamin A gene may be a tumor suppressor gene.
Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms/pathology , Filamins/analysis , Filamins/physiology , Plasmids , Prostatic Neoplasms/genetics , Tetrazolium Salts , Time Factors , Wound Healing/physiology , Transfection/methods , Cells, Cultured , Blotting, Western , Colorimetry/methods , Cell Line, Tumor , Cell Proliferation , Filamins/genetics , FormazansABSTRACT
Objetivou-se acompanhar as mudanças na cor de carnes durante o armazenamento refrigerado (0 a 3 dias a 7°C) utilizando imagens obtidas por um celular. Os índices de cor (CIELAB) foram registrados por um colorímetro e comparados aos índices obtidos a partir da proporção de cores da paleta oriunda da imagem de um celular (IMG = todas as cores; IMG2 = 2 cores em maior proporção; e IMG3 = 3 cores em maior proporção). O comportamento das mudanças de cor observada durante o armazenamento foi idêntico paras os índices obtidos do colorímetro e das imagens do celular. As imagens obtidas do colorímetro eram menos saturadas (menor C*) e com tonalidade menos avermelhada (maior h) do que as imagens obtidas do celular. O método IMG2 registrou cores visualmente mais próximas das observadas visualmente na superfície das carnes.
Animals , Cattle , Red Meat , Color , Photography/methods , Smartphone , Cooled Foods , ColorimetryABSTRACT
Foram utilizados 40 cordeiros machos distribuídos casualmente em quatro tratamentos e dez repetições. Ao final do experimento os animais foram abatidos, para obtenção das carcaças e análise qualitativa da carne, onde foi utilizado o Longissimus lumborum. As leituras foram realizadas com auxílio de um colorímetro, através de três mensurações em diferentes pontos do músculo, utilizando-se os valores médios de cromaticidades L*, a* e b* para representação da coloração. Os resultados da análise de regressão demonstraram que não houve influência da substituição do milho pela glicerina bruta sobre a colorimetria da carne. Conclui-se que a glicerina bruta pode substituir o milho sem que influencie nas características qualitativas da carne de cordeiros, não alterando os parâmetros físico-químicos de cromaticidade do músculo.
Male , Animals , Red Meat/analysis , Color , Glycerol/administration & dosage , Glycerol/adverse effects , Sheep/physiology , Colorimetry , Food Quality , Animal FeedABSTRACT
O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a capacidade dos colorímetros Nix Color Sensor Pro (NIX) e CM-5 (MINOLTA) para detectar a variação de cor em amostras de carne bovina submetidas a diferentes taxas de congelamento (lento x rápido) e diferentes tempos de maturação (0 e 14 dias). Todos os índices de cor mensurados foram maiores (P<0,05) no colorímetro MINOLTA do que no colorímetro NIX, que registra a cor das amostras cárneas como sendo mais escuras, com menor intensidade e com tonalidade menos vermelha. A variação nos índices de cor medida pelos aparelhos não foi compatível, indicando efeitos diferentes pelos tratamentos avaliados. Conclui-se que o NIX não pode ser considerado comparável ao MINOLTA ao medir a cor da carne bovina.