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Rev. obstet. ginecol. Venezuela ; 84(2): 155-167, jun. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1568535


Objetivo: Realizar una síntesis comparativa sobre las guías de control prenatal en países hispanohablantes de Latinoamérica. Métodos: Se seleccionaron las guías de atención prenatal más actualizadas de cada país latinoamericano y se expusieron sus criterios en un cuadro comparativo. Resultados: Se evidenció que la mayoría de las guías de control prenatal comparten criterios guiados por las recomendaciones dadas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS). Sin embargo, existen diferencias que dependen del riesgo epidemiológico o de exposición que se presente en cada país. Conclusión: A través de esta investigación, se ha reafirmado que el control prenatal desempeña un papel crucial en la promoción de la salud materno-fetal, permitiendo detectar y abordar de manera temprana factores de riesgo, así como proporcionar la atención y seguimiento adecuados durante el embarazo(AU)

Objective: To perform a comparative synthesis of prenatal care guidelines in Spanish-speaking countries of Latin America. Methods: The most up-to-date prenatal care guidelines from each Latin American country were selected, and their criteria were presented in a comparative table. Results: It was evident that the majority of prenatal care guidelines share criteria guided by recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO). However, there are differences that depend on the epidemiological risk or exposure present in each country. Conclusion: Through this research, it has been reaffirmed that prenatal care plays a crucial role in promoting maternalfetal health by allowing the early detection and management of risk factors, as well as providing adequate care and monitoring during pregnancy(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Prenatal Care , Comparative Study , Health Personnel , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Health Promotion , Pregnancy Complications , World Health Organization , Infant Mortality , Maternal Mortality , Latin America
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e243309, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1537094


The maintenance of adequate fluoride (F) concentration in the public water supply is fundamental for ensuring that the community use of F can reach the maximum benefit for caries control and minimum risk for dental fluorosis. Thus, surveillance systems must use accurate and valid analytical methods to determine F concentration and, according to the literature, give preference to the ion-specific electrode (F- ISE) analysis. Aim: The objective of this study was to compare the accuracy of the ISE and SPADNS methods in the determination of the F concentration in the same water sample. Methods: Duplicate water samples were taken from 30 sampling sites in the municipality of Maringá, state of Paraná, monthly for 12 months, totaling 276 samples. An aliquot was analyzed by the FOP-UNICAMP Oral Biochemistry laboratory, using the F- ISE method, and the other one, by the SANEPAR laboratory in Maringá/PR, using the SPADNS method. Descriptive analysis and Pearson's correlation test were applied, with a significant level of p<0.05. Results: Results were expressed as ppm F (mg F/L), and a very strong positive correlation (r= 0.91; p<0.001) was detected between the two methods of analysis. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that the determination of f luoride concentration in water can be made with accuracy by the SPADNS method, a standardized analysis protocol

Water Supply , Comparative Study , Fluoridation , Fluorine , Data Accuracy
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 95(1): e205, 2024. ilus, graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1556987


Introducción: la gastrosquisis congénita (GC) es una patología con creciente demanda asistencial. Atentos a esto, en el Centro Hospitalario Pereira Rossell (CHPR) se implementó un protocolo de cuidados llevado adelante por un equipo multidisciplinario. En este trabajo nos proponemos evaluar el impacto en la sobrevida y morbilidad a partir de su aplicación. Material y método: estudio comparativo tipo antes y después de pacientes portadores de GC (n = 47), 29 de una cohorte histórica (GH) y 18 de una cohorte posaplicación de protocolo (GP). Con edad gestacional ≥ 36 semanas y peso al nacer ≥ 2500 g, asistidos en el CHPR entre los años 2016 y 2021. Resultados: no se observaron diferencias perinatales entre ambos grupos, ni en la incidencia de GQ complicadas. En el GP se observó mayor incidencia de cierre abdominal precoz (p < 0,01), menor necesidad de realización de silo quirúrgico (p < 0,01), menor tiempo de administración de ventilación mecánica (p = 0,03), de uso total de opioides (p < 0,01), de administración de nutrición parenteral (p = 0,03), e inicio más temprano de la alimentación enteral (p = 0,03). Sin diferencias en la sobrevida al egreso hospitalario. Conclusiones: la aplicación de un protocolo estandarizado se asoció a una reducción significativa en el tiempo de cierre abdominal, de ventilación mecánica, nutrición parenteral y de opioides, con inicio más precoz de la nutrición enteral.

Introduction: congenital gastroschisis is an increasingly demanded pathology, therefore a care protocol was implemented at the Pereira Rossell Pediatric Hospital (CHPR), and it has been carried out by a multidisciplinary team. In this paper, we aim at assessing the morbidity and mortality impact of survival and morbidity of this application. Materials and Methods: comparative before and after study of a historical cohort (GH, n=29) versus a post-protocol application cohort (GP, n=18), in patients with a gestational age ≥36 weeks and birth weight ≥2500 grams assisted in CHPR between 2016-2021. Results: no perinatal differences were observed between both groups or in the incidence of complicated GQ. In the GP, a higher incidence of early abdominal closure was decreased (GH 3.4% vs GP 67%, p<0.01), less need to perform a surgical silo (GH 100% vs GP 33%, p<0.01 ), shorter mechanical ventilation administration time (GH 2 days vs GP 0.5 days, p=0.03), total use of opioids (GH 3.5 days vs GP 7 days, p<0.01) , of administration of parenteral nutrition (GH 24.5 days vs GP 20 days, p=0.03), and earlier start of enteral feeding (GH 11 days vs GP 7 days, p=0.03). No differences in survival after hospital discharge (93% vs 89%, p=0.63). Conclusions: the application of a standardized protocol was linked to a significant reduction in the time of abdominal closure, mechanical ventilation, parenteral nutrition, and opioids, with earlier initiation of enteral nutrition.

Introdução: a gastrosquise congênita (GC) é uma patologia com demanda crescente de atendimento e, porém, foi implementado um protocolo de atendimento por equipe multidisciplinar no Centro Hospitalar Pediátrico Pereira Rossell (CHPR). Neste trabalho propomos avaliar o impacto na mortalidade e morbidade depois de sua aplicação. Material e Métodos: estudo comparativo antes e depois de pacientes com CG (n=47), sendo 29 de uma coorte histórica (GH) e 18 de uma coorte pós-aplicação de protocolo (GP). Idade gestacional ≥ 36 semanas e peso ao nascer ≥ 2.500 gramas atendidos no CHPR entre os anos de 2016-2021. Resultados: não foram observadas diferenças perinatais entre os dois grupos ou na incidência de QG complicada. No GP observou-se maior incidência de fechamento abdominal precoce (p<0,01), menor necessidade de silos cirúrgicos (p<0,01), menor tempo de administração de ventilação mecânica (p=0,03) e uso total de opioides. (p<0,01), administração de nutrição parenteral (p=0,03) e início mais precoce da alimentação enteral (p=0,03). Não houve diferenças na sobrevivência até a alta hospitalar. Conclusões: a aplicação de protocolo padronizado foi associada à redução significativa do tempo de fechamento abdominal, ventilação mecânica, nutrição parenteral e opioides, com início mais precoce da nutrição enteral.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Patient Care Management/standards , Gastroschisis/therapy , Comparative Study , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
Ibom Medical Journal ; 17(2): 204-208, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1554871


Background: Prostate cancer (CaP) is the most common non-cutaneous cancer among males and the fourth most common cause of cancer in males globally. Unfortunately, Sub-Saharan Africa lacks the relevant resources and organized screening program that has led to the late presentations in the region. Digital rectal examination (DRE) is a test commonly used to screen for prostate carcinoma and is by far the oldest and cheapest modality available for screening. Objective: We hypothesized that digital rectal examination has a correlation to the diagnosis of prostate cancer. This study was meant to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of DRE in the diagnosis of prostate cancer and compare the outcome to published data. Methodology:This is a prospective study conducted at the Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital involving 87 symptomatic patients who were screened for prostate cancer (2014). Patient with DRE suspicious of malignancy i.e. (nodular, hard, asymmetrical prostate) or PSA>4ng/ml despite the prostate consistency were included in the study. The digital rectal exams were performed in a lateral decubital position to assess the prostate consistency and underwent transrectal ultrasound guided sextant biopsy for histological diagnosis. Results: There was a total of 87 participants that underwent DRE in the study with age range from 50 ­ 96 years. Univariate analysis showed a mean age of 68.1 years with standard deviation of (SD +9.4). The detection rate of prostate cancer was 28.7%. Bivariate analysis of DRE to diagnosis of prostate cancer showed a sensitivity of 68.0% and specificity of 83.9%. The positive predictive value and the negative predictive value were 63.0% and 86.7% respectively. The study showed some evidence of a relationship between DRE and the diagnosis of prostate cancer with a (Pearson Chi Square Test=23.4, df=1,) with a statistical significance (p=<0.001).Conclusion: PSA and Digital rectal exam combined have a higher sensitivity in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. However, DRE alone has a lower sensitivity but a much higher specificity in the diagnosis of CaP. DRE still has a role in the diagnosis of CaP because it is minimally invasive, cheaper and can detect some prostate cancers that are missed by PSA screening.

Comparative Study
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 37-39, abr. 2023. tab, graf, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440273


El objetivo de esta investigación fue estudiar la variación de la Posición Natural de Cabeza (PNC) entre personas con dentición mixta segunda fase y dentición permanente, mediante fotogrametría facial. Para esto se realizó un estudio comparativo observacional analítico. La muestra estuvo conformada por 80 voluntarios divididos en dos grupos de 40 participantes cada uno. Se utilizó fotografías faciales de perfil estandarizadas en PNC. Mediante el software Photoshop® se trazó el plano Intertrágico-Exocanto (t-ex) y se midió el ángulo formado respecto a la horizontal verdadera para determinar la inclinación de la PNC. El valor de este ángulo se obtuvo mediante el software UTHSCSA ImageTool 3.0®. Los datos fueron tabulados en una planilla Excel (Microsoft® Excel® 2016) y analizados estadísticamente en el programa Stata 14 S/E®. Se observaron diferencias estadísticas en la inclinación de la PNC entre los grupos, con valores promedio 26.17° y 33.44° para dentición mixta segunda fase y permanente respectivamente, con una diferencia promedio de 7.27°. Se concluyó que la PNC de personas con dentición permanente presenta una rotación antihoraria respecto a personas con dentición mixta segunda fase.

This research aimed at studying the variation of the Natural Head Position (NHP) between people with second transitional mixed dentition and permanent dentition, using facial photogrammetry. For this, an analytical observational comparative study was performed. The sample consisted of 80 volunteers divided into two groups of 40 participants each. Using standardized profile facial photographs in NHP and Photoshop® software, the intertragic-exocanthion plane (t- ex) was traced. The angle formed to the true horizontal was measured to determine the inclination of the NHP using the UTHSCSA ImageTool 3.0® software. The data were tabulated in an Excel Spreadsheet (Microsoft® Excel® 2016) and analyzed with Stata 14 S/E® software. Statistical differences in the inclination of the NHP between groups were observed, with average values ​​of 26.17° for second transitional mixed dentition and 33.44° for permanent dentition, with an average difference of 7.27°. It was concluded that the NHP of people with permanent dentition shows an anti-clockwise rotation in relation to people with second transitional mixed dentition.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Software , Photogrammetry , Head-Down Tilt , Dentition , Comparative Study
Aquichan ; 23(2): e2327, 10 abr. 2023.
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1436502


Objective: To analyze the socio-demographic profile and caregiving situation of dependent older adults and their family caregivers in Brazil and Colombia. Method: This mixed comparative and exploratory study follows the comparative study stages proposed by Bereday, namely: Description, interpretation, juxtaposition, and comparison. A semi-structured interview was used. National and international ethical principles were followed in the study, with the ethics committee's approval in each country. Results: A total of 250 participants were interviewed: 52 dependent older adults in Brazil and 56 in Colombia, along with 70 family caregivers in Brazil and 72 in Colombia. A total of 68.5 % of the elderly and 83.8 % of the caregivers were women. Twelve categories were created based on the participants' statements, six in the dependent older people and six in the caregivers. Conclusion: Women and daughters were the primary family caregivers, and the Catholic religion was prevalent in both countries. Regarding the caregiving situation in both countries, it stands out that dependent older people and family caregivers feel the presence of a superior being assisting them in overcoming the challenges of caregiving activities.

Objetivo: analizar el perfil sociodemográfico y la situación de cuidado de los adultos mayores dependientes y sus cuidadores familiares en Brasil y Colombia. Método: investigación comparativa mixta y de tipo exploratorio, la cual sigue las fases de estudios comparativos propuestos por Bereday: descripción, interpretación, yuxtaposición y comparación. Se utilizó una entrevista semiestructurada. Se tuvieron en cuenta los principios éticos nacionales e internacionales dentro del estudio, con la aprobación de cada comité de ética en cada país. Resultados: fueron entrevistados 250 participantes: 52 adultos mayores dependientes en Brasil y 56 en Colombia, y 70 cuidadores familiares en Brasil y 72 en Colombia. El 68,5 % de los adultos mayores y el 83,8 % de los cuidadores eran mujeres. Se construyeron doce categorías a partir del discurso de los participantes, seis en los adultos mayores dependientes y seis en los cuidadores. Conclusión: hubo predominio de las mujeres e hijas como la mayoría de las cuidadoras familiares, así como la religión católica como la más prevalente en ambos países. Respecto a la situación de cuidado, en ambos países destaca que los adultos mayores dependientes y los cuidadores familiares sienten la presencia de un ser superior ayudándolos a superar los desafíos en las actividades de cuidado.

Objetivo: analisar o perfil sociodemográfico e a situação de cuidado dos idosos dependentes e seus cuidadores familiares no Brasil e na Colômbia. Materiais e método: pesquisa comparativa mista e de tipo exploratório, a qual segue as fases de estudos comparativos propostos por Bereday: descrição, interpretação, justaposição e comparação. Foi utilizada entrevista semiestrutura. Foram considerados os princípios éticos nacionais e internacionais para o estudo, com a aprovação de cada comitê de ética dos referidos países. Resultados: foram entrevistados 250 participantes, dos quais 52 idosos dependentes no Brasil e 56 na Colômbia, e 70 cuidadores familiares no Brasil e 72 na Colômbia. 68,5 % dos idosos e 83,8 % dos cuidadores eram mulheres. Foram construídas 12 categorias a partir do discurso dos participantes, seis nos idosos dependentes e seis nos cuidadores. Conclusões: houve predomínio das mulheres e filhas como cuidadoras familiares, bem como a religião católica como a mais prevalente em ambos os países. A respeito da situação de cuidado, nos dois países, destaca-se que os idosos dependentes e os cuidadores familiares sentem a presença de um ser superior que os ajuda a superar os desafios das atividades de cuidado.

Aged , Aging , Comparative Study , Caregivers , Geriatric Nursing
Educ. med. super ; 37(1)mar. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1514073


Introducción: Se ha reconocido la importancia de los aspectos socioculturales de los individuos en la atención en salud para brindar cuidados centrados en las personas. En este sentido, los profesionales de salud requieren el desarrollo de competencia interculturales. Objetivo: Diseñar una estrategia didáctica a través de un recurso audiovisual para contribuir a la formación de competencia intercultural en salud en estudiantes de enfermería en la asignatura Fundamentos Socioantropológicos. Métodos: Se tuvo en cuenta un diseño no experimental, descriptivo y comparativo. Se elaboró una intervención educativa sobre la base de videos, acompañada de trabajo reflexivo y feedback de profesores, con medición pre- y posintervención, mediante la Escala de Capacidad Cultural. Resultados: Se obtuvo un total de 77 respuestas válidas; 91,2 por ciento del género femenino. El 56,1 por ciento no presentaba formación previa en diversidad cultural. Al realizar la evaluación de la competencia intercultural pre- y posintervención, los estudiantes tuvieron un mayor puntaje posintervención (p< 0,05), lo que implicó un aumento en la competencia intercultural de estos. Conclusiones: Es posible contribuir a la formación de competencia intercultural en estudiantes de enfermería mediante videos (AU)

Introduction: The importance of sociocultural aspects of individuals in healthcare has been recognized with respect to providing person-centered care. In this sense, health professionals require the development of intercultural competences. Objective: To design a didactic strategy through an audiovisual resource to contribute to the development of intercultural competences in healthcare in Nursing students in the subject Socioanthropological Foundations. Methods: A nonexperimental, descriptive and comparative design was used. An educational intervention was elaborated upon the basis of videos, accompanied by reflective work and feedback from professors, with pre- and postintervention measurement using the Cultural Capacity Scale. Results: Seventy-seven valid responses were obtained; 91.2 percent belonged to the female gender. 56.1 percent had no previous training in cultural diversity. When performing the pre- and postintervention intercultural competence assessment, the students had a higher postintervention score (p< 0.05), which meant an increase in their intercultural competence. Conclusions: It is possible to contribute to the formation of intercultural competence in Nursing students through videos (AU)

Humans , Comparative Study , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Health Personnel/education , Anthropology, Cultural/education
Conexões (Campinas, Online) ; 21: e023012, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561174


Objetivo: O objetivo do estudo foi analisar as ementas das disciplinas de voleibol ou equivalentes dos cursos de graduação em Educação Física, Esporte ou Ciências do Esporte das Universidades Públicas do estado de São Paulo. Método: Para isso foi realizada uma pesquisa qualitativa documental sobre às ementas das disciplinas de voleibol dos cursos de graduação de quatro Universidades localizadas no estado de São Paulo, divididas em oito unidades e que oferecem 10 disciplinas sobre a modalidade. Tal levantamento foi realizado no primeiro semestre do ano de 2022. Foram analisados os objetivos (gerais e específicos) e conteúdo programático das disciplinas por meio do software IRAMUTEQ para análises textuais e apresentadas por meio de duas ferramentas disponibilizadas: a) nuvem de palavras; e b) análise de similitude. Resultados e discussões: Percebe-se que, ainda, uma tendência de desenvolvimento das habilidades motoras necessárias para se jogar, em que o foco está no ensino dos fundamentos, e nos sistemas táticos, ou de jogo, utilizados em equipes. Em contrapartida, é possível indicar alguns processos de mudanças, visto que se consideram aspectos históricos, culturais, sociais e pedagógicos. Considerações finais: Entende-se que são necessários avanços nessa análise, contudo, indica-se que esse estudo se apresenta como uma possibilidade para compreender como os planos de ensino foram estruturados e, a partir das discussões aqui realizadas, possa ser considerada a inserção de elementos pedagógicos.

Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the degree program of volleyball-related sports discipline in Physical Education, Sport, and Sport Science undergraduate courses of São Paulo state. Method: To reach this, a qualitative and documental research has developed, about the degree program of volleyball of the undergraduate courses of four Universities located in São Paulo state, divided in eight unities, and offer ten disciplines about this sport. The data collecting was realized in first semester of 2022. Was analyzed the general and specific objectives and the program content through IRAMUTEQ software, used to text analysis and presenting by two tools: a) word clouds; and b) similarity analysis. Result and discussion: It is possible to indicate that has a bias to the development of motor skills needed to play, which the focus was on teaching motor gestures and tactical system used by teams. However, some changes are able to be identified, seeing the historical, cultural, social and pedagogical aspects mentioned. Final considerations: It is understood that advances are needed in this analysis, however, it is indicated that this study presents itself as a possibility to understand how the teaching plans were structured and, based on the discussions held here, the insertion of pedagogical elements can be considered.

Objetivo: El objetivo del estúdio fue analizar los planes de estudio de las disciplinas de voleibol o equivalentes de los cursos de licenciatura em Educación Física, Deporte o Ciencias del Deporte de las Universidades Públicas del Estado de São Paulo. Método: Para eso, fue realizada una encuesta cualitativa documental sobre los planes de estudio de las disciplinas de voleibol de los cursos de licenciatura de cuatro Universidades ubicadase nel estado de São Paulo, divididas em ocho unidades y que ofrecen 10 disciplinas sobre la modalidad. Esta evaluación fue realizada e nel primer semestre del año 2022. Se analizaron los objetivos (generales y específicos) y el contenido programático de las disciplinas por médio del software IRAMUTEQ para el análisis textual y presentado por medio de dos herramientas disponibles: a) nube de palabras; y b) análisis de similitud. Resultados y discusiones: Se há percibido que, aún, existe una tendencia al desarrollo de las habilidades motoras necesarias para jugar, donde el foco está em lo enseño de los fundamentos, y em los sistemas tácticos, o de juego, utilizados em los equipos. Como contrapartida, es posible indicar algunos procesos de cambio, visto quese ha considerado los aspectos históricos, culturales, sociales y pedagógicos. Consideraciones finales: Se entiende que son necesarios avances em esta análisis, sin embargo, se indica que este estúdios e presenta como una posibilidad para entender como se há estructura do La planificación de los cursos de licenciatura y, a partir de lãs discusiones Del estudio, se puede considerar la inserción de elementos pedagógicos.

Humans , Comparative Study
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 422023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508223


Introduction: COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on people's behavior. Aim: To evaluate the impact of the COVID-19 on the epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures surgically treated in a Cuban university hospital. Methods: This research involved a 4-year descriptive, comparative, retrospective and cross-sectional study. Patients surgically treated between March 1 and December 31, 2020 (COVID-19 period) were compared with those who had undergone surgery between the same date in the years 2017-2019 (non-pandemic period). Age, sex, residence, year, month, alcohol consumption at the time of trauma, etiology, fractures types, and number of fractures per patient were recorded. Results: A decline in patients with maxillofacial fractures in 2020 (n=25) was observed when compared to equivalent periods in the three previous years (2017: n=37; 2018: n=31; 2019: n=41), respectively, with an annual average reduction of 31.19 percent. Interpersonal violence was found to be the paramount etiological factor for maxillofacial fractures during the comparison periods (2017-2019); however, road traffic accident prevailed in the 2020 (n=12; 48 percent). There was a small increase in the number of alcohol-related fractures (56 percent in 2020 vs 46.34 percent, 41.94 percent, and 51.35 percent in 2019, 2018, and 2017, respectively). Conclusion: COVID-19 impacted on the epidemiology maxillofacial fractures surgically treated in this Cuban university hospital (AU)

Introducción: La pandemia de la COVID-19 ha tenido un impacto significativo en el comportamiento de la población. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de la COVID-19 en la epidemiología de las fracturas maxilofaciales tratadas quirúrgicamente en un hospital universitario cubano. Métodos: Esta investigación consistió en un estudio descriptivo, comparativo, retrospectivo y transversal de 4 años de duración. Se compararon los pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente entre el 1 de marzo y el 31 de diciembre de 2020 (periodo COVID-19) con los intervenidos entre la misma fecha en los años 2017-2019 (periodo no pandémico). Se registraron edad, sexo, residencia, año, mes, consumo de alcohol en el momento del traumatismo, etiología, tipos de fracturas y número de fracturas por paciente. Resultados: Se observó un descenso de pacientes con fracturas maxilofaciales en 2020 (n=25) en comparación con periodos equivalentes de los tres años anteriores (2017: n=37; 2018: n=31; 2019: n=41), respectivamente, con una reducción media anual del 31,19 poe ciento. Se observó que la violencia interpersonal fue el factor etiológico primordial de las fracturas maxilofaciales durante los periodos de comparación (2017-2019); sin embargo, el accidente de tráfico prevaleció en el 2020 (n=12; 48 por ciento). Hubo un pequeño aumento en el número de fracturas relacionadas con el alcohol (56 por ciento en 2020 frente a 46,34 por ciento, 41,94 por ciento y 51,35 por ciento en 2019, 2018 y 2017, respectivamente). Conclusiones: La COVID-19 impactó en la epidemiología de fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas quirúrgicamente en este hospital universitario cubano (AU)

Humans , Facial Bones/surgery , Maxillary Fractures/surgery , Maxillary Fractures/epidemiology , Violence , Comparative Study , Accidents, Traffic , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Impacts of Polution on Health , COVID-19/epidemiology
Rev. cuba. invest. bioméd ; 422023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508218


Introducción: El entrenamiento deportivo es un proceso que requiere una planificación orientada a la adaptación del cuerpo a las cargas internas versus cargas externas; de allí, surge la necesidad de conocer el comportamiento de algunas enzimas musculoesqueléticas a través del control bioquímico y fisiológico del entrenamiento en el atletismo de medio fondo. Objetivo: Analizar los cambios enzimáticos de la creatinfosfoquinasa y la lactodeshidrogenasa durante el entrenamiento anaeróbico láctico y su influencia en la capacidad aeróbica en atletas de medio fondo. Método: Se utilizó el método descriptivo comparativo con una muestra de 20 sujetos aleatorizados en dos grupos: experimental y control; el análisis se realizó bajo el modelo estadístico Anova descriptiva, pruebas T y diseño de medidas repetidas con un intervalo del 95 por ciento de confianza (p<0,05). Resultados: En las variables creatinfosfoquinasa y lactodeshidrogenasa inicial y final no hubo variaciones significativas intergrupos; se observaron diferencias en la creatinfosfoquinasa en varianza (p=0,022) del orden del 97,8 por ciento; que en promedio (p=0,088) representó los niveles alcanzados del 91,2 por ciento. En las medidas repetidas no se presentaron cambios estadísticamente significativos intergrupos. Para la variable del VO2máx se aplicó la prueba T para comparar los estados inicial y final en cada grupo y hubo diferencias en ambos grupos (control p=0,002; experimental p=0,000). Conclusiones: No hubo cambios enzimáticos importantes durante los entrenamientos anaeróbico láctico y aeróbico, a su vez, el entrenamiento anaeróbico láctico si tuvo influencia en la capacidad aeróbica(AU)

Introduction: Sports training is a process that requires a planning oriented to the adaptation of the body to internal loads versus external loads; from there, arises the need to know the behavior of some musculoskeletal enzymes through the biochemical and physiological control of training in middle-distance athletics. Objective: To analyze the enzymatic changes of creatine phosphokinase and lactodehydrogenase during lactic anaerobic training and their influence on aerobic capacity in middle-distance athletes. Methods: The descriptive comparative method was used with a sample of 20 subjects randomized in two groups: experimental and control; the analysis was performed under the descriptive Anova statistical model, T-tests and repeated measures design with a 95 percent confidence interval (p<0.05). Results: In the initial and final creatine phosphokinase and lactodehydrogenase variables, there were no significant intergroup variations; differences were observed in creatine phosphokinase regarding variance or standard deviation (p=0.022) in the order of 97.8 percent; which in average (p=0.088) represented the levels reached of 91.2 percent. In the repeated measures, there were no statistically significant intergroup changes. For the VO2max variable, the T-test was applied to compare the initial and final states in each group and there were differences in both groups (control p=0.002; experimental p=0.000). Conclusions: There were no important enzymatic changes during lactic anaerobic and aerobic training, and lactic anaerobic training had an influence on aerobic capacity(AU)

Humans , Exercise , Endurance Training/methods , Oxygen Consumption , Track and Field/education , Comparative Study , Epidemiology, Descriptive