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Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e257815, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558741


Este artigo analisa os desafios e estratégias de atuação de psicólogas(os) nos Centros de Referência Especializados de Assistência Social (CREAS) do norte de Minas Gerais durante a pandemia de covid-19. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, quanti-qualitativo, de corte transversal e com análise de conteúdo e estatística para a interpretação de dados primários e meio de questionário eletrônico, emergiram os seguintes eixos temáticos: (a) Perfil sociodemográfico das(os) trabalhadoras(es); (b) Medidas de prevenção à contaminação para quem? Impactos da pandemia na práxis da psicologia no CREAS; (c) Chegada das demandas no CREAS; e (d) Tenuidade entre as potencialidades e vicissitudes do uso das tecnologias digitais. Observou-se que a inserção das(os) trabalhadoras(es) nos CREAS é marcada por contratos temporários, altas jornadas de trabalho e baixa remuneração. Além disso, com a pandemia de covid-19, têm enfrentado obstáculos como a falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e de prevenção ao vírus. A chegada de demandas aos CREAS também foi afetada pela pandemia, como apontam as análises estatísticas dos registros mensais de atendimento dos municípios. As tecnologias digitais se configuraram como a principal estratégia adotada no ambiente de trabalho dos CREAS. Conclui-se que, se por um lado, a pandemia engendrou e acentuou obstáculos para a práxis da psicologia; por outro, a imprevisibilidade desse cenário e a potência da psicologia norte-mineira possibilitaram diversas estratégias para assistir os usuários.(AU)

This article analyses the challenges and strategies over the psychologists activity at the Specialized Reference Centers for Social Assistance (CREAS), from the north of the state of Minas Gerais during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a descriptive, quantitative-qualitative study on content and statistics analysis for interpretation of primary and secondary data, with 19 psychologists participating. From interviews made with electronic questionnaires, the following theatrical axes emerged: (a) Social demographic profile of workers; (b) Prevention measures over contamination directed to which public? The impacts of the pandemic over the practice of psychology at CREAS; (c) Demand reception at CREAS; and (d) Tenuity between potentialities and vicissitudes of the use of digital technologies. The workers insertion at CREAS is notably marked by transitory working contracts, long labor journeys, and low wages. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic is causing hindrances such as the lack of personal protection equipment (PPE) and virus prevention. The demands received by CREAS were also affected by the pandemic, as shown in the statistics analysis from monthly county treatment records. The digital technologies were the main strategy enforced by the working environment at CREAS. In conclusion, if on the one hand, the pandemic produced and increased obstacles for the practice of Psychology, on the other hand, the unpredictability of this scenery and the capacity of the psychology of the north of Minas Gerais enabled diverse strategies to attend the users.(AU)

Este artículo analiza los desafíos y las estrategias en la actuación de psicólogas(os) en los Centros de Referencia Especializados de Asistencia Social (CREAS) del norte de Minas Gerais (Brasil) durante la pandemia de la COVID-19. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, cualicuantitativo, de cohorte transversal, con análisis de contenido y estadísticas para la interpretación de datos primarios y secundarios, en el cual participaron 19 psicólogas(os). De las entrevistas en un cuestionario electrónico surgieron los siguientes ejes temáticos: (a) perfil sociodemográfico de los(as) trabajadores(as); (b) medidas de prevención de la contaminación ¿para quién? Impactos de la pandemia en la praxis de la psicología en CREAS; (c) la llegada de demandas a CREAS y; (d) la tenuidad entre las potencialidades y vicisitudes del uso de tecnologías digitales. Se observó que la inserción de las(os) trabajadoras(es) en el CREAS está marcada por contratos laborales temporales, largas jornadas y baja remuneración. Además, con la pandemia de la COVID-19, se han enfrentado a obstáculos como la falta de equipo de protección personal (EPP) y prevención del virus. La llegada de demandas al CREAS también se vio afectada por la pandemia, como lo demuestran los análisis estadísticos de los registros mensuales de atención de los municipios. Las tecnologías digitales se han convertido en la principal estrategia adoptada en el entorno laboral de los CREAS. Se concluye que si, por un lado, la pandemia engendró y acentuó obstáculos a la praxis de la Psicología, por otro, la imprevisibilidad de este escenario y el poder de la Psicología en el norte de Minas Gerais posibilitaron varias estrategias para asistir a los usuarios.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Psychology, Social , Public Policy , Social Support , COVID-19 , Anxiety , Patient Advocacy , Patient Care Team , Patient Escort Service , Personal Satisfaction , Population , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Health Care , Rehabilitation , Safety , Sex Offenses , Social Class , Social Control, Formal , Social Environment , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Social Welfare , Socioeconomic Factors , Stress, Psychological , Unemployment , Violence , Population Characteristics , Child Labor , Health Policy, Planning and Management , Unified Health System , Child Abuse, Sexual , Occupational Risks , Activities of Daily Living , Accidents, Occupational , Family , Child Advocacy , Residence Characteristics , Triage , Occupational Exposure , Workplace , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Communication Barriers , Community Health Services , Comprehensive Health Care , Disease Transmission, Infectious , Conflict, Psychological , Cultural Diversity , Life , Health Risk , Personal Autonomy , Whistleblowing , Harm Reduction , Human Rights Abuses , Depression , Economics , Employment , Equipment and Supplies, Hospital , Violence Against Women , Job Market , User Embracement , Measures of Association, Exposure, Risk or Outcome , Ethics , Professional Training , Health Care Facilities, Manpower, and Services , Family Conflict , Social Networking , Compassion Fatigue , Physical Abuse , Digital Divide , Psychosocial Support Systems , Occupational Stress , Access to Essential Medicines and Health Technologies , Respect , Solidarity , Universalization of Health , Social Integration , Right to Health , Universal Health Care , Empowerment , Mediation Analysis , Social Inclusion , Emotional Abuse , Financial Stress , Neighborhood Characteristics , Sociodemographic Factors , Intersectional Framework , Social Vulnerability , Citizenship , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Socio-Educational Measure , Job Security , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Accident Prevention , Health Planning , Health Policy , Health Services Accessibility , Housing , Human Rights , Interpersonal Relations , Leisure Activities , Life Change Events , Masks , Mental Health Services
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e258953, 2024. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558742


O modelo de demandas e recursos foi utilizado para identificar o poder preditivo do estilo pessoal do terapeuta e do trabalho emocional (demandas), e da inteligência emocional e autoeficácia profissional (recursos) sobre as dimensões da síndrome de Burnout (SB), em uma amostra de 240 psicólogos clínicos brasileiros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de plataforma online, tendo como instrumentos de pesquisa um Questionário de dados sociodemográficos e laborais, o Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, o Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeut, o Questionário de Avaliação Relacionado a Demandas Emocionais e Dissonância da Regra da Emoção, Medida de Inteligência Emocional, e Escala de Autoeficácia Geral Percebida. Os resultados obtidos revelaram um modelo preditor das dimensões da SB, constituído pelas variáveis dissonância emocional, automotivação, demandas emocionais, instrução, envolvimento e autoeficácia. Ressalta-se a relevância de estratégias voltadas para a prevenção da SB nessa categoria profissional, bem como a necessidade de ações que visem a promoção e o desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional e da autoeficácia como fortalecimento dos recursos emocionais para atuação na prática clínica.(AU)

The Model of Demands - Resources was used to identify the predictive power of therapist's personal style, emotional work (Demands), Emotional intelligence, and professional self-efficacy (Resources) over the Burnout syndrome dimensions in a sample of 240 Brazilian clinical psychologists. The data was collected by an on-line platform using a Labor and social demographic data questionnaire, a work Burnout Syndrome Evaluation questionnaire (CESQT - Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo), the short version of the Therapist Personal Style Questionnaire (EPT-C Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeuta), an Evaluation questionnaire related to emotional demands and emotion rule dissonance, and the Emotional Intelligence Measure (EIM) and Perceived General Self-Efficacy Scale (GPSS) as research instruments. Results showed a predictor model of Burnout syndrome constituted by the variables Emotional dissonance, Self-motivation, Emotional demands, Instruction, Involvement, and Self-efficacy. We emphasize the relevance of strategies to prevent Burnout Syndrome in this professional category and the need for actions to promote and develop emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as a strengthening factor of the emotional resources to work as a clinical psychologist.(AU)

Se utilizó el modelo demandas y recursos para identificar el poder predictivo del estilo personal del terapeuta y del trabajo emocional (demandas), y de la inteligencia emocional y autoeficacia profesional (recursos) sobre las dimensiones del síndrome de Burnout (SB), en una muestra de 240 psicólogos clínicos brasileños. Los datos se recolectaron de una plataforma en línea, utilizando como instrumentos de investigación un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y laborales, el Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, el Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeuta, el Cuestionario de Evaluación Relacionado con Demandas Emocionales y Disonancia de la Regla de la Emoción, la Medida de Inteligencia Emocional y Escala de Autoeficacia General Percibida. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron un modelo predictor de las dimensiones de SB, constituido por las variables disonancia emocional, automotivación, exigencias emocionales, instrucción, implicación y autoeficacia. Se destaca la relevancia de las estrategias dirigidas a la prevención del SB en esta categoría profesional, así como la necesidad de acciones dirigidas a promover y desarrollar la inteligencia emocional y la autoeficacia como fortalecimiento de los recursos emocionales para trabajar en la práctica clínica.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Societies , Burnout, Professional , Self Efficacy , Emotional Intelligence , Burnout, Psychological , Psychotherapists , Organizational Innovation , Anxiety , Pathologic Processes , Patient Participation , Permissiveness , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personnel Turnover , Poverty , Professional Practice , Psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Quality of Life , Aspirations, Psychological , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Signs and Symptoms , Achievement , Social Behavior , Social Class , Psychological Distance , Social Justice , Social Mobility , Stress, Psychological , Task Performance and Analysis , Unemployment , Women, Working , Behavior , Health Services Administration , Adaptation, Psychological , Cardiovascular Diseases , Organizational Culture , Attitude , Indicators of Quality of Life , Mental Health , Family Health , Liability, Legal , Occupational Health , Mental Competency , Practice Guideline , Health Personnel , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Comprehensive Health Care , Conflict, Psychological , Community Participation , Counseling , Health Management , Creativity , Credentialing , Defense Mechanisms , Depersonalization , Depression , Efficiency , Emotions , Empathy , Employee Grievances , Employee Incentive Plans , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Workforce , Job Market , Ethics, Institutional , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Pleasure , Capacity Building , Social Networking , Hope , Karoshi Death , Compassion Fatigue , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Occupational Stress , Frustration , Economic Status , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Social Factors , Caregiver Burden , Financial Stress , Induced Demand , Community Support , Sociodemographic Factors , Psychological Well-Being , Collective Efficacy , Working Conditions , Group Dynamics , Overtraining Syndrome , Workforce Diversity , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Guilt , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Income , Intelligence , Job Satisfaction , Labor Unions , Leadership , Motivation , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health Services
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 44: e259089, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1558743


Este estudo analisa o estresse ocupacional entre psicólogos que atuavam na Atenção Primária à Saúde durante a pandemia ocasionada pela covid-19, assim como as características sociodemográficas e laborais dos participantes e sua relação com o estresse ocupacional. Participaram da pesquisa 70 psicólogos atuantes em 51 unidades básicas de saúde das regiões Oeste e Extremo Oeste catarinense. Para coleta de dados, um questionário sociodemográfico e a versão reduzida da Job Stress Scale (JSS) foram aplicados. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da estatística descritiva e inferencial. Identificou-se que 35,7% dos psicólogos apresentaram alto desgaste no trabalho; 28,6% baixo desgaste; 27,1% se mostraram em trabalho passivo; e 8,6% em trabalho ativo. No modelo de regressão linear, os fatores associados à dimensão Demanda da JSS foram: possuir filho (a) (coeficiente -1,49; IC 95% -2,75 a -0,23) e afastamento do trabalho nos últimos 12 meses (coeficiente 1,88; IC 95% 0,60 a 3,15). Os psicólogos com hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorreferida apresentaram, em média, 3,96 pontos a menos no escore de Apoio social (IC 95% -7,06 a -0,85), quando comparados aos não hipertensos, e entre os psicólogos que trabalhavam no turno da manhã identificou-se aumento de 4,46 pontos, em média, no escore de Apoio social (IC 95% 0,90 a 8,02) em relação aos profissionais do turno manhã e tarde. Evidenciou-se que um número significativo de psicólogos apresentava-se em alto desgaste no trabalho, com potenciais implicações para sua saúde e atuação profissional.(AU)

This study analyzed occupational stress among psychologists who worked in Primary Health Care during the COVID-19 pandemic and participants' sociodemographic and work characteristics and their relationship with occupational stress. In total, 70 psychologists working in 51 basic health units in the West and Far West regions of Santa Catarina participated in this research. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the short version of the Job Stress Scale (JSS) were applied to collect data. Data were analyzed by descriptive and inferential statistics. In total, 35.7% of psychologists showed high stress at work; 28.6%, low burn out; 27.1%, passive work; and 8.6%, active work. The factors in the linear regression model that were associated with the JSS demand dimension referred to having children (coefficient −1.49; 95% CI −2.75 to −0.23) and absence from work in the last 12 months (coefficient 1.88; 95% CI 0.60 to 3.15). Psychologists with self-reported systemic arterial hypertension showed, on average, 3.96 points lower in the Social Support score (95% CI −7.06 to −0.85) than non-hypertensive ones and psychologists who worked in the morning shift, an average increase of 4.46 points in the Social Support score (95% CI 0.90 to 8.02) in relation to professionals working in the morning and afternoon shifts. A significant number of psychologists had high stress at work, with potential implications to their health and professional performance.(AU)

Este estudio evalúa el estrés laboral entre los psicólogos que trabajaron en la atención primaria de salud durante la pandemia provocada por la COVID-19, así como las características sociodemográficas y laborales de ellos y su relación con el estrés laboral. En la investigación participaron setenta psicólogos que trabajan en 51 unidades básicas de salud en las regiones oeste y lejano oeste de Santa Catarina (Brasil). Para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario sociodemográfico y la versión corta de la Job Stress Scale (JSS). El análisis de los datos se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Se identificó que el 35,7% de los psicólogos presentaban alto estrés en el trabajo; el 28,6% tenían poco desgaste; el 27,1% se encontraban en trabajo pasivo; y el 8,6% en trabajo activo. En el modelo de regresión lineal, los factores asociados a la dimensión demanda de la JSS fueron: tener hijo (coeficiente -1,49; IC 95% -2,75 a -0,23) y baja laboral en los últimos 12 meses (coeficiente 1,88; IC 95% 0,60 a 3,15). Los psicólogos con hipertensión arterial sistémica autoinformada presentaron un promedio de 3,96 puntos más bajo en la puntuación de apoyo social (IC 95% -7,06 a -0,85) en comparación con los no hipertensos, y entre los psicólogos que trabajaban en el turno de la mañana, se identificó un aumento promedio de 4,46 puntos en la puntuación de apoyo social (IC 95% 0,90 a 8,02) con relación a los profesionales que laboran en el turno de mañana y tarde. Quedó evidente que un número significativo de psicólogos se encontraba en situación de alto estrés en el trabajo, con posibles implicaciones para su salud y desempeño profesional.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Psychology , Occupational Health , Occupational Stress , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Anxiety , Pathologic Processes , Personnel Loyalty , Poverty , Professional Practice , Quality Assurance, Health Care , Aspirations, Psychological , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Signs and Symptoms , Social Conditions , Psychological Distance , Social Isolation , Social Problems , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Task Performance and Analysis , Therapeutics , Unemployment , Viruses , Vocational Guidance , Women, Working , Work Schedule Tolerance , Behavioral Symptoms , Population Characteristics , Work Hours , National Health Strategies , Health Services Administration , Occupational Risks , Burnout, Professional , Activities of Daily Living , Power, Psychological , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Mobility , Organizational Culture , Family , Indicators of Quality of Life , Mental Health , Liability, Legal , Staff Development , Health Strategies , Workload , Mental Competency , Employment, Supported , Health Personnel , Workplace , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Coronavirus , Conflict, Psychological , Life , Self Efficacy , Counseling , Health Management , Credentialing , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , Delivery of Health Care , Friends , Depersonalization , Depression , Air Pollutants , Education , Educational Status , Efficiency , Empathy , Employee Grievances , Employee Incentive Plans , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Environment and Public Health , Workforce , Disease Prevention , Health Status Disparities , Job Market , Ethics, Institutional , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Emotional Intelligence , Capacity Building , Remuneration , Hope , Karoshi Death , Compassion Fatigue , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Work Performance , Alert Fatigue, Health Personnel , Work-Life Balance , Work Engagement , Economic Status , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Caregiver Burden , Physical Distancing , Financial Stress , Induced Demand , Psychotherapists , Statistical Data , Social Vulnerability , Working Conditions , Overtraining Syndrome , Workforce Diversity , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Job Security , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Guilt , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Health Resources , Health Services Accessibility , Health Services Research , Ergonomics , Interpersonal Relations , Interprofessional Relations , Job Satisfaction , Labor Unions , Leadership , Motivation , Occupational Groups , Negativism , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health Services , Occupations
Invest. educ. enferm ; 41(3): 65-76, 20231103. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1518273


Objective. The study objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of Resiliency and Recovery Program on Compassion Fatigue level of Nursing Officer from selected hospitals of Pune City (India). Methods. The study used a quasi-experimental approach involving single group pre-test and post-test design. 100 nursing officers, working in selected hospitals of Pune city, who were willing to participate were selected using non probability convenience sampling. The data was collected using The Professional Quality of Life Scale: Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue (ProQoL) Version 5 of Stamm. The study included pre-test, resiliency and recovery program and post-test. Resiliency and Recovery Program is an intervention aiming to develop five resiliency skills or antibodies including (a) self-regulation, (b) perceptual maturation, (c) intentionality, (d) self-care and (e) connection and support. Results. Statistically significant difference was revealed between the pre-test and post-test score means: Compassion Satisfaction (pre-test = 28.50 to post-test = 31.0; t-18.6671, p<0.001), Burn-out (pre-test = 35.2 to post-test = 31.7; t-15.00, p<0.001), and Secondary Traumatic Stress (pre-test = 37.4 to post-test = 33.07; t-14.8996, p<0.001). Conclusion. Resiliency and Recovery Program had a significant impact on Compassion Fatigue, leading to an increase in Compassion Satisfaction, and a reduction in Burnout and Secondary Traumatic Stress. Inculcating Resiliency skills in nursing officers can help them in reducing compassion fatigue and thus aids in health promotion.

Objetivo. El objetivo del estudio era evaluar la eficacia del Programa de Resiliencia y Recuperación en el nivel de Fatiga por Compasión de los profesionales de enfermería de los hospitales seleccionados de la ciudad de Pune (India). Métodos. El estudio cuasi-experimental con evaluación pre y post-intervención en un solo grupo. Se seleccionaron 100 profesionales de enfermería que trabajaban en hospitales seleccionados de la ciudad de Pune mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por conveniencia. Los datos se recogieron utilizando la Escala de calidad de vida profesional: Compassion Satisfaction and Fatigue ((ProQOL) Version 5 de Stamm. El estudio incluyó una prueba previa, un programa de resiliencia y recuperación y una prueba posterior. El Programa de Resiliencia y Recuperación es una intervención cuyo objetivo es desarrollar cinco habilidades o anticuerpos de resiliencia que incluyen (a) autorregulación, (b) maduración perceptiva, (c) intencionalidad, (d) autocuidado y (e) conexión y apoyo. Resultados. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las puntuaciones promedio obtenidas antes y después de la intervención en la satisfacción con la compasión (antes = 28.5 a después = 31; t-18.6671, p<0.0001), el agotamiento (antes = 35.2 a después = a 31.7; t-15,00, p<0.001) y el estrés traumático secundario (antes = 37.4 a después 33.1; t-14.8996, p<0.001). Conclusiones. El Programa de Resiliencia y Recuperación tuvo un impacto significativo en la Fatiga por Compasión, lo que condujo a un aumento de la Satisfacción por Compasión y a una reducción del Burnout y del Estrés Traumático Secundario. Inculcar habilidades de resiliencia a los profesionales de enfermería puede ayudarles a reducir la fatiga por compasión y, por tanto, a promover la salud.

Objetivo. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do Programa de Resiliência e Recuperação no nível de Fadiga por Compaixão em profissionais de enfermagem em hospitais selecionados na cidade de Pune (Índia). Métodos. Foi realizado um estudo quase experimental com avaliação pré e pós-intervenção em grupo único. Foram selecionados 100 profissionais de enfermagem que trabalham em hospitais da cidade de Pune por meio de amostragem não probabilística de conveniência. Os dados foram coletados por meio da versão 5 da Escala de Qualidade de Vida Profissional: Compaixão, Satisfação e Fadiga (ProQoL) de Stamm. O estudo incluiu um pré-teste, um programa de resiliência e recuperação e um pós-teste. O Programa de Resiliência e Recuperação consistiu em uma intervenção cujo objetivo é desenvolver cinco habilidades de resiliência ou anticorpos que incluem (a) autorregulação, (b) maturação perceptual, (c) intencionalidade, (d) autocuidado e (e) conexão e suporte. Resultados. Foram observadas diferenças estatisticamente significativas entre as pontuações médias obtidas antes e depois da intervenção em satisfação por compaixão (antes = 28.5 a depois = 31; t-18.6671, p<0.0001), burnout (antes = 35.2 a depois = a 31.7; t-15.00), p<0.001) e estresse traumático secundário (antes = 37,4 a depois 33.1; t-14.8996, p<0.001). Conclusões. O Programa de Resiliência e Recuperação teve um impacto significativo na Fadiga por Compaixão, levando a um aumento na Satisfação por Compaixão e a uma redução no Burnout e no Estresse Traumático Secundário. Incutir competências de resiliência nos enfermeiros pode ajudá-los a reduzir a fadiga da compaixão e, portanto, promover a saúde.

Humans , Male , Female , Burnout, Professional , Compassion Fatigue , Nurses
Health Sciences Journal ; : 37-43, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984414


INTRODUCTION@#Increased healthcare demands due to the COVID-19 pandemic have overwhelmed nurses worldwide. Resilience of nurses has been impacted due to many factors (e.g., longer work shifts) causing psychological distress. The study aimed to determine the correlation of burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury with resilience among nurses assigned in COVID-19 wards.@*METHODS@#Virtual survey tools were sent to nurses of a public hospital to obtain data. Data were analyzed using JAMOVI and SPSS.@*RESULTS@#Levels of burnout showed moderate burnout in personal burnout (f=44) (65.7%); Moderate burnout in work-telated burnout (f=36) (53.7%); no/low level of burnout in client-related burnout (f=48) (71.6%). Level of compassion fatigue showed job burnout (f=59) (88.1%). Level of moral injury indicated “requiring clinical attention” (f=52) (77.6%). Level of resilience showed medium resilience (f=45) (67.2%). Correlation between burnout and resilience yielded negligible negative correlations between personal burnout and resilience (r=-0.160, p=0.031), work-related burnout and resilience (r=-0.222, p=0.008), and client-related burnout and resilience (r=-0.120, p=0.741). Correlation yielded weak negative correlations between compassion fatigue and resilience (r=-0.254, p=0.038) and between moral injury and resilience (r=-0.318, p=0.009). The linear regression showed no significant correlations between personal burnout and resilience (p=0.063), work-related burnout and resilience (p=0.070), client-related burnout and resilience (p=0.331), compassion fatigue and resilience (p=0.080), moral injury and resilience (p=0.227).@*CONCLUSION@#The findings showed significant correlations between personal burnout and resilience, work- related burnout and resilience, compassion fatigue and resilience, and moral injury and resilience. There were no significant correlations between client-related burnout and resilience. Multiple linear regression indicated burnout, compassion fatigue, and moral injury are not predictive factors for resilience.

Resilience, Psychological , Burnout, Professional , Compassion Fatigue , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 19-24, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984463


Background@#Compassion fatigue is a true phenomenon experienced by overworked and exhausted nurses.@*Objective@#This study assessed frontline nurses' compassion fatigue, stress, mental health, and turnover intention during the second year of the COVID-19 outbreak.@*Methods@#Using a cross-sectional design, an online survey was administered in the first quarter of 2021 to 259 hospital nurses in the Central Philippines using standardized scales to gather the necessary data. @*Results@#Nurses were found to have moderate levels of compassion fatigue and turnover intention, high stress, and good mental health. Results revealed that compassion fatigue was associated with poor mental health (r = −5.05, p = 0.01), higher stress levels (r = 0.54, p = <0.001), and turnover intention (r = 0.27, p = <0.001). @*Conclusion@#Pandemic-related compassion fatigue in nurses increases their stress, worsens their mental health, and heightens their intentions to leave their jobs. Organizations should address compassion fatigue through a supportive work climate.

Compassion Fatigue , Mental Health , Nursing , Stress, Physiological
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 51-65, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-998839


Background@#The Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) pandemic significantly disrupted regular health care services, mainly in the hospitals. Nurses soldiering on the battlefront of care of disaster response in the Philippines during the disease outbreak are at high risk of developing rapid-onset compassion fatigue. Notably, research is still needed to investigate the impact of compassion fatigue on various clinical areas and further develop a theory of compassion fatigue within the nursing context. @*Objectives@#The study explored the concept of compassion as experienced by nurses directly caring for COVID-19 patients. The study further explored the experiences of nurses on compassion fatigue. @*Methods@#This study employed qualitative methodology, specifically the constructivist grounded theory. @*Results@#Thirty-four participants were included in the study. The narratives and voices of the nurses unfolded the following themes: (1) Acts of Compassion, (2) COVID-19 Pandemic: Nursing Challenges and Detours, (3) Nurses’ Compassion Fatigue, (4) Narratives of Opportunities: Thriving at the outset of COVID-19. All four concepts are linked to the multidimensional concept of compassion fatigue. A substantive theory, “Remon’s CF Theory in Nursing," is proposed based on the grounded experiences of nurses caring for COVID-19 patients related to compassion fatigue. @*Conclusion@#Compassion Fatigue (CF) is a psycho-social phenomenon and occupational hazard affecting nurses directly caring for or in contact with COVID-19 patients. CF is a process that develops over time brought by prolonged enactment of compassion, the experience of empathic distress, and concurrence of organizational, contextual, and psychosocial factors. Nurses' CF can potentially affect safety and lead to poor nursing care, compromised work relations, and burnout. Nurse leaders' organizational and leadership commitment and support through up-to-date policies and continuous research on the topic are necessary to regain compassion among nurses. Likewise, reframing nurse compassion fatigue as an organizational and collective problem provides the larger perspective to further improve clinical practice and nurses’ welfare. @*Recommendations@#Nurse leaders, hospital and COVID-19 facility administrators must ensure specific policies and priorities that address issues causing and fueling nurse compassion fatigue, including frequency of exposure to traumatic events, lack of resources, and inadequate support system. The study further suggests conducting quantitative research to test the proposed theory and explore the relationship between organizational, psychosocial, and environmental context, compassion fatigue, and compassion-driven factors.

Compassion Fatigue , Nurses , Grounded Theory
Occup. health South. Afr. (Online) ; 29(3): 137-140, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1527003


Background: Secondary trauma is trauma experienced by those in close contact with the victims of trauma. Research shows that some individuals exposed to photographs or video presentations of traumatic events may experience secondary trauma. This includes administrative staff within the South African Police Service (SAPS), who work with trauma dockets. Objectives: We explored the effects of secondary trauma on administrative support staff within the SAPS, their access to psychological support in the SAPS, and their use of the employee health and wellness (EHW) services in the SAPS. Methods: An exploratory qualitative study was conducted among administrative support staff from one of the four Johannesburg clusters of the SAPS. In-depth interviews took place with seven staff members. The data were analysed using Atlas.ti. Results: Administrative support staff are exposed to trauma through incident dockets, victim statements, and gruesome images. The study participants indicated that they experienced trauma daily, and symptoms of trauma such as flashbacks, anxiety, sadness, nightmares, paranoia, avoidance, recurrent thoughts, and fear of death. They were overprotective of their loved ones and paranoid. They were not utilising the EHW services due to lack of access to appropriate services, or the stigma attached to seeking help from mental health professionals. Conclusion: The SAPS needs to develop and implement a strategy to mitigate the impact of secondary trauma on its personnel, which include administrative support staff. Evidence-based interventions, such as resilience training, should be considered as part of the strategy

Wounds and Injuries , Mental Health , Compassion Fatigue
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e247962, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1422424


Resumo Conceitos como o de alteridade, encontro de saberes, polifasia cognitiva, o princípio de familiaridade e de representações sociais operaram na complexa tarefa de compreender como os encontros entre profissionais e usuários sustentavam e/ou transformavam as práticas de acolhimento. Entretanto, a experiência da minha pesquisa de doutorado me levou a questionar os próprios conceitos utilizados da Teoria das Representações Sociais. Ao final do ensaio, após discutir aspectos teórico-metodológicos, o princípio de familiaridade e a questão da tensão e dos afetos nas representações sociais, espero evidenciar como o movimento provocado pelo encontro com usuários e profissionais de uma Rede de Atenção Psicossocial levou-me a questionar pontos essenciais da teoria: o papel domesticador das representações, a forma ainda estática de evidenciar os fenômenos, a separação entre um sujeito que representa e o objeto representado e a dificuldade em usar suas ferramentas conceituais para acompanhar processos me fazem repensar meu lugar e minha função de pesquisador.

Abstract Concepts such as alterity, encounter of knowledge, cognitive polyphasia, the principle of familiarity and the very concept of social representations operated in the complex task of understanding how the encounters between professionals and users supported and / or transformed user embracement practices. However, the experience of my doctoral research led me to question the very concepts used in the Theory of Social Representations. At the end of the essay, after discussing theoretical and methodological aspects, the principle of familiarity and the issue of tension and affects in social representations, I hope to show how the movement caused by the encounter with users and professionals of a Psychosocial Care Network, led me to question essential points of the theory: the domesticating role of representations, the still static way of showing phenomena, the separation between a subject that represents and the object represented and the difficulty in using their conceptual tools to accompany processes makes me rethink my place and role as a researcher.

Resumen Conceptos como la alteridad, el encuentro de saberes, la polifasia cognitiva, el principio de familiaridad y el concepto mismo de representaciones sociales operaron en la compleja tarea de comprender cómo los encuentros entre profesionales y usuarios apoyaron y / o transformaron las prácticas de acogimiento. Sin embargo, la experiencia de mi investigación doctoral me llevó a cuestionar los propios conceptos utilizados en la Teoría de las Representaciones Sociales. Al final del ensayo, después de discutir aspectos teóricos y metodológicos, el principio de familiaridad y el tema de tensión y afectos en las representaciones sociales, Espero mostrar cómo el movimiento provocado por el encuentro con usuarios y profesionales de una Red de Atención Psicosocial, me llevó a cuestionar puntos esenciales de la teoría: el rol domesticador de las representaciones, la forma todavía estática de mostrar los fenómenos, la separación entre un sujeto que representa y el objeto representado y la dificultad para utilizar sus herramientas conceptuales para acompañar procesos, me hace repensar mi lugar y rol como investigador.

Humans , Psychology, Social , Qualitative Research , Social Representation , Pain , Patient Care Team , Politics , Prejudice , Problem Solving , Psychiatric Nursing , Psychiatry , Psychology , Psychopharmacology , Psychotherapy, Group , Public Policy , Rehabilitation , Sex Offenses , Social Isolation , Social Support , Social Welfare , Social Work , Socioeconomic Factors , Sociology , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic , Substance Withdrawal Syndrome , Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms , Thinking , Unemployment , Health Surveillance , Ill-Housed Persons , Biotransformation , Inactivation, Metabolic , Health Behavior , Family , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Illicit Drugs , Hygiene , Mental Health , Treatment Refusal , Patient Satisfaction , Parenting , Crack Cocaine , Commitment of Mentally Ill , Risk Assessment , Life , Substance-Related Disorders , Counseling , Crisis Intervention , Affective Symptoms , Psychosocial Impact , Personal Autonomy , State , Harm Reduction , Aggression , Depressive Disorder , Economics , Empathy , Methodology as a Subject , User Embracement , Ethics , Family Relations , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Drug Users , Drug Overdose , Community Integration , Sociological Factors , Compassion Fatigue , Emotional Adjustment , Pessimism , Psychological Trauma , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Occupational Stress , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Health Risk Behaviors , Incivility , Survivorship , Involuntary Treatment, Psychiatric , Worldview , Freedom , Self-Neglect , Solidarity , Psychological Distress , Food Insecurity , Home Environment , Social Vulnerability , Family Support , Coping Skills , Homicide , Hospitals, Psychiatric , Intelligence , Life Change Events , Loneliness , Mental Disorders
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-GO | ID: biblio-1510806


Na saúde, o conceito de Qualidade de Vida Profissional (QVP) é utilizado para avaliar a influência que o trabalho exerce sobre o indivíduo, através da compaixão. Abrange duas dimensões, Satisfação por Compaixão e Fadiga por Compaixão. Reconhece-se que profissionais que atuam diretamente com a dor e o sofrimento alheio podem sofrer impacto na qualidade de vida. Objetivo: Investigar a percepção da QVP no trabalho de uma equipe multiprofissional de um hospital de reabilitação. Método: Pesquisa transversal, analítica e exploratória. Amostra aleatória por conveniência, composta por 40 profissionais da saúde que atuavam no setor de enfermaria de reabilitação do hospital, elegidos conforme os critérios pré-estabelecidos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram o Questionário Sociodemográfico e a Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQOL)-Escala-BR. A coleta de dados ocorreu de forma remota, através do aplicativo WhatsApp® e foi viabilizada pelo Google Forms®. Os dados foram analisados por meio de estatística descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: Constatou-se níveis adequados de QVP na equipe de reabilitação, 47,5% apresentaram alto nível de satisfação por compaixão, enquanto não foram observados altos níveis de fadiga por compaixão. Quando analisadas as influências sociodemográficas, foram observadas significâncias estatísticas entre as variáveis satisfação por compaixão e sexo (p=0,021) e alteração do apetite com estresse traumático secundário (p=0,006). Conclusão: Verificou-se a prevalência de percepções equilibradas de QVP para a equipe de reabilitação analisada. Esse resultado demonstra a necessidade de investigações posteriores sobre as influências da organização e das condições ergonômicas, considerando o setor de atuação

In health, the concept of Professional Quality of Life (QVP) is used to assess the influence that work has on the individual, through compassion. It encompasses two dimensions, Satisfaction by Compassion and Fatigue by Compassion. It is recognized that professionals who work directly with the pain and suffering of others can suffer an impact on quality of life. Objective: To investigate the perception of QVP in the work of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team at a rehabilitation hospital. Method. Cross-sectional, analytical and exploratory research. Random sample for convenience, composed of 40 health professionals who worked in the rehabilitation ward of the hospital, chosen according to pre-established criteria. The instruments used were the Sociodemographic Questionnaire and the ProQOL-BR Scale. Data collection took place remotely, through the WhatsApp® application and was made possible by Google Forms®. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: Adequate levels of QVP were found in the rehabilitation team, 47.5% had a high level of compassion satisfaction, while high levels of compassion fatigue were not observed. When sociodemographic influences were analyzed, statistical significance was observed between the variables satisfaction with compassion and sex (p=0.021) and change in appetite with secondary traumatic stress (p=0.006). Conclusions: There was a prevalence of balanced QVP perceptions for the analyzed rehabilitation team. This result demonstrates the need for further investigations into the influences of organization and ergonomic conditions, considering the sector in which they operate

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Patient Care Team , Quality of Life/psychology , Compassion Fatigue/psychology , Burnout, Psychological , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hospitals, Rehabilitation , COVID-19 , Sociodemographic Factors
J. nurs. health ; 12(2): 2212222270, Abr.2022.
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1415882


Objective: to analyze the relationship among compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress with the patient safety culture. Method: cross-sectional study with nurses (n = 201) from hospitals in Portugal. The Professional quality scale and the three sections of Hospital survey on patient safety culture were used to data collection. Correlation and regressions tests were implemented. Results: compassion satisfaction was positively related to four of the five patient safety culture dimensions and with the patient safety grade, while burnout had a negative relationship with all the dimensions and with the patient safety grade and secondary traumatic stress had a negative relationship with three patient safety culture dimensions. Conclusions: measures aimed at increasing compassion satisfaction and decreasing burnout and secondary traumatic stress should be implemented to improve the quality of professional life and patient safety.(AU)

Objetivo: analizar la relación entre satisfacción por compasión, burnout y estrés traumático secundario con la cultura de seguridad del paciente. Método: estudio transversal con enfermeras (n = 201) de hospitales de Portugal. Para la recopilación de datos se utilizaron la Professional quality scale y tres secciones de la Hospital survey on patient safety culture. Se implementaron pruebas de correlación y regresión. Resultados: la satisfacción por compasión se relacionó positivamente con cuatro de las cinco dimensiones de cultura de seguridad del paciente y con el grado de seguridad, mientras que burnout tuvo una relación negativa con todas las dimensiones y con el grado de seguridad y estrés traumático secundario tuvo una relación negativa con tres dimensiones. Conclusiones: se deben implementar medidas destinadas a aumentar la satisfacción por compasión y disminuir el burnout y el estrés traumático secundario para mejorar la calidad de vida profesional y la seguridad del paciente.(AU)

Objetivo: analisar a relação entre satisfação por compaixão, burnout e estresse traumático secundário com a cultura de segurança do paciente. Método: estudo transversal com enfermeiros (n = 201) de hospitais de Portugal. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se a Professional quality scale e três seções do Hospital survey on patient safety culture. Testes de correlação e de regressão foram implementados. Resultados: a satisfação por compaixão foi positivamente relacionada com quatro das cinco dimensões da cultura de segurança do paciente e com o grau de segurança do paciente, enquanto o burnout teve relação negativa com todas as dimensões e com o grau de segurança do paciente e o estresse traumático secundário teve relação negativa com três dimensões. Conclusões: medidas que visem aumentar a satisfação por compaixão e diminuir o burnout e o estresse traumático secundário devem ser implementadas visando melhorar a qualidade de vida profissional e a segurança do paciente.(AU)

Burnout, Professional , Stress Disorders, Traumatic , Patient Safety , Compassion Fatigue , Nurses
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935740


Objective: To systematically evaluate the impact of psychological intervention on nursing staff' compassion fatigue. Methods: From March to May 2020, PubMed, Cochrane Library, EMbase, Web of Science, CNKI, VIP, Wanfang and other databases were electronically searched to collect randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on the influence of psychological intervention on nursing staff' compassion fatigue with the main search terms including compassion fatigue, nurs*, psychological intervention, mental intervention, RCT and so on from inception to March 31, 2020. Screened literature, extracted data and assessed the risk of bias of included studies. The Stata 16.0 software was used to calculate the pooled effectiveness of psychological intervention on nursing staff' compassion fatigue. Results: All 13 RCTs were enrolled, including 940 nursing staff. Meta-analysis results demonstrated that the psychological intervention group was superior to the control group in the improvement of the compassion fatigue score (SMD=-0.96, 95%CI: -1.17-0.74, P=0.001) , compassion satisfaction score (SMD=0.61, 95%CI: 0.45-0.77, P=0.002) , burnout score (SMD=-0.46, 95%CI: -0.62-0.29, P=0.006) , secondary trauma score (SMD=-0.40, 95%CI: -0.68-0.12, P=0.020) , and the difference was statistically significant. Subgroup analysis found that the psychological intervention group was more effective than the control group in improving compassion satisfaction score, reducing burnout score and secondary trauma score, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05) in different intervention time (<8 weeks and ≥8 weeks) and intervention methods. Conclusion: The psychological intervention can improve the level of compassion satisfaction, and reduce the compassion fatigue among nursing staff, and have a certain preventive effect on compassion fatigue.

Humans , Burnout, Professional/prevention & control , Compassion Fatigue/prevention & control , Empathy , Nursing Staff , Psychosocial Intervention , Quality of Life
South. Afr. j. crit. care (Online) ; 38(1): 39-42, 2022. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1371298


Background. Professional quality of life, measured as compassion satisfaction, is a prerequisite for nurses working in intensive care units where patients rely on their care. Nurses who experience compassion satisfaction, or good professional quality of life, engage enthusiastically with all work activities and render quality patient care. In contrast, compassion fatigue eventually leads to disengagement from work activities and unsatisfactory patient outcomes. In this study, we described the demographic factors influencing professional quality of life of intensive care nurses working in public hospitals in Gauteng, South Africa (SA), during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Objective. To describe the demographic factors associated with professional quality of life of critical care nurses working in Gauteng, SA. Methods. In this cross-sectional study, we used total population sampling and invited all nurses who had worked for at least 1 year in one of the critical care units of three selected public hospitals in Gauteng to participate. One-hundred and fifty-four nurses responded and completed the ProQol-5 tool during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results. The nurses' average age was 45 years, and 59.1% (n=91) had an additional qualification in critical care nursing. Most of the nurses had a diploma (51.3%; n=79), with a mean work experience of 12.56 years. The main demographic variables that influenced professional quality of life were years of work experience (p=0.047), nurses' education with specific reference to a bachelor's degree (p=0.006) and nurse-patient ratio (p<0.001). Conclusions. Nurses working in critical care units in public hospitals in Gauteng experienced low to moderate compassion satisfaction, moderate to high burnout and secondary traumatic stress, suggesting compassion fatigue. The high workload, which may have been associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, influenced nurses' professional quality of life.

Quality of Life , Critical Care , Pandemics , Compassion Fatigue , COVID-19 , Nurses , Demography
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 35: 2, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1360649


Abstract Recent literature emphasizes how the specific stressors of the COVID-19 outbreak affect the general population and frontline professionals, including those conducting support or backup activities in health units, which can lead to vicarious traumatization. Vicarious traumatization has been used to describe negative emotional reactions in mental health professionals who assist or treat victims of traumatic events. Thus, the aim of this article is to report the actions used in the face of the psychological demands of professionals in a hospital, who were not on the frontline of COVID-19. We collected their sociodemographic information and checked the psychological impact using the depression, anxiety, and stress scale (DASS-21), which was followed by a psychoeducational program (topics related to COVID-19 control and prevention), and individual psychological care for the most severe cases. A total of 118 professionals participated in this study; they were between 20 and 67 years old. Mild to moderate anxiety was observed in 36.5% of the medical teams, 83.3% of the administrative staff, and 65.7% of general service workers, while stress symptoms were observed in 80.2%, 83.3%, and 59.9%, respectively. Depressive symptoms (35.3%) were more frequent in general service workers. The medical teams reported the benefits of primary psychological care, while the other professionals demanded more institutional support services related to the prevention and use of personal protective equipment. This study highlights relevant psychological demands that have repercussions on the daily lives of professionals. The psychoeducational program was considered positive regarding clarification actions. However, it was not perceived as effective in reducing fear, which may result from vicarious traumatization and requires other intervention modalities.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Health Personnel/psychology , Compassion Fatigue/psychology , COVID-19/psychology , Burnout, Professional/diagnosis , Mental Health/education , COVID-19/prevention & control , Hospitals, Public
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964095


Introduction@#Physician burnout (BO) is an increasing global concern due to its rising prevalence and effect on patient care@*Objective@#This study determined the prevalence of BO, compassion fatigue (CF), and compassion satisfaction (CS), among residents of obstetrics and gynecology in the Philippines, and identified the factors associated with these@*Methods@#This was a cross‑sectional study, which used stratified random sampling. The strata comprised public and private hospitals that were subdivided into Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, and National Capital Region. From these, 33 training hospitals were randomly selected, which served as clusters wherein all resident physicians of obstetrics and gynecology were invited to answer either an online or printed version of the Professional Quality of Life Scale Version 5 questionnaire@*Results@#Majority of the 311 participants included had average level of BO (n = 281, 90.4%), CF (n = 237, 76.2%), and CS (n = 213, 68.5%). CS was negatively correlated with burnout (r = −0.31, P < 0.001) and CF (r = −0.34, P < 0.001), whereas BO and CS were positively correlated (r = +0.48, P < 0.001). Type of institution, sleeping hours, and interrupted leaves were the common factors that yield significant differences in BO (P = 0.037, P < 0.001, and P < 0.001) and CF (P = 0.002, P = 0.043, and P = 0.005). Significant differences were observed in CS scores in terms of age (P = 0.016), marital status (P = 0.038), child dependents (P = 0.006), level of training (P = 0.005), and location and type of institution (P ≤ 0.001 and P = 0.003).@*Conclusion@#There is a need to develop active awareness of BO and CF among resident physicians to effect interventions at the individual and institutional level.

Burnout, Psychological , Compassion Fatigue
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972027


Introduction@#COVID-19 pandemic places additional strain on healthcare detrimental to the well-being of primary health care workforce, increasing their risk for compassion fatigue (CF). Identifying individuals at risk and needing intervention is essential to lessen the prevalence and negative consequences of CF@*Objective@#To determine the prevalence of compassion satisfaction (CS) and components of CF - burnout(BO) and secondary traumatic stress(STS) - and significant score differences in terms of identified factors among clinic staff of a chain of communitybased primary care clinics in Manila, Quezon City, Marikina, Caloocan, and Valenzuela during COVID-19 pandemic.@*Methods@#Descriptive cross-sectional design with survey methodology was implemented. Online self- administered questionnaire with demographic survey, Perceived Stress Scale, and ProQoL 5, was pilot tested then administered to 68 clinic staff in 13 clinics in Manila, Quezon City, Marikina, Caloocan, and Valenzuela. One-tailed t-test was applied to determine score differences for each subscale (95% confidence interval).@*Results@#53 participants responded. Most had high levels of CS (79.47%), BO (73.6%), and STS (73.60%). Higher CS scores were found in those with safe working environment (mean=52.02, p = 0.048) and attendees of company-sponsored illness mitigation programs (mean=53.22, p = 0.043). Those who travel ≥1 hour have higher BO (mean=53.46, p=0.038). Those with adequate managerial support (mean 53.35, p = 0.045), patient interaction ≥15 minutes (mean 52.38, p = 0.028), and allied staff with ≥20 patients per day (mean 53.68, p = 0.013) have higher STS. No differences were found for the other investigated factors. @*Conclusion and Recommendations@#The study determined that the primary care workers in the studied population were not spared from the burden of high CF despite having high CS. This becomes a quality assurance concern, hence mitigation programs addressing these concerns as well as follow-up studies with pooled data and evaluation for associated risk factors are recommended.

Compassion Fatigue , COVID-19
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-972030


Background and Objective@#The burden of caring for others comes naturally for healthcare providers particularly nurses as this is part of their altruistic nature. The right balance of caring for others and self-care is key to a healthy professional quality of life (ProQOL) which encompasses Compassion Satisfaction and prevents Burnout (BO) and Secondary Traumatic Stress (STS). With the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in higher morbidity and mortality, the demands of the healthcare system on nurses are overwhelming. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence, and the related factors of compassion satisfaction, burnout, and secondary traumatic stress among nurses in a government facility during a pandemic@*Method@#This was a cross-sectional descriptive study which utilized a validated Professional Quality of Life (ProQOL) selfadministered questionnaire measuring Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress (Stamm, 2010). The survey was conducted from June 1-30, 2020 among a sample size of 204 qualified and willing nurses who signed an informed consent. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and parametric statistical tests (T-test and ANOVA). Statistical significance was at 99% CI and p-value of 0.05.@*Results@#A total of 204 qualified and willing nurses were included in the study. Majority of the respondents belonged to the 2035 years of age bracket. Sixty-seven percent were female, married (54%); with no children (50%); finished BSN (91%); currently holding a Nurse II position (34%) with less than 5 years government service (56%) and with less than 5 years of field experience (58%). Seventy-seven percent (77%) did not have pre-existing diseases while 33% had either Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Bronchial Asthma and other non-communicable diseases. Overall ProQOL mean scores ranged from average to high compassion satisfaction; low to average Burnout; and low to average Secondary Traumatic Stress. Related factors found significant at p vale 0.05 or less were areas of rotation and years in the field of practice@*Conclusion@#The study showed that the mean scores of the nurse respondents’ ProQOL encompassing Compassion Satisfaction, Burnout, and Secondary Traumatic Stress indicate a healthy ProQOL from June 1-30, 2020. Areas of rotation and years in the field of practice are statistically significant in relation to ProQOL mean scores. All other factors are not statistically significant correlates

Burnout, Psychological , Compassion Fatigue , Nurses , COVID-19 , Burnout, Professional
REME rev. min. enferm ; 25: e1386, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1340544


RESUMO Objetivo: mapear evidências científicas sobre fadiga por compaixão em profissionais de Enfermagem no contexto dos cuidados paliativos. Método: revisão de escopo baseada nas recomendações do Instituto Joanna Briggs. Foram incluídos 14 artigos em inglês publicados entre 2000 e 2019. Utilizou-se o checklist do Relatório Preferencial para Revisões Sistemáticas e Metanálises, uma extensão para revisões de escopo. E as fontes de informação para a obtenção dos estudos foram: Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health e Scientific Electronic Library Online. Resultados: as evidências revelaram fatores importantes para o gerenciamento da fadiga por compaixão, tais como: programas de capacitação profissional, reconhecimento do problema e a associação com as relações interpessoais na assistência paliativa. Conclusões: o estudo destacou que o avanço da abordagem paliativa em níveis de assistência distintos denota mais vulnerabilidade à fadiga por compaixão em profissionais de Enfermagem, o que requer mais investimentos em atividades educativas laborais bem como mais atenção por parte dos gestores. Por ser um tema significativo para o bem-estar e o cuidado, as evidências identificadas sobre a fadiga por compaixão podem subsidiar novas investigações no campo da saúde mental do trabalhador da Enfermagem e de áreas correlatas.

RESUMEN Objetivo: mapear la evidencia científica sobre el desgaste por empatía en profesionales de enfermería en el contexto de los cuidados paliativos. Método: revisión del alcance basada en las recomendaciones del Instituto Joanna Briggs. Se incluyeron catorce artículos en inglés publicados entre 2000 y 2019. Se utilizó la lista de verificación informe preferido para revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis, una extensión para revisiones de alcance. Y las fuentes de información para la obtención de los estudios fueron: Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health y Scientific Electronic Library Online. Resultados: la evidencia reveló factores importantes para el manejo del desgaste por empatía, tales como: programas de formación profesional, reconocimiento del problema y la asociación con las relaciones interpersonales en cuidados paliativos. Conclusiones: el estudio destacó que el avance del abordaje paliativo en diferentes niveles de atención denota mayor vulnerabilidad a lo desgaste por empatía en los profesionales de enfermería, lo que requiere mayor inversión en actividades educativas en el trabajo, así como mayor atención por parte de los gerentes. Como es un tema importante para el bienestar y el cuidado, la evidencia identificada sobre lo desgaste por empatía puede respaldar más investigaciones en el campo de la salud mental de los trabajadores de enfermería y áreas relacionadas.

ABSTRACT Objective: to map scientific evidence on compassion fatigue in Nursing professionals in the context of palliative care. Method: scoping review based on the Joanna Briggs Institute recommendations. Fourteen articles in English published between 2000 and 2019 were included. The Preferred Report checklist for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses, an extension for scoping reviews, was used. And the sources of information for obtaining the studies were: Web of Science, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Embase, Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences, US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health and Scientific Electronic Library Online. Results: the evidence revealed important factors for the management of compassion fatigue, such as: professional training programs, recognition of the problem and the association with interpersonal relationships in palliative care. Conclusions: the study highlighted that the advancement of the palliative approach at different levels of care denotes more vulnerability to compassion fatigue in Nursing professionals, which requires more investment in educational activities at work as well as more attention from managers. As it is a significant theme for well-being and care, the evidence identified on compassion fatigue can support further investigations in the field of mental health of Nursing workers and related areas.

Humans , Palliative Care , Compassion Fatigue , Nurse Practitioners , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Disaster Vulnerability , Hospice and Palliative Care Nursing
Texto & contexto enferm ; 29: e2190153, Jan.-Dec. 2020. tab
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1150221


ABSTRACT Objective: to verify the relationship between professional quality of life scores and coping strategies in the multidisciplinary health team that assists children and adolescents victims of sexual violence. Method: a cross-sectional study carried out in a public hospital of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Data collection took place from July to October 2018, using the Professional Quality of Life Scale and the Inventory of Coping Responses at Work. The analysis was performed using the Kruskal-Wallis test and Pearson's Correlation Coefficient. Regression was used for independent variables with p ≤ 0.05 in the bivariate analyses. Results: the professionals showed a medium level in the compassion satisfaction dimension (54.2%), medium level for secondary traumatic stress (50.8%), and medium level for Burnout (61%). Regarding the coping strategies, the decision-making strategy showed a weak correlation with the compassion satisfaction dimension (0.261), and the emotional extravasation strategy showed a moderate correlation with secondary traumatic stress (0.485) and Burnout (0.399). The female gender was associated with secondary traumatic stress (p=0.002). Conclusion: the identification of coping strategies such as decision-making can help the professionals to increase the levels of compassion satisfaction. In situations of suffering in daily work, management to avoid emotional extravasation should take place, preventing high levels of compassion fatigue. Such information is important to support public policies on occupational health, as well as programs to promote occupational health.

RESUMEN Objetivo: verificar la relación entre los puntajes de calidad de vida profesional y las estrategias de coping en el equipo multiprofesional de salud que atiende a niños y adolescentes víctimas de violencia sexual. Método: estudio transversal, realizado en un hospital público de Porto Alegre, Brasil. La recolección de datos tuvo lugar entre julio y octubre de 2018, a través de la Escala de Calidad de Vida Profesional y del Inventario de Respuestas de Coping en el Trabajo. El análisis se realizó por medio de la prueba de Kruskal-Wallis y del Coeficiente de Correlación de Pearson. Se utilizó regresión para variables independientes con p ≤ 0,05 en los análisis bivariados. Resultados: los profesionales presentaron un nivel medio en la dimensión de satisfacción por compasión (54,2%), nivel medio para el estrés traumático secundario (50,8%) y nivel medio para Burnout (61%). En relación a las estrategias de coping, la estrategia toma de decisiones presentó una correlación débil con la dimensión satisfacción por compasión (0,261) y la estrategia de desborde emocional se correlacionó moderadamente con el estrés traumático secundario (0,485) y Burnout (0,399). El sexo femenino presentó una asociación con el estrés traumático secundario (p=0,002). Conclusión: identificar estrategias de enfrentamiento como la toma de decisiones puede ayudar a los profesionales a aumentar los niveles de satisfacción por compasión. En situaciones de sufrimiento en la rutina laboral, se deberá desarrollar un buen manejo para evitar el desborde emocional, impidiendo así niveles elevados de fatiga por compasión. Estas informaciones son importantes para subsidiar políticas públicas de salud laboral, como así también programas de promoción de la salud ocupacional.

RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a relação entre os escores de qualidade de vida profissional e as estratégias de coping na equipe multiprofissional em saúde que atende crianças e adolescentes vítimas de violência sexual. Método: estudo transversal, realizado em um hospital público de Porto Alegre, Brasil. A coleta dos dados ocorreu de julho a outubro de 2018, através da Escala de Qualidade de Vida Profissional e do Inventário de Respostas de Coping no Trabalho. A análise foi realizada por meio do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o Coeficiente de Correlação de Pearson. Regressão foi utilizada para variáveis independentes com p ≤ 0,05 nas análises bivariadas. Resultados: os profissionais apresentaram nível médio na dimensão satisfação por compaixão (54,2%), nível médio para estresse traumático secundário (50,8%) e nível médio para Burnout (61%). Em relação às estratégias de coping, a estratégia tomada de decisão apresentou correlação fraca com a dimensão satisfação por compaixão (0,261) e a estratégia extravasamento emocional correlação moderada com estresse traumático secundário (0,485) e Burnout (0,399). O sexo feminino apresentou associação com estresse traumático secundário (p=0,002). Conclusão: a identificação de estratégias de enfrentamento como a tomada de decisão pode auxiliar os profissionais a aumentarem os níveis de satisfação por compaixão. Em situações de sofrimento no cotidiano laboral, o manejo para evitar o extravasamento emocional deverá ser desenvolvido, impedindo altos níveis de fadiga por compaixão. Estas informações são importantes para subsídio de políticas públicas em saúde do trabalhador, bem como de programas de promoção à saúde ocupacional.

Humans , Child , Child Abuse, Sexual , Adaptation, Psychological , Occupational Health , Health Personnel , Compassion Fatigue