Resumo A saúde é um complexo de situações de condições de vida alinhadas a contextos e lugares no tempo. O processo de reparação a partir do entendimento ampliado da saúde é um conjunto de direitos, ações e medidas protagonizadas por diferentes sujeitos nas diversas dimensões da vida. Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as percepções e ações de reparação direcionadas a camponeses que sofreram perdas materiais e simbólicas no decurso das obras da transposição do Rio São Francisco, em Sertânia, Pernambuco. Trata-se de um estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa. Os sujeitos desta pesquisa foram camponeses maiores de 18 anos, sem especificação de sexo, residentes em três comunidades nas proximidades do canal Eixo Leste da transposição. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas nas comunidades e uma oficina participativa. Observou-se que há uma insuficiência no reconhecimento dos direitos de reparação pelos habitantes e, consequentemente, uma não efetivação das ações desenvolvidas nesse aspecto. As ações de reparação focaram compensações monetárias para a perda de bens materiais, porém sendo muitas vezes subdimensionadas ou até mesmo ausentes. É imprescindível que a reparação seja pensada na perspectiva da complexidade do caso, considerando todas as dimensões da saúde e da vida.
Abstract Health is a complex of situations of living conditions aligned to contexts and places at a given time. The redress process based on the expanded understanding of health is a set of rights, actions, and measures carried out by different subjects in the different dimensions of life. This article aims to analyze the perceptions and redress actions directed to peasants who suffered material and symbolic losses during the transposition of the São Francisco River, in Sertânia, Pernambuco. This is a case study with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this research were peasants over 18 years of age, of without specifying gender, living in three peasant communities near the Eixo Leste of the transposition. Semi-structured interviews and a participatory workshop were carried out in the communities. An insufficiency in the recognition of reparation rights by the inhabitants and, consequently, a non-effectiveness of the actions developed to that end were observed. Remedial actions focused on monetary compensation from the loss of material goods, but were often undersized or even absent. It is essential that the repair be thought of from the perspective of the complexity of the case, considering all dimensions of health and life.
Humans , Male , Female , Environmental Health , Compensation and Redress , Projects , Health Vulnerability , BrazilABSTRACT
The Pathology Division at the National Institute for Occupational Health (NIOH) provides autopsy services for deceased workers who worked in controlled mines or works under the provisions of the South African Occupational Diseases in Mines and Works Act, 1973 (Act No. 78 of 1973). This report describes the ages, commodities, employment durations, and occupational cardio-respiratory diseases in miners whose organs were submitted for autopsies in 2019 and 2020. Data were exported from the PATHAUT database into STATA for analysis. Differences in the proportions of disease (expressed per 1 000) were calculated using the Pearson's chi-square test; significance was set at p ≤ 0.05. There were 759 and 557 records of deceased miners and ex-miners in 2019 and 2020, respectively. Pulmonary tuberculosis decreased from 192/1 000 in 2019 to 153/1 000 autopsies in 2020, and silicosis decreased from 246/1 000 to 223/1 000. However, neither decrease was significant. There was a significant increase in the rate of asbestosis from 50/1 000 in 2019 to 79/1 000 in 2020. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB), emphysema, and silicosis were the most frequent diseases, with high rates. There was a non-significant decrease in occupational respiratory disease rates in 2020 from 2019, but these remain higher than the rates seen in the early 1990s. The NIOH continues to conduct autopsy surveillance on miners to support compensation for families, and the development of policy and intervention programmes in the mining industry
Surveillance in Disasters , Compensation and RedressABSTRACT
A vida universitária de mulheres mães apresenta questões que precisam ser mediadas quando comparadas com a mesma dinâmica em estudantes que não são mães. O referencial teórico da psicodinâmica do trabalho reconhece o estudar e o maternar como trabalho, pois demandam esforço cognitivo, físico e temporal com finalidade social. O objetivo deste artigo foi avaliar os danos advindos desses dois trabalhos, sobretudo, em suas dimensões física, psicológica e social, na vida de mães universitárias com filhos de até cinco anos de idade. Utilizou-se a metodologia quantitativa com ajuda da aplicação da Escala de Avaliação dos Danos Relacionados ao Trabalho (EADRT), e adaptada para o contexto estudantil e materno. A pesquisa foi respondida por 453 mães universitárias. Dessa forma, foi encontrada uma amostra heterogênea, cujas respostas apontaram para diferenças na percepção dos danos; correlações dos fatores; e associações com as variáveis sociodemográficas. Logo, discute-se a presença de danos físicos, sociais e psicológicos considerados graves para as duas atividades. No entanto, quando as mães universitárias residem com um companheiro ou têm maior renda, os danos sociais e psicológicos se mostraram menores. Com efeito, esta pesquisa ampliou o conhecimento sobre quem são as mães brasileiras na graduação e que tipo/grau de danos à saúde elas vivenciam, destacando que o acúmulo dos dois papéis acarreta níveis críticos que podem ser atenuados pelo apoio familiar e pela assistência às questões de vulnerabilidade econômica. Por fim, reforça-se a preocupação em analisar cientificamente essas realidades, servindo de embasamento para políticas públicas e estratégias futuras de intervenção.(AU)
The student life of college mothers shows complementary issues that need to be evaluated when compared with the same dynamic in students that are not mothers. The theoretical framework of the psychodynamics of work recognizes studying and mothering occupations as work activities, since they demand cognitive, physical, and temporal effort with a social purpose. The aim of this article was to assess the damage arising from these two workloads, especially, in their physical, psychological, and social dimensions, to the lives of women undergraduate students who have children up to five years old. We used a quantitative methodology with the application of the Work-Related Damage Assessment Scale (EADRT), adapted to the university and maternity context. The scale was answered by 453 college student mothers. Thus, we found a heterogeneous sample, whose answers pointed to variations in the perception of damage; correlations between factors; and connections with the socio demographic variables. Therefore, we discuss the presence of physical, social, and psychological damages considered severe for both activities. However, when the student mothers live with a partner or have a higher income, the social and psychological damage are lesser. In conclusion, this study expanded the knowledge about who are the Brazilian undergraduate student mothers and the type/degree of damages to their health they experienced, highlighting that the build-up of the two roles leads to critical levels that can be mitigated by family support and by assistance to issues concerning economic vulnerability. Finally, the importance to scientifically analyze these realities, serving as foundation for public policies and future intervention strategies, is reinforced.(AU)
La vida universitaria de madres tienen demandas diferentes que necesitan discusión en la comparación con la vida universitaria de mujeres que no son madres. El marco teórico de la psicodinámica de trabajo reconoce el papel de madre y de estudiante como trabajos, ya que para hacerlos se requiere esfuerzo cognitivo, físico y temporal, con finalidad social. El objetivo de este estudio es avaliar los daños que acompañan estos dos trabajos en sus dimensiones física, psicológica y social, en la vida de mujeres brasileñas estudiantes de grado que tienen hijos de hasta 5 años de edad. Se utilizó la metodología cuantitativa a partir de la aplicación de la Escala de Evaluación de Daños Relacionados al Trabajo (EADRT), adaptada al contexto estudiantil y de maternidad. La encuesta fue respondida por 453 madres universitarias. Como resultado, se encontró una muestra heterogénea, con diferencias entre la percepción de daños, correlaciones entre los factores y asociaciones entre los daños y variables sociodemográficas. Se discute la presencia de daños físicos, sociales y psicológicos considerados graves para los dos papeles. Sin embargo, cuando las madres universitarias viven con un compañero o tienen ingresos más grandes, los daños sociales y psicológicos son menores. Se concluye que este estudio permitió ampliar el conocimiento acerca de las madres brasileñas en el grado y qué tipo/nivel de los daños a la salud tienen, que destaca que la acumulación de los papeles genera niveles críticos que pueden ser mitigados por el apoyo familiar y asistencia en cuestiones de vulnerabilidad económica. Se destaca la preocupación por analizar científicamente las realidades de madres universitarias, sirviendo de base para políticas públicas y estrategias de intervenciones futuras.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Work , Damage Assessment , Mothers , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Poverty , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Quality of Life , Remedial Teaching , Sleep , Sleep Wake Disorders , Social Behavior , Social Change , Social Responsibility , Social Sciences , Social Support , Socialization , Socioeconomic Factors , Student Dropouts , Women's Rights , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Mainstreaming, Education , Breast Feeding , Pregnancy , Adaptation, Psychological , Single Parent , Marriage , Child Rearing , Family Characteristics , Indicators of Quality of Life , Liability, Legal , Parental Leave , Marital Status , Problem-Based Learning , Feminism , Compensation and Redress , Dizziness , Dreams , Educational Status , Emotions , Faculty , Fear , Feeding Behavior , Social Discrimination , Social Marginalization , Social Capital , Emotional Adjustment , Psychosocial Support Systems , Work-Life Balance , Memory and Learning Tests , Political Activism , Gender-Based Division of Labor , Burnout, Psychological , Economic Status , Sadness , Psychological Distress , Social Inclusion , Economic Factors , Sociodemographic Factors , Citizenship , Family Support , Psychological Well-Being , Guilt , Housing , Human Rights , Life Change Events , Love , Mother-Child Relations , MotivationABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To develop and validate a questionnaire to measure the vulnerability of orthodontists, measuring the risks of being involved in civil liability lawsuits. Material and Methods: In-depth interviews were performed with three groups: G1- law professionals, G2 - orthodontists, and G3 - orthodontic patients. From the analysis of the content of Bardin, domains for the construction of the first version of the 53-question questionnaire were identified. The questionnaire was submitted to experts for validation, inclusion and exclusion of questions, but maintaining the 53-question format. It was submitted to the test-retest phases and verification of internal consistency. Results: 247 professionals answered the final version of the questionnaire. The intraclass correlation coefficient was 88.8%. Cronbach's alpha was 0.946, with high internal consistency. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin and Bartlett's tests confirmed internal consistency showing the values of 0.909 and significance of <0.001, respectively. From the total score and factorial analysis, the sample was divided into three groups of judicial vulnerability. Conclusion: The results of this study demonstrated that the questionnaire is a valid tool to measure the risks of involvement in civil liability lawsuits by orthodontists. It presented a multidimensional character and might be applied as well as face to face or online, without prejudice to quality (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Orthodontics/legislation & jurisprudence , Professional Practice/legislation & jurisprudence , Compensation and Redress/legislation & jurisprudence , Social Vulnerability , Surveys and Questionnaires , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
El este tercer trabajo se presenta el análisis comparativo de las últimas pautas de CIOMS 2016, realizado por estudiantes de la VI Cohorte de la Maestría en Bioética como parte de la evaluación de la asignatura Bioética e Investigación. En estas pautas se abordan de forma novedosa temas tan importantes como la investigación en grupos vulnerables, en situaciones de desastre y brotes de enfermedades de orden natural o creadas por el hombre e investigaciones con conglomerados, así como la compensación por daños, manejo de datos cuando se utiliza el entorno virtual y herramientas digitales y el conflicto de interés, lo cual proporcionará a los investigadores un aporte en su formación y una rápida adaptación a la nueva propuesta CIOMS(AU)
In this third work, the comparative analysis of the latest CIOMS 2016 guidelines, carried out by students of the VI Cohort of the Master in Bioethics, as part of the evaluation of the subject Bioethics and Research is presented. These guidelines deal in a novel way with important issues such as research in vulnerable groups in situations of disaster and outbreaks of natural or man-made diseases and investigations with clusters, as well as compensation for damages, data management when the virtual environment and digital tools and the conflict of interest are used, which will provide researchers with a contribution in their training and a rapid adaptation to the new CIOMS proposal(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Bioethics , Conflict of Interest , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Ethics, Professional , Risk Groups , Disease Outbreaks , Compensation and Redress , Data ManagementABSTRACT
Aged , Humans , Middle Aged , Academies and Institutes , Asbestos , Biopsy , Compensation and Redress , Diagnosis , Drinking , Drug Therapy , Endoscopy , Gastrectomy , Gastrointestinal Neoplasms , Korea , Occupational Exposure , Occupational Health , Oxygen , Power Plants , Rectal Neoplasms , Ships , Smoke , Smoking , Stomach NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Introdução: No Brasil, cada vez mais são identificadas ações ilegais de publicidade, propaganda e patrocínio por parte da indústria do tabaco em eventos musicais e por meio das redes sociais, voltadas a atrair principalmente o público jovem para o uso do cigarro. Objetivo: Desenvolver uma metodologia que permita estabelecer um parâmetro de quantificação dos impactos negativos para o setor saúde desse descumprimento da lei. Método: Combinaram-se as informações nacionais existentes sobre i) a equivalência entre "custo direto médio da assistência médica" e "mortes por doenças atribuíveis ao tabagismo" e ii) a equivalência entre "a parcela do lucro revertido em ações de marketing" e "mortes de fumantes que contribuíram para a geração desse lucro por meio da compra de cigarros", de forma a se obter a relação "custo direto do tratamento" vs "parcela do lucro revertido em ações de marketing". As doenças selecionadas foram aquelas que apresentam os maiores custos diretos de tratamento atribuíveis ao fumo. Resultados: Para cada centavo investido em marketing pela indústria do tabaco, o Brasil tem um gasto com tratamento de doenças relacionadas ao tabaco 1,93 vezes superior ao dinheiro investido pela indústria. Conclusão: A mensuração da responsabilização dos violadores da legislação nacional para o controle do tabaco é fundamental para compensar parte dos custos associados ao tratamento de pacientes e aos programas de cessação ao fumo, favorecendo assim a redução do tabagismo no país.
Introduction: In Brazil, illegal actions of advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by part of the tobacco industry are increasingly identified in music events, and through social media, aimed mainly to attract young people to use cigarettes. Objective: To develop a methodology that allows the creation of a parameter of quantification of the negative impacts to the health sector of non-compliance with the law. Method: Combination of the current national information about i) the equivalence between "mean direct cost of medical care" and "deaths by diseases attributable to tobacco addiction" and ii) the equivalence between "the portion of the profit translated into marketing actions" and "deaths of smokers who contributed for the generation of this profit through purchase of cigarettes" in order to obtain the relation between "direct cost of the treatment" vs "portion of the profit translated into market actions". The diseases selected were those that presented the biggest direct cost of treatment attributable to tobacco. Results: For every cent invested in marketing strategies by the tobacco industry, Brazil spends 1.93 times more financial resources to treat tobacco-related diseases. Conclusion: The measurement of the liability for non-compliance of the tobacco national legislation is essential to offset part of the associated costs of the treatment of patients and programs of tobacco cessation to favor the reduction of smoking prevalence in Brazil.
Introducción: En Brasil, es cada vez más común identificar acciones ilegales de publicidad, promoción y patrocinio del tabaco por parte de la industria tabacalera en eventos musicales y a través de redes sociales, destinadas principalmente a atraer al público joven al consumo de cigarrillos. Objetivo: Desarrollar una metodología que permita establecer un parámetro para cuantificar los impactos negativos al setor de la salud de esa acción ilegal de la ley. Método: El artículo integra la información nacional existente sobre i) la equivalencia entre el "costo directo promedio de asistencia médica" y "muertes por enfermedades atribuibles al tabaquismo" y ii) la equivalencia entre "la parte del ingreso usado en acciones de marketing" y "las muertes de fumadores que han contribuido a la generación de estos ingresos a través de la compra de cigarrillos", para obtener la relación "costo directo del tratamiento" vs "parte de los ingresos usados en acciones de marketing". Las enfermedades seleccionadas fueron las que presentaron los costos más altos de tratamiento directo atribuibles al uso del tabaco. Resultados: Por cada centavo invertido en marketing por la industria tabacalera, Brasil tiene un gasto en tratamiento de enfermedades relacionadas con el tabaco 1,93 veces mayor que el monto invertido por la industria. Conclusión: Medir la responsabilidad de los infractores de la legislación nacional de control del tabaco es esencial para compensar parte de los costos asociados con el tratamiento de los pacientes y com los programas para dejar de fumar, favoreciendo así la reducción del consumo de tabaco en el país.
Humans , Male , Female , Tobacco Use Disorder/economics , Tobacco Industry/economics , Tobacco-Derived Products Publicity , Tobacco Use Disorder/mortality , Brazil , Compensation and Redress , Marketing/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Este artículo cuestiona los mecanismos de protección de la salud en el trabajo desarrollados internacionalmente hasta ahora por el campo de la seguridad y la salud en el trabajo. Su objetivo fue hacer un análisis de los enfoques de la salud ocupacional y el aseguramiento que han estructurado la praxis hegemónica de la protección de la salud en el trabajo y contrastarlos con el enfoque de la salud de los trabajadores proveniente del campo de la medicina social salud colectiva. La metodología usada para el desarrollo del artículo fue la de una investigación documental, conjugada con la experiencia en formación, investigación y organización en el campo de la salud de los trabajadores del autor del artículo. Las reflexiones epistémicas, ontológicas, metodológicas, políticas y prácticas, sobre la base de lo revisado documentalmente, permitieron sostener que a pesar de algunos beneficios de los mecanismos tradicionales de protección de la salud en el trabajo, los enfoques de la salud ocupacional y el aseguramiento no transforman las condiciones de trabajo que históricamente han generado efectos negativos sobre la salud y la vida de los trabajadores, mientras que el enfoque de salud del trabajador proporciona elementos que aportan a configurar una protección integral del cuidado de la salud en trabajo, con un sentido de autonomía y emancipación de los trabajadores y una apuesta real por la transformación tanto de las condiciones de trabajo, como de las del modo de producción(AU)
This paper questions the mechanisms of protection of health at the workplace currently applied globally in occupational safety and health. The author performed an analysis of occupational health and insurance approaches that have driven the hegemonic practice of occupational health protection, and contrasted them with an approach centered on workers' health coming from the field of social medicine/collective health. The methodology used for the development of the paper was that of a documentary investigation, combined with the author's experience in training, research and organization in occupational health. The epistemic, ontological, methodological, political and practical reflections, on the basis of the documentary review, allows the author to postulate that, despite some benefits of the traditional mechanisms of occupational health protection, these approaches do not transform the working conditions that have historically generated negative effects on the health and life of workers. In contrast, the workers' health-centered approach provides elements that contribute to configuring an integral protection of health care in the workplace, with a sense of autonomy and emancipation of workers and true commitment to the transformation of both working conditions and those of the means of production(AU)
Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Social Medicine/organization & administration , Universal Access to Health Care Services , Universal Health Coverage , Compensation and Redress , Insurance , Occupational GroupsABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar los datos epidemiológicos y jurídicos de los casos por responsabilidad médica fallados por la Corte Suprema de Justicia chilena (CSJ) el año 2017, para relevar los escenarios de alto riesgo, aportando a su prevención. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, revisando los fallos de la CSJ en la base de datos electrónica del Poder Judicial chileno. Se seleccionaron y analizaron los fallos por responsabilidad médica. Se detectó un total de 61 casos por responsabilidad médica que alcanzaron la CSJ en 2017. Todos correspondieron a causas civiles. La duración promedio de los juicios fue 41,9 meses. La especialidad más demandada y condenada fue ginecología. La mayoría de las demandas y condenas afectó al Sistema Público de salud. Los casos que dan origen a las demandas son, en su mayoría, de atención de urgencias por sobre las programadas, y de tratamiento por sobre procedimientos quirúrgicos. El 54,8 % de los casos resultaron en la muerte del paciente. La mitad de los fallos condenatorios involucraba el fallecimiento del usuario afectado. Se deben investigar los factores de riesgo no sólo de la ocurrencia de mal-praxis, si no de la judicialización de los conflictos médico-paciente, especialmente en el área gineco-obstétrica, incluyendo los casos de instancias anteriores a la CSJ. Se debe investigar así mismo los factores de riesgo para la mayor propensión de los profesionales de sexo masculino de ser demandados y condenados por malpraxis médica.
ABSTRACT: The objective of the present study is to characterize the epidemiologic and juridical data for medical malpractice cases ruled by the Chilean Supreme Court (CSC) in 2017, to highlight the high risk scenarios, as a contribution to their prevention. A search of the CSC electronic database was conducted to identify and analyze CSC rulings for medical malpractice cases. In this study 61 malpractice cases ruled by CSC were identified. The CSC received only civil cases of medical malpractices during the studied period. The average duration of the trial was 41.9 months. Gynecologists faced suits and received sentences more frequently than any other type of specialist. The majority of prosecuted cases and convictions were associated with the public health system. A greater number of claims were related to emergency care than with scheduled procedures. Likewise, more claims were associated with non-surgical treatment than with surgical procedures. 54.8 % of all cases resulted in the patient's death. Half of the cases that lead to conviction, were related to the death of a patient. Risk factors should be investigated, not only of the occurrence of malpractice, but also of the judicial process of doctor-patient conflicts, especially in the obstetrics and gynecology area, including the analysis of cases of prior judicial instances. The risk factors for the higher propensity of male professionals to be prosecuted and convicted for medical malpractice should also be investigated.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Defensive Medicine/legislation & jurisprudence , Dentistry , Malpractice/legislation & jurisprudence , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Compensation and Redress/legislation & jurisprudence , Jurisprudence , MedicineABSTRACT
A responsabilidade civil na atuação odontológica envolve a reparação de um dano e pode gerar, ao final do processo, a obrigação de indenizar o indivíduo lesado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar o levantamento e a análise dos processos de responsabilidade civil envolvendo cirurgiões-dentistas e clínicas odontológicas na Região Metropolitana da Grande Vitória (RMGV), Espírito Santo, Brasil. Foram analisados processos instaurados entre 2009 e 2017, sendo verificados os valores de indenização, as especialidades odontológicas envolvidas, presença de laudo pericial e o acionamento de seguro de responsabilidade. Foi encontrado um total de 102 processos. As especialidades mais envolvidas foram Prótese Dentária, Ortodontia e Implantodontia. 84 processos foram instaurados nos Juizados Especiais Cíveis (JEC), enquanto 18 foram via justiça comum (JC). Nos processos do JEC, os valores de indenização solicitados variaram entre R$ 100,00 e R$ 35.000,00, sendo que 21 processos se apresentavam em andamento, 26 foram resolvidos por meio de acordo, 19 foram extintos sem resolução de mérito, em 11 houve sentença favorável ao paciente e sete foram extintos pelo autor. Nos processos da JC os valores de indenização solicitados variaram entre R$ 2.800,00 e R$ 120.237,00, sendo que 14 processos apresentavam-se em andamento, dois foram encerrados por acordo e em dois houve sentença favorável ao cirurgião-dentista. Houve presença de laudo pericial em quatro casos e nenhuma contratação de seguro de responsabilidade civil. Concluiu-se que no período estudado houve uma tendência ao crescimento na ocorrência dos processos na RMGV
Civil liability in the dental practice involves the obligation to repair an injury and can generate, in a lawsuit, the obligation to indemnify the patient. The aim of this study was to carry out a survey to analyze lawsuits involving dentists and dental offices in the Vitória Metropolitan Region (VMR), Espírito Santo state, Brazil. Lawsuits filed between 2009 and 2017 were analyzed and collected data as values, dental specialties involved, presence of expert witness report and the use of liability insurance. 102 lawsuits were found. The main dental specialties were Prosthodontics, Orthodontics and Dental Implants. 84 cases were filed in special civil courts (SCC), while 18 cases were filed through the ordinary courts (OC). In the SCC cases, the indemnity amounts requested ranged from R$ 100.00 to R$ 35,000.00, of which 21 were in progress, 26 were concluded through agreement, 19 were finished without merit resolution, in 11 cases the patient was the winner, and seven were extinguished by the author. In the cases of OC, the indemnity amounts requested ranged from R$ 2,800.00 to R$ 120,237.00, of which 14 were in progress, two were concluded through agreements and in two was a favorable decision to the dentist. There was expert witness report in four cases and no contracting of civil liability insurance. It was concluded that in the studied period there was a tendency to growth related to lawsuits involving Dentistry in the VMR.
Humans , Male , Female , Damage Liability , Compensation and Redress , Forensic DentistrySubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Safety , Impoundments , Civil Rights , Compensation and Redress , Disasters , Sanitary SupervisionABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: The mandibular third molar (M3) is typically the last permanent tooth to erupt because of insufficient space and thick soft tissues covering its surface. Problems such as alveolar bone loss, development of a periodontal pocket, exposure of cementum, gingival recession, and dental caries can be found in the adjacent second molars (M2) following M3 extraction. The specific aims of the study were to assess the amount and rate of bone regeneration on the distal surface of M2 and to evaluate the aspects of bone regeneration in terms of varying degree of impaction. METHODS: Four series of panoramic radiographic images were obtained from the selected cases, including images from the first visit, immediately after extraction, 6 weeks, and 6 months after extraction. ImageJ software® (NIH, USA) was used to measure linear distance from the region of interest to the distal root of the adjacent M2. Radiographic infrabony defect (RID) values were calculated from the measured radiographic bone height and cementoenamel junction with distortion compensation. Repeated measures of analysis of variance and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to analyze the statistical significant difference between RID and time, and a Spearman correlation test was conducted to assess the relationship between Pederson’s difficulty index (DI) and RID. RESULTS: A large RID (> 6 mm) can be reduced gradually and consistently over time. More than half of the samples recovered nearly to their normal healthy condition (RID ≤ 3 mm) by the 6-month follow-up. DI affected the first 6 weeks of post-extraction period and only showed a significant positive correlation with respect to the difference between baseline and final RID. CONCLUSIONS: Additional treatments on M2 for a minimum of 6 months after an M3 extraction could be recommended. Although DI may affect bone regeneration during the early healing period, further study is required to elucidate any possible factors associated with the healing process. The DI does not cause any long-term adverse effects on bone regeneration after surgical extraction.
Alveolar Bone Loss , Bone Regeneration , Compensation and Redress , Dental Caries , Dental Cementum , Follow-Up Studies , Gingival Recession , Molar , Molar, Third , Periodontal Pocket , Retrospective Studies , Tooth , Tooth CervixABSTRACT
INTRODUCTION: To prevent and manage the societal and economic burden of occupational diseases (ODs), countries should develop strong prevention policies, health surveillance and registry systems. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of OD surveillance at national level as well as to identify priority actions in Turkey.METHODS: The history and current status of occupational health studies were considered from the perspective of OD surveillance. Interpretative research was done through literature review on occupational health at national, regional and international level. Analyses were focused on countries’ experiences in policy development and practice, roles and responsibilities of institutions, multidisciplinary and intersectoral collaboration. OD surveillance models of Turkey, Belgium and the Netherlands were examined through exchange visits. Face-to-face interviews were conducted to explore the peculiarities of legislative and institutional structures, the best and worst practices, and approach principles.RESULTS: Some countries are more focused on exploring OD trends through effective and cost-efficient researches, with particular attention to new and emerging ODs. Other countries try to reach every single case of OD for compensation and rehabilitation. Each practice has advantages and shortcomings, but they are not mutually exclusive, and thus an effective combination is possible.CONCLUSION: Effective surveillance and registry approaches play a key role in the prevention of ODs. A well-designed system enables monitoring and assessment of OD prevalence and trends, and adoption of preventive measures while improving the effectiveness of redressing and compensation. A robust surveillance does not only provide protection of workers’ health but also advances prevention of economic losses.
Belgium , Compensation and Redress , Cooperative Behavior , Health Policy , Netherlands , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health , Policy Making , Prevalence , Rehabilitation , TurkeyABSTRACT
The “fourth industrial revolution” (FIR) is an age of advanced technology based on information and communication. FIR has a more powerful impact on the economy than in the past. However, the prospects for the labor environment are uncertain. The purpose of this study is to anticipate and prepare for occupational health and safety (OHS) issues.In FIR, nonstandard employment will be common. As a result, it is difficult to receive OHS services and compensation. Excessive trust in new technologies can lead to large-scale or new forms of accidents. Global business networks will cause destruction of workers' biorhythms, some cancers, overwork, and task complexity. The social disconnection because of an independent work will be a risk for worker's mental health. The union bonds will weaken, and it will be difficult to apply standardized OHS regulations to multinational enterprises.To cope with the new OHS issues, we need to establish new concepts of "decent work” and standardize regulations, which apply to enterprises in each country, develop public health as an OHS service, monitor emerging OHS events and networks among independent workers, and nurture experts who are responsible for new OHS issues.
Commerce , Compensation and Redress , Employment , Mental Health , Occupational Health , Periodicity , Public Health , Social Control, Formal , Workers' CompensationABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine nurses' perceptions of the disclosure of patient safety incidents (DPSI), which is known to be effective in reducing medical litigation and improving the credibility of medical professionals. METHODS: Three focus group discussions were conducted with 20 nurses using semistructured guidelines. Transcribed content including a record of the progress of the focus group discussions and researchers' notes were analyzed using directed content analysis. RESULTS: Most participants thought that DPSI is necessary because of its effectiveness and for ethical justification. However, participants held varied opinions regarding the primary responsibility of DPSI. Participants agreed on the necessity of explaining the incident and expressing sympathy, apologizing, and promising appropriate compensation that are chief components of DPSI. However, they were concerned that it implies a definitive medical error. A closed organizational culture, fear of deteriorating relationships with patients, and concerns about additional work burdens were suggested as barriers to DPSI. However, the establishment of DPSI guidelines and improving the hospital organization culture were raised as facilitators of DPSI. CONCLUSION: Most nurse participants acknowledged the need for DPSI. To promote DPSI, it is necessary to develop guidelines for DPSI and provide the appropriate training. Improving the hospital organization culture is also critical to facilitate DPSI.
Humans , Compensation and Redress , Disclosure , Focus Groups , Jurisprudence , Korea , Medical Errors , Organizational Culture , Patient Rights , Patient SafetyABSTRACT
PURPOSE: To investigate the clinical effects of different orientation and magnitude of cyclotorsion on the compensation capacity of the WaveLight EX500 photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) platform. METHODS: This retrospective study comprised 400 eyes of 200 patients who underwent bilateral simultaneous PRK due to compound myopic astigmatism. The subjects were separated according to the orientation of cyclotorsion into incyclotorsion and excyclotorsion groups, and by the magnitude of cyclotorsion into group 1 (0.50 to 2.50 degrees), group 2 (3.00 to 5.00 degrees), group 3 (5.50 to 7.50 degrees), and group 4 (8.00 to 9.50 degrees). RESULTS: The mean magnitude of cyclotorsion was 3.50 ± 2.4 degrees (0.50 to 9.50 degrees) in the incyclotorsion group and 3.32 ± 2.3 degrees (0.50 to 9.50 degrees) in the excyclotorsion group (p = 0.617). The postoperative refractive outcomes of the incyclotorsion and excyclotorsion groups were similar (p > 0.05 for all). The postoperative mean cylindrical refractive error was −0.32 ± 0.3 diopters (D, −1.25 to 0.00 D) in group 1, −0.47 ± 0.2 D (−2.00 to 0.00 D) in group 2, −0.62 ± 0.2 D (−1.00 to −0.25 D) in group 3, and −0.91 ± 0.2 D (−1.50 to −0.50 D) in group 4 (p < 0.001). Preoperative cylindrical refractive error was positively correlated with magnitude of cyclotorsion (r = 0.125 and p = 0.013), which was also positively correlated with postoperative cylindrical refractive error (r = 0.600 and p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Incyclotorsion and excyclotorsion can be equally compensable in the WaveLight EX500 PRK platform for compound myopic astigmatism. A value of ≤2.50 degrees cyclotorsion magnitude was observed to be more compensable than higher degrees of cyclotorsion magnitude. Preoperative high astigmatism was associated with high cyclotorsion magnitude, which was also associated with a high degree of postoperative astigmatism.
Humans , Astigmatism , Compensation and Redress , Myopia , Photorefractive Keratectomy , Refractive Errors , Refractive Surgical Procedures , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
The aim of this study is to analyze the current status and performance evaluation systems of faculty in Korean medical colleges and professional graduate medical schools (called medical schools). We developed a research tool based on previous studies and distributed it to 40 medical schools from July to October 2017. The response rate was 100%. We calculated the number of faculty members and analyzed the faculty evaluation systems and awareness according to national and private medical schools. As of 2017, the number of medical faculty in Korea was 11,111 (4,973 faculty were employed by their alma mater, which is 44.76% of the total), with non-medical doctor faculty accounting for 754 of the total. The medical schools reflect research achievements as most important for re-appointment and screening to promote faculty, and the area of education is secondary excepting clinical faculty of private medical schools. However, important issues in the faculty evaluation deal with the relevance of research achievement and the need for qualitative assessment. Some medical schools revised or have been revising the faculty evaluation system in areas such as minimum standards of education for promotion and separation of promotion and tenure review. Opening non-tenure track lines for faculty show positive effects such as increasing the number of positions for hire and easing the financial burdens of medical schools. Downfalls include inconsistencies between the responsibilities and actual practices of tenure not being available and the instability of faculty's status. In conclusion, medical schools need to prepare a faculty evaluation system that fits the position of faculty members and attempt to establish a reasonable compensation system.
Humans , Compensation and Redress , Education , Faculty, Medical , Health Personnel , Korea , Mass Screening , Reward , Schools, Medical , Social ResponsibilityABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: Among emergency department patient complaints, complaints related to medical malpractice can often lead to lawsuits. This study examined the reasons for medical malpractice complaints and find ways to improve the medical process and patient satisfaction in an emergency department. METHODS: This study analyzed 269 official complaints of emergency department patients between January 1, 2007, and December 31, 2016. From these complaints, 100 complaints of medical malpractice were analyzed and the complaints of the non-medical process, such as unkindness, cost, facilities and the others, were excluded. The patients' age, sex, relationship between the patient and complainer, insurance state and visiting hour were analyzed. Details of the medical malpractice complaints were assessed and classified into four reasons: diagnosis, examination, treatment, and explanation. This study attempted to analyze the hospital's response to the complaints made during the medical process. RESULTS: Among the 100 medical malpractice complaints, 75 occurred at night duty; 40 were related to treatment, 32 to diagnosis, 22 to examination, and six to explanation. Among the treatment, wound problems were the most frequent reason for 23 cases. The hospital made financial compensation to 16 of its patients. CONCLUSION: The medical malpractice complaints occurred mainly at night. Treatment, especially wound problems, was the most frequent reason for the complaints. The rate of monetary compensation was higher than that of the other studies.
Humans , Compensation and Redress , Diagnosis , Emergencies , Emergency Medical Services , Emergency Service, Hospital , Insurance , Malpractice , Patient Satisfaction , Retrospective Studies , Wounds and InjuriesABSTRACT
PURPOSE: We investigate biases in the assessments of left ventricular function (LVF), by compressed sensing (CS)-cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cardiovascular cine images with short axis view, were obtained for 8 volunteers without CS. LVFs were assessed with subsampled data, with compression factors (CF) of 2, 3, 4, and 8. A semi-automatic segmentation program was used, for the assessment. The assessments by 3 CS methods (ITSC, FOCUSS, and view sharing (VS)), were compared to those without CS. Bland-Altman analysis and paired t-test were used, for comparison. In addition, real-time CS-cine imaging was also performed, with CF of 2, 3, 4, and 8 for the same volunteers. Assessments of LVF were similarly made, for CS data. A fixed compensation technique is suggested, to reduce the bias. RESULTS: The assessment of LVF by CS-cine, includes bias and random noise. Bias appeared much larger than random noise. Median of end-diastolic volume (EDV) with CS-cine (ITSC or FOCUSS) appeared −1.4% to −7.1% smaller, compared to that of standard cine, depending on CF from (2 to 8). End-systolic volume (ESV) appeared +1.6% to +14.3% larger, stroke volume (SV), −2.4% to −16.4% smaller, and ejection fraction (EF), −1.1% to −9.2% smaller, with P < 0.05. Bias was reduced from −5.6% to −1.8% for EF, by compensation applied to real-time CS-cine (CF = 8). CONCLUSION: Loss of temporal resolution by adopting missing data from nearby cardiac frames, causes an underestimation for EDV, and an overestimation for ESV, resulting in underestimations for SV and EF. The bias is not random. Thus it should be removed or reduced for better diagnosis. A fixed compensation is suggested, to reduce bias in the assessment of LVF.
Bias , Compensation and Redress , Diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Cine , Noise , Stroke Volume , Ventricular Function, Left , VolunteersABSTRACT
PURPOSE: This study was conducted to identify effects of Medicaid Case Manager's communication competence and stress on their job satisfaction. METHODS: The current work is descriptive research, and the participants were 154 medicaid case managers. Data were collected between May and July, 2017 through Embrain, a specialized research organization. The data were analyzed using independent t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression. RESULTS: The mean communication competence of the medicaid case managers was 3.61, stress 1.76, and their job satisfaction 2.74. Age and average monthly compensation brought significant differences in their job satisfaction. Their communication competence was correlated with stress (r=−.35, p<.001), but not with their job satisfaction. The stress was the most influential factor in job satisfaction (β=−.45). CONCLUSION: The results of this work show that the medicaid case managers' communication competence was not an influence factor of their job satisfaction, which is different from implications from the previous studies and needs confirmation through future research. In addition the results of this study also suggest that stress management can be a useful approach to the improvement of medicaid case managers' job satisfaction.