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Ribeirão Preto; s.n; nov. 2023. 140 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1562089


A Parada Cardiorrespiratória (PCR) em pediatria é uma situação emergencial que exige desempenho adequado. Considerando a importância da formação de enfermeiros para atuar nessa situação, faz-se premente o ensino híbrido, que se destaca nos processos formativos de graduação. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a efetividade do ensino híbrido na aprendizagem cognitiva de estudantes de enfermagem, implementados por tecnologias educacionais e simulação clínica acerca do cuidado da criança em situação de PCR por Insuficiência Respiratória (IR). Trata-se de um estudo metodológico e de intervenção quase-experimental, de abordagem transversal e quantitativa, cujo quadro teórico se pauta na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa e da Aprendizagem Experiencial. A primeira etapa do estudo foi constituída pela construção dos instrumentos de coleta de dados e utilização na abordagem educativa (pré-teste, pós-teste, questões guiadas ao chat e checklist do cenário de simulação), sendo todos validados pelo Índice de Validação de Conteúdo (IVC). Sequencialmente, o cenário de simulação clínica, previamente construído, também foi validado pelo índice supracitado. A segunda etapa ocorreu com a implementação da proposta educativa em duas ofertas, com estudantes de enfermagem de uma Instituição de Ensino Superior pública paulista, a partir do 4o e 5o semestre de graduação. Esta etapa contou com 43 estudantes, 15 participaram no segundo semestre de 2021 e 28 no primeiro semestre de 2022. Os estudantes foram incluídos em um Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem que continha as orientações da pesquisa e coleta de dados, além do questionário de caracterização, Inventário de Estilos de Aprendizagem de Kolb e objetos virtuais de aprendizagem relativos à PCR pediátrica por IR. Inicialmente, a proposta educativa demandou aos estudantes que respondessem à um pré-teste no primeiro acesso ao Ambiente Virtual de Aprendizagem e, posteriormente, disponibilização dos materiais. Em seguida, os estudantes participaram de uma sessão síncrona de chat e de uma simulação clínica presencial sobre a temática. O pós-teste foi aplicado em três momentos: após a sessão síncrona de chat, ao término da participação na simulação e 30 dias após as atividades propostas. Identificou-se prevalência de participação de estudantes do 7o semestre da graduação. Nas análises, foram utilizados teste de Friedman, teste de comparação múltiplas de Nemenyi, ANOVA e de Kruskal-Wallis. Quanto aos Estilos de Aprendizagem, a maior parte dos estudantes demonstrou se caracterizar como "convergentes". A melhor média ocorreu no pós-teste ao término da simulação e houve diferença entre as notas obtidas nos distintos momentos de aplicação dos testes, onde constatou-se aumento significativo da média das notas obtidas no pós-teste comparado com os pré-testes. Ademais, houve associação entre o tempo de execução do teste e o período em que foi realizado, havendo diferença nos tempos de execução. Por fim, coletou-se as percepções dos estudantes sobre as intervenções e estratégias de ensino utilizadas durante a coleta de dados. Os resultados demonstraram eficácia do ensino híbrido no processo de aprendizagem sobre a PCR em pediatria por IR e evidenciou o uso de uma estratégia de ensino que engloba a flexibilização e personalização das abordagens educativas para atender as individualidades e demandas dos estudantes de enfermagem.

Cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in pediatrics is an emergency situation that requires adequate action. Considering the importance of training nurses to act in this situation, blended learning is urgently needed, which stands out in degree training processes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of blended learning in the cognitive learning of nursing students, implemented by educational technologies and realistic simulation on the care of children in situations of CPA due to Respiratory Failure (RF). This is a methodological and quasi-experimental intervention study, with a cross-sectional and quantitative approach, whose theoretical framework is part of the Theory of Significant Learning and Experiential Learning. The first stage of the study consisted in the construction of instruments for data collection and application in the educational approach (pre-test, post-test, questions addressed to the chat and checklist for the simulation scenario), all of which were validated by the Content Validation Index (CVI). Sequentially, the previously constructed realistic simulation scenario was also validated by the aforementioned index. The second stage occurred with the implementation of the educational proposal in two stages, with nursing students from a public higher education institution in São Paulo, starting from the 4th and 5th semester of the degree. This stage had 43 students, 15 participated in the second semester of 2021 and 28 in the first semester of 2022. The students were included in a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) that contained research and data collection guidelines, in addition to the characterization questionnaire, Learning Styles Inventory by Kolb and virtual learning objects related to CPA by pediatric RF. Initially, the educational proposal required that students answer a test prior to accessing the VLE for the first time and, later, making the materials available. Subsequently, the students participated in a synchronous chat session and a realistic face-to-face simulation on the subject. The post-test was applied in three moments: after the synchronous chat session, at the end of participation in the realistic simulation, and 30 days after the proposed activities. A predominance of participation of the students of the 7th semester of grade was identified. The Friedman test, the Nemenyi multiple comparison test, ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis were used in the analyses. Regarding the Learning Styles, most of the students demonstrated that they characterized themselves as "convergent". The best average was presented in the post-test at the end of the realistic simulation and there was a difference between the scores obtained at the different moments of application of the tests, where a significant increase was observed in the average of the scores obtained in the pre-test compared to the post-tests. In addition, there was an association between the execution time of the tests and the period in which they were carried out, and differences in the execution time. Finally, students' perceptions of the interventions and teaching strategies used during data collection were collected. The results demonstrated the effectiveness of blended learning in the learning process about CPA by pediatric RF and evidenced the use of a teaching strategy that encompasses flexibility and personalization of educational approaches to meet the individualities and demands of nursing students.

Pediatric Nursing , Respiratory Insufficiency , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Education, Nursing , Simulation Training
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1656-1661, dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421812


Los recursos educativos digitales se han transformado en un importante material de apoyo al proceso de enseñanza- aprendizaje, especialmente durante la pandemia por COVID-19. Estos corresponden a recursos de autoaprendizaje, generalmente en línea y de dominio público cuya disponibilidad inmediata a todo tipo de dispositivos electrónicos permite una rápida interacción del estudiante con materiales didácticos programados. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de satisfacción de cinco recursos educativos digitales, desarrollados como herramientas de apoyo para la enseñanza de la patología general, en estudiantes de carreras de pregrado del área de la salud de la Universidad Austral de Chile. Estudio descriptivo y exploratorio. Se desarrollaron cinco recursos educativos digitales donde se visualizan imágenes microscópicas correspondientes a procesos patológicos ocurridos en diferentes tejidos. Estos recursos fueron alojados en repositorios de la universidad y se encuentran actualmente disponibles en el canal de YouTube. Para conocer el grado de satisfacción, en sus aspectos pedagógicos y técnicos, se realizó una encuesta digital, anónima y voluntaria a estudiantes que cursaron asignaturas de patología, la que contempló cuatro dominios con sus respectivas preguntas: forma; control de usuario; contenido educativo y valoración global. El 94 % de los estudiantes calificaron el recurso de excelente o muy bueno y todos los dominios obtuvieron sobre el 80 % de satisfacción. Los contenidos representan lo que el recurso dice ofrecer, ayuda a resolver dudas y facilita la comprensión de la materia. El tamaño y color del texto es el adecuado y las imágenes presentan una excelente calidad y resolución. Los recursos cumplen con una alta calidad técnica y pedagógica, que asegura un gran potencial de uso para la enseñanza de la patología general, guiar el trabajo autónomo del estudiante y las actividades prácticas con el microscopio.

SUMMARY: Digital educational resources have become an important material to support the teaching-learning process, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. These correspond to self-learning resources, generally online and the public domain, whose immediate availability to all types of electronic devices allows for rapid learner interaction with programmed didactic materials. The public domain and its immediate availability to all types of electronic devices allows a quick interaction of the student with self-explanatory didactic materials. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of satisfaction of five digital educational resources, developed as support tools for the teaching of general pathology, in undergraduate students of the health area of the Universidad Austral de Chile. Descriptive and exploratory study. Five digital educational resources have been developed where microscopic images corresponding to pathological processes occurring in different tissues are visualized these resources were hosted in university repositories and uploaded to the YouTube channel. To determine the degree of satisfaction, in their pedagogical and technical aspects, an anonymous and voluntary digital survey was carried out among students taking pathology courses, which included four domains with their respective questions: form; user control; educational content and overall assessment. The 94 % of the students evaluated the resource as excellent or very good and all domains obtained over 80 % satisfaction. The contents represent what the resource says it offers, helps to resolve doubts and facilitates the understanding of the subject. The size and color of the text is adequate, and the images present excellent quality and resolution. The resources developed offer a high technical and pedagogical quality, which guarantees a great potential for use in the teaching of general pathology, guiding the student's autonomous work and practical activities with the microscope.

Humans , Pathology/education , Students, Health Occupations , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Teaching Materials , Surveys and Questionnaires
Distúrbios da comunicação ; 33(3): 513-525, set.2021. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1410629


Introdução: O uso das Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação está em expansão na educação superior. Na área da saúde, os avanços tecnológicos agregam novas formas de aprendizado ao ensino. Uma plataforma, denominada ObservaVoz foi criada com objetivo de divulgar informação e oferecer estratégias para o ensino da voz, e, desse ambiente virtual, duas atividades digitais foram testadas. Objetivo: Descrever a satisfação com a usabilidade de atividades digitais para o ensino da voz e analisar sua associação com dados sociodemográficos e de aceitabilidade por graduandos de Fonoaudiologia. Método: Participaram do estudo 122 alunos do curso de Fonoaudiologia de uma universidade pública brasileira. Eles foram convidados a utilizar e avaliar duas atividades digitais para o ensino da voz. Para a coleta de dados e avaliação das atividades, foi utilizado um questionário on-line, dividido em informações sociodemográficas, escala numérica de usabilidade System Usability Scale e Questionário de Aceitabilidade das Atividades. Os dados descritivos foram analisados por meio da distribuição de frequência das variáveis categóricas e análise das medidas de tendência central e de dispersão das variáveis. Resultados: A maioria dos participantes avaliou a usabilidade das atividades digitais como boa. A aceitabilidade foi considerada satisfatória. Houve associação entre a usabilidade com as variáveis sexo, contribuição para o aprendizado, layout das ferramentas, apreciação positiva e possibilidade de revisão de conteúdos. Conclusão: As atividades digitais "Qual é a Patologia?" e "Histolobby" apresentam boas características de usabilidade e aceitabilidade de acordo com a avaliação de graduandos de Fonoaudiologia.

Introduction: The use of Communication and Information Technologies is expanding in higher education. In health area, technological advances add new forms of learning. The ObservaVoz platform was created to disseminate information and offer strategies of voice teaching. Two digital activities from this virtual environment were evaluated. Objective: To describe the satisfaction of the usability of digital activities and to analyze its association with sociodemographic and acceptability data by Speech Therapy students. Methods: 122 Speech Therapy students of a Brazilian public university participated of the study. They were invited to use and evaluate two digital activities of voice teaching. An online questionnaire in a self-applicable Google Docs format was used for data collection and evaluation of the activities. It was divided into sociodemographic information, System Usability Scale and Activity Acceptability Questionnaire. Descriptive data were analyzed through the frequency distribution of categorical variables and analysis of measures of central tendency and dispersion of variables. Results: Most participants rated the usability of the digital activities as good. Acceptability was considered satisfactory. There was an association between the System Usability Scale with the variables gender, contribution to learning, layout of the tools, positive appreciation and revising content possibility. Conclusion: The "ObservaVoz" digital activities "What is the Pathology?" and "Histolobby" present good characteristics of usability and acceptability according to the evaluation of Speech Therapy students.

Introducction: El uso de tecnologías de la información y la comunicación se está expandiendo en la educación superior. En el área de la salud, los avances tecnológicos agregan nuevas formas de aprendizaje a la enseñanza. La plataforma ObservaVoz fue creada para difundir información y ofrecer estrategias para la enseñanza de la voz. Se evaluaron dos actividades digitales de este entorno virtual. Objetivo: Describir la satisfacción con la usabilidad de las actividades digitales para la enseñanza de la voz y analizar su asociación con datos sociodemográficos y de aceptabilidad por parte de los estudiantes de Fonoaudiología. Metodos: En el estudio participaron 122 estudiante del curso de Fonoaudiología de una Universidad pública brasileña. Seles pidió que utilizaran y evaluaran dos actividades digitales para la enseñanza de la voz. Para la recogida de datos y evaluación de las actividades se utilizó un cuestionario online, con información sociodemográfica, System Usability Scale y Cuestionario de Aceptabilidad de Actividad. Los datos descriptivos se analizaron mediante distribución de frecuencia de variables categóricas y análisis de medidas de tendencia central y dispersión de variables. Resultados: La mayoría de los participantes calificaron la usabilidad de las actividades digitales como buena. La aceptabilidad se consideró satisfactoria. Hubo asociación entre la usabilidad de la Sistem Usability Scale y las variables género, contribución al aprendizaje, disposición de las herramientas valoración positive y posibilidad de revisión de contenidos. Conclusión: Las actividades digitales "Qual é a Patogia?" e "Histolobby" presentan buenas características de usabilidad y aceptabilidad según la evaluación de los estudiantes de Fonoaudiología.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Personal Satisfaction , Voice , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , User-Centered Design , Students, Health Occupations , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences
Rev. méd. Chile ; 149(8): 1164-1172, ago. 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389580


Background: A massive open online course (MOOC) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the Web. Aim: To assess the MOOC experience for teaching nutrition, healthy food consumption, physical activity and health promotion to prevent obesity. Material and Methods: Two MOOC courses, (one with two versions), are described with the registration and evaluation instruments such as surveys carried out at the beginning and at the end of the courses. Effective participants in the three versions were 17.456, 11.121 in MOOC1, 2.351 in MOOC1 second version and 3.984 in MOOC2. Their median age was 31 years, 82% were women, 60% were professionals and 12% were foreigners. Results: In the final evaluation of the three courses, 85% to 99% qualified as "very good" or "good" all the surveyed topics. Thirty five percent of participants reported having lack of time, 11% reported problems with internet connectivity and 3.9%, personal or work problems. Conclusions: This is the first experience with MOOC in health and nutrition to prevent obesity in Chile. Considering the good results and positive evaluation of these courses, we estimate that they are an important tool to prevent obesity and chronic diseases in Chile, Latin America and other regions of the world.

Humans , Female , Adult , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Education, Distance/methods , Nutritional Status , Surveys and Questionnaires , Obesity/prevention & control
J. health inform ; 13(1): 3-9, jan.-mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361375


Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver um modelo conceitual e implementar um módulo adaptativo de treinamento auditivo para o Sistema de Treinamento das Habilidades Auditivas (SisTHA) para adultos e idosos usuários de aparelho auditivo. Métodos: Foi implementado um modelo de treinamento auditivo baseado no perfil do usuário, nas suas restrições socioemocionais e queixas auditivas iniciais, e em seu desempenho ao longo do treinamento. Os questionários Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Adult (HHIA), Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Eldery (HHIE) e de queixas auditivas foram aplicados antes e depois do treinamento. Resultados: Foram implementadas melhorias de responsividade da interface e navegabilidade no SisTHA. O modelo adaptativo foi utilizado para definir o protocolo de treinamento resultando em quatro algoritmos para detecção de perfil, definição do treinamento, treinamento e medição de desempenho. Conclusão: Em futuros ensaios clínicos usando os grupos adaptativo e padrão espera-se avaliar se o treinamento adaptativo possui maior efetividade sobre o padronizado.

Objective: To develop a conceptual model and implement an adaptive hearing training module for the Hearing Skills Training System (SisTHA) for adults and elderly hearing aid users. Methods: A hearing training model based on the user's profile, psychosocial restrictions and initial hearing complaints, and their performance throughout the training was implemented. The Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Adult (HHIA), Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Elderly (HHIE) and Hearing Complaints questionnaires were applied before and after training. Results: Improvements in SisTHA interface responsiveness and navigability was implemented. The adaptive model was used to define the training protocol resulting in four algorithms for profile detection, training definition, training and performance measurement. Conclusion: Future clinical trials will be performed using the adaptive and standard groups to evaluate the possibility of adaptive training is more effective than the standardized ones.

Objetivo: El objetivo de esta investigación fue desarrollar y evaluar un módulo de entrenamiento auditivo adaptativo para el Sistema de Entrenamiento de las Capacidades Auditivas (SisTHA) para adultos y ancianos usuarios de audífonos. Métodos: un modelo de entrenamiento auditiva basado en el perfil del usuario, sus restricciones psicosociales y quejas iniciales de audición y su desempeño a lo largo del entrenamiento fue puesto en ejecución. Los cuestionarios Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Adult (HHIA), Hearing Handicap Inventory for the Eldery (HHIE) y quejas auditivas había sido aplicado antes y después del entrenamiento. Resultados: se han implementado mejoras en la capacidad de respuesta y navegabilidad de la interfaz SisTHA. El modelo adaptativo fue utilizado para definir el protocolo de entrenamiento que resultó en cuatro algoritmos para la detección de perfil, definición de entrenamiento, entrenamiento y medición de rendimiento. Conclusión: en futuros ensayos clínicos que usen los grupos adaptativos y estándar, se espera evaluar si el entrenamiento adaptativo es más efectivo que los estandarizados.

Humans , Adult , Aged , Correction of Hearing Impairment , Software , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Hearing Aids
Int. j. morphol ; 39(1): 7-10, feb. 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385286


SUMMARY: There is a lack of visualization on gross anatomy planes for the non-orthogonal sections, such as subcostal and intercostal oblique scanning planes of ultrasound imaging. The aim of the present study was to visualize the anatomical image of corresponding plane for the oblique ultrasound scanning using a virtual dissection system. the oblique gross anatomy plane was constructed by appropriate segmentation using a virtual dissection table. A suitable cutting of the body plane was accomplished by turning on and off the organ systems, particularly the skeletal system, category, and structure. The right hepatic vein (RHV), middle hepatic vein (MHV), and left hepatic vein (LHV) for the right subcostal oblique plane appeared in the single slice plane. The location of the liver, gallbladder, and kidneys differently appeared in the oblique anatomical plane and body position. The results of this study suggest that using a virtual anatomy system contributes to improving the sonographer's ability to understand anatomy.

RESUMEN: Existe una falta de visualización en los planos de anatomía macroscópica para las secciones no ortogonales, tal como los planos de exploración oblicuos subcostales e intercostales en las imágenes de ultrasonido. El objetivo del presente estudio fue visualizar la imagen anatómica del plano correspondiente para la ecografía oblicua mediante un sistema de disección virtual. El plano de anatomía macroscópica oblicua se construyó mediante una adecuada segmentación utilizando una mesa de disección virtual. Se logró un corte correcto del plano corporal al encender y apagar los sistemas de órganos, particularmente el sistema esquelético, la categoría y la estructura. La vena hepática derecha, la vena hepática media y la vena hepática izquierda para el plano oblicuo subcostal derecho aparecieron en el plano de corte único. La ubicación del hígado, la vesícula biliar y los riñones aparecieron de manera diferente en el plano anatómico oblicuo y en la posición del cuerpo. Los resultados de este estudio sugieren que el uso de un sistema de anatomía virtual ayuda a mejorar la capacidad del ecografista para comprender la anatomía humana.

Humans , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Ultrasonography , Dissection/methods , Anatomy/methods , User-Computer Interface , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Imaging, Three-Dimensional
Int. j. morphol ; 38(5): 1258-1265, oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134434


SUMMARY: The aim of this exploratory design science research (DSR) study was to design a computer-based teaching simulation tool (CBTST) for training medical imaging (MI) students in chest pattern recognition. A DSR methodology used in the design of the CBTST entailed the following phases: 1) awareness of the problem (proposal design); 2) suggestion; 3) development; 4) evaluation; and 5) conclusion. The CBTST was designed using Microsoft Visual Studio which operates on the Structured Query Language server. The designed CBTST was evaluated using the System Usability Scale (SUS) and MI educators. The designed CBTST evaluation yielded an average score of 70.1 which exceeded the score of 68 which is generally accepted to indicate that the CBTST has good usability. The CBTST proved to be an authentic tool that is user-friendly and allows communication and feedback between the educator and the students. It is envisaged that the implementation of this tool will enhance the future training of MI students in pattern recognition while contributing immensely to the current development of the use of computer-based simulation.

RESUMEN: El objetivo de este estudio de investigación en ciencias de diseño (DSR) fue desarrollar una herramienta de simulación de enseñanza basada en computadora (CBTST) para capacitar a los estudiantes en el reconocimiento de patrones de tórax a través de la imagenología médica. Una metodología DSR utilizada en el diseño del CBTST implicaba las siguientes fases: 1) conciencia del problema (diseño de la propuesta); 2) sugerencia; 3) desarrollo; 4) evaluación; y 5) conclusión. El CBTST se diseñó con Microsoft Visual Studio, que opera en el servidor de Structured Query Language. El CBTST diseñado se evaluó utilizando la escala de usabilidad del sistema (SUS) y educadores de IM. La evaluación CBTST diseñada arrojó un puntaje promedio de 70,1 que excedió el puntaje de 68 que generalmente se acepta para indicar que el CBTST tiene buena usabilidad. El CBTST demostró ser una herramienta auténtica, fácil de usar y que permite la comunicación y la retroalimentación entre el educador y los estudiantes. Se prevé que la implementación de esta herramienta mejorará la formación futura de los estudiantes de IM en el reconocimiento de patrones y contribuirá de manera importante al desarrollo actual del uso de la simulación basada en computadora.

Humans , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Computer Simulation , Pattern Recognition, Automated , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Education, Medical/methods , Aptitude , Software , Education, Medical, Undergraduate , Educational Measurement , Simulation Training/methods , Anatomy/education
Rev. chil. radiol ; 26(1): 32-37, mar. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1115523


Resumen: Introducción: Las imágenes médicas constituyen un recurso de enseñanza-aprendizaje que complementa las metodologías tradicionales en el estudio de la Anatomía Humana para las profesiones de la salud. La pelvis femenina es una entidad anatómica compleja que contiene estructuras de varios sistemas, cuyas relaciones anatómicas son susceptibles de estudiar con detalle utilizando imágenes de resonancia magnética. Propósito: Diseñar una aplicación móvil como complemento al aprendizaje de la anatomía radiológica de la pelvis femenina y realizar una aplicación piloto a baja escala. Metodología: Se diseñó una aplicación móvil de anatomía normal de la pelvis femenina utilizando recursos gratuitos disponibles en línea, a partir de imágenes anonimizadas de resonancia magnética del archivo digital local. A partir de literatura anatómica relevante se seleccionaron las estructuras a rotular. Para evaluar la percepción de los usuarios, se diseñó y aplicó una encuesta por vía digital. Resultados: La aplicación móvil interactiva fue diseñada para dispositivos Android, con 7 secciones y 107 imágenes. Existió una adecuada recepción de la herramienta por parte de los seis estudiantes que participaron en la implementación piloto, destacando la accesibilidad como el principal aspecto a mejorar. Conclusión: Este atlas imagenológico a través de dispositivos móviles es un complemento del aprendizaje de la anatomía humana utilizando imágenes médicas.

Abstract: Introduction: Medical imaging is a teaching-learning resource that complements traditional methodologies in the study of Human Anatomy to health professions. The female pelvis is a complex anatomical entity that contains structures of several systems, whose anatomical relationships can be studied in detail using magnetic resonance imaging. Purpose: To design a mobile application as a complement to the learning of the radiological anatomy of the female pelvis and to carry out a pilot application in a small scale. Methodology: A mobile application of normal anatomy of the female pelvis was designed using free resources available online from anonymized magnetic resonance images from the local digital archive. The structures to be labelled were selected from relevant anatomical literature. In order to evaluate user's perception, a digital survey was designed and applied. Results: The interactive mobile application was designed for Android devices, with 7 sections and 107 images. There was an adequate reception of the tool by the six students who participated in the pilot implementation, highlighting accessibility as the main aspect to improve. Conclusion: This atlas imaging through mobile devices is a complement to the learning of human anatomy using medical images.

Humans , Female , Pelvis/anatomy & histology , Teaching/trends , Mobile Applications , Anatomy/education , Pelvis/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Pilot Projects , Surveys and Questionnaires , Computer-Assisted Instruction
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 36(3): 116-123, 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1129851


La pandemia 2019­2020 de la COVID-19 ha interrumpido la educación médica a nivel mundial. Cohortes enteras de estudiantes y médicos en formación han perdido meses de experiencias educativas. En ese contexto la esencia de la práctica docente actual puede definirse como "Educación Remota de Emergencia" (ERE) entendida como un respuesta de supervivencia ante la crisis que enfrentamos. En este artículo se analiza la perspectiva de estudiantes y profesores de educación superior en el área de educación médica frente al proceso de adaptación forzada a la virtualidad. En general, los profesores han puesto en práctica estrategias de enseñanza que reproducen los esquemas de la clase tradicional, mientras que el estudiantado ha recibido con reservas las estrategias que se ofrecen ya que no fueron diseñadas en el marco de un curso de educación superior a distancia. Si bien es evidente que no existe una solución única para los problemas sin precedentes que enfrenta actualmente la educación superior y la educación médica en particular, este es un momento privilegiado para el trabajo colaborativo de todos los miembros de la comunidad académica, autoridades universitarias, entes gubernamentales legítimos y organismos multilaterales comprometidos con la reconstrucción del país para la generación de experiencias y proyectos viables que nos permitan recrear nuestras Escuelas y Facultades de Medicina, al tiempo de intercambiar las modestas o grandes respuestas e innovaciones locales, que compartidas podrían tener el potencial de cambiar la forma de la educación médica en el futuro porvenir con la perspectiva incorporada de profesores y estudiantes(AU)

The 2019-2020 COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted globally the medical education. Entire cohorts of students and trainees have missed months of educational experiences. In this context, the essence of current teaching practice can be defined as "Emergency Remote Education" (ERE), understood as a survival response to the crisis we face. This article analyzes the perspective of students and teachers in the area of medical education as we face a process of of forced adaptation to virtuality. In general, the teachers have put into practice teaching strategies that reproduce the schemes of the traditional classroom, while the student body has received with reservations the strategies offered, since they were not designed within the framework of a distance higher education course . While it is clear that there is no single solution to the unprecedented problems currently facing higher education and medical education in particular, this is a privileged moment for the collaborative work of all members of the academic community, university authorities, governments and multilateral organizations committed to the reconstruction of the country, for the generation of experiences and viable projects that allow us to recreate our schools of Medicine, while exchanging modest or great responses and local innovations, which could have the potential of changing e the shape of medical education in the future(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Computer-Assisted Instruction/ethics , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Education, Medical , General Practice , Virtual Reality
Arq. bras. neurocir ; 38(4): 297-307, 15/12/2019.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1362526


Introduction Simulation in neurosurgery is a growing trend in medical residency programs around the world due to the concerns there are about patient safety and the advancement of surgical technology. Simulation training can improve motor skills in a safe environment before the actual setting is initiated in the operating room. The aim of this review is to identify articles that describe Brazilian simulators, their validation status and the level of evidence (LoE). Methodology This study was conducted using the Preferred Reported Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis (PRISMA) guidelines. A search was performed in the Medline, Scielo, and Cochrane Library databases. The studies were evaluated according to the Medical Education Research Quality Instrument (MERSQI), and the LoE of the study was established according to the classification system of the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (OCEBM), which has been adapted by the European Association of Endoscopic Surgery. Results Of all the studies included in this review, seven referred to validated simulators. These 7 studies were assigned an average MERSQI score of 8.57 from 18 possible points. None of the studies was randomized or conducted in a high-fidelity environment. The best evidence was provided by the studies with the human placenta model, which received a score of 2b and a degree of recommendation of 3. Conclusion Brazilian simulators can be reproduced in the different laboratories that are available in the country. The average MERSQI score of Brazilian studies is similar to the international average score. New studies should be undertaken to seek greater validation of the simulators and carry out randomized controlled trials.

Brazil , Competency-Based Education/methods , Simulation Training/methods , Neurosurgery/education , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Education, Medical , Internship and Residency
Medisan ; 23(1)ene.-feb. 2019. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990179


Se realizó una investigación cualitativa, descriptiva y transversal, de evaluación práctica en la Facultad de Enfermería-Tecnología de Santiago de Cuba, desde enero hasta abril del 2018, con el propósito de incorporar contenidos formativos en el aula virtual; espacio de la Universidad Virtual de Salud en la educación médica. El universo estuvo conformado por los profesores principales de las asignaturas rectoras de la carrera de enfermería desde el primero hasta el cuarto año académico y algunos que impartían las de formación general, para un total de 14. Los resultados confirmaron el proceso de virtualización como una alternativa didáctica que sirve de complemento para las clases presenciales; asimismo, se alcanzaron habilidades relacionadas con la gestión de cursos en red y, por ende, con la utilización de herramientas informáticas de la plataforma Moodle. Por último, se destacaron los aspectos positivos y las ventajas en este proceso y se realizó una valoración sobre la interactividad de los estudiantes en este entorno.

A qualitative, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation, of practical evaluation was carried out in the Nursing-Technology Faculty in Santiago de Cuba, from January to April, 2018, with the purpose of incorporating training contents in the virtual classroom; space of the Health Virtual University in the medical education. The universe was formed by the main professors of the main subjects of the nursing career from the first to the fourth academic year and some who delivered those of general training, for a total of 14. The results confirmed the virtualization process as a didactic alternative that serves as complement for the face to face classes; also, skills related to the administration of on line courses were reached and so, with the use of computer tools of the platform Moodle. Lastly, the positive aspects and the advantages in this process were highlighted and an evaluation on the interactivity of the students in this environment was carried out.

Humans , Male , Female , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Staff Development , Education, Distance/methods , Information Technologies and Communication Projects , Information Technology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Virtual Reality
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785556


PURPOSE: This study was conducted to examine the effects of team-based problem-based learning combined with smart education among nursing students.METHODS: A quasi-experimental non-equivalent control group, pre-posttest design was used. The experimental group (n=36) received problem-based learning combined with smart education and lectures 7 times over the course of 7 weeks (100 minutes weekly). Control group (n=34) only received instructor-centered lectures 7 times over the course of 7 weeks (100 minutes weekly). Data were analyzed using the χ2 test, the Fisher exact test, and the independent t-test with SPSS for Windows version 21.0.RESULTS: After the intervention, the experimental group reported increased learning motivation (t=2.70, p=.009), problem-solving ability (t=2.25, p=.028), academic self-efficacy (t=4.76, p<.001), self-learning ability (t=2.78, p<.001), and leadership (t=2.78, p=.007) relative to the control group.CONCLUSION: Team-based problem-based learning combined with smart education and lectures was found to be an effective approach for increasing the learning motivation, problem-solving ability, academic self-efficacy, self-learning ability, and leadership of nursing students.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Education , Leadership , Learning , Lecture , Motivation , Nursing , Problem-Based Learning , Students, Nursing
Int. j. morphol ; 37(1): 178-183, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-990024


RESUMEN: La falta de muestras biológicas humanas existentes, debido principalmente a las limitaciones ético-morales relacionadas con su obtención, ponen en relieve la necesidad de buscar otras alternativas de enseñanza y aprendizaje de las ciencias morfológicas. En este sentido, la implementación de lecciones a través de la plataforma MOODLE proporciona la oportunidad al estudiante de interactuar en un entorno que simula una situación de aprendizaje propio del laboratorio tradicional. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue generar una lección MOODLE sobre la anatomía e histología placentaria humana, como complemento a la clase teórica presencial, para estudiantes de la carrera de Obstetricia y Puericultura. Para tal cometido, se realizó búsqueda de información, imágenes y recursos TIC en bibliotecas e internet. Paralelamente, se llevó a cabo un proceso de captura fotográfica de muestras histológicas de placenta, así como también la grabación de un alumbramiento. Posteriormente, se procedió a la articulación y montaje de las actividades en la plataforma MOODLE con un enfoque constructivista. Además, se elaboró una encuesta de satisfacción, la cual fue validada por 3 expertos. La muestra estuvo constituida por 137 estudiantes de la carrera de Obstetricia. Se confeccionó un laboratorio virtual MOODLE de anatomía e histología de la placenta humana, el cual esta constituido por múltiples actividades con orientación clínica, las cuales permiten autoevaluarse. El laboratorio virtual nos ha ayudado ha subsanar la carencia de muestras humanas y los resultados de la encuesta de satisfacción aplicada a los estudiantes señalan una valoración positiva de la iniciativa.

SUMMARY: The lack of existing human biological samples, mainly due to the ethical-moral restrictions related to obtaining these, highlights the need to search for other teaching and learning alternatives in morphological science. In this sense, the implementation of lessons by means of the MOODLE platform provides the students with the opportunity to interact in a setting that simulates a learning situation that belongs to traditional laboratories. The purpose of this work was to generate a MOODLE lesson on the anatomy and histology of the human placenta, as a complement of the traditional theoretical classroom for students of Obstetrics. To that end, TIC information, images, and resources were sought in libraries and in the Internet, and at the same time a set of histological photographs of placenta samples was made, as well as a video recording of a placental delivery. Later, the coordination and set up of activities was made in the MOODLE platform with a constructivist approach. Furthermore, a satisfaction survey was prepared which was validated by three experts. The total sample consisted of 137 students in the 2th year of obstetrics. A virtual MOODLE laboratory of the anatomy and histology of the human placenta was made, which is constituted by multiple activities with a clinical orientation that allow self-evaluation. The virtual laboratory has helped overcome the lack of human samples, and results of the satisfaction survey applied to the students indicate a positive evaluation of this initiative.

Humans , Placenta/anatomy & histology , Students, Medical/psychology , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Education, Distance/methods , Gynecology/education , Obstetrics/education , Surveys and Questionnaires , Problem-Based Learning , Education, Medical/methods , Educational Measurement , Anatomy/education
Int. j. morphol ; 37(1): 205-211, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990028


SUMMARY: The purpose of this research was to develop a free radiological anatomy software for radiologic anatomy education to assist students and professionals in health science. The study was divided into two phases: image acquisition and software development. The first phase was to obtain plain radiographic images and computed tomographic (CT) scans of an anthropomorphic phantom of head and neck. In addition, plain radiographic images of an anthropomorphic phantom of the chest were obtained. The second phase was the development of the anatomy software as an ImageJ macro. The software was developed through the insertion of the radiologic anatomy landmarks into the images that were obtained and application of multiple choice questions. The software was then tested for usability by getting the professors to answer the multiple choice questions. The software presented radiologic anatomy from 1) Head projections: Waters view, Towne view, Caldwell view, Lateral view, Submentovertex, PA view; 2) Thoracic Spine projections: AP and Lateral View and 3) Chest: PA view, Lateral and Oblique. Tomographic imaging presented one hundred radiologic landmarks of head. In total, there were 354 questions. A final report containing the score of correct answers, as well as the user ID, Date and Time of the test were showed. The test were available in three languages (Spanish, English and Portuguese). A user-friendly and inexpensive software was developed and presented. Students and professionals from several countries are able to practice, repeatedly, the recognition of radiologic anatomical landmarks.

RESUMEN: El propósito de esta investigación fue desarrollar un software gratuito de anatomía radiológica para la educación de anatomía radiológica para ayudar a estudiantes y profesionales de ciencias de la salud. El estudio se dividió en dos fases: adquisición de imágenes y desarrollo de software. La primera fase consistió en obtener imágenes radiográficas simples y tomografías computarizadas (TC) de un fantasma antropomórfico de cabeza y cuello. Además, se obtuvieron imágenes radiográficas simples de un fantasma antropomórfico del tórax. La segunda fase fue el desarrollo del software de anatomía como una macro ImageJ. El software se desarrolló a través de la inserción de los puntos de referencia de la anatomía radiológica en las imágenes que se obtuvieron y la aplicación de preguntas de opción múltiple. Luego, se probó la usabilidad del software haciendo que los profesores respondieran las preguntas de opción múltiple. El software presentó la anatomía radiológica de 1) Proyecciones de la cabeza: vista de aguas, vista de Towne, vista de Caldwell, vista lateral, Submentovertex, vista de PA; 2) proyecciones de la columna torácica: vista AP y lateral y 3) Cofre: vista de PA, lateral y oblicua. Las imágenes tomográficas presentaron cien puntos de referencia radiológica de la cabeza. En total, hubo 354 preguntas. Se mostró un informe final con la puntuación de las respuestas correctas, así como la identificación del usuario, la fecha y la hora de la prueba. Las pruebas estaban disponibles en tres idiomas (español, inglés y portugués). Se desarrolló y presentó un software fácil de usar y de bajo costo. Estudiantes y profesionales de varios países pueden practicar, repetidamente, el reconocimiento de puntos de referencia anatómicos radiológicos.

Humans , Software , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Educational Technology , Education, Medical/methods , Anatomy/education , Thorax/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Phantoms, Imaging , Anatomic Landmarks , Head/diagnostic imaging , Learning , Neck/diagnostic imaging
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 27: e3169, 2019. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1020698


Objetivo desenvolver um protótipo de web software de apoio ao planejamento da aposentadoria. Método trata-se de uma pesquisa metodológica, aplicada, pautada nos princípios do modelo de prototipação, que seguiu as etapas de comunicação, planejamento, criação do protótipo, testes de funcionamento e consolidação da versão 1 do web software . Resultados as funções do protótipo do web software foram definidas a partir de um fluxograma e do escopo. Na etapa de criação foram projetadas as telas que integraram o protótipo, composto por entrevista, a partir do preenchimento do Inventário de Recursos para a Aposentadoria, tela de acesso aos materiais de apoio ao planejamento, incluindo palestras, textos científicos e materiais técnicos, tela de notícias sobre a aposentadoria, tela de vivências, as quais permitem aos usuários publicar expectativas em relação à aposentadoria e comentar publicações de outros usuários. Após a realização dos testes de funcionamento, o protótipo foi disponibilizado no endereço Conclusão o protótipo do web software consiste em um ambiente interativo, no qual o usuário sente-se ativo no processo de reflexão sobre a aposentadoria ao longo das diferentes telas. Com linguagem e expressões claras, de fácil entendimento ao público distinto a que se destina, torna-se aplicável aos usuários de diferentes perfis profissionais.

Objective To develop a web software prototype to support retirement planning. Method This is a methodological research, applied and based on the principles of prototyping model, which followed the steps of communication, planning, prototype creation, functional tests and consolidation of web software version 1. Results The functions of the web software prototype were defined from a flowchart and scope. In the creation stage, the screens that integrated the prototype, composed by interview, were projected from the filling of the Retirement Resources Inventory, screen of access to support planning materials, including lectures, scientific texts, and technical materials, retirement news screen, experiences screen, which allow users to post retirement expectations and comment on other users' posts. After performing tests, the prototype was made available at . Conclusion the web software prototype consists of an interactive environment in which the user feels active in the reflection process about the retirement along the different screens. With clear language and expressions that are easily understood by the public, they are applicable to users of different professional profiles.

Objetivo desarrollar un prototipo de web software de apoyo a la planificación de la jubilación. Método se trata de una investigación metodológica, aplicada, pautada en los principios del modelo prototipado, que siguió las etapas de comunicación, planificación, creación del prototipo, pruebas de funcionamiento y consolidación de la versión 1 del web software . Resultados las funciones del prototipo del web software se definieron a partir de un diagrama de flujo y del ámbito. En la etapa de creación fueron proyectadas las pantallas que integraron el prototipo, compuesto por entrevista, completando el Inventario de Recursos para la Jubilación, pantalla de acceso a materiales de apoyo a la planificación, incluyendo conferencias, textos científicos y materiales técnicos; pantalla de noticias sobre la jubilación, pantalla de vivencias, las cuales permiten a los usuarios publicar expectativas en relación a la jubilación y comentar publicaciones de otros usuarios. Después de la realización de las pruebas de funcionamiento, el prototipo estuvo disponible en la dirección Conclusión el prototipo del web software consiste en un ambiente interactivo, en el cual el usuario se siente activo en el proceso de reflexión sobre la jubilación a lo largo de las diferentes pantallas. Con lenguaje y expresiones claras, de fácil entendimiento al público distinto al que se destinan, se vuelve aplicable a los usuarios de diferentes perfiles profesionales.

Humans , Software Design , Decision Support Techniques , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Decision Making , Brazil , Online Systems , Reproducibility of Results , Life Change Events
Audiol., Commun. res ; 24: e2050, 2019. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001365


RESUMO Objetivo Comparar três métodos de aprendizagem sobre anatomia e fisiologia do sistema miofuncional orofacial, sendo dois interativos (uso de softwares educacionais) e um tradicional, quanto à aprendizagem conceitual de estudantes de graduação em Fonoaudiologia. Métodos Participaram 36 estudantes do segundo ano, alocados randomicamente em grupos: Grupo 1 (G1) - método interativo com jogo computacional 2D (n=12); Grupo 2 (G2) - método interativo com modelo computacional 3D (n=12); Grupo 3 (G3) - método tradicional (textos e figuras 2D) (n=12). Os métodos de aprendizagem foram aplicados durante estudo complementar, por sete semanas, após aula expositiva. Foi realizada uma avaliação de conhecimento antes da aplicação dos métodos de aprendizagem, imediatamente após e seis meses depois da conclusão, e o desempenho dos grupos, nos três momentos, foi comparado. Os dados foram analisados no software SPSS, versão 21 (nível de significância de 5%). Resultados Predominaram sujeitos do gênero feminino, com média de idade de 22,0 (±4,7) anos (F2,33=60,72, p=0,260). Os resultados indicaram que, no G1, apenas o pré-teste diferiu do pós-teste, enquanto no G2 e no G3 o pré-teste diferiu do pós-teste e do pós-teste tardio. Ao verificar a interação entre o desempenho dos grupos e os momentos de avaliação, observou-se que os resultados do GI foram inferiores aos dos demais grupos (F2,22=722,30 p<0,001). Conclusão O uso de modelo computacional 3D foi comparável ao do método tradicional para a aprendizagem conceitual e retenção de conhecimento, em curto e longo prazo, sendo ambos mais eficazes do que o uso de jogo computacional 2D.

ABSTRACT Purpose Compare three learning methods on Anatomy and Physiology of the Orofacial Myofunctional System (OMS): two interactive methods with educational software and one traditional method, regarding the conceptual learning of Speech-Language and Hearing Sciences (SLHS) undergraduate students. Methods Thirty-six students were randomly divided into three groups: Group 1 (G1) - 2D computer game-based method (n=12); Group 2 (G2) - 3D computational model method (n=12); Group 3 (G3) - traditional method (texts and 2D images) (n=12). The learning methods were applied during a complementary study schedule, for seven weeks, after a lecture. Knowledge assessments were conducted prior to the application of the learning methods, immediately after, and six months after completion; the performance of the groups at the three moments was compared. Data were analyzed in SPSS 21 software (p≤0.005). Results Female individuals were predominant, with mean age of 22.0 (±4.7) years (F2.33=60.72; p=0.260). The results show that only the pre-test differed from the short-term test in the G1, whereas the pre-test differed from the short- and the long-term tests in the G2 and G3. Regarding correlation between the performance of the groups and the moments of evaluation, it was observed that the results for the G1 were inferior (F2.22=722.30; p<0.001). Conclusion The 3D computational model was comparable to the traditional method for short- and long-term conceptual learning and knowledge retention, and both were more effective than the 2D computer game.

Humans , Educational Technology/education , Facial Muscles/anatomy & histology , Facial Muscles/physiology , Games, Experimental , Learning , Students , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Simulation Training
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(5): 643-652, mayo 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-961441


In health sciences and medicine, collaborative learning has an important role in the development of competences to solve clinical situations. Adequate cooperation, coordination and communication skills have a direct effect on patient safety. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) and Clinical Simulation (CS), separately, are effective and efficient educational methods to develop competences in undergraduate medical students. To our knowledge, educational models that combine both teaching methods, including a personalized attention of the student, educational infrastructure, materials, teaching techniques and assessment competencies, have not been proposed previously. This article describes the application of a combined model of CSCL and CS for teaching clinical competences to medical students. Since 2015, the collaborative clinical simulation model is part of the training agenda of the Universidad de Talca Medical School in Chile. During 2016 and 2017 it was also applied on students of the Universidad de Barcelona Faculty of Medicine in Spain. According to the experience acquired, implementation of this method is feasible with commonly used resources, although its real efficacy remains to be evaluated.

Humans , Teaching , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Clinical Competence , Models, Educational , Education, Medical, Undergraduate/methods , Personal Satisfaction , Spain
Rev. bras. enferm ; 71(1): 11-19, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-898368


ABSTRACT Objective: to describe the content validation process of a Virtual Learning Object to support the teaching of nursing care systematization to nursing professionals. Method: methodological study, with quantitative approach, developed according to the methodological reference of Pasquali's psychometry and conducted from March to July 2016, from two-stage Delphi procedure. Results: in the Delphi 1 stage, eight judges evaluated the Virtual Object; in Delphi 2 stage, seven judges evaluated it. The seven screens of the Virtual Object were analyzed as to the suitability of its contents. The Virtual Learning Object to support the teaching of nursing care systematization was considered valid in its content, with a Total Content Validity Coefficient of 0.96. Conclusion: it is expected that the Virtual Object can support the teaching of nursing care systematization in light of appropriate and effective pedagogical approaches.

RESUMEN Objetivo: Describir el proceso de validación de contenido de un Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje para apoyar la enseñanza de la sistematización de la atención de enfermería a técnicos en enfermería. Método: Estudio metodológico, de abordaje cuantitativo, desarrollado según referencial metodológico de la psicometría de Pasquali, realizado de marzo a julio de 2016, a partir de dos etapas Delphi. Resultados: En la etapa Delphi 1, ocho jueces evaluaron el Objeto Virtual; en la etapa Delphi 2, siete. Las siete pantallas del Objeto Virtual analizaron la adecuabilidad de su contenido. El Objeto Virtual de Aprendizaje para apoyo a la enseñanza de la sistematización de la atención de enfermería fue considerado válido en su contenido, con Coeficiente de Validez de Contenido total de 0,96. Conclusión: Se espera que el Objeto Virtual pueda respaldar la enseñanza de la sistematización de la atención de enfermería a la luz de abordajes pedagógicos adecuados y efectivos.

RESUMO Objetivo: descrever o processo de validação de conteúdo de um Objeto Virtual de Aprendizagem para apoio ao ensino da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem aos técnicos em enfermagem. Método: estudo metodológico, de abordagem quantitativa, desenvolvido segundo referencial metodológico da psicometria de Pasquali e realizado de março a julho de 2016, a partir de duas etapas Delphi. Resultados: na etapa Delphi 1, oito juízes avaliaram o Objeto Virtual; na etapa Delphi 2, sete. As sete telas do Objeto Virtual foram analisadas quanto à adequabilidade de seu conteúdo. O Objeto Virtual de Aprendizagem para apoio ao ensino da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem foi considerado válido em seu conteúdo, com Coeficiente de Validade de Conteúdo total de 0,96. Conclusão: espera-se que o Objeto Virtual possa apoiar o ensino da sistematização da assistência de enfermagem à luz de abordagens pedagógicas adequadas e efetivas.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Psychometrics , Computer-Assisted Instruction/standards , Psychometrics/instrumentation , Teaching , Brazil , Surveys and Questionnaires , Delphi Technique , Computer-Assisted Instruction/methods , Middle Aged
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764907


BACKGROUND: The hand anatomy, including the complicated hand muscles, can be grasped by using computer-assisted learning tools with high quality two-dimensional images and three-dimensional models. The purpose of this study was to present up-to-date software tools that promote learning of stereoscopic morphology of the hand. METHODS: On the basis of horizontal sectioned images and outlined images of a male cadaver, vertical planes, volume models, and surface models were elaborated. Software to browse pairs of the sectioned and outlined images in orthogonal planes and software to peel and rotate the volume models, as well as a portable document format (PDF) file to select and rotate the surface models, were produced. RESULTS: All of the software tools were downloadable free of charge and usable off-line. The three types of tools for viewing multiple aspects of the hand could be adequately employed according to individual needs. CONCLUSION: These new tools involving the realistic images of a cadaver and the diverse functions are expected to improve comprehensive knowledge of the hand shape.

Humans , Male , Anatomy, Regional , Cadaver , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Hand Strength , Hand , Learning , Muscles , Visible Human Projects
Chinese Journal of Epidemiology ; (12): 1009-1012, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-738088


Epidemiology is a traditional subject mainly based on principles and concepts, and its teaching method needs further improving to meet the requirement of the new trend of education reform. Lecture-based teaching, problem-based teaching, case-based teaching, and internet based teaching, such as flip class, massive open online course and micro-lecture, all have its own unique merits in the practice of epidemiology teaching. So the combination of traditional teaching and online teaching is the most promising mode. "Rain class" , a mixed mode, is an efficient tool to present the epidemiology case more actually in class. Thus, teaching design and application of "rain class" are worth research.

Humans , Computer-Assisted Instruction , Epidemiology/education , Internet , Online Systems , Research , Teaching