Esta revisión narrativa explora el papel potencial del estetrol (E4), un esteroide estrogénico natural, en la anticoncepción, analizando sus propiedades farmacológicas, su efectividad y su seguridad. Se revisaron estudios preclínicos, ensayos clínicos y evaluaciones de seguridad del E4 como anticonceptivo oral combinado (AOC). Se investigó el impacto en parámetros endocrinos, metabólicos y hemostáticos, así como su tolerabilidad. En los resultados, el E4 tiene menor afinidad por el receptor de estrógeno-α de membrana, pero mantiene la actividad agonista en los receptores nucleares. E4/DRSP (drospirenona) demostró ser un AOC eficaz, con ciclos de sangrado regulares y predecibles en la mayoría de las mujeres. La tolerabilidad fue favorable, con eventos adversos leves o moderados y bajas tasas de interrupción. El sangrado fue el evento adverso más común, y se reportaron casos raros de migrañas con aura, trombosis venosa profunda, hiperpotasemia y depresión. E4/DRSP tuvo mínimo impacto en los parámetros lipídicos, hepáticos, de globulina fijadora de hormonas sexuales y de metabolismo de hidratos de carbono, y efecto neutral o mínimo en los parámetros hemostáticos. Se concluye que E4/DRSP parece ser una opción anticonceptiva eficaz y segura, con reducido riesgo trombótico y mínimo impacto en los parámetros endocrinos y metabólicos. Se requiere más investigación para confirmar su seguridad y eficacia a largo plazo.
This narrative review explores the potential role of estetrol (E4), a natural estrogenic steroid, in contraception, analyzing its pharmacological properties, effectiveness, and safety. Preclinical studies, clinical trials, and safety assessments of E4/DRSP (drospirenone) as a combined oral contraceptive (COC) were reviewed. The impact on endocrine, metabolic, and hemostatic parameters, as well as tolerability, was investigated. In results, E4 exhibits lower affinity for estrogen transmembrane receptor-α but maintains agonistic activity on nuclear receptors. E4/DRSP proved to be an effective COC with regular and predictable bleeding cycles in most women. Tolerability was favorable with mild or moderate adverse events and low discontinuation rates. Bleeding was the most common adverse event, and rare cases of aura migraines, deep vein thrombosis, hyperkalemia, and depression were reported. E4/DRSP had minimal impact on lipid, hepatic, sex hormone-binding globulin, and carbohydrate metabolism parameters, with a neutral or minimal effect on hemostatic parameters. The conclusion is that E4/DRSP seems to be an effective and safe contraceptive option, with reduced thrombotic risk and minimal impact on endocrine and metabolic parameters. Further research is needed to confirm long-term safety and efficacy.
Humans , Female , Sterols/therapeutic use , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined/therapeutic use , Sterols/pharmacology , Contraceptive Agents , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/complicationsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar los factores que se asocian con el uso de la doble protección anticonceptiva en estudiantes de obstetricia de una universidad pública de Lima, Perú. Métodos: Estudio analítico transversal, realizado en 217 estudiantes de obstetricia de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Se aplicó la prueba chi cuadrado, además de la razón de prevalencia cruda y ajustada. Resultados: La prevalencia del uso de la doble protección anticonceptiva fue 41,5 %. En el análisis bivariado los factores asociados incluyeron la edad de 25 a 29 años (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,57), procedencia de Lima (razón de prevalencia cruda: 2,07), embarazo previo (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,91), aborto previo (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,92), antecedente de infecciones de transmisión sexual en la pareja (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,81), conocimiento sobre la doble protección (razón de prevalencia cruda: 3,16) y orientación en planificación familiar (razón de prevalencia cruda: 1,76). En el análisis multivariado, el conocimiento sobre la protección anticonceptiva mantuvo la asociación significativa (razón de prevalencia ajustada: 2,44). Conclusión: El conocimiento sobre la protección anticonceptiva es el único factor reproductivo que se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de uso de este método(AU)
Objective: To determine which factors are associated with the use of dual protection in obstetrics students from a public university in Lima, Peru. Methods: Analytical cross-sectional study, done in 217 obstetrics students from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The chi-squared test was applied, in addition to the raw and adjusted prevalence ratio (PR) Results: The prevalence of the use of dual protection was 41.5%. In the bivariate analysis, the factors associated with it included: age from 25 to 29 years old (raw prevalence ratio: 1.57), Lima as a place of origin (raw prevalence ratio: 2.07), previous pregnancy (raw prevalence ratio: 1.91), previous abortion (raw prevalence ratio: 1.92), antecedent of STI in the couple (raw prevalence ratio: 1.81), knowledge about dual protection (raw prevalence ratio: 3,16), and orientation in family planning (raw prevalence ratio: 1.76). In the multivariate analysis, knowledge about contraceptive protection maintained its significant association (adjusted prevalence ratio: 2.44). Conclusions: Knowledge about contraceptive protection is the only reproductive factor that was associated with a higher probability of using this method(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Communicable Disease Control , Contraceptive Agents , Pregnancy, Unplanned , Sexual HealthABSTRACT
Os métodos contraceptivos desempenham um papel vital na saúde sexual e reprodutiva, oferecendo opções que permitem o planejamento familiar e a prevenção de gravidezes indesejadas. Este artigo busca descrever os benefícios e desvantagens dos principais anticoncepcionais presentes na atualidade por meio de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, que buscou identificar os achados científicos publicados nos últimos 10 anos (2013 a fevereiro de 2023). A seleção de artigos foi feita nas bases eletrônicas de dados da PubMed, BVS, SciELO e no Google Acadêmico. Para a realização da revisão integrativa foi estabelecida a pergunta norteadora, para possibilitar a busca na base dados: Quais os benefícios e as desvantagens dos anticoncepcionais adesivo combinado, anel vaginal, sistema intrauterino de liberação de Levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG), contracepção de emergência (pílula de emergência), implante hormonal e anticoncepcional oral (ACO). Um dos pontos mais notáveis nesta revisão foi a grande variedade de métodos contraceptivos e suas peculiaridades, que se adequam à necessidade da usuária, sendo, portanto, preciso uma análise cuidadosa do método a ser escolhido. Outro ponto de destaque, foi que apesar dos benefícios dos contraceptivos, também estão presentes os efeitos adversos e possíveis complicações, além das precauções em sua utilização.
Contraceptive methods play a vital role in sexual and reproductive health, offering options that allow for family planning and the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. This article seeks to describe the benefits and disadvantages of the main contraceptives currently available through an integrative literature review, which sought to identify scientific findings published in the last 10 years (2013 to February 2023). The selection of articles was made in the electronic databases of PubMed, VHL, SciELO and Google Scholar. To carry out the integrative review, the guiding question was established, to enable the search in the database: What are the benefits and disadvantages of contraceptives combined patch, vaginal ring, Levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS), emergency contraception (emergency pill), hormonal implant and oral contraceptive (OC). One of the most notable points in this review was the wide variety of contraceptive methods and their peculiarities, which adapt to the user's needs, therefore requiring a careful analysis of the method to be chosen. Another highlight was that despite the benefits of contraceptives, adverse effects and possible complications are also present, in addition to precautions in their use.
Los métodos anticonceptivos desempeñan un papel vital en la salud sexual y reproductiva, ofreciendo opciones que permiten la planificación familiar y la prevención de embarazos no deseados. Este artículo busca describir los beneficios y desventajas de los principales anticonceptivos actualmente disponibles a través de una revisión integrativa de la literatura, que buscó identificar hallazgos científicos publicados en los últimos 10 años (2013 a febrero de 2023). La selección de artículos se realizó en las bases de datos electrónicas PubMed, BVS, SciELO y Google Scholar. Para realizar la revisión integradora se estableció la pregunta orientadora, para posibilitar la búsqueda en la base de datos: Cuáles son los beneficios y desventajas de los anticonceptivos combinados parche, anillo vaginal, sistema intrauterino liberador de levonorgestrel (SIU-LNG), anticoncepción de emergencia (emergencia píldora), implante hormonal y anticonceptivo oral (AO). Uno de los puntos más destacables de esta revisión fue la gran variedade de métodos anticonceptivos y sus peculiaridades, que se adaptan a las necesidades del usuario, requiriendo por tanto un análisis cuidadoso del método a elegir. Otro destaque fue que a pesar de los beneficios de los anticonceptivos, también están presentes efectos adversos y posibles complicaciones, además de precauciones en su uso.
Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Adhesives , Contraceptive Devices, Female , Contraceptives, Postcoital , Metabolic Side Effects of Drugs and Substances , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence of contraindicated use of combined hormonal contraceptives, progesterone-only contraceptives, and intrauterine devices in mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort according to the WHO medical eligibility criteria. METHODS The biological mothers of children belonging to the 2015 Pelotas birth cohort who attended the 48-month follow-up were studied. The 48-month follow-up data were collected from January 1, 2019, to December 31, 2019. Contraindicated use of modern contraceptives was considered to occur when these women presented at least one of the contraindications for the use of modern contraceptives and were using these methods. The prevalence of contraindicated use was calculated according to each independent variable and their respective 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). RESULTS The analyzed sample consisted of 3,053 women who used any modern contraceptive method. The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives totaled 25.9% (95%CI: 24.4-27.5). Combined hormonal contraceptives showed the highest prevalence of contraindicated use (52.1%; 95%CI: 49.3-54.8). The prevalence of contraindicated use of modern contraceptives methods was greater in women with family income between one and three minimum wages, a 25-30 kg/m2 body mass index, indication by a gynecologist for the used method, and purchasing the contraceptive method at a pharmacy. The higher the women's education, the lower the prevalence of inappropriate use of modern contraceptives. CONCLUSION In total, one in four women used modern contraceptives despite showing at least one contraindication. Policies regarding women's reproductive health should be strengthened.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Progesterone , Contraceptive Agents , Contraceptives, Oral, Combined , Contraindications , Intrauterine DevicesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND: Effective postpartum contraception is crucial for maternal health and birth spacing. Postnatal care (PNC) visits represent a pivotal opportunity to encourage its use. Despite this, postpartum contraceptive uptake remains low in Ethiopia. Thus, this systematic review and meta-analysis seeks to evaluate the impact of postnatal visits on the utilization of postpartum contraception in Ethiopia. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies were conducted. Articles were systematically searched across multiple databases, including PubMed, HINARI, Science Direct, Cochrane Library, ETH Library, and Google Scholar. Data were analyzed using STATA 14 software. Publication bias was assessed using funnel plots and Egger's test. A random-effects model was employed to estimate the pooled prevalence of postpartum contraceptive use in Ethiopia. RESULTS: The findings of the present systematic review and meta-analysis revealed that postnatal care visits significantly increase the utilization of postpartum contraception [pooled effect size 2.92 (95% CI, 2.21, 3.881)]. Postnatal care can provide critical information and support to women during the postpartum period, including information about family planning and contraceptive options. CONCLUSION: Postpartum contraception is pivotal for maternal and child health. Postnatal care visits represent a crucial opportunity to promote its uptake. Healthcare providers can use these visits to educate women about contraceptive methods, discuss their advantages and potential risks, and help them choose the most suitable option for their needs.
Postnatal Care , Maternal and Child Health , Contraception , Contraceptive Agents , Postpartum Period , Family Planning Services , Maternal Health , Meta-Analysis , Systematic ReviewABSTRACT
As irregularidades menstruais representam uma série de desordens na quantida- de, duração, frequência ou regularidade do sangramento uterino. Entre suas cau- sas destaca-se o sangramento secundário ao uso de anticoncepcionais, uma razão frequente de descontinuidade dos contraceptivos, podendo aumentar as taxas de gestações não planejadas. Boa parte dos contraceptivos pode levar a mudanças no padrão de sangramento uterino, e a abordagem inicial do sangramentos irregula- res inclui a avaliação de outras possíveis causas, o reforço do uso correto da medi- cação, a tranquilização da paciente quanto à benignidade do quadro e à tendência a melhora com a continuidade do uso. Os anti-inflamatórios podem ser usados como estratégia inicial, e, não havendo resposta satisfatória, há alternativas espe- cíficas para cada método. Este trabalho visa identificar as recomendações atuais sobre o manejo do sangramento anormal decorrente de contraceptivos, por meio de revisão narrativa de estudos publicados sobre o tema nos últimos vinte anos.
Abnormal uterine bleeding represents a series of disorders in the amount, du- ration, frequency and or regularity of uterine bleeding. Among its causes, uterine bleeding secondary to the use of contraceptives stands out as a frequent reason for contraceptive discontinuity, which could lead to unplanned pregnancies. Most contraceptives can cause changes in the pattern of uterine bleeding, and the ini- tial approach of the abnormal bleeding includes assessing other possible cau- ses, reinforcing the correct use of medication, and reassuring the patient about the benignity of the condition and the tendency to improve with the continuity of the treatment. Anti-inflammatory drugs can be used as an initial strategy, and, if there is no satisfactory answer, there are specific alternatives for each contracep- tive method. This work aims to identify them current recommendations on the management of abnormal bleeding resulting from contraceptives use, through a narrative review of studies published on the subject in the last twenty years.
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Contraceptive Agents/adverse effects , Menstruation Disturbances/chemically induced , Uterine Hemorrhage/complications , Contraceptive Agents/administration & dosage , Pregnancy, Unplanned/ethics , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objetivo: Análise do uso de métodos contraceptivos no período da pandemia. Método: Trata-se de um estudo transversal, descritivo, exploratório, aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa envolvendo Seres Humanos (número 3.146.657). Foram entrevistadas via chamada telefônicas colaboradoras que retiraram contraceptivos em 01/01/2020 à 30/07/2020, excluídas os menores de 18 anos de idade; cadastro incompleto e residência fora da área de abrangência da Unidade Básica de Saúde Aquiles Stenghel (Londrina Paraná). Resultados: Elaboraram-se tabelas descritivas com as respostas obtidas. Notou-se que quatro colaboradoras não usavam nenhum contraceptivo no momento da entrevista, e oito haviam trocado de métodos contraceptivos. Todas referiram conhecer pelo menos um contraceptivo e tê-lo utilizado em algum momento. Conclusão: O anticoncepcional injetável, apesar dos efeitos indesejáveis mencionados, continuou sendo o mais usado por entre a maioria delas, e observou-se um desuso da camisinha. Ficou evidente a necessidade de ampliar o olhar para as especificidades das mulheres, em especial as que estão em contexto de vulnerabilidades.(AU)
Objective: Analyze the use of contraceptive methods during the pandemic. Method: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, exploratory study, approved by the Ethics Committee for Research involving Human Beings (number 3,146,657). Women, who collected contraceptives in the period between 01/01/2020 to 07/30/2020, over 18 years old, with complete registration and resident in the coverage area of the Basic Health Unit Aquiles Stenghel (Londrina Paraná) were interviewed by the researchers by telephone. Results: Descriptive tables were created with the interview responses obtained. It was noted that four collaborators were not using any contraceptive at the time of the interview, and eight had changed contraceptive methods. All participants reported being familiar with at least one contraceptive and having used it at some point. Conclusion: Injectable contraceptives, despite the aforementioned undesirable effects, continued to be the most widely used method among the participants, and there was a lack of use of condoms. It is evident that women especially those who are in a vulnerability context need a bit more of pharmacy assistance in order to guarantee correct contraceptives use and its efficiency.(AU)
Objetivo: Análisis del uso de métodos anticonceptivos durante la pandemia. Método: Estudio transversal, descriptivo y exploratorio, aprobado por el Comité de Ética para la Investigación con Seres Humanos (número 3.146.657). Se entrevistó por llamada telefónica a mujeres que tomaron anticonceptivos entre el 01/01/2020 y el 30/07/2020; no se incluyeron menores de 18 años; registro incompleto y residencia fuera de la zona de captación de la Unidad Básica de Salud Aquiles Stenghel (Londrina Paraná). Resultados: Con las respuestas obtenidas se elaboraron tablas descriptivas. Se observó que cuatro colaboradoras no utilizaban ningún anticonceptivo en el momento de la entrevista y ocho habían cambiado de método anticonceptivo. Todas declararon conocer al menos un anticonceptivo y haberlo utilizado en algún momento. Conclusión: El anticonceptivo inyectable, a pesar de los efectos indeseables mencionados, siguió siendo el más utilizado entre la mayoría de las colaboradoras, y se observó desuso del preservativo. Se puso de manifiesto la necesidad de profundizar en las particularidades de las mujeres, especialmente las que se encuentran en contextos vulnerables.(AU)
Coronavirus , Contraceptive Agents , PandemicsABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La anticoncepción es un derecho, y es obligación del Estado garantizar el acceso a métodos anticonceptivos efectivos, seguros y de calidad. Se realizó una evaluación de tecnología sanitaria sobre los parches anticonceptivos transdérmicos. MÉTODOS: Un equipo multidisciplinario e independiente designado por el Comité Provincial de Biotecnologías de Neuquén buscó información epidemiológica, regulatoria y evidencias científicas sobre eficacia, seguridad y adherencia. Se analizó y sistematizó siguiendo metodología GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) y CASPe (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Español). RESULTADOS: El único parche autorizado en Argentina para su comercialización libera 33,9 µg/día de etinilestradiol y 203 µg/día de norelgestromina. Su prospecto en Argentina, EE.UU. y Europa lo asocia al doble de riesgo de enfermedad tromboembólica venosa si se compara con las píldoras anticonceptivas que provee el Estado. Esto coincide con resultados de estudios de cohortes de alta calidad. Los parches proveen similar eficacia anticonceptiva a corto plazo, pero con altas tasas de abandono en el seguimiento. La Organización Mundial de la Salud no los ha incluido en su listado de medicamentos esenciales. Los parches son más costosos que otros métodos disponibles. DISCUSIÓN: Sobre la base de los principios de beneficencia, no maleficencia, de precaución y de proporcionalidad, no se recomienda la incorporación de parches.(AU)
INTRODUCTION: Contraception is a right, being an obligation of the State to guarantee access to effective, safe and quality contraceptive methods. A health technology assessment was carried out on transdermal contraceptive patches. METHODS: A multidisciplinary and independent team appointed by the Provincial Biotechnology Committee of Neuquén searched for epidemiological and regulatory information and scientific evidence on efficacy, safety and adherence. It was analyzed and systematized following the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) and CASPe (Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Español) methodology. RESULTS: The only patch authorized for commercialization in Argentina releases 33.9 µg/day of ethinylestradiol and 203 µg/day of norelgestromin. Its package insert in Argentina, the US and Europe highlights that the risk of venous thromboembolic disease is twice as high compared to the contraceptive pills provided by the State. This is consistent with results from high-quality cohort studies. Patches provide similar short-term contraceptive efficacy, but with high dropout rates at follow-up. The World Health Organization has not included them in its list of essential medicines. Patches are more expensive than other available methods. DISCUSSION: Based on the principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, precaution and proportionality, the incorporation of patches is not recommended.(AU)
Humans , Technology Assessment, Biomedical , Contraceptive Agents , Transdermal Patch , Transdermal Patch/supply & distribution , GRADE Approach/methodsABSTRACT
El inicio de las relaciones sexuales en la adolescencia puede generar problemas de salud biopsi-cosociales, los que pueden ser más complejos sin el adecuado conocimiento acerca del uso opor-tuno de métodos anticonceptivos. La investigación tuvo el objetivo de valorar la efectividad de una intervención educativa dirigida a las conductas sexuales y reproductivas de riesgo en la adolescencia, en dos Consejos Populares del municipio de Quemado de Güines durante el perio-do 2017-2021. Se desarrolló un estudio preexperimental con una población constituida por 1501 adolescentes, de la que se seleccionó una muestra 102 individuos mediante un procedimiento no probabilístico atendiendo a criterios. En el estudio predominó: el sexo femenino (51%), aquellos con edades entre 13 y 15 años (67,7%) y los que no habían comenzado una vida sexual activa (54,9%). La intervención educativa produjo cambios estadísticamente significativos en el contexto de investigación en relación con la información sobre métodos anticonceptivos y la percepción del riesgo sobre su uso inadecuado.
The beginning of sexual relations in adolescence can generate biopsychosocial health problems, which can be more complex without adequate knowledge about the timely use of contraceptive methods. The research aimed to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention aimed at sexual and reproductive risk behaviors in adolescents in two Popular Councils of the Quemado de Güines Hall during 2017-2021. A pre-experimental study was developed with a population of 1501 adolescents, from which a sample of 102 individuals was selected through a non-probabi-listic procedure according to criteria. The study predominated: the female gender (51%), the ages between 13 and 15 (67.7%), and those ones who had not started an active sexual life (54.9%). The educational intervention produced statistically significant changes in the research context concerning the information on contraceptive methods and the perception of risk regar-ding its inappropriate use
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adolescent , Contraceptive Agents , Methods , Early Intervention, Educational , Education , Drugs of Continuous UseABSTRACT
ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE To determine the total demand and unmet need for contraception with modern methods and their determinants among mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort. METHODS Data from the 48-month follow-up of mothers participating in the 2015 Pelotas Birth Cohort were analyzed. Only biological mothers (aged up to 49 years) of children belonging to the 2015 Birth Cohort and who answered the 48-month questionnaire were included in the study sample. Logistic regression and respective 95% confidence intervals were used to determine associated factors. RESULTS The study sample consisted of 3577 biological mothers. The prevalence of use of any contraceptive and of modern contraceptives was 86.0% (95%CI: 84.8-87.1) and 84.9% (95%CI: 83.7-86.1), respectively. The prevalence of unmet need for modern contraceptives was 10.7% (95%CI: 9.7-11.7), and the total demand for contraceptives was 95.6%. The factors associated with an unmet need for modern contraception were being over 34 years of age (OR = 0.6, 95%CI: 0.5-0.8), not having a husband or partner (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.4-2.6), not being the head of the household (OR = 0.6, 95%CI: 0.4-0.9), having had three or more pregnancies (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.3-2.6), and having had an abortion at least once after the birth of the child participating in the cohort (OR = 1.9, 95%CI: 1.0-3.6). CONCLUSIONS Despite the high prevalence of modern contraceptive use, one in ten women had an unmet need for modern contraception and was at risk of unplanned pregnancy.
Humans , Female , Contraception , Contraceptive Agents , Family Planning Services , Health Services Needs and DemandABSTRACT
Abstract Objective Evaluate the different perspectives that involve the choice of long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), the issues related to this process and the consequences of deciding one method in the women's in the primary health care (PHC) center in Sousas, a district in Campinas, SP (Brazil). Methods This is an analytical cross-sectional study, it was performed at the PHC in Sousas. Data were collected through the analysis of medical records and interviews with women who live in Sousas and had the insertion of the copper intrauterine device (IUD) (D) from April 2021 to April 2022 or the etonogestrel implant (I) from May to December 2022. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee of the Medical Science School at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Results Reason for choosing this LARC: medical (D: 52%; I: 100%), easy adhesion (D: 71%; I: 67%), effectiveness (D: 55%; I: 100%). Indication by health professionals (D: 65%; I: 100%). And improvement of clinical characteristics: mood (D: 77%; I: 67%), body mass index (BMI; D: 52%; I: 33%), and libido (D: 84%; I: 67%). Conclusion It is suggested that women tend to decide between LARCs when guided by their doctor or PHC health professionals, and they select LARCs because of the ease of use and low failure rates. Therefore, this study highlights how LARCs can positively interfere in the aspects that pervade contraception, such as BMI, libido, and mood.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar as diversas perspectivas que envolvem a escolha dos LARCs, as problemáticas relacionadas a esse processo e as consequências da escolha do método na vida das mulheres no centro de Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS) em Sousas, distrito de Campinas, SP. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo transversal analítico, realizado no Centro de Saúde de Sousas. Os dados foram coletados através da análise de prontuários e de entrevistas das mulheres residentes em Sousas, que inseriram o dispositivo intrauterino (DIU) de cobre (D) entre abril de 2021 a abril de 2022 ou o implante de etonogestrel (I) de maio a dezembro de 2022. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Ciência Médicas da Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Resultados O motivo da escolha: por indicação médica (D: 52%; I: 100%), pela facilidade (D: 71%; I: 67%) e pela eficácia (D: 55%; I: 100%). Da indicação por profissionais de saúde (D: 65%; I: 100%). E melhora das características clínicas: humor (D: 77%; I: 67%), índice de massa corporal (IMC; D: 52%; I: 33%) e libido (D: 84%; I: 67%). Conclusão Sugere-se que as mulheres tendem a escolher LARCs quando orientadas pelo seu médico ou por profissionais de saúde da APS e optam pelos LARCs pela facilidade do uso e baixa taxa de falhas. Destaca-se como os LARC's podem interferir positivamente em aspectos que perpassam a contracepção, como o IMC, libido e estado de humor.
Humans , Female , Primary Health Care , Health Education , Cross-Sectional Studies , Contraceptive Agents , Reproductive BehaviorABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar los conocimientos, las actitudes y las prácticas en el uso de méto-dos anticonceptivos en mujeres en edad reproductiva del barrio las Delicias de la ciudad de Duitama Boyacá en el año 2021. Materiales y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo descriptivo transversal, contando con una muestra calculada de 88 mujeres con muestreo a conveni-encia, incluyendo a mujeres entre los 18 y 54 años, aplicando la encuesta validada "Conoci-mientos, actitudes y prácticas sobre los métodos anticonceptivos" y el análisis estadístico fue de tipo univariado por medio del Software SPPS versión 23. Resultados: Las participantes tenían una edad promedio de 30.67 años (DE: 9,5), la mayoría tenía como estado civil ser soltera (48%; n: 43) y acudían a los programas de planificación familiar (71,6%; n: 63). To-das manifestaron conocer los métodos anticonceptivos (100%; n:88), sin embargo, el 40% (n:36) no tiene claridad sobre las reacciones adversas de la píldora; además el 43,1% (n:38) consideran que al usar el preservativo se disfruta menos de la relación sexual. En mujeres jóvenes predomina la preferencia de métodos de corta duración y hormonales, a diferencia de mujeres con mayor edad en donde predominaron los métodos larga duración o definitivos.Conclusiones: Los profesionales de la salud juegan un papel importante en la asesoría en planificación familiar al detectar las necesidades de la mujer, fortaleciendo la educación en derechos sexuales y reproductivos, para que esta población logre el disfrute de su vida sexual al adquirir una educación integral y con acceso a los métodos anticonceptivos.
Objective: To determine the knowledge, attitudes and practices in the use of contraceptive methods in women of reproductive age in the Las Delicias neighborhood of the city of Duita-ma - Boyacá in the year 2021. Materials and methods: Quantitative descriptive - cross-sec-tional study, with a calculated sample of 88 women with convenience sampling, including women between 18 and 54 years old, applying the validated survey "Knowledge, attitudes and practices about contraceptive methods" and the statistical analysis was of univariate type using SPPS Software version 23. Results: The participants had an average age of 30.67 years (SD: 9.5), most of them had single marital status (48%; n: 43) and attended family planning programs (71.6%; n: 63). All stated that they knew the contraceptive methods (100%; n:88) however, 40% (n:36) were not clear about the adverse reactions of the pill; In addition, 43.1% (n:38) consider that when using the preservative they enjoy sexual intercourse less. In young women, the preference for short-term and hormonal methods predominates, unlike older wom-en, where long-term or definitive methods predominated. Conclusions: Health profession-als play an important role in family planning counseling by detecting the needs of women, strengthening education in sexual and reproductive rights, so that this population achieves the enjoyment of their sexual life by acquiring a comprehensive education. and with access to contraceptive methods.
Objetivo: Determinar os conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas de mulheres na comunidade re-produtiva no bairro Las Delicias da cidade de Duitama - Boyacá no ano de 2021. Materiais e métodos: Quantitativo descritivo - estudo transversal, com amostra calculada de 88 mul-heres com amostragem de conveniência, incluindo mulheres entre 18 e 54 anos, aplicando o questionário validado "Conhecimentos, atitudes e práticas sobre métodos contraceptivos" e a análise estatística foi do tipo univariada usando o software SPPS versão 23. Resultados: Os participantes tinham idade média de 30,67 anos (DP: 9,5), a maioria era solteira (48%; n: 43) e frequentava programas de planejamento familiar (71,6%; n: 63). Todas afirmaram conhecer os métodos contraceptivos (100%; n:88), porém, 40% (n:36) não tinham clareza sobre as reações adversas da pílula; Além disso, 43,1% (n:38) consideram que ao usar o preservativo desfrutam menos das relações sexuais. Em mulheres jovens predomina a preferência por métodos de curta duração e hormonais, ao contrário das mulheres mais velhas, onde predom-inaram métodos de longa duração ou definitivos. Conclusões: Os profissionais de saúde de-sempenham um papel importante no aconselhamento em planejamento familiar, detectando as necessidades das mulheres, fortalecendo a educação em direitos sexuais e reprodutivos, para que essa população alcance o gozo de sua vida sexual adquirindo uma educação integral e com acesso a métodos contraceptivos.
Contraceptive Agents , Sexual Behavior , Women , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, PracticeABSTRACT
Abstract Dill (Anethum graveolens L.) essential oil is wide spread in the food, beverage and pharmaceutical sectors. Dill is a member of the Apiaceae (Umbelliferae) family. It has the following biological activities: antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antimicrobial, antihyperlipidemic, antihypercholesterolemic, antispasmodic, antiproliferative and anti-inflammatory. Aqueous extract of dill seed has reported effects on sex hormones and infertility potential. Moreover, boiled dill seed has an impact on reducing labor duration in giving birth. Implantation and placentation are necessary for a healthy pregnancy in the early stages. Angiogenesis is responsible for these essential processes. This study aimed to investigate dill seed oil's cytotoxic and antiangiogenic effects on rat adipose tissue endothelial cells (RATECs). Dill seed oil showed dose-dependent cytotoxicity on RATECs. It disrupted endothelial tube formation and depolymerized F-actin stress fibers. According to this study, depolymerization of F-actin stress fiber by dill seed oil could inhibit angiogenesis by suppressing endothelial cell proliferation, tube formation and motility. In other words, dill seed oil can be a new anti-angiogenic agent and a novel contraceptive.
Seeds/anatomy & histology , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Angiogenesis Inhibitors/adverse effects , Anethum graveolens/adverse effects , Endothelial Cells/metabolism , Contraceptive Agents/classification , Infertility/pathologyABSTRACT
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and relationship between sexual autonomy and modern contraceptive use among Nigerian women. Methods: Secondary data analysis of the 2018 Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey was conducted among Nigerian women aged 15-49 years who were married or had a partner. Analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis and univariate and multivariate logistic regression. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Participants that had never heard or seen a family planning awareness message were 59.6%, whereas 55.9% were capable of deciding whether to refuse their husband/partner's sex or not. The prevalence of modern contraceptive use was 12%, and the likelihood of using modern contraceptives increased with the level of education, wealth status, and the number of living children. Sexual autonomy was also a significant predictor of modern contraceptive use (odds ratio = 1.35, 95% confidence interval: 1.25-1.46). Conclusion: There is a very low prevalence of modern contraceptive use among women in Nigeria. Sexual autonomy, poverty, education, and the number of living children play a major role. Thus, women empowerment and girl-child education are critical interventions needed for the best outcomes on contraceptive use in Africa. Male involvement in sexual autonomy is also key since they are major decisionmakers regarding women's issues.
Sexual Behavior , Contraception , Contraception Behavior , Socioeconomic Factors , Demography , Contraceptive AgentsABSTRACT
Describir los hallazgos ecográficos de las pacientes que acudieron por sangrado uterino anormal al servicio de Ginecología y Obstetricia del Hospital Dr. Domingo Luciani durante el período enero 2021 a enero 2022. Métodos: Estudio observacional-descriptivo, de tipo retrospectivo. Muestra no probabilística e intencional, integrada por 99 pacientes. Variables involucradas: edad, raza, paridad, antecedentes personales, ciclo menstrual, duración del período menstrual, fecha última de menstruación, uso de algún medicamento, método anticonceptivo y hallazgos ecográficos. Resultados: Los hallazgos ecográficos evidenciaron diferentes causas que explican el sangrado uterino anormal de las pacientes que integraron la muestra de estudio; las tres más frecuentes fueron: miomatosis uterina, sangrado uterino anormal por leiomioma o por endometrio, sangrado uterino anormal tipo L y tipo E(AU)
Objective: To describe the ultrasound findings ofpatients who came for abnormal uterine bleeding to theGynecology and Obstetrics service of the Dr. Domingo LucianiHospital during the period January 2021 to January 2022.Methods: This was an observational-descriptive, retrospectivestudy. The sample was non-probabilistic and intentional,consisting of 99 patients. The data were collected in an Excelsheet for analysis to determine their percentage frequencyaccording to the variables involved: age, ethnicity, parity,personal history, menstrual cycle, duration of menstrual period,last date of menstruation, use of some medication, contraceptivemethod and ultrasound findings. Results: The ultrasoundfindings showed different causes to explain the abnormal uterinebleeding of the patients who made up the study sample; however,the three most frequent were: uterine myomatosis, sangradouterino anormal tipo L y tipo E(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Uterine Hemorrhage , Ultrasonography , Contraceptive Agents , Gynecology , Hemorrhage , Myoma , ObstetricsABSTRACT
Introdução: os anticoncepcionais orais hormonais são fármacos constituídos por hormônios, geralmente combinados, estrogênio e progestogênio, ou apenas progestogênio. Devido às propriedades características desses hormônios, são também responsáveis por diversos efeitos colaterais, o que tem levado a uma evolução contínua das formulações e tem-se observado vários benefícios não contraceptivos à saúde da mulher. Objetivo: o objetivo dessa revisão foi analisar os usos não contraceptivos dos anticoncepcionais orais hormonais, evidenciando sua eficácia e segurança. Metodologia: A pesquisa foi realizada em bases de dados eletrônicos e portais de busca, priorizando materiais publicados na faixa anual de 2008 a 2018, sendo encontrados 332 e utilizados 148 materiais de estudo. Resultados: esses fármacos tem sido uma alternativa eficaz de tratamento da síndrome do ovário policístico, uma vez que reduzem os androgênios circulantes e induzem a melhora dos sintomas como acne, irregularidade menstrual e dismenorreia. Estão associados ao tratamento da endometriose e à menor incidência de câncer de ovário. Neste último, exercem um efeito protetor durante anos, até mesmo após a interrupção. Conclusão: assim, os anticoncepcionais orais hormonais têm representado uma nova proposta terapêutica simples, segura e eficaz, para diversas utilidades não contraceptivas, e seus benefícios ultrapassam os riscos associados, proporcionando uma terapia adequada e individualizada para cada mulher.
Introduction: hormonal oral contraceptives are drugs consisted by hormones, usually combined, estrogen and progestogen, or just progestins. Due to the characteristic properties of these hormones, they are also responsible for several side effects, which has led to a continuous evolution of the formulations and various non-contraceptive benefits to women's health have been observed. Objective:the objective of this review was to analyze the non-contraceptive uses of hormonal oral contraceptives, showing their effectiveness and safety. Methodology: the research was conducted in electronic databases and search portals, prioritizing materials published in the annual range from 2008 to 2018, with 332 found and 148 study materials used. Results: these drugs have been an effective alternative for the treatment of polycystic ovary syndrome, since they reduce circulating androgens and induce improvement in symptoms such as acne, menstrual irregularity and dysmenorrhea. They are associated with the treatment of endometriosis and a lower incidence of ovarian cancer. In the latter, they have a protective effect for years, even after the interruption. Conclusion: thus, hormonal oral contraceptives have represented a new simple, safe and effective therapeutic proposal, for several non-contraceptive uses, and their benefits outweigh the associated risks, providing an adequate and individualized therapy for each woman