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Rev. baiana saúde pública ; 45(1, n.esp): 282-296, 01 jan. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178402


Os desafios impostos pela pandemia da Covid-19, relacionados a uma alta de letalidade e mortalidade pelo vírus SARS-CoV-2, alertou os gestores sobre a possibilidade de colapso da rede de serviços de manejo de óbitos no estado da Bahia. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever a experiência da equipe da vigilância em saúde da Bahia na formulação do Plano de Manejo do Óbito, direcionado a orientar as gestões estadual e municipais e serviços de saúde, públicos e privados, para a implementação de ações adequadas e oportunas frente à ocorrência de óbitos durante a pandemia. Para tanto, utilizou-se de revisão de literatura (em bases de dados internacionais), análise documental, questionários aplicados à gestão municipal e escuta de gestores e trabalhadores de serviços de saúde e afins por meio de webreuniões. O processo de formulação do plano partiu da classificação adotada pela Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde do Ministério da Saúde para definir as fases da pandemia e estabelecer as ações e responsabilidades compartilhadas pelos entes federados. O documento foi aprovado pela Comissão Intergestores Bipartite (CIB) e publicado no site da Secretaria de Saúde do Estado da Bahia (Sesab), com vistas a atender os 417 municípios que compõem o território estadual.

The challenges imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic related to increased lethality and mortality from the SARS-CoV-2 virus alerted managers to the possibility of the collapse of the death management service network in the state of Bahia. Our study aims at describing the experience of the health surveillance team in Bahia in the formulation of the Death Management Plan, aimed at guiding state and municipal management, public and private health services for the implementation of appropriate and timely actions in the face of the occurrence deaths during the pandemic. For such purpose, we used literature review (in international databases), document analysis, questionnaires applied to municipal management and listening to managers and health service workers via web meetings. The process of formulating the Plan started from the classification adopted by the Health Surveillance Department of the Ministry of Health to define the phases of the pandemic and to establish the actions and responsibilities shared by the federated entities. The document was approved by the Bipartite Intergovernmental Commission (CIB) and published on the website of the Department of Health of the State of Bahia (Sesab), to serve the 417 municipalities that make up the state territory.

Los desafíos planteados por la pandemia del covid-19 relacionados con un aumento de la letalidad y mortalidad por el virus SARS-CoV-2 alertaron a los gerentes sobre la posibilidad del colapso de la red de servicios de gestión de muertes en el estado de Bahía. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo describir la experiencia del equipo de vigilancia en salud en Bahía en la formulación del Plan de Manejo de Muertes, destinado a orientar la gestión estadual y municipal, y los servicios de salud públicos y privados para la implementación de acciones adecuadas y oportunas ante las muertes ocurridas durante la pandemia. Para ello, se utilizaron revisión de la literatura (en bases de datos internacionales), análisis de documentos, cuestionarios aplicados a la gestión municipal y escucha a gerentes y trabajadores de servicios de salud y afines por medio de reuniones en línea. El proceso de formulación del Plan partió de la clasificación adoptada por la Secretaría de Vigilancia en Salud del Ministerio de Salud para definir las fases de la pandemia y establecer las acciones y responsabilidades compartidas por las entidades federativas. El documento fue aprobado por la Comisión Intergubernamental Bipartita (CIB) y publicado en el sitio web de la Secretaría de Salud del Estado de Bahía (Sesab), con el objetivo de atender a los 417 municipios que integran el territorio estadual.

Humans , State Health Plans , Burial , Death Certificates , COVID-19/mortality , Risk Management , Brazil/epidemiology , Cremation , Public Health Surveillance , SARS-CoV-2
Palmas; Secretaria de Estado da Saúde; 30 jul 2020. 13 p.
Non-conventional in Portuguese | SES-TO, ColecionaSUS, CONASS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1122133


Traz orientações de Biossegurança para o manejo de cadáveres suspeitos ou confirmados por Covid-19 pelos serviços de somatoconservação, funerárias, cemitérios, crematórios, serviço de verificação de óbito, autópsia, transladação de cadáveres e velórios no Estado do Tocantins.

It provides Biosafety guidelines for the management of suspected or confirmed corpses by Covid-19 by somatoconservation, funeral services, cemeteries, crematoriums, death verification service, autopsy, transfer of corpses and funerals in the State of Tocantins.

Traz orientações de Biossegurança para o manejo de cadáveres suspeitos ou confirmados por Covid-19 pelos serviços de somatoconservação, funerárias, cemitérios, crematórios, serviço de verificação de óbito, autópsia, transladação de cadáveres e velórios en Estado do Tocantins.

Humans , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Autopsy/standards , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Containment of Biohazards , Pandemics , Mortuary Practice/standards , Cadaver , Biological Contamination/prevention & control , Cremation , Personal Protective Equipment
Comun. ciênc. saúde ; 31(suppl.1): 84-93, 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1097332


Com o aumento de mortos pela pandemia de COVID-19, surge o desafio relacionado aos serviços funerários, além da identificação de corpos. Municípios têm editado normas, limitando funerais e propondo sepultamentos coletivos. Quanto aos não identificados, procedimentos excepcionais foram estabelecidos pelo Conselho Nacional de Justiça e Ministério da Saúde. Por meio de pesquisa exploratória, este estudo analisou o dilema entre garantir a sanidade pública e a dignidade da pessoa humana. Propõe-se o uso de métodos primários de identificação e sepultamentos que permitam a individualização dos corpos.(AU)

With the increase in deaths due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the challengearises related to funeral services, in addition to the identification of bodies. Municipalities have been issuing regulations, limiting funerals and proposing collective burials. Brazilian National Council of Justice and the Ministry of Health establishedexceptional procedures for the unidentified patients. Through exploratory research, this article analyzed the dilemma between guaranteeing public health and the dignity of the human person. This study proposes to use primary methods of identification and burials that allow the individualization of bodies.(AU)

Humans , Coronavirus Infections/mortality , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Victims Identification , Burial/methods , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cremation
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 31(1): 120-128, ene.-mar. 2015. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-752999


Cada año mueren millones de personas en todo el mundo. Los dos principales ritos funerarios adoptados por la mayoría son el entierro y la cremación. La cremación es la destrucción por medio del calor, en un horno crematorio, de cadáveres, restos humanos y restos cadavéricos hasta su reducción a cenizas. Cualquier cadáver puede ser incinerado con independencia de la causa de la muerte, salvo los contaminados por radiaciones o productos radiactivos.1 La palabra crematorio tiene su origen en el latín crematio, cremationem o cremationis que significa quemar, incinerar.2 A pesar de la popularidad de esta práctica en los últimos tiempos, la cremación data de la antigüedad...

Humans , Cremation/history
In. Rodríguez Almada, Hugo; Abilleira, Doris; Bazán, Natalia; Bengochea, Milka; Borges, Freddy; Cano, Jacqueline; Coitinho, Cecilia; Gamero, Sylvia; Imbert, María; Lozano, Fernanda; Maglia Canzani, Daniel; Mederos Catalano, Domingo; Mesa Figueras, Guillermo; Rabotti, Claudio; Rodríguez Estula, Geraldine; Rodríguez Machado, María Noel; Roó, Rafael; Sarkissian May, Paula; Tidball-Binz, Morris; Verdú Pascual, Fernando. Patología forense. Montevideo, Oficina del Libro Fefmur, 2013. p.253-281.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-763529
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-226178


In order to maintain the donation of the human bodies required for medical education and research, we investigated social characteristics of those who have signed up to the donation program. The data registered in Chungbuk National University were analyzed and then compared to those registered in 9 of other universities in Korea. In addition, a telephone survey was performed for 128 registrants of Chungbuk National University. The number of registrants was rapidly increased after 1999 and the donation of body was sufficient for medical education and research after 2005. The number of registrants of Chungbuk after 2005 shows gradual increase whereas 10 other schools shows slight decrease. The age of registrants at signing up to the program showed the largest proportion in seventies (33.9%), followed by sixties (28.9%) and fifties (22%). Multiple registration which means two or more registrants from one family represented 40.9%. After the use of cadaver and cremation, most of the bereaved family preferred to keep and visit the cremains in the charnel house of medical school more than to carry out the school. By the telephone survey, 71% of the registrants answered they are in middle or upper middle class of living, and 77% responded that the motivation was voluntary for the society without any reward. Based on the present results we could expect the body donations will reasonably maintaine. Most of dornors have pure motivation without any reward from the school. Keeping their cremains at charnel house of the medical school were strongly favored so it is important to make enough facilities and management system as well.

Humans , Cadaver , Cremation , Education, Medical , Human Body , Korea , Motivation , Reward , Schools, Medical , Sociology , Telephone
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-103215


PURPOSE: This study was to identify the death recognition, meaning in life, and death attitude of participants in the death education program. METHODS: A survey was conducted, and 205 data were collected. Descriptive statistics, chi-square-test, ANOVA, and Duncan test were used. RESULTS: 1) The followings were the characteristics of death recognition shown by the participants. Over half of the participants said that they had given some thoughts on their deaths, that they had agreeable view on death acceptance, and that diseases and volunteer works made them think about their deaths. Moreover, suffering, parting with family and concerns for them, etc. were the most common reasons for the difficulty of accepting death. As for 'the person whom I discuss my death with', spouse, friend, and son/daughter were the most chosen in this order. Lastly, the funeral type that most of the participants desired was cremation. 2) The means of meaning in life and death attitude were 2.92+/-0.29 and 2.47+/-0.25, respectively. There were significant differences between health status, meaning in life and death attitude. 3) A significant positive corelationship was found between meaning in life and death attitude (r=0.190, P=0.001). CONCLUSION: For an effective death education program that would fit each individual's situation, an educational content that can make a person understand the meaning of his or her life and death, includes knowledge to lessen the fear and anxiety of death, and helps a person heal from the loss of a family member is absolutely necessary.

Humans , Anxiety , Cremation , Friends , Quality of Life , Spouses , Stress, Psychological
Infectious Diseases Journal of Pakistan. 2003; 12 (3): 85-86
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-104528
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-649808


Death and dying of human being is a comprehensive system, and death orientation, the subjective meaning related to every component of the death system is developed throughout life. this study was designed and carried out to identify, describe and classify the orientations of Korean adult toward the death system. In an attempt to measure the subjective meaning of death and dying, unstructured Q-methodology was used. The 65 Q-statements developed by Kim(1994), used by Kim(1994) and Park(1996) were adopted as Q-population and 39 Q-statements were selected by the three researchers for Q-items for this study. Thirty-three P-samples were sampled from P-population of literature Korean men and women, 35 and 55 years of age, lived in urban Korea for the last 10 years. Sorting of the 39 Q-items according to the level of personal agreement, and a forced normal distribution into the 9 levels were carried out by the P-samples. the Z-scores of the Q-sort data were computed, and the principal components factor analysis by PC-QUANL Program were carried out. the demographic, socio-cultural and health-related attributes of the P-samples were descriptively analysed. Eight types of death orientation were identified : Type I ; "naturalist". Six P-samples. Death is a natural phenomena, to be accepted as it is and to follow its natural course. Prefer to be informed of all facts and possibilities concerning the course of dying and death to occur to self. Type II ; "life-after-life negator". Three P-samples. Time and process of death is the destiny of each person. Death means 'darkness' and 'end to every thing, the absolute end'. Yet, wish physical integrity at the dying and after death. Type III ; "life-after-life believer". Six P-samples. Men are travellers passing by this life bound to the life-after-life. Priority concerns are on the activities. to prepare self for the eternal life ahead. Disregard premature and sudden death. Type IV ; "here-now believer". Five P-samples. Positive regard to the cremation of the body and donation of the organs on death. Regard religious and customary post-mortem rituals meaningless. Negate life-after life. Type V ; "believer of rituals". Five P-samples. Death being accepted as a part of a natural end to, and destiny of human life. Concerned to ensure a dignified end to personal life and dignified post-mortem rituals. Type VI ; "Realist"(derived from Type I). Tow P-samples. Life and death as universal reality. The abrupt death at golden age at the peak of happiness is favored to avoid inevitable physical and mental distress of self and the family. Agreed to the cremation of the body. disregard rituals. Type VII ; "Fatalist"(derived from Type II). Five P-samples. Not favored, yet, all man are destined to death, the inevitable end of all living beings. to ensure dignified end by personal consummation, information. on one's dying and imminent death are to be shared. Type VIII ; "reality avoider"(derived from Type III. One P-sample. Negative to longevity, artificial prolongation of, meaningless and distressful life. Highly positive to post-mortem organ donation.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Ceremonial Behavior , Cremation , Death, Sudden , Happiness , Korea , Longevity , Q-Sort , Tissue and Organ Procurement