Intercropping of vegetables in a poorly planned manner may not achieve the expected economic results, as it is an activity that requires a great technical and administrative capacity of the producer. This study aimed to analyze the economic feasibility of intercropping kale with coriander, lettuce, and chives in relation to monocultures. The experiment was conducted in the Center for Agri-food Science and Technology, Federal University of Campina Grande, in the municipality of Pombal, PB in the period from June 2014 to July 2015. Eleven treatments were tested: four polycultures, three bicultives, and four monocultures, in randomized blocks, with four replications. The productivity, total operating costs (TOC), gross and net revenue, rate of return, profitability index, and efficient land use were evaluated. The TOC values of intercropping were calculated with the prices of July 2015. In all the systems studied, the largest participation was referring to the cost hand of labor. The highest gross and net revenues were observed in the kale with lettuce in bicultive, the rate of return and profitability index was higher on lettuce in monoculture. Despite the increase in the TOCs of the intercropping in relation to the monocultures, the intercropping proved to be economically viable in terms of efficient land use, reaching values indicating a land-use efficiency of up to 50% more in polycultures and bicultives.
O cultivo de hortaliças de maneira mal planejada pode não alcançar os resultados econômicos esperados, pois é uma atividade que exige grande capacidade técnica e administrativa do produtor. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a viabilidade econômica de cultivar couve, alface e cebolinha em consórcio. O experimento foi conduzido no Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia Agroalimentar da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, no município de Pombal, PB, no período de junho de 2014 a julho de 2015. Foram testados onze tratamentos: quatro policultivos, três bicultivos e quatro monocultivos, em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Foram avaliados: produtividade; custos operacionais totais (COT); receita bruta e líquida; taxa de retorno; índice de lucratividade e uso eficiente da terra (UET). Os valores de COT do consórcio foram calculados com os preços de julho de 2015. Em todos os sistemas estudados, a maior participação foi referente ao custo mão de obra. As maiores receita bruta e líquida foram observadas na couve com alface em bicultivo, a taxa de retorno e rentabilidade índice foram maiores na alface em monocultura. Apesar do aumento nos COT'S dos consórcios em relação às monoculturas, a consorciação mostrou-se economicamente viável em termos de uso eficiente da terra, alcançando valores que indicam uma eficiência no uso da terra de até 50% a mais em policultivos e bicultivos.
Brassica , Lactuca , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Coriandrum , ChiveABSTRACT
A disponibilidade do nitrogênio (N) e do potássio (K) e a adequada proporção entre os dois são de grande importância para a realização de processos como crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Este trabalho objetivou avaliar o efeito de fontes e doses de K em associação ao N em cobertura via foliar sobre as características produtivas do trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivado em sistema de semeadura direta, em sucessão à cultura da soja. O experimento foi desenvolvido no ano de 2018 no município de Juranda, região centro oeste do Paraná. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos casualizados em esquema fatorial 5 x 1, com seis repetições, totalizando 30 parcelas experimentais, K e KN em combinação, em fase fenológicas diferentes, fase V5 (emborrachamento) e fase R7 (enchimento de grãos). Foram avaliados, tamanho de espiga, quantidade de grão por espiga, e peso de grão, para avaliar os reais benefícios da aplicação da adubação potássica via foliar. Para o número de espigas somente o tratamento com K em enchimento não diferiu do controle. No parâmetro número de grãos obteve-se os melhores resultados em K no emborrachamento e K e N no enchimento, entretanto, na massa de mil grãos o K no enchimento obteve a melhor média (40,75 g planta-1) em relação controle. Conclui-se que, a utilização do K via foliar aumenta o comprimento das espigas, número de grãos e massa de mil grãos e a aplicação do produto comercial K-40 no estádio de R7 aumenta em cerca de 30% a produtividade quando comparado ao controle.(AU)
The availability of nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) and the adequate ratio between the two are of great importance for processes such as growth and development of plants. The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the effect of sources and doses of K in association with N in foliar cover on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) production grown under no-tillage system after soybean crop. The experiment was carried out in 2018 in the municipality of Juranda, central-western region of Paraná. The study used an experimental design in randomized blocks in a 5 x 1 factorial scheme, with 6 replicates, totaling 30 experimental plots, K and KN in combination, different phenological phases, V5 (rubberizing) and R7 (grain filling) phases. Ear size, grain per ear, and grain weight were assessed to evaluate the real benefits of foliar application of potassium fertilization. For the number of ears, treatment only with K during filling did not differ from the control; for number of grains per ear, the best results were obtained in K in the rubberizing, and K and N in the filling stages. However, for the weight of thousand grains, K in the filling stage presented the best mean (40.75 g plant-1) in the control ratio. It can be concluded that the use of K via foliar application increases the length of the ear, number of grains and weight per thousand grains. Application of the commercial product K-40 at the R7 stage increases yield by about 30%.(AU)
La disponibilidad del nitrógeno (N) y del potasio (K) y la adecuada proporción entre los dos son de gran importancia para la realización de procesos como crecimiento y desarrollo de las plantas. Este trabajo objetivó evaluar el efecto de fuentes y dosis de K en asociación al N en cobertura foliar sobre las características productivas del trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivado en sistema de siembra directa, en sucesión al cultivo de la soja. El experimento se desarrolló en el año 2018 en el municipio de Juranda, región centro oeste de Paraná. El planteamiento experimental adoptado fue de bloques casualizados en esquema factorial 5 x 1, con seis repeticiones, totalizando 30 parcelas experimentales, K y KN en combinación, en fase fenológicas diferentes, fase V5 (encauchadas) y fase R7 (relleno de granos). Se evaluaron, tamaño de espiga, cantidad de grano por espiga, y peso de grano, para evaluar los reales beneficios de la aplicación de la fertilización potásica vía foliar. Para el número de espigas solamente el tratamiento con K en relleno no difirió del control. En el parámetro número de granos se obtuvo los mejores resultados en K en el encauche y K y N en el relleno, sin embargo, en la masa de mil granos el K en el relleno obtuvo la mejor media (40,75 g planta-1) en relación control. Se concluye que, la utilización del K vía foliar aumenta la longitud de las espigas, número de granos y masa de mil granos y la aplicación del producto comercial K-40 en la fase de R7 aumenta en un 30% la productividad mientras comparado al control.(AU)
Potassium , Composting/economics , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Crops, Agricultural/chemistry , TriticumABSTRACT
Oligosaccharides and dietary fibres are non-digestible food ingredients that preferentially stimulate the growth of prebiotic Bifidobacterium and other lactic acid bacteria in the gastro-intestinal tract. Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) provide a plethora of health benefits and can be incorporated into several functional foods. In the recent times, there has been an over emphasis on the microbial conversion of agroresidues into various value added products. Xylan, the major hemicellulosic component of lignocellulosic materials (LCMs), represents an important structural component of plant biomass in agricultural residues and could be a potent bioresource for XOS. On an industrial scale, XOS can be produced by chemical, enzymatic or chemo-enzymatic hydrolysis of LCMs. Chemical methods generate XOS with a broad degree of polymerization (DP), while enzymatic processes will be beneficial for the manufacture of food grade and pharmaceutically important XOS. Xylooligomers exert several health benefits, and therefore, have been considered to provide relief from several ailments. This review provides a brief on production, purification and structural characterization of XOS and their health benefits.
Adjuvants, Immunologic/economics , Adjuvants, Immunologic/isolation & purification , Adjuvants, Immunologic/pharmacology , Adjuvants, Immunologic/therapeutic use , Animals , Anticarcinogenic Agents/economics , Anticarcinogenic Agents/isolation & purification , Anticarcinogenic Agents/pharmacology , Anticarcinogenic Agents/therapeutic use , Antioxidants/economics , Antioxidants/isolation & purification , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Antioxidants/therapeutic use , Biomass , Carbohydrate Sequence , Chromatography/methods , Crops, Agricultural/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Dietary Fiber/analysis , Fungal Proteins/metabolism , Gastrointestinal Tract/microbiology , Glucuronates/economics , Glucuronates/isolation & purification , Glucuronates/pharmacology , Glucuronates/therapeutic use , Humans , Hydrolysis , Lignin/analysis , Microbiota/drug effects , Molecular Sequence Data , Molecular Structure , Oligosaccharides/economics , Oligosaccharides/isolation & purification , Oligosaccharides/pharmacology , Oligosaccharides/therapeutic use , Prebiotics/economics , Waste Products/economics , Xylans/chemistryABSTRACT
Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) is an important respiratory pathogens among children between zero-five years old. Host immunity and viral genetic variability are important factors that can make vaccine production difficult. In this work, differences between biological clones of HRSV were detected in clinical samples in the absence and presence of serum collected from children in the convalescent phase of the illness and from their biological mothers. Viral clones were selected by plaque assay in the absence and presence of serum and nucleotide sequences of the G2 and F2 genes of HRSV biological clones were compared. One non-synonymous mutation was found in the F gene (Ile5Asn) in one clone of an HRSV-B sample and one non-synonymous mutation was found in the G gene (Ser291Pro) in four clones of the same HRSV-B sample. Only one of these clones was obtained after treatment with the child's serum. In addition, some synonymous mutations were determined in two clones of the HRSV-A samples. In conclusion, it is possible that minor sequences could be selected by host antibodies contributing to the HRSV evolutionary process, hampering the development of an effective vaccine, since we verify the same codon alteration in absence and presence of human sera in individual clones of BR-85 sample.
Aluminum Oxide/chemistry , Cocos/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/growth & development , Fruit/chemistry , Monoterpenes/analysis , Oils, Volatile/chemistry , Pelargonium/growth & development , Silicon Dioxide/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/chemistry , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Crops, Agricultural/metabolism , Food-Processing Industry/economics , Iran , Industrial Waste/analysis , Industrial Waste/economics , Monoterpenes/metabolism , Oils, Volatile/economics , Oils, Volatile/isolation & purification , Oils, Volatile/metabolism , Pelargonium/chemistry , Pelargonium/metabolism , Perfume/chemistry , Perfume/economics , Perfume/isolation & purification , Perfume/metabolism , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Plant Leaves/metabolism , Silicates/chemistry , Soil/chemistry , Terpenes/analysis , Terpenes/metabolismABSTRACT
El presente texto derivado de investigación, presenta los resultados del análisis prospectivo para el desarrollo agrario de las regiones colombianas, de cara a un posible acuerdo fruto de las actuales (2014) negociaciones de Paz entre la guerrilla de las Farc-EP y el Gobierno Colombiano, acuerdo que de firmarse permitiría a la sociedad Colombiana entrar en lo que por ahora se ha denominado posconflicto. En este texto se proyectan posibles escenarios al año 2025; nos planteamos 4 posibles escenarios, dos alternos identificados como: Bienestar a Media y Sobreviviendo, un escenario catastrófico denominado Pobreza Absoluta y nuestro escenario apuesta: Paz y Prosperidad.
The current text, which was derived from research, introduces t he results of the prospective analysis for the agricultural development in the Colombian regions, with a view of a possible agreement, as a result of the current (2014) peace negotiations between the FARC-EP guerrilla forces and the Colombian government, an agreement which, in the event of its being signed, would let the Colombian society enter into what by now has been called post-conflict. In this text, some possible scenarios are projected to the year 2025; four possible scenarios, two alternate ones, which are identified as: Average Welfare and Surviving, a catastrophic scenario known asAbsolute Poverty, and our bet stage: Peace and Prosperity.
Crop Production , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Crops, Agricultural/history , Crops, Agricultural/standards , Batch Cell Culture Techniques/classification , Batch Cell Culture Techniques/economics , Batch Cell Culture Techniques/ethics , Batch Cell Culture Techniques/historyABSTRACT
O Estado de São Paulo é o maior produtor de cana-de-açúcar dentre os demais estados da federação, alcançando uma área de 5.768.184 hectares (ha) cultivada no ano de 2013. Diversos estudos desenvolvidos recentemente no Brasil apontam para os impactos negativos à saúde humana no processo de colheita por meio da queima da cana-de-açúcar. Em 2007, foi assinado o Protocolo de Cooperação (Protocolo do Etanol Verde) entre o setor sucroalcooleiro e o governo estadual visando à antecipação das metas de redução de queima de cana-de-açúcar por meio do processo de mecanização da colheita. Diante deste cenário, faz-se necessária uma análise sobre os impactos à saúde humana neste período de implantação de práticas sustentáveis. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o impacto da produção canavieira, após a assinatura do Protocolo Etanol Verde (2007), em alguns municípios do noroeste paulista por meio da análise das evoluções dos métodos de colheita da cana-de-açúcar possíveis associações com as doenças do aparelho respiratório. METODOLOGIA: . A área de estudo foi definida por meio de técnicas de análise espacial utilizando o software ARCGIS 10.1 com criação de shapefile de incidência de internações por doenças do aparelho respiratório por município e calculado o Índice Local de Moran, possibilitando a identificação dos municípios com maiores incidências e que formam aglomerados espaciais (clusters). Foram consolidados dados secundários de internações por doenças...
The State of São Paulo is the largest producer of sugarcane among the other states of the country, reaching an area of 5,768,184 hectares (ha) planted in 2013 Several recent studies developed in Brazil point to. negative impacts on human health in the process of picking through the burning of cane sugar impacts. In 2007, the Protocol of Cooperation (Green Ethanol Protocol) was signed between the sugar and alcohol sector and the state government seeking to advance the goals of reducing the burning of cane sugar by the process of mechanical harvesting. Given this scenario, it is necessary to analyze the impacts to human health in this period of implementation of sustainable practices. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to evaluate the impact of sugarcane production, after signing the Protocol Ethanol Green (2007), in some municipalities in the northwest region by analyzing the evolution of methods of harvesting cane sugar, on diseases the respiratory system. METHODOLOGY:. The study area was defined by spatial analysis using ArcGIS 10.1 software to create shapefile incidence of hospitalizations for respiratory diseases by county and calculated the Local Moran Index, allowing the identification of municipalities with higher incidences and forming spatial clusters (clusters). Secondary data on admissions for respiratory diseases were consolidated in all counties of the State of São Paulo between 2008 and 2012, taking into account the driest month of the year (July) for...
Humans , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Population , Saccharinum , Crops, Agricultural/standards , Crop Production , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Public Health/trendsABSTRACT
A total of 98 Manihot species have been recognized in the genus. All of them are native to the tropics of the New World, particularly Brazil and Mexico. The cultigen, Manihot esculenta Crantz (cassava), grows throughout the lowland tropics. Wild species vary in growth habit from acaulescent or short shrubs to tree-like. Because of their adaptations to different conditions, they are gene reservoirs for tackling many abiotic and biotic stresses such as improving root quality and resistance to diseases. They have been used successfully by the first author for improving protein content, seed-fertility, apomixis, resistance to mealy bug, and tolerance to drought. A table of the most important species from an economic viewpoint is presented.
Crosses, Genetic , Manihot/genetics , Crops, Agricultural/genetics , Adaptation, Physiological , Biological Evolution , Brazil , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Genetic Variation , Hybridization, Genetic , Manihot/anatomy & histology , Manihot/classification , Manihot/physiology , Reproduction, Asexual , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Crops, Agricultural/physiologyABSTRACT
Phosphorus deficiency affects around 80 percent of the acid soils of western Kenya, but fertilizer use is limited due to high prices. This paper explores the potential of local phosphate rocks (PR) as a remedy within the context on an integrated soil fertility management approach. A promising phosphate rock is Minjingu PR (MPR, Tanzania), a sedimentary/biogenic deposit which contains about 13 percent total P and 3 percent neutral ammonium citrate (NAC) soluble P. On-farm trials in P-deficient soils in western Kenya demonstrate MPR to be as effective as triple superphosphate (TSP, 20 percent P) at equal P rates. The benefits are most pronounced with the integration of agroforestry technologies that improve soil fertility. Besides Minjingu PR, Busumbu PR from Uganda (BPR) is potentially another source of P. It is typical of the abundant but unreactive igneous PRs in eastern, central and southern Africa. Agronomic performance of BPR is poorer, though its lower cost and location near to P-deficient areas in western Kenya make it attractive in some situations. The policy implications of these findings are discussed further in the paper.
A deficiência de fósforo afeta em torno de 80 por cento dos solos ácidos do Quênia ocidental, mas o uso de fertilizantes é limitado devido aos preços altos. Este artigo explora o potencial das rochas fosfáticas locais (PR) como regenerador da fertilidade dos solos dentro do contexto de uma abordagem de gestão integrada. Uma rocha fosfática promissora é a Minjingu PR (MPR, Tanzânia), um depósito sedimentar/biogênico que contém por volta de13 por cento total P e 3 por cento citrato neutro de amônia (NAC) P solúvel. Testes em fazendas agrícolas com solos deficientes em P no Quênia ocidental demonstram que a MPR é tão efetiva quanto o superfosfato triplo (TSP, 20 por cento P) na mesma proporção de P. Os benefícios são mais pronunciados com a integração das tecnologias agroflorestais que melhoram a fertilidade do solo. Da mesma forma que o Minjingu PR, Busumbu PR de Uganda (BPR) é outra fonte potencial de P. É típica do abundante, porém não-reativo complexo ígneo PRs do leste, centro e sul da Africa. A performance agronômica de BPR é inferior ainda que tenha custo mais baixo e localização próxima às áreas deficientes de P no Quênia ocidental, tornando-se mais atrativo em algumas situações. As implicações políticas dessas descobertas são discutidas mais adiante neste artigo.
Agriculture/methods , Crops, Agricultural , Fertilizers , Phosphates , Soil/analysis , Africa , Agriculture/economics , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Fertilizers/economicsSubject(s)
Cost Savings , Economics , Food , Genetic Enhancement , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Agriculture , Glycine max , Triticum , Zea maysABSTRACT
Composite culture of edible fishes (common carp, Cryprinus carpio; silver carp, Hypopthalmithys molitrix, grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella; catla, Catla catla; rohu, Labeo rohita; and mrigal, Cirrhinus mrigala) in rice fields in the Cauvery delta of Tamil Nadu, southern India, resulted in 81.0% reduction in the immature mosquito population of anophelines and 83.5% of culicines. Analysis of fish feces for mosquito larval head capsules showed that common carp and silver carp are effective larvivores. The selective feeding of common carp on culicines and silver carp on anophelines is correlated to their trophic niches. Net profit in the fish-cum-rice fields was 2.5 times greater than fields in which rice alone was cultured. Hence, rice-cum-fish culture can be recommended to the farming community in this area.
Animals , Carps , Crops, Agricultural/economics , Fisheries/economics , India , Mosquito Control , Oryza , Pest Control, BiologicalABSTRACT
Post-harvest problems are important constraints to the expansion of production of food in many Latin American countries. Besides problems of bulkiness, perishability and seasonal production patterns, the necessity of reducing transportation costs, increasing rural employment, and finding new markets for processed products, requires the development of processing technologies. Possible processed products include a vast range of alternatives. Given limited time and resources, it is not always feasible to carry out detailed studies. Hence a practical, low-cost methodology is needed to evaluate the available options. This paper presents a series of methods to evaluate different processing possibilities. It describes in detail each method including a rapid initial assessment, market and consumer research, farm-oriented research, costs and returns analysis and finally, some marketing and promotion strategies.