Introducción: el alargamiento de corona relacionado con la estética tiene como objetivo revelar una longitud adecuada de la corona y disminuir la exposición gingival. El procedimiento incluye gingivectomía y alveolectomía para restablecer el tejido gingival supracrestal requerido protésicamente según la dimensión fisiológica. Mediante un escaneo intraoral del maxilar, mandíbula y posición intercuspídea máxima y utilizando un software especializado, se diseña de manera digital la forma de los dientes y el contorno gingival. Este diseño genera una imagen de la restauración estética deseada para el prostodoncista y periodoncista. La fabricación física del diseño es asistida por computadora (CAD-CAM), creando una guía quirúrgica de resina acrílica moldeada al vacío para determinar la longitud de la corona clínica requerida en la cirugía. Objetivo: el caso interdisciplinario presentado describe una técnica innovadora empleando el flujo digital mediante un software que, a partir de un escaneo oral, diseña de manera digital un Mock-Up utilizado como guía para la cirugía periodontal. Presentación del caso: acude a clínica de la Maestría en Periodoncia de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UAdeC) paciente de 52 años, ASA I, para una cirugía periodontal con fines estéticos. Se procedió a la cirugía, colocando el Mock-Up en la región anterosuperior como guía para la gingivectomía. Luego, se realizó el levantamiento de colgajo antes de la alveolectomía, tomando en cuenta la longitud del tejido gingival supracrestal. Por último, se suturaron los tejidos blandos con técnica de colchonero horizontal. Resultados: siete días después, se retiran los puntos apreciando una cicatrización correcta y uniforme de los tejidos. Conclusiones: este abordaje digital ofrece una reducción significativa del tiempo quirúrgico, además de una estética satisfactoria y una precisa arquitectura gingival (AU)
Introduction: crown lengthening for aesthetic purposes aims to reveal an adequate crown length and reduce gingival exposure. The procedure includes gingivectomy and alveolectomy to restore the prosthetically required supracrestal gingival tissue according to physiological dimensions. Through an intraoral scan of the maxilla, mandible, and maximum intercuspidal position, and using specialized software, the shape of the teeth and the gingival contour are digitally designed. This design generates an image of the desired aesthetic restoration for the prosthodontist and periodontist. The physical fabrication of the design is computer-assisted (CAD-CAM), creating a vacuum-formed acrylic resin surgical guide to determine the clinical crown length required in surgery. Objective: the presented interdisciplinary case describes an innovative technique using digital workflow through software that, from an oral scan, digitally designs a Mock-Up used as a guide for periodontal surgery. Case presentation: a 52-year-old ASA I patient attended the Periodontics Master's clinic at Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (UAdeC) for periodontal surgery with aesthetic purposes. The surgery was performed by placing the Mock-Up in the anterosuperior region as a guide for gingivectomy. Then, a flap was raised before the alveolectomy, considering the length of the supracrestal gingival tissue. Finally, the soft tissues were sutured with a horizontal mattress suture technique. Results: seven days later, the sutures were removed, showing correct and uniform tissue healing. Conclusions: this digital approach offers a significant reduction in surgical time, in addition to satisfactory esthetics and precise gingival architecture (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Crown Lengthening , Computer-Aided Design , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Esthetics, Dental , Schools, Dental , Gingivectomy/methods , MexicoABSTRACT
O sorriso gengival possui inúmeras causas, podendo acontecer por motivos esqueléticos, musculares ou por alteração no desenvolvimento dos tecidos de suporte. No entanto, na atualidade, a estética vermelha e a branca têm se apresentado completamente passíveis de transformações e com uma gama de procedimentos cirúrgicos ou não cirúrgicos para sanar as queixas dos pacientes. O objetivo geral deste trabalho é mostrar o poder que a odontologia tem frente às questões estéticas, como, por exemplo, a vergonha de sorrir por não se sentir confortável com os dentes curtos e com uma grande faixa de gengiva sendo exposta. O método utilizado foi um relato de caso. Que descreve todos os passos clínicos do tratamento de um paciente de 40 anos, que estava insatisfeita com o seu sorriso por apresentar erupção passiva alterada juntamente com hiperatividade do lábio superior. O plano de tratamento escolhido foi de realizar a cirurgia de aumento de coroa clínica estético, seguido de clareamento dentário e posteriormente um reposicionamento labial, com ajuda da toxina botulínica. Finalizando, para ajudar na cicatrização, o uso de laserterapia. O resultado de todo o processo cirúrgico envolvido neste trabalho, é satisfação do paciente, materializando o sonho deste, devolvendo segurança e espontaneidade ao sorrir. Pôde-se observar que através da combinação de técnicas cirúrgicas periodontais para tratar o sorriso gengival, obtém-se êxito tanto no sentido científico quanto no biológico, alcançando um sorriso esteticamente mais atrativo(AU)
Gummy smile has numerous causes, which can occur for skeletal or muscular reasons or due to changes in the development of supporting tissues. However, nowadays, the red and white aesthetics have been completely capable of transformation and with a range of surgical or non-surgical procedures to resolve patients' complaints. The general objective of this work is to show the power that dentistry has in the face of aesthetic issues, such as, for example, the shame of smiling due to not feeling comfortable with short teeth and a large strip of gum being exposed. The method used was a case report. Which describes all the clinical steps of the treatment of a 40-year-old patient, who was dissatisfied with her smile due to an altered passive eruption together with hyperactivity of the upper lip. The chosen treatment plan was to perform aesthetic clinical crown augmentation surgery, followed by tooth whitening and later lip repositioning, with the help of botulinum toxin. Finally, to help with healing, the use of laser therapy. The result of the entire surgical process involved in this work is patient satisfaction, materializing the patient's dream, restoring security and spontaneity when smiling. It was observed that through the combination of periodontal surgical techniques to treat gummy smile, success is achieved both in the scientific and biological sense, achieving a more aesthetically attractive smile(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Crown Lengthening , Oral Surgical Procedures , Esthetics, Dental , GingivoplastyABSTRACT
The crown lengthening is indicated for aesthetic purposes, exposure of subgingival caries, crown fractures or a combination of these, which can be characterized as aesthetic or functional, related to restorative indications, and restoration of biological width. Several factors need to be evaluated in the aesthetic planning for optimizing the smile, with the inclusion of an increase in the clinical crown, emphasizing the quality of the thin or thick periodontal phenotype, an adequate band of keratinized tissue and the size of the biological width. A correct diagnosis of the gummy smile etiology, as well as an assessment of clinical characteristics and anatomical dimensions, is of fundamental importance prior to the patient's approach. It determines and guide decisions regarding the possibilities of treatment and prognosis of cases. The aim of this study was to report two cases of cosmetic periodontal surgery with techniques commonly used for this purpose: gingivectomy and flap surgery with osteotomy.
El alargamiento clínico de corona está indicado con fines estéticos, exposición de caries subgingivales, fracturas coronarias o alguna combinación de estas, y puede caracterizarse como estético o funcional, relacionado con indicaciones restaurativas y restauración del espacio biológico. Varios factores deben ser evaluados en la planificación estética para optimizar la sonrisa, con la inclusión del aumento clínico de coronas, destacando la calidad del fenotipo periodontal delgado o grueso, la gama adecuada de tejido queratinizado y la dimensión del espacio biológico. Un diagnóstico correcto de las causas asociadas a la sonrisa gingival, así como una valoración de las características clínicas y dimensiones anatómicas, son de fundamental importancia antes de abordar al paciente, para determinar y orientar decisiones respecto a las posibilidades de tratamiento y pronóstico de los casos. El objetivo de este estudio fue reportar dos casos de cirugía periodontal estética con técnicas comúnmente utilizadas para este fin: gingivectomía y cirugía de colgajo con osteotomía.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Crown Lengthening/methods , Dental Porcelain , Crowns , Gingivectomy/methods , IncisorABSTRACT
El recontorneo estético es una cirugía plástica periodontal que tiene como objetivo restablecer una sonrisa más armoniosa de acuerdo al aspecto facial del paciente, el principal motivo para realizar este procedimiento es cuando existe un diagnóstico de una erupción pasiva alterada o sonrisa gingival. La sonrisa gingival es una de las principales preocupaciones de acuerdo a la estética cuando existe una exposición gingival de más de 3 mm en lo cual es justificable realizar el recontorneo estético. Paciente femenino de 28 años de edad, con diagnóstico de erupción pasiva alterada 1B con un seguimiento de 4 meses. El tratamiento consistió en realizar el recontorneo estético para corregir la sonrisa gingival. El recontorneo estético es un procedimiento quirúrgico que se realiza con el objetivo de mejorar la estética del paciente cuando existe una exposición gingival excesiva y para facilitar la armonía de acuerdo a su aspecto facial.
Esthetic recontouring is a periodontal plastic surgery that aims to restore a more harmonious smile according to the patient's facial appearance, since the main reason to perform this procedure is when there is a diagnosis of an altered passive eruption or gingival smile. The gingival smile is one of the main concerns according to aesthetics when there is a gingival exposure of more than 3 mm in which it is justifiable to perform the aesthetic recontouring. 28-year-old female patient with a diagnosis of altered passive eruption 1B with a 4-month follow-up. Treatment consisted of esthetic recontouring to correct the gingival smile. Esthetic recontouring is a surgical procedure performed with the aim of improving the patient's esthetics when there is excessive gingival exposure and to facilitate harmony according to facial appearance.
Humans , Female , Adult , Smiling , Lip , Radiography, Dental , Prevalence , Crown Lengthening/methods , Photography, Dental , Esthetics, Dental , GingivaABSTRACT
Introduction: Excessive gummy smile affects the aesthetics of the patient and can be the result of several factors, including altered passive eruption, which can be surgically corrected by aesthetic crown lengthening. Case report: 22-year-old female patient, who was treated by aesthetic crown lengthening for the correction of type 1B altered passive eruption. Discussion: Considering the patient's age and periodontal phenotype, surgical correction of the gummy smile by aesthetic crown lengthening shows stable long-term results. Conclusion: Surgically correcting excessive gingival exposure through esthetic crown lengthening can help patients improve the appearance of their smile and regain their self-confidence.
Humans , Female , Adult , Smiling , Tooth Eruption , Crown Lengthening , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
A busca por um sorriso considerado perfeito tem sido cada vez maior e isso tem se tornado um desafio para o Cirurgião-Dentista, visto que um sorriso harmônico não envolve somente dentes, mas também gengiva. A exposição excessiva da gengiva ao sorrir ou falar é considerada uma característica antiestética, pois gera uma desarmonia entre dentes, gengiva e lábios. Quando o paciente expõe 3 milímetros ou mais de gengiva ao sorrir, chamamos essa exposição de Sorriso Gengival. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar o tratamento de um caso de sorriso gengival, onde foi realizada cirurgia periodontal ressectiva a fim de diminuir a exposição de tecido gengival ao sorrir. Descrição do caso: Paciente adulto 21 anos, sexo masculino, procurou atendimento no curso de graduação em Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha FSG, com queixa de insatisfação estética devido ao tamanho de seus dentes e mostrar muito tecido Gengival ao sorrir. Após anamnese, exame clínico e radiográfico, o paciente foi diagnosticado com Sorriso gengival. O plano de tratamento proposto foi de cirurgia periodontal ressectiva. Conclusão: A partir do exposto, podemos concluir que o tratamento do sorriso gengival depende de sua etiologia. Um correto diagnóstico é de extrema importância, pois dependendo do fator etiológico do sorriso gengival, o plano de tratamento pode ser elaborado de acordo com a necessidade do paciente. No caso apresentado, o procedimento escolhido, cirurgia periodontal ressectiva, se mostrou efetivo no tratamento do sorriso gengival, devolvendo estética e satisfação ao paciente(AU)
The search for a smile that is considered perfect has been increasing and this has become a challenge for the Dental Surgeon, since a harmonious smile does not only involve teeth, but also gums. Excessive exposure of the gums when smiling or talking is considered an unsightly feature, as it creates disharmony between teeth, gums and lips. When the patient exposes 3 millimeters or more of gum when smiling, we call this exposure Gummy Smile. The present work aims to report the treatment of a case of gummy smile, where resective periodontal surgery was performed in order to reduce the exposure of gingival tissue when smiling. Case description: A 21-year-old adult patient, male, sought care at the undergraduate course in dentistry at the Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha FSG, complaining of aesthetic dissatisfaction due to the size of his teeth and showing a lot of gingival tissue when smiling. After anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination, the patient was diagnosed with gummy smile. The proposed treatment plan was resective periodontal surgery. Conclusion: From the above, we can conclude that the treatment of gummy smile depends on its etiology. A correct diagnosis is extremely important, because depending on the etiological factor of the gummy smile, the treatment plan can be elaborated according to the patient's needs. In the case presented, the chosen procedure, resective periodontal surgery, proved to be effective in the treatment of gummy smile, restoring aesthetics and patient satisfaction(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Crown Lengthening , Gingivoplasty , Periodontium , Oral Surgical Procedures , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
O anseio por um sorriso harmônico tem se tornado cada vez maior, uma vez que muitos pacientes relatam desconforto ao sorrir, pois correlacionam a estética do sorriso a problemas de baixa autoestima e em alguns casos suscetibilidade a alterações psicossociais decorrente aos padrões estéticos impostos pela sociedade. O sorriso gengival é uma das grandes queixas relatadas por pacientes. A exposição excessiva de gengiva maxilar pode ser decorrente a fatores gengivais, ósseos, dentários e musculares. Dentre os tratamentos disponíveis para diminuir essa exposição, contamos com cirurgias periodontais, aplicação de toxina botulínica, tratamentos ortodônticos, cirurgia ortognática e reposicionamento labial. O tratamento adequado será definido de acordo com o fator etiológico de cada caso. Diante disso o objetivo do trabalho é realizar um relato de caso sobre aumento de coroa clínica estética. A paciente estava descontente com a exibição de uma grande quantidade gengival ao sorrir. Após estudos clínicos e de imagem o diagnóstico foi de erupção passiva alterada, tipo IB. O tratamento de escolha foi a gengivoplastia associada a remodelação óssea osteotomia e osteoplastia. O tratamento estético vai além de uma boa aparência, através deste trabalho, foi possível evidenciar impactos benéficos que o sorriso harmônico pode acarretar na vida do indivíduo, atendendo suas expectativas e a do cirurgião-dentista(AU)
The desire for a harmonic smile has become increasing, since many patients report discomfort when smiling, as they correlate smile aesthetics to problems of low self-esteem and in some cases susceptibility to psychosocial changes due to aesthetic standards imposed by society. Gummy smile is one of the major complaints reported by patients. Excessive exposure of the maxillary gingiva may be due to gingival, bone, dental and muscular factors. Among the treatments available to reduce this exposure, we have periodontal surgeries, botulinum toxin application, orthodontic treatments, orthognathic surgery and lip repositioning. The appropriate treatment will be defined according to the etiological factor of each case. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a case report on aesthetic clinical crown augmentation. Patient discount with the display of a large amount of gingival when smiling. After clinical and imaging studies, the diagnosis was an altered passive eruption, type IB. The treatment of choice was gingivoplasty associated with bone remodeling, osteotomy and osteoplasty. Final comments and conclusions: The aesthetic treatment goes beyond a good appearance, through this work, it was possible to evidence beneficial impacts that the harmonic smile can have on the individual's life, meeting their expectations and that of the dentist(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Crown Lengthening , Esthetics, Dental , Bone Remodeling , Dentistry, OperativeABSTRACT
Tendo em vista a importância da relação Dentística Restauradora e Periodontia na Odontologia atual, o presente estudo demonstrou o relato de um caso clínico realizado no Complexo Odontológico do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha (FSG), retratando um procedimento de restauração transcirúrgica em um paciente cujo elemento 13 estava comprometido com uma cavidade subgengival disto-palatino, sendo a resina composta o material restaurador de escolha. Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar um caso clínico demonstrando a técnica de restauração transcirúrgica e a integração do planejamento entre Periodontia e Dentística Restauradora realizado na Clínica de Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha -FSG. Este trabalho mostrou a importância da realização de uma técnica cirúrgica e restauradora correta por parte dos cirurgiões-dentistas, assim como na verificação de que os tecidos periodontais podem reagir de forma positiva à presença de materiais restauradores adesivos posicionados subgengivalmente(AU)
In view of the importance of the restorative dentistry and periodontics relationship in current dentistry, the present study demonstrated the report of a clinical case carried out in the Dental Complex of the Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha - FSG, portraying a transsurgical restoration procedure in a patient whose element 13 was compromised with a subgingival cavity of this-palatine, the composite resin being the restorative material of choice. This study aimed to present a clinical case demonstrating the technique of transsurgical restoration and the integration of planning between Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry carried out at the Dentistry Clinic of the University Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha - FSG. This study showed the importance of performing a correct surgical and restorative technique by dentists, as well as in verifying that periodontal tissues can react positively to the presence of adhesive restorative materials positioned subgingival(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Periodontium , Crown Lengthening , Composite Resins , Periodontics , Dentistry, OperativeABSTRACT
A estética tem um papel importante na aceitação e autoestima das pessoas e, em virtude disso, os pacientes buscam cada dia mais ter um sorriso harmonioso. As reabilitações estéticas devem envolver um planejamento completo, atrelando função e estética, avaliando tamanho dos dentes, perfil e alturas gengivais, altura do sorriso e corredor bucal. Por conta disso, a odontologia nos permite uma série de abordagens terapêuticas diferentes que chegam a resultados satisfatórios para o paciente. Sendo assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um relato de caso de uma paciente com queixa estética do seu sorriso devido à diferentes tonalidades, formas e tamanhos dos dentes. Após anamnese, exame clínico e radiográfico, o plano de tratamento proposto foi de harmonizações periodontal com aumento de coroa e enxerto gengival, além de coroas em cerâmicas de dissilicato de lítio. Dentro desse contexto, mostra-se que uma abordagem multidisciplinar para reabilitação estética e funcional do sorriso é fundamental, a qual nos proporciona equilíbrio e naturalidade entre estética branca e vermelha no resultado do tratamento reabilitador(AU)
Aesthetics plays an important role in people's acceptance and self-esteem and, as a result, patients increasingly seek to have a harmonious smile. Aesthetic rehabilitations must involve a complete planning, linking function and aesthetics, evaluating tooth size, gingival profile and heights, smile height and buccal corridor. Because of this, dentistry allows us a series of different therapeutic approaches that reach satisfactory results for the patient. Therefore, the present work aims to describe a case report of a patient with an aesthetic complaint of her smile due to different shades, shapes and sizes of teeth. After anamnesis, clinical and radiographic examination, the proposed treatment plan was periodontal harmonization with crown augmentation and gingival graft, in addition to lithium disilicate ceramic crowns. Within this context, it is shown that a multidisciplinary approach to the aesthetic and functional rehabilitation of the smile is fundamental, which provides us with balance and naturalness between white and red aesthetics in the result of the rehabilitation treatment(AU)
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ceramics , Crowns , Esthetics, Dental , Gingiva/transplantation , Crown Lengthening , Dental Veneers , Gingivoplasty , LithiumABSTRACT
@#An attractive smile enhances the appearance and acceptance of an individual in society. Gum exposure more than 3 mm is generally considered unattractive and known as a gummy smile, which is usually considered an aesthetic problem. At present, patients have a greater desire for more aesthetic results that may influence the planning of dental treatments. This case report aimed to describe the surgical sequence of aesthetic crown lengthening to improve smile profile and eliminate gummy smile. We reported a 21-year-old non-smoking woman with no pertinent medical history who presented with a chief complaint of an unattractive smile due to excessive gingival display. The gingival display in the smile was 5 mm, and the width to height ratio of the central incisor was 121%. Neither periodontal problems nor teeth mobility was detected. Assessment for the condition was excessive gingival display due to altered passive eruption. The overall prognosis for this case was good. The primary treatment plan proposed to the patient was an aesthetic crown lengthening. Altered passive eruption class I subtype A was a case conclusion, and aesthetic crown lengthening with gingivectomy without osseous reduction was the selected treatment. In conclusion, aesthetic crown lengthening should be considered as a surgical component of aesthetic therapy to improve smile profile and eliminate gummy smile.
Crown Lengthening , GingivectomyABSTRACT
Una de las causas de la evolución de la periodontitis es la formación de defectos óseos y pérdida de inserción clínica. Una manera de eliminar el defecto intraóseo y su bolsa periodontal es eliminar las paredes de hueso que componen el defecto para colocar el complejo dentogingival en una posición más apical. La cirugía ósea es un procedimiento periodontal resectivo que involucra la modificación del tejido óseo del soporte dental, la cual es una modalidad del tratamiento periodontal quirúrgico que puede utilizarse para eliminar eficazmente los defectos óseos periodontales para estabilizar la inserción periodontal. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre las consideraciones actuales, técnicas y principios de la cirugía ósea resectiva en el paciente periodontalmente comprometido (AU)
One of the causes of the evolution of periodontitis is the formation of bone defects and loss of clinical attachment, where one way to eliminate the intraosseous defect and its periodontal pocket is to eliminate the bone walls that make up the defect to place the dentogingival complex in a more apical position. Bone surgery is periodontal surgery that involves the modification of the supporting bone tissue of the teeth, which is a modality of surgical treatment that can be used to effectively eliminate periodontal defects and stabilize the periodontal insertion. The aim of the present study is to conduct a literature review about the considerations, techniques and principles of resective bone surgery in the periodontally compromised patient (AU)
Humans , Periodontitis/surgery , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Alveolar Process/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Periodontal Pocket/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Crown Lengthening/methodsABSTRACT
With the evolution of the computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology, the intraoral scanners are playing an increasingly important role, as they are the first step towards a completely digital workflow. The CAD/CAM double scanning technique has been used to transfer the information from provisional restorations to definitive restorations. In this case, a 67-year-old male with esthetically compromised anterior teeth, generalized severe attrition of teeth, and reduced vertical dimension was treated with full mouth rehabilitation including a re-establishment of the lost vertical dimension of occlusion assisted by the crown lengthening procedure. The provisional restorations were fabricated using an intraoral scanner and the CAD/CAM double scanning technique. After the period of adaption, the definitive monolithic zirconia restorations were delivered. The CAD/CAM double scanning technique successfully transferred the occlusal and morphological characteristics, obtained from the provisional restorations, to the definitive restorations.
Aged , Humans , Male , Crown Lengthening , Dentition , Mouth Rehabilitation , Mouth , Tooth , Tooth Wear , Vertical DimensionABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar um relato de caso no qual a paciente se queixava de desarmonia do sorriso, desta forma o aumento de coroa clínica estética e o retalho reposicionado coronalmente, foram escolhidos juntamente com a reanatomização em resina composta, para restabelecer a harmonia gengival e dentária. A paciente apresentava contorno gengival desigual, no qual uma recessão gengival no dente 22 e coroas curtas e desproporcionais nos demais incisivos anteriores foram observadas, assim como uma vestibularização de todos os dentes superiores anteriores, no qual ela se recusou a tratar com Ortodontia. Foram reanatomizadas e restabelecidas por meio do uso de resina composta pela "técnica de facetas direta". Este caso clínico evidenciou a importância da associação de técnicas de cirurgia periodontal e do trabalho multidisciplinar para que todas as queixas pudessem ser devidamente sanadas e o caso concluído com sucesso dentro dos anseios e expectativas da paciente. (AU)
This work aims to present a case report in which the patient complained of smile disharmony, and in this way the aesthetic clinical crown increase and the coronally repositioned flap were chosen together with composite resin reanatomization to restore harmony gingival and dental. The patient had an unequal gingival contour, in which a gingival recession on tooth 22 and short and disproportional crowns on the other anterior incisors were observed, as well as a vestibularization of all the anterior superior teeth, in which she refused to treat with orthodontics. They were reanatomized and restored through the use of resin composed by the "direct facet technique". This clinical case evidenced the importance of the association of techniques of periodontal surgery and of the multidisciplinary work so that all the complaints could be duly remedied and the case concluded successfully within the patient's expectations and expectations. (AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Crown Lengthening , Esthetics, Dental , GingivaABSTRACT
Crown lengthening is one of the most common surgeries in clinical practice. Under the premise of ensuring the biologic width, the adequate crown is exposed by resecting the periodontal soft tissue and (or) hard tissue to meet the prosthodontic and (or) aesthetic requirements. Considering the various advantages of oral laser, such as safe, precise, minimally invasive and comfort, laser has become a promising technology which can be used to improve the traditional crown lengthening. In this review, the principles and characteristics of laser application in crown lengthening, especially in the minimally invasive or flapless crown lengthening will be reviewed. Its pros and cons will also be discussed.
Crown Lengthening , Crowns , Esthetics, Dental , Tooth , Tooth CrownABSTRACT
In the oral cavity, the teeth undergo wear and corrosion throughout their lives. Progressive and constant tooth wear is a natural phenomenon of aging, but wear and corrosion due to specific factors are pathological factors. It can cause pathological damage of the occlusal surface, aesthetic problems, dimensional loss and jaw joint disorders. This case is a 26-year-old female patient with general tooth abrasion and erosion on the entire dentition. Diagnostic wax-up was fabricated based on the information including digital facial analysis, physiological stabilization, and evaluation of anterior crown length. Through the digital analysis, the necessary guides for crown lengthening were prepared and the mastication function and esthetics were evaluated by using temporary crowns. Definitive prosthesis was fabricated with the zirconia restorations. The results were satisfactory when they were observed 3 months of follow-up.
Adult , Female , Humans , Aging , Corrosion , Crown Lengthening , Crowns , Dentition , Esthetics , Follow-Up Studies , Jaw , Joints , Mastication , Mouth Rehabilitation , Mouth , Prostheses and Implants , Tooth Abrasion , Tooth Erosion , Tooth Wear , ToothABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Introducción: Uno de los procedimientos realizados con mayor frecuencia para el restablecimiento de la estética en la zona anterosuperior es el alargamiento de corona, el cual está indicado ante la presencia de una longitud insuficiente de la corona clínica de un diente, cuando existe caries o fracturas subgingivales y para la mejora de la estética en pacientes con margen gingival desigual. Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es presentar el alargamiento de corona estético realizado en una paciente que presentaba márgenes discrepantes y pérdida de las papilas en la zona anterosuperior, la cual fue remitida del área de prótesis para poder realizar posterior rehabilitación protésica. Resultados: Mediante el procedimiento quirúrgico se logró la corrección y restablecimiento de los márgenes gingivales. Conclusiones: La zona anterosuperior es el área estéticamente más comprometida, por lo que es indispensable la planeación interdisciplinaria del tratamiento para asegurar el éxito del mismo.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: One of the most frequently performed procedures for aesthetics restoration in the maxillary anterior area is the crown lengthening, which is indicated in the presence of an insufficient length of the clinical crown of a tooth, of cavities or subgingival fractures and for the improvement of aesthetics in patients with uneven gingival margin. Objective: The aim of this article is to present the aesthetic crown lengthening performed in a patient with discrepant margins and loss of the papillae in the maxillary anterior area, referred from the prosthesis department for subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. Results: Through the surgical procedure, the correction and restoration of the gingival margins were achieved. Conclusions: The maxillary anterior area is the most aesthetically compromised area, which is why the interdisciplinary planning of the treatment is essential to ensure its success.
Humans , Female , Adult , Prostheses and Implants , Prosthodontics , Crown Lengthening , Crowns , Esthetics, DentalABSTRACT
Objetivo: Mostrar una alternativa de tratamiento para las fracturas coronorradiculares complicadas, que restablece la función y la estética de las piezas traumatizadas. Caso clínico: Una paciente de 16 años se presentó en la guardia del Centro Odontológico OSEP tras haber sufrido un accidente vial que le produjo un traumatismo dentoalveolar. El diagnóstico fue fractura coronaria sin exposición pulpar de la pieza dentaria 12 y fractura coronorradicular complicada de la pieza 11. El tratamiento incluyó restauración con resina compuesta de la pieza 12 y endodoncia, extrusión ortodóntica, alargamiento coronario y rehabilitación con perno de fibra de cuarzo y corona de resina compuesta de la pieza 11. Conclusiones: El tratamiento de las fracturas coronorradiculares representa un desafío para el odontólogo. Los resultados del tratamiento, en este paciente, fueron excelentes, ya que lograron devolver estética y función (AU)
Aim: To show an alternative treatment for complicated crown-root fractures, which restores function and aesthetics of the traumatized teeth. Case report: This paper reports the case of a 16-yearold girl who attends the OSEP Dental Center, stating that she had suffered a traffic accident resulting in a dentoalveolar trauma. The diagnosis was a coronary fracture without pulp exposure of tooth 12, and complicated crown-root fracture of tooth 11. Treatment included composite resin restoration of tooth 12 and endodontic, orthodontic extrusion, crown lengthening and rehabilitation with quartz fiber post and composite resin crown of tooth 11. Conclusions: The treatment of crown-root fractures poses a challenge for the dentist. The results of the treatment in this patient were excellent, and aesthetics and function were restored (AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Crown Lengthening , Orthodontic Appliances , Patient Care Team , Tooth Fractures , Tooth Injuries , Tooth Root , Argentina , Composite Resins , Post and Core Technique , Quartz , Tooth Crown , Tooth SocketABSTRACT
Clinical crown lengthening procedure would be an effective method for overcoming adverse clinical condition such as short abutment length. There are three kinds of methods in clinical crown lengthening, those are, surgical crown lengthening, orthodontic extrusion and surgical extrusion. Clinicians have to try their best to choose a proper method among those for favorable results. This report aims to review the considerations in each method with various cases and to suggest a decision flow for appropriate selection.
Crown Lengthening , Crowns , Methods , Orthodontic ExtrusionABSTRACT
It is reported that the causes of unaesthetic proportion of anterior teeth vary widely. Especially, when the unaesthetic tooth proportion of the mandibular incisors arises due to the wear of the anterior teeth accompanied by the compensation of the alveolar bone, it may cause serious functional and aesthetic problems. In such case, it should be considered that the evaluation of vertical dimension and tooth proportion as well as smile line, soft tissue and hard tissue morphology. And, increase of vertical dimension or clinical crown lengthening followed by prosthodontic restorations is needed to improve the interdental mesial/distal, width/length ratio considering the anterior guidance. This case report demonstrates functional and aesthetic improvements through systematic diagnosis and treatment procedures in a 48-year-old male patient with unaesthetic anterior teeth proportion because of tooth wear accompanied by the compensation of alveolar bone and defect of several central incisors due to chronic periodontitis.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Chronic Periodontitis , Compensation and Redress , Crown Lengthening , Diagnosis , Esthetics , Incisor , Tooth Wear , Tooth , Vertical DimensionABSTRACT
A proposta desta revisão da literatura foi avaliar as técnicas empregadas no afastamento gengival para prótese dental incluindo métodos mecânicos, químicos-mecânicos e cirúrgicos. A técnica de afastamento gengival deve ser previamente avaliada pelo profissional e a sua indicação, dependerá de cada situação clínica. Nesta revisão foram apresentadas as vantagens e desvantagens das técnicas de afastamento gengival incluindo fio afastador embebido ou não em soluções químicas, técnicas cirúrgicas, procedimentos a base de laser, curetagem gengival e eletro cirurgia. Após a realização desta revisão verificamos que o método químico-mecânico é o mais utilizado pelos profissionais. Atualmente podemos considerar que mesmo com a utilização de tecnologias mais elaboradas, como por exemplo scanners intraorais, quando o término do preparo dental estiver ao nível gengival ou subgengival se faz necessário o afastamento gengival. Para atingir o sucesso de uma prótese dental e importante coexistir uma harmonia entre a prótese e os tecidos periodontais circunvizinhos. (AU)
The aim of this review was to assess the use of gingival retraction methods in the fixed tooth supported prosthesis including mechanical, chemicals-mechanical and surgical methods. The choice of the best gingival retraction technique should be considered previously by the professional and it depends of each individual clinical conditions. In this review were discussed the advantages and the disadvantages of each gingival retraction technique including mechanical, chemical and surgical methods. In this review, we could understand that chemicals-mechanical technical is the most indicate by dentists. Nowadays, we can consider that even with the hightech use in dental area, such as intraoral scanners, when the margin of the restoration is placed sub-gingivally the gingival retraction should be considered. For the successful in dental prosthesis, a healthy coexistence between the restoration and their surrounding periodontal structure should be the goal of a prosthodontist. (AU)