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Rev. ADM ; 81(1): 61-66, ene.-feb. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560711


En 1871, el cirujano Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, de la Universidad de Viena en Austria, introdujo por primera vez la descripción del papiloma escamoso; finalmente en 2002, se reclasificó como una familia independiente con un total de 29 genes, de los cuales cinco se asocian al papiloma humano. En 2021, el Centro Internacional de Referencia del Virus del Papiloma Humano del Instituto Karolinska reportó un total de 228 diferentes tipos de VPH (AU)

In 1871, the surgeon Johann von Mikulicz Radecki, from the University of Vienna in Austria, first introduced the description of squamous papilloma; finally, in 2002, it was reclassified as an independent family with a total of 29 genes, of which five are associated. to human papilloma. In 2021, the International Reference Center for Human Papillomavirus at the Karolinska Institute reported a total of 228 different types of HPV (AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Papilloma/diagnosis , Papillomaviridae/classification , Papilloma/surgery , Papilloma/pathology , Papilloma/epidemiology , Cryotherapy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential
Rev. Bras. Cancerol. (Online) ; 69(1): 153325, jan.-mar. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1452181


Introduction: Mucositis is one of the main complications of cancer treatment, associated with several nutritional limitations and the ability to cause secondary infections. Cryotherapy is a low-cost treatment consistent with clinical practice guidelines for treating patients with mucositis. Objective: To develop and evaluate the acceptance of ice cream for the prevention and treatment of mucositis and nutritional support of pediatric cancer patients. Method: Based on knowledge about the side effects of chemotherapy (especially in oral and gastrointestinal mucositis) and the nutritional needs of pediatric cancer patients, a literature search for ingredients that could meet the study's objectives was undertaken. Food Technology Laboratory of the São Paulo State University (Unesp), Botucatu campus, and in partnership with Sorvetes Naturais ice cream shop in the municipality of Botucatu-SP, produced the ice cream. An acceptance test was applied in ten patients undergoing cancer treatment and 30 individuals in the control group using the 5-point mixed facial hedonic scale. Results: The final formula consisted of semi-skimmed lactose-free milk, extra virgin coconut oil, oat flour, honey, chamomile, Fortini food supplement, demerara sugar, and stabilizer/emulsifier. 90% of patients undergoing cancer treatment rated the final product as "liked" or "loved it," compared to 63% of the control group. Conclusion: Development of an ice cream that met the objectives of the study was possible through the choice of its composition. Honey and chamomile can favor the prevention of mucositis, and other ingredients offer the caloric density and protein supply.

Introdução: A mucosite é uma das principais complicações do tratamento oncológico, está associada a várias limitações nutricionais e é capaz de causar infecções secundárias. A crioterapia é uma forma de tratamento de baixo custo, consistente com as diretrizes de prática clínica para o cuidado de pacientes com mucosite. Objetivo: Desenvolver e avaliar a aceitação de um sorvete para prevenção e tratamento da mucosite e para suporte nutricional de pacientes pediátricos com câncer. Método: Baseado no conhecimento sobre os efeitos colaterais da quimioterapia (especialmente na mucosite oral e gastrointestinal) e nas necessidades nutricionais do paciente oncológico pediátrico, buscou-se, na literatura, por ingredientes que pudessem alcançar os objetivos do estudo. O sorvete foi produzido no Laboratório de Tecnologia de Alimentos da Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), campus de Botucatu, e em parceria com a sorveteria Sorvetes Naturais no município de Botucatu-SP. Foi realizado teste de aceitação com dez pacientes em tratamento oncológico e com 30 indivíduos do grupo controle usando a escala hedônica facial mista de 5 pontos. Resultados: A fórmula final consistiu em leite sem lactose semidesnatado, óleo de coco extravirgem, farinha de aveia, mel, camomila, suplemento alimentar Fortini, açúcar demerara e estabilizante/emulsificante. Dos pacientes em tratamento oncológico, 90% classificaram o produto final em "gostei" ou "adorei", comparado com 63% do grupo controle. Conclusão: O desenvolvimento de um sorvete que alcançasse os objetivos do estudo foi possível por meio da escolha da sua composição. O mel e a camomila podem favorecer a prevenção da mucosite, e outros ingredientes oferecem densidade calórica e oferta proteica.

Introducción: La mucositis es una de las principales complicaciones del tratamiento del cáncer, asociada a varias limitaciones nutricionales y la capacidad de causar infecciones secundarias. La crioterapia es una forma de tratamiento de bajo costo consistente con las guías de práctica clínica para el cuidado de pacientes con mucositis. Objetivo: Desarrollar y evaluar la aceptación de un helado para la prevención y tratamiento de la mucositis y para el apoyo nutricional de pacientes pediátricos con cáncer. Método: Con base en el conocimiento sobre los efectos secundarios de la quimioterapia (especialmente en la mucositis oral y gastrointestinal) y las necesidades nutricionales de los pacientes con cáncer pediátrico, buscamos en la literatura ingredientes que pudieran lograr los objetivos del estudio. El helado fue producido en el Laboratorio de Tecnología de Alimentos de la Universidad Estatal de São Paulo (Unesp), campus de Botucatu y en sociedad con la heladería Sorvetes Naturais del municipio de Botucatu-SP. Se realizó una prueba de aceptación con diez pacientes en tratamiento oncológico y 30 individuos del grupo control utilizando la escala hedónica facial mixta de 5 puntos. Resultados: La fórmula final estuvo compuesta por leche semidesnatada sin lactosa, aceite de coco virgen extra, harina de avena, miel, manzanilla, complemento alimenticio Fortini, azúcar demerara y estabilizante/emulsionante. El 90% de los pacientes en tratamiento contra el cáncer calificaron el producto final como "me gustó" o "me encantó", en comparación con el 63% del grupo de control. Conclusión: El desarrollo de un helado que cumpliera con los objetivos del estudio fue posible a través de la elección de su composición. La miel y la manzanilla pueden favorecer la prevención de la mucositis y otros ingredientes ofrecen densidad calórica y aporte proteico.

Nutritional Status , Cryotherapy , Mucositis/prevention & control , Ice Cream , Neoplasms
Vive (El Alto) ; 5(15): 781-790, dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1424761


El virus del papiloma humano es una infección prevalente, que puede infectar cualquier mucosa del cuerpo y causar verrugas genitales externas o condilomas genitales y cáncer de cuello uterino. El tratamiento es difícil con una alta recurrencia y persistencia de las mismas, lo que afecta mayormente a mujeres jóvenes. El objetivo del presente estudio fue realizar una comparación entre inmunomoduladores y crioterapia para el tratamiento de lesiones genitales en mujeres con VPH. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica de la literatura científica, entre inmunomoduladores y crioterapia para el tratamiento de lesiones genitales en mujeres con VPH de los últimos 20 años, donde se identificaron publicaciones de revisiones sistemáticas y metaanálisis. Se concluyó que la elección de los inmunomoduladores al igual que la crioterapia es mejor utilizarlos cuando existe lesiones clínicas inducidas por el VPH en la región genital y perianal en mujeres, dependiendo de la cantidad, el tamaño, la gravedad, la ubicación de las verrugas y las preferencias del paciente.

Human papillomavirus is a prevalent infection, which can infect any mucosa of the body and cause external genital warts or genital warts and cervical cancer. Treatment is difficult with a high recurrence and persistence of the same, which mainly affects young women. The objective of the present study was to compare immunomodulators and cryotherapy for the treatment of genital lesions in women with HPV. A narrative bibliographic review of the scientific literature was carried out, between immunomodulators and cryotherapy for the treatment of genital lesions in women with HPV of the last 20 years, where publications of systematic reviews and meta-analyses were identified. It was concluded that the choice of immunomodulators, like cryotherapy, is better used when there are clinical lesions induced by HPV in the genital and perianal region in women, depending on the number, size, severity, location of the warts and patient preferences.

O papilomavírus humano é uma infecção prevalente, que pode infectar qualquer mucosa do corpo e causar verrugas genitais externas ou verrugas genitais e câncer cervical. O tratamento é difícil com alta recorrência e persistência da mesma, que acomete principalmente mulheres jovens. O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar imunomoduladores e crioterapia para o tratamento de lesões genitais em mulheres com HPV. Foi realizada uma revisão bibliográfica narrativa da literatura científica, entre imunomoduladores e crioterapia para tratamento de lesões genitais em mulheres com HPV dos últimos 20 anos, onde foram identificadas publicações de revisões sistemáticas e metanálises. Concluiu-se que a escolha de imunomoduladores, como a crioterapia, é melhor utilizada quando há lesões clínicas induzidas pelo HPV na região genital e perianal em mulheres, dependendo do número, tamanho, gravidade, localização das verrugas e preferências da paciente.

Cryotherapy , Papillomaviridae
Medisan ; 26(4)jul.-ago. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1405821


Introducción: El trauma grave constituye una de las principales causas de muerte y discapacidad. Si bien es una enfermedad muy heterogénea en cuanto a su origen, tipos lesionales y gravedad, existe gran incertidumbre en cuanto a su pronóstico. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad de la crioterapia y la electroestimulación nerviosa transcutánea para la disminución del dolor y el edema en deportistas con afecciones del sistema osteomioarticular. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, de corte descriptivo y retrospectivo, de 5 548 deportistas con afecciones del sistema osteomioarticular, que acudieron al Servicio de Rehabilitación Física del Estadio José Antonio Huelga de la provincia de Sancti Spíritus, entre noviembre de 2018 y diciembre de 2019, para recibir crioterapia y electroestimulación nerviosa transcutánea para la disminución del edema y el dolor. Entre las variables estudiadas figuraron: sexo, edad, tipo de deporte que practicaban, lesiones que presentaban, recuperación y tiempo de desaparición de los síntomas. Resultados: Predominaron el sexo masculino (66,83 %), el grupo etario de 8-21 años (57,33 %), el futbol y el atletismo como deportes con mayor número de afectados (23,08 y 22,85 %, respectivamente), así como los esquinces (56,54 %) y las fracturas (20,81 %) como lesiones principales. Conclusiones: La terapia aplicada resultó efectiva y segura para disminuir el edema y el dolor en los deportistas a causa de enfermedades traumáticas del sistema osteomioarticular.

Introduction: The serious trauma constitutes one of the main causes of death and disability. Although it is a very heterogeneous disease as for its origin, types of injure and seriousness, great uncertainty exists as for its prognosis. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of cryotherapy and the nervous transcutaneous electroestimulation for the decrease of pain and edema in sportsmen with affections of the osteomyoarticular system. Methods: An observational, descriptive and retrospective study of 5548 sportsmen with affections of the osteomyoarticular system was carried out, they went to the Physical Rehabilitation Service of the José Antonio Huelga Stadium in Sancti Spíritus, between November, 2018 and December, 2019, to receive cryotherapy and nervous transcutaneous electroestimulation for the decrease of edema and pain. Among the studied variables figured: sex, age, type of sport that they practiced, injure that presented recovery and time of disappearance of symptoms. Results: There was a prevalence of the male sex (66.83 %), the 18-21 age group (57.33 %), football and athletics as sports with a higher number of affected patients (23.08 and 22.85 %, respectively), as well as sprains (56.54 %) and fractures (20.81%) as main lesions. Conclusions: The applied therapy was effective and safe to diminish the edema and pain in sportsmen due to traumatic diseaes of the osteomyoarticular system.

Athletic Injuries , Cryotherapy , Rehabilitation Services
Afr. j. health sci ; 35(3): 269-278, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1380464


BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is the fourth most fatal and common disease globally among women of reproductive age in Kenya; it ranks the second most frequent type of cancer after breast cancer. Due to the high burden, cryotherapy treatment services, which are effective for the treatment of precancerous lesions are available in selected health facilities in Kenya, however, barriers to the treatment services are poorly understood. Nonetheless, understanding these barriers is critical for enhanced service delivery. MATERIALS AND METHODS :A descriptive facility-based cross-sectional study design was carried out to determine the barriers to cryotherapy treatment services among 60 women of reproductive age on a one-year therapy at Migosi Sub County Hospital in Western Kenya. The participants were selected purposively and interviewed via telephone calls using pre-coded semi-structured questionnaires. However, data from 5 nurses working in the cryotherapy section were collected through face-to-face interviews at the health facility. Data were entered in an excel sheet and then exported to SPSS version 23.0 for analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square) were used and data were presented in form of tables. RESULTS :Overall, 52 (85.4%) respondents adhered to post-care treatment instructions and reported no adverse reactions. However, 28 (46.7%) experienced unavailability of cryotherapy services at the time of the appointment and got the services later, 24 (40%) got the services at the time of the appointment but waited for a long time before being served, 37 (61.7%) did not know why they were being treated and 46 (76.7%) had misconceptions and myths about the therapy. In addition, there was a statistically significant association between knowing both the benefits of screening and cryotherapy [X 2 (1, N = 60) = 5.90, p = .02]. Also, the knowledge of the benefits of cryotherapy did not influence one's decision to wait for cryotherapy treatment services, [X 2(1, N = 60) = 3.98, p = .46]. CONCLUSION : The study shows very good adherence to post-treatment instruction but inadequate availability of cryotherapy treatment services. Also, the misconceptions and myths about cryotherapy are public health concerns. Therefore, the study recommends improved awareness campaigns and service delivery for the enhanced uptake of cryotherapy treatment services.

Humans , Female , Precancerous Conditions , Attitude to Health , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Cryotherapy , Therapeutic Misconception , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
Rev. Fac. Odontol. Porto Alegre (Online) ; 62(2): 122-132, dez. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1451980


Objetivo: O objetivo desta revisão de literatura é investigar e analisar criticamente o uso da crioterapia intracanal durante o tratamento endodôntico, visando através dos achados científicos disponíveis elaborar argumentos sólidos que justifiquem optar ou não pela realização de tal protocolo auxiliar durante a intervenção endodôntica. Revisão de literatura: A alternativa terapêutica conhecida como crioterapia é uma técnica existente há anos, a qual tem sido frequentemente aplicada na Medicina para o tratamento da dor e cuidados pós-operatórios. Recentemente, o uso da crioterapia na Endodontia, através de um protocolo de irrigação final do canal radicular, foi examinado em vários ensaios clínicos randomizados. Discussão: Os estudos revisados demonstraram que a utilização de soro fisiológico frio como agente irrigante final ao preparo químico-mecânico, tem potencial para reduzir os níveis de dor de uma possível sintomatologia dolorosa pós-tratamento endodôntico, além de que, trata-se de um método de fácil aplicação e baixo custo. Conclusão: Embora se tenha poucos estudos sobre o tema, as evidências científicas disponíveis e revisadas neste artigo embasam com propriedade o efeito da crioterapia intracanal na redução da dor pós-operatória proveniente de uma intervenção endodôntica. No entanto, novos estudos são necessários para averiguar possíveis efeitos deletérios e para a elaboração de um protocolo previsível e seguro.

Aim: The aim of this literature review is to investigate and critically analyze the use of intracanal cryotherapy during endodontic treatment and, through scientific findings, elaborate well grouded references that justify or not, carrying out such auxiliary protocol during endodontic intervention. Literature Review: The therapeutic alternative known as cryotherapy is a technique that has existed for years, which has been frequently applied in Medicine for the treatment of pain and postoperative care. Recently, the use of cryotherapy in Endodontics, through a final root canal irrigation protocol, has been examined in several randomized clinical trials. Discussion:The reviewed studies showed that the use of cold saline solution as a final irrigating agent for chemical-mechanical preparation has the potential to reduce pain levels of a possible painful symptomatology after endodontic treatment, in addition to being a method of easy appli-cation and low cost. Conclusion: Although there are few studies on the subject, scientific evidences available and reviewed in this article properly support the effect of intracanal cryotherapy in reducing the postoperative pain of an endodontic intervention. However, new studies should be placed to investigate possible harmful effects and to prepare a predictable and safe protocol.

Pain, Postoperative , Cryotherapy , Dental Pulp Cavity , Endodontics
Fisioter. Bras ; 22(5): 712-723, Nov 11, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353487


A lipodistrofia localizada é o aumento na densidade e espessura do tecido adiposo da hipoderme. O gel crioterápico ativa o metabolismo causando resfriamento da pele, estimulando a termogênese para que aconteça a lipólise. Objetivo: Comparar o resultado do gel crioterápico na gordura localizada abdominal antes e após o tratamento. Métodos: O estudo foi composto por 30 mulheres entre 20 e 40 anos, sedentárias e com lipodistrofia abdominal, submetidas a 10 sessões de tratamento. Foi comparado o IMC, perimetria, adipometria, e bioimpedância, análise do perfil sociodemográfico e o grau de satisfação, por meio de frequências e percentuais, antes e após o tratamento. Resultados: Houve diferença significativa na satisfação corporal das pacientes entre o início e o final do tratamento (p < 0,05). Para as variáveis de bioimpedância, adipometria, IMC e perimetria não houve significância estatística (p > 0,05). Todavia, foi observado resultado positivo através de fotos comparativas ao final do tratamento. Conclusão: Foi identificada, através do perfil sociodemográfico, a prevalência da faixa etária de 20 a 30 anos, de cor parda, estudantes e residentes da cidade de Vitória e Serra. Para o IMC, perimetria, adipometria e bioimpedância não houve resultados satisfatórios. Contudo, para o questionário de satisfação, constatou-se melhora da satisfação corporal das participantes. (AU)

Female , Adult , Lipodystrophy , Lipolysis , Women's Health , Cryotherapy
Rev. medica electron ; 43(4): 1069-1078, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1341536


RESUMEN La crioterapia es el conjunto de procedimientos que utilizan el frío en la terapéutica médica. Emplea diversos sistemas y tiene como resultado la disminución de la temperatura de la piel; produce una destrucción local de tejido de forma eficaz y controlada. El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una actualización para exponer los aspectos esenciales sobre formas de empleos, indicaciones, complicaciones y contraindicaciones. Existen varios métodos de aplicación de la crioterapia, que incluyen las técnicas de congelación de spray o aerosol y con aplicadores, el método criosonda, y el uso de termoacoplador. Está indicada en varias entidades, entre las que se encuentran la queratosis seborreica y actínica, lentigos solares, carcinoma basocelular y espinocelular in situ. Las complicaciones más observadas son vesicoampollas, hiperpigmentación e hipopigmentación, y las contraindicaciones comunes son intolerancia al frío, tumores con bordes no delimitados o con pigmentación muy oscura, en localizaciones cerca de los márgenes de los ojos, párpados, mucosas, alas nasales y el conducto auditivo. El dominio de los métodos de aplicación e indicaciones es indispensable para elegir la conducta adecuada; de esta forma se evitan complicaciones y efectos colaterales (AU).

ABSTRACT Cryotherapy is the whole of procedures that use cold in medical therapy. It uses various systems and results in a decrease in skin temperature, leading to a local destruction of tissue in an effective and controlled way. The objective of this work is to make an update to expose the essential aspects on the ways of use, indications, complications and contraindications. There are several cryotherapy application methods that include spray or spray freezing techniques and applicators, the cryoprobe method, and the thermocoupler use. It is indicated in several entities, and among the most frequent are seborrheic and actinic keratosis, solar lentigo, basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas in situ. The most observed complications are vesical blisters, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation, and the most common complications are: cold intolerance, tumors with non-delimited borders or very dark pigmentation, located near the margins of the eyes, on eyelids, mucous membranes, nasal wings, and on the ear canal. The mastery of the signs and application methods are essential to choose the appropriate behavior against the disease: side effects and complications are avoided that way (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Cryotherapy/methods , Dermatology/methods , Therapeutics , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Aging, Premature/diagnosis , Nitrogen/therapeutic use
Rev. cuba. med. gen. integr ; 37(2): e1340, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1352017


Introducción: El cáncer de piel es el tipo de cáncer más frecuente en el ser humano, el carcinoma basocelular es el más común de todos los cánceres de piel (80-90 por ciento). Excepcionalmente producen metástasis, pero pueden causar significativa morbilidad e involucran a edades más jóvenes, se tratan con éxito mediante cirugía, radioterapia, quimioterapia y crioterapia, generalmente en el nivel secundario de salud, sin embargo, estos tratamientos no siempre son posibles o deseables. El HeberFERON® es una combinación de interferones alfa y gamma humanos recombinantes, que ha mostrado producir efectos sinérgicos en la reducción de la proliferación de varias líneas de células cancerosas, esta formulación ha sido aprobada en Cuba para el tratamiento del carcinoma basocelular. Presentación de casos: Se presentaron tres casos con diagnóstico de carcinoma basocelular, localizados en la cara, tratados con HeberFERON®, en dos casos fue observada la desaparición de la lesión al finalizar la tercera semana de tratamiento. En el tercer caso, una mujer de 84 años de edad, al finalizar el primer ciclo de tratamiento, fue reducido el tamaño de la lesión tratada y desapareció otra lesión adyacente que no recibió directamente tratamiento, la lesión residual, en esta paciente, fue valorada por ultrasonido para determinar su extensión y profundidad, en los tres casos las reacciones adversas fueron leves y transitorias. Conclusiones: El HeberFERON® es una opción efectiva y segura para el tratamiento del carcinoma basocelular en la atención primaria de salud en Cuba(AU)

Introduction: Skin cancer is the commonest type of cancer in humans. Basal cell carcinoma is the commonest of all skin cancers, accounting for 80 percent to 90 percent of all cases. Exceptionally, they metastasize, but can cause significant morbidity and involve younger ages. They are successfully treated by surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and cryotherapy, mostly at the secondary level of health. However, these treatments are not always possible or desirable. HeberFERON® is a combination of recombinant human alpha and gamma interferons, which has been shown to produce synergistic effects in reducing the proliferation of several lines of cancer cells. This formulation has been approved in Cuba for treating basal cell carcinoma. Case presentation: Three cases are presented with a diagnosis of basal cell carcinoma, located on the face, treated with HeberFERON®. In two cases, the lesion was observed to disappear at the end of the third week of treatment. In the third case, an 84-year-old woman, at the end of the first cycle of treatment, the size of the treated lesion was reduced and another adjacent lesion disappeared, which did not receive direct treatment. In this patient, the residual lesion was assessed by ultrasound to determine its extension and depth. In the three cases, the adverse reactions were mild and transitory. Conclusions: HeberFERON® is an effective and safe option for treating basal cell carcinoma in primary health care in Cuba(AU)

Humans , Primary Health Care , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/diagnosis , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/drug therapy , Ultrasonography/methods , Cryotherapy/methods , Reference Drugs , Carcinoma, Basal Cell/surgery , Cuba
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 58(1): e3028, ene.-mar. 2021. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1156424


Introdução: O cisto dentígero se origina pela separação do folículo que fica ao redor da coroa de um dente incluso. É o tipo mais comum de cisto odontogênico do desenvolvimento. O seu crescimento é lento, assintomático, e pode atingir grandes dimensões. Objetivo: Relatar um caso clínico cirúrgico de cisto dentígero com transformação ameloblástica, localizado na mandíbula, de paciente, gênero feminino, melanoderma, 14 anos. Caso clínico: Ao exame radiográfico apresentou área radiolúcida unilocular com margem bem definida e esclerótica envolvendo a coroa das unidades 48 e 47. Foi realizada enucleação e curetagem da lesão com exodontia destas unidades sob anestesia local em ambulatório, e aplicada a crioterapia na loja óssea. Encaminhou-se o conteúdo da lesão para exame histopatológico e o diagnóstico de cisto dentígero com transformação ameloblástica foi fechado. Comentários principais: No momento a paciente encontra-se em acompanhamento pós-operatório de 3 anos com neoformação óssea e sem recidivas(AU)

Introducción: El quiste dentígero se origina por la separación del folículo que se queda alrededor de la corona de un diente no erupcionado. Es el tipo más común de quiste odontogénico de desarrollo. Su crecimiento es lento, asintomático y puede alcanzar grandes dimensiones. Objetivo: Reportar un caso quirúrgico de quiste dentígero con transformación ameloblástica. Presentación del caso: Paciente femenina de 14 años, de color de piel negra. La radiografía demostró una radiolucidez unilocular con márgenes bien definidos que envolvían la corona de los dientes 48 y 47. El tratamiento involucró una combinación de enucleación y curetaje de la lesión, exodoncia de los dientes y crioterapia para desvitalizar el hueso circundante. Se realizó el examen histopatológico, luego, se confirmó el diagnóstico de quiste dentígero con transformación ameloblástica. Conclusiones: Al momento de la redacción del reporte la paciente se encontraba en seguimiento posoperatorio de tres años con neoformación ósea y sin recidivas(AU)

Introduction: Dentigerous cysts are caused by the separation of the follicle remaining around the crown of unerupted teeth. They are the most common type of developmental odontogenic cyst. Their growth is slow and asymptomatic, and they may reach large dimensions. Objective: Report a surgical case of dentigerous cyst with ameloblastic transformation. Case presentation: A case is presented of a black female 14-year-old patient. Radiography revealed an area of unilocular radiolucency with well-defined margins enveloping the crowns of teeth 48 and 47. Treatment was a combination of enucleation and curettage of the lesion, exodontia of the teeth and cryotherapy to devitalize the surrounding bone. Eventual histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of dentigerous cyst with ameloblastic transformation. Conclusions: At the time when the report was written, the patient had been followed up for three years after surgery, showing bone neoformation and no recurrence of the lesion(AU)

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Ameloblastoma/physiopathology , Dentigerous Cyst/surgery , Cryotherapy/methods , Research Report
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(1): e942, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289538


La oftalmomiasis es una enfermedad poco frecuente, causada por artrópodos; en este caso por la mosca adulta. Presentamos el caso de una paciente femenina, de 44 años de edad, con antecedentes de inmunosupresión severa secundaria a VIH, quien fue atendida en el Servicio de Oftalmología por molestia ocular. Presentaba un aumento de volumen circunscrito en conjuntiva que se extendía sobre la córnea nasal del ojo izquierdo, de aspecto blanco nacarado, deslustrado. Se le realizó exéresis de la lesión y crioterapia. Posteriormente se le aplicó colirio de mitomicina C. A los siete meses la paciente regresó a la consulta con un cuadro de complicación franca y severa de la lesión, con destrucción de los tejidos de la órbita y múltiples cavernas ocupadas por cientos de larvas de moscas(AU)

Ophthalmomiasis is a rare disease, caused by arthropods; in this case by the adult fly. We present the case of a 44-year-old female patient, with a history of severe immunosuppression secondary to HIV, who was treated at the Ophthalmology Service for ocular discomfort. She presented a circumscribed increase in volume in the conjunctiva that extended over the nasal cornea of ​​the left eye, with a pearly white, tarnished appearance. Excision of the lesion and cryotherapy were performed. Subsequently, mitomycin C eye drops were applied. Seven months later, the patient returned to the consultation with a frank and severe complication of the lesion, with destruction of the tissues of the orbit and multiple caverns occupied by hundreds of fly larvae(AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Mitomycin/therapeutic use , Cryotherapy/methods , Rare Diseases/therapy , Myiasis/epidemiology
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877551


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical therapeutic effect of fire needling stripping after local anesthesia, simple fire needling and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy on verruca vulgaris.@*METHODS@#A total of 900 patients with verruca vulgaris were randomized into a fire needling stripping group (300 cases, 2 cases dropped off), a fire needling group (300 cases, 4 cases dropped off) and a liquid nitrogen cryotherapy group (300 cases, 5 cases dropped off). After local anesthesia of compound lidocaine cream, fire needling therapy was adopted, and the necrotic tissue of verruca was stripped in the fire needling stripping group. Simple fire needling therapy was adopted in the fire needling group, without local anesthesia and stripping. Liquid nitrogen cryotherapy was adopted in the liquid nitrogen cryotherapy group. The treatment was given once a week, and totally 3 weeks were required in the 3 groups. The skin lesion scores of number, area, thickness, color, pruritus, isomorphism and the level of T lymphocyte (CD@*RESULTS@#Compared before treatment, the skin lesion scores were decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#Fire needling stripping after local anesthesia can effectively treat the verruca vulgaris, improve the skin lesion and immunity, its therapeutic effect is superior to simple fire needling and liquid nitrogen cryotherapy.

Humans , Anesthesia, Local , Cryotherapy , Treatment Outcome , Vascular Surgical Procedures , Warts/therapy
Adv Rheumatol ; 61: 3, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1152737


Abstract Introduction: Whole-body cryotherapy (WBC) has shown to be beneficial in the treatment of fibromyalgia (FM). There is cumulative evidence that cytokines play a crucial role in FM. It's unknown whether clinical effects of WBC can be demonstrated at the molecular level and how long the effects last. Methods: We compared effects of serial WBC (6 sessions (- 130 °C in 6 weeks) in FM patients and healthy controls (HC). Primary outcome was the change in pain level (visual analogue scale 0-100 mm) after 6 sessions. Secondary outcomes were a change in disease activity (revised Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire) and pain after 3 sessions and 3 months after discontinued therapy and in cytokine levels (interleukin (IL-)1, IL-6, tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) and IL-10). The patients' opinions on the satisfaction, effectiveness and significance of WBC were evaluated. Results: Twenty-three FM patients and 30 HC were enrolled. WBC resulted in a significant reduction in pain and disease activity after 3 and 6 sessions. No clinical benefit could be measured 3 months after discontinued treatment. Overall, probands were satisfied with WBC and considered WBC to be important and effective. FM patients had significantly different levels of IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α and IL-10 at each reading point compared to HC. Levels of IL-1, IL-6 and IL-10 were significantly altered over time in FM patients. Compared to HC FM patients showed a significantly different response of IL1, - 6 and - 10 to WBC. Conclusion: Serial WBC is a fast acting and effective treatment for FM. Proven effects of WBC may be explained by changes in cytokines.(AU)

Humans , Fibromyalgia/therapy , Cytokines , Cryotherapy/instrumentation , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. Fac. Med. (Bogotá) ; 68(4): 527-532, oct.-dic. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1149553


Resumen Introducción. La crioterapia se usa para tratar la inflamación articular aguda, sin embargo su efecto sobre el músculo relacionado con la articulación inflamada aún no ha sido estudiado. Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto de la crioterapia sobre la articulación tibiotarsiana en el área de sección transversa (AST) de los músculos tibial anterior (TA) y sóleo en ratas con inflamación articular aguda. Materiales y métodos. Estudio experimental realizado en 32 ratas Wistar que fueron asignadas aleatoriamente a cuatro grupos: Control, Inflamación, Crioterapia-A y Crioterapia-B. El AST de las fibras de los músculos se midió 72 horas después de haberse iniciado el experimento. Resultados. En el músculo TA hubo una reducción significativa del AST de las fibras musculares en los grupos Inflamación y Crioterapia-B en comparación con el grupo Control, mientras que en el grupo Crioterapia-A no se observó una reducción significativa en dicha área al compararlo con el Control. En el caso del músculo sóleo, se observó una reducción significativa del área en todos los grupos experimentales. Conclusión. El uso de crioterapia una vez al día por tres días atenúa el efecto atrófico de la inflamación articular aguda sobre el músculo TA, lo que confirma su importancia en el control del efecto deletéreo de la inflamación aguda sobre músculos de contracción rápida.

Abstract Introduction: Cryotherapy is used to treat acute joint inflammation, but its effect on muscles associated with the injured joint has not yet been studied. Objective: To evaluate the effect of cryotherapy on the tibiotarsal joint in the cross-sectional area (CSA) of tibialis anterior (TA) and soleus muscles in rats with acute joint inflammation. Materials and methods: Experimental study conducted on 32 Wistar rats that were randomly assigned to four groups: Control, Inflammation, Cryotherapy-A and Cryotherapy-B. The CSA of muscle fibers was measured 72 hours after initiating the experiment. Results: In the case of the TA muscle, there was a significant reduction in the CSA muscle fibers in the Inflammation and Cryotherapy-B groups compared to the Control group, while no significant reduction was observed in the Cryotherapy-A group in relation to the Control group. Regarding the soleus muscle, a significant CSA reduction was observed in all experimental groups. Conclusion: The use of cryotherapy once a day for three days attenuates the atrophic effect of acute joint inflammation on the TA muscle, confirming its importance for controlling the deleterious effects of acute inflammation on fast-twitch muscles.

Humans , Cryotherapy , Rehabilitation , Inflammation
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 72(3): 688-694, May-June, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1128763


While solving the problem of sport horses' pathologies it is important to choose safe and environmentally friendly methods, including cryotherapy, which is the topic of our research. The use of cryotherapy is a promising means of treatment of primary injury, rehabilitation in post-traumatic conditions and in chronic injuries. Prospects of cryotherapy applications in horse breeding, in particular in sports and prize areas, were researched. It was found out that modern sport horses training and their involvement in competitions is associated with serious stress on their locomotor system and maximum mobilization of all body systems, which overstrains certain muscle groups, determines increased probability and severity of injury incidence, reduction of sport longevity and worse performance in competitions.(AU)

Na resolução do problema das patologias dos cavalos esportivos é importante escolher métodos seguros e ecológicos, incluindo a crioterapia, que é o tópico desta pesquisa. O uso da crioterapia é um meio promissor no tratamento de lesões primárias, reabilitação em condições pós-traumáticas e lesões crônicas. Foram pesquisadas as perspectivas de aplicações da crioterapia na criação de cavalos, particularmente em esportes e prêmios. Verificou-se que o treinamento moderno de cavalos esportivos e seu envolvimento em competições está associado com severo estresse sobre seu sistema locomotor e mobilização máxima de todos os sistemas corporais, que sobrecarregam certos grupos musculares, determinam maior probabilidade e severidade da incidência de lesões, e reduzem a longevidade no esporte e pior desempenho em competições.(AU)

Animals , Osteoarthritis/veterinary , Wounds and Injuries/therapy , Cryotherapy/trends , Horses , Physical Conditioning, Animal/trends , Running
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 33(2): e816, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1139082


RESUMEN El papiloma conjuntival es un tumor de células escamosas adquirido, benigno, que se puede presentar a cualquier edad, pero más frecuentemente en la tercera y cuarta décadas de la vida. Los papilomas están asociados con la infección del virus papiloma humano, usualmente los tipos 6 y 11. Se presenta un paciente quien se encuentra en la cuarta década de la vida, fumador. Acudió al Servicio de Oculoplastia por aumento del volumen conjuntival en el ojo izquierdo. Luego del interrogatorio y de un examen ocular exhaustivo, se realizó el diagnóstico clínico de papiloma conjuntival recurrente. Se propuso exéresis, crioterapia y biopsia de las lesiones conjuntivales. Posterior a la intervención, se confirmó el diagnóstico anatomopatológico y se reajustó el tratamiento tópico ocular con interferón, con lo cual se obtuvieron resultados satisfactorios(AU)

ABSTRACT Conjunctival papilloma is a benign acquired squamous cell tumor occurring at any age, but more commonly in the third and fourth decades of life. Papillomas are associated to human papillomavirus infection, usually of types 6 and 11. A case is presented of a male smoker patient in his fourth decade of life. The patient attended the Oculoplastics Service due to conjunctival volume increase in his left eye. Interrogation and exhaustive ocular examination led to the clinical diagnosis of recurrent conjunctival papilloma. Exeresis, cryotherapy and biopsy of the conjunctival lesions were indicated. The anatomopathological diagnosis was confirmed after the intervention and a readjustment was made of the topical ocular treatment with interferon, with which satisfactory results were obtained(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Papilloma/diagnosis , Interferons/therapeutic use , Cryotherapy/methods , Papillomavirus Infections/etiology
Rev. saúde pública (Online) ; 54: 27, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1094408


ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES To determine the efficacy and safety of the use of cryotherapy, cold knife or thermocoagulation compared to Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure (LEEP) for the treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. METHODS Systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials in women with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia undergoing treatment with cryotherapy, cold knife, or thermo-coagulation compared with LEEP, to estimate its efficacy and safety. The search was conducted on MEDLINE/PUBMED, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) and Scopus, until September 2018. RESULTS The total of 72 studies were identified, of which only 8 studies met the inclusion criteria. The treatment of CIN with cold knife decreases the risk of residual disease compared with LEEP (RR, 0.54, 95%CI, 0.30-0.96, p = 0.04). The management of premalignant lesions with cryotherapy, compared with LEEP, increases the risk of disease recurrence by 86% (RR, 1.86, 95%CI, 1.16-2.97, p = 0.01), increases the risk of infections (RR, 1.17, 95%CI, 1.08-1.28, p < 0.001) and reduces the risk of minor bleeding by 51% (RR, 0.49, 95%CI) %, 0.40-0.59, p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS The treatment of premalignant lesions of cervical cancer with cold knife reduces the risk of residual disease. Nevertheless, cryotherapy reduces the risk of minor bleeding in the 24 hours after treatment and increases the risk of recurrence of disease and infections.

RESUMEN OBJETIVOS Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad del uso de crioterapia, cono frio o termo-coagulación en comparación con el procedimiento de escisión electroquirúrgica en asa (LEEP) para el manejo de neoplasias intraepiteliales cervicales. MÉTODOS Revisión sistemática de ensayos controlados aleatorizados en mujeres con neoplasia intraepitelial cervical en tratamiento con crioterapia, cono frio, o termo coagulación y LEEP, para estimar su eficacia y seguridad. La búsqueda se realizó en MEDLINE/PUBMED, Registro Cochrane Central de Ensayos Controlados (CENTRAL) y Scopus, hasta setiembre de 2018. RESULTADOS Se identificaron 72 estudios, ocho cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Cono frio disminuyó el riesgo de enfermedad residual en comparación con LEEP (RR 0,54; IC del 95%, 0,30-0,96, p = 0,04). Crioterapia en comparación con LEEP incrementó el riesgo de recurrencia de enfermedad en un 86,0% (RR 1,86; IC del 95%, 1,16-2,97, p = 0,01) con un tiempo de seguimiento de seis a 24 meses, y de infecciones (RR, 1,17; IC del 95%, 1,08-1,28, p < 0,001); pero redujo el riesgo de sangrado menor en un 51,0% (RR 0,49; IC del 95%, 0,40-0,59, p ≤ 0,001). CONCLUSIONES Cono frio reduce el riesgo de enfermedad residual. Sin embargo, la crioterapia reduce el riesgo de sangrado menor en las 24 horas posteriores al tratamiento e incrementa el riesgo de recurrencia de enfermedad y de infecciones.

Humans , Female , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/surgery , Cryotherapy/methods , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/surgery , Conization/methods , Electrocoagulation/methods , Postoperative Complications , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms/pathology , Risk , Risk Factors , Uterine Cervical Dysplasia/pathology , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/surgery , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/pathology
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 49: e20200026, 2020. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1289853


Resumo Introdução O trismo é uma restrição na abertura bucal de até 3,5 cm e é um dos efeitos colaterais mais comuns da radioterapia na região da cabeça e pescoço. Tal condição afeta funções cotidianas simples, como: mastigar, deglutir, falar e até exercer higiene bucal, acarretando danos não só físicos como emocionais aos indivíduos acometidos. Evidencia-se assim a necessidade da busca de tratamentos que revertam ou atenuem tal quadro. Objetivo O objetivo do estudo é investigar o comportamento dos músculos masseter e supra-hioideos durante a deglutição antes e após o crioalongamento associado à massoterapia, em pacientes pós-neoplasia bucal com trismo devido à radioterapia. Material e método A amostra final foi constituída por oito sujeitos, com faixa etária entre 40 e 64 anos, gêneros masculino e feminino, com abertura bucal menor ou igual a 3,5 cm. Para a realização da pesquisa, foram realizadas duas avaliações eletromiográficas, uma no início e outra no final do tratamento. Com 15 atendimentos, uma vez por semana, com manobras de crioalongamento associado à massoterapia nos músculos masseter e grupo muscular dos supra-hioideos. Resultado Após a intervenção com crioalongamento e massoterapia, foi observada diferença significativa apenas no comportamento do grupo muscular dos supra-hioideos, fato não constatado no músculo masseter. Conclusão Foi encontrada diferença significativa no comportamento do grupo muscular supra-hioideo e melhora na abertura de boca dos sujeitos. Contudo, os resultados deste estudo devem ser confirmados em casuísticas maiores.

Abstract Introduction Trismus is a restriction in the buccal opening up to 3.5cm and is one of the most frequent side effect of head and neck regions radiotherapy. This condition affects simple daily activities such as chewing, swallowing speaking and even buccal hygiene, leading to not only physical but emotional damages to the subjects. This puts in evidence the need to find treatments to revert or soften this condition. Objective This study investigates the behavior of masseter and suprahyoid muscles during swallowing before and after the cryotherapy associated to the massage in patients post buccal neoplasm with trismus due to radiotherapy. Material and method The final sample was composed of 8 subjects, aged between 40 an 64 years, both female and male with buccal opening equal to or smaller than 3.5cm. Two electromyographic evaluations were conducted to perform this research, one in the beginning and one in the end of the treatment. The study was composed of 15 treatment sessions, once a week, consisting of cryotherapy maneuvers and massage in masseters and supra-hyoids muscle groups. Result There was a significant difference in the behavior of the supra-hyoid muscles group, this fact was not observed in the masseter muscles group. Conclusion The study concluded that after the intervention with cryotherapy and massage sessions, was observed a significant difference in the behavior of the upperhyoid muscles group and an improvement of the subjects' mouth opening capacity. However, the results of this study must be confirmed in a larger sample size.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Trismus , Mouth Neoplasms , Cryotherapy , Massage , Health Impact Assessment
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 28: e3363, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | BDENF, LILACS | ID: biblio-1139216


Objective: to evaluate the effect of oral cryotherapy compared to physiological serum on the development of oral mucositis in outpatient cancer patients using the 5-fluorouracil antineoplastic agent. Method: this is a controlled, randomized, double-blind, and multi-center clinical trial, conducted with 60 patients undergoing chemotherapy. The experimental group (n=30) used oral cryotherapy during the infusion of the 5-FU antineoplastic agent, while the control group (n=30) performed mouthwash with physiological serum at their homes. The oral cavity of the participants was assessed at three times: before randomization, and on the 7th and 14th days after using 5-FU. For data analysis, descriptive analyses and the ANOVA, paired t, and McNemar tests were used. Results: there was no statistically significant difference between the experimental and control groups in the assessments regarding the grade of mucositis. However, cryotherapy presented the chance to reduce the presence of intragroup mucositis, between the first and second assessments (p=0.000126). Conclusion: cryotherapy did not obtain statistical significance in relation to oral hygiene with serum, but it proved to be effective intragroup. Record number: RBR-4k7zh3

Objetivo: avaliar o efeito da crioterapia oral em comparação ao soro fisiológico no desenvolvimento de mucosite oral em pacientes oncológicos ambulatoriais em uso de antineoplásico 5-fluorouracil. Método: trata-se de um ensaio clínico controlado, randomizado, duplo-cego, multicêntrico, realizado com 60 pacientes em tratamento quimioterápico. O grupo experimental (n=30) fez uso de crioterapia oral durante a infusão do antineoplásico 5-FU, ao passo que o grupo controle (n=30) realizou bochechos com soro fisiológico em domicílio. A cavidade oral dos participantes foi avaliada em três momentos: antes da randomização, no 7° dia e no 14° dia após o uso do 5-FU. Para a análise dos dados, utilizaram-se análises descritivas e os testes ANOVA, t pareado e McNemar. Resultados: não houve diferença estatística significante entre os grupos experimental e controle nas avaliações quanto ao grau de mucosite. No entanto, a crioterapia teve a chance de reduzir a presença de mucosite intragrupo, entre a primeira e segunda avaliação (p=0,000126). Conclusão: a crioterapia não obteve significância estatística em relação à higiene oral com soro, porém se mostrou efetiva intragrupo. Número de registro: RBR-4k7zh3

Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de la crioterapia oral, comparándola con el suero fisiológico, sobre el desarrollo de mucositis oral en pacientes ambulatorios con cáncer en tratamiento con el antineoplásico 5-fluorouracilo. Método: se trata de un ensayo clínico controlado, aleatorizado, a doble ciego y multicéntrico, realizado con 60 pacientes en tratamiento de quimioterapia. El grupo experimental (n=30) utilizó crioterapia oral durante la administración del agente antineoplásico 5-FU, mientras que el grupo control (n=30) realizó enjuagues con suero fisiológico en su domicilio. La cavidad oral de los participantes se evaluó en tres momentos: antes de la aleatorización, y al 7º y 14º día después de la administración de 5-FU. Para el análisis de los datos, se utilizaron análisis descriptivos y las pruebas ANOVA, t pareada y McNemar. Resultados: en lo que respecta al grado de mucositis, no se registraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre el grupo experimental y el de control en las evaluaciones. Sin embargo, la crioterapia exhibió la posibilidad de reducir la presencia de mucositis intragrupo entre la primera y la segunda evaluación (p=0,000126). Conclusión: la crioterapia no alcanzó significancia estadística en comparación con la higiene oral con suero. Sin embargo, demostró ser efectiva intragrupo. Número de registro: RBR-4k7zh3

Humans , Oral Hygiene , Stomatitis , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Hygiene , Control Groups , Cryotherapy , Drug Therapy , Disease Prevention , Mucositis , Fluorouracil , Antineoplastic Agents