Introdução - O uso do conceito de vulnerabilidade em vigilância epidemiológica e entomológica visa aumentar a acurácia do conhecimento de mudança nos fatores determinantes e condicionantes de saúde e suas respectivas intervenções na realidade sanitária de uma determinada localidade, ou território, de modo mais eficiente, suplementando as limitações do uso da ideia de risco como modelo matemático de apreensão da realidade versus a práxis nos programas de controle de vetores. Objetivo - Investigar vulnerabilidades associadas a doenças transmitidas por mosquitos em Alagoas. Métodos - Foram relacionados dados sobre malária, dengue, zika e chikungunya, nos anos de 2001 a 2021, com dados e informações sobre IDHM (índice de desenvolvimento humano dos municípios), saneamento adequado e migração. Também se realizou o levantamento da fauna de culicídeos do estado, baseada em revisão bibliográfica e pesquisa documental. Resultados - Os dados apontam para suscetibilidades associadas a baixa porcentagem de saneamento adequado e, principalmente, as migrações por meio de rodovias federais e estaduais como fatores relevantes na transmissão de doenças por mosquitos em Alagoas, Brasil. Conclusão - As suscetibilidades encontradas no estudo precisam ser consideradas no planejamento e ações de vigilância e controle de doenças transmitidas por vetores com vistas ao manejo integrado.
Introduction - The use of the concept of vulnerability in epidemiological and entomological surveillances aims to increase the accuracy of knowledge of changes in the determining and conditioning factors of health and their respective interventions in the health reality of a given location, or territory, in a more efficient way, supplementing the limitations of using the idea of risk as a mathematical model for understanding reality versus praxis in vector control programs. Objective - Investigate vulnerabilities associated with mosquito-borne diseases in Alagoas linked data on malaria, dengue, zika and chikungunya, from 2001 to 2021, with IDHM (municipal human development index), adequate sanitation and migration data and information. A survey of the state's culicidae fauna was also carried out, based on a bibliographical review and documentary research. Results - The data point to susceptibilities associated with a low percentage of adequate sanitation and, mainly, migration through federal and state highways as relevant factors in the transmission of diseases by mosquitoes in Alagoas, Brazil. Conclusions - the vulnerabilites identified in the study need to be considered in planning and surveillance actions and control of vector-borne diseases with a view to integrated management.
Vector Control of Diseases , Health Vulnerability , Mosquito-Borne Diseases , Culicidae , BrazilABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Vector-borne diseases are prevalent in the Amazon and Coastal regions of Ecuador. However, there is a scarcity of mosquito ecology studies in these areas. The most recent list of species reported for the country comprises 8 tribes, 22 genera, and 200 species. Objectives: To document the Culicidae species found in La Isla Amazon Park, Napo, Ecuador, including those with epidemiological significance; and to analyze their composition, abundance, and diversity, focusing on larval habitats during the dry and rainy periods. Methods: We evaluated different larval habitats, considering collection duration as the primary criterion. We used CDC and Shannon traps to collect adult mosquitoes during both rainy and dry periods. To assess sampling effort, we used accumulation curves and non-parametric estimators of species richness, while we employed Hill numbers to determine diversity. Additionally, we used the Berger-Parker and Pielou indices to evaluate species dominance and evenness. We conducted cluster analysis and ANOSIM tests to assess the similarity between habitats and the differences in taxonomic composition between periods. Results: We collected a total of 802 individuals from 15 species and 4 taxonomic units, 5 genera, and 4 tribes. Notably, this may be the first records of Wyeomyia felicia Dyar & Núñez Tovar and Culex derivator Dyar & Knab from Ecuador. Additionally, the presence of Culex dunni Dyar and Psorophora ferox von Humboldt (both recognized as vectors) was correlated with increased rainfall. Conclusions: The abundance of mosquitoes, including potential vector species, increased during the rainy season, indicating a higher risk of pathogen transmission. However, the relationship between rainfall amount and diversity patterns is not well-defined.
Resumen Introducción: Las enfermedades vectoriales son prevalentes en las regiones amazónica y costera de Ecuador. Sin embargo, hay una escasez de estudios de ecología de mosquitos en estas áreas. En el país se ha reportado 8 tribus, 22 géneros y 200 especies. Objetivos: Documentar las especies de Culicidae encontradas en el Parque Amazónico La Isla, Napo, Ecuador, incluyendo aquellas con importancia epidemiológica; y analizar su composición, abundancia y diversidad, enfocándose en los hábitats de las larvas durante los períodos seco y lluvioso. Métodos: Evaluamos diferentes hábitats larvarios, con la duración de la recolecta como criterio. Las trampas CDC y Shannon recolectaron mosquitos adultos durante los períodos seco y lluvioso. Evaluamos la riqueza de especies con curvas de acumulación y estimadores no paramétricos, mientras que determinamos la diversidad con los números de Hill. Además, utilizamos los índices de Berger-Parker y Pielou para evaluar la dominancia y la uniformidad de las especies. Realizamos análisis de conglomerados y la prueba ANOSIM para evaluar la similitud entre hábitats y estaciones, así como las diferencias en la composición taxonómica, respectivamente. Resultados: Recolectamos un total de 802 individuos de 15 especies y 4 unidades taxonómicas, 5 géneros y 4 tribus. Este podría ser el primer registro de Wyeomyia felicia Dyar & Núñez Tovar y Culex derivator Dyar & Knab en Ecuador. Además, la presencia de Culex dunni Dyar y Psorophora ferox von Humboldt (ambos potenciales vectores) se correlacionó con el aumento de las precipitaciones. Conclusiones: El aumento de la abundancia de mosquitos durante el periodo lluvioso indica un mayor riesgo de transmisión de patógenos. Sin embargo, la relación entre la cantidad de precipitaciones y los patrones de diversidad no está bien definida.
Animals , Diptera/classification , Vector Borne Diseases , Culicidae/classification , Amazonian Ecosystem , Ecuador , NoxaeABSTRACT
Mosquito-borne diseases present a significant threat to human health, with the possibility of outbreaks of new mosquito-borne diseases always looming. Unfortunately, current measures to combat these diseases such as vaccines and drugs are often either unavailable or ineffective. However, recent studies on microbiomes may reveal promising strategies to fight these diseases. In this review, we examine recent advances in our understanding of the effects of both the mosquito and vertebrate microbiomes on mosquito-borne diseases. We argue that the mosquito microbiome can have direct and indirect impacts on the transmission of these diseases, with mosquito symbiotic microorganisms, particularly Wolbachia bacteria, showing potential for controlling mosquito-borne diseases. Moreover, the skin microbiome of vertebrates plays a significant role in mosquito preferences, while the gut microbiome has an impact on the progression of mosquito-borne diseases in humans. As researchers continue to explore the role of microbiomes in mosquito-borne diseases, we highlight some promising future directions for this field. Ultimately, a better understanding of the interplay between mosquitoes, their hosts, pathogens, and the microbiomes of mosquitoes and hosts may hold the key to preventing and controlling mosquito-borne diseases.
Animals , Humans , Culicidae/microbiology , Vector Borne Diseases , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , WolbachiaABSTRACT
The present study was conducted to evaluate the diversity, distribution (C) and relative abundance (RA) of the mosquito fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) of Malakand and Dir Lower, Pakistan. Collection of specimens (n = 1087) was made during September 2018 to July 2019 at six different habitats including freshwater bodies, rice fields, animal sheds, indoors, drains and sewage waters. Specimens were collected through light traps, pyrethrum spray, aspirators and nets and subsequently killed, preserved and then arranged in entomological boxes for identification. Three genera were identified namely Culex, Anopheles and Aedes. A total of fourteen species were identified namely: Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say, 1823), An. stephensi (Liston, 1901), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (Giles, 1901), Ae. vittatus (Bigot, 1861), An. maculatus (Theobald, 1901), An. fluviatilis (James, 1902), Cx. vishnui (Theobald, 1901), Ae. aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) An. subpictus (Grassi, 1899), An. dthali (Patton, 1905), An. culicifascies (Giles, 1901), An. pallidus (Theobald, 1901), Ae. albopictus (Skuse, 1894) and An. annularis (van der Wulp, 1884). Cx. quinquefasciatus was found constantly distributed in the study area with RA = 16.5% and C = 100%. An. annularis was found as a satellite species, sporadically distributed in the study area having RA = 0.9% and C = 17%. Diversity indices of mosquitoes in the studied habitats were found as, Shannon-Wiener Index (2.415), Simpson Index (9.919), Fisher's Index (2.269) and Margalef's Index (1.859). A statistically significant difference was recorded in mosquito diversity in the six habitats (Kruskal-Wallis, chi-squared, H = 17.5, df = 5, P = 0.003 at α = 0.05). The present study encompasses [...].
O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a diversidade, distribuição (C) e abundância relativa (RA) da fauna de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) de Malakand e Dir Lower, Paquistão. A coleta de espécimes (n = 1087) foi feita durante o período de setembro de 2018 a julho de 2019 em seis habitats diferentes, incluindo corpos dágua, campos de arroz, galpões de animais, ambientes internos, ralos e águas residuais. Os espécimes foram coletados por meio de armadilhas luminosas, spray de piretro, aspiradores e redes e posteriormente mortos, preservados e depois dispostos em caixas entomológicas para identificação. Três gêneros foram identificados, nomeadamente Culex, Anopheles e Aedes. Um total de 14 espécies foi identificado, a saber: Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say, 1823), An. stephensi (Liston, 1901), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (Giles, 1901), Ae. vittatus (Bigot, 1861), An. maculatus (Theobald, 1901), An. fluviatilis (James, 1902), Cx. vishnui (Theobald, 1901), Ae. aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), An. subpictus (Grassi, 1899), An. dthali (Patton, 1905), An. culicifascies (Giles, 1901), An. pallidus (Theobald, 1901), Ae. albopictus (Skuse, 1894) e An. annularis (Van der Wulp, 1884). Cx. quinquefasciatus foi encontrado constantemente distribuído na área de estudo com AR = 16,5% e C = 100%. A. annularis foi encontrada como espécie satélite, distribuída esporadicamente na área de estudo com RA = 0,9% e C = 17%. Os índices de diversidade de mosquitos nos habitats estudados foram encontrados como índice de Shannon-Wiener (2,415), índice de Simpson (9,919), índice de Fisher (2,269) e índice de Margalef (1,859). Uma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi registrada na diversidade de mosquitos nos seis habitats (Kruskal-Wallis, qui-quadrado, H = 17,5, df = 5, P = 0,003 em α = 0,05). O presente estudo abrange a fauna de mosquitos de Malakand, Paquistão, com respeito à diversidade, abundância relativa e distribuição em [...].
Animals , Aedes/classification , Anopheles/classification , Biodiversity , Culex/classification , CulicidaeABSTRACT
Abstract The present study was conducted to evaluate the diversity, distribution (C) and relative abundance (RA) of the mosquito fauna (Diptera: Culicidae) of Malakand and Dir Lower, Pakistan. Collection of specimens (n = 1087) was made during September 2018 to July 2019 at six different habitats including freshwater bodies, rice fields, animal sheds, indoors, drains and sewage waters. Specimens were collected through light traps, pyrethrum spray, aspirators and nets and subsequently killed, preserved and then arranged in entomological boxes for identification. Three genera were identified namely Culex, Anopheles and Aedes. A total of fourteen species were identified namely: Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say, 1823), An. stephensi (Liston, 1901), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (Giles, 1901), Ae. vittatus (Bigot, 1861), An. maculatus (Theobald, 1901), An. fluviatilis (James, 1902), Cx. vishnui (Theobald, 1901), Ae. aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762) An. subpictus (Grassi, 1899), An. dthali (Patton, 1905), An. culicifascies (Giles, 1901), An. pallidus (Theobald, 1901), Ae. albopictus (Skuse, 1894) and An. annularis (van der Wulp, 1884). Cx. quinquefasciatus was found constantly distributed in the study area with RA = 16.5% and C = 100%. An. annularis was found as a satellite species, sporadically distributed in the study area having RA = 0.9% and C = 17%. Diversity indices of mosquitoes in the studied habitats were found as, Shannon-Wiener Index (2.415), Simpson Index (9.919), Fisher's Index (2.269) and Margalef's Index (1.859). A statistically significant difference was recorded in mosquito diversity in the six habitats (Kruskal-Wallis, chi-squared, H = 17.5, df = 5, P = 0.003 at α = 0.05). The present study encompasses mosquito fauna of Malakand, Pakistan with respect to diversity, relative abundance and distribution in diverse habitats and all seasons of the year. This will assist scientists working in various fields related with epidemiology, medical and veterinary entomology, ecology and allied areas of biological sciences.
Resumo O presente estudo foi conduzido para avaliar a diversidade, distribuição (C) e abundância relativa (RA) da fauna de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) de Malakand e Dir Lower, Paquistão. A coleta de espécimes (n = 1087) foi feita durante o período de setembro de 2018 a julho de 2019 em seis habitats diferentes, incluindo corpos d'água, campos de arroz, galpões de animais, ambientes internos, ralos e águas residuais. Os espécimes foram coletados por meio de armadilhas luminosas, spray de piretro, aspiradores e redes e posteriormente mortos, preservados e depois dispostos em caixas entomológicas para identificação. Três gêneros foram identificados, nomeadamente Culex, Anopheles e Aedes. Um total de 14 espécies foi identificado, a saber: Cx. quinquefasciatus (Say, 1823), An. stephensi (Liston, 1901), Cx. tritaeniorhynchus (Giles, 1901), Ae. vittatus (Bigot, 1861), An. maculatus (Theobald, 1901), An. fluviatilis (James, 1902), Cx. vishnui (Theobald, 1901), Ae. aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762), An. subpictus (Grassi, 1899), An. dthali (Patton, 1905), An. culicifascies (Giles, 1901), An. pallidus (Theobald, 1901), Ae. albopictus (Skuse, 1894) e An. annularis (Van der Wulp, 1884). Cx. quinquefasciatus foi encontrado constantemente distribuído na área de estudo com AR = 16,5% e C = 100%. A. annularis foi encontrada como espécie satélite, distribuída esporadicamente na área de estudo com RA = 0,9% e C = 17%. Os índices de diversidade de mosquitos nos habitats estudados foram encontrados como índice de Shannon-Wiener (2,415), índice de Simpson (9,919), índice de Fisher (2,269) e índice de Margalef (1,859). Uma diferença estatisticamente significativa foi registrada na diversidade de mosquitos nos seis habitats (Kruskal-Wallis, qui-quadrado, H = 17,5, df = 5, P = 0,003 em α = 0,05). O presente estudo abrange a fauna de mosquitos de Malakand, Paquistão, com respeito à diversidade, abundância relativa e distribuição em diversos habitats e em todas as estações do ano. Isso ajudará os cientistas que trabalham em vários campos relacionados com a epidemiologia, entomologia médica e veterinária, ecologia e áreas afins das ciências biológicas.
Animals , Culicidae , Pakistan , Seasons , Ecosystem , EcologyABSTRACT
Embora as bromélias sejam identificadas como os principais criadouros de algumas espécies de culicídeos dos gêneros Anopheles, Culex, Wyomyia e Runchomyia em áreas preservadas ou com pouca interferência humana, ainda não há consenso sobre sua relevância como habitat para mosquitos das espécies Aedes aegypti e Aedes albopictus em áreas urbanas. Isso representa um desafio para a vigilância entomológica e para o sucesso das ações que visam orientar a população sobre as medidas de prevenção e controle vetorial nessas plantas. Foi realizada a caracterização a fauna de culicídeos presentes nesses reservatórios e a caracterização de aspectos morfológicos das bromélias domesticadas presentes em condomínios residenciais. A pesquisa ocorreu entre os meses de outubro de 2021 e julho de 2022, foram inspecionadas 660 bromélias domesticadas presentes em condomínios residenciais situados em área urbana do município de Paulínia/SP. Os imaturos de culicídeos foram coletados e identificados através de chaves dicotômicas. Os caracteres morfológicos altura, diâmetro, líquido coletado e capacidade de armazenar líquido das bromélias foram coletados e analisados. O teste de Mann-Whitney e o Coeficiente de Spearman resultaram em p<0,001 para todas as variáveis, quando avaliada a presença ou ausência de imaturos. Este último apresentou correlação positiva moderada com a quantidade de imaturos coletados. A frequência de bromélias positivas para imaturos de culicídeos foi de 47,12% entre as plantas que continham líquido armazenado. Foram coletados 6.721 imaturos, destes, 81,80% pertencem à espécie Aedes aegypti e 5,19% à espécie Aedes albopictus. Em áreas urbanizadas, onde há uma concentração maior de bromélias em condomínios residenciais, a proliferação desses vetores pode ser ainda mais preocupante devido à frequência de regas e à redução dos predadores e competidores da espécie. As bromélias do gênero Alcantarea apresentaram maior frequência quanto à presença de culicídeos (77,4% de positividade). Portanto, é fundamental o monitoramento desses criadouros nesse cenário. Essa análise pode fornecer informações valiosas sobre a extensão do problema e auxiliar na implementação de estratégias de controle mais eficazes. A compreensão da distribuição e da densidade das bromélias em diferentes regiões urbanizadas é essencial para direcionar ações de prevenção e controle de doenças transmitidas por culicídeos, tais como a dengue, zika e chikungunya.
Although bromeliads are identified as the main breeding sites for some species of culicids in the genera Anopheles, Culex, Wyomyia, and Runchomyia in preserved, there is still no consensus on their relevance as habitats for mosquitoes of the species Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in urban areas. This represents a challenge for entomological surveillance and the success of actions aimed at guiding the population on prevention and vector control measures in these plants. The fauna of culicids present in these reservoirs and the morphological aspects of domesticated bromeliads in gated community were characterized. Between October 2021 and July 2022, 660 domesticated bromeliads present in gated community located in the urban area of Paulínia, São Paulo, were inspected. Culicid immatures were collected and identified using dichotomous keys. The morphological characteristics of height, diameter, collected liquid, and liquid storage capacity of the bromeliads were collected and analyzed. The Mann-Whitney test and Spearman's coefficient resulted in p<0.001 for all variables when evaluating the presence or absence of immatures. The latter showed a moderate positive correlation with the quantity of immatures collected. The frequency of bromeliads positive for culicid immatures was 47.12% among the plants that contained stored liquid. A total of 6,721 immatures were collected, of which 81.80% belonged to the species Aedes aegypti and 5.19% to the species Aedes albopictus. In urbanized areas, where there is a higher concentration of bromeliads in gated community, the proliferation of these vectors can be even more concerning due to the frequency of watering and the reduction of predators and competitors of the species. Bromeliads of the genus Alcantarea showed a higher frequency of culicid presence (77.4%). Therefore, monitoring these breeding sites in this scenario is fundamental. This analysis can provide valuable information about the extent of the problem and assist in the implementation of more effective control strategies. Understanding the distribution and density of bromeliads in different urbanized regions is essential to guide actions for the prevention and control of diseases transmitted by culicids, such as dengue, Zika, and chikungunya.
Urban Area , Aedes , Vector Control of Diseases , Bromelia , Dengue , CulicidaeABSTRACT
Introdução: Arbovírus são causadores de doenças humanas, sendo que mudança ecológicas e aumento do contato humano-vetor aumenta a possibilidade de surtos. Objetivo: Detectar, identificar e caracterizar arbovírus presentes em mosquitos vetores capturados em regiões de mata próximas a Três Lagoas, MS. Metodologia: Mosquitos foram capturados utilizando armadilhas de luz em regiões de mata circunvizinha a Três Lagoas. Os mosquitos capturados foram classificados por gênero (chave morfológica) e agrupados em pools com até 20 espécimes, e utilizados através da reação de RT-PCR com posterior sequenciamento e análise filogenética. Resultados: Foram capturados 851 dos gêneros: Culex spp. (11 pools); Aedes spp. (13 pools); Haemagogus spp. (7 pools) e outros gêneros não identificados. Sequencias de vírus Dengue (DENV) foram amplificadas de 2/13 (15,38%) pools de Aedes spp. e uma sequência de vírus Mayaro (MAYV) 1/7 (7,7%) foi amplificada de pools de Haemagogus spp. As análises filogenéticas mostraram que as sequências de DENV agrupava-se no clado de DENV1 e DENV2. A sequência de MAYV agrupou-se junto a sequências de amostras de infecções humana por MAYV do grupo L. Conclusão: Estes resultados reforçam a circulação de DENV, que é causador de surtos anuais de doenças febris agudas no município, e detecção, por primeira vez na região, a circulação de MAYV, reforçando a necessidade de monitoramento viral constante nessa região.
Introduction: Arboviruses cause human diseases, and ecological changes and increased human-vector contact increase the possibility of outbreaks. Objective: To detect, identify and characterize arboviruses present in mosquito vectors captured in forest regions close to Tres Lagoas, MS. Methodology: Mosquitoes were captured using light traps in forest regions surrounding Tres Lagoas. The captured mosquitoes were classified by gender (morphological key) and grouped into pools with up to 20 specimens and used through the RT-PCR reaction with subsequent sequencing and phylogenetic analysis. Results: 851 of the genera were captured: Culex spp. (11 pools); Aedes spp. (13 pools); Haemagogus spp. (7 pools) and other unidentified genera. Dengue virus (DENV) sequences were amplified from 2/13 (15.38%) pools of Aedes spp. and a Mayaro virus (MAYV) sequence 1/7 (7.7%) were amplified from pools of Haemagogus spp. Phylogenetic analyzes showed that one of the DENV sequences clustered in the DENV1 and DENV2 clade. The MAYV sequence was grouped together with sequences from samples of human MAYV infections of the L group. Conclusion: These results reinforce the circulation of DENV, which causes annual outbreaks of acute febrile illnesses in the municipality, and detection, for the first time in the region, the circulation of MAYV, reinforcing the need for constant viral monitoring in this region.
Introducción: Los arbovirus causan enfermedades humanas, y los cambios ecológicos y el mayor contacto humano-vector aumentan la posibilidad de brotes. Objetivo: Detectar, identificar y caracterizar arbovirus presentes en mosquitos vectores capturados en regiones de selva próximas a Tres Lagoas, MS. Metodología: Los mosquitos fueron capturados utilizando trampas de luz en las regiones forestales que rodean Tres Lagoas. Los mosquitos capturados fueron clasificados por género (clave morfológica) y agrupados en pools de hasta 20 ejemplares, y utilizados mediante la reacción RT-PCR con posterior secuenciación y análisis filogenético. Resultados: Se capturaron 851 de los géneros: Culex spp. (11 pools); Aedes spp. (13 pools); Haemagogus spp. (7 pools) y otros géneros no identificados. Las secuencias del virus del dengue (DENV) se amplificaron a partir de 2/13 (15,38 %) grupos de Aedes spp. y una secuencia de virus Mayaro (MAYV) 1/7 (7,7%) de pools de Haemagogus spp. Los análisis filogenéticos mostraron que una de las secuencias de DENV se agrupaba en el clado DENV1 y DENV2. La secuencia de MAYV se agrupó con secuencias de muestras de infecciones humanas de MAYV del grupo L. Conclusión: Estos resultados refuerzan la circulación de DENV, causante de brotes anuales de enfermedades febriles agudas en el municipio, y la detección, por primera vez en la región, la circulación de MAYV, reforzando la necesidad de un monitoreo viral constante en esta región.
Animals , Alphavirus , Aedes/classification , Culex/microbiology , Flavivirus , Mosquito Vectors/microbiology , RNA, Viral , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Epidemiology/instrumentation , Dengue/epidemiology , Dengue Virus , Culicidae/microbiologyABSTRACT
Resumo As coleções e pesquisas feitas nas primeiras décadas do século XX, no Rio de Janeiro, foram fundamentais para o estudo da sistemática e da história natural dos mosquitos no Brasil. Um personagem de destaque nesse cenário foi Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. Analisamos o histórico de uma coleção por ele organizada no Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1918 e 1922.
Abstract Collections formed and studies conducted in the early decades of the twentieth century in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were crucial for the study of the systematization and natural history of mosquitoes in Brazil. One key figure in this context was Antonio Gonçalves Peryassú. The history of a collection he organized at Museu Nacional [National Museum] in Rio de Janeiro between 1918 and 1922 is analyzed.
Collection , Entomology , Culicidae , Brazil , History, 20th CenturyABSTRACT
Ritmos biológicos de insetos vetores têm sido estudados com o objetivo de melhor compreender seus comportamentos e traçar estratégias de controle mais eficientes para reduzir a disseminação de patógenos. Culex quinquefasciatus possui competência vetorial para diversos patógenos de importância médica, como a filária causadora da Filariose Bancroftiana e o arbovírus West Nile (WNV). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a atividade locomotora de Cx. quinquefasciatus em diferentes condições fisiológicas, comparando machos, fêmeas virgens, fêmeas inseminadas, fêmeas alimentadas com sangue e fêmeas inseminadas e alimentadas com sangue. Além disso, comparamos a atividade locomotora de fêmeas inseminadas por cópula com machos com a de fêmeas inseminadas a partir da inoculação intratorácica de extrato de glândulas acessórias de seus machos coespecíficos. Nossos resultados mostraram que a atividade locomotora de machos e fêmeas de Cx. quinquefasciatus é noturna, com pico pronunciado no apagar das luzes. Observamos que tanto as fêmeas virgens quanto as inseminadas, após alimentação sanguínea, apresentam redução da atividade locomotora durante a escotofase em comparação com os demais grupos, especialmente as inseminadas e alimentadas com sangue. Em contrapartida, as fêmeas inseminadas e não alimentadas apresentaram aumento significativo na atividade locomotora durante a escotofase em comparação aos demais grupos. Ao compararmos os grupos de fêmeas não injetadas - virgens e inseminadas - com os grupos das fêmeas injetadas, observamos que estas apresentaram menor atividade locomotora do que aquelas. Entre as não injetadas, fêmeas inseminadas apresentaram maior atividade locomotora do que as virgens, enquanto, entre os grupos das injetadas, as fêmeas virgens inoculadas com glândulas acessórias de machos coespecíficos apresentaram maior atividade do que as inseminadas injetadas com solução salina. Esse estudo fornece importantes informações acerca da atividade locomotora dessa espécie, que podem ajudar na compreensão da dinâmica de transmissão de patógenos, direcionar novas pesquisas, além de auxiliar na elaboração de estratégias de vigilância e controles.
Biological rhythms of insect vectors have been studied for better understanding their behavior and designing more efficient control strategies to reduce the spread of pathogens. Culex quinquefasciatus has vector competence for several pathogens of medical importance, such as the filaria that causes Bancroftian Filariasis and the West Nile arbovirus (WNV). The present study aims to evaluate the locomotor activity of Cx. quinquefasciatus in different physiological conditions, comparing males, virgin females, inseminated females, blood-fed females and inseminated and blood-fed females. In addition, we compared the locomotor activity of females inseminated by mating with males with that of females inseminated by intrathoracic inoculation of accessory gland extract from their conspecific males. Our results showed that the locomotor activity of males and females of Cx. quinquefasciatus is nocturnal, with a pronounced peak at the lights-off. We observed that both virgin and inseminated females, after blood feeding, showed reduced locomotor activity during scotophase compared to the other groups, especially inseminated and blood fed females. In contrast, inseminated and unfed females showed a significant increase in locomotor activity during scotophase compared to the other groups. When comparing the groups of non-injected females - virgin and inseminated - with the groups of injected females, we observed that the latter showed lower locomotor activity than the former. Among non-injected females, inseminated females showed greater locomotor activity than virgin ones, whereas, among injected groups, virgin females inoculated with accessory glands from conspecific males showed greater activity than inseminated females injected with saline solution. This study provides important information about the locomotor activity of this species, which can help in understanding the dynamics of pathogen transmission, direct new research, and help in the development of surveillance and control strategies.
Elephantiasis, Filarial , Circadian Rhythm , Culex , Insect Vectors , Culicidae , Motor Activity , EntomologyABSTRACT
RESUMEN Introducción: el temefos es el producto más utilizado para el tratamiento focal. Existe en diferentes formulaciones y se aplica para los depósitos de agua potable, en forma de gránulos de arena a una concentración del 1 %. Objetivo: determinar la duración de la efectividad del temefos, en su formulación costarricense Biolarv G1, en una población matancera de Culex quinquefasciatus. Materiales y métodos: se realizó un bioensayo de laboratorio, utilizando la F1 de una cepa matancera de Culex quinquefasciatus, la que se sometió a los efectos del Biolarv G1, lote 1180829. Se utilizaron tres variantes de recambio de agua potable. Resultados: la efectividad fue del 100 % de mortalidad larvaria hasta el 7º día en el recambio del 100 % de agua. Para el recambio del 50 % de agua, la mortalidad promedio del 1º al 17º día fue del 97,5 %. En el caso del recambio del 30 % de agua, la mortalidad fue del 100 % hasta el 27º día. Conclusiones: se demostró que el temefos, en su formulación Biolarv G1, puede tener mayor efectividad en recambios del 30 % de agua, con una durabilidad de alrededor de 30 días, lo que propicia la protección de los depósitos durante los ciclos de trabajo diseñados para la vigilancia y lucha antivectorial en Cuba.
ABSTRACT Introduction: temefos is the most widely used product for focal treatment. It exists in different formulations and is applied for drinking water tanks, in the form of sand-like granules at a concentration of 1 %. Objective: to determine the duration of temefos effectiveness, in its Costa Rican formulation Biolarv G1, in a Matanzas population of Culex quinquefasciatus. Materials and methods: a laboratory bioassay was performed, using the F1 of a Matanzas strain of Culex quinquefasciatus, which was subjected to the effects of Biolarv G1, lot 1180829. Three variants of drinking water replacement were used. Results: the effectiveness was 100% of larval mortality until the 7th day when 100 % of wáter was replaced. For the replacement of 50 % of water, average mortality was 97.5 % from the 1st to the 17th day. In the case of 30 % water replacement, mortality was 100 % up to the 27th day. Conclusions: it was shown that temefos, in its formulation Biolarv G1, can be more effective in replacements of 30 % of water, with a durability of about 30 days, which facilitates the protection of reservoirs during work cycles designed for surveillance and anti-vector control in Cuba.
Animals , Effectiveness , Temefos , Culex , Drinking Water/analysis , Biological Assay , Insecticides , CulicidaeABSTRACT
Contexte et objectif. L'épidémie à virus Chikungunya est émergente, invalidante et mortelle qui sévi partout. Le virus Chikungunya est transmis à l'homme par la piqûre des insectes infectés du genre Aedes. A Kinshasa, le récent épisode de l'épidémie remonte à 4 années. L'objectif de la présente étude a été d'évaluer les risques de réémergence de l'épidémie du virus Chikungunya à Kinshasa Mont Ngafula. Méthodes. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale menée à Mont Ngafula, dans laquelle 4 sites ont été sélectionnés à l'aide d'un plan d'échantillonnage à plusieurs degrés du 1er juin au 30 août 2021. Les larves et les nymphes des insectes ont constitué le matériel biologique de l'étude. Des variables environnementales (Température, pH, turbidité, Conductivité et Saturation en oxygène) ont été recueillies dans les gîtes larvaires. Une analyse de régression logistique multivariée a été effectuée pour identifier les prédicteurs de la densité des gîtes larvaires. Résultats. 400 ménages et 738 gîtes larvaires ont été explorés. Les indices entomologiques, indice récipient (IR), indice maison (IM) et indice de Breteau (IB) évalués étaient supérieurs aux critères et normes de l'OMS. La saturation en oxygène, la turbidité et la conductivité se sont avérées significativement associées à la densité des gîtes larvaires. Conclusion. Les risques de réémergence de l'épidémie de Chikungunya à Kinshasa sont réels. Une surveillance entomologique est nécessaire pour mettre en place des mesures de prévention et de contrôle de santé publique.
Humans , Chikungunya Fever , Larva , Risk , Aedes , Insect Vectors , CulicidaeABSTRACT
Bamboo internodes can serve as a breeding ground for a diverse mosquito fauna, some with relative epidemiological importance. The goal of this study is to determine the mosquitoes´ species found in the bamboo internodes at the northwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. From September 2016 to August, 2017 immature forms of mosquitoes were collected from bamboos (Bambusa sp.), in the quarterly intervals (ten plants per collection) through 0.5 cm in diameter perforations on 40 internodes sides. After 30 days, the perforated internodes were cut out and their contents were taken to the laboratory where the immature forms of mosquitoes developed to adult stage were identified. A total of 367 immature forms of Culicidae were collected, however only 158 (43.1%) have developed to adult stage and were identified at a specific level. Eight species were identified: Onirium personatum (Lutz, 1904), Sabethes aurescens (Lutz, 1905), Sa. intermedius (Lutz, 1904), Sa. purpureus (Theobald, 1907), Shannoniana fluviatilis (Theobald, 1903), Trichoprosopon pallidiventer (Lutz, 1905), Wyeomyia limai (Lane & Cerqueira, 1942) and Wyeomyia serratoria (Dyar & Nuñez Tovar, 1927). Thus, the study showed the importance of this type of breeding in order to maintain the mosquito fauna in the wild areas in the studied region. The finding of the species On. personatum and Sh. fluviatilis was also reported for the first time in the State.
Plants , Mosquito Control , Bambusa , Diptera , CulicidaeABSTRACT
This study aimed to characterize the epidemiological aspects and perform a spatial analysis of Chikungunya fever cases from 2017 to 2021, in the State of Maranhão, Brazil. This is an ecological, descriptive, observational, and retrospective study, conducted by collecting data on Chikungunya fever's confirmed cases in the State of Maranhão, available on the platform of the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System. Most cases of Chikungunya fever occurred in the year 2017 (p<0.0001), in females (p=0.54), in people between 20 and 39 years old (p=0.04), and with a high school degree (p=0.25). Regarding the evolution of the disease, most cases were cured (p=0.006). The municipalities that obtained a High/High pattern of spatial correlation for the incidence rates of Chikungunya fever per 100,000 inhabitants in the State of Maranhão were located in the West and South Mesoregions in 2017; North and East in 2018; Central, North and East in 2019; North in 2020; and North, East and South in 2021. The epidemiological situation of Chikungunya fever in the State of Maranhão needs attention from public health agencies. Greater efforts towards vector and outbreaks prevention, as well as the improvement on health education programs that educate the population about the disease are necessary. Mainly in the most affected municipalities in order to effectively involve the population in reducing domestic mosquito breeder sites
Humans , Health Education , Disease Outbreaks , Spatial Analysis , Chikungunya Fever , CulicidaeABSTRACT
This study presents the first report of Aedes aegypti laying eggs on the water surface of an artificial breeding site in the field. This report occurred in the city of Rio de Janeiro inside a white bucket containing 11 liters of rainwater. Conspecific larvae had previously been found in this bucket. From the 219 eggs obtained, 135 (61.6%) were laid on the water and 84 (38.3%) on the border of the bucket. Larvae (4th instar) and adults obtained from the eggs were identified as A. aegypti. This behavior may influence the population dynamics of A. aegypti and expands the knowledge about the species adaptation. This report confirms the species' ability to lay eggs on the water surface of artificial breeding sites in the field and suggests the hypothesis that pheromones in the water may influence the females to lay eggs on water.
Oviposition , Rainwater , Aedes , Eggs , Vector Borne Diseases , Larva , Culicidae , Eggs/parasitologyABSTRACT
Este estudio forma parte de la primera etapa de una serie de estudios sobre la ecología, biodiversidad y biogeografía de los mosquitos de la familia Culicidae de Venezuela, principalmente en Bolívar y Delta Amacuro. El objetivo del estudio fue caracterizar la composición de especies, la abundancia y la biodiversidad de mosquitos (Diptera; Culicidae) en el municipio Gran Sabana del estado Bolívar. Las capturas de mosquitos adultos se realizaron con aspiradores bucales mediante capturas por atracción al cebo humano y con trampas de luz negra. Se determinó la riqueza de especies, su abundancia relativa e índices ecológicos de diversidad Shannon-Wiener (H'), equidad de Simpson (E) y dominancia-D, del área general de estudio y sitios o comunidades de muestreo. Los resultados del estudio, generaron el registro de 7.860 ejemplares adultos de Culicidae identificados a nivel de especie, pertenecientes a 69 especies y 17 géneros, de ellos 7.797 (99,19%) fueron hembras adultas capturadas picando o con trampas de luz y 63 (0,81%) fueron machos capturados con trampas de luz. El 16,6% (1.297) de las hembras fue atraído por trampas de luz y el 83,4% (6.500) por cebo humano. Entre las especies más abundantes del estudio están: Culex quinquefasciatus (26,67 %), Anopheles peryassui (12,32 %), Aedes aegypti (11,87 %), Coquilletidia juxtamansonia (8,28 %), Anopheles braziliensis (6,97 %) Anopheles triannulatus s.l. (6,39 %), Coquilletidia nigricans (2,88 %), Coquilletidia venezuelensis (2,51 %) y Anopheles albitarsis s.l. (2,44 %), las cuales en conjunto representan 80,33 % del total de adultos capturado. Se discuten algunos aspectos sobre su ecología, importancia médica y el riesgo epidemiológico que representan para el país algunas especies reportadas. La diversidad de Shannon-Wiener (H') del área general de estudio fue de 2,665, la equidad de Simpson (E) fue igual a 0,8787222 y la dominancia (D) fue de 0,1213. El mayor índice de diversidad (Shannon-Wiener) ocurrió en Chiririka (2,675), seguido de Betania (2,409), Santa Elena Capital (2,354), Manak-Krü (2,203) y Waramasén (2,181). En cuanto a la riqueza de especies por localidad, las comunidades con mayor riqueza de especies fueron: Santa Elena (Capital), Waramasén y Chiririka con 50, 35 y 30 especies respectivamente, seguidas por San Antonio del Morichal con 23 y Kinok-Pon Parú, con 22 especies(AU)
This is the first part of a series of studies related to biodiversity, ecological and biogeographic aspects of the mosquitoes of Culicidae family in Venezuela. The objective of this study was the ecological characterization of species composition, diversity and abundance of Culicidae mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the Gran Sabana Municipality, Bolívar State. Mosquitoes were captured in adult collections, with aspirators on human landing catches and with black light traps. A total of 7.860 adult's mosquitoes were collected and 69 species and 17 genera of Culicidae were identified. A total of 7.797 mosquitoes (99.19%) were females and 63 (0,81%) were males. Some 16,6 % (1.297) of females mosquitoes were attracted to the light traps and 83,4% (6.500) to human bait. The most abundant species in adult stage were: Culex quinquefasciatus (26,67%), Anopheles peryassui (12,32 %), Aedes aegypti (11,87 %), Coquilletidia juxtamansonia (8,28%), Anopheles braziliensis (6,97%), Anopheles triannulatus s.l. (6,39%), Coquilletidia nigricans (2,88%), Coquilletidia venezuelensis (2,51%) and Anopheles albitarsis s.l. (2,44%). Their medical importance of some mosquito species is commented, and some ecological and epidemiological aspects of the mosquito reported are discussed. The diversity index (Shannon-Wiener) of the estudy area was 2,665, the Simpson equity index was 0, 8787222 and the index of dominance was 0, 1213. The higher diversity index was registered in Chiririka (2,675), Betania (2,409), Santa Elena Capital (2,354), Manak-Krü (2,203) and Waramasén (2,181). The higher species richness was registered in Santa Elena (50 species), Waramasén (35 species), Chiririka (30 species), San Antonio del Morichal (23 species) and Kinok-Pon Parú (22 species) (AU)
Animals , Aedes , Culex , Biodiversity , Anopheles , Culicidae , Culicidae/classification , Venezuela , Diptera , Mosquito Vectors/classificationABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los hemípteros semiacuáticos son insectos que podrían ser de los mejores indicadores de la calidad del ambiente acuático, específicamente en cuanto al contenido de sustancias que rompen la tensión superficial. Sin embargo, no existen estudios que evalúen cómo estos insectos se ven afectados por cambios en la tensión superficial del agua. Objetivo: Determinar el efecto que tienen las aguas jabonosas sobre la capacidad de locomoción de tres especies de hemípteros semiacuáticos neotropicales. Métodos: Desde agosto hasta noviembre 2020, realizamos experimentos ex situ, con nueve grupos de diez individuos de la familia Veliidae (N = 90) y Gerridae (N = 90), en donde cada grupo individualmente, fue sometido a la entrada de aguas jabonosas durante tres minutos. Para esto, diseñamos un acuario que consistía en tres cajas de plástico a diferentes alturas, conectadas entre sí, de modo que se generaba un flujo de corriente. Utilizamos jabón en polvo para ropa, jabón líquido para manos, y jabón en barra para platos. De cada tipo de jabón preparamos una concentración baja (9 ppm), media (50 ppm) y alta (200 ppm). Mediante grabaciones, registramos el tiempo que duraron los hemípteros en el agua, así como su capacidad para salir de la misma, y si se hundían o no. Resultados: Encontramos que, sin importar el tipo de jabón, el tiempo que permanecen los hemípteros en el agua contaminada, se reduce drásticamente conforme aumenta la concentración, pero dicho impacto varía según la especie, siendo Rhagovelia solida (familia Veliidae) menos afectada por la contaminación en comparación con Platygerris caeruleus y Potamobates unidentatus (familia Gerridae). Conclusión: El uso de estos táxones como indicadores del grado de contaminación de los ríos por detergentes y jabones, puede ser muy útil, sobre todo si se toma en cuenta las diferencias de sensibilidad según la familia o género del grupo.
Abstract Introduction: Semiaquatic hemipterans are insects that may be among the best indicators of the quality of the aquatic environment, specifically in terms of the content of substances that break surface tension. However, no studies are evaluating how these insects are affected by changes in the surface tension of the water. Objective: To determine the effect of soapy water on the locomotion ability of three species of neotropical semiaquatic hemipterans. Methods: From August to November 2020, we conducted ex situ experiments, with nine groups of ten individuals of the family Veliidae (N = 90) and Gerridae (N = 90), where each group individually, was subjected to the entry of soapy water for three minutes. For this, we designed an aquarium consisting of three plastic boxes at different heights, connected to each other, so that a current flow was generated. We used powdered laundry soap, liquid hand soap, and bar soap for dishes. For each type of soap we prepared a low (9 ppm), medium (50 ppm) and high (200 ppm) concentration. By means of recordings, we recorded the time the hemipterans spent in the water, as well as their ability to get out of the water, and whether or not they sank. Results: We found that, regardless of the type of soap, the time spent by hemipterans in contaminated water decreases drastically as the concentration increases, but the impact varies by species, with Rhagovelia solida (family Veliidae) being less affected by pollution compared to Platygerris caeruleus and Potamobates unidentatus (family Gerridae). Conclusions: The use of these taxa as indicators of the degree of contamination of rivers by detergents and soaps can be very useful, especially if we take into account the differences in sensitivity according to the family or gender of the group.
Animals , Water Pollution/adverse effects , General Cleaning Products , Hemiptera , CulicidaeABSTRACT
Los Flavivirus constituyen virus transmitidos por artrópodos, principalmente mosquitos. Pueden producir enfermedades en humanos y animales, también incluyen virus específicos de insectos que solo infectan y se replican en los insectos, no así en vertebrados. En Paraguay los virus dengue, fiebre amarilla y Zika fueron detectados en infecciones humanas, pero los estudios de flavivirus en mosquitos son aún escasos. Por ello, el objetivo del presente estudio fue implementar un sistema de detección de flavivirus en mosquitos en el IICS-UNA. Primero, se organizaron capacitaciones en colecta, preparación de pools y procesamiento por técnicas de RT-PCRs convencionales realizadas por expertos internacionales a profesionales locales (bioquímicos y biólogos). Además, se implementaron planillas de registro de datos y de control de transporte de muestras de los lugares de colectas hasta el IICS-UNA. Se prepararon en total 201 pools de 1 a 35 mosquitos cada uno agrupados por especie, localidad, entre otros criterios. Para asegurar la integridad del RNA extraído se realizó la detección de un control interno (Actina-1), siendo todos los pools positivos para el mismo, 91/201 pools fueron positivos para flavivirus. Se realizó la secuenciación de 19/91 pools positivos para flavivirus identificándose flavivirus de insectos (detectándose principalmente Culex Flavivirus, cell fusing agents Flavivirus y Kamiti river virus), evidenciando la elevada distribución de estos virus. Estos resultados demuestran que fue factible implementar el sistema de detección de flavivirus en mosquitos, lo cual podría contribuir a fortalecer la vigilancia y control de estas virosis, así como el conocimiento sobre la importancia ecológica de flavivirus de insectos
Flaviviruses are viruses transmitted by arthropods, mainly mosquitoes. They can cause diseases in humans and animals, they also include specific insect viruses that only infect and replicate in insects, not in vertebrates. In Paraguay, dengue, yellow fever, and Zika viruses were detected in human infections, but studies of flaviviruses in mosquitoes are still scarce. Therefore, the objective of the present study was the implementation of a flavivirus detection system in mosquitoes at IICS-UNA. First, trainings on collection, pool preparation and processing by conventional RT-PCR techniques were organized by international experts for local professionals (biochemists and biologists). In addition, data log sheets and sample transport control forms from the collection sites to the IICS were implemented. A total of 201 pools of 1 to 35 mosquitoes were prepared, each grouped by species, locality, among others. To ensure the integrity of the extracted RNA, an internal control (Actin-1) detection was performed, all pools being positive for it; 91/201 pools were positive for flaviviruses. The sequencing of 19/91 pools positive for flavivirus was carried out, identifying flavivirus in all cases of insects (mainly detecting Culex Flavivirus, cell fusing agents Flavivirus and Kamiti river virus), evidencing the high distribution of these viruses. These results demonstrate that it was feasible to implement the flavivirus detection system in mosquitoes, which could contribute to strengthen the detection, surveillance and control of these viruses, as well as, the knowledge about the ecological importance of insect flaviviruses
Animals , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Flavivirus , Culicidae/virology , ParaguayABSTRACT
Abstract Entomopathogenic agents are viable and effective options due to their selective action against insects but benign effects on humans and the environment. The most promising entomopathogens include subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which are widely used for the biological control of insects, including mosquito vectors of human pathogens. The efficacy of B. thuringiensis toxicity has led to the search for new potentially toxic isolates in different regions of the world. Therefore, soil samples from the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes of the state of Maranhão were evaluated for their potential larvicidal action against Aedes aegypti. The isolates with high toxicity to mosquito larvae, as detected by bioassays, were subjected to histological evaluation under a light microscope to identify the genes potentially responsible for the toxicity. Additionally, the toxic effects of these isolates on the intestinal epithelium were assessed. In the new B. thuringiensis isolates toxic to A. aegypti larvae, cry and cyt genes were amplified at different frequencies, with cry4, cyt1, cry32, cry10 and cry11 being the most frequent (33-55%) among those investigated. These genes encode specific proteins toxic to dipterans and may explain the severe morphological changes in the intestine of A. aegypti larvae caused by the toxins of the isolates.
Resumo Os agentes entomopatógenos são alternativas viáveis e eficazes, devido à sua ação seletiva para insetos sendo inofensivos ao homem e ao meio ambiente. Dentre os entomopatógenos mais promissores, destacam-se as subespécies de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) amplamente utilizadas no controle biológico de insetos incluindo espécies de mosquitos vetores de agentes patogênicos ao homem. A eficiência da toxicidade de Bt incentiva a prospecção de novos isolados em diversas regiões do mundo. Desta forma, em busca de novos isolados de B. thuringiensis potencialmente tóxicos, amostras de solo provenientes dos biomas Amazônia, Cerrado e Caatinga do estado do Maranhão foram avaliadas em relação ao seu potencial larvicida para Aedes aegypti. Os isolados que provocaram elevada toxicidade para larvas do mosquito, detectada por bioensaios, foram avaliados em relação aos potenciais genes responsáveis pela atividade tóxica, além da avaliação de efeitos tóxicos no epitélio intestinal através de análises histológicas em microscopia de luz. Os novos isolados de Bt tóxicos para larva de A. aegypti amplificaram frequências diferentes de genes cry e cyt sendo os mais frequentes (55-33%) os cry4, cyt1, cry32, cry10 e cry11 dentre os investigados. Esses genes codificam para proteínas tóxicas específicas para ordem Diptera, e podem explicar as severas alterações morfológicas provocadas pelas toxinas dos isolados observadas no intestino das larvas de A. aegypti.
Humans , Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Aedes , Insecticides , Culicidae , Pest Control, Biological , Ecosystem , Mosquito Vectors , LarvaABSTRACT
Arthropod-borne diseases, such as malaria and dengue fever, have frequently beset five countries(Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand) in the tropical rainy Lancang-Mekong region, which pose a huge threat to social production and daily life. As a resort to such diseases, chemical drugs risk the resistance in plasmodium, non-availability for dengue virus, and pollution to the environment. Traditional medicinal plants have the multi-component, multi-target, and multi-pathway characteristics, which are of great potential in drug development. Exploring potential medicinals for arthropod-borne diseases from traditional medicinal plants has become a hot spot. This study summarized the epidemiological background of arthropod-borne diseases in the Lancang-Mekong region and screened effective herbs from the 350 medicinal plants recorded in CHINA-ASEAN Traditional Medicine. Based on CNKI, VIP, and PubMed, the plants for malaria and dengue fever and those for killing and repelling mosquitoes were respectively sorted out. Their pharmacological effects and mechanisms were reviewed and the material basis was analyzed. The result is expected to serve as a reference for efficient utilization of medicinal resources, development of effective and safe drugs for malaria and dengue fever, and the further cooperation between China and the other five countries in the Lancang-Mekong region.
Animals , Culicidae , Malaria , Plants, Medicinal , Plasmodium , ThailandABSTRACT
A febre amarela (FA) se mantém endêmica ou enzoótica na África e Américas do Sul e Central, causada por um arbovírus mantido em ciclos silvestres em que primatas não humanos (PNH) são os principais hospedeiros amplificadores e mosquitos das tribos Aedini e Sabethini são os transmissores. O homem participa deste ciclo como um hospedeiro acidental ao contatar áreas de mata com animais infectados e mosquitos transmissores. Durante o surto de FA ocorrido no estado de São Paulo entre os anos de 2016 e 2018 foram registradas mortes de PNH no Parque Estadual da Cantareira (PEC) e infecções humanas foram relatadas nas proximidades, sinalizando para o risco de transmissão do vírus amarílico neste remanescente de mata situado na região metropolitana de São Paulo. Foi objetivo de estudo investigar os culicídeos potencialmente associados à transmissão de febre amarela silvestre (CPAFAS) no PEC e elaborar um manual de coleta diurna de Culicidae em ambiente florestal urbano para auxiliar o trabalho de vigilância entomológica realizado no município de São Paulo (MSP). As coletas foram quinzenais no Núcleo Engordador, nas trilhas do Macuco e Mountain Bike, entre 10 e 14 horas, de março de 2019 a fevereiro de 2020. Para as coletas foram utilizados puçá entomológico para captura de indivíduos adultos e instalação de armadilhas larvitrampas (bambu e PET) no solo e na copa das árvores para coleta de imaturos. Para os adultos de CPAFAS foram estimadas a riqueza e abundância; comparou-se a diversidade da fauna coletada nas duas trilhas utilizando-se o teste de Mann-Whitney; correlacionou-se o total de indivíduos coletados com dados climáticos (temperatura, pluviosidade e umidade relativa do ar por meio do coeficiente de correlação de Sperman. Para os imaturos comparou-se a abundância do total de CPAFAS e Hg. leucocelaenus coletados nas larvitrampas nas duas alturas instaladas utilizando a análise de Wilcoxon. Foram coletados um total de 248 espécimes de adultos e 136 de imaturos de CPAFAS pertencentes a 13 espécies distribuídas nos gêneros Aedes, Haemagogus, Psorophora e Sabethes. Os resultados mostraram que não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa de diversidade entre as trilhas, indicando terem as mesmas características relativas à fauna de CPAFAS. Ocorreu correlação positiva entre o total de CPAFAS e as variáveis climáticas de temperatura e pluviosidade dos 30 dias que antecederam à coleta. Ao se comparar a abundância dos CPAFAS nas larvitrampas, observou-se a preferência por armadilhas de bambu. Em relação à altura de colocação das armadilhas a maior frequência ocorreu no bambu copa, quando se considerou o total de CPAFAS. Para Hg. leucocelaenus, não foi constatada diferença estatisticamente significativa no bambu copa ou solo indicando que a espécie explora diferentes níveis de habitats florestais. Estes resultados sinalizam que o PEC é uma área que merece atenção para a vigilância de vetores da FA, recomendando a continuação do monitoramento diurno no parque e em outras áreas vulneráveis à transmissão da FA no MSP e propondo à coordenação do Laboratório de Identificação e Pesquisa em Fauna Sinantrópica do MSP um manual de coleta diurna de culicídeos.
Yellow fever (YF) remains endemic or enzootic in Africa and South and Central America, is caused by an arbovirus maintained in wild cycles in which non-human primates (NHP) are the main hosts and mosquitoes from the Aedini and Sabethini tribes are the vectors. Humans participate of this cycle as accidental hosts when contacting forest areas with infected animals and mosquito vectors. During the YF outbreak that occurred in the state of São Paulo between 2016 and 2018, were recorded deaths of NHP in the Cantareira State Park (CSP) and human infections nearby, signaling the risk of the YF virus transmission in this area remaining of forest located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. The aims of this study were to investigate the specimens of Culicidae potentially associated with the wild yellow fever transmission dynamics (CPAFAS) in the CSP and to develop a manual for daytime collection of Culicidae in an urban forest environment to assist the entomological surveillance activities carried out in the municipality of São Paulo (MSP). Collections performed fortnightly at Núcleo Engordador, on the Macuco and Mountain Bike trails, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., and from March 2019 to February 2020. To collections were used aerial insect nets to capture adult individuals and larvitraps traps (bamboo and PET) on soil and treetop for collecting immature. For CPAFAS adults, species richness and abundance were estimated; the diversity of fauna collected on the two trails was compared using the Mann-Whitney test; the total number of individuals collected was correlated with climatic data (temperature, rainfall and relative humidity) using Spearman's correlation coefficient. For immatures, the abundance of total CPAFAS and Hg. leucocelaenus collected from larvitraps in the two installed level were compared using Wilcoxon analysis. A total of 248 adults and 136 immature specimens of CPAFAS belonging to 13 species distributed between the genera Aedes, Haemagogus, Psorophora and Sabethes were collected. The results showed that there was no statistically significant difference in diversity between trails, indicating that they have the same characteristics regarding the CPAFAS fauna. There was a positive correlation between the total of CPAFAS and the climatic variables of temperature and rainfall in the 30 days prior to collection. When comparing the abundance of CPAFAS in larvitraps, the preference for bamboo traps was observed. Regarding the level of traps placement, the highest frequency occurred in bamboo traps placed at treetop level, when considering the total of CPAFAS. For Hg. leucocelaenus, no statistically significant difference was found between bamboo traps placed at treetop or soil level, indicating that the species explores different levels of forest habitats. These results indicate that the CSP is an area that deserves attention for YF vector surveillance. The continuation of daytime monitoring in the park and other areas vulnerable to YF transmission in the MSP is recommended and a manual for daytime collection of Culicidae is proposed to the coordination of the Identification and Research Laboratory in Synanthropic Fauna of the MSP.