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Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-964808


O tumor odontogênico queratocístico (TOQ) é uma neoplasia benigna dos ossos gnáticos, que apresenta agressividade local e alta taxa de recorrência. O TOQ é uma lesão intra-óssea, invasiva e destrutiva dos maxilares que apresenta crescimento lento e infiltrativo sendo, geralmente, uma lesão assintomática. A radiografia e a tomografia computadorizada auxiliam no diagnóstico, sendo necessária a biópsia e análise histopatológica para diagnóstico definitivo. Entre as técnicas de tratamento estão a ressecção, a enucleação, a curetagem, a descompressão e a marsupialização. É de suma importância que o cirurgião conheça a neoplasia e a recente classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde para que, após o diagnóstico, os tratamentos sejam adequadamente escolhidos. Este estudo visou abordar atualidades acerca do TOQ por meio da revisão da literatura.

The keratocystic odontogenic tumor (KOT) is a benign neoplastic lesion of the jaws, disclosing a high local aggressiveness and a high recurrence rate. The KOT is an asymptomatic slow growing tumor of the jaws with an infiltrative, invasive and destructive intraosseous behavior. Radiography and computed tomography images aid the diagnosis but biopsy and histopathology must be carried out to point a definitive diagnosis. The treatment is a surgical procedure. The techniques are resection, enucleation, curettage, decompression and marsupialization. It is paramount that the surgeon knows the lesion features after the recent World Health Organization remarks to perform the best treatment after diagnosis. This study aimed to address updates about KOT through a literature review.

Humans , Odontogenic Cysts , Odontogenic Tumor, Squamous/surgery , Odontogenic Tumor, Squamous/diagnosis , Decompression, Surgical/instrumentation , Curettage/instrumentation
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141213


Background: The commonly accepted idea concerning root planing is that excessive removal of cementum is not necessary for removal of endotoxins. The ideal instrument should enable the removal of all extraneous substances from the root surfaces, without causing any iatrogenic effects. Aim: To compare the remaining calculus, loss of tooth substance, and roughness of root surface after root planing with Gracey curette, ultrasonic instrument (Slimline® insert FSI-SLI-10S), and DesmoClean® rotary bur. Materials and Methods: The efficiency of calculus removal, the amount of lost tooth substance, and root surface roughness resulting from the use of hand curette, ultrasonic instrument, and rotary bur on 36 extracted mandibular incisors were examined by SEM. We used three indices to measure the changes: Remaining calculus index (RCI), Loss of tooth substance index (LTSI), and Roughness loss of tooth substance index (RLTSI). Twelve samples were treated with each instrument. The time required for instrumentation was also noted. Statistical Analysis: Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA was used for multiple group comparisons and the Mann-Whitney test for group-wise comparisons. Analysis was carried out with SPSS® software (version 13). Results and Conclusion: The RCI and LTSI showed nonsignificant differences between the three groups. RLTSI showed a significant difference between Slimline™ and hand curette as well as Slimline™ and Desmo-Clean™. Slimline™ showed the least mean scores for RCI, LTSI, and RLTSI. Thus, even though the difference was not statistically significant, Slimline™ insert was shown to be better than the other methods as assessed by the indices scores and the instrumentation time.

Curettage/instrumentation , Dental Calculus/pathology , Dental Calculus/therapy , Dental Cementum/ultrastructure , Equipment Design , Humans , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Root Planing/instrumentation , Rotation , Tooth Root/ultrastructure , Ultrasonic Surgical Procedures/instrumentation
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 9(3)maio-jun. 2011.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-588517


JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: A interrupção da gestação, no Brasil, é praticada amplamente pelas mulheres, em contexto clandestino. O Ministério da Saúde (MS) defende que é uma questão de saúde pública. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer aspectos do abortamento incompleto em 1000 mulheres submetidas à curetagem uterina, atendidas em hospital do Sistema Únicode Saúde (SUS).MÉTODO: Aplicou-se um método descritivo por meio de questionário estruturado.RESULTADOS: Obtiveram-se 36,4% de abortamentos espontâneos e 63,6% provocados; dados obtidos através da classificação da Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS). Destes, 18,2% são certamente provocados, 2%, provavelmente provocados; 43,4% são possivelmente provocados. Entre os abortamentos certamente provocados, 89% reportaram ao uso do misoprostol.CONCLUSÃO: O perfil das mulheres com risco de provocarem o abortamento é jovem com parceiro estável; são mulatas; não usuárias de anticoncepcional ou preservativo nas relações sexuais;tiveram início precoce da atividade sexual; não planejaram a gestação; secundigestas; primíparas; idade gestacional menor que 10 semanas; raras complicações relacionadas ao abortamento.(AU)

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Illegal abortion is a common practice among Brazilian women. Ministry of Health considers it as a matter of public health. The aim of this research is to know the aspects involved in incomplete abortion among 1000 women submitted to uterine curettage attending a public hospital of Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS).METHOD: A descriptive method carried out through interviews by means of a questionnaire was applied and it was duly structured for the data gathering.RESULTS: Through the use of structured questionnaire, 36,4% were spontaneous abortions and 63.3% were induced abortions. Accordingto the classification of World Health Organization (WHO),among the induced abortions, 18.2% were certainly induced, 2% probably induced and 43.4% were possibly induced. Among certainly induced abortions 89% reported the use of misoprostol.CONCLUSION: The profile of women in risk of practicing abortion:young, stable partner, multiethnic, not using a contraceptive method or condom for intercourses, early search, non desired pregnancy, second pregnancy, primipara, gestational age under ten weeks, rare complications related to the abortion.(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Abortion, Incomplete/epidemiology , Family Development Planning , Reproductive Health/education , Gynecologic Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Curettage/instrumentation
Gac. méd. Caracas ; 115(4): 292-296, dic. 2007. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-630513


Los autores hacen el informe preliminar del primer cráneo trepanado en la época precolombina en Venezuela. Hacen referencia a las primeras operaciones craneanas publicadas en Venezuela en los siglos XVIII y XIX por insignes cirujanos precursores de la cirugía neurológica. También se citan otras intervenciones practicadas en Hispanoamérica en los siglos XVI y XVII

Authors present the preliminary report on the first trepanned skull in the pre-Columbian period in Venezuela. References are made on the first skull interventions published in Venezuela during the XVIII and XIX centuries by distinguished precursors surgeons of the neurologic surgery. Other interventions performed during the XVI and XVII centuries in Latinoamerica are also quoted

Humans , Skull/surgery , Frontal Bone/anatomy & histology , Trephining/history , Trephining/methods , Anthropology , Curettage/instrumentation , Indigenous Peoples/history
Rev. bras. ortop ; 25(11/12): 391-4, nov.-dez. 1990. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-92506


Estudos demonstram haver concordância de que a causa fundamental da necrose avascular da cabeça do fêmur seria a interrupçäo da irrigaçäo da cabeça femoral, embora ainda existam discussöes sobre a etiologia e o tratamento adequado. A curetagem da necrose mais enxerto ósseo tem sido muito estudada, dentre os tratamentos que näo empregam material sintético, pois, além de manter o próprio osso, näo impede futuras intervençöes. A utilizaçäo desse método na prática apresentou dificuldades, tais como a necessidade de grande abertura no colo femoral para curetagem da cabeça, causando destruiçäo de grande quantidade de vasos e problemas na retirada do osso ebúrneo com curetas convencionais. Baseado nesses elementos, desenvolveu-se um instrumental para realizaçäo de ampla curetagem da cabeça, independente da textura óssea, e, conseqüetemente, com menor destruiçäo do colo femoral

Humans , Curettage/methods , Femur Head Necrosis/surgery , Curettage/instrumentation
Prat. hosp ; 3(3): 31-2, 1988. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-57215