O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a determinação do sexo por meio da análise geométrica e de mensurações a partir de imagens tridimensionais de dentes caninos, advindas de escaneamento intraoral, no Autodesk MeshMixer, bem como elaborar um roteiro prático para servir de guia na manipulação e coleta de dados nesse software. Trata-se de um estudo do tipo cego e transversal, dividido em duas etapas. Inicialmente, foram selecionadas imagens de 127 caninos (65 femininos e 63 masculinos) para a análise morfométrica geométrica, utilizando a marcação de 50 pontos, distribuídos em 27 pontos para contorno e 23 pontos para delimitação da forma das superfícies vestibular e lingual. Cada ponto de referência recebeu um valor para as coordenadas x, y e z, representando a sua posição. Na análise estatística dos dados foi utilizado um software específico para análise morfométrica geométrica, o MorphoJ, no qual foram importados os dados e submetidos à Análise Ajustada de Procrustes, Análise Discriminante e Análise da Variação Canônica. Não foram exibidas diferenças significativas para distribuição do sexo nas analises anteriores. Ainda, os dados relativos ao tamanho do centroide gerado no MorphoJ foram importados para o IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 e submetidos ao teste t student, resultando em uma diferença estatística para o sexo. Para a aplicabilidade das mensurações digitais, foram utilizadas imagens de 345 caninos (191 femininos e 154 masculinos). Foram realizadas medidas das distâncias mesiodistais, vestibulolinguais, cervicoincisais (altura) e distâncias intercaninas de 5 pontos estabelecidos em cada canino (cúspide, cervical por vestibular e lingual, ponto máximo mesial e lingual). Todas as médias foram maiores para o sexo masculino e, com exceção da altura do elemento 33, apresentaram diferenças significativas para o sexo (p<0,05). As mensurações mesiodistais, vestibulolinguais e intercaninas (com exceção do ponto cervical por lingual), apresentaram uma boa acurácia, representadas por valores de áreas sobre a curva ROC maiores do que 0,7. O Autodesk MeshMixer apresentou-se como um ótimo auxiliar e de grande contribuição para análises dentro da Antropologia Forense. Apesar dos caninos serem elementos altamente dimórficos, para a análise morfométrica, não foram exibidas diferenças estatísticas na análise discriminante. Porém, o tamanho do centroide apresentou diferenças estatísticas e com médias maiores para o sexo masculino. As medidas realizadas nos dentes caninos apresentaram diferenças estatísticas para o sexo, com boas classificações na análise discriminante e com boas predições sexuais de acordo com os valores de especificidade e sensibilidade. A aplicabilidade de técnicas digitais de mensuração exibiu bons resultados, concordando esses dados obtidos com estudos que utilizaram as técnicas manuais de medida.
Sex Determination Analysis , Forensic Anthropology , Cuspid , Imaging, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
Introducción: Los rasgos oclusales en un grupo étnico pueden estar asociados con factores genéticos y socioculturales que contribuyen a la morfología de los rasgos oclusales y faciales en grupos indígenas. Objetivo: Determinar la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico según el índice estético dental y el sexo en la etnia Kichwa Saraguro, Ecuador. Métodos : Estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, realizado en el año 2018 en 465 adolescentes de 12 a 16 años, pertenecientes a la etnia Kichwa Saraguro y residentes en Loja, Ecuador. Se empleó la estadística descriptiva, se obtuvo la frecuencia absoluta y el porcentaje para las variables cualitativas; la media, la desviación estándar y la mediana para variables cuantitativas. Para la determinación de normalidad de los datos se usó la prueba Kolmogorov Smirnov y para la relación del sexo con los componentes del índice estético dental y la necesidad de tratamiento ortodóntico se usó la prueba de U de Mann-Whitney y ji al cuadrado. Un valor de α = 0,05 se consideró como estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: Del total de la población, en el 61,06 por ciento se encontró una maloclusión leve con tratamiento innecesario; en el 18,06 por ciento maloclusión manifiesta con tratamiento optativo, en el 9,89 por ciento maloclusión grave con tratamiento deseable y en el 10,97 por ciento maloclusión muy grave con tratamiento obligatorio. Se encontraron diferencias significativas de p = 0,028 en dientes incisivos, caninos y premolares visibles perdidos del maxilar y la mandíbula. Conclusión: Más de la mitad de los participantes de la etnia Kichwa Saraguro presentaron maloclusión leve con tratamiento innecesario y, de acuerdo con el sexo, más de un cuarto de los participantes femeninos mostraron maloclusión manifiesta con tratamiento optativo y maloclusión grave con tratamiento sumamente deseable(AU)
Introduction: Occlusal features in an ethnic group may be associated with genetic and sociocultural factors that contribute to the morphology of occlusal and facial features in indigenous groups. Objective: To determine the need for orthodontic treatment according to the dental esthetic index and sex in the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group, Ecuador. Methods: Observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that was carried out in 2018 in 465 adolescents aged 12 to 16 years, belonging to the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group and residing in Loja, Ecuador. Descriptive statistics were used. Absolute frequency and percentage were obtained for qualitative variables, and mean, standard deviation and median for quantitative variables. The Kolmogorov Smirnov test was used to determine the normality of the data, and the Mann-Whitney U test and chi-squared test were used to determine the relationship between sex and the components of the dental esthetic index and the need for orthodontic treatment. A value of α = 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Of the total population, 61.06 percent were found to have a mild malocclusion with unnecessary treatment. In 18.06 percent manifest malocclusion with optional treatment was found. Severe malocclusion with desirable treatment was found in 9.89 percent and very severe malocclusion with mandatory treatment in 10.97 percent. Significant differences of p = 0.028 were found in visible missing incisors, canines and premolars of the maxilla and mandible. Conclusion: More than half of the participants from the Kichwa Saraguro ethnic group presented mild malocclusion with unnecessary treatment and, according to sex, more than a quarter of the female participants showed manifest malocclusion with optional treatment and severe malocclusion with highly desirable treatment(AU)
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Cuspid , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Indigenous PeoplesABSTRACT
Introducción: Se reportan hallazgos que permiten observar al canino maxilar impactado como una entidad de importante prevalencia. En la provincia de Ciego de Ávila son escasas las investigaciones publicadas sobre la alteración eruptiva. Objetivos: Describir variables epidemiológicas y clínicas e identificar los factores locales presentes en pacientes pediátricos con retención de caninos maxilares del municipio Ciego de Ávila en el período comprendido entre octubre de 2019 y junio de 2020. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación observacional analítica de casos y controles donde se determinaron los factores locales asociados a la retención de caninos maxilares. La población de estudio se constituyó por 388 escolares, en las edades de 11 y 17 años, pertenecientes al área de salud de la clínica estomatológica docente Dr. Luis Páez Alfonso del municipio Ciego de Ávila, en el período de estudio. Resultados: El 56,9 por ciento de los participantes pertenecían al sexo femenino; prevaleció el grupo de 11 a 13 años con el 70,7 por ciento y el color de piel blanca (74,1 por ciento). El 56,9 por ciento de los pacientes presentaban retención bilateral y el mayor porciento (60,4 por ciento) se ubicó por vestibular. La discrepancia hueso diente negativa, el micrognatismo transversal (OR de 6,3) y la pérdida prematura de dientes temporales (OR fue de 6,1) mostraron una importante significación estadística. Conclusiones: La retención de los caninos maxilares predominó en el sexo femenino, en el grupo etario de 11 a 13 años y en los pacientes pediátricos de piel blanca. La retención bilateral y la localización por vestibular de los caninos se presentaron con mayor frecuencia. Se constató la asociación entre la retención de caninos maxilares y los factores locales discrepancia hueso diente negativa, micrognatismo transversal y pérdida prematura de dientes temporales(AU)
Introduction: We report findings that allow us to observe the impacted maxillary canine as an entity of important prevalence. In the province of Ciego de Avila there is little research published on this eruptive alteration. Objectives: To describe epidemiological and clinical variables and to identify the local factors present in pediatric patients with retained maxillary canines in the municipality of Ciego de Avila between October 2019 and June 2020. Methods: An analytical observational research of cases and controls was carried out to determine the local factors associated to maxillary canine retention. The study population consisted of 388 schoolchildren between the ages of 11 and 17 years old, belonging to the health area of the Dr. Luis Páez Alfonso Stomatological Teaching Clinic in the municipality of Ciego de Avila, during the study period. Results: 56.9 percent of the participants belonged to the female sex; the group of 11 to 13 years old prevailed with 70.7 percent and the skin color was white (74.1 percent). A total of 56.9 percent of the patients had bilateral retention and the highest percentage (60.4 percent) was located in the vestibular region. Negative bone-tooth discrepancy, transverse micrognathism (OR of 6.3) and premature loss of primary teeth (OR was 6.1) showed significant statistical significance. Conclusions: Maxillary canine retention predominated in the female sex, in the 11 to 13 years age group, and in white-skinned pediatric patients. Bilateral retention and vestibular location of the canines occurred more frequently. The association between maxillary canine retention and the local factors negative bone-tooth discrepancy, transverse micrognathism and premature loss of primary teeth was found(AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Epidemiologic Factors , Cuspid , Jaw , Micrognathism , Prevalence , Research ReportABSTRACT
El canino maxilar permanente corresponde al segundo diente más frecuentemente impactado en el arco dental. La etiología de esta patología aún no está totalmente definida, sin embargo, investigadores plantean la deficiencia del ancho del hueso maxilar como una posible causa. Objetivo: Investigar la evidencia que asocia menores dimensiones transversales del maxilar a la ocurrencia de la impactación de caninos superiores y esclarecer la posible relación. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática exploratoria a partir de una búsqueda amplia de la literatura en bases de datos PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO y Multibuscador UNAB. Los artículos fueron recopilados, identificados y filtrados según el diagrama de flujo de declaración PRISMA. Resultados: La búsqueda identificó 755 estudios, de los cuales 14 fueron incluidos. Los estudios varían en diseño, edad de estudio y métodos de diagnóstico. La mitad de los estudios reporta una asociación positiva entre compresión maxilar e impactación canina superior, mientras que la otra mitad una asociación negativa. Conclusiones: No hay evidencia suficiente para poder asociar compresión maxilar con impactación de caninos superiores. Estudios con métodos de diagnóstico rigurosos son necesarios para una mejor comprensión. No obstante, se enfatiza la importancia de un diagnóstico precoz, para garantizar mejores resultados y pronóstico más favorable.
The permanent maxillary canine is the second most frequently impacted tooth in the dental arch. The etiology of this disease is not completely defined, yet some researchers propose the deficiency of the width from the maxilla as a possible cause. Objective: To investigate available evidence correlating smaller transverse maxilla dimensions with the occurrence of potential impaction of upper canines and clarify the possible relation. Materials and methods: A systematic exploratory review was carried out based on comprehensive search of the literature in databases such as PubMed, Cochrane, EBSCO and UNAB multi search engine. The articles were compiled, identified and filtered systematically according to the PRISMA flow diagram. Results: Our search identified 755 studies, 14 of which were included. These studies vary in design, patients age, and methods for detection. Half of the studies show a positive correlation between maxillary compression and potential upper canine impaction, whereas the other half show a negative correlation. Conclusions: There is not enough evidence to link maxillary compression to upper canine impaction. Studies with rigorous diagnostic methods for detection are necessary for a better understanding of this relation. Nonetheless, the importance of early diagnosis must be emphasized to guarantee better results and a more favorable prognosis.
Humans , Tooth, Impacted/diagnosis , Cuspid , Dental Arch , MaxillaABSTRACT
Uno de los principales problemas durante la dentición mixta es la determinación de la futura discrepancia entre tamaño dentario y el espacio disponible. Para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de los dientes permanentes no erupcionados se han introducido diferentes métodos de análisis. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue comparar el método Tanaka-Johnston con una nueva ecuación de regresión para predecir el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares permanentes no erupcionados en una población de la región de Valparaíso, Chile. Material y método: Este estudio fue realizado en la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Valparaíso, desde octubre de 2022 a junio de 2023 (8 meses), la muestra estuvo compuesta por 202 modelos de estudio del departamento de ortodoncia (91 hombres y 111 mujeres) en el rango de edad de 11 -20 años. Resultados: Se demostró que el método elaborado por Lara-Sandoval presenta mayor fiabilidad respecto a las medidas mesiodistales reales de los pacientes (ICC 0,773 para maxilar y 0,762 para mandíbula), en comparación con el método de Tanaka-Johnston (ICC 0,665 para maxilar y 0,623 para mandíbula). No existen diferencias significativas entre los valores reales y el método de Lara-Sandoval. Conclusión: El método de Lara-Sandoval es mejor que el propuesto por Tanaka-Johnston para determinar el ancho mesiodistal de caninos y premolares para esta muestra. Es necesario validar este método en otras regiones del país para ser utilizado con mayor seguridad que el ya existente como método estándar nacional.
One of the main orthodontic problems in mixed dentition is the determination of future tooth and size arch discrepancy. In order to predict the mesiodistal widths of unerupted permanent teeth different methods of analyses have been introduced. The aim of this study is to compare the Tanaka-Johnston analysis with a new regressive equation to predict the mesiodistal width of unerupted permanent canines and premolars in a Chilean population sample, from Valparaíso region. This study was conducted at the Universidad de Valparaíso Dental Faculty, from october 2022 to june 2023 (8 months), and the sample comprised historical dental casts from 202 patients (91 boys and 111 girls) in the age range of 11-20 from the orthodontics department. All the patients are from the Valparaíso region, Chile. The results show that the predictions of the new regressive equation method are closer to the actual mesiodistal measurements of the patients (ICC 0,773 for maxilla and 0,762 for mandible), compared to the Tanaka- Johnston method (ICC 0,665 for maxilla and 0,623 for mandible). There are no significant differences between the real values and the Lara-Sandoval method. Lara-Sandoval method is better than the one proposed by Tanaka-Johnston to determine the mesiodistal width of canines and premolars in this sample population. It is necessary to validate this method in other regions of the country to be used with greater security than the ones that already exists as a national standard method.
Humans , Tooth, Unerupted/anatomy & histology , Tooth Crown/anatomy & histology , Tooth Eruption/physiology , Bicuspid/anatomy & histology , Chile , Cuspid/anatomy & histology , Dentition, Mixed , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Mandible , Maxilla , Molar/anatomy & histology , Odontometry/statistics & numerical dataABSTRACT
Background: The orthodontic traction of impacted canines represents a great challenge for Orthodontics. Surgical exposure of the impacted canine and the complex orthodontic mechanics applied to align the tooth back to the arch can lead to complications involving supporting tissues inducing gingival recession when the teeth are moved out of the alveolar bone. Aim: The aim of this study is to present an updated bibliographic review of the main periodontal results found in the literature after the clinical management of impacted canines and the prevalence of gingival recession. Materials and methods: Research in electronic databases PubMed, PMC, and MedLine until June 2020 and reference lists of relevant publications were used to identify studies that assessed the periodontal status of impacted and orthodontically tractioned canines. Controlled and randomized clinical trials, literature reviews, systematic reviews, studies in humans, meta- analyzes and text that had at least one occurrence relating to gingival recession, periodontal outcomes and impacted canines tractioned orthodontically, whether by buccal or palatal, superior and / or lower as the eligibility criteria. Results: 691 articles were found in a free search. After applying the eligibility criteria, 7 relevant articles were subtracted, and these results were more frequent for upper canines. Conclusion: Currently, there is no clear evidence to determine which surgical technique procedure is better to discover canines in terms of periodontal outcomes. The results found stated that clinically the evidence were insignificant when compared to teeth normally erupted.
Introdução: O tracionamento ortodôntico de caninos inclusos representa um grande desafio para a Ortodontia. A exposição cirúrgica do canino impactado e a complexa mecânica ortodôntica aplicada para alinhar o dente de volta ao arco podem levar a complicações envolvendo os tecidos de suporte, induzindo recessão gengival quando os dentes são movimentados para fora do osso alveolar. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar uma revisão bibliográfica atualizada dos principais resultados periodontais encontrados na literatura após o manejo clínico de caninos impactados e a prevalência de recessão gengival. Materiais e métodos: Foram feitas pesquisas eletrônicas no PubMed, PMC e MedLine até junho de 2020 e uma listas de referência de publicações relevantes foram usadas para identificar estudos que avaliaram o estado periodontal de caninos impactados e tracionados ortodonticamente. Ensaios clínicos controlados e randomizados, revisões de literatura, revisões sistemáticas, estudos em humanos, metanálises e textos que tiveram pelo menos uma ocorrência relacionada a recessão gengival, desfechos periodontais e caninos impactados tracionados ortodonticamente, seja por vestibular ou palatino, foram os critérios de elegibilidade. Resultados: Foram encontrados 691 artigos em busca livre. Após a aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, 7 artigos relevantes foram subtraídos, sendo esses resultados mais frequentes para caninos superiores. Conclusão: Atualmente, não há evidências claras para determinar qual técnica cirúrgica é melhor para descobrir caninos em termos de resultados periodontais. Os resultados encontrados afirmaram que clinicamente as evidências foram insignificantes quando comparadas a dentes normalmente
Orthodontics , Cuspid , Gingival Recession/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Introducción: Es un error común pensar que los dientes anteroinferiores, por lo general, tienen un solo conducto radicular con una sola raíz. Sin embargo, un estudio realizado por Vertucci et. al., (1974), mostraron una alta prevalencia (13%) de dos conductos radiculares en los dientes anteroinferiores, lo que estimuló más investigaciones. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue determinar la prevalencia del segundo conducto radicular en los dientes anteroinferiores en una población nicaragüense, estos fueron detectados por medio de tomografía computadorizada (Cone Beam). Materiales y Métodos: En el estudio se analizaron 293 piezas dentales, de canino a canino de la arcada inferior. Para realizar el análisis se utilizó el software libre Radiant DICOM Viewer 2021.2.2, se realizaron cortes sagitales, axiales y coronales para ver la prevalencia del segundo conducto radicular. Resultados: De las 293 piezas dentarias analizadas se encontró que 259 presentaban un solo conducto que correspondía al 88.4% y 34 dientes presentaban dos conductos que correspondían al 11.6%. De acuerdo con el análisis tomográfico, se encontró que en los cortes axiales y sagitales fue donde se observó la presencia del segundo conducto. Con respecto a la presencia del segundo conducto de acuerdo al tercio del canal radicular se identificó que la mayoría se presentó en el tercio medio (52.94%), seguido por coronal (29.41%) y por último el tercio apical (17.65%). De acuerdo con la clasificación de Vertucci se encontró que se presenta un mayor porcentaje del tipo I con 88.40%, seguido por el tipo III con 4.44%, después el tipo V con 3.41%, y el tipo II con 2.39%. El de menor porcentaje fue el tipo VI con 1.37%, mientras que, en las piezas analizadas, no se encontraron los tipos IV, VII y VIII. Conclusión: Basados en los resultados obtenidos en este estudio, la prevalencia de un segundo conducto en dientes anteroinferiores fue de 11.6%.
Title The prevalence of a second root canal in mandibular anterior teeth using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. Abstract Introduction: It is a common misconception that the mandibular anterior teeth usually have a single root canal with a single root. However, a study by Vertucci et. al., (1974), showed a high prevalence (13%) of two root canals in the lower anterior teeth, which stimulated further investigations. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of the second root canal in the mandibular anterior teeth in a Nicaraguan population, these were detected by means of computed tomography (Cone Beam). Materials and methods: In the study, 293 teeth were analyzed, from canine to canine of the mandibular teeth. To perform the analysis, the free software Radiant DICOM Viewer 2021.2.2 was used, sagittal, axial and coronal views were made to see the prevalence of the second root canal. Results: Of the 293 teeth analyzed, it was found that 259 had a single root canal corresponding to 88.4%, and 34 teeth had two root canals corresponding to 11.6%. According to the tomographic analysis, it was found that the presence of the second root canal was observed only in the axial and sagittal views. Regarding the presence of the second canal according to the third of the root canal, it was identified that the majority presented in the middle third (52.94%), followed by coronal (29.41%) and finally the apical third (17.65%). According to the Vertucci classification, it was found that there is a higher percentage of type I with 88.40%, followed by type III with 4.44%, then type V with 3.41%, and type II with 2.39%. The one with the lowest percentage was type VI with 1.37%, while in the pieces analyzed, types IV, VII and VIII were not found. Conclusion: Based on the results obtained in this study, the prevalence of a second root canal in lower anterior teeth was 11.6%.
Animals , Cuspid/anatomy & histology , Dental Pulp Cavity/anatomy & histology , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , NicaraguaABSTRACT
Introducción: El análisis más utilizado por los ortodoncistas para predecir el espacio ideal del canino y premolares es el Gold Standard de Tanaka-Johnston. Sin embargo, la utilización de este análisis en otros grupos poblacionales a nivel mundial puede ser cuestionable. Objetivo: Predecir el espacio ideal para la erupción del canino y premolares utilizando el análisis de Tanaka y Johnston y el de Ramos, et al. Material y métodos: Fue un estudio descriptivo. Se utilizaron 110 pares de modelos de estudio con dentición permanente, recolectados durante 2018 y 2019. Los anchos mesiodistales fueron medidos con un vernier digital marca UBERMANN® con una precisión de ± 0,01 mm. A los datos obtenidos se les realizó estadística no paramétrica mediante la prueba de comparación de Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: El análisis de Tanaka-Johnston mostró una diferencia entre los valores predictivos y reales de -0,50 mm (±1,68) con una diferencia estadística de p=0,0001 y el análisis de Ramos, et al., fue de -0,35 mm (±1,70) con una diferencia estadística de p=0,0001. Conclusiones: Se subestimó el espació ideal para la erupción del canino y premolares con el análisis de Tanaka-Johnston y el análisis validado por Ramos, et al. Sin embargo, el análisis de Ramos, et al., se acercó más a los diámetros mesiodistales reales del canino y premolares.
Introduction: The analysis most commonly used by orthodontists to predict the ideal space of the canine and premolars is the Tanaka-Johnston Gold Standard. However, the use of this analysis in other population groups worldwide may be questionable. Objective: To predict the ideal space for the eruption of the canine and premolars using the Tanaka-Johnston analysis and that of Ramos, et al. Material and Methods: A descriptive study was carried out using 110 pairs of study models with permanent dentition, collected during the period from 2018 to 2019. The mesiodistal widths were measured with a UBERMANN® digital vernier with an accuracy of ± 0.01 mm. Non-parametric statistics were performed on the data obtained using the Kruskal-Wallis comparison test. Results: The Tanaka-Johnston analysis showed a difference between the predictive and real values of -0.50 mm (±1.68) with a statistical difference of p=0.0001, and the Ramos et al. analysis was of -0.35 mm (±1.70) with a statistical difference of p=0.0001. Conclusions: The ideal space for the eruption of the canine and premolars was underestimated with the Tanaka-Johnston analysis and the analysis validated by Ramos, et al. However, the Ramos, et al. analysis was closer to the actual mesiodistal diameters of the canine and premolars.
Several methods have been described to shorten orthodontic treatments, but the main disadvantage is their invasiveness. Animal studies have shown that piezopuncture can accelerate the rate of tooth movement without causing collateral damage. Objective: To evaluate the clinical outcome, in terms of safety and efficacy, of a flapless piezopuncture on maxillary canine distalization. Methods: A split-mouth randomized clinical trial was carried out on five patients. Piezopuncture was performed on a random side of the maxillary arch to assess the rate of canine movement on the stimulated side, compared to the non-stimulated control side after 15 (T1), 30 (T2), and 60 (T3) days. Also, immediate side effects and changes in buccal bone thickness after one year were assessed. Results: Distalization on the intervention versus control side at T1 was 1.24±0.21mm versus 0.64±0.33mm (p=0.005); at T2 it was 2.00±0.28mm versus 1.36±0.49mm (p=0.046); and at T3 it was 4.28±0.66mm versus 3.65±0.88mm (p=0.102). No adverse effects related to the surgical procedure were observed or reported by patients. The thickness of the buccal bone plate showed no significant changes. Conclusions: Flapless piezopuncture accelerates the rate of tooth movement in orthodontic patients over the first 15 days and its effect declines over the next 45 days.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Orthodontics/methods , Tooth Movement Techniques , Cuspid/surgery , Piezosurgery/methods , Punctures , Treatment Outcome , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures , Maxilla/surgeryABSTRACT
Anterior teeth are valuable for aesthetics, speech and mastication . Their absence, impaction and/or delayed eruption create significant distress often leading to early presentation to the dental office. This study presents an audit of the management of impacted anterior teeth that presented at a tertiary level dental clinic. The periodontal outcomes of the aligned teeth were also reported. Methods : This is an observational study spanning a nine-year period. Demographic data, clinical presentation as well as post alignment dental and periodontal status of the impacted teeth were assessed. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Fisher's exact test and paired samples T-test were used for categorical and continuous variables respectively. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: Twenty-eight (1.76%) cases presenting with failed eruption of thirty-two anterior teeth were found during the period under review. Eight patients were treated by extraction, orthodontic treatment and space closure or prosthetic replacement with a mean treatment time of 2.83 ± 2.66 years. Thirteen patients completed treatment by orthodontic alignment with mean alignment time of 1.4 ± 1.5 years and treatment time of 3.6 ± 2.5 years. There was significant difference in the post-operative root length of aligned teeth compared to their normal antimeres (p < 0.005). Conclusion: Patients with impacted anterior teeth presented later than was beneficial for spontaneous alignment of their teeth. The average 1.5mm loss of root length observed was not detrimental to the anatomical retention or function of the aligned teeth. There is need for more enlightenment with regards to early presentation for dental problems to avoid expensive and time-consuming treatments.
Humans , Dental Clinics , Fused Teeth , Periodontics , Health Management , CuspidABSTRACT
Introducción: Las anomalías de la forma, en niños y niñas, son en gran medida frecuentes, por ello su estudio es importante para precisar diagnósticos, dado que pueden tener diferentes implicancias odontológicas. A la altura de la cúspide mesiopalatina de los segundos molares superiores temporarios, primeros molares superiores permanentes, y con menor frecuencia en los segundos molares superiores permanentes, es posible reconocer una cúspide accesoria o tubérculo denominada de Carabelli (TC).Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia del TC en pacientes del Hospital de Odontología Infantil (HOI) "Don Benito Quinquela Martín" de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Asimismo, comprender, con respecto a su etiología, si existe alguna relación con el origen étnico de la familia. Para ello se incorporó la variable nacionalidad de los padres para examinar el posible vínculo entre la presencia del TC y la procedencia étnica del paciente.Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluó una muestra de 363 niños que ingresaron por primera vez al Servicio de Clínica y Orientación del HOI durante el período comprendido entre agosto 2019 y marzo 2020.Resultados: La prevalencia del TC observada fue del 34 %, por lo menos en alguna de las piezas dentarias, con una mayor tendencia en el sexo masculino en un 55%, y un 45% en el sexo femenino.Conclusiones: La hipótesis propuesta fue que la prevalencia del TC en los pacientes que acuden al del HOI es inferior al 50 % y fue validada debido a que el 34% de los pacientes presentan el TC.
Introdução: As anomalias de forma em meninos e meninas são bastante frequentes, por isso seu estudo é importante para especificar diagnósticos, pois podem ter diferentes implicações odontológicas. Na altura da cúspide mesiopalatina dos segundos molares superiores temporários, primeiros molares superiores permanentes e, menos frequentemente, nos segundos molares superiores permanentes, é possível reconhecer uma cúspide ou tubérculo acessório, denominado Carabelli (TC). Objetivos: Determinar a prevalência de TC em pacientes do Hospital de Odontologia Infantil "Don Benito Quinquela Martín" (HOI) de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Materiais e métodos: Uma amostra de 363 crianças entre dois e quinze anos de idade foi avaliada por inspeção visual direta realizada com instrumentos de exploração, considerando admissões, na Clínica HOI e Serviço de Orientação durante o período abrangido. agosto de 2019 e março de 2020. Resultados: 34% dos pacientes apresentaram TC em um dos dentes, com maior tendência para o sexo masculino em 55%. Conclusões: Embora a prevalência de DC nos pacientes que compareceram ao HOI tenha sido inferior a 50%, ter observado o traço em 34% sugere a importância de sua detecção precoce, pois é fundamental informar ao paciente que o traço o acompanhará durante todo o sua vida e exige maior higiene bucal. Além disso, avise ao paciente que a cúspide não está relacionada a uma doença, mas corresponde à herança genética
Introduction: Shape abnormalities in children are recurrent, so their study is important to make an accurate diagnosis because they can have several dental implications. This anatomical structure is generally found on the mesial palatal side of the tooth, just below the mesial palatal cusp, specifically on the upper first deciduous molars, less frequently in the upper second permanent molars, it is possible to recognize an accessory cusp or a tubercle identified as Carabelli. Aim: To determine the prevalence of the Carabelli Ìs tubercle (CT) in patients of the Clinical Service and Orientation from the Quinquela Martín Hospital of Pediatric dentistry (HOI) Government of Buenos Aires City- Aires, Argentina. Materials and methods: A sample of 363 children, between two and fifteen years of age, was evaluated by direct visual inspection carried out with exploration instruments, taking into account admissions and readmissions, to the HOI Clinic and Orientation Service during the period covered between August 2019 and March 2020. Results: The prevalence of CT observed was 34% in at least some teeth, with a greater tendency in the male gender of 55% and 45% in the female. Conclusions: Although the prevalence of CT in patients who attended the HOI was less than 50%, having observed the trait in 34% suggests the importance of its early detection, since it is essential to inform the patient that the trait it will accompany you throughout his life and requires effective oral hygiene. Also, warn the patient that the cusp is not related to a disease, but corresponds to genetic inheritance.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tooth Abnormalities , Oral Hygiene , Pediatric Dentistry , Cuspid , MolarABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study is to determine the effect of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin on bone density and implant stability in immediately loaded- implant-assisted mandibular overdentures (Split-mouth study). Material and Methods: Ten completely edentulous patients received two implants in the mandibular canine region and locator attachments were used to retain immediately loaded- implant mandibular overdentures. Each patient served in two Groups, one Group for each side. One side of the mandible received an implant with topical application of Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin in the implant osteotomy site (Group I) and the other site received an implant without application of Advanced platelet-rich fibrin (Group II). Each patient was examined clinically for implant stability using Osstell Mentor device and radiographically by ultra-low dose CT scan to measure bone density around the implant at baseline, three, six months, and one year. Results: There were no statistically significant differences (P>.05) in bone density and implant stability among the studied Groups during one year follow-up period. Conclusion : Advanced Platelet-Rich Fibrin has no effect on bone density and implant stability in immediately loaded implant-assisted mandibular overdenture.(AU)
RESUMO Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo é determinar o efeito da Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada na densidade óssea e estabilidade dos implantes em Overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata (estudo de boca dividida). Material e Métodos: Dez pacientes edêntulos foram submetidos à instalação de dois implantes mandibulares na região dos caninos e pilares locator foram utilizados como sistema de retenção para as overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata. Cada paciente participou nos dois grupos, sendo um grupo para cada lado. Um lado da mandíbula recebeu implante com aplicação tópica de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada no local do sítio cirúrgico do implante (Grupo I) e o outro local recebeu implante sem aplicação de Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada (Grupo II). Cada paciente foi examinado clinicamente quanto à estabilidade do implante usando o dispositivo Osstell Mentor e radiograficamente por tomografia computadorizada de ultrabaixa dose para medir a densidade óssea ao redor do implante no início do estudo, três, seis meses e um ano. Resultados: Não houve diferenças estatisticamente significativas (P>0,05) na densidade óssea e na estabilidade do implante entre os grupos estudados durante o período de acompanhamento de um ano. Conclusão: A Fibrina Rica em Plaquetas Avançada não tem efeito na densidade óssea e na estabilidade de implantes em Overdentures mandibulares com carga imediata (AU)
Humans , Middle Aged , Bone Density/drug effects , Denture, Overlay , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Mandibular Osteotomy , Platelet-Rich Fibrin/chemistry , Radiography , Double-Blind Method , Cuspid/surgery , Mandible/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
El tratamiento de recesiones gingivales (RG) mandibulares profundas es una de los mayores desafíos de la periodoncia. El mal posicionamiCento dentario puede ser un factor que interfiere tanto en la severidad de las RG así como la previsibilidad de cobertura radicular. Se describirá el tratamiento de RG aisladas profundas en caninos vestibularizados bilateralmente en la mandíbula. Paciente JAP, 34 años, que concurre a la FOP- UFPelcom, su motivo de consulta fue hipersensibilidad dentinaria al cepillarse y aumento de tamaño de las RG en los caninos mandibulares. El diagnóstico periodontal fue recesión inducida por biofilm en periodonto reducido. En las piezas 33 (RT2 de Cairo) y la 43 (RT1 de Cairo) se encontraban las RG profundas asociadas a dientes levemente vestibularizados. La pieza 43 la recesión era de 4 mm de profundidad por 5 mm de ancho vestibular, nivel de inserción clínica (NIC) (5 mm por vestibular)(RT1). En la pieza 33 la RG presentó 6 mm de profundidad por 5 mm de ancho vestibular, el NIC de 7 mm por vestibular con leve pérdida proximal radiográfica (RT2). A partir de los datos clínicos fue realizado inicialmente tratamiento de la Gingivitis seguido de tratamiento de tratamiento quirúrgico de las RG a través de una técnica de colgajo posicionado lateralmente asociada a injerto de tejido conjuntivo subepitelial (CPL-ITCSE) modificada. Basado en los resultados clínicos obtenidos podemos concluir que el diagnóstico y abordaje terapéutico adecuados fueron esenciales para el éxito clínico de cobertura radicular de los caninos mandibulares vestibularizados, mismo en condiciones clínicas limitadoras de recubrimiento radicular completo (AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Surgical Flaps , Connective Tissue/transplantation , Cuspid/injuries , Gingival Recession/surgery , Schools, Dental , Brazil , MandibleABSTRACT
As exostoses mais conhecidas são o Torus palatino e mandibular, que se desenvolvem a partir do crescimento benigno da cortical óssea, localizadas respectivamente na linha média palatina e superfície lingual de caninos e pré-molares, podendo ser unilaterais ou bilaterais. Esse trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo de um grupo familiar que apresentaram o Torus como característica em comum, buscando confirmar a presença e prevalência das características clínicas multifatoriais listadas na literatura, possibilitando o diagnóstico da etiologia e assim traçando um plano de tratamento individual, se necessário. Como metodologia, foi realizada uma triagem com cada membro familiar na clínica Odontológica da Faculdade Sete Lagoas - FACSETE, descartando a participação no estudo os membros que não apresentaram o Torus. Os indivíduos que apresentaram indicação da remoção cirúrgica foram encaminhados para clínica de cirurgia da própria instituição. Concluímos, portanto, com este estudo que fatores genéticos e ambientais colaboram como fator etiológico mais predominantes para surgimento do Torus no grupo familiar estudado... (AU)
The best known exostosis are the palatine and mandibular Torus, which develop from the benign growth of the cortical bone, located respectively in the midpalatal line and lingual surface of canines and premolars, and maybe unilateral or bilateral. This work aims to study a family group that had Torus as a common feature, confirming the presence and prevalence of multifactorial clinical features listed in the literature, enabling the diagnosis of etiology and thus outlining an in dividual treatment plan, if necessary. As a methodology, a screening was performed by each family member at the Dental Clinic of Facul dade Sete Lagoas - FACSETE, discarding the participation in the study for members who did not present Torus. Individuals who indicated surgical removal were referred to the institution's own surgery clinic. Therefore, we conclude with this study that genetic and environmental factors collaborate as the most predominant etiological factor for the emergence of Torus in the studied family group... (AU)
Las exostosis más conocidas son el Torus palatino y el Torus mandibular, las cuales se desarrollan a partir del crecimiento benigno del hueso cortical y están ubicadas respectivamente en la línea medio palatina y en la cara lingual de los caninos y de los premolares que pueden ser unilaterales o bilaterales. Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el estudio de un grupo familiar que presentó en sus características comunes el Torus, buscando confirmar la presencia y el predominio de las características clínicas multifactoriales listadas en la literatura, lo que hizo posible el diagnóstico de la etiología y diseñar un plan de tratamiento individual, caso necesiten. Como la metodología fue hecho una selección con los miembros de la familia en la clínica odontologica de la Faculdade Sete Lagoas - FACSETE, quitando de los estudios las personas de la familia que no presentaron el Torus. Los individuos que presentaron indicación de extirpación quirúrgica fueron enviados a la clínica de cirugía de la escuela. Concluimos con este estudio que los factores genéticos y ambientales colaboraron como los factores etiológicos más predominantes para la aparición del Torus en la familia analizada... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Exostoses , Face , Jaw , Maxillofacial Development/genetics , Bicuspid , Family Characteristics , Cuspid , Cortical BoneABSTRACT
Abstract The presence of deciduous canines in adulthood may be of aesthetic concern for patients. Many clinical alternatives include surgical and orthodontic treatment. Since patients search for highly esthetic results and more conservative alternatives, the present clinical report describes a treatment for deciduous canine through an indirect composite resin veneer and an indirect composite resin fragment restoration in a premolar to improve esthetic outcomes with a one-year follow up.
Resumen La presencia de caninos deciduos en adultos puede ser de preocupación estética por parte de los pacientes. Diversas alternativas clínicas pueden incluir tratamientos quirúrgicos y ortodóncicos. Desde que los pacientes buscan por resultados de alta estética y cada vez más conservadores, es que el presente caso clínico describe el tratamiento de un canino deciduo mediante una carilla indirecta de resina compuesta junto a un fragmento indirecto de resina de un premolar con el fin de mejorar los resultados estéticos, y con un año de seguimiento.
Humans , Female , Adult , Cuspid , Dental VeneersABSTRACT
RESUMEN: El canino maxilar permanente (CMP) es el segundo diente con mayor frecuencia de impactación debido a su largo descenso intraóseo y cronología de erupción. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de desarrollo dentario y posición del CMP entre los 8 años y los 11 años 11 meses con el fin de sugerir una edad cronológica óptima para su evaluación temprana en radiografía panorámica. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo, en donde se analizaron 239 radiografías panorámicas de niños de 8 a 11 años. Éstas se agruparon según edad, género y área apical; luego se analizó el grado de desarrollo dentario y posición del vértice CMP izquierdo. En los resultados se observó que no existen diferencias significativas de la posición del CMP respecto a la edad cronológica. Además, entre los ocho años seis meses y nueve años seis meses un 61% de los caninos tuvieron más de la mitad de formación radicular. En conclusión, la evaluación temprana con radiografía panorámica del CMP se sugiere desde los ocho años seis meses a los nueve años seis meses, para alertar al clínico en casos donde el trayecto eruptivo se encuentre desviado.
ABSTRACT: The permanent maxillary canine (PMC) is the second most frequently impacted tooth due to its long intraosseous descent and eruption chronology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the degree of dental development and position of the PMC between the ages of 8 and 11 years 11 months in order to suggest an optimal chronological age for their early evaluation in panoramic radiography. A retrospective study was carried out, where 239 panoramic radiographs of children aged 8 to 11 years were analyzed. They were grouped according to age, gender and apical area; Then, the degree of dental development and position of the left PMC apex were analyzed. The results show that there are no significant differences in the position of the PMC with respect to chronological age. Furthermore, between eight years six months and nine years six months, 61% of the canines had more than half of the root formed. In conclusion, the early evaluation with panoramic radiography of the PMC is suggested from eight years six months to nine years six months, to alert the clinician in cases where the eruptive path is deviated.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Radiography, Panoramic , Cuspid/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Dentition, PermanentABSTRACT
A agenesia dentaria é uma anomalia de desenvolvimento caracterizada pela determinação congênita de menor numero de dentes, podendo estar associada a síndromes genéticas ou ocorrer isoladamente. Embora seja considerada uma das anomalias mais frequentes quando envolve terceiros molares, segundo pré-molares e incisivos laterais, sua ocorrência em dentes estáveis, tais como o canino e o primeiro molar permanente é rara. Desta forma, este relato apresentará o caso de uma paciente do sexo feminino, 8 anos idade, que iniciou tratamento de rotina na Clínica de Odontopediatria da UNIFENAS. Na anamnese não foi relatada pela responsável a ocorrência de alterações sistêmicas, nem queixa ou histórico odontológico relevante. No exame clínico odontológico, notou-se o não irrompimento do primeiro molar permanente superior direito (16). Diante dos exames de imagem, foi confirmada a agenesia do dente 16 e também do canino permanente superior direito (13). A agenesia, sobretudo de dentes estáveis e relevantes no arco dentário, pode comprometer o desenvolvimento adequado da oclusão, mastigação, fonação e estética. Desta maneira, é importante o diagnóstico precoce desta ocorrência com o objetivo de favorecer a elaboração de um adequado plano de tratamento e, minimizar as sequelas destas agenesias atípicas(AU)
Dental agenesis is a developmental anomaly characterized by the congenital determination of fewer teeth, may be associated with genetic syndromes or occur in an isolated form. Although it is considered one of the most frequent anomalies when it involves third molars, second lateral premolars and incisors, the occurrence in stable teeth, such as the permanent canine and the permanent first molar is rare. This report will present the case of an 8-year-old female patient who started routine treatment at the Pediatric Dentistry Clinic of UNIFENAS. In the anamnesis, the responsible person did not report the occurrence of systemic alterations, or a relevant dental complaint or history. On dental clinical examination, it was noticed the non-rupture of the permament maxillar right first molar (16). In view of the imaging tests, the agenesis of tooth 16 and also of the permanent maxillary right canine (13) was confirmed. Agenesis, especially of stable and relevant teeth in the dental arch, may compromise the proper development of occlusion, chewing, phonation and aesthetics. Thus, it is of paramount importance to early diagnosis of this occurrence in order to favor the development of an appropriate treatment plan in order to minimize the sequelae of these atypical agenesis(AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Phonation , Cuspid , Anodontia , Molar , Dental Occlusion , Esthetics, Dental , Mastication , Anodontia/diagnosis , Anodontia/therapyABSTRACT
Objective: To explore the relationship between the width ratios of maxillary anterior teeth, the width/height ratios of maxillary central incisor and the esthetic proportions among individual normal occlusion, and to provide reference for the esthetic design of anterior teeth. Methods: A total of 300 Shanxi Medical University students who were residents from Shanxi province with normal occlusion (110 males, 190 females, aged 18-30 years) were recruited in this study from October 2020 to March 2021. Standardized digital photographs of the maxillary anterior tooth in natural head position were obtained, the perceived width of the maxillary anterior teeth (maxillary central incisors, lateral incisors and canines) on the left and right sides and height of maxillary central incisor were measured on the standardized digital photographs, then the width ratios of adjacent maxillary anterior teeth including the lateral incisor/central incisor width ratio (LI∶CI), the canine/lateral incisor width ratio (C∶LI), and the width/height ratios (W/H ratio) of the maxillary central incisor were calculated. The independent sample t test was used to compare the sex differences of each measurement project, Single sample t test was used to compare the difference of adjacent maxillary anterior teeth width ratios with golden proportion (0.618 and 0.618), Preston proportion (0.66 and 0.84), the recurring esthetic dental (RED) proportion (0.70 and 0.70). The percentage of anterior tooth width/intercanine width was calculated, the number and proportion of teeth conforming to golden percentage (25%, 15%, 10%)±1% or modified golden percentage (22.5%, 15.0%, 12.5%)±1% were calculated. The number and proportion of width/height ratio of maxillary central incisor ranged from 0.75 to 0.85 was counted. Results: The widths of maxillary central incisor, lateral incisor and canine were (8.50±0.52), (6.23±0.53) and (5.18±0.55) mm, respectively, the corresponding tooth of male [(8.74±0.49), (6.37±0.52), (5.41±0.47) mm] was significantly higher than that of female [(8.37±0.50), (6.15±0.52), (5.04±0.54) mm] (t=6.40, 3.55, 6.23,P<0.05). The width ratio of maxillary lateral incisor/central incisor was 0.73±0.05, and there was no significant difference between genders (t=-1.06, P>0.05). The width ratio of canine/lateral incisor was 0.84±0.10, and it was significantly higher in male (0.85±0.10) than in female (0.82±0.10) (t=2.42, P<0.05). Two width ratios of maxillary anterior teeth were significantly different from golden proportion and the RED proportion (t=38.50, 35.74, 11.48, 22.20, P<0.05). The lateral incisor/central incisor was significantly different from that of Preston proportion (t=24.66, P<0.05), while the canine/lateral incisor was not significantly different from that of Preston proportion (t=-0.92, P>0.05). In this study, a total of 0% (0/600) of central incisors, 63.0% (378/600) of lateral incisors and 5.8% (35/600) of canines met the golden percentage±1%. There were 42.8% (257/600) of central incisors, 63.0% (378/600) of lateral incisors and 56.7% (340/600) of canines met the modified golden percentage±1%. The width/height ratio of maxillary central incisors was 0.86±0.08, and there was no significant difference between genders (t=-0.88, P>0.05). Only 36.3% (218/600) of the subjects in this study ranged from 0.75 to 0.85. Conclusions: Gender differences should be considered in the esthetic design of anterior teeth; for the width ratios of maxillary anterior teeth, the golden proportion, the RED proportion and golden percentage do not accord with the natural tooth morphological characteristics of Shanxi nationality college students in normal occlusion. Preston proportion and modified golden percentage are of more reference value. The width/height ratio of maxillary central incisors is different from 0.75-0.85.
Female , Humans , Male , Cuspid/anatomy & histology , Esthetics, Dental , Maxilla/anatomy & histology , Odontometry , StudentsABSTRACT
Resumen: La evaluación de la maduración ósea es de gran importancia en la toma de decisiones con respecto al plan de tratamiento de diferentes maloclusiones que pueden depender del pico de crecimiento mandibular. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la correlación entre las etapas de calcificación del canino mandibular permanente observadas en la radiografía panorámica con los estadíos de maduración cervicales observados en la radiografía cefálica lateral. Materiales y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal y correlacional, evaluando los estadios de maduración ósea de las vértebras cervicales utilizando el método de Baccetti, y los estadios de desarrollo del canino mandibular utilizando las etapas descritas por Demirjian. La muestra estuvo conformada por radiografías panorámicas y cefálicas laterales de 81 sujetos (hombres y mujeres) con una edad comprendida entre los 9 y los 14 años. Las variables fueron comparadas mediante estadística inferencial utilizando tablas de contingencia y la pruebas Chi2 de Pearson. Resultados: La correlación entre la maduración dental y cervical para el género masculino fue de 0,689 y para el femenino de 0,690 p<0,001. Las etapas F y G observadas en el canino mandibular coincidieron con las etapas CS1 y CS3 de maduración respectivamente. Conclusión: se observó que las etapas de formación radicular del canino mandibular presentan relación con las etapas de maduración cervical siendo útil su determinación para inferir cercanía del pico de crecimiento prepuberal.
Resumo: A avaliação da maturação óssea é de grande importância na tomada de decisões quanto ao plano de tratamento das diferentes maloclusões que podem depender do pico de crescimento mandibular. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a correlação entre as etapas de calcificação de caninos mandibulares permanentes observados na radiografia panorâmica com os estágios de maturação cervical observados na radiografia cefálica lateral. Materiais e Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, transversal e correlacional, avaliando os estágios de maturação óssea das vértebras cervicais pelo método de Baccetti e os estágios de desenvolvimento dos caninos inferiores pelas etapas descritas por Demirjian. A amostra foi composta por radiografias cefálicas panorâmicas e laterais de 81 indivíduos (homens e mulheres) com idade entre 9 e 14 anos. As variáveis foram comparadas por estatística inferencial por meio de tabelas de contingência e testes Chi2 de Pearson. Resultados: A correlação entre a maturação dentária e cervical para o gênero masculino foi de 0,689 e para o feminino, 0,690 p <0,001. As etapas F e G observadas no canino inferior coincidiram com as etapas CS1 e CS3 de maturação, respectivamente. Conclusão: observou-se que os estágios de formação radicular do canino inferior estão relacionados aos estágios de maturação cervical, sendo sua determinação útil para inferir a proximidade do pico de crescimento pré-púbere.
Abstract: Orthodontic treatment plan decisions may rely on establishing the timing of the mandibular growth peak, thus the evaluation of skeletal maturation is of importance. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between the stages of permanent mandibular canine calcification observed in the panoramic radiography with the cervical maturation stages observed in the lateral cephalic radiography. Materials and Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional and correlational study was performed evaluating the stages of bone maturation of the cervical vertebrae using the Baccetti method, and the stages of development of the mandibular canine using the stages described by Demirjian. The sample consisted of panoramic and lateral cephalic radiographs, obtained from 81 subjects (men and women) with ages between 9 and 14 years. The variables were compared using inferential statistics using contingency tables and Pearson's Chi2 tests. Results: The correlation between dental and skeletal maturation found for the males was 0.689 and for females, 0.690 (p <0.001). The F and G stages observed in the mandibular canine coincided with the stages CS1 and CS3 maturation respectively. Conclusion: Dental formation stages for the mandibular canine are related to cervical maturation stages and may be useful to infer timing of prepuberal growth peak.