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Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(1): 27-34, mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056497


RESUMEN: Uno de los problemas con mayores consecuencias tanto estéticas como funcionales en ortodoncia es la impactación de caninos maxilares (ICM) siendo principal motivo de reabsorciones radiculares de dientes adyacentes. Actualmente se carece de estudios que describan la reabsorción radicular por ICM a través de tomografía computarizada conebeam (TCCB) en la población chilena. El objetivo del estudio fue describir a pacientes entre 8 a 18 años, que presentan ICM (o riesgo de ella), tanto en las características de la impactación canina como en la reabsorción radicular presentada en incisivos laterales (IL) y en otros dientes adyacentes. En este estudio retrospectivo, 135 datos de TCCB fueron seleccionados por conveniencia, de los cuales 181 caninos presentaron ICM. Fueron analizadas las variables edad, sexo, tipo de ICM (unilateral o bilateral), localización bucolingual (vestibular o palatino), lado de impactación (derecho o izquierdo), reabsorción radicular en el incisivo lateral y registro de el o los dientes anexos afectados por reabsorción radicular (incisivo central y/o premolares). Además en el caso de reabsorción de IL fue analizada la reabsorción tridimensionalmente a través de la ThreeDimensional Leeds Orthodontic Root Resorption Target Scale (3D-LORTS). La ICM en la muestra seleccionada tuvo una edad promedio de 12 años, una relación por sexo mujeres:hombres de 1,5:1, frecuentemente de tipo unilateral, en el lado derecho y una localización bucolingual palatina (64,1 %) por sobre la vestibular (35,9 %). La reabsorción radicular alcanzó un 35,9 %, de la cual un 27,6 % involucró a IL y un 8,3 % en dientes anexos adyacentes. En cuanto a la distribución tridimensional de la reabsorción radicular, la más frecuente involucró el tercio apical (60 %), con compromiso pulpar o severo (40 %), involucrando solo una cara, la palatina (54 %). Ninguna de las variables anteriores consideradas, demostró diferencias estadísticas con la reabsorción radicular de incisivos laterales.

ABSTRACT: One of the problems with greatest aesthetic and functional consequences in orthodontics is the Impaction of Maxillary Canines (ICM) being the main reason for root resorption of the adjacent teeth. Currently there are no studies describing root resorption by ICM through cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the Chilean population. The main objective of the study was to describe patients between 8 and 18 years old, who presented with ICM (or risk thereof), with the characteristics of canine impaction as well as root resorption presented in lateral incisors (IL) and in other adjacent teeth. In this retrospective study, 135 CBCT subjects were selected for convenience, of which 181 canines presented ICM. The variables were analyzed: age, sex, type of ICM (unilateral or bilateral), buccolingual location (vestibular or palatal), side of impaction (right or left), root resorption in the lateral incisor and registration of adjacent teeth affected by resorption radicular (central incisor and/or premolars). In addition, when reabsorption of IL was observed, three-dimensional analysis was made using the Three-Dimensional Leeds Orthodontic Root Resorption Target Scale (3D-LORTS). The ICM in the selected sample had an average age of 12 years, a ratio by sex of women:men of 1.5:1, frequently of unilateral type, on the right side and with palatine buccolingual location (64.1 %) above the vestibular (35.9 %). Root resorption reached 35.9 %, of which 27.6 % presented in the IL and 8.3 % in adjacent teeth. Regarding the three-dimensional distribution of root resorption, the most frequent involved the apical third (60 %), with pulpal or severe damage (40 %), in only one location, the palatine (54 %). None of the above variables considered showed statistical differences with the root resorption of lateral incisors.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tooth, Impacted/etiology , Cuspid/pathology , Root Resorption , Tooth Eruption/physiology , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Age and Sex Distribution , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 6(4): 129-132, dic. 2019. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1247396


Odontogenic infections (OI) are a major reason for consultation in dental practice. They affect people of all ages, and most of them respond well to current medical and surgical treatments. The aim of this paper is to emphasize different and rare etiological factors that can play a role in odontogenic abscesses, which can lead to complications. A 54-year-old man complaints of pain and swelling on the upper front-side of his face. Physical examination of the face showed enlargement and swelling in the upper front region. Panoramic radiograph images showed a ra-diolucent appearance of the canine region. Based on the results of the clinical and radiographic examinations, the patient was diagnosed with a bilateral canine space infection. The treatment performed was FNAC (Fine neddle aspiration cytology) from canine region followed by intraoral drainage incision at the most prominent part of swelling (Modified Hiltons method), 5 ml of pus was removed, postoperative dressing was applied and regular follow-up was done with continued antibiotic therapy. Bilateral canine space abscess is a rare odontogenic infection that can cause life-threatening complications. The success of treatment requires early recognition, determination of etiological factors, and appropriate medical and surgical management. To per-form treatment of odontogenic infections, the Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon should understand the terminology regarding infectious diseases and pathophysiology. The success of treatment requires early recognition, determination of etiological factors, and appropriate medical and surgical management.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Cuspid/surgery , Cuspid/diagnostic imaging , Radiography, Panoramic , Cuspid/pathology , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Focal Infection, Dental
Gac. méd. boliv ; 41(2): 21-23, Dec. 2018. tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-988173


OBJETIVO: evaluar la presencia de desoclusión en dientes molares durante los movimientos excursivos, después del restablecimiento de la guía anterior dental, para brindar estabilidad oclusal y estética en pacientes mujeres que asisten a la clínica de Rehabilitación Oral y Estética de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón. MÉTODOS: la presente investigación es de tipo descriptivo, transversal. Los sujetos de estudio fueron pacientes mujeres que acuden a la Clínica de Posgrado Rehabilitación Oral y Estética de la Universidad Mayor de San Simón, quienes presentan desgaste dental patológico tipo I en los dientes caninos e incisivos; durante la gestión 2016. RESULTADOS: se demuestra la presencia de 100% de desoclusión, durante los movimientos excéntricos de protrusiva; 80% de desoclusión en movimientos excéntricos de lateralidad derecha, debido a que 20% de los pacientes estudiados, no pueden realizar la desoclusión en lateralidad derecha por falta de alineación tridimensional (curva de Wilson ) en el lado derecho. Y 100% de desoclusión en movimientos excéntricos de lateralidad izquierda; restablecida la guía anterior dental con resinas fotopolimerizables. CONCLUSIONES: la guía anterior dental como un factor de la desoclusión tanto en movimientos protrusivos como movimientos laterales, es un mecanismo importante de protección hacia los dientes posteriores y a la articulación temporomandibular, lo que trasciende en la necesidad imperiosa de la rehabilitación de la misma, en el desgaste dental patológico tipo I donde el desgaste es menos severo y no hay pérdida de dimensión vertical de oclusión, con restauraciones directas, porque existe menos desgaste de estructura dental. Es un tratamiento reversible, estético y genera resultados funcionales adecuados.

OBJETIVE: to evaluate the de-occlusion presence in molar teeth during the excursion movements, after the reinstatement of the anterior dental guide, to give occlusal and aesthetic stability to female patients who attend the clinic of Oral and Aesthetic Rehabilitation Clinic of Universidad Mayor de San Simon. METHODS: the current research is a descriptive and transversal type. The subject of study were female patients, that attend the Postgraduate Clinic Oral and Aesthetic Rehabilitation of San Simon University who have a pathological tooth wear in canino teeth, and incisive teeth during 2016 administration. RESULTS: it is shown the presence of the de- occlusion in 100% during the protrusive eccentric movements, 80% in eccentric movements of rigth laterality because of the non-existent tridimensional alignment (Wilson's curve) in the right side. And 100% in eccentric movements of the left laterality; the anterior dental guide was reinstated with light-curing resins. CONCLUSIONS: the anterior dental guide asa de-occlucsion factor in both movements, protrusive and lateral, is an important protection mechanism for the posterior teeth and for temporomandibular joint. It transcends the urgent need for the rehabilitation of it, in pathological tooth wear type I where the wear is less severe and there is no loss of vertical dimension of occlusion, with direct restorations, because there is less wear of dental structure. It is a reversible and aesthetic treatment and it generates adequate functional results.

Humans , Female , Dental Occlusion , Cuspid/pathology , Tooth Wear/diagnosis
Int. j. morphol ; 35(2): 465-468, June 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-893005


We present the case of a 13-year-old patient with bilateral transmigration of mandibular canine associated with multiple composite odontoma. Impacted canines are very uncommon, with a 0.1 % to 3.6 % prevalence of appearance. The presence in the mandible is less frequent. The odontoma development is often associated with the impacted canines. The etiology is unknown but is associated with traumatic, infectious, hereditary or genetic factors. This pathology is asymptomatic and associated with eruption disorders in temporal and permanent dentition.

Presentamos el caso de un paciente de 13 años de edad con trasmigración bilateral de canino mandibular asociado a múltiples odontomas compuestos. Los caninos impactados son muy poco frecuentes, con una prevalencia de aparición de 0,1 % a 3,6 %. La presencia en la mandíbula es menos frecuente. El desarrollo de odontomas se asocia a menudo con los caninos impactados. La etiología es desconocida pero está asociada con factores traumáticos, infecciosos, hereditarios o genéticos. Esta patología es asintomática y está asociada a trastornos de erupción en dentición temporal y permanente.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Cuspid/diagnostic imaging , Cuspid/pathology , Tooth Migration , Tooth, Impacted , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Odontoma , Radiography, Panoramic
J. appl. oral sci ; J. appl. oral sci;25(1): 75-81, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-841170


Abstract Objective The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the long-term effects of orthodontic traction on root length and alveolar bone level in impacted canines and adjacent teeth. Material and Methods Sample consisted of 16 patients (nine males and seven females), mean initial age 11 years and 8 months presenting with unilaterally maxillary impacted canines, palatally displaced, treated with the same surgical and orthodontic approach. Teeth from the impacted-canine side were assigned as Group I (GI), and contralateral teeth as control, Group II (GII). The mean age of patients at the end of orthodontic treatment was 14 years and 2 months and the mean post-treatment time was 5 years and 11 months. Both contralateral erupted maxillary canines and adjacent teeth served as control. Root length and alveolar bone level (buccal and palatal) were evaluated on cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images. The comparison of root length and alveolar bone level changes between groups were assessed by applying paired t-test, at a significance level of 5% (p<0.05). Results There were no statistically significant differences in root length and buccal and palatal bone levels of canines and adjacent teeth among groups. Conclusions Impacted canine treatment by closed-eruption technique associated with canine crown perforation, has a minimal effect on root length and buccal and palatal alveolar bone level in both canine and adjacent teeth, demonstrating that this treatment protocol has a good long-term prognosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Tooth, Impacted/therapy , Tooth Movement Techniques/adverse effects , Tooth Root/pathology , Cuspid/pathology , Orthodontic Extrusion/adverse effects , Alveolar Process/pathology , Root Resorption/etiology , Time Factors , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic/etiology , Tooth, Impacted/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Tooth Root/diagnostic imaging , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Alveolar Bone Loss/etiology , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cuspid/diagnostic imaging , Orthodontic Extrusion/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Alveolar Process/diagnostic imaging
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 10(2): 177-183, ago. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-794475


Los dientes son un excelente material de investigación en personas vivas y cadáveres, en el ámbito antropológico, genético, odontológico y forense, por sus características (dureza, resistencia al ataque químico, fuego y descomposición). El diente canino mandibular es el menos afectado por enfermedad periodontal, menos extraído, más resistente a traumas severos y el que presenta mayor dimorfismo sexual. Se puede usar para la estimación de sexo, calculando el Índice Mandibular Canino (IMC). El propósito de este estudio es determinar la certeza del IMC en la estimación de sexo respecto al ancho mesiodistal del canino. El estudio fue realizado en 150 sujetos (H:M= 65:85), entre 18­24 años. El ancho mesiodistal del canino y la distancia canina fueron medidos en los modelos obtenidos y el IMC fue calculado. Se calculó la sensibilidad y especificidad para cada uno de los índices en cuestión. El IMC tuvo una sensibilidad del 33,85 % y una especificidad de 75,29 % en la estimación de sexo. El ancho mesiodistal del canino tuvo una sensibilidad de 66,15 % y una especificidad de 84,71 %. El ancho mesiodistal del canino tiene mayor sensibilidad y especificidad que el IMC en la estimación médicolegal de sexo.

Teeth are an excellent research material in living persons and in corpses, in the anthropological, genetic, dental and forensic fields, because of their characteristics (hardness, resistance to chemical attack, fire and decay). Mandibular canine teeth are the least affected by periodontal disease, the least extracted teeth, are more resistant to severe trauma and have a greater sexual dimorphism. They can be used for sex estimation, through the Mandibular Canine Index (MCI). The purpose of this study is to determine the accuracy of the MCI in sex estimation, compared to the mesiodistal canine width method. The study was conducted on 150 subjects (M:F= 65:85), aged 18­24. The mesiodistal width of canine and the intercanine distance were measured on the obtained models, and the MCI was calculated. The sensitivity and specificity for each of the two indexes were also calculated. MCI had a sensitivity of 33.85% and a specificity of 75.29 % in sex estimation. The mesiodistal width of canine had a sensitivity of 66.15 % and a specificity of 84.71 %. The mesiodistal width of canine has a higher sensitivity and specificity than the MCI in the medicolegal estimation of sex.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Bicuspid/pathology , Cuspid/pathology , Incisor/anatomy & histology , Tooth, Unerupted/pathology , ROC Curve , Sex Characteristics , Forensic Dentistry , Mandible/pathology , Molar/anatomy & histology
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 20(3): 64-68, May-Jun/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-751410


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this longitudinal study, comprising young adults without orthodontic treatment, was to assess spontaneous changes in lower dental arch alignment and dimensions. METHODS: Twenty pairs of dental casts of the lower arch, obtained at different time intervals, were compared. Dental casts obtained at T1 (mean age = 20.25) and T2 (mean age = 31.2) were compared by means of paired t-test (p < 0.05). RESULTS: There was significant reduction in arch dimensions: 0.43 mm for intercanine (p = 0.0089) and intermolar (p = 0.022) widths, and 1.28 mm for diagonal arch length (p < 0.001). There was a mild increase of approximately 1 mm in the irregularity index used to assess anterior alignment (p < 0.001). However, regression analysis showed that changes in the irregularity index revealed no statistically significant association with changes in the dental arch dimensions (p > 0.05). Furthermore, incisors irregularity at T2 could not be predicted due to the severity of this variable at T1 (p = 0.5051). CONCLUSION: Findings suggest that post-growth maturation of the lower dental arch leads to a reduction of dental arch dimensions as well as to a mild, yet significant, increase in dental crowding, even in individuals without orthodontic treatment. Furthermore, dental alignment in the third decade of life cannot be predicted based on the severity of dental crowding at the end of the second decade of life. .

OBJETIVO: o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de um estudo longitudinal em adultos jovens, sem tratamento ortodôntico, as alterações espontâneas do alinhamento da arcada dentária inferior e de suas dimensões. MÉTODOS: vinte pares de modelos de gesso da arcada inferior foram obtidos em dois tempos. No primeiro exame (T1), os indivíduos tinham, em média, 20,25 anos; enquanto no segundo exame (T2) a média de idade foi de 31,2 anos. Comparações entre os tempos T1 e T2 foram realizadas usando o teste t pareado (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: houve uma redução significativa nas dimensões da arcada - de 0,43mm nas larguras intercaninos (p = 0,0089) e intermolares (p = 0,022) e de 1,28mm para o comprimento diagonal da arcada (p < 0,001). Foi observado um aumento suave, de aproximadamente 1mm, no índice de irregularidade anterior (p < 0,001). Entretanto, a análise de regressão mostrou que as mudanças no índice de irregularidade não revelaram uma associação estatisticamente significativa com as mudanças na arcada dentária (p > 0,05). Além disso, o índice de irregularidade dos incisivos em T2 não pode ser estimado, devido à severidade dessa variável em T1 (p = 0,5051). CONCLUSÃO: esses achados sugerem que a maturação da arcada dentária inferior, pós-crescimento, leva a uma redução das dimensões da arcada e um aumento suave, porém significativo, do apinhamento dentário, mesmo em indivíduos sem tratamento ortodôntico. Assim, o alinhamento dentário na terceira década de vida não pode ser previsto tendo como base a severidade do apinhamento dentário ao final da segunda década de vida. .

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Tooth/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Mandible/pathology , Cephalometry/methods , Longitudinal Studies , Cuspid/pathology , Incisor/pathology , Molar/pathology , Odontometry/methods
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(6): 70-77, Nov-Dec/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-732438


OBJECTIVE: The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the longitudinal stability of two types of posterior crossbite correction: rapid maxillary expansion (RME) and slow maxillary expansion (SME). METHODS: Study casts of 90 adolescent patients were assessed for interdental width changes at three different periods: pretreatment (T1), post-treatment (T2) and at least, five years post-retention (T3). Three groups of 30 patients were established according to the treatment received to correct posterior crossbite: Group A (RME), group B (SME) and group C (control- Edgewise therapy only). After crossbite correction, all patients received fixed edgewise orthodontic appliances. Paired t-tests and one-way ANOVA were used to identify significant intra and intergroup changes, respectively (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Except for intercanine distance, all widths increased in groups A and B from T1 to T2. In the long-term, the amount of relapse was not different for groups A and B, except for 3-3 widths which showed greater decrease in group A. However, the percentage of clinically relapsed cases of posterior crossbite was similar for rapid and slow maxillary expansion. CONCLUSION: Rapid and slow maxillary expansion showed similar stability in the long-term. .

OBJETIVO: o objetivo desse estudo retrospectivo foi comparar a estabilidade em longo prazo em dois tipos de correção da mordida cruzada posterior, sendo a expansão rápida (ERM) e a expansão lenta da maxila (ELM). MÉTODOS: modelos de estudos de 90 pacientes adolescentes foram avaliados quanto às alterações na largura interdentária em três diferentes tempos: pré-tratamento (T1), pós-tratamento (T2) e pelo menos cinco anos pós-contenção (T3). Três grupos de 30 pacientes foram definidos de acordo com o tratamento realizado para a correção da mordida cruzada posterior: Grupo A (ERM), grupo B (ELM) e grupo C (controle - apenas tratamento com técnica Edgewise). Após correção da mordida cruzada, todos pacientes receberam aparelhos ortodônticos fixos corretivos Edgewise. Teste t pareado e análise de variância a um critério (ANOVA) foram realizados para identificar alterações significantes intra- e intergrupos, respectivamente (p < 0,05). RESULTADOS: exceto para a distância intercaninos, todas as larguras aumentaram nos grupos A e B de T1 para T2. Em longo prazo, a quantidade de recidiva não foi diferente para os grupos A e B, exceto para a largura 3-3, que apresentou uma maior diminuição no grupo A. Clinicamente, entretanto, a porcentagem de casos com recidivas da mordida cruzada posterior foi semelhante para expansões rápida e lenta da maxila. CONCLUSÃO: Expansões rápida e lenta da maxila apresentaram estabilidades semelhantes em longo prazo. .

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Palatal Expansion Technique , Bicuspid/pathology , Bicuspid/surgery , Cohort Studies , Cephalometry/methods , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Longitudinal Studies , Malocclusion/therapy , Maxilla/pathology , Molar/pathology , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Retainers , Palatal Expansion Technique/instrumentation , Recurrence , Retrospective Studies , Tooth Extraction , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(5): 103-109, Sep-Oct/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-727092


INTRODUCTION: The aim of this study was to identify factors associated with the prevalence of anterior open bite among five-year-old Brazilian children. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was undertaken using data from the National Survey of Oral Health (SB Brazil 2010). The outcome variable was anterior open bite classified as present or absent. The independent variables were classified by individual, sociodemographic and clinical factors. Data were analyzed through bivariate and multivariate analysis using SPSS statistical software (version 18.0) with a 95% level of significance. RESULTS: The prevalence of anterior open bite was 12.1%. Multivariate analysis showed that preschool children living in Southern Brazil had an increased chance of 1.8 more times of having anterior open bite (CI 95%: 1.16 - 3.02). Children identified with alterations in overjet had 14.6 times greater chances of having anterior open bite (CI 95%: 8.98 - 24.03). CONCLUSION: There was a significant association between anterior open bite and the region of Brazil where the children lived, the presence of altered overjet and the prevalence of posterior crossbite. .

INTRODUÇÃO: este estudo objetivou identificar os fatores associados à prevalência de mordida aberta anterior em crianças brasileiras com cinco anos de idade. MÉTODOS: foi realizado um estudo transversal analítico com dados do inquérito epidemiológico nacional de saúde bucal SB Brasil 2010. O desfecho estudado foi a mordida aberta, classificada em presente ou ausente. As variáveis independentes foram classificadas em individuais, sociodemográficas e clínicas. Os dados foram analisados por meio das análises bivariada e multivariada por meio do programa estatístico SPSS (versão 18.0), com nível de significância de 5%. RESULTADOS: a prevalência de mordida aberta anterior foi de 12,1% entre as crianças investigadas. Aqueles pré-escolares residentes na região Sul do Brasil apresentaram uma chance 1,8 vezes maior de serem diagnosticados com a mordida aberta anterior (IC 95%: 1,16 - 3,02). As crianças identificadas com alguma alteração de sobressaliência tiveram 14,6 vezes mais chance de pertencer ao grupo de crianças com mordida aberta (IC 95%: 8,98 - 24,03). CONCLUSÃO: verificou-se que mordida aberta anterior apresentou associação significativa com a região brasileira em que as crianças viviam, com a presença de alguma alteração de sobressaliência e com a prevalência de mordida cruzada posterior. .

Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Open Bite/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuspid/pathology , DMF Index , Income/statistics & numerical data , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Needs Assessment/statistics & numerical data , Overbite/epidemiology , Population Surveillance , Prevalence , Residence Characteristics/statistics & numerical data
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(4): 71-79, Jul-Aug/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-725427


INTRODUCTION: This study assessed the three-dimensional changes in the dental arch of patients submitted to orthodontic-surgical treatment for correction of Class II malocclusions at three different periods. METHODS: Landmarks previously identified on upper and lower dental casts were digitized on a three-dimensional digitizer MicroScribe-3DX and stored in Excel worksheets in order to assess the width, length and depth of patient's dental arches. RESULTS: During orthodontic preparation, the maxillary and mandibular transverse dimensions measured at the premolar regions were increased and maintained throughout the follow-up period. Intercanine width was increased only in the upper arch during orthodontic preparation. Maxillary arch length was reduced during orthodontic finalization, only. Upper and lower arch depths were stable in the study periods. Differences between centroid and gingival changes suggested that upper and lower arch premolars buccaly proclined during the pre-surgical period. CONCLUSIONS: Maxillary and mandibular dental arches presented transverse expansion at premolar regions during preoperative orthodontic preparation, with a tendency towards buccal tipping. The transverse dimensions were not altered after surgery. No sagittal or vertical changes were observed during the follow-up periods. .

INTRODUÇÃO: esse estudo avaliou as alterações tridimensionais ocorridas na morfologia das arcadas dentárias de pacientes submetidos ao tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico para a correção da má oclusão de Classe II, em três períodos distintos: (T1) modelos iniciais, (T2) modelos pré-cirúrgicos imediatos (de 1 a 15 dias antes da cirurgia) e (T3) modelos pós-cirúrgicos (mínimo de 6 meses após a remoção do aparelho ortodôntico). MÉTODOS: pontos previamente demarcados em cada modelo foram digitalizados por meio do digitalizador tridimensional MicroScribe-3DX, cujas coordenadas, armazenadas em planilhas do programa Excel, deram origem a valores que possibilitaram a avaliação da largura, comprimento e profundidade das arcadas dentárias. RESULTADOS: durante o preparo ortodôntico, houve aumentos nas distâncias transversais superiores e inferiores medidas na região de pré-molares que se mantiveram no período total de acompanhamento. Apenas a distância intercaninos superior apresentou alterações de aumento durante o preparo ortodôntico, assim como a largura da arcada superior, que diminuiu durante a fase de finalização. A profundidade de ambas as arcadas manteve-se estável nas fases avaliadas. Diferenças entre as mudanças dos pontos centroide e gengival sugerem que os pré-molares superiores e inferiores inclinaram para vestibular durante o preparo ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico. CONCLUSÇÕES: conclui-se que as arcadas dentárias superiores e inferiores sofreram expansão transversal na região de pré-molares durante o preparo ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico, com tendência à inclinação vestibular de todos os dentes posteriores. Após a cirurgia, as dimensões transversais ...

Adolescent , Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Young Adult , Dental Arch/pathology , Imaging, Three-Dimensional/methods , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/therapy , Orthodontics, Corrective/methods , Orthognathic Surgical Procedures/methods , Anatomic Landmarks/pathology , Bicuspid/pathology , Cephalometry/methods , Cuspid/pathology , Models, Dental , Dental Arch/surgery , Follow-Up Studies , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/surgery , Mandible/pathology , Mandible/surgery , Maxilla/pathology , Maxilla/surgery , Molar/pathology , Osteotomy, Le Fort/methods , Osteotomy, Sagittal Split Ramus/methods , Retrospective Studies
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(2): 39-45, Mar-Apr/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-714620


Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the transverse effect of rapid maxillary expansion in patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate while comparing the Haas and Hyrax appliances. Methods: The sample consisted of 48 patients divided into two groups: Group I - 25 patients treated with modified Haas appliance (mean age: 10 years 8 months); and Group II - 23 patients treated with Hyrax appliance (mean age: 10 years 6 months). Casts were taken during pre-expansion and after removal of the appliance at the end of the retention period. The models were scanned with the aid of the 3 Shape R700 3D scanner. Initial and final transverse distances were measured at cusp tips and cervical-palatal points of maxillary teeth by using the Ortho Analyzer(tm) 3D software. Results: The mean expansion obtained between cusp tips and cervical-palatal points for inter-canine width was 4.80 mm and 4.35 mm with the Haas appliance and 5.91 mm and 5.91 mm with the Hyrax appliance. As for first premolars or first deciduous molars, the values obtained were 6.46 mm and 5.90 mm in the Haas group and 7.11 mm and 6.65 mm in the Hyrax group. With regard to first molars, values were 6.11 mm and 5.24 mm in the Haas group and 7.55 mm and 6.31 mm in the Hyrax group. Conclusion: Rapid maxillary expansion significantly increased the transverse dimensions of the upper dental arch in patients with cleft palate, with no significant differences between the Hass and Hyrax expanders. .

Objetivo: avaliar o efeito transversal na arcada dentária superior do procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila em pacientes com fissura transforame incisivo Aunilateral, comparando os expansores tipo Haas modificado e de Hyrax. Métodos: a amostra constou de 48 pacientes divididos em dois grupos: grupo I, 25 pacientes que utilizaram o aparelho expansor tipo Haas modificado, com média de idade de 10 anos e 8 meses; e grupo II, 23 pacientes que utilizaram o Hyrax, com média de idade de 10 anos e 6 meses. Modelos de gesso foram realizados na fase pré-expansão e após 6 meses de contenção, após a remoção do aparelho. Os modelos foram digitalizados com auxílio do scanner 3Shape R700 3D e as distâncias transversais iniciais e finais foram medidas entre as pontas de cúspides e pontos cervicopalatinos de dentes superiores pelo método digital no software OrthoAnalyserT 3D. Resultados: a média de expansão obtida entre as pontas de cúspides e entre os pontos cervicopalatinos, respectivamente, para a distância intercaninos, foi de 4,80mm e 4,35mm para o Haas e de 5,91mm e 5,91mm para o Hyrax; 6,46mm e 5,90mm para os primeiros molares decíduos ou primeiros pré-molares no grupo Haas, 7,11mm e 6,65mm no grupo Hyrax; e 6,11mm e 5,24mm para os primeiros molares no grupo Haas e 7,55mm e 6,31mm no grupo Hyrax. Conclusão: o procedimento de expansão rápida da maxila produziu aumentos significativos das dimensões transversais da arcada dentária superior em pacientes com fissura, sem diferenças significativas entre os expansores Haas modificado e Hyrax. .

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Young Adult , Cleft Lip/pathology , Cleft Palate/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Maxilla/pathology , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Palatal Expansion Technique/instrumentation , Bicuspid/pathology , Cephalometry/methods , Cuspid/pathology , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Malocclusion/pathology , Molar/pathology , Prospective Studies , Tooth, Deciduous/pathology
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 100-105, Jan-Feb/2014. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709634


OBJECTIVE: To compare dental and skeletal anchorages in mandibular canine retraction by means of a stress distribution analysis. METHODS: A photoelastic model was produced from second molar to canine, without the first premolar, and mandibular canine retraction was simulated by a rubber band tied to two types of anchorage: dental anchorage, in the first molar attached to adjacent teeth, and skeletal anchorage with a hook simulating the mini-implant. The forces were applied 10 times and observed in a circular polariscope. The stresses located in the mandibular canine were recorded in 7 regions. The Mann-Whitney test was employed to compare the stress in each region and between both anchorage systems. The stresses in the mandibular canine periradicular regions were compared by the Kruskal-Wallis test. RESULTS: Stresses were similar in the cervical region and the middle third. In the apical third, the stresses associated with skeletal anchorage were higher than the stresses associated with dental anchorage. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test showed that the highest stresses were identified in the cervical-distal, apical-distal, and apex regions with the use of dental anchorage, and in the apical-distal, apical-mesial, cervical-distal, and apex regions with the use of skeletal anchorage. CONCLUSIONS: The use of skeletal anchorage in canine retraction caused greater stress in the apical third than the use of dental anchorage, which indicates an intrusive component resulting from the direction of the force due to the position of the mini-implant and the bracket hook of the canine. .

OBJETIVO: comparar as ancoragens dentária e esquelética na retração do canino inferior, por meio do estudo da distribuição de tensões. MÉTODOS: foi confeccionado um modelo fotoelástico de segundo molar a canino, sem o primeiro pré-molar, e simulada a retração do canino inferior com elástico preso a dois tipos de ancoragem: dentária, no primeiro molar conjugado aos dentes adjacentes; e ancoragem esquelética, em gancho simulando o mini-implante. As forças foram aplicadas 10 vezes e observadas no polariscópio circular. As tensões no canino inferior foram registradas em 7 regiões. O teste de Mann-Whitney foi aplicado para comparar as tensões em cada região, considerando os dois sistemas de ancoragem. As tensões nas regiões perirradiculares do canino foram comparadas pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis. RESULTADOS: as tensões foram similares tanto na região cervical quanto no terço médio. No terço apical, as tensões associadas à ancoragem esquelética foram maiores que as tensões associadas à ancoragem dentária. Os resultados do teste de Kruskal-Wallis mostraram que as maiores tensões foram identificadas nas regiões cervicodistal, apicodistal e na região do ápice com o uso da ancoragem dentária; e com o uso da ancoragem esquelética, as maiores tensões se localizaram nas regiões apicodistal, apicomesial, cervicodistal e no ápice. CONCLUSÃO: o uso de ancoragem esquelética na retração promoveu maior tensão no terço apical do que o uso da ancoragem dentária, indicando um componente intrusivo devido à direção da força decorrente da posição do mini-implante e do gancho do braquete do canino. .

Humans , Cuspid/pathology , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Biomechanical Phenomena , Dental Implants , Models, Dental , Mandible , Molar/pathology , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Wires , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/methods , Orthodontic Space Closure/instrumentation , Stress, Mechanical , Tooth Apex/pathology , Tooth Cervix/pathology , Tooth Root/pathology
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 19(1): 106-112, Jan-Feb/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-709636


INTRODUCTION: Dental transposition and impaction are disorders related to ectopic eruption or failure in tooth eruption, which can affect child physical, mental and social development and may be difficult to be clinically solved. METHODS: We describe a case of transposition between the upper left canine and lateral incisor associated with impaction of the central incisor on the same side, in a 12-year-old patient. Conservative treatment involving surgical-orthodontic correction of transposed teeth and traction of the central incisor was conducted. CONCLUSION: The option of correcting transposition and orthodontic traction by means of the segmented arch technique with devices such as cantilever and TMA rectangular wire loops, although a complex alternative, was proved to be esthetically and functionally effective. .

INTRODUÇÃO: transposição e impacção dentárias são distúrbios relacionados à erupção ectópica ou à falha na erupção dentária, que podem afetar o desenvolvimento físico, psíquico e social da criança, e que podem ser de difícil resolução clínica. MÉTODOS: é descrito um caso clínico de transposição entre o canino e o incisivo lateral superior esquerdo, associado à impacção do incisivo superior, do mesmo lado, em uma paciente de 12 anos de idade. Optou-se pela realização de tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico conservador, envolvendo a correção ortodôntica dos dentes transpostos e o tracionamento do incisivo central impactado. CONCLUSÃO: a opção pela correção da transposição e tracionamento ortodôntico com a utilização da técnica do arco segmentado com uso de dispositivos como cantiléver e alças em fios TMA retangulares, apesar de ser uma alternativa de execução complexa, mostrou-se efetiva do ponto de vista estético e funcional. .

Child , Female , Humans , Cuspid/pathology , Incisor/pathology , Maxilla/pathology , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic/therapy , Tooth, Impacted/therapy , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Wires , Patient Care Planning , Space Maintenance, Orthodontic/instrumentation , Surgical Flaps/surgery , Tooth Eruption, Ectopic/surgery , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Tooth, Impacted/surgery
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 101(3): 118-122, sept. 2013. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-691124


Objetivo: el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar la exodoncia de un canino inferior izquierdo transpuesto y evaluar las alternativas terapéuticas frente a casos similares. Caso clínico: se desarrolla el caso de una mujer de 30 años de edad con migración del canino inferior izquierdo. Conclusión: se destaca la importancia de otener un diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico temprano para poder realizar tratamientos precoces, a fin de evitar la migración y sus posibles complicaciones. Se enfatiza también la necesidad del estudio anatomopatológico de los tejidos blandos obtenidos con la pieza quirúrgica.

Humans , Adult , Female , Cuspid/pathology , Tooth Migration/diagnosis , Tooth Migration , Argentina , Diagnostic Imaging , Schools, Dental , Tooth Migration/etiology , Tooth Migration/therapy , Postoperative Complications , Radiography, Panoramic
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 18(3): 94-100, May-June 2013. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-690003


INTRODUCTION: Orthodontic-surgical treatment was performed in patient with skeletal Class III malocclusion due to exceeding mandibular growth. Patient also presented upper and lower dental protrusion, overjet of -3.0 mm, overbite of -1.0 mm, congenital absence of tooth #22, teeth #13 and supernumerary impaction, tooth #12 with conoid shape and partly erupted in supraversion, prolonged retention of tooth #53, tendency to vertical growth of the face and facial asymmetry. The discrepancy on the upper arch was -2.0 mm and -5.0 mm on the lower arch. METHODS: The pre-surgical orthodontic treatment was performed with extractions of the teeth #35 and #45. On the upper arch, teeth #53, #12 and supernumerary were extracted to accomplish the traction of the impacted canine. The spaces of the lower extractions were closed with mesialization of posterior segment. After aligning and leveling the teeth, extractions spaces closure and correct positioning of teeth on the bone bases, the correct intercuspation of the dental arch, with molars and canines in Angle's Class I, coincident midline, normal overjet and overbite and ideal torques, were evaluated through study models. The patient was submitted to orthognathic surgery and then the post-surgical orthodontic treatment was finished. RESULTS: The Class III malocclusion was treated establishing occlusal and facial normal standards.

INTRODUÇÃO: o presente trabalho apresenta um tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico realizado em paciente portadora de má oclusão de Classe III esquelética com crescimento mandibular, protrusão dentária superior e inferior, trespasse horizontal de -3,0mm, trespasse vertical de -1,0mm, ausência congênita do dente 22, dentes 13 e supranumerários inclusos, dente 12 com forma conoide e parcialmente irrompido em supraversão, retenção prolongada do dente 53, tendência ao crescimento vertical da face e assimetria facial. A discrepância na arcada superior era de -2,0mm, e na inferior era de -5,0mm. MÉTODOS: o tratamento ortodôntico pré-cirúrgico foi realizado com extrações dos dentes 35 e 45. Na arcada superior foram extraídos os dentes 53, 12 e supranumerário, para efetuar o tracionamento do canino incluso. Os espaços das extrações inferiores foram fechados com mesialização do segmento posterior. Após o alinhamento e nivelamento dos dentes, foram avaliados por meio de modelos de estudo o fechamento dos espaços das extrações e o posicionamento correto dos dentes nas bases ósseas, a intercuspidação correta das arcadas dentárias, com molares e caninos em Classe I de Angle, linhas medianas coincidentes, trespasse horizontal e trespasse vertical normais e torques ideais. A paciente foi encaminhada para realização de cirurgia ortognática e, em seguida, o tratamento ortodôntico pós-cirúrgico foi finalizado. RESULTADOS: a má oclusão de Classe III foi corrigida, estabelecendo padrões oclusais e faciais normais.

Adolescent , Female , Humans , Anodontia/complications , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/complications , Orthodontics, Corrective , Orthognathic Surgery , Tooth, Unerupted/complications , Anodontia/surgery , Anodontia/therapy , Cephalometry , Cuspid/pathology , Extraoral Traction Appliances , Facial Asymmetry/complications , Facial Asymmetry/surgery , Facial Asymmetry/therapy , Incisor/pathology , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/surgery , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/therapy , Orthodontic Space Closure , Tooth Extraction , Tooth, Supernumerary/complications , Tooth, Supernumerary/surgery , Tooth, Unerupted/surgery
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;23(5): 602-607, Sept.-Oct. 2012. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-660368


A radiographic interpretation is essential to the diagnosis of invasive cervical resorption (ICR) and the difficulty in distinguishing this lesion from internal root resorption has been highlighted in the literature. This paper reports the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the diagnosis of ICR. The cases reports describe how CBCT can be used to make a differential diagnosis and also show that the use of this technology can provide relevant information on the location and nature of root resorption, which conventional radiographs cannot. As a result, the root canal treatment was not initially considered. The patients will be monitored and will undergo a scan after a short period of time to detect any small changes. It was observed that both cases benefited from CBCT in the diagnosis of ICR, because this imaging modality determined the real extent of resorption and possible points of communication with the periodontal space.

A interpretação radiográfica é essencial para o diagnóstico da reabsorção cervical invasiva (RCI) e a dificuldade em distingui-la da reabsorção radicular interna tem sido destacada na literatura. Este trabalho relata o uso da tomografia computadorizada de feixe cônico (TCFC) no diagnóstico da RCI. Os casos descrevem como a TCFC pode ser utilizada no diagnóstico diferencial e relatam também como esta tecnologia pode providenciar relevantes informações sobre a localização e natureza das reabsorções radiculares, limitadas pelas radiografias convencionais. Como resultado, o tratamento do canal radicular não foi inicialmente considerado. Os pacientes serão acompanhados e após curto período de tempo novos exames tomográficos serão realizados no intuito de detectar pequenas alterações. Observa-se que ambos os casos beneficiaram-se com o uso da TCFC no diagnóstico de RCI, pois esta modalidade de imagem determinou a real extensão da reabsorção e possíveis pontos de comunicação com o espaço periodontal.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Cuspid , Root Resorption , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods , Cuspid/pathology , Root Resorption/pathology
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-141216


Objective: The present study was to evaluate and compare anchorage loss in sagittal, vertical dimension in incisal, molar segments and distal tipping of upper canine after first phase of orthodontic mechanotherapy utilizing MBT and ROTH philosophies. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients with class I dentoalveolar malocclusion requiring extraction of all first premolars were randomly assigned into group I and group II. Set of two lateral cephalograms (T1) and (T2) were obtained with appliance in place and after sufficient leveling and aligning respectively. Linear measurements were recorded on the tracings using Pancherz analysis. A Wilcoxon t-test was use to assess the linear changes. Results: In group I sample, upper and lower incisors retroclined during T1 - T2; by mean (SD) value of 2.267 (1.0032) mm, 2.4 (0.98) mm, respectively. Group II sample showed upper incisor proclination by -0.4 (1.404) and lower incisal retroclination by 0.06 (1.48). Upper and lower molars in group I remained stationary and group II upper and lower molars moved mesially by -1.133 (0.351) and -0.002 (0.005). In group I, upper and lower incisors extruded by -0.867 (0.611) and -0.67 (0.703), respectively, and group II the upper and lower incisors extruded by -0.9 (0.507) and -0.133 (0.639). Upper canine tipped distally during T1 - T2 in group I by -0.33° (2.609) and group II there was a change in distal tip of upper canine by -3° (3.184). Conclusion: Results from this random clinical trial showed that MBT technique effectively addressed perceived inadequacies of ROTH philosophy.

Adolescent , Bicuspid/surgery , Cephalometry/methods , Child , Cuspid/pathology , Female , Fiducial Markers , Humans , Male , Incisor/pathology , Malocclusion, Angle Class I/therapy , Mandible/pathology , Maxilla/pathology , Molar/pathology , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/methods , Orthodontic Brackets , Orthodontic Wires , Photography, Dental , Tooth Extraction/methods , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Vertical Dimension
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140193


Objective: Even with beautifully done restorations, an unattractive gingival zenith position, can negatively affect the smile of a person. In this short communication we describe the treatment of a rotated maxillary right central incisor using a digital photographic approach instead of the conventional approach. Background: The conjecture literature on prosthodontic considerations and gingival zenith position in cases of rotated maxillary central incisors is sparse. The gingival zenith level (GZL) in an apical-coronal direction of lateral incisors, relative to the gingival tangential zenith line joining the adjacent central incisor and canine, is approximately 1 mm under healthy conditions. Materials and Methods: For our patient, the treatment plan was decided by CAD-CAM technique as Zirconia, jacket crown. Clinical procedures included enameloplasty on the left central and right lateral maxillary incisors. Reduction of the rotated and crooked incisor was performed in the normal manner; periodontal plastic surgery was also done. Results: The patient expressed satisfaction with the intermediary (preliminary) two-dimensional photographs that were provided by the CAD-CAM system. The technique distinguished among the different treatment modalities for aesthetics and to relieve the emotional problems which were faced by female patient. The gingival zenith level of the rotated incisor was also improved. Conclusion: Digital imaging provides an immediate treatment option for the patients. Software also provides an interim aid, for the clinician as well as technician, in the form of two-dimensional photographs. CAD-CAM is entirely a helping instrument against the conservative prosthetic options and gingival zenith position for a rotated central incisor. It helps in patient education and in motivation.

Adult , Computer-Aided Design , Crowns , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Materials/chemistry , Dental Prosthesis Design , Esthetics, Dental , Female , Gingiva/pathology , Gingivoplasty , Humans , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted/methods , Incisor/pathology , Maxilla , Patient Care Planning , Patient Satisfaction , Photography/methods , Rotation , Tooth Preparation, Prosthodontic/methods , Zirconium/chemistry
Braz. dent. j ; Braz. dent. j;23(6): 746-752, 2012. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-662437


Bruxism is the non-functional clenching or grinding of the teeth that may occur during sleep or less commonly in daytime. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between clinical signs and symptoms, parafunctions and associated factors of sleep bruxism in children. A population-based case-control study was carried out involving 120 children, 8 years of age, with sleep bruxism and 240 children without sleep bruxism. The sample was randomly selected from public and private schools in the city of Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil. Groups were matched by gender and social class. The Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) drawn up by the city of Belo Horizonte was employed for social classification. Data collection instruments included clinical forms and pre-tested questionnaires. The diagnosis of sleep bruxism was supported by the American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM) criteria. The McNemar test, binary and multivariate logistic regression models were used for statistical analysis. The risk factors associated with sleep bruxism included: primary canine wear (OR=2.3 IC 95% 1.2-4.3), biting of objects like pencils or pens (OR=2.0 IC 95% 1.2-3.3) and wake-time bruxism (tooth clenching) (OR=2.3 IC 95% 1.2-4.3). Children that present the parafunctions of object biting and wake-time bruxism were more susceptible to sleep bruxism.

Bruxismo é o ato não funcional de ranger os dentes enquanto se dorme ou apertar os dentes em vigília. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a associação entre sinais e sintomas clínicos associados ao bruxismo noturno em crianças. Foi desenvolvido um estudo de base populacional com desenho caso-controle, envolvendo 120 crianças, de 8 anos de idade, com bruxismo e 240 crianças sem bruxismo. A amostra foi selecionada de forma randomizada em escolas públicas e particulares da cidade de Belo Horizonte, Brasil. Os grupos caso e controle foram pareados por gênero e classe social. O Índice de Vulnerabilidade Social (IVS) desenvolvido pela prefeitura da cidade de Belo Horizonte foi utilizado para a classificação social. Como instrumentos de coleta foram utilizados: uma ficha clínica e um questionário pré-testados. O diagnóstico de bruxismo noturno foi baseado nos critérios da American Association of Sleep Medicine (AASM). Os testes estatísticos de McNemar, regressão logística binária e multivariada com modelo de regressão foram utilizados para análise dos dados. Foram considerados fatores de risco para o bruxismo noturno: desgaste em caninos decíduos (OR=2,3 IC 95% 1,2-4,3), morder objetos como lápis e canetas (OR=2,0 IC 95% 1,2-3,3) e apertar os dentes em vigília (OR=2,3 IC 95% 1,2-4,3). Crianças que apresentam outras parafunções tais como: morder objetos e apertar os dentes em vigília são mais susceptíveis ao bruxismo noturno.

Child , Female , Humans , Male , Sleep Bruxism/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Bruxism/epidemiology , Case-Control Studies , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Occlusion, Traumatic/epidemiology , Headache/epidemiology , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Mouth Breathing/epidemiology , Population Surveillance , Risk Factors , Social Class , Socioeconomic Factors , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/epidemiology , Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome/epidemiology , Tooth Wear/epidemiology , Tooth, Deciduous/pathology , Vulnerable Populations/statistics & numerical data
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-140104


Background: Functional posterior crossbites are a common finding in children with deciduous teeth and must be treated as soon as they are diagnosed in order to avoid unwanted changes in normal growth and development patterns. Objective: This study objective was to evaluate the changes caused by Planas' direct tracks treatment on the arch dimensions of patients with functional posterior crossbite in first dentition. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of 20 children, 4 to 6 years old, divided into two groups, paired up according to age and gender. Group test was composed of 10 patients with functional posterior crossbite treated with PDT. Group control consisted of 10 children with normal occlusion. The evaluation criteria were intercanine and intermolar distances and Carrea's analysis (arch perimeter). All data were collected by a pre-calibrated examiner on study casts obtained at baseline and after 4 months of treatment. The statistical analysis of the data was achieved using GraphPad InStat software, version 3.05 for Windows, with the level of significance set at 0.05. For the comparison between intercanine and intermolar distances, the Tukey-Kramer Multiple Comparisons test was used. When Carrea's analysis was considered, the Mann-Whitney test was used. Results: At the beginning of the study, all the evaluated criteria showed lower mean values in patients with posterior crossbites, and significant differences between test and control groups were noticed (P<0.05). After the end of follow-up period, these differences could not be verified (P>0.05). Conclusions: Within the limits of the present study, it is possible to conclude that the treatment with Planas' direct tracks was able to give back the normal dimensions of deciduous arch in patients with unilateral functional posterior crossbites, thus making it possible a better growth pattern.

Case-Control Studies , Centric Relation , Child , Child, Preschool , Cuspid/pathology , Dental Arch/pathology , Dental Occlusion, Centric , Female , Follow-Up Studies , Humans , Male , Malocclusion/pathology , Malocclusion/therapy , Molar/pathology , Myofunctional Therapy/instrumentation , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Orthodontic Appliances , Tooth, Deciduous/pathology , Treatment Outcome