Introdução:A atenção à Saúde Bucal no Brasil foi qualificada a partir da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal (PNSB), através do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), fomentando ações de promoção, prevenção e recuperação da saúde bucal da população. A avaliação da prevalência de cárie dentária em determinada comunidade, para Estudos Epidemiológicos em Saúde Bucal, pode ser realizada por meio do índice CPOD, que fornece a quantidade média de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados. Objetivo:O presente trabalho objetivouaferir o índice CPOD dos moradores de uma área coberta pela Equipe de Saúde Bucal (ESB) de um município de pequeno porte, caracterizar seu perfil socioeconômico, verificar seu comportamento quanto ao uso de serviços odontológicos e identificar fatores associados ao índice. Metodologia:Foi realizado um estudo de prevalência do tipo exploratório e descritivo com abordagem quantitativaem residentes de um município de pequeno porte com cobertura pela Equipe de Saúde Bucal. Foi utilizado um questionário de caracterização individual abordando identificação socioeconômica e comportamento relacionado à saúde bucal.Resultados:Na análise do CPOD, a média de dentes perdidos (5,44) foi maior que a dos dentes obturados (4,31) e cariados (1,34). Odesfecho CPOD foi associado positivamente com a idade e a necessidade do uso de prótese dentária.Conclusões:Observou-se uma média mais alta de dentes perdidos, seguida por dentes obturados, e uma média menor de dentes cariados. Verificamos que o índice CPOD individual foi mais elevado em pessoas com mais de 34 anos e naqueles que necessitavam de próteses dentárias (AU).
Introduction:Oral Health care in Brazil was qualified basedon the National Oral Health Policy (PNSB), through the Unified Health System (SUS), promoting actions to promote, prevent and recover the oral healthof the population. Assessing the prevalence of tooth decay in a community, for Epidemiological Studies inOral Health, can be conductedusing the DMFT index, which provides the average number of Decayed, Missing and Filled Teeth. Objective:Thisstudy aimed to measure the DMFT index of residents of an area covered by anOral Health Team (ESB) of a small municipality, characterize their socioeconomic profile, verify their behavior regarding the use of dental services,and identify factors associated with this index. Methodology:An exploratory and descriptive prevalence study was conductedwith a quantitative approach in residents of a small municipality covered by the Oral Health Team. An individual characterization questionnaire addressing socioeconomic identification and behavior related to oral health was used. Results:The total samplewas of 283 individuals with an average of 34 years of age. In the DMFT analysis, the average number of missing teeth (5.44) was higher than that of filled (4.31) and decayed ones(1.34). The occurrence of a DMFTindexgreater than 11 was significantly higher in individuals over 34 years of age (p value 0.000) and in subjects who needed dental prosthesis (p value 0.001). Conclusions:A higher average of missing teeth was observed, followed by filled ones, and a lower average of decayed teeth. The DMFT outcome was positively associated with age and the need to use dental prostheses (AU).
Introducción:La atención a la salud bucal en Brasil ha sido calificada por la Política Nacionalde Saúde Bucal (PNSB), a través del Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), promoviendo acciones de promoción, prevención y recuperación de la salud bucal de la población. Para estudios epidemiológicos de salud bucal, la prevalencia de caries dental en una determinada comunidad puede ser evaluada utilizando el índice DMFT, que proporciona el número medio de dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados. Objetivo:El objetivo de este estudio fue medir el índice DMFT de los residentes de un área cubierta por el Equipo de Salud Bucal (ESB) de un pequeño municipio, caracterizar su perfil socioeconómico, verificar su comportamiento en cuanto al uso de servicios odontológicos e identificar factores asociados al índice. Metodología:Se realizó un estudio exploratorio y descriptivo de prevalencia con abordaje cuantitativo en residentes de un pequeño municipio cubierto por un Equipo de Salud Bucal. Se utilizó un cuestionario de caracterización individual que abordaba la identificación socioeconómica y el comportamiento relacionado conla salud bucodental. Resultados:La muestra total fue de 283 individuos con una edad media de 34 años. En el análisis de la DMFT, la media de dientes ausentes (5,44) fue superior a la de dientes obturados (4,31) y cariados (1,34). La incidencia de un DMFTsuperior a 11 fue significativamente mayor en los individuos de más de 34 años (valor p 0,000) y en los que necesitaban un tratamiento dental. Conclusiones:Hubo un mayor número medio de dientes ausentes, seguido de dientes obturados, y un menor número medio de dientes cariados. El resultado del DMFT se asoció positivamente con la edad y la necesidad de prótesis dentales (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , National Health Strategies , DMF Index , Oral Health , Dental Care Team , Health Policy , Brazil/epidemiology , Epidemiologic Studies , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Multivariate Analysis , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
Las maloclusiones dentarias pueden afectar la forma, función y estética del sistema estomatognático, que, por su alta prevalencia a nivel mundial, son consideradas un problema de Salud Pública. Rapa Nui es un territorio insular del cual no se tienen datos respecto de la prevalencia de maloclusiones en su población. El objetivo de este estudio fue levantar datos epidemiológicos de maloclusiones dentarias en la población escolar de Rapa Nui y así contribuir a la elaboración de políticas públicas preventivas y terapéuticas. Se realizó un estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal para determinar la prevalencia y tipo de maloclusiones dentarias presentes en la población escolar de Rapa Nui. Los instrumentos aplicados fueron: encuesta sociodemográfica, clínica odontológica y obtención de modelos de yeso para determinar alteraciones de la oclusión en los 3 planos del espacio. La población en estudio comprendió a 121 niños (54 mujeres y 67 hombres) entre 5 y 17 años. Se evidenció un alto porcentaje de maloclusiones Clase II en la población estudiada. Destacan altos porcentajes de relación canina y molar clase II de Angle (52 % y 46,3 %, respectivamente), resalte aumentado (25,6 %) y mordida cruzada o vis a vis (36 %). Por lo señalado, se considera relevante sugerir la implementación de programas preven- tivos para mejorar la salud bucal de esta población.
Dental malocclusions can affect the form, function and esthetics of the stomatognathic system, which, due to their high prevalence worldwide, are considered a Public Health problem. Rapa Nui is an island territory for which there is no data on the prevalence of malocclusions in its population. The objective of this study was to collect epidemiological data on dental malocclusions in the school population of Rapa Nui and thus contribute to the elaboration of preventive and therapeutic public policies. A cross-sectional descriptive observational study was carried out to determine the prevalence and type of dental malocclusions present in the school population of Rapa Nui. The instruments applied were: Sociodemographic survey, dental clinic and obtaining plaster models to determine alterations of the occlusion in the 3 planes of space. The study population consisted of 121 children (54 females and 67 males) between 5 and 17 years of age. A high percentage of Class II malocclusions were evidenced. In the population studied anomalies were evidenced, among which the most important were class II canine and molar relation (according to Angle, 52 % and 46.3 % respectively), increased protrusion (25.6 %) and cross bite or vis a vis (36 %). Therefore, it is considered relevant to suggest the implementation of preventive programs to improve oral health of this population.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Indians, South American , Epidemiologic Studies , Chile/ethnology , Chile/epidemiology , DMF Index , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Caries/ethnology , Sociodemographic Factors , Malocclusion/ethnologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La Organización Mundial de la Salud define a la caries dental como un problema de salud mundial que afecta entre el 60 al 90% de la población. Se considera una enfermedad transmisible de origen multifactorial, que evoluciona de manera progresiva hasta ocasionar la destrucción de los tejidos duros. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados, y la limitación para socializar en escolares de Ecuador. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo correlacional sobre una población de 154 escolares de 12 años de la parroquia el Batán, de Cuenca-Ecuador (2016); para el análisis estadístico los datos fueron ingresados al programa SPSS, donde se efectuó estadística descriptiva para cada una de las variables y la limitación para socializar. Resultados: Se logró constatar que la población objeto presentó un índice de CPOD muy bajo (32,5 %), de igual forma se evidenció que el 62,7% no presentó limitación a la hora de socializar. En cuanto a la correlación entre ambas variables, se mostró una asociación positiva con un nivel de significancia de p=0,002. Una de las principales limitaciones del estudio fue el escaso contacto con los participantes. Se recomienda, efectuar investigaciones epidemiológicas longitudinales con la finalidad de observar la variación del coeficiente de correlación de las variables en fases de pretratamiento y de postratamiento. Conclusión: Al finalizar el estudio, se demostró que existe correlación estadística entre el índice CPOD y la limitación en el desempeño socializar en los escolares de 12 años de la parroquia el Batán.
Introduction: the World Health Organization defines dental caries as a global health problem that affects between 60 and 90% of the population. It is considered a communicable disease of multifactorial origin, which evolves progressively until it causes the destruction of hard tissues. Objective: to determine the relationship between decayed, missing and filled teeth and the limitation to socialize in schoolchildren from Ecuador. Methods: a descriptive correlational study was carried out on a population of 154 schoolchildren aged 12 years from the El Batán parish, Cuenca-Ecuador (2016); data was entered into the SPSS program for the statistical analysis, where descriptive statistics were performed for each of the variables and for the limitation to socialize. Results: it was possible to verify that the target population had a very low DMFT index (32.5%); in the same way it was evidenced that 62.7% did not have limitations when socializing. A positive association, with a significance level of p=0.002, was shown regarding the correlation between both variables. One of the main limitations of the study was the limited contact with the participants. We recommend to carry out longitudinal epidemiological investigations in order to observe the variation of the correlation coefficient of the variables in the pre-treatment and post-treatment phases. Conclusion: we showed, at the end of the study, that there is a statistical correlation between the DMFT index and the limitation in socializing performance in 12-year-old schoolchildren from the El Batán parish.
Activities of Daily Living , Dental Caries , Quality of Life , DMF Index , Oral HealthABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine caries prevalence and its association with body mass index in school children between 9-12 years of age in Hail, Saudi Arabia. Material and Methods: This descriptive cross-sectional study included 524 school children 9-12 years of age. These children were selected from 9 Public schools in Hail Province. Dental caries was recorded as per criteria established by the World Health Organization using assessment form for children 2013. Children were weighed using an electronic scale nearest to 0.1 kg with children attired in light clothing and wearing no shoes. The height was measured using a stadiometer to the nearest full centimeter with the children in a standing position. Body Mass Index (BMI) was determined using the formula BMI = kg/m2. Results: Caries prevalence in the population was 86%. The comparisons of mean DMFT between the groups demonstrate higher scores in the overweight group (mean=2.43) compared to normal weight (mean=1.85) and underweight children (mean=1.56) which is statistically significant (p=0.000). Bonferroni Post hoc test to compare the underweight and overweight group (p=0.000) and overweight and normal weight (p=0.000) were highly significant. Conclusion: A positive correlation of caries severity, namely DMFT, with BMI is established.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Body Mass Index , Child , DMF Index , Prevalence , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Chi-Square Distribution , Public Health , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Caries/etiology , Social Determinants of Health , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the oral health of adolescents who participated in an oral health preventive program during the first decade of life. Material and Methods: For the evaluation of dental caries and gingival condition, DMFT and Community Periodontal Index were used, both recommended by the World Health Organization. To verify the occurrence of dental fluorosis, the Dean index was used. Results: Data collection was obtained from 252 patients aged 12 to 16 years. The average DMFT index was 1.14; in relation to the gingival condition, the index of healthy gingival tissue prevailed and the average of this value was 84%, with code 0 being more registered in tooth 11, code 1, more frequently in teeth 16/17 and 36/37 and for last, code 2, in tooth 31 most frequently. Dean's index showed a percentage of 89% of patients without clinical signs of dental fluorosis. Conclusion: Adolescents participating in an oral health preventive program in the first decade of life exhibited very satisfactory results regarding the prevention of caries disease, healthy periodontal condition and reduced prevalence of dental fluorosis.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Periodontal Index , Oral Health/education , Preventive Dentistry , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Fluorosis, Dental/prevention & control , DMF IndexABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the prevalence of dental caries in children aged five years in a Northeast Brazilian Capital (Fortaleza, CE) and its association with sociodemographic conditions, presence of malocclusion, and gingival bleeding. Material and Methods: This is a quantitative, descriptive, observational, and cross-sectional study carried out in a representative sample of 3,582 children aged five years in the city of Fortaleza-CE. Data was collected in public and private schools distributed in the city's Regional Health Coordination (CORES). Each of the six CORES worked with five field teams, participating in inter-examiner training and calibration with a final KAPPA coefficient of 0.87. Data were collected using a clinical form adapted from the SB Brasil 2010 questionnaire on sociodemographic conditions. The indices of dmft, need for treatment, malocclusion, and gingival bleeding were used for oral health conditions. The data were submitted to Pearson's Chi-square or Fisher's Exact tests, and the variables that show values of p<0.05 were submitted to a multinomial logistic regression model (forward stepwise model). Results: 57.1% of children were caries-free, and the mean dmft-d was 1.65 (1.65±2.65). CORES I and VI were the ones that presented the most significant association with caries attacks in all primary molars. The highest percentage of caries in the 2nd upper molar (60.6%), 1st lower molar (59%), and 2nd lower molar (58.8%) were found in children with normal occlusion. There was a significant association between gingival bleeding and caries in all molars and the need for treatment. Conclusion: These results allow us to observe that the prevalence of dental caries in 5-year-old children in Fortaleza is low, although with a tendency to increase.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Periodontal Index , Oral Health/education , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Malocclusion/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , Demography , DMF Index , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Observational StudyABSTRACT
Se identificó el perfil epidemiológico y se caracterizó la situación de la población en base al Nivel Socio-Económico (NSE) asociado al estado dentario y se es-tablecieron las zonas geográficas de pacientes que asistieron a la Cátedra Odontología Integral Niños (COIN) de FOUBA durante el año 2019. La muestra total se conformó con 541 niños de 9,2±3,3 años; masculi-nos 51,0%. La segmentación de los estratos sociales dio como resultado que del total de pacientes, el 33,3% perteneció a Clase Baja D2/E, el 39,2% a Clase Baja Superior D1, el 22,4% a Clase Media Baja C3, el 4% a Clase Media Alta C2 y el 1,1% a Clase Alta ABC1. La mayor demanda de atención provino de las dos clases más bajas de la pirámide social, aunque se trata de un servicio arancelado. Los indicadores del estado den-tario ceod, ceos, CPOD y CPOS, indicaron que los niños de menor posición socioeconómica presentaron los índices más altos. La mayor concurrencia provino de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (52%), respecto a los pacientes concurrentes del Gran Buenos Aires (37%), el 80% provino de la zona Oeste y Sur (AU)
The epidemiological profile was identified, and the situation of the population was characterized based on Socio-Economic Status (SES) associated with their dental state. Geographical areas of patients who attended the FOUBA Children's Comprehensive Dentistry Chair during 2019 were established. The total sample consisted of 541 children aged 9.2±3.3 years; males 51.0%. The segmentation of the social strata resulted in 33.3% belonging to Low-Class D2/E, 39.2% to Upper Lower-Class D1, 22.4% to Lower Middle-Class C3, 4% to Upper Middle-Class C2, and 1.1% to Upper-Class ABC1. The largest demand for care came from the two lowest classes of the social pyramid, even though it is a fee-based service. The indicators of dental status dmft, dmfs, DMFT and DMFS, showed that children coming from the lowest socio-economic position presented the highest rate of occurrence. The highest attendance came from the City of Buenos Aires (52%), compared to patients from Buenos Aires suburbs (37%), of which 80% were from the Western and Southern suburbs (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Socioeconomic Factors , Epidemiologic Factors , Dental Care for Children/methods , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Health Services Needs and Demand/statistics & numerical data , Argentina/epidemiology , Schools, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Social Class , DMF Index , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: verificar a experiência de cárie em molares decíduos e a sua associação com doenças comuns na infância, uso de medicamentos, condições socioeconômicas. Materiais e Métodos: foi realizado um estudo transversal representativo com uma amostra de 1181 crianças entre 8 e 9 anos, de ambos os sexos. O exame clínico foi realizado em ambiente escolar por uma dentista calibrada para diagnóstico de cárie dentária através do índice de dentes cariados, extraídos ou com extração indicada e obturados (Índice ceo-d). Os responsáveis responderam questionários sobre a história médica da criança e condições socioeconômicas. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa Local. Os dados foram analisados através da Regressão de Poisson, sendo que as variáveis com p<0,20 foram introduzidas em um modelo multivariado e hierárquico (p<0,05). Razão de Prevalência (RP) e Intervalo de Confiança (IC) de 95% foram calculados. Resultados: a maioria das crianças apresenta cárie em molares decíduos (54,6%). Doenças comuns na infância e uso medicamentos não apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com cárie dentária (p>0,05). Estudantes de escolas públicas tiveram uma prevalência 27% maior de (IC95%=1,05-1,59) experiência de cárie em molares decíduos quando comparados aos estudantes de escolas particulares. Menor escolaridade materna também se mostrou associada à experiência de cárie em molares decíduos, sendo que crianças cujas mães tinham até 4 anos de estudo tinham uma prevalência 60% maior de cárie dentária (IC95%:1,19-2,16). Conclusão: a maioria das crianças apresentou experiência de cárie em molares decíduos, mas esta condição não foi associada com doenças e medicamentos utilizados até os 4 anos de idade. Entretanto, crianças de escola pública e cujas mães possuíam menor escolaridade apresentaram maior experiência de cárie.
Objective: to verify the caries experience in deciduous molars and its association with common childhood diseases, medication use, socioeconomic conditions. Materials and Methods: a representative cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 1181 children between 8 and 9 years old, of both sexes. The clinical examination was performed in a school environment by a dentist calibrated for the diagnosis of dental caries through the index of decayed teeth, extracted or with the indicated and filled samples (ceo-d index). Those responsible for the child answered about the child's medical history and socioeconomic conditions. The project was approved by the Research Ethics Committee Local. The data were analyzed using an analysis model, and as p<0.20, varied with variables were evaluated in a model and hierarchical. Prevalence Ratio (PR) and 95% Confidence Interval (CI) were calculations. Results: 54.6% of the children had caries experience in the deciduous molars. Common childhood diseases and medication use were not significantly associated with dental caries (p>0.05). Public school students had a prevalence of 27% of students (95%CI=1.05-1.59) of caries experience in deciduous molars when compared to school students. Lower maternal schooling was also associated with caries experience in deciduous molars, with mothers with up to 4 years of schooling having a 60% higher probability of having children with dental caries (95%CI:1.19-2.16). Conclusion: most children had caries experience in deciduous molars, but it was not associated with diseases and medications used between 0 and 4 years old. However, school children and whose mothers had less schooling had a greater experience of caries.
Child , Dental Caries/diagnosis , Social Class , DMF Index , Surveys and Questionnaires , MolarABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: la caries dental es un problema de salud pública, la Organización Mundial de la Salud informa que entre el 60 % y el 90 % de los niños en todo el mundo sufren caries visibles. La Caries Temprana de la Infancia es una forma severa y particular, es multifactorial, que afecta la dentición primaria. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar el índice de ceo-d y CPO-d en escolares del municipio de Colcapirhua, Cochabamba. METODOLOGIA: el trabajo de investigación se desarrolló en el marco del enfoque cuantitativo, los diseños corresponden a descriptivo, observacional, de cohorte transversal y prospectivo. La población de estudio corresponde a 3.448 niños y niñas en edad escolar de 6 a 11 años. RESULTADOS: de 3.383 escolares con una distribución mayor para los varones 50,5 % y para mujeres 49,5 %. La prevalencia de caries, según ceo-d para la población total, fue de 64,8 % y sanos 35,2 %. Se puede evidenciar que las piezas con caries en los niños de 6 años están presentes en un 27,2 % siendo el más alto y 3,5 % a los 11 años en menor proporción; es similar 27 % a los 6 años en las niñas y la edad con menos frecuencia de caries 2,4 % es a los 11 años. En cuanto a las extracciones en niños, el dato más elevado está a los 6 años 22,5 % y en menor proporción está a la edad de los 9 años; en las niñas se evidencia el mayor porcentaje a los 8 años 27,2 % y en una proporción menor a los 11 años 3,6 %. En relación con las obturaciones, con mayor frecuencia 28,8 % se da a los 8 años de edad en los varones y en las niñas a los 7 años 23,7 %. DISCUSIÓN: el índice de CPO-d corresponde a 2,7 correspondiendo a un grado de severidad moderado y de ceo-d 4,7 reportando un grado severo, según los parámetros establecidos por la OMS/OPS. En Bolivia el 2015 hacen referencia que el índice de CPO-D a nivel nacional fue 4,6 y ceo-d 7,2; a partir de ello, la meta propuesta en el Plan Sectorial de Desarrollo Integral para Vivir Bien 2016- 2020 se cumplió.
Introduction. Dental caries is a public health problem, the World Health Organization reports that between 60% and 90% of children worldwide suffer from visible caries. Early Childhood Caries is a severe and particular form, it is multifactorial, which affects the primary dentition. The objective of the study was to determine the index of ceo-d and CPO-d in schoolchildren from the municipality of Colcapirhua, Cochabamba. Methodology. The research work was developed within the framework of the quantitative approach, the designs correspond to descriptive, observational, cross-sectional and prospective cohort. The study population corresponds to 3,448 boys and girls of school age from 6 to 11 years old. Results. Of 3,383 schoolchildren with a greater distribution for males 50.5% and for females 49.5%. The prevalence of caries, according to ceo-d for the total population, was 64.8% and healthy 35.2%. It can be evidenced that teeth with cavities in 6-year-old children are present in 27.2% being the highest and 3.5% at 11 years in lesser proportion; it is similar 27% at 6 years in girls and the age with less frequency of caries 2.4% is at 11 years. Regarding the extractions in children, the highest data is at 6 years old 22.5% and in a lower proportion it is at the age of 9 years; in girls, the highest percentage is evident at 8 years old 27.2% and in a lower proportion at 11 years old 3.6%. In relation to the fillings, with greater frequency 28.8% it occurs at 8 years of age in boys and in girls at 7 years 23.7%. Discussion. The CPO-d index corresponds to 2.7 corresponding to a moderate degree of severity and ceo-d 4.7 reporting a severe degree, according to the parameters established by the WHO/PAHO. In Bolivia in 2015 they refer that the CPO-D index at the national level was 4.6 and ceo-d 7.2; Based on this, the goal proposed in the Comprehensive Development Sector Plan for Living Well 2016-2020 was met.
Introdução. A cárie dentária é um problema de saúde pública, a Organização Mundial da Saúde relata que entre 60% e 90% das crianças em todo o mundo sofrem de cárie visível. A cárie precoce da infância é uma forma grave e particular, multifatorial, que acomete a dentição decídua. O objetivo do estudo foi determinar o índice de ceo-d e CPO-d em escolares do município de Colcapirhua, Cochabamba. Metodologia. O trabalho de investigação foi desenvolvido no quadro da abordagem quantitativa, os desenhos correspondem a coorte descritiva, observacional, transversal e prospectiva. A população do estudo corresponde a 3.448 meninos e meninas em idade escolar de 6 a 11 anos. Resultados. Dos 3.383 escolares com maior distribuição para o sexo masculino 50,5% e para o feminino 49,5%. A prevalência de cárie, segundo ceo-d para a população total, foi de 64,8% e saudável 35,2%. Pode-se evidenciar que dentes com cárie em crianças de 6 anos estão presentes em 27,2% sendo a maior e 3,5% aos 11 anos em menor proporção; é semelhante 27% aos 6 anos nas meninas e a idade com menor frequência de cárie 2,4% é aos 11 anos. Em relação às extrações em crianças, o maior dado é aos 6 anos 22,5% e em menor proporção é aos 9 anos; nas meninas, o maior percentual é evidente aos 8 anos 27,2% e em menor proporção aos 11 anos 3,6%. Em relação às obturações, com maior frequência 28,8% ocorre aos 8 anos nos meninos e nas meninas aos 7 anos 23,7%. Discussão. O índice CPO-d corresponde a 2,7 correspondendo a grau moderado de gravidade e ceo-d 4,7 relatando grau grave, de acordo com os parâmetros estabelecidos pela OMS/OPAS. Na Bolívia em 2015 referem que o índice CPO-D a nível nacional foi de 4,6 e ceo-d 7,2; Com base nisso, a meta proposta no Plano Setorial de Desenvolvimento Integral para o Bem Viver 2016-2020 foi cumprida.
Humans , Child , DMF Index , Public Health , Dental CariesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Avaliar a frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica e sua associação com parâmetros periodontais e do índice de dentes cariados, perdidos, obturados (CPOD) em indivíduos atendidos na clínica do Curso de Odontologia da Unigranrio. Materiais e métodos: Noventa e cinco indivíduos de ambos os sexos foram incluídos no estudo entre março e maio de 2021. Os participantes responderam a questionários anamnésicos, tiveram sua pressão arterial sistêmica aferida e foram examinados para obtenção do índice CPOD e de parâmetros periodontais. Resultados: A frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica na população estudada foi 23,15%. Em pacientes com periodontite, essa prevalência foi 27%, e, em pacientes com gengivite, 19%. Pacientes com periodontite tiveram médias superiores de pressão arterial sistólica (PAS) e diastólica (PAD) comparado ao grupo com gengivite (p<0,0001). Foram identificadas correlações significativas positivas entre PAS e bolsas periodontais moderadas (rho=0,356) e profundas (rho=0,342), perda de inserção avançada (rho=0,538), CPOD (rho=0,365) e quantidade de dentes ausentes (rho=0,477), p < 0,001. A PAD apresentou correlações significativas (p < 0,001) positivas com bolsas periodontais moderadas (rho=0,331) e profundas (rho=0,283), perda de inserção avançada (rho=0,465), CPOD (rho=0,361) e dentes ausentes (rho=0,348). Conclusões: A frequência de hipertensão arterial sistêmica autorrelatada é relativamente alta na população estudada e, em especialmente, dentre as pessoas com periodontite. Pressão arterial sistólica e diastólica são correlacionadas positivamente com parâmetros periodontais indicadores de severidade de doença, assim como piores escores do CPOD.
Aim: The study evaluated the prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension and its association with periodontal parameters and decayed-missing-filled teeth (DMFT) index in individuals treated in a Dental School clinic. Material and methods: Ninety-five individuals of both genders were included in the study in the period between March and May 2021. All participants answered anamnestic questionaries, had their systemic blood pressure measured, and were examined to obtain the DMFT and periodontal parameters. Results: The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension in the study population was 23.15%. In periodontitis individuals, that prevalence was 27%, and, in gingivitis patients, 19%. Patients with periodontitis have higher mean systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure compared with gingivitis individuals (p<0.0001). Significant positive correlations were found between SBP and moderate (rho=0.356) and deep (rho=0.342) periodontal pockets, severe attachment loss (rho=0.538), DMFT (rho=0.365), and amount of missing teeth (rho=0.477), p ? 0.001. The DBP showed significant (p?0.001) positive correlations with moderate (rho=0.331) and (rho=0.283) deep periodontal pockets, severe attachment loss (rho=0.465), DMFT (rho=0.361), and missing teeth (rho=0.348). Conclusions: The prevalence of systemic arterial hypertension is relatively high in the study population and, in particular, among individuals with periodontitis. Systolic and diastolic blood pressure are positively correlated with periodontal parameters that indicate the severity of disease, as well as with worse DMFT scores.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Periodontitis/complications , DMF Index , Gingivitis/complications , Hypertension/complications , Periodontitis/diagnosis , Periodontitis/epidemiology , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Age and Sex Distribution , Gingivitis/diagnosis , Gingivitis/epidemiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To explore the clinical pattern, host factors, and presentation of Streptococcus mutans related to caries incidence among children and adults visiting Universitas Airlangga dental clinic. Material and Methods: This was an observational study with a cross-sectional approach with 50 patients in each group of carious children (6-12 years) and adults (18-35 years). Dental decay samples were taken by sterile excavator, put in a BHI's transport medium, and directly incubated overnight at 37 ºC. The next day, they were sub-cultured microbiologically in Tryptone Yeast Cystine Sucrose Bacitracin (TYCSB) selective medium. Bacterial species and serogroups were examined by PCR. All patient's data were collected from medical records and direct observation. Results: Caries were mostly media type in both children and adults. Oral hygiene (OHIS) in children was higher than in adults but not significantly different according to their DMFT. The highest scores for decay, missed and filled teeth were 16, 8 and 7, with an average of 6.82, 1.22 and 0.63, considered quite high. Conclusion: The prevalence of S. mutans was higher in children's caries than in adults, but among the adult patients the co-incidence of S. mutans and S. sobrinus was associated with higher DMFT. The mutans serotypes e, f, and d were more prevalent among children than adults.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Streptococcus mutans/immunology , Oral Hygiene Index , Oral Health/education , Streptococcus sobrinus/immunology , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Oral Hygiene/methods , Chi-Square Distribution , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the direct and oral impact-mediated association between reduced dentitions and the self-perceived need for complete dentures (CD) in dentate adults. Material and Methods: Data from the Brazilian Oral Health Survey (2010) were analyzed. The outcome was self-perceived need for CD. Functional dentition (FDClassV) was defined by the presence of the following criteria: level I - ≥1 tooth in each arch, level II - 10 teeth in each arch, level III - 12 anterior teeth, level IV - ≥ 3 posterior occluding pairs (POPs) of premolars and level V - ≥1 bilateral POPs of molars. Oral impacts were assessed with Oral Impacts on Daily Performances scale. Results: FDClassV was associated with a less self-perceived need for CD both directly and mediated by oral impacts. Dentitions without level V were associated with the outcome mediated by oral impacts. Between individuals with 10 teeth in each arch, self-perceived need for CD was similar for those who had or not anterior teeth and POPs. Individuals with <10 teeth in each arch and level III did not have a higher frequency of self-perceived need for CD compared to those with level II. Conclusion: Oral impacts mediated the association between reduced dentitions and self-perceived need for CD. Individuals with tooth loss may report need for CD, even when they have dental configurations compatible with functionality.
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Brazil/epidemiology , Patient Satisfaction , Dental Prosthesis/instrumentation , Dental Arch , Chi-Square Distribution , DMF Index , Oral Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Information Storage and RetrievalABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To investigate the association between caries experience and school performance among children and adolescents living in an island community without fluoridated water supply and to compare data according to the type of attended school (full-time or part-time). Material and Methods: A cross-sectional oral health survey in a convenience sample of students (n=147) attending four public schools was performed. Students were examined by one calibrated dentist in the school environment to the obtain prevalence of dental caries (DMFT/dmft) and its consequences using the PUFA/pufa index. Self-reported oral health behavior was also accessed. Data from each student's school performance and absenteeism were extracted from official sources and the school performance was classified into "good" and "fair". The final sample consisted of 120 students. Descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis, chi-square tests and binary logistic regression were performed to evaluate collected data. Results: Students´ age ranged between 5 to 19 years (10±4.3). DMFT/dmft mean were 1.3 (±2.3) and 3.05 (±3.4), respectively. Conclusion: Participants from the full-time school presented better oral health status than their peers in the part-time schools (p<0.05). A significant association was found between the prevalence of caries-free participants and good school performance when the factor age range was controlled (OR=2.87). Moreover, attendance to full-time schools appeared to be a protective factor for good oral health conditions (AU).
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Water Supply , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Educational Status , Chi-Square Distribution , Logistic Models , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional Studies/methods , Health Surveys/methods , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Introduction: the birth of a child with an intellectual disability requires the definition of the parents' roles in relation to the care of the child. Objective: evaluate how much parental care practices, sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics and family knowledge can have an impact on the oral health of children with intellectual disabilities in the age group from zero to six years of age. Material and method: the level of help given to the child in the practice of oral hygiene was evaluated according to the adapted functional independence scale. The Parental Beliefs and Care Practices Scale assessed primary care and stimulation offered to the child. The presence of dental plaque and the decay-missing-filled teeth (DMFT) index were analyzed. The significance level was 5%. Result: the relative percentage of dental plaque was 11.4%. The DMFT was 2. The prevalence of teeth with indicated extraction is higher in children who receive full assistance for cleaning, when compared to those who receive maximum, moderate help or supervision. Higher levels of dental plaque and decayed teeth were found in children whose parents rated their dental health as poor, hygiene as deficient, and when they believed their children might feel discomfort due to their oral health. Low stimulation frequency resulted in a higher plaque index and number of decayed teeth. Conclusion: the frequency of parental care stimulation influenced the percentage of plaque index and the number of decayed teeth in children with intellectual disabilities.
Introdução: o nascimento de uma criança com deficiência intelectual exige dos pais a definição de suas funções em relação aos cuidados com a criança. Objetivo: investigar o quanto as práticas de cuidados parentais, características sociodemográficas, comportamentais e o conhecimento familiar podem ter impacto na saúde bucal de crianças com deficiência intelectual na faixa etária de zero a seis anos de idade. Material e método: foi avaliado o nível de ajuda cedida à criança na prática de higiene bucal de acordo com a escala de independência funcional adaptada. A Escala de Crenças Parentais e Práticas de Cuidado avaliou os cuidados primários e a estimulação oferecida à criança. Foram analisados a presença de placa dentária e o índice ceo-d. O nível de significância foi de 5%. Resultado: a porcentagem relativa de placa dentária foi de 11,4%. O índice ceo-d foi de 2. A prevalência de dentes com extração indicada é maior em crianças que recebem ajuda total para higienização, quando comparadas as que recebem ajuda máxima, moderada ou supervisão. Níveis mais elevados de placa dentária e dentes cariados foram encontrados nas crianças cujos pais avaliaram a saúde dental como ruim, a higiene como deficiente e quando acreditavam que os filhos podem sentir desconforto em razão de seu estado de saúde bucal. Baixa frequência de estimulação resultou em maior índice de placa e número de dentes cariados. Conclusão: a frequência de estimulação dos cuidados parentais influenciou na porcentagem do índice de placa e no número de dentes cariados nas crianças com deficiência intelectual.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Oral Hygiene , Oral Health , Dental Caries , Dental Plaque , Intellectual Disability , DMF IndexABSTRACT
Resumo O objetivo foi analisar a associação de fatores socioeconômicos com a prevalência de cárie dentária em adolescentes de São Luís, Maranhão, para responder se as iniquidades sociais persistem na distribuição desta doença. Este é um estudo transversal aninhado a uma coorte prospectiva. Incluímos 2.413 adolescentes de 18-19 anos, avaliados em 2016 (2º seguimento). O desfecho foi a ocorrência de dentes com cárie dentária não tratada (sim ou não), avaliada pelo índice CPO-D. Características socioeconômicas e demográficas foram as variáveis independentes. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e de regressão de Poisson, calculando-se razões de prevalência (RPs) brutas e ajustadas (alpha=5%). Pertencer às classes econômicas C (RP=1,23; IC95%:1,11-1,37) ou D-E (RP=1,48; IC95%: 1,32-1,65), estar casado/morar com companheiro (RP=1,22; IC95%:1,07-1,39), ter pais separados (RP=1,11; IC95%1,03-1,19) e maior número de pessoas na residência (RP=1,05; IC95%:1,03-1,07) foram associadas a maior prevalência de cárie dentária. Apesar da implementação da Política Nacional de Saúde Bucal, as iniquidades sociais em saúde bucal de adolescentes persistem. É fundamental que o modelo de atenção à saúde vigente busque a reorientação das estratégias de educação em saúde, direcionando-as a populações vulneráveis.
Abstract This study aimed to analyze the association of socioeconomic factors with the prevalence of dental caries in adolescents from São Luís, Maranhão, Brazil, to answer whether social inequalities persist in distributing this disease. This is a cross-sectional study nested in a prospective cohort. We included 2,413 adolescents aged 18-19 years evaluated in the 2016 second follow-up. The outcome was teeth with untreated dental caries (yes or no) assessed by the DMFT index. Socioeconomic and demographic characteristics were the independent variables. Descriptive statistical and Poisson regression analyses were performed, calculating crude and adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) (alpha=5%). Belonging to economic classes C (PR=1.23; 95% CI: 1.11-1.37) or D-E (PR=1.48; 95% CI: 1.32-1.65), being married/living with a partner (PR=1.22; 95% CI: 1.07-1.39), having separated parents (PR=1.11; 95% CI 1.03-1.19) and a greater number of people in the household (PR=1.05; 95% CI: 1.03-1.07) were associated with a higher prevalence of dental caries. Social inequalities in adolescent oral health persist despite the implementation of the National Oral Health Policy. The current health care model should seek to reorient health education strategies, targeting them at vulnerable populations.
Humans , Adolescent , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , DMF Index , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract This study aimed to assess the prevalence of tooth loss and associated factors in institutionalized adolescents. This cross-sectional study included 68 male adolescents incarcerated from Socio-Educational Assistance Center (CASE) aged between 15 and 19 years. Questionnaires were applied individually to assess sociodemographical, economical, medical, behavioral and oral health self-perception variables. All present teeth were evaluated by Decay, Missing, Filling (DMF) Index. The prevalence of tooth loss was analyzed in individuals with ≥1 tooth loss. Associations between tooth loss and exposure variables studied were analyzed by Poisson Regression with robust variance estimation. The prevalence of tooth loss was 47.06%. First molars in the mandible and maxilla and central incisor in the maxilla were the most absent teeth. In the multivariate model, number of decayed teeth, and those that reported daily use of medication were associated with higher tooth loss. Besides, tooth loss was associated with decayed tooth and daily use of medication. Oral health promotion and treatment should be implemented in these institutions to reduce the prevalence of dental loss in these adolescents.
Resumo Esse estudo objetivou avaliar a prevalência de perda dentária e fatores associados em adolescentes institucionalizados. Esse estudo transversal incluiu 68 adolescentes do sexo masculino de um Centro de Atendimento Socioeducativo (CASE) com idades entre 15 e 19 anos. Questionários estruturados foram aplicados individualmente para acessar variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, médicas, comportamentais e autopercepção de saúde bucal. Todos os dentes presentes foram avaliados pelo Índice de dentes Cariados, Perdidos e Obturados (CPOD). A prevalência de perda dentária foi analisada em indivíduos com ≥1 dente perdido. Associações entre perda dentária e variáveis de exposição foram analisadas por regressão de Poisson com estimativa de variância robusta. A prevalência de perda dentária foi 47,06%. Primeiros molares na mandíbula e maxila e incisivos centrais na maxila foram os dentes mais ausentes. No modelo multivariado, número de dentes cariados esteve associado com perda dentária, e aqueles que faziam uso diário de medicações foram associados a maior perda dentária. Além disso, perda dentária foi associada com cárie dentária e uso diário de medicação. Promoção de saúde bucal e seu tratamento devem ser implementados nessas instituições para reduzir a prevalência de perda dentária nesses adolescentes.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Tooth Loss/epidemiology , Adolescent, Institutionalized , Dental Caries , DMF Index , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Introduction: Oral diseases affect some 3.9 billion people worldwide, the most prevalent are dental caries, gingivitis, and periodontitis. Untreated dental caries lesions affect 35% of the population. Objective: To determine the level of severity of dental caries lesions in adults treated at public dental services in the cities of Asunción and Pirayú, Paraguay, in 2 017. Material and Methods: Sociodemographic and clinical variables of oral health status were evaluated by means of a cross-sectional study using consecutive sampling. Two dentists were calibrated to perform the oral examination. Caries experience was evaluated using the DMF-T index. The Chi square test and Fisher's exact test were applied, with a confidence level of 95%. Results:333 subjects with a mean age of 35 years participated in the study, 77.2% were females, and 64.0% did not have access to private health care services. The DMF-T index was 11.43 (SD=6.7); 12.6% obtained a very low level, 35.7% low level, 41.7% had a medium level, and 9.9% had a high level in the DMF-T index. The DMF-T index was significantly higher in females (p=0.001), in the age range of 50 to 59 years (p<0.001), in those who did not have access to private health services (p=0.008), in those who reported a negative self-evaluation of their oral health (p=0.04), in those with a normal molar ratio (p=0.023) and a very severe aesthetic index (p<0 . 0 01). Conclusion: The general level of severity of global caries was medium and associated with sociodemographic and clinical variables.
Introducción: Las enfermedades orales afectan a 3,9 billones de personas a nivel mundial, siendo las más prevalentes la caries dental, la gingivitis y periodontitis; afectando al 35% de la población las lesiones de caries dental no tratadas. Objetivo: Determinar el nivel de severidad de lesiones de caries dental en adultos que acuden a servicios odontológicos públicos en las ciudades de Asunción y Pirayú, en el Paraguay, en el año 2017. Material y Métodos: Estudio transversal donde se evaluaron variables sociodemográficas y clínicas del estado de salud oral. El muestreo fue de casos consecutivos. Dos odontólogos fueron calibrados para realizar el examen oral. La experiencia de caries fue evaluada mediante el índice CPO-D. Se aplicaron las pruebas Chi cuadrado y Test exacto de Fisher, con un nivel de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Participaron del estudio 333 sujetos, con edad promedio de 35 años, el 77,2% mujeres y el 64,0% no tenía acceso a servicios de salud privado. El índice CPO-D fue de 11,43 (DE = 6,7). El 12,6% obtuvo un nivel muy bajo, el 35,7% nivel bajo, el 41,7% tuvo nivel medio y el 9,9% nivel alto del CPO-D, siendo significativamente más elevado en mujeres (p= 0, 0 01), en la edad de 50 a 59 años (p<0,001), en aquellos que no cuentan con acceso a servicios de salud privado (p=0,008), los que relataron una autoevaluación negativa de su salud bucal (p=0,04), los que tenían una relación molar normal (p=0,023) e índice de estética muy grave (p<0, 0 01). Conclusión: El nivel general de severidad de caries global fue medio, se asoció con variables sociodemográficas y clínicas.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Oral Health , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Paraguay/epidemiology , Chi-Square Distribution , DMF Index , Cross-Sectional StudiesABSTRACT
Abstract This cross-sectional study evaluated the prevalence and severity of dental caries and fluorosis in children and adolescents using fluoridated toothpaste, from areas with and without fluoridated water. Parents of 5-year-old children and 12-year-old adolescents from neighbourhoods that are supplied with and without fluoridated water answered questionnaires for determining socio-economic and demographic characteristics and habits related to oral health. The individuals were examined, and dental caries and fluorosis were measured by dmft/DMFT and TF indexes, respectively. Descriptive, bivariate and logistic regression analyses were performed (p < 0.05). Of 692 participants, 47.7% were 5-year-olds and 52.3% were 12-year-olds. The mean dmft/DMFT in the 5-year-olds/ 12-year-olds from Exposed and Not Exposed fluoridated water groups was 1.53 (± 2.47) and 3.54 (± 4.10) / 1.53 (± 1.81) and 3.54 (± 3.82), respectively. Children (OR = 2.86, 95% CI = 1.71-4.75) and adolescents (OR = 1.95, 95% CI = 1.24-3.05), who did not consume fluoridated water, had greater caries experience. Among adolescents, there was an association between fluoridated water and the prevalence of very mild/mild fluorosis (OR = 5.45, 95% CI: 3.23-9.19) and moderate fluorosis (OR = 11.11, 95% CI = 4.43-27.87). Children and adolescents, who consumed fluoridated water, presented lower prevalence and severity of dental caries compared to those who used only fluoridated toothpaste as the source of fluoride. There is an association between water fluoridation and very mild/mild and moderate fluorosis in adolescents.
Resumo Este estudo transversal avaliou a prevalência e severidade de cárie dentária e fluorose em crianças de 5 anos e adolescentes de 12 anos usuários de dentifrício fluoretado, em áreas com e sem água fluoretada. Os responsáveis pelas crianças e adolescentes responderam questionários para determinação de características socioeconômicas e demográficas e hábitos relacionados à saúde. Os indivíduos foram examinados e a cárie e a fluorose foram mensuradas pelos índices ceo-d / CPOD e TF, respectivamente. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, bivariadas e de regressão logística (p <0,05). Dos 692 participantes, 47,7% tinham 5 anos e 52,3% tinham 12 anos. A média de ceod / CPOD em crianças de 5/12 anos dos grupos de exposto e não exposto à água fluoretada foi 1,53 (± 2,47) e 3,54 (± 4,10) / 1,53 (± 1,81) e 3,54 (± 3,82), respectivamente. Crianças (OR = 2,86, IC 95% = 1,71-4,75) e adolescentes (OR = 1,95, IC 95% = 1,24-3,05) que não consumiram água fluoretada tiveram maior experiência de cárie. Entre os adolescentes, houve associação entre a água fluoretada e a prevalência de fluorose muito leve / leve (OR = 5,45, IC 95%: 3,23-9,19) e fluorose moderada (OR = 11,11, IC 95% = 4,43-27,87). Crianças e adolescentes que consumiram água fluoretada apresentaram menor prevalência e severidade de cárie dentária em comparação com aqueles que usaram apenas dentifrício fluoretado como fonte de flúor. Houve uma associação entre a fluoretação da água e fluorose muito leve / leve e moderada em adolescentes.
Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Dental Caries/epidemiology , Dentifrices , Fluorosis, Dental/epidemiology , DMF Index , Fluoridation , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , FluoridesABSTRACT
Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a condição de saúde bucal de pacientes em terapia oncológica. Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal realizado no Centro OncoHematologico de Pernambuco (CEONHPE), vinculado ao Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC), da Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE). Foram incluídos no estudo pacientes com idade entre 1 e 19 anos, de ambos os sexos, totalizando uma amostra de 177 pacientes, dentre os quais 25 realizaram o índice de placa, 111 submeteram-se ao índice de Dentes Cariados, Perdidos e Obturados (CPOD) e 129 ao índice de Dentes Decíduos Cariados, Com Extração Indicada e Obturados (ceo-d). Foi realizada coleta de dados secundários obtidos nas fichas clínicas dos pacientes que estiveram em atendimento no ano de 2018. Através da análise estatística descritiva foram consideradas as variáveis: condição de saúde bucal, idade, gênero, diagnóstico oncológico e fase atual do tratamento. Com relação às condições de saúde bucal foram avaliadas: condições de higiene oral (índice de placa de O´Leary); cárie (CPO-D e ceo-d). Verificou-se que houve predominância do índice CPO-D e ceo-d em zero e o índice de placa foi considerado insatisfatório na maioria dos pacientes. Portanto, apesar de baixo índice de cárie, foi constatado elevado índice de placa bacteriana...(AU)
This study aimed to assess the oral health condition of patients undergoing cancer therapy. This is a cross-sectional observational study carried out at the Centro OncoHematologico de Pernambuco (CEON-HPE), linked to the Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC), of the University of Pernambuco (UPE). The study included patients aged between 1 and 19 years old, of both sexes, totaling a sample of 177 patients, among whom 25 underwent the plaque index, 111 underwent the Decayed, Lost and Filled Teeth Index (CPOD) and 129 to the Decayed Deciduous Teeth Index, with Extraction Indicated and Filled (ceo-d). Secondary data were collected from the clinical records of patients who were in care in 2018. Through the descriptive statistical analysis, the variables were considered: oral health condition, age, gender, cancer diagnosis and current treatment stage. Regarding oral health conditions, the following were evaluated: oral hygiene conditions (O´Leary plaque index); caries (CPOD e ceo-d). It was found that there was a pre dominance of the CPOD index and ceo-d at zero and the plaque index was considered unsatisfactory in most patients. Therefore, despite a low rate of caries, a high rate of plaque was found... (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Oral Hygiene , DMF Index , Health Status , Oral Health , Pediatric Dentistry , Dental Care for Children , Dental Plaque , Therapeutics , Universities , NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Objetivo: Correlacionar el número de cepillados por día y el índice CPOD en los escolares de 12 años de la parroquia El Vecino (Cuenca, Ecuador) en 2016. Materiales y métodos: El estudio fue de tipo comunicacional, cuantitativo, descriptivo y relacional. La población estuvo conformada por 279 fichas que pertenecen al estudio del mapa epidemiológico para los escolares de la parroquia El Vecino. La ficha de observación incluyó los siguientes datos: número de registro, edad, sexo, parroquia, índice de COPD. Resultados: En lo referente a la correlación entre el número de cepillado por día y el índice de CPOD, se demostró que existe una correlación inversa, la estadística significativa presentó un valor de p = 0,029. Conclusión: El presente estudio demostró que existe una correlación entre el número de cepillados por día y el índice CPOD. (AU)
Objective: Correlate the number of brushes per day and the decay-missing-filled teeth (DMFT) index in 12-year-old school children from the parish "El Vecino Cuenca - Ecuador 2016". Materials and Methods: The study was communicational, quantitative, descriptive and relational. The population consisted of 279 records from the study of the epidemiological map of schoolchildren in the "El Vecino" parish. The database included the registration number, age, sex, parish and DMFT Index. Results: There was an statistically significant inverse correlation between the number of brushes per day and the DMFT index with a p value = 0.029. Conclusion: The present study shows that there is a correlation between the number of brushes per day and the DMFT index. (AU)