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J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;30: e20230098, 2024. tab, graf, mapas, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1569330


Background: Members of the genus Cupiennius Simon, 1891 are categorized as wandering spiders and are part of the family Trechaleidae. The genomics and proteomics of Cupiennius spiders from North America remain uncharacterized. The present study explores for the first time molecular data from the endemic species Cupiennius chiapanensis Medina, 2006, and also presents new data for Cupiennius salei (Keyserling, 1878), both collected in southern Mexico. Methods: In total, 88 Cupiennius specimens were collected from southern Mexico and morphologically identified. DNA was extracted and the mitochondrial COI fragment was amplified. COI sequences were analyzed, and a phylogenetic tree was inferred for species from the Americas. Genetic diversity was analyzed using haplotype networks and gene distances. Venom was obtained from C. chiapanensis and C. salei by electrostimulation. The venom was separated by HPLC, visualized using SDS-PAGE, and quantified for use in toxicity bioassays in mice and insects. Results: Analysis of COI sequences from C. chiapanensis showed 94% identity with C. salei, while C. salei exhibited 94-97% identity with sequences from Central and South American conspecifics. The venom from C. chiapanensis exhibited toxic activity against crickets. Venoms from C. chiapanensis and C. salei caused death in Anastrepha obliqua flies. Analysis of venom fractions from C. salei and C. chiapanensis revealed molecular masses of a similar size as some previously reported toxins and neurotoxic components. We determined the amino acid sequences of ChiaTx1 and ChiaTx2, toxins that are reported here for the first time and which showed toxicity against mice and insects. Conclusion: Our work is the first to report COI-based DNA barcoding sequences from southern Mexican Cupiennius spiders. Compounds with toxic activity were identified in venom from both species.(AU)

Animals , Phylogeny , Spiders/classification , Spiders/genetics , Spider Venoms/toxicity , Electron Transport Complex IV/analysis , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/veterinary , Mexico
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;71abr. 2023.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1514953


Introduction: Species of Mesochorus are found worldwide and members of this genus are primarily hyperparasitoids of Ichneumonoidea and Tachinidae. Objectives: To describe species of Costa Rican Mesochorus reared from caterpillars and to a lesser extent Malaise-trapped. Methods: The species are diagnosed by COI mtDNA barcodes, morphological inspection, and host data. A suite of images and host data (plant, caterpillar, and primary parasitoid) are provided for each species. Results: A total of 158 new species of Mesochorus. Sharkey is the taxonomic authority for all. Conclusions: This demonstrates a practical application of DNA barcoding that can be applied to the masses of undescribed neotropical insect species in hyperdiverse groups.

Introducción: Las especies de Mesochorus se encuentran en todo el mundo y los miembros de este género son principalmente hiperparasitoides de las familias Ichneumonoidea y Tachinidae. Objetivos: Describir las especies de Mesochorus costarricenses obtenidas de orugas y en menor medida por trampas Malaise. Métodos: Las especies se diagnosticaron mediante el uso de código de barra molecular por COI del ADNmt, inspección morfológica y datos del huésped. Se proporciona un conjunto de imágenes y datos de los huéspedes (planta, oruga y parasitoide primario) para cada especie. Resultados: Se encontró un total de 158 nuevas especies de Mesochorus. Sharkey es la autoridad taxonómica para todas las especies. Conclusiones: Se demuestra una aplicación práctica del código de barras de ADN que se puede aplicar a grandes cantidades de especies de insectos neotropicales no descritas para grupos hiperdiversos.

Animals , Hymenoptera/classification , Costa Rica , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1229-1237, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970594


Eleutherococcus senticosus is one of the Dao-di herbs in northeast China. In this study, the chloroplast genomes of three E. senticosus samples from different genuine producing areas were sequenced and then used for the screening of specific DNA barcodes. The germplasm resources and genetic diversity of E. senticosus were analyzed basing on the specific DNA barcodes. The chloroplast genomes of E. senticosus from different genuine producing areas showed the total length of 156 779-156 781 bp and a typical tetrad structure. Each of the chloroplast genomes carried 132 genes, including 87 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNAs, and 8 rRNAs. The chloroplast genomes were relatively conserved. Sequence analysis of the three chloroplast genomes indicated that atpI, ndhA, ycf1, atpB-rbcL, ndhF-rpl32, petA-psbJ, psbM-psbD, and rps16-psbK can be used as specific DNA barcodes of E. senticosus. In this study, we selected atpI and atpB-rbcL which were 700-800 bp and easy to be amplified for the identification of 184 E. senticosus samples from 13 genuine producing areas. The results demonstrated that 9 and 10 genotypes were identified based on atpI and atpB-rbcL sequences, respectively. Furthermore, the two barcodes identified 23 genotypes which were named H1-H23. The haplotype with the highest proportion and widest distribution was H10, followed by H2. The haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity were 0.94 and 1.82×10~(-3), respectively, suggesting the high genetic diversity of E. senticosus. The results of the median-joining network analysis showed that the 23 genotypes could be classified into 4 categories. H2 was the oldest haplotype, and it served as the center of the network characterized by starlike radiation, which suggested that population expansion of E. senticosus occurred in the genuine producing areas. This study lays a foundation for the research on the genetic quality and chloroplast genetic engineering of E. senticosus and further research on the genetic mechanism of its population, providing new ideas for studying the genetic evolution of E. senticosus.

DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Eleutherococcus/genetics , Base Sequence , Chloroplasts/genetics , Genetic Variation , Phylogeny
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);43(Supl. 1): 288-311, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533904


Los hongos son organismos polifacéticos presentes en casi todos los ecosistemas de la tierra, donde establecen diversos tipos de simbiosis con otros seres vivos. A pesar de ser reconocidos por los humanos desde la antigüedad -y de la cantidad de trabajos que han profundizado sobre su biología y ecología-, aún falta mucho por conocer sobre estos organismos. Algunos de los criterios que clásicamente se han utilizado para su estudio, hoy resultan limitados y hasta cierto punto permiten un agrupamiento de los aislamientos según algunas características, pero generan confusión en su clasificación y, más aún, cuando se pretende comprender sus relaciones genealógicas. Los caracteres fenotípicos no son suficientes para identificar una especie de hongos y, menos aún, para construir una filogenia amplia o de un grupo particular. Hay grandes vacíos que hacen que los árboles generados sean inestables y fácilmente debatidos. Para los profesionales de la salud, parece que la identificación de los hongos hasta niveles inferiores como género y especie es suficiente para elegir el tratamiento más adecuado para su control, comprender la epidemiología de los cuadros clínicos asociados y reconocer los brotes y los factores determinantes de la resistencia a los antimicrobianos. No obstante, la ubicación taxonómica dentro del reino permitiría establecer relaciones filogenéticas entre los taxones fúngicos, facilitando la comprensión de su biología, su distribución en la naturaleza y la evolución de su potencial patogénico. Los avances de las técnicas de biología molecular y las ciencias de la computación en los últimos 30 años han permitido cambios importantes dirigidos a establecer los criterios para definir una especie fúngica y alcanzar una construcción filogenética más o menos estable. Sin embargo, el camino por recorrer aún es largo, y supone un trabajo mancomunado de la comunidad científica a nivel global y el apoyo a la investigación básica.

Fungi are multifaceted organisms found in almost all ecosystems on Earth, where they establish various types of symbiosis with other living beings. Despite being recognized by humans since ancient times, and the high number of works delving into their biology and ecology, much is still unknown about these organisms. Some criteria classically used for their study are nowadays limited, generating confusion in categorizing them, and even more, when trying to understand their genealogical relationships. To identify species within Fungi, phenotypic characters to date are not sufficient, and to construct a broad phylogeny or a phylogeny of a particular group, there are still gaps affecting the generated trees, making them unstable and easily debated. For health professionals, fungal identification at lower levels such as genus and species, is enough to select the most appropriate therapy for their control, understand the epidemiology of clinical pictures associated, and recognize outbreaks and antimicrobial resistance. However, the taxonomic location within the kingdom, information with apparently little relevance, can allow phylogenetic relationships to be established between fungal taxa, facilitating the understanding of their biology, distribution in nature, and pathogenic potential evolution. Advances in molecular biology and computer science techniques from the last 30 years have led to crucial changes aiming to establish the criteria to define a fungal species, allowing us to reach a kind of stable phylogenetic construction. However, there is still a long way to go, and it requires the joint work of the scientific community at a global level and support for basic research.

Phylogeny , Fungi , Classification , Biological Evolution , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic
São Paulo; s.n; 2023. 165 p.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517885


Introdução - As fêmeas do gênero Mansonia Blanchard, 1901 depositam seus ovos na face inferior das folhas de plantas aquáticas presentes em coleções de água doce. Após a eclosão, as larvas e, depois, as pupas se mantêm fixadas aos tecidos submersos das plantas. Assim que emergem, as fêmeas adultas hematófagas buscam, voraz e agressivamente, vertebrados que possam lhes servir como fontes de repasto sanguíneo. Esse comportamento pode prejudicar severamente a Saúde Pública e a economia em áreas com altas densidades populacionais de Mansonia spp. Para além do incômodo causado pelas picadas, algumas espécies transmitem patógenos aos humanos em certas regiões geográficas. Para que sejam eficazes, as medidas de monitoramento e controle das populações de Mansonia spp. devem ser planejadas com base na biologia de cada espécie e seus padrões de interação com fatores bióticos e abióticos nos ecossistemas. Dessa forma, a identificação acurada dos exemplares coletados em pesquisas de campo é fundamental, mas é dificultada pelos padrões de heteromorfismo intraespecífico e isomorfismo interespecífico historicamente observados. Objetivo - Adquirir conhecimentos inéditos para o planejamento de ações de monitoramento e controle populacional de Mansonia (Mansonia) spp. Métodos - Realizaram-se: ampla revisão bibliográfica narrativa; coletas de espécimes imaturos e adultos em três regiões do Brasil; identificação morfológica das amostras em nível específico; sequenciamento da região código de barras do gene mitocondrial codificador da subunidade I da enzima oxidase do citocromo c (COI); e análise das sequências por meio de cinco métodos diferentes, baseados em distâncias genéticas estimadas com o modelo Kimura dois-parâmetros (Neighbor joining, ABGD, ASAP e RESL) e em inferência filogenética de máxima verossimilhança (mPTP). Resultados - Os conteúdos bibliográficos examinados foram enfeixados em um único manuscrito que apresenta, em síntese, dados de Mansonia spp. sobre desenvolvimento, interações com hospedeiros, padrões alimentares, importância epidemiológica e adaptabilidade a ambientes antropogênicos, entre outros. A análise das amostras de imaturos do lago da Usina Hidrelétrica Santo Antônio revela evidências de alternância na associação com as diferentes espécies de macrófitas do local e o registro inédito de larvas de Mansonia humeralis associadas às raízes de Limnobium laevigatum. Trezentas e vinte e sete novas sequências da região código de barras do gene COI foram geradas a partir de exemplares de Mansonia (Mansonia) spp. A identificação baseada na morfologia apontou oito espécies na amostra de culicídeos. Os resultados dos cinco métodos implementados para a segregação das sequências em unidades taxonômicas operacionais (UTOs) foram majoritariamente congruentes. Os padrões de polimorfismo das sequências permitiram distinguir as oito espécies, corroborando a prévia identificação morfológica. No entanto, há evidências de que ao menos três dos táxons morfologicamente definidos podem representar complexos de espécies taxonomicamente desconhecidas. Foram obtidos os primeiros registros da região código de barras do gene COI para Mansonia fonsecai, Mansonia iguassuensis e Mansonia pseudotitillans. Conclusões - A reunião de informações referenciadas no manuscrito resultante da revisão bibliográfica facilitará a consulta para pesquisas futuras. A publicação dos dados inéditos sobre taxonomia molecular e associação com macrófitas aquáticas beneficiará o planejamento para o monitoramento e controle populacional de Mansonia spp.

Introduction - Females of the genus Mansonia Blanchard, 1901 lay their eggs on the underside of aquatic plant leaves in freshwater collections. After hatching, the larvae and later the pupae remain attached to the submerged plant tissues. As soon as they emerge, the hematophagous adult females search, voraciously and aggressively, for vertebrate sources of blood meal. In areas with high population densities of Mansonia spp. this behavior can severely harm Public Health and economics. In addition to the nuisance caused by bites, some species transmit pathogens to humans in certain geographic regions. To be effective, Mansonia spp. monitoring and control should be planned on the basis of the biology each species and its patterns of interaction with biotic and abiotic factors. Therefore, accurate field-collected specimens identification is essential, but it is hampered by historically observed patterns of intraspecific heteromorphism and interspecific isomorphism. Objective - To acquire unprecedented knowledge for planning actions to monitor and control population of Mansonia (Mansonia) spp. Methods - The following activities were carried out: a broad narrative bibliographical review; collections of immature and adult specimens in three Brazilian regions; morphological identification of samples at the species level; cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) mitochondrial gene barcode region sequencing; and sequence analysis using five different methods, based on Kimura two-parameter genetic distances (Neighbor joining, ABGD, ASAP and RESL) and maximum likelihood phylogenetic inference (mPTP). Results - The bibliographic contents examined were assembled into a single manuscript that summarizes data on Mansonia spp. development, hosts, feeding patterns, epidemiological importance and adaptability to anthropogenic environments, among others. The analysis of immature samples from the Santo Antônio Hydroelectric Power Plant dam shows evidence of alternation in the attachment to host plant species and the unprecedented record of Mansonia humeralis larvae attached to Limnobium laevigatum roots. Three hundred and twenty-seven new COI barcode sequences were generated from Mansonia (Mansonia) spp. specimens. Morphology-based identification found eight species in the sample. The results for sequence segregation into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were mostly congruent among five analysis methods. Sequence polymorphism patterns allowed the identification of eight species, corroborating the previous morphological identification. However, there is evidence that at least three of the morphology-based taxa may represent taxonomically unknown species complexes. The first records of COI barcodes for Mansonia fonsecai, Mansonia iguassuensis and Mansonia pseudotitillans were obtained. Conclusions - The referenced information gathered into the resulting manuscript from bibliographic review will contribute to future research. The publication of unprecedent data on molecular taxonomy and attachment to aquatic macrophytes will benefit the planning for Mansonia spp. monitoring and population control.

Arbovirus Infections , Dams , Impoundments , Vector Control of Diseases , Hydroelectric Power Plants (Environmental Health) , Ecology , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Filariasis , Mosquito Vectors , Molecular Biology
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1814-1823, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928177


Scutellaria baicalensis is a commonly used Chinese medicinal herb. In this study, we identified the germplasm resources of commercial S. baicalensis samples based on trnH-psbA, petA-psbJ, and ycf4-cemA sequences according to the available chloroplast genome sequencing results, and measured the content of baicalin by HPLC. Through the above means we determined the best DNA barcode that can be used to detect the germplasm resources and evaluate the quality of commercial S. baicalensis samples. A total of 104 samples were collected from 24 provinces, from which DNA was extracted for PCR amplification. The amplification efficiencies of trnH-psbA, petA-psbJ, and ycf4-cemA sequences were 100%, 59.62%, and 25.96%, respectively. The results of sequence analysis showed that 5, 4, and 2 haplotypes were identified based on trnH-psbA, petA-psbJ, and ycf4-cemA sequences, respectively. However, the sequences of haplotypes in commercial samples were different from that of the wild type, and the joint analysis of three fragments of S. baicalensis only identified 6 haplotypes. Furthermore, the phylogenetic analysis and genetic distance analysis indicated that trnH-psbA could be used to identify S. baicalensis from adulterants. The above analysis showed that trnH-psbA was the best fragment for identifying the germplasm resources of commercial S. baicalensis samples. We then analyzed the haplotypes(THap1-THap5) of commercial S. baicalensis samples based on trnH-psbA and found that THap2 was the main circulating haplotype of the commercial samples, accounting for 86.55% of the total samples, which indicated the scarce germplasm resources of commercial S. baicalensis samples. The content of baicalin in all the collected commercial S. baicalensis samples exceeded the standard in Chinese Pharmacopoeia and had significant differences(maximum of 12.21%) among samples, suggesting that the quality of commercial S. baicalensis samples varied considerably. However, there was no significant difference in baicalin content between different provinces or between different haplotypes. This study facilitates the establishment of the standard identification system for S. baicalensis, and can guide the commercial circulation and reasonable medication of S. baicalensis.

Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/methods , DNA, Plant/genetics , Phylogeny , Scutellaria baicalensis/genetics
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 20(1): e210126, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1375958


The species of Hypostomus from the Parnaíba River basin were reviewed through molecular and morphological analysis. Five species were found in the basin, including a new species herein described. The distribution of H. pusarum was expanded to this basin, and a closely related species was recorded (H. aff. pusarum), also the presence of H. johnii and H. vaillanti was confirmed. The new species is distinguished from most congeners by its large number of premaxillary and dentary teeth, a wide dental angle of 115° to 135°, presence of a rounded dark spots on a lighter background and anteromedial region of the abdomen depleted of plaques (vs. anteromedial region of the abdomen covered by platelets and odontodes in H. johnii, H. pusarum, H. aff. pusarum and H. vaillanti). Furthermore, an identification key of the species from the Maranhão-Piauí ecoregion and maps with the geographic distribution of these species are presented. The species of Hypostomus in the Parnaíba River basin have different geographic distributions, suggesting different niches or geographical barriers, providing an opportunity for ecological and evolutionary studies.(AU)

As espécies de Hypostomus da bacia do rio Parnaíba foram revisadas por meio de análises moleculares e morfológicas. Cinco espécies foram encontradas na bacia, incluindo uma nova espécie aqui descrita. A distribuição de H. pusarum foi expandida para esta bacia, uma espécie intimamente relacionada foi registrada (H. aff. pusarum), e a presença de H. johnii e H. vaillanti foi confirmada. A nova espécie se distingue da maioria das congêneres por seu grande número de dentes nos pré-maxilares e dentários, um amplo ângulo do dentário de 115° a 135°, presença de manchas escuras arredondadas em um fundo mais claro e região anteromedial do abdômen sem placas (vs. região anteromedial do abdômen coberta por placas e odontódios em H. johnii, H. pusarum, H. aff. pusarum e H. vaillanti). Além disso, é apresentada uma chave de identificação das espécies da ecorregião Maranhão-Piauí e mapas com a distribuição geográfica dessas espécies. As espécies de Hypostomus na bacia do rio Parnaíba apresentam diferentes distribuições geográficas, sugerindo diferentes nichos ou barreiras geográficas, proporcionando oportunidade para estudos ecológicos e evolutivos.(AU)

Animals , Catfishes/classification , Catfishes/genetics , Brazil , Biodiversity , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/veterinary , Molecular Sequence Annotation
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 917-927, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153455


Abstract The trahira or wolf fish - Hoplias malabaricus- is a valid species, although recent cytogenetic and molecular studies have indicated the existence of a species complex. In this context, the present study analyzed the mitochondrial COI marker to determine the levels of genetic diversity of specimens from the Brazilian state of Maranhão, and verify the occurrence of distinct lineages within the study area. Samples were collected from the basins of the Turiaçu, Pindaré, Mearim, Itapecuru, and Parnaíba rivers. A 630-bp fragment was obtained from 211 specimens, with 484 conserved and 108 variable sites, and 60 haplotypes (Hd = 0,947; π = 0,033). The phylogenetic analyses indicated the existence of three distinct lineages of H. malabaricus from Maranhão. Genetic distances of 1.5-8.2% were found between all the populations analyzed, while the variation between haplogroups ranged from 2.1% to 7.7%. The AMOVA indicated that most of the molecular variation was found among groups, with high FST values. The high levels of genetic variability found in the present study are supported by the available cytogenetic data. These findings reinforce the need for the development of effective programs of conservation and management independently for each river basin, in order to preserve the genetic variability found in this taxon.

Resumo A traíra - Hoplias malabaricus- é uma espécie válida, embora recentes estudos citogenéticos e moleculares tenham indicado a existência de um complexo de espécies. Neste contexto, o presente estudo analisou o marcador mitocondrial COI para determinar os níveis de diversidade genética dos espécimes do estado do Maranhão e verificar a ocorrência de linhagens distintas dentro da área de estudo. As amostras foram coletadas nas bacias dos rios Turiaçu, Pindaré, Mearim, Itapecuru e Parnaíba. As análises filogenéticas indicaram a existência de três linhagens distintas nas populações do Maranhão. Obteve-se um fragmento de 630 pb de 211 espécimes, com 484 sítios conservados, 108 variáveis e 60 haplótipos (Hd = 0,947; π = 0,033). As análises filogenéticas indicaram a ocorrência de três linhagens distintas de H. malabaricus do Maranhão. Distâncias genéticas de 1.5 a 8.2% foram encontradas entre todas as populações analisadas, enquanto a variação entre os haplogrupos variou de 2.1% a 7.7%. A AMOVA indicou que a maior variação molecular foi entre os grupos, com altos valores de FST. Os altos níveis de variabilidade genética encontrados no presente estudo são suportados pelos dados citogenéticos disponíveis. Essas descobertas reforçam a necessidade de desenvolver programas de conservação e manejo independentemente para cada bacia hidrográfica, a fim de preservar a variabilidade genética encontrada neste táxon.

Animals , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Characiformes/genetics , Phylogeny , Genetic Variation/genetics , Haplotypes/genetics , Brazil , Rivers
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(4): 1054-1060, Oct.-Dec. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153441


Abstract One aquatic coleopteran species from family Dytiscidae and two aquatic coleopteran genera from family Hydrophilidae were recorded in the summer period and represent first records in the Egyptian lakes. Beetles were collected from two northern lakes, Lake Idku and Lake Burullus. They were identified by morphological characteristics as well as the mtDNA barcoding method. A molecular phylogenetic approach was used to determine the genetic identity of the collected samples based on the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI). Prodaticus servillianus (Dytiscidae) from Egypt showed no significant difference in the COI region and they are highly similar to P. servillianus from Madagascar. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that the other two coleopteran genera belong to family Hydrophilidae. Based on COI only, there is no clear evidence for their genetic identity at the species level. So, we defined them to the closest taxon and denoted them as Cymbiodyta type A and B. The results indicated that resolving the molecular identity of the aquatic beetles from northern lakes of Egypt need more considerations in the field of biological conservation. We concluded that utilization of COI as a barcoding region for identifying some coleopteran species is not sufficient and additional molecular markers are required to uncover the molecular taxonomy at deep levels.

Resumo Uma espécie de coleópteros aquático da família Dytiscidae e dois gêneros de coleópteros aquáticos da família Hydrophilidae foram registrados no período de verão e representam os primeiros registros nos lagos egípcios. Os besouros foram coletados em dois lagos do norte, o lago Idku e o lago Burullus, e identificados por características morfológicas e pelo método de código de barras mtDNA. Uma abordagem filogenética molecular foi usada para determinar a identidade genética das amostras coletadas com base no citocromo oxidase I mitocondrial (COI). Prodaticus servillianus (Dytiscidae) do Egito não mostrou diferença significativa na região COI e é altamente semelhante a P. servillianus de Madagascar. A análise filogenética revelou que os outros dois gêneros de coleópteros pertencem à família Hydrophilidae. Com base apenas no COI, não há evidências claras de sua identidade genética no nível da espécie. Assim, nós os agrupamos no táxon mais próximo e os denominamos Cymbiodyta tipo A e B. Os resultados indicaram que a identidade molecular dos besouros aquáticos dos lagos do norte do Egito precisa de mais considerações no campo da conservação biológica. Concluímos que a utilização de COI como região de código de barras para identificar algumas espécies de coleópteros não é suficiente, sendo necessários marcadores moleculares adicionais para descobrir a taxonomia molecular em níveis profundos.

Animals , Lakes , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Phylogeny , Electron Transport Complex IV/genetics , Egypt
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;81(3): 584-591, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153386


Abstract The flying fox (Pteropus giganteus) also familiar with the name of the greater Indian fruit Bat belongs to the order Chiroptera and family Pteropodidae. Current research emphasis on the DNA barcoding of P. giganteus in Azad Jammu Kashmir. Bat sequences were amplified and PCR products were sequenced and examined by bioinformatics software. Congeneric and conspecific, nucleotide composition and K2P nucleotide deviation, haplotype diversity and the number of haplotypes were estimated. The analysis showed that all of the five studied samples of P. giganteus had low G contents (G 19.8%) than C (27.8%), A (25.1%) and T (27.3%) contents. The calculated haplotype diversity was 0.60% and the mean intraspecific K2P distance was 0.001% having a high number of transitional substitutions. The study suggested that P. giganteus (R=0.00) do not deviate from the neutral evolution. It was determined from the conclusion that this mtDNA gene is a better marker for identification of Bat species than nuclear genes due to its distinctive characteristics and may serve as a landmark for the identification of interconnected species at the molecular level and in the determination of population genetics.

Resumo A raposa-voadora (Pteropus giganteus), também conhecida como morcego indiano, pertence à ordem dos Chiroptera e à família Pteropodidae. A presente pesquisa dá ênfase ao código de barras de DNA de P. giganteus em Azad Jammu e Caxemira. Sequências genéticas dos morcegos foram amplificadas, e os produtos de PCR foram sequenciados e examinados por software de bioinformática. De espécies congenérica e coespecífica, foram estimados composição nucleotídica e desvio de nucleotídeos K2P, diversidade de haplótipos e número de haplótipos. A análise mostrou que todas as cinco amostras estudadas de P. giganteus apresentaram baixos teores de G (19,8%) em comparação com C (27,8%), A (25,1%) e T (27,3%). A diversidade de haplótipos calculada foi de 0,60%, e a distância média intraespecífica de K2P foi de 0,001%, com um elevado número de substituições transicionais. O estudo sugeriu que P. giganteus (R = 0,00) não se desviou da evolução neutra. É possível concluir que o gene mtDNA é um marcador favorável para identificação de espécies de morcegos do que genes nucleares por causa de suas características distintivas e pode servir como um marco para a identificação de espécies interconectadas em nível molecular e para a determinação genética de populações.

Animals , Chiroptera/genetics , Pakistan , Haplotypes/genetics , DNA, Mitochondrial , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;51(2): 139-144, jun. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1353416


O DNA barcoding propõe que um fragmento de DNA possa servir para identificar espécies. Em peixes, um fragmento do gene COI tem se mostrado eficaz em muitos estudos com focos diferentes. Nós usamos essa ferramenta molecular para fornecer novas informações sobre a diversidade críptica encontrada no complexo de espécies Hoplias malabaricus. Popularmente conhecida como traíra, H. malabaricus tem uma ampla distribuição na América do Sul. Esse clado mostra diversidade molecular e citogenética, e vários estudos dão suporte à ocorrência de um complexo de espécies. Realizamos análises molecular e cariotípica em indivíduos de H. malabaricus de oito localidades amazônicas, para acessar a diversidade no taxon nominal e elucidar as relações nesse grupo. Usamos 12 amostras em análises citogenéticas e encontramos dois cariomorfos: 2n = 40 (20m + 20sm) (cariomorfo C) e 2n = 42 (22m + 20sm) (cariomorfo A). Usamos 19 amostras em análise molecular, utilizando COI como marcador molecular, análises de máxima verossimilhança e o modelo evolutivo de Kimura-2-parâmetros com estimativa de bootstrap. Encontramos diferenciação relacionada aos cariomorfos com bootstrap de 100%. No entanto, encontramos alta diversidade molecular no cariomorfo C. O padrão observado nos permitiu inferir a presença de diversidade oculta, reforçando a existência de um complexo de espécies. (AU)

Erythrinus , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Karyotype
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 2173-2181, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879175


Resina Draconis, a rare and precious traditional medicine in China, is known as the "holy medicine for promoting blood circulation". According to the national drug standard, it's derived from the resin extracted from the wood of Dracaena cochinchinensis, a Liliaceae plant. In addition, a variety of Dracaena species all over the world can form red resins, and there is currently no molecular identification method that can efficiently identify the origin of Dracaena medicinal materials. In this study, seven species of Dracaena distributed in China were selected as the research objects. Four commonly used DNA barcodes(ITS2, matK, rbcL and psbA-trnH), and four highly variable regions(trnP-psaJ, psbK-psbI, trnT-trnL, clpP) in chloroplast genome were used to evaluate the identification efficiency of Dracaena species. The results showed that clpP sequence fragment could accurately identify seven species of Dracaena plants. However, due to the long sequence of clpP fragment, there were potential problems in the practical application process. We found that the combined fragment "psbK-psbI+ trnP-psaJ" can also be used for accurate molecular identification of the Resina Draconis origin plants and relative species of Dracaena, which were both relatively short sequences in the combined fragment, showing high success rates of amplification and sequencing. Therefore, the "psbK-psbI+ trnP-psaJ" combined fragment can be used as the DNA barcode fragments for molecular identification of Resina Dracon's origin plants and relative species of Dracaena. Research on the identification of Dracaena species, the results of this study can be used to accurately identify the original material of Resina Draconis, and providing effective means for identification, rational development and application of Resina Draconis base source.

China , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , DNA, Plant/genetics , Dracaena/genetics , Plants , Resins, Plant , Sequence Analysis, DNA
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 6312-6322, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-921790


Cambodia is rich in medicinal plant resources. One hundred and thirty-three medicinal material samples, including the hole herb, root, stem/branch, leaf, flower, fruit, seed, and resin, were collected from the Orussey Herbal Market in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and then authenticated by ITS and psbA-trnH. A total of 46 samples were identified based on ITS sequences, belonging to 24 families, 40 genera, and 42 species. A total of 100 samples were identified by psbA-trnH sequences to belong to 42 families, 77 genera, and 84 species. A total of 103 samples were identified by two DNA barcodes. According to the morphological characteristics of the medicinal materials, 120 samples classified into 50 species, 86 genera, and 86 families were identified, and the majority of them were from Zingiberaceae, Fabaceae, and Acanthaceae. Such samples have been commonly used in traditional Cambodian medicine, Ayurvedic medicine, Unani medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and ethnomedicine, but different medical systems focus on different functional aspects of the same medicinal material. The results of this study have demonstrated that DNA barcoding has a significant advantage in identifying herbal products, and this study has provided basic data for understanding the traditional medicinal materials used in Cambodia.

Humans , Cambodia , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , DNA, Plant/genetics , Plant Leaves , Plants, Medicinal/genetics
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 20(2): 177-194, 2021. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1342220


Putre ́s oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) is a variety of oregano that grown in the Arica-Parinacota Region. Its organoleptic attributes and unique production conditions have earned it a certification with Geographical Indication (GI). However, the demands of the markets require a scientific-technological support for identification and authentication of materials. In this context, was proposed to identify Putre's oregano by phylogenetic relationships based on the use of molecular markers SSR and "DNA Barcode". The results showed that when comparing materials from different sources of Putre ́s oregano versus information from certified germplasms and GenBank sequences, added to the analysis with nuclear genetic markers, Putre ́s oregano corresponds to the species Origanum vulgare L. subsp virens. This precise identification will support the correct differentiation and authentication of this genotype, serving in addition to supporting the GI.

El orégano de Putre (Origanum vulgare L.) es una variedad de orégano que se cultiva en la Región de Arica y Parinacota. Sus atributos organolépticos y condiciones únicas de producción lo han hecho acreedor de una certificación con Indicación Geográfica (IG). Sin embargo, las exigencias de los mercados requieren de un respaldo científico-tecnológico de identificación y autenticación de materiales. En este contexto, se propuso identificar el orégano de Putre mediante relaciones filogenéticas a partir del uso de marcadores moleculares SSR y "DNA Barcode". Los resultados demostraron que al comparar los materiales de distintas procedencias de orégano de Putre versus la información desde germoplasmas certificados y secuencias de GenBank, sumado al análisis con marcadores genéticos nucleares, el orégano de Putre corresponde a la especie Origanum vulgare L. subsp virens. Esta identificación precisa dará soporte a la correcta diferenciación y autenticación de este genotipo, sirviendo además de apoyo a la IG.

Microsatellite Repeats , Origanum/genetics , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Phylogeny , Chile
Braz. j. biol ; 81(2): 258-267, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153355


The ichthyofauna diversity of the Jebba Hydroelectric Power (HEP) Dam, Jebba, North-central Nigeria was studied. Fishes were sampled for 24 months using gill net, hook and line, and cast net. Individuals were identified using morphological and molecular (mitochondrial Cytochrome c Oxidase subunit I) data. A total of 9605 freshwater fishes were recorded during the sampling period. The use of an integrative taxonomic approach enabled the identification of 83 species belonging to 42 genera. Additionally, the study recorded three unidentified species ­ Ctenopoma sp, Malapterurus sp., and Protopterus sp. Analyses showed that individuals belonging to families Cichlidae and Mochokidae dominated the dam. The diversity analyses revealed relatively high fish diversity during the rainy season at the downstream section of Jebba HEP dam compared to the upstream section. The study, therefore, showed the presence of a diverse fish community comprising high species richness and diversity across the Jebba HEP dam. Finally, we recommend proper biodiversity monitoring and assessment of freshwater fish diversity across Nigeria. In addition, the use of an integrated taxonomic approach is recommended for appropriate species' identification and studies of freshwater fishes from Nigeria.

A diversidade da ictiofauna da hidrelétrica de Jebba (HEP), Jebba, centro-norte da Nigéria foi estudada. Os peixes foram amostrados por 24 meses, utilizando rede de emalhar, anzol e linha, e rede de arrasto. Os indivíduos foram identificados usando a abordagem combinada morfológica e molecular (citocromo c Oxidase mitocondrial subunidade I). Um total de 9605 peixes de água doce foram registrados durante o período de amostragem. A identificação das espécies utilizando a abordagem taxonômica integrada possibilitou a identificação de 83 espécies pertencentes a 42 gêneros. Além disso, o estudo registrou três espécies não identificadas - Ctenopoma sp, Malapterurus sp e Protopterus sp. Análises mostraram que indivíduos pertencentes às famílias Cichlidae e Mochokidae dominaram a barragem. As análises dos índices de diversidade revelaram uma diversidade de peixes relativamente alta durante a estação chuvosa na seção a jusante da barragem Jebba HEP em comparação com a seção a montante. O estudo mostrou, portanto, a presença de diversas comunidades de peixes, que incluem alta riqueza e diversidade de espécies através da barragem Jebba HEP. Finalmente, recomendamos o monitoramento adequado da biodiversidade e a avaliação da diversidade de peixes de água doce em toda a Nigéria. Além disso, recomenda-se o uso de abordagem taxonômica integrada para a identificação adequada das espécies e estudos de peixes de água doce da Nigéria.

Humans , Animals , Catfishes/genetics , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/veterinary , Fishes , Seasons , Hydroelectric Power Plants (Environmental Health) , Biodiversity , Fresh Water , Nigeria
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 37(2)dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386270


Resumen Una de las dificultades encontradas es la correcta identificación de insectos asociados a la descomposición cadavérica, por la cual ha llevado a buscar y generar nuevas herramientas en biología molecular que facilitan la determinación de especímenes para la estimación del Intervalo Post-Mortem de una forma efectiva y certera a partir de estadios inmaduros; la colecta y taxonomía morfológica de Dípteros se realizaron en primera instancia y posteriormente se utilizó el sistema de Códigos de Barras (COI Barcode) para la identificación molecular de insectos problema por medio del gen mitocondrial COI en cualquier fase del ciclo biológico. Identificando tres especies de adultos con una probabilidad de correspondencia del 100%; los especímenes: Sarconesia versicolor de la Familia Calliphoridae y Fannia sp., no fueron hallados en las bases de datos mundiales del GenBank y del Boldsystems, siendo necesario su actualización realizando patrones de sucesión cronológica de fauna cadavérica en diferentes zonas geográficas, cuya práctica se aplicaría en las investigaciones criminales.

Abstract One of the difficulties encountered is the correct identification of insects associated with cadaveric decomposition, which has led to the search and generation of new tools in molecular biology that facilitate the determination of specificities for the modification of the Post-Mortem Interval in an effective and accurate from immature stages; the collection and morphological taxonomy of Diptera were made in the first instance and then the Bar Code System (COI Barcode) was used for the molecular identification of problem insects by means of the mitochondrial COI gene in any phase of the biological cycle. Identifying three species of adults with a probability of 100% correspondence; the specimens: Sarconesia versicolor of the Calliphoridae Family and Fannia sp., were not found in the world databases of the GenBank and the Boldsystems, being necessary to update them by chronological succession patterns of cadaveric fauna in different geographical areas, whose practice would be applied in criminal investigations.

Animals , Classification , Diptera/anatomy & histology , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 19(3): 300-313, mayo 2020. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1116300


Every 3 to 7 year angiosperms species of the flowering desert appear in the Atacama Region of Chile, as a result of the climatic phenomenon "El Niño". Our objective was to evaluate the universality of matK and rbcL barcode markers of these species, and validate their taxon through phylogenetic relationships. Argemone hunnemannii, Oenothera coquimbensis, Malesherbia humilis, Leucocoryne appendiculata, Loasa elongata, Nicotiana solanifolia, Stachys grandidentata, Aristolochia chilensis, Alstroemeria kingii and Adesmia eremophila, almost all classified as endemic to Chile, were collected in Pan de Azúcar and Llanos de Challe National Park (Atacama Region, Chile) at the end of October 2017. The phylogeny of these ten angiosperm species from the flowering desert was analyzed using rbcL and matK markers with the maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference methods. The results showed that 70% of the species can be distinguished with the matK or rbcL locus, however, 100% were distinguished using both loci. The phylogenetic results showed that the species formed clades with high reliability and high support with both the matK and rbcL genes, when comparing our results with sequences obtained from GenBank. The matK and rbcL genes are efficient markers for analyzing phylogenetic relationships and validating the taxonomy of flowering species.

Las especies de angiospermas del Desierto Florido de la Región de Atacama de Chile aparecen cada 3 a 7 años, influenciado por el fenómeno climático "El Niño". Nuestro objetivo fue evaluar la universalidad de los marcadores de código de barra matK y rbcL de estas especies, y validar su taxón por medio de relaciones filogenéticas. Las especies Argemone hunnemannii, Oenothera coquimbensis, Malesherbia humilis, Leucocoryne appendiculata, Loasa elongata, Nicotiana solanifolia, Stachys grandidentata, Aristolochia chilensis, Alstroemeria kingii y Adesmia eremophila son clasificadas la mayoría endémicas de Chile. Estas especies fueron colectadas en el Parque Nacional Pan de Azúcar y Llanos de Challe, Región de Atacama, Chile. La colecta se realizó a fines de octubre de 2017. Con los marcadores rbcL y matK se analizó la filogenia con los métodos máxima verosimilitud e inferencia bayesiana en diez especies de angiosperma del Desierto Florido. Los resultados mostraron que el 70% de las especies pueden ser distinguidas con un locus matK o rbcL, sin embargo, el 100% se distinguió usando ambos locus. Los resultados filogenéticos mostraron que las especies formaron clados con alta fiabilidad y alto soporte tanto con los genes matK y rbcL, al comparar con accesos de secuencias obtenidas de GenBank. Lo genes matK y rbcL son marcadores eficientes para analizar relaciones filogenéticas y validar el taxón de las especies de flor.

Phylogeny , Plants/genetics , Desert , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic/methods , Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase , Chile , Sequence Analysis, DNA
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 1272-1278, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008567


Molecular biology is a new subject that clarifies the phenomena and nature of life at the molecular level. Its development provides new biotechnology and methods for the study of traditional pharmacognosy. The formation of molecular biology has brought the development of pharmacognosy into a new era of gene research. Lonicerae Japonicae Flos is a classical Chinese medicine. Many scholars of home and abroad have carried out relevant studies on its molecular biology on the basis of the in-depth study with traditional methods, and have achieved certain results. In order to provide references on the method, technical for promoting the modernization of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, and the development, protection, and utilization of other traditional Chinese medicine resources. This article summarized the application status of molecular biology methods and techniques on the identification, biosynthesis of active constituents, and molecular mechanism of secondary metabolite under stress conditions of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos in recent years. In hybridization technology of tag(RFLP), molecular markers based on PCR(RAPD, AFLP, SSR and ISSR), based on DNA sequence analysis of SNP and DNA barcode for the variety identification, diagnosis, identification of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos, and so forth in detail. At the same time, it is proposed that multi-omics technology can be used to build systems biology technology and platforms, and establish related models of secondary metabolite biosynthesis, so as to deepen acknowledge the molecular mechanism of the active component biosynthesis of Lonicerae Japonicae Flos and the accumulation of metabolites, life activities of other medicinal plants under adverse environment, then to regulate them.

Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/pharmacology , Lonicera/chemistry , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Microsatellite Repeats , Plants, Medicinal/chemistry , Polymorphism, Restriction Fragment Length , Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide , Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique , Secondary Metabolism
J. forensic med ; Fa yi xue za zhi;(6): 559-564, 2020.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985153


Traditional species identification has gone through five stages -- morphology, cytology, biochemistry, immunology and molecular biology. At present, the use of DNA technology for species identification has become a research hotspot. In the use of DNA for species identification, the presentation and application of DNA barcode is of epoch-making significance. With the successful application of new technology in species identification, forensic species identification has also made corresponding development, and is expected to play an important role in forensic related fields. This paper briefly describes the general situation and principles of DNA barcode technology as well as its advantages and limitations when applied to biological classification, and discusses the future significance and feasibility of DNA barcode technology in forensic applications, in order to provide new ideas for future forensic identification.

DNA/genetics , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic , Forensic Medicine
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 18(1): e190112, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1098407


Pacus of the genus Myloplus represent a formidable taxonomic challenge, and particularly so for the case of M. asterias and M. rubripinnis, two widespread and common species that harbor considerable morphological diversity. Here we apply DNA barcoding and multiple species discovery methods to find candidate species in this complex group. We report on one well-supported lineage that is also morphologically and ecologically distinct. This lineage represents a new species that can be distinguished from congeners by the presence of dark chromatophores on lateral-line scales, which gives the appearance of a black lateral line. It can be further diagnosed by having 25-29 branched dorsal-fin rays (vs. 18-24), 89-114 perforated scales from the supracleithrum to the end of hypural plate (vs. 56-89), and 98-120 total lateral line scales (vs. 59-97). The new species is widely distributed in the Amazon basin, but seems to have a preference for black- and clearwater habitats. This ecological preference and black lateral line color pattern bears a striking similarity to the recently described silver dollar Metynnis melanogrammus.(AU)

Pacus do gênero Myloplus representam um desafio taxonômico formidável, e particularmente o caso de M. asterias e M. rubripinnis, duas espécies amplamente distribuídas e comuns que abrigam uma considerável diversidade morfológica. Aplicamos aqui a tecnologia do DNA barcoding e múltiplos métodos de descoberta de espécies para encontrar possíveis espécies novas nesse grupo complexo. Registramos uma linhagem bem suportada que também é distinta morfológica e ecologicamente. Essa linhagem representa uma nova espécie que pode ser distinguida das demais congêneres por apresentar cromatóforos escuros nas escamas da linha lateral que conferem uma aparência de linha lateral preta. Ela pode ser adicionalmente diagnosticada por ter 25-29 raios ramificados na nadadeira dorsal (vs. 18-24), 89-114 escamas perfuradas do supracleitro até o final da placa hipural (vs. 56-89) e 98-120 escamas totais na linha lateral (vs. 59-97). A nova espécie é amplamente distribuída na bacia Amazônica, mas aparentemente possui preferência por habitats de água preta e clara. A preferência ecológica e o padrão de colorido escuro da linha lateral consistem em semelhanças impressionantes com o silver dólar recém descrito Metynnis melanogrammus.(AU)

Animals , Characiformes/anatomy & histology , Characiformes/classification , DNA Barcoding, Taxonomic