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CoDAS ; 36(5)ago. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, CONASS, SES-SP, SESSP-IDPCPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1567933


PURPOSE: Oropharyngeal dysphagia (OD) is one of the possible outcomes in patients hospitalized with COVID-19 and also in the population hospitalized for the treatment of cardiovascular disease. Thus, knowing the predictive risk factors for OD may help with referral and early intervention. This study aimed to verify the association of different factors with OD in hospitalized individuals with cardiovascular disease and COVID-19. METHODS: Cross-sectional clinical study approved by the Research Ethics Committee (4,521,771). Clinical evaluation of swallowing was carried out in 72 adult patients with cardiovascular disease and COVID-19 hospitalized from April to September 2020. Individuals under 18 years of age and without previous cardiovascular disease were excluded. The presence of general clinical and/or neurological complications, pronation, stay in the intensive care unit (ICU), orotracheal intubation (OTI), tracheostomy tube, oxygen support and age were considered as predictive risk factors for oropharyngeal dysphagia. Fisher's exact test, Mann Whitney test and logistic regression model were used for analysis. RESULTS: General clinical complications (p=0.001), pronation (p=0.003), ICU stay (p=0.043), in addition to the need for oxygen supplementation (p=0.023) and age (p= 0 .037) were statistically significant factors associated. The pronation (0.013) and age (0.038) were independently associated with dysphagia. OTI (p=0.208), tracheostomy (p=0.707) and the presence of previous cerebrovascular accidents (p=0.493) were not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: In this study, age and prone position were factors independently associated with oropharyngeal dysphagia, complications such as the need for oxygen supplementation, in addition to the need for ICU admission, were also associated factors in the population.

Cardiovascular Diseases , Deglutition Disorders , Deglutition , COVID-19 , Intensive Care Units , Risk Factors
Distúrbios Comun. (Online) ; 36(1): 1-9, 17/06/2024.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560929


Introdução: O Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA) é um distúrbio do neurodesenvolvimento caracterizado por déficits na comunicação social, alterações de sensibilidade e dificuldades alimentares.Objetivo: Realizar uma revisão integrativa das alterações de deglutição em indivíduos com TEA.Métodos: A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de uma busca por artigos nacionais e internacionais, utilizando descritores para a pesquisa, bem como critérios de inclusão e exclusão para a seleção da amostra final. A estratégia PPOT foi utilizada para definir critérios de elegibilidade, incluindo população (crianças e adultos), preditor (diagnóstico de TEA), desfecho (relato ou diagnóstico de disfagia oral, faríngea ou esofágica) e tipo de estudo (estudos observatórios). A busca foi realizada no período de junho a agosto de 2023, nas bases de dados: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase e Google Scholar. Resultados: Foram selecionados dez estudos com pacientes diagnosticados com TEA que relataram sintomas de disfagia orofaríngea e esofágica, além de queixas sobre ingestão alimentar. Os estudos sugerem que crianças com TEA podem apresentar algum problema de disfunções motoras orais, frequência alimentar inadequada, padrões alimentares obsessivos, apresentação específica de determinados alimentos, seletividade alimentar e dificuldades de processamento sensorial. Conclusão: Conclui-se que não há evidências científicas robustas sobre a presença de disfagia em pacientes com TEA. (AU)

Introduction: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by deficits in social communication, changes in sensitivity and eating difficulties. Objective: To carry out an integrative review of swallowing changes in individuals with ASD. Methods: The research was carried out through a search for national and international articles, using descriptors for the research, as well as inclusion and exclusion criteria for selecting the final sample. The PPOT strategy was used to define eligibility criteria, including population (children and adults), predictor (ASD diagnosis), outcome (report or diagnosis of dysphagia oral, pharyngeal or esophageal), and study type (observatory studies). The search was carried out from June to August 2023, in the databases: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase and Google Scholar. Results: Ten studies were selected with patients diagnosed with ASD who reported symptoms of oropharyngeal and esophageal dysphagia, in addition to complaints about food intake. Studies suggest that children with ASD may present problems with oral motor dysfunction, inadequate eating frequency, obsessive eating patterns, specific presentation of certain foods, food selectivity and sensory processing difficulties. Conclusion: It is concluded that there is no robust scientific evidence about the presence of dysphagia in patients with ASD. (AU)

Introducción: El Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo caracterizado por déficits en la comunicación social, cambios en la sensibilidad y dificultades alimentarias. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión integradora de los cambios en la deglución en individuos con TEA. Métodos: La investigación se realizó mediante una búsqueda de artículos nacionales e internacionales, utilizando descriptores para la investigación, así como criterios de inclusión y exclusión para la selección de la muestra final. La estrategia PPOT se utilizó para definir los criterios de elegibilidad, incluida la población (niños y adultos), el predictor (diagnóstico de TEA), el resultado (informe o diagnóstico de enfermedad oral, faríngea o esofágica) y el tipo de estudio (estudios observatorios). La búsqueda se realizó de junio a agosto de 2023, en las bases de datos: Pubmed, Scopus, Embase y Google Scholar. Resultados: Se seleccionaron diez estudios con pacientes diagnosticados de TEA que refirieron síntomas de disfagia orofaríngea y esofágica, además de quejas sobre la ingesta de alimentos. Los estudios sugieren que los niños con TEA pueden presentar problemas de disfunción motora oral, frecuencia inadecuada de alimentación, patrones alimentarios obsesivos, presentación específica de ciertos alimentos, selectividad alimentaria y dificultades en el procesamiento sensorial. Conclusión: Se concluye que no existe evidencia científica robusta sobre la presencia de disfagia en pacientes con TEA. (AU)

Humans , Child , Deglutition Disorders , Autism Spectrum Disorder
Rev. ADM ; 81(2): 77-82, mar.-abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1561556


Introducción: la disfagia es la alteración en los mecanismos de la deglución que coexiste con múltiples enfermedades y condiciones. El conocimiento amplio de esta alteración generará mejores diagnósticos y tratamientos para el mejoramiento de la calidad de vida de estos pacientes. Aunque esta alteración podría ser del dominio común por especialistas en el área de la salud, principalmente la oral, no existe información reciente del nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en el personal odontológico. Objetivo: determinar el nivel de conocimiento sobre la disfagia en un grupo de profesionales de la salud oral de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material y método: se realizó un estudio trasversal descriptivo en un grupo de 241 odontólogos (pasantes de servicio social, odontólogos generales, periodoncistas, endodoncistas, rehabilitadores, odontopediatras y ortodoncistas) a través de una encuesta, los reactivos utilizados fueron sobre conocimiento de la disfagia, métodos de diagnóstico, signos y síntomas, tratamiento y complicaciones. Resultados: la mitad de la población encuestada refirió conocer los trastornos de la deglución (64.7%). Contrastantemente, al utilizar el término «disfagia¼, la postura del conocimiento disminuyó considerablemente (40.7%). Finalmente, los valores más bajos de la encuesta se mostraron en la falta de conocimiento sobre identificación de signos y síntomas de la disfagia (36.1%), métodos de diagnóstico (20.7%), tratamientos (18.7%) y complicaciones (23.2%). Conclusión: existe un bajo conocimiento de los trastornos de la deglución autopercibido por los profesionales de la odontología, lo que sugiere la búsqueda de los factores que ocasionan la falta del conocimiento de los profesionales del área odontológica (AU)

Introduction: dysphagia is the alteration in swallowing mechanisms that coexists with multiple diseases and conditions. The broad knowledge of this alteration will generate better diagnoses and treatments for the improvement of the quality of life of these patients. Although this alteration could be common domain by specialists in the area of health, mainly oral, there is no recent information on the level of knowledge about dysphagia in dental personnel. Objective: to determine the level of knowledge about dysphagia in a group of oral health professionals from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua. Material and methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 241 dentists (social service intern, general dentists, periodontists, endodontists, rehabilitators, pediatric dentists and orthodontists) through a survey, the reagents used were on knowledge of dysphagia, diagnostic methods, signs and symptoms, treatment and complications. Results: half of the surveyed population reported knowing swallowing disorders (64.7%). In contrast, when using the term «dysphagia¼ the posture of knowledge decreased considerably (40.7%). Finally, the lowest values in the survey were found in the lack of knowledge about identification of signs and symptoms of dysphagia (36.1%), diagnostic methods (20.7%), treatments (18.7%) and complications (23.2%). Conclusion: there is a low knowledge of self-perceived swallowing disorders by dentists, which suggests the search for the factors that cause the lack of knowledge of dental professionals (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Dentists/education , Signs and Symptoms , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Mexico/epidemiology
Geriatr Gerontol Aging ; 18: e0000100, Apr. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1566466


Objective: We aimed to determine the prevalence of self-reported swallowing difficulty (dysphagia) among older Colombians and to explore the factors associated with this condition. Methods: This study presents a secondary analysis of the SABE-Colombia survey, a crosssectional study of community-dwelling older adults. The dependent variable was self reported swallowing difficulty, assessed through the question: "How often do you have difficulty or discomfort swallowing?" Descriptive and bivariate analyses of the sample were performed, followed by multivariate analysis, adjusting for confounding variables. Results: The final sample included 19 004 older Colombians, whose mean age was 69 years (56% women). The overall prevalence of swallowing difficulty was 12.2%. In the multivariate analysis, significant associations were observed between swallowing difficulty and several factors, including male sex (OR 1.14, 95%CI 1.03 ­ 1.26), age > 80 years (OR 1.26, 95%CI 1.08 ­ 1.47), dependence in activities of daily living (OR 1.62, 95%CI 1.23 ­ 2.13), cognitive impairment (OR 1.49, 95%CI 1.30 ­ 1.70), depressive symptoms (OR 1.38, 95%CI 1.15 ­ 1.65), sarcopenia (OR 1.32, 95%CI 1.02 ­ 1.69), malnutrition (OR 1.35, 95%CI 1.23 ­ 1.49), and osteoarticular disease (OR 1.18, 95%CI 1.07 ­ 1.38). Conclusion: There was a high prevalence of swallowing difficulty among older community-dwelling Colombians. Our results showed a strong correlation between swallowing difficulty and risk factors such as cognitive impairment, depressive symptoms, osteoarticular disease, and dependence in activities of daily living, but not with malnutrition or sarcopenia. (AU)

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Aged , Deglutition Disorders
Rev. ABENO (Online) ; 24(1): 2112, 20 fev. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566292


Os autores relatam a experiência do processo de desenvolvimento do protótipo de um aplicativo sobre higiene bucal de idosos com demência, com atenção especial aos que apresentam disfagia, voltado à orientação dos seus cuidadores. Objetivou, também, descrever o papel desta experiência como estratégia de ensino interprofissional e de inovação social a estudantes de Odontologia e Fonoaudiologia. Realizou-se estudo qualitativo do tiporelato de experiência, com informações originadas de narrativas verbais e registro escrito e iconográfico dos autores dessa pesquisa, bem como de relatos escritos de duas revisoras do protótipo do aplicativo ­ambas especialistas em Gerontologia. Para o protótipo, utilizou-se o site, sem necessidade de programação, gerando formato de aplicativo e site para desktop e celular. O produto foi desenvolvido em três fases, concluído com êxito, e avaliado positivamente pelas pareceristas. Seu conteúdo incluiu informações escritas e iconográficas, estáticas e dinâmicas, referentes à importância e "passo a passo" da higiene bucal, suas relações com saúde e disfagia, e cuidados específicos diante dessa, além de um "Guia do Aplicativo" e "Feedback". A experiência relatada demonstrou que a construção do aplicativo se deu com êxito e avaliação positiva por pareceristas, com contribuição social almejada. Os discentes e docentes de Odontologia e de Fonoaudiologia envolvidos ampliaram suas habilidades na inovação e nas competências interprofissionais. Mais estudos sobre a inovação na graduação em saúde são requeridos, por se tratar de uma área em expansão no mercado, tendo grande contribuição para atualização dos profissionais da saúde (AU).

Los autores relatan la experiencia del proceso de desarrollo del prototipo de una aplicación sobre higiene bucal para personas mayores con demencia, con especial atención a aquellas con disfagia, con el objetivo de orientar a sus cuidadores. También tuvo como objetivo describir el papel de esta experiencia como estrategia de enseñanza interprofesional e innovación social para estudiantes de Odontología y Logopedia. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo del tipo relato de experiencia, con informaciones provenientes de relatos verbales y registros escritos e iconográficos de los autores de esta investigación, así como relatos escritos de dos revisores del prototipo de la aplicación, ambos especialistas en Gerontología. Para el prototipo se utilizó el sitioweb, sin necesidad de programación, generando un formato de aplicación y sitio web para escritorio y celular. El producto fue desarrollado en tres fases, completado con éxito y evaluado positivamente por los revisores. Su contenido incluía información escrita e iconográfica, estática y dinámica, referente a la importancia y el "paso a paso" de la higiene bucal, sus relaciones con la salud y la disfagia, y los cuidados específicos ante esta, además de una "Guía de Aplicación" y "Comentarios". La experiencia relatada demostró que la construcción de la aplicación fue exitosa y fue evaluada positivamente por los revisores, con la contribución social deseada. Los estudiantes y profesores de Odontología y Logopedia involucrados ampliaron sus habilidades en innovación y competencias interprofesionales. Se requiere más estudios en innovación en la graduación en salud, ya que es un área en expansión en el mercado, con un gran aporte para la actualización de los profesionales de la salud (AU).

The authors report the experience of developing the prototype of an application on oral hygiene for elderly individuals with dementia, with special attention to those with dysphagia, aimed at guiding their caregivers. The purpose was also to describe the role of this experience as a strategy for interprofessional education and social innovation for dentistry and speech-language pathology students. A qualitative study of the experience was conducted, gathering information from verbal narratives and written and iconographic records of the researchers, as well as written reports from two reviewers of the application prototype­both experts in Gerontology. The website website was used for the prototype, which required no programming, generating an application format and a website for desktop and mobile. The product was developed in three phases, successfully completed, and positively evaluated by the reviewers. Its content included written and iconographic information, static and dynamic, regarding the importance and step-by-step process of oral hygiene, its relationships with health and dysphagia, and specific care in the face of the latter, along with an "App Guide" and "Feedback." The reported experience demonstrated that the application's construction was successful and positively evaluated by reviewers, thus achieving the intended social contribution. Dentistry and speech-language pathology students and faculty involved expanded their skills in innovation and interprofessional competencies. Given itsexpanding presence in the market and significant contribution to the ongoing education of healthcare professionals, further studies on innovation in health education are required (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Oral Hygiene , Caregivers , Dementia , Mobile Applications , Professional Competence , Students, Dental , Students, Health Occupations , Aged , Deglutition Disorders , Qualitative Research , Quality Improvement
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 1-10, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1036525


Background@#Stroke is a significant health concern globally, and dysphagia has been a very common complication. Early intervention for managing dysphagia is challenging with a lack of universally accepted treatment protocols. Non-invasive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is emerging as a treatment option for stroke dysphagia. However, there is no standardized rTMS treatment protocol for it, leading to challenges in clinical decision-making.@*Objective@#To determine available rTMS protocols for unilateral hemispheric stroke dysphagia.@*Methods@#A scoping review using PubMed, ProQuest, and EBSCOHost databases was conducted using the keywords “dysphagia,” “stroke,” “repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation,” “conventional therapy,” and “swallowing examination.” Eligible studies published from inception to April 2020 were appraised using the Oxford Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and analyzed qualitatively.@*Results@#Out of 42 articles, five randomized controlled trials met the eligibility criteria. A total of 108 patients with stroke and oropharyngeal dysphagia were randomized into one of the following treatment groups: (1) rTMS (unilateral or bilateral); (2) conventional dysphagia therapy (CDT); and (3) combined intervention (CI) of rTMS and CDT. The CI gave significant improvements in swallowing function and quality of life compared to CDT alone. The bilateral rTMS protocol resulted in more significant improvements than unilateral rTMS. @*Conclusion@#There are various and heterogeneous treatment protocols involving neuromodulation available for stroke dysphagia. The combination of bilateral excitatory-inhibitory rTMS and CDT seems to result in an optimal outcome for swallowing function among patients with unilateral hemispheric stroke dysphagia.

Deglutition Disorders , Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation , Stroke
Audiol., Commun. res ; 29: e2847, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1557152


RESUMO Objetivo Descrever as contribuições da atuação fonoaudiológica em pacientes traqueostomizados no contexto da COVID-19. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo de natureza descritiva e análise quantitativa, com coleta em prontuários de variáveis clínicas e gerais dos pacientes e dos atendimentos fonoaudiológicos. Para análise estatística, foi adotado o coeficiente de correlação de Pearson ou Spearman e nível de significância de 5% (p< 0,05). Resultados Foram incluídos 28 prontuários de pacientes (57,1% gênero masculino) com média de idade de 52 anos e 1 mês, que permaneceram internados por, aproximadamente, 53,7 dias e evoluíram para traqueostomia após 22,1 dias de intubação orotraqueal. Foram registrados dez atendimentos fonoaudiológicos por paciente, que iniciaram, em média, 38,4 dias de internação e foram solicitados em 39,3% para progressão da traqueostomia e da dieta por via oral. O cuff da traqueostomia foi mantido desinsuflado no terceiro, sugerida a decanulação em sete dias após o início e liberada dieta por via oral com cinco atendimentos. Quando analisado o tempo de início dos atendimentos fonoaudiológicos, verificou-se correlação positiva com o tempo de internação hospitalar (p<0,0001), mas não com o processo de decanulação e com o tempo de traqueostomia. Já o número de atendimentos fonoaudiológicos teve correlação positiva com o tempo de uso da traqueostomia e até a liberação da dieta por via oral. Conclusão A atuação fonoaudiológica contribuiu para reabilitação da deglutição e retorno seguro à alimentação por via oral de pacientes internados por COVID-19 e submetidos à traqueostomia.

ABSTRACT Purpose To describe the contributions of speech therapy performance in tracheostomized patients in the context of COVID-19. Methods Retrospective descriptive and quantitative analysis research, using medical records to collect clinical and general variables from patients and speech therapy interventions. For statistical analysis, the Pearson or Spearman correlation coefficient was adopted and a significance level of 5% (p< 0.05). Results Twenty-eight medical records of patients were included (57.1% male) and an average age of 52 years and 1 month, who were hospitalized for approximately 53.7 days and progressed to tracheostomy after 22.1 days of orotracheal intubation. There were ten speech therapy sessions per patient, which started on average 38.4 days into hospitalization and were requested in 39.3% of cases for the progression of tracheostomy and oral feeding. The tracheostomy cuff was kept deflated on the third intervention, decannulation was suggested seven days after the start an d the patient was given an oral diet after five interventions. When we analyzed the time speech therapy interventions began, it showed a positive correlation with the length of hospital stay (p<0.0001), but not with the decannulation process and the length of time with the tracheostomy. On the other hand, the number of speech therapy interventions had a positive correlation with the length of time the tracheostomy was in use and the time until the oral diet was released. Conclusion Speech therapy performance contributes to swallowing rehabilitation and the safe return to oral feeding in patients submitted to tracheostomy in the context of COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Patients , Tracheostomy , Deglutition Disorders/rehabilitation , Hospital Care , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , COVID-19/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology
In. Cabo Córdoba, Estefanía; D'acosta Castillo, Lucía; Delfino Sosa, Marcos; Hermida Calleros, Natalia; Mogni Graña, Analhí. Manual de lactancia materna para profesionales de la salud. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.79-94, tab.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1570447
In. Cabo Córdoba, Estefanía; D'acosta Castillo, Lucía; Delfino Sosa, Marcos; Hermida Calleros, Natalia; Mogni Graña, Analhí. Manual de lactancia materna para profesionales de la salud. Montevideo, Bibliomédica, 2024. p.511-528, ilus.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1570687