Introdução: A forma de alimentação mais segura nos bebês cardiopatas pode ser um desafio para escolha da equipe multiprofissional. Objetivo: Identificar as principais dificuldades de deglutição nas diferentes formas de oferta de alimentação em lactentes cardiopatas congênitos. Métodos: A questão norteadora foi: "Quais as principais dificuldades de deglutição nas diferentes formas de oferta de alimentação em lactentes cardiopatas congênitos?". A população foi delimitada como lactentes cardiopatas, considerando amamentação como exposição de interesse e alimentação em mamadeira considerado grupo comparação. Dificuldades de deglutição foram consideradas desfecho. Foram selecionados artigos sem restrição de idioma, independentemente do ano de publicação até abril de 2019, que apresentassem no título, resumo ou corpo do artigo relação com o objetivo da pesquisa e os critérios de elegibilidade, com delineamento observacional. Após a extração dos dados, as medidas foram transformadas em percentagem, e descritas em uma síntese qualitativa. Resultados: Foram encontrados 828 artigos ao total, sendo que após análises, foram incluídos 11 artigos ao total. As principais dificuldades apresentadas pelos lactentes cardiopatas em seio materno foram: tosse, engasgo, cianose, queda da saturação periférica de oxigênio e incoordenação entre sucção, respiração e deglutição. As dificuldades de deglutição mais encontradas na oferta de seio materno foram: tosse, engasgo, cianose, queda de saturação, incoordenação entre sucção-respiração-deglutição, fadiga, escape oral, tempo prolongado de alimentação, vedamento-labial inadequado, preensão inadequada do bico, e ausculta cervical alterada. Conclusão: Os lactentes cardiopatas apresentam dificuldades de deglutição tanto em seio materno quanto em mamadeira, sendo observada maior frequência de apresentações das dificuldades, com mamadeira. (AU)
Introduction: The safest way of feeding babies with heart disease can be a challenge for the multidisciplinary team to choose. Objective: To identify the main swallowing difficulties in the different forms of feeding in infants with congenital heart disease. Methods: The guiding question was: "What are the main swallowing difficulties in the different forms of feeding in infants with congenital heart disease?". The population was defined as infants with heart disease, considering breastfeeding as exposure of interest and bottle feeding considered a comparison group. Swallowing difficulties were considered the outcome. Articles without language restriction were selected, regardless of the year of publication until April 2019, which presented in the title, abstract or body of the article a relationship with the objective of the research and the eligibility criteria, with an observational design. After data extraction, the measurements were transformed into percentages and described in a qualitative synthesis. Results: A total of 828 articles were found, and after analysis, 11 articles were included in total. The main difficulties presented by infants with heart disease at the mother's breast were coughing, choking, cyanosis, drop in peripheral oxygen saturation and incoordination between sucking, breathing and swallowing. The swallowing difficulties most found in the offer of the mother's breast were: cough, choking, cyanosis, drop in saturation, incoordination between sucking-breathing-swallowing, fatigue, oral leakage, prolonged feeding time, inadequate lip sealing, inadequate nipple grip, and altered cervical auscultation. Conclusion: Infants with heart disease have swallowing difficulties both in the mother's breast and in the bottle, with a higher frequency of presentations of difficulties being observed with the bottle. (AU)
Introducción: La forma más segura de alimentación en bebés com enfermidades del corazón puede ser um desafío para el equipo multidisciplinario para elegir. Objetivo: Identificar las principales dificultades deglutorias em las diferentes formas de alimentación en lactantes com cardiopatías congénitas. Métodos: La pregunta orientadora fue: "¿Cuáles son las principales dificultades deglutorias em las diferentes formas de alimentación en lactantes com cardiopatías congénitas?" La población se definió como lactantes com cardiopatías, considerando la lactancia materna como exposición de interés y la alimentación com biberón considerada una grupo de comparación. Las dificultades para tragar se consideraron el desenlace. Se seleccionaron artículos sin restricción de idioma, independentemente del año de publicación hasta abril de 2019, que presentaran em el título, resumen o cuerpo del artículo relación com el objetivo de la investigación y los criterios de elegibilidad, com um diseño observacional. Después de la extracción de datos, las medidas se transformaron em porcentajes y se describieron en una sínteses cualitativa. Resultados: Se encontraron un total de 828 artículos, y después del análisis, se incluyeron 11 artículos en total. Las principales dificultades que presentaron los lactantes com cardiopatia em el pecho materno fueron: tos, ahogo, cianosis, caída de la saturación periférica de oxígeno y falta de coordinación entre la succión, la respiración y la deglución. Las dificultades de deglución más encontradas em la oferta del pecho de la madre fueron: tos, ahogo, cianosis, descenso de la saturación, descoordinación entre succión-respiración-deglución, fatiga, escape oral, tiempo de alimentación prolongado, sellado labial inadecuado, agarre inadecuado del pezón y auscultación cervical alterada. Conclusión: Los lactantes com cardiopatia presentan dificultades para la deglución tanto em el pecho materno como em el biberón, observándose una mayor frecuencia de presentaciones de dificultades con el biberón. (AU)
Humans , Infant , Bottle Feeding , Breast Feeding , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Deglutition/physiology , Heart Defects, Congenital/complicationsABSTRACT
de la deglución, los cuales representan todas las alteraciones del proceso fisiológico encargado de llevar el alimento desde la boca al esófago y después al estómago, salvaguardando siempre la protección de las vías respiratorias. OBJETIVO. Definir el manejo óptimo, de la disfagia en pacientes con antecedente de infección severa por COVID-19. METODOLOGÍA. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica en las bases de datos PubMed y Elsevier que relacionan el manejo de la disfagia y pacientes con antecedente de infección severa por SARS-CoV-2. Se obtuvo un universo de 134 artículos que cumplieron los criterios de búsqueda. Se seleccionaron 24 documentos, para ser considerados en este estudio. RESULTADOS. La incidencia de disfagia posterior a infección severa por SARS-CoV-2 fue del 23,14%, siendo la disfagia leve la más frecuente 48,0%. Los tratamientos clínicos más empleados en el manejo de la disfagia fueron rehabilitación oral y cambio de textura en la dieta en el 77,23% de los casos, mientras que el único tratamiento quirúrgico empleado fue la traqueotomía 37,31%. Un 12,68% de pacientes recuperó su función deglutoria sin un tratamiento específico. La eficacia de los tratamientos clínicos y quirúrgicos en los pacientes sobrevivientes de la infección severa por SARS-CoV-2 fue del 80,68%, con una media en el tiempo de resolución de 58 días. CONCLUSIÓN. La anamnesis es clave para el diagnóstico de disfagia post COVID-19. El tratamiento puede variar, desde un manejo conservador como cambios en la textura de la dieta hasta tratamientos más invasivos como traqueotomía para mejorar la función deglutoria.
INTRODUCTION. The difficulty to swallow or dysphagia is included within the problems of swallowing, which represent all the alterations of the physiological process in charge of carrying the food from the mouth to the esophagus, and then to the stomach, always taking into account the protection of the airways. OBJECTIVE. To define the optimal management, both clinical and surgical, for the adequate treatment of dysphagia produced as a consequence of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODOLOGY. A review of the scientific literature was carried out using both PubMed and Elsevier databases, which relate the management of dysphagia and patients with a history of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection. RESULTS. The incidence of dysphagia following severe SARS-CoV-2 infection was of 23,14%, with mild dysphagia being the most frequent 48,00%. The most frequently used clinical treatments for dysphagia management were oral rehabilitation and change in dietary texture in 77,23% of cases, while tracheotomy was the only surgical treatment used 37,31%. A total of 12,68% of patients recovered their swallowing function without specific treatment. The efficacy of clinical and surgical treatments in survivors of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection was 80,68%, with a mean resolution time of 58 days. CONCLUSION. An adequate medical history is key to the diagnosis of post-COVID-19 dysphagia. Treatment can range from conservative management such as changes in diet texture to more invasive treatments such as tracheotomy to improve swallowing function.
Rehabilitation , Respiration, Artificial , Tracheotomy , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Deglutition/physiology , COVID-19 , Otolaryngology , Rehabilitation of Speech and Language Disorders , Respiratory Tract Diseases , Speech , Tertiary Healthcare , Pulmonary Medicine , Deglutition Disorders , Respiratory Mechanics , Enteral Nutrition , Aerophagy , Dysgeusia , Ecuador , Exercise Therapy , Pathologists , Gastroenterology , Anosmia , Glossopharyngeal Nerve , Intensive Care Units , Intubation, IntratrachealABSTRACT
El proceso deglutorio requiere de una adecuada coordinación entre respiración y deglución. En el contexto clínico, el uso de dispositivos ventilatorios no invasivos, como la cánula nasal de alto flujo (CNAF) o la ventilación no invasiva (VNI), ha cobrado gran relevancia durante los últimos años. Sin embargo, existe escasa información respecto a la interferencia que estos dispositivos podrían ocasionar en la fisiología deglutoria. En este contexto, y con el objetivo de describir el impacto de la CNAF y la VNI en la fisiología deglutoria, se realizó una revisión de la literatura en PubMed, Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Lilacs y Scielo. Se incorporaron estudios que incluyeran población ≥18 años, con uso de CNAF o VNI. Se excluyeron estudios en población con antecedentes de disfagia, necesidad de intubación, presencia de enfermedad neurológica, neuromuscular o respiratoria, entre otros. Los resultados de los estudios muestran que la CNAF podría disminuir el número de degluciones (en flujos ≥ 20 L/min; p<0,05),disminuir el tiempo medio de activación de la respuesta deglutoria proporcional al flujo empleado (p<0,05), incrementar el riesgo aspirativo en flujos altos (>40 L/min, p<0,05) e incrementar en promedio la duración del cierre del vestíbulo laríngeo (p<0,001). La VNI modo BiPAP, por su parte, podría aumentar el riesgo aspirativo debido al incremento en la tasa de inspiración post deglución (SW-I, p<0,01). Si bien la evidencia disponible es limitada, los resultados aportan información relevante a considerar en el abordaje de usuarios que utilicen estos dispositivos ventilatorios. Futuras investigaciones deberían ser desarrolladas para fortalecer la evidencia presentada.
Deglutition requires adequatecoordination between breathing and swallowing. In the clinical context, the use of non-invasive ventilatory devices such as high-flow nasal cannulas(HFNC) or non-invasive ventilation (NIV) has become highlyrelevantin recent years. However, there is little information regarding howthese devices could interferewith the physiologyof deglutition. This study aimedto describe the impact of HFNC and NIV on swallowing physiology. To this end, aliterature review was carried out usingPubMed, Medline, Embase, Web of Science, Lilacs,and Scielo. Studies performed onpopulations≥18 years old where HFNC or NIV were used were included. Studies where thepopulation hada history of dysphagia, need for intubation, and presentedneurological, neuromuscular,or respiratory diseases, among others, were excluded. The results show that HFNC could decrease the swallowing rate(with flows≥ 20 L/min; p<.05), decrease the mean activation time of the swallowing reflex in proportion to the flow (p<.05), increase the risk of aspiration when usinghigherflows (>40 L/min, p<0.05),and increase the average duration of the laryngeal vestibuleclosure(p<.001).NIV, particularly BiPAP, could increase the risk of aspiration due to the higherrate of post-swallowing inspiration (SW-I, p<.01). Although the evidence available on this matter is limited, theseresults offerrelevant information that should beconsideredwhen working with patients who use these ventilatory devices. Furtherresearch should be carriedoutto strengthen the evidence that is provided in this study.
Humans , Adult , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Deglutition/physiology , Noninvasive Ventilation/adverse effects , Cannula , Oxygen Inhalation Therapy/adverse effects , Continuous Positive Airway Pressure/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Introdução: A traqueostomia pode impactar na deglutição e gerar alterações neurofisiológicas e mecânicas. Objetivo: Analisar a funcionalidade da deglutição em pacientes traqueostomizados internados em um hospital universitário, pré e pós intervenção fonoaudiológica por meio da análise de protocolos do serviço Protocolo Adaptado (base na escalaFOIS e Protocolo de Avaliação do Risco para Disfagia PARD). Método: Estudo transversal, retrospectivo, analítico observacional, de abordagem quantitativa. Analisados 114 protocolos de avaliação da deglutição, verificou-se o grau de disfagia conforme a classificação de O'Neile escala FOIS em um período de quatro anos. Pesquisa aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Instituição (29894920.5.0000.5349). Resultados: Após analisados os protocolos constataram-se que a maioria era do sexo masculino com média de idade de 54,55 anos. Observou-se a predominância das seguintes comorbidades prévias de saúde: pneumonia, hipertensão arterial sistêmica e acidente vascular encefálico isquêmico. Após o acompanhamento fonoaudiológico houve melhora da biomecânica da deglutição com mais pacientes apresentando deglutição funcional um (0,9%) para 12 (10,5%), redução do número de sujeitos com disfagia grave 32 (28,1%) para 17 (14,9%) e maior ingestão por via oral 79 (69,3%) dos pacientes aumentaram o nível de ingestão oral conforme a escala FOIS. A maior parte da amostra apresentou boa tolerância à oclusão de traqueostomia e 60 (52,6%) progrediram para decanulação. Conclusão: A presença da traqueostomia impactou sobre a funcionalidade da deglutição, pois a maioria dos pacientes possuía algum grau de disfagia. Ressalta-se a importância da atuação fonoaudiológica no processo de reabilitação da deglutição, auxiliando no processo de decanulação.
Introduction: Tracheostomy may impact swallowing and generate neurophysiological and mechanical alterations. Objective: To analyze the swallowing functionality in tracheostomized patients admitted to a university hospital, before and after speech-language therapy intervention through the analysis of the service protocols - Adapted Protocol (based on the FOIS scale and Dysphagia Risk Assessment Protocol - PARD). Method: Cross-sectional, retrospective, analytical observational study, with a quantitative approach. We analyzed 114 swallowing assessment protocols, and checked the degree of dysphagia according to O'Neil's classification and FOISscale over a four-year period. Research approved by the Institution's Research Ethics Committee (29894920.5.0000.5349). Results: After analyzing the protocols it was found that the majority were male with a mean age of 54.55 years. A predominance of the following previous health comorbidities was observed: pneumonia, systemic arterial hypertension and ischemic stroke. After the speech-language therapy follow-up there was an improvement in swallowing biomechanics with more patients presenting functional swallowing - one (0.9%) to 12 (10.5%), reduction in the number of subjects with severe dysphagia - 32 (28.1%) to 17 (14.9%) and greater oral intake - 79 (69.3%) of the patients increased the level of oral intake according to the FOIS scale. Most of the sample showed good tolerance to tracheostomy occlusion and 60 (52.6%) progressed to decannulation. Conclusion: The presence of a tracheostomy had an impact on swallowing functionality, since most patients had some degree of dysphagia. We emphasize the importance of speech therapy in the swallowing rehabilitation process, helping in the decannulation process.
Introducción: La traqueotomía puede afectar la deglución y generar cambios neurofisiológicos y mecánicos. Objetivo: Analizar la funcionalidad de la deglución en pacientes traqueostomizados ingresados en un hospital universitario, antes y después de la intervención logopédica mediante el análisis de protocolos de servicio - Protocolo Adaptado (basado en la escala FOIS y Protocolo de Evaluación de Riesgos para Disfagia - PARD). Método: Estudio observacional analítico, transversal, retrospectivo, con enfoque cuantitativo. Tras analizar 114 protocolos de evaluación de la deglución, se verificó el grado de disfagia según la clasificación de O'Neil y la escala FOIS durante un período de cuatro años. Investigación aprobada por el Comité de Ética en Investigación de la Institución (29894920.5.0000.5349). Resultados: Tras analizar los protocolos, se encontró que la mayoría eran varones con una edad media de 54,55 años. Predominaron las siguientes comorbilidades de salud previas: neumonía, hipertensión arterial sistémica e ictus isquémico. Después del seguimiento de logopedia, hubo una mejora en la biomecánica de la deglución, con más pacientes presentando deglución funcional - uno (0,9%) a 12 (10,5%), una reducción en el número de sujetos con disfagia severa - 32 (28,1%) %) a 17 (14,9%) y mayor ingesta oral - 79 (69,3%) de los pacientes aumentaron el nivel de ingesta oral según la escala FOIS. La mayor parte de la muestra mostró buena tolerancia a la oclusión de la traqueotomía y 60 (52,6%) progresaron a decanulación. Conclusión: La presencia de traqueotomía repercutió en la funcionalidad de la deglución, ya que la mayoría de los pacientes presentaba algún grado de disfagia. Enfatiza la importancia de la logopedia en el proceso de rehabilitación de la deglución, ayudando en el proceso de decanulación.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Tracheostomy/adverse effects , Deglutition Disorders/therapy , Deglutition/physiology , Eating , Clinical Protocols , Evaluation of Results of Therapeutic Interventions , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Speech, Language and Hearing SciencesABSTRACT
Objetivo: realizar a tradução e equivalência cultural e linguística para o Português Brasileiro do Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS). Método: realizou-se a tradução do EDACS para a língua portuguesa por duas fonoaudiólogas bilíngues e especialistas em disfagia. As duas traduções foram comparadas entre as próprias fonoaudiólogas, sendo as incompatibilidades discutidas entre si e decisões tomadas por consenso. Após o instrumento traduzido, este foi enviado para uma terceira fonoaudióloga, brasileira, bilíngue, residente nos Estados Unidos, para que a retrotradução para o inglês fosse realizada. A versão inicial do instrumento e a retro tradução foram confrontadas entre si, sendo as discrepâncias analisadas, discutidas e definidas por consenso. Resultados: os processos de tradução e adaptação cultural requereram maior esforço na definição da nomenclatura das consistências utilizadas e não trouxeram modificações com relação à estrutura da escala original. Conclusão: realizou-se a equivalência cultural do Sistema de Classificação das Habilidades do Comer e Beber EDACS-PT/BR para o português brasileiro.
Objective: to perform the translation and cultural equivalence to Brazilian Portuguese of the Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS). Method: EDACS was translated into Brazilian Portuguese by two bilingual speech language therapists, specialists in dysphagia. The two translations were compared by the speech therapists, the incompatibilities were discussed among themselves and decisions were taken by consensus. After the instrument was translated, it was sent to a third Brazilian speech language therapist, bilingual and resident in the United States, for back-translation into English. The initial version of the instrument and the back-translation were compared and the discrepancies were analyzed, discussed and defined by consensus. Results: the processes of translation and cultural adaptation required more effort in defining the terms of the used consistencies and did not change the structure of the original scale. Conclusion: the cultural equivalence of the Sistema de Classificação das Habilidades do Comer e Beber EDACS-PT/BR was performed for Brazilian Portuguese.
Objetivo: llevar a cabo la traducción y equivalencia cultural y lingüística al portugués brasileño del Eating and Drinking Ability Classification System (EDACS). Método: la EDACS fue traducida al portugués por dos logopedas bilingües y especialistas en disfagia. Las dos traducciones se compararon entre los propios logopedas, discutiéndose las incompatibilidades y tomando decisiones por consenso. Una vez traducido el instrumento, se envió a un tercer logopeda, brasileño, bilingüe, residente en Estados Unidos para la retrotraducción al inglés. La versión inicial del instrumento y la retrotraducción se compararon entre sí, y las discrepancias fueron analizadas, discutidas y definidas por consenso. Resultados: los procesos de traducción y adaptación cultural requirieron un mayor esfuerzo en la definición de la nomenclatura de las consistencias utilizadas y no trajeron cambios en relación a la estructura de la escala original. Conclusión: se realizó la equivalencia cultural del Sistema de Classificação das Habilidades do Comer e Beber EDACS-PT/BR para el portugués brasileño.
Humans , Child , Translations , Brazil , Deglutition Disorders/classification , Cross-Cultural Comparison , Deglutition Disorders/diagnosis , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Deglutition/physiology , Drinking/physiology , Eating/physiologyABSTRACT
La masticación tiene como objetivo la adecuada preparación de los alimentos para su deglución y digestión. Cualquier alteración en el sistema estomatognático puede deteriorar la masticación. El odontó- logo es el profesional responsable de mantener y/o restaurar la función masticatoria. La evaluación de la función masticatoria puede hacerse de forma subjetiva utilizando cuestionarios para medir la percepción del paciente sobre su capacidad masticatoria o de forma objetiva analizando la fuerza oclusal, la actividad electromiográfica de los músculos mas- ticadores, la trayectoria de la mandíbula al masticar o la capacidad de trituración de los alimentos. Estos métodos se utilizan en proyectos de investigación, pero en la clínica ¿evaluamos si existe alguna alteración al masticar y al finalizar el tratamiento si cumplimos con el objetivo de restaurar la función masticatoria? ¿Realmente nos preocupamos por mantener y/o restaurar la función masticatoria? Por lo general no, ni en los consultorios, ni en las clínicas universitarias. Es esencial que nos concienticemos de nuestra responsabilidad y para ello es necesario que se le dé mayor peso curricular a la función masticatoria y cómo evaluarla. Seamos realmente custodios de la función masticatoria de nuestros pacientes (AU)
The goal of chewing is to properly prepare food for swallowing and digestion. Any problem in the stomatognathic system can deteriorate chewing. The professional responsible of maintaining and/or restoring masticatory function is the dentist. Masticatory function can be evaluated subjectively through questionnaires to measure the patient's perception of his/her masticatory capacity or objectively analyzing occlusal force, the electromyographic activity of the masticatory muscles, the movements of the mandible during chewing or the individual's capacity to breakdown food. These methods are used in research projects but, do we examine if there is any problem during chewing and if we are achieving our goal of restoring masticatory function at the end of the treatment in our offices? Do we really focus on maintaining and/or restoring masticatory function? Not truly, not in our offices or university clinics. It is imperative that we acknowledge our responsibility but for that it is essential that masticatory function and how to evaluate it is given more weight in the curriculum. Let us be genuine guardians of the masticatory function of our patients (AU)
Humans , Stomatognathic System , Mastication , Masticatory Muscles , Perception , Bite Force , Surveys and Questionnaires , Deglutition/physiologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: Correlacionar os dados acústicos da ausculta cervical com a atividade elétrica dos músculos envolvidos na fase faríngea da deglutição. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo observacional, transversal, de abordagem quantitativa, aprovado em janeiro pelo CEP/UFSCPA (número 1.389.050). Todos os participantes do estudo assinaram o termo de consentimento livre e esclarecido. A fase faríngea da deglutição foi avaliada por meio de ausculta cervical e eletromiografia de superfície. Os indivíduos ingeriram 90 ml de água. Os dados da ausculta foram transferidos para o DeglutiSom® software, a duração e amplitude da atividade eletromiográfica foram mensuradas durante a deglutição com aparelho de eletromiografia de superfície Miotec®. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. Resultados:Cinquenta e sete mulheres participaram deste estudo. A média de idade foi de 23,4 anos. Ressalta-se que quanto maior a frequência média do pico da ausculta, menor é a média do pico do músculo supra-hióideo e quanto maior a intensidade, maior é o pico, assim como a média dos picos supra-hióideos. Foi possível demonstrar que o pico de atividade do músculo supra-hióideo foi significativamente maior do que o pico de atividade do músculo infra-hióideo para a deglutição de 90 ml de água. Conclusão:Os parâmetros acústicos da deglutição em indivíduos saudáveis estão correlacionados com a atividade elétrica dos músculos envolvidos na fase faríngea da deglutição.
Objective: Correlate the acoustic data of cervical auscultation to the electrical activity of the muscles involved in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing. Methods: This is an observational, cross-sectional study involving a quantitative approach and was approved on January by CEP/UFSCPA (number 1.389.050). All participants of the study signed an informed consent form. The pharyngeal phase of swallowing was assessed by employing auscultation and surface electromyography. Individuals ingested 90 ml of water. The auscultation data were transferred to DeglutiSom® software, the duration and amplitude of electromyographic activity was measured during swallowing using a Miotec® surface electromyography device. The level of significance adopted was 5%. Results: Fifty-seven women participated in this study. The average age was 23.4 years on average. It must be highlighted that the greater the average peak frequency of auscultation, lower was the average peak of the suprahyoid muscle and the greater the intensity, the greater was the peak, as well as the average of the suprahyoid peaks. It was possible to demonstrate that the peak of suprahyoid muscle activity was significantly higher than the peak of infra hyoid muscle activity for swallowing 90 ml of water. Conclusion: The acoustic swallowing parameters in healthy individuals are correlated with the electrical activity of muscles involved in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing.
Objetivo: Correlacionar los datos acústicos de la auscultación cervical con la actividad eléctrica de los músculos involucrados en la fase faríngea de la deglución. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio observacional, transversal, de abordaje cuantitativo y aprobado en enero por CEP/UFSCPA (número 1.389.050). Todos los participantes del estudio firmaron un formulario de consentimiento informado. La fase faríngea de la deglución se evaluó mediante auscultación y electromiografía de superficie. Los individuos ingirieron 90 ml de agua. Los datos de auscultación fueron cargados em el software DeglutiSom®, la duración y la amplitud de la actividad electromiográfica se midió durante la deglución utilizando un dispositivo de electromiografía de superficie Miotec®. El nivel de significancia adoptado fue del 5%. Resultados: Cincuenta y siete mujeres participaron en este estudio. La edad promedio fue 23,4 años. Cabe destacar que a mayor frecuencia de pico promedio de auscultación, menor fue el pico promedio del músculo suprahioideo y a mayor intensidad, mayor fue el pico, así como el promedio de los picos suprahioideos. Fue posible demostrar que el pico de actividad del músculo suprahioideo era significativamente más alto que el pico de actividad del músculo infrahioideo para tragar 90 ml de agua. Conclusión: Los parámetros de deglución acústica en individuos sanos se correlacionan con la actividad eléctrica de los músculos involucrados en la fase faríngea de la deglución.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Auscultation , Deglutition/physiology , Electromyography , Correlation of Data , Pharynx , Cross-Sectional Studies , DeglutitionABSTRACT
Chewing is the first step in the digestion process in mammals. It is a highly coordinated process with a complex sensorimotor activity, the aim of which is to prepare foods for the formation of the alimentary bolus and then swallowing. It is a process with defined stages and patterns of movement that adapt to changes derived from the environment or the individual. Here, we review the main characteristics of chewing, including aspects of the physiology and characteristics of the mechanics of mandibular movement. We highlight the latest advances reported and the new methodologies used for a chewing analysis, which has made it possible to collect more precise and reliable data. Thus, we will see how the new technologies have provided a better understanding of this function and its relation to aspects of an individual's general healt h such as nutrition or the appearance of neurodegenerative diseases. Also, in this review we emphasize the close relation that exists between chewing and a person's quality of life.
La masticación es el primer paso en el proceso de digestión en los mamíferos, es un proceso altamente coordinado y con una compleja actividad sensoriomotora, cuyo objetivo es preparar los alimentos para la formación del bolo alimenticio y luego la deglución, es un proceso con etapas definidas y patrones de movimiento que se adaptan a los cambios derivados del entorno o del individuo, aquí se revisan las principales características de la masticación, incluyendo aspectos de la fisiología y características de la mecánica del movimiento mandibular, se destacan los últimos avances reportados y las nuevas metodologías utilizado para un análisis de la masticación, lo que ha permitido recolectar datos más precisos y confiables, así, veremos cómo las nuevas tecnologías han permitido comprender mejor esta función y su relación con aspectos de la salud general de un individuo como la nutrición o la aparición de enfermedades neurodegenerativas; además, en esta revisión destacamos la estrecha relación que existe entre la masticación y la calidad de vida.
Humans , Jaw/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Quality of Life , Cognition , Deglutition/physiology , Diet , Masticatory Muscles/physiologyABSTRACT
Resumen El objetivo de este artículo es describir el funcionamiento del esfínter velofaríngeo (EVF) durante la deglución, mediante una revisión de literatura. En febrero de 2020, las bases de datos electrónicas Medline, LILACS, SciELO e IBECS, fueron consultadas retrospectivamente, usando las palabras claves en inglés: "velopharyngeal sphincter" o "pharyngeal muscles". Fueron seleccionados artículos originales que describen la fisiología del EVF en la deglución de adultos sanos. Para este estudio fue creado un protocolo que contempla lo siguiente: autor, año, país, número y características de los participantes, actividades evaluadas, metodologías e instrumentos utilizados y principales resultados. Fueron encontrados 4.124 artículos. 3.863 fueron excluidos luego de la lectura de los títulos, 239 luego de lectura de los resúmenes y 8 luego de la revisión de los textos completos. Finalmente, 14 artículos fueron analizados en esta revisión. Se discuten eventos espaciales y temporales del EVF, la actividad electromiográfica de la musculatura del EVF y la presión velofaríngea durante la deglución en adultos sanos. Se concluye que el esfínter velofaríngeo cumple un rol importante en la fase faríngea de la deglución, que debe ser profundizado en futuras investigaciones.
Abstract The aim of this article is to describe the functioning of the velopharyngeal sphincter (VPS) during swallowing, through a literature review. In February 2020, the electronic databases Medline, LILACS, SciELO and IBECS were retrospectively consulted, using the key words in English: "velopharyngeal sphincter" or "pharyngeal muscles". Original articles were selected that describe the physiology of VPS in healthy adult swallowing. For this study it was created a protocol that includes the following items: author, year, country, number and characteristics of the participants, evaluated activities, methodologies and instruments used, and main results. 4124 articles were found. 3,863 were excluded after reading the titles, 239 after reading the abstracts and 8 after reviewing the full texts. Finally, 14 articles were analyzed in this review. Spatial and temporal events of the VPS, the electromyographic activity of the VPS musculature, and velopharyngeal pressure during swallowing in healthy adults are discussed. We conclude that the velopharyngeal sphincter plays an important role in the pharyngeal phase of swallowing, which should be studied in depth in future research.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Deglutition/physiology , Velopharyngeal Sphincter/physiology , Pharyngeal Muscles/physiologyABSTRACT
Introdução: A Paralisia Cerebral pode acarretar alterações em qualquer uma das fases da deglutição, causando uma disfagia neurogênica. No entanto, desordem neurológica e deficiência visual associada é um tema pouco estudado. A criança com a ausência do canal visual, geralmente tem pouca noção na estrutura do espaço e até mesmo em relação à sua estrutura corporal e organizacional. É sabido que a Paralisia Cerebral discorre atrasos no padrão mastigatório e da deglutição, mas questiona-se se a deficiência visual pode interferir ou não neste desempenho. Objetivo: O propósito deste estudo foi analisar as funções de mastigação e o tempo de deglutição em criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência visual associada. Método: Esta pesquisa é de natureza exploratória e descritiva, desenvolvida por meio de um estudo de caso clínico de uma criança com paralisia cerebral e deficiência visual associada. Três consistências de alimento foram examinadas: líquido (suco), pastosa (iogurte) e sólido (pão), sendo cronometrado o tempo gasto para deglutir cada uma delas, durante o horário normal de alimentação. Resultados: os resultados mostraram que a criança com Paralisia Cerebral e Deficiência Visual apresenta dificuldades na função de mastigação e leva mais tempo para deglutir nas consistências sólida e líquida. Conclusão: A deficiência visual associada à paralisia cerebral pode acentuar na dificuldade das funções de mastigação e deglutição.
Introduction: Cerebral Palsy can cause changes in any of the phases of swallowing, causing neurogenic dysphagia. However, neurological disorder and associated visual impairment is a poorly studied topic. The child with the absence of the visual channel, generally has little idea of the structure of the space and even of its body and organizational structure. It is known that Cerebral Palsy has delays in chewing and swallowing patterns, but it is questioned whether visual impairment can interfere or not in this performance. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze chewing functions and swallowing time in children with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Method: This research is exploratory and descriptive in nature, developed through a clinical case study of a child with cerebral palsy and associated visual impairment. Three food consistencies were examined: liquid (juice), pasty (yogurt) and solid (bread), with the time spent swallowing each of them during the normal feeding time being timed. Results: the results showed that the child with Cerebral Palsy and Visually Impaired presents difficulties in chewing function and takes more time to swallow in solid and liquid consistencies. Conclusion: Visual impairment associated with cerebral palsy may accentuate the difficulty in chewing and swallowing functions.
Introducción: La parálisis cerebral puede provocar cambios en cualquiera de las fases de la deglución, provocando disfagia neurogénica. Sin embargo, el trastorno neurológico y la discapacidad visual asociada es un tema poco estudiado. El niño con ausencia del canal visual, generalmente tiene poca idea de la estructura del espacio e incluso de su cuerpo y estructura organizativa. Se sabe que la parálisis cerebral tiene retrasos en los patrones de masticación y deglución, pero se cuestiona si la discapacidad visual puede interferir o no en este desempeño. Objetivo: El propósito de este estudio fue analizar las funciones de masticación y el tiempo de deglución en niños con parálisis cerebral y discapacidad visual asociada. Método: Esta investigación es de naturaleza exploratoria y descriptiva, desarrollada a través de un estudio de caso clínico de un niño con parálisis cerebral y discapacidad visual asociada. Se examinaron tres consistencias de alimentos: líquido (jugo), pastoso (yogur) y sólido (pan), y se pasó el tiempo de deglución de cada uno de ellos durante el tiempo normal de alimentación. Resultados: los resultados mostraron que el niño con parálisis cerebral y deficiencia visual tiene dificultades en la función de masticación y toma más tiempo para tragar en forma sólida y líquida. Conclusión: la discapacidad visual asociada con la parálisis cerebral puede acentuar la dificultad en las funciones de masticación y deglución.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Deglutition Disorders/etiology , Cerebral Palsy/complications , Vision Disorders/complications , Deglutition/physiology , Mastication/physiologyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever os instrumentos utilizados para captação e análise acústica dos sinais de ausculta cervical e identificar aqueles com maior potencial para aplicação na clínica fonoaudiológica. Estratégia de pesquisa Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa de literatura. As buscas foram realizadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus e Web of Science, a partir da combinação de termos de relevância e operadores booleanos, durante o mês de novembro de 2020. Critérios de seleção Artigos científicos publicados nos idiomas português, espanhol ou inglês, nos últimos cinco anos (2016-2020) e que apresentassem estudo da ausculta cervical. Resultados Foram encontrados 98 artigos. Após a aplicação dos critérios de seleção, 26 artigos foram selecionados para esta revisão. Para captação dos sinais de ausculta cervical, o microfone foi o instrumento mais utilizado, seguido pela técnica de ausculta cervical de alta resolução, que combina sinais acústicos e vibratórios registrados por um microfone e um acelerômetro, respectivamente. Softwares e/ou algoritmos foram selecionados para análise acústica dos sinais, de acordo com o objetivo de cada estudo. Conclusão O método de ausculta cervical de alta resolução e a análise acústica por meio de algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina apresentaram grande potencial para utilização na prática clínica fonoaudiológica para avaliação e monitoramento da deglutição.
ABSTRACT Purpose Describe the instruments used to capture and analyze the acoustic signals obtained from cervical auscultation, and identify those with the greatest potential for application in the speech pathology clinic. Research strategy This is an integrative literature review. Searches were performed in the MEDLINE/PubMed, Scopus and Web of Science databases in November 2020, using relevant keywords combined with Boolean operators. Selection criteria Scientific articles published in Portuguese, Spanish or English in the last five years (2016-2020) and that presented a study of cervical auscultation. Results Ninety-eight articles were found. After the application of selection criteria, 26 articles were selected for this review. Microphones were the most common instruments used to perform cervical auscultation, followed by high-resolution cervical auscultation techniques, which combine acoustic and vibrational signals recorded by a microphone and an accelerometer, respectively. Acoustic analysis was performed using different software packages and/or algorithms depending on the goals of each study. Conclusion The combination of high-resolution cervical auscultation and machine learning for acoustic analysis has great potential for utilization in the clinical assessment and monitoring of swallowing in speech pathology.
Humans , Auscultation , Stethoscopes , Deglutition/physiology , Speech, Language and Hearing Sciences , AccelerometryABSTRACT
Objetivo: desarrollar y aplicar un manual para evaluar los procesos de deglución y rendimiento masticatorio, dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de odontología. Método: se realizó un estudio con enfoque cuali-cuantitativo, a partir de dos técnicas de recolección de información: documental para reunir información de los procedimientos y observacional para la aplicación del manual. Los métodos seleccionados fueron el rendimiento masticatorio (Albert T) y de deglución (Técnica Payne); el diseño se esbozó según la metodología para mejorar la calidad de los procesos y una guía técnica de elaboración de manuales de procedimientos en salud. Así, el manual cuenta con introducción, antecedentes históricos, alcance y objetivo, flujograma, descripción de procedimientos de evaluación de la deglución, del rendimiento masticatorio y bibliografía. Este fue aplicado en 27 pacientes de la clínica de ortodoncia, a quienes se les diagnosticó deglución atípica, y se midió el rendimiento masticatorio para conocer la mediana de tamaño de partícula (MTP) de cada individuo. Resultados: el manual se realizó basándose en dos procedimientos, uno con el diagnóstico de deglución y otro con rendimiento masticatorio. Este último fue aplicado por dos estudiantes investigadores a una muestra de 27 pacientes, cuyo resultado fue una mediana de tamaño total de partícula de MTP = 5.35 mm2. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre sexos (MTP en hombres: 6,0 mm2 y mujeres 5.1 mm2) siendo las mujeres quienes presentaron mejor desempeño masticatorio. Conclusión: al aplicar el manual, los estudiantes evaluaron el rendimiento masticatorio y la deglución, con lo cual lograron resultados medibles, aplicables y reproducibles.
Objective: To apply a manual to evaluate swallowing and chewing performance aimed at dental students and professionals. Method: A study was carried out with a qualitative-quantitative approach developing two information gathering techniques: documentary to gather information on procedures and observational in the application of the manual. The methods of chewing performance (Albert T) and swallowing (Payne Technique) were selected; the design was outlined according to the methodology to improve the quality of the processes and a technical guide for the elaboration of manuals of health procedures; in the development phase, the thematic units were created and the manual was prepared with: cover, back cover, authors, introduction, historical background, scope and objective, flow chart, description of swallowing evaluation procedures, chewing performance and bibliography; this was applied to 27 patients from the orthodontic clinic, who were diagnosed with atypical swallowing, and the masticatory performance was measured to determine the median particle size (MTP) of each individual evaluated. Results: The manual was made based on two procedures, one with swallowing diagnosis and the other with masticatory performance, which was applied by two student researchers to a sample of 27 patients, yielding a median total particle size of MTP = 5.35 mm2. There was a statistically significant difference between the sexes (MTP in men: 6.0 mm2 and women 5.1 mm2), with women presenting the best masticatory performance Conclusion: when applying the manual, the students evaluated the chewing performance and swallowing, achieving measurable, applicable and reproducible.
Humans , Deglutition/physiology , Mastication/physiology , Reference Standards , Students, Dental , Methodology as a Subject , Malocclusion , MasticationABSTRACT
Abstract The tongue participates in the oral phase of swallowing by pushing the food bolus toward the oropharynx. This relationship between tongue function and swallowing is little addressed addressed in individuals with temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD). Objective: To analyze the association of functional tongue conditions on swallowing in individuals with TMD. Methodology: After approval by the Institutional Review Board, the study was conducted on 30 individuals of both sexes, aged 18 to 28 years, with TMD, and not treated for the disorder. Tongue function was assessed as to the mobility, pressure, and oral motor control. Swallowing was analyzed by clinical assessment during ingestion of solid (wafer biscuit) and liquid (water). Data regarding mobility and swallowing were collected using the orofacial myofunctional evaluation protocol. Tongue pressure was measured by the Iowa Oral Performance Instrument, during elevation, protrusion, swallowing, and resistance test. The oral motor control was assessed by the oral diadochokinesis (DDK) test by rapid and repeated emissions of syllables "ta" and "ka". Data were statistically analyzed by the Spearman correlation coefficient, at a significance level of 5%. Results: Relationships were found between tongue function and swallowing for the following aspects: mobility (r=0.741), pressure in protrusion (r=-0.366), swallowing of saliva (r=-0.499), mean DDK rate in emissions "ta" (r=-0.424) and "ka" (r=-0.446), and mean DDK period in emissions "ta" (r=0.424) and "ka" (r=0.446). Thus, the greater the change in tongue mobility, the lower the tongue pressure in protrusion and swallowing of saliva, the lower the emissions per second, the longer the mean time between vocalizations, and the worse the swallowing of individuals with TMD. Conclusion: The functional conditions of the tongue regarding mobility, pressure, and oral DDK were associated with swallowing in individuals with TMD.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Tongue/physiopathology , Temporomandibular Joint Disorders/physiopathology , Deglutition/physiology , Reference Values , Saliva/physiology , Statistics, Nonparametric , Motor Skills/physiologyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever e caracterizar um achado, o escape posterior tardio de resíduo alimentar na deglutição, segundo idade, gênero e consistência do alimento, que ocorreu no evento. Método A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio da análise de cada exame de videonasoendoscopia funcional da deglutição anteriormente gravado em um ambulatório especializado. A população do estudo contemplou 200 pacientes de ambos os gêneros, na faixa etária entre 46 e 87 anos, com e sem patologia de base para disfagia. As imagens foram estudadas individualmente pelo pesquisador e analisadas por juízes, com o objetivo de identificar e selecionar imagens que constatassem a presença ou ausência do evento em estudo. Resultados Verificou-se o escape tardio em 45 exames do total de 200 analisados. Os exames selecionados para o estudo apresentaram o escape residual posterior tardio em pelo menos uma consistência. A maior frequência do escape posterior tardio ocorreu com o líquido. A análise mostrou significância do evento em estudo com a população que apresentava idades mais avançadas da nossa amostra. Conclusão O escape posterior tardio ocorre predominantemente na consistência líquida, em população mais idosa e sem predomínio de gênero.
ABSTRACT Purpose To describe and characterize a finding, i.e., delayed posterior leakage of food residue during swallowing, according to age, gender and food consistency, which occurred in the event. Methods Data were collected through the analysis of each functional videonasoendoscopy test of swallowing previously recorded in a specialist outpatient clinic. The study population included 200 patients, both males and females, aged between 46 and 87 years, with and without an underlying pathology for dysphagia. The images were studied individually by the researcher and analyzed by judges in order to identify and select images that would confirm the presence or absence of the study event. Results Delayed escape was found in 45 out of the 200 analyzed tests. The tests selected for the study showed delayed posterior bolus leakage in at least one consistency. The highest frequency of delayed posterior leakage occurred with fluids. The analysis showed the significance of the study event with the population related to older ages in the sample analyzed. Conclusion Delayed posterior leakage occurs predominantly in the liquid consistency in older populations with no gender predominance.
Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Voice Disorders/physiopathology , Deglutition/physiology , Endoscopy/methods , Speech Disorders/physiopathology , Video Recording , Deglutition Disorders , Sex Factors , Voice Disorders/diagnosis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Food , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of malocclusion, nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits and dental caries in the masticatory function of preschool children. A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 384 children aged 3-5 years. A single examiner calibrated for oral clinical examinations performed all the evaluations (kappa > 0.82). Presence of malocclusion was recorded using Foster and Hamilton criteria. The number of masticatory units and of posterior teeth cavitated by dental caries was also recorded. The parents answered a questionnaire in the form of an interview, addressing questions about the child's nutritive and non-nutritive sucking habits. The masticatory function was evaluated using Optocal test material, and was based on the median particle size in the masticatory performance, on the swallowing threshold, and on the number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold. Data analysis involved simple and multiple linear regression analyses, and the confidence level adopted was 95%. The sample consisted of 206 children in the malocclusion group and 178 in the non-malocclusion group. In the multiple regression analysis, the masticatory performance was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.004), presence of malocclusion (p = 0.048) and number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.030). The swallowing threshold was associated with age (p = 0.025), bottle feeding (p = 0.001) and posterior malocclusion (p = 0.017). The number of masticatory cycles during the swallowing threshold was associated with the number of cavitated posterior teeth (p = 0.001). In conclusion, posterior malocclusion, bottle feeding and dental caries may interfere in the masticatory function of preschool children.
Humans , Male , Female , Sucking Behavior/physiology , Deglutition/physiology , Dental Caries/physiopathology , Malocclusion/physiopathology , Mastication/physiology , Particle Size , Reference Values , Bottle Feeding , Breast Feeding , Linear Models , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , FingersuckingABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo descrever a evolução funcional da deglutição em pacientes com COVID-19 submetidos à intervenção fonoaudiológica na Unidade de Tratamento Intensivo (UTI). Método participaram do estudo 77 pacientes (ambos os gêneros; idade média 53.4±15.9; escore na Escala de Coma de Glasgow ≥14; e condição respiratória estável). A escala funcional utilizada para a avaliação da deglutição foi a American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Outcome Measurement System (ASHA NOMS). Resultados os resultados indicam que houve recuperação significativa nos padrões funcionais da deglutição na comparação pré e pós-intervenção fonoaudiológica. Conclusão 83% dos pacientes necessitam de até 3 intervenções para a recuperação dos padrões seguros de deglutição.
ABSTRACT Purpose to describe de functional development of swallowing in Intensive Care Unit (ICU) patients with COVID-19, who were submitted to a swallowing intervention. Methods participants of the study were 77 patients (both gender, mean age 53.4±15.9; score on the Glasgow Coma Scale ≥14 and stable respiratory condition). The functional scale of swallowing used for assessment was the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association National Outcome Measurement System (ASHA NOMS). Results the results indicate that there was a significant recovery of the functional swallowing patterns when comparing the measurements pre and post swallowing intervention. Conclusion 83% of the patients needed up to 3 swallowing interventions to recover a safe swallowing pattern.
Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Pneumonia, Viral/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/prevention & control , Deglutition/physiology , Intensive Care Units/statistics & numerical data , Pneumonia, Viral , United States/epidemiology , Disease Outbreaks/prevention & control , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Coronavirus , Pandemics , Betacoronavirus , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19 , Middle AgedABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective To describe functional and quality of life results after extended supratracheal laryngectomy. Methods In the period from September 2009 to January 2018, 11 male subjects were submitted to extended supratracheal laryngectomy. Swallowing abilities were assessed through videofluoroscopy and the clinical scale Functional Communication Measures of Swallowing. The voices were classified by means of the perceptual-auditory analysis Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice. All subjects completed a self-assessment questionnaire for voice and swallowing. Results Aspiration was found in four patients and all presented stasis in different structures. All subjects in this study were exclusively orally fed and hydrated. In the evaluation of quality of life in swallowing, patients had mean >80 in all areas (83.47 mean of scores). The general degree and the presence of roughness were the highest means present in Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice (37.81 and 49.36, respectively). The mean of 33.36 (±22.56) had little impact on quality of life under the perspective of vocal aspects. Conclusion After supratracheal laryngectomy, swallowing was sufficiently restored and the quality of life was satisfactory. The voice presents severely impaired quality and preserved oral communication, with low impact on the activities of daily living. All individuals who maintained two cricoarytenoid units presented better functional results in swallowing and voice.
RESUMO Objetivo Descrever os resultados funcionais e de qualidade de vida após a laringectomia supratraqueal alargada. Métodos No período de setembro de 2009 a janeiro de 2018, 11 indivíduos do sexo masculino foram submetidos à laringectomia supratraqueal alargada. As habilidades de deglutição foram avaliadas por meio da videofluoroscopia e da escala clínica Functional Communication Measures . As vozes foram classificadas por análise perceptivo-auditiva da Consensus Auditory-Perceptual Evaluation of Voice . Todos os voluntários preencheram um questionário de autoavaliação para voz e deglutição. Resultados A aspiração foi encontrada em quatro pacientes, e todos apresentaram estase em diferentes estruturas. Todos os sujeitos deste estudo apresentavam alimentação e hidratação exclusivas por via oral. Na avaliação da qualidade de vida na deglutição, os pacientes demonstraram médias >80 em todas as áreas (83,47 média dos escores). O grau geral e a presença de rugosidade foram os maiores escores médios na avaliação perceptivo-auditiva da voz (37,81 e 49,36 consecutivamente). A média de 33,36 (±22,56) demonstrou pouco impacto na qualidade de vida sob a perspectiva dos aspectos vocais. Conclusão Após a laringectomia supratraqueal, a deglutição foi suficientemente restaurada, e a qualidade de vida foi satisfatória. A voz apresenta qualidade gravemente comprometida com comunicação oral preservada, demonstrando baixo impacto nas atividades da vida diária. Todos os indivíduos que mantiveram duas unidades cricoaritenóideas apresentaram melhores resultados funcionais na deglutição e na voz.
Humans , Male , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life/psychology , Voice/physiology , Deglutition/physiology , Laryngectomy/methods , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Laryngeal Neoplasms/surgery , Surveys and Questionnaires , Treatment Outcome , Middle AgedABSTRACT
El presente estudio explora evidencia sobre la evaluación de la deglución, usando la técnica de ultrasonido. En relación a la estrategia búsqueda, la revisión se desarrolló en PubMed y Scielo, utilizando una adaptación de las recomendaciones del manual Cochrane para revisiones sistemáticas. Se seleccionaron los términos "Deglutition" "Swallowing", "Ultrasonography" y "Ultrasound" en inglés y en español. Se incluyeron inicialmente estudios originales publicados entre enero del 2000 y enero del 2019. De acuerdo con los criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 24 artículos originales sobre el uso de ultrasonido para evaluar algún aspecto de la deglución en las etapas oral y faríngeas. Los artículos seleccionados ofrecen datos cuantitativos de parámetros e indicadores de la deglución. A partir de estos estudios, se recogió información cualitativa y cuantitativa sobre la movilidad lingual, la elevación laríngea, la movilidad faríngea lateral, la movilidad del hioides, la movilidad del músculo genihioideo, la apertura del esfínter esofágico superior, el cierre glótico, además de estudios sobre la posibilidad de detectar episodios de penetración laríngea y aspiración. Los resultados sugieren que existe evidencia positiva sobre la utilidad del ultrasonido para evaluar la deglución, sin embargo, se requiere de más estudios que analicen la eficiencia diagnóstica en población con disfagia.
The present study explores evidence on swallowing assessment using ultrasound technique. Regarding the search strategy, the review was carried out in PubMed and Scielo, using an adaptation of the recommendations from the Cochrane manual for systematic reviews. The terms "Deglutition" "Swallowing", "Ultrasonography" and "Ultrasound" were selected in English and Spanish. Original studies published between January 2000 and January 2019 were initially selected. According to the elegibility criteria, 24 original studies dealing with the use of ultrasound to evaluate some aspect of swallowing in both oral and pharyngeal stages. Selected articles offer quantitative data on swallowing parameters and indicators. From these studies, qualitative and quantitative information on lingual mobility, laryngeal elevation, lateral pharyngeal mobility, hyoid mobility, genihyoid muscle mobility, upper esophageal sphincter opening, glotic closure was collected, in addition to studies on the possibility of detecting episodes of laryngeal penetration and aspiration. The results suggest that there is positive evidence on the usefulness of ultrasound to assess swallowing, however, more studies are required to analyze diagnostic efficiency in a population with dysphagia.
Ultrasonography/methods , Deglutition/physiologyABSTRACT
INTRODUCCIÓN: La escala Early Feeding Skills (EFS) evalúa la conducta del neonato antes, durante y posterior al proceso de alimentación. OBJETIVOS: Determinar la validez de fachada, de contenido y evaluar con dicha escala el proceso de alimentación en los recién nacidos prematuros comparando con variables relevantes. PPACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Se evaluaron prematuros de 34 a 36 semanas de edad corregida sin daño neurológico o malformaciones craneofaciales. Diseño de tipo descriptivo de corte transversal. Los datos fueron obtenidos mediante escala EFS, versión corregida mediante validación de fachada y contenido. Las variables de estudio fueron género, logro de alimentación por pecho, y habilidades de alimentación durante el proceso de alimentación, evaluadas por 2 observadoras Se analizaron medidas de dispersión y se aplicó prueba Fisher al 5% de significancia, estableciendo la asociación de los resultados obtenidos con las variables. RESULTADOS: Se evaluaron 5 dominios: (1) Capacidad de mantenerse enfocado en la alimentación, en que el 75,3% posee un nivel desempeño deficiente y el 28,6% equitativo existiendo diferencias significativas con la variable sexo. (2) Capacidad de organizar el funcionamiento motor - oral tiene un 10,5% deficiente, un 68,8% equitativo y un 20,6% bueno. (3) Capacidad de coordinar la deglución el 95,2% presenta un rendimiento equitativo. (4) Capacidad de mantener la estabilidad fisiológica el 96,7% fue equitativo y en (5) Evaluación de la tolerancia alimentaria oral tiene un desempeño deficiente del 41,6%. CONCLUSIÓN: La escala EFS es una herra mienta que aporta información relevante para describir el proceso de alimentación oral en lactantes prematuros, permitiendo identificar las áreas de mayor dificultad que requieren tratamiento profe sional, sin embargo, esta herramienta no es suficiente por sí sola para llevar a cabo una evaluación integral del proceso de alimentación del neonato.
INTRODUCTION: The Early Feeding Skills (EFS) scale assessed the neonate's behavior before, during, and after the feeding process. OBJECTIVES: To determine the face and content validity, and to evaluate with this scale the feeding process in premature newborns comparing with relevant variables. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Premature newborns were evaluated; they were between 34 to 36 weeks of corrected age, without neurological damage or craniofacial malformations. Cross-sectional descriptive study. The data were obtained through the EFS scale, version corrected by face and content validation. The study variables were gender, breastfeeding achievement, and feeding skills during the feeding process, evaluated by two observers. Dispersion measures were analyzed, and the Fisher test was used at 5% significance, establishing the association of the obtained results with the variables. RESULTS: 5 domains were evaluated: (1) Ability to stay focused on food, in which 75.3% have a poor performance level, and 28.6% equitable, with significant differences in the sex variable. (2) Ability to organize motor- oral functioning presents 10.5% deficient, 68.8% equitable, and 20.6% good. (3) Ability to coordinate swallowing 95.2% presents an equitable performance. (4) Ability to maintain physiological stability 96.7% was equitable; and (5) Evaluation of oral food tolerance presents 41.6% of poor performance. CONCLUSION: The EFS scale is a tool that provides relevant information to describe the oral feeding process in premature infants, allowing to identify the areas of greatest difficulty that require profes sional treatment, however, this tool is not enough by itself to carry a comprehensive evaluation of the newborn feeding process.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Breast Feeding , Infant, Premature/physiology , Feeding Behavior/physiology , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Deglutition/physiologyABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction Chewing and swallowing are physiologically interconnected functions, which share motor structures and supranuclear regions of the central nervous system (CNS), involving a sensorimotor synchrony. Objective To analyze the influence of masticatory behavior on muscular compensations in the oral phase of swallowing in smokers compared with nonsmokers. Methods A cross-sectional study comparing smokers and nonsmokers composed of 24 participants in each group. The aspects of food crunching, masticatory pattern, masticatory speed, atypical muscular contractions, and lip closure were analyzed during mastication. In swallowing, aspects of contraction of the orbicular and mental muscles, head movement and presence of deglutition, mastication, smoking, and of stomatognathic system of residues after swallowing were characterized. Results Statistically significant differences were identified between the study groups related to food grinding pattern, masticatory velocity, and mental contraction during swallowing. There was no significant association between masticatory function and compensations during swallowing. Conclusion Differences were observed in the pattern of chewing and swallowing in smokers compared with nonsmokers, but no influence of masticatory performance was observed in the presence of muscle compensations during the oral phase of swallowing.