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Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(5): 565-575, mayo 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560218


INTRODUCCIÓN: El Buen Trato es una forma de relación entre profesionales y usuarios del sistema de salud, basada en un profundo respeto y valoración de la dignidad de la persona. Objetivo: Describir el proceso de diseño y validación de la Herramienta de auto instrucción para el Buen Trato en el encuentro clínico. MÉTODO: Estudio de métodos mixtos basado en el análisis de contenido propuesto por Kyngas sobre una muestra de docentes clínicos y estudiantes de pregrado, revisión sistemática de la literatura científica y el consenso y opinión de expertos nacionales en educación en salud. Los datos se obtuvieron mediante grupos focales y encuestas. RESULTADOS: Se construyó una Herramienta de autoevaluación del Buen Trato (HBT) durante el encuentro/atención clínica formada por tres instrumentos: a) Pauta de Autoevaluación; b) Lista de acciones relacionadas con las dimensiones del Buen Trato en el encuentro clínico y c) Pauta para la elaboración de un Plan Personal de mejora y seguimiento. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran que el Buen Trato requiere profesionales responsables de su quehacer, que hayan alcanzado las competencias para brindar una atención de salud respetuosa. La HBT puede entenderse como una propuesta de mejoramiento continuo en la formación clínica de estudiantes y profesionales de la salud.

INTRODUCTION: Respectful care is a relationship between professionals and patients based on deep respect and assessment of the person's dignity. Aim: Describe the design and validation process of the auto-instruction tool for Respectful Care in healthcare. METHOD: A mixed methods study based on the content analysis proposed by Kyngäs was conducted with a sample of clinical teachers and undergraduate students, a systematic review ofscientific literature, and the consensus and opinion of national experts in health education. The data were obtained through focus groups and surveys. RESULTS: A Respectful Care self-instruction tool was built by three instruments: a) assessment guideline; b) a List of actions related to the dimensions of respectful care and health care, and c) a Modelfor elaborating a personal improvement and monitoring plan. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study show that Respectful care requires professionals responsible for their work who have achieved competencies to provide respectful health care. In that sense, HBT can be understood as a proposalfor continuous improvement in the clinical training of students and health professionals.

Humans , Male , Female , Focus Groups , Professional-Patient Relations , Surveys and Questionnaires , Reproducibility of Results , Health Personnel , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Respect
Rev. enferm. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; 30(3): 43-45, 18-jul-2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1379488


Las intervenciones profesionales de los trabajadores sociales y los bibliotecarios durante la pandemia por COVID-19 convergieron en el empleo de las tecnologías de la información para satisfacer necesidades de información tanto de personal médico como de los pacientes y sus familias. La colaboración de estos dos profesionales reforzaría significativamente el equipo multidisciplinario de la salud a partir de la mejora de los canales de flujo de información que se llevan a cabo en el ámbito hospitalario, el fomento a la atención humanizada en salud y las acciones de inclusión social en las bibliotecas para brindar mayores y mejores oportunidades, así como recursos a población vulnerable.

The professional interventions of social workers and librarians during the COVID-19 pandemic converged in the use of information technologies to meet the information needs of both medical personnel and patients and their families. The collaboration of these two professionals would significantly strengthen the multidisciplinary health team by improving the information flow channels that are carried out in the hospital, promoting humanized health care and carrying out social inclusion actions in libraries to provide greater and better opportunities and resources for the vulnerable population.

Humans , Male , Female , Patient Care Team , Social Work/trends , Librarians , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Information Technology , Social Workers , Health Services Needs and Demand , Occupational Groups , Vulnerable Populations , Social Inclusion , Hospitals , Libraries/trends , Library Science/methods
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 33(3): 226-233, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1417232


The sustainability of the Universidad de Chile Clinical Hospital must be understood comprehensively; providing higher quality and safety for our patients, ensuring highest standards of medical care. The quality of care must be understood not only in complying with the minimum standards to accredit and grant GES benefits, establish agreements with health insurers and be financially competitive; It must be incorporated into its management the dimensions of quality - effectiveness, efficiency, accessibility, safety, equity and patient-centered care- minimizing the costs of non-quality work. Our Clinical Hospital, as our country's main training center in healthcare professions, must include training at the undergraduate students' curriculum in quality and patient safety issues. (AU)

Humans , Program Evaluation/trends , Quality Improvement/trends , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Hospitals/trends
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(3): 1013-1022, mar. 2021.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153827


Resumo Este texto tem como finalidade discutir o cuidado de trabalhadoras da área da saúde em face da Covid-19, sob a análise sociológica de autoras que o vêm discutindo enquanto um trabalho que é desempenhado, na sua maioria, pelas mulheres das classes populares, é desvalorizado e sofre baixa remuneração. É uma atividade que envolve as construções sociais das emoções e tem utilizado o corpo como um instrumento de trabalho no cuidado com o outro. Além disso, a precarização do trabalho em saúde na sociedade brasileira acirrada nas últimas décadas, como o aumento de contratos temporários, perdas de direitos trabalhistas, a sobrecarga das atividades, condições de trabalho precárias, dentre outros, soma-se com o aumento dos atendimentos médico-hospitalares diante da pandemia da Covid-19. Neste contexto, as trabalhadoras em saúde vivenciam as ausências de equipamentos de proteção individual, medo de contaminação pelo vírus, preocupações com filhos e familiares, vivências diante da morte e do adoecimento de si e de colegas de profissão. Este texto aponta para a necessidade de atenção governamental, bem como para a gestão do trabalho em saúde e dos órgãos de classe profissional, analisando as condições de trabalho que as trabalhadoras em saúde estão vivendo no enfrentamento da pandemia.

Abstract The article aims to discuss the care provided by female healthcare workers in Brazil during the Covid-19 pandemic, based on a sociological analysis by authors who discuss such care as devalued and poorly paid work performed to a large extent by low-income women. The work involves social constructions of emotions and has used the body as a work instrument in care for others. In addition, the increasingly precarious nature of health work in Brazilian society, aggravated in recent decades, with an increase in temporary contracts, loss of labor rights, overload of tasks, and adverse work conditions, among others, adds to the increase in medical and hospital care in the Covid-19 pandemic. In this context, female healthcare workers experience lack of personal protective equipment, fear of coronavirus infection, concerns with their children and other family members, and illness and death of coworkers and themselves. The article highlights the need for government attention and management of healthcare work and professional societies, analyzing the work conditions female healthcare workers are experiencing in confronting the pandemic.

Humans , Female , Health Personnel/economics , Health Personnel/psychology , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Delivery of Health Care/economics , Delivery of Health Care/standards , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Pandemics , Salaries and Fringe Benefits/trends , Brazil/epidemiology , Attitude to Death , Family , Sex Factors , Workplace/standards , Workplace/psychology , Coronavirus Infections/psychology , Coronavirus Infections/transmission , Fear , Sociological Factors , Personal Protective Equipment/supply & distribution , National Health Programs
Salud pública Méx ; 62(5): 550-558, sep.-oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390318


Abstract Objective: To analyze health practice transformations in health providers in Mexico. Materials and methods: We used qualitative data to explore transnational health practices of men with migration experience to the US, healthcare professionals in Mexico from eight rural communities, and Mexican providers in US. Data used came from a study that explored transnational health practices in the context of migration. Results: Healthcare professionals provided care to migrants through remote consultations or via a family member, and in-person during migrants' visits or by healthcare professionals relocating to migrants' destination communities in the US. The remote consultations mainly caused three changes in the field of medical practice: providing care without a patient review or clinical examination, long-distance prescription of medications, and provision of care mediated by a family member. Conclusions: Changes in their medical practice shifted roles of healthcare professionals and of migrants as patients, transforming the hegemonic biomedical model in Mexico.

Resumen Objetivo: Analizar las transformaciones de la práctica médica en proveedores de salud en México. Material y métodos. Se utilizaron datos cualitativos para explorar las prácticas de salud transnacionales de hombres con experiencia en migración a los Estados Unidos y profesionales de la salud en México de ocho comunidades rurales y proveedores mexicanos en Estados Unidos. Resultados: Los profesionales de la salud brindan atención a los migrantes a través de consultas remotas o a través de un miembro de la familia, y en persona, durante las visitas de los migrantes o por profesionales de la salud que se trasladan a las comunidades de destino de los migrantes en los EU. Las consultas a distancia causaron principalmente tres cambios en el campo de la práctica médica: proporcionar atención sin una revisión del paciente o un examen clínico, la prescripción a larga distancia de medicamentos y la prestación de atención mediada por un miembro de la familia. Conclusiones: Los cambios en la práctica médica modificaron el rol de los profesionales de la salud y los migrantes como pacientes, lo que ha transformado el modelo biomédico hegemónico en México.

Humans , Male , Transients and Migrants , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Referral and Consultation , Rural Population , Health Personnel , Telemedicine , Emigration and Immigration , Mexico
Int. braz. j. urol ; 46(supl.1): 133-144, July 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134296


ABSTRACT Medical and surgical priorities have changed dramatically at the time of this pandemic. Scientific societies around the World have provided rapid guidance, underpinned by the best knowledge available, on the adaptation of their guidelines recommendations to the current situation. There are very limited scientific evidence especially in our subspecialty of pediatric urology. We carry out a review of the little scientific evidence based mainly on the few publications available to date and on the recommendations of the main scientific societies regarding which patients should undergo surgery, when surgery should be performed and how patient visits should be organize.

Humans , Child , Pediatrics/trends , Pneumonia, Viral/complications , Urology/trends , Coronavirus Infections/complications , Coronavirus , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Betacoronavirus , Pneumonia, Viral/epidemiology , Coronavirus Infections/epidemiology , Pandemics , Personal Protective Equipment , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19
Arch. cardiol. Méx ; 90(2): 177-182, Apr.-Jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131028


Abstract Science and technology are modifying medicine at a dizzying pace. Although access in our country to the benefits of innovations in the area of devices, data storage and artificial intelligence are still very restricted, the advance of digital medicine offers the opportunity to solve some of the biggest problems faced by medical practice and public health in Mexico. The potential areas where digital medicine can be disruptive are accessibility to quality medical care, centralization of specialties in large cities, dehumanization of medical treatment, lack of resources to access evidence-supported treatments, and among others. This review presents some of the advances that are guiding the new revolution in medicine, discusses the potential barriers to implementation, and suggest crucial elements for the path of incorporation of digital medicine in Mexico.

Resumen La ciencia y la tecnología han modificado la medicina a un ritmo vertiginoso. Si bien el acceso en México a los beneficios de las innovaciones en el área de dispositivos, almacenamiento de datos e inteligencia artificial aún es muy restringido, el avance de la medicina digital ofrece la oportunidad de solventar algunos de los problemas más grandes que enfrenta la práctica médica y la salud pública en este país. Las potenciales áreas en las que la medicina digital puede resultar innovadora son la accesibilidad a cuidados médicos de calidad, la centralización de las especialidades en grandes urbes, la deshumanización del trato médico, la falta de recursos para acceder a tratamientos avalados por evidencia, entre otros. Esta revisión presenta algunos de los avances que guían la nueva revolución en la medicina, revisa el potencial y las posibles barreras para su aplicación, además de sugerir elementos cruciales para el trayecto de incorporación de la medicina digital en México.

Humans , Artificial Intelligence/trends , Delivery of Health Care/trends , Digital Technology/trends , Medical Records , Public Health , Stethoscopes , Mexico