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Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e230049, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1558649


Abstract Objective: Dentistry from the Universidade Federal de Alfenas who were enrolled in the seventh period and who took the Integrated Clinic I Discipline (ICID) in the emergency remote learning model (ERLM). Material and Methods: This is a qualitative and descriptive study. The information was collected through questionnaires applied by the Professors during the ICID. Subsequently, the professor evaluated the treatment developed in virtual form by each student regarding its logical sequence and the most appropriate treatment for each case. The results of the answers were transcribed and submitted to lexicographical textual, Descending Hierarchical Classification, and Similitude analysis in the Interface de R pour les Analyses Multidimensionnelles de Textes et de Questionnaires (IRAMUTEQ) program. Results: The students described the online situational treatment planning in five essential steps: adequacy of the oral environment, restorative need, prosthetic need, rehabilitation by prosthesis on the implant, and corrective orthodontic treatment. Conclusion: It was observed that the students who enrolled in ICID presented well-integrated planning during ERLM, despite the COVID-19 pandemic hindering these students' contact between theoretical teaching and the integrated practices in dentistry offered by the educational institution.

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Dental , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dental Clinics , Qualitative Research , Surveys and Questionnaires
RFO UPF ; 27(1): 84-98, 08 ago. 2023. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1509386


Objetivos: avaliar os processos de coleta, lavagem e esterilização de instrumentais odontológicos, evidenciando se houveram mudanças no processo em função da pandemia de COVID-19, em consultórios odontológicos tanto particulares como públicos, na cidade de Pelotas-RS, visando auxiliar no incremento da segurança e eficácia da esterilização na prática odontológica, após uma crise sanitária global e propor um Procedimento Operacional Padrão (POP). Métodos: os dados foram obtidos em um único momento através de respostas dadas pela aplicação de um questionário para o profissional responsável pelo processo de esterilização de cada local. Os dados foram compilados pelo software Microsoft Excel, foi realizada a análise descritiva e os mesmos foram expressos na forma de porcentagem. Resultados: em 100% dos locais o processo de lavagem e esterilização ocorria na mesma sala de atendimento, destes em quatro locais a operação de transporte era realizada com o auxílio de uma caixa plástica higienizável e seis locais contavam com um processo de pré-lavagem. Todos os locais faziam uso de autoclave para o processo de esterilização, 100% realizavam o monitoramento químico do processo, porém apenas quatro realizavam o monitoramento biológico. Conclusão: houve poucas mudanças nos processos de lavagem e esterilização nos locais pesquisados em razão do surgimento da pandemia de COVID -19. Nenhum local examinado possuía o POP descrito do processo de lavagem e esterilização de instrumentais odontológicos e observou-se um baixo uso dos indicadores biológicos, os quais são considerados o padrão ouro da biossegurança.(AU)

Objectives: to evaluate the processes of collection, washing, and sterilization of dental instruments, highlighting any changes in the process due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in both private and public dental clinics in the city of Pelotas, Rio Grande do Sul, with the aim of enhancing the safety and effectiveness of sterilization in dental practice after a global health crisis, and to propose a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP). Methods: data were collected at a single time point through questionnaire responses provided by the professional responsible for the sterilization process at each location. The data were compiled using Microsoft Excel software, and descriptive analysis was conducted. The results were expressed in the form of percentages. Results: in 100% of the locations, the washing and sterilization process took place in the same treatment room. Out of these, transportation was conducted using a hygienizable plastic box in four locations, and six locations had a pre-washing process. All locations used an autoclave for the sterilization process, and 100% performed chemical monitoring of the process, but only four locations conducted biological monitoring. Conclusion: there were few changes in the washing and sterilization processes at the surveyed locations due to the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. None of the examined locations had a described SOP for the washing and sterilization process of dental instruments, and there was a low utilization of biological indicators, which are considered the gold standard for biosafety.(AU)

Sterilization/methods , Dental Clinics/standards , Dental Instruments/microbiology , Dental Materials , COVID-19/prevention & control , Time Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Biological Monitoring
Rev. ADM ; 80(2): 70-75, mar.-abr. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1512937


Introducción: los tratamientos bucodentales son procedimientos que requieren de un diagnóstico visual y táctil; existe alto riesgo de contagio por productos biológicos. Objetivo: determinar los tipos de tratamientos y barreras de protección implementados antes y durante la pandemia de COVID-19 en tres entidades de México. Material y métodos: estudio observacional, analítico y longitudinal en odontólogos de atención clínica privada, instituciones educativas y/o de salud, mediante un muestreo no probabilístico por cuotas de 100 odontólogos por entidad. La información fue recopilada en un formulario de Google distribuido vía WhatsApp y correos electrónicos. Los datos se procesaron en el SPSS v. 22. Resultados: los tratamientos implementados antes del periodo pandémico fueron los programados con 87.2%, durante la pandemia de COVID-19, la atención principal continuó programada (90.9%), las barreras de protección que más aumentaron fueron la protección ocular como gafas protectoras (84.8%) y careta facial (83.1%), presentando la sustitución de la mascarilla tricapa por ser de alta filtración KN95 (78.0%) y el traje aislante (53.0%). Conclusión: los tratamientos realizados antes y durante la pandemia fueron programados, las barreras que incrementaron fueron gafas protectoras, careta, mascarilla KN95 y traje aislante (AU)

Introduction: oral treatments are procedures that require a visual and tactile diagnosis, there is a high risk of infection by biological products. Objective: determine the types of treatments and protection barriers implemented before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in three states in Mexico. Material and methods: it was an observational, analytical and longitudinal study in private clinical care dentists, educational and/or health institutions, through a non-probabilistic sampling by quotas of 100 dentists per entity. The information was collected in a Google form distributed via WhatsApp and emails. The data was processed in SPSS v. 22. Results: the treatments implemented before the pandemic period were those scheduled with 87.2%, during the COVID-19 pandemic the main care continued as scheduled (90.9%) where the protection barriers that increased the most were eye protection such as goggles (84.8%) and facial mask (83.1%). Presenting the substitution of the three-layer mask for high filtration KN95 (78.0%) and the disposable suit (53.0%). Conclusion: the treatments carried out before and during the pandemic were programmed, the barriers that increased were googles, face shield, KN95 mask and insulating suit (AU)

Comprehensive Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Personal Protective Equipment , Communicable Disease Control/methods , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Dental Clinics/statistics & numerical data , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 1(60): 66-74, jan.-abr. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1411342


To evaluate the frequency of dental emergencies and specifications, along with the patient's profile attended at the Clinical School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medical Sciences and Juiz de Fora Health (Supreme). We selected 152 medical records of clinical dental school of Juiz de Fora University Hospital - MG were selected and assessed the patient's profile and the classification of emergency cases. It was found that 57.2% of the patients were female and 42.7% male. The age of these patients is on average 44 years and the most frequent causes of visits were: dental prosthesis, endodontic and dental trauma. It can be conclude that some of the diseases found in dental emergencies are likely to be prevented or identified early on. Patients with pain are part of most attending emergency care services. In order to control the emergency care and improve the solvability, preventive actions should be developed, promoting a preventive rather than curative health.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Medical Records , Dental Clinics , Emergencies/epidemiology , Ambulatory Care
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981131


OBJECTIVES@#To thoroughly understand the current dental chair equipment status of dental clinics in Sichuan Province and provide a reference for administrative departments.@*METHODS@#Data were collected from a health administrative department and a regional social development yearbook. The number of existing dental clinics and dental chairs in Sichuan Province was investigated.@*RESULTS@#In Sichuan Province, 7 103 dental clinics were determined to be equipped with 21 760 dental chairs. The Gini coefficients of per capita dental clinics in the province were 0.50, 0.22, and 0.06, and the Gini coefficients of per capita dental chairs were 0.68, 0.31, and 0.15; these coefficients had the same distribution as that reflected by the Lorenz curve. In consideration of geographic distribution, the Theil index for the distribution of dental clinics and dental chairs among cities and states were 0.690 7 and 0.822 3, respectively. The overall Theil index va-lues for the distribution of dental clinics and dental chairs in the province were 0.902 4 and 1.079 4, respectively. The difference in the distribution of dental clinics and dental chairs among cities and states in the province contributed 0.765 4 and 0.761 8 to the total difference, respectively.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The allocation of oral health resources in Sichuan Pro-vince is relatively equitable in terms of population and economic distribution but uneven in geographical distribution.

Dental Clinics , Oral Health , China
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982373


Fever is an increase in body temperature beyond the normal range, acting as a protective inflammatory mechanism. This article summarizes diseases with fever encountered in dental clinics, including what is known about pyrexia in coronavirus infection, and further proposes a "six steps in one" identification and analysis strategy to guide the clinical work of stomatology.

Humans , Dental Clinics , Fever/diagnosis , Coronavirus Infections
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 23: e220089, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1507021


ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the impact of mobile dental clinics on the oral health-related quality of life (OHRQL) of children. Material and Methods: A longitudinal epidemiological study was conducted with participants from seven mobile dental clinics carried out between May 2019 and January 2020 by the NGO Missão Sorrisos. Parents and children who attended the program had their sociodemographic data collected. Both completed the Scale of Oral Health 5 (SOHO-5) self-reported questionnaire before treatment and again 30 days after treatment. Results: The improvement in the children's oral health after treatment at the mobile clinics is reflected in the pre-and post-treatment medians measured by the SOHO-5 total score from the children's own reports from the parents' reports. The procedures performed were effective in reducing pain and difficulties in eating, drinking, and sleeping. An improvement in the perception of the children's appearance and self-confidence was reported, both from the perspective of the parents/guardians and the children themselves. The chance of improvement in the perception of the children's oral health was greater for parents (OR=5.96; CI95%: 1.32-26.84) and children (OR=5.76; CI95%: 1.28-25.95) from families whose main caregiver was not professionally active at the time of the study. Conclusion: The mobile dental clinics had a positive impact on the OHRQL of children from the perspective of the participants of the study.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Quality of Life/psychology , Oral Health , Dental Care for Children , Dental Caries/prevention & control , Dental Clinics , Mobile Health Units , Epidemiologic Studies , Logistic Models , Surveys and Questionnaires , Statistics, Nonparametric , Health Policy
Saúde Soc ; 32(1): e200277pt, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1432381


Resumo Este trabalho visou compreender a representação que a clínica assume nas práticas odontológicas, em um município de médio porte do estado de Santa Catarina. Estudo qualitativo, cujos participantes foram 20 cirurgiões-dentistas vinculados aos serviços públicos de saúde bucal. Os dados foram coletados por meio de três grupos focais. O material gravado por áudio foi transcrito e analisado pela hermenêutica-dialética. Na primeira categoria de análise - concepção sobre clínica -, os participantes demonstraram dificuldade para formular um conceito para a clínica, traduzindo-a como o desenvolvimento de procedimentos técnicos, entendidos como essenciais neste tipo de prática para os dentistas. Integralidade e resolubilidade apareceram como elementos centrais, mas assumem uma visão odontocentrada. Na categoria "recursos e organização da clínica odontológica", observou-se as vantagens da utilização do prontuário eletrônico e as limitações da divisão de abas que restringe o acesso de informações. Na sistemática de atendimento, há pouco espaço para escuta e o odontograma desponta como sinônimo de plano de tratamento, reforçando o caráter dentarizado das práticas desenvolvidas. O estudo mostrou dificuldades diversas para incorporação da clínica, seja ela compreendida nos moldes tradicionais ou de maneira ampliada, nas práticas desenvolvidas pelos participantes do estudo.

Abstract This article aimed to understand the representation that the clinic assumes in dental practices, in a medium-sized municipality in the state of Santa Catarina. It is a qualitative study, whose participants were dental surgeons linked to public oral health services. Data were collected with three focus groups. The audio-recorded material was transcribed and analyzed with the help of the dialectical hermeneutics. In the first category of analysis - clinic conception -, the participants demonstrated difficulty in formulating a concept for the clinic, translating it as the development of technical procedures, understood as being central to this type of practice for dentists. Integrality and resolvability appeared as central elements, but assume a dentistry-centered view. In the category "resources and organization of the dental clinic," the advantages of using the electronic medical records and the limitations of tab division that narrow the access to information were observed. In treatment systematics, there is little room for listening and the odontogram emerges as a synonym for treatment plan, reinforcing the tooth-focused character of the practices developed. The study showed diversified challenges to incorporating the clinic, whether understood in the traditional molds or in a broader way, in the practices developed by the study participants.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health , Dental Clinics , Public Health Services/policies , Dentistry
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e230467, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1444733


Aim: This study, with the aim of checking some of the changes in patients' daily habits and their reasons for needing restorative treatment was conducted at a public university immediately on return to attendance after the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. Methods: This survey consisted of interviews held by applying 2 questionnaires to students and patients. A single researcher collected data in all the restorative dentistry clinics at the university after the return to face-to-face activities in the period between 02/02/2021 and 07/30/2021. Data obtained by means of the questionnaires were submitted to descriptive analysis. Results: Ninety (90) participants answered the patient questionnaire. When considering possible associations between being in social isolation or not, significant values were found for changed type of diet (p=0.0011), frequency of eating (p=0.011) and toothbrushing (p=0.034). Data about 417 restorations were collected and among the reasons for restorative intervention, 33.03% were restoration replacement, 31.87% treatment of primary caries and 24.40% of dental wear/non-carious lesions. Conclusion: Patients who isolated themselves during the pandemic tended to change their eating habits and frequency of oral hygiene. Toothache was the main reason for seeking dental treatment and the replacement of pre-existing restorations was the main reason for restorative treatments

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Oral Hygiene , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Clinics , Feeding Behavior , Patient Care , COVID-19
Niger. dent. j ; 31(1): 9-17, 2023. tables, figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1442538


Anterior teeth are valuable for aesthetics, speech and mastication . Their absence, impaction and/or delayed eruption create significant distress often leading to early presentation to the dental office. This study presents an audit of the management of impacted anterior teeth that presented at a tertiary level dental clinic. The periodontal outcomes of the aligned teeth were also reported. Methods : This is an observational study spanning a nine-year period. Demographic data, clinical presentation as well as post alignment dental and periodontal status of the impacted teeth were assessed. Data was analysed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26. Fisher's exact test and paired samples T-test were used for categorical and continuous variables respectively. Significance was set at P < 0.05. Results: Twenty-eight (1.76%) cases presenting with failed eruption of thirty-two anterior teeth were found during the period under review. Eight patients were treated by extraction, orthodontic treatment and space closure or prosthetic replacement with a mean treatment time of 2.83 ± 2.66 years. Thirteen patients completed treatment by orthodontic alignment with mean alignment time of 1.4 ± 1.5 years and treatment time of 3.6 ± 2.5 years. There was significant difference in the post-operative root length of aligned teeth compared to their normal antimeres (p < 0.005). Conclusion: Patients with impacted anterior teeth presented later than was beneficial for spontaneous alignment of their teeth. The average 1.5mm loss of root length observed was not detrimental to the anatomical retention or function of the aligned teeth. There is need for more enlightenment with regards to early presentation for dental problems to avoid expensive and time-consuming treatments.

Humans , Dental Clinics , Fused Teeth , Periodontics , Health Management , Cuspid
Niger. dent. j ; 31(1): 27-40, 2023. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1442542


To determine the predicting the effect of BMI-index percentile on the skeletal maturation of Nigerian children. Design: A prospective cross-sectional study. Setting: This study was conducted in a tertiary health care facility in North-Central Nigeria. Participants: Children between the ages of 5-17 years consisting of 44 males and 30 females that presented in the Child Dental clinic over a period of eight months were recruited for the study. Main outcome measured: Skeletal maturation was assessed using the middle phalanx of the third finger (MP3) while the standard WHO growth chart specific for age (2-20 years) and gender was used for grading BMI-percentile. The unpaired t-test was used to compare mean chronological age of the stages of MP3 according to gender. Multinomial logistic regression used to determine the predictive effect of age, gender and BMI percentile on pubertal growth spurt. Results: The BMI-percentile had weak correlation with the pubertal growth spurt (r=0.089, p=0.448). Gender (p=0.004) and chronological age had significant (p<0.001) predictive effect on the skeletal maturation. A one-percentile increase in the BMI-percentile decreases the likelihood of healthy children to be in the peak-pubertal by 1.504 when compared to obese children (p=0.305). Conclusions: This study showed that BMI-percentile is a weak predictor of skeletal maturation. However, obese children had a tendency towards advanced skeletal maturation than healthy participants. It is therefore suggested that orthodontists should consider early implementation of jaw modification treatments among obese children.

Humans , Age Determination by Skeleton , Jaw Abnormalities , Dental Clinics , Symptom Flare Up , Orthodontists
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 7-13, jul.-set. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399576


Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar e relacionar as informações sobre o perfil sociodemográfico, condição de saúde geral dos pacientes e os procedimentos cirúrgicos realizados pela Liga Acadêmica de Cirurgia na Clínica Odontológica da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. Trata-se de uma pesquisa transversal, descritiva e quantitativa, realizada por meio de uma análise dos prontuários odontológicos no período entre 2016 e 2018. Os dados coletados foram tabulados e a análise estatística foi realizada no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Foram analisados 336 prontuários e o sexo feminino representou 66,4% da amostra. 31,1% dos pacientes não residiam na cidade da Clínica Escola e a utilização de medicamentos foi relatada por 34,8% dos pacientes. Foram contabilizadas 387 exodontias de terceiros molares, representado o procedimento mais realizado. Destas, 75,7% tiveram como causa a remoção profilática. Quanto a classificação dos terceiros molares de acordo com Winter, todos casos encontrados nas posições distoangulado e linguoversão necessitaram de osteotomia e/ ou odontosecção para sua remoção. Em relação a classificação de Pell e Gregory, a posição IA foi a mais encontrada nos elementos 38 e 48, com respectivamente 56,5% e 52,0%. A análise das informações desta pesquisa poderá contribuir no planejamento e qualificação dos serviços oferecidos a comunidade... (AU)

Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar y relacionar información sobre el perfil sociodemográfico, el estado general de salud de los pacientes y los procedimientos quirúrgicos realizados por la Liga Académica de Cirugía en la Clínica Odontológica de la Universidad Federal de Campina Grande. Se trata de una investigación transversal, descriptiva y cuantitativa, realizada a través de un análisis de registros odontológicos en el período comprendido entre 2016 y 2018. Los datos recolectados fueron tabulados y el análisis estadístico se realizó mediante el software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Se analizaron 336 historias clínicas y el género femenino representó el 66,4% de la muestra. El 31,1% de los pacientes no residía en el municipio de Clínica Escola y el uso de medicamentos fue relatado por el 34,8% de los pacientes. Se contabilizaron un total de 387 extracciones de terceros molares, lo que representa el procedimiento más realizado. De estos, el 75,7% fueron causados por retiro profiláctico. En cuanto a la clasificación de los terceros molares según Winter, todos los casos que se encontraron en las posiciones de distoangulación y linguoversión requirieron osteotomía y/o odontotomía para su remoción. En cuanto a la clasificación de Pell y Gregory, la posición IA fue la más encontrada en los elementos 38 y 48, con 56,5% y 52,0% respectivamente. El análisis de la información de esta investigación puede contribuir a la planificación y calificación de los servicios ofrecidos a la comunidade... (AU)

This study aimed to analyze and relate information about the sociodemographic profile, the patient's general health condition, and the surgical procedures performed by the Academic Surgical League at the dental school of the Federal University of Campina Grande. This is a cross-sectional, descriptive, and quantitative study where dental records in the period between 2016 and 2018 were analyzed. The data were tabulated and the statistical analysis was done using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software. A total of 336 medical records were analyzed and the female gender represented 66.4% of the sample. 31.1% of the patients did not live in the dental school's city and 34.8% of the patients reported using medication. 387 third molar extractions were realized, representing the most performed procedure. Of these, 75.7% were caused by prophylactic removal. According to Winter classification of third molars, all cases found in the distoangular and lingualversion positions required osteotomy and/or tooth sectioning for their removal. Regarding the classification by Pell and Gregory, position IA was the most found in elements 38 and 48, with 56.5% and 52.0%, respectively. The information analysis from this research can contribute to the planning and qualification of the services offered to the community... (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Schools, Dental , Health Profile , Practice Patterns, Dentists' , Oral Surgical Procedures , Dental Clinics
Rev. Cient. CRO-RJ (Online) ; 7(1): 9-12, Jan-Apr 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1382123


A pandemia pelo novo coronavírus impactou a prática clínica odontológica, trazendo a necessidade de consultas mais rápidas, por vezes remotas, e com diminuição na produção de aerossóis, com o intuito de diminuir a disseminação do vírus Sars-CoV-2. Desta maneira, as técnicas abrangidas pela filosofia da Mínima Intervenção (MI) ganharam destaque pois, além dos benefícios para o momento pandêmico atual, são técnicas pautadas em evidências científicas e que podem ser oferecidas com segurança e de maneira integral à saúde bucal dos pacientes. Neste comentário, nós retomamos como o odontopediatra pode agir de maneira minimamente invasiva desde o diagnóstico ao tratamento mais complexo, além de educar o paciente e envolver a família na mudança comportamental, compreendendo seu papel na conquista da saúde bucal. A odontologia de Mínima Intervenção oferece ao paciente, em qualquer idade ou etapa de desenvolvimento, uma abordagem na qual sua família compreende os riscos e benefícios do plano de tratamento e participa das decisões para a construção de uma nova realidade em saúde.

The pandemic caused by the new coronavirus has impacted clinical dental practice, bringing the need for faster consultations, sometimes remote, and with a decrease in the production of aerosols, in order to reduce the spread of the Sars-CoV-2 virus. In this way, the techniques covered by the philosophy of Minimum Intervention (MI) gained prominence because, in addition to the benefits for the current pandemic moment, they are techniques based on scientific evidence and that can be offered safely and in an integral way to the oral health of patients. In this commentary, we revisit how pediatric dentists can act in a minimally invasive way from diagnosis to more complex treatment, in addition to educating the patient and involving the family in behavioral change, understanding their role in achieving oral health. Minimal Intervention Dentistry offers patients, at any age or stage of development, an approach in which their family understands the risks and benefits of the treatment plan and participates in decisions to build a new health reality.

COVID-19 , Health Education, Dental , Pediatric Dentistry , Dental Clinics , Evidence-Based Dentistry
Acta bioeth ; 28(1): 75-80, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1383291


Resumen: El cambio en el modelo asistencial odontológico en España ha supuesto la proliferación de grandes franquicias dentales o clínicas dentales low cost. Este tipo de establecimientos suelen realizar la captación de pacientes mediante agresivas campañas de publicidad, establecen financiaciones de los presupuestos directamente con entidades bancarias y rebajan los presupuestos inicialmente marcados. En los últimos años, la Comisión de Ética y Deontología del Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Odontólogos y Estomatólogos de Aragón ha comprobado un notable aumento de las reclamaciones de pacientes procedentes de este tipo de clínicas. Uno de los casos más llamativos ha sido el cierre de la franquicia iDental, que dejó a miles de personas sin terminar sus tratamientos odontológicos. Se pretende realizar una puesta al día de las repercusiones deontológicas que estas clínicas tienen en la deontología dental de la Comunidad Autónoma de Aragón.

Abstract: The change in deontological health care model in Spain has led to the proliferation of huge dental franquises or low cost dental clinics. This type of settings generally engages customers by aggressive advertising campaigns, establishing financing with banks and reducing the agreed initial budget. In the last years, the Ethical and Deontological Commission of the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Aragon has noticed a significant increase of claims by patients attending this type of clinics. One of the most striking cases has been the closing of iDental, which led thousands of patients without finishing dental treatment. This study pretends updating the deontological repercussions that these clinics have in the Autonomous Community of Aragon.

Resumo: A mudança no modelo assistencial odontológico na Espanha implicou na proliferação de grandes franquias dentais ou clínicas dentais de baixo custo. Estes tipos de estabelecimentos habitualmente realizam a captação de pacientes mediante agressivas campanhas publicitárias, estabelecem financiamento dos orçamentos diretamente com instituições bancárias e abaixam os orçamentos inicialmente apresentados. Nos últimos anos, a Comissão de Ética e Deontologia do Ilustre Colégio Oficial de Odontólogos e Estomatólogos de Aragão comprovou um notável aumento de reclamações de pacientes procedentes deste tipo de clínica. Um dos casos mais chamativos foi o encerramento da franquia iDental, que deixou milhares de pessoas sem terminar seus tratamentos odontológicos. Se pretende realizar uma atualização das repercussões deontológicas que estas clínicas têm na deontologia dental da Comunidade Autônoma de Aragão.

Humans , Ethical Theory , Dental Clinics/economics , Dental Clinics/ethics , Dentists/ethics , Spain , Public Health
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-962521


ABSTRACT@#Inappropriate antibiotic prescribing in dentistry has been widely reported but local studies are scarce. We aimed to evaluate antibiotic prescribing practices among dental officers in a public dental primary care clinic against current guidelines: specifically assessing the number, appropriateness, accuracy of prescriptions, type of antibiotics prescribed and repeated prescribing of the same type of antibiotics within a specific duration. A retrospective audit consisting of two cycles (1st cycle: July to September 2018, 2nd cycle: July to September 2019) was carried out by manually collecting relevant data of patients (aged 18 and above) who were prescribed antibiotics from carbon copies of prescription books. Between each cycle, various interventions such as education through a continuous professional development (CPD) session, presentation of preliminary findings and making guidelines more accessible to dental officers were implemented. When the 1st and 2nd cycles were compared, the number of antibiotic prescriptions issued reduced from 194 to 136 (–30.0%) whereas the percentage of appropriate prescriptions increased slightly by 4.1%. Inaccurate prescriptions in terms of dosage and duration decreased (–0.5% and –13.7%, respectively) whilst drug form and frequency of intake increased (+15.7% and +0.7%, respectively). Repeated prescribing of the same antibiotics by the same officer within a period of ≤6 weeks no longer occurred. Amoxicillin and metronidazole were most commonly prescribed in both cycles. Overall, the antibiotic prescribing practices did not closely adhere to current guidelines. However, clinical audit in conjunction with targeted interventions resulted in improvement in the antibiotic prescribing patterns. Thus, further intervention and re-audit is necessary.

Dosage , Dental Clinics , Clinical Audit
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 12(1): 221264, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1417064


El miedo dental en niños puede variar en su naturaleza, intensidad y persistencia, transformándose en un comportamiento negativo y problemático que el dentista debe identificar para proporcionar un apropiado tratamiento. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo evaluar el miedo dental en 190 niños y niñas de 4 a 12 años de edad que asistieron al servicio odontológico en la ciudad de El Alto, utilizando la Escala de Evaluación de Miedo en niños ­ Subescala Dental; adicionalmente se recolectó información de experiencias odontológicas previas. Los resultados revelaron una media total de 30,7 ± 8,3 en la escala, lo cual indica que el miedo dental presente es bajo entre los niños evaluados. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas en cuanto a género. En relación a la edad, el grupo de niños entre 10 a 12 años evidenciaron una proporción más elevada (41%) de miedo dental, que los otros grupos de niños de edades menores. La experiencia de visitas odontológicas previas está asociada más frecuentemente a niveles de miedo dental bajo a diferencia de los niveles moderados y altos encontrados en aquellos que asistieron por vez primera. Se identificó que asfixiarse, inyecciones y que un extraño los toque, son aspectos que causan más ansiedad en los niños. El presente estudio concluyó que la prevalencia de miedo dental en los niños de la ciudad de El Alto es bajo y no asociada al género, pero hay evidencia de que puede incrementarse en niños mayores y en aquellos que no tuvieron experiencias odontológicas previas.

Resumo: O medo ao tratamento odontológico pode variar em natureza, intensidade e persistência, provocando ansiedade, pensamentos obsessivos ou diminuição do umbral de dor, derivando num comportamento negativo e problemático, que não somente impede aos pacientes de procurar tratamento, mas também interfere com a eficácia do mesmo. Pelos motivos acima indicados é relevante a identificação do medo ao tratamento odontológico em população pediátrica. No presente estudo tivemos como objetivo avaliar ao tratamento odontológico em crianças de 4 a 12 anos de idade, que atenderam ao serviço odontológico na cidade de El Alto, utilizando a Escala de Avaliação de Medo em crianças ­ Subescala Dentaria, adicionalmente se coletou informação sobre experiências odontológicas previas. O presente estudo, ressalta a importância dequeosdentistasconsideremalémdacondiçãofísicaoestadopsicológicoeemocional. Osresultadosobtidosmostraram uma média de 30,7 ± 8,3 segundo a escala, indicando que o medo dentário foi baixo no grupo de 190 crianças avaliadas. Não se encontraram diferenças significativas em termos de gênero. Ao respeito da idade, o grupo de crianças entre 10 a 12 anos mostrou uma proporção mais alta (41%) de medo quando comparado com os outros grupos de crianças em faixas etárias menores. A experiência de visitas odontológicas previas encontra-se associada com níveis de medo ao tratamento odontológico mais baixos em comparação com níveis moderados e altos nas crianças que assistiram por primeira vez. Se identificou que o fato de se asfixiar, ter injeção aplicada e que contato com uma pessoa alheia, são os aspeitos que causam maior medo nas crianças. O presente estudo concluiu que a prevalência do medo ao tratamento odontológico em crianças da cidade de El Alto é baixa, não associado ao gênero, mas existe evidência de que pode incrementar em crianças maiores e em aqueles que não tiveram experiências odontológicas previas.

Abstract: Dental fear in children can vary in its nature, intensity and persistence, causing anxiety, obsessive thinking or decreasing the pain threshold, transforming into a negative and problematic behavior, that not only prevents patients from seeking treatment but also interferes with its efficacy. Due to the afore mentioned issues, the identification of dental fear in pediatric population is relevant and the dentist must identify to provide appropriate treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate dental fear in boys and girls aged 4 to 12 who attended dental services in the city of El Alto, using the Scale for the Evaluation of Fear in Children - Dental Subscale. Additionally, information was collected from previous dental experiences. The present study highlights the importance that dentists not only consider the physical condition of the patients, but also the psychological and emotional state. The results obtained revealed a total mean of 30.7 ± 8.3 on the scale, which indicates that the dental fear is low among the 190 children evaluated. Neither were significant differences found in terms of gender. In relation to age, the group of children between 10 and 12 years old showed a higher proportion (41%) of dental fear than the other groups of children of younger ages. The experience of previous dental visits is more frequently associated with low levels of dental fear, as opposed to the moderate and high levels found in those who attended for the first time. Choking, injections, and being touched by a stranger have been identified as causing the most anxiety in children. The present study concluded that the prevalence of dental fear in children in the city of El Alto is low and not associated with gender, but there is evidence that it may increase in older children and in those who had no previous dental experiences.

Humans , Animals , Male , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Dental Care , Dental Anxiety , Bolivia , Dental Clinics , Airway Obstruction , Fear
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 12(1): 212341, 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1417071


Objetivos: Estudiar el comportamiento y la ansiedad de pacientes de 4-8 años durante la primera visita dental, relacionando dicho comportamiento con las prácticas parentales. Material y métodos: Se diseñó un estudio clínico transversal observacional. La selección de los pacientes se realizó mediante un muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo de conveniencia. Los padres cumplimentaron un cuestionario antes de la visita, y se realizó la evaluación del niño mediante la observación para determinar su nivel de ansiedad y el tipo de comportamiento. Resultados: 18 niños de edades comprendidas entre 4 y 8 años participaron en el estudio. El 72,2 % de los participantes tuvo un nivel de ansiedad "inquieto" y el 27,8 % "relajado". El 72,2 % tuvo un comportamiento "levemente positivo". El estilo de crianza mayoritario fue el "autoritativo" con un 83,3 %. No se ha visto una diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de ansiedad y el comportamiento de los niños en la primera visita dental y el estilo de crianza (p>0,5). Conclusiones: El nivel de ansiedad de los niños no está influenciado con el estilo de crianza. Sin embargo, se ha visto un mejor comportamiento en la primera visita dental en los niños con padres autoritativos.

Objetivos: Estudar o comportamento e a ansiedade de pacientes de 4 a 8 anos durante a primeira consulta odontológica, relacionando esse comportamento às práticas parentais. Material e métodos: Foi elaborado um estudo clínico transversal não experimental. A seleção dos pacientes foi realizada inicialmente por meio de amostragem não probabilística consecutiva por conveniência. Os pais receberam um questionário antes da visita e, posteriormente, a criança foi avaliada por observação para determinar seu nível de ansiedade e tipo de comportamento. Resultados: participaram do estudo 18 crianças com idades entre 4 e 8 anos. 72,2% dos participantes apresentavam nível de ansiedade "inquieto" e 27,8% "relaxado". 72,2% tiveram um comportamento "ligeiramente positivo". O estilo parental majoritário foi "autoritativo" com 83,3%. Não foi observada diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o nível de ansiedade e o comportamento das crianças na primeira consulta ao dentista e o estilo parental (p> 0,5). Conclusões: O nível de ansiedade das crianças não é influenciado pelo estilo parental. No entanto, um melhor comportamento na primeira consulta odontológica foi observado em crianças com pais autoritativos.

Objectives: To study the behavior and anxiety of 4-8 year-old patients during the first dental visit, relating this behavior to parenting practices. Material and methods: A non-experimental cross-sectional clinical study was designed. The selection of patients was initially carried out by means of a non-probabilistic consecutive convenience sampling. A questionnaire was given to the parents before the visit, and subsequently the child's evaluation was carried out through observation to determine the level of anxiety and the type of behavior of the child. Results: 18 children aged between 4 and 8 years participated in the study. 72.2% of the participants had a "restless" anxiety level and 27.8 "relaxed". 72.2% had a "slightly positive" behavior. The majority parenting style was "authoritative" with 83.3%. No statistically significant difference was seen between the children's anxiety level and behavior at the first dental visit and parenting style (p> 0.5). Conclusions: The children's anxiety level is not influenced by the parenting style, however, a better behavior has been seen in the first dental visit in children with authoritative parents

Humans , Child, Preschool , Child , Anxiety , Parenting , Dentists , Patients , Breeding , Dental Clinics
Arq. odontol ; 58: 11-20, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1380379


Objetivo: Analisar o perfil e a percepção das mães quanto ao nível de satisfação do atendimento odontológico das Clínicas Integradas da Infância, do curso de Odontologia de uma universidade no interior do nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal, observacional e quanti-qualitativo baseado na coleta de dados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada com mães de crianças atendidas nas Clínicas Integradas da Infância do curso de Odontologia. Os dados foram organizados em planilhas e, em seguida, submetidos à análise estatística descritiva através do software RStudio. Para a questão aberta, foi realizada análise de conteúdo qualitativa de Bardin. Resultados: Foi entrevistado um total de 28 mães, com média de idade de 33 anos, em sua maioria casadas, com renda de um salário mínimo ou mais, que referiram ter de 2 a 3 filhos. A maioria das entrevistadas considerou o atendimento muito bom ou bom, evidenciando principalmente o afeto, a paciência e o vínculo criado entre aluno e paciente pediátrico. A fila e o tempo de espera para agendamento de consultas foram apresentados como pontos negativos. Conclusão: Genericamente, as mães de crianças atendidas nas Clínicas Integradas da Infância consideram-se satisfeitas com o atendimento prestado pelo serviço. Salienta-se a necessidade de impetrar recursos que busquem a triagem constante e a redução da fila de espera do serviço.

Aim:To analyze the profile and perception of mothers regarding the level of satisfaction with the dental care provided by Integrated Children's Clinics, from the Dentistry course of a university in the countryside of Northeastern Brazil. Methods: This cross-sectional, observational, and quantitative-qualitative study was carried out based on data collection through semi-structured interviews with mothers of children who received medical care at the Integrated Children's Clinics of the Dentistry course. Data were organized in spreadsheets and then submitted to descriptive statistical analysis using the R Studio software. For the open question, Bardin's qualitative content analysis was performed. Results: A total of 28 mothers were interviewed, with a mean age of 33 years, mostly married, with an income of one minimum wage or more, who reported having 2 to 3 children. Most interviewees considered the service to be very good or good, mainly showing affection, patience, and the bond created between students and pediatric patients. Lines and waiting time for scheduling appointments were presented as negative points. Conclusion: In general, mothers of children who received medical care at Integrated Children's Clinics consider themselves satisfied with the care provided by the service. The need to file appeals that seek constant screening and reduction of the service's waiting list is highlighted.

Consumer Behavior , Dental Care for Children , Dental Clinics , Health Services Research
J. health inform ; 13(3): 93-99, jul.-set. 2021. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1359317


Objetivo: Analisar o Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) em clínicas odontológicas. Métodos: Trata-se de uma revisão integrativa da literatura, realizada a partir da questão norteadora, na qual estruturou-se a expressão de busca por meio dos descritores indexados e seus respectivos sinônimos no DeCS, MESH e Emtree, combinados por meio dos operadores booleanos AND e OR. A busca foi realizada, em março de 2021, via acesso remoto no Portal de Periódicos da CAPES, nas bases de dados LILACS, Medline, Scopus, Embase e Web of Science. Resultados: Foram selecionados 15 artigos para leitura na íntegra, cujos principais achados refere-se ao processo de implementação, usabilidade e desafios do PEP em clínicas odontológicas. Conclusão: Embora poucos estudos abordem sobre o PEP na odontologia, houve melhora da qualidade do atendimento, além de permitir o registro para melhor acompanhamento da evolução dos casos aprimorando o processo de trabalho para a tomada de decisão.

Objective: To analyze the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) in dental clinics. Methods: This is an integrative literature review, based on the guiding question, in which the search expression was structured using the indexed descriptors and their respective synonyms in DeCS, MESH and Emtree, combined using Boolean operators. AND and OR. The search was carried out, in March 2021, via remote access on the CAPES Portal, in the LILACS, Medline, Scopus, Embase and Web of Science databases. Results: Fifteen articles were selected for full reading, whose main findings refer to the process of implementation, usability and challenges of PEP in dental clinics. Conclusion: Although few studies address EPR in dentistry, there was an improvement in the quality of care, in addition to allowing registration to better monitor the evolution of cases, improving the work process for decision making.

Objetivo: Analizar el Registro Electrónico de Pacientes (REP) en clínicas dentales. Métodos: Se trata de una revisión bibliográfica integradora, basada en la pregunta orientadora, en la que se estructuró la expresión de búsqueda a través de los descriptores indexados y sus respectivos sinónimos en DeCS, MESH y Emtree, combinados mediante operadores booleanos AND y OR. La búsqueda se realizó, en marzo de 2021, mediante acceso remoto en el Portal de Revistas CAPES, en las bases de datos LILACS, Medline, Scopus, Embase y Web of Science. Resultados: Se seleccionaron quince artículos para lectura completa, cuyos principales hallazgos se refieren al proceso de implementación, usabilidad y desafíos de la PEP en las clínicas dentales. Conclusión: Si bien pocos estudios abordan la REP en odontología, hubo una mejora en la calidad de la atención, además de permitir el registro para controlar mejor la evolución de los casos, mejorando el proceso de trabajo para la toma de decisiones.

Dental Clinics , Electronic Health Records , Quality of Health Care , Health Personnel , Clinical Decision-Making
RFO UPF ; 26(2): 275-284, 20210808. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1452534


Objetivo: avaliar o comportamento de crianças de 3 a 7 anos durante o atendimento odontológico nas clínicas de uma instituição de ensino pública e sua relação com características demográficas e relacionadas aos procedimentos realizados. Metodologia: foram avaliados os prontuários odontológicos de crianças entre 3 e 7 anos de idade para coleta de dados demográficos, socioeconômicos, histórico de internação hospitalar e de atendimento odontológico prévio, tipo de procedimento executado e comportamento. Os dados foram tabulados no Microsoft Excel® e analisados por meio de estatística descritiva no Programa Stata versão 12.0. Resultados: foram incluídos no estudo 81 prontuários odontológicos (40,9%). A maioria das crianças pertencia ao sexo masculino (50,6%), raça branca (77,3%), com renda familiar de até 2 salários-mínimos (73%), as mães apresentavam mais de 9 anos de estudo (54,6%) e a criança não tinha histórico de internação hospitalar (61,3%). A maioria apresentou comportamento colaborador nas consultas com procedimentos pouco invasivos e invasivos, percebendo-se, de uma maneira geral, um aumento gradativo da colaboração com o passar da idade, independentemente do tipo de procedimento. Nas consultas com procedimentos muito invasivos constatou-se que a maioria tende a ser colaboradora (66,4%), porém em proporção menor que nos pouco invasivos (83,3%) e invasivos (78,0%). Conclusão: As crianças apresentaram, em sua maioria, comportamento colaborador frente aos procedimentos odontológicos executados por estudantes e empregando técnicas de manejo do comportamento não farmacológicas. A frequência de comportamento colaborador foi maior em crianças de 5 anos ou mais e que realizaram procedimentos pouco invasivos.(AU)

Objective: to evaluate the behavior of children aged 3 to 7 years during dental care at the clinics of a public educational institution and its relationship with demographic characteristics and those related to the procedures performed. Methodology: the dental records of children between 3 and 7 years of age were evaluated to collect demographic and socioeconomic data, history of hospitalization and previous dental care, type of procedure performed and behavior. Data were tabulated in Microsoft Excel® and analyzed using descriptive statistics in Stata version 12.0. Results: 81 dental records (40.9%) were included in the study. Most children were male (50.6%), white (77.3%), with family income of up to 2 minimum wages (73%), mothers had more than 9 years of study (54, 6%) and the child had no history of hospitalization (61.3%). Most showed a collaborative behavior in consultations with minimally invasive and invasive procedures, with a general increase in collaboration being observed with age, regardless of the type of procedure. In consultations with very invasive procedures, it was found that the majority tend to be collaborative (66.4%), but in a smaller proportion than in the slightly invasive (83.3%) and invasive (78.0%). Conclusion: Most of the children showed collaborative behavior when faced with dental procedures performed by students and using non-pharmacological behavior management techniques. The frequency of collaborative behavior was higher in children aged 5 years or older who underwent minimally invasive procedures.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Child Behavior , Dental Care for Children/statistics & numerical data , Cooperative Behavior , Public Health Services , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Age Distribution , Dental Clinics