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Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 68(1): 31-37, jul. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1568192


La osteonecrosis maxilar (ONM) asociada a me- dicamentos, también denominada osteonecrosis maxilar medicamentosa (ONMM), se define como un área ósea, expuesta al medio bucal, con más de ocho semanas de permanencia, que se presenta en pacientes sin antecedentes de radioterapia en cabe- za y cuello, tratados con antirresortivos y/o antian- giogénicos. La estimulación traumática provocada por la cirugía dental o la colocación de implantes dentales se ha indicado como uno de los posibles factores predisponentes a esta patología (Ferreira et al., 2020). Con el objeto de profundizar el conocimiento de la relación entre el uso de medicamentos antirresorti- vos y antiangiogénicos y los posibles riesgos en re- lación con la utilización de implantes dentales para rehabilitación en pacientes adultos mayores, se rea- lizó un estudio retrospectivo ­de corte transversal­ mediante el análisis de la información obtenida a partir de una revisión bibliográfica sistematizada de publicaciones indexadas referidos a implantes en el adulto medicado con bifosfonatos-drogas resortivas con fecha de octubre de 2021. La conclusión fue no es competencia del profesional odontólogo suspender ni alterar la frecuencia en la ingesta de la medicación señalada por el profesional médico. En estos casos, es fundamental tener en cuenta la interrelación medicina y odontología. Y todos los pacientes tratados con bifosfonatos deben ser informados sobre el posible riesgo de pérdida del implante o la posibilidad de osteonecrosis (AU)

Osteonecrosis of the jaw ONJ, associated with medications, also called MRONJ, is defined as a bone area, exposed to the oral environment, with more than eight weeks of permanence that occurs in patients, without a history of head and neck radiotherapy, treated with antiresorptive and/ or antiangiogenic. Traumatic stimulation caused by dental surgery, or the placement of dental implants has been indicated as one of the possible predisposing factors for this pathology (Ferreira et al., 2020). In order to deepen the knowledge of the relationship between the use of antiresorptive drugs and the possible risks in relation to the use of dental implants for rehabilitation in older adult patients, a retrospective cross-sectional study was carried out by analyzing the information obtained from Based on a systematic bibliographic review of indexed publications referring to Implants in adults medicated with bisphosphonates-responsive drugs dated October 2021. We conclude that it is not the responsibility of the dental professional to suspend or alter the frequency of medication intake indicated by the medical professional. In these cases, it is essential to consider the interrelation medicine and dentistry. And all patients treated with bisphosphonates should be informed about the possible risk of implant loss or the possibility of osteonecrosis (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Bisphosphonate-Associated Osteonecrosis of the Jaw/complications , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Angiogenesis Inhibitors/adverse effects
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971593


The failure rate of dental implantation in patients with well-controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is higher than that in non-diabetic patients. This due, in part, to the impaired function of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMSCs) from the jawbone marrow of T2DM patients (DM-BMSCs), limiting implant osseointegration. RNA N6-methyladenine (m6A) is important for BMSC function and diabetes regulation. However, it remains unclear how to best regulate m6A modifications in DM-BMSCs to enhance function. Based on the "m6A site methylation stoichiometry" of m6A single nucleotide arrays, we identified 834 differential m6A-methylated genes in DM-BMSCs compared with normal-BMSCs (N-BMSCs), including 43 and 790 m6A hypermethylated and hypomethylated genes, respectively, and 1 gene containing hyper- and hypomethylated m6A sites. Differential m6A hypermethylated sites were primarily distributed in the coding sequence, while hypomethylated sites were mainly in the 3'-untranslated region. The largest and smallest proportions of m6A-methylated genes were on chromosome 1 and 21, respectively. MazF-PCR and real-time RT-PCR results for the validation of erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1 like 3, activity-dependent neuroprotector homeobox (ADNP), growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11), and regulator of G protein signalling 2 agree with m6A single nucleotide array results; ADNP and GDF11 mRNA expression decreased in DM-BMSCs. Furthermore, gene ontology and Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes analyses suggested that most of these genes were enriched in metabolic processes. This study reveals the differential m6A sites of DM-BMSCs compared with N-BMSCs and identifies candidate target genes to enhance BMSC function and improve implantation success in T2DM patients.

Humans , Bone Marrow/metabolism , Bone Morphogenetic Proteins/metabolism , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolism , Growth Differentiation Factors/metabolism , Mesenchymal Stem Cells/metabolism , RNA/metabolism , RNA Processing, Post-Transcriptional
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010704


Peri-implantitis is one of the most important biological complications in the field of oral implantology. Identifying the causative factors of peri-implant inflammation and osteolysis is crucial for the disease's prevention and treatment. The underlying risk factors and detailed pathogenesis of peri-implantitis remain to be elucidated. Titanium-based implants as the most widely used implant inevitably release titanium particles into the surrounding tissue. Notably, the concentration of titanium particles increases significantly at peri-implantitis sites, suggesting titanium particles as a potential risk factor for the condition. Previous studies have indicated that titanium particles can induce peripheral osteolysis and foster the development of aseptic osteoarthritis in orthopedic joint replacement. However, it remains unconfirmed whether this phenomenon also triggers inflammation and bone resorption in peri-implant tissues. This review summarizes the distribution of titanium particles around the implant, the potential roles in peri-implantitis and the prevalent prevention strategies, which expects to provide new directions for the study of the pathogenesis and treatment of peri-implantitis.

Humans , Peri-Implantitis/pathology , Titanium/pharmacology , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Osteolysis/pathology , Inflammation/chemically induced
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970758


Peri-implant disease, an important group of diseases that cause implant failure, are associated with metabolic abnormality. Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is a common metabolic disorder comprising abdominal obesity, hyperglycemia, systemic hypertension and atherogenic dyslipidemia. Previous studies had reported that MetS and its diversified clinical manifestations might be associated with peri-implant diseases, but the relationship and underlying mechanisms were unclear. This review aims to explore the relationship between MetS and peri-implant disease, in order to provide beneficial reference for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant disease in patients with MetS.

Humans , Metabolic Syndrome/complications , Peri-Implantitis , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Hypertension/complications , Risk Factors
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 22-29, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971269


OBJECTIVE@#To compare the efficiency and effect of establishing rat peri-implantitis model by traditional cotton thread ligation and local injection of Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) around the implant, as well as the combination of the two methods.@*METHODS@#Left side maxillary first molars of 39 male SD rats were extracted, and titanium implants were implanted after four weeks of healing. After 4 weeks of implant osseointegration, 39 rats were randomly divided into 4 groups. Cotton thread ligation (n=12), local injection of LPS around the implant (n=12), and the two methods combined (n=12) were used to induce peri-implantitis, the rest 3 rats were untreated as control group. All procedures were conducted under 5% isoflurane inhalation anesthesia. The rats were sacrificed 2 weeks and 4 weeks after induction through carbon dioxide asphyxiation method. The maxilla of the rats in the test groups were collected and marginal bone loss was observed by micro-CT. The gingival tissues around the implants were collected for further real time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis, specifically the expression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) as well as interleukin-1β (IL-1β). The probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BOP) and gingival index (GI) of each rat in the experimental group were recorded before induction of inflammation and before death.@*RESULTS@#After 4 weeks of implantation, the osseointegration of implants were confirmed. All the three test groups showed red and swollen gums, obvious marginal bone loss around implants. After 2 weeks and 4 weeks of inflammation induction, PD, GI and BOP of the three test groups increased compared with those before induction, but only BOP was statistically significant among the three test groups (P < 0.05). At the end of 2 weeks of inflammation induction, marginal bone loss was observed at each site in the cotton thread ligation group and the combined group. At each site, the bone resorption in the combined group was greater than that in the cotton thread ligation group, but the difference was not statistically significant (P > 0.05), bone resorption was observed at some sites of some implants in LPS local injection group. At the end of 4 weeks of inflammation induction, marginal bone loss was observed at all sites in each group. The marginal bone loss in the cotton thread ligation group and the combined group was greater than that in the LPS local injection group, and the difference was statistically significant (P < 0.05). At the end of 2 weeks and 4 weeks of induction, the expression of TNF-α and IL-1β in the test groups were higher than those in the control group (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Compared with local injection of LPS around the implant, cotton thread ligature and the two methods combined can induce peri-implantitis in rats better and faster.

Animals , Male , Rats , Alveolar Bone Loss/etiology , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Inflammation , Lipopolysaccharides , Peri-Implantitis/pathology , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(4): 36-41, out.-dez. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1414835


A Osteomielite dos Maxilares (OM) é uma inflamação óssea, de origem na maioria infecciosa, podendo atingir a porção medular e cortical dos ossos maxilares. Apresenta-se em maior extensão na mandíbula, devido ao pobre suprimento sanguíneo que essa possui, sendo mais prevalente em homens entre a faixa etária de 40 a 60 anos. Sua etiologia está relacionada principalmente às infecções odontogênicas, infecções secundárias e corpos estranhos ocasionais, como os implantes dentários. Tem-se por objetivo apresentar um relato de caso clínico sobre OM na região posterior da mandíbula, bem como sua associação a uma insatisfatória implantação dentária onde houve desenvolvimento de lesão peri-implantar. Paciente do gênero feminino, 53 anos, melanoderma, apresentou dor crônica, abaulamento ósseo sem outros sinais significativos na região de molares inferiores no lado direito, radiograficamente visualizava-se imagem mista sendo sugestiva de sequestro ósseo. Na história pregressa relatou ter realizado explantação na referida região após ser diagnosticada com peri implantite. Ao final do estudo concluiu-se que a afecção teve como causa a infecção bacteriana proveniente de contaminação durante a inserção de implante dentário. Optou-se por remoção cirúrgica do osso necrótico e inflamado... (AU)

Osteomyelitis of the Jaws (OM) is a bone inflammation, of mostly infectious origin, which can affect the medullary and cortical portion of the maxillary bones. It presents itself to a greater extent in the mandible, due to the poor blood supply that it has, being more prevalent in men between the age group of 40 to 60 years. Its etiology is mainly related to odontogenic infections, secondary infections and occasional foreign bodies, such as dental implants. The objective is to present a clinical case report on OM in the posterior region of the mandible, as well as its association with an unsatisfactory dental implantation, where there was development of a peri-implant lesion. Female patient, 53 years old, melanoderma, presented chronic pain, bone bulging without other significant signs in the region of lower molars on the right side, radiographically a mixed image was visualized, suggesting bone sequestration. In her previous history, she reported having performed explantation in that region after being diagnosed with peri-implantitis. At the end of the study, it was concluded that the disease was caused by bacterial infection from contamination during dental implant insertion. We opted for surgical removal of the necrotic and inflamed bone... (AU)

La osteomielitis de los maxilares (OM) es una inflamación de los huesos, en su mayoría de origen infeccioso, que puede afectar la porción medular y cortical de los huesos maxilares. Se presenta en mayor medida en la mandíbula, debido a la escasa irrigación sanguínea que tiene, siendo más prevalente en hombres entre el grupo de edad de 40 a 60 años. Su etiología se relaciona principalmente con infecciones odontogénicas, infecciones secundarias y cuerpos extraños ocasionales, como los implantes dentales. El objetivo es presentar un reporte de caso de OM en la región posterior de la mandíbula, así como su asociación con una implantación dentaria insatisfactoria a partir de la cual desarrollamos una lesión periimplantaria. Paciente femenina, 53 años, melanodermia, presenta dolor crónico, tumefacción ósea con otros signos significativos en región molar inferior del lado derecho, radiográficamente se visualiza imagen mixta sugestiva de pérdida ósea. En su historia previa menciona haber realizado una explantación en esa región tras ser diagnosticada de periimplantitis. Al final del estudio, se concluyó que la enfermedad fue causada por una infección bacteriana provocada por la contaminación durante la inserción del implante dental. Se optó por la extirpación quirúrgica de la piel necrótica e inflamada... (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Osteomyelitis/surgery , Maxillary Diseases/surgery , Osteomyelitis/etiology , Osteomyelitis/diagnostic imaging , Maxillary Diseases/etiology , Maxillary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Cross-Sectional Studies , Peri-Implantitis/complications
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 302-306, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935867


Retrograde peri-implantitis (RPI), a kind of rare biological complication in implant-supported prosthetic rehabilitation, has been reported more frequently in recent years. RPI is defined as the periapical lesion that occurs following implant placement while the coronal part of the implant achieves normal osseointegration. Due to the possibilities of asymptomatic clinical scenarios, RPI can easily be ignored if routine radiographic examination is absent postoperatively, which may postpone treatment and affect long-term outcome. The common cause is infection originating from the periapical lesion of the neighboring teeth, the residual bacteria at the implant site, the contaminated implant apex and etc. Treatment methods rely on the infection source and severity of defect. This article discusses the diagnosis, classification, etiology, and pathology as well as prevention and treatment of RPI in order to provide evidence for clinical decisions in the future.

Humans , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Osseointegration , Peri-Implantitis/prevention & control
Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 66(1): 34-46, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1380253


La población mayor de 60 años es el grupo etario de mayor crecimiento en el mundo. Debido a que la depresión es una patología frecuente en la persona adulta mayor y anciana, los inhibidores de la recap- tación de la serotonina (ISRS) son el tratamiento de primera línea de elección. Este trabajo referencia la asociación del consumo de estos fármacos con la disminución de la densidad ósea mineral (DMO), el riesgo de fracturas y su repercusión en la atención odontológica. Además, incluye una breve descripción de la homeostasis ósea y la relación depresión-carga alostática. El trabajo interdisciplinario y una correcta anamnesis pueden detectar posibles complicaciones y riesgos vinculados con este tipo de medicamen- tos. Ello facilitaría un mejor manejo, más aún en el adulto mayor, donde una pequeña variable puede repercutir en su integridad (AU)

The population over 60 is the fastest growing age group in the world. Depression is a frequent pathology in the elderly and the elderly, with serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) being the 1st line treatment of choice. The association of the consumption of this drug with a decrease in bone mineral density (BMD), risk of fractures and its impact on dental care are referenced in this work. In addition, it includes a brief description of bone homeostasis and the depression-allostatic load relationship. Interdisciplinary work and a correct anamnesis can detect possible complications and risks linked to this type of medication, facilitating better management and even more so in the elderly, where a small variable can affect their integrity (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Dental Care for Aged/methods , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/adverse effects , Depression/complications , Antidepressive Agents/adverse effects , Bone Density/drug effects , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Bone Remodeling/physiology , Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Dental Restoration Failure , Fractures, Bone/prevention & control , Allostasis , Homeostasis
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 58(3): e3073, 2021. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1347440


Introducción: El posicionamiento de implantes dentales simultáneos a la elevación de seno maxilar en rebordes con reabsorción severa < 4mm es una técnica quirúrgica sensible que disminuye los tiempos operatorios. Sin embargo, es considerada cirujano-dependiente y en caso de no darse el manejo adecuado puede generar complicaciones. Objetivo: Evaluar, luego de 24 meses de carga funcional, la estabilidad de los tejidos periimplantares del implante dental que se posicionó simultáneo a la elevación de seno maxilar en un reborde alveolar con reabsorción ósea severa < 4mm. Presentación de caso: Paciente masculino de 62 años con reabsorción ósea severa en zona de primer molar superior derecho. Luego de analizar los medios diagnósticos y la evidencia científica; se logró posicionar un implante dental simultáneo a la elevación de seno maxilar técnica de ventana lateral; cuatro meses después se realizó la segunda fase quirúrgica y finalmente fue rehabilitado con una corona en zirconio. Tuvo un periodo de seguimiento de 24 meses. Conclusiones: Un buen diagnóstico, manejo quirúrgico adecuado, la colaboración del paciente y los controles periódicos, resultan en una técnica segura, que proporciona estabilidad de los tejidos periimplantares(AU)

Introduction: Dental implant placement simultaneous with maxillary sinus lifting on ridges with severe resorption < 4 mm is a sensitive surgical technique that shortens the duration of interventions. However, it is considered to be operator dependent, and may cause complications if not appropriately managed. Objective: After 24 months of functional load, evaluate the stability of the peri-implant tissue of a dental implant placed simultaneously with maxillary sinus lifting on an alveolar ridge with severe bone resorption. Case presentation: A case is presented of a male 62-year-old patient with severe bone resorption in the area of the first upper right molar. Analysis of the diagnostic means and scientific evidence involved led to placement of a dental implant simultaneous with maxillary sinus lifting (lateral window technique). The second surgical stage was performed four months later. A zirconium crown was finally placed, and a 24-month follow-up period was started. Conclusions: With a good diagnosis, appropriate surgical management, patient cooperation and periodic controls, it is a safe technique that ensures the stability of peri-implant tissue(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Resorption/diagnosis , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Maxillary Sinus/surgery , Aftercare
Rev. Odontol. Araçatuba (Impr.) ; 42(2): 35-41, maio-ago. 2021.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1252912


O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma revisão da literatura para identificar os principais fatores que levam às complicações em implantodontia. Os implantes osseointegráveis e sua aplicação na odontologia revolucionaram a reabilitação oral de pacientes sejam eles edêntulos totais ou parciais em busca de recuperação funcional e satisfação estética. A pesquisa científica em uma busca constante pela magnificação deste tratamento, possibilitaram o uso de reabilitações implantossuportadas como um método de tratamento previsível com um índice elevado de sucesso. No entanto, como qualquer modo de tratamento, complicações e falhas também podem ocorrer na implantodontia. Após a revisão de literatura pode-se concluir que as condições médicas do paciente, hábitos sociais e parafuncionais, inexatidão do planejamento cirúrgico e protético, conhecimento técnico e científico do cirurgião-dentista, a falta de relacionamento interdisciplinar e deficiente cooperação do paciente no pós-operatório, podem estar relacionadas às complicações no tratamento reabilitador com implantes dentários(AU)

The objective of this study is to carry out a complete literature review to elucidate and evaluate the factors that lead to complications in implantology. The osseointegrated implantsimplants and their application in dentistry have revolutionized the oral rehabilitation of patients who need this treatment, be they total or partial edentulous in search of functional recovery and aesthetic satisfaction. Scientific research and a constant search for the magnification of this treatment, allowed the use of implant-enhanced rehabilitation as a predictable treatment method with a high success rate. However, like any treatment mode, complications and failures can also occur in implantology. the patient's medical conditions, social and parafunctional habits, inaccuracy of surgical and prosthetic planning, technical and scientific knowledge of the dental surgeon, lack of interdisciplinary relationship and poor patient cooperation in the postoperative, may be related to complications in rehabilitating treatment with dental implants(AU)

Dental Implants , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Tobacco Use Disorder , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Diabetes Mellitus , Diphosphonates , Peri-Implantitis , Mouth Rehabilitation
Medisan ; 25(4)2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1340217


Introducción: La utilización de implantes dentales como método para reemplazar dientes perdidos ha demostrado ser un tratamiento con una tasa de éxito superior a 89 % en periodos de observación entre 10-15 años; no obstante, el número de implantes continúa incrementándose y, con ello, la prevalencia de enfermedades perimplantarias. Objetivo: Profundizar los conocimientos sobre la enfermedad perimplantaria y los tratamientos existentes. Desarrollo: Como resultado del avance en la rehabilitación, el uso de implantes dentales ha tomado un gran auge en los últimos años y, en particular, en la provincia de Santiago de Cuba; sin embargo, con el uso de esta técnica también se han incremento las complicaciones y los fracasos por múltiples razones. Conclusiones: La enfermedad perimplantaria representa un problema de salud con incidencia creciente, que requiere de un enfoque multidisciplinario, lo que depende de varios principios biológicos que es preciso respetar, tales como el diagnóstico, el plan terapéutico, la ejecución cuidadosa del proceder, el seguimiento posoperatorio y la carga apropiada del implante, que son factores importantes para lograr el resultado deseado.

Introduction: The use of dental implant as method to replace lost teeth has demonstrated to be a treatment with a success rate higher than 89 % in periods of observation between 10-15 years; nevertheless, the number of implants is still increasing and, with it, the prevalence of peri-implantar diseases. Objective: To deepen the knowledge on the peri-implantar disease and the existing treatments. Development: As a result of the advance in rehabilitation, the use of dental implants has taken a great boom in the last years and, in particular, in the province of Santiago de Cuba; however, with the use of this technique the complications and failures have also increased due to multiple reasons. Conclusions: The peri-implantar disease represents a health problem with growing incidence that requires a multidisciplinary approach, what depends on several biological principles that is necessary to respect, such as the diagnosis, the therapeutic plan, the careful implementation of the procedure, the postoperative follow up and the appropriate load of the implant that are important factors to achieve the result desired.

Dental Implants/adverse effects , Dental Restoration Failure , Stomatitis
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 15(2): 434-442, jun. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385756


Las demandas por malpraxis en odontología se han incrementado en los últimos años, siendo la implantología una de las especialidades más litigadas. Estas demandas en su mayoría se han caracterizado por tener un carácter multifactorial, con errores reportados en cualquiera de sus fases diagnósticas, terapéuticas o de mantenimiento. El propósito de esta revisión fue establecer la etapa del tratamiento implantológico en la que más se realizaron demandas por malpraxis, estableciendo una categorización de los errores detectados y de los daños asociados a cada una de las fases que incluye el tratamiento de rehabilitación mediante implantes dentales. Se realizó una revisión con búsqueda sistemática de los últimos 10 años en las bases Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science, SciELO, complementada con una búsqueda manual en revistas especializadas y en Google Scholar de artículos a partir de términos clave en idiomas español inglés y portugués. Se identificaron solo 3 artículos que cumplieron los criterios de selección, lo que afirma el concepto de escasa atención hacia esta eventualidad. Las demandas identificadas en esos reportes fueron analizadas sobre cuatro tipos de riesgo en implantología según la etapa del tratamiento en la que aparecen. La etapa quirúrgica fue identificada como la de mayor potencial de riesgo de originar eventos adversos y demandas asociadas. Se sugiere profundizar en los aspectos medicolegales propios y genéricos de la especialidad, como así también en el desarrollo de estrategias que prevengan sus eventos adversos y la judicialización asociada.

Dental malpractice claims have increased in recent years, and implantology is one of the most litigated specialties. Most of these claims have been characterized by having a multifactorial nature, with errors reported in any of their diagnostic, therapeutic or maintenance phases. The purpose of this review was to establish the stage of implant treatment in which the most malpractice claims were made, establishing a categorization of the errors detected and damages associated with each of the phases that includes rehabilitation treatment using dental implants. A review was carried out with a systematic search of the last 10 years in Pubmed, Scopus, Web of Science and SciELO databases, complemented with a manual search in specialized journals and in Google Academic, of articles from key words in Spanish, English and Portuguese languages. Only 3 articles were identified that met the selection criteria, which affirms the concept of scant attention given to this eventuality. The claims identified in these reports were analyzed on four types of risk in implantology according to the stage of treatment in which they appear. The surgical stage was identified as the one with the highest risk potential of causing adverse events and associated demands. It is suggested to deepen the specific and generic medico-legal aspects of the specialty, as well as in the development of strategies to prevent adverse events and the associated litigation.

Humans , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Malpractice/legislation & jurisprudence , Insurance Claim Review/organization & administration , Insurance Claim Review/statistics & numerical data , Liability, Legal , Health Risk , Malpractice/economics
Einstein (São Paulo, Online) ; 19: eRC5638, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249744


ABSTRACT Peri-implant diseases, caused by bacteria from biofilm related to dental implants, are one of the main causes of late loss of implants. In this sense, peri-implant diseases are divided into peri-implant mucositis, when it affects only the soft tissues, and peri-implantitis, when there is a bone involvement, which can lead to the failure of dental implant therapy. Thus, biofilm removal is essential for peri-implant health, allowing long-term success in implant therapy. To improve the visualization of oral biofilm, which is usually transparent or colorless, disclosing agents have been routinely used. However, disclosing agents have allergenic potential and can cause staining extrinsically in restorative and prosthetic materials, leading to aesthetic impairment. Thus, the use of fluorescence has been studied as an alternative for visualization of oral biofilm. Therefore, this report describes the use of wide-field optical fluorescence for visualization of oral biofilm associated with implants and teeth, in a routine appointment and follow-up of a partially edentulous patient with peri-implant mucositis. In addition, this report showed wide-field optical fluorescence can be used in a clinical routine of care of patients with dental implants. In this sense, wide-field optical fluorescence allowed easy and immediate visualization of the mature oral biofilm for its adequate removal, evaluation of the quality of restoration to sealing of screw access-hole of implant and identification of cariogenic lesions, without risk of allergic reactions or staining of prostheses and restorations.

RESUMO Doenças peri-implantares, causadas por bactérias de biofilme relacionadas a implantes dentários, são uma das principais causas de perda tardia de implantes. Nesse sentido, as doenças peri-implantares são divididas em mucosite peri-implantar, quando afeta apenas tecidos moles, e peri-implantite, quando há comprometimento ósseo, o que pode levar ao fracasso da terapia com implantes dentários. Assim, a remoção do biofilme é essencial para a saúde peri-implantar, permitindo sucesso a longo prazo na terapia com implantes. A fim de melhorar a visualização do biofilme oral, que geralmente é transparente ou incolor, agentes reveladores têm sido rotineiramente utilizados. No entanto, esses agentes têm potencial alergênico e podem causar manchas extrinsecamente em materiais restauradores e protéticos, levando a prejuízo estético. Assim, o uso da fluorescência tem sido estudado como alternativa para visualização do biofilme oral. Este relato descreve o uso da fluorescência óptica de campo amplo para visualização do biofilme oral associado a implantes e dentes em uma consulta de acompanhamento de rotina de uma paciente parcialmente edêntula com mucosite peri-implantar. Além disso, este relato evidenciou que a fluorescência óptica de campo amplo pode ser utilizada dentro da rotina clínica de atendimento de pacientes com implantes dentários. Nesse sentido, a fluorescência óptica de campo amplo permitiu a visualização fácil e imediata do biofilme oral maduro para sua remoção adequada, a avaliação da qualidade da restauração do selamento do orifício de acesso do parafuso do implante e a identificação de lesões cariogênicas, sem risco de reações alérgicas ou manchamento de próteses e restaurações.

Humans , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Mucositis , Peri-Implantitis/etiology , Peri-Implantitis/diagnostic imaging , Biofilms , Fluorescence
Dental press j. orthod. (Impr.) ; 26(1): e2119155, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1154069


ABSTRACT Introduction: Shorter miniscrew implants (MSIs) are needed to make orthodontics more effective and efficient. Objective: To evaluate the stability, insertion torque, removal torque and pain associated with 3 mm long MSIs placed in humans by a novice clinician. Methods: 82 MSIs were placed in the buccal maxillae of 26 adults. Pairs of adjacent implants were immediately loaded with 100g. Subjects were recalled after 1, 3, 5, and 8 weeks to verify stability and complete questionnaires pertaining to MSI-related pain and discomfort. Results: The overall failure rate was 32.9%. The anterior and posterior MSIs failed 35.7% and 30.0% of the time, respectively. Excluding the 10 MSIs (12.2%) that were traumatically dislodged, the failure rates in the anterior and posterior sites were 30.1% and 15.2%, respectively; the overall primary failure rate was 23.6%. Failures were significantly (p= 0.010) greater (46.3% vs 19.5%) among the first 41 MSIs than the last 41 MSIs that were placed. Excluding the traumatically lost MSIs, the failures occurred on or before day 42. Subjects experienced very low pain (2.2% of maximum) and discomfort (5.5% of maximum) during the first week only. Conclusions: Shorter 3 mm MSIs placed by a novice operator are highly likely to fail. However, failure rates can be substantially decreased over time with the placement of more MSIs. Pain and discomfort experienced after placing 3 mm MSIs is minimal and temporary.

RESUMO Introdução: Mini-implantes (MIs) mais curtos são necessários para uma Ortodontia mais eficiente e efetiva. Objetivo: Avaliar a estabilidade, torque de inserção e de remoção e dor associada a MIs de 3mm instalados em humanos por um ortodontista principiante. Métodos: 82 MIs foram instalados na região vestibular da arcada superior de 26 adultos. Pares de mini-implantes adjacente receberam carga imediata de 100g. Após 1, 3, 5 e 8 semanas, os pacientes foram reavaliados para verificar a estabilidade e preencher um questionário sobre a dor e o desconforto relacionados aos MIs. Resultados: A taxa geral de falhas foi de 32,9%, sendo de 35,7% para os MIs anteriores e 30% para os MIs posteriores. Excluindo os 10 MIs que foram perdidos por trauma (12,2%), a taxa de falha nas regiões anterior e posterior foram de 30,1% e 15,2%, respectivamente e ocorreram no 420 dia ou antes. A taxa geral de falha primária foi de 23,6%. A taxa de falha foi significativamente maior (p=0,010) nos primeiros 41 MIs do que nos 41 últimos (46,3% vs. 19,5%). As experiências relacionadas à dor foram baixas (2,2% máximo), assim como ao desconforto (5,5% máximo) durante a primeira semana. Conclusão: MIs de 3mm instalados por um novato são mais propensos a falhas. Porém, as taxas de falha podem diminuir substancialmente com a instalação de mais MIs com o decorrer do tempo. A dor e o desconforto após a instalação desses dispositivos são mínimos e temporários.

Humans , Adult , Bone Screws , Dental Implants , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Feasibility Studies , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Torque , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Maxilla/surgery
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 13(3): 161-164, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385166


RESUMEN: La incidencia de complicaciones en los tejidos periimplantarios, como recesiones y dehiscencias, ha ido en aumento en los últimos años, principalmente asociados a un incorrecto posicionamiento espacial de los implantes. El objetivo de este reporte de caso es presentar el manejo quirúrgico de una complicación estética debida a la mal posición de un implante en la zona anterior. Caso. Paciente se presenta con recesión mucosa y dehiscencia por vestibular del implante 1.2, causados por su mal posicionamiento. Se realiza explantación mediante llave de alto torque e inserción de un nuevo implante en combinación con regeneración ósea (sticky bone) e injerto de tejido conectivo, lo que recupera la armonía gingival. Conclusión. La explantación conservadora acompañada de regeneración tisular ofrecen una interesante alternativa para el tratamiento de defectos estéticos severos asociados a la mal posición de implantes. La sistematización de este tipo de protocolos es fundamental para mejorar su predictibilidad.

ABSTRACT: An increase in the incidence of peri-implant soft tissue complications, such as facial recession and dehiscence, has been observed in the last years, mainly associated with an incorrect spatial placement of the implants. This case report focuses on the surgical management of an esthetic complication due to an incorrect implant position in the anterior region. Case report. Patient presented with recession and dehiscence in the facial area of implant 1.2, due to its incorrect placement. Explantation was performed with a high torque wrench, followed by the immediate placement of a new implant in combination with bone regeneration (sticky bone) and soft tissue augmentation. Conclusion. The use of atraumatic explantation techniques followed by guided tissue regeneration offers an interesting alternative for the treatment of severe defects in the esthetic region due to incorrectly placed implants. An adequate systematization of these protocols is key to improve their predictability.

Humans , Female , Surgical Wound Dehiscence/surgery , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Device Removal/methods , Gingival Recession/surgery , Esthetics, Dental , Gingival Recession/etiology
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(3): e3093, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126527


ABSTRACT Background: The occurrence of a vestibular bone lamina dehiscence of a fresh alveolus becomes a challenge for rehabilitation treatment of dental implants. Objective: To evaluate prosthetic treatment and stability of periimplant soft tissues in an alveolus with advanced oral bone resorption immediately after extraction, by using single fixed prostheses on a dental implant. Case presentation: A 29-year-old female patient, without systemic disease, completely toothed, with a thick-scalloped gingival biotype, attended the clinic and her main reason for consultation was not being aesthetically satisfied with her right upper central incisor. Radiographic examination showed advanced oral bone loss, secondary to an infection of the root of the right upper central incisor. In a first surgical phase, the right central incisor was extracted using a traumatic technique with periotomes, and a dental implant was placed. A resorbable membrane was adapted to the vestibular defect and the particulate cortical bone allograft was then compacted into the site in order to fill the space between the collagen membrane and the dental implant. A screw-retained provisional restoration was performed using the extracted natural tooth. The emergence profile was established simply by adding fluid composite resin, until the desired contours were achieved. Radiological and clinical follow-up at six months showed favorable implant evolution. No mechanical or biological complications were observed during this observation period. The oral gingival margin was in a correct position. Conclusion: This technique allowed predictable aesthetic-functional outcomes and soft tissue stability in a thick-scalloped gingival biotype with a single fixed prosthesis.

RESUMEN Antecedentes: La presencia de una dehiscencia de la lámina ósea vestibular de un alveolo fresco se convierte en un desafío en el tratamiento de la rehabilitación con implantes dentales. Objetivo: Evaluar el tratamiento protésico y la estabilidad de los tejidos blandos periimplantarios en un alveolo con reabsorción ósea bucal avanzada inmediatamente posterior a una extracción, mediante el uso de prótesis fijas unitaria sobre implante dental. Presentación del caso: Una paciente de 29 años de edad, sin enfermedad sistémica, completamente dentada, con un biotipo gingival festoneado grueso, asiste a la clínica y su principal motivo de consulta fue no estar conforme estéticamente en su incisivo central superior derecho. El examen radiográfico mostró la presencia de una pérdida ósea bucal avanzada, secundaria a una infección de la raíz del incisivo central superior derecho. En una primera fase quirúrgica, se extrajo el incisivo central derecho utilizando una técnica atraumática usando periótomos y se colocó un implante dental. Se adaptó una membrana reabsorbible al defecto vestibular y después se compactó el aloinjerto de hueso cortical particulado en el sitio para llenar el espacio entre la membrana de colágeno y el implante dental. Se realizó una restauración provisional atornillada utilizando el diente natural extraído. El perfil de emergencia se estableció simplemente agregando resina compuesta fluida, hasta que se lograron los contornos deseados. El seguimiento radiológico y clínico a los 6 meses mostró una evolución favorable del implante. No se observaron complicaciones mecánicas ni biológicas durante este periodo de observación. El margen gingival bucal estaba en una posición correcta. Conclusión: Esta técnica permitió resultados estéticos-funcionales predecibles y estabilidad de los tejidos blandos en un biotipo gingival festoneado grueso con una única prótesis fija.

Humans , Adult , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Allografts , Bone-Anchored Prosthesis/adverse effects , Esthetics, Dental
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(3): e2083, jul.-set. 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126528


ABSTRACT Introduction: The placement of dental implants is based on the creation of optimal conditions in the remnant bone. In some cases, it is indispensable to perform bone regeneration procedures and use barrier membranes to create such optimal conditions capable of favorably supporting the dental implant. Objective: Describe alternatives of barrier membranes in cases of guided bone regeneration. Case report: A female 53-year-old patient presents with a gingival fistula attached to tooth 14. Root fracture is diagnosed and extraction is conducted. Next, alveolar biomodification is performed to carry out guided bone regeneration and placement of a fibrin-rich plasma membrane. When healing is complete dental implants will be placed. Conclusions: The use of barrier membrane alternatives has shown to be effective in cases of guided bone regeneration(AU)

RESUMEN Introducción: Para la colocación de implantes dentales se deben establecer condiciones óptimas de hueso remanente, por lo cual existen casos en los que se hace indispensable realizar procesos de regeneración ósea y la utilización de membranas de barrera para generar esas condiciones óptimas que puedan soportar favorablemente el implante dental. Objetivo: Describir alternativas de membranas de barrera en casos de regeneración ósea guiada. Reporte de caso: Paciente femenino de 53 años de edad que acude a consulta por presentar fístula en encía adherida de órgano dentario 14, se diagnostica como fractura radicular y se procede a la extracción, posteriormente se realiza una biomodificación del alveolo para realizar regeneración ósea guiada y colocación de membrana de plasma rica en fibrina, se espera cicatrización para la colocación de implantes dentales. Conclusiones: El uso de alternativas de membranas de barrera muestra resultados efectivos en casos de regeneración ósea guiada(AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Bone Regeneration/physiology , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Osseointegration/physiology
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(2): 68-74, mayo-ago. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1121446


Objetivo: Presentar la respuesta clínica a largo plazo del tratamiento de un granuloma periférico de células gigantes en un implante oseointegrado en el maxilar inferior. Caso clínico: Un paciente de 60 años, de sexo masculino, sin antecedentes sistémicos, concurrió por una lesión con márgenes definidos, de color rojizo morado y consistencia blanda sobre los tejidos blandos en la cara vestibular de un implante colocado en zona de 46. Se realizó la escisión quirúrgica de la lesión, se procesó el tejido extirpado y se envió al laboratorio. El estudio anatomopatológico confirmó el diagnóstico de granuloma periférico de células gigantes. La lesión recidivó dos veces. En la tercera extirpación se realizó la implantoplastía de la superficie del implante. La cicatrización no presentó inconvenientes. Hasta el último control, a los 5 años, no volvió a haber recidiva. Conclusión: En este caso clínico, se logró mantener la salud periimplantaria durante 5 años luego de la eliminación de un granuloma periférico de células gigantes. No obstante, este tuvo que ser removido en tres oportunidades debido a la alta recidiva (AU)

Aim: To evaluate the long-term clinical response to the treatment of a peripheral giant cell granuloma in an osseointegrated implant in the lower jaw. Clinical case: A 60-year-old male patient, with no systemic medical problems, presented a soft tissue lesion located at the buccal aspect of an implant placed in the 46 area. The lesion had defined reddish-purple margins and soft consistency. Surgical excision of the lesion was performed, processed and sent to the laboratory. The histopathology confirmed the diagnosis of peripheral giant cell granuloma. The lesion recurred twice. During the third surgical removal an mplantoplasty of the implant surface was performed. The healing was uneventful and there was no recurrence until the last control at 5 years. Conclusion: In this clinical case, perimplantar gingival health was maintained for 5 years after the surgical removal of a giant cell peripheral granuloma. However, it had to be removed three times, demonstrating a high recurrence (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Granuloma, Giant Cell/surgery , Granuloma, Giant Cell/etiology , Dental Implants/adverse effects , Argentina , Recurrence , Schools, Dental , Wound Healing/physiology , Biopsy , Follow-Up Studies , Oral Surgical Procedures