Objetivo: Comparar dos procedimientos de soldadura convencionales empleando una aleación de Cr-Co, para co- nectar barras coladas seccionadas a ser fijadas sobre implantes. Materiales y métodos: A partir de un modelo maes- tro que representa un maxilar desdentado con cuatro implan- tes, se confeccionaron veinte (n=20) probetas seccionadas en tres partes. Se conformaron dos grupos, cada uno con diez (n=10) ejemplares. Una vez acondicionadas, fueron atornilla- das al modelo maestro. Su desajuste inicial se analizó utili- zando una lupa estereoscópica, con una cámara incorporada y un software. Las partes fueron soldadas empleando un pro- cedimiento diferente para cada grupo. Las correspondientes al Grupo I se invistieron en un block refractario a base de sílico-fosfato. Las del Grupo II se montaron en una estructu- ra metálica Clever Spider. El desajuste fue mensurado y los resultados procesados estadísticamente. El nivel de significa- ción fue establecido en p<0,05. Resultados: El Grupo I tuvo un desajuste inicial de 97,30±13,81µm y el Grupo II de 98,53±11,24µm. Luego de la soldadura, el Grupo I registró 98,53±17,17µm, 1,23µm mayor respecto al inicial. En el Grupo II se observó 103,13±17,61µm, 4,60µm por encima del original. Se analizaron mediante prue- ba t de Student; en ambos casos el resultado fue de p>0,05. Al comparar entre sí los grupos I y II, por medio de la prueba t y de comprobación no paramétrica de Mann-Whitney, se ob- servaron diferencias no significativas, p=0,41 y p=0,38 res- pectivamente (AU)
Aim: Compare two conventional welding procedures us- ing a Cr-Co alloy, to connect sectioned cast bars to be fixed on implants. Materials and methods: From a master model representing a toothless jaw with four implants, twenty (n=20) specimens sectioned into three parts were made. Two groups were formed, each with ten (n=10) specimens. Once conditioned, they were screwed to the master mod- el. Its initial mismatch was analyzed using a stereoscop- ic magnifier, with a built-in camera and a software. The parts were welded using a different procedure for each group. Those corresponding to Group I were invested in a refractory block based on silyl-phosphate. Those of Group II were mounted on a Clever Spider metal structure. The mismatch was measured, and the results processed statisti- cally. The level of significance was established at p<0.05. Results: Group I had an initial mismatch of 97.30 ±13.81µm, and Group II of 98.53±11.24µm. After welding, Group I registered 98.53±17.17µm, 1.23µm higher than the initial one. In Group II, 103.13±17.61µm was observed, 4.60µm above the original. They were analyzed using Stu- dent's t test; in both cases the result was p>0.05. When com- paring groups I and II, using the t-test and the Mann-Whitney nonparametric verification, non-significant differences were observed, p=0.41 and p=0.38 respectively. Conclusions: Under the conditions of this study, it was ob- served that the two welding methods analyzed were reliable for joining metallic superstructures without affecting their final fit (AU)
Dental Soldering , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Prosthesis Fitting/methods , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methods , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Chromium Alloys/chemical synthesis , Denture, OverlayABSTRACT
Overdenture é uma prótese total que se caracteriza por usar apoios retentivos para que aumente sua estabilidade e retenção na cavidade bucal, gerando assim menor desconforto ao paciente e melhor adaptação. A Prótese overdenture dentossuportada necessita de elementos dentais remanescentes com canais tratados endodonticamente e que possuam suporte periodontal adequado. O objetivo deste relato de caso clínico é expor a sequência de confecção de uma prótese overdenture dentossuportada maxilar associada a uma prótese total convencional mandibular, com os passos clínicos detalhados por meio de uma abordagem teórica e visual. Esse tipo de reabilitação favorece a adaptação do paciente à nova condição, visto que o uso de próteses totais convencionais pode causar certo desconforto ao paciente devido à falta de retenção e estabilidade. Essa manutenção dos dentes remanescentes favorece à manutenção óssea e a futura decisão do paciente em optar pela instalação de implantes dentários, podendo confeccionar próteses implantorretidas (overdentures) ou implantossuportadas (protocolo).O Paciente demonstrou-se satisfeito com o resultado estético e funcional após a instalação da prótese concretizando que o tratamento é viável(AU)
Overdenture is a denture that utilizing retentive supports for increase stability and retention in oral cavity. The tooth-supported overdenture require dental elements with root canal therapy and good periodontal support. The aim of this study is to report the confection of a maxillary tooth-supported overdenture associated with mandibular denture and your clinical steps. This rehabilitation promotes the patient's adaptation the new condition, since the use of conventional dentures may cause discomfort due to lack of retention and stability. The preservation of dental elements promotes bone maintenance and forthcoming decision of the patient in the installation of dental implants that can choose implantretained or implant-supported prosthesis. Patient was satisfied with aesthetic and functional result after installation of prosthesis(AU)
Humans , Male , Denture Retention , Denture, Complete , Denture, Overlay , Dental Prosthesis Retention , Dental ProsthesisABSTRACT
En la implantología actual, la confección de prótesis de carga inmediata se ha convertido en un procedi-miento de rutina. Contar con elementos pre-formados con un correcto ajuste al implante o transepitelial so-bre el que se trabaja, minimiza el tiempo de trabajo sin renunciar a la eficiencia. En el presente trabajo se muestran elementos preformados articulados para la realización de prótesis de carga inmediata y su forma de uso, así como un análisis biomecánico de las estructuras para conocer su repercusión en las distintas fuerzas recibidas durante la masticación. Resultados: Al aplicar la carga en la zona central de la barra (paralela a los implantes), la tensión máxima recibida en la zona correspondiente al extremo de la barra sufre variaciones importantes, desde 128 Mpa en la longitud de 13 mm hasta un máximo de 391 Mpa (megapascales) en la longitud de 5 mm, siendo la ten-sión máxima, media para todas las medidas, de 242 Mpa (+/-96,76). En el ensayo de las diferentes medi-das de la barra se observa también una tensión cre-ciente para longitudes de barra a partir de 7 mm, al aplicar la tensión en la zona media de la estructura, por lo que longitudes entre 5 y 7 mm pueden consi-derarse prácticamente con la misma distribución de tensiones hacia los extremos y en la zona de unión. En conclusión, las barras articuladas son un elemento de confección de prótesis provisionales de carga in-mediata de gran utilidad, que pueden confeccionarse de forma rápida y generan un comportamiento bio-mecánico predecible (AU)
In current implantology, the fabrication of immediately loaded prostheses has become a routine procedure. Being able to have pre-formed elements with a correct fit to the implant or transepithelial on which we are working minimizes working time without sacrificing efficiency. Material and methods: We show articulated preformed elements for immediate loading prostheses and how they are used, as well as a biomechanical analysis of the structures to determine their repercussion on the different forces received during mastication. Results: When the load is applied in the central area of the bar (parallel to the implants) the maximum stress received in the area corresponding to the end of the bar undergoes significant variations, from 128 Mpa in the 13 mm length to a maximum of 391 Mpa in the 5 mm length, the average maximum stress for all the measurements being 242 Mpa (+/-96.76). In the test of the different bar sizes we can also observe an increasing stress for bar lengths from 7 mm onwards when applying the stress in the middle zone of the structure, so that lengths between 5 and 7 mm can be considered to have practically the same stress distribution towards the ends and in the joint zone. Conclusions: Hinged bars are a very useful fabrication element for immediately loaded provisional prostheses, which can be fabricated quickly and generate a predictable biomechanical behavior (AU)
Biomechanical Phenomena , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Prosthesis Design , Immediate Dental Implant Loading/methods , Bite Force , Compressive Strength , Finite Element AnalysisABSTRACT
Atualmente, devido a perda do elemento dentário e a procura por um tratamento estético e principalmente funcional, a reabilitação com próteses sobre implante tem sido amplamente empregada, com elevada previsibilidade a longo prazo. Com isso, muito tem sido relatado na literatura acerca das possíveis complicações dessa modalidade de tratamento, principalmente relacionado às possibilidades de falhas mecânicas das próteses implantossuportadas. Por isso, o objetivo do presente projeto foi avaliar a influência na adaptação marginal e interna, da utilização do intermediário protético e do tipo de retenção das próteses (parafusada e cimentada) em implantes cone morse submetidos à ciclagem mecânica. Foram confeccionados 40 corpos de prova, no qual cada um tinha a presença de um implante, com as dimensões de 4mm de diâmetro e 11,5mm de comprimento cone morse (n = 40). Dessa forma, foi avaliado a influência da utilização do intermediário e dos sistemas de retenção em cada conexão de maneira específica. Metade dos corpos de prova de cada sistema de conexão foram confeccionados em UCLA (n=20, sendo 10 parafusadas e 10 cimentadas), enquanto que a outra metade foi utilizado um intermediário pré-fabricado (Pilar Universal (n=20, sendo 10 parafusadas e 10 cimentadas). Os corpos de prova foram submetidos à ciclagem mecânica submersos em água destilada simulando um tempo clínico de cinco anos. Além disso, foram avaliados quanto ao torque e destorque (N) e adaptação marginal e interna (µm) antes e após a ciclagem mecânica. Os dados provenientes das mensurações foram organizados em tabela em formato Excel (Microsoft Office Excel, Redmond, WA, Estados Unidos) e submetidos ao software SigmaPlot (SigmaPlot, San Jose, CA, EUA) versão 12.0. Todos os dados foram analisados inicialmente com a utilização da estatística descritiva. Em seguida, os dados para intrusão (valores positivos), extrusão (valores negativos), destorque inicial, destorque final, e descimentação foram analisados em relação a distribuição de normalidade (teste Shapiro-Wilk e igualdade de variância) e, posteriormente, foi adotada a Análise de Variância (ANOVA) a um fator (Grupos diferentes materiais: G1 a G4), quando houve normalidade dos dados, o pós teste de Tukey foi adotado para as comparações múltiplas, quando não foi identificado uma distribuição normal, empregou-se o teste de Kruskall-Wallis e pós-teste de Dunn's ou Tukey, semelhantemente foi realizada a análise específica das variáveis pilares (UCLA e Pilar Universal) e sistemas de retenção (Parafusado e Cimentado). Para todos os testes aplicou-se nível de significância de 5% (α=0,05). A análise gráfica foi considerada através de um gráfico de barras para os dados que apresentaram normalidade com valores de média e desvio padrão, e as demais análises que não apresentaram normalidade foi considerado a confecção de um boxplot para cada grupo comparativo. As próteses sobre implante utilizando pilares em zircônia tem ganhado cada vez mais espaço, além do estudo in vitro, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática para comparar a perda óssea marginal e as complicações próteticas de reabilitações utilizando pilares de zircônia cimentado e parafusado. Em relação as próteses cimentadas e parafusadas, devido as evidências conflitantes e a presença de muitas revisões sistemáticas sobre o tema, foi realizada uma overview de revisões sistemáticas, com o objetivo de compilar as informações disponiveis e avaliar a qualidade metodologica desses estudos a respeito das complicações presentes nas próteses sobre implante cimentadas ou parafusadas(AU)
Currently, due to the loss of the dental element and the search for an aesthetic and mainly functional treatment, rehabilitation with implant prostheses has been widely used, with high long-term predictability. Thus, much has been reported in the literature about the possible complications of this treatment modality, mainly related to the possibility of mechanical failure of implant-supported prostheses. Therefore, the objective of the present project was to evaluate the influence on the marginal and internal adaptation, the use of the prosthetic intermediate and the type of retention of the prostheses (screwed and cemented) in morse taper implants submitted to mechanical cycling. 40 specimens were made, in which each one had an implant, with dimensions of 4 mm in diameter and 11.5 mm in length (n = 40). In this way, the influence of the use of intermediaries and retention systems in each connection was evaluated in a specific way. Half of the specimens of each connection system were made in UCLA (n=20, being 10 screwed and 10 cemented), while the other half was used a prefabricated intermediate (Universal Abutment (n=20, being 10 screwed) and 10 cemented). The specimens were submitted to mechanical cycling submerged in distilled water simulating a clinical time of five years. In addition, they were evaluated for torque and detorque (N) and marginal and internal adaptation (µm) before and after mechanical cycling. Data from measurements were organized in a table in Excel format (Microsoft Office Excel, Redmond, WA, USA) and submitted to SigmaPlot software (SigmaPlot, San Jose, CA, USA) version 12.0. All data were initially analyzed using descriptive statistics. Then, data for intrusion (positive values), extrusion (negative values), initial detorque, final detorque, and debonding were analyzed in relation to dist determination of normality (Shapiro-Wilk test and equality of variance) and, later, the one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was adopted (Different material groups: G1 to G4), when there was normality of the data, the Tukey post test was adopted for multiple comparisons, when a normal distribution was not identified, the Kruskall-Wallis test and Dunn's or Tukey post-test were used, similarly the specific analysis of the pillar variables (UCLA and Universal Pillar) and systems retainer (Screwed and Cemented). For all tests, a significance level of 5% (α=0.05) was applied. The graphical analysis was considered through a bar graph for the data that presented normality with mean and standard deviation values, and the other analyzes that did not present normality was considered the creation of a boxplot for each comparative group. Implant prostheses using zirconia abutments have gained more and more space, in addition to the in vitro study, a systematic review was performed to compare marginal bone loss and prosthetic complications of rehabilitations using cemented and screwed zirconia abutments. Regarding cemented and screw-retained prostheses, due to conflicting evidence and the presence of many systematic reviews on the subject, an overview of systematic reviews was performed, with the objective of compiling the available information and evaluating the methodological quality of these studies regarding complications present in cemented or screw-retained implant prostheses(AU)
Dental Prosthesis Retention , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Stress, Mechanical , Dental Implants , Dental Abutments , Dental Prosthesis , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Dental Restoration FailureABSTRACT
Objective: To compare the three different methods of complete denture fabrication assessing patient satisfaction and retention after insertion for six months' follow-up period. Material and Methods: The study was conducted in the Prosthodontic Department where a total of forty-eight patients were recruited from the outpatient clinics fulfilling the inclusion criteria. This study was designed as a randomized controlled clinical trial. All patients followed the steps of complete denture construction till jaw relation record. Then, all eligible patients were randomized to intervention and control groups. For intervention groups digital scanning, designing, manufacturing of complete dentures was done; 3D printing for first and milling for second intervention. For the comparator group, complete dentures were manufactured the conventional way. After 2 weeks of delivery of the dentures, patients received a patient satisfaction questionnaire, retention was measured by retention force gauge. Both readings were also recorded after 3 months and at 6 months. The mean and standard deviation values were calculated for each group in each test. The significance level was set at P≤ 0.05. Results: No statistical difference was found in terms of patient satisfaction and retention between the three groups at different time intervals. Conclusion: The manufacturing technique seemed to have no influence on patient satisfaction and retention with milled showing the least results.(AU)
Objetivo: Comparar três métodos diferentes de fabricação de prótese total avaliando a satisfação do paciente e a retenção após a inserção por um período de acompanhamento de seis meses. Material e Métodos: O estudo foi conduzido no departamento de Prótese onde um total de quarenta e oito pacientes foram recrutados das clínicas ambulatoriais atendendo os critérios de inclusão. Este estudo foi designado como um ensaio clínico randomizado controlado. Todos os pacientes seguiram as mesmas etapas de confecção de prótese total até o registro da relação maxilo-mandibular. Então, todos os pacientes qualificados foram divididos de forma aleatória nos grupos de intervenção e grupo controle. Para os grupos de intervenção foram realizados escaneamento digital, projeto e fabricação de próteses totais; Impressão 3D para o primeiro e fresagem para o segundo grupo de intervenção. Para o grupo de comparação, próteses totais foram feitas com o método convencional. Depois de 2 semanas após a entrega das próteses os pacientes receberam um questionário de satisfação e a retenção foi mensurada com um medidor de força de retenção. Ambas as leituras também foram registradas após 3 e 6 meses. Os valores de média e desvio padrão foram calculados para cada grupo em cada teste. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em P ≤ 0,05. Resultados: Nenhuma diferença estatística foi encontrada em termos de satisfação do paciente e retenção entre os três grupos em diferentes intervalos de tempo. Conclusão: A técnica de fabricação pareceu não ter influência na satisfação do paciente e retenção da prótese, com o grupo fresado apresentando o mínimo de resultados.(AU)
Patient Satisfaction , Dental Prosthesis Retention , Computer-Aided Design , Denture, Complete , Printing, Three-DimensionalABSTRACT
En este artículo se desarrolla el consenso alcanzado entre profesores, referido a los conceptos generales, componentes y la secuencia del diseño de la prótesis parcial removible, durante la formación del odontó-logo en el ámbito de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires (AU)
This article develops the consensus between professors on the general concepts, components, and the sequence of the design of the partial removable prosthesis during the training of the dentist in the field of the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of Buenos Aires (AU)
Dental Prosthesis Design/methods , Consensus , Denture, Partial, Removable , Schools, Dental , Students, Dental , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Occlusion , Dental Stress Analysis , Education, Predental/methods , Faculty, DentalABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Introducción: Los implantes dentales se han transformado en una opción de tratamiento de suma relevancia para pacientes parcial o totalmente desdentados. El éxito del tratamiento puede verse afectado por la elección del tipo de retención de estos (cementada o atornillada). A pesar que ambas presentan ventajas, aún no existe consenso sobre el mejor tipo de retención para restauraciones fijas implantosoportadas. Métodos: Realizamos una búsqueda en Epistemonikos, la mayor base de datos de revisiones sistemáticas en salud, la cual es mantenida mediante el cribado de múltiples fuentes de información, incluyendo MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, entre otras. Extrajimos los datos desde las revisiones identificadas, analizamos los datos de los estudios primarios, realizamos un metanálisis y preparamos una tabla de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Resultados y conclusiones: Identificamos 14 revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyeron 43 estudios primarios, de los cuales cinco corresponden a ensayos aleatorizados. De estos, solamente dos ensayos responden a la pregunta de interés de manera directa. Concluimos que las coronas atornilladas podrían aumentar levemente el riesgo de pérdida de implante a largo plazo, podrían resultar en nula o poca diferencia en el riesgo de pérdida de implante a mediano plazo, reabsorción ósea y periimplantitis, pero la certeza de evidencia ha sido evaluada como baja. Por otro lado, no es posible establecer con claridad si las coronas cementadas disminuyen el riesgo de complicaciones estéticas y protésicas, ya que la certeza de la evidencia existente ha sido evaluada como muy baja.
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Dental implants have become a highly relevant treatment option for partially or totally edentulous patients. Implant retention systems (cemented or screwed) can influence the treatment success. Although both have advantages, there is still no consensus on the best type of retention for implant-supported fixed restorations. Methods: We searched in Epistemonikos, the largest database of systematic reviews in health, which is maintained by screening multiple information sources, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Cochrane, among others. We extracted data from the systematic reviews, reanalyzed data of primary studies, conducted a meta-analysis and generated a summary of findings table using the GRADE approach. Results and conclusions: We identified 14 systematic reviews including 43 primary studies overall, of which five were randomized trials. Of these, only two trials answer the question of interest. We concluded that screw-retained crowns may increase long-term implant loss, may make little or no difference in the risk of medium-term implant loss, bone resorption, and peri-implantitis, but the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as low. On the other hand, it is not possible to clearly establish whether cemented crowns reduce the risk of cosmetic and prosthetic complications, since the certainty of the evidence has been assessed as very low.
Humans , Bone Screws , Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Cements/therapeutic use , Dental Prosthesis Retention/instrumentation , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/methodsABSTRACT
La estabilidad primaria es un requisito importante para la supervivencia y éxito de los implantes durante la osteointegración. En los últimos años, los implantes inmediatos postextracción han demostrado ser una opción de tratamiento exitosa y predecible para la reposición de dientes con mal pronóstico, pero surge la duda de si dichos implantes alcanzan valores de estabilidad primaria comparables a aquellos colocados en hueso maduro. Comparar la estabilidad primaria de implantes inmediatos colocados en alveolos postextracción con la de implantes colocados en hueso maduro. Se llevó a cabo un estudio clínico retrospectivo, con los datos recogidos sobre 175 implantes, colocados en 175 pacientes. Todos los implantes colocados pertenecían al modelo Essential Cone (Klockner Implant System) y se dividieron en dos grupos: implantes inmediatos (Grupo A, n=31) e implantes colocados en hueso maduro (Grupo B, n=144). La estabilidad primaria de todos los implantes se midió mediante torque de inserción y análisis de frecuencia de resonancia con Osstell ISQ. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas respecto a la estabilidad medida a través del torque de inserción (26,29+10,07 Vs 25,76+9,72 N/cm) pero sí que se encontraron diferencias significativas en la medida de la estabilidad primaria mediante AFR, siendo inferiores los valores correspondientes a los implantes colocados en los alveolos post exodoncia (60,74 ± 6,17 en sentido VL y 62,19 ± 7.64 en sentido MD frente a 68,34 ± 6.26 en sentido VL y 69,29 ± 7.98 en sentido MD obtenidos en los implantes colocados en hueso maduro). El torque de inserción de los implantes inmediatos es similar al de los implantes colocados en hueso maduro, pero sus valores ISQ son significativamente inferiores, lo que demuestra un mayor grado de micromovimiento, y por consiguiente, un mayor riesgo de fracaso durante el período de osteointegración.
Primary stability is an important requirement for the survival and success of implants during osseointegration. In recent years, immediate post-extraction implants have proven to be a successful and predictable treatment option for the replacement of teeth with a poor prognosis, but the question arises as to whether these implants reach primary stability values comparable to those placed in mature bone. The objective of the study was to compare the primary stability of immediate implants placed in post-extraction alveoli with that of implants placed in mature bone. A retrospective clinical study was carried out, with data collected on 175 implants, placed in 175 patients. All implants placed belonged to the Essential Cone model (Klockner Implant System) and were divided into two groups: immediate implants (Group A, n = 31) and implants placed in mature bone (Group B, n = 144). The primary stability of all implants was measured by insertion torque and resonance frequency analysis with Osstell ISQ. No statistically significant differences were found regarding the stability measured through the insertion torque (26.29 + 10.07 Vs 25.76 + 9.72 N / cm) but significant differences were found in the measurement of primary stability by means of AFR, the values corresponding to implants placed in the post-exodontic alveoli being lower (60.74 ± 6.17 in the VL direction and 62.19 ± 7.64 in the MD direction versus 68.34 ± 6.26 in the VL direction and 69.29 ± 7.98 in the MD direction obtained in implants placed in mature bone). The insertion torque of immediate implants is similar to that of implants placed in mature bone, but their ISQ values are significantly lower, which demonstrates a higher degree of micromotion, and therefore, a greater risk of failure during the period of osseointegration.
Dental Prosthesis Retention , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Tooth Extraction , Vibration , Case-Control Studies , Retrospective Studies , Osseointegration , Torque , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Resonance Frequency AnalysisABSTRACT
El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la evidencia científica existente acerca de los tipos de retención protética fija sobre implantes: atornillada, cementada y cemento-atornillada. Fueron evaluadas sus ventajas y desventajas a fin de facilitar al clínico la elección del sistema de retención en el tratamiento rehabilitador con implantes. Si bien la evidencia científica no es concluyente, la prótesis atornillada presentaría más complicaciones técnicas, y las cementadas, más complicaciones biológicas. Por ello, las prótesis cemento-atornilladas podrían ser en la actualidad una opción de elección, por su versatilidad en la rehabilitación implanto-soportada, combinando las ventajas de cada tipo de retención (AU)
The objective of this article is to review the existing scientific evidence about the different types of retention of fixed prosthetic on implants: screwed, cemented and cement-screwed. The advantages and disadvantages of them were evaluated in order to facilitate the clinician's choice of the retention system in the rehabilitation treatment with implants. Although the scientific evidence is inconclusive, the screwed prosthesis would present more technical complications, while the cemented, more biological complications. Therefore, cement-screwed prostheses could be an option of choice, due to their versatility when rehabilitating an implant, combining the advantages of each type of retention (AU)
Dental Prosthesis Retention/methods , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Crowns , Dental Abutments , Cementation/instrumentation , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported/adverse effects , Dental Restoration Failure , Evidence-Based DentistryABSTRACT
Aim: To evaluate the retention of Y-TZP crowns cemented in aged composite cores ground with burs of different grit sizes. Methods: Sixty composite resin simplified full-crown preparations were scanned, while 60 Y-TZP crowns with occlusal retentions were milled. The composite preparations were stored for 120 days (wet environment-37°C) and randomly distributed into three groups (n=20) according to the type of composite core surface treatment. The groups were defined as: CTRL (control: No treatment), EFB (extra-fine diamond bur [25µm]), and CB (coarse diamond bur [107µm]). The grinding was performed with an adapted surveyor standardizing the speed and pressure of the grinding. The intaglio surfaces on the crowns were air-abraded with silica-coated alumina particles (30 µm) and then a silane was applied. The crowns were cemented with self-adhesive resin cement, thermocycled (12,000 cycles; 5/55°C), stored (120 days) and submitted to a retention test (0.5mm/min). The retentive strength data (MPa) were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test, as well as Weibull analysis. Failures were classified as 50C (above 50% of cement in the crown), 50S (above 50% of cement in the substrate) and COE (composite core cohesive failure). Results: No statistical difference was observed among the retention values (p=0.975). However, a higher Weibull modulus was observed in the CTRL group. The predominant type of failure was 50S (above 50% of cement in the substrate composite). Conclusion: The retention of zirconia crowns was not affected by grinding using diamond burs with different grit sizes (coarse/extra-fine) or when no grinding was performed