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Rev. Ateneo Argent. Odontol ; 70(1): 8-12, jul. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1571347


El torus mandibular es un crecimiento exofítico óseo benigno en la parte interna de la mandíbula, generalmente presente en ambos lados. Su etiología se relaciona a diversos factores como la herencia, grado de estrés, factores ambientales, nutricionales y trauma oclusal. Puede causar problemas funcionales y estéticos, como dificultad en la pronunciación, mal aliento, molestias al comer con prótesis mal adaptadas y ulceraciones. En la mayoría de los casos no es necesario el tratamiento, excepto cuando se requiere para mejorar la función protésica o solucionar problemas funcionales. En este artículo presentamos la situación clínica que describe la escisión exitosa del torus mandibular bilateral en un paciente de 57 años para la posterior rehabilitación protésica. La escisión del torus mandibular bilateral es un procedimiento seguro y predecible que ayuda a prevenir complicaciones protésicas y biológicas, mejorando la estabilidad y la función del sistema estomatognático (AU)

The mandibular torus is a benign bony exophytic growth in the inner part of the mandible, usually present on both sides. Its etiology is related to various factors such as heredity, degree of stress, environmental and nutritional factors, and occlusal trauma. It can cause functional and aesthetic problems, such as difficulty in pronunciation, bad breath, discomfort when eating with ill-fitting prostheses, and ulcerations. In most cases, treatment is not necessary, except when it is required to improve prosthetic function or solve functional problems. In this article we present the clinical situation that describes the successful excision of the bilateral mandibular torus in a 57-year-old patient for subsequent prosthetic rehabilitation. Bilateral mandibular torus excision is a safe and predictable procedure that helps prevent prosthetic and biological complications, improving the stability and function of the stomatognathic system (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Oral Surgical Procedures, Preprosthetic/methods , Exostoses/surgery , Exostoses/pathology , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Osteotomy/methods , Argentina , Biopsy/methods , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Dental Service, Hospital/methods
Odontol. vital ; (40): 42-51, ene.-jun. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1564845


RESUMEN Introducción: Diversos autores mencionan que una correcta planificación de una dentadura parcial removible incrementa la satisfacción de los pacientes, en cuanto a estética y función. En casos donde la estética es prioritaria, se plantea un diseño sin retenedores visibles. En estos casos, la elaboración de la dentadura no demanda mayores costos, basta con establecer el diagnóstico correspondiente valorando los pilares, eje de inserción, áreas retentivas entre otros y establecer el diseño más conveniente según sea el caso. Objetivo: El objetivo fue realizar una revisión sistematizada sobre la percepción de la calidad de vida y satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentaduras parciales removibles. Materiales y métodos: Se incluyeron 13 artículos científicos mediante la metodología PRISMA para la identificación, revisión e inclusión de los textos que formaron parte del estudio. Se seleccionaron tomando en cuenta el título, resumen y objetivo. Fueron considerados: revisiones sistemáticas, metaanálisis, estudios comparativos y revisiones de literatura que evaluaran diferentes criterios acerca de la satisfacción en pacientes portadores de dentadura parcial removible. Los artículos fueron leídos íntegramente, se analizaron objetivos, metodología y conclusión de cada uno de ellos, y posteriormente fueron analizados. Resultados: La queja más común fue el resultado estético, seguida del dolor durante la masticación. Se recomienda ofrecer un control periódico de la prótesis parcial removible para evaluar el correcto funcionamiento y ajuste de esta. Conclusión: El éxito del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles se puede optimizar mediante el diagnóstico preciso del caso, considerando experiencias previas del paciente y teniendo en cuenta sus expectativas. Asimismo, comprender ciertos factores como su estilo de vida, nivel socioeconómico, estado de salud periodontal, personalidad, puede disminuir el riesgo de fracaso futuro del tratamiento con dentaduras parciales removibles.

ABSTRACT Introduction : Various authors mention that correct planning of a removable partial denture can offer adequate satisfaction in terms of aesthetics and function. In cases where aesthetics is a priority, a design without visible clasps is proposed. In addition, this elaboration does not demand higher costs, if the practitioner reaches the corresponding diagnosis and establishes the most convenient design for each specific case. Objective: The objective was to carry out a systematic review on the perception of quality of life and satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures. Materials and methods: Thirteen scientific articles were included using the PRISMA methodology for the identification, review and inclusion of the texts that were part of this study. The articles were selected considering the title, abstract and objective. Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, comparative studies, and literature reviews that included criteria about satisfaction in patients with removable partial dentures where evaluated. The articles were read in their entirety: the objectives, methodology and conclusions of each one of them were analyzed. Results: The most common complaint was the aesthetic result, followed by pain during chewing. It is recommended to offer periodic control of the removable partial denture to evaluate its correct functioning and fit. Conclusion: The success of the treatment with removable partial dentures can be evaluated through the precise diagnosis of the case, considering previous experiences and taking into account the expectations of the patient. Also, understanding the patient's lifestyle, socioeconomic level, periodontal health status, and personality, may be factors that allow the practitioner to reduce the risk of future failure for the treatment with removable partial dentures.

Humans , Quality of Life , Denture, Partial, Removable/psychology , Dental Prosthesis/psychology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 13(1): 136-149, mayo 29, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1563412


Background: Denture adhesives are alternatives used to improve retention, stability, comfort and satisfaction in patients with complete dentures. Evidence on the effectiveness of denture adhesives on resorbed mandibular ridges is scarce. Among the many commercially available denture adhesives, the ideal material for the severely resorbed mandibular ridge remains in dispute. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of different quantities of four commercially available denture adhesives on the retention of mandibular complete dentures in severely resorbed ridges. Materials and Methods: A resorbed edentulous mandibular ridge model was manufactured in acrylic resin. A denture base was made and three loops were attached to it. Four commercially available denture adhesives (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent and Polident) were tested in amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1.0 g. The acrylic resin model was evenly moistened with 1 ml of water and a weighted amount of adhesive material was applied to the denture base. The universal testing machine engaged the loops fixed on the denture base and applied the vertical displacement force. The maximum vertical displacement force values were recorded for each denture adhesive material at different amounts. Statistical calculation was performed using Kruskal Wallis with Bonferroni post hoc correction. Results: Statistically significant differences were observed in the mean values of the vertical displacement force for adhesive amounts of 0.2 g, 0.4 g, 0.6 g and 1.0 g (p<0.05) between the four adhesive materials tested. Statistically significant differences were observed when four denture adhesives were compared to each other in different amounts (p<0.05). Statistically significant differences were observed between different amounts for each of four denture adhesives (p<0.05). Conclusions: Among the four materials tested, Polident showed greater effectiveness at 0.6 g and 0.8 g, Fittydent at 0.6 g, 0.8 g and 1 g, Fixodent at 0.4 g and 0.6 g and Perlie White at 1 g and 0.8g quantity to resist vertical displacement. forces on the severely resorbed mandibular crest. Using an appropriate amount of denture adhesive allows for proper retention of the denture; Replacement of this adhesive is necessary once a day.

Introducción: Los adhesivos para prótesis dentales son alternativas utilizadas para mejorar la retención, la estabilidad, la comodidad y la satisfacción en los pacientes con prótesis completas. La evidencia sobre la efectividad de los adhesivos para prótesis dentales en los rebordes mandibulares reabsorbidos es escasa. Entre los muchos adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente, sigue estando en disputa cuál es el material ideal para el reborde mandibular severamente reabsorbido. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la efectividad de diferentes cantidades de cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales disponibles comercialmente sobre la retención de prótesis dentales completas mandibulares en reborde mandibular reabsorbido severamente. Materiales y Métodos: Se fabricó un modelo de reborde mandibular edéntulo reabsorbido en resina acrílica. Se hizo una base para la prótesis y se le colocaron tres bucles. Se probaron cuatro adhesivos para dentaduras postizas disponibles comercialmente (Fixodent, Perlie White, Fiftydent y Polident) en cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1,0 g. El modelo de resina acrílica se humedeció uniformemente con 1 ml de agua y se aplicó la cantidad correspondiente de material adhesivo sobre la base de la dentadura. La máquina de prueba universal enganchó los bucles fijados en la base de la dentadura postiza y aplicó la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical. Se registraron los valores máximos de fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cada material adhesivo para dentaduras postizas en diferentes cantidades. El cálculo estadístico se realizó utilizando Kruskal Wallis con corrección post hoc de Bonferroni. Resultado: Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los valores medios de la fuerza de desplazamiento vertical para cantidades de 0,2 g, 0,4 g, 0,6 g y 1,0 g (p<0,05) entre los cuatro materiales adhesivos para prótesis dentales probados. Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas cuando se compararon cuatro adhesivos para prótesis dentales entre sí en diferentes cantidades (p<0,05). Se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre diferentes cantidades en los cuatro adhesivos para prótesis (p<0,05). Conclusión: De los cuatro materiales probados, Polident mostró mayor efectividad a 0,6 g y 0,8 g, Fittydent a 0,6 g, 0,8 g y 1 g, Fixodent a 0,4 g y 0,6 g y Perlie White a 1 g y 0,8 g para resistir fuerzas de desplazamiento vertical en la cresta mandibular severamente reabsorbida. El uso de una cantidad adecuada de adhesivo para dentaduras postizas permite una retención adecuada de la dentadura postiza; El reemplazo de este adhesivo es necesario una vez al día.

Humans , Adhesives/therapeutic use , Denture Retention/methods , Denture Design , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Models, Dental , Denture, Complete , Mandible/pathology
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 18(1): 25-32, mar. 2024. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558168


Aging is a gradual and adaptive process that entails a series of changes, leading to reduced functional and physiological capacity. Each elderly person presents heterogeneous health conditions that must be considered by the interdisciplinary team responsible for their functional maintenance and overall health. This descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted on elderly individuals with deficient removable dental prostheses, treated at the dental prosthetic rehabilitation centre of Hospital Del Salvador, in Santiago de Chile between the years 2021 and 2023. Instruments and indices were used to record and measure muscular conditions, such as the hand grip strength measurements, the Timed Up and Go test, and the calf circumference measurement. Information on educational levels, geriatric syndromes, chronic diseases, and medication consumption was collected. Of the participants, 58.9 % were female, and 41.1 % were male, with a mean age of 84.2 years for males and 80.4 years for females. 20.8 % had access to higher education, and 22.6 % lived alone. 78.5 % had lost all posterior support zones. 81.5 % had visual impairments; 36.3 % had auditory impairments, and 31.5 % had experienced one or more falls in the last 6 months. The mean sum of medications consumed per person was 4.32. The most prevalent morbidities were arterial hypertension (66.4 %) and type II diabetes (32.7 %). Means values for male/ female were: Hand Grip Strength 27.84 Kg/17.99 kg, Timed Up and Go 14.3 sec/14.9sec, BMI 27.16/ 26.44, and calf circumference 35.5 cm /35.2cm, values were within the normal range of values. The data collected is important to consider when treatment planning and implementing actions aimed at maintaining oral and general functionality. These aspects should be addressed from a multidimensional perspective, including risk factors, in both the diagnosis and dental treatments.

Envejecer es un proceso gradual y adaptativo que conlleva cambios, que reducen la capacidad funcional y fisiológica. Cada persona mayor presenta condiciones de salud heterogéneas que deben ser consideradas por el equipo interdisciplinario a cargo de su mantención funcional y estado de salud. Estudio descriptivo, corte transversal, en personas mayores portadoras de prótesis dentales removibles deficientes, del servicio dental de rehabilitación protésica del Hospital Del Salvador de Santiago de Chile, entre los años 2021-2023. Se emplearon instrumentos e índices para realizar registro y medición de condiciones musculares como fuerza de presión manual, prueba Timed Up and Go y medición del perímetro de pantorrilla. Se recolectó información asociada a nivel de escolaridad, síndromes geriátricos, enfermedades crónicas y cantidad de fármacos que consumen. Un 58,9 % eran mujeres, la edad media de hombres fue de 84,2 años y la de mujeres fue de 80,4 años. Un 20,8 % tuvo acceso a educación superior. El 22,6 % vive solo. Un 78,5 % ha perdido todas las zonas de soporte dentario posterior. Un 81.5 % tiene alteraciones visuales; un 36.3 % alteraciones auditivas; un 31.5 % ha tenido 1 o más caídas en los últimos 6 meses. La media de fármacos fue de 4.32 por persona. Las morbilidades más prevalentes fueron hipertensión arterial (66.4 %) y diabetes tipo II (32,7 %). Los valores promedios encontrados para hombres/mujeres en fuerza de prensión manual fueron 27,84 Kg/17,99 kg, Timed Up and Go fueron 14,3 sec / 14,9 sec, IMC 27,16/ 26,44 y perímetro de pantorrilla 35,5 cm / 35,2 cm. Todos los datos clasificaron en el rango de normalidad. Las características observadas son importantes a considerar al momento de planificar tratamientos e implementar medidas orientadas a mantener funcionalidad oral y general. Éstas deben ser abordadas desde una mirada multidimensional, incluyendo los factores de riesgo, tanto en el diagnóstico como su tratamiento odontológico.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Dental Prosthesis/adverse effects , Denture, Partial, Removable/standards , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Geriatric Assessment , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Denture Retention/standards , Retreatment/statistics & numerical data , Dental Restoration Failure/statistics & numerical data , Dental Restoration Wear/statistics & numerical data , Denture Rebasing/statistics & numerical data
Braz. j. oral sci ; 23: e243318, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1532568


Aim: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between self-perceived oral health and the prosthetic status of individuals who seek care in prosthodontics clinics. Methods: Self-perceived oral health was analyzed through the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). Abutment tooth mobility was assessed, and denture status was determined by clinical assessment of stability, retention, occlusal balance, vertical dimension, and integrity of dentures. The frequency of individuals in each variable was determined for the low and very low GOHAI conditions. Chi-square, Pearson, and stepwise logistic regression tests were used for the statistical analyses (α = 0.05). Results: Ninety wearers of removable dentures with a mean age of 55.1±9.1 years were evaluated. None of the variables was related to GOHAI values (p > 0.05). The regression analysis showed that age predicts (p = 0.006) the variation of GOHAI conditions (OR = 0.924, CI = 0.873- 0.978), showing only 7.6% protective effect against very low GOHAI. Unsatisfactory stability showed the opposite effect (p = 0.034) and the individuals with this characteristic are more likely (OR = 3.055) to have very low GOHAI scores (CI = 1.085- 8.602). Conclusions: The self-perceived oral health of wearers of removable dentures worsens with age and unsatisfactory stability of dentures

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Rehabilitation , Self Concept , Oral Health , Dental Prosthesis
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(1): 1-8, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1554218


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the marginal gap of frameworks produced using the CAD-CAM system, from zirconia and lithium disilicate blocks, adapted to a tooth preparation and a gypsum die. Material and Methods: For this study, a human first molar tooth was used as a master model with a full crown preparation. It was molded 20 times to obtain the gypsum die and randomly divided into 2 groups (n=10) for the fabrication of zirconia and lithium disilicate frameworks. The frameworks were made using pre-sintered zirconia blocks and lithium disilicate blocks, both CAD-CAM systems. The marginal gap was measured in µm at four points (buccal, palatal, mesial, and distal) using a comparator microscope with 30x magnification, with the framework seated on the master model (tooth), and on the gypsum die. Marginal gap data (µm) were evaluated using two-way analysis of variance and Tukey's test with a significance level of 5%. Results: The results showed that there was no statistically significant interaction between the factors studied (p=0.223) or isolated factors (ceramic factor p=0.886 and die factor p=0.786). Conclusion: Both ceramics produced using the CAD-CAM technique did not exhibit statistical differences in marginal adaptation on the two types of substrates, both on tooth preparation and on the gypsum die (AU)

Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o espaço marginal de estruturas produzidas usando o sistema CAD-CAM, a partir de blocos de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio, adaptadas a um preparo sobre dente e a um troquel de gesso. Material e Métodos: Para este estudo, um dente molar humano foi utilizado como modelo mestre com preparo para coroa total. Este foi moldado 20 vezes para obter o troquel de gesso e dividido aleatoriamente em 2 grupos (n=10) para a fabricação de estruturas de zircônia e dissilicato de lítio. As estruturas foram feitas usando blocos de zircônia pré-sinterizados e blocos de dissilicato de lítio, ambos sistemas para CAD-CAM. O espaço marginal foi medido em µm, em quatro pontos (bucal, palatal, mesial e distal), utilizando um microscópio comparador com ×30 de ampliação e com a estrutura assentada no modelo mestre (dente) e no troquel de gesso. Os dados de espaço marginal (µm) foram avaliados usando análise de variância bidirecional e teste de Tukey com um nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: Os resultados mostraram que não houve interação estatisticamente significativa entre os fatores estudados (p=0,223) ou isoladamente (fator cerâmica p=0,886 e fator troquel p=0,786). Conclusão: Ambas as cerâmicas produzidas usando a técnica CAD-CAM não apresentaram diferenças estatísticas em relação à adaptação marginal nos dois tipos de substratos, tanto na preparação dentária quanto no troquel de gesso(AU)

Dental Prosthesis , Computer-Aided Design , Dental Marginal Adaptation , Dental Porcelain
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 24: e210105, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1529143


Abstract Objective: To evaluate the utility of panoramic radiographs in pre-prosthetic screening of edentulous arches. Material and Methods: Panoramic radiographs taken for three years were retrospectively analyzed. Observations from the radiographs shall be categorized and classified into either of the two categories, namely: 'findings with minimal impact on denture fabrication' and 'findings which affect denture fabrication and require further evaluation.' Anatomic variations, jaw pathologies, and residual ridge resorption patterns were assessed. Results: This study included the initial screening of 23,020 panoramic radiographs, out of which 505 (showing either one or both edentulous arches) were included for the study purpose. The age range of the subjects was from 21 to 94 years. 52.6% of the radiographs showed positive findings. More than half of the radiographs belonged to the males (52.5%). Hyperpneumatization of the maxillary sinus, crestal position of the mental foramen, and retained root fragments were the most common entities noted in the radiographs. Changes in the mental foramen were significantly higher in males than females (p=0.002). Conclusion: Observations from this study showed that panoramic radiographs have high utility for screening edentulous arches, and they should be used in routine clinical practice before denture fabrication.

Radiography, Panoramic/instrumentation , Mass Screening , Dental Prosthesis , Jaw/diagnostic imaging , Chi-Square Distribution , Retrospective Studies
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-9, 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1570173


Objectives: The aim of the study was to demonstrate how digital devices can be applied in the field of implant dentistry. By integrating data from computed tomography, panoramic radiography, and intraoral scanning into software, it is feasible to perform virtual planning of prosthetic rehabilitation and implant placement predictably. The adoption of reverse planning increases the chances of treatment success. Material and Methods: In this case report, oral rehabilitation of the area of tooth 36 was conducted through implant placement. The implant was installed based on the virtual planning done in the software, followed by the production of a rigid static guide and guided surgery. Results: It was noted that there is a learning curve associated with the use of these technologies, requiring professionals to have theoretical and practical knowledge of digital devices. By using software and surgical guides obtained through 3D printing, it was possible to achieve high precision and preserve vital structures such as blood vessels and nerves, resulting in aesthetic and functional satisfaction for the patient. Conclusion: The use of digital devices in implant dentistry offers speed and predictability in treatment.(AU)

Objetivos: O objetivo do estudo foi evidenciar como as ferramentas digitais podem ser aplicadas na área da implantodontia. Ao integrar dados de tomografia computadorizada, radiografia panorâmica e escaneamento intraoral em um software, é viável realizar o planejamento virtual da reabilitação protética e implante de forma previsível. A adoção do planejamento reverso aumenta as probabilidades de sucesso do tratamento. Material e Métodos: Neste relato de caso, a reabilitação oral da área do dente 36 foi conduzida por meio da instalação de um implante. O implante foi instalado com base no planejamento virtual realizado no software, seguido pela produção de um guia estático rígido e cirurgia guiada. Resultados: Notou-se que há uma curva de aprendizado associada ao uso dessas tecnologias, exigindo que os profissionais possuam conhecimento teórico e prático dos dispositivos digitais. Ao utilizar softwares e guias cirúrgicos personalizados obtidos por impressão 3D, foi possível alcançar alta precisão e preservar estruturas vitais como vasos sanguíneos e nervos, resultando em satisfação estética e funcional para o paciente. Conclusão: O emprego de ferramentas digitais na implantodontia oferece rapidez e previsibilidade no tratamento.(AU)

Humans , Middle Aged , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis , Computer-Aided Design , Surgery, Computer-Assisted
Braz. dent. sci ; 27(2): 1-12, 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1551332


Objective: In response to the demand for dental implants, extensive research has been conducted on methods for transferring load to the surrounding bone. This study aimed to evaluate the stresses on the peripheral bone, implants, and prostheses under scenarios involving of the following variables: prosthesis designs, vertical bone heights, load angles, and restorative materials. Material and Methods: Three implants were inserted in the premolar and molar regions (5-6-7) of the two mandibular models. Model 1 represented 0 mm marginal bone loss and Model 2 simulated 3 mm bone loss. CAD/CAM-supported materials, hybrid ceramic (HC), resin-nano ceramic (RNC), lithium disilicate (LiSi), zirconia (Zr), and two prosthesis designs (splinted and non-splinted) were used for the implant-supported crowns. Forces were applied vertically (90°) to the central fossa and buccal cusps and obliquely (30°) to the buccal cusps only. The stresses were evaluated using a three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Results: Oblique loading resulted in the highest stress values. Of the four materials, RNC showed the low stress in the restoration, particularly in the marginal area. The use of different restorative materials did not affect stress distribution in the surrounding bone. The splinted prostheses generated lower stress magnitude on the bone, and while more stress on the implants were observed. Conclusion: In terms of the stress distribution on the peri-implant bone and implants, the use of different restorative materials is not important. Oblique loading resulted in higher stress values, and the splinted prosthesis design resulted in lower stress (AU)

Objetivo: Em resposta à demanda por implantes dentários, extensa pesquisa foi realizada sobre métodos para transferir carga ao osso circundante. Este estudo buscou avaliar os estresses no osso periférico, implantes e próteses em cenários que envolvem as seguintes variáveis: designs de próteses, alturas ósseas verticais, ângulos de carga e materiais restauradores. Material e Métodos: Três implantes foram inseridos nas regiões dos pré-molares e molares (5-6-7) de dois modelos de mandíbula. O Modelo 1 representou perda óssea marginal de 0 mm e o Modelo 2 simulou perda óssea de 3 mm. Materiais suportados por CAD/CAM, cerâmica híbrida (HC), cerâmica nano-resina (RNC), dissilicato de lítio (LiSi), zircônia (Zr) e dois designs de próteses (sintetizadas e não-sintetizadas) foram utilizados para as coroas suportadas por implantes. Forças foram aplicadas verticalmente (90°) à fossa central e cúspides bucais e obliquamente (30°) apenas às cúspides bucais. Os estresses foram avaliados usando Análise de Elementos Finitos tridimensional. Resultados: Cargas oblíquas resultaram nos valores mais altos de estresse. Entre os quatro materiais, RNC mostrou baixo estresse na restauração, especialmente na área marginal. O uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não afetou a distribuição de estresse no osso circundante. Próteses sintetizadas geraram menor magnitude de estresse no osso, enquanto mais estresse nos implantes foi observado. Conclusão: Em termos de distribuição de estresse no osso peri-implantar e implantes, o uso de diferentes materiais restauradores não é crucial. Cargas oblíquas resultaram em valores mais altos de estresse, e o design de prótese sintetizada resultou em menor estresse. (AU)

Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis , Finite Element Analysis , Biomechanical Phenomena
Rev. científica memoria del posgrado ; 5(1): 79-87, 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579897


INTRODUCCIÓN: las enfermedades que se presentan en cavidad bucal son consideradas como un problema de salud pública, afectando la calidad de vida y la salud en general de las personas. OBJETIVO: estimar el estado de salud oral y la necesidad de prótesis dental en la población de la Segunda Sección de la Provincia Manco kapac del departamento de La Paz. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: el estudio es descriptivo de corte transversal. La población de estudio fue de 903 residentes de 18 comunidades pertenecientes a la Segunda Sección de la Provincia Manco Kapac. Los datos para el estudio se recolectaron mediante un examen dentario y llenando una ficha epidemiológica a luz natural en sillones portátiles e instrumental estéril siguiendo las recomendaciones de la OMS. El análisis de los datos es descriptivo. RESULTADOS: en ambos sexos el índice CPOD fue de 14 con el componente caries predominante. En los grupos etarios se observa que a medida que aumenta la edad también el índice CPOD aumente de 4,1 a 25,9 respectivamente. La prevalencia de caries dental en el sexo femenino alcanzo más del 74% y en el sexo masculino fue más del 80%. Respecto al grupo de edad, el más afectado por caries dental fue el grupo etario de 19 a 30 años con una prevalencia del 98%. Respecto a la necesidad de prótesis parcial o total, un 57% de los adultos jóvenes lo requiere y en un 86% los adultos mayores CONCLUSIONES: los resultados muestran la importancia de establecer programas de salud bucal que consideren a grupos de riesgo, como son los niños y jóvenes que residen en el área rural.

INTRODUCTION: diseases that occur in the oral cavity are considered a public health problem, affecting the quality of life and general health of people. OBJETIVE: to estimate the state of oral health and the need for dental prostheses in the population of the second section of the Manco kapac province of the department of La Paz. MATERIAL AND METHODS: the study was a descriptive cross-sectional study. The study population was 903 residents of 18 communities belonging to the second section of the Manco Kapac province. The data for the study were collected by means of dental examination and filling out an epidemiological form in natural light in portable chairs and sterile instruments following WHO recommendations. Data analysis was descriptive. RESULTS: in both sexes the CPOD index was 14 with a predominant caries component. In the age groups it was observed that with increasing age the CPOD index also increased from 4.1 to 25.9 respectively. The prevalence of dental caries in the female sex reached more than 74% and in the male sex it was more than 80%. Regarding the age group, the most affected by dental caries was the age group from 19 to 30 years with a prevalence of 98%. Regarding the need for partial or total prostheses, 57% of young adults required them and 86% of older adults CONCLUSIONS: the results show the importance of establishing oral health programs that consider at-risk groups, such as children and young people living in rural areas.

Oral Health , Population , Public Health , Dental Prosthesis
Rev. cuba. inform. méd ; 15(2)dic. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1536289


Introducción: La asignatura Introducción a la Metodología de la Investigación, para la Enseñanza Técnica Superior de Prótesis Estomatológica, de la Facultad de Estomatología de La Habana, se incorporó a la educación a distancia, durante el curso 2021-2022. Objetivo: Describir la experiencia en la ejecución de la asignatura con el uso del aula virtual de la Institución. Material y Métodos: Se realizó una investigación de tipo descriptiva, retrospectiva, acerca de las experiencias en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, durante los cursos 2021-2022 y 2022-2023. Resultados: Se cumplieron los objetivos metodológicos de la asignatura, se debatieron los temas propuestos en los foros, se aclararon las dudas utilizando las herramientas interactivas de la plataforma y la atención al alumno fue personalizada. Conclusiones: Se logró impartir por primera vez con éxito, la asignatura, se digitalizaron los objetos de aprendizaje por temas, se diseñaron actividades para la evaluación del aprendizaje, y se obtuvieron calificaciones satisfactorias(AU)

Introduction: The subject Introduction to Research Methodology, for the Higher Technical Education of Stomatological Prosthetics, of the Faculty of Stomatology of Havana, was incorporated into distance education, during the 2021-2022 academic year. Objective: Describe the experience in the execution of the subject with the use of the Institution's virtual classroom. Material and Methods: A descriptive, retrospective research was carried out on the experiences in the teaching-learning process, during the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 academic years. Results: The methodological objectives of the subject were met, the topics proposed in the forums were debated, doubts were clarified using the platform's interactive tools, and student attention was personalized. Conclusions: The subject was successfully taught for the first time, the learning objects were digitized by topic, activities were designed for the evaluation of learning, and satisfactory grades were obtained(AU)

Humans , Teaching , Dental Prosthesis/methods , Education, Distance , Dentistry , Dental Informatics
Rev. Flum. Odontol. (Online) ; 3(62): 75-87, set-dez. 2023. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1566170


As novas tecnologias utilizadas na Odontologia, como a digitalização de imagens, estão levando a mudanças significativas na obtenção de próteses e infraestruturas protéticas, de funcionamento de softwares. A grande área da engenharia desenvolve processos para fabricação de diversos produtos industrializados com auxílio da tecnologia CAD/CAM. O uso desta técnica vem sendo sugerido na clínica odontológica desde a década de setenta, com o objetivo de simplificar, automatizar e garantir níveis de qualidade com adaptações micrométricas das próteses dentárias. O processo pode envolver diferentes ambientes: industrial, laboratorial ou clínico. O objetivo do presente estudo é revisar de forma integrativa a utilização do escaneamento na Odontologia na área de Prótese Dentária, enfatizando os resultados do seu uso e as diferentes formas de escaneamento e comparando, quando possível, este sistema ao método convencional de moldagem. Notou-se que o escaneamento intraoral resulta em próteses fixas com funcionalidade clínica similar ou melhor do que a moldagem convencional, além de estar relacionada a um conforto aumentado por parte do paciente. Além disto, o escaneamento intraoral reduz o tempo de cadeira do paciente, além de estar associado ao fluxo digital laboratorial mais rápido, o que reduz também o tempo total de fabricação destas próteses, sendo ideal para uma melhor administração do tempo de consultório.

Humans , Male , Female , Dental Prosthesis , Computer-Aided Design , Photography, Dental
Odontol. vital ; jun. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1431014


Objetivo: Analizar el número de prótesis totales en relación a las parciales entregadas en el Servicio de Odontología del Hospital Nacional de Geriatría y Gerontología, en el periodo comprendido de enero 2015 a diciembre 2018". El Servicio de Odontología del HNGG tiene como prestación de servicio la confección de prótesis dentales a escala nacional. El fin de este estudio es comparar y analizar el número de prótesis totales en relación con las parciales entregadas en el Servicio de Odontología del Hospital Nacional de Geriatría y Gerontología, en el periodo comprendido de enero 2015 a diciembre 2018. Metodología: El número de prótesis estudiadas fue de 9.170. El estudio es no experimental, transeccional descriptivo, retrospectivo, donde se observan situaciones no manipulables, basándose en los registros oficiales del laboratorio y clínica dentales. Resultados: 60% de prótesis totales y 40% de prótesis parciales removibles y 50% color A2, 44% color A1 y 6% color A3. Discusión: En este centro se están realizando más prótesis totales que parciales, poniendo en evidencia el deterioro de la salud oral en la población adulta mayor. Resultados principales: Características de las prótesis realizadas por el Servicio de Odontología del Hospital Nacional de Geriatría y Gerontología fueron: 60% de prótesis totales y 40% de prótesis parciales removibles y 50% color A2, 44% color A1 y 6% color A3. Conclusiones principales: Actualmente se está realizando mayor cantidad de prótesis dentales totales removibles que prótesis parciales removibles en un promedio de 60% a 40%. Los colores más solicitados por los pacientes son los tonos blancos.

To analyze the number of total prostheses in relation to the partial ones delivered in the dentistry service of the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, in the period of time from January 2015 to December 2018 ". The dental service of the HNGG has the service of making dental prostheses nationwide. The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the number of total prostheses in relation to the partial ones delivered in the dentistry service of the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology, in the period of time from January 2015 to December 2018. Methodology: The number of studied prostheses were 9,170 dental prostheses. The study is non-experimental, descriptive transectional, retrospective, where non-manipulable situations are observed, based on the official records of the dental laboratory and clinic. Results: 60% of total dentures and 40% of removable partial dentures and 50% color A2, 44% color A1 and 6% color A3. Discussion: In this center, more total prostheses are being performed than partial ones, highlighting the deterioration of oral health in the older adult population. Main results Characteristics of the prostheses made by the dentistry service of the National Hospital of Geriatrics and Gerontology were: 60% of total prostheses and 40% of removable partial prostheses and 50% color A2, 44% color A1 and 6% color A3. Main conclusions Currently, more total removable dentures are being made tan removable partial dentures, an average of 60% to 40%. Being the color most requested by patients the colors of white tones.

Dental Prosthesis/statistics & numerical data , Geriatric Hospitals , Costa Rica
ABCS health sci ; 48: e023202, 14 fev. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1414589


INTRODUCTION: The growth of the Brazilian older adult population has influenced the increased demand for institutionalization for this public, which usually has poor oral health conditions such as edentulism. OBJECTIVE: To characterize the oral health conditions and verify the variables related to the edentulism of institutionalized older adults and verify the relation of the time of institutionalization with oral health. METHODS: It was a cross-sectional study conducted with 512 institutionalized older adults in which the sociodemographic profile, general health conditions, and oral health care and conditions were evaluated by clinical exams, consultations of medical records, and structured questionnaires. The data were analyzed in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences using the Pearson Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests and a logistic regression model using a 95% confidence level. RESULTS: A high DMFT (29.4), high prevalence of complete edentulism (61.3%), high need for maxillary (73.6%), and mandibular oral rehabilitation (56.8%) were observed. Edentulism was associated with older age (p<0.001), lower schooling (p<0.001) and non-retirement (p=0.031). It was found that longer institutionalization time remained associated with edentulism even when adjusted by sociodemographic and general health variables (p=0.013). It was also associated with the absence of brushing (p=0.024) and a lower frequency of tooth, gum, and prosthesis brushing (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: It is suggested to establish oral health care routines within long-term institutions for the effective maintenance of oral health throughout the institutionalization time.

INTRODUÇÃO: O crescimento da população idosa brasileira tem influenciado no aumento da procura por institucionalização para esse público, que costuma apresentar precárias condições de saúde bucal como o edentulismo. OBJETIVO: Caracterizar as condições de saúde bucal e verificar as variáveis relacionadas ao edentulismo de idosos institucionalizados, além verificar a relação do tempo de institucionalização com a saúde bucal. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal realizado com 512 idosos institucionalizados em que o perfil sociodemográfico, as condições gerais de saúde e os cuidados e condições de saúde bucal foram avaliados por meio de exames clínicos, consultas a prontuários e questionários estruturados. Os dados foram analisados no Statistical Package for the Social Sciences por meio dos testes Qui-quadrado de Pearson e Exato de Fisher e um modelo de regressão logística com nível de confiança de 95%. RESULTADOS: Observou-se alto CPOD (29,4), alta prevalência de edentulismo total (61,3%), alta necessidade de reabilitação oral maxilar (73,6%) e mandibular (56,8%). O edentulismo esteve associado a maior idade (p<0,001), menor escolaridade (p<0,001) e ausência de aposentadoria (p=0,031). Verificou-se que o maior tempo de institucionalização permaneceu associado ao edentulismo mesmo quando ajustado por variáveis sociodemográficas e de saúde geral (p=0,013). Além disso, também esteve associado à ausência de escovação (p=0,024) e menor frequência de escovação de dentes, gengivas e próteses (p<0,001). CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se estabelecer rotinas de atenção à saúde bucal nas instituições de longa permanência para a manutenção efetiva da saúde bucal ao longo do tempo de institucionalização.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Oral Health , Mouth, Edentulous/epidemiology , Health of Institutionalized Elderly , Homes for the Aged , Periodontal Diseases , Self Care , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Prosthesis , Dental Caries , Social Determinants of Health , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. int. Coll. Odonto-Stomatol. Afr. Chir. Maxillo-Fac ; 30(3): 25-30, 2023. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1511031


Introduction : La prothèse amovible partielle supraimplantaire permet de pallier le déficit de stabilité de la prothèse conventionnelle. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer le taux de survie des prothèses amovibles partielles supra-implantaires à travers une revue de la littérature de 2011 à 2021. Matériels et méthodes : Une recherche électronique a été réalisée dans les bases de données Medline/Pubmed, Cochrane Library et Science-Direct et complétée par une recherche manuelle dans les sites des revues de prothèse. L'étude a inclus les études rétrospectives, les études prospectives et les études randomisées publiées en français et en anglais. La sélection a été faite selon les recommandations de l'Agence Nationale d'Accréditation et d'Evaluation en Santé et celles de « Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology ¼. Les paramètres recueillis étaient l'auteur, l'année, et la langue de publication, le type d'étude, les caractéristiques de l'échantillon et les résultats. Résultats : La stratégie de recherche a permis de retrouver 277 articles et d'en retenir 10 constitués de 5 études rétrospectives, 3 études prospectives et 2 essais cliniques randomisés de bonne qualité scientifique. Les études ont rapporté des taux de survie élevés de la prothèse amovible partielle supra-implantaire variant entre 83,3% et 100%, comparables à ceux des prothèses fixées implanto-portées. Conclusion : La prothèse amovible partielle supraimplantaire peut être utilisée comme une solution thérapeutique à long terme.

Background: Implant-assisted removable partial dentures are used to overcome the lack of stability of conventional removable dentures. This study aimed to evaluate the survival rate of implants-supported removable partial dentures through a literary review from 2011 to 2021. Materials and methods: An electronic search was performed in the Medline/Pubmed, Cochrane Library and Science-Direct databases and supplemented by a manual search of prosthetic journal sites. The study included retrospective studies, prospective studies and randomised studies published in French and English. The selection was made according to the recommendations of the National Agency for Accréditation and Evaluation in Health and those of "Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology". The parameters collected were author, year and language of publication, type of study, sample characteristics and results. Results: The search strategy identified 277 articles and selected 10 articles consisting of 5 retrospective studies, 3 prospective studies and 2 randomised clinical trials of good scientific quality. The studies reported high survival rates for removable supra-implant partial dentures ranging from 83.3% to 100%, comparable to those of implant-supported fixed prostheses. Conclusion: The implant-supported removable partial denture can be used as a long-term therapeutic solution.

Dental Prosthesis
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230014, 2023. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1515464


Introduction: the Covid-19 pandemic impacted elderly persons with Parkinson's Disease (PD), influencing their daily activities and quality of life. Objective: to evaluate the impact on the oral health in people with Parkinson's Disease during the Covid-19 isolation. Material and method: the present analytical, quantitative, cross-sectional study uses secondary data sources from 115 health records used in a study carried out from August to December in 2020 through telemonitoring. Sociodemographic aspects and self-perception of quality of life were evaluated using the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) questionnaire. The variables studied in the association were: sex, age, duration of PD, civil status, Covid-19 diagnosis and the use of dental prostheses. The software Statistica 13.2 and the Chi-square (X2) test with a significance level of p<0.05 were used. Result: after analyzing the database, the final sample consisted of 64 health records that responded to the OHIP-14. 61% were male, with a mean age of 66.6 years, 64% were using dental prostheses, and 74% indicated on the OHIP-14 that they had good oral health self-perception. No significant associations were found among the variables: Age, Sex, Civil Status, Covid diagnosis, Duration of illness, Use of dental prostheses and the OHIP-14 (p>0.05). Conclusion: it was found that people with Parkinson's Disease showed a good quality of life, as evaluated using the OHIP-14, and that the Covid-19 isolation did not impact negatively on the oral health.

Introdução: a pandemia da Covid-19 impactou idosos que possuem a doença de Parkinson (DP), influenciando nas suas atividades de vida diária e qualidade de vida. Objetivo: avaliar o impacto da saúde bucal em pessoas com doença de Parkinson durante o isolamento da Covid-19. Material e método trata-se de um estudo analítico, quantitativo e de corte transversal, com fontes de dados secundários de 115 prontuários de uma pesquisa que foi realizada no ano de 2020, no período de agosto a dezembro, por meio de telemonitoramento. Avaliou-se os aspectos sociodemográfico e a autopercepção da qualidade de vida utilizando o questionário Perfil de Impacto na Saúde Oral (OHIP-14). As variáveis estudadas na associação foram: sexo, idade, tempo da DP, estado civil, diagnóstico de Covid-19 e uso de prótese dentária. Foi utilizado o software Statistica 13.2 e o teste do Qui-quadrado (X2) com nível de significância de p>0,05. Resultado: após análise do banco de dados a amostra final constou com 64 prontuários que responderam o OHIP-14. 61% foram do sexo masculino com média de idade de 66,6 anos, 64% faziam uso de prótese dentária, e 74% indicaram ter uma boa autopercepção da sua saúde bucal pelo OHIP-14. Não foram encontradas associações significativas entre as variáveis: Idade; Sexo; Estado Civil; Diagnóstico de Covid; Tempo de doença; Uso de prótese dentária e o OHIP-14 (p>0.05). Conclusão: verificou-se que pessoas com Parkinson apresentaram uma boa qualidade de vida avaliado pelo OHIP-14 e que o isolamento da Covid-19 não impactou negativamente na saúde bucal.

Parkinson Disease , Quality of Life , Aged , Oral Health , Telemonitoring , COVID-19 , Chi-Square Distribution , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Prosthesis
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-11, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1436387


Objective: The rehabilitation choice for the edentulous patients usually lies between the fixed and removable prosthetic options. The treatment decisions are affected by many factors where complications and maintenance needs are both considered crucial factors, in addition to the cost effectiveness of the chosen treatment. Material and Methods: This study was applied on 44 edentulous patients, where 22 patient for each group were enrolled in the outpatient clinic of prosthodontics, Cairo University as per a set of eligibility criteria. Four inter-foraminal implants were installed for all eligible participants. Three months later, healing abutments were used for soft tissue preparation prior to the fabrication of the final prosthesis. A prosthetic treatment option was then randomly allocated to obtain two equal groups via computer generated randomization program; Group. A received telescopic implant overdentures, and Group. B received screw retained dentures. All Complications (Screw loosening or fracture, tooth or denture base fracture and mucositis) were reported after overdenture insertion along the follow up period (1, 6, 9 and 12 months respectively). Results: The frequency of the screw loosening for hybrid overdentures where (59.1%) compared to (27.3%) of telescopic prosthesis at 12 months follow up period (p=0.035), mucositis reporting at 6m interval had shown the highest frequency in both groups (Group A (54.5%), Group B (81.8%), (p=0.045), all other reported complications that lack statistical significance either within the same group or between both groups at different time intervals. Conclusion: Both treatment modalities; telescopic implant overdenture and hybrid fixed screw-retained are reliable for restoring the completely edentulous arches, the decision whether to make a fixed or removable implant denture shall be guided with the patient preference together with the dentist assessment in relation (AU)

Objetivo: A escolha da reabilitação para pacientes edêntulos geralmente recai entre próteses fixas e removíveis. As decisões de tratamento são afetadas por muitos fatores onde as complicações e as necessidades de manutenção são consideradas critérios cruciais, além do custo-efetividade do tratamento escolhido. Material e Métodos: Este estudo foi aplicado em 44 pacientes edêntulos, onde 22 pacientes para cada grupo foram matriculados no ambulatório de prótese dentária da Universidade do Cairo de acordo com um conjunto de critérios de elegibilidade. Quatro implantes interforaminais foram instalados para todos os participantes elegíveis. Três meses depois, pilares de cicatrização foram utilizados para preparação dos tecidos moles antes da fabricação da prótese final. Uma opção de tratamento protético foi então alocada aleatoriamente para obter dois grupos iguais por meio de andomização gerada através programa de computador. O Grupo A recebeu overdentures de implantes telescópicos e o Grupo B recebeu dentaduras fixas parafusadas sobre os implantes. Todas as complicações (afrouxamento ou fratura do parafuso, fratura da base do dente ou da prótese e mucosite) foram relatadas após a inserção da overdentures ao longo do período de acompanhamento (1, 6, 9 e 12 meses, respectivamente). Resultados: A frequência do afrouxamento do parafuso para Overdentures híbridas (59,1%) em comparação com (27,3%) da prótese telescópica no período de acompanhamento de 12 meses (p=0,035), o relato de mucosite no intervalo de 6 meses mostrou a maior frequência em ambos os grupos (Grupo A (54,5%), Grupo B (81,8%), p=0,045, todas as outras complicações relatadas foram sem significância estatística dentro do mesmo grupo ou entre os dois grupos em intervalos de tempo diferentes. Conclusão: Ambas as modalidades de tratamento; overdentures sobre implantes telescópicos e próteses híbridas fixas parafusadas são confiáveis para reabilitar as arcadas completamente edêntulas. A decisão de fazer uma prótese fixa ou removível sobre implantes deve ser guiada pela preferência do paciente juntamente com a avaliação do dentista em relação ao estado geral do paciente e sua saúde bucal. (AU)

Humans , Dental Prosthesis Design , Dental Prosthesis , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported , Denture, Overlay
Braz. dent. sci ; 26(2): 1-10, 2023. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1436570


The maxillary bone restriction can limit the implants position to support a full-arch prosthesis. Objective:Therefore, this study evaluated the biomechanical behavior of a full-arch prosthesis supported by six implants in different configurations: group A (implants inserted in the region of canines, first premolars and second molars), group B (implants inserted in the region of first premolar, first molar and second molar) and group C (implants in second premolar, first premolar and second molar). Material and Methods: The models were analyzed by the finite element method validated by strain gauge. Three types of loads were applied: in the central incisors, first premolars and second molars, obtaining results of von-Mises stress peaks and microstrain. All registered results reported higher stress concentration in the prosthesis of all groups, with group C presenting higher values in all structures when compared to A and B groups. The highest mean microstrain was also observed in group C (288.8 ± 225.2 µÎµ/µÎµ), however, there was no statistically significant difference between the evaluated groups. In both groups, regardless of the magnitude and direction of the load, the maximum von-Mises stresses recorded for implants and prosthesis displacements were lower in group A. Conclusion: It was concluded that an equidistant distribution of implants favors biomechanical behavior of full-arch prostheses supported by implants; and the placement of posterior implants seems to be a viable alternative to rehabilitate totally edentulous individuals. (AU)

A limitação óssea maxilar totais pode limitar o posicionamento dos implantes para suportar uma prótese de arco total. Objetivo: Sendo assim, este estudo avaliou o comportamento biomecânico de uma prótese de arco total suportada por seis implantes em diferentes configurações: grupo A (implantes inseridos na região de caninos, primeiros pré-molares e segundos molares), grupo B (implantes inseridos na região de primeiro pré-molar, primeiro molar e segundo molar) e grupo C (implantes em segundo pré-molar, primeiro pré-molar e segundo molar). Materiais e métodos: Os modelos foram analisados pelo método de elementos finitos validados por extensometria. Foram aplicados três tipos de cargas: nos incisivos centrais, primeiros pré-molares e nos segundos molares, obtendo resultados de picos de tensão de von-Mises e microdeformação. Todos os resultados registrados mostraram maior concentração de tensão na prótese de todos os grupos, sendo que o grupo C apresentou maiores valores em todas as estruturas quando comparado com os grupos A e B. A maior média de microdeformação também foi observada no grupo C (288,8 ± 225,2 µÎµ/µÎµ), no entanto, não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos avaliados. Em todos os grupos, independentemente da magnitude e direção da carga, as tensões máximas de von-Mises registradas para os implantes e deslocamentos de próteses foram menores no grupo A. Conclusão: Concluiu-se que a distribuição de implantes de forma equidistante favorece o desempenho biomecânico das próteses de arco total suportada por implantes; e o posicionamento de implantes posteriores parece ser uma alternativa viável para reabilitar indivíduos densdentados totais. (AU)

Biomechanical Phenomena , Dental Implants , Dental Prosthesis , Finite Element Analysis , Maxilla
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e238354, Jan.-Dec. 2023. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1442830


Aim: To analyze the accuracy of extraoral systems (Ceramill Map400+, AutoScan-DS200+, and E2) in full implantprosthetic rehabilitation three-dimensionally. Methods: A metallic edentulous maxilla with four implants was digitalized by a contact scanner (MDX-40 - Roland, control) and used as a control image to compare with other images generated by three laboratory scanners (10 samples per group). Letters identified all the four components: A and D angled 45º, and B and C parallel. The BioCAD software exported the images (.STL) to compare and verify deviations of the analogs on the X, Y, and Z axes. The nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test and the two-way ANOVA on ranks with a post hoc Tukey test analyzed the data with 5% significance. Results: No statistical differences were observed in the accuracy between the extraoral scanners (p=0.0806). However, when analyzing only the components, component D was more accurate when scanned with Ceramill Map400+ compared with AutoScan DS200+ (p<0.001) and with E2 (p=0.002). Conclusions: All extraoral systems assessed showed digitalization accuracy but with more deviations in angled implants. The Ceramill Map400+ scanner showed the best results for the digital impression of a complete arch

Dental Implants , Dental Impression Technique , Dental Prosthesis , Dental Prosthesis, Implant-Supported
Braz. j. oral sci ; 22: e237543, Jan.-Dec. 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1424935


Aim: To evaluate the impact of xerostomia, edentulism, use of dental prosthesis, and presence of chronic diseases on quality of life in relation to oral health in institutionalized elderly individuals. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study. A questionnaire was administered containing the following instruments: Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14), which measures the quality of life related to oral health; the Summated Xerostomia Inventory questionnaire (SXI-PL) for evaluation of xerostomia, sociodemographic data, clinical description, and patient-reported factors was assessed (edentulism, use of dental prostheses, and chronic diseases). Results: Most elderly individuals did not have any teeth in their mouths and used dental prosthesis. The impact on quality of life, considering the mean of the OHIP-14 scores, was positive in 58.3% of the elderly. Those who used a dental prosthesis were three times more likely to have their oral health negatively impacted (OR=3.09; 95%CI =1.17 8.11), compared to those who did not use, and individuals with xerostomia were more likely to have their oral health negatively impacted (OR=1.57; 95%CI=1.25-1.98) compared to those without xerostomia. There was no difference in the quality of life of individuals with and without chronic diseases. Conclusions: The feeling of dry mouth and use of dental prostheses negatively impacted the quality of life in relation to oral health of the elderly

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Quality of Life/psychology , Xerostomia/psychology , Oral Health , Chronic Disease/psychology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Prosthesis/psychology