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Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(1)Jan-Abr. 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415642


As calcificações pulpares provocam alterações morfológicas no interior dos canais radiculares que dificultam o tratamento endodôntico. Para solucionar essa dificuldade, a ferramenta Endoguide ou Endodontia Guiada foi desenvolvida para a resolução de casos complexos. Esta pesquisa objetivou descrever as aplicações da ferramenta Endoguide no tratamento de canais calcificados na endodontia. Todas as buscas foram realizadas por um único pesquisador na base de dados PubMed/MEDLINE e busca manual utilizando os descritores "Endodontics", "Digital", "Cone beam", "Guided". Foram considerados elegíveis os artigos publicados entre 2010 e 2022 e excluídos os estudos cuja publicação não foi obtida na íntegra e ainda aqueles em que os resultados não apresentaram embasamento teórico e prático suficientes para que pudessem ser incluídos no trabalho. Após as buscas, foram encontrados 47 artigos, selecionados inicialmente pelo título e resumos, excluindo as duplicatas. Ao final, a leitura completa e coleta de dados foi realizada em 6 artigos. As informações relevantes dos artigos selecionados foram transcritas em forma de quadro para sumarizar os achados. A endodontia guiada pode ser uma excelente alternativa para tratamentos de casos complexos, necessitando um investimento financeiro mínimo no consultório, pois os equipamentos de captura de imagem, planejamento virtual e de guias podem ser realizados em laboratórios capacitados. Assim, concluímos que o emprego da Endoguide como ferramenta no tratamento de canais calcificados se mostrou bem-sucedido e sua utilização não requer um conhecimento amplo, podendo ser usada por profissionais menos experientes.

Pulp calcifications cause morphological changes inside the root canals that make endodontic treatment difficult. To solve this difficulty, the tool Endoguide or Guided Endodontics was developed to solve complex cases. This research aimed to describe the applications of the Endoguide tool in the treatment of calcified root canals in endodontics. All searches were performed by a single researcher in the PubMed/MEDLINE database and manual search using the descriptors "Endodontics", "Digital", "Cone beam", "Guided". Articles published between 2010 and 2022 were considered eligible, and studies whose publication was not obtained in full text were excluded, as well as those in which the results did not have sufficient theoretical and practical basis for them to be included in the study. After the searches, 47 articles were found, initially selected by title and abstract, excluding duplicates. In the end, the complete reading and data collection was performed with 6 articles. Relevant information from the selected articles was transcribed for a table to summarize the findings. Guided endodontics can be an excellent alternative for treating complex cases, requiring minimal financial investment in the office, as image capture equipment, virtual planning and guides can be performed in trained laboratories. Thus, we conclude that the use of Endoguide as a tool in the treatment of calcified canals proved to be successful and its use does not require extensive knowledge and can be used by less experienced professionals.

Las calcificaciones pulpares provocan cambios morfológicos en el interior de los conductos radiculares que dificultan el tratamiento endodóntico. Para solventar esta dificultad se desarrolló la herramienta Endoguide o Endodoncia Guiada para resolver casos complejos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue describir las aplicaciones de la herramienta Endoguide en el tratamiento de conductos radiculares calcificados en endodoncia. Todas las búsquedas fueron realizadas por un único investigador en la base de datos PubMed/MEDLINE y búsqueda manual utilizando los descriptores "Endodontics", "Digital", "Cone beam", "Guided". Se consideraron elegibles los artículos publicados entre 2010 y 2022, y se excluyeron los estudios cuya publicación no se obtuvo a texto completo, así como aquellos en los que los resultados no tenían suficiente base teórica y práctica para ser incluidos en el estudio. Tras las búsquedas, se encontraron 47 artículos, seleccionados inicialmente por título y resumen, excluyendo los duplicados. Al final, se realizó la lectura completa y la recogida de datos con 6 artículos. La información relevante de los artículos seleccionados se transcribió para elaborar una tabla que resumiera los hallazgos. La endodoncia guiada puede ser una excelente alternativa para el tratamiento de casos complejos, requiriendo una mínima inversión financiera en el consultorio, ya que los equipos de captura de imágenes, la planificación virtual y las guías pueden realizarse en laboratorios capacitados. Así, concluimos que el uso de la Endoguía como herramienta en el tratamiento de conductos calcificados demostró ser exitoso y su uso no requiere de grandes conocimientos y puede ser utilizado por profesionales menos experimentados.

Technology/instrumentation , Dental Pulp Calcification , Endodontics , Technology , Software/trends , Equipment and Supplies , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1504-1510, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421793


En la práctica endodóntica, la etapa del acceso al canal radicular es fundamental para el éxito de las siguientes etapas del tratamiento. En casos de canales pulpares obliterados o calcificados (PCO), lograr encontrar la entrada a estos es un reto en la endodoncia convencional dado el alto riesgo de sufrir un accidente intraoperatorio. Actualmente, existen los tratamientos de endodoncia guiada o accesos guiados digitalmente, una alternativa innovadora y con múltiples beneficios para el abordaje de este tipo de dientes. El objetivo de este reporte de casos fue describir el protocolo de cuatro casos de accesos guiados estáticos para endodoncia en canales obliterados, indicando las ventajas y consideraciones del tratamiento. Se presenta un reporte de casos de cuatro pacientes atendidos entre julio 2021 y junio 2022, que requerían tratamientos endodónticos en dientes anteriores con canales pulpares obliterados. Para la realización de estos procedimientos se requirió una Tomografía Computarizada de Haz Cónico (CBCT) y el escaneo intraoral de la zona a tratar, para poder a través de la ayuda de un software, planificar virtualmente la dirección y longitud de acceso al conducto radicular. Posteriormente, se realizó la impresión en 3D de la guía estática, la cual dirige la entrada de la fresa que se utiliza para encontrar el acceso al canal radicular. En los cuatro casos clínicos en que se realizó la planificación virtual e impresión de la guía de acceso, fue posible encontrar el canal radicular en una sesión, pudiendo realizar el tratamiento endodóntico de manera exitosa y conservadora. En conclusión, la endodoncia guiada estática permite realizar los tratamientos endodónticos en PCO de manera segura, a pesar de la alta complejidad que presentaban.

SUMMARY: In endodontics, the access to the root canal is essential for the treatment success. Pulp canal obliteration (PCO) is a challenge for conventional endodontic treatments with a high risk of fracture of endodontic instruments.Currently, guided endodontic treatments, or digitally guided accesses, are novel alternatives with multiple benefits for the treatment of PCO. The objective of this case report is to describe the protocol for static guided access in PCO, indicating the advantages and considerations of the treatment. A case report of four patients treated between July 2021 and June 2022 is presented. These patients required endodontic treatments in anterior teeth with PCO. In order to virtually plan the direction and length of the access, using a software, we used a cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and an intraoral scan. Then, a 3D printing of the static guide was made, which directs the entry of the drill. With this method, it was possible to find the root canal in one session and perform the endodontic treatment successfully and conservatively. In conclusion, although static guided endodontics requires planification, it allows a safe endodontic treatment in patients with PCO.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Dental Pulp Calcification/therapy , Dental Pulp Calcification/diagnostic imaging , Endodontics , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography
Rev. cir. traumatol. buco-maxilo-fac ; 22(3): 22-26, jul.-set. 2022. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1399756


Introdução: Odontomas são tumores odontogênicos, considerados hamartomas de desenvolvimento que frequentemente interferem na erupção dentária. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico de odontoma composto em região posterior da mandíbula, desde o achado radiográfico até o momento cirúrgico e confirmação diagnóstica com exame histopatológico. Relato do caso: trata-se de paciente do sexo feminino, 7 anos, branca, encaminhada da Unidade de Saúde da Família (USF) ao ambulatório do Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (UHOC), devido a um achado radiográfico radiopaco, de limites bem definidos, com halo radiolúcido circundante, no corpo da mandíbula do lado esquerdo, entre as raízes dos dentes 74 e 75. O tratamento proposto foi a excisão cirúrgica conservadora sob anestesia geral. Após a retirada da lesão, foram identificadas calcificações múltiplas diferentes tamanhos e formas, de assemelhando-se a dentículos, encaminhadas para exame histopatológico e confirmando o diagnóstico de odontoma composto. Após 7 dias, observou-se um processo de cicatrização satisfatório. Ela será acompanhada para analisar a progressão do reparo e movimentação da bolsa óssea na dentição permanente na região. Considerações finais: Portanto, recomenda-se o tratamento cirúrgico conservador, através da remoção completa da lesão e preservação máxima dos dentes retidos. Para isso, a identificação na fase inicial e o tratamento adequado são essenciais... (AU)

Introduction: Odontomas are odontogenic tumors, considered developmental hamartomas that often interfere with tooth eruption. The present study aims to report the clinical case of compound odontoma in the posterior region of the jaw, from the radiographic finding to the surgical moment and diagnostic confirmation with histopathological examination. Case report: this is a female patient, 7 years old, white, referred from the Family Health Unit (FHU) to the outpatient clinic of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital (OCUH), due to a radiopaque radiographic finding, with well-defined limits and a surrounding radiolucent halo, in the body of the jaw on the left side, between the roots of teeth 74 and 75. The proposed treatment was conservative surgical excision under general anesthesia. After removal of the lesion, multiple calcifications of different sizes and shapes were identified, resembling denticles, referred for histopathological examination and confirming the diagnosis of compound odontoma. After 7 days, a satisfactory healing process was observed. She will be followed up to analyze the progression of bone pocket repair and movement in permanent dentition in the region. Final considerations: Therefore, conservative surgical treatment is recommended, through the complete removal of the lesion and maximum preservation of retained teeth. For this identification at an early stage and proper treatment are essential... (AU)

Humans , Female , Child , Mouth Neoplasms , Odontogenic Tumors , Odontoma , Tooth Eruption , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Pulp Calcification , Jaw
Chinese Journal of Stomatology ; (12): 220-226, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935854


Dental pulp calcification can lead to root canal stenosis or obliteration. It is usually difficult to negotiate the root canal if the affected tooth needs to be treated and intraoperative complications are easily brought about during the root canal treatment. The etiologies of dental pulp calcification are complicated and careful considerations should be given to the diagnosis and treatment. Only by weighing the advantages and disadvantages can appropriate treatment plan be chosen. Based on the literature and authors' clinical experiences, the present article summarizes the causes, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment strategies of dental pulp calcification, in order to provide some references in diagnosis and treatment for the dental clinicians.

Humans , Dental Pulp Calcification/therapy , Root Canal Therapy
Odovtos (En línea) ; 23(2)ago. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1386536


Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar la prevalencia y distribución de cálculos pulpares en un grupo de adultos peruanos mediante tomografía de haz cónico (CBCT). Materiales y métodos: Se analizaron 67 tomografías de haz cónico seleccionadas aleatoriamente de un centro tomográfico en Lima, Perú. Fueron evaluadas 1263 imágenes de piezas dentarias mediante el tomógrafo Point 3D Combi 500 S. El análisis de las imágenes se realizó con el software Real Scan y todas las piezas dentarias fueron evaluadas en las vistas sagital, axial y coronal. Todas las medidas fueron sometidas a prueba de chi cuadrado. (p<0.05). Resultados: De un total de 67 pacientes, un 83,58% presentaron calcificaciones y de 1263 piezas dentarias, un 30.8% a través de la CBCT. La prevalencia de calcificaciones fue mayor en el sexo femenino que masculino. Los molares maxilares y mandibulares fueron los grupos de dientes con mayor frecuencia de cálculos pulpares. Se encontró significancia entre los cálculos pulpares y el género, rango de edad, tipo y estado de pieza dentaria. Conclusiones: La primera molar maxilar tuvo mayor prevalencia de calcificaciones pulpares que la mandibular. La presencia de caries aumentó la posibilidad de aparición de estas calcificaciones, específicamente en maxilar. La CBCT podría ser una herramienta sensible para detectar cálculos pulpares. El conocimiento de la distribución de cálculos pulpares puede ayudar a los dentistas en el tratamiento clínico de endodoncia.

Abstract: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and distribution of pulp stones in a group of Peruvian adults using cone beam tomography (CBCT). Materials and methods: 60 randomly selected CBCT from a tomographic center in Lima, Peru were analyzed. A total of 1263 images of teeth using the Point 3D Combi 500 S tomograph were evaluated. Images analysis was performed with Real Scan software and all teeth were evaluated in sagittal, axial and coronal views. All measurements were subjected to a chi square test. (p<0.05). Results: Of the 1263 teeth, 30.8% presented pulp calcifications through the CBCT. The prevalence of calcifications was higher in women than in men. The maxillary and mandibular molars were the groups of teeth with the highest frequency of pulp stones. There was significance between the pulp stones and the gender, age range, type and state of the tooth. Conclusions: The maxillary first molars had a higher prevalence of pulp calcifications than the mandibular ones. The presence of caries increased the possibility of the appearance of these calcifications, specifically in the maxillary teeth. CBCT could be a sensitive tool to detect pulp stones. Knowledge of the distribution of pulp stones can help dentists in the clinical treatment of endodontics.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Dental Pulp Calcification/diagnosis , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentation , Peru
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 14(2): 187-190, ago. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385213


RESUMEN: El objetivo: de este reporte es presentar el tratamiento endodóntico de un diente ante-rior con obliteración del canal radicular, con la ayuda de la endodoncia guiada. Paciente masculino sin antecedentes médicos relevante, y en tratamiento ortodóntico. Diente 2.1 con historia de traumatismo dento-alveaolar y presencia de dolor a la percusión. En la TCHC se observa obliteración total del canal radicular en el tercio cervical y medio y un área de radiolucidez apical. Diagnóstico: Periodontitis apical Sintomática. Tratamiento: Terapia de canal No vital, con planificación virtual y guía endodóntica. Se utilizó el programa de acceso gratuito, Bluesky Plan®, para la planifica-ción digital de la guía endodóntica. El tratamiento se realizó en dos citas. Conclusión: el uso de tecnología para la resolución de casos de alta complejidad en endodoncia, podría ayudar a mejorar el pronóstico de estos dientes y ser una alternativa más segura para reducir la posibilidad de perforación y preservar estructura dental.

ABSTRACT: The aim: of this case report is to present the endodontic treatment of an anterior tooth with an obliterated pulp canal, with the help of guided endodontics. Male patient with no relevant medical history, currently with orthodontic treatment. Tooth 2.1 had a history of dental trauma and presented tenderness to percussion. The CBCT exam showed a completely obliterated root canal in the cervical and middle third, and apical radiolucency. Diagnosis: Symptomatic Apical Periodontitis. Treatment: Root canal treatment with virtual planning and endodontic guide. Bluesky Plan® free access program was used for the digital planning of the endodontic guide. The treatment: was made in two sessions. Conclusion: the use of technology for the resolution of high complexity cases in endodontics could help improve the prognosis of these teeth and be a safer alternative to reduce the possibility of perforation and preserve more tooth structure.

Humans , Male , Adult , Periapical Periodontitis/surgery , Root Canal Therapy/methods , Dental Pulp Cavity/surgery , Dental Pulp Cavity/diagnostic imaging , Periapical Periodontitis/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Calcification/surgery , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Printing, Three-Dimensional
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(84): 55-61, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367788


El objetivo fue evaluar radiográficamente las alteraciones dentarias en piezas sometidas a fuerzas ortodóncicas. Se analizaron 2871 piezas dentarias por observación radiográfica pre y post tratamiento. Variables registradas: sexo, edad, tipo de alteración, pieza dentaria y grado de reabsorción. Se calcularon intervalos de confianza 95% por método score de Wilson. Se utilizó prueba de bondad de ajuste Chi cuadrado, comparando frecuencias observadas con frecuencias esperadas bajo independencia. Se utilizó prueba de diferencia de proporciones, estadístico de Fisher y prueba Chi-cuadrado de asociación. Se concluyó que las alteraciones dentarias post tratamiento de ortodoncia son frecuentes y se originan en factores biológicos y mecánicos. La mayor tasa de prevalencia son las reabsorciones radiculares. Es responsabilidad del ortodoncista conocer todos los factores de riesgo con el fin de prevenirlas o detenerlas a tiempo (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Root Resorption/etiology , Orthodontic Appliances, Fixed/adverse effects , Argentina , Chi-Square Distribution , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk Factors , Dental Pulp Calcification/epidemiology , Age and Sex Distribution
Rev. Fac. Odontol. (B.Aires) ; 36(82): 57-65, 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1292129


Objetivos: Estimar la prevalencia de nódulos pulpares y agujas cálcicas en pacientes atendidos en la Cátedra de Endodoncia, Facultad de Odontología, Universidad de Buenos Aires (CEFOUBA). Se analizaron radiografías de 1866 piezas dentarias, con ápices maduros, de pacientes de ambos géneros, mayores de 15 años, tratados en CEFOUBA, en el período comprendido entre junio-noviembre de 2018. Género, edad, grupo dentario, condición del diente, presencia de patología sistémica, y ubicación anatómica, fueron las variables registradas. Se calcularon intervalos de confianza 95%, método score de Wilson. Se utilizó test z para diferencias de proporciones. El porcentaje de piezas con calcificaciones superó significativamente a piezas sin calcificaciones (z= 6,076; P<0,05). Porcentaje de piezas en mujeres fue significativamente mayor al de hombres (z=24,31; P<0,05). Porcentaje de piezas de las cuartas y quitas décadas de la vida (61%) superó significativamente a las demás décadas (39%) (z=9,88; P<0,05). El porcentaje de piezas con caries fue significativamente mayor al resto de las piezas con otras condiciones (41%) (z= 8,074; P<0,05). El porcentaje de piezas en pacientes sanos (77%) fue significativamente mayor al resto de las condiciones (23%) (z=24,310; P<0,05). El porcentaje de calcificaciones en cámara (78%) fue significativamente mayor a las del conducto (22%) (z=25,21; P<0,05). En conclusión, la presencia de este tipo de calcificaciones es frecuente en molares de pacientes femeninos y edad adulta. Es importante detectarlos radiográficamente porque complican la realización del tratamiento endodóntico, especialmente si están adheridos y obliteran la entrada de los conductos (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Dental Pulp Calcification/epidemiology , Dental Pulp Calcification/diagnostic imaging , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Radiography, Dental/statistics & numerical data , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 108(3): 119-128, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1147888


Objetivo: El objetivo de este informe es presentar tres casos clínicos de piezas dentarias anterosuperiores calcificadas y con decoloración, resueltos según tres protocolos clínicos de blanqueamiento diferentes, con un mismo fin: devolver la estética al sector anterior. Casos clínicos: Cada una de las tres situaciones clínicas de decoloración dentaria se trató siguiendo un protocolo diferente. A partir del análisis clínico y radiográfico, se estableció un diagnóstico y un plan de tratamiento acorde. Todos los casos evolucionaron de manera favorable y siguen siendo controlados periódicamente. Conclusiones: En casos clínicos como los que se muestran en este trabajo, en los que el conducto y la cámara pulpar están calcificados u obliterados totalmente, sería posible realizar blanqueamiento interno y externo para recuperar la armonía óptica de forma conservadora. Este tipo de tratamientos permitiría responder a la alta prevalencia de demanda estética debido a traumatismos y cambios de coloración (AU)

Aim: To present three clinical cases of discoloration in calcified upper anterior teeth, that were resolved following different clinical protocols for teeth whitening to return the aesthetics of the anterior teeth. Clinical cases: Each clinical case of discoloration was treated following a different treatment protocol based on a correct clinical and radiographic diagnosis. All cases had a favourable outcome and have no regular review. Conclusion: In clinical cases as those presented in this article where the canal and pulp chamber are totally calcified or obliterated, it was possible to perform internal and or external whitening to restore optical harmony in a conservative way. This type of treatment would allow responding to the high prevalence of aesthetic demand due to trauma and colour changes (AU)

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Tooth Bleaching , Dental Pulp Calcification/therapy , Esthetics, Dental , Clinical Protocols , Carbamide Peroxide , Hydrogen Peroxide
Rev. cient. odontol ; 8(3): e038, sept.-dic. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LIPECS, LILACS | ID: biblio-1253445


Los exámenes radiográficos son de gran ayuda para que el endodoncista diagnostique y realice planes de tratamiento eficientes en sus pacientes. Hasta hace unos años, las proyecciones en 2 dimensiones, principalmente las radiografías periapicales, eran utilizadas para la planeación de casos endodóncicos de conductos obliterados; sin embargo, en la actualidad, el empleo de la tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (TCHC) es la herramienta más precisa y su uso cada vez es más frecuente, específicamente en casos de obliteración del canal radicular. Aunque todavía no se tienen datos sobre alguna técnica clínica que permita la localización exacta del canal calcificado, se sabe que, en situaciones de endodoncia muy complicadas, el uso intraoperatorio de TCHC puede ayudar al endodoncista a obtener un diagnóstico más adecuado, a garantizar un procedimiento eficaz y, por lo tanto, a conseguir resultados más acertados después del tratamiento. Recientemente, la endodoncia guiada y navegada se ha considerado como procedimiento alternativo al tratamiento convencional que ofrece una solución a los casos de conductos parcial o totalmente obliterados.Debido a que es necesario considerar la preservación de la estructura y la retención a largo plazo del diente después del tratamiento endodóncico, es importante mencionar que las endodoncias guiadas y las navegadas presentan una considerable reducción de lesiones iatrogénicas, como menores complicaciones durante la localización de obliteración en el conducto radicular. Por este motivo, el objetivo de esta revisión fue describir el estado del arte del diagnóstico imagenológico de los conductos obliterados, con las técnicas actuales más novedosas. (AU)

Radiographic examinations are very useful for endodontists to diagnose and plan efficient treatment for their patients. Until recently, 2-dimensional projections, mainly periapical radiographs, were used for treatment planning of endodontic cases with obliterated canals. However, at present, the use of cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the most accurate tool and its use is increasingly more frequent, especially in cases of obliteration of the root canal. Image-guided endodontics has become an alternative procedure to conventional treatment, facilitating the treatment of partially or totally obliterated root canals. While there are still no data on any clinical technique able to determine the exact location of a calcified canal, the intraoperative use of CBCT in very complicated endodontic cases can help endodontists obtain a more accurate diagnosis to perform the most adequate procedure and, thereby achieve more successful treatment outcomes. The preservation of the structure and long-term retention of the tooth is essential after endodontic treatment and the use of image-guided endodontics considerably reduces iatrogenic lesions with fewer complications during the localization of site of obliteration in the root canal. Thus, the objective of this review was to describe the state of the art in the imaging diagnosis of obliterated ducts. (AU)

Root Canal Obturation , Root Canal Therapy , Dental Pulp Calcification , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Review Literature as Topic
Rev. cuba. estomatol ; 57(1): e2162, ene.-mar. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1126480


RESUMEN Introducción: Las células de la pulpa dental tienen la capacidad, ante estímulos locales y sistémicos, de activar a la osteopontina, formando calcificaciones pulpares, bloqueando los conductos radiculares y modificando la anatomía interna; de manera que se intensifican en personas con diabetes mellitus. Objetivo: Determinar si existe mayor presencia de calcificaciones a nivel de cámara pulpar en pacientes con diabetes mellitus versus pacientes sin diabetes mellitus. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio de casos y controles, analítico, transversal y retrospectivo. Se utilizaron los registros clínicos y las radiografías digitales periapicales de pacientes de las clínicas odontológicas de pregrado (Prótesis, Restauradora, Integral, Periodoncia) y de postgrado (Periodoncia e Implantología quirúrgica) de la Universidad Andrés Bello - Chile, entre los años 2017 y 2018. Se seleccionó una muestra de 617 dientes (45 pacientes) luego de ser aplicados los criterios de exclusión e inclusión en la base de datos clínica. La muestra completó dos grupos, grupo de casos (22 pacientes): dientes de pacientes con diabetes mellitus 228 dientes indemnes y el grupo de control (23 pacientes): dientes de pacientes sin diabetes mellitus 389 dientes indemnes. Se realizó una calibración previa entre los investigadores para la identificación y clasificación de calcificaciones pulpares durante el análisis radiográfico de estas. Se realizaron inferencias estadísticas de chi cuadrado para establecer significación de los resultados obtenidos. Resultados: Los dientes de 22 pacientes diabéticos presentaron más calcificaciones camerales que los dientes de 23 pacientes no diabéticos, para 50 por ciento de dientes calcificados en pacientes diabéticos (n=114) y 26 por ciento en pacientes no diabéticos (n=101); este resultado fue estadísticamente significativo (pvalor< 0,001). Conclusiones: Los pacientes con diabetes mellitus demostraron que son más propensos a formar calcificaciones camerales debido al aumento de glucosa presente en la sangre que activa a la osteopontina(AU)

ABSTRACT Introduction: Dental pulp cells have the capacity to respond to local and systemic stimuli by activating osteopontin, forming pulp calcifications, blocking root canals and modifying internal anatomy, in such a way that they intensify in people with diabetes mellitus. Objective: Determine whether there is a greater presence of calcifications in the pulp chamber of patients with diabetes mellitus vs. patients without diabetes mellitus. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional retrospective case-control study was conducted of medical records and digital periapical radiographs of patients attending undergraduate dental clinics (prosthesis, restoration, comprehensive, periodontics) and graduate dental clinics (periodontics and surgical implantology) of Andrés Bello University, Chile, in the period 2017-2018. A sample was selected of 617 teeth (45 patients) from the clinical database upon applying exclusion and inclusion criteria. The sample was divided into two groups: a case group, formed by 228 undamaged teeth from 22 patients with diabetes mellitus, and a control group, formed by 389 undamaged teeth from 23 patients without diabetes mellitus. Prior calibration was performed by the researchers to identify and classify the pulp calcifications during their radiographic analysis. Chi-squared statistical inferences were made to establish the significance of the results obtained. Results: The teeth from the 22 diabetic patients had more chamber calcifications than the teeth from the 23 nondiabetic patients, for 50 percent calcified teeth in diabetic patients (n= 114) and 26 percent in nondiabetic patients (n= 101). This result was statistically significant (p-value< 0.001). Conclusions: Patients with diabetes mellitus were found to be more prone to form chamber calcifications, due to the increase in glucose present in the blood which activates osteopontin(AU)

Humans , Tooth Calcification , Dental Pulp Calcification/diagnostic imaging , Diabetes Mellitus/etiology , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies
Dent. press endod ; 9(1): 15-20, jan.-mar. 2019. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | BBO, LILACS | ID: biblio-1022687


ntrodução: a calcificação pulpar é um dos fatores que tornam o tratamento endodôntico desafiador e capaz de comprometer o acesso dos instrumentos e soluções irrigadoras por toda extensão do canal radicular, impossibilitando sua adequada desinfecção. A Endodontia Guiada traz mais previsibilidade e segurança ao tratamento endodôntico nessa situação complexa. Métodos: uma vez constatada calcificação severa com necessidade de intervenção endodôntica, o paciente é encaminhado ao centro radiológico para o planejamento da Endodontia Guiada. Um modelo 3D da arcada a ser tratada é obtido por meio de um scanner de bancada e, posteriormente, transferido para um software de planejamento virtual de implante. A TCFC é adicionada a esse software e ambas são sobrepostas, com base em estruturas visíveis radiograficamente. O software Simplant é programado para projetar uma broca física, utilizada para o acesso endodôntico guiado, sobreposta virtualmente à calcificação do canal radicular. De posse da guia impressa, essa é posicionada na arcada do paciente e o procedimento clínico, executado. Conclusão: a técnica de Endodontia Guiada é rápida, previsível e clinicamente viável. Além disso, pode ser executada por profissionais menos experientes, não necessitando da utilização de microscópio operatório (AU).

Introduction: Pulp calcification is one of the factors that make endodontic treatment challenging and capable of compromising access of instruments and irrigant solutions to the entire extension of the root canal, making it impossible to disinfect it adequately. Guided endodontics makes the endodontic treatment more predictable and safer in this complex situation. Materials and Methods: Once severe calcification requiring endodontic intervention has been found, the patient is referred to the radiology center for the planning of guided endodontics. A 3D model of the arch to be treated is obtained by means of a bench scanner, afterwards transferred to a virtual implant planning software program. The CBCT is added to this software and both are superimposed on the basis of radiographically visible structures. The Simplant software is programmed to project a physical bur used for guided endodontic access, virtually superimposed on the root canal calcification. Once the printed guide has been obtained, it is positioned in the patient's arch and the clinical procedure is performed. Conclusion: The guided endodontic technique is easy, predictable and clinically feasible to perform. Moreover, it may be performed by less experienced professionals, and does not require the use of an operating microscope (AU).

Root Canal Therapy , Radiography, Dental, Digital , Dental Pulp , Dental Pulp Calcification , Apicoectomy , Tooth Calcification , Dental Pulp Diseases
Dent. press endod ; 9(2): 85-90, maio 2019. Ilus
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1024975


Introdução: o tratamento endodôntico em dentes com canais calcificados é extremamente desafiador. Durante o procedimento de localização do canal residual, uma quantidade excessiva de dentina pode ser removida, o que pode implicar em maior risco de fratura do elemento dentário. Somado a isso, a calcificação pulpar é o motivo mais comum de perfuração radicular durante o tratamento endodôntico. Métodos: tendo em vista a importância do desenvolvimento de técnicas seguras e precisas para o tratamento endodôntico de canais parcial ou totalmente calcificados, serão apresentados dois relatos de casos clínicos conduzidos segundo uma estratégia terapêutica recentemente descrita na literatura endodôntica. Resultados: o Endoguide tornou mais segura e eficaz a realização do tratamento endodôntico nos dois casos relatados. Conclusão: o guia endodôntico auxiliou na localização do canal radicular calcificado e ajudou a evitar iatrogenias durante sua localização (AU).

Introduction: Endodontic treatment in teeth with calcified root canals is extremely challenging. During the procedure of locating the root canal, an excessive amount of residual dentin can be removed, which may lead to a greater risk of tooth fracture. In addition, pulp calcification is the most common reason for root perforation during endodontic treatment. Methods: Considering the importance of developing safe and efficient techniques for endodontic treatment of partially or completely calcified root canals, these two clinical cases were conducted in accordance with the therapeutic strategy recently described in the endodontic literature. Results: Endoguide made endodontic treatment safer and more effective in the two reported cases Conclusion: The endodontic guide used in the present cases have helped to locate the calcified root canal and to prevent iatrogenies during location (AU).

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Tooth Calcification , Dental Pulp Calcification , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Diagnostic Imaging , Dental Pulp Cavity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-761321


The present report presents a case of dens invaginatus (DI) in a patient with 4 maxillary incisors. A 24-year-old female complained of swelling of the maxillary left anterior region and discoloration of the maxillary left anterior tooth. The maxillary left lateral incisor (tooth #22) showed pulp necrosis and a chronic apical abscess, and a periapical X-ray demonstrated DI on bilateral maxillary central and lateral incisors. All teeth responded to a vitality test, except tooth #22. The anatomic form of tooth #22 was similar to that of tooth #12, and both teeth had lingual pits. In addition, panoramic and periapical X-rays demonstrated root canal calcification, such as pulp stones, in the maxillary canines, first and second premolars, and the mandibular incisors, canines, and first premolars bilaterally. The patient underwent root canal treatment of tooth #22 and non-vital tooth bleaching. After a temporary filling material was removed, the invaginated mass was removed using ultrasonic tips under an operating microscope. The working length was established, and the root canal was enlarged up to #50 apical size and obturated with gutta-percha and AH 26 sealer using the continuous wave of condensation technique. Finally, non-vital bleaching was performed, and the access cavity was filled with composite resin.

Female , Humans , Young Adult , Abscess , Bicuspid , Dental Pulp Calcification , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dental Pulp Necrosis , Gutta-Percha , Incisor , Tooth , Tooth Bleaching , Ultrasonics
Dent. press endod ; 8(1): 41-45, Apr-Jun. 2018. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-883681


Introdução: os nódulos pulpares são calcificações de etiologia controversa, presentes no tecido pulpar com tamanho variável. Sua detecção acontece durante exames radiográficos de rotina, apresentando-se como imagens radiopacas únicas ou múltiplas, de formato circular ou ovoide. Um planejamento adequado prévio ao tratamento endodôntico é necessário, e o reconhecimento dessas alterações faz parte dessa etapa. Objetivo: o objetivo desse trabalho foi determinar a prevalência de nódulos pulpares em incisivos superiores e inferiores, por meio de radiografias digitais. Métodos: foram utilizadas 793 radiografias periapicais digitais de dentes anteriores, totalizando 2.999 dentes. Os dados foram organizados em planilhas de Excel e, então, submetidos a uma análise descritiva e ao teste qui quadrado. Resultados: os resultados demonstraram que 15% dos dentes avaliados possuíam nódulo pulpar, sendo o mais acometido o incisivo lateral direito (dente #42), com 19% do total de dentes. Houve maior prevalência em mulheres e pacientes na faixa etária de 51 a 60 anos. Conclusão: a frequência dos nódulos pulpares para dentes anteriores, quando avaliados por meio de radiografias periapicais digitais, alcança os 15%, possuindo maior prevalência no sexo feminino e apresentando relação entre o aumento da idade e a incidência de nódulos pulpares, mas não entre a presença de restaurações e as alterações.

Humans , Male , Female , Cross-Sectional Studies , Dental Pulp , Dental Pulp Calcification/diagnostic imaging , Dental Pulp Diseases , Endodontics , Radiography, Dental, Digital
Pesqui. bras. odontopediatria clín. integr ; 18(1): 3973, 15/01/2018. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-966827


Objective: To assess the prevalence of pulp stones using Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) in a Saudi Arabian adolescent population. Material and Methods: CBCT scans of 237 individuals compromising of 1018 teeth were examined. All teeth were analyzed in three dimensions and the presence of pulp stones were identified as a round or oval shaped dense structures in the pulp space. The location of involved tooth in terms of arch, side involved and the status of the tooth were documented. Statistical analysis was carried out by applying Chi-square test. The level of significance was set at 5%. Results: Pulp stones were observed in 119 out of the 237 participants, and in 118 teeth out of 1018 teeth examined, with the patient prevalence of 50.2% and tooth prevalence 10.6%. Pulp stones were observed in 76 (51.3%) of males and 43 (48.3%) of females, with no significant difference (p>0.05). A nonsignificant difference was also noted when maxillary and mandibular arches and the left and right sides were compared. Pulp stones were observed more frequently observed in molars and in carious (8.8%) and restored teeth (17.1%). Conclusion: The prevalence of pulp stones was high in molars and in carious and restored teeth. No significant difference was noticed between gender, arch and side of tooth involved with pulp stones.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Saudi Arabia , Prevalence , Adolescent , Dental Pulp Calcification , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentation , Chi-Square Distribution
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740380


PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to compare cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) and digital panoramic radiography (DPR) for the detection of pulp stones. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DPR and CBCT images of 202 patients were randomly selected from the database of our department. All teeth were evaluated in sagittal, axial, and coronal sections in CBCT images. The systemic condition of patients, the presence of pulp stones, the location of the tooth, the group of teeth, and the presence and depth of caries and restorations were recorded. The presence of pulp stones in molar teeth was compared between DPR and CBCT images. RESULTS: Pulp stones were identified in 105 (52.0%) of the 202 subjects and in 434 (7.7%) of the 5,656 teeth examined. The prevalence of pulp stones was similar between the sexes and across various tooth locations and groups of teeth (P>.05). A positive correlation was observed between age and the number of pulp stones (ρ=0.277, P < .01). Pulp stones were found significantly more often in restored or carious teeth (P < .001). CBCT and DPR showed a significant difference in the detection of pulp stones (P < .001), which were seen more often on DPR than on CBCT. CONCLUSION: DPR, as a 2D imaging system, has inherent limitations leading to the misinterpretation of pulp stones. Restored and carious teeth should be carefully examined for the presence of pulp stones. CBCT imaging is recommended for a definitive assessment in cases where there is a suspicion of a pulp stone on DPR.

Humans , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Dental Pulp Calcification , Molar , Prevalence , Radiography , Radiography, Panoramic , Tooth
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-740391


PURPOSE: This study was performed to investigate the relationship between sleep bruxism (SB) and pulpal calcifications in young women. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 100 female participants between 20 and 31 years of age who were referred to our radiology clinic for a dental check-up, including 59 SB and 41 non-SB patients, were sampled for the analysis. SB was diagnosed based on the American Academy of Sleep Medicine criteria. All teeth were evaluated on digital panoramic radiographs to detect pulpal calcifications, except third molars, teeth with root canal treatment, and teeth with root resorption. Binary logistic regression analysis was used to determine the risk factors for pulpal calcifications. The Spearman correlation coefficient was applied and the Pearson chi-square test was used for categorical variables. To test intra-examiner reproducibility, Cohen kappa analysis was applied. P values 0.05). In SB patients, the total number of pulpal calcifications was 129, while in non-SB patients, it was 84. Binary logistic analysis showed that SB was not a risk factor for the presence of pulpal calcifications (odds ratio, 1.19; 95% CI, 0.52–2.69, P>.05). CONCLUSION: No relationship was found between SB and pulpal calcifications.

Female , Humans , Dental Pulp , Dental Pulp Calcification , Dental Pulp Cavity , Logistic Models , Molar, Third , Radiography, Panoramic , Risk Factors , Root Resorption , Sleep Bruxism , Sleep Medicine Specialty , Tooth
Rev. ADM ; 73(4): 206-211, jul.-ago. 2016. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-835296


El odontoma compuesto es un tumor benigno odontogénico conformadopor varios dentículos o dientes rudimentarios los cuales se encuentran conformados de tejido dental organizado. Su etiología no está biendefi nida pero se atribuye a traumatismos durante la primera dentición, así como a procesos infl amatorios o infecciosos, anomalías hereditarias o alteraciones en el gen de control del desarrollo dentario. Su presencia se encuentra entre los tres tumores odontogénicos más frecuentes, en diferente orden según el autor que se consulte. Está relacionado por logeneral con una alteración en la erupción o malposición dental. Tiene predilección en hueso maxilar, frecuentemente asintomáticos, se caracterizan por un crecimiento lento, diagnosticándose de forma casualmediante exámenes radiográfi cos de rutina entre la segunda y terceradécada de la vida. En este estudio se presenta el caso de un pacientefemenino de 14 años de edad, con presencia de un odontoma compuestode 40 dentículos, en la región parasinfi siaria izquierda, tratado medianteenucleación, y colocación de injerto óseo.

The compound odontoma is a benign odontogenic tumor composed ofseveral denticles or rudimentary teeth made up of organized dentaltissue. Its etiology is not well defi ned but is attributed to trauma duringthe fi rst dentition, as well as to infl ammatory or infectious processes, inherited abnormalities, odontoblastic hyperactivity or alterations in the gene that controls tooth development. It is among the 3 mostcommon odontogenic tumors, though its ranking among these varies depending on the author consulted. It is usually associated with analteration in the eruption or malposition of teeth. It has a predilection for the maxillary bone, and is often slow-growing and asymptomatic. Odontomas are diagnosed incidentally during routine X-ray examinations of patients between the second and third decades of life. In this study, we present the case of a 14-year-old female patient with the presence of a compound odontoma comprised of 40 denticles inthe left parasymphyseal region, which is treated by enucleation andbone graft placement.

Humans , Adolescent , Female , Oral Manifestations , Odontoma/classification , Odontoma/epidemiology , Odontogenic Tumors/classification , International Classification of Diseases/trends , Dental Pulp Calcification , Mexico , Odontoma/surgery , Odontoma/etiology , Odontoma , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/methods
Dent. press endod ; 6(2): 41-46, May-Aug. 2016. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-846976


Introdução: descrever o tratamento endodôntico de incisivos inferiores com obliteração pulpar crônica (OPC) e periodontite apical após trauma dentário e tratamento ortodôntico prolongado. Relato de caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 22 anos de idade, procurou atendimento em uma clínica de Pós-graduação em Endodontia, relatando ter sofrido trauma dentário na região anteroinferior, seguido por tratamento ortodôntico por cinco anos. Dois nos após o nal do tratamento ortodôntico, lesões radiolúcidas associadas aos incisivos centrais inferiores foram observadas e o tratamento endodôntico foi iniciado por um clínico geral, sem sucesso na localização dos canais, devido à OPC. O tratamento endodôntico foi proposto e, com o auxílio de magni cação por microscopia óptica (25X), a localização dos canais foi feita. Movimentos de inserção, retração e rotação de 1/4 de volta nos sentidos horário e anti-horário com uma lima K #10 pré-curvada foram feitos até a patência apical. A intrumentação dos canais foi feita com a técnica do pré-alargamento e a medicação intracanal foi à base de pasta de hidróxido de cálcio, paramonoclorofenol e glicerina, por 15 dias, seguida pela obturação termoplasti cada e restauração com resina fotopolimerizável. Resultados: após 12 meses, a paciente não apresentou sinais e sintomas, e ocorreu o completo reparo das lesões perirradiculares dos incisivos centrais inferiores. Conclusão: a OPC causada pela associação do trauma dentário ao tratamento ortodôntico prolongado pode ter evoluído para a necrose pulpar e, consequentemente, para a periodontite apical. O protocolo de localização, exploração, limpeza, modelagem, medicação intracanal e preenchimento dos canais radiculares evitou as complicações por iatrogenia e permitiu o sucesso do caso.

Humans , Female , Adult , Dental Instruments , Dental Pulp Calcification , Dental Pulp Cavity/injuries , Dental Pulp Cavity/pathology , Endodontics , Tooth Injuries/complications