Aim: To evaluate the bond strength of a universal adhesive system to dentin submitted to radiotherapy. Materials and Methods: Sixty extracted human teeth were divided into two groups (n = 30): without radiotherapy (control); with radiotherapy, according to the adhesive protocol (n=15): ER-etch-and-rinse (acid + Single Bond Uni-versal); SE-self-etch (Single Bond Universal). The analyzes were shear bond strength (SBS) (n=10), failure pattern (n=10) and scanning electron microscopy (n=5). Data was analyzed by a two-way ANOVA (α =0.05). Results: The radiotherapy decreased SBS of the restorative material to dentin (p<0.0001). The ER protocol provided lower bond strength values (p<0.001). The predominant type of fracture without radiotherapy was mixed (SE), cohesive to the material (ER). Both protocols presented adhesive failures with radiotherapy. Teeth had a hybrid layer and long resin tags (without radiotherapy) and few tags (with radiotherapy). Conclusions: The SE adhesive mode favors the shear bond strength of resin to dentin in teeth submitted to radiotherapy.
Objetivo: Evaluar la fuerza de adhesión de un sistema adhesivo universal a la dentina sometida a radioterapia. Materiales y Métodos: Sesenta dientes humanos extraídos se dividieron en dos grupos (n = 30): sin radioterapia (control); con radioterapia, según protocolo adhesivo (n=15): ER-grabado y enjuague (ácido + Single Bond Universal); autograbado SE (Single Bond Universal). Los análisis ejecutados fueron resistencia al cizallamiento (SBS) (n=10), patrón de falla (n=10) y microscopía electrónica de barrido (n=5). Los datos se sometieron al test de ANOVA de dos vías (α =0,05). Resultados: La radioterapia disminuyó la SBS del material restaurador a la dentina (p<0,0001). El protocolo ER proporcionó valores de fuerza de unión más bajos (p<0,001). El tipo de fractura predominante sin radioterapia fue mixta (SE), cohesiva al material (ER). Ambos protocolos presentaron fallas adhesivas con radioterapia. Los dientes tenían una capa híbrida y colas de resina largas (sin radioterapia) o pocas colas de resina (con radioterapia). Conclusión: El modo adhesivo SE favorece la resistencia al corte de la resina a la dentina en dientes sometidos a radioterapia.
Humans , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Stress Analysis/methods , Composite Resins , DentinABSTRACT
The existing dentin bonding systems based on acid-etching technique lead to the loss of both extrafibrillar and intrafibrillar minerals from dentin collagen, causing excessive demineralization. Because resin monomers can not infiltrate the intrafibrillar spaces of demineralized collagen matrix, degradation of exposed collagen and resin hydrolysis subsequently occur within the hybrid layer, which seriously jeopardizing the longevity of resin-dentin bonding. Collagen extrafibrillar demineralization can effectively avoid the structural defects within the resin-dentin interface caused by acid-etching technique and improve the durability of resin-dentin bonding, by preserving intrafibrillar minerals and selectively demineralizing extrafibrillar dentin. The mechanism and research progress of collagen extrafibrillar demineralization in dentin bonding are reviewed in the paper.
Humans , Collagen , Dental Bonding , Dentin/chemistry , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Materials Testing , Minerals , Resin Cements/chemistry , Tooth DemineralizationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To find out what the acid-base resistant zone (ABRZ) is and the mechanism of its formation. Material and Methods: This systematic review was based on the search of laboratory studies in which selfetching adhesive systems were used. The electronic database PubMed was used for the search. The search began on August 2021 and ended on June 2022. We have analyzed the materials and methods of each research and entered them in the appropriate tables to give a clearer assessment of the obtained results. Results: This systematic review included 15 full-text articles published from 2011 to 2019. The ABRZ is formed on both dentine and enamel. On dentine, the ABRZ is formed only when using self-etching adhesive systems; on the enamel, on the contrary, the step of preliminary etch and rinse contributes to the formation of a thicker ABRZ. The functional monomer MDP and fluorine increase the thickness of the ABRZ and provide a hybrid layer /ABRZ boundary without defects and erosions. Conclusion: Self-etching adhesive systems ensure the creation of an ABRZ resistant to acid-base tests. This phenomenon can provide the resistance of tooth tissues to demineralization, and therefore increase their resistance to caries.
Acid Etching, Dental , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistryABSTRACT
El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar el efecto antimicrobiano de tres cementos selladores endodónticos frente a Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis y Candida albicans. Se usó el método de difusión en agar, realizando pozos de 5 mm de diámetro por 4 mm de profundidad, en donde se colocaron los diferentes cementos que fueron preparados según las indicaciones del fabricante. Para S. mutans y E. faecalis se empleó agar cerebro-corazón, mientras que para C. albicans se empleó agar tripticasa soya como medios de cultivo. Las placas fueron incubadas por 48 horas a 37 ºC. Los halos de inhibición de crecimiento microbiano se midieron con un compás Vernier. Los resultados mostraron diferencias significativas entre todos los grupos p 0,05), siendo bastante inferior para E. faecalis (6,642 ? 0,659 mm) y C. albicans (8,781 ? 0,735 mm). El cemento a base de hidróxido de calcio (Sealer 26) fue más efectivo frente a S. mutans (13,010 ? 2,006 mm) que ante E. faecalis (6,165 ? 0,978 mm) y C. albicans (5,640 ? 0,280 mm). Como conclusión, el cemento a base de óxido de zinc y eugenol (Endofill) mostró el mejor efecto antimicrobiano contra las tres cepas, seguido de los cementos a base de resina (Vioseal) y finalmente hidróxido de calcio (Sealer 26).
The objective of the study was to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of three endodontic sealant cements for Streptococcus mutans, Enterococcus faecalis and Candida albicans. The agar diffusion method was used, making wells 5mm in diameter by 4mm deep, where the different cements that were prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions were placed. For S. mutans and E. faecalis, brain-heart agar was used, while for C. albicans trypticase soy agar was used as culture media. The plates were incubated for 48 hours at 37 ºC. The microbial growth inhibition halos were measured with a Vernier compass. The results showed significant differences between all groups p0.05), being considerably lower for E. faecalis (6.642 ? 0.659 mm) and C. albicans (8.781 ? 0.735 mm). Calcium hydroxide-based cement (Sealer 26) was more effective against S. mutans (13.010 ? 2.006 mm) than against E. faecalis (6.165 ? 0.978 mm) and C. albicans (5.640 ? 0.280 mm). In conclusion, cement based on zinc oxide and eugenol (Endofill) showed the best antimicrobial effect against the three strains, followed by resin-based cements (Vioseal) and finally calcium hydroxide (Sealer 26).
Humans , Streptococcus mutans , Candida albicans , Enterococcus faecalis , Dental Cements/therapeutic use , Cross-Sectional Studies , Analysis of Variance , Dentin-Bonding Agents/pharmacology , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Data Analysis , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Objetivo: analisar, a partir da literatura publicada, os sistemas adesivos universais, conceituando sobre seu desempenho nos diferentes substratos, assim como potenciais estudos executados com eles após 10 anos no Brasil. Materiais e métodos: para esta revisão narrativa, foram pesquisados artigos na língua inglesa nas bases de dados eletrônicas PubMed/Medline, SciELO e Scopus, publicados de 2012 a 2022, período considerado por ser a última década, além dos 10 anos da chegada do sistema adesivo universal ao Brasil. Utilizaram-se os seguintes descritores: universal adhesives (adesivos universais) OR universal adhesive system (sistemas adesivos universais). Realizou-se a inclusão de estudos laboratoriais (in vitro), ensaios clínicos, revisões de literatura e sistemáticas com meta-análise. Resultados: após análise meticulosa, foram selecionados 56 estudos. Os adesivos universais são considerados mais "amigáveis" ao usuário, pois permitem ao clínico a utilização no modo condicione e lave e autocondicionante, principalmente devido à inclusão do monômero MDP ou de monômeros similares. No esmalte, o condicionamento ácido seletivo antes da aplicação do adesivo é recomendado. Permite ser utilizado com uma diversidade de substratos, a aplicação de forma ativa do adesivo melhora a resistência de união. Conclusão: os sistemas adesivos universais foram lançados para tornar os procedimentos de adesão mais simples. Entretanto, mais ensaios clínicos com maiores tempos de acompanhamento são necessários, para avaliar adequadamente a efetividade desse material.(AU)
Objective: To evaluate, from published literature, the universal adhesive systems, conceptualizing their performance, as well as potential studies performed using this material. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This narrative review considered articles in the English language searched on Pubmed/ Medline, Scielo and Scopus from 2012 to 2022, considered period to be the last decade, besides ten years of the universal adhesive system arrived in Brazil. The descriptors "universal adhesive" or "universal adhesive systems" were used. Laboratorial studies (in vitro), clinical trials, literature review and systematic review with meta-analysis were included. RESULTS: 56 studies were included. The universal adhesives are considered more user-friendly, allowing for etch & rinse and self-etch modes, mostly due to MDP monomer or similar monomers inclusion. In enamel selective acid etching before adhesive application is recommended. The system can be used with great amount of substrates and results in superior bond strength when applied through active mode. CONCLUSION: Universal adhesive systems were launched to simplify the adhesion procedure, however more clinical trials with longer follow-ups are required using this material, with adequate evaluation of their effectiveness.(AU)
Humans , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dental Enamel/chemistry , Acid Etching, Dental/methods , Brazil , Hydrogen-Ion ConcentrationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study evaluated the influence of the mode and time of solvent evaporation on the tensile strength (TS), flexural strength (FS) and elastic modulus (EM) of two adhesive systems: Scotchbond Multipurpose (SBMP) and Clearfil SE (CSEB). For this purpose, rectangular samples (2x1x7 mm) were prepared with 10 μL of primer and the solvents were evaporated with air spray at (23±1) ºC, (40±1) ºC and negative control (without spray). For each temperature, the times of 5, 20, 30, and 60 seconds were investigated. The statistical results showed that evaporation at 40±1ºC resulted in better EM for the two adhesives tested and all the evaporation times evaluated. However, there were no significant differences between the times and modes of evaporation for TS. The results of this study indicate that evaporation at a temperature of (40±1) °C could improve the elastic modulus of both adhesives tested, regardless of the evaporating time.
RESUMO Este estudo avaliou a influência do modo e do tempo de evaporação do solvente na resistência à tração (RT), resistência à flexão (RF) e módulo de elasticidade (MR) de dois sistemas adesivos: Scotchbond Multipurpose (SBMP) e Clearfil SE (CSEB). Para isso, amostras retangulares (2x1x7 mm) foram preparadas com 10 μL de primer e os solventes foram evaporados com aerossol a (23±1) ºC, (40±1) ºC e controle negativo (sem aerossol). Para cada temperatura, foram avaliados os tempos de 5, 20, 30 e 60 segundos. Os resultados estatísticos mostraram que a evaporação a (40±1) ºC resultou em melhor MR para os dois adesivos testados e todos os tempos de evaporação avaliados. No entanto, não houve diferenças significativas entre os tempos e modos de evaporação na RT. Os resultados deste estudo indicam que a evaporação a uma temperatura de (40±1) °C poderia melhorar o módulo de elasticidade de ambos os adesivos testados, independentemente do tempo de evaporação.
Humans , Solvents/pharmacology , Tensile Strength , Adhesives/chemistry , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Volatilization , Materials Testing , DesiccationABSTRACT
Abstract This study analyzed the effect of prior application of copaiba oil (CO) emulsions as a dentin cleaning substance on microleakage and microtensile adhesive strength. Twenty-five premolars and sixty-four molars were used for microleakage and microtensile assays. For the microleakage assays, specimens with standard class V cavities were divided (n = 5), according to the tested CO emulsions: CO10%X, CO10%Y, and CO10%Z, as well as chlorhexidine 2% (CHX) and distilled water (DW), as positive and negative controls, respectively. Restorations were performed using the Adper Single Bond® and/or Clearfil SE Bond® systems. Cervical, occlusal, distal and mesial sections were assessed for tracer penetration degree at the composite/tooth interface. For the microtensile assay, healthy molars were divided into sixteen groups, in which artificial caries were induced in half of the groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with CO10%X and CO10%Y, CHX and DW. Microtensile bond strength was measured by fixing each sample to the plate of a universal testing machine operated at a speed of 0.5 mm/minute until failure. Dentin treated with CO10%X showed a lower infiltration rate than dentin treated with the other CO emulsions, CHX2% and DW. According to the microtensile assay, both healthy and affected dentin treated with CO10%X and Adper Single Bond® adhesive system presented higher adhesive strength. CO emulsion, used as a dentin biomodifier, interfered positively in microleakage and improved adhesive strength after acid etching in the Adper Single Bond® adhesive system, or before applying the Clearfil SE Bond® self-etching system.
Humans , Plant Oils/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Materials Testing , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Leakage , Dentin/chemistry , Emulsions/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract This study analyzed the effect of prior application of copaiba oil (CO) emulsions as a dentin cleaning substance on microleakage and microtensile adhesive strength. Twenty-five premolars and sixty-four molars were used for microleakage and microtensile assays. For the microleakage assays, specimens with standard class V cavities were divided (n = 5), according to the tested CO emulsions: CO10%X, CO10%Y, and CO10%Z, as well as chlorhexidine 2% (CHX) and distilled water (DW), as positive and negative controls, respectively. Restorations were performed using the Adper Single Bond® and/or Clearfil SE Bond® systems. Cervical, occlusal, distal and mesial sections were assessed for tracer penetration degree at the composite/tooth interface. For the microtensile assay, healthy molars were divided into sixteen groups, in which artificial caries were induced in half of the groups. Dentin surfaces were treated with CO10%X and CO10%Y, CHX and DW. Microtensile bond strength was measured by fixing each sample to the plate of a universal testing machine operated at a speed of 0.5 mm/minute until failure. Dentin treated with CO10%X showed a lower infiltration rate than dentin treated with the other CO emulsions, CHX2% and DW. According to the microtensile assay, both healthy and affected dentin treated with CO10%X and Adper Single Bond® adhesive system presented higher adhesive strength. CO emulsion, used as a dentin biomodifier, interfered positively in microleakage and improved adhesive strength after acid etching in the Adper Single Bond® adhesive system, or before applying the Clearfil SE Bond® self-etching system.
Humans , Plant Oils/chemistry , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Fabaceae/chemistry , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Materials Testing , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Statistics, Nonparametric , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dental Leakage , Dentin/chemistry , Emulsions/chemistryABSTRACT
Aims: Residual peroxide on the enamel surface and in the interprismatic spaces decreases the shear bond strength (SBS) of composite to bleached enamel. Evidence shows that 10% sodium ascorbate can efficiently neutralize the singlet oxygen generated by the bleaching agents. This study aimed to assess the effect of duration of application of sodium ascorbate on SBS of composite to bleached enamel. Materials and Methods: This in vitro experimental study was conducted on 30 sound human third molars, which were randomly divided into three groups (n=10). In group 1, the teeth were bleached for 45 minutes and were then subjected to immediate bonding and restoration with composite resin. In groups 2 and 3, the teeth were bleached, immersed in 10% sodium ascorbate solution for 5 (group 2) and 10 (group 3) minutes and were then bonded and restored with composite, and the SBS was then measured. Results: The highest SBS (14.02±8.6MPa) was noted in group 3 (immersion in 10% sodium ascorbate for 10 minutes before bonding). The lowest SBS was noted in group 1 (immediate bonding after bleaching) (p<0.05). The difference in SBS of groups 1 and 2 was not significant (p=0.4). Conclusion: Application of 10% sodium ascorbate for 10 minutes increases the SBS of composite to bleached enamel.
Objetivos: el peróxido residual en la superficie del esmalte dental y en los espacios interprismáticos disminuye la resistencia al cizallamiento (R AC) de la resina compuesta al esmalte dental blanqueado. La evidencia muestra que el 10% de ascorbato de sodio puede neutralizar eficientemente el oxígeno singlete generado por los agentes blanqueadores. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la duración de la aplicación de ascorbato de sodio en la R AC de la resina compuesta al esmalte dental blanqueado. Materiales y Metodos: Este estudio experimental in vitro se realizó en 30 terceros molares humanos sanos, que se dividieron aleatoriamente en tres grupos (n=10). En el grupo 1, los dientes se blanquearon durante 45 minutos y luego se sometieron a una unión y restauración inmediata con resina compuesta. En los grupos 2 y 3, los dientes se blanquearon, se sumergieron en una solución de ascorbato de sodio al 10% durante 5 (grupo 2) y 10 (grupo 3) minutos y luego se unieron y restauraron con resina compuesta; luego se midió la R AC. Resultados: La R AC más alta (14,02 ± 8,6 MPa) se observó en el grupo 3 (inmersión en ascorbato de sodio al 10% durante 10 minutos antes de la unión). El valor de R AC más bajo se observó en el grupo 1 (unión inmediata después del blanqueo) (p<0,05). La diferencia en R AC de los grupos 1 y 2 no fue significativa (p=0,40). Conclusión: la aplicación de ascorbato de sodio al 10% durante 10 minutos aumenta la R AC de la resina compuesta al esmalte dental blanqueado.
Humans , Tooth Bleaching , Dental Bonding , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Ascorbic Acid , In Vitro Techniques , Water/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Dental Enamel , Molar, Third , Antioxidants/chemistryABSTRACT
Objetivo: realizar uma revisão de literatura acerca da eficácia de utilização da clorexidina (CHX) e de outros tipos de inibidores de metaloproteinases (MMPs) na resistência de união da camada híbrida. Métodos: a busca bibliográfica foi realizada na base de dados PubMed, nos meses de novembro e dezembro de 2018. A pesquisa ocorreu em três fases, com os descritores previamente selecionados. Foram incluídas publicações dos últimos 10 anos no formato de pesquisas científicas realizadas in vitro ou in vivo. Após análise, obedecendo aos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, foram incluídos sete estudos na presente revisão. Resultados/Revisão de literatura: na interface adesiva, os estudos mostram que as MMPs são ativadas durante a etapa de ataque ácido realizada nos protocolos de aplicação de sistemas adesivos, podendo ser ativada tanto por procedimentos adesivos com condicionamento ácido prévio como por sistemas adesivos autocondicionantes. Além da CHX, outras substâncias foram pesquisadas e se mostraram eficazes na inibição de MMPs. Considerações finais: por meio da inibição da atividade das MMPs, é possível obter uma maior durabilidade da interface adesiva e uma menor degradação hidrolítica do colágeno presente na camada híbrida. (AU)
Objective: to perform a literature review on the efficacy of chlorhexidine (CHX) and other types of metalloproteinase inhibitors (MMPs) on hybrid layer bond strength. Methods: the bibliographic search was performed in PubMed, in the months of november and december of 2018. The research was carried out in three phases with the previously selected descriptors. Publications have been included in the last 10 years in the form of scientific research conducted in vitro or in vivo. After analysis, following the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 7 studies were included in the present review. Results / Literature review: in the adhesive interface, the studies show that the MMPs are activated during the acid attack stage carried out in the application protocols of adhesive systems, and can be activated either by adhesive procedures with prior acid conditioning or self-etching adhesive systems. In addition to CHX, other substances were investigated and shown to be effective in inhibiting MMPs. Final considerations: through the inhibition of the MMPs activity it is possible to obtain a greater durability of the adhesive interface and lower hydrolytic degradation of the collagen present in the hybrid layer. (AU)
Humans , Chlorhexidine/chemistry , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors/chemistry , Benzalkonium Compounds/chemistry , Fibrillar Collagens/drug effects , Proanthocyanidins/chemistry , Dentin/drug effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Nowadays, demand for esthetic restorations has risen considerably; thus, nonmetal esthetic posts made of either high-strength ceramics or reinforced resins, such as fiber-reinforced resin posts, have become more and more popular. Important characteristics of fiber-reinforced posts involve a modulus of elasticity similar to dentin and their ability to be cemented by an adhesive technique. A total of 36 maxillary incisors were divided into four groups. In this study, four adhesively luted fiber-reinforced (glass fiber, quartz glass fiber, zirconia glass fiber and woven polyethylene fiber ribbon) post systems were used. Post spaces were prepared by employing drills according to the protocol established for each group, and each post was adhesively luted with one of three adhesive systems. Three segments per root apical to the cementoenamel junction (CEJ) were obtained by sectioning the root under distilled water with a carbon spare saw. The samples (total of 108 sections) were 2.0±0.1 mm in thickness and they were stored individually in black film canisters with sterile distilled water. In order to determine the bond strength, the bonding area of each specimen was measured, and specimens were attached to a device to test microtensile strength at a speed of 1 mm/min. The analyses revealed no statistically significant differences between the adhesive systems and fiber-reinforced posts. (P> 0.05). However, the coronal portion of the root dentin had the highest bond strength. Adhesive systems used along with fiber-reinforced resin posts demonstrated reliable bonding.
Humans , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Crowns , Quartz/chemistry , Tensile Strength , Zirconium , Dental Enamel , Dental Pulp Cavity , Dental Stress Analysis , Dentin , GlassABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the bonding strength of non-simplified dentin bonding systems (DBS) to dentin irradiated with a diode laser (970 nm) immediately and after 12 months of water storage following either primer or bond application. Material and methods: The experimental design included three different factors: DBS type [AdperTM Scotchbond Multipurpose (MP) and Clearfil™ SE Bond (CSE)], irradiation [without irradiation - control (C), irradiation after primer application (AP), and irradiation after bond application (AB)], and time [initial (I) and after 12 months of water storage (12 m)]. Sixty sound human third molars (n = 10) were obtained, and their flat occlusal dentin areas were prepared and standardized. Laser irradiation was performed in the contact mode perpendicular to the dental surface over an automatically selected scanning area at a pulse energy of 0.8 W, frequency of 10 Hz, and energy density of 66.67 J/cm2. After 7 days of treatment, the specimens were cut, and half of them were subjected to microtensile testing (500 N/0.05 mm/min), whereas the remaining sticks were examined after 12 months of water storage. The obtained data were analyzed by three-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by a Tukey test (p<0.05). The observed fracture modes were investigated using a portable digital microscope with a magnification of 40x. Results: Among the utilized DBS, MP generally exhibited higher bond strengths, but did not always differ from CSE under similar conditions. The irradiation factor was statistically significant only for the MP/AB groups. After 12 months of storage, all groups demonstrated a significant reduction in the bond strength, whereas the results of fracture analysis showed a predominance of the adhesive type. Conclusions: The laser treatment of non-simplified DBS was not able to stabilize their bonding characteristics after 12 months.
Humans , Dental Bonding/methods , Dentin-Bonding Agents/radiation effects , Resin Cements/radiation effects , Dentin/radiation effects , Lasers, Semiconductor , Reference Values , Surface Properties/radiation effects , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Water/chemistry , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Microscopy, Atomic Force , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dentin/drug effects , Polymerization/radiation effectsABSTRACT
Abstract Several anti-proteolytic dentin therapies are being exhaustively studied in an attempt to reduce dentin bond degradation and improve clinical performance and longevity of adhesive restorations. Objectives This study assessed the effect of epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) on long-term bond strength when incorporated into adhesives. Material and Methods Adhesive systems were formulated with EGCG concentrations of 0 wt%: (no EGCG; control); 0.5 wt% EGCG; 1.0 wt% EGCG, and 1.5 wt% EGCG. Flexural strength (FS), modulus of elasticity (ME), modulus of resilience (MR), compressive strength (CS), degree of conversion (DC), polymerization shrinkage (PS), percentage of water sorption (%WS), percentage of water solubility (%WL) and cytotoxicity properties were tested. Dentin microtensile bond strength (µTBS) was evaluated after 24 h and again after 6 months of water storage. The adhesive interface was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results No significant differences were found among the groups in terms of FS, ME, MR, CS and PS. EGCG-doped adhesives increased the DC relative to the control group. EGCG concentrations of 1.0 wt% and 0.5 wt% decreased the WS of adhesives. WL decreased in all cases in which EGCG was added to adhesives, regardless of the concentration. EGCG concentrations of 1.0 wt% and 0.5 wt% reduced cytotoxicity. EGCG concentrations of 1.0 wt% and 0.5 wt% preserved µTBS after 6 months of storage, while 1.5 wt% EGCG significantly decreased µTBS. SEM: the integrity of the hybrid layer was maintained in the 0.5 wt% and 1.0 wt% EGCG groups. Conclusion EGCG concentrations of 1.0 wt% and 0.5 wt% showed better biological and mechanical performance, preserved bond strength and adhesive interface, and reduced cytotoxicity.
Humans , Catechin/analogs & derivatives , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate/chemistry , Methacrylates/chemistry , Reference Values , Solubility , Surface Properties , Tensile Strength , Time Factors , Materials Testing , Camphor/analogs & derivatives , Camphor/chemistry , Water/chemistry , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Catechin/toxicity , Catechin/chemistry , Cell Line , Cell Survival/drug effects , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Dentin-Bonding Agents/toxicity , Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate/toxicity , Compressive Strength , Dentin/drug effects , Dentin/chemistry , Elastic Modulus , Polymerization , Fibroblasts/drug effects , Flexural Strength , Methacrylates/toxicityABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanical performance and the fracture behavior of endocrown restorations prepared using distinct restorative materials. A total of 42 sound molars with similar crown size and shape were cut at 2 mm above the cementoenamel junction and endodontically treated. They were categorized according to the restorative material used to fabricate endocrown restorations (n=7), namely, conventional composite (Filtek™ Z350 XT), bulk fill composite (Filtek™ Bulk Fill), conventional composite modeled using resin adhesives (SBMP: Scotchbond™ Multipurpose Adhesive; or SBU: Scotchbond™ Universal Adhesive), and IPS e.max lithium disilicate (Ivoclar Vivadent; positive control). Unprepared sound teeth were used as negative control. All endocrowns were bonded using a self-adhesive cement (Rely-X™ U200). The teeth were submitted to fatigue (Byocycle) and fracture (EMIC DL500) testing. Load-to-fracture (in N) and work-of-fracture (Wf, in J/m2) values were analyzed by ANOVA (p < 0.05). The endocrowns did not fracture or de-bond upon fatigue, showing similar load-to-fracture and work-of-fracture values, regardless of the restorative material (p > 0.05). The endocrowns fabricated by combining Z350 and SBMP had the least harsh fractures, in contrast to endocrowns prepared using Z350 only, which exhibited an equilibrium between repairable and irrepairable fractures. The e.max endocrowns exhibited more aggressive failures (root fracture) than other groups, resulting in higher rates of irrepairable fractures. In conclusion, dental practitioners may satisfactorily restore severely damaged nonvital teeth using the endocrown technique. Composite endocrowns prepared using resin adhesive as modeler liquid or using bulk fill material may result in less aggressive failures, thus providing a new material perspective for endocrown restorations.
Humans , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Crowns , Dental Restoration, Permanent/methods , Reference Values , Root Canal Filling Materials/chemistry , Tooth Fractures , Materials Testing , Reproducibility of Results , Dental Prosthesis Design , Tooth, Nonvital , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Dental Stress AnalysisABSTRACT
Objective: to compare the adhesive strength in dentin of three universal adhesive systems in vitro by means of the shear test. materials and methods: seventy-five bovine teeth were selected and cut. dentin was exposed from the buccal surface of the crowns with 220 grit sandpaper, and samples were then inserted in transparent acrylic bases (15x10mm). the samples were randomly divided in 3 groups (n=25): G1-universal adhesive system Scotchbond Universal (3M ESPE-USA); G2- Universal adhesive system Peak Universal Bond (Ultradent); G3-Universal adhesive system Tetric N-Bond (Ivoclar Vivadent). the adhesive procedures were carried out according to the instructions of each manufacturer and the restorative procedures were carried out with micro-cylinders (made of Tygon type tubing 0.79x1.5mm) of the composite resin Filtek Z350XT-A2 (3M ESPE-USA). the samples were incubated at 37ºC (+/-5ºC) for 24 hours. adhesive strength was evaluated in a universal test machine by means of the shear test (0.5mm/min, 500N) and the resulting fracture type was evaluated with a Dinolite digital microscope (x200). the results were analyzed by descriptive statistics (Mean±SD), and inferential statistics by a one-way ANOVA. results: no statistically significant differences were found between the universal adhesive systems evaluated G1 (14.91±4.76), G2 (16.90±4.11) and G3 (17.34±4.04)/(p=0.114). conclusions: the shear test resulted in similar values of immediate adhesive strength of the three universal adhesive systems used.
Animals , Cattle , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , In Vitro Techniques , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cements/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract The aim was to evaluate the influence of different dentin preparation mode in the smear layer characteristics (SL), hybrid layer (HL), and microtensile bond strength (µTBS) to dentin with two resin cements. The occlusal dentin of 120 third molars was exposed. The teeth were divided into 4 groups (n=30) according to the dentin preparation mode: 1- fine grain diamond bur; 2- coarse grain diamond bur; 3- multi laminate carbide steel bur; and, 4- ultrasonic CV Dentus diamond bur. Each treated dentin group was divided into 2 sub-groups (n=15) according to the resin cement: (1) RelyX U200 and (2) RelyX ARC. Resin composite blocks were cemented on dentin. After storage at 37o C for 24 h, beams with a cross section area of 1.0 mm2 were obtained, and tested in a universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. Two additional teeth for each sub-group were prepared to analyze the SL and HL on a scanning electron microscopy. According to Kruskal-Wallis test and Dunn tests, there was no significant difference in µTBS among the rotary instruments within each resin cement group. RelyX ARC obtained higher µTBS values compared to RelyX U200 (p<0.05). RelyX ARC formed evident HL, which was not observed for RelyX U200. The dentin mode preparation did not influence the µTBS of the resin cements. The SL was different for all instruments. The cementing agent is more determinant in the hybrid layer formation and bond strength to dentin than the instruments applied on dentin.
Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência de diferentes modos de preparação da dentina nas características da smear layer (SL), da camada híbrida (CH) e na resistência de união à microtração (RUµT) à dentina com dois cimentos resinosos. A dentina oclusal de 120 terceiros molares humanos foi exposta. Os dentes foram divididos em 4 grupos (n=30) de acordo com o modo de preparação da dentina: 1 - ponta diamantada de granulação fina; 2 - ponta diamantada de granulação grossa; 3 - ponta de carboneto de aço multilaminada; 4 - ponta diamantada ultrassônica. Cada grupo foi subdividido em dois subgrupos (n=15) de acordo com o cimento resinoso: (1) RelyX U200 e (2) RelyX ARC. Blocos de resina composta foram cimentados na dentina. Após armazenamento a 37 °C por 24 h, as amostras foram cortadas para obter palitos com área de 1,0 mm2, os quais foram testados em máquina de ensaio universal com velocidade de 0,5 mm/min. Dois dentes adicionais por subgrupo foram preparados para analisar as características da SL e da CH em microscópio eletrônico de varredura. De acordo com o teste de Kruskal-Wallis e o teste de Dunn, não houve diferença significativa na RUµT entre os instrumentos rotatórios para cada cimento resinoso. RelyX ARC obteve maiores valores de RUµT em comparação ao RelyX U200 (p<0,05). RelyX ARC formou uma CH evidente, o que não foi observado para o RelyX U200. O modo de preparação da dentina não influenciou na RUµT dos cimentos resinosos. A SL foi diferente para todos os instrumentos. O agente de cimentação foi mais determinante na formação da camada híbrida e na resistência de união do que os instrumentos utilizados para preparar a dentina.
Humans , Tensile Strength , Dental Bonding , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistry , Dental Cavity Preparation/methods , Dentin/chemistry , Polyethylene Glycols , Polymethacrylic Acids , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Smear Layer , Bisphenol A-Glycidyl Methacrylate , Dental Stress Analysis , Molar, Third/chemistryABSTRACT
Abstract This study investigated the effect of blood-contamination on the push-out bond strength of BiodentineTM (BD) and MTA Angelus® (MTA-A) to root dentin over time. Twenty-five teeth were sectioned horizontally to obtain 120 root slices. The lumens were filled with MTA-A or BD: 60 for each cement (30 uncontaminated and 30 blood contaminated). Push out bond strength to dentin was assessed at 24 h (n=10), 7 days (n=10) and 28 days (n=10). Failure modes were classified as: cohesive, adhesive or mixed failure. Two-way ANOVA was used to investigate the interaction between blood contamination vs. hydration period. Mann Whitney test compared different materials in each period, and it also compared the contaminated versus uncontaminated material for each period. Friedman, followed by Dunn`s test, compared periods of hydration for each material, regardless of blood contamination. Failure modes were reported descriptively. The interaction hydration period vs. blood contamination was highly significant for MTA-A (P=0.001) and it was not significant for BD (P=0.474). There were no differences between bond strength of uncontaminated and contaminated BD in any of the periods. Bond strength of uncontaminated MTA-A increased at each time of hydration; but it remained stable over time for blood-contaminated samples. BD had higher bond strength than MTA-A in all periods of hydration. Cohesive failure predominated. Only for MTA-A, the over time bond strength to dentin was affected by blood contamination.
Resumo Este estudo investigou o efeito da contaminação sanguínea na resistência de união do BiodentineTM (BD) e do MTA Angelus® (MTA-A) à dentina, em diferentes períodos. Vinte e cinco dentes foram seccionados para obter 120 fatias de dentina. Os lúmens das fatias foram preenchidos com MTA-A ou BD: 60 para cada cimento (30 não-contaminados e 30 contaminados com sangue). A resistência de união à dentina foi medida por teste push-out em 24 horas (n=10), 7 dias (n=10) e 28 dias (n=10). Os tipos de falha foram classificados como: falha coesiva, adesiva ou mista. Two-way ANOVA foi usado para investigar a interação entre contaminação sanguínea vs. período de hidratação. O teste de Mann Whitney comparou os diferentes materiais em cada período, e comparou as amostras contaminadas e não contaminadas de cada material em cada tempo. O teste de Friedman, seguido pelo teste de Dunn, comparou os períodos de hidratação de cada material, independentemente da contaminação. A análise estatística mostrou a interação entre contaminação sanguínea vs. período de hidratação. Os tipos de falha foram reportados de maneira descritiva. A interação entre contaminação sanguínea vs. período de hidratação foi altamente significativa para o MTA-A (P=0,001), e não foi significativa para o BD (P=0,474). Não houve diferenças entre a resistência de união entre o BD contaminado e não-contaminado independente do período. A resistência de união do MTA-A não-contaminado aumentou a cada tempo de hidratação; mas, permaneceu estável ao longo do tempo para as amostras contaminadas com sangue. BD obteve maior resistência de união que o MTA-A em todos os períodos de hidratação. Falhas coesivas predominaram. A contaminação ao longo do tempo influenciou a resistência de união no grupo MTA-A.
Humans , Blood , Materials Testing , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Calcium Compounds/chemistry , Aluminum Compounds/chemistry , Dental Cements/chemistry , Oxides/chemistry , Silicates/chemistry , Dental Stress Analysis , Drug CombinationsABSTRACT
Abstract This study evaluated application protocol (etch-and-rinse/ER and self-etching/SE) and dentin wettability (wet and dry) on microtensile bond strength (μTBS) and transdentinal cytotoxicity of ScotchbondTM Universal (SU) adhesive system. The μTBS values and fracture mode were registered 24 h after adhesive system application and resin composite block build-up (n=5). For analysis of transdentinal cytotoxicity, odontoblast-like MDPC-23 cells were seeded on pulpal surface of dentin discs (0.4 mm thick) adapted to artificial pulp chambers (n=8). The adhesive system was applied to occlusal surface, followed by 24-h incubation time. Cell viability (Alamar Blue) and morphology (SEM) were assessed. Adper Single Bond 2 and Clearfil SE Bond were used as positive controls of the ER and SE application protocols, respectively. No treatment was performed on negative control (NC) group. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and Tukey's tests (α=5%). Higher μTBS values were found for ER mode in comparison with SE protocol (p<0.05). Dentin wettability had no effect on bond strength of SU in both the ER and SE techniques (p>0.05). Most fractures involved hybrid layer and/or adhesive layer. Neither variable prevented the intense toxic effects of adhesive systems on MDPC-23 cultured cells, since intense reduction in cell viability (±88%) and severe alterations in cell morphology were observed for all groups compared to NC, with no differences among them (p>0.05). Therefore, it was concluded that application of SU following the ER protocol had better adhesive performance. However, this adhesive system featured intense transdentinal cytotoxicity to pulp cells, regardless of application protocol and dentin wettability.
Resumo Este estudo avaliou o protocolo de aplicação (convencional/ER e autocondicionante/SE) e o grau de umidade da dentina (úmida e seca) sobre a resistência de união à microtração (μTBS) e a citotoxicidade transdentinária do sistema adesivo ScotchbondTM Universal (SU). Os valores de μTBS e o modo de fratura foram registrados 24 h após aplicação do sistema adesivo e restauração com resina composta pela técnica incremental. Para avaliação da citotoxicidade transdentinária, células odontoblastóides MDPC-23 foram semeadas na face pulpar de discos de dentina (0,4 mm de espessura) adaptados a câmaras pulpares artificiais (n = 8). O sistema adesivo foi aplicado na superfície oclusal, seguido de incubação por 24 h. A viabilidade e morfologia celular foram avaliadas pelo teste de Alamar Blue e MEV, respectivamente. Adper Single Bond 2 e Clearfil SE Bond foram utilizados como controle positivo do protocolo de aplicação ER e SE, respectivamente. Nenhum tratamento foi realizado no grupo controle negativo (NC). Os dados foram analisados pelos testes de ANOVA e Tukey (α = 5%). Maiores valores de μTBS foram encontrados para o modo ER em comparação com o protocolo SE (p < 0,05). O grau de umidade da dentina não apresentou efeito na resistência de união do SU em ambos os protocolos ER e SE (p > 0.05). A maioria das fraturas envolveu a camada híbrida e / ou camada adesiva. Ambas as variáveis não preveniram o intenso efeito citotóxico dos sistemas adesivos sobre as células MDPC-23 em cultura, uma vez que redução intensa na viabilidade celular (± 88%) e alterações severas na morfologia celular foram observadas para todos os grupos quando comparados ao NC, sem diferenças entre eles (p > 0.05). Desta forma, foi concluído que a aplicação do SU seguindo o protocolo ER apresentou melhor performance adesiva. No entanto, esse sistema adesivo promoveu intensa citotoxicidade transdentinária sobre células pulpares, independente do protocolo de aplicação e grau de umidade dentinária.
Humans , Dental Cements/chemistry , Dentin/chemistry , Tensile Strength , Cell Line , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Resin Cements/chemistryABSTRACT
This study evaluated the shear stress distribution on the adhesive interface and the bond strength between resin cement and two ceramics. For finite element analysis (FEA), a tridimensional model was made using computer-aided design software. This model consisted of a ceramic slice (10x10x2mm) partially embedded on acrylic resin with a resin cement cylinder (Ø=3.4 mm and h=3mm) cemented on the external surface. Results of maximum principal stress and maximum principal shear were obtained to evaluate the stress generated on the ceramic and the cylinder surfaces. In order to reproduce the in vitro test, similar samples to the computational model were manufactured according to ceramic material (Zirconia reinforced lithium silicate - ZLS and high translucency Zirconia - YZHT), (N=48, n=12). Half of the specimens were submitted to shear bond test after 24h using a universal testing machine (0.5 mm/min, 50kgf) until fracture. The other half was stored (a) (180 days, water, 37ºC) prior to the test. Bond strength was calculated in MPa and submitted to analysis of variance. The results showed that ceramic material influenced bond strength mean values (p=0.002), while aging did not: YZHT (19.80±6.44)a, YZHTa (17.95±7.21)a, ZLS (11.88±5.40)b, ZLSa (11.76±3.32)b. FEA results showed tensile and shear stress on ceramic and cylinder surfaces with more intensity on their periphery. Although the stress distribution was similar for both conditions, YZHT showed higher bond strength values; however, both materials seemed to promote durable bond strength.
Humans , Dental Bonding , Dentin-Bonding Agents/chemistry , Composite Resins/chemistry , Resin Cements , Dental Alloys/chemistry , Dental Porcelain/chemistry , Materials Testing , Adhesiveness , Dental Stress Analysis/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract This study evaluated the three-year lifespan of the bond to dentin of experimental self-etch adhesives containing benzodioxole derivatives - 1,3-benzodioxole (BDO) and piperonyl alcohol (PA) - as co-initiator alternative to amines. Adhesive resins were formulated using Bis-GMA, TEGDMA, HEMA, camphorquinone and different co-initiators: BDO, PA or ethyl 4-dimethylamino benzoate (EDAB - amine). An experimental self-etch primer was used to complete the two-step, self-etch adhesive system. Clearfil SE Bond (CSE) was used as commercial reference. Bond strength to human dentin was assessed by microtensile bond strength (µTBS) test, and failure mode was classified. Morphology of the dentin bonding interface was assessed via scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Irrespective of the dental adhesives evaluated, µTBS was higher after 24 hours compared with that after 1.5 and 3 years (p ≤ 0.001). However, adhesives with BDO and PA as co-initiators showed significantly higher bond strength than the bonding resin with EDAB (p ≤ 0.002), independent of the time evaluated. The commercial adhesive CSE showed similar bond strength compared with the other groups (p ≥ 0.05). Mixed failures were mainly observed after 24 hours, while adhesive failures were more frequently observed after 1.5 and 3 years. No notable differences in homogeneity and continuity along the bonded interfaces were detected among the materials in the SEM analysis. In conclusion, benzodioxole derivatives are feasible alternative co-initiators to tertiary amine in camphorquinone-based self-etching dental adhesive formulations.