O anseio por um sorriso harmônico tem se tornado cada vez maior, uma vez que muitos pacientes relatam desconforto ao sorrir, pois correlacionam a estética do sorriso a problemas de baixa autoestima e em alguns casos suscetibilidade a alterações psicossociais decorrente aos padrões estéticos impostos pela sociedade. O sorriso gengival é uma das grandes queixas relatadas por pacientes. A exposição excessiva de gengiva maxilar pode ser decorrente a fatores gengivais, ósseos, dentários e musculares. Dentre os tratamentos disponíveis para diminuir essa exposição, contamos com cirurgias periodontais, aplicação de toxina botulínica, tratamentos ortodônticos, cirurgia ortognática e reposicionamento labial. O tratamento adequado será definido de acordo com o fator etiológico de cada caso. Diante disso o objetivo do trabalho é realizar um relato de caso sobre aumento de coroa clínica estética. A paciente estava descontente com a exibição de uma grande quantidade gengival ao sorrir. Após estudos clínicos e de imagem o diagnóstico foi de erupção passiva alterada, tipo IB. O tratamento de escolha foi a gengivoplastia associada a remodelação óssea osteotomia e osteoplastia. O tratamento estético vai além de uma boa aparência, através deste trabalho, foi possível evidenciar impactos benéficos que o sorriso harmônico pode acarretar na vida do indivíduo, atendendo suas expectativas e a do cirurgião-dentista(AU)
The desire for a harmonic smile has become increasing, since many patients report discomfort when smiling, as they correlate smile aesthetics to problems of low self-esteem and in some cases susceptibility to psychosocial changes due to aesthetic standards imposed by society. Gummy smile is one of the major complaints reported by patients. Excessive exposure of the maxillary gingiva may be due to gingival, bone, dental and muscular factors. Among the treatments available to reduce this exposure, we have periodontal surgeries, botulinum toxin application, orthodontic treatments, orthognathic surgery and lip repositioning. The appropriate treatment will be defined according to the etiological factor of each case. Therefore, the objective of this work is to carry out a case report on aesthetic clinical crown augmentation. Patient discount with the display of a large amount of gingival when smiling. After clinical and imaging studies, the diagnosis was an altered passive eruption, type IB. The treatment of choice was gingivoplasty associated with bone remodeling, osteotomy and osteoplasty. Final comments and conclusions: The aesthetic treatment goes beyond a good appearance, through this work, it was possible to evidence beneficial impacts that the harmonic smile can have on the individual's life, meeting their expectations and that of the dentist(AU)
Humans , Female , Adult , Crown Lengthening , Esthetics, Dental , Bone Remodeling , Dentistry, OperativeABSTRACT
Objective: Evaluate a fluoride varnish modified by nanostructures with the bioactive qualities of silica (SiO2) and niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5), testing its remineralizing potential by surface hardness (SH) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Material and Methods: Bovine enamel specimens (6×4×2mm) were prepared and submitted to a demineralizing/remineralizing process to produce a subsurface caries-like lesion, evaluated by transversal microradiography image (TMR) and subsequently distributed randomly into three groups: fluoride varnish (VZ); fluoride varnish + silica gelatin (VZ-SiO2) and fluoride varnish + niobium nanoparticles (VZ-Nb2O5). The specimens were subjected to a pH-cycling demineralizing/remineralizing process for 7 days at 37ºC. The %SH loss and %SH recovery (after the pH-cycling regimen) were calculated (n=10/group). The Ca/P weight ratio before and after the pH-cycling regimen was evaluated through SEM/EDX. A two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey's test (p<0.05) was performed for hardness and EDX. Results: TMR image showed the formation of an artificial subsurface lesion, and a significant SH increase was observed in the VZ-Nb2O5 group (p<0.05). Regarding the %SHL and %SHR, the VZ-Nb2O5 and VZ-SiO2 were significantly different compared to the VZ group (p<0.001), but VZ-Nb2O5 presented higher values. The Ca/P ratio showed that blocks treated with VZ-SiO2 and VZ-Nb2O5 showed greater ion deposition, particularly in the presence of Nb. Conclusion: The bioactivity of niobium facilitated greater interaction between the enamel and the varnish, leading to a slow release of nanoparticles and a longer-lasting remineralizing effect (AU)
Objetivo: Avaliar um verniz fluoretado modificado por nanoestruturas com a bioatividade da sílica (SiO2) e pentóxido de nióbio (Nb2O5), testando seu potencial remineralizador pela dureza de superfície (SH) e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX). Material e Métodos: Espécimes de esmalte bovino (6×4×2mm) foram preparados e submetidos à desmineralização/remineralização para produzir uma lesão subsuperficial semelhante a cárie, avaliada por imagem de microrradiografia transversal (TMR) sendo distribuída em três grupos: verniz fluoretado (VZ); verniz fluoretado+gelatina de sílica (VZ-SiO2) e verniz fluoretado+nanopartículas de nióbio (VZ-Nb2O5). As amostras foram submetidas à desmineralização/remineralização por ciclagem de pH durante 7 dias a 37°C. A porcentagem de perda e recuperação de SH foram calculadas (n=10/grupo). A relação em peso Ca/P antes e depois da ciclagem foi avaliada através de MEV/EDX. ANOVA a dois critérios seguida do teste de Tukey (p<0,05) foi realizada para dureza e EDX. Resultados: A TMR mostrou a formação de uma lesão subsuperficial e um aumento significativo de SH foi observado no grupo VZ-Nb2O5 (p<0,05). Em relação ao %SHL e %SHR, o VZ-Nb2O5 e o VZ-SiO2 foram significativamente diferentes em relação ao grupo VZ (p<0,001), mas o VZ-Nb2O5 apresentou valores maiores. A relação Ca/P mostrou que os blocos tratados com VZ-SiO2 e VZ-Nb2O5 apresentaram maior deposição de íons, principalmente na presença de Nb. Conclusão: A bioatividade do nióbio facilitou maior interação entre o esmalte e o verniz, levando a uma liberação lenta de nanopartículas e a um efeito remineralizante mais duradouro (AU)
Tooth Remineralization , Dentistry, Operative , Nanostructures , Fluorides , NiobiumABSTRACT
Aim: To assess the opinion of the students on the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on theoretical knowledge and clinical practice in dentistry at the Piracicaba Dental School FOP/UNICAMP. Methods: A questionnaire was applied using the Google Forms platform, containing 20 questions related to the impacts of the pandemic on knowledge, mental health, and clinical and laboratory practice of dentistry. The satisfaction of the students with teaching was also evaluated. A total of 120 questionnaires were analyzed using R software, through tables and graphs of absolute and relative frequencies distribution. Results: COVID-19 affected the lives of 99% students who participated in the study. Due to distance learning resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, 50% of the students considered locking or dropping out of college. Operative dentistry was the curricular component most affected by distance and lack of clinical practice. Although most students agreed that the workload of practical disciplines was or would be replaced, 95% felt some kind of deficit in clinical and laboratory practice even with the replacement of the workload. In addition, 93.3% of the students were afraid of not becoming a qualified professional due to the deficiencies on theoretical knowledge and clinical practice caused by the pandemic. Conclusions: Students showed dissatisfaction with the deficiency of clinical and laboratory practice resulting from the pandemic in operative dentistry curricular component. They reported fear and insecurity with their future professional lives. The indication of remote classes for dentistry should only be carried out in emergencies because this is an essentially practical course that suffers losses in learning
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Students, Dental , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Dentistry, Operative , COVID-19 , LearningABSTRACT
Tendo em vista a importância da relação Dentística Restauradora e Periodontia na Odontologia atual, o presente estudo demonstrou o relato de um caso clínico realizado no Complexo Odontológico do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha (FSG), retratando um procedimento de restauração transcirúrgica em um paciente cujo elemento 13 estava comprometido com uma cavidade subgengival disto-palatino, sendo a resina composta o material restaurador de escolha. Este estudo teve como objetivo apresentar um caso clínico demonstrando a técnica de restauração transcirúrgica e a integração do planejamento entre Periodontia e Dentística Restauradora realizado na Clínica de Odontologia do Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha -FSG. Este trabalho mostrou a importância da realização de uma técnica cirúrgica e restauradora correta por parte dos cirurgiões-dentistas, assim como na verificação de que os tecidos periodontais podem reagir de forma positiva à presença de materiais restauradores adesivos posicionados subgengivalmente(AU)
In view of the importance of the restorative dentistry and periodontics relationship in current dentistry, the present study demonstrated the report of a clinical case carried out in the Dental Complex of the Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha - FSG, portraying a transsurgical restoration procedure in a patient whose element 13 was compromised with a subgingival cavity of this-palatine, the composite resin being the restorative material of choice. This study aimed to present a clinical case demonstrating the technique of transsurgical restoration and the integration of planning between Periodontics and Restorative Dentistry carried out at the Dentistry Clinic of the University Centro Universitário da Serra Gaúcha - FSG. This study showed the importance of performing a correct surgical and restorative technique by dentists, as well as in verifying that periodontal tissues can react positively to the presence of adhesive restorative materials positioned subgingival(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Periodontium , Crown Lengthening , Composite Resins , Periodontics , Dentistry, OperativeABSTRACT
The dental operative microscope has been widely employed in the field of dentistry, particularly in endodontics and operative dentistry, resulting in significant advancements in the effectiveness of root canal therapy, endodontic surgery, and dental restoration. However, the improper use of this microscope continues to be common in clinical settings, primarily due to operators' insufficient understanding and proficiency in both the features and established operating procedures of this equipment. In October 2019, Professor Jingping Liang, Vice Chairman of the Society of Cariology and Endodontology, Chinese Stomatological Association, organized a consensus meeting with Chinese experts in endodontics and operative dentistry. The objective of this meeting was to establish a standard operation procedure for the dental operative microscope. Subsequently, a consensus was reached and officially issued. Over the span of about four years, the content of this consensus has been further developed and improved through practical experience.
Humans , Dentistry, Operative , Consensus , Endodontics , Root Canal Therapy , Dental CareABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate whether the dimensions of cavitated dentin carious lesions on the occlusoproximal surfaces of primary teeth could predict the location of cement-enamel junction (CEJ). Material and Methods: Two hundred extracted primary molars were selected and digital images were obtained. The teeth were set in arch models for clinical measurement. The cervical-occlusal (CO) and buccal-lingual/palatal (BL/P) cavities' dimensions were obtained by digital (Image J) and clinical (periodontal millimeter probe) assessments. The cervical margin location was also determined. The thresholds (cut-off points) were determined by sensitivity, specificity and the areas under the receiver operating characteristics curves (Az) for the two methods. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to investigate the correlation between clinical and digital measurements. Logistic regression analysis was performed to evaluate the association between the dimensions and cervical margin location. Results: There was a strong correlation between methods for all measurements (CO: r=0.90, VL/P: r=0.95). Cavities with BL/P distance higher than 4.5 mm and CO dimension higher than 3.5 mm had a lower chance of presenting the cervical limit above the CEJ, irrespective of the measurement method. Conclusion: CO and VL/P dimensions could be used to predict the CEJ location and, ultimately, as a clinical parameter for restorative decision-making.
Humans , Tooth, Deciduous/injuries , Dental Caries/complications , Dental Enamel/injuries , Dentin/injuries , Logistic Models , Data Interpretation, Statistical , Dentistry, Operative , Correlation of DataABSTRACT
A alta prevalência de cárie ao redor do mundo faz com que os tratamentos restauradores figurem entre os procedimentos mais executados pelos cirurgiõesdentistas. Também é bastante comum os profissionais relatarem novas lesões de cárie ao redor das restaurações ou até mesmo fraturas parciais ou totais das mesmas, fatores que podem ser considerados como "falhas" do procedimento restaurador. Diante dessas situações, a maioria dos profissionais entende que é necessário realizar a substituição completa da restauração. No entanto, existem outras técnicas mais conservadoras e que podem ser tão efetivas quanto a substituição/troca, como por exemplo a realização de reparo das restaurações apresentando defeitos. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar de forma clara e objetiva aos clínicos que se deparam diariamente com este cenário, qual seria o melhor momento para intervir, e quais as alternativas de tratamento, baseadas na melhor evidência científica disponível, a se realizar frente às falhas dos procedimentos restauradores, sempre alinhadas com a filosofia de Mínima Intervenção.
The high prevalence of caries worldwide makes restorative treatments some of the most commonly performed dental treatments. It is pretty common to find new caries lesions around the restorations or even partial or total fractures, factors that can be considered a "failure" for the restorative procedure. In these situations, most professionals understand that it is necessary to replace the restoration, but other more conservative techniques are as effective as a replacement, such as repairing the restorations. This article aims to present a clear and evidence-based when is the best time to intervene and what is the best treatment to be carried out in case of failure of the restorative procedures, in line with Minimal Intervention principles.
Dentistry, Operative , Dental Restoration Failure , Evidence-Based Dentistry , Dental Restoration RepairABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of using a higher rotation speed with the XP-endo Shaper (XPS) on apically extruded debris and operation time during endodontic treatment and retreatment procedures. Sixty mesial roots of mandibular first molar teeth were randomly assigned to four groups (Initial treatment groups: XPS used at 1000 or 3000rpm rotation speeds and Retreatment groups: XPS used at 1000 or 3000rpm rotation speeds). During the initial treatment and retreatment procedures preweighed eppendorf tubes were used to collect apically extruded debris, and the operation time was recorded in seconds. The extruded debris was quantified by subtracting the preinstrumentation from the postinstrumentation weight of the Eppendorf tubes. Data were analysed using two-way ANOVA at a significance level of 0.05. In all groups, the use of the XPS at 1000 or 3000rpm rotation speeds had no statistically significant effect on the amount of apically extruded debris (p>0.05). The use of the XPS at a 3000rpm rotation speed significantly decreased the instrumentation time (p<0.05). In summary, the use of the XPS at high rotation speeds in initial treatment and retreatment procedures did not have a significant effect on the amount of apically extruded debris but significantly decreased the operation time.
Resumen El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto del uso de una mayor velocidad de rotación con XP-endo Shaper (XPS) sobre los desechos extruidos apicalmente y el tiempo de operación durante el tratamiento endodóntico y los procedimientos de retratamiento. Sesenta raíces mesiales de los primeros molares mandibulares se asignaron aleatoriamente a cuatro grupos (grupos de tratamiento inicial: XPS usado a velocidades de rotación de 1000 o 3000rpm y grupos de retratamiento: XPS usado a velocidades de rotación de 1000 o 3000rpm). Durante el tratamiento inicial y los procedimientos de retratamiento se utilizaron tubos Eppendorf pesados previamente para recoger los desechos extruidos apicalmente, y el tiempo de operación se registró en segundos. Los residuos extruidos se cuantificaron restando la preinstrumentación del peso postinstrumentación de los tubos Eppendorf. Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA bidireccional a un nivel de significación de 0,05. En todos los grupos, el uso del XPS a velocidades de rotación de 1000 o 3000rpm no tuvo un efecto estadísticamente significativo sobre la cantidad de detritos extruidos apicalmente (p>0.05). El uso del XPS a una velocidad de rotación de 3000rpm disminuyó significativamente el tiempo de instrumentación (p<0.05). En resumen, el uso del XPS a altas velocidades de rotación en los procedimientos de tratamiento inicial y retratamiento no tuvo un efecto significativo en la cantidad de detritos extruidos apicalmente, pero disminuyó significativamente el tiempo de operación.
Humans , Dental Waste , Dentistry, Operative , EndodonticsABSTRACT
Introduction: The objective of this systematic review was to answer the question: Does the intraradicular post transfixed in the dental crown increases the fracture resistance of weakened and directly restored teeth? Methods: Electronic databases (MEDLINE/PubMed, LILACS, SCOPUS, EMBASE, Scientific Electronic Library Online - SCIELO, and Central Register of Controlled Trials - CENTRAL) were searched until March 2021, without language or year restriction. Grey literature was also searched through Google scholar and OpenGrey repository. Only in vitro stud-ies were included that evaluated the influence of the use of intraradicular post trans-fixed in the crown in the buccopalatal/lingual direction in the fracture resistance of the dental crown. Relevant results were summarized and evaluated. The risk of bias was also assessed in the studies. Results: Initial screening of databases resulted in 249 studies, of which 109 were excluded for being duplicates. Of 140 eligible pa-pers, fourteen studies met the inclusion criteria and were selected for full-text read-ing. Of these, two studies were excluded for not having access to the full article. All selected articles were classified as low risk of bias. Conclusion: Based on the studies, it is possible to conclude that the use of a transfixed post in the crown increases the fracture resistance of weakened and directly restored teeth.
Humans , Dentistry, Operative , Systematic Review , Tooth Crown , Dental Stress AnalysisABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To determine the patients' management pattern for restorative treatment procedures at the Restorative Dentistry Clinic at the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). Material and Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study design was employed to determine patients' management patterns for the restorative treatment procedures at the Restorative Dentistry Clinic at LASUTH. Treatment records of patients who attended the Restorative Clinic at the Lagos State University Hospital, Ikeja, Lagos, Nigeria, from 2011 to 2014 were reviewed; the effective treatments during the period under review were recorded as treatment procedures and were recorded as operative, endodontic, fixed prosthodontics, and removable procedures. Results: A total of 14,437 (75%) operative; 1,353 (7.0%) endodontic; and 559 (2.9%) fixed prosthodontics and 2,852 (14.9%) removable prosthodontic procedures were carried out during the period under review. This study showed that operative procedures were the most performed restorative procedures, whereas removable prosthodontics and endodontic procedures ranked second and third, respectively, to operative procedures. Fixed prosthodontics procedures were the least performed restorative procedures. Conclusion: This study showed that more efforts were being expended by dentists on operative services compared to endodontic, removable, and fixed prosthodontics services combined. Comprehensive studies, embracing all disciplines of dentistry, should be carried out to determine the level of demand and clinical relevance of procedures in clinical dental practice and hence to set specific and general objectives of dental education for the populace. Access to dental health Insurance services should also be increased in the country.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Prostheses and Implants , Surgical Procedures, Operative , Costs and Cost Analysis , Dentistry, Operative , Regenerative Endodontics , Nigeria , Root Canal Therapy , Medical Records , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Denture, Partial, Fixed , Denture, Partial, Removable , Electronic Health Records , Hospitals, TeachingABSTRACT
En los últimos años, el tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores ha ido ganando la atención del paciente adulto, que acude a la consulta en busca de tratamientos no solo estéticos sino, también, confortables. Esta situación favorece, a su vez, al odontólogo rehabilitador, quien frecuentemente plantea a sus pacientes la necesidad de realizar un tratamiento de ortodoncia previo a la rehabilitación integral. En estos pacientes, un tratamiento de ortodoncia con alineadores es, generalmente, mejor aceptado que un tratamiento con aparatología fija(AU)
In recent years, the orthodontic treatment with aligners has been gaining attention of adult patients, who go to our office in search of treatments that are not only aesthetic but also comfortable. This situation in turn favors the rehabilitation dentist, who frequently raises the need for his patients to undergo an orthodontic treatment prior to comprehensive rehabilitation. In these patients, an orthodontic treatment with aligners is generally better accepted than a treatment with fixed appliances(AU)
Humans , Adult , Orthodontic Appliances, Removable , Orthodontic Appliance Design , Dentistry, Operative , Esthetics, Dental , Malocclusion, Angle Class IABSTRACT
El objetivo del presente informe clínico es describir una manera de lograr resultados predecibles en las restauraciones estéticas, con una rehabilitación integral. Se emplearon distintos materiales, centrados en la nueva generación de materiales cerámicos para la confección de frentes estéticos. Se realizó un diagnóstico seguido de un plan de tratamiento que integró tanto la correcta función como la estética. Se tuvo en cuenta que la responsabilidad estética no se limita sólo a la forma, el tamaño y el color de los dientes, sino que, además, es importante preservar o recuperar la armonía dentogingival (AU)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Ceramics , Dental Veneers , Dentistry, Operative , Esthetics, Dental , Mouth Rehabilitation/methods , Patient Care Planning , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Crowns , Diagnosis, Oral , InlaysABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar a prevalência de lesões cervicais não cariosas em crianças na dentição decídua e possíveis fatores etiológicos associados. Métodos:Após a aprovação do Comitê de Ética CEP/UESPI (3.289.732), o estudo transversal foi realizado em 360 crianças com idade entre 2 a 6 anos, de escolas públicas e privadas, divididas em dois grupos: G1 (com lesões cervicais) e G2 (sem lesões cervicais). Foi aplicado um questionário aos pais, seguido do exame clínico das crianças. Foram consideradas lesões detectadas pelo tato e visualmente. Foram realizadas avaliações das médias e dos desvios padrão para variáveis quantitativas. Obteve-se porcentagens e frequências, realizando-se análises de associação entre as variáveis qualitativas a partir do qui-quadrado e comparação da idade média a partir do teste t (p < 0,05). Resultados: Somente lesões do tipo abfração foram encontradas na amostra (5%) e os indivíduos de raça branca apresentaram uma maior prevalência em relação aos demais (55,5%). Houve diferença estatisticamente significativa (p < 0,001) e essas lesões foram identificadas somente em escolas privadas. Quanto ao sexo, em G1, houve diferença estatisticamente significativa, (p = 0,01) com maior prevalência no masculino (66,7%). Os dentes mais acometidos em ordem decrescente foram os caninos e incisivos centrais superiores seguidos dos caninos e incisivos centrais inferiores. Conclusão: A prevalência de lesões cervicais não cariosas, do tipo abfração, em crianças de 2 a 6 anos de idade foi de 5%, tendo sido encontradas somente em escolas privadas, com predominância no sexo masculino. Houve associação entre a abfração e o tipo de escova utilizada na escovação dentária, apresentando maior frequência de lesões quando escovas duras eram utilizadas e escovação forte era executada.
Aim:To determine the prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions in children in the primary dentition and possible associated etiological factors. Method: After approval by the Ethics Committee - CEP / UESPI (3,289,732) this cross-sectional study was carried out on 360 children, from 2 to 6 years of age, from public and private schools, divided into two groups: G1 (with cervical lesions) and G2 (without cervical lesions). A questionnaire was applied to the parents, followed by the children's clinical examination. Lesions detected by touch and visually were considered. Evaluations of means and standard deviations were performed for quantitative variables. Percentages and frequencies were obtained, analyzing the association between qualitative variables based on the chi-square test and comparing the average age using the t test (p < 0.05). Results:Only abfraction-type lesions were found in the sample (5%), and white individuals presented a higher prevalence in relation to the others (55.5%). There was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.001), and these lesions were found only in private schools. As for sex, in G1, there was a statistically significant difference (p = 0.01) with a higher prevalence in males (66.7%). The most affected teeth in decreasing order were the canines and upper central incisors, followed by the canines and lower central incisors. Conclusion: The prevalence of non-carious cervical lesions of the abfraction type in children from 2 to 6 years of age was 5%, which was only found in private schools, with a predominance in males. An association was found between the abfraction and the type of brush used in toothbrushing, with a higher frequency of lesions when hard brushes were used and strong brushing was performed.
Child, Preschool , Child , Tooth Abrasion , Tooth, Deciduous , Tooth Erosion , Dental Care for Children , Neck Injuries , Dentistry, Operative , Tooth WearABSTRACT
Dental operative microscope has been wildly used in endodontics and operative dentistry for many years. Many progresses have been made by using operative microscope in improving the outcomes of root canal therapy, endodontic surgery and operative dentistry. However, in clinical practice, improper use of the dental operative microscope is not uncommon, the reason related to which is the operator's lack of understanding and mastering not only the properties but also the standard operative procedure of the dental operative microscope. To this end, in October 2019, the vice chairman of the Society of Cariology and Endodontology, Chinese Stomatological Association, professor Liang Jingping, organized a group of professional experts in this field, convened a meeting about the standard operative procedure of dental operative microscope. Experts at the meeting had a very heated discussion and the consensuses were reached.
Humans , China , Consensus , Dentistry, Operative , Reference Standards , Endodontics , Reference Standards , Microscopy , Reference Standards , Root Canal TherapyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Manual skills form only a part of the capabilities required for a future dentist. Nevertheless, they are very important components that should be tested. The aim of this study is to investigate if a correlation exists between dental students' grades in the preclinical courses and their clinical performance. Preclinical/clinical grades were collected for first, fourth, and fifth year students who graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, in 2016, and 2017. Two courses (Dental Anatomy and Operative Dentistry) were selected. Corre-lations comparing the practical grades of Dental Anatomy course for first year students, and the practical grades of Operative Dentistry course for the same students in fourth and fifth years. Statistically significant positive correlation was found between the soap carving grades of first-year dental students and their practical grades in Operative Dentistry course during fourth and fifth years. Also, statistically significant strong positive correlation was found between the grades of fourth-year practical Operative Dentistry and the grades of fifth-year practical Operative Dentistry. The clinical performance of dental students in their practical courses in fourth and fifth years can be predicted from their soap carving grades at their first year in Dental School.
RESUMEN: Las habilidades manuales forman solo una parte de las capacidades requeridas para un futuro dentista. Sin embargo, son componentes muy importantes que deben ser probados. El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar si existe una correlación entre las calificaciones de los estudiantes de odontología en los cursos preclínicos y su desempeño clínico. Los grados preclínicos / clínicos se obtuvieron para los estudiantes de primero, cuarto y quinto año, graduados de la Facultad de Odontología, de la Universidad de Jordania, Amman, Jordania, en 2016 y 2017. Se seleccionaron dos cursos (Anatomía Dental y Odontología Operativa). Correlaciones que comparan los grados prácticos del curso de Anatomía Dental para estudiantes de primer año y las notas de calificación prácticas del curso de Odontología Operativa para los mismos estudiantes en cuarto y quinto año. Se encontró una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, entre las notas de tallado de jabón de los estudiantes de primer año de odontología y sus notas de calificación prácticas en el curso de Odontología Operativa durante el cuarto y quinto años. Además, se encontró una fuerte correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa entre las notas de calificación en Odontología Operativa práctica de cuarto año y los grados de Odontología Operativa práctica de quinto año. El rendimiento clínico de los estudiantes de odontología en sus cursos prácticos en cuarto y quinto año se puede predecir a partir de las calificaciones en tallado de jabón durante su primer año en la Escuela de Odontología.
Humans , Male , Female , Students, Dental/psychology , Dentistry, Operative/education , Academic Performance , Anatomy/education , Tooth/surgeryABSTRACT
Después de realizar una exodoncia inicia un proceso de remodelación ósea, dejando como consecuencia un volumen óseo disminuido que puede impedir la colocación de un implante dental en óptimas condiciones. Objetivo: Evaluar la preser-vación alveolar post-exodoncia utilizando sulfato de calcio oxenoinjerto en cobayos en comparación con la cicatrización espontánea. Materiales y Métodos: Se utilizaron 30 cobayos machos, de cuatro meses de edad, asignados en tres grupos de 10 cobayos cada uno: G1 Sulfato de calcio, G2 Xenoinjerto (bovino) G3 control negativo (sin sustituto óseo). Se realizó la exodoncia del incisivo central inferior derecho se cureteó y lavó con suero fisiológico, el grupo G1 y G2 se rellenaron con el biomaterial correspondiente, el grupo G3 no recibió ningún biomaterial. La sutura fue punto en X con Vicryl (4/0). Se tomó radiografías estandarizadas en el pos operatorio inmediato y a los 40 dias,se medió la cresta alveolar en mesial, distal y coronal. A los 40 días los cobayos fueron sacrificados, obteniendo el segmento de hueso alveolar para el análisis histológico del alvéolo. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el test de Kruskal Wallis y chi cuadrado con un nivel de significancia del 5%. Resultados: Fue observada la preservación de la cresta alveolar en mesial 2,92 (p= 0,025) y cervical 0,92 (p=0,043). En el análisis histológico los espacios en la región fibrosa en la parte media del alvéolo fue 26,00 para el sulfato de calcio y 23,80 para el xenoinjerto (p = 0,011), en apical 16,20para el sulfato de calcio y 20,60para el xenoinjerto (p= 0,020), espacios vacíos en coronal (p= 0,003), tejido fibroso (p=0,010), regeneración ósea (p= 0,019), áreas hialinas (p= 0,010).Conclusión: Se preservan mejor los alvéolos postextracción usando Sulfato de Calcio y Xenoinjerto en compa-ración con la cicatrización espontánea en cobayos.
After performing an extraction, a process of bone remodeling begins, leaving as a consequence a decreased osseous volume that can prevent the placement of a dental implant in optimal conditions. Objective: To evaluate post-exodontia alveolar preservation using calcium sulfate or xenograft in guinea pigs compared to spontaneous healing. Materials and Methods:30 male guinea pigs, four months old, assigned in three groups of 10 guinea pigs each were used: G1 Calcium sulphate, G2 Xenograft (bovine) G3 Negative control (without bone substitute). Exodontia of the lower right central incisor was curetted and washed with physiological serum, group G1 and G2 were filled with the corresponding biomaterial, group G3 did not receive any biomaterial. The suture was point in X with Vicryl (4/0). Standardized radiographs were taken in the imme-diate postoperative period and after 40 days, the alveolar crest was measured mesially, distally and coronally. At 40 days the guinea pigs were sacrificed, obtaining the segment of alveolar bone for the histological analysis of the alveolus. The data were analyzed through of the Kruskal Wallis test and chi square test with a level of significance of 5%. Results: The preservation of the alveolar crest was observed in mesial 2.92 (p = 0.025) and cervical 0.92 (p = 0.043). In the histological analysis, the spaces in the fibrous region in the middle part of the alveolus were 26.00 for calcium sulphate and 23.80 for xenograft (p = 0.011), apical 16.20 for calcium sulphate and 20 , 60 for the xenograft (p = 0.020), empty coronal spaces (p = 0.003), fibrous tissue (p = 0.010), bone regeneration (p = 0.019), hyaline areas (p = 0.010). Conclusion: Post-extraction alveoli are better preserved using Calcium Sulphate and Xenograft compared to spontaneous wound healing in guinea pigs.
Após a realização de uma extração, inicia-se um processo de remodelação óssea, deixando como conseqüência um volume ósseo diminuído que pode impedir a colocação de um implante dentário em condições ótimas. Objetivo: Avaliar a preservação alveolar pós- pós extração com sulfato de cálcio ou xenoenxerto em cobaias em comparação com a cicatrização espontânea. Materiais e Métodos: Foram utilizadas 30 cobaias machos de quatro meses de idade, distribuídos em três grupos de 10 cobaias cada. G1 Sulfato de cálcio, G2 Xenoenxerto (bovino) G3 Controle negativo (sem substituto ósseo). A exodontia do incisivo central inferior direito foi curetada e lavada com soro fisiológico, o grupo G1 e G2 foram preenchidos com o biomaterial correspondente, o grupo G3 não recebeu nenhum biomaterial. A sutura foi ponto em X com Vicryl (4/0). Radiografias padronizadas foram realizadas no pós-operatório imediato e, após 40 dias, a crista alveolar foi medida mesial, distal e coronária. Aos 40 dias as cobaias foram sacrificadas, obtendo-se o segmento de osso alveolar para a análise histológica do alvéolo. Os dados foram analisados por meio do teste de Kruskal Wallis e teste do qui-quadrado com nível de significância de 5%. Resultados: A preservação da crista alveolar foi observada em mesial 2,92 (p = 0,025) e cervical 0,92 (p = 0,043). espaços análise histológica da região fibroso no meio do alvéolo foi 26,00 para o sulfato de cálcio e de 23,80 para o xenoenxerto (p = 0,011), em apical 16,20 para o sulfato de cálcio e 20 , 60 para o xenoenxerto (p = 0,020), em espaços vazios coronal (p = 0,003), o tecido fibroso (p = 0,010), a regeneração óssea (p = 0,019), as áreas hialinas (p = 0,010). Conclusão: Os alvéolos pós-extração são melhor preservados usando Sulfato de Cálcio e Xenoenxerto em comparação com a cicatrização espontânea em cobaias.
Surgery, Oral , Dental Implants , Bone Remodeling , Oral Surgical Procedures , Tooth Socket , Dentistry, Operative , Calcium Sulfate , Statistics, Nonparametric , Dental Research , Evidence-Based Dentistry , Heterografts , Guinea PigsABSTRACT
Reconocido internacionalmente como investigador en el uso de materiales plásticos adhesivos para reparar o salvar dientes dañados o como el investigador que desarrolló los selladores de fosetas y fisuras, se puede considerar en una forma más categórica que Michael G. Buonocore es para la odontología moderna mucho más que eso. Su trabajo y contribución a la odontología lograron cambiar sustancialmente no sólo los diferentes aspectos de la terapéutica dental, sino que además modificó la percepción de la gente y de los pacientes acerca de los dentistas, los tratamientos dentales y de la odontología adhesiva actual (AU)
Internationally renown as a researcher in the use of adhesive plastic materials to repair or save damaged teeth or as the researcher that developed pit and fissure sealants, can be considered, in a more categorical form, that Michael G. Buonocore is to modern dentistry much more than that, his work and contribution has not only changed dramatically the different aspects of dental therapeutics but also, the perception of people and patients about dentists, the dental treatments and the current adhesive dentistry (AU)
Acid Etching, Dental , Dental Bonding , Dentists , Dental Enamel , Dentistry, Operative , Faculty, Dental , Schools, Dental , United StatesABSTRACT
Introdution: Recently, composite resins that have low shrinkage and low polymerization stress have been released, the so-called Bulk-Fill composites. These offer the dental surgeon the possibility of inserting increments of up to 4 mm, making the restorative procedure faster. Objective : to report a clinical case of a posterior tooth restoration with discolored dentin substrate using a medium viscosity Bulk-Fill composite resin associated with an opacifying agent. Case report: upon clinical and radiographic examination, a 50-year-old male patient was informed about the need to replace the defective silver amalgam restoration on the occlusal surface of tooth 16. The unsatisfactory restoration was removed and then the bonding technique was performed to restore the cavity using a two-step self-etching adhesive (AdheSE, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein). Due to the discolored dentin substrate, an opacifying agent (IPS Empress Direct Opaque, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein) was applied to the bottom of the cavity, and then was photoactivated for 40 s. The restoration was performed with a single increment of Bulk-Fill resin composite (Tetric N-Ceram Bulk-Fill IVB, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein) that was photoactivated for 40 s. The finishing and polishing procedures were performed using abrasive rubbers. Result: at the end, an aesthetically satisfactory restoration was obtained with the aid of the opacifying agent. Conclusion: it is possible to perform restorations faster with medium viscosity Bulk-Fill composites. However, as it is an essentially translucent material, the use of an opacifying agent in discolored tooth substrate is recommended, in order to obtain an aesthetically satisfactory result.
Introdução: Recentemente, foram lançadas no mercado resinas compostas que apresentam baixa contração e baixa tensão de polimerização, as chamadas resinas compostas Bulk-Fill. Estas oferecem ao cirurgião-dentista a possibilidade de inserir incrementos de até 4 mm, tornando o procedimento restaurador mais rápido. Objetivo: relatar um caso clínico de restauração de um dente posterior com substrato escurecido utilizando uma resina composta Bulk-Fill de média viscosidade associada a um agente opacificador. Relato do caso: após exame clínico e radiográfico, um paciente do sexo masculino com 50 anos de idade foi informado sobre a necessidade de substituição de uma restauração de amálgama de prata insatisfatória na superfície oclusal do dente 16. A restauração foi removida e, em seguida, foi realizada a técnica adesiva para a restauração da cavidade utilizando-se um sistema adesivo autocondicionante de dois passos clínicos (AdheSE, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein). Devido ao substrato dentinário escurecido, foi aplicado no fundo da cavidade um agente opacificador (IPS Empress Direct Opaque, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein) e este, então, fotoativado por 40 s. A restauração foi executada com uma resina composta Bulk-Fill (Tetric N-Ceram Bulk-Fill IVB, Ivoclar Vivadent, Schann, Liechtenstein) em incremento único que foi fotoativado por 40 s. Acabamento e polimento foram realizados com auxílio de borrachas abrasivas. Resultado: ao final, obteve-se, com o auxílio do agente opacificador, uma restauração esteticamente satisfatória. Conclusão: é possível executar restaurações de maneira mais rápida com resina composta Bulk-Fill de média viscosidade. Entretanto, por se tratar de um material essencialmente translúcido, é recomendado o uso de um agente opacificador em dentes com substrato escurecido a fim de se obter um resultado esteticamente satisfatório.
Dentistry, Operative , Composite Resins , Dental Restoration, Permanent , PolymerizationABSTRACT
Para se estabelecer corretamente os efeitos de forma, luz, reflexão, absorção, entre outros, nos dentes incisivos, é necessário compreendermos as características anatômicas gerais das coroas de dentes anteriores, suas linhas ópticas e como cada uma delas comanda o brilho e a reflexão. De acordo com as inclinações e ângulos formados entre as faces (vestibular, Mesial, Distal e Incisal) conseguimos trabalhar em cera ou em cerâmica as áreas ópticas com seus efeitos desejados. Este artigo aborda alguns conceitos e dicas práticas para a aquisição de áreas de sombra e luz e um resultado estético e harmonioso nos dentes anteriores.
In order to correctly establish the effects of shape, light, reflection, absorption, among others in the incisor teeth, it is necessary to understand the general anatomical characteristics of anterior tooth crowns, their optical lines and how each one rules brightness and reflection. According to the slopes and angles formed between the faces (Vestibular, Mesial, Distal and Incisal), we can work the optical areas with their desired effects with wax or ceramic. This article discusses some concepts and practical tips for acquiring shadow and light areas and an aesthetic and harmonious result in the anterior teeth.