SUMMARY: CariesCare International ™ practical guide is a tool for the comprehensive assessment and treatment of caries that synthesizes clinical and radiographic diagnosis and risk factors, classifying the severity, progression, and activity of lesions. The objective of this study was to analyze the validity and prediction characteristics of the proposed dental caries classification in the CariesCare International ™ practical guide as a reference through clinical and radiographic evaluation versus histological evaluation. Ninety-seven permanent posterior teeth were evaluated, and clinical and radiographic diagnoses were determined according to parameters defined in the CariesCare International™ guide as a reference. Subsequently, histological evaluation was performed to compare each stage of dental caries progression, and statistical analysis was applied. When comparing the validity and prediction values between radiographic and clinical diagnoses in relation to histological evaluation, a low sensitivity and high specificity relationship was found. The sensitivity and specificity percentages between the clinical and radiographic methods show that the clinical method has a lower number of false negatives. Histological changes in dental tissue were evident from the earliest stages of lesions, even in those not related to the caries process, indicating that the dentist should be careful when deciding on a treatment plan and take into account all variables involved in the caries process, as proposed by the CariesCare International ™ guide.
La guía práctica CariesCare International™ es una herramienta para la evaluación y tratamiento integral de la caries que sintetiza el diagnóstico clínico y radiográfico y los factores de riesgo, clasificando la gravedad, progresión y actividad de las lesiones. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la validez y características de predicción de la clasificación de caries dental propuesta en la guía práctica CariesCare International™ como referencia a través de la evaluación clínica y radiográfica versus la evaluación histológica. Se evaluaron noventa y siete dientes posteriores permanentes y se determinaron diagnósticos clínicos y radiográficos según parámetros definidos en la guía CariesCare International™ como referencia. Posteriormente se realizó una evaluación histológica para comparar cada etapa de progresión de la caries dental y se aplicó análisis estadístico. Al comparar los valores de validez y predicción entre los diagnósticos radiológicos y clínicos en relación con la evaluación histológica, se encontró una relación de baja sensibilidad y alta especificidad. Los porcentajes de sensibilidad y especificidad entre el método clínico y radiográfico muestran que el método clínico tiene un menor número de falsos negativos. Los cambios histológicos en el tejido dental fueron evidentes desde las primeras etapas de las lesiones, incluso en aquellas no relacionadas con el proceso de caries, lo que indica que el odontólogo debe tener cuidado al decidir un plan de tratamiento y tener en cuenta todas las variables involucradas en el proceso de caries, tal como propone la guía CariesCare International™.
Humans , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Caries/classification , Dental Caries/diagnostic imaging , Cross-Sectional Studies , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Dental Caries/pathology , Dental Enamel/pathology , Dental Enamel/diagnostic imaging , Dentin/pathology , Dentin/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
Aim: The main purpose of this study was to conduct a narrative review investigating the possible relationship between permanent maxillary anterior teeth and anthropometric facial parameters in different populations. Methods: Searches were performed in the PubMed, BVS (Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde) and SciELO databases to identify relevant scientific articles using the following search terms: "maxillary anterior teeth", "facial measurements" and "anthropometry", in such a way that 218 publications were found. After application of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 publications remained for full-text reading. Results: All studies involved male and female samples and it was notorious that male measurements were unanimously higher than those obtained in the opposite sex. The age of the analyzed participants ranged from 17 to 60 years; however, a mean age of 18 to 25 years was the most investigated in literature. In addition, facial measurements including the bizygomatic width, interpupillary distance, intercanthal distance, interalar width and intercommissural width have been proposed to help determine the correct size of anterior teeth. Conclusion: It was concluded that despite the limited number of studies, some factors that influence dental and facial dimensions, such as sex and age, can be identified. However, there is no standardization of the facial or dental parameters used in the studies, a fact that makes it difficult to establish a universal ratio for clinical dental practice
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Anthropometry , Dentition, Permanent , Esthetics, Dental , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the pulpal temperature changes due to the polymerisation of resin and glass ionomer-based materials in dentine thicknesses in immature permanent teeth with open apices. Material and Methods: Forty extracted sound human third molar teeth with open apices were included. The width of the cavities prepared on the occlusal surface was 4×5 mm. The depth was 2 mm in the resin groups. 4 mm in the groups in which glass ionomer liner was applied before composite restoration. The coronal parts of the samples were then placed on an acrylic plate with three gaps for feeding-extraction needles and the thermocouple. The temperature changes were recorded. The data was analyzed by SPSS. Statistical significance was accepted as p<0.05. Results: The temperature increase in the group of 1 mm remaining dentin thickness revealed higher results than the values detected from the 2 mm group (1.01 °C) (p=0.00). The mean values (1.49 °C, 1mm) of temperature changes in only glass ionomer applied group were lower than the avarage values (2.210°C, 1mm) determined in the polymerization process of resin composites with light-emitting diode devices. Conclusion: In a remaining dentin thickness of 1 mm in teeth with open apices, using a glass ionomer liner might be a useful effort for protecting the pulp from the heat generated by polymerisation devices.
Humans , Composite Resins , Dentition, Permanent , Tooth Apex , Dental Pulp Test , Glass Ionomer Cements , In Vitro Techniques , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To perform a bibliometric analysis on deciduous and permanent eruption publications to discuss the global trends and prospects on the topic. Material and Methods: A systematic search was conducted on the Scopus database. The characteristics of the publications, including co-cited authors, organizations, countries, most cited sources, publications, and keyword co-occurrence, were analyzed using VOSviewer software version 1.6.18. Results: After applying exclusion criteria, 492 studies were included in the analysis. The majority of research centers were located in Europe. "Archives of Oral Biology" emerged as the most frequently cited journal. The United States and Brazil were the most frequently cited countries in the publications. Notable co-authors included Kuchler E. C. and Hägg U. The most frequently cited keywords were associated with oral pathologies, tooth development, odontogenesis, and genetics. The most recent papers were published in journals focused on oral diseases. Conclusion: This bibliometric analysis highlights that the future of research in this field is likely to be focused on the investigation of tooth eruption in both deciduous and permanent teeth, with an emphasis on genetics, tooth development, timing of tooth eruption, and syndromic conditions. While well-accepted in the fields of Pediatrics and Orthodontics, there is a growing interest in this topic within oral biology and pathology journals in the Americas, with the United States and Brazil leading in terms of publications and citations.
Humans , Male , Female , Tooth, Deciduous , Tooth Eruption , Bibliometrics , Dentition, Permanent , Data Interpretation, StatisticalABSTRACT
Introducción: En Cuba ha sido poco estudiado el tiempo que demora el diente, desde que aflora a la cavidad bucal hasta que alcanza el plano oclusal. Objetivo: Determinar la duración de la erupción clínica prefuncional temporal y permanente en la población de Villa Clara. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo entre los años 2014 a 2018. Mediante un muestreo polietápico aleatorio simple se obtuvo una muestra de 2 584 niños y adolescentes (520 entre tres meses y cuatro años para la dentición temporal, y 2 064 entre cuatro y 14 años para la permanente), nacidos en la provincia, sin alteraciones del crecimiento general y craneofacial; se observó el brote; se calcularon por medio de la regresión de probit, las edades medias para los dientes brotados sin contacto oclusal y las que habían alcanzado la oclusión. La duración de la erupción clínica prefuncional fue calculada restando las medianas de ambas variables. Resultados: En los dientes temporales demoró más la erupción clínica prefuncional en los 1ros molares (superiores, 0,63; inferiores, 0,62); en los permanentes, en los incisivos centrales inferiores de hombres y mujeres, 1 y 1,07, respectivamente. Conclusiones: La erupción clínica prefuncional para los dientes permanentes osciló entre cuatro meses y un año; para los temporales, entre cuatro y siete meses con diferencias dentarias. Se elaboró una tabla de duración de la erupción clínica prefuncional de los dientes temporales y permanentes ajustada a la población villaclareña.
Introduction: the time the tooth takes to emerge from the oral cavity until it reaches the occlusal plane has been little studied in Cuba. Objective: to determine the duration of temporary and permanent prefunctional clinical tooth eruption in Villa Clara population. Methods: a descriptive and epidemiological study was carried out from 2014 to 2018. A sample of 2,584 children and adolescents who were born in the province without alterations in general and craniofacial growth was obtained through simple random multistage sampling (520 between three months and four years for temporary dentition and 2,064 between four and 14 years for permanent one); the outbreak was observed; the mean ages for teeth eruption without occlusal contact and those that had reached occlusion were calculated by means of probit regression. The duration of the prefunctional clinical eruption was calculated by subtracting the medians of both variables. Results: prefunctional clinical eruption took longer in temporary (upper, 0.63 and lower, 0.62) 1st molars, as well as in permanent lower central incisors of men and women (1 and 1.07, respectively). Conclusions: prefunctional clinical eruption for permanent teeth ranged from four months to one year and for temporary ones between four and seven months presenting dental differences. A table of the duration of the prefunctional clinical eruption of temporary and permanent teeth was created according to Villa Clara population.
Dentition, Permanent , Dentition , Dentition, MixedABSTRACT
Introducción: Las tendencias seglares influyen en el crecimiento y desarrollo general del individuo. El brote dentario no escapa a esta realidad. Existen variables que pueden retardarlo o acelerarlo, dentro de las que se encuentran el sexo y el color de la piel. Objetivos: Determinar la cronología y el orden de brote de los dientes permanentes en niños y adolescentes. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo desde mayo de 2017 a noviembre de 2020. El universo constituido por 21383 niños y adolescentes entre 5 y 13 años de edad, de la provincia Holguín, Cuba, que no presentaban pérdida prematura de dientes temporales o extracciones de dientes permanentes, ni enfermedades sistémicas que influyen en el crecimiento y desarrollo. En el procesamiento estadístico se utilizaron las medidas de resúmenes para las variables cuantitativas y el test de comparación de las medias. Resultados: La edad de brote de todos los dientes permanentes resultó adelantada en comparación con las tablas para su valoración clínica. El primer diente en brotar fue el primer molar superior, entre los 5,66 años, y el último el segundo molar maxilar, entre los 10,38 años. Al comparar las medias de brote de los dientes permanentes según el sexo, hubo diferencias altamente significativas en la arcada superior: primer premolar (p = 0,000), arcada inferior: canino (p = 0,009), primer premolar (p = 0,000) y segundo molar (p = 0,012). Se encontraron diferencias altamente significativas entre las medias de brote para el color de la piel en el maxilar: incisivo central (p = 0,004), incisivo lateral (p = 0,000), canino (p = 0,002), mandíbula: incisivo central (p = 0,000), incisivo lateral (p = 0,000) y segundo premolar (p = 0,000). Conclusiones: La cronología de brote de todos los dientes permanentes resultó adelantada. Los dientes permanentes siguieron la secuencia de brote, tal como describe Mayoral. Se encontraron diferencias al comparar las medias de brote según el sexo y color de la piel(AU)
Introduction: Secular tendencies influence the overall growth and development of the individual. Tooth eruption does not escape this reality. There are variables that can delay or accelerate it, among which are sex and skin color. Objectives: To determine the chronology and order of eruption of permanent teeth in children and adolescents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted from May 2017 to November 2020. The universe constituted by 21383 children and adolescents between 5 and 13 years of age, from Holguín province, Cuba, who did not present premature loss of primary teeth or extractions of permanent teeth, nor systemic diseases that influence growth and development. Statistical processing used summary measures for quantitative variables and the comparison test of the average values. Results: The age of teething of all permanent teeth was advanced in comparison with the tables for clinical assessment. The first tooth was the upper first molar at 5.66 years of age and the last tooth was the maxillary second molar at 10.38 years of age. When comparing the teething averages of the permanent teeth according to gender, there were highly significant differences in the upper arch: first premolar (p = 0.000), lower arch: canine (p = 0.009), first premolar (p = 0.000) and second molar (p = 0.012). Highly significant differences were found between bud means for skin color in maxilla: central incisor (p = 0.004), lateral incisor (p = 0.000), canine (p = 0.002), mandible: central incisor (p = 0.000), lateral incisor (p = 0.000) and second premolar (p = 0.000). Conclusions: The teething chronology of all permanent teeth resulted advanced. The permanent teeth followed the teething sequence as described by Mayoral. Differences were found when comparing the teething averages according to gender and skin color(AU)
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Dentition, Permanent , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Objective: to analyze, through literature review, the available literature on orthodontic treatment in traumatized permanent teeth. Methods: A literature search was performed in electronic databases (PubMed and SciELO) using the descriptors [tooth injuries] OR [injuries, teeth] OR [injury, teeth] OR [teeth injury] OR [injuries, tooth] OR [injury, tooth] OR [tooth injury] OR [teeth injuries] AND [orthodontics]. Observational studies and clinical trials were included, narrative reviews, laboratory and in vitro studies, case reports and series as well as articles that presented abstracts written in languages other than Portuguese, English and Spanish were excluded from the study. Two reviewers considered the eligibility, the risk of bias of the analyzed data and the qualitative synthesis of the studies included. A total of 1,322 references were found and 4 articles met all inclusion criteria and were included in the qualitative analysis. Some consequences like pulp necrosis and root resorption have been highlighted and trauma severity should be considered when orthodontically intervening in previously traumatized teeth. Final considerations: The traumatized teeth can be orthodontically treated as long as the time of tissue reorganization is respected, and the pull and periodontal conditions are followed up.(AU)
Objetivos: analisar, por meio de revisão de literatura, a respeito do tratamento ortodôntico em dentes permanentes traumatizados. Metodologia: Uma pesquisa bibliográfica foi realizada em bancos de dados eletrônicos (PubMed e SciELO) usando os descritores [tooth injuries] ou [injuries, teeth] ou [injury, teeth] ou [teeth injury] ou [injuries, tooth] ou [injury, tooth] ou [tooth injury] ou [teeth injuries] e [orthodontics]. Foram incluídos estudos observacionais e ensaios clínicos, revisões narrativas, estudos laboratoriais e in vitro, relatos de casos e séries, bem como artigos que apresentassem resumos redigidos em idiomas diferentes do português, inglês e espanhol foram excluídos do estudo. Dois revisores consideraram a elegibilidade, o risco de viés dos dados analisados e a síntese qualitativa dos estudos incluídos. Foram encontradas 1.322 referências e 4 artigos atenderam a todos os critérios de inclusão e foram incluídos na análise qualitativa. Algumas consequências como necrose pulpar e reabsorção radicular têm sido destacadas e a gravidade do trauma deve ser considerada na intervenção ortodôntica em dentes previamente traumatizados. Considerações finais: Os estudos incluídos nesta revisão sugerem que dentes traumatizados podem ser tratados ortodônticamente desde que respeitado o tempo de reorganização tecidual e acompanhadas as condições pulpares e periodontais.(AU)
Humans , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Tooth Injuries/therapy , Dentition, Permanent , Root Resorption/etiology , Trauma Severity Indices , Dental Pulp Necrosis/etiologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Malocclusion is usually treated based on clinical decisions complemented with a cephalometric analysis, allowing the comparison of an individual with standard reference norms. Cephalometric standards have mostly been obtained from Caucasian population, but may not be appropriate for other ethnic groups, becoming a clinically relevant problem in multicultural and multiracial societies. The present study aimed to establish cephalometric norms for Chilean-Latino population, using a representative sample of class I individuals in permanent dentition. A sample of 72 cephalometric x-rays of class I growing individuals (47 women and 25 men) between 10 and 20 years of age with class I occlusion and harmonic profile was obtained from the records of the Universidad de los Andes taken between 2012 and 2019, including 1164 individuals. The radiographs were classified according to their cervical vertebral maturation status, and cephalometrically analyzed, obtaining vertical and sagittal parameters in soft and hard tissues, which were compared with Caucasian cephalometric norms. The statistical analysis was performed using descriptive and inferential statistics (T-test, ANOVA and Bonferroni tests). Cephalometric norms were obtained for hard and soft tissues. Upon comparison with Caucasian norms, the subjects included in the sample present a tendency towards a convex profile, significant incisal proclination, dental protrusion, labial biprotrusion and an acute nasolabial angle. There are cephalometric differences between the Caucasian cephalometric norms and those observed Chilean Latino population, displaying differences at a hard and soft tissue level that should be taken into account for clinical decision making in Orthodontics.
La maloclusión generalmente se trata con base en decisiones clínicas complementadas con un análisis cefalométrico, lo que permite la comparación de un individuo con normas de referencia estándar. Los estándares cefalométricos se han obtenido en su mayoría de población caucásica, pero pueden no ser apropiados para otros grupos étnicos, convirtiéndose en un problema clínicamente relevante en sociedades multiculturales y multirraciales. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo establecer normas cefalométricas para población chileno-latina, utilizando una muestra representativa de individuos clase I en dentición permanente. Se obtuvo una muestra de 72 radiografías cefalométricas de individuos en crecimiento clase I (47 mujeres y 25 hombres) entre 10 y 20 años de edad con oclusión clase I y perfil armónico de los registros de la Universidad de los Andes tomados entre 2012 y 2019, incluidas 1164 personas. Las radiografías se clasificaron según su estado de maduración vertebral cervical, y se analizaron cefalométricamente, obteniendo parámetros verticales y sagitales en tejidos blandos y duros, que se compararon con normas cefalométricas caucásicas. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante estadística descriptiva e inferencial (T-test, ANOVA y pruebas de Bonferroni). Se obtuvieron normas cefalométricas para tejidos duros y blandos. En comparación con las normas caucásicas, los sujetos incluidos en la muestra presentan una tendencia hacia un perfil convexo, proinclinación incisal significativa, protrusión dental, biprotrusión labial y un ángulo nasolabial agudo. Existen diferencias entre las normas cefalométricas caucásicas y las observadas en población latina chilena, mostrando diferencias a nivel de tejidos duros y blandos que se deben considerar para la toma de decisiones clínicas en Ortodoncia.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Cephalometry/standards , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Occlusion , Radiography , Chile , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
El tratamiento de dientes permanentes inmaduros necróticos constituye un desafío en la odontopediatría, y son múltiples las opciones terapéuticas propuestas para solucionar esta problemática. A tales efectos se realizó el presente estudio con el objetivo de exponer la evolución histórica de dicho tratamiento, para lo cual se efectuó una exhaustiva búsqueda bibliográfica. Se consideró como método general de la investigación el dialéctico-materialista y, de manera particular, los métodos de revisión documental histórico-lógico, de análisis-síntesis e inductivo-deductivo. A partir de determinados hitos históricos se establecieron 3 etapas, cada una de ellas con sus aportes y limitaciones; asimismo, se identificaron las regularidades y tendencias, así como los fundamentos que sustentan la necesidad de continuar investigando sobre nuevos enfoques terapéuticos.
The treatment of necrotic immature permanent teeth constitutes a challenge in the pediatric dentistry, and there are multiple therapeutic options to solve this problem. To such effects the present investigation was carried out with the objective of exposing the historical evolution of this treatment, reason why an exhaustive literature review was carried out. The dialectical-materialistic method was assumed as the general one of the investigation and in a particular way, the historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive methods of documental review. Three stages were established based on certain historical landmarks, each one with its contributions and limitations; also, regularities and tendencies were identified, as well as the foundations that sustain the necessity to continue investigating on new therapeutic approaches.
Dentition, PermanentABSTRACT
Introdução: a Hipomineralização Molar Incisivo (HMI) é um defeito qualitativo de desenvolvimento de esmalte que pode ocasionar fraturas pós-eruptivas (FPE), lesões de cárie e sensibilidade. Objetivo: relatar o tratamento de HMI severa através da cimentação de bandas ortodônticas para preservação da estrutura dentária em primeiros molares permanentes inferiores com FPE. Relato do caso: criança do sexo feminino, 10 anos de idade, apresentou-se com queixa de hipersensibilidade e fratura dentária associada à restauração prévia. Clinicamente, observou-se presença de HMI severa, com FPE associada à lesão de cárie em dentina nas superfícies oclusal e vestibular do dente 36 e restauração insatisfatória com cimento de ionômero de vidro (CIV) na superfície vestibular do dente 46 que apresentava opacidades demarcadas branco-creme. Radiograficamente, observou-se ausência de comprometimento pulpar. Após manejo por meio de abordagens não-invasivas (controle de biofilme e dieta e aplicação de verniz fluoretado), o tratamento proposto foi a cimentação de banda ortodôntica com CIV modificado por resina (Riva Light Cure®, SDI) nos dentes 36 e 46 para maior longevidade das restaurações. O tratamento restaurador atraumático (TRA) foi realizado no dente 36 previamente à cimentação da banda ortodôntica. Resultados: após o tratamento, a criança não relatou dor ou desconforto e as restaurações mantiveram-se intactas. A mãe da criança foi orientada quanto à importância de acompanhamento periódico a cada 4 meses. Conclusão: a cimentação das bandas ortodônticas com CIV possibilitou o manejo conservador de molares permanentes com HMI severa, com manutenção de sua funcionalidade oclusal, saúde pulpar e gengival, proporcionando melhor qualidade de vida à paciente.
Introduction: molar Incisor Hypomineralization (MIH) is a qualitative developmental enamel defect that can cause posteruptive enamel breakdown (PEB), caries lesions, and sensitivity. Objective: to report the treatment of a child with severe MIH through the cementation of orthodontic bands in lower first permanent molars with PEB to preserve tooth structure. Case report: female child, 10 years old, presenting hypersensitivity complaints and tooth fracture associated with previous restoration. Severe MIH was observed, with PEB associated with dentin caries on the occlusal and buccal surfaces of tooth #36 and unsatisfactory glass ionomer cement (GIC) restoration on the buccal surface of tooth #46 which had creamy-white marked opacities. There was no pulp involvement radiographically. After management through non-invasive approaches (biofilm and diet control and application of fluoride varnish), the proposed treatment was the cementation of an orthodontic band with resin-modified GIC (Riva Light Cure®, SDI) on teeth #36 and #46 to long-term lifespan restorations. Atraumatic restorative treatment (ART) was performed on tooth #36 prior to the cementation of the orthodontic band. Results: after treatment, the child did not report pain or discomfort and the restorations remained intact. The child's mother was instructed about the importance of periodic follow-up visits every 4 months. Conclusion: the cementation of orthodontic bands with GIC allowed the conservative management of permanent molars with severe MIH, maintaining their functional occlusion, pulpal and gingival health, providing a better quality of life to the patient.
Female , Child , Conservative Treatment , Molar Hypomineralization , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Atraumatic Restorative Treatment , MolarABSTRACT
O objetivo desta revisão sistemática foi coletar e comparar os dados de sobrevida após o reparo e substituição para restaurações com falhas em dentes decíduos e permanentes. As buscas foram realizadas em dez/2020 e atualizado em abr/2022 de forma sistemática nas bases de dados PubMed/MEDLINE, Scopus, Web of Science, Embase, OpenSigle e ProQuest. Dois revisores independentes calibrados (kappa=0,87) avaliados como critérios de inclusão: (1) estudos de reparo e substituição, (2) dados de sucesso, longevidade ou sobrevivência, (3) ensaios clínicos controlados aleatoriamente; e para os critérios de exclusão (1) perda para acompanhamento superior a 30%, (2) acompanhamento inferior a 12 meses, (3) dentes anteriores. A ferramenta RoB 2 foi utilizada para avaliar o risco de viés, enquanto que a certeza da evidência foi medida por meio da ferramenta GRADE. Foi identificado 4.070 publicações potencialmente relevantes, entretanto apenas três estudos apresentaram todos os critérios para elegibilidade e foram incluídos na análise qualitativa. Nenhum estudo reportou a taxa de sucesso das intervenções na dentição decídua. Foi coletado um tempo padrão de acompanhamento entre os estudos, e a taxa de sobrevivência agregada foi de 99% após três anos. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre as abordagens e nenhuma heterogeneidade entre os estudos foi apontada. Todos os estudos incluídos apresentaram alto risco de viés, além de que a certeza da evidência para a medida do desfecho sucesso foi muito baixa. É importante ressaltar que devido à longevidade similar de ambas as técnicas, é fortemente recomendado realizar a técnica de reparo para restaurações que apresentam falha, uma vez que esta técnica está associada à odontologia de intervenção mínima. Mais estudos clínicos bem delineados são necessários para aumentar a certeza da evidência. Registro do RS: Esta revisão sistemática foi registrada na plataforma Prospero (CRD42021238063)
Humans , Tooth, Deciduous , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Restoration Failure , Dental Restoration, Permanent , Time Factors , Bias , Randomized Controlled Trials as TopicABSTRACT
Introducción: En Cuba los estándares de orden y cronología de brote dentario, usados como referencia, son foráneos. Objetivo: Describir los patrones del orden y la cronología de brote de la dentición permanente en la provincia Villa Clara, Cuba. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico y descriptivo de la dentición permanente en Villa Clara, entre los años 2015 y 2018. Mediante un muestreo polietápico aleatorio simple, se obtuvo una muestra de 2064 niñas y niños entre 4 y 14 años, nacidos en Villa Clara, sin alteraciones del crecimiento general y craneofacial. En ellos se observó el brote y se calcularon los promedios ponderados para las edades. Resultados: Se encontraron diferencias para las edades según Mayoral, Moyers y Águila. En más del 50 por ciento predominó la simetría y los dientes inferiores brotaron antes que sus homólogos superiores, con una frecuencia del 48,26 por ciento, los caninos inferiores brotaron después que el primer premolar inferior. Conclusiones: Predominó la simetría del brote, ocurrió por grupos dentarios separados, por períodos de reposo y un orden polimórfico. Se elaboró una tabla con las edades de brote para la población villaclareña(AU)
Introduction: In Cuba the standards of order and chronology of dental budding, used as a reference, are foreign. Objective: To describe the patterns of the order and chronology of outbreak of permanent dentition in Villa Clara province, Cuba. Methods: An epidemiological and descriptive study of permanent dentition in Villa Clara, between 2015 and 2018 was conducted. Bymeans of simple random multistage sampling, a sample of 2064 girls and boys between 4 and 14 yearsold, born in Villa Clara, without alterations in general and craniofacial growth, was obtained. In them the outbreak was observed and weight edaverages forages were calculated. Results: Differences were found forages according to Mayoral, Moyers and Aguila. Symmetry predominated in more than 50 percent and the lowertee therupted before the irupper counter parts, with a frequency of 48.26 percent, the lower canines erupted after the lower first premolar. Conclusions: Teething symmetry predominated and occurred in separate tooth groups, resting periods and in a polymorphicorder. A table with the too theruptionages for the population of Villa clara was created(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Dentition, Permanent , Epidemiologic Studies , Epidemiology, DescriptiveABSTRACT
Os traumatismos dentaÌrios representam um problema de sauÌde pública devido aÌ alta prevaleÌncia e impacto psicossocial, sendo muito frequentes em crianças podendo resultar em necrose pulpar e culminar na rizogeÌnese incompleta de dentes permanentes. Nestes casos de traumatismos em dentes permanentes com rizogeÌnese incompleta e necrose pulpar, o tratamento mais indicado pela literatura eÌ a apicificaçaÌo, sendo um tratamento complexo e longo. Considerando a importaÌncia deste tema, o objetivo deste trabalho eÌ relatar o caso de um paciente com traumatismo dental e necrose pulpar, que acarretou a interrupçaÌo do desenvolvimento completo e adequado do aÌpice dentaÌrio, sendo necessaÌria a intervençaÌo por meio da técnica de apicificaçaÌo e o acompanhamento a longo prazo. O caso trata-se de uma menina em que um traumatismo dentaÌrio acarretou fratura de um incisivo central superior com formaçaÌo radicular incompleta, comprometendo tanto a esteÌtica quanto a vitalidade do dente. Foi realizado o tratamento endodoÌntico com apicificaçaÌo e posteriormente ao plug apical de MTA. O dente foi restaurado definitivamente com resina composta e realizado acompanhamento do paciente. Nas consultas de acompanhamento houve ausência de sintomatologia dolorosa e satisfação da paciente com a aparência atual. Sendo assim, a apicificação apresenta-se como uma ótima alternativa para dentes com rizogênese incompleta e necrose pulpar, embora longo houve uma melhora estética e satisfação do paciente.
Dental trauma represents a public health problem due to its high prevalence and psychosocial impact, being very frequent in children and can result in pulp necrosis and culminate in incomplete root formation of permanent teeth. In these cases of trauma to permanent teeth with incomplete root formation and pulp necrosis, the most indicated treatment in the literature is apexification, which is a complex and long treatment. Considering the importance of this topic, the objective of this work is to report the case of a patient with dental trauma and pulp necrosis, which caused the interruption of the complete and adequate development of the dental apex, requiring intervention through the apexification technique and follow-up. long-term. The case is about a girl in which a dental trauma resulted in a fracture of a maxillary central incisor with incomplete root formation, compromising both the esthetics and the vitality of the tooth. Endodontic treatment was performed with apexification and then apical MTA plug. The tooth was definitively restored with composite resin and the patient was followed up. In the follow- up consultations, there was no painful symptomatology and the patient was satisfied with her current appearance. Thus, the apexification presents itself as a great alternative for teeth with incomplete root formation and pulp necrosis, although in the long run there was an aesthetic improvement and patient satisfaction.
Los traumatismos dentales representan un problema de salud pública debido a su alta prevalencia e impacto psicosocial, siendo muy frecuentes en niños y pudiendo dar lugar a necrosis pulpar y culminar en la formación incompleta de la raíz de los dientes permanentes. En estos casos de traumatismos en dientes permanentes con formación radicular incompleta y necrosis pulpar, el tratamiento más indicado en la literatura es la apexificación, que es un tratamiento complejo y largo. Considerando la importancia de este tema, el objetivo de este trabajo es relatar el caso de una paciente con traumatismo dentario y necrosis pulpar, que causó la interrupción del desarrollo completo y adecuado del ápice dentario, requiriendo intervención a través de la técnica de apexificación y seguimiento. a largo plazo. Se trata de una niña en la que un traumatismo dental provocó la fractura de un incisivo central maxilar con formación radicular incompleta, comprometiendo tanto la estética como la vitalidad del diente. Se realizó tratamiento endodóntico con apexificación y posterior taponamiento apical con MTA. El diente fue restaurado definitivamente con resina compuesta y el paciente fue sometido a seguimiento. En las consultas de seguimiento, no había sintomatología dolorosa y la paciente estaba satisfecha con su aspecto actual. Así, la apexificación se presenta como una gran alternativa para dientes con formación radicular incompleta y necrosis pulpar, aunque a la larga se produjo una mejoría estética y satisfacción de la paciente.
Humans , Female , Child , Dentition, Permanent , Endodontics/instrumentation , Wounds and Injuries/diagnosis , Patient Satisfaction , Composite Resins , Dental Pulp Necrosis/diagnosis , Dentists , Esthetics , Apexification/instrumentation , Regenerative Endodontics , Case Reports as TopicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#This study aimed to investigate the clinical characteristics of congenital deciduous teeth absence and its permanent teeth performance type by using panoramic radiographs.@*METHODS@#A total of 15 749 panora-mic radiographs of 3-6-year-old children with deciduous dentition were collected from January 2020 to December 2021. The incidence of congenital deciduous teeth absence was observed, and the abnormality of permanent teeth was recor-ded. SPSS 24.0 software was used for statistical analysis.@*RESULTS@#The incidence of congenital deciduous teeth absence was 2.54% (400/15 749), which was found in 217 girls and 183 boys, and the difference between the genders was statistically significant (P=0.003). The absence of one and two deciduous teeth accounted for 99.75% (399/400) of the subjects. In addition, 92.63% (490/529) of mandibular deciduous lateral incisor was congenitally absent, 44.80% (237/529) of deciduous teeth was absent in the left jaw, and less than 55.20% (292/529) was absent in the right; the difference between them was statistically significant (P=0.017). The absence of 96.41% (510/529) deciduous teeth in the mandibular was significantly more than that of 3.59% (19/529) in the maxillary, and the difference between was statistically significant (P=0.000). Furthermore, 68.00% (272/400) and 32.00% (128/400) of deciduous teeth were absent in unilateral and bilateral, respectively, and the difference was statistically significant (P=0.000). Four types of congenital deciduous teeth absence with permanent teeth were observed as follows: 1) 73.91% (391/529) of permanent teeth was absent; 2) 20.60% (109/529) of permanent teeth was not absent; 3) the number of fused permanent teeth accounted for 4.91% (26/529); 4) the number of supernumerary teeth was 0.57% (3/529).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Although the absence of congenital deciduous teeth is less common than that of permanent teeth, it affects deciduous and permanent teeth to some extent. Dentists should pay attention to trace and observe whether abnormalities are present in the permanent teeth and take timely measures to maintain children's oral health.
Male , Female , Humans , Tooth, Deciduous , Dentition, Permanent , Tooth, Supernumerary/epidemiology , Anodontia/etiology , Tooth Abnormalities/complications , Fused Teeth/epidemiologyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To compare the clinical effects of pulpotomy with two kinds of calcium silicate materials, and to evaluate the formation of dentin bridge and pulp calcification after pulpotomy of adult permanent teeth.@*METHODS@#Patients who visited the General Department of Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology from November 2017 to September 2019 and planned for pulpotomy on permanent premolars and molars with carious exposed pulp were selected. They were randomly divided into two groups. Bioceramic putty material iRoot BP (iRoot group, n=22) and mineral trioxide aggregate MTA (MTA group, n=21) were used as pulp capping agents, respectively. The patients were recalled after one year and two years. The clinical efficacy, dentin bridge index (DBI) and pulp calcification index (PCI) were recorded. Blinding method was used for the patients and evaluators.@*RESULTS@#There was no significant difference in gender, mean age, dentition and tooth position between the two groups (P>0.05). Seven cases were lost during the first year (4 cases in iRoot group and 3 cases in MTA group). In the iRoot group, 1 case had transient sensitivity at the time of 1-year follow-up. The cure rate of the two groups was 100% at the time of 2-year follow-up. The proportion of dentin bridge formation was 38.9% one year after operation, 55.6% two years after operation. The proportion of partial or even complete disappearance of root canal image was 5.6% before operation, 38.9% and 55.6% one and two years after operation, respectively. The difference was statistically significant by rank sum test (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in dentin bridge formation and pulp calcification between the two groups (P < 0.05). DBI and PCI after operation was as the same as those before operation (44.4% cases of DBI and 25% cases of PCI) or gradually increased (55.6% cases of DBI and 75% cases of PCI). Spearman's nonparametric correlation analysis showed that age was positively correlated with preoperative pulp calcification index (PCI0, P < 0.05), but not with the dentin bridge index (DBI1, DBI2), pulp calcification index (PCI1, PCI2) and the degree of change (DBI2 vs. DBI1, PCI1 vs. PCI0, PCI2 vs. PCI0) 1-year and 2-year after operation (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#According to this study, good clinical effects were obtained within 2-year after pulpotomy of adult permanent teeth with MTA and iRoot. In some cases, the root canal system had a tendency of calcification aggravation, and there was no statistical difference in the development of this trend between the two groups.
Humans , Adult , Pulpotomy/methods , X-Rays , Calcium Compounds/therapeutic use , Dentition, Permanent , Molar/surgery , Treatment Outcome , Silicates/therapeutic use , Aluminum Compounds/therapeutic use , Oxides , Drug Combinations , Dental Pulp CappingABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the 24-month clinical performance of composite resin restorations with and without polyethylene fiber in the first permanent molars of pediatric patients with extensive caries. Material and Methods: In total, 75 Class II restorations were placed in the permanent molar teeth of 75 children (mean age 11.3 years) with (FC; n=38) or without (C; n=37) fiber. One operator placed all the restorations. The restorations were evaluated using the modified USPHS criteria in terms of retention, color match, marginal discoloration, anatomic form, marginal adaptation, secondary caries, and postoperative sensitivity. Statistical data were analyzed using chi-square and Cochran tests (p<0.05). Results: At the end of two years, 65 restorations (FC:31; C:34) were followed up. No changes were observed during the first six months. After 24 months of follow-up, there were minor changes in marginal adaptation and marginal color in both groups; however, no statistically significant difference was observed between the clinical performances for all criteria (p>0.05). Conclusion: Extensive composite restorations with or without fibers displayed good clinical performance in high load-bearing areas after 24 months.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dentition, Permanent , Polyethylene , In Vitro Techniques/methods , Radiography, Dental , Chi-Square Distribution , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
Although fluoride (F) is required for the normal growth and development of several human organs and tissues, excessive exposure to it may be potentially toxic. Groundwater may present ranging levels of F; however, the appearance, taste, and smell are not altered. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate dental fluorosis in children from a Brazilian slave-descendent community, as well as to assess F levels in the drinking water supplies available in that area. For that, 21 children aged from 6 to 14 years living in Rincão dos Martimianos were invited to participate. Thylstrup and Fejerskov index (a 09 scale) was used to assess dental fluorosis on permanent teeth. Furthermore, the F concentration of two water samples (from the artesian well and a tank) was determined by using a potentiometric method. All children presented dental fluorosis to some degree, ranging from score 2 to 9. About 81% of them had dental fluorosis scores equal to or over 5. Scores lower than 5 were observed only in children younger than 8 years; on the other hand, all children older than 8 years presented scores higher than 5. Moreover, artesian well water had an F concentration of 5 mg/L and tank water 0.8 mg/L. It is suggested that the F-rich groundwater supply was most probably responsible for dental fluorosis in that area. Brazilian slave-descendent communities, therefore, should receive constant attention from their local authorities in order to guarantee a proper water supply for consumption, as well as to provide public health education(AU)
Embora o flúor (F) seja necessário para o crescimento e desenvolvimento normal de vários órgãos e tecidos humanos, a exposição excessiva pode ser potencialmente tóxica. As águas subterrâneas podem apresentar níveis variados de F; no entanto, a aparência, o sabor e o cheiro não são alterados. Desta forma, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a fluorose dentária em crianças de uma comunidade brasileira descendente de escravos, bem como avaliar os níveis de F na água potável disponível nessa área. Para isso, 21 crianças de 6 a 14 anos residentes no Rincão dos Martimianos foram convidadas a participar da pesquisa. O índice de Thylstrup e Fejerskov (uma escala de 0 a 9) foi usado para avaliar a fluorose dentária em dentes permanentes. Além disso, a concentração de F de duas amostras de água (do poço artesiano e de um tanque) foi determinada pelo método potenciométrico. Todas as crianças apresentaram algum grau de fluorose dentária, variando de 2 a 9. Cerca de 81% delas apresentaram escores de fluorose dentária iguais ou superiores a 5. Escores inferiores a 5 foram observados apenas em crianças menores de 8 anos; por outro lado, todas as crianças maiores de 8 anos apresentaram escores superiores a 5. Além disso, a água do poço artesiano tinha concentração de F de 5 mg/L e a água do tanque 0,8 mg/L. Desta forma, acredita-se que a fonte de água subterrânea rica em F foi provavelmente responsável pela fluorose dentária na região avaliada. As comunidades quilombolas brasileiras, portanto, devem receber atenção constante de suas autoridades locais, a fim de garantir o abastecimento adequado de água para consumo, bem como proporcionar educação em saúde pública(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Dentition, Permanent , Quilombola Communities , Fluorosis, Dental , Water Supply , Drinking Water , Groundwater , Public Health , FluorineABSTRACT
Introducción: las maloclusiones Clase II y III pueden ser tratadas desde edades tempranas y su manejo oportuno incluye el reconocimiento, diagnóstico y tratamiento adecuado. Desde la visión ortopédica, teniendo en cuenta la presencia de momentos de crecimiento y desarrollo, podrían planificarse diversas aparatologías removibles, ortopédicas, miofuncionales y/o fijas. El twin-block está constituido por bloques de mordida superior e inferior con un plano inclinado que dirige la fuerza de oclusión a fomentar la función mandibular normal. Objetivo: efectuar una revisión de la literatura sobre el uso del twin-block y su efectividad en pacientes de 5 a 12 años con maloclusión Clase II y III. Métodos: se realizó una revisión de literatura en las bases de datos electrónicas en inglés PUBMED/MEDLINE, Elsevier, Epistemonikos y Google Schoolar; y en idioma español, imbiomed. org, Scielo.org y Google académico. Se incluyeron un total de 16 artículos. Los años límites para la búsqueda fueron enero de 2011 a junio de 2022. La revisión abarcó aspectos referidos al uso del twin-block en niños con maloclusión Clase II y III. Resultados: los estudios reportaron resultados favorables al uso efectivo del twin-block para la corrección de las maloclusiones, con cambios esqueléticos y dentoalveolares en dentición permanente y mixta. Conclusiones: la evidencia científica revisada sugiere que el uso del twin-block es efectivo en pacientes pediátricos con maloclusión Clase II o III.
Introduction: Class II and III malocclusions could be treated from early ages and their timely management includes recognition, diagnosis and adequate treatment; this from the orthopedic view due to the presence of moments of growth and development, various removable, orthopedic, myofunctional and/or fixed appliances could be planned. The twinblock consists of upper and lower bite blocks with an inclined plane that directs the occlusal force to promote normal mandibular function. Objective: To review the literature on the use of the twin-block in patients 5 to 12 years of age with class II and III malocclusion. Methods: A descriptive, retrospective research was carried out in the electronic databases PUBMED/MEDLINE, Elsevier, Epistemonikos and Google Scholar; and in the Spanish language imbiomed.org, Scielo.org and Google Scholar a total of 16 articles were included. The years for the search were January 2011 to June 2022. The review covered aspects referring to the effectiveness of the use of the twin-block in children with type II and III malocclusion. Results: The studies reported favorable results for the effective use of the twin-block for the correction of malocclusions producing skeletal and dentoalveolar changes in permanent and mixed dentition. Conclusions: The scientific evidence reviewed suggests that the use of the twin-block is effective in pediatric patients with class II or III malocclusion
Orthodontic Appliances, Functional , Malocclusion, Angle Class II , Malocclusion, Angle Class III , Dentition, Permanent , Dentition, MixedABSTRACT
Introdução: Odontomas são tumores odontogênicos, considerados hamartomas de desenvolvimento que frequentemente interferem na erupção dentária. O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso clínico de odontoma composto em região posterior da mandíbula, desde o achado radiográfico até o momento cirúrgico e confirmação diagnóstica com exame histopatológico. Relato do caso: trata-se de paciente do sexo feminino, 7 anos, branca, encaminhada da Unidade de Saúde da Família (USF) ao ambulatório do Serviço de Cirurgia e Traumatologia Buco-Maxilo-Facial do Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (UHOC), devido a um achado radiográfico radiopaco, de limites bem definidos, com halo radiolúcido circundante, no corpo da mandíbula do lado esquerdo, entre as raízes dos dentes 74 e 75. O tratamento proposto foi a excisão cirúrgica conservadora sob anestesia geral. Após a retirada da lesão, foram identificadas calcificações múltiplas diferentes tamanhos e formas, de assemelhando-se a dentículos, encaminhadas para exame histopatológico e confirmando o diagnóstico de odontoma composto. Após 7 dias, observou-se um processo de cicatrização satisfatório. Ela será acompanhada para analisar a progressão do reparo e movimentação da bolsa óssea na dentição permanente na região. Considerações finais: Portanto, recomenda-se o tratamento cirúrgico conservador, através da remoção completa da lesão e preservação máxima dos dentes retidos. Para isso, a identificação na fase inicial e o tratamento adequado são essenciais... (AU)
Introduction: Odontomas are odontogenic tumors, considered developmental hamartomas that often interfere with tooth eruption. The present study aims to report the clinical case of compound odontoma in the posterior region of the jaw, from the radiographic finding to the surgical moment and diagnostic confirmation with histopathological examination. Case report: this is a female patient, 7 years old, white, referred from the Family Health Unit (FHU) to the outpatient clinic of the Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology Service of the Oswaldo Cruz University Hospital (OCUH), due to a radiopaque radiographic finding, with well-defined limits and a surrounding radiolucent halo, in the body of the jaw on the left side, between the roots of teeth 74 and 75. The proposed treatment was conservative surgical excision under general anesthesia. After removal of the lesion, multiple calcifications of different sizes and shapes were identified, resembling denticles, referred for histopathological examination and confirming the diagnosis of compound odontoma. After 7 days, a satisfactory healing process was observed. She will be followed up to analyze the progression of bone pocket repair and movement in permanent dentition in the region. Final considerations: Therefore, conservative surgical treatment is recommended, through the complete removal of the lesion and maximum preservation of retained teeth. For this identification at an early stage and proper treatment are essential... (AU)
Humans , Female , Child , Mouth Neoplasms , Odontogenic Tumors , Odontoma , Tooth Eruption , Dentition, Permanent , Dental Pulp Calcification , JawABSTRACT
El aspecto estético y, en especial, la protrusión marcada, a menudo alientan a los pacientes a so- licitar tratamiento de ortodoncia. El ortodoncista debe decidir, de acuerdo a las características biotipológicas del caso, qué solución es la más conveniente. El presente artículo describe el tratamiento de una paciente adolescente con una maloclusión de Clase II, división 1, en dentición permanente, braquifacial y que, además, presenta estrechez del maxilar superior. Atender en primer término el problema en el plano transversal es de vital importancia, pero asimismo, se debe planificar cómo corregir la Clase II y, si la distalización es el procedimiento indicado para tratarla, el verdadero reto es no perder anclaje. Se presenta un caso clínico tratado con aparato- logía fija y péndulum versión Pend-X (con tornillo de expansión transversal) y anclaje esqueletal(AU)
Aesthetic appearance, and especially marked protrusion, often encourage patients to request orthodontic treatment. The orthodontist must decide, according to biotypological characteristics of the case, which solution is the most convenient. This article describes the treatment of a teen patient with a Class II division 1 malocclusion, in permanent dentition, brachifacial and who also presents narrowness of upper jaw. Addressing the problem in the transverse plane first is of vital importance, but also, it must be planned how to correct Class II, and if distalization is the appropriate procedure to treat it, the real challenge is not to lose anchorage. It is presented a clinical case treated with fixed appliances and pendulum Pend-X version (with a transversal expansion screw) and skeletal anchorage(AU)