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Arch. argent. pediatr ; 122(3): e202310217, jun. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1554942


Los problemas de salud mental materna durante el embarazo, parto y puerperio son un desafío para la salud pública. Su falta de reconocimiento atenta contra el diagnóstico y tratamientos oportunos, e impacta en la madre y el establecimiento del vínculo fundamental del binomio. Debemos reconocer los factores de riesgo (edad, situación socioeconómica, antecedentes psicopatológicos, disfunción familiar, entorno desfavorable), las manifestaciones clínicas y las herramientas de detección. Existen evidencias de que el efecto del estrés, la ansiedad y la depresión durante el embarazo afectan negativamente el neurodesarrollo fetal y condicionan los resultados del desarrollo infantil. Describimos el impacto negativo de la depresión puerperal durante los primeros meses de vida, que afecta el vínculo madre-hija/o, el desarrollo posnatal (emocional, conductual, cognitivo, lenguaje) y el mantenimiento de la lactancia materna. También reconocemos factores protectores que atemperan sus efectos. Es fundamental establecer estrategias preventivas y abordajes diagnósticos y terapéuticos interdisciplinarios para minimizar los riesgos sobre la madre y sus hijas/os.

Maternal mental health problems during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period are a challenge for public health. Not recognizing them hinders a timely diagnosis and treatment and has an impact on the mother and the establishment of the fundamental bond of the mother-child dyad. We must recognize the risk factors (age, socioeconomic status, mental health history, family dysfunction, unfavorable environment), clinical manifestations, and screening tools. There is evidence that the effect of stress, anxiety, and depression during pregnancy negatively affect fetal neurodevelopment and condition child developmental outcomes. Here we describe the negative impact of postpartum depression during the first months of life, which affects mother-child bonding, postnatal development (emotional, behavioral, cognitive, language), and the maintenance of breastfeeding. We also recognize protective factors that mitigate its effects. It is essential to establish preventive strategies and interdisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to minimize the risks to the mother and her children.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/etiology , Cognition , Parturition , Pregnant Women/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Mothers/psychology
Femina ; 51(12): 674-681, 20231230. ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532470


Objetivo: Identificar o conhecimento dos médicos ginecologistas e obstetras do Paraná sobre o reflexo disfórico da ejeção do leite e seus diagnósticos diferenciais. Métodos: Estudo observacional transversal com médicos ginecologistas e obste- tras associados ao Conselho Regional de Medicina do Paraná. A coleta de dados foi realizada por questionário online compreendendo perguntas de identificação do profissional, tempo de formação, conhecimento e experiência com reflexo disfóri- co da ejeção do leite, dificuldades de diferenciação entre os transtornos mentais puerperais, além da abordagem das questões psicológicas puerperais com as pa- cientes. Os resultados foram expressos por frequências e percentuais. Valores de p menores que 0,05 foram considerados significativos. Resultados: Entre os partici- pantes, 39,1% desconhecem o reflexo disfórico da ejeção do leite. Dos profissionais que já fizeram o diagnóstico, 72,4% apresentaram dificuldade em realizá-lo. Houve acerto majoritário em relação ao momento de ocorrência dos sintomas (90,6%) e tempo de duração (90,6%), mas deficiência no reconhecimento de todos os sin- tomas (3,1%), início das manifestações clínicas (12,6%) e tratamento (44%) pelos profissionais que conhecem o reflexo disfórico da ejeção do leite. Entre os especia- listas, 21,5% sentem-se capazes para diferenciar os três distúrbios e 24,1% têm difi- culdade na diferenciação entre as patologias. Apenas 65,5% dos médicos abordam as dificuldades emocionais na amamentação e, segundo 78,1% dos profissionais, poucas pacientes perguntam ou nunca perguntam sobre essas dificuldades. Con- clusão: O reflexo disfórico da ejeção do leite é uma condição pouco conhecida e confundida com outros transtornos mentais puerperais. É necessária maior divul gação sobre o tema entre os ginecologistas e obstetras, a fim de melhorar a assistência às puérperas, refletindo na persistência da amamentação e seus benefícios.

Objective: To identify the knowledge of gynecologists and obstetricians in Paraná about the dysphoric milk ejection re- flex and its differential diagnosis. Methods: Cross-sectional observational study was conducted with gynecologists and obstetricians associated in the Regional Council of Medicine of Paraná. Data collection was dove through an online question- naire with questions about professional identification, years of experience, knowledge and experience with the dysphoric milk ejection reflex, differentiation puerperal mental disorders difficulties, as well as the approach of postpartum psycholo- gical issues with patients. Results were expressed in frequen- cies and percentages. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. Results: 39.1% of the participants unknown the dysphoric milk ejection reflex. Among the professionals who had diagnosed dysphoric milk ejection reflex, 72.4% reported difficulties in making the diagnosis. There was a high level of correct answers regarding the timing of symptoms (90.6%) and duration (90.6%), but deficiencies were observed in recognizing all symptoms (3.1%), onset of clinical manifestations (12.6%), and treatment (44%) by professionals who were familiar with dysphoric milk ejection reflex. 21.5% of specialists felt capab- le of differentiating between the three disorders, while 24.1% had difficulty in differentiating between the pathologies. Only 65.5% of doctors approach emotional difficulties in breastfee- ding and, according to 78.1% of professionals, few patients ask or never ask about these difficulties. Conclusion: Dysphoric milk ejection reflex is a condition that is poorly known and of- ten confused with other postpartum mental disorders. Greater awareness about this topic is necessary among gynecologists and obstetricians to improve care for postpartum women, lea- ding to the continuation of breastfeeding and its benefits.

Humans , Male , Female , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Milk Ejection , Puerperal Disorders/diagnosis , Gynecologists , Obstetricians , Mental Disorders/diagnosis
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;87(5): 325-332, oct. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423735


Objetivo: Describir y analizar si el apoyo social percibido modera la relación entre antecedente de depresión (AD) o síntomas de trastorno de estrés postraumático (TEPT) y desarrollo de síntomas de depresión posparto (SDPP), evaluado prospectivamente. Método: Diseño longitudinal de tres tiempos: antes del parto (n = 458), primer mes posparto (n = 406) y tercer mes posparto (n = 426). Se utilizaron la Escala de Depresión Posparto de Edimburgo (EPDS), la Escala de Síntomas de Estrés Postraumático (PCL-C) y la Escala de Apoyo Social Percibido (MOS). Se realizó un análisis de ocho modelos jerárquicos de regresión lineal múltiple, por cada tiempo de evaluación en el estudio. Resultados: Se encontró una asociación significativa entre síntomas de TEPT y puntaje de SDPP en los tres tiempos. El apoyo social percibido es un factor protector significativo para los SDPP en los tiempos 1 y 2, mientras que el AD es un factor de riesgo significativo en los tiempos 2 y 3. Los resultados no apoyan las hipótesis de interacción. Conclusiones: El apoyo social es un factor protector significativo, que puede disminuir los SDPP; sin embargo, disminuye con el tiempo. El apoyo social no logra revertir la asociación de los síntomas de TEPT con el puntaje en SDPP.

Objective: Describe and analyze if the perceived social support moderates the relationship between depression history or post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and the development of symptoms of postpartum depression, prospectively evaluated. Method: Longitudinal design of three times: before partum (n = 458), one month (n = 458) and 3 months postpartum (n = 458). The version of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), the version of the PTSD Checklist-Civilian Version (PCL-C), and the version of the Medical Outcomes Study Social Support Survey (MOS) were used. Analysis of eight hierarchical multiple linear regression models. Results: A significant association was found between symptoms of post-traumatic stress and postpartum depression, in the three times measured. The perceived social support variable was found to be a significant protective factor for perinatal depression in times 1 and 2, and history of depression was significant in times 2 and 3. The results do not support the interaction hypothesis. Conclusions: Social support is a significant protective factor, which can reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression, nevertheless the significance decreases over time. However, social support fails to reverse the association of post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms with symptoms of postpartum depression score.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Social Support , Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Perception , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Time Factors , Regression Analysis , Longitudinal Studies , Depression, Postpartum/psychology , Parturition/psychology , Depression/psychology , Checklist
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.);43(1): 12-21, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153284


Objective: Given the lifelong implications of extended postpartum depression (PPD), research is needed to examine the social factors implicated in its development (such as relationship quality) and associated predictors. This study sought to examine the association of partner relationship quality (PRQ) and decline of sexual life (DSL) with maternal PPD at 12-15 months after childbirth. Methods: Prospective study of 294 low-income postpartum women. A structured questionnaire and the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) captured responses for the main outcome variable and covariates. Results: The prevalence of the main outcome (PPD at 12-15 months) was 19.1%. Using logistic regression models, low PRQ (risk ratio [RR] = 1.58, 95%CI 1.01-2.49) and DSL (RR = 1.97, 95%CI 1.23-3.15) were associated with PPD at 12-15 months even after controlling for perinatal depression. Conclusions: Late PPD (12 to 15 months after giving birth) is very common among low-income women, and is independently associated with different aspects of the couple's relationship. Improving PRQ may prevent late PPD. Future investigations are warranted.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/epidemiology , Prevalence , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Depression , Postpartum Period
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922594


OBJECTIVES@#Primary health workers are the first fine to identify postpartum depression, which is important for patients with this disease to get early specialist diagnosis and treatment. The smartphone-based virtual patient is economical, convenient and effective, and has been applied extensively to evaluate the competency to detect postpartum depression, but there is no relevant application in China. This study aims to use virtual patient to assess the current status on the competency of detecting postpartum depression among primary maternal and child health workers in Hunan Province, and to explore potential influencing factors.@*METHODS@#A total of 222 primary maternal and child health workers from 3 regions with low, medium, and high economic levels in Hunan Province were enrolled, and smartphone-based virtual patients with postpartum depression were used for the assessment from May to July in 2018, and a self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate their demographic characteristics. The competency to detect postpartum depression was measured by 2 indicators: diagnostic accuracy and treatment accuracy. Descriptive statistical methods were used to describe the competency to detect postpartum depression among them and their demographic characteristics. A logistic regression analysis was used to explore the possible influencing factors for the diagnostic accuracy and treatment accuracy.@*RESULTS@#The diagnostic accuracy rate was 64.0%. There was no significant difference between the demographic characteristics and diagnostic accuracy rate (@*CONCLUSIONS@#About half of the primary maternal and child health workers in Hunan Province, China have basic competency to detect postpartum depression, but the overall results are not satisfactory. The regional economic level is correlated with the competency of detecting postpartum depression, and the competency of detecting postpartum depression is stronger in more developed areas. Moreover, for the patients who have been identified as postpartum depression, the rate of correct treatment is low, which warrants particular attention in the follow-up training.

Child , Female , Humans , China , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Health Personnel , Surveys and Questionnaires
Gac. méd. Méx ; Gac. méd. Méx;156(3): 202-208, may.-jun. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249895


Resumen Introducción: La depresión posparto es un episodio depresivo no psicótico con repercusiones graves en el vínculo de la madre con su hijo, de ahí la importancia de detectarla oportunamente. Objetivo: Determinar la exactitud de la Escala de Depresión Posnatal de Edimburgo como prueba diagnóstica y analizar las consecuencias del tamizaje y la probabilidad de depresión después de aplicar la prueba. Método: Tamizaje con la Escala de Depresión Posnatal de Edimburgo a 411 mujeres durante el posparto; se utilizó el Inventario de Depresión de Beck como referencia. Resultados: En un punto de corte de 12, con la Escala de Depresión Posnatal de Edimburgo se obtuvo sensibilidad de 70.4 %, especificidad de 72.2 %, valor predictivo positivo de 36.9 % y valor predictivo negativo de 91.4 %, así como un valor del área bajo la curva de 0.729 y p = 0.0003. De 49 mujeres sin atención para depresión posparto, en cinco se identificó que la necesitaban. Conclusiones: La Escala de Depresión Posnatal de Edimburgo tiene una exactitud moderada; su aplicación es sencilla, accesible y debería ser rutinaria. Es necesario que en México se implementen estrategias para detectar y tratar la depresión posparto.

Abstract Introduction Postpartum depression is a non-psychotic depressive episode with serious repercussions on the bond between the mother and her child, hence the importance of detecting it in a timely manner. Objective: To determine the accuracy of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale as a diagnostic test and to analyze the consequences of screening and the probability of depression after applying the test. Method: Screening of 411 women with the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale during the postpartum period; Beck's Depression Inventory was used as reference. Results: At a cutoff point of 12, a sensitivity of 70.4 %, specificity of 72.2 %, positive predictive value of 36.9 % and negative predictive value of 91.4 % were obtained with Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, as well as an area under the curve of 0.729 and a p-value of 0.0003. Out of 49 women without treatment for postpartum depression, five were identified to require it. Conclusions: The Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale has moderate accuracy; its application is simple, accessible and should be routine. It is necessary for strategies to detect and treat postpartum depression to be implemented in Mexico.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Mass Screening/methods , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Mexico
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 31(2): 139-149, mar.-abr. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223254


Para las mujeres, experimentar cambios emocionales durante el embarazo y hasta un año posterior al parto puede ser parte del proceso de adaptación a los cambios fisiológicos y emocionales de esta nueva etapa, siendo por lo general manejable por ellas mismas. Diferente es el desarrollo de síntomas depresivos durante este período perinatal que comprende el embarazo y hasta doce meses posterior al parto. La depresión perinatal constituye un trastorno de alta prevalencia que puede tener efectos negativos tanto para la salud de la madre, del hijo y de otros miembros de la familia.

For women it is natural to experience changes in mood and feelings during pregnancy and after twelve months after childbirth, these shifting moods are often manageable by themselves, it differs with depressive symptoms that appear during these period. Perinatal depression constitutes a high prevalence disorder that might have a negative effect not only in the mother, but the child and other familiy members.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Pregnancy Complications/therapy , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/therapy , Depression/diagnosis , Depression/therapy , Pregnancy Complications/psychology , Risk Factors , Postpartum Period
Salud pública Méx ; 61(1): 27-34, ene.-feb. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043355


Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of the Two Whooley questions and the Arroll question, using the SCID, The Structured Clinical Interview (SCID-I) as the gold standard for detecting perinatal depression. Materials and methods: We interviewed 210 women during pregnancy and 6 months postpartum. Results: The criterion with the greatest sensitivity was responding positively to either Whooley question (pregnancy= 94.7 %; postpartum=100.0%), while the most specific criterion was responding positively to the two Whooley questions plus the Arroll question (Pregnancy=90.0% Postpartum = 85.7%). Conclusion: The Whooley and Arroll questions have adequate psychometric properties to detect possible cases of depression during the perinatal period. They can be applied during prenatal check-ups and postpartum consultations. Timely detection of women at risk of perinatal depression can contribute to their treatment for reducing their adverse consequences in mothers and infants.

Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar la sensibilidad y la especificidad de la Escala de las dos preguntas de Whooley y la pregunta de Arroll para detectar riesgo de depresión perinatal, usando la SCID como estándar de oro. Material y métodos: Se entrevistó a 210 mujeres durante el embarazo y 6 meses después del parto. Resultados: El criterio con mayor sensibilidad fue responder positivamente a cualquiera de las Preguntas de Whooley (embarazo = 94.7%; posparto = 100.0%) y, el más específico, responder positivamente a las preguntas de Whooley más la de Arroll (embarazo = 90.0% , Posparto = 85.7%). Conclusiones: Las preguntas de Whooley y Arroll tienen propiedades psicométricas adecuadas para detectar posibles casos de depresión durante el periodo perinatal. Pueden aplicarse durante las citas de control prenatal y consultas en el postparto. Detectar de manera oportuna a mujeres en riesgo de depresión perinatal puede ayudar a su atención para reducir sus consecuencias adversas en madres e infantes.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Pregnancy Complications/diagnosis , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Depressive Disorder/diagnosis , Interview, Psychological , Psychometrics , Socioeconomic Factors , Follow-Up Studies , Depression, Postpartum/epidemiology , Depression/epidemiology , Mexico/epidemiology
Rev. méd. Chile ; 146(9): 1001-1007, set. 2018. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-978790


Background: Postpartum depression (PPD) is a public health issue, and appropriate screening may lead to clinical gains. Aim: To describe the screening for PPD, its relationship with the use of health care services, and treatment access barriers in Chilean public primary health care (PHC) centers. Material and Methods: Puerperal women attending PHC centers for a well-child check-up were assessed for the presence of PPD using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a structured psychiatric interview. PPD cases were assessed by telephone three months later. Also, women with PPD and PHC workers were interviewed to explore treatment barriers. Results: Of the 305 women assessed, 21% met diagnostic criteria for PPD. Sixty five percent of assessed women were previously screened for PPD while attending well-child check-ups. The results of the screening were communicated to 60% of them and 28% received some management indication. After three months of follow up, 70% of PPD cases continued to be depressed, and two thirds of them did not consult a health care provider and most of them rejected psychotherapy or medical treatment. Conclusions: Management of postpartum depression should be substantially improved in public PHC from screening to treatment.

Humans , Female , Adult , Primary Health Care/statistics & numerical data , Mass Screening/statistics & numerical data , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/therapy , Health Services Accessibility/statistics & numerical data , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Urban Population , Chile , Risk Factors , Depression, Postpartum/psychology , Postpartum Period , Mothers/psychology
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 26: e3035, 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-961189


ABSTRACT Objective: to evaluate breastfeeding self-efficacy, the presence of postpartum depression symptons and the association between breastfeeding self-efficacy and postpartum depression with cessation of exclusive breastfeeding. Method: cohort study with 83 women. The instruments used were the Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale. Statistical analysis was conducted using the log-rank tests, analysis of variance and the Cox survival model. Results: breastfeeding self-efficacy (p = 0.315) and postpartum depression (p = 0.0879) did not show any statistical difference over time. The chances of cessation of exclusive breastfeeding decreased by 48% when self-efficacy changed from low to medium and by 80% when it changed from medium to high. Postpartum women who scored ≥10 on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale interrupt exclusive breastfeeding, on average, 10 days earlier than those with a score ≤9, whose median breastfeeding duration was 38 days postpartum. Conclusion: breastfeeding self-efficacy was proved to be a protective factor for exclusive breastfeeding, while postpartum depression is a risk factor.

RESUMO Objetivo: avaliar a autoeficácia para amamentação, a presença de sintomas de depressão no período pós-parto e a associação entre autoeficácia na amamentação e depressão pós-parto, com a interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo. Método: estudo de coorte realizado com 83 mulheres. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Escala de Autoeficácia para amamentação e a Escala de Depressão Pós-natal de Edimburgo. A análise estatística foi feita por meio dos testes log-rank, análise de variância e modelo de sobrevivência de Cox. Resultados: os níveis de autoeficácia para amamentação (p=0,315) e depressão pós-parto (p=0,0879), ao longo do tempo, não evidenciaram diferença estatística. As chances de interrupção do aleitamento materno exclusivo diminuem em 48% com a melhora do nível baixo de autoeficácia para médio e em 80% de médio para alto. Puérperas com escore ≥10 na Escala de Depressão Pós-natal de Edimburgo interrompem o aleitamento exclusivo, em média, 10 dias antes do que aquelas com escore ≤9, cuja mediana de aleitamento materno foi de 38 dias após o parto. Conclusão: a autoeficácia para amamentação revelou-se como fator de proteção para o aleitamento materno exclusivo, enquanto a depressão pós-parto configura-se como fator de risco.

RESUMEN Objetivo: evaluar la autoeficacia para amamantar, la presencia de síntomas de depresión en el período postparto y la asociación entre autoeficacia del amamantamiento y la depresión postparto, con la interrupción de la lactancia materna exclusiva. Método: se trata de un estudio de cohorte realizado entre 83 mujeres. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron la Escala de Autoeficacia en Lactancia Materna y la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo, mediante análisis estadístico con las pruebas logrank, análisis de varianza y el modelo de supervivencia de Cox. Resultados: los niveles de autoeficacia para el amamantamiento (p=0,315) y depresión postparto (p=0,0879), a lo largo del tiempo, no demostraron diferencia estadística. Las oportunidades de interrupción de la lactancia materna exclusiva disminuyen el 48%, mejorando la autoeficacia de bajo a medio y el 80% de medio hacia alto. Puérperas con puntuación ≥10 en la Escala de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo interrumpen la lactancia exclusiva, como promedido,10 días antes que aquellas con puntuación ≤9, cuya mediana de lactancia materna fue de 38 días después del parto. Conclusión: la autoeficacia para el amamantamiento se reveló como factor de protección para la lactancia materna exclusiva, mientras la depresión postparto se configura como un factor de riesgo.

Breast Feeding/psychology , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/psychology , Mothers/psychology , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Self Efficacy , Postpartum Period/psychology
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1262847


Background: Depression occurring after delivery of a baby can be missed especially in resource constrained environments. Constraint in personnel and a low diagnostic index are probable reasons. A low diagnostic index or delay in diagnosis and treatment of postpartum depression (PPD) has adverse consequences on the family dynamics. Objective: The study aimed at determining the burden of postpartum depression that was missed after the first postnatal follow up visit at a tertiary hospital in Makurdi, Nigeria. Methods: A cross-sectional study of postpartum women at the immunization clinic at the Federal Medical Centre, Makurdi using the a semi-structured questionnaire containing the Edinburgh postnatal depression scale (EPDS) to assess for depression with a diagnostic cut off of 10 was done. Results: Three hundred and thirty postpartum women were assessed and the burden of PPD that was missed during a postnatal visit was 27.6%. No correlation was found between any social or economic demographics and PPD. Conclusion: The prevalence of missed PPD in Makurdi is high (27.6%), hence the need for high diagnostic index of suspicion and routine screening by the primary care physicians. Social or economic demographics alone should not be criteria for its suspicion

Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/diagnostic imaging , Nigeria , Postpartum Period , Prevalence
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 39(4): 280-284, Oct.-Dec. 2017. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043512


Abstract Introduction Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common disorder that substantially decreases quality of life for both mother and child. In this longitudinal study, we investigated whether emotional memory, salivary cortisol (sCORT) or alpha-amylase during pregnancy predict postpartum depressive symptoms. Methods Forty-four pregnant women (14 euthymic women with a diagnosis of major depressive disorder [MDD] and 30 healthy women) between the ages of 19 and 37 years (mean age = 29.5±4.1 years) were longitudinally assessed in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy (12-22 weeks of gestational age) and again at 14-17 weeks postpartum. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). Results Follow-ups were completed for 41 women (7% attrition). Postpartum EPDS scores were predicted by sCORT collected immediately after an incidental encoding memory task during pregnancy (b=-0.78, t -2.14, p=0.04). Postpartum EPDS scores were not predicted by positive (p=0.27) or negative (p=0.85) emotional memory. Conclusions The results of this study indicate that higher levels of sCORT during a memory encoding task in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy are associated with lower postpartum EPDS scores. While the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis has long been associated with the neurobiology of MDD, the role of the HPA axis in perinatal depression deserves more attention.

Resumo Introdução A depressão pós-parto é um transtorno prevalente que afeta negativamente a qualidade de vida da mãe e da criança. Neste estudo longitudinal, nós investigamos se a memória emocional, o cortisol salivar (salivary cortisol, sCORT) ou alfa-amilase durante a gravidez predizem sintomas depressivos no período pós-parto. Métodos Um total de 44 mulheres grávidas [14 eutímicas com diagnóstico de transtorno depressivo maior (TDM) e 30 voluntárias sadias] entre 19 e 37 anos de idade (idade média = 29.5±4.1 anos) foram avaliadas longitudinalmente no 2° trimestre da gravidez (12-22 semanas de gestação) e na 1417ª semana pós-parto. Sintomas depressivos foram avaliados com a Escala de Depressão Pós-Natal de Edimburgo (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS). Resultados Quarenta e uma mulheres completaram o seguimento (7% de perda). sCORT coletado imediatamente antes de um teste de aquisição memória durante a gravidez foi preditor dos escores da escala EPDS no período pós-parto (b=-0.78, t -2.14, p=0.04). Memória emocional positiva (p=0.27) ou negativa (p=0.85) não foram preditores dos escores da escala EPDS no período pós-parto. Conclusão Os resultados deste estudo indicam que altos níveis de sCORT durante um teste de aquisição de memória no 2° trimestre da gravidez foram associados com baixos escores na escala EPDS no período pós-parto. Uma vez que o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HHA) tenha sido envolvido na neurobiologia do TDM, o papel do eixo HHA na depressão perinatal merece mais atenção.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Saliva/metabolism , Hydrocortisone/metabolism , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Prognosis , Biomarkers/metabolism , Linear Models , Follow-Up Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Depressive Disorder, Major/diagnosis , Emotions/physiology , Learning/physiology , Memory/physiology , Mothers/psychology , Neuropsychological Tests
Rev. Bras. Saúde Mater. Infant. (Online) ; 17(3): 591-601, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1013039


Abstract Objectives: to verify associations between maternal depressive symptoms with child malnutrition or child excess weight. Methods: prospective study with data from the BRISA prenatal cohort in São Luís, Brazil, obtained from the 22nd to the 25th week of gestation (in 2009 and 2010) and, later, when children were aged 12 to 32 months (in 2010 and 2012). Maternal depressive symptoms were identified using the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). For the excess weight evaluation, BMI z-score for age > +2 was used. For measuring child malnutrition, height z-score for age < -2 was used. The confounding factors were identified using a directed acyclic graph in DAGitty software. Results: we did not find associations between maternal depressive symptoms with child malnutrition or child excess weight. The prevalence of maternal depressive symptoms was 27.6% during gestation and 19.8% in the second or third year of the child's life. The malnutrition rate was 6% and the excess weight rate was 10.9%. Conclusions: no associations between maternal depressive symptoms in prenatal or in the second or third year of the child's life and child malnutrition or excess weight were detected.

Resumo Objetivos: verificar associações entre sintomas depressivos maternos com desnutrição ou excesso de peso infantis. Metódos: estudo prospectivo com dados da coorte BRISA Pré-Natal, em São Luís - MA, obtidos com 22 a 25 semanas de idade gestacional, em 2009/10 e quando as crianças tinham de 12 a 32 meses, em 2010/12. Os sintomas depressivos maternos foram identificados pela Escala de Rastreamento Populacional para Depressão do Centro de Estudos Epidemiológicos (CES-D) ≥ 22 pontos, e pela Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo (EPDS) ≥ 12. Na avaliação do excesso de peso foi utilizado o escore z do IMC para idade > +2, e para desnutrição infantil foi utilizado o escore z de altura pela idade < - 2. Os fatores de confusão foram identificados em gráfico acíclico direcionado no programa DAGitty. Resultados: não foram encontradas associações entre sintomas depressivos maternos com desnutrição ou excesso de peso infantis. A prevalência dos sintomas depressivos maternos foi de 27,6% no pré-natal e de 19,8% no segundo ou terceiro ano de vida da criança. A taxa de desnutrição foi de 6% e de excesso de peso foi de 10,9%. Conclusões: não foram detectadas associações entre sintomas depressivos maternos no pré-natal ou no segundo ou terceiro ano de vida da criança com desnutrição ou excesso de peso na criança.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Child Nutrition Disorders , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Overweight , Brazil , Gestational Age , Pregnant Women
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 88(3): 360-366, jun. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899988


La depresión postparto (DPP) es el trastorno psiquiátrico materno más frecuente que puede determinar efectos negativos en el vínculo madre-hijo y sobre el desarrollo infantil. Nuestro objetivo fue analizar la asociación entre la DPP a los 6 meses post parto y alteraciones del neurodesarrollo a los 18 meses, en una población homogénea caracterizada por bajo nivel socioeconómico y cultural. Pacientes y Método: Estudio de cohorte. Se incluyeron 127 puérperas y recién nacidos sanos. Se realizó el seguimiento del binomio a los 6 meses del parto, donde se le aplicó a la madre el test de Beck para depresión y ansiedad. Se evaluó el neurodesarrollo de los niños a los 18 meses mediante el test de Brunet-Lezine Revisado. Resultados: La muestra quedo compuesta por 125 mujeres y sus hijos. La media de edad fue de 24,5 años (DE: 6,02), el 30,6% tenía menos de 6 años de educación. La incidencia de DPP moderada a severa a los 6 meses del nacimiento fue de 20%. La media de puntaje de desarrollo global fue de 73,5 (DE: 8,1) en la población con depresión y 76,97 (DE: 8,07) en la población sin depresión (p = 0,04). El coeficiente de desarrollo de lenguaje fue de 69,08 (DE: 10,35) en la población con depresión y 74,11 (DE: 0,67) en la población sin depresión (p = 0,01). Conclusiones: La incidencia de DPP moderada a severa fue 20%. La DPP persistente en un contexto de vulnerabilidad socioeconómica impacta sobre el desarrollo infantil.

Post partum depresion (DPP) is the most frequent psquiatric disorder in pregnant woman and it may affect the neurodevelopment of their offspring. Our goal was to analyze the association between maternal depressive symptoms at 6 months after birth and child’s neurodevelopmental disorders at 18 months-old, in a homogeneous population characterized by low socioeconomic and cultural level. Patients and Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted. There were included 127 healthy postpartum women and their infants. A structured interview was performed which included patronymic data and family perception before discharge. Binomial monitoring took place at 6 months postpartum, when was applied the Beck test for depression and anxiety to mothers; children´s neurodevelopment at 18 month-old was evaluated by Lezine Revised Brunet-test. Results: The sample consisted of 125 women and their children. The mean age was 24.5 year old (SD 6.02); 30.6% had completed less than 6 years of formal education. The incidence of moderate to severe postpartum depression at 6 months after birth was 20%. The overall development score mean was 73.52 (SD 8.06) in the depression population and 76.97 (SD 8.07) in the population without depression (p = 0.04). The development coefficient was 69.08 (SD: 10.35) in the depression population and 74.11 (SD 0.67) in the population without depression (p = 0.01). Conclusions: The incidence of moderate to severe DPP was 20%. Persistent DPP in a vulnerable socio-economic context has impact on child development.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adult , Child Development , Developmental Disabilities/psychology , Depression, Postpartum/psychology , Mother-Child Relations/psychology , Developmental Disabilities/diagnosis , Prospective Studies , Follow-Up Studies , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis
Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol. (En línea) ; Rev. chil. obstet. ginecol;82(2): 152-162, abr. 2017. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-899893


Introducción: La sintomatología depresiva en el postparto impacta negativamente en el sistema familiar. En México existe poca investigación al respecto por ello es primordial su estudio. Objetivo: Conocer la frecuencia de sintomatología depresiva postparto y los factores psicosociales que se le asocian. Material y métodos. Se entrevistaron 154 mujeres con 0 a 12 meses de postparto que acudieron a dos hospitales públicos de un estado del noreste México. Se aplicó el Cuestionario de Depresión Postparto de Edimburgo (EPDS) para medir la sintomatología depresiva y un Cuestionario de Factores Psicosociales diseñado por los investigadores. Resultados. El 16% de la muestra presentó sintomatología depresiva. Los factores que se le asociaron fueron estado civil de unión libre, familiar con depresión, tristeza en embarazo, acontecimiento vital estresante en embarazo, consumo de alcohol en embarazo, ansiedad, consumo de alcohol actual, insatisfacción con los cambios corporales, percibir mayor atención de la familia al bebé y haber experimentado tristeza en embarazos anteriores. Conclusiones. Existen factores psicosociales que se asocian a sintomatología depresiva en el postparto que es de relevancia conocer en la atención primaria con el fin de crear estrategias preventivas en las instituciones de salud.

Background. Postpartum depressive symptomatology has a negative impact on the nuclear family. Research on this topic is scarce in Mexico, therefore conducting more studies in this field is of upmost importance. Objective. Finding out the frequency of postpartum depressive symptomatology and its associated psychosocial factors. Material and methods. 154 women at 0-12 months postpartum that attended two public hospitals in a northeast state of the Mexico were interviewed. They answered the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS), measuring depressive symptomatology, and a Psychosocial Factors questionnaire designed by the researchers. Results. 16% of women in the cohort presented depressive symptomatology. The factors associated were out-of-wedlock cohabitation, having relatives that suffer from depression, feelings of sadness during pregnancy, stressful life event during pregnancy, alcohol consumption during pregnancy, anxiety, current alcohol consumption, dissatisfaction regarding body changes caused by pregnancy, feeling that family attention is focused on the baby and having feelings of sadness during previous pregnancies. Conclusions. There are psychosocial factors that are associated to postpartum depressive symptomatology, which should be taken into consideration to create preventive strategies in health institutes.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Depression, Postpartum/psychology , Prognosis , Social Support , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/ethnology , Mexico
Rev. AMRIGS ; 61(1): 30-34, jan.-mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-849078


Introdução: Foi realizada uma pesquisa acerca do perfil epidemiológico de depressão pós-parto em um município de médio porte da Serra Catarinense, SC. Teve como principal objetivo traçar e analisar o perfil epidemiológico da população de puérperas atendidas pelas Unidades de Saúde pesquisadas. É uma patologia que pode comprometer os cuidados da mulher consigo mesma e com o recém-nascido, implicando em vários aspectos psicossociais entre mãe e bebê. A prevalência de depressão pós-parto parece variar tanto em números quanto em apresentação dos sintomas de acordo com as diferentes populações. Metodologia: A pesquisa deu-se por corte transversal dos dados obtidos através da aplicação da Escala de Depressão Pós-natal de Edimburgo, de um questionário estruturado e análise das informações encontradas nas pacientes puérperas atendidas pelas unidades pesquisadas. Foram incluídas na pesquisa pacientes que tiverem dado a luz em um período menor ou igual a 6 meses, de qualquer faixa etária e que sejam atendidas pelas Unidades de Saúde pesquisadas durante o período da coleta de dados. Resultados: Os resultados foram obtidos a partir de uma amostra de 40 entrevistas feitas em três unidades de saúde. A prevalência de possíveis diagnósticos de depressão pós-parto foi de 40%, e os principais fatores relacionados foram tabagismo, nível elevado de estresse e má relação com o pai da criança. Sugerem-se novas pesquisas com mais sujeitos e maior tempo de amostragem para que mais diferenças significativas possam ser examinadas (AU)

Introduction: A survey was carried out on the epidemiological profile of postpartum depression in a medium-sized city of the Santa Catarina mountain range. Its main aim was to find and analyze the epidemiological profile of the population of puerperal patients seen at the Health Units surveyed. Postpartum depression is a disorder that can compromise the mother's care with herself and the newborn, implying in several psychosocial aspects between mother and baby. The prevalence of postpartum depression seems to vary both in numbers and in the presentation of symptoms according to the different populations. Methods: A cross-sectional study of the obtained data was performed by administering the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale and a structured questionnaire, and by analyzing the information from the puerperal patients visiting the units surveyed. Included in the study were patients who had given birth within a period of less than or equal to 6 months of any age group and who were seen at the Health Units surveyed during the data collection period. Results: The results were obtained from a sample of 40 interviews carried out in three health units. The prevalence of possible diagnoses of postpartum depression was 40% and the main related factors were smoking, high stress level, and poor relation with the child's father. Further research with more subjects and longer sampling time is suggested so that more significant differences can be examined (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Depression, Postpartum/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 39(1): 29-33, Jan.-Mar. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-846396


Abstract Introduction: Factor analysis of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) could result in a shorter and easier to handle screening tool. Therefore, the aim of this study was to check and compare the metrics of two different 6-item EPDS subscales. Methods: We administered the EPDS to a total of 3,891 women who had given birth between 1 and 3 months previously. We conducted confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses and plotted receiver-operating characteristics (ROC) curves to, respectively, determine construct validity, scale items' fit to the data, and ideal cutoff scores for the short versions. Results: A previously defined 6-item scale did not exhibit construct validity for our sample. Nevertheless, we used exploratory factor analysis to derive a new 6-item scale with very good construct validity. The area under the ROC curve of the new 6-item scale was 0.986 and the ideal cutoff score was ≥ 6. Conclusions: The new 6-item scale has adequate psychometric properties and similar ROC curve values to the10-item version and offers a means of reducing the cost and time taken to administer the instrument.

Resumo Introdução: A análise fatorial da Escala de Depressão Pós-Parto de Edimburgo (Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale, EPDS) poderia resultar em uma ferramenta de triagem mais curta e mais fácil de aplicar. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar e comparar as métricas de duas subescalas EPDS de 6 itens. Métodos: Administramos a EPDS a um total de 3.891 mulheres que deram à luz entre 1 e 3 meses antes da aplicação. Foram realizadas análises fatoriais confirmatórias e exploratórias e geradas curvas ROC (receiver-operating characteristics) para determinar, respectivamente, a validade do construto, o ajuste dos itens da escala aos dados, e os pontos de corte ideais para as versões curtas. Resultados: A escala de 6 itens previamente publicada não apresentou validade de construto para nossa amostra. No entanto, utilizamos a análise fatorial exploratória para derivar uma nova escala de 6 itens, que apresentou boa validade de construto. A área sob a curva ROC da nova escala de 6 itens foi 0,986, e o ponto de corte ideal foi ≥ 6. Conclusão: A nova escala de 6 itens possui propriedades psicométricas adequadas e valores de curva ROC semelhantes à versão de 10 itens e oferece um meio de reduzir o custo e o tempo necessário para administrar o instrumento.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Psychometrics , Time Factors , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , ROC Curve , Factor Analysis, Statistical , Postpartum Period/psychology , Mothers/psychology
Med. Afr. noire (En ligne) ; 64(05): 275-280, 2017.
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1266251


Objectif : Etudier les aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques des psychoses puerpérales dans le service de psychiatrie du CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo. Patientes et méthodes : Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective à visée descriptive qui a porté sur 10 ans d'activité hospitalière (de janvier 2005 à décembre 2014). Notre étude a concerné toutes les patientes admises et hospitalisées pour psychoses puerpérales durant la période d'étude. Résultats : La fréquence hospitalière de la psychose puerpérale est de 2,2%. L'âge moyen des patientes était de 26,5 ± 5,3 ans avec des extrêmes de 17 et 37 ans. La tranche d'âge de 25 à 34 ans a représenté 56,8%. Les patientes vivant maritalement ont représenté 70,3% des cas. Les ménagères ont constitué 67,6% des cas. Dans notre série, les patientes primipares ont constitué 56,8% des cas. Nous avons noté chez 23 patientes soit 62,2%, une situation conflictuelle dans la famille. L'agitation et/ou l'agressivité a été constamment évoquée comme motif de consultation suivie de la logorrhée. Le refus d'allaiter a motivé la consultation dans 45,9% des cas. Le délire et les hallucinations ont été retrouvés respectivement chez 54,1% et 37,8% des patientes. Les troubles psychotiques ont représenté 56,8% des cas. La prise en charge thérapeutique des patientes était basée sur le volet psychothérapeutique et le volet chimio-thérapeutique. Conclusion : Un diagnostic précoce des psychoses puerpérales dans les services de maternité améliorerait le pronostic de cette affection

Affective Disorders, Psychotic , Burkina Faso , Depression, Postpartum/diagnosis , Depression, Postpartum/epidemiology , Depression, Postpartum/therapy , Pregnancy